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- I ---- ------------ \4v- - - ---- -- TUGAIdNOV, A. I.' , Geochemistrr at the 12th general assembly of the International UnIon of Geodesy and Geoph7sics. Geokhiniia no.8:?54-755 16o. (MIRA 14:1) (Geochemistry-Gongress'es) CHUMOVS Twenty6-first session of the International Geological Congress In Copenhagen. Geokhimiia no.8:756-758 16o, (KMA 14:1) (Geochemistry-Congresses) TUGARINOT, A.I.; MSYMMOVA, A-V- Sources of ore matter associated with endogeneous ore formation. Sov._ geol- 3 no.4:66-78 Ap '60. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Institut geokhImii i analiticheskoy khtmil AN SSSR imeni V.1. Vernadekogo. (Ores) S108916010091'011041011 BO14/BO70 AUTHORS; Surazhakiy, D. Ya., Tugarinov, A. I. TITLE: On the Application of the Composition of Lead Isotopesil in the Search for Uranium Ores PERIODICAL:. Atorwaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 21 - 26 TEXT: The published anomalies in the isotope composition of the different types of lead from USSR, Germany, and USA are analyzed. In particular, the types of lead from the Siberian Plateau studied by A. P. Vinogradov, G. G. Moor, S. I. Zykov, and L. S. Tarasov (Refs. 3 and 4), and those from North Caucasia, Ukraine, and Central Asia studied by A. P. Vinogradov, A. I. Tugarinov, !-.nd S. 1. Zykov (Refs. 5-8) Lave been thoroughly checked. As a result of the entire analysis the authors believe that the occurrence of lead with a very high content of Pb207 and Pb206 is caused by the following geological processes: (1) rapid accumulation of young deposits due to an intensive erosion of the old uranium deposits. (2) Assimilation of the magma and deep, granitization of uranium- c ont aining Card 1/2 On the Application of the Composition of SIOS91601009101104101l Lead Isotopes in the Search for Uranium Ores BO14/BO7O rocks long before the magmatization.-(3) Hydrothermal metamorphosis of the uranium-containing ore body. (4) Hypergenesis in the oxidation zone of uranium deposits. These processes take place where lead occurs together with radioactive minerals. Thus, the ratio of Pb207 : Pb206 can be used for uranium prospecting. There are 2 figures, 6 tables, and 14 references; 10 Soviet, 1 German, and 3 American. SUBMITTED: December 17, 1959 Card 2/2 VnIOGRLWV, A.P., akademik; TUGARIYOV, A.I. Some determinations of the absolute age serving as reference data to the world geochronological scale. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no.5:1158- 3.161 0 6o. (HIRA 13:16) 1. Inatitut geokhimii I analitichookoy khimii im. V.I.Vernadukogo Akademii nauk SSSR. (Geological time) TUGARIIIOVt Aleksey Ivanovich; BORUSAO, T.I.9 red. izd-va; BYKOVA9 V.V.p tekhn. [For the geologist on methods for the determination of the absolute age of rocks] Geologa - o notodakh opredeleniia, ab- soliutnogo vozrasta goMkh porod. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedrp 1961. 79 p. (MIRAL 14: 8) (Geological time) TUGARRTOV A. I.; PAVLENKO A. S.; ALMANDROV I. V. P .0 .1 "Geochemical features of alkalinermatasomatic phenomena" Paper submitted at the International Geological CongreBs XXI Session 1960 (Reportsof Soviet Geologists) Problem No. 1, 15-24 Aug. 61 TUGARINOV, A.I.; Z7KOV, S.I. Isotope emposition of lead in ore deposits of #a Caucasus and Central Asia. Biul.Kom.po opr.abs.vozr.geol.form. no.4: 66-76 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Caucasus--Ore deposits) (Soviet Central Asia--,Crre deposits) (Lead--Isotopes) _P499m+_~ . "Lead Isotopes in geology" [in Englisbl by, R.D.Russell, R.M.FarZihar. Reviewd by A.I.Tugarinov. Geckhimiia+no.6:539 161. (MM 14:6) (Lead--Isotopes) `.n.) (Farqi&,a-,, R.1,11.) ZYKOV, S.I.; STUPNIKOVA, N.I.; PAVLENKO, A.S.; TUGARINOV, A.!.;, ORLOVA, L.P. Absolute age of intrusions in the ea3tern Tuva region and the Yenisey Range, Geokhialia no.7:547-560 161. (,MIR& 14:6) 1. V.I.Vernadskiy Institute of Geochamistry and Analytical Che4stry, Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R., and Chair of Geochemistry M.M.4monosov State Universityt Moscow* (Sangilen range-Rocks, Igneous) ffenisiiy *dge--Rocks.. Igneous) (Geological time) ZHIROVA, V.V.1- ZYKGV, S.I.1 TUGARDIM A.~. . _ Age of zircons of ancient formations In the Kola Peninmala. Geokhimi.ia no.12:1043-1052 161. OURA 15:3) 1. Vernadsky Tnotitute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry.. Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R., MOSCOWO (Kola Peninsula-Zircon) (Kola Pe,-dnsula-Goological time) VQW.-.EFR TUGARINOV, A. New reoearch on the genesis of uranium deposits* Atom.energ. 