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MEDICA Sec 8 Vol 12/5 Ne~rology May 59 ..Um - 2133. TRANSAMINASES (M-11NOPlIERASES) IN CEREI31j0SI'I'_"'AL I.-LUIJ) Aminoferdzy v cerebrospindlnom likvore - T u r s k &. Biochem. Ost., IAlk. Fak., Univ. Komenskdho, Ko�ice - WTATIST:~ Lt LISTY 1958, 3813 (144-151) Graphs 2 Tables 4 Gititamic-aspartic transaminase was t egularly found in the CSF of 66 pattents, at ;in activity of 1.55 (range 0.55-2.75) jA1 of glutamic acid per 5 hr. per ml. CSF. In 2 cases of hydrocephalus, in I epileptic out of 6, in I out of 4 patients who had suffered a cerebral haemorrhage, and in I patient with headache due to vascular hypotension, the transamittase activity was increased (over 3 JJM15 hr. /nil. ). The following arguments are presented for the assumption that the transaminase in tile CSF originates from the cells of the nervous system- There is no correlation be- tween the enzyme levels in plasma and CSF; CSF contains only glutamic-aspartic transaminase and not glutamine-alanine transqminase, which latter is present in relatively high concentration in plasma, whereas there is very little or it in ci~re- bral tissue. To idd k.A 9flect of &along On .1 __ -, L1t7 46, 4' . ~ M It, -It T '0- < I cilrat, < ST < N I Th, jnhibstivr, A'.0 - ci < pok titive typr . 1, tion j.hibiti- - a' AV Ic - ,j phnphatr lquencCd Ity PYT the ILC614ity Ofth'. hance J,*s not C TURSKY,T.; VALOVICOVA,E. Asparaginase activity in the nervaus systom in experimental allergic encephalomyelitia. II. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.15: 395-400 10 Ap'64 1. Biochemisky ustav Lekarskej fakulty UK v Bratislave; prednostas doc.dr. T.Tursky. TUWSKYy T. Effect of potassium cyanide on glutwaic acid decarboxyLi.,3e and I'-arinobutyric,adid transuminase in tho brain. Bratiol.Lok. Li:,ty 42 no.2:649-654 162. 1. Z Katedry biochemie Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, veduoi, doe. MUDr. T. Tursky, 0. So. (BRAIN metab) (CYANIDES pharmacol) (DESMOLASES metab) (TRANSAMINASES metab) T SBDI", Jan; TUNSIT, Timotej vitamin B6 content of brain. III. Changes in vitamin B6 concentration in rat brain after stimulation & Inhibition, Cas, lek, ceek. 97 no,6-7: 175-178 14 Feb 58. 1. Biochemicky ustav Lekarskej Fakulty University Komensksho v Kosiciaoh. Mum B6, metab. brain, off. of stimulation & inhib. In rate (Gs)) (BRAIN, metab. vitamin B6. off. of st4mulation & inhib. in rate (Oz)) TUFSKY, Timotej The effect of ammonium catione and urea on the decarboxylase of glutamic acid in the brain. Biologia 16 no.11;831435 161. 1. Katedra biochemie Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislave. (BRAIN chemistry) (GLUTMIATES chemiste~) MVA pharmacol.) (AMONIA pharmacol. V i- U, T.; SIDILK, J. Activity of several pyridoxal enzymes during stinulation & inhibition of rat brain. Gas. lek. cesk. 97 no.6-7:171-174 14 Yeb 58. 1. Biachemicky ustav lekarskej fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho v losiciach. (COENZYMES pyridoxal enzymes in rat brain homogenates, off. of electrostimalation & anesth. (00) (MUDI, metab. same) (AIMTHIISIA, off. on pyridoxal enzymes In rat brain homogenates (Gs),lv TUI~qU T. "Metabolism of the,(~-amino-butyic acid in the brain," pIL1,18 (Biologia, (Slovenska akademia vied) Bratislava, Vol. 12, no. 2, 195? Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (UAI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 2, febmary 1958 SON. F,; SEBESTA, K.; TURSIT, T. cz, $ome properties of trannamidinase [with suzzary in Maglishl. Sbor. Chakh.khim.rab. 18 no,1:140-130 7 153. 1 (KM 7:6) 1. Central Chemical Research Institute, Prague. (Transamidinase) I . " ~ ~ L . , f m. I,i!,ty 1,61 _75-90 FICA'.'. .f.,ntr,,a -hpri. Trot., J-ra,lue, "MIYO Y11. 1. Dissertation: "The Semicoking of Coal Fines in a Moving Layer." Cand Tech Sci~ Inst*of Mineral Fuels, Acad Sci USSR, 15 Jun 54. (Vechernyaya Moskva, Moscow, 4 Jun 54) SO: SUM 318v 23 Doe 1954 TURSKI BIONIEW S"BWIGZ. rArol; TURUI, ZbIgniewt WHOL)WHIt Bogdan Modification Of the Italian technic of plastic mwgorjr, PolskI prsegl. chir..26 no.7:607410 July 54. 1,.Z Wojskowego Osrodks Chirurgil Urazowej I Ortopedii I x Kliniki Chirurgil Polowej Akademii Kedyoznej w ladzi. Kisrowniki 4r X.8sanievics. (SKIN TRANSPLMOIOK, full thickness. techzlc) TURSKY, Timotej doc., Dr. (Bratislava, Sasinkova 4) Effect of narcosis, Irritation and 17poglycemia on the N-acetyl-L- aspartic acid in brain. Biologia, 16 no.51184-387 '61. 1. Katedra biochemis lekarskej fakulty Univerzity Komenskel) v Bratislava. (BRAIN) (ASPARTIC ACID) TURSCIVJ, S. 1. (Professor) and NDROPOV, V. M. (professor) Review of the manual "Biochemistry of Animals " (The book was written b S I Afonsk:Li, M. Gosudarstvennoe Izdatellstvo Nysshaya Shkola", 196o~ * I Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 5, may 1962 p. 87 TURSUKOVt V. K. 25890 Drakhkorpushoe soderzhanis povyohaet prodyktivnost' pcbellnnykh vemeu. Pchelovodrtvo, 1949p No. 8,, a. Z7-28. 7 Okhota. Fushnoe zlerovodstvo Rybovodetvo. rybolovetvo. Morielcle promysly. Korotkiy, I. I. nhtiofaym vodoemov aistemy protochi Sm 256-40 8 Veterin"iya SO: LetOpiB' NO. 31+ IME13FOV, -"h- S.; TRETlyhOV, L.10; T GCIRY-ky'r,V YSMICTOVA, F.U. TUF b3tances from Petroleu-a on the u): f.Cect of grovth-promoting 8u 'R Ser. khIm. na * 18") F, ,th of fodder yeasta- Izv- AE KS7'akll (MM -12) grow o.-L -8"3 jg_-14r 165, 15 n - 1. Submitted MaY 9# 1964. V .,~ A . Jn 4a TURSIM.B"EV I ~jjecti-,-ization of agricultu-re . -e,l A. 11'rom the hi5tory of the r,( - A. - zak.,istan", Tursunbaj .9 94~3 110. 11, p. 15-25, (Itcrume in Kazakh. 'Jestnik Akad. nauk Kazakh. 53-4 1 SO: U-3042j, 11 ',Iai*ch 53, (Le~, lnykh StaWy, lio. 9) 191o) TuS5Cjfft3t9f,EV, 1?13br- TURSUNMYE,! e-----['Zhe victory of the collective farm system in KazaLrhstaal Pobeda klkhoznogo stroia v Kazakhotane. Alma-Ata, Kazakhokoe goo. izd-yo, 1957. 325 P. (KM 11:2) (Kazakhatan-Gollective farms) AKNOVA, R.Kh., kand. ist. nauk; TETENEVA, L.G., kand. ist. nauk; ALIMV, I.A.; DMITRIYEV, G.L.; DZHAP'AWV, O.B., doktor ekon. nauk., redaktor ; DZHURAYEVA, T., kand. ist. nauk, red.; ATFENYUK, S.Ya., red.; DANILOV, V.P., glav. red.; BELOV, G.A., red.; GRIGORIYAN, L.L., red.; IBRAGIMOV, Z.1., red.; IVNITSKIY, N.A., red.; ILIYASOV, S.I., red.; KAKABAYEV, S.D.1 red.; KAMENSKAYA, N.V., red.,, KRAYEV, M.A., red.; KULIYEV, O.K., red.; MAKHARADZE, N.D., red.; OBICHKIN, G.D., red.; PLESHAKOV, S.T., red.; ~ADZHABOV, Z.I., red.; SELEZNEV, M.S., red.; TIT - BAXIY_.", red.; FEDOROV, A.G., red.; SHEPELEVA, T.V., r .; _PAfU'CW,-B., red.; MASHARIPOVA, D., red.; BULATOVA, R., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.F., tekhn. red.; KARABAYEVA., Kh.U., tekhn. red. (Socialist reorganization of agriculture in Uzbekistan] Sotsialisticheskoe pereustroistvo sel'skogo khoziaistya v Uz- bekistane, 1917-1926 gg. Pod red, O.B,Dzhamalova. