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TURBIN, K.G. Legume-fescue mixtures. Zemledelie 27 no.ls75-76 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Voronezhakiy sellskokhozyavstvennyy institut. TURBIN, L.I.; MALYGIN, V.V. Alpine endogenetic mineralization of some regions in the wes"earr, Tien Shan. Zakonom.razm.polezn.iskop. 7085-387 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete MJni3trov Kirgizskov SSR i Geologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk KirgizE,koy SSR. TURBIN, L.I. New data on the Upper Paleozoic stratigTaphy of northeastfl~ Fergana. Mat. po geol. Tian'--Shania no,,3-.107-120 '62. (141U 16:7) (Fergana-Geology, Stratigraphic) TURIBINY L. (Senior fic of the J,-ninffrad ~'Tljj SCJ' ~iC Veterlnary institu~,e.) "Re.moval of thE! Self -Inhibitory Fropertil es of the "Foot-and-1,L),ith Disease Ant"IL-ens the Virus is Typed." Veter-ina--Im vol. 33.., n.). III., Nove:,Aier p. 76 rip, I-P f_6" nc 3 j!3 (fro7l "", I, V-t )?. -36 I:f,7, TURF3IN "The e')!ZQ0t0loU of hoof -and-miouth disea r C111.1i.L 4se of - :r i + r I anL,rip.3.!7 fwl !specific proph.vlaxi-ll. Lcningr.~d, 1.)15 . ~-:iri Hicn,~r USSR. bmingrad Vc-yt-rimr,.- Innt.. (Dl.fir;rn-t-,.tlon!7 for th.:) De~Trc,~, of Candid-it,- of V-at-rinir~y $ciences). SO: Knizhn-tva leto-irl NO L-5, 5 'l'ovt-.mlbpr -C',155- c c?,, - TURBINt L&M.) starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Eliminating the self-inhibiting properties of foot-and-cauth antigens in the typing of the virus, Veterinariia 38 no,,1106-71 N 161 (MIRA 18~-I) lo L-eningradskiy nauchno-issladovatel2skiy vaterinarnyy Institut. TURBIN, L.N. Creative Initiative decides success. Avtom.? telem. I sviliz, 8 no.5t24-27 YV 164. (FJRA 17:10) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Serpukhovskoy distantsii Moskovskoy dorogi. TURBIN MU; ZAGREKOVA9 V.M. [Zahrekavag V.M.] Moxl~hological characteristics of F and F plants in remote hybridization. Vestsi AN BSSR. Sai. bii;1. nav. no-3--5-,12 '60. 1 (MIRA 14: 1) (WHEAT BREEDING) TURBIN, M.Y. Charles Darvints.creative methods. Vestei AN BSSR.Ser.biial.nav. no.4:10-17 '59- (MIU 13:4) (Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809-1882) TURBIN, M.V. - . , .1- __-' - Information and heredity. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.3:5-9 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Heredity) TURB111, M.V. -~ Iftwleoprotnins and heredity. Ventel. All BSb7R.Ser.biial.na7. no.2:1?-24 '59. (MIRA 12:9) (1wGIZOPROTNim) (IMMITY) OuRb-N, V.Z.)- . 11t) 4 econ,-,mi :: E-; -- 1, 7 : r-r m tnn -' f~ rr:)- -a I o ccciL~-, 3 lf- %"bor,, 'rliah,, tivt~--t-t. 'InO, no.-':51-58 1 w,pa 'rURBIN, N. TWIMIN, 11. PAULIN, Ya. --iMOMM~ Building Machinery Movable ladder-scaffold. Sell.stroi. No. 4. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1953. Unclassified. TUPMIK, N. I., jt. on. KOKIN, A. D. Building and architecture; basic itformation. TH845.K6 1953 1. Building. 2. Architectuips. I Turbin, N.T., jt. au. TURBIN$ X. V. USSM,ledicine Hybridity Medicine Spectrum Analysis Nov 1947 "Spectrophotometric tudies of Plant tlybrids and the Biological Peculiaritles of the 9 V, i n Ye. KOZ10v SElective Absorption of Ultraviolet aye by Plant Tissues," N. urbi., Leningrad State University, State Op~ical Institute, 3 Pp "Dok Ak Nauk" Vol LVIII, No 6 Recently there has been increasing use of a spectrophotometric method of studying the absorption characteristics of various organs particularly for albumin. As a result a spectrophotoinetric study of the absorption of the ultraviolet rays by the protoplasm of plant growth was conducted to determine some type of biologic peculiarity in the absorp- tion of certain rays. Submitted by Academician L.A. Orbell 18 May. PA 36T33 1 - - , -... . - -- ---- - -- -- -- - - - .~L ~, , I -.,- .1 . ; , ~~ - - -- , - - - - - . - - - ". - - -- -- - Tuw~lDi. N. V. Turbin, N, V. - "A triumph of Michui.-Inist biology. The historical significance of the August meeting of the All-Union Acadeqr of' Agricultural Sciences imeni V. I. Lenin". Vestnik Leningr. un-ta, 1948, No. 10,, p. 21-51. sot u-4il,, 17 July 53, (Letopis tZhurnal Inykh Statey,, No. 20., 1949)e TURBIN, N. V. i BOGDANOVA, E. N. 26294 K voprosy o prirode protsessa oplodotvoreaiya u rasteniy. Izvestiya akad. nauk. sser) seriya biol. 1949, No. A+, a 432-54-Bibliogr: 10 nazu. SO: LETOPIS' NO. 35, 1949 UM/Agriculture - Heredity, Ybobanism Jul 49 (Contd)'- by Soviet biologists in the study of heredity vhich Is evidenced by the indisputable facts of vegetative hybridization. m 1/5OT4 ~~/Agrlculture Beredity, Neckmalm Tul 49 EybridizatIon "Review of 1. '79 Glusbehenkols., 'Vegetative Rybridlzat ion of Plants, I" Prof Ir. Turb In, Docent V. Razamov, 1 p "Nauka i-Zhizn1" No 7 Prof Glushcbenko is a disciple an& collaborator of Lysenko. Book is a survey of demeatic an& foreign literature an this subjeot of great vFaue for research vorkere, teachers and, stu- dente, and a clear statement of Glushchenkols experImantal data.. It shows tho advance naft TU;UZL43 IN I -Ii . , T - C -aboty posle av~-usiovskoy sessii (iooj;yta Piol. Fak 27017. TUI Z -3- E! y,. V. lod i t, u , 1 . ;,; ~ I I :u ) - Vc- ---- f, n ik -vy s s I -, . Sh I- c 1 y 1 r- ~'~ n. c 7 , S . 