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9 V M A t: 41, g MI 13 ISHKOVA, A.G., (Moskva); TULAYKOV, A.H., (Moskva) - Problems on the bending of Plates supported b7 an elastic semispace. Inzh. abor. 23-47-62 156. KRA. 9:10) (Flexure) (Soil mechanics) TUIAYRV A., kand.takhn.nauk; WTOLISKAYA, T., kand.takhn.nauk. rp, Make wider use of local materials in road construction. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 8 no.2:14-,15 '58. (MIRA 11:2) (Road materials) TULAYEV, I.I.; MASHANOV, A.Zh. Bed position meter. Sbor. nauch. trud. Kaz GMI r-0-19:217 '60. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Razakhskoy SSR (for Mashanov). (Mining geology) (Measuring instruments) TULAYEVA. M,I. Study of the viability of grape poUen. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Diol. nauki 16 no.4:45-55163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vinogradarst7a i vinodeliya imeni Tairoval Odessa. (GRAPES) (POLLM) LID5KIY, Viktor 3orisovich; OVSYAIINIKOV, Lev Vasillyevich;.T.UUMV, -Anatoliy Hikolayevich; SHABUNIN, Mikhail Ivanovich. i-11ri-11-im-air UCE5~SN-'~~, A-~*; BOCMM, I.A,; UVGRAFOV, M.A.; ZMOV, A.A.; KARAaGOV, V.I.; KARIMOVA, Kh.Kh..- RUIRYAVTOV, L.D.; KWASOV, A.D.; SHM-BURA, M.R.; SHCHECIOV. M.P. SOLODKOV, V.A., red.; KRYUCHKOVA, V.N., [Problems in elementary mathematical Zadachi po elementarnoi matematike. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 196o. 463 p. (HU?A 14:1) (Mathematica-Problems, exercisee, etc.) LIDSKIY, Viktor Boriso~ricir",V$YAM111KOV, Lev Vasillyevich; -TULAYFOV,, P.Zia~9~~,.,Iiikolayevici~;'-Si!ABUIIII,', Mikhail Ivanovich; BAYEVA, A.P.0 red.; KRVCHKOVA,, tekhn. red. [Problems in elementary mathematics) Zadnchi po elementamoi matematike. Izd.3., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Fizmatgizp 1963. 415 (MIRA 17:2) LIDSKIY, Viktor Borisovich; OVSYANIIIKOV, Ioev Vasillyevich; TU KOV, Anatoli Nikk-Lala~h; &LIBUNIV, Mikhail Ivanovich; SOLODKOV, ~T~xpred'~.;KRYUCFKOVA, V.11.p tekhn. red. UCUOV [Problems in elementary mathematics) Zadachi po elementarnoi r-atematik-e-. Izd.2... Btereotipnoe. 1.',oskva,, Gos. izd-vo fiziko-mater.. lit-ry, 1962. 463 P. (MIRA 15:3) (Matligmatics-Problems.9 exercisesp etc.) TULAYKOV, A. N. and ISMVA, A. G. "Some Problems on the Flexure of Plates Lying on an Elastic Sem- ispace," by A. G. Ishkova and A. N. Tulaykov, Moscow, InzheR2LnM Sbornik, Vol 23, 1956, pp 47-62, submitted for publicatioii 12 Jun 54 This work studies problems of the flexure of an infinite strip under the conditions of a plane problem and a circular plate with different loadings, lying on ground assumed to be an elastic, isotropic, homogeneous semispace. Nonsymmetric and concentrated loads are not considered. The problem in question was boiled down to the determination of the reaction of the ground to the plate with the plate being in equilibrium under the action of external loads and reactive pressures and with the plate being in sclid contact with the ground at every point. TULAYKOV-..A. N, Zur Kompaktheit in Raum lp fur p=1.. Na-chr. Gott. (1933), 187-170. SO: Mathematics in the'USSR-, 1917-1947 edited by Juroph, 4. G.) Markushevich., X. I., Rashevskiy, F.-K. Moscow-leningard, 1948 TUIAYKOV, Hikolay la~.Sylph -1937); SHULITS, D.O.V L -, akademik (1875 red-.;--S~AYDA~IDI,, L.D.V tekhn. red. [For row crop cultivation and against grassland farminglZa propashr~e kulitury protiv travopollia; izbrannye stat'i. Moskva, zd-vo MSKh RSFSR, 1962. 159 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Tillage) VDLOVCHENKO, I.; ICTELEV, V.; BANNIKOV, N.1 LAPIDUSO M.; MDROZOV, P.; LZBTSOV, M.; BATSANOV, H.; PRYANLSHNIKOV, D.N., akademik; jUUYKOVI Fikademik; BEREZIN, I.A., red.; AVDMVA, red. - -4 (Strong crops) Moguchie kulltury. Moskva, Sovetskaia Rossf~a, 1962. 222 P. (Tru,,henikam eels. - ob intensivnoi sisteme zemledeliia, no.2) (MIRA 16:9) (p,ield crops) , UT A,= N K4kQIA-'tr Mnlraimevvie-h .1875-1938); BIDKHINA2 V.V.., red.; TVERDOVSKIY, V. .1 d.; SOKOLOVAp N.N., tekhn. red. (Selected works; criticism of grassland farming] Izbmnnye proizvedeniii kritika travopollnoi sistemy zemledeliia. Moskva, SelliNiomizdat, 1963. .311 p. (MIR& 16:8) (Tulaikov, flikolai Maksimovich, ~875-1938) (Rotation of crops) (Soil science) MIMI V. N- BLTUKWALI, R.M.: GIRICH, A.I.; OONCHMN, A.K.; GUSEVA, T.P#;.ZBITKDVA. L.A.; IOM, A.M.; KUI3141N, P.D.: LEVINA. L.I.; OBHKIN. P.A.; PAPRDTSKIT, T.T.; RfA BDV, A.M.; SA14SONOV, M.A.;_T~U.LATKDV T.N.; USTENOV. I.H.- ?A-fN, B.P.; SMYRIN, D.L.; KOWTILOV. Tanilty Ivanovich, red.; SVTATITSKAYA., K.P.,'vedushchiy red.; TROFIlOV, A.V.,' [Nquipmint for the petroleum industr7l NeitiMoe oborudoyanis. Vol*51 Petroleum valves and fittingej Nefimmia armatura. Moskva, Obs. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnPi'lit-ry. 1958. 247 P. , (14IRA 12:1) (Petroleum lndustry--Zq~ipment and supplios) Acc ;4R1 AP6036939 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/011/3377/3379': AUMIOR: "Dulayltova, A. A.; 11jonosov, Ya. A. ORG: Institute of adio Engineering and Electronics, AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut radio-, telenniki i eleirtroniki AN SSSR) TITLE: Hysteresis of oscillations that accompany nonlinear ferromagnetic resonance SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 11, 1966, 3377-3379 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic hysteresis, ferromagnetic resonance, parametric resonance, yttrium iron garnet, nonlinear effect, magnetization, microwave oscillation ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the hysteresis of the high frequency oscillations (_1 Mlliz) that accompany nonlinear processes in single-crystal yttrium garnet at a fre- quency equal to half the pump frequency. The hysteresis of these oscillations which are observed at pump powers greatly exceeding threshold was investigated under con- tinuous pump operation at a frequency of 9350 MHz. The sample vas placed in a homo- geneous magnetic inicrowave field transverse to the magnetizing field. The tested .yttrium garnet single crystal was irregular in shape, close to that of a plate mea- suring 2.8 x 1-7 x 0.7 min. The high frequency oscillations were revealed by the r!- flected microwave power. The amplitude of the high frequency oscillations, plotted. against the magnetizing field, exhibits a hysteresis on the low-frequency side, and a region of width of approximately 150 Oe. The hysteresis region goes through a maximum with increasing pump power, and then vanishes. Hysteresis is revealed also Card -L/i! ACC NiRt - AF60305989 in the plot of the threshold pump level against the magnetizing field. No ezPlana- tion can be offered as yet for this hysteresis, which is shown to be insensitive to changes in the plate dimensions. This hysteresis is different from the hysteresis arn am u s of the nonlinear spin-wave resonance, whose width in yttrium g ets o nt to several tenths of an oersted, whereas the width of the hysteresis described here reaches 200 Oe. The authors thank G. F. Filatlyev for help with the experiment. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ suBm nATE: o6mkYa ~~ j-7)L63~-(w, ~~) - _ _ M ACC NR, AP6008750 SOURCE CODE: uR/o386/66/003/0-06/0250/0252 PAUTHOR: Monosovj, YA. A.; Surin, V. V.;- A.1 'A. ORG: I Institute of Radio Lngineering'and Electronicst Academy of ScienMSSSR (In- Istitute radiatekhniki i elektroniki Akademli nauk SSSR) TITLE: Investigation of high-frequency oscillations in single-crystal Mq~oesium man- ganese ferrite % 1) - 1~ i SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teareticheakoy fiziki. Pislms v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 3, no. 61 19661 250-252 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite., magnesium compoundp nonlinear effectp single crystalp ferromag- netic resorance, spin wave spectrum ABSTRACT: To show that the oscillations accompanying nonlinear ferromagnetic-resonane prc~iesses in yttrium. iron garnets (YIG), previously reported by one of the authors (M-onosov, with A. V. Vasbkovskiy, IEE Conf. Publ. no. 13, 63, 1965), should be ob- served in all ferritesp the authors have experimentally investigated the bigh-frequena, oscillations in single-crystal MgRa ferrite at 9300 Me, with the microwave field trans, versely polarized and the constant magnetic field ranging from 700 to 3000 oe. The sample was placed in a resonator, and-was close In shape to a plate 0.5 mm thick. The high-frequency oscillations were detected with a spectrum analyzer using the reflected microwave power. The -tests show that: (1) The oscillations have a thresholdp at which the pump power is double that of YIG. The dependence of the amplitude on the ACC NRs AP600$750 constant magnLwtic field is reminiscent of the dependence of the additional-absorption curve. -Lbe obser~vation of the oscillations can be used to determine certain charac- teristics of the nonlinear resonance, such as the width of the spin-wave resonance curve. (2) The amplitude of the oscillations saturates with increasing pump power, and its value is 20--30 dB lower than in YIG. (3) The oscillation spectrum extends over a certain frequency region. As the pump threshold increases the frequency regiol shifts from 0.5--0-9 to 1.8--2.2 Me. The threshold pump power increases with In- cr--sing se-pple dimensions,, owing to the deterioration of the thermal conditions in the sam_le. The pump threshold for different samples may therefore differ from those obtained by a factor 1.5--2. Xt is also observed that the intensity of the hf oscil- lations deperAs markedly on the e=ple orientation, OrIg. art. has: 3 figures. suB dom. 2p/ sm DATE: 03yeb66/ oRm Rzr. ool/ OTH REF: 002 12 TULAfKOVA, K~F. The separation of calcium carbonate crystals by bacteria of the rhizo- sphere. Agrobiologiya 152, No.4, 43-31. (HI,'RA 3:8) (C-A 47 no.13:6589 153) TULLTKOTA, K.P. Root microflora of hemp. Zhur, ob. biol. 15 no.4:288-302 ii-Ag 154. (14YOMRIZA) (HW) MU 7 -.9) TULAYKOVA, K. P. TULAIKOVA, K. P. - "Directed Regulation of the Composition of the Mic- roflora of Hemp Roots In Order to Improve Root Nutrition and Increase the Harvest of This Crop." Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Agricultural Inst. Leningrad, 1955- (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Agri- cultural Sciences.) SO: K-nizhnaya-letonis', No. 4, Moscow, 1956 Name: TULaYKOVA, Klavdiya petrovna Dissertation: Directed regulation of the composi- tion of microflora of hemp roots for the purpose of improving fodder diet and increaeing the yield of this crop Degree: Doe Agr Sol Affiliation: Ullyanov Agr Inst Defense Date, Place: 22 May 56, Council of Leningrad Agr Inst~ Certification Date#' 5 Oct 57 Source: B14VO 23/57 45 - =M doktor sal'skokho%vaystvennVkh muk. Role of bacteria of the radlobacter type In root nutrition of plants, Agrobialogtia no.l.,93-101 Ta-F 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1. M lyanovskiy sellskokhozyaystvemyy institut. (Rhizosphere microbiology) (Plants-Nutrition) (Hemp) TULAYKCTVA, K,F*, prof. Microbiological processes in soil under healthy and chlorosis- infected apple trees. Agrobiologiia no*2;246-253 Mr-Ap 162. OMA 15:4) 1, U11novskiy sel Iskokhozyaystvennykh institAt. (Rhizosphere, microbiology) (Apple-Diseases and pests) 170) AUTHOR: Tulbayev, P. 50V/20-123-2-48/50 I TITLE: On the Factors A-using the Rumination in Ontogenesis (0 puskovykh faktorakh zhvaahki v ontogeneze) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 2, PP 377-380 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author proved in earlier papers (Refs 4,5) that in goats the characteristics of mechanical reception of the multilocular stomach changes in various stages of the early ontogenesis in strict correlation to the alteration of food stimuli. The change of nutrition (from milk type to compact fodder) leads to a grad- ual and at the same time differential transformation of all parts of the stomach. It is, however, possible to meintain the mechanical reception with a high excitability, which is inade- quate to the age of the animal, by feeding milk for 40-50 days (from the day of birth). Following a proposal by E. Sh. Ayrapetlyants the author studied the relation between the ac- tivation of the rumination and the type of fodder. At first the process in normal animals is recalled (calves, cows) (Refs 2,3). For the experiments 1) kids were used, the diet of 5 of which Card 1/4 was changed to concentrated and compact fodder at an age of On the Factors Causing the Rumination in Ontogenesis SOV/20-123-2-48/50 12-18 days. The other 8 were fed with milk for 2-3 months from the day of birth (with vitamins, mineral substances etc.). The experimental results are shown in figures 1-4. In the case of the 5 kids (compact food) rumination began to assume a rhytmical and periodical character (as in the case of adult animals) 5-8 days after the change of fodder (weaning) (Fig 1). In the 8 animals fed with milk only, eructation and short lasting masticatory movements were only seldom observed (Fig 2). On account of his experiments the author arrives at the conclusion that the reflex of complexes which is called "rumination" is formed at a certain age and is about to become evident on the occasion of changing the animal to compact food. If the animal, however, is not weaned during the early onto- genesis but is fed further on in a way that does not require repeated systematical chewing, the innate mechanism of rumination either does not come into affect at all, or only partially. The disturbance of the eructation reflex owing to the lacking per- manent mechanical stimulation of the walls of the antestomach may be considered one of the reasons why the balanced re- actions of rumination do not