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad. nauk UzSSR. Vol.l. 1962. 792 p. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut istorii i arkheologii, (Uzbekistan--Agriculture) SADYKOV,' A.S.;'ASL&NOV, Kh.A.; JpSq4#~? a-, T. CondenBation of lupininic acid with piperidinee Zhur.obokhlzo 30 no.10:31+96~3499 0 f6l. (laAA 14:4) 1, S.redneaziatskiy gosudarstve=yy universiteto (Lupininic acid) (iliperidine) MIKHALEVA, V.V., kand. biolog. nauk; SMIRNOV, F.Ye., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; TURSUNKHODZHAYEVP A.S.; ZAKHAROVA, S.N. Some root bacteria as antagonists of phytopathoge-nic fungi. Agrobiologiia no.1:32-36 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18W 1. Moskovskoye otdeleniye Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta sellskokhozyaystv--nnoy mAkrobiologil. I ~JJSJSx/Cultlvated Pl%nts. co=--rcial. (41-learing. Scu~_rs- 14 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., NO 5, 1958, 20380. Author 77 zh,~ ~ev, I.F. Kiseleva. ,_-~rsunkho~d Inst The All-Union ScienTific Research institute for Cotton Ralsing. q'Itle 'The TIrrigattion Conditions for Cotton on the Golodnayn- Steppe. Orig Pub: Sots. s. kh. Uzbekiztana, 1956, wo 6, 202-27. Abstrs-,et: 117he results of many years of field and laboratory research in the Pakhtao-Arallsk test station of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Cotton Raising is presented. Lysimetric tests made at the Pakha-Arallsk station in 1950-1951 have ahown that during its vegetation period cotton consumes more water than to a large measure it is pr(rrided with. In the tests at the station the water irapply was Card 1/3 j33R/Cultivated Plants. Commercial. Oil-Bearine. Sugars. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur--Diol-, No 5, 1958, 20380. increased chiefly at the expense of the ground water. When this occurred at a depth of 1 motor, it provided 80-67% of the ordinary water requirements. 14ien ground water occurred at a depth of 2 metera, cotton u3ed 4o-60%, and at 3 maters in depth., it p.*Pactically wasn't used at all. It is recommended that the number of waterings be cut ca plots where the ground water lies at a depth up to 2.5 meters from the surface of the soil. On newly irrigated soils depending on the amount of time since Vie year it was applied~ the irrigation rate and number of irrigationB my be re- duced, and at 5-6 years in opercation with packed ground soil and a raised ground water level in order to obtain a raw cotton yield of 35-40 centners per Card 2/3 USSR/Technical Crops. Oil Plants, Suaar Plants. m Abo Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958., 77757. Author Tursunkhodzhayev, Z.S. Inst Title Experim- nt on Assimilation of Cotton-Grass Crop Rotations in the "Pakhta-Aml" Sovldhoz. Oriu, Pub: V sb.: Materialy ob"yedin. nauchn. sessii po ID khlopkovodstvu. T.I. Tashkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1958, 311-318- Abstract: No abstract. card . 1/1 Na= i TUR3UNKffM211AYEW,, Munira Sagdullayevila Dissertations Clinic and Leval of certain Vitamins during Nutritional Toxicosis and Intestinal Disorders undor Oanditione of Hot Olimto Dogroot Doe blod Sci Affiliationt Tashkont Had Inst imoni liblotov Defense Date, Placei 28 Nov 56t Council of lst Hoscow Order of Lunin lk-,d Inst imni Sochanov Certification Datot 17 Nov 56 Soureas BTWO 6/57 45 USSR/Technical Crops. Oil Plants. Dagar Plants. m Abs Jour: Pef Zbur-Diol., Ito 17, 1958, 77761- Author Tursunkulav, Kh. Inst Title Experiment for Obtaining High Cotton Hartests. Orig Pub: V ob.: Materialy Ob"yedin. rauchn. sessii po khlopkovodstvLx, T.I. Tashkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1958, 123-135. Abstract. No abstmet. Card : 1/1 ISMAIWV, R.I.; TURSUNM3)ZHAYNYA, M.S.; KAIMAYAROVA, D.A.; KARIHOVA, Y&#A. - - - Some results of a study of the vitamin level in healthy and diseased Individuals in Uzbekistan. Izv.AN Uz.SSR.Ser. mods no-5:63-69 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvanny7 meditsinskiy institut. (UZBBKISW--VITAKIN KITABOLISK) TURSUNKHODWAYEV., N.B. Mechanism of action of the antitumoral antibiotic actinow,7--in C o4 the tumor ceU. Antibiotiki 8 no.2sUl-114 F163. 11 (MIRA 16;7) is 14boratoriya eksperdmntallnoy biotempii,opultholey (save chlon-korrespondent AIC SSSR prof. M.H.Miayevskiy) Inatituta. eksperimentallnoy i klinleheskoy unkologii AMN SIM* (CANCER PME=H) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) TMUNKULOV, KH. 20875. Tiwmidmlov, Kh. Pravillnoye n'apravleniye'ryadkov khlopchatnika --Vanhnoye uiloviye'polucheniya vyeokogo urozhaya. Sots. sel. bkoz-vo Uzbeki-stana, 1949, No. lo s. 27-33. SOt LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY * Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949. TURSUKOV., V. K. 25890. TTJM~UKCV, V. K. Dvllkhkorrusnoe soderzhanie povyzjhaet produktivnost' pchelinykh semey. Pchelovodstvo, 1949, I-To. 8, S. 27-28. So. Letopial Zhurnaltnykh Statey, Vol. 34, Yoskva, 1949 TURSUNBAYEV, Abde Bochinovich [Collective-farm peasant-ri of Kazakhstan] Kolkhoznoe krestlian- stvo Kazakhstana. Alma-Atat Kazakbakoe goo. izd-vo 1960. 254 P. NIRA 14:11) (Kazakhstan-Collective farms) (Kazakbotan-Peasantry) TURSUMAYEV, K.T, Umsual case of thoracoabdcminal vound. Xhirurgila 37 no.I: 123-124 Ja 161, (MM 14t2) lo Iz kafedry obahchey khirurgii (zavo - prof, AsM., Geller) Tashkentsko o meditsinskogo inatituta., na baze khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya fzav. K*T. %lursubayev) Taskhentskoy gor,Askoy klini- obeekoy bolsidtay No*10. (CHEST-MOUNM AND IMRIES) (ABDOM-WOUNDS AVD DUUMS) -IUR3UI4'KHGDZfV*.YEV, A.T_ 36893. Sakhar v krovi bolInykh gipertontcheskoy boleznly-u, lechenrwkh nekotorymi fizicheskini metodaii. Trudy Uzbek, gos. nauch.