10 uo#4:410-412 Ap 161. (MM 14:4) (Uranium ores) TUGARINOVS, A.I. Tenth meeting of the Committee on the Utermination, of the Absolute Age of Geological Formations, Atomeenerge 11 no*5:470- /*72 N 161, (MIRA 14310) (Geological time-4ongresses) VINOGRADOV, A.P.; I~qxq 0 2 -U --A.1. Geochronology of the Pre-Cambrian. Biul.Kom.po opr.abs.vozr.genl. form. no.5t8-32 162. - (~MMI 15:11) (Geological tim) VINOGRADOVp A.F.; TUGkraNOV, A.I. Geochronology ?f the pro-Cambrian. Anal 1e geol geogr 16 no.2: 68-77 Ap-Je 62. ___~UGARINCYV, A. I., 1tvolution of rocks in Ukrainian pre-Cambrian according to the measurements data of the isotope content of lead" Report to be submitted for the 13th General Assembly, Intl. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berkeley Calif., 19-3L Aug 63 L.Z~ MMUM-LIKSTIR') "On the formation of ore provinces." Report presented at the Conference on Chemistry of the Earth's Crust, Moscow, 14-19 Mar 63. lip TUGART e Ttr."^~Jnk; PAVLENKO, Aleksey Stefanovioh; AIEKSANDROV, Igor' Vasillyeviah; SHUE~BINA, V.V., otv. red.; IVANOV, I.P., red. iad-va; POLYAKOV, T.V., tekhn, red. (Geochemistry of alkaline metasomatism] Geokhimila shche- lochnogo metasomatoza. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 201 P. (MIft 16-.7) (Metasomatism) (Geochemistry) VINOGRADOV, A.P., akademik, otv. red.; BARANOV, V.I., red.; BARSUKOV, V.L., red.; BEUS, A.A., red.; VALYASM, M.G., red.; GERASIMCVSKIY, V.I., red.; KORZHINSKIY, D.S., red.; RCINOV, A. B.,, red.; 'Aq&ULOV red.; KHITAROV, N.I., red.; I A.Lp SHCHERBINA, V.V., red.; TARASOV, L.S., red. izd-va; DOROKHINA, I. N. . tekhn. red. [Chemistry of the earth's crust]Khimiia zemnoi kory; trudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk. Vol.l. 1963. 430 P. 04IRA 16:3) 1. Geokhimicheskaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya stoletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Akademika V.I.Vermadsikogo, Moscow,1963. (Geochemistry) SHCHERBINA, V.V.; NAIRIOV, G.B.; MAKAROV, Ye.S.1 GEPASIMOVSKIY, V.I.- I YERVOLAYEV, N.P.; TARASOV, L.S.; TUGARINOV A.I.; BARSUKOV, Vik. L. ; SOKOLOVA, N. T. ; KCCHENOV, A. I. ZNAMENSKITY V L , red.izd-va~ VINWRLDQV, A.P.,,akademik,.red4 POLYAKOVA,f.V:, I (lissential features of uranium geochemistry]"Osnovnye cherty geokhimii urana. Pod red. A.P.Vinogradova. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 350 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii. (Uranium) S/aC7/63/OCCJ/()C,3'A02/ D03 A U 7 MR ZY"COVY S. I ., Bibikwra, Ye. V. of fczraa-ionz by -,iie 283 iYa, ao. 3, 1963, 260/-- !UDICAL: 3eokIiiffL t~ -1e rleaIs with oroblem of deta=, n-ing aL7e of sediments 4n absence of r:n ents of sandzt-3nes iL-.d cr-igione-atos, aave e 3 P Results of age determination by this method are reported for Pre-Cambrian d el-ian A35R. ~icdimentary rocks of the Ukraine, the Kiwsk magnistic anomaly an the Kar 'Arn3tvitut- egeoklimii t an-alitichosko- k-SOCIkTIOM y Wdmii im. V. I. VornacLskogo ANI of '~eochemisti-y and Analytical Chr-,,P-isti-y I-jn. A e -.c e s 73 ,-TUCMINOVO A.I.; NAUMOVv V.B.; CBZW11 YENI Experimental reproduction of aDcali-carbonate metasomatiano Geokbimiia no.6:570-580 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow. TUGARINOV. A.10, Geochendcal conference in commemoration. of the 100th anniversary the birth of V.I.Vernadskii. Atom. energ. 15 no.1:82-84 JI 16 Ofi (MIRA 160) (Vernadskii, Vladimix- Ivanovich, 1863-1945) (Geochemistry) TUGARINOV., A.I.; BIBIKOVA, Ye.V.; ZYKOV, S.I. Metamorphism of uranium deposits and Indl-Idual uranium minerals. Atom.anerg. 16 no. 4:332-31.3. Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) .. .1 - .. -, ~ %~ -~. *",; TUGARINGV A , ZYKOV, S.I.; BIBIKOVA, Ye'vq Age of the oldest formatiow of the European Pre-Cambrrian. Geofiz, biul. no.1508~43 165. (MIRA 18:11) TUGARIHOV A I - SHANINY L.L.; KAZAKOV, G.A.; ARAKELYANTS, M.M. Rock age of the Vindhyan system (India) according to glauconites. Geokhimiia no.6:652-660 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow. TUGARRIOV, A.I.; MOV, S.I.; KARPFM, S.F. Absolute age-of the Saksaigan' Plagioclase'gran-ites in Rog Basin. Geokhizdia no.2:245-247. F 165. 1. Institut ge6khimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni Ve NJ SSSR, MOAV8. TUGARINOV,-AZ.; STUPNrKOVA, N.I.; ZYKOV, S.I. Geochronolog7 of the vauthern Siberian Platform. 7z7. VI SSSR Ser. geol. 30 no.D21-36 Ja 165 (MIRA 18t2) 1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni Vernadskogo., Moskva. ITINoGRAD071 A. '~.; 7UGA, TITOV, A. 1. .1- 1 Pre-CLmbrian -,f tho oe~gtem part of the BaltiC Shield bastzd on lead-,,-,~~-niuui-thovum dating. Trudy Lab. geol. d(..-jm. nc.19--185-204 104 (MIRA 17:8) TUGARINOV. A.I. Journgy to the countries of western Africa. Geokhimiia no.11: 1379-1382 11 165. (IIJRA 19: 1) 1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheakoy khimilim. V.1. Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva. 11,3! 1 -., 1. 1 , J D CA T ORY Illydrochemistry AB93. J%_,'UR. RZ1101iia., No. 21 1,)59, vo. 74525 .hi ITHOR Winagradov, Pt. P., A. Zh., Zhirova, V.~ '.Not !74 even T :On the Age-of Granite and Ore Occurrences in Saxon 0;':ZX. PIU13. 