take place. This was proved by Card 2/4 the author by means of experiments with a rubber bulb insinu- On the Factors Causing the Rumination in Ontogenesis SOV/20-123-2-48/50 ated into the rumen, the distention of which caused rumination in the case of the kids of the first group (compact food). In the case of the kids fed with milk this method did not bear any results. Thus, rumination as an innate reflex occurs in ontogenesis only in the case of interaction with a certain type of feeding. One of the factors causing rumination is the chain of stimuli acting permanently upon the interceptors of the antestomachs. There are 4 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya interotseptivnykh uslovnykh refleksov (Laboratory for Reflexes Dependent Upon Interceptors) Nauchno-opytnaya stantsiya. Instituta fiziologii im. I. P. Pavlova kkademii nauk SSSR (Scientific Experimental Station of the Institute of Physiology imeni 1. P. Pavlov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED% July 3, 1956, by K. M. Bykov, Academician Card 3/4 MSR TuLBA)!Ev, paysen, Candidate of Biol Sci (diss) -- "On the reflex activity of the multiple stomach of goats in ontogery and in connection with the type of nutrition". Leningrad, 1959. 16 pp (Aced Sci DSM, Inst of Physiology im I. P. Pavlov, Laborator7 of Interoceptive Conditioned Reflexes)~ 150 copies (KL, No 20, 1959,, 111) V,Peysen the type of feeding to interoceptive reflex proDerties in goats In ontogenesis. Yiziol. zhur. 45 no.5:549-555 W '59. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Inboratoriya interotseptivnykh uslovnykh refle)mov Instituta fiziologii im. I.P. Favlova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (GkSTRDIVMTINAL SYSTIM, physiol. eff. of type of fodder on interoceptive gastrointestinal reflexes In young goats (Ruo)) (MOD, off . on gastrointestinal interoceptive reactions in young goate, (RUB)) 0, W-4 a _W'. a."04 0 0 41 4 0 0400 0 0 0 4 0 19's 1-0-4.16 ~074,9,9; *0 03 t Id 11 it W is it f? to (if a a m a A' A .rL 041 Af Carbohydmilto In (ba skin and in t" blood to cg"& 9( nou"diimatills. 0. 1. LasuM Men. Utd, (U. S. S. R,1 is. 587 661 oil, 1939. 1. 1W.-Alin lisming, am Wwa mqgat in ju% to so (tic caws of ncurudrit"Mis Invirotiac.d (lit wit 139 v.1mb sn"fird) indk-sird a by 1yermis. Affrolbrad. G* tj- timilittrat km of ghmw 38 -65'r2(he Cases, Shufmcd Imt 111). .00 111MMic cullref. mich rurvra were shown evra by emac. 000 00 which fit the (aging conditlim showed W3111161 eulvv", 0 OVID. #4 Obir msar coatent of the Al" showeda Iml- x1n-Jertnia in 75% of cams. Theme mults thuj&,,~Ivaiv ~041 11 bill in Ing"t M" neurudermatills is connected with a dis- III bante of the mbohydmte babltwe. M. 0. Movie coo 916 ~014v.-,r 00 zoo fie'. Uf 0 00 1 . LOIWLS( CLAISIFICA110" e t1i ,07 jV 4o ty it Ce 9 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 * 0 0 0 0 0*4 0 4 4 0 If 0 40 0 0 0 0 IRS 41 0 4 0-0 NOWICKI,Stanislaw; TUKULO,Konstanty Vascularization of the masoles of the extremities in arterial diseases. Poznan. tow. prxvjja*1ol naulc#wydz.lek.18 no.4:5-2,4 1660. (VASCUIAR DISILSIS PERIPHERAL) (LM blood iupply) IRMLLO, Kona tanty; SPOINY.Bogdan Measurement of surface temperature Imm-ediately after lumbar aympathectomy and partial adrenalectomy in arteritis obliterans. Poznan.tow.przyjaaiol n&uIc,wyds.Iek. 18 no.4:105-110 160. (ARMITIS surg.) (SYMPATHAGTOMY) (ADRMI90TOMY) (BODY TMW3MTM) TtMBAYIDV, Peysen conditioned vestibulomotor reflexes in normal rabbits and those with the labyrinth removed. Trudy Inst.fiziol-, W07-213 159. (KMA 130) 1. Laboratoriya interoteeptivnykh uslovVkh refleksoT (zaveduyu- shchiy - 1.3h. Ayrapetlyants) Institute, fiziologii im. I.P, Phvlova AN SSSR. (GOIMITIOM RMMWSI) AYRAPETIYANTS, Ervand Shamirovich; GRACFXVI Iosif Ivanovich; .jjJWAnY,-?eysenIulbayevic,h; VASILIYLVA, Z.A.., red. izd-va; KRUGLIKOVA, N.A.9 tekhn. red. [New studies on the physiology of farm animals] Novye is- sledovaniia po fiziologii sellskokhoziaistvenwjkh zhivot- rykh. Moskva., Izd-vo AN SM, 1963. 94 p. (MIRA 17:1) (Conditioned response) (Veterinary physiology) BELOV, Ye.V.; DZHANGIRIYANITS, D.A.; TULIBAYE 4.Nl~ Resul'.-s of studying the bitumen content and underground waters in Mesozoic and Paleozoic sediments in the southern part of the Emba region. Trudy Inst. geol. i geofiz. AN Kazakh. SSR 1:82-90 163. (PIRA 16:7) (Emba region-Water, Underground) (Baba region-Bitumen-Geology) IM M., KE - -1 IME M L U ta I --'o -12 Viat-, :70 913 3 0-a cf on, 27 Tuicea, C. T. Ionescu. "Integrarea Functiijor De Multime", by C. T. Ionescu Tulcea. (presented at the 9 November 1951 session of the Institute of Mathematics). BULSTIN 5TIINTIFIC3 Sectiunea De Stiinte Matematice Si Fizice, Tom. IV, nr. 1, 1952. Tulceay C. T. Ionescu "Functii De Multime Si Integralele Lor", by C. T. Ionescu Tulcea. (Mathematics). STUDII Sl CERCETARI MATEMATICE, To,nul V, nr. 1-2, 19514. F Tulcea, C. T. Ionescu. "Integrale Aditivel!, by C. T. lonescu Tuicea. (presented at the 11 December 1953 session to academician S. Stoilov). COMUNICARIU, ACAD94IEI R. P. R., Tomul IV, rw. 9-10, 1954. MIRER., G.V.J. inzh.;__KL~t'CHIN, I.E.. inzh. Determination of the voltage decrease in starting the short- circuited electric motor of an elevator. Prom. energ. 20 no.1:38-41 Ja 165. (WRA 18:4) li L I j X, inzii. Vnm! on Rev. pamT,ill "nz., tallaf- ion rjf rpvla~epb,'- trll~al Wiring Irt -11-~~,4A s,~.riAs large-parel ;).prtrtrr,~rt, liw-lsDn *elihnika 10 no.3'30 111r, '64. MIRKII, G,Te, inzho - M.tNUINY '.K. In2he L--:~~ - I Calculation of fvt~r-41r!s llgnt:lng ntjt4orks v".1h gtii (Mj lamps, From., wwrg. 19 J8764 ~ Rk I-"r) TULICHINSrATA, A.V* Antibiotic substances in plant seeds. Nmuch.dokl.v7s.ehkoI7; biol. nauki no.2.-162-166 160. WU 13:4) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy mikrobiologil Odeaskogo gosudaretvennogo univeraiteta im. I.I. Machnikova. (PHMNGIDES) (SMS) 5(2), 50) AUTHORS: Tolmachev, V. N., Tullehinskaya, A. Ya. SOV/75-14-3-2/29 TITLEs Spectrophotometric Investigation of Reactions'Which Are Important in Analytical Chemistry (Spektrofotometricheskoye issledovaniye reaktsi P imeyushchikh znacheniye v analiticheskoy khimii~. Communication 2. Complex Compounds Formed by Copper Ions With Sodium Salt of 2-Nitroso-l-Naphthol- -4-Sulfo Acid (Soobshcheniye 2. Komplekanyye soyedineniya, obrazu,yemyye ionami medi a natriyevoy sollyu 2-nitrozo-1- -naftol-4-oullfokisloty) PERIODICAM Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 14, Nr 3, pp 272-277 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The light absorption curves of solutions containing Cu 2+- ions and the compounds mentioned in the title, in the following termed nitroso salt, were taken at different pH. According to the method devised by I. I. Ostromyslenskiy (Ref 14) and P. Job (Ref 15) the stoichiometric coefficients for the reaction copper ion - nitroso salt