- issled. in-ta kurortologii i fizioterapii in. SeWishkc, sb. 11, 1949, c. 257-62 SO: Letopis' Ahurnal LN-fkh Staty, Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949 no IS# ' " so A 0' 6" t Uw 14 WPP ;= : t. 1p ; a - 1431 cA loom, *D4 =14 b. to "d a"IW.0 a &O of OFWI& am Am Y- tm . L iAth N- y C. IL =00 nos Z =go 00 At so 00 go a .00 X*o 3- 1 jog I L ~ 0 00 00 00 OJV 000 0 0 a 'v;-- 46 S" 41 0" 0 0 oo :: g o 0 TURSU 9RDZ , kandidat sellskokhozyaystvewWkh nuuka W~ ""~, Some problems in the system of W-iculture in the GolodWa Steppe. Zealedelie 4 no-11:24-33 N 156. (NUA 10: 2) 1. Pakhta-Arallskaya komplekanaya zonalInaya opytnaya, etantsiya, Soyusr47 Maucbno-inaledovatellskiy khlopkov" institut. (Golodnaya StAp~e--Agriculture) ISXAILOV, I.I.; TLUISINKRODZHATAVA. M.3.: MMINOVA, Sh.G. Influence of carapolon therapy on the level of some vitamins in the body In hepatitis. Izv.Aff no.3:10-14 159. (MIU 12:8) 1. Tashkontakly gonwittrotvenny7 moditainnkiy institut. ". Chlon- korreapondent AN UzSSR (for Ismailov). (CAHPOLON) (LIVER-DISMAOS) (VITAMINS) TURSUNKRODMAYEVA, 1,11. S. TURSUNKHOWNIAMIA, Y. S.; "The clinical as---cts ;3rd level of certain vitamins in nutrition toxicoses anrl intestinal disorders, vn+~r hot-cli-nte conditi6na"o Tashkent, 1955. Publishing House of the Acad Sci Uzbek OSSR. First C'!osc(Yt Order of Lenin Yledical inst. (Dissertations for the degree of Doctor of I-ledical Science.) SO. KniZhnava Letopial No, 50 10 December 1955. Moscow- TURSUNKU94t~ ~trizhdy Geroy SotsialisticheBkogo Truda For high standards of agriculture. j a Ov"> r~ * 1. p sedatel' kolkhoza imeni rayona~ Tashkentskoy oblasti. Zemledelie 24 no.1:27-28 (MIELA 15-2) Khrushcheva, Yangiyul'skogo (Cotton growing) TURSUNKULOVY Kh. no.1-21 Ja 164. D-eta,chm.e-nt on the march. Voen. znan. 40 (MIRA 17:4) 1. predsedatell kolkhoza "Shark Yulduzilf. TURSMIKUT.07, Klipmrakul ,--~`Tlo-rk- an,d,p,-P,,op,le-of the "Shark Wlduzi" OgAntern Star") Collective Fnrm) D91a i liudi kolkbnza nSbark lUlduzill ("Zvezda Vos~oka"). Moskva, ZnAnia, 1957. 30 P. (Vueaoianoo obohchnatvo pj ranproBtra- F nnniiii nolitichnqkikh i nauchrikh zmnii. Sqriia 5, no.15) (MIRK 12:1) '0 (Uzbekistan-OnIloctive farms) TURSUINUKHMM _ g . ,,�jk#g~:j,,zilkhakovich; GlY4ELIFARB, N.S., red.; A., (Overcoming the differences between the city and the countr7- side) Preodolenie razlichii rezhdu gorodor. i derevnei. Tashkent, Gosizdat Uzbekskoi SSR, 1963. 101 p. (MIRA 17:1) Wzbekistan-Econornic conditions) (Uzbekif;tan--Rural conditions) TURSUNO" Akhunoval brigadir; SARTBAYEV Ftakhmatallyp chaban; TUTUNM, M.K.p zvenlyevaya; KALIANA., K.R.,, okhotnik Our country expects heroic deeds from you. IUn.nat. no#5:9 Mq 162. (MA 15:7) 1. Kolkhoz imeni Hirova China skogo rayona Tashkentakoy oblasti (for Tursunoy Akh=va). 2, Kolkhoz Theyek" Dzhumgallskogo rayona Kirgizakoy SSR (for Sartbaye7 Rakhmatally). 3. Kolkhoz "Moldava" Strashenskogo rayona Moldavskoy SSR (for Tutunaru, M.K.). 4. Kolkhoz "VozrozhdeniyeI' Iulitinskogo rayona Vagadanskoy oblasti (for Kalyana K.R.). (Pioneers (Commumist youth)) (Agriculture-Study and teaching) IMIAKOV 2 V. , master-povar; STMLIKOV , A., master-pover (g.Alm-Ata),* TULICHINSKIY , 11. , master-pavar (g.Kiyev); KMETKOVICH, Yu.,, master-povar (g.14insk); KOZYREV. N.) maste#-povar (Moskva) AVDUSIIEV . 14. , master-povar(g.Riga); ZOIDTLMIIN, S. , master- povar (g Tashkent); TTEZHGAYLIS, M. [Mezgailis 14.] master- TI ~ master, hke pavar (g:Riga); 2~q~v -pavar (;kan " nt)j MARTOS., N., master-povar (g.flbrilfsk) Show the example, share the eiperience. Obahchestv. pit. no.8:37-40 Ag 161. (Cookery) (MIRA 14:10) BIR, G.L. I, TLTSUTIOV, A. Pffect of holes on the elastic constants of germanium. Fiz. tver. tela /+ no.9:2625-2628 8 162. (MIRA .15:9) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSRS, Leningrad. (Germanium) (Elasticity) . I TMLSUNOV. A. (Stalinabad). N . The sirst mathematical-..confarence of the tkdzbik S.S.R. YALt. v shkole n0.3:95 W-Je 157. NWA 10:6) Stalinabad--Mathamtice) s/iel/62/004/009/043/b45 B 10 4 /B 18 6 AUTHORS: Bur, G. L. , aqiHnLo~. TITLE: Effect of holes on the elastic constants of Ge PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 9, 1962, 2625-262B TEXT: An extrinsic semiconductor~is s tudied in which the carrier concentration is indeDendent of deformation.' The change in the free energyi/ F - VN + k0T ~ ln(I - fk) (1) of holes (L. D. Landau, Ye. N. Lifshits, StatiQticheskbLya fizika. GITTL, 1951) aft'er deformation is described by (3) k in the case of a second-order deformation. Here pis the chemical potential, 11 is the total hole concentration, k is Boltzmann's constant, 0 k is the energy of a hole in the k-th state, 6jA-is the change in the Card 1'/4 ~' 7 S!1 6 1/62/004/009/0",0/045 Effect of holes on the elastic... B104/B186 chemical potential. Assuming that no volume changes occur during eeforma- tion it is shown that 6p, can be neglected in Eq. (3). This leads to BF= 2 X-t In order to calculate F of p-type eernanium,,the general expressions for the hole energies in defoined crystals are-used E = Ak' =j= CE_t-i~ Ea --I- E., 2 .k~ ,_j Ex. = BY4- 3B') ( E.,t == 3Bb (Ps.. k2 ely -+- k' 63 kk -4- 2dD (k.k; 1YYY K. & d^ Sy yo. Card 2/4 Effect ofjholes on t .he. elastic. . . S/18 XB 62/004/009/043/045 B104 1a6 (G. 'As. Pikus, G. L. Bir. FTT, 1, no. 11, 1642, 1959).-'Here A, B D are known constants, detcrmining the hole energies in non-deformed crystals, b and d are constants of the deformation potential of the holes. These equations lead to the*approximation 8F=- * N A I BI $#,)1 -4- FY ji ~t f -2 2 0 D d2 92 Yr 7- 2 (16). 8 Wit - CIO 0.69 Nb Fil 7- -(T,~=Ulw 0 6C44 -0.13 N d2 F.'j, (19) -V41 Co keY F.I. Card 3/4 S/18 62/004,/009/04,'/045 Effect of holes on the elastic... B104YW6 is obtained from data from a paper by B. W. Levinger and D. R. Frank]. (J. Phys. Chem. of Sol., 3/4, 281, 1961), A = 13-27, JBI = 8.63, ID1 = 19.4 in unit, ~ of ~2 /2m,0 10.2, 0.19. A comparison with data of R. W./Keys, 1. B. M. Journ. Res. Dev., 5, 266, 1961 shows that the relative amount of the effect in p and n-typq germanium is determined by the constant of the deformation potential., ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: June 11 1962 Card 4/4 0 - - - 0 St 0 0 0 v to It U 0 4 1:0 A A It L 2 -M t-m- PR -U k i'T 4 A -.1 Tbf Ab-Of- Of Cr-XI.P CM km. 1 -09, -00 00 A . Iltdaim wW A. Twumm. rrodip Powitt. lad. lass. 1 of -4 M4 0w, ZAmr. 4, No 911104111,- CAM Fit -tj. C 3. P OAS-0 78 Ct O iP6 A ml N1 so . . , . am tatfd lot rWdam to stmitm at,, I MOkr Mid FedaW S Ti b m M PP- Wwt to stiftsica h 1 kk h k "cectil"151 w t e xxmw In the content a( Cr and P 2-0 The efigict ad 0 4% of Ni as h i if 99 . . w u want. The fv. gn "i"Immil' 10 CF-SI CIW Fe wis,i 2.11 tim, -w w 00 Ste"I'lCit tkgu thst of P m" Fe. Hest-urattacut (qu"wh - big from $00-50' and tempering at AW) inmsm iht .00 90 r"kiiiance to stwasion d cr-. Nfra'I Fell 4thnel. coo W. R. Iff"O -off 00 0 of COO 00 !"0e tie IS SINN) -1, Car P T f -I if of I a a 3 6 r Km' u 9 AVIO"I Nd a O IF ttv '*44 mit mot litall it mo A 1 14 sp w v 0 0 0 0 00 0 1 1: 0 a 40 OSTROVSKAYA, Sh.M.;_~,RSUFOV,, ~A*Dv Effect of irradiation on the lovel of antibodies and the d-aration of survival of Rickettsia prowazekii in the organism of animals. Zhur. mikrobiol,pepid.i immun. 