6; -, 0 ir / I A. SO: Le, topis I Zhurna.1 I nyk'n S ta -, Vol. 36, SENA.Ajft.professor; KOZIDV, V.Ye., nauchnyy sotrudnik. Spectrophotometric study of the absorption of ultraviolet light by the living tissues of cotyledons of tomato hybrids and their parental forms. Rauch. biul. len. un. no.22:27-28 149.(MLRA 10:4) 1. laboratoriya gene~iki rasteniy, , (Ultraviolet rays--Physiological effect) (Plant calls and tissues) Varbin, L". V. U,Mt/Biology - Cross Pollination "Influence of Eelf -Fertilization, During Interbreedin~;, on the 7it-a-1--ty c)-,' Prof.eny," 14. V. Turbin, ;hair of aem-tics, Leningrad State Zhur Obslich Bio13 Vol 12, 110 P.P306-310 Cross-pollination is of spcci-,71 interest in prodrcl~ion of a hybrid of equal or better vigor than the original. Some proof substantiating existing theories may serve as a basis for evaluation of the significance oL' sQlf-poll1-inqtion in interbrc-din~,; in the binlofTy of ertilization an-i ttic physiology of heredity, tlie stj-dy of rn:-ltipie pollination is uite c,,~sential in hath scienticic, and practical. res,~(-Cts. data shows t1liat, the pnisence of (.),.4n pollen ir plants YiMch "',at'r"I 1-,41:C!r1 is lise ful. 26~ T11 It iulmn, v pr)w cil NCVYYE, DA'I'r--'YE -~ICHLrHl~,;,5KG'f BIOLXII 0 DRCTSZSSE O.-ILONVUE11IYA. '!CGKVA, IZD-VO ZMANIYE, 1952. 29 P. ILLUS... DiAcms., ~:ABus (vsisoyuncyL oBsliclizi'vo Po .?OLI- TICIESKIKH I NAUCHUM ZLl%'IIY. 1952, SERIYA 2, ING. 54) RUSSIA Tlja7u:,I,141 IN.V., '11". N. $ Klio"01~'IIAVIVI~Ay A.M. Fertilization df Plants Findings in the study of repeated pollinati ~n of fecundated ovice113 of the tomato's-. IZU AN 636R. Ser. biol., No. 2, 1952. Monthl-j List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conrress, Atigust, 1952. Unc 1--i ss i f I eti. 1. 'WRBIN, N. V. andL D014ORYkD, N. P. 2. USSR(600) 4. Radishes 7. Strengthening the stability of inherited qualities in plants by selection under conditions of free cross-pollinqtion. Vest.Len,IM, 7 no. 1, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Febrliary 1953, Unclassified. ---------- 1. TUBIN, N. V. 2. US-;IR (600) 4. Fertilization of Plants 7. What's new in the biology of fertilization. Vestl. Len. un. 7, no. 1, 1952. 9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. Turwri) 'IT. V. Hybridization, ve.-letable Influence of the autogamous pollen in cross pollination upon the viability of the hybrid descendants. Zhur. ob. biol. 13, No. 4, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November -195~,2Uncl. 1. - 1. TUR9TH, N.V, PROF.; PALILOV, A.I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Plant Breeding 7. Castration of female spikes for the free intervarietal cross-pollination of wheat. Sel. i sem. 19 no.10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 10 TURBINI N. V. 2. MR (6oo) 4. Fertilization of Plants 7. BiologicAl role of supplementary pollination from a foreign species. Usp. sovr.biol. 34 No. 2, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Librar], of Congress, j.... r7 1953. Unclassified.1 1. TURBIN, N. V. 2. USSR (600) 4.* Plants-Reproduction 7. Dependence of fertility of plants and viability of their arogeny on the state of maturity of the reproductive elements. Bot. zhur- 37 No. 6, 1952 9. Monthly L,sts of Ruselan essional, Library of Congress, Harch 1953, Unclassified. TUPJ3111 ) IT. V. "Darwinism and tho Ne~t Teaching on SpocioB,11 Bot Zhljr, Vol 37, No 0, 110vAce 1952) pp 798-818. Article criticizes Lysenko USSR/Agriculture, Biology - Hybridi- Feb 53 zation "Multiple Fertilization of Plants," Prof N. V. Turbin, Leningrad State U imeni A. A. Zhdanov "Priroda" vol 42, Wo 2, pp 101-104 By fertilizing a plant several times, and using pollen from plants of varieties or species which both include that of the mother plant and differ from that of the mother plant, triple -7' nterva- riety and interspecies hybrids can be :-dbtained, or the formation of ordinary hybrids can be 244T2 stimulated. With the use of this new method discovered at Leningrad State U, watermelon flowers can be fertilized by cucumber and pump- kin pollen, watermelons can be crossed with cu- cumbers, melons with pumpkins, etc. The method also proved applicable to the breeding of inter- variety hybrids of chickens, rabbits, and swine which acquire the characteristics of t-wo pro- ducers (fathers) in addition to those of the mother. Cytological examination showed that tvo sperm cells enter the same egg cell when either animals or plants are crossed by this method. 