were determined and two copper complex ions were found to be formeds CuR+ and GuR- 3' Card 1/2 The molar extinction coefficients and the instability constants Spectrophotometric Investigation of Reactions Which SOV/75-14-3-2/29 Important in Analytical Chemistry. Communication 2. Complex Compounds Formed by Copper Ions With Sodium Salt of 2---*.troso-l-Haphthol-4-Sulfo Acid of these complexes were determined. The copper complexes investigated proved to be more stable than the corresponding nickel compounds. The optical density and the equilibrium constant are given in tables 1 and 2 for 510, 520, 5301 540 Table 3 indicates the equilibrium constants in dependence on pH. The high extinction coefficients of NiR 3 and CuR 39 and the difference of their absorption curves are sufficient for a spectrophotometric determination of copper and nickel in common solution. The authors express their gratitude to N. P. Komar' for having supervised the investigation. There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 22 references, 12 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gor1kogo (Khar1kov State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) SUBMITTEDt December 18, 1955 Card.2/2 0 A TE- Gtl' APE. jOUR, ,1? 1 ~I LE l'icrobiolop gy 11of ",hur-Biolopiyn, NO.4, 1959, No. 14931 Tull-ohinskqyu, Gromyko, Fodotov ,ition of Immuno-DI cirnos tic Reac Aor- e r e nt in Var,~-;i~-uated aaJ OPIG, RVAO. "-A-.9. tv. ilinitslvo, 1957, 11o.12, 52-55 1 j u ABS T R A C T .-,hey-, large cattle Aore imfiunized again.,,t bru cellosis, u y-,IutinIn titer rose, aad of- 'he a; ten retention of the titer masale-ed reco-xnitioq of really sick animalt.. ifith the immun-L tion 425 young he,,3d 1PI-ith a vaccij,.c o.-,' ztrain 19 it was found rhat th4~- CFIR vta~, positive in arij t-'t-e ikl~ via,,: -,~o-cili-ve in 412 a,A-.;r,,nI--s. ,:.e hignest fuunoer of CTR lxaFi f ourld, in the munths fullowir-.~; imniunizAt-lon, arid un,er., t?,.ey became newative. Thp ~tuthor suggests CA RD 1/2 VARLAMOV, M.L.; M'-*,;.E'fl;iViCE.7'Ij3, MIAKIN, '7S.A..,, Fr-'-41--aLn. uchastiyr---, POLUMINA, T.i., FI.-CIDI zKOVSKIY, V,V~,- GG3-.'H;'KOVA, L~V.I- TULICHIT15KAYA, -.V.; A.S.; V.A. Removal of ph!.hal-I.C anhydridtj from tbe wast3 gases in the prodaction of gly-pItal and pen-laphthalic varni3hes. Nauch. zaD. Od. polltekh~ 4nsf,. 4'D10-` 162~ (MIRA 1734) 1. , BEREZOVSKIY, V.14., TUPCHINSKAYA, L.S.; POLYAKOVA, N.A. Alloxazine and iscalloxazine series. ~5art 13: Synt~--,esi-m of 7 aminoalloxazine, 7-amino(deme hyl,)riboflavine and their derivatives. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no'.4-673-677 Ap 165. (PIIV~ 18; 5) 1. Vaesoyuznv , nauchno-issledovatellskiy vitaminnyy institut. ,y 11 ~TL m , ~ . . - p [,-am ! tsliklil-- 4. - TULIGHINSKIY. "--ftm! q~lt worker inventiveness to practical use In factory vorkshops.4 lag.prom. .7 no.10:3 of cover. 0 247. (MIRA 6:11) (Industrial management) 'T NS Y 137-58-2-2899 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 99 (USSR) AUTHORS: Tul'chinskiy, B - G., Polezhayev, V - M., Rozenberg, L. B. TITLE: The Force Exerted in Heading Bolts in the Manufacture of Bolts on Cold-upsetting Machi 'nes (Eksperimental'noye issledovaniye sily vysadki golovki bolta pri izgotovlenii yego na kholodnovy- sadochnom avtomate) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Dnepropetr. un-t, 1956, Vol 45, pp 177-181 ABSTRACT: An account is given of methods derived and results obtal-he'd. from an experimental investigation made under production, conditions at the Dnepropetrovsk Metal-goods Plant. The -investigaeit~~. con- sisted in recording on a loop oscillograph the force exerted by the first and second upsetting passes, the operation of the forming punch, and the readings of a timing device*- with the aid of wire strain gages pasted to the surface of the forming punch. It was found that the maximum force exerted by the first and second up- setting pass differed from the maximum static- compre a sion force by anywhere up to 5 percent. Attention is drawn to the great dis- parity in the magnitude of the force as computed with the formula Card 1/2 given in the book "Vys"adochnyye i otreznyye pressy-avtomaty" 137-58-2-2899 The Force Exerted in Heading Bolts in the Manufacture of toltz (cont.) (Automatic Upsetting and Shearing Presses) by G.A.Navrotskly and its magni- tude as determined in the present investigation. G.F. 1, Bolts-Manufacture 2, Forge preBseo-Performance-Test results Card 2 /2 riMICHINSKIY, E. I. p A JVOT68 WSR./Wed~c ine Publip- Isalth ~*P/00~ lip zd= atiad Medicine Pablic Health, Training "Bov Zdra-vookhran" No 5 ~b E~riment in the Work of the School of Sani- tation Education in a Large City," R. 1. Tul'ohin- skly, Odessa, ~ 3/4 pp Describes work of the Odessa School, 1946 34/49-T68, EKLOV, K.A.; VOLKOVA, O.B.; MAKSIMOVA, M.I.; OGLOBLIN, N.D.; LUKIYACHENKO, VA.; T41CIIIIIISKAYA. A.M. Effect of the cheralaal composition of the reagents, used for coal. flotation, on their activity. Koks i khim. no.8:8-12 162. W"A 17-2) 1. KharIkovskiy pollitekhnicheskiy institut (for Belov, Volkova, Maksimova). 2. Kharlkovskiy gornyy institut (for Ogloblin, Ltek.- yanchenko, Tullchinskaya). jLqL#-66 EWVI'.~~; h HR: AP5026619 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/017/0095/0095 MENTOR:'chevskiv. G. L.; V2ytsekhov, Yu. R.; Tul'chinskaya V.; Lazarev. WN ff. V.; Vodola :ORG: none i ,TITLE: An ultrasonic pickup~l Class 42, No. 174452 [announced by Experimental Re- :search and Desip-_n Office of the Black Sea Council of National Lconom T-Eksperfm-e-n- ,y tallno-issledovatellskoye i konstruktorskoye byuro, Chernomorskogo Sovnarkhoza)) ~SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 95 TOPIC TAGS: piezoelectric transducer, ltrasonic inspection, waveguide 'ABSTRACT: This Inventor's Certificate introduces an ultrasonic pickup designed for :studying gaseous media. The device consists of a housing containing a piezoelectric transducer and a waveguide. Interference from the walls of the vessel being moni- Aored is absorbed by making the housing in the form of a cylindrical labyrinth with ,rifling. ,SUB CODE: EdPIE/ SUBM DATE: 050ct64/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 000 UDC: 534.232-8 L 6",4.66 ACC I?R: AP5026819 Fig. 1. 1 bousing; 2 rifling.' Card 2/2, 03, pit# I# qiO;fIjjj It tO V It 9 P1) ago "Mak ?I Ite" It R 0 Ad ak it in 4 41 41 is a 41'a _J_A_1__AA,K CC It AA,a A L A- A- 0 ~4 ego so C Meakads for Iteparka4 vitiL4% 3, from bnv*n' -00 4d, I IRO j7i lad. &i. Res"ttA , iio,~ 02-1201M).-A combined method Pvc prepas. of anti- .60 neuritic vitamin 0, cumparing favorably with other preW. 041 detcribed in the fitenture. Research in now in PrEvem 00 a toward application of the lab. tudhod on a com. wxk =00 so that vitamin % dt&*ncy in the population can be morv effecilvdy uvercome. Julian F. Stnith coo j 6 0 coo 00 Cleo 10 a 0 00 1 .00 01" .:Zoo 0 Sig :600 are 6 00 AS& .