'Freiibarger For,,,~-.chungeh, 1959, C, No 57, 73-85 ABSTRACT :The authors have analyzed 15 samples of metamorphic rocks and granites from Saxony and from Czechoslo- val,ia. The following comlosition ranges were o")- served: Ar,(4.2-9.32)-10~ in rocks and lo-5 (-.!r3"/Sm (from 8 samples) in micas; K, 2.72- 5.59 and 5-3-9.9%, respectively; age by the Ar- method, 200-1630 and 280M-380 million years. The uranium pitch Csic) of various generations cori-~- tained 53.3-70.3% U and 0.104-2.68% Pb. 11-he i.sctope composition of Pb in the oldest uranium CA,-ZD: 1/4 *Zybov, S. A., Knorre, K. G., and Lebedev, V. 1. COMITRY GDR D CATEGORY ABS. JOUR. AK'hiz. .:-,To. 21 1939, .;0. 74525 T ITL?, ORIG. PUB. A 3l"'7'FRA IT ZzlrlirleS) YloS fal-If3c) to be: pb 2c)4 C.).44, '-42, '0.59,~. PL- `0~ T3.70, oj.2'; Pb 207 9. 87 1q. ,, I I rjl,, CID ustimated age (fl'ofri tbul rntios Pb 2()?/Pb 3-06, Fb 20~_;/U 23,",', Pb 20?/U 2,i5) 160 million year6. Tmr, other T;~jrnpleb zil,~owed Pb 201! 0.'/ and 1.00, Pb 205 60.0~i and 86.9c", Pb 20'1 1_~.10 and 21.'j5, F~ ~()?' an'i respectively; ave 100 and L7 !I'illion Ycar:L. 'Thil Pb from galellLtu deposits in Saxany anij in Thuringia isl3jnplt~s) was found 1k RD 21ir C, O-RY I A P, 10 U R. D RZ1011M., NO. 21 191:9, U0. 74525 AUTNOR IT LT 01"dG. PUB. A I.Dj P-j T RA C T CAHD- 3/4 to have the isotope corr,,position: Pb 206/Pb 204 L7-72-18-3- Pb C--'O?/Pb 2o4 15-19-15-37-, pb 208/ PO 204 The authors conclude 'hat -",a-xcny nan been the scene of at leaet three in- trusive cYcle6 36O-j8O, 30U-320, and about 200 million yeare aSo. The ore deposits in Saxon,, ha,!e been sub4ected to hydrotbe-rmal metamorphism at least twice-, this has led to the regeneration of the ores during the Cretaceous Period (about 100 million years ago) and in the Upper-Tertiary 73 GDR D GATZGORY ARS. JOUR. iUhim- NO. 21 ilog 74525 OpIq'. PUB. A.P!`J~T`RACT 5 ti; The aut-liors 111-lcrl Pa;,iod un tni: geologic time 3calle should be wodi- fied by moving the Carboni f erouzz Period downwards ,And the Pertaian-Triass-ic Rariad to 'younger' times R, Khmellnitskiy CARD: 4/4 1,:, iy AL'BITSKAYA, Kaloriya 1 AE)ULLAYEV, K~2 (The T-arkmPr, '.'Ur k"z" r SSR ;a-,rlat KOTELIVIKOV, Vasiliy Leontlyevich; TUGARINOV, D.N.9 red,; KONOVALYUK, I.K., mlad, red. [Southern belt of the European U.S.S.R.; a study of its nature] IUzhnaia polosa, Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR ocherk pri - rody. Moskvaq Geografgizp 1963. 220 p. VRA 17:6) DOBRONRAVOVA, A.O.; TUGARINOV, D.N.; LYUBINOT, I.M., red.; KOSMMNA, S.M., teldm.rbd,-' - [Ukrainian S.S.R.] Ukratnskaia $SR. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1959. 123 p. (MIRA 1313) (ulcraine) ASEYEV, A.A.; GRICHUK, V.P., doktor geogref.nauk,;_TU(;ARIN( .. D.U.. red.izd-va;'POLTAKOVA, T.P', tekhn.rea. I 1 1. " "-' [Paleogeography of the middle and lower Oka Valley In the Quaternnry period] Pnloogeogrnfiin doliny srednei I nizhnei, Oki v chetvortichnyi period. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 199 P. (MIRA 13:1) (Oka Valley-Paleogeography) ROUNTALI, Ranan Eduardovna; TUGARIHOV, Dmitriy Ilikolayevich; KUZIMINA, Me., red.; H'I" [The 3stonian S.S.R.] Estonsksia lit-ry, 1959. 71 P. (Estonia--Economic SSR. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo geogr. (MIRA 12:12) conditions) I- - . - DOBRO-NRAVOYA, Ale7tina Oreatovna, ;_TUGARITIOV, Dmitriy 111kolayevich, ; I DOBRONRAYOVA, K.O,,red.; ITOGIUA, II.I., tekbn. red. [Armenian S.S.R.] Armiansksta 30. Moskva, Goa. tzd-vo geogr. lit-17, 1958. 55 P. (Armenia) (MIRA 11;12) ALIBITSKAYA, Kaler.iya Alaksandrovna.-, TUGARINOV, Dmitriy Nikolayevich,; I KUZIMIKA, N.G.,* red.; KOSHxmX-,-SA.-.'--tekbn. jr6d, - - [Kirgbis S.S.R.) Kirgizekaia SSR. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo geogr. lit-ry. 1958. 59 p - (Kirghizaten) (141RA 11:12) ZAKKAROVA,T.K.; TUGARINOV,Dmitriy NLko-jpyAK~_c~.; RODOMM, B.B.,red.; moGINA, N.I., tekbn. red. [Tajik S.S.R.] Tadzbikeksia SSR* Moskva, Goofixd-vo geogr. lit-rY , 1958. 63 p. I (mm ii:i;.,) (Tnjikistan) DOBROIRAVOVA, Alevtina Ore ctovna, ; -TUGARTITOV-9""DinA triy Hikoloyevich.; DORONRAVOVA, K.O.,red.; VILEIISKAYA, E.u., tokbn. red. [Georgian S.S.R.] Gruzinskaie SSR. Moskva. Gos. izd-vo eeogr. lit-r7, 1958. 75 p. (Georgia) I (MIRA 11:12) ALIBITSKAYA, K.A.; TNGARINOV,_~.1f.; KUZIKINA, K.Ye., red.; GLEYKH. [Uzbek S.S.R.] Uzbeksksia SSR. Moskva. Goo. lzd-vo geogr. lit-r7, 1058. 79"P-. ' '' (MIRA 112-12) (Uzbekistan) kiI I ALIBITSKATA, K.A., TUGARINOV, D.N.; LYUBIHOV, I,H., red.; GLEYKH, D.A., [Azerb,91jan] Azorbaldzhanskala SSR. 14osl-va, Gois. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1958, 71 o- (MMA 11:11) (Azerbaijan) DOBROMVOVA. A.D. - TUGARIHOV I, D.H.; ZAKHAROVA, T.K., XOIIOVALYUX, G.A., L.- redaktor; UWTICI redaktor [Ukraiaian S.S.Re. Vhite Russian S.S.R. and Moldavian S.S.R.] Ukrainukais. SSR, Beloruoskaia SSR, Holdsivskela SSR. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1956. 