244T2 TW11) L; USSR/Biology - Hybridization 1 Nov 53 ,"The Problem of-the Biological Role of Repeated Pollination of Plants"'~N. V. Turbin., Leningrad State U DAN SSSR, Vol 93, No 1, pp 167-169 Author presents facts which in his opinion prove that fertilization of a plant with pollen derived from two different plants results in inheritance of characteristics of both plants furnishing the pollen. He also states that both intervariety and interspecies crosses that have an increased 275T] vigor can be obtained by this method of pollina- tion'. -Presented by Acad V. N. Sukachev 11 Aug 53. Ifull If 3~~ N 1 141. V. TURBINI N.V., saveduyushchly kafedroy; XAMVS)rAYA. Ye-I. Effect of the presence of antogenous pollen in crossbreeding on the viability of the hybrid progeny. Uch.zap.Len.un. no.165:3-12 '53. (KLEUL 7 -.7 ) 1. Kafedra genstiki i salektaii. (Yertilization of plants) (Hybridization, Vegetable) TURBIN N.V., professor, redaktor; MINIKOVA, G.G., reduktor. [Problems in the biology of fertilization] Voprosy biologil oplodotvoreniia. Pod red. M.Turbina. leningrad, Izd-y- le- ningradekogo univ., 1954. 392 p. I (MLRA 7:11) 1. Doyetvitellnyy chlen Akademli nauk Belorueekoy SSR (for Tur- bin). 2. Leningrad. UniTersitat. (Fertilization (Biology)) TURBIN.N.V. vr-4v For Darwinism in the theory of the formation of species. Vest. Len.un. 9 no.10:31-42 0 $54. (MLRA 8:7) (Origin of species) TURBIN. N.Y. When there is nothing substantial to sa7 (Anever to N.I.Nmzhdin) Zhur.ob.biol. 15 n0-3:233-240 My-Je '54. (MLRA 7:6) (Xvomm) (GnITICS) TO BDI) V. V. I "Peculiar Yetlzds of Proving the !~ew 7heory of the ormation of Soecies,", Usp. So,,--ei;. Biol., 3'07., No.3., Pp 361-65, 1954 Translation 1,,696$ 19 "ug 55 V; V Category: USSR/General Division. Gencral Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh. -Biol., lio 6, 25 March 1957, Z1264 Author Turbin, NX. Inst Title rcr Darwiniam in the 7heary of rolution of Species. Orig Pub: Byul. Mosk. o-va ispigatelei prirodi, otd. biol., 1954, 59.. No 5, 77-92 Abstract: Preliminary results are given of the discussion on problems of evolution of specle:i, one of thQ initiators of which was the author. It is noted that the discussion was a fruitful one and showed the erroncoumicas of the now Lheory of evolu- tion of species propaGated by T.D. Lysenko. In the author's opinion, the overwhelming mo4jorilty of botanists and repre- sentatives of other biologriqai, specialties expressed them- sQlves against Lysenko's views. Vie problem Is discussed in detail as to whether Darwinism rejects the qualitative changes Card 1/2 -31- Category: USSR/G,-neral Division. GQneral Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zlh.-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 3.957, 21264 in development of living, nature . Iffie conclusion is made that Lysenko's viewpoint on this problem Is erroneous. Card -. 2/2 -32- TURBIN, N.Y. Great tranoformer of nature. Izv. AN BSSR no.5:3-20 8-0 155. (Michurin, Ivan Vladimirovich, 1855-1935) (miju 9:2) TURBIN, N.V.; VOLODIN, Y.G. On the biolog7 of wheat flowering. Dokl.Aff B3SR 107 no.4:601-603 Ap #56. MRA 9:7) l.Akademik AN BSSR (for Turbin).2.Institut biolegii Akadamii nauk BSSR. (Wheat) (Plants, Flowering of) RMS USSIR/CUIUVUL&L P'LLAIAG GrainG Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 4. 1958; 15538 Author N, ~,~ ~ Ye.I. Zalivskaya, A.N. Pal-ilova, L.7. IV Khotyleva. Inst The Biological Institute of the Academy of Sciences Bielorussian SSR. Title The 1955 Tests on Corn Variety, Strain and Hybrid Tes- ting., (Opyty 1955 6. po ispytaniyu sortov, liniy i Gibridov kukuruzy). Orig Pub V sb.: Kukuruza v BSSR. Minsk. AN BSSR, 1957, 6o-82 Abstract The division of genetics of the Biological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Bielorussian SSR studied in 1955 the biological and economical peculiarities of various varieties) strains, and hybries of corn and the Card 1/2 3 USSR/Cultivated Plants Grainsi M. Abs Jour Bef Zhur Biolj No 4; 1958~ 15538 initial stock in obtaining local hiGhly productive hybrids and for explaining the factors which affect their heterosis. The results of testing more than 200 specimens of corn arc, Given which were obtaineO, from various quarters. Double interstrain hybrids yielded a bumper harvest in comparison with the best varieties and other corn hybrid forms. However, the parental strains from which the highly productive in- terstrain hybrids were Gotten turned out to ripen very late. Hence, obtaininG hybrid seeds by means of cros- sing these strains in Bielorussia is out of the ques- tion. In coming years the widest expanses in the Republic should be taken up with intervarietal hybrids. Card 2/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 77616. nation. The best aligned progeny from the first year of self-pollintion was obtained with forming of the lines an simple and double inter-line hybrids. N. F. Fedorova. o M Card : P-/P- USSR/CultiwLt(,,d Plants. Grains, Lbs Jour : Rof Zhur-Biol., No 157 19537 68096 lmthox, : Turbin, N. V.