$L AOtTALIA&WCAL LITtO.TUAL CtAtILF&CL71CIG !zoo 00 111-1 IAiSI W !67 0 06 4 1 W tv ON it K d Ot it K C! It it (11 KLO Ira 44 0 g is 0a &0 0 0 4L 49 0 0 000 000000' 010; 00 0 0 0 a Ut a 0 0 0 a a 0 6 6 0 0 4 0 ri 1 6 1 t V It U %I M IS 16 11 $0 11 0 :0 A, A-C f a A I I L a -P a a I T U 00 - 00 00 00 f 00 00 1-00 .00 00 Amoy of vk&mW B. pesparad gram brewers' -of 00 y", K. Z. Tulthinskays and Z. H. KUSM, Proc. .00 0 last. flAttinsrad) 2. No. .1. 1 13-W (ISM).-Numerical data flom tests with 114funts indicate 00 a thatvitamin Bi potency is retained in prepm. from brewers' 00 yewt. Results are 4mwn in 2-Scurvirchmis. J.P.S. coo 00 00 00 00 64! 454-%L& WALLUrGKAL MINATURC CLASSIVICATICU T~ -m 7-m ~It C~- J-E 0 U IV I ty It Ovic Kfil(W IfUrt It! VON141, 0 Wo 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 411, * 0 9 a 0 6 4 0 Wo * 0 0 0 0 4 t a 0 0 6 6 a a 6 0 C 0 0 0 00 00 a ST a a U a a 9 3 a 41 Q a a ago as* COO 60# 00 40 I ,4.1 AM I S 2 Od 0 It a I it So5 Aj a 3 jj--j-;lX 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 o * 0 & a 0 6 of 0% it it is Al x of 9 a so 0 IS 0 a Is a 41 Ala Al If 10-111 . h --t- A k4l) of. 4L A wk. ceranbeviry c4der wild hwas (a at b,,.d 6,U) chastistry iusd bkchrimlafty of fisit". Vl#,-Ins and retained fully the added vitsmin C for the test period at, -041 V. Oppel. Froe. Sa. Alt. ViAmis &-10 days. Quouvadw at cadsoartUM Fr. - Imt; -00 R. 1. No. 2, 5-U(IM).-A review of kEm bY WOM Of CM 91110r. K. Z. Tul"chinalkays, ad ;"t W refer... AUb.& vita- G. I. Yurtser. INW. "(1a UngLish U4).-Lonom, .00 Arept in wW *W for 4 Its at count leap. kilt aboat i 0 A U. m,T-O'chinskars. AU. WW(io English 90% of tbejtte AM12 wt. and 79 of viessalla C. An-1); cf. A . -The antiscoebutic Pot Aboi:00% vitamin usedintotbau. 71waaff 00 A .30, U61".z: Md scodlutic potency of Jr i Vol-concentrates from vegetable 'raste products of no sun, is law O&Q, I I I value was tested on plum pip. The curative dows a": meats an as ismew"itIft 4d S C is 6004saftaft, I I red bilberry L-0 (1.79 g.). black current W (OM g.). X.Z.Tul'hivA',-YaandA.A.M&hanovs. lud-116_111V: 600 red current k.1 g.). wvw-%ug" beet led (I g.). (in Eftlish I I 1).-Pettlogre o# pi".0tedta 3,, fth &q 4 0 .3 1, The letter is a SUM" source for com. Production of con- without addmi. of 26% cam sugar and 21% k., W-knis zoo atm. at IU-16* for 6A-mough, IW Go 000 icrAtratcs rich in vitamin C. ArtiW44 forWYft dried kePt in O"ks in COS 0 with astiscotbude comontrallas. K. Z. about 257qof vitamin C. TbeprtUmhwyej to revealed The ciFect of pnwm(iv" on the Pti. k4Vj to 600 Oil A V. V. Kalgaroduva. Ibid. 62-76(in &cjj= 01 the 00000graU. Astiscorbutic TV bW. teMod the antlacarbutic potency one fig* into aamb,, V,b Pouring the coneeuttafe from goo y 24 hft. fm Ilt) day, fibowed 0 111 t4kairw4 mist. of dried vegritabies wriched with vita-,. WMW destructive AC6001 Of AtInS. OS on C. Vft. 600 !z! Ain C by a" couctrultrate it was found that ~, mis In Certain od of" low Val". a. 1 see 0. 01.1 -,. Mr.@= IKW*M. the added viu ly N. I y and coul dntt%7td to eel V i1i cabbage. beat Fact and carrots. and i~~ t" onlous Am tests showed that some Vasatg or coo !; iPotatoes (I mootb). Vitamin C added to P1VPd- t he Far Fast have CUUWnO* redOcirig pir it and cast he 600 it, from dricil vmtabks ntatus Its activit f 1= min- used as sources of vitamin C. Of the various sips Of ArWkW ftwAm earldwmit Go =;;=6n and ~ jap"M ses. Ouly 0- kd-, jt~ysfopipyj_ Vaimft" X00 i mula*otic Wing", A. A. Shmidt and P. S. . am -"Of "I C-11- evecitfily posim fair redwing 600 21 Ncwvw. INd. -j7-W(ln English M)- et C A. M. I PoS,- (?=n). The Latter was used In I-c. dows of 4821 and precedins abstr.--Ou;2du. 4 &Z-att. ' the driod_pknt in curative tests on goinea U00 I! MIS. 3 bar concentrate to dried cabbagle witantin C Was C=-! with Pot resul". QYO_ am no&*j dho contain am" luut. ;i 0 be* pletely dwoutpd. in the Proem of stewfult. Carrot 6" reducing substances. C"Mceffkdca a, tW QW1,Mwats ret%incd about 50% vitamin. Nonaic. beverages of k".. Ofastisawbutlevitands. n. Z,p.Ksma,,,i. 0 1 -L .' 'rba. 0 II*-26(in Eadish 126): Cf_,&,A,~&PWl--TItrxtkw *30. ---. - :--- -_ -- - - :09 d., oat 1414AIUMI SILA11 M 0"- Ill Ole 9 1 8 1 FU I I a Ow 0 Or a I N a 9 dam a 2 1 IF U 19 A, tr V q a F ' ; K a it K 9 PC U ; -, : : r. ft. 0' a 00 001,0000 0 9 0 000 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 O'ie 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 a 0 0 4111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 . In Me preience ul 2k-Wiloropiltunfindophetfoil and biA. I ire" 6"sw Chanc- es In the flentior and perobera layer of 40(f teas an guives pip of exts. of Pe" growing in pois at 0 of the pulp chavictakik of tW different otal;ell of txptl. 00 UP-16 showed that the max. accumulation of vitamin C M. was Able to tstablish the lie of tbe palbal, =" 00 lakes pkce Within 44 his. of crinuilssition, Accordim to ILand to from the dillievenfittim; blirofring 041 00 dm bw. tests. the reducing power of tits. of gaminalthig ' od-loblulik derneuill. Coopligativil, "dosllf, of aw. peas elepeadii chiefly. it not esclusivirly, on the conleat, SAW vittaft C dkft used In bWWW Cam a dm ftfil,,if 00 00 of 110COINC ". Dconuinated peas =4 il"minsting, C C-Ossfestes' Z. 8- KUBM- [Rd- 110glisti so 414, flits meal, with and without gems. showed Increasing The: of reducing substances in cultivation test to= 16D.-Ilm Irm" at gwtft pigs, each Coutwing it 3 make and 9 froutles wait fed on file 3 diets f 3 h 4 00 . s. cialadve "dm of sadscoftdc phu-imllift coceffigaw.: . or mont s and then crossed. Tile diets were: (a) oats. bar smo- * 0 *4111 Ok a S. N. Kumsmv. Ibid. 127-M(la Hingitill 130).-The; -laved at 13D for 2 brs., rye bread (given on the 2()Ib recovery of U cases of scurvy on lication of ' "I Lam a day of ex".). water, fulthicurbutic coo trate (eqW to 00 60 ww "'it needle concentrate produced by m n 1.6 mg. ascorbic scid a day per Colors pig); W) the Pam 04 Workii by the method of Shmide and TuJ'cbtnslmya (C. A. " a with carrots added: 1e) oats, new bay, fresh Test. 1110~ U811) is reporled. The cum still effected in 7-0.0 tallies. Witter. Diet-1 a and If produced a maked delay 00 days with daily optimum domes of 3D blol. units with on in lite wt. Increase o(the atifinalsin the lot monthatcom. 