69 p. (KLBA 10:3) (Ukraine-Geography) (White Russia-Geography) (Moldavia--Geography)', DOEROHAVOIIA, A - 0.; ALIBITSICAYA, K.A.; KOMOVALYUK, G.A., redaktor; W Wnicheekly redaktor [Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia] Gruzinskaia SSR. Azarbaidshanakaia SSR, Armiansksia SSR. Hoskva. Gos. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry. 1956. 54 p. (MLEA 10:2) (Transcaucasia-Beonomic geography) ROZIRTALI , R.B; ; ~TUU~GGQI,;INNOO~D INI~,* KONOTALYLTZ, G.A., redakt or; KOSHRINVA , S.M., t ;hn r~a t or LLithmnia, letvis, Istonia] Wtovekalm 53R, Istrilskais SSE, Istonskala SSR. Koskva, Go$. 12d-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1956. 53 p. (MLRA 10: 1) (Baltic States-Rconomic conditions) UMLIN, I.M.; ALIBITSKATA, X.A.; ITUGARINOT, D,,N.; ZAKHAROVA, T.K.; XONOVA- LYUK, G.A., redaktor; GLIYKff,~~ !D-~.'"A'~.",-'~Ci~'Flm~tcheokiy redaktor [Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan, Kirgisistan, Tojikisten, Turkmenistan) Kazakhakaia SSR, Uzbekskaia SSR, Kirglaskala SSR, Tadshikskaia SSR, Turkmeneksla SSR* Moskva, Goes izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1956. 110 p. (Soviet Oentl-al Asia-4conoinic conditons) (MLRA 10:1) AKOPOV, Aq TUGARDIOV, I.; TI1491OVSKIY, I.; NECHAYEV, M.; SEMNOV, V.; VINN-lx-$K-.V SpInt V. Let us wel.come the 22d Congress of the CPSU with excellent achieve- ments. Fin. SSSR 22 no.10:49-59 0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Zameatitel' nachal'nika Mosgorfinupravleniya (for Akopov). 2. Zamestitel' zaveduyushchego Leningradskim oblfinotdelom (for Tugarinov). '37. Nachal'nik byudzhetnogo upravleniya Ministerstva finnnsov Kazakhskoy SQSR (for Timanovakiy). 4. Zaveduyushchiy U11yanovskim oblfinotdelom (for Neche ov). 5. ZaveduyushclAy Volgodskim oblfinotdelom (for SemenovT. (Finance) (Taxation) (Bezhetsk District--InsurEmce) TUGARINOV, I.P., iuzh. Ma--hinR for applying drying oil to roofing steel. '~wgested by-I.P. Tugarinov, Rats.1 izobr.predl.v strol. no.16:51 160.(YIRL 13:9) 1. Stroitellnoye uprivlenive Spetsstroy tresta Cherepovetametallurg- stroy, g. Cherepovets. (Roofing, Iron and steel) Dissertation: "Inventigation of the Corrosion of 4' ot.alr, in i olten Sel ts. 11 Cond Tech Sci, Iloscow In3t of 'Iteel, Yoscow, 1953. (P(,,~ferativnyy ZhurnrJ---Yldr.,,iyr,, VAC-1--cow, ;',~o 4, Feb 54) SO: SUM P43, 19 Oct 1954 f4 A kv% 0 6( AUTHORS: Tugarinov, N. I., Moskvichev, G. S., and Yerimii, A. A. TITLE: A Tungsten-graphite Thermocouple of New Design (Termopara vollfram-grafit novoy konstruktsii) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 92-93 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The tungsten-graphite thermocouple is recommended for measur- ing temperatures in the range 1,000-2,0000. In the use of this type of thermocouple, however, the soldered joint tends to burn out and the use of insulating material lowers the upper range of measurable temperatures to 1,5000, The new design, besides possessing a number of other features, has the graphite component inserted in such a way that it can be replaced in case of burning out. The description of the details of the canstruc- tion is accompanied by a diagram. The new design of thermocouple was successfully used for measuring temperatures in a Kryptol smelting furnace and was exposed to continuing temperature of 2,0000. There are 5 Slavic references. Card 1/2 A Tungsten-graphite Thermocouple of New Design ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physical Chanistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR) I PRESENTED BY: SUB)UTM: AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 TOMASHOV, N.D.; TUGLRINOV, Ha. Mochaniom of the corrosion of metals in nolten chlorides. Zhur. prikI. khim. 30 no.11:1619-1625 N 157. (MIRA 11:Z) (Chlorides) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) --- IAl -f v A av 9 'log 0 - : .. lei i :5 u AS 4 0v, N-1 73 vv - tj KI g 1? 41 iti! -4 EX.1 -a 4 -5 61 'd r -.S8 4 Z '49 In via 14 %j m Pai ill. 8 wJ3 File 9 Jig .2 if r, r iF 2 J!K, S/137/60/000/007/C09/01 31 A0061AOOI Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1960, No. 7, P. 319, # 16392 AUTHORS: Tugarinov, N. ., Moskvichev, G. S. TITLE: A Method of Corrosion Testing Ii in Aggressive Melts PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta fiz. kh1m. AN SSSR, 1959, No. 7, pp. 112-113 TEXT: A method was developed for testing metals in various aggre ssive melts and any gas medium over the melt, The method is based on the heating by electric current of a wire or striD specimen of small cross section which, is then fused into a cast or pressed block of oxide or salt having a semi-cylindri- an' or parallelepiped shape. The dimensions of the block depend on the length of the specimen. During the tests the wire specimen is placed over the-blook in a special beaker, It is heated slightly above the melting point of the medium investigated. During the heating process the specimen is pressed to the block. The oxide or salt melts at the contact spot of the specimen with tle block. The specimen dips into the melt and remains there until it has been burnt through as a result of the corrosion effect of the melt on the spesimen Card 1/2 S/137/60/000/007/009/013 A Method of Corrosion Testing in Agg--essive Melts A0061AO01 investigated. The moment of burning out is fixed by the break of the electric circuit. The relative corrosion resistance of the metal tested in the' medium investigated is evaluated by the time elapsed till the burning through of the specimen. The temperature of the wire tested is controlled by an autotransformer and is measured by an optical pyrometer with a vanishing filament. After performance of the experiment the specimen is separated from the block and the corrosion effect of the melt is determined. V Ye. S. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russieri abstract. Card 2/2 --.7666-66 - 9,]T(I' SGTB DD AM. Mt AP6011276 savaa com: uR/o4l3/66/ooo/oo6/O134/0134 INVEMUt Vishnyakov, V. A.; Stroganov, V. A.; Tugarinov, P. T.; Chirimanov, E. V. ORG: none /V TITIE: Diving mask with a single -glass face plate. Class 65, No. 180101 SOURCE: Izobreteniya pronVshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 134 TOPIC TAGS: diving, diving mask 5UA)OE;Rwnreoe 0AvrqPA,)9 , EY.-- PRO -rc- a n 146 ID ~5 oa 5 ABSTAACT: This Author'Certificate introduces a diving mask with a single glass face plate. For better visibility, the face plate is designed with a cleener brush to wipe off moisture condensate, which is operated manually from the outside. [LD1 SUB COM: 13, 13/ SUBM DATE, 3lDec64 Card TUGARINOV, V.V.; KUZNETSOV, V.V. Combined effect of X rays and streptovcin on the mutability in Chlorella. Dokl. All SSSR 266 nc.13:~22-725 A 166. (MIRA 19:1) 1, Leningradskiy gonudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A.Zhdanova. Submitted March 1, 1965. HIKLASHF.VgKIY, V.Ye., TUGARINOVA, V.N. Statistical treatwnt of materials for Btudying th~i condIticr-ed reflex activity of animals in toxicological exper'sjwnts. 5an. okhr.vod.ot zagr.prom.stoch.vod no.5:370-383 162. (WRA 17t6) 1. KELfedra kommunallnoy gigiyeny I Moskovskogo ordena lenina meditsinskogo Instituta imeni I.M.-echenova. TUGARINOVA, V.N.; kffKLASHEVSKIY, V.Ye.; ALEKSEYEVA, N.P.; YAKOVLEVA, G.P. ... Experimental basis for the permissible concentration of tetrachloroethane and hexachloroethane in bodidtq of water. San.okhr.vod.ot zagr.prom.stoch.vod no.5:285~307 162. (MIRA l7s6) 1. Kafedra kommunallnoy gigiyeny I Mtskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. TWARINOV N. P. and BITTER113-M, R. 1. IlInstructions on the Opperation of Series-VT Turboexciters" (Instruktsiya po eksploatatsii turbovozbuditeley serii VT), Central Bureau of Technical Information, Ministry of Electrical Industry USSR, 1949, 25 PP- KOFYTOVS V.S.; SOLONEIMIKOV) Ye,l,,- TUGARINOV, VAa Improving the operation of crushing and grinding departments in plants of the Leninogorsk Combine* Obog. rud 7 no.4:51-54 '62- (MIRA .16:4) 1. Leninogorskiy kombinato (Leninogorsk (East Kazakhstan Province)-Ore dressing) 1 03~~,4 6WO-1 or 04v,~Ao ~I~ JD-I" ; $51.374 -V_J(4fid4S"Wl& wodianTft WST Mdvk" CC-Iftfl-11011 of 44414.pb~w i GidnApgit4. No. 9:129-131. Se;A. 1910. 3 tables. ~ nq# ., I)LC- Ret."t 'd obf~rv-tiocs and work done as an expetriff"tal con&nqd6Oft04ftt war mr4csvw.o burifts . %I.- jwfm May IS to August 6, 1938. 5227 cmt of moisture arre r(Awled. gwi~mvi Ilisati-,tv 1. coadol"t4m 2. Artz&W ca"tasulam plasta 3. M"caw. V.&&R. TUGA RINOVA,- Y.N., CHUMNINA, I.P. (Moskra) Iffect of functional disorders of the central nerrous function on the course of alloxan dinbetes [with snrminr7 in English]. Probl. endok., i gorm. 4 no-3:32-36 My-Je 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Iz knfedry pAtologichesko7 fiziologii (sav. prof. S.M. Pavlonko) I Mookovskogo ordena Lenina meditainakogo instituta imeni I.K. Sechenova. (CE11TRAL ORVOUS SYSTT-M, physiology, eff. of exper.. dyafunct.. on alloxan diabetes (Rua)) (DIABNES, MELLITUS, experimental, off. of ONS dyefunct. (Rua)) 0 10000 ~ IF ie A6 L-JLJ-J-JLA-A-1-L A - L 4 j-00 00 Ogg *0 of the or(& ot radiation 0( loaS And short duration in 008 111110119110311 with An Oquk activator. V. L. lxvhin awl 91 zs,14 Conti. rrxj. R. X A. ~ clumill ~ adliaill).