-, Volodin, V. G. Inst AS Bel SUR Institute of Biology. Titla Suppl6mcmtary Ixtificial Pollin~~tion of Ryc uith m Airpl,--ne. Orig Pi:0) Byul. In-t,, biol. BSSR2 1956 (1957), No 2, 199-202 Abstract In 1956, in a lcolld-ioz of I-linsir Ob1cst' an area of 50 hectaro was pl.-Lnt(-,d ijith Part lzanskaya vinter ryc and ~~;ivun suppl&--,~~rit~.iry c)ollination by usin,; a PO-2 typc -Urpl-no. Tho yiold on t1loso ::~rcas ,..),-s hir-hor than on control -rcas. -- 0. L. Gorbunov-~ C a r el 1/1 15 USSE/G011cral Evoluti -,n. ~ -)a JcLlr: 2q, 1953, 004,")3. :.uthor : TVrbin, IT.V. Inst : Tile Dotcalical Lasti-tutc cf tile Sciences US-OR. Title : CTcn Problaas in Cie rCl'c.:)I-j c,:~ Sjoccius For.-.ztio- an(I Facts Derilicc! from I~c,)cr` on th,:. Litroductica-i and Accli:m-tizatiul C-L 3riG afu: Tr. Dctcn. in-ta ;,Z, SSSR, 1957, vYP- 5, Ber. 6, 138-143. i-ibstract: Dased on P. rcneralizationof -X. CX,.)crinO--t i:i i:-Itro- duction worhy it is notc-I that tile of a sl:ccics t,-- now el-inatc and scil C~;:Icutic-ls is never 1)", the C.- neir S-)cc-,c3. 1-,-, "As the theory (-f a suddlen tr=sitim of onc bic- lc,Lic--l siccics inte) by a in the 1/3 "L)s Jour: I"Qf "Inir-Diol .; ic, 2o, 1958, 9r)463- PrCSCII't cj:UUtiGI-,s is Cienrly orro:,couo by the plcait i-itrrductdoi, c.-, a -1 u - Cicri-icat. Scr:,,, mit, ors c~,,:--fuso the for--ztim-1 r-fp -n-C-17 -L,)ris thrr'UC:11 'th the form-'--un of 0--c-cics. The aj~ljcanrancc :.f n for-is; apparently orir-iLitin- fro:~i the acu,,Is of hybrids, h," becil observed i-,i Sotch, ellcal~Ttus scoo-lill';G. In Pauir, ha=-yot,-~,c clia-riCes liave bee:, bbsonrc,,! -i,.i the potato. The ~',~itoncrrha wi--iter alrple has oriL;in--tc.-d a ve'--atative tlic one and a hallf poluld "'altolic-l"ka Michurin rtl)l)lc, ctc. ~Jl this attests to a proccss (f for~rati,.~n r2 ii-aw fc=js which followo intrccluctical and selection, lbut nG't Vne sucUen rcL;cncratic,- (--f v nair species fron alvAullcr Cmu. Vic DaIVILIlia-1-1 cc..,Iccl)t of tilf-, Card 1~0 20, 5', 9C46- s-,:ccies 'ry sojectir,:- -Ts i..-. r. _17 wit'i rii t'-Lo acc, r,f' -r. Tal,-,tscv. Carl'! C a t i7f en e r a IG r: n, -c 2 s. To u r iblol. "'o. A u -t~ ilo x. Turb.1-n V instiLut. Titio Conturroi,orar-~~ Vi-~,,x rtbf-,iit flr'f,,nos f "cl 1) sr.-- c t Lo alln-t--act. "'J r T MIN, N.V., akademik. - -C;;;temporar7 concept of the gene. Vest.AN SSSR 27 no.4.-54-67 AP 157. (KLRk 10:5) l.Akademi7a Belor-asokoy SSSR. (Harediv) TMIN. N-V.,akademik Modern concepts of the gone. Uch.zap.BGU noo37:91-114 157. (MIR& 12:1) 1. AN BSM. ITT) U17SR/General Biolo-ay. Genetics B hbs Jour Ref Biol. 7 PTO 13, 57103 1.uthor nmrhi _n 7-. _Y.,_,Lobotshay-3~ 1,. 1. Ye . A. Inst Zelorus_-iqn University Title Main Results of the 1955-1555 !"'xi?erilaents for the *study of Varieties, Lines, and Hybrids of Maize as ~-he initial Form for the -3election of Hybrid F-ize Under Conditions of Belorussian SSR Orig Dub Pub. Uch. zap. Be-lorussk. un-t, 1957, vyp. 37, 255-327 Abstr,.c'- On tlie basis of -,)reliminary studies the follow- ing initial forms are recoo:.lended as t,.ie best for tLie selection of corn in Belorussia: early ripening and Liedium early--Kichkasslraya, 'Iel- kaya klaulinskaya, Severyanka, Belaya Pireneys- kaya, Voronezhskaya 76; T-adium rii)eninFj-- C.-.rd 1/2 33 UjSR/General Biology. rjeni~tics B Abs Jour 1-1, e f 1-3, 195,01, 571-013 Abstract !"Tandorfsk-aya nd ':7jubovidnaya 235. Of' those 'or- -Acd frog,.., t'--e "inti. 2112 kht I i I T,91~1 and N-95 re rcco-. endod. Good ',:uality lo- cal interv,riety hybrids hav-~ 1-)ocu )olesskiyi 1, '!.everodal~o- tslcaya+r~ii.,cture of )olleiis of Abkhaz varieties. In their yield they sup2rior to `.ntervari- ety !-tyb.,ids. An ev-,luatuic,n of"intsuk',t-lines" was made on t ~e basis of t.-.eir h,-~rbrids -.-ith a.vai- lable varieties of maize. The o-oinion 'Ar-is bec~n exT)ressed that seDar--.te tests of a line mal~c it possible to ' -iope ~,Uat on tl.eir base hi,:-!Ily oro- ductive interlineal hybrids may be obtained in the future. CRrd 212 .TURBIN, N.V., skademik Science and culture In the Rumanian People's Republic. Yestsi AS BSSR Ser. biial. nav. no. 2:103-111 158. (MIRA 11;8) 1, AN 13SSH. (Rumania-Research) TURBIN, N.V. Recent data on the biolW of fertilization of seed plants; theses of a report. Biul.Inot.biol, Alf BSSR n0.3:167-169 158. (MMA 13:7) (Y&TILIZATION OF PLANTS) TURBrK, N.Y.; 74GMOT4L' T.N. Studying the effect of certain graving conditions, heterologous pollination, and double pollination on the setting of seeds in remote hybridization of wheat and rye. Biul.Inst.biol.AN BSSR no.3tl7O-l76 158. . (KIM 13:7) (WHYAT BRMING) (RYE 13R ) (PZRTILIUTION 0? PUBTS.) TURBIN, N#V.; KMMVA-ZIKHMA.N, L.V. ------------ Dependence of variation in characters in self-pollinated lines of corn on the quality of parent material. Biul.Inat.biol. AN BSSR n0-3:177-181 f58. (MIRA 13:7) (HYBRID CMN) TURBIN, N.V.; 133)ROVA-ZIKFDW, L.V. Depression