00 Itarmful efftct on the human organism even to cases 44 p-rd Wilk the diet c. The difference in the wt. kKTftw r In Unew. 1 dilsortler. Allinkildedisti I Ila ' T iof ank"bi led an & and b wals vocat pronounced in the 191 lk d d fi i l i f f i i b *46 131-3 ifooss. G. N. yaropol allays. IbilI .3 ~ t moo an e n avor o te n f le d et . crassillif q( y s I h 4 vitamin C in dom of . lb~ 3 groups Of a"11111414 resulted In a tire litter for group JU biol. units daily for 14-145 days prMocied healing of S. equal 110. of 1401 Rod Uwe born for group 1, vid gmtrr OS r of the mvix uteri in 5 cases, and abs. curie in 12 no- Of 101114"" lbsu HVII401111 YOUGIS for the group 2. o1111 t'"ift of uterine birmorrhages, of which 6 were of the 1; Except for file tram of an old hettiorrhage in I funinul predimacteric nature, I Juvenile and 6 cam of of the let gircop and traces of recerit hemorrhages in the 00 caused by persistent follicle. The blood f coffigulabill Y aroup 2, the macroscopic evamn. failed to rvveW any 04 as *01 as Ow rcletivir no. ad throotbacytirs was inermsed worbutle rhatiges. Metbods of obtaining an astigedgillig rVerimsetaft low Itleftlackal cbene" in am wiffif ad a =d0@ ft= the wade ProduCtil of citric add mean- *0 klukllava~~ 3"(in plia- A. A. M lb". I _ 4O r (km Ow xUalfam of AW~MM= alga). S. N. 162-71 DQ i H ti h 171- f 00 examn .-Histolodical d. C. A. 30, 34181 ji.g i~ ~ . n s 2).-.O as ( the a the treth of rest anirnals by Stishovskil Alf hn"vana- various meth4XIS of obtaining antletchitic previt. from the 00 00 um and 14falkwy and lividerihain staining inettiods re- r inyvellurn #4 As Sit A~111! product in the w l t i V r 1 00 00 snanu . ti l i V k imir-as. 411 sterols fir. l. multed by e%tu, with llftCO and a1c. and the lowest with *1111 CCL. The ine(bod o(upon. of undded myft*wn with 3,r 00 NaOH for the sepe. of free sterch gave the best revAlls. The content of sterob in the mycelle at vwjoua prudliction Go 00 cycles varies but ofthtly. It is considerably him-ased Ikv In"r4nd aildwe. of N to The culture of the jungAg get. Prill. #4 dl.. C. A. 29. 371M8). .41trolif 0114mm I)y 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 * 00 i t) 11 W 4 It I 0 a v U a M is M U is x #2 at a 0 0,40 JAI 4 A A C.-ji- L P a A_ it, A ".-1-1.4 V. Ile a 4 lob .0 01. 009111 A .Of. with -ate I~ ~-V I I W5 201 tit" In have hi h t . . er ., . , g in ban those obtained with peir, ether. Irradiated preptut. given In drow'o Cd 'Y prevented ficlicts tit totl*. Alkmtt 411 irl"rnrvo. RoackMitn's t 0 l V V f inin.. or pttptf. froto a ifough ftealed with vitamin 1) - 0 0 co . or reac ion as orgemsfol. . 1-10 and P. A * 173-h7 fi h W Nf k Ibid t R b I I concentrate, attain con.1tirrable potrory evvn after talking -00 t .- van. n o &r w . n t ng ( e, I ISLI-3110", since the activity of vitstain D concentrate 0 0 811 Noxenlicon color truction for crtoster-4 with CCLCOJI the COH0.1. 14 file StfFE4 1.4 not WOW to the Intensity persists after beatingiiii high "2W9 for "min. Hats -00 4 -4 cohr -l which o for 2 hr4 i a ntl ultb it hi fed with the vitamin4artificif bitcuits gained in wt. con. -00 0 0 J!'~ I w c r w tt a ot . , reac ng y he n,--. I The "ce Inten4tv I- affected by Ill, Porticlu-g Prt*M cod precinct soak. Caused Iikr&Mjr. ng the irradiii 5 1 I 00 0 0 14 CIICI' ant) varks wit It the acild t"Wo. fernp. The anti -1 M. W4.31 nwth(A can I* uwd fur dctn. in the sbwnve ,I CIICI' at (in KnsM 21M.-After irradiation with ultraviolet light 0410 "I 0 definite conditions of couca. tinte and tralp. when stwcd for 10 min.. autAtircr C41 bemaw very rich In vitamin I I. 00 00 , anti not accuracy is of p ' rintury impoitarlee. The effed Expown to suallibi (Uninfirad) for W min. pruthaml = I 00 3 , of irradiation conditions on t" process of eftomrw ' iorreased antirax:hitic potency in the oil, though Irm *, .00 . r ; i 0 * activation. H. A. Markar yan. Ibid. Enctikh 1117V, f t' 4 29 34XVI coo a c : Anpi ice% 11 1i l"IN " 1 rOi4 FZS' I 11 adi ti t l e than by irradiation. Feeding rate on irradiated saindower COO (1 411 % o #r c rr a on ti su nx. u dn. ' 0 l i l OU c*tbwd delayed POwth (cf. Hertaczy and Ru"in, s mg. stero n l t) ec. at-. SA%v fait y active vilainin I) C. .4. 22. 31071). ChA. Ill.,,, a pirpu4. The Not. doeage of the prepus. varied between . i o 0 0 x 0.1 atwf O.A -j. Gnq.hic inlrrjx~ktjocl of the rM11% of tw)l tests dump lbal intivasing The rmwn. of irradjalel 00 00 1 lrrol oWnq. gave a "ter yicIJ of icti'"! prepnj~. but .11 kmee &Irft of potency. Tioetily fefc1etxvA. xUrAMMt of foods Whitt vicantin D ewcantrat". U. E. A. Mar- 60 ka0ran. Ibid. IWALIfin Fri;Iish '24)(3); cf. C. A. 29, ~ 1 6 ' 3491 3 ; 30, & -13ilcuits of inadequate anthuchitic WOO -w~urv. when Irradiated with ultmviokt tight for alt S L A otTALLUGICAL LITIROUNt CLAS11FICATION -1. i.4 i. as, 0 It it K 4 0 0 0 of 0 4 00. 00 4 rj* 0 fill 6 its 0 11 4111111 dot a.. tit j too, 0 5 T I SA An A 1 5 DO 0 16 4 '1 V 91 9 dS 6 3 1 V "a n 1 !94 414114100*41141110600 00 0 0 0 90 to 00 40 0 -i-i it-4-04-0 0-0-0-W * 0 44 0- 64, 0-0 -0:6 0 0 0 0.0- 0 It 11 tj 4 1$ U tr 4 PC a a a MR797AS TO N it 9 a x 0 it 7 a x a 41 a 0 a 4.j* 4 1 A 'v ko!p tg M s '!MbAN 0 -Des st" Ov ia R rv 1 gMft . . O'n p" Vrkri"11. Iasi. in, BdNXWIB 50, No. 2, 3-18(1W4); ai. Zhur. 1%0, No. 4, 37-8.-In W dronk- KAtim. Zer 09 in wb4le dark$ contents tA sugar awl chloride v 00 a bkW act 48 and 313 mg. % and in the wrunt 1(W atils( 3W mg. 5t*, reV. The serum coutains (&v.) Ca I ta, K 00 a 1 182. Na MI and iv"i- P 5.8 mg. W. R. Ileun Il 00 Ar . i aged of wjpx 1 111311 on rstsikusce to anoxamLa a" 511 1 1 olouov~W. BuU. atad. aTk at WC M1 . 123,6"(1M) d. SukhuvAif, C. A. 34, of 13 0111 -Physiowtbakllk vamims; withiu tbo- ortani,in froin decrvased atm. prewure. Psycchophy%W. ittits atut the Go thmhold of altitude. when biochein. imbalaqce %tart.,, W ~ ' 0 ii ASS,SLA MIALLL-11GICAL t(MATtaff'CLASUFKATWO sit-AJA" 2 low 90~;~v JOILL"(1011 GJAW ad MW M I v I a 1w a 0 4 1 19 0 0 A a 5 6 q U S AT 00 V It a v It (W K K d it I I K on it a so 4 IS 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fee 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 is * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4rjo 0 0 oil oew 0414, iFf Ulf. W . .44 I F 1re I st Aga I IM 1_4"_ t= Ap Ai~a imminstas - bed karm X. Z. Tal ckinswo. P~pw. &j. vikais AWM4 -x:3 No.] d C A 31 = dd a . . . n saw. ) w" . a beet and boom' 92 Vftrkw 9rw"k sti4p. Ac- - z l M r cumu atiftl e o as the PlMat VVWIL Tim, the s l A11 16 i ' ava n . NO%-4ewAw July S V The . . thO MOW Od StOM till M0111111 I eadem. ~ After he"nt - ing. the km a# I MOO-PO& 4bM 34 hwar 14% Mln age in 48 bft. in Ion i0 tito~ %* lftdC Cwowhjg plantscanbe 11ppe as* via- btlam. WWWOW0.6w cw Utilized is I awasuctnetalw4 or I. h , are ;AW a VQC A"w 0 " n or twaip lmvm.- V. Smith Mae 1 ,70 0 ; go* . COO I Coo Is** jjL All!-%4,t [!ALLUKKA& L119NATONS CLASWCAIM 4"M MAIL to 900 *if vMT Q-k 9--w--a - -T el bola* fin all man 11110tKall Tals Ul 11 .. : & * * * * 4*0 boo *0 0 Its As An 1 4 ew 0 0 0 1 w kv I a 4 3 6 q VA 0 0 0 0 * oaq go A log 04-: 0 0 it 00 0 091, 22- 0. OIA jet 041 a #I m ds 00 r. a I ff I .......... . .. .-b of.. A 161,91 ~V#. J- tittle m 2-v but is 6d VH a# -tba wAdk= 4 fanimaing PR. im. "d just all $atm. to a Spe ASO.I&A M4?