- It -1 Air, 11 .4do'latirt, rflitt , =00 41 . fluor~-rjtt And PlImpliti-Strut Radiation. Ilivil Ill, fully or The Vuriatiolk in intensity of Will these lights 4% 4 fillk-60111 Of the tritettiily of the in"Itiol exciting light d id h h ULMY cc e w et er thesr Fwdiatklrt~ have identivill -crn. - V 0 00 i 10 ~ Refs or glut, In the first caw, In and [ph twth tend to- ward c im Ii m i d l 4 0 0 ut . s, u n efictu ent o( It,, (he Intensity of iiw l illciih-111 Ii ht t l l - . it t 1e U m g CAW In it 1.1 (h ma[ Ili 0 0 1'.. wbvie'da Ik Irtul% tilwald 14 roll't. liIIIII, till f l i 6A 00 o kil c '1 ulkillill "V,t that f ir fallislin't cruic(. "t h,-tt 111,1 I'llilt dillatiolt Air dit. 19 0 0 I'Vallitit, F 1 J1 -!00 fiftalliftit CLAIMPICAMN of -oat IlliII10-1, o IN 0 a a I 4nq: if pq Kw A 1 14 a It a IN PC 99 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 so *a 00 0 0 00 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ei/l/ O-W 010 0 0 0-6-0 0 0 * te * 0 0 *w1J0A"j-tVA~P-PLO 0 CHERKINSKIYo S.N,j tr of.; TUGARINOVA, VeNst Icandomedonauk Influence of small doses of har-nful substances from industrial sewage on the conditioned reflex activity of experimental animals. Vrach.delo no-5:527-529 Nor 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kafedra kommunallnoy gigiyeny i patologicheskoy fiziologii Pervogo Moskovskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR (for Cherkinskiy) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (INDUSTRIAL WASTES--TOXICOLOGY) CIHERKINSKIY, S.N., prof.; KRASOVSKIY, G.N.,, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TGA~~IIOVA, V.11., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudn:Lk Methodological problems in sanitary-toxicological investigations on the establishment of hygienic normB for impurities in the water of reservoirs and rivers. San. okhr. vod. ot zagr. prom, stoch. vod. no.6:290-300 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kafedra kommunallnoy gigiyeny i tolcsikologicheskoye otdeleniye TSentrallnoy nauchno-issledovatellskoy laboratorii I Moskovskoffo 0 ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta, im. I.M.Sechenova. 2, Chlen- korrespondent AW1 SSSR (for Cherkinskiy). TUGARINO n'VSKIY, V.Ye. VAL, Mi.; MIKLAS Present-day methods for the functional study of the IiT~ar ---,a a sanitary"toxicological experiment. San. okhr. vod. ot zagr. prom. stoch. vod. no.6:301-312 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kafedra kommunallnoy gigiyeny i toksikologicheskoye otdeleniye TSentrallnoy nauchno-issledovatellskoy laboratorii I Moskovskogo Ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta im. I.M.3echenova. MIKLASHEVSMY, V.Ya.; 'IIJGAIIIIIOVA, MI.; ~SAVON:'CHVIA, G.A. Modl.fication of the test of the carbohydrate functlon of the liver. San. okhr. vod. ot zagr, prom. ctoch. vod. no.6:313-323 164. (MIRA .18:3) 1. Kafedra komunallnoy gigiyeny i tok.3ikologicheskoye otdeleniye TSentzallnoy nauchno-issledovatel'skoy laboratorii I Maskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo initituta im. I.M.Sechonova. T V _~:r A !- f 'j r) V, V, CEMMIK, A. (Moskva); VOLKOVA, V.; TU-G.ARINOV, V- (g.Gual-Khrustal'nYY). For further Im-provement In documentation within the factor7~ Bukhg.uchet 14'[i.e.i6l no.9:49-5o 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Starshiy inshener proyektno-konstruktarskogo b7uro Vaeso7usnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta stekla (for Chernyak). 2. Glavnyy bukhgalter ateklozavoda imeni Dzerzhinakogo (for Volkova). 3. Nachallnik mnshinoschetnoy stantaii zavoda (for Tugarinov). (Glass manufacture--Accounting-] Tr. fl I;' T Ir, Ir,53 Vcl. I],, nr "Izll:, T E S of E,"t Evrorean Arcessicm) Vol. 2, P, Idbrai7,r o" SO: "ontl-ly Cenrress Ir,53, Uncl. KOPYTOVI V.S.; SOLOMENNIKOV, Ye.I.; TUGARIUOVI V-K- improving crushing department operations in leninogorsk Combine plamts. Obog.rud. 7 noel:1+9-53 1620 (IUU 15:3) 1. Leninogorskiy kombinat. (Leninogorsk (East Kazakhstan Province)-Ore dressing) V. 7. - - - - 1. TUGARIN0111 2. USSR (600) /+. Dialectical Mlaterialism 7. Dialectic materialiam on law and conformity to the law. Vest Len. un. 7 no.3 1952. 9. yan= JAAJ 2f Rugglia Acgpssjcns, Library of Congress, Fe 1953. Unclassified. ACCESSION 10: AP4o15o9l S/0205/64/004/001/0092/0095 jj'UTjjOR: Zakharov., 1. A.; Tugarinov.. V. V* TIT12: Radiosensitivity of unicellular Chlorella vulgaris SOURCE: Radiobiologiyap V. 4, no. 1, 1964, gp--95 TOPIC TAGS: ionizing X-irradiation, Chlorella vulgaris, dose-offect multi-impact curve, radiosensitivity, 16-80 1w radiation dose$ LD 00 pigment mutation frequency~ Chlorella vulgaris biological aetivit~j nraltinualear call, diploid cell ABSTRACT: Effects of different radiation doses on the s1wvival of Chlorella vulgaris calls were investigated and at the same time frequency of pigment nutations were recorded. Chlorella vulgaris sus*oensions were X-irradiated (RUIM-7 with a BPV-60 Uube,, 40 kv filier 0.1 mm Al. focal length 7.5 cm, 8 kr/min) with single 16, 40s 52, 64, and'80 la- doses and 7-10 experiments were repeated for each close. Radiosensitivity of the cells was determined by the LD5D derived from the regression equation for dependence of survivU on radiation dose. Two classes of nonphotosynthosizing mutations not appearing in the control group, white and yellow, were recorded Card 114r -Z-1 .ACCESSION 1TR: AP4015091 together with other pigment mutations. Pindings indicate that contrary to various literature sources the radioresistance of Chlorel-la vulsar-Is is relatively low with LD 50 established at 14.5 hr. The dose-effect curve is found to be a multi-impact one which is generally interpreted to