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k. I wa s ~:,e Al~ me!als :-,creasc th- P~4 rreltir
R' r t" 7-
L. 4451-66 )/E;4HIb) IJ~
ACC NRt AT5023098 JD1W.V1WVJG1G$ SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/6~t'l~!)0/000/0241/02ii9
AUTHOR: gylki nal M. A. Tsyganova, 1. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Effect of alloying on the mechanical properties of cast tantalum
SOURCE: Problemy bol'shoy metallurgii i fizicbeskoy khimii novykh splavov (Problems
of large-acale metallurgy and physical chemistry of new alloya) ; k 100-letiyu so dnya
rozhdeniya akademika M. A. Pavlova. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 241-2h9
TOPIC TAGS: tantalum., castNIZantalum, tantalum alloy, tantalum property, tantalum al-~
loy property, titanium containing alloy, zirconium containing alloy, vanadixn con-
taining alloy, niobium. containing alloy, chromium containing alloy, molybdenum con-
taining alloy, tungsten containing alloy, rhenium, containing alloy, cobalt containing
alloy, nickel containing alloy
ABSTRACT: The ef fect iof alloying with Ti '1r,/1V Ab W "Ie"'I Co"'I?or NJ& the
,mechanical proj)erties~7of cast tantalum ~ave7be~n iEv-es1H7aaEed._T1Te_ litiRness-of U11-
alloyed tantaltua drops with increasing purity. Sintered tantalum had a hardness of
2 2
24o kg/mm , a tensile strength of 35 kg/mm , and an elongation of 28%; arc melting
in a helium atmosphere lowered the hardness to 150-170 kg/mm , and increased the
strength, elongation, and reduction of area to 40 kg/mm2 35%, and 70%, respectively.
Electron-beam-melted tantalum had a hardness of 80 kg/mmi, a strength of 20 kg/mm2,
L 4.1:) 1 -'6
ACC NRi AT5023098
and a reduction of area of 9-Aflo'. Alloying, as a rule, increased hardness and strenglCh,
but reduced ductility. Cobalt and nickel produce the sharpest increase in hardness;
titanium and niobium had practically no effect. The best combination of properties
was achievqd by alloying with tungsten, molybdenum, or rhenium, which raises the room-
temperature atrength of the alloy up to 60-75 kg/mm2 while maintaining sufficient
ductility. At 1500 and 1800Cthe strength of tantalum-tungsten (25.6 and 10.2 kg/MM2)
and tantalum-rhenium (17.8 and 9.2 kg/mm2) alloys is 2-3 times higher than that of
unalloyed tantalum (9.38 and 5 .4 kg/mm2). The maximum strength (72-74 kg/mm2) of
tantalum-niobium alloy is attained at a niobium content of 30-40%; in this case,
however, the alloy elongation drops to 1.8-20% andthe reduction of area to 38-47%.
Tantalum-nioblum alloy has -good formability at room temperature regardless of the
amount of components. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 5 tables. (ND]
SUB CODE,,, M/ SUBM DATE: lqMay65/ REP: oW om REFt 007/ ATD PPX-SS:-*//A
Card 2/2
V, q
AUTHORSI:Savitskiy, Ye.-',',!,, Tylkina, M,A., Tsyganova, I.A. (m3scow)
TITLE: Influence of Alloying Additions on--the Re6ristallization Tempe-
rature and on the Mechanical Properties of Titanium.
(Vliyaniye legiruyushchikh dobavok na temperaturu re1kristalli-
zatsii i mekhanicheskiye svoystva titana)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya kkademii Wauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh
Nauk, 1958, Nr 3, pp 96-103 and 1 plate (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This paper is a continuation of earlier work of the
authors and their team on the recrystallization and the
mechanical properties of Ti of various degrees of purity and
of Ti alloys (Refs.1-6). Reinbach and Nowikoiv (Ref.?) pub-
lished preliminhry data on the influence of certain additions
(up to 1%) on the change in the time required to attain. com-
plete recrystallization of commercial Ti at a given annealing
temperature; they found that introduction of chromium slows
do%,m the process of recrystallization whilst other a6mixtures
(C 07 Al~ Fol Ta and Sn) nliowod almost. no infltionce on the
duration of attaining complete recrystallization. In this
paper an attempt is made to classify the alloyinS elements
from the point of view of their influence on the recrystalli-
zation temperature and the mechanical properties whereby these
characteristics are considered as a function of the character
Card 1/5
Influence of Alloying Additions on the Recr-jstallization Temperature
and on the 'Mechanical Properties of Titanium.
of the interaction of Ti with the alloyir-6 additions, their
crystal structure and also the temperatv-re of polymorphous
transformation. The relations publishel by Bochvar (Ref.8)
and by Kurilekh (Ref.9), interrelating the recrystallization
temperature of metals with their fusion temperature, are not
applicable to alloys. The complexity of diffusion proceeses
in solid solutions', the differing character of tiiese solut-
ionsandth-,presence of second phase-- in the alloys are all fac-
tors which complicate -the process of recrystallization. One
important factor which has not been taken into consideration
so far is the presence in metals or alloys of the phenomenon
of polymorphism. In -the view of the authors of this paper,
in metals and alloys in which polymorphous transformation
takes place, the recrystallization temperature should be
closely linked with the temperature of the polymorphous
transformation in addition to the influence of other factors.