in plants of self-tollinated lines of corn S, crossed with different parent material. Biul.Inst.biol,AN BSSR no-3: 182-184 158. (EnRID COW) (MIRA 13:7) TURBIN, N.V.; PALILOVA, A.N. Iffect of genetic homogeneit7 of parent material on the degree of heterosis in corn b7brids. Biul.Inst.biol.AN BSSR no-3:185- 189 158. (MIRA 13:7) (HORID CORN) (RETBROSIS) TURBIN, Y.Vo; TAIRTIN, Tu.B. Darwinism and genetical theories of haterosio. Biul. MOIP. Otd.biol. 64 no.6'.131-140 N-D 159*(MUXROSIS) (MIM 13:5) TINBERG, Georgiy Georgiyevich; ROSSOLIMO, L.L., retsenzent;-KUZWSOY, S.I., retsenzent; TURBIN, N.Y.. akademik. red.; BULAT, 0., red.izd-va; TIMOSHCHUK,-Iv., [Primary production of bodies of water] Pervichnaia produktaiia vodoemov. Minsk, lzd-vo Aked.nauk BSSR, 1960. 329 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. AN BSSR (for Turbin). (Phytoplankton) TMMIN. N.V.. akademikso'BOMTOV, V,Te,, starshiv nauchrI7 sotrudoik Ourreut status and achievemente of biology In the Hungarian Pbople Is Republia. Vestal AN 388R. Serbilal.nar. no.U130- 139 1`60. (mm i3t6) 1. AN BBSR (for Tmq)iu). (WNGARr--BIOLOGT) TURBIN, N.V.; UMOVA-ZIMMAN.. L.V.; SEVARTS 9 M.K. ------------ Breeding: 1, for combining ability. -Biul. biol. '0 BSSR no.5-*,21&-217 160. (MIRA 14:7) 1 . -- ( I =TIeFi-:PGRTABIX)., - .- TURBIN, N.V.; ZAMEKOVA, V.N. Viability of remote h7brids of the first and second generations. Biul, Inst. biol, AN BSSR no.51271-279 160. (MIRL 14:7) (WHUT BREEDING) TURBIN; N.V., akademik, red.; BM4ICM, V., red.izd-va; TURTaVICH, L., red. (Hoterosis; theory and methods for practical application) Go- terozis; teoriia i metody prakticheakogo ispollzovaniia. Pod red. N.V.Turbina. Kinsk, Izd-vo Akad.nauk BSSR) 1961. 264 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Akademiya. navuk B&SR, Minsk. Instytut biyalogii. 2. Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Turbin). (Heterosis) TURBIN,JLV-~-~VAAUHKAN, L,V~ I;z Brooding self-pollinated corn lines and evaluating them by their combining ability. Sbor. nauch, rab. Bel, otd,, VBO no.3:127-136 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Corn brooding) TURBIN, N.V. 0 J --.0 BODI TOV, V.Ye. Breading of Dolyploid beets in the Hungarian People's Revublic; ,Wults of a acientific mission. Sbor. nauch. rab. Bel. otd. x IbO no.3:240-249 161. (MIRA 1/+: 12) (Hungary.-Beet breeding) (Polyploidy) ,,, akademik, otv. red.; BORMOTOV, Me., kand. biol. -TMRBLN,_N. V nauk,, red.; KWTYLEVA, L.V., kand. biol. nauk, red.; PALILOVA, A.N., kand. biol. nauk, red.; DAVIWVICH, Z., red. izd-va; ATLAS, A., tekhn. red. [Genetics and cy-tology of plants]Genetika i toitologiia rastenii. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad. nauk ESSR, 1962. 121 p. .(MIRA 16:3) 1. Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Turbin). (Plant breading) M-9,TT, 'TIMM ~T_nl, T TURBIN, N. V., "Heterosis and Genetic Balance." report submitted for -the 11th Intl. Congress of Genetice, The Hague, Netherlands, 2-10 Sep 63 TURBIN, II.V.,, akaderpik., at-v. red.; VOLOT)JIN, V.G., kai~d. Wc~-. nalik, red.; PALILL7,A, rad.; KEOTILDVA, red. [Genetics of hoterosis] Gonet-1ka goterozisa. Minok, v,-) "Nauka I toklitilkal 11 1964. 74, p. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Akademiya navuk BSSR, Minsk, Otdel genetiki i 2. Akademlya nauk Bolorusskoy SSR (for Turbi-n). TURBIN, N.V.; ANOKHINA, V.S. Causes of the ffdegenerationr of fodder lupine and methods of its elimination. Biul. MDIP. Otd. biol. 68 no.1:116-132 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 17:4) TURBIN, N.V.; ANOKIIIINA, V.S. Restoration Of h1krilold blogynthesIs in graftJng paIrn e-if incompatible varieties of fodder lupine. Vestsi All WSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.1:15-21 164. (MI-IRA 17:6) I.B.; TIMM, N.V.; El';YMANIS, YaJ. Effect of con.;ugata aromatic systems on hartri:L4 I.. -,eport. "To.l: Mutagenic and antimutagenic effect of sorw inriE.ia compounds. Dokl. AN BSOR 8 no.12t827-829 D 164, (MIRA 1.8-4) 1. Otdal ganotiki i tsitologii AN TURBIN, N. V., akademik; MIRONENKO, A. V.; SPIRIDONOVA. G. I.; ANOKHINA, 11~- I v -.9 -.- Restoration of alkaloid biosynthesin in hybrid lupine obtained from crossing incompatible pairs of alkaloidless vs.W'.-ities. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2:448-450 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. institut botant!-4 i mikrobiologii i Otdol ge,)Uki tsitologii K.BSSR, '. AN BSSR (for Turbir,). TURBIN.,.N.V., akademik; TROITSKIY, N.A.; FILIPPOVICH, A.S.; BUDOVSKIY, E.I.; KOCRETKOVY N.K, Comparison of the mutagAnic activity of hydroxylamine and 0-methyl-hydro- xylamine. Dokl. AN SSSRIL58 no.5:1197-1198 0 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. AN BSSR (for Turbin). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kochetkov). TURBIN N.V., akademik; BOFMOTOV, V.Ye.; SAVCHENKO, V.K.; MATOSHKO, I.V. Rucleic acid content in the pollen of diploid and te-traploild sugar beets. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.2:463-465 mr 165. (MIRA 1884) 1. Otdel genetiki i tsitologii AN BSSR. 2. AN BSSR (for Turbin). M. COINCITilf"J"Ji", R, I. C-11 Drc, no ph 11 a me I E,-' I Or. 4:~, t,r. ("in et", 'A- 't rl()- I . Tru; i, I tut Cerietl kl I to i tol o-gi I AN B:~SH, f-1 1 rt..k. ACC AUTHOR: ORG- (In;ti %t souRa"com: un/oo2o/65/165/00VO931/0932 U017-30 Gon~harovaj, 1,; Turbin, (Academician AN BSSR) sitologii Akademii nauk TITLE: Antimutagenio effect of cortain.sulfanilamides SOURCE: AN SSSR, Dokladyp vo 165# no* 4P 1965t 931-932 TOPIC TAGS: animl experlywnt, -sulfani1arrdde,.tkApgic putation ABSTRACT: Streptocid or aulaymide was added in sublethal concentrations to standard nutritive media In 2 series of experiments on Drosophila molanogas,ter lines D-18 and CIB/v to determine antimutagenic effeets. In the first series, fertilized females of the D-18 line were placed on nutritive media conta Lning one of the preparations to lay their larvae; I to 3 'days ---,after hatching, trales were selected and crossed with females of.the'GlB/w line. In the second seriesj, adult males of the D-18 line were placed in a telat tube containing nutritive media with one of the preparations for 2 to 3 days and were then crossed with females of the ClB/w line, Antimutagenlo effects were determined by~,~j the frequency of spontaneous recessive 9ex-linked lethal mutations\il~ found in the offspring. Find ings show that streptocid ana- -aul4i~de Card 1/2 L 11621-66 ACC NRI AP6001736 both displayed a marked antimutagenle effect (0-09t0*03% mutations) in the first series in which the males spent their entire developmntal cycle in a medium containing one of the sulfanilamide preparations. Spontaneous mutation was not inhibited by the preparations In the case of adult males (0-38�0-4e/o mutations) in the second series, The author suggests another possible but rather unlikely Interpretation of these data; that is,* that the preparations produce a selective effect on the sex cells whereby some of the mutant gametes are practically excluded from fertilization, Strictly speaking# a mutation frequency reduction of this type is not an antimutagenie effect. Alsop it is difficult to explain why the sulfanilamide preparations would affect the sex cells only at the larva stage and not at the adult stage, Orig, art* 1 table, 'V] SUB CODE: 06s, 07/ SUBM DATE: 26.Tu-165/ ORIO MWs 007/ ATD MM: KHOTYLEVA, IVubcvt Vladimirovna) TURBIN, N.V.,-red. ------ (Breeding hybrid corni principles and mathoda for interbreeding aapacit;y] Selektaiia, gibridnoi kuku- ruzyj printoipy i matody seloktaii na kombinatsion- miiu upooobnost'. Minakp Nauka i teklmikap 1965. 166 p. (MIRA 19%1) TURBIY4_,U,'7.-, TARUTINA, L.A. [Tarutsina, L.A.]; KIIOTfIYVP,, J,.V, (Khatyllova, L.V.] Results of testing mathematleal models for the determination of combining ability. Vestsi AN KSSR. Ser. bJlal nav. rio.1~74-81 165. (YI I F A 18, j) A, AREMEDOVA, Z.P. (Aklimedava, Z.P.]; DOBINA, I.A.; "'IRUTINA, L.A. fj".--tm-itsina, L.A.); TURBIN, N.V. ['Darbi.i, m...I; -hugill-,rVA, L.V. [Khaty'k1ova, L.V.] Change in the raUee ;:,f r1pening and bptero.,iis of corn under viEiricus cultivation condition:3. Vestsi AN BSSR Ser. biJal. zia-. no.3:54-64 '64. OM I RA 18. 3.) TURBIN, P,A,,,-',.inshener. Bffect of admixtures on specific pover consumption* Dam-prolse3l no.4:14 AP 156. (MIaA 9:7) 1.Xamskljr teellyulozno-bumazhnyy kombinat. (Papermaking machinery--Blectric driving) 3/203/61/001/005/025/028 A006/A101 AUTHORS; Shachun'kina, V.M., Tur.binB.I.- TIM Preliminary results of observing the ionospheric effect of the so- lar eclipse on Febriary 15, 1961 FERIODICAL: Gecmagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 1, no. 5, ig6i, 835 - 838 TEXT- An expedition to Tbilisi was organized for the purpose of studying the ionosoheric effect of the solar eclipse of February 15, 1961. The phase of -was 0,955 for 240 km altitude. Ionospheric observations over Tbilisi were carried out for the first timey an C-4 (S-4) type lonosound was employed. An analysis of f-graphs plotted shows considerable variability of f F2 during the day. The E layer is characterized by the frequent appearance o? the E2 layer at 200 km altitude. A marked decrease of critical frequencies of the E, E2 and Fl layers was observed immediately after the beginning of the eclipae. The mini- mum of electronic density in the E and F1 layers coincides with the maximum pha.~e of the eclipse. Regular changes in Y,E and foFl during the eclipse made it pos.- sible to determlne ~he recombination factor for these layers. For e E-layer 0'-'E = 1.5 . 