&LLUQGKAL LITIRAT442 CLASSOXATM low 1W.163110 m it AT go &%I OMP1019 OWN Imamst ;Ataw .11 1 0 40 0 0 0 0 6 'a 0 4 so 00 * 0 a * 0 0 * 0 -0 4 r0c. 4p S. X . S No. 1. S"-, c (C. A b d". The ftM eau"* mW thr mpartant fiNams. Inated t4 Si ft is Mon cmveskal to a'1. '00 I pit. Julian F. Skaith -00 -00 600 =00 r-0 o =go 000 d !Coo I-** *"o 0 wo 0 -10 ,-oo tsoo Woo 011 1 0 a AA I 1 9 &d 0 0 a I w IN 0 a 0 U 1 0 " a f1 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 * i 0 0 0 0 * a a a '9_0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 g oo Too**** AV so 0 00 16 off J 00 J 0 0 W 00 'a 0 0 0 '00040004666*66007 led of dJ se tt -Ys PROCCUSS ..0 PROP16110i -Vt. NWvylftealf of &SCWW add (1ritsmiss C) K_Z ch~ Till- /loll. VadAWIX Mear(A U.3 In plants synt hes!* of vitamin C trictly In ling peal accumula- tion of I is related to gel Iin= =1 not to development of t be dehydrase "cia. As little as OMI% CuIS01, with aeration. promotes both germination and synthesis ol 1. ccumulation of I is Inhibited by CIfCIs !4ntd b A h Z'Pt n chick cudwyos I amumulat" up to the '_'th day in the brain) &M then decreases. This %to, coupf"I with tests ot hatched chicks, indicatm that syntbe. sis (and also musumption) of I is especially naive in tissues with strong rodar systents. Probably every tissue Is inde. 1150 pendently cap" or syntbesizing I to meet ire- ments. Intra duction at glucow Into rat not stimulate Ornt"s of I but h follawrAl by same to- richment of I In the liver, probably due to trauma. Ulmn glucose is introduced into rat stomachs by stomach tube without injury to the animal there 6 no inarase of I in the liver, Julian F. Smith ACTALLUROKAL LIMAU41 CLAWFKAT$00i -7 slam 40.01' 00000 d'r 0 of -00 '06 .00 .00 goo .00 49 Co 0 re 40 goo Zoo goo $90 a* :100 tloo woo k I 14144-~ i. *1LIZI.XV 916131 CMW a.. lot Ir F An I % 8 nd 0 Is a I W a 5 a a 2 a I A, PO is 10 to a a it as K a 1,a" a V K KW n I K4 ~b U a I T IZA 0 40 000 0 40 0 0 'D * 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 *goo 0 *00*00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 4 0 F-10FW76- ~T-v if N I) " III, H 11:11A-Ah-bm"A A Po k -j- I-km wagon 00 00 A 040 f 0 43! so j Oou 00 &IS it 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 If 14 a III go 1-k -1 t iliely Weir billINIC4 1:ttIrd mrith wSpulAir Ittvi" and cagroo, wilt frokildorilled ptrim., cAlled pl.ftein-vilit"lln pasits (n4p 11111flef Not 111,14. pfrWIV11111011 14 ARC4111116- 1461, tile itvrrn% 11111141 1w l4aliched fil yrstiablo old 11-110 fillil. 41 111) !W. -fif tialle, MjKwbi. It.-W alley 7-8 Illukillill. Tht julics ever-Age UZO-23W tn%.1j'Q afturlik- urld, ills rAfultile, 41.,=, Ca skild 323 -A7,6 m0l, Ile. Tile lmkv~ youxt its ttw-w 11frints. C'.11 m4coy C.I.Will fi# flullili.m. !-00 1-00 06 .00 zoo t Vl* 0 so COO QOO I-00 1] kiiO u u AV .0 it' 400 it m or 0 0 0 0 OfO 0 IN* 00 0 ItL exA ST411 000000 *0 0 o6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 000 0."0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 to A 09 a 00 00 SE! 0 0 00-0 fill 00 's ; : 041111 0* 09 00 laftmictlan betwerint vititimius jLnd hormoneg. K, _Z Tul'chirtska~va. Vaas"in Rfsturch %letes (U.S.S.R.) 1114rction of 0.1 jr thyroid est. Into rat, 9%vc jin illerrit-4t In mworble avid i~ Oil f1l"1301. C'SlWiAlly in, tile intestine Oil to 811%). Injection of 0.2 cc. of 1: WAX) or 1: 100,01M) soln. of adrenaline every other day lowered ascorbic acid in suprarcuals and rai" it in wl other tissues (4L4 much as 94~170). I(kkl dilrenaline ~ rtvt it ptoerviiiVe (All -f Ow'"We "i's 1~arma!,% (WI., itrop Its 2 alul a s1w fit file Jil- illutt." fit L 1114- - L A MITALLUROICA6 1111111109 CLASIk"C""ON Rk 11111,11 0" all I" -$to $11 Iwo 5 ig 4V so it *P N a It IM R 11 it is "0 n I is 0 0 0 0 0 : 9 0 0 :1'0 0 0 0 0 T4141 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 090-000* 0 040006 0 -00 -00 -00 -300 0 Soo go@ 2 X*O wee :1 ~ ~, !, : , 1 .1. -l". 1.11 ;. - I ~ ~ . i I ! . Z _, , . . : , j, .. ~ I - . ! -71~ . , TULICHINSIAU, K.Z.; VADOVA, V.A..; UKOTLIVA, Ye.V. StudY Of the influence of increased doses of vitamins on the animal organism. Trud7 VNIVI 6tl92-20 159. (MMA 13 -*7) 1. Vsesoyuzu~7 ueuchno-Iseledovatellskiy vitaminny7 institut. Biologicheelaqa laboratoriya. (VIT'DiINS) GORBACMA, I.N.; VARNAKOVA, L.P.; MONIGH, N.Y.; POLYACHRMO, Y.M.; ROKASOVA, A.S.; TUMORIVSKAYA, L.S.; SHTARTSBERG, H.S. Synthesiq of subotituted 1-banzyl-3,4-dih7ciroisoquinolines. Zhur. o.Q. I~him. Ag '57. (MIRA 10:9) 1. Moskovskly institut tonkoy khimicheekoy tekhnologii. (Qginoline) - DEMZOVSKIY, V.M.; TULICHINSKAYA L.$-,, Rearrangement of triazenes. Part 21 Synthesis of aromatic o-eminoazo compoundo not corresponding in structure to the components of initial triazenea, Zh-ur. ob. kIdn. 31 no, 11:3614-3621 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Vs.esoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy vitaminnyy institut. (Triazene) (Axo compounds) BEREZOVSKIY, V.M.; TULICHMYAYA, L.S.; VOLIKOVA, N.G. New synthesis of 5.,6-dimethylbenzimida oleo Zhuroobekhimv 30 noolO:3434-3437 0 161, OMRA 14:4) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iiisledovatellskiy vitaminnyy institut. (Benzimidazole) ULWZOVSKIYj V.M.j TULtCHINSKAYA L.S.j YEREMBO, T.V.j RODIONOVA, Ye,P. &WKAYA) M. Serios of alloxazine, and isoalloxazine. Part 5: Catalysts of the reaction of secondary axomatic orthoaminoazo compounds with trihydroxylrjrimidines. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no. 11:3689-3694 N 161. (MIRA 14:11.) 1. Vsesoyuzn;yy nauchno-issledovatellskiy vitaminnyy inBtitut. Alloxazine) (Isoalloxazine) (Catalysts) BEREZOVSKIY, V.M.; TULICHINSKAYA, L.S. Rearrangements of tria:wnes. Part 3: Rearrangement of aromatic compounds with a fixed triazene system. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3:853-857 Yjr 162. WRA 15:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy vitaminnyy institut. (Triazene) BEREEZOVSKlY. V.1l..,- TULIGHINSKAYA., L.S. Rearrangement of triazenes. Part 1: Rearrangement of asymmetric tria2k4pnes in aminoazo compounds, Zhuroobskhim, 31 no.8:2774-2779 Ag 161. (MIR& 14:8) 11 Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy vitaminnyy institut. (Triazene) (Azo compounds) BEREZOVSKIY, V.M.; TULICHB-ISKAYA,_L.,S. Series of alloxazine and iscallo=zin6. Part 2: How synthesis of the compounds of the alloxazine series. Zhurob*khim. 31 no.8:2779-2782 Ag 161. WIRA 14-8) 1. Vsoooyuznyy nauchno-issldeovatallskiy vitaminnyy institut. (Moxazino) TULtCHINSKAIA, Ve F., Prof. TULICHINSKAIA, V. P.: (Professor, Kirgiz P4,ricultural Institute) and IVANOVA, V. I.: (Scientific Coworker, Kirzd~z Veterinary Experimental Staticul). "Experiment at isolating and preparing coliparatypnous pnages and using ahem in veterinary practice, SO:. BACTERIOPHAGIA IN VETERINARY fRACTICS, Proceedings of the Veterinary Section of the AcaderWo p. 5f, Moscow, 1947. Trans. 