It is obvious that in alloys in which such transformation
Uakes place all the recrystallizabion processes are fully
completed in the range of existence of lcwer temperature
Card 2/5
Influence of Alloying Additions on the Recrystallization Temperature
and on the Mechanical Properties of Titaniiwii.
modifications (particularly oc modification in Ti) and when
the temperature of polymorphous transformation is reached,
phase recrystallization and reconstruction of the cry,.-tal
lattice is already proceeding, The experiments were carried
out with an iodide Ti of 99.96% purity alloyed with additions
of the following 14 elements: V. Nb, Fe, Co, Mn, Cr, N I C9
03 Al, Be, Re, Sn and Boron, For each of the alloyi1irr addit-
ions$ 4 to 5 alloys were prepared and the content of each of
the additions in the alloy was chosen in such a way that
alloys were obtained which are located in various phase ranges
of the system, namely, alloys possessing uniform a and P
structures, 2-phase a +-P or a + chemical compound st-ructures.
The compositions of the alloys are entered in the table on
P.97. Graphs are included showing the influence of the
annealing temperature on the hardness, the influence of the
alloying additions on the recrystallization temperature, on
the ultimate strength, elon-ation and contraction. It was
found that almost all of the investigated alloying additions
brin- about an increase in the recrystallization temperature.
As regards the deg
.,ree of their influence these elements can
Card 3/~e subdivided into the following three groups: elements which
Influence of Alloying Addit' ons on 1h.1. Recrystallization Temperature
and on the Mechanical Properties of Titanium.
bring about a considerable increase in the recrystallization
temperature at low contents of the respe Uive element (N, 0,
0, Boron, Be, Re and Al): elements which bring about an
increase in the recrystailisation only if the content is of
the order of 3Yo and higher (Fe. Cr, V1 Mn, Sn); elements which
have practically no influence on the initial recrystallization
temperature (Nb and Co). The following relation was derived
between the recrystallization temperature, Ti and the tem-
perature of the polymorphous 'Uransformation, T2 , of the
alloy: Ti/T . For Ti this ratio equals 0.? 1, for
2 = 0'? 0~9
low alloy alloys this ratio equals 0.7 0.75 and increases
to O~8 - 0,9 with increasing contents of the alloying element.
The alloying additions bring about an increase in the tensile
strength and hardness, maximum values being a B = 92 kg/mri,7-
and R B ~ 105 and a reduction in the ductility. The great-
est influence is exerted by elements which bring about a
maximum increase in the recrystallization temperature and
Card 4/5
L I P)8
Influence of Alloying Additions on thc Recrystallizatl~jn Temperature
and on the Mechanical Properties of Titanium,
belong to the lirst of the above-mentioned group, i,e... N. O~
C., Be, B. The other investigated elements have less in*flu'enc'e
on increasin-, the strength and for a content of 59A these
elements can be classified from the point of view of increas-
in- the strength in the following sequence: Cr, Co, Nb., V,
Mn,, Fe and Sn. The greatest drop in plasticity is observed
when introducing Fe, Co and Nb. There are 9 figures, 1
table and 15 references., of which 10 are Soviet, 4 German and
1 English,
SUBMITTED-.- April 5: 1957.
Card 5/5 Titt.-niun"IJIferhanical pmDArtiaa 2. Tit-ini-= a11t.-i.-;tb~;ryStaj_
H~Aium alloys with iron and cobalt. Zhur. neorg. kh1m. 9 no.1la
2599-2601 N 164 (MIRA 18i1)
1. Llvovskiy gosudarst7ermyy universitet imeni I. Franko, i
institut metallurgii imeni A.A. Baykova.
Fhasi~tdiagram, of the hafnium - rhenium system. Zhur.neorgbkhim. 7 nd.7i
.1609~.VAO, JIjv_--- (MIR& 1�23~
19 lxwtitut metallurgii imeni A.A.*Tkova i Ltvovokiy goaudaratvennyy
universitet imeni I.Franko.