10-0 cm-j/sec, q0 = 400 el/cm3 sec. For Fl aF, = 2.10- =3/sec. In Card 1/2 Preliminary results ... Si/203/61/001/005/025/028 A006/A101 the critical frequencies of F2 layer a marked effect of the eclipse was no' de- tected. The results obtained are in agreement with previous Investigations by A-.L. Al'pert who established that frequently the foF2 values In middle and southern latitudes do not change considerably during the eclipse. The effect of the eclipse Is marked in -the lower part of the ionosphere and decrease$ gradually with 'he height. It often vanishes completely at the level of the F2 maximum, The authors thank D. Kavadze, M. Tevdor~shvili, D. Chikovani and T. Khundzhua, workers of the Tbilisi Univeraity and thf., institute of Geophysics, AS Georgian SSR. There are 4 figures and 2 references: lSoviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASS(r-!ATION. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery I ra 'sprostraneniya radio- voln AN SSSR (institutp of Terrestrial. Magnetism, Ionosphere and Propagation of Radlowaves, AS USSR) SUEMI7fED% July 28, 1961 Card 2/2 S/20,3/6 1/00 1 /005/027/028 A006/A 10 1 AUTHORS: Ben'kova, N.P., Turbin, R.I., Fligel', M.D. TITLE: Solar radiobursts at 28 Megacycle frequency on July 12, 1961 PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm I aeronomiya, v. 1, no. 5, 1961, 842 - 843 TEXT: Cosmic radio-emission at 28 Megacycle frequency is reguarly recorded at the ionospheric department of IZMIRAN for the purpose of studying ionospheric absorption. An analysis of the recordings showed that ir. some cases chromospheric flares caused a greater intensity of signals, which was particularly high during the chromospheric flare on July 12, 1961. The data recorded show that the chromo- spheric flare was accompanied by radiobursts of types II and IV which were strong- ly different as to time and nature. During bursts of type II and IV, the radio- radiation intensity increased in the centimeter, meter and 30 Megacycle range (10 meters). This fact does not confirm the concept that the spectrum of type II bursts rapidly decreases with reduced frequency. The different nature of radio- radiation during II and IV type bursts confirms E.I. Mogilevskly's hypothesis on different mechanisms of generation: plasma, oscillations In the solar atmosphere Card 1/2 S/20-3/61/001/00 5/0 27/0 28 Solar.radiobursts at 28 Megacycle frequency ... A006/A101 in the case of type II bursts, and synchrotronous radiation of relatividtic elec- trons in the case of type IV burs-ts. There are I figure and 2 Soviet-bloc ref- erences. ASSOCIATION. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery J raspi-ostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism'., Ionosphere and Propa-L-__* gation of Radiowaves, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: September 11, 1961 Card 2/2 KOBO ORTS.~).[h. [Cobo Orts, J.]; PIKUS, Z.R,; POMALINA. I.M.; TSINKCHM, K.G.; TORTE.-I.N. retsenzent; TOSKOBOTHIK, D-1.9 doktor takhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; PUTCH-TOWS, Kh. [Paig.Torres, JJ, inzh., red.; SOBOLEVA, N.M., [Concise "nish-Russian and Russian-Spanish scientific and technical dictionaryj Kratkii ispansko-rueskii i rusako-ispauskii uauchno- takhaichookii slovar'. D.I.Vookoboinik. IWA.Puich-Torres. Moskva, Akad.nauk SSSR, In-t nauchn.informataii, 1960. 438 p, (MIR1 13:10) (Spanish langaags--Dictionaries--guasian) (Russian lancuage--Dictionaries--Spanish) (Technology--Dictionaries) AUTHOR: TURBIN,V.9 Member of the Byelorussian PA - 2848 -A-c-a-&-emyof Science. TITLEs Problems of Genetics - Something about the Present Conception of the Gene. (0 sovremlonnoi kontseptaii gena, Russian) PERIODICALt Vestnik kkademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 27, Hr 4, PP 54 ... 67 (U.S~S.R.) Received, 5 / 1957 Reviewed: 6 / 1957 ABSTRACTt Proceeding from the works by the prominent American geneticists. STADLER and M~DOMERTS (who defend the present conception of the gene as a given unit of hybridological analysis), the author ex- presses his own opinion concerning this important problem. In the Sviet Union the works of the two Americans were subjected to sharp criticism, which, howeverg should not prevent an inbiased and ob- jective investigation of actual facts, for this is what is concerned in this case. It must be pointed outp that the conception of this gone is closely connected with the research of matationso It must be born in mind in this connection (also according to STADLER) that not any kind of mutation at present known in genetics is of im- portance, but only such as have been caused by gene. At first ob- servationa depended on technical conditions which were closely connected with the great rarity of this mutative phenomenon. The Card 1/2 "inner property" of an organism to develop this or another character- PA 2848 Problems of Genetics Something about the Present Conception Of the Gene. istio was called a factor (gene) by BAUR,~ Later thia conception was criticized and the opinion expressed by the Morgan School prevailed (which considered the gene to be a material particle, a corpuscle). However, in the course of recent years a remarkable change took place in that, gradually, the original conceptions are again being adopted. In the course of the past 10 years development was rather complicated and difficultp the conception of gene has by no means become less hypothetical, but, naverthelevs, quite valuable material has been accumulated., ASSOCIATION: Not given. PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDi AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 TURBINY V,N, Condensation of water vapor in drainage pipes. Pochvovedenie no,6:113-117 Je 165. (MIRA 18. 