40 no.22:221 D 163c (MRA 17?,1211 1. Iz Dushanbinakogo institute epidemiologii i giglyany. A.Bh- Detection of aborted forms of typhus fever among feverish patients by means of a serological examination. Zdrav. Tadzh. 1 63. 1 (MM 16-.7) 1. Iz Dashanbinskogo instituts. epidemiologii i gigiyeny. (WPHUS FEM) (SERUM DIkGVOSIS) o6i V 0 A- V- A LYA -a 00 A *0 V 00 A /0 00 Thh WLVaCK OF SULPiNROUS GALtS ON T.~L Ji "CLU 06 r Iii,111L.G UhT 'MjVMzhT, B.A, Vorozov and A.V. Tursunov. *0 9 (Lletall.;re, 1938# lice 7-8j, ppe 22-26). the t *0 &15,; ~ I he, t treatment of t, tool contairting 4,5' of nickol and 1". of cNroinium 09 a!:! ~ Noxfoliation" tjpa of' $Cali r took place at i I it was shcrwn that an 0 o & ill 300-600 C. in an oxidining st-osp;-nre contuiutng O-OZ'S,1.' or sulphur. I 00.1 This did not take place in t4a &~aez:ce of free oxyEenp but a *0 a ked accumulation of sulphur in the surface of the metal was HI M,&r. of a ! a ser7ed when the sulphur content was raiaed to 0006-001~- Al- 00 a though "exfollation"i could be prevented In an oxidising atmosphere 0* by reducing the sulphur to below 0-025%, exaOSS178 aculinrp due to 00 not more than 0,61*' of sulphur should ensure freedom from surface defeats froz sulphurous gases in the conblistion products. SLA MITALMACICAL LITINAUSS CLASWKAIMM ffj4M "*Inv -00 0 *0* -00 100 1* 41) go 0 Zoo 'Do see too we I IA U S 11 IC Ili; 0 x a 1 0 a I AM a 3 9 9 14 fl tj 11 w1sw iris rsjg~ 11)7 nArs Ps .17 A P X 11 L 1! 1, b L a a P, Q I I b I - I AII OA 0 fA At #I P A 100.1 The aged it SWIUV pus Upon SWO tomalloa duriq 00 h0st-treabReat. H. A. Storumv and A. V. T.IflAtri -00 5 J, 22-7(july-Aug., HIM); (In 13 , 00 r ,. , d ys) 10, No. 4. !M(MMI). --The prevace of . W -90 ! -, igbout S ga" in the embulliun products (Oxidix so tj- Ing sins.) at rcsolted up a tharp luc.ceoe L4 scA. -00 ~AnglnsteeJofl.f) Crand14.0%Ni. WbcitheSX4sc. l 11 00 the metal surIaLe becime stronf Feached 0.05-0.1 y f .60 orm w a said. with S. The scaling proceWed In the i id T t 00 er. o" was cons s h strongly corroded, uneven layer. -00 P14y reduced In a neutral win. and was (otally absent lip a Go reducing atm. flighS fuel may be triLA In an oFidijin4 Of ji- Otm. provided the combustion product* are dild, wijb air to contain less than 0.0.15% S "W.I. C. L. B. :!As 00 -00 k, 0 0 J: 0 so I S It .L A tULLURGICAL UTEPATLOt CLASSOKAtiCa ;G 0 L idlu.; .0 011 ;.1 UIt AV 00 It, ; ' II [ o tilt it rt ; M, I S a #w 0 1 04 '1 dia I wwfl I in I 4 I 0 0 0 0 SO * ' I w a trip I d Kit t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0*00 _2~n_6_6 FBD/E",T(I)A,T(e)/E,.,,rr(m)/F-EC(k)-2/T/E". (k)/E'7,A(h) TJP(C) 'V1G/?Jq4 L 4 ACC NR: AP6011491 SOURCE CODE: UR/0386/66/oo3/ooT/o,?79/0261,;,, AUTHOR: Liv6hita, B. L.'. Vazarovp V. P.; Sidorenkop L. K.; Turaw*ovp A4 T9; ITLi!~U~nov V~-N- ORG: Institute of General and Ino ganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Tn- ctitut obshchey I neorganicheokoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Features of the time behavior of the generation in a laser with mcrfing ruby Crystal gt qI SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pialma v reditktalyu. Prilozheniyep V- 3$ no. T, 1966,, 279-281 TOPIC TAGS: ruby laser., laser emission, laser pulsation., laser r and d ABSTRACT: This Is a continuation of earlier work (Pis'ma ZhETF v. 1) no. 5, 35, 1965) where it was shown that a laser with a ruby crystal moving along the axis of a planar resonator with speed V - 30 cm/sec radiates energy in a narrower spectral interval than. a laser with stationary crystal, and that this increases the spectral d-Maity of the stimulated emiosion. To check whether continuous generation can be realized in a laser with moving crystal, alld tQ inveatigate the 11ifluerice of crya- tal motion on the time behavior of the laser generation mode, the authorii used high- speed photograpby partially supplemented 'with oscil-lograma partaining to the start Card L 21429-66 ACC NR: AP6oll4ql ;of generation. All measurements were made at'room temperature. It was observed !first that In a wide ranige of abave-threshold pumping, even at speeds v - 40 cqf sec, ~a sharp increase takes place in the frequency of the lasing spiken, until they merge 'into continuous regions which are short compared with the generation duration. !Pnther increase in the speed, at -1.1 of threshold pump, resulted in a gradual ex- ,pansion e the continuous regions. At speeds v - 80 cm1sec the generaticn becomes !continuous in a number of cases practically from start to end, but the intensity ~Oscillations still disclose traces of the spike regire. The transformation of spike ;generation into continuous generation is greatly improved by introducing into the ;resonator a round diaphragm of I m diameter., which increases the diffraction losses and prevents by the same token the generation by modes with high transverse indices. The level of the continuous generation then becomes approximately stationary. De- -tailed investigations of the conditions necessary to ensure continuous generation lin a laser with moving crystal should make it possible In the future, on the one 1 ,hand.. to formulate the principles of continuous operation of a solid- state lacer !with a moving crystal,, andp on the other# explain the spike character of the genera- :. tion of most contemporary 'solid-state lasers. The autbors thank Academioian 1. V. 'Obreimov for interest in the work and Cho 16 MWAarov for useful discussion of the ,results. Orig, art. baso I figure. [021 !UMCODEt go/ OMDATEs 05jarbO/ OR3D Ws 002/ OTH Wt 001/ ATD I Cad 2/2 1 1. . ~._ . - I I . % ., . J 1; 1. I p .1 :-, --L -..-i . ---- - - - - . _-- I ~- V-`7 - - F . -, - , - - - . BRMIN, I.Ye,, professor; TURSUNOV, A.V., dotsent, kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. Change# In linear dimensions of steel samples depending upon the process of beat treatment. Yest.wash.34 no.4:65-67 Ap 154. OffRA 7:5) (Steel-Heat treatment) ----37830. 