mean that a niLnbor of structures, nuclei or chromosolueS6 are dam-aged in the cell during irradiation. It appears that these Chloralla cells may be multinucloar or diploid because of the high correlation between multi-impact curves and multinuclear or diploid cells in the literature. Frequency oil pigment mutations is found to increase linearly with radiation doses from 16 to 64 kr. The relativcr- ly low frequency of nonphot-osynthesizing mutants indicates that the biological activity of Chlorella cell populations is not significantly lowered after single radiation exposure. The increase in mutant frequencies with higher radiation doses points to the expediency of using the highest ionizing radiation doses in Chlorella radioselooti- vity; Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Laningradskiy gosudarstvanny*y univorsitet im A, A:. Zhdanova, BioloSo-pochvenny*y falmlltet (Leningrad State University, Biology-Soil Departmont) Card V V and Masali" X P- boademud v*4imkb pwoo vuduk%m CE%. ~Ict~~drnaatwtm C4 atumptWIC watil vsvov~) .1111~ofpfisrv i GO'drsifti. So~ ;&a. 1037. fig, 6 tablm English summary p- " M DLC-A dticiivism of the first mpmmftt.1 tmdettlatio plant f- obtaltane watef from the air. This Plant -aa Makoliahed in 10.46st the ThnWaww ApiculturlAcailtm) mr )Ifwow. ()b*er"tiom&%o%"J that coadmation tookplact-fo. at ouch amall difftr"w" of lempowatureao $41C 1*11iff" The sit in No owtsw# The 4 plaw. ,;Mbjtd flodAwtv I. Coodewometim Fmcom" L Agwwd tfadmao" ofteft L Moscow, t HA" ~- -L- /V61 1// poqov~ X4,S) i'll Ma mwwmTzal Ak"wlj* ank SM. X-It" PO O"bill I ponlike, 2`0'affy dakls&N AG 11 06wre"W7 2891014" Wl%MMWWuvdwW de-dallehatkogo'l C-ftllOWGUSO -Y~. KOVIdabarod"We ee~qUj&"j,& heo, gl&,.IgU (Abstracts or Repute swdtt" to IM Uth A...61, 0, , Tatenattaftl ghlom or Osousy "d 049,6711". Vh.IeU'..U..j '... 419%1014 of Geleatifle lydrolM) "qcv, IM. 1011. /pw&Usl UZU 14 luslaa mad Mr4U&% , Fre-oh/ mw 4.004 rdted. so "Uticz eantrlwton M.Uee4 MMUS Thle hooklat Is Lata&Ua tw kpi"lod,ts MA sivil 0541 "m CQVZL4m Ws *0110tuas or datnwu eovvm mp*m Peseeted 4% the Uth Gmml Aggembly of the Iltamti=4 U"m of OOMW ad ooopqllu m krarolootall Or"Immi, sed gluislooll.1 prod"444. stallas gel"" to Prgblww of madergrotaA waters, "M, 4" ri,er. S" allo iSouse,. ~- ~ the lutrao$v s- La lassies, With lieguak or Yr..* %.J.U.M. thq~s "Par. '" 'a ftg2lsk gm "SIV&Ud U7 & -4-91 astwlak, the" In no* JW W9, there we so jaftrftm~ CLfts. 100144, T.L. Z"lg Ck&,,,%,,Utjo. of %be R~glam of Rlven of A2U id C-cUc* Vith FrobLi. of I%ar VUU&&Ucm . Cement 302MOUN Q.T., MA 3A. FjotaLkw. 01".Lfl*&Uaa at. Vasergrom& ""4"a Tbatr Re"Gatsuca an Neve so Ulklmko. VA. Chancter"U" of 00 y.,joe or lot* orm 2*00rwolrd sad Rl"" @Ad methods at MAOTtrouA lbalbatt Datezinialm 2km. a As Im". V-N- Ca"LU. Ot Vlb4ftWP9w& W-Ur A....'U'm 1. Deeefte a 52 2ftla'jwl V-V- IM Eftil Ot 01 111--mme, It Atimosbls Vater Tow cosiummum Sed Im Ram is t" ft..U= of abiorcro"A voteame 0 ~T .mm"Us' V.I. ftlftlpLee at, R.O.X g.,b.U. CC Xatwrw4 Bevel, Ot OllAkrassied W- -9 *0 ftiblimms of Water 2'j'"' . WftvMGj~4g" MW at FOUM WOMUSS #.'0 livau"imse- sm The ftumu. c ussn" 0 wakrgrm4 vow - ll)'GARIDTOV~ M. 01'einirg :;treptcmyclr.-re5lafant and -3 *,rx -ulgaria. Vest, ILU 20 r-o.9:13&.142 -d.ns in Chlomlla v 65. WINI 18: 6) 14-1-523 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal., Geograflya, 1957., Nr 1, P. 58 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tugarinov, V. V. TITLE: Some Results Obtained by Studying Condensation of W6ter Vapor from Air (Nekotoryye rezul'taty izueheniya protsessov kondensatsii vodyanykh parov iz vozdukha) PERIODICAL: Vopr. izueheniya podzem. vod i inzh-geol. protsessov. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1955, PP. 6o-78 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 ZAKHAROV, I.A.; TUGARINOV, V.V. Radiosensitivity of the unicellular alga Chlore2la vulgaris. Radiobiologiia 4 no.1:92-95 164. (KRA 17:4) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Zhdanova, biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet. - TU07 A-RI Nov) V. V. USSTI/PhyBics of the Atmosphere - Water in the Atmosphere) M-4 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 36157 Author: Tugarinov, V. V. ---------------- Institution: None Title: Certain Results of the Study of Processes of Condensation of Water Vapors from Air Original Periodical: 'Collection* Vopr. izucheniya podzem. vod i inzh.