( W nium-rhenium alloys)
PhMm diagraMB of rhenium ano7a with platinum metals (rhoci'UMJ,
palladium, iridium)a Zhur. neorg. khim. 7 no.8.*1917-1927
Ag 162. (MIRA 16%6)
(Rhenium ano7s) (Platinum metals)
Properties of palladimn-rhenium allwis.
no.lW346-2150 0 163.
Zhur.,neorg. khim. 8
(MIRA 16t1O)
(Falladiur,Rhanim alloys)
AUTHORS: Savitskiy, Ye. M., Tylkina, M. A., Tsyganovaj I. A.
TITLE: The Recrystallization Diagram of Tantalum (Diagramma re-
kristallizatsii tantala)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Nr 4, PP. 720-722
ABSTRACT: There are no data in publications on the recrystallization of
cast tantalum. In recent time, however, the smelting of tanta-
lum in the arc is more and more used. The high corrosion re-
sistance of tantalum in an aggressive medium, the low fusibil-
ity and high plasticity which permits a cold working, as well
as many other properties permit to count tantalum among the
technically most important metals. The diagram in question com-
bines the grain size with the degree of deformation and the
temperature of the subsequent annealing. It is therefore es-
peciallv necessary for the metals worked by means of deform-
ation. The results obtained will make possible to choose the
deformation- and annealing conditions in such a way that the
optimum mechanical properties of the products are guaranteed.
The authors constructed a diagram of the type I for the cold
Card 1/4 working (rolling) of the cast tantalum (figure 1). The
The Recrystallization Diagram of Tantalum 20-118-4-26/'61
conditions of cooling on a copper furnace bottom favored the
formation of a coarse-grained structure in tantalum (figure
2a). Cast bare were cold-worked by forging until rods 7 x 7
were produced. They were annealed in vacuum at 13000 C for
two hours. Thus the coarse-crystalline structure was complet-
ely transformed in a recrystallized, fine-grained, polyhedral
structure (grain diameter 10-11,AL, figure 2 b). Such rods serv-
ed as initial material for the experiments. The rods were
cold-rolled without intermediate annealing, with a shrinkage
of 2,6; 5,7; 8; 10; 151 34; 50; 68; 83; 90; 96; 98; 6%. The
rolled rods were out into pieces of 8-10 mm length and anneal-
ed in vacuum at 1000-25000 for one hour. The line of the
beginning of the recrystallization in dependence on the de-
formation degree is plotted in a dotted line in figure 1. The
temperature of the beginning of the recrystallization of tanta-
lum drops with the rising deformation degree from 2,6 to 84%
from 1300 to 12000 C. Figure 3 gives some radiographs of
tantalum. The cold-rolling up to 15yo deformation distorts the
lattice of tantalum and deforms the individual grains. The
microstructure is, however, not considerably modified. In the
case of shrinkage of more than 30% a distinctly marked roll-
Card 2/4 ing-texture becomes visible (figure 2 v). The grains are
The Recrystallization Diagram of Tantalum 20-118-4-26/61
changed to a great extent and extended up t0,,,50 - 60% shrin-
kage without dize reduction. In the case of a deformation of
90% the grain diameter amounts to 1 - 2A . Annealing at 1000 -
- 16ooo C does riot lead to a considerable enlargement of the
grains. A recrystallization at 12000 C leads in samples with
a high deformation degree and a recrystallization at 16000 in
all samples to a complete blur of the rolling texture and to
the appearance of new fine crystallized grains of a diameter
of 6 - 13,A(. The annealing at 1800 - 20000 C leads to an ab-
tupt change of the grains in connection with a collect-
ing recrystallization (figure 2 g,d), The grain size increases
it 18000 C threefold-up to 31A and at 20000 C
tenfold (up to 115,A). The maximum sizes of the grains which
correspond to the critical deformation degrees booome vioible
in the isothermal lines of annealing at 1800 and 20000. In
the annealing at 25000 C an apparently apecific property of
tantalum becomes visible: the size of the grains increases to
an.extremely great extent (320 - 500,k. The properties of
hardness and strength of tantalum in Individual deformation
degrees and annealing temperatures admit the assumption that
the optimum annealing treatment lies at 1300 - 14000 0. There
Card 3/4 are 3 figures and 5 references,- 1 of which is Soviet.
The Recrystallization Diagram of Tantalum 20,118-4-26161
PRESENTED: August 3, 1957, by I. p. -Bardin, Academician
SUBMITTED: July 25, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Cungress
Card 4/4
G A'vz" VA
AUTHORS: Tylkina, M. A., 94vitokiy, Ye. M.