3/123/62/000/008/002/016 A004/Aiol AUTHOR: Tursunov, A. V. TITLE: Effect of the hardening temperature on the structure, hardness and service life of dies made of 3X 2B 8 (3Kh2V8) grade steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurmal, Mashinostroyeniye,.no. 8, 1962, 17, abstract 8A110 ("Tr. Donetsk. politekhn. in-ta", 1961, v. 56, 125-127) T EXT The author investigated the effect of the hardening temperature (1,075, 1,150 and 1,2500C) and subsequent tempering at 550 0C as well as addition- al tempering at 625 and 6500C (duration 0.5 hours) on HV and the structure of 3Kh2VS steel used for dies. Increasing the hardening temperature from 1,075 to 1,2500C (optimum hardening temperature 1,15000 raises the steel hardness from HV 590 to 680. Hardening at 1,1500C with subsequent tempering at 550'C increases the die life by a factor of 10 - 15. [AbstraetOrls notet CoMplete translation] Vx Card 1/1 BRAYNINY I.Ye.; BUDINSHTM, R.I., Prinimali uchastiyes TURSUNOV. A.V.; KHAWHENK01 V.A.; KHOMU OVy B.D.; SEMKIN., A.T.; FILATOV, N.G.; KAREVA, A.G. Induatrial eXperimentation in patenting rope wire in two batas. Izvaysoucheb.zavol chernometo 4 no.6tl3O,-144 161* (ML 14:6) le Dou*tokiy politakhaichen4y institut. (Aumaling or. Wtal4) (Wire drawing) S/ 137/6 ZftQ/004/076/20 1- A05Z/A1O1 A=ORS: Kuleshov, P. I., Tursunov, A. V. TITLE: On the problem of the effect of heat treatment on the block structure of ferrite grains PIMIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglytt, no. 4, 1962, 2 - 3, abstract 4119 ("Tr. Donetsk. politekhn. In-ta", no. 56, 1961, 55 - 63) TEXT: The investigation was carried out an 10 x 15 x 5 mm samples of 08 Kn (08kp) sheet steel. The samples were cooled down from high temperatures (800 and 1,0250C) at different rates. To obtain a pure ferrite structure the samples were annealed in H2 at 9000C during two hours and then, to coarsen the grain, a repeated 2 hours' air annealing at 1,2000C was done. The microstructure was determined and radiographs were taken by the back-scattering method in KPbC -1 (KROS-1) chamber on Fe-radiation. It is established the cooling from the temperatures lower and higher*AC3 affects the ferrite substructure in a dif- ferent way: fast cooling from 8000C causes mainly the crushing of blocks and the emergence of 2nd kind stresses; at a cooling from 1,0250C a change of block orientation is also observed. Slow cooling (annealing) leads to the strengthening Card 1/2 S/137/64/bW/004/076/2DI On the problem of the effect of... A052/A1OI of the texture and to an enlargement of blocks, whereas an abrupt conl1q; (har- dening) has an opposite effect (increases the dispersion of the texture ands leads to the crushing of blocks). The heat treatment has a different effect on the substructure in the center of grain and at its boundaries. There ar9 5 ref- erences. Z. Pridman (Abstracter's note; Complete translation] Card P_/2 AUTHOR: Tursunov, A. V. S/137/62/ooo/ooVi i 1/2oi A052/A101 TITLE: The effect of hardening temperature on the structure, hardnass and service life of 3X 2B8 (YhM) steel dies PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 49, abstract 41294 ("Tr. Donetsk. politekhn. In-ta", no. %, 1961, 125 - 127) TEXT: The effect of high hardening temperatures on the microstructure and hardness was investigated. The samples were oil hardened at 1,075, 1,150 and 1,2500C. With an increase of hardening temperature 11v increases (frcm 590 to 680), the size of martensite needles and the amount of residual austenite In- crease, whereas the amount of secondary carbides decreases sharply. Hardened samples were subjected to a fivefold tempering at 55000 and to an additional tem- pering at 625 and 6500C (each tempering lasted 0.5 hours). In order to increase the service life of dies the hardening at 1,1500C with a,subsequent tempering at 5500C is recommended, T. Ruwyantseva [Abstracter's notel Complete translation) Card 1/1 AUTHORS: TITLE. PERIODICAL: S/081,/62/000/006/105/117 B168/BIOI Uemanov, Kh. U.t Tillayev, R. Soy Musaye*, Uo Noy Turaunov,D Radiation polymerization and the production of graft polymer$, of natural rubber ani polystyrene under the action of gamma-rays -Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 6, 1962, 6ag - 69o abstract 6P54O (Tr. Tashkentsk. konferentoii po mirn iopollzovaniyu atomn. energii, 1959, v. 1, Tashkent, AN UzSSR, 1961t 298 - 302) TEXT: Graft copolymerization of natural rubber with vinyl chloride M and of polystyrene (II) with acrylonitrile (III) and the properties of the products obtained were studied. Irradiation was carried out within the 6 range of 0.5 - 5-10 r. The results of the copolymerization vere determined from the Cl or N content. The vulcanized products from the copolymer of natural rubber with I have high temperature resistance, theyi: are resistant to solvents and their mechanical and electrical properties exceed the requirements of the roCT(GOST) for insulating rubber %teed in Card 1/2 8/081J62/000/006/105/117 Radiation polymerization and ... B168/B101 the cable industry. If III is grafted on to II the heat resistance and resistance to solvents are increased. Polymers of I, Ulf and furfuryl alcohol were obtained by radiation polymerization. The molecular weight of polyvinyl chloride and of polyacrylonitrile wag found to be higher than in the case of the polymers obtained by a method other than radiation. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 .... .. D". ), 1, 42923-66 ~Lm)'u'r'L i ACC NR. AP6029055 WDE: Ufi/0413/66/ooo/oi);/0082/008'.' INVEITOR: Tursunov, A. V.; Gutorova, V. L.; Kondrashov, A. I.; Pilyushenko, V. L. ORG: none TITLE: Structural steel for use at low temperature. Class 40, No. 183946. [announced by the Scientific Research Institute of Ferrotu Metallurgy Nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii)j SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tav zn, no. 14, 1966, 82 TOPIC TAGS: cold brittleness, structural steel, cold resistant steel, silicon containing steel, manganese containing steel, tungsten containing steel s s ur - ABSTRACT: Thi Au or C?rtiF4cate introduces a t t al teel for use at low temperature whlc%_ ontains A/1 silicon and m~n ~anes~lej In order to decrease the susceptibility tol~old brittlelin-ess. the steel has fol owing composition: 0.32-0.40% C 0.17-0.3% Si, 1.00-1.30% Mn, 0.35% W, up to 0.05% Ti, up to 0.05% Al,-up to 0.035% S, and up to 0.035% P. [WW] SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 09oct64//9rb i0,66SSS: 11,11NOVA, E,S.; r%*I~ ZIG. Statistioal and stochastic ciAracterii3tics of synoptir, situatiom over Central Asia. Trudy Sred.-Aze nauch.-issl. gidrometecr. 1nst. no.20:201-243 165. (Mim 16110) .t.~0029-66 EWT(1) ow ACC- NR: AT6015569 SOURCE CODE: AUMOR; Il'inova, E. S.; T ursunov, A. Yu.; Emm, Z. G. ORG: none4l UR/2648/65/O00/020/0f0!iO243 TITIX: Statistico-atochastic description of synoptic conditions over Central Asia SOLJRCF.:.