11) 1. Vsoooyuznyy muctmo-iseledovatellskiy Intititut gidro- tekhniki. i melioratsii imeni Kostyakova. Submitted April 3, 1964. -1~ -1,1~-:.4--, ... --. -7-- 1-...1.- - - - - - - -_- ~ - - ~ -;- - ~ - - . .. - - -- - - --- -- - - . _TqBPjjj,-YJ.,,-,kand. sel'skokhoz, nauk Draining effect of subci Ace collectors in the Far East. Gidr. i mel. 15 no.22:-' 42 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy naucbno-iouledovateltakiy institut gidro- tekhniki i meliorataii im. Kostyakova. 1-1 MIFIR.- R TLJRBIN,, V. N., Cand Agric Sci (diss) -- "The use of underground drainage in the fight against period overflooding of heavy clayey sOils, f4ider the conditions of Moscow Oblast". Moscow, 1S60. 24 pp (Moscow Order of D-~nin Agric Aced im, K. A. Timiryazev), 110 copies (KL, No 11, 194-0, 136) TURBIN. Yu. N.. kand. mad. nauk Use of hexonium in the preoperative preparation of patients vitb thyrotoxicosis. Probl. endok. i gorm. 8 no.3:73-76 My-Je '62. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz gospital ,noy khirurgicheskoy kliniki imeni prof. V. M. Bogoslavskogo (zav. - prof. R. V. Bogoslavskiy) Donetskogo meditainskogo instit-ixta.imeni A. M. Gortkogo. (HYPERTWIROIDISM) (HEXONIUM) PEW NR. AP6012859 SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/66/oo4/035i/653 AVrHOR: Berezin, V. I.; Zuboy, V. A.; Kats, M. L._; Kovner, M. A., Sidoroy "N-.K.; 1. K. Stallmakhova, L. S.; Sushchinskiy, M. M.; Turbin,, Yu. P.; Skx~Lljpy ORG: none S--) TITLE: Intensities and line thresholds of stimulated Raman scattering SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. h, no. 4, 1966, 351-353 .,. stimulated Raman scatte TOPIC TAGS: laser, stimulated emission, Raman scatteri" ABSTRACT., The relative values for the threshold I for the Intensity of the exciting light necessary to *attain stimulated Raman scattering in toluene, chlorobeniene, and pyridene have been measured. Using a theory of SRS developed by P. A. Apanasevhh and B. 1. Stepenov (Zhurnal-prilcladnoy spekti-ookopii, v. 1, 1964, p. 202.), the authors derived the following formula (1-/ISY(I-/8)B V3oB/v 3 n3 /r?, (1) B/I = . 0 B. where:L in the integral Intensity of the SRO line, 6 is the line width, V0 is the frequency of.tbe scattered light, n in .~hejndex of refraction, and the subscript D identifies these quantities for benzene./ The experimental values of Card 1/2 upet -535.22/36 ACC N& Table 1. Main parameters and oscillation thresholds for SRS Asp 1'3-methYl-f. icarbon U benzene 992 13411 1.8 1 1 1.50 1 1 L,3-penta*aiene qne ~ 1 M5 12748 15 1.6 0,2 1.43 0.6 0.25 e b adie e b a ~ 10a 12166 7 1.3 0,3 1,42 0.5 0,40 die fide f, 656 13747 1 1,6 3 1,63 1.6 2.24 rene - 9N 13405 2 0 7 0.6 I'M 0,4 0.55 1 1 ' 4rene 1 1602 12801 3 0:0 0.6 1,55 - o.1sq - 1 styrene 1634 12769 3 1.5 1.55 0.9 O.9D toluene 1003 13400 1,6 0.37 0 4 1.60 0,5 0.42 chlorobenzene 1002 13401 1 1 0.45 0.8 1.52 1 0178 brQmobenz~ene Pyridine. 1001 M 13;02 13411 1 1.2 0.50 0.46 0.9 0,8 1.56 1,51 11.1 1 0.81 0. 82 , l/I for substances investigated in the present paper and in,.#Ln.~earlier paper by three of the authors (Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, 196~ p. 784) are compared with the theoretical values derived by using formula (1) (see Table 1). The value of 1/1 for the line Av is 99 F cm in benzene was taken to be unity. Since the values of n0j ) for a rubyviaser source were unavailable, the values of n for the D-line of sodiL tv were used in tne calculations. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas and I toble. ICS] !UB CODE-~ 20/r. SUBM DATZ: 17Kar63/ ORIO RXFI 00h/ ATD PFdCBS:d/2,f 0 S/021/62/000/012/OL7/()18 D205/D307 SyrWavalkyy, V.G., Turbina A 1. and Roman-1mvych, 11. x a. TITLE: The synthesis of p-minostyrene PERIODICAt: Akademiya nauk Ukrayins'koyi 'RSR. Dopovidi, no. 12, 1962, 1622-1623 TEXT: p-Nit-i-ophenyl chloromethyl carbinol, p-1-1702-CA- H- CH was cyclized in high yield to 11-N02-C -C1-1 H2 aqueous 6114 0 alkali at 40-50 G, and the o.-kide was then reduced to D-M2-%j6H4-CH2 CH20H with (a) Zn dust in aqueous CaG12 and (b) H2, using Rancy nick-el or platinized carbon, in benzene, at 50-600C and under a pres-cure of 100-150 atm. p-.~ninophenyl ethyl alcohol was then dehydrated. to ) - amiuo styrene, inhigh yieia, by heating with solid IKOH, in a stain- L less steel reactor$ under H2 or reduced pressure (8-10 iam 11g). Card 1/2