TITLE; Phase Diagram of the System Tantalum - Rhenium)')
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal noorganichookoy khimiij 1960, Vol. 5, No. 8,
pp. 1905-1907
TEXT: The phase diagram depicted in Pig. 1 was obtained by means of a
determination of the fusing temperature, microscopic and radiographic
analyses and measurement of the hardness of the structural components. tl
The initial substances were tantalum foil (99.9% of Ta) and bricketed
rhenium. powder (99.8% of Re) at 16000C. 18 alloys were produced in
argon atmosphere in the arc furnace at 200 torr and remelted several
times. The ground faces (Fig. 2) were etched with an aqueous solution
of NH4F + HC1 + HF + HN03 , and the microhardness of the components was
determined. The X-ray pictures of pulverized alloys were taken by means
of Cu-, Ri- and V-radiation. Two chemical compounds developed by
pexitectic reaction, a wide range of solid solutions on the tantalum side,
Card 1/2
Phase Diagram of the System Tantalum S/078/60/005/008/014/018
Rhenium B004/BO52
and low solubility on the rhenium side were determined in the system.
Structure, lattice constants, and ranges of I- and a-phases, and the
two-phase range of a +,X are described. There are 2 figures and 7
references: 4 Soviet, 1 US, 1 British, and 1 Polish.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk
SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov
of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
February 17, 1960
Card 2/2
~-11-,,c,,",. -~. j, 4
Reer.votallization diagram of tantalum. Dokl. Ali SM. 118 no.4:
720-722 T 158. (MIRA 11:4)
l.Predstavleno akademikom I.P. Bardiny-m.
System hafnium - niobium. Zhur. neGrg. khim. 9 no.?:
1650-1657 Ji 164. (MIRk 17M
TSMABGVA, L., inzh.
Electron tubes. Radio no.601-35 Je 162, OMIRA 15:5)
(EleotTon tubes)
I'Astra-211 mpefic ta-Fp-- recorder. PAdio noJ:34-36 ~~ :65.
(,viRA 1P,:6)
TSYGANOVAx L., inzho
optical sound recording system. Radio no.2:30-31 F '64.
(MIRA 17:3)
TSfGANOVA, L.) inzh.
---- rder. Radio no.1:39-43 Ja 163.
The "Kometaff magentic tape reco (KRA 16:1)
(Magnetic recorders and recording)
TSTGANOVAI L., irizh,; VASIL'MA, T,.. inzh.
Electron tubes. RwUo no.700-35 Jl 162. (MM l616)
(Electron tubes)
Magnetio sound recording. Radio no.604-38 Je 164.
(AURA 17:10)
A store for radio amateurs. Radio no.10:17 0 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
(Radio clubs-Equipment and supplies)
(Radio operatorB-Equipment and supplies)
Electric motors manufactured by the EVA factory. Fadio
no-4:27-29 Ap 165. WIRA 18: 5)
TSYGANOVA, L., inzh.
Exhibition of sbund recording instruments at the EighteqAth
A22-Union Exhibition of the Work of Radio Amateurs and Designers
of the AU-Uniozf3o'clety for Assistance to the Army.. Air Force,
and 'Navy. Radio. no.4-.49-50 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3)
(Sound-Recording and reproducing)
SIMSKIY, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich; CHERVOPUTYY, I.I.G., red.; TSYGtJIOVA
L.B., red.izd-va; PARMINA, N.L., tekhn. red. --
[Protection of forests against fires] Okhrana lesov ot pozharov.
Moskva$ Gosle sbumizdat, 1961. 49 p. (MIRA 15:7)
(Forest fires-Prevention and control)
I - . -1
Low-frequency interference Jr, electrlea' network5. Tr~;-;7 'n3'
elektro~ekh. All 20:1"C-11~ J_'-2
.", -~_, I
(MIRA 1 -7 . I I I
,L . . L ;
, C) S.; TSYGANKOVA, L.G.p ,,trol System'
-INoZF,KTSF,N , - - multiple-message remO~`
Ti ... nsmitting de,7j,e of aAN UFSjj 20:175-189 113. (MIRA 17:11)
Trudy Inst. elektrOtekh'
Mathematical representation of radioiodine ab3orption curves by
the thyroid gland. Pxobl. endok. i gorm. 7 no.lt65-69 t61.
(MIRA 1413'
II QA~7ell."; ~;L4,c- 11
Micromethod for the determination of sulfur in organic substanges
with carboxyarsenazo., a new indicator for the titration of
ion. Zhur.anal.khim. 16 no.32348-351 MY-Je f61, (MIRA 14:6)
1. Ya. V. Samoilov Scientific Researcb Institute of Fertilizers and
Incectifungicides, and V. 1. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and
tical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R., Moscow.