-4'Tash)cent. Srednea7.iatskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy gidrometeorglogicheskiv instLtut Tr-uay-, no. 20(35), 1965. Voprosy regionallnoy sinoptiki Sredney Azii (Prob lems of regional synoptica of Central Asia), 201-243 r TOPIC TAGS: sy to n~ic ~meteor~ol\/. pography, stochastic process, anticyclone, long range weather forecasting, cyclone, Markov process ABSTRACT: Synoptic conditions were evaluated on the basis of observations obtained in 1944-1962, on baric topography maps, and on a monograph by V. A. Bugayev, et al (1957) The evaluation of the material was made separately for warm and cold half-year periods with four basic synoptic fixed times (0300, 0900, 1500 and 2100 hrs, Moscow time) of day: The conditions of a cold half-year were subdivided into three categories: cyclon ic advances from the South, anticyclonic conditions, and weather types. The conditions for a warm half-yeav were also subdivided into three categories: cyclonic advances, warm and hot (summer) weather type, and cold weather type. The cold half-year data show that 1) the anticyclonic conditions have the greatest probability of recurrence UDC: 551.609.318 Card 1/2 L 4-0029-M ACC NR: AT601556'3 (45.8%); 2) processes in the formation of cold half-year weather are subject to change 3) recurrence of the southern cyclones has a minimum in November; 4) recurrence of cold weather type decreases from November to February and then rapidly Increases to its maximum in March; 5) the mean duration of all synoptic (cold half-year) processes is- approximately 2 days; 6) advances of the South Caspian and Murgabskiy cyclones are more often replaced by western and, subsequently, northwestern advances; some; synop- tic processes belong to the forbidden transition type. The evaluation based on warm half-year data show that 1) the cold weather types occupy 55.6% of the whole warm weather period; 2) cyclonic advances from the South occur infrequently (3.4%); 3) re- currence of days with warm or hot weather is 40.4%; 4) western advances are of maximum occurrence (16.6%); 5) thermal depressions appear more often in August; 6) the mean duration of all warm-type processes is 1.5-2 days; 7) transition of weather types can be considered as a Markov double chain. Orig. art. has: 24 tables, 1 figuNj. SUB CODE: 04/ SEMN DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 006 Card 2/2 33121 S/638/61/001/000/051/056 B125/BIO4 AUTHORS: Usmanov, Kh. U., Tillayev, R. S., Musayev, U. N., Tursunov, D. TITLE: Polymerization and synthesis of graft polymers from natural rubber and from polystyrene by gamma irradiation SOURCE: Tashkentakaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v, 1. Tashkent, 1961, 298-302 TEXT: The synthesis of graft polymers from natural rubber with vinyl chloride and from polystyrene with acrylonitrile and their properties were studied and the synthesis of homopolymers by radiation polymerization of acrylonitrile, vinyl chloride, and furfuryl alcohol have been investigate& The radiation polymerization of ethylene and of vinyl polymers was studied at the laboratory of the Academician S. S. Medvedev and by A. Shapiro (Khimiya i tekhnologiya polimerov, 10,1956). Regnier's method Petrov, G. K., Tekhnologiya sinteticheakikh smol i plasticheskikh mass Technology of synthetic resins and plastics), M.-L~, Gookhimizdat, 1946, ~ Card 1/*~- 33121 3/638/61/001/000/051/056 Poly-nerization and synthesis B125/B104 P. 329) was gsed to obtain vinyl chloride '6 from ghemically pure di.-hloro ethane by Co 0 gamma irradiation of 0-5-10 -5-10 r. Ampoules filled with a mixture of natural rubber and vinyl chloride were irradiated at the laboratoriya Fiziko-tekhnicheskogo instituta AN UzSSR (Laboratory of the Physicotechnical Institute, AS Uzbekekaya SSR). The polymer reBulting brom gamma irradiation is not soluble, but swells slightly in some solvents (benzene, toluene, carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride) and some solvent mixtures. The polymer obtained by grafting and irradiation has a more strongly ramified chain than the original rubber with a netlike structure resistant to solvents. The maximum amount of absorbed liquid per gram of polymer and the swelling rate constant drop a little with increasing dose. The data contained in the figure were recorded with a dynamometric balance of V. A. Kargin and T, I. Sogolova (ZhFKh, 1949,.?J-, 5, 530). All graft polymers from natural rubber and vinyl chloride are more heat-resistant than the initial rubber. The mechanical properties and the electrical insulating quality of additionally vulcanized grafted rubber meet the rOCT(GOST) requirements on insulating rubber for the cable industry. The graft polystyr ne polymer with acrylonitrile was produced by gamma irradiation (1-109-4 .106 r) of a swelled polystyrene film. The amount of nonreacting polystyrene and of the copolymer drops Card 2/X3 33121 S/636/61/001/000/051/056 Polymerization and synthesis ... B125/BIO4 with increasing radiation dose. The thermal resistivity of the initial and of the graft polymer is increased by the grafting of polystyrene with acrylonitrile. In adiition, the graft polymer is more resistant to solverts than-the initial polymer. Irradiation of acrylonitrile and vinyl chloride (starting materiki.1 for thd production of graft polymers) yielded polyacrylonitrile, polyvinyl chloride, and polyfurfuryl alcohol. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 9 references: 3 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications real as follows; Ballantine D. B., Mod. Plastics-, 35, 1719 1957; Chapiro A. I., Polym. Sci., 29, 120, 321, 19581 Hammon H. G-o S. P. E. Journal, 14, 113, 40, 1958- ASSOCIATION: Tashkentskiy gosuniversitet im. V. 1. Lenina (Tashkent State University imeni V. 1. Lenin) FJ& Deformation as a function of temperature. Legend: (1) natural rubber; (2) natural rubber + viny chloridet dose 1*106(r; (3) natural rubber +vkoi chloride dose 2*10~ r; (4) polystyrene; 5) polystyrene + acrylo- nitrile, dose ~*106 r; (A) deformation. Card 31AI- "~5 ACC NR. Ai,6029526--'- )'------SOURCE-'CODt-.