-geol. proteessov, M., AN SSS~) 1955, 60-78 Abstracts Analysis of factorB, contributing to the qjWbs sea' of condensation of water vapors from the air,, and discussi6n of the scheme of an experimental condensation setup and certain results of Investiga- tions of artificial precipitation of moisture. It is emphasi#ed that it is important to use in practice the condensation of vapor from air for agriculture. The amount of condensation water col- lected depends on the difference in pressure in mater vapor on the atmosphere and near the condensing surface, on the air temperature, Card V2 USSR/Physics of the Atmosphere - Water in the Atmosphere, M-4 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, Ho 12, 1956, 36157 Abstrapt: on the dimensions of the condensing surfaces, and on y other conditions. An equation is given for the intensity of condensa- tion of water vapors, taking into account the dependence *"Wholp fundamental factors; a table, which permits the determination of the amount of condensation water at various air temperatures is given; graphs are given of the daily course of con(Ansation and of the fluctuations of condensation by 10-day periods from April to September 1951. Card 2/2 1, wo r~ 0 J; At 'ni'l 1 TttARTNC#,- V.V'. a5O/2864 (Tife i,&portance of proper condition of grain storage). Zaachenis pravillnogo kbrsneniis. zerna. -- SMIDWA Agrood"# 5t 42-0. February 1947. 11C, Uc,-, uf L-10 00"de",~t-Lo"I of V 'Ahe porsp,~c; ilje~; in the practical api, .:a-,, f stcraje." Dolk"r-.`~r water vapors Lri e ~J-r to the pr ol~, I cm~f h i-ra. Tirdr- .raze-,,a),, Issue 9.. !",Uj, pe 57-62 SO- U--rI;2Ij0j 17Dec53, (Letopi-' f2hurnal Irrkh SLatcy, No. 215, 1949)- TUGARINOV, V.V. Tugarinov, V.V. and Kruchinina., Z*A. "Determining the weight of a quantity of grain when its moisture corrtenT varies from the norm,111 Doklady (Mosk. s.-kh. akad. im. Timiryazeva), Issue 1948, (In indexi 190), p. 67-69. SO: U-411, 17 July 53, (Letopis' Zhurnal Irrykh Statey, No. 20, 1949) TUGARINOVA. A.N., inzhener. - I,- .1011-1 !=Uta-ting the weight and length of the yarn wound on warping machine bobbins. Log. prom. 17 no.1:49-50 Ja 157. (MLRA 10:2) (Warping machines) TUGARINOVA, K. IT., Pi.LATNIK, P. S. Woolen and Worsted Manufacture New woolen fabrics. Tekst. prom. no. 5 (1952) 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August -1953. Unclassified. TUGATINOVA, K -IALiva Woolen and Worsted 11anufacture New woolen fabrics. Tekst. prom. no. 5 (1c/52) Mont List of hussian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aut-ust 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. TATA,RSKIY, V.B.; FRAMKAMI=SKIY9 V.A.; BUILUKOVA, T.N.; NARDOV, V.Y.; FMOV, T.G.; KONDRATIYHVA, V.V.; KM43NTSSY, CHIMSERA, V.7.; ALZK Y3VA, N.P.; ARTSTBAMTA, T.F.; BAWGYSZ&YA, N.I.; BUSSHN, I.V.; TIRIDWSK0, LA.; GHMSE3T, M.A.; GOTLO, Ye.A.; KOMKOV# AwIw; KOTOVICH. V.A.; LITYINSKAYA, G.P.; MIKHBY3VA, I.V.; MOKI-OVSKIY, V.A..; PXnOVA, L.V.; POPOV, G.M.-, SAFRONOTA. G,P*; SCBOLIIVA, V.V,; STUUJV, M.N.; TUGARINOVA. V.G.; SHAFRANOVSKIT. I.I.; SHTIWMBRG, A.A.; YANULOV, X.P. 0.M. Ansheles; obituary. Vont. IGU 12 no.18:152-154 '57. (MIRA 110) (Ansheles, Osip Markovich, 1885-1957) KOGAN, A.Kh. (Moskva, Novo-Poschanaya ul., 1corp. 61, lcv. 3); TUGARINOVA, V.N. Blastomogenic action of polyvinyl chloride. Vop.onk. 5 no.5:540-543 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologil (zav. - prof. S.M. Pavlanko) I Yoskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta im. I.M. Sechenova. (VINU COMPOUNDS polyvinyl chloride implantation in rats, blastomo- genic action (Ras)) (CARCINOGENS polyvinyl chloride, implantation in rats (Ras)) TUGARINOVA, V.N.; ALEKBEYW, A#.N.P.; DFWZHININA, V.A. Possibility of empl6ying a photoelectric erythrohemometer for determining the erythrocyte count in laboratory anifnals during toxicological examinations. Gig.i san. 25 no.8:52-55 Ag 160. v (MIRA 13:11) 1. Iz Moskovskogo naucluio-issledovatellskogo instituts, sanitarii i gigiyeny imeni F.F.Erismana Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (ERYTHROCYTES) (TOXICOLOGY) MKLASHEVSKIY, V-yO-;-TYGXRT~~9Y4,-,V.N_.; YAKOVLEVA, G.P.; ALEKSEYEVA, N.P.; RAKHMANINA, N.L. Experimental basis for the permissible concentration of trichloroethylene in bodies of water. San.okhr.vod.ot zagr.prom. stoch.vod no.5008-325 162. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Kafedra kommunallnoy gigiyeny I.. Aoskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.oachenova. CHERKINSHY, S.N.,,prof.; TUGARINOVA, V.N., Wthod of conditional reflexes as a test in sanitary-toxicological investigations. San.okhr.vod.ot zagr.prom.stoch.vod no.5:399-409 162. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Kafedra kommunallnoy gigiyeny I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina 14editsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Al-24 SSSR (for Cherkinskiy, S.N.). ---E'(CERKA-Y,M,-'A-Sec-3-Vo1 Endocrinology ~ufioa 1097. EFFECT OF FUNCTIONAL DISTURBANCES OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ON THE COURSE OF ALLOXAN DIABETES (Russian text) Tuffarinova V. 1.4. and Chukhnina 1. P. - PHOBL.EINDOXR. 1958 4 3 (32-36) Graphs 2 During the period of compensation of the diabetic condition, when the main pheno- mena of alloxan diabetes had already disappeared, strong acoustic stimuli caused recurrence of glycosuria, hyperglycaemia and other signs of alloxan diabetes in animals. 4.