(Sulfur organic compounds)
Synthesis and stud3r of selective polyelec
Report Nd.l. Ukr.khimozhur. 28 no.9:1096-1
RA 15:12)
1. Institut khindi polimerov i monomerov %AN~ SUR,
(Ion exchange resins)
AUTHORS: Romankevich, M. Ya.,.Sinyavakiy, V. G., Tsygankova, M. P.
TITLE: Synthesis and investigation of selective polyelectrolytes.
Communicatiop I
PERIODICALt Ukrainskiy khimicheskly zhurnal, v. 28, no. 9, 1962, 1o96.- im
TEXT: Selective, polymer ion exchange regins were prepared with the
'4,sS( complex forming groups not participating in the formation of the polymer, Thus
were obtained nitropolystyrene, aminopolystyrene and products of its azoeonjunc-
tion with p-cresol, p-nitrophenol, a-naphthol, resorcin, anilide of'acetoacetic
acid, benzazoresorcin, pyrogallol, 8-oxiquinoline,,anilinediacetic acid, 1-
phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrozalon, salicyiie, gallici anthranilic and.chromotropic acid.
2-haphthol-6,8-disulphuric- and 2-naphthol-3,6-disulphuric acid. Some of the
prepared ion-exchange resins showed selective properties for several cations as.
for,instance: Fe, Ni, Co, Al, Mg, Zn, Cr. More detailed investigations are
carried out at the present time. The capacity of the ion exchange resins was
determined after regeneration with 10 - 20% hydrochlorio,acid solution. The
Card 1/2
ill. i~-. 01. A:---
Cer,,mic cutters ; new tool mriterial f or metal cutting Moskv,- , Trudrazerviz,11.,- t, 1952.
24 p. (Navaia tekliniki i stakhanovsPie metrody trudp) (5-3-141~2)
LARIN, U.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; IRABILINIKOV, I.M.; TSYGANOVA,
AKIMOV, A.V., kand.tekhm.nsuk; BUDNIKOV, Y.Te., inzh.;
PIMOSYAN, L.K., kand.tekhn.namk; DOME, L.G., inzh.;
SILA73VA, I.D., iuzh.; RAGAZIOR, Z.G., kand.takhn.nauk;
[putting tools designed for high production and their efficient
operation] Vysokoproizvoditellnye konstruktaii reztsov i ikh
ratsionallnaia eksplustataiia. Pod red. H.H.Larina. Moskva,
Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 239 P.
I (MIRK 12:6)
1. Moscow. Vsesqyuzhyy nauchno-issledovatellfikiy instrumen-
talonyy inatitut. 2. Sotrudniki Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-isele-
dovatellskogo, instrumentallnogo institute (for all except
(Metal-cutting tools)
LARIN, M.N., doktor tekhn.naukp prof.; TSYGANGVA,_k~.~.. inzh.; T9IBOVTSEV,
S.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; MITIAKOV,-A.V., inzh.; PETROSYAN, L.K.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; CH&9NOUSENKOj A.P., inzh.; BUD211KCV, N.Ye.,
inzh.; MARTYNOV, A.D.,-kand. tekbn. muk; IVANOVA, N.A., red. izd-va;
GORDEYEVA, L.P., tekhn. red.
[High-production designs of form cutters and their efficient use] Vy-
sokoproizvoditeltnye konstruktsii faaoqnyk~ frez i ikh ratsionallnaia
ekspluatatsiia. Pod red. M.P.Larina. Moakva,, Mashgiz, 1961 * 174
1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatellskiy
institut. 2. Vsesoyuz=jy nauchno-issledavatellskiy instrumentallnyy
institut, Moscow (for all except Ivanava, Gordeyeva)
(Metal-cutting tools)
Translation from-. Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 19, P 94 (USSR)
IC6.61DI) jq.51-00
AUTHOR: Tsyganolra, M.P.
TITLE: Investigation of Mechanical and Cutting Properties Aineral Ceramic
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Rezaniye mineralokeram. instrumentami. Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958,
pp 111 - 123
ABSTRACT: Based on investigations carried out in the course of 1950 - 1956, the
improvement of the mechanical characteristics and cutting properties of
mineral.ceramics (M) is shown. The average limit of bending strength
of M was increasod from 22 to 34 kg/mm2. The upper limit of (5b, bend
Increased from 32 to 44 kg/mm2. ;p machining the 45 grade steel the
resistance to wear of the TsM-332vplates was raised by 2 - 3 times. At
present the durability of M exceeds that of T15K6 by 7.7 times. The
average magnitude of breaking feed (when testing the strength of the
,cutting edge during the cutting process) in machining the 45 grade steel
at a depth of 3 mm, increased from 0.65 mm/revolution in 1952 to 0.8 mm/
revolution in 1956. Fourteen figures.
Card 1/1 O.A.B.