-Un/0046/66/0.1~l/W3/'C,285/C,295 AWhOR; Vcrevkina, L. V. ; Merkulcrv, L. G.; -4urrjunoyj D. A. .ORG: Leninrrrad Electrotechnical Institute im. V. I. Ullyanov (Lenin) ~(Leninj;radrikiy lelek-trotekh-nicheskiy institut) ITITLE: Surface waves in a quartz crystal SOILMCE: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, Y. 12, no. 3, 1966, 289-295 J TOPIC TAGS: quartz crystal, crystal surface, surface wave) crystal symetry ABSTRACT: In view of the number of obscure points still remaining in the general the- ory of waves propagating along a free boundary of an anisotropic elastic bod~y, the i authors investigate the propagation of elastic waves in the free surface of X-cut quartz. All the expressions are presented in invariant form for a coordinate system with one axis coinciding with the direction of propagation. Solution of the equi- lilbrium equation by means of an electronic computer shows a number of features speci- fic in the propagation of a surface wave in a -crystal. One of them is the fact the the angle between the plane of the displacement ellipse and the wave vector does not remain constant but varies with depth. In addition to calculations, experimental Mea-i surements of the velocities of the surface waves were made for different directions of~ the YZ plane of the quartz crystal. An optical method was used, based on the lateral displacement of a reflected ultrasound beam when the surface wave is excited. The experimental data obtained for different crystal samples coincided almost completely. Card - 1/2 UDC: 534. 2.1: 553.621 A CC-N R .At most angles the experimental results agreed with the theoretical values, swe dis- crepancies being connected with a change in the type of the surface wave. Zhe re- sults also confirm that for all the directions of the symmetry plane only one surface Iwave propagates. It is concluded also that the experimental data can be used for theoretical calculations, since they make it possible to establish immediately those values of the velocity at which the roots of the boundary7condition determinant can ,be determined. -Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 17 formulas. IsuB com 2o/ suBm nATE: 2DaLi&/ ORIG REP: 002/ OTH MW: 008 Card .2/2 ;-58 ov c cur al .~krrl -1-K..; s- - jw---J ~ 1. I'~"MM YNOR ~M 1100700 ~IM'Twm M J. larce 7rus,ra,;ried pan,~Ir, c,(' the TachnoloU of t,-~O tontali'10 prollictlon of "BA" tyre for a prefa~~rict--,tad opart.~' hrmsu brat's.I.R.-. p. 7. Vol. 41 no. 1, 1956 FOU412131, ST.,VBY Praha, Czechoslovakia SGURGIC-1: East European Accession List. Library of Oongress Vol. 5, No. 8, August 1956 R1 7AreV, NX.; MARKMAN, X L.; TUTSU-NOV, 14. Extraction of gossypol from cottonseed oil micelles b./ wmns (-1-f ton exchange resins. Uzb.khim.zhur. 8 no.lt44-47 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Tashkentskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. RIZAYEV, N.U,-, TUPDRIOV, M.; ABDURAMIMOV, A. - ..... Sorp'k,-',,)n kinetics of fatty acids and gossypol from cottonseed oil mise-11a on ft EDE-10 anion exchangcr. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; khim. i khim. telh. 8 no.1:135-137 161,. (MJRA 1-8-6) 1. Tashkentskiy f)olil.-ekhnJ.-.heskiy institut, problemnayq laboratoriya polimerov. 7- S/250/63/007/003/0055/006 AO5,Q/A1 26 AUTHORS t Pilipovich, V*A., Tursunov, N.I. TI=: The absorption'spectm of excited organophosphore PERIODICAL., Doklady Akademii nauk M3R, v. 7, no- 3, 1963, 163 165 TEXT The changes of the ab3orption qxotra of sugar-oandies, activated with trypaflavine, acridine orange, and rhodullne orange, and fluorescein-ac- tivated boron phosphors were examined when exposed to the radiation of a 500 w mercury lamp. The spectra were measured with the spectrophotometer C11)-4 (sF-4). Both for the absorption spectra of irradiated trypaflavine in sugar-candy and for those of irradiated fluorescein In borle acid, three absorption bands w4are established. The long-wave maximum in the mglori of 1, 100 ni has not been iv- uorded by N. Lewis and collaborators (J. Am. Chem. Soo., 6. t3l 3,005, 1941), the remaining two maxioa having the consistent values of 505 and 650 m fL - In the main band, clarification of the eample it-radiated with intense light Is found, whereas in the long-wave portion, thme bands duo W triplet-triplet ab- appeared. kia'LDgous abscrption Espectra and oneri~~Y-Ievel diagrags W~re Cwd 1/3 The absorption spectra of excited organorthoaphors 3/250/63/0017/0()3/005/006 A059/AI26 also established for acridine orange and riioduline orange. From the absorption apeotra of IllumInated organophosphora obtained by the authobs the absorption coefficient of the metastable molecula wits aalculatod using thi wall-known for- mula for the absorption coefficianti Kit nj at A four-level scheme is considered with two levels (I and 3) unstable wid two others (2 and 4~ metastable. The equation- A Kild (6) Ktld 14, V" with the areas of the corresponding absorption bands on the left-hand side. For trypaflavine and acridine orange, B13/B24 - 0.72. Thus, the oscillator forces for the transitions 1.3 and 2.4 axe almost U-te aame, i.e., the (.ransition of the morlecule to the metastable state ia not oonneoted with an excessive change of Card Z/3 3/250/63/00T/003/005/006 The absorption speotra of excited organophosphors A059/A126 ~ts absorption coefficient. S.I. Vavilov and V.L. Loevshin are mantidned. 71-tere are 2 figures. ASSOCIATIRI: Institut fiziki Pli BSSR (Institute of Physics of the A3 BSSR) PlWuiTED: bY A-N- Sevchonko, Academician of the A13 BSSR SUMMEDt Octob--tr 24, 1962 Card 3/3 PILIPOVICH, V.A.; TMUNOTY.J. Temperature ftpendence of the quantum phosphorescence Tield of organophosphors. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. fiz. 27 no-51641-643 My 163. (MIRA :16:6) (Phosphors) (Quantum theory) j L 1039.3-61 W(1)1BDS-AFnGJ1ASD1SSD 16 TC-MSION HR: AP3000317 S/0048, 3/02T/005/0641/0643 PjjTHM: P~Llipovlchs V, A Tursunov,, N. 1. 1533 TnM Concerning the temperature dependence of the phosphorescence efficiency of organic phosphara [Report; Eleventh Confevencz- on Luminesce-ice held at Minsk 10-15 Sept., 19621 SOURCE: 12westlya, AN SSSR. Seriya fizlcheskaya, v. 27p no. 5, 1963, 641-643 TOPIC TAGS: phosphoroscopes, temperature dependence of phosphorescence ABSMCT: Sveshnikov B. 