191, by L. Lulicn, Uncl. 0 Ole 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 TULICi[rN,5KA'YA, V. P. Brucellosis of Farm Animals, and Measures for its Prevention, Kiev, 1950, 36 pages, (Academy of Sciences Ukrainian BSR Cuuncil of Scientific and Technical Propaganda)p 80 Kopeks., Copies -- 5jOOO- SO: , Report, U-4724P Sept. 30, 1953, . (Veterinaryiyal No. 4, Apr. 1951, pp. 60-61, Moscow.) 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0.4) 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 TULICHINSKAYA V P., professor; DBKCHBBXO# A.V. Antibacterial properties of polyanol, a syuthetic estrogenic substance. Mikrobiol.zhur. 13 no.2:107-110 151. (MIRA 9*9) 1. Iz Odeaskogo seliskokhozvaystvennogo institute. (POLTANOL) (BACTERIGUIS) USSR/Medicine - Brucellosis May 52 "Comparative Data on Allergy Reaction of Sheep Af- fected With Brucellosis to BruceLLysate and Brucel- lohydrolysate'Vlrl," Prof V. P. Tulchinskaya, A. V. Demcbenko "Veterinariya" Ho 5, pp 22-24 Submits charts shaving the results of exptl injec- tion, of diseased and suspected sheep with Brucel- lysate VT_r.M (extract of specific protein components of brucellae) and with a.Brucellohydrolyrate VIEV (an allergen which. has been purified still furthers 228T39 The results of the test were controversial. Au- thors reco=end that more care should be exercised in the checking and standirdization of various series,of Brucellohydrolysate VIEV before their re- lease to the veterinary profession. P-28T39 TULI OHIO I LAXA)V. P.; BILMTOTS'rA. 0.N. "ONWIMIAW-,W~,*w~ftm"~7 munm-- Precipitation reaction in experimental brucollosino 40-46 152. Mikrobiol.shur.14 no.2: Ouu 6:11) (BM061108is) ~says pp 41-46) /also -W-27098, 25 Jul 1953., p 3 kbibliog). 1. TULICHINSKAYA, V. .; VOLIFKOVICH, S. I. 2. U&cR ( 600) 4. Chemists 7. In memory of Professor Eduard Kaaverlyevich Lopatto (1893-1951). Zhur. prikl. khim. 25 no. 10, 1952 9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jaguar, 1953. Unclassified. V. Sheet) Diseases Bangis Disease Uee of Dorogav's PSD preparations (antiseptic stimulants) in brucelliasis of sheep. Vaterinariia, 29, no. 2, 1952. -FI~7 9. Monthly I a1so 1 )f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1951. Unclassified. 13 Oct -i-95-7--Tr. U 2 TULICHIM,!TA, V.P.; DROBOTIKO, Y.G., redaktor; YARSIMSYK0, 0.1., re- dalrtor; N.F.. tekhnicbnyy redaktor. (Antibiotics] ArLtybiatyky. ryiv, Vyd-vo Akademii nauk Ukrainalkoi MR. 1953. 49 P. (MLRA 8:2) (Antibiotics) ii; hmnunity Mar 53 RD;mwdco of Immmobiological Reactions in Guinea Pip Immized with Live Antibrucellosis Vaccino Under Different Conditions of the Nervous System.0 V. P. Tulichynsikaya, R. 0. Fa~ berg, I. V. Aplyak Mikrobiol Zhur, Vol 15, No 1, pp 5-10 1~1 KO, W:7W~ *,(3) Simultaneous injection of attenuated living antibrucellosis vaccine and caffeine effected in gainea pigs a more rapid appearance and subsequent rapid fall of the opsonophagocytic and macrophagocytic reactions as well as agglutinin and precipitin titers than the injection of vaccine alone. Since bromine has an inhibitory effect on the cortex of the brain, the ,,.Olate'-'L' and lasts longer. The opsonophago- attendant immundbiological reaction appears cytic and macrophagocytic reactions reflect more clearly the reactions of the organism of pomea- pigs to. tb*,7 AM attenuated antibrucellosis vaccine than either the agglutinin or r precipitin reactiond. - - - "CE -- u . TULICHIIISK&YA, V.P.; APLYAK. I.V. Immunoblological reactions in laborato-r7 animals inoculated with living brucallosis vaccine under various conditions of the nervous system. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immnn. no.5:56-61 It 155. (MIRA 8:7) (BRUGILLOSIS, immunology. vacc., off. of bromides & caffeine on response to living vacc.) CINAS AND VACCINATION. brucellosis, off. of bromides & caffeine on response to living vacc.) (BROMIDRS, effects, on immun. responses to livinp brucellosis vacc.) (CAFFEINE, effects, on Immun. responses to living brucellosts vace.) SJ4- L USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Fungi. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12255. Author TulInhirnkaya V, P, Inst Title Prophylactic Vaccination mf Farm Animals with Live Brucella Vaccine Orig Pub: V pomoshch' s.-kh. i rybovodstvu. Vyp. 1, Odessa, 1956, 23-24. Abstract: Based on experimental application of the 19-strain vaccine the author recommends that only young animals of the age group from 4 to 6 months should be inocu- lated with this vaccine. For purposes of differentia- tion between vaccinated animals and those with natural Card 1/2 I .. USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Fungi. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12255. infections the use of the blood serum reaction (B3R) and the allergic eye test (Lokteva's allergen) is recommended. Card : 2/2 USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals, Diseases Caused by R-1 Bacteria and Fungi, Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Bidl,, NO 18j 1958, 83550 Author : ZQjakinskan, V. P. Institute: Odessa Univ-e-rs-iFy- Title ImiTiunizing with an Avirulent Brucells Culture Combined with a Killed Vaccine Culture. Orig Pub- 11auchn. yezhegodnik Odessk. un-t., Odessa, 1957j. 214-g16 Abstract: 'tests performed on 80 rabbits showed that when they were imiunized against brucel-losis with the strain No 19 vaccine combined with a Brucella melitensis anaculture, a larger agglutinin pro- duction and a higber phagocytal index wete achieved than when only strain No 19 vaccine was used for immunization.--L. S. Goberman TUL'CHIMKAYA, V.P. [Tul'chynolka. V.P.], Prof.; YKDOTOV. M.I.; '16kcam, N.I.; TURCHIN, I.P. [Turchyn, I.P,1 Methods of differentiating Immunodiagnostic reactions in animals vaciinated againat and in animals suffering from brucallosia. No dopom.sill.hrep.ta vyr. no-5:15-18 158. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Odevskogo goeuniversitsta. 2. Glilan- korrespondent AN USSR (for Tullcbinskaya). (Brucellnois in cattle) (Vaccination) T!TT - - -.- -F-M-R.-M ---I I "1-,-,- .11 .. . -.1.11 - - - --- I-- I ~ - ~11 ~ II - - -- - I SHCHIM, S.A., student biol fakulltats; TWOHIBSKArA, V.P. [Tullch. 05,naucbmyy rukovodilt6l' prof. rnalka V.P. 0 Effect of antibiotics and chemicals on the germination and growth of wheat seed. Pratsi Od.un. Zbir.stud.rob. 149 no-5-- 167-168 159. (MIRK 13:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Tullchiusksya). 2. Odesskiy gosudaretvannyy universitete ,'' f (WMT) (PLARPS, EFFWT OF ANTIBIOIMCS ON) (PLANTS, B37HO-L OF CHEMICALS ON) MIG&L', O.K. [*hall 0 O.K.], student biolog.fakallteta; TULOCHINSKATA, V.P. [Tttllcbyuslka. 7.P.], nauchrqy rukovoditell. prof.' Iffect of plant extracts on the growth of bacterial cultures. Pratsi Od.un. Zbir.stud.rob. .149 no-5:169-172 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Oblen-korreap6ndent AN USSR (for Tullchinakaya). 2. Odeaskiy gosudarstvanny7 universitet. (39XMACTS) (BACMU)