161,/99 621.937 .666.762.1
The- Cutting of Metals vrith Stanki Instrum.
ntcred (4)110-12
P. P. Groodov,, 14. P. Tzygemova U.S.S.R.
Th6 -use of "Tlicmdc-brm-ndtun--t-,Imtercd alumna) as a substi-
tute for caebidc to provide inexpensive cutting edges of
tLigh productive capacity is considered. . Its physical and
-qc!chanical propertics are compared vrith otber carbidcs, and
an investigation into the.stability of it!~~cutting ed,,e
dc;-ncr1Lbcd. Test rusults in thQ machiuing of ste-ol and cast
thcn.--iocorund-w-a tools, and recom.,,endltious for
tool care and u!-.o arc includ(d.
(Prom Erq!.::s' Dig.,14(2),5-9-61,1qr-2,U. I...)
-IRUDOV, P. P. ;
lrachinin.-~, of metals with ~hl~.--D-cc-rwrid~,--- "cc! bitf~. -,tar.. i in:Ar., -.0- ~,-, !~~1;2
si-n.-. Libra -y o' ~'on~rr-sn- lq52. TCLA-~~TIFI77~
Von-thl- List of Fu~:sianr. Aces L 1 11
Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy instrumentallnyy
Vysokoproizvoditellny,ye konstruktsii protyazhek I ikh ratsionalInaya
ekspluatatsiya (Highly Productive Broach Constructions and Their
Effitient Operation) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 119 p. Errata slip
inserted. 4,800 copies printed.
Ed. (Title page): M. N. Larin ' Doctor of Technical Sciences, Pro-
fessor; Tech. Ed.: G. Ye. Sorokina; Managing Ed. for Literature
on Metalworking and Machine~Tool Making: V. I. Mitin, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This book is Intended for engineers and technicians con-
cerned with the design and use of broaches.
COVERAGE: The book deals with requirements for achieving high labor
efficiency through the proper use of broaches. In this connection
the following train topics are discussed: 1) modern designs of
broaches for efficient methods of broaching; 2) selection of
broaching regimes to ensure desired surface finish and accuracy
-card-V-8 -
Highly Productive Broach Constructions (Cont.) SOV/5059
of broached part; 3) data on plant standards for wear and scrap-
ping of broaches; and 4) data on reconditioning of broaches, etc.
The sharpening and heat treatment of broaches, and the measure-
ment of their geometric parameters are also discussed. The
causes of abnormal functioning of broaches and measures for their
correction are reviewed on the basis of experience gained by
leading Soviet and non-Soviet factories. Problems in organizing
the inspection of the broaching operation are also considered.
The work on which this book is based was carried out in the lab-
oratory for metal cutting of the Vseso znyy nauchno-issledovat-ell-
skiy instrumentalInyy institut (VNII) rAll-Union Instrument
Scientific Research Institute) in cooperation with other ins,ti-
tutions and advanced plants (NI ITavtoprom [Technological
Scientific Research Institute of the Automobile Industry], ChTZ
[Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant], ZIL [Plant imeni Likhachev]) and
others). The chapters were written as follows: Chapters I and
IV, by M. N. Larin, Professor, and M. P.Tsyganova, Engineer;
Ch. II, by M. Yu. Lapinskiy, Enginedii, and P. G. Katsev, Can-
didate of Technical Sciences; Ch. III, by L. K. Petrosyan,
Highly Productive Broach Constructions (Cont.) SOV/5059
Candidate of Technical Sciences, and L. G. Dibner, Engineer; and
Ch V by A. D. Martynov, Candidate of Technical Sciences. There
ar; 36 references, all Soviet.