'La. (Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 13, 878$ 1948; Dok-lacbr AN SSSR' 105, 1208, 19551 deduced equations-by means of which one can calculate the me - r probability for transitions of a molecule from the labile to the tastabl- tate on the basis of the following experimentally determined quantities: mean persistence of fluorescence, persistence of phosphoreacence and quantum yield of phosphorescence. Adequate procedures for measuring the persistemes are ww avallable, but present Meth~KW for determinlN; phosphoreacence yields Eire not suffIciently accuzate. Also the phosphorescence of marw organic pbosphors varies Cordl L 10393-63 ACCESSION MR., AP3000317 with the temperature; hence methods involving successive measurement of the ta~al lianinescence and phosphorescence may lead to erroneous results. Accordingly wit undertook to develop a procedure and instrument for rapit' and accurate measurement of the phosphorescence yield@ This Is acccMllshed by rq~pid recording of the spectrun by means of a loop oscillograph. The developed phosphoroscope is diagramed in the Enclosure. The distinctive feature of the phosphoroscope is the double rotating disk shutter: one disk has two cutout-s; the other four, into two of which neutral filters can be inserted. The equipment has been used to measure the temperature dependence of the phosphorescence vield of trypaflavine in solidified sugar and fluorescein In boric acid- The results (not reported) are consistent with published data, but 1. are not in nmuerical agreeT-*er.t which mMr be attributed to the lower accuracy of the earlier measurements. Orig. art. has: I equation and 3 fig=es- 150CUTION: - non A & SMMITM: W DATE ACQ; 12jbn63 ENCL: 01 So CM: PH MR MW SOV: 009 OTM; 000 Card 2 /1, Cr Cft-roiv 0 SIR -- -- - A WO,, 050 20805 enc Conce zebede Y, cn tumin 171ing th IJIV0048/6 escene e pho 7 c e h, sou resce 21 UrSEMOV 5102 Rcs 91 Williln ~"Orf.~Cer, 91008A3 AN fta. Xhi,,,Mc-e '0j v 8! Oi organ 2'o PrC Z4 (Is ~Ya, June t Pho 'ZIght 02 sphors -111te lundn' r1alches P ~3,t nal ty '-Icen 1764,00epolt !7 ABs ce, Ph. C P, P, P, Ph '"Orescence, Ores The 9, 1100 t tur cence autho'.. tu tu u e or r 40der Jt are abso, Ora Ock Invest, 1'965JI 1385:ftl3yo 090 c4nd ons by ti .0 aild b V, e122tiattn gated Metastable J14e ~ A n I- rocu., Oftn ph 'v4ted aticy, the absop,,,, 8tate Ig 170t ed 11 h 08phox. *1 th t 4 t roa p i 'd were - g t, of I actl, IYPan M te47pe UOre ah 149asu fted avine rat 4tt,,,,, redelv'en The 4 5'00 Watt WIth Ure scence ca tht ti P ae'rldlne and ghe 'Quore-ge 2ftez'%7 UOres,,-,, Oranceliqui ' 817d theopy ,,,hazz pl&e f of , enc. d Phoq_ "ase 0, aid al-C alt. I b the I 'y 'I _nc I Ase ght ae tim 0 The a " T11t, -I 4fid rh en?pera- 0 .ViDev 'Ieae roste aOf 0.1 Qaarh 03 ctua2 Minatio 00,U2, . Qnd int n wa, rie lr~5 obtal Pho eril,71 9 p e 1. Op panor (,Cbkl 01121,seeca, ned sPhep AN Th e cr PrIth "cenc rov"cled 'o Cal den_., 02 at the I (I e dr -due --Af ~a4 are a~ ~eltjo 0 0, 22 he s 2962) a2y'zed .14 gnetIL, It To jjjti~W At rc term, )am Of a be na tj te Vera, ,,CiV ~,,fe ot p T?6 ropa.- ceoc at ve at V%bo joc 06~ ape%, ,je g voo luoe at ap TO e 3. OP 6 "No spa IN%) PILIPOVICH, V.A.; TURSUNOV, N.I. Absorption spectra of excited organic phosphors. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.3:163-165 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut fiziki M BSSR. Prodstavlono akndemikom AN BSSR A.N. Sevchenko. (Phosphors-Absorption spectra) TURSUNOV, 11. T., Cand of Mad Sci - (dime) nData on the problem of the functional study of skin." Tashkent., 1957a 15 pp ( Tashkent State Medical Inatitute im V. H. Molotov), 200 copies, (KL, 29-57.9 94) AKBULATOVA, L.Kh.; TUPS LINO V,_N., T. , kan,,',. med. naak "ase of deep my-3j.5 with lethal outcome. Ve-t, dern. -4 ven. v 38 no.8:70'-81 Ag 164. (F-A?-A !F:8) 1. Kokandskiy kozhno-veneroiGgicheskly dispanser INI.,ek5kay SSR. TURST,OV, P.T., V.P., -14, P. and "". 7.-92 Tf- Sci. of VetEri-nary '-1-4-icine of the Azad. Agrf-c. Sci. Uz 33-). (2 State Sci. Control fnst. of Vet. Preparationr,, IUn. of ACri., U33FI). "C'neuriatheraprmitte Properties .)f the New Azielin Prnpara-tion." Veterinirlya Vol. 37, no. 11, N'Ov,~,ml~er 1961., 1). 23 SWULEVICH., A.I.; POVAROVA, L.N.; TURSWTOV, P.T.; LI, P.N.; ORLOV, V.P. Chemotherapeutic characteristics of the new preparation azidine. Taterinariia 38 no.11923-2-5 N 161 (MIRA 180-1) 1. Gosudars-tvenn-yy nauchno-kontrollnyy institut veterinarnykh preparator Ministerstva sellskogo kbozyaystva SM (for Shmulavich, Povarova) 2. Nauchno-iss.Ledovatellskly institul. veterinarii aademii sellskokhozyayutvennykh nauk Uvbekskoy SSR (for TurBunov., Li., Orlov). MY PXO- (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences), NETSETSKEY, A.M., YENILEWA, K.Eh., and TURBUNOY ........ F.29 (Scientific Workers)., 01mov, V.P. (Laboratory Technician, lns-CfGt~~ of Veterinary ~bdicine., Uzbek Academy of Agricultural Sciences). "Use of Phenoformforte [Fenofoxm-fortel against tick-carriers of cattle HaeMOSPOTidias & * 11 Veterinariyaj. vol. 39., no. 3., March 1962 pp. 80 CHA NOT, I-Th.; TAKIBAM, Zh.6.; TURSUNOV, R-A-; SILARAPOT, I-V- Measuring mItIple scattering In traclu of protons vith an enerj7 of about 10 G.e.v. WDA takh.ekep. no.5:15-19 S-0 160. (MIRA 33:11) 1. Institut yadernoy fjzlki AN XazSML I (Protons-Scattering) PE SAAJ,,~'POV, F,,V.; T'JIRSTIOV, ~t.A.,, TAFIBAT"V, /h.3.- BOGS, F.G. .r. . . I y M'dr',;.ple scatt.--~rirq- cf 19.2 Bev./c nrof,~)nr in a nuellcar em,zl.siem. Izv- ."T Kazakh, 31M. Ser, flIz.-Tnat, nau- no. 2:94-101 163. NIRA 17~-6) III A I tG-n MCC NR, AP6012937 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/65/000/002/006J/0064 AUTHOR: U-Qos, E. G.: F~tylo3m, N. E,_; Ta 'bayev. Zh. S.; Tursunov., R* A* S uclear Physics, AN ORG: -In_s_tjjRtq of N KazSSR (Institut yaderroy fiziki M Ka SR) TITLE: Determination of the nature of secondary particles by the photo-emulsion method in the area of high energies SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 2, 1965, 63-64 TOPIC TAGS: pi meson, proton, K meson, meson, high energy particle ABSTRACT: In 6rder-to determine-the-nature-of secondary particles in the 'area of high energies, the author analyzed secondary particles from-three-ray---: intaractInns-formed by protons with an impulse of 19.8 gey. The traces cf the incident protons provided independent confirmation of the correctneas of the method used for Identification of the secondary particles. The -relations .between the number of p-n mesons, pi mesons, K-mesons, and protons in various area a of p c were found: 2. 5 < pJ c c 5 gev - Njr : (Nk + NP) = 90: 10; .5 gevcpde e2O gev -- N-ff :Nk:N 2 47:10:43. p It Is shown that the pi-mesons can be separated from the heavier particles, in the area of p,4 e between 2-5 and 5 gey and that in the area between 5 and 20, gev the portion of K-mesona can also be evaluated. The number of particles of various types is evaluated as follows for three-ray p-n Interactions on the ~baais of preliminary data: '---A -1 /n - - - ..1.__.-_1 VtrV1q-- rIff L 22105-66 hZC NR, AP6012937 2.5 ge-vcp-.0c 45 gey N r: (lfk + NP) 96: 10 5 gevcpde c2O gev No,: Nk:Np 47:10:43 2.5 govcpipe