Foreword 3
Ch. I. CondItions for Highly Productive Broaching 5
Ch. II. Broach Designs 9
1. Classification of broache8 9
2. Requirements for broaching machines 9
3. Basic methods of broaching 11
al On the problem of an efficient method of broaching 11
b Regular method of broaching 12
C Generating method of broaching 13
d Staggered-tooth (�roup) method of broaching 14
Staggered-tooth tchessboard" variation 16
Engineer P. P. YunkinIB keyway-broaching variation 17
Highly Productive Broach Constructions (Cont.) SOV/5059
_ej Rear pilot 36
f Burnishing teeth 37
6. Special broach designs 37
Design of built-up, hard-alloy-tipped broaches
a 37
b Combination Eround and keyway) broach 42
c Expanding broach
l 42
d Burnishing and sizing broaches 42
7. Push broaches 44
8. External broaches 44
9. Designing the broach for strength 53
aj Broaching forces 53
b Designing of broaches for strength in-the critical
cross section 54
c) Designing the broach joint [with head] for strength 55
10. Designing the chip spaces of broaches 57
Ch. III. Sharpening of Broaches 59
Ch. IV. Efficient Use of Broaches 68
1. The wedr of broaches 68
Highly Productive Broach Constructions (Cont.) SOV/5059
2. The allowable amount of stock removal in sharpening 71
3. The life of broaches 73
4. Cutting speed in broaching 75
5. Selection of lubricating coolants 76
6. Surface roughness in broaching 78
7. Increasing the life of broaches by thermochemical
treatment 80
8. Heat treatment of broaches 81
9. Reconditioning of broaches 84
10. Centering and alignment of broaches 92
11. Organizing the control for efficient operation of
broaches 96
Ch. V. Inspection of Bpoaches After Sharpening 107
1. Checking the face angle and the gullet 107
2. Checking the back-off angle 107
a) Measuring the back-off angle with Babchinitser's
bevel protractor 107
b) Measuring the back-off angle with a template log
SILIC11i V.A,,; SMIRNOVp M,,St; j4WOVA-e,1Jaj._
8tudy of a method of aerosol immunization with powdered plague
vaccine in largo population groups. 71ur. mikroblol., opid. I
immune 40 no,l2t22-28 D 163.
(MIRA 17:12)
ACC NR# AT6036557 S~OURCZ CODEI URIOOO016610001000IOiT,-i~iii--i(
AUTHCR: Yegorovp P. I.; Benevolenskayap To Vo; Korotayevp K, H.; Reutovap M- B-;
Filatova,.L. X.; Tsyganovajo K* I*
ORG: none
I TITLE: T~e functional state of several internal organs during expowira to radial
pd coriolis accelerations during multi-day experiments in a slowly rotating room
Raper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine held In Moscow
from 24 to 27 May 1966)
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam koomicheakoy meditsiny,, 1966. Probleqr
koamicheskoy meditsinye (Problems of space medicine); materWy konferentmil,
Moscow, 1966, 161.162
Topj(; TAGS; biologic acceleration effect, coriolis acceleration, biologic metabolism,
blood chemistry# immanologrp biologic secretion
ABSTRACT: Six healthy subjecta.aged 27-736 and resistant to vestibular stimuli wer
clinically examined before and 'after studies In a slowly rotating MVK room. i
A det.ailed physical examination of internal organs was conducted along with
special clinical, biochemical,," immunioblological examinations of the
functional condition of these organs.
The ~sxperiment resulted in substantial changes in the functional state of.j
FiCC NRs AT6036557
.a number of organs and systems. -'these changes we're a function of rotation
!rate and duration of exposure. At a rate of 4(r f see in a three-day experi-
'mont, the following changes were noted: hypoglycemia and Inadequate reac-
tion of beta cells of the pancreas to insulin secretion; a sharp increase in
iblood potassium level and decreased kidney filtration function; increased
liver bilirubin secretion; a trend towards increased blood creatinine, pro.
!tein, hemoglobin, erythrocyte, and leukocyte level; change in the value,
:flexibility, and type of oculocardiao reflex; increased blood cholinesterase
activity; and a sharp decrease in blood properdin.
At a rate of 100 /see in a seven-day experiment, the following changes
:were noted: lowered EKG T-spikb from all leads, decline in the adaptability
,of the cardiovascular system to physical exercise, intensified oculocakdiae
reflex, increased blood calcium and dicreas;d potassium, decreased blood
ch6li~4"er_aeie' Greased blood properdine [WeAs -No* 22; ATD Report
1-'ACC NR-.--AT6C~6~58------- SOURCE C-66'1~':--UR/0060/66/Ooo/OOO/Oi6~/616j'
AUTHORr Yegorovo P, I.; Dupik,, V. S.; Yermakova,-K. P.; Korotayev, H. K.;
Mikhaylovskiyp Go P.; Neumyvakinp I. P.; Petrova, T. A.;
K2china- Yeggj,
Reutova, M. B.; Filatova, L. M.; Tsyganova.-N.-Io Yakoylevao L Ya,
ORG: none
TITIEt The effect of hypokinesia and homogenized food rations on the functional state
of the human organium (Paper Orecented at the Conference an Problems of Space Hadicine
held in Moscow from 24 to 27 May 19661
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Probl"my komiches-
koy reditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentaii, Moscowl 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: isolation test, hypodynamiap human physiolog)r, space physiology,
cardiovascular system, space nutrition
ABSTRACT: For a period of 7 days, four specially chosen healthy subjecta
2i-:-29 years old lay flat in bed under conditions of limited isolation.
Two of the subjects received a special ration of homogenized fobds, w~hile
the other two received a ration identical in calorie content (2200 kcal)
and chemical composition, but prepared by ordinary cooking methods.
Water consumption was unlimite&
In the course of the experiment, respiratory, volume and vital-
capacity decreased in -all subjects; the subjects i:~teiving. the special
rations showed a more pronounced increase in-oxygen consumption and
consequently in basal metabolism level.
Cardiovascular system changes were seen in the EKds of all subjects
(decreased voltage of R and T peaks, bradycardia, and rotation of the axis
to the right),. and persisted more than 12 days after the experiment.
Hemodynamic studies using N. N. Savitskiy' s method revealed a
decrease in the speed of pulse wave propagation along. arteries of the
muscular type, and changes in peripheral resistance and blood *
minute volume. Disturbances of intranasal circulation were revealed
by the rhinopneumometry method. 7hese shifts in vascular tonus were
more pronounced in the group receiving special food rations.
Following the experiment all the subjects exhibited orthostatic weakness,
and in the two subjects receiving the special food raUbn, an active orthosta-
tic test Involving standing for 30 min induced collapsi (on.the 3rd and 23rd
min of the test)..
Pronounced functional shifts of a transient nature were noted in the
gastrointestinal tract (diminished gastric secretion after the experiment
in the group receiving special rations; and changes in protein, carbohydrate,'
and cholesterin metabolism, and impairment of the bilirubin-excretory
function of the liver in all subjects).
After the experiment all subjects showed a weight loss of up to
3350 kg, although disturbances of kidney function took the form' of decreased
diuresis, decreased creatinine clearance, and impaired water excretion
during water loading tests.
Changes in mineral metabolism during the exphriment consisted of
rAncreases in the blood plasma levels of potassium and calcium in all
.subjects, and toward the end of the experiment, decreased chlorides
'in the 24-hr urine of the subjects receiving special rations.
Audiometry revealed neurodynamic disturbances of the functional
state of the auditory analyzer (asymmetry and elevation of differential
thresholds of sound intensity and height).
A change was noted in the level of the dark.adaptation curve. A-
considerable increase in light sensitivity in the 60th min was noted in the
subjects receiving ordinary food, and a lesser increase in the subjects
receiving special rations. Analysis of nyctograms taken during.!he initial.
period of dark adaptition shiired no i~bstantial s'hifts'~*-[W.A,. No. 22; ATD Report,
Card 3/3
Some problems of the integration of equations
I.D. Sokplov's "Dynamics." Trudy Inst. int.
43:406-421 161.
(Ifechanics, Analytic)
. (Sokolovl I.D.)
of motion in
est. i tekh.
(MIRA 15:1)
TSYGA140YA..-.N.Y,w. (NOVgorod)
Some theorems of elementary geometry. Yat.v shkole no-4:
60-61 JI-Ag 159. (14IILk 12:11)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 11, p 11 fUSSR~
AUTHOR: Tsyganova, N. Ya.
TITLE: The Work of 19th--century Russian Scientists on the Investigzition .~f
the Principle of Least Action and oi the Hamilton- Ostrog radskiv
Principle (Raboty russkikh uchewkb XTX k. po issledo,,aniyu
nachala naimen' shego deyst~r~Lya i riachala Gimil'tona -Ostrogradskogo)
PERIODICAL: Tr. In--ta istorii yestestvom. i tchbn. AN SSSR, 1957, Vol 19
pp 462--534
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry
Ct~rd 1/1
- -
Research of Rusian l9th-century scientists on the principle of least
work and the Hainilton-Ostrogradski, principle. Trudy Inst. ist. eat.
i teidi. 190-462-534 157. (MIRA 11:2)
(Mechanics, Analytic--HiBtor7)
- , N.P. (Vyazniki.
TSYGANOVA, X.Ya. (Vyasniki, Vladimirskaya obl.); GOLIDINA
zMar*61kaya obl. ).
From the teaching experience of A.Y.Xolasova. Kat. v shkole no.5:
64-7o s-o 154. (MLRL 7:11)
1 (Mathematics-Study and teaching) (Kolesova, Ann& Vasillev-
na, 1887-
!00 4
4 64 0 0
It a ids Nip 00041 U 4i
on the Ujittenoo of orgenomatellIo Cvwpouniio of the LAntMnId"
(K Yoprosu o Sushebastvoyaull Ketalloorgantabookikh Sooklmenli
Lantanidov) by 8 9 Afan"' ev and P A ~Tsygaaova Zhur Obahchei ShIoll
is 306-3M (1948) Yeb(In Russian)
Acoording to A von Grosse (LAR"AWrba Ch*140 12 133 (1926)),
stable orlawastalltooompounds art forsed only br tboso oloments fte**
valence electrons all bay* the saw quantum number. Except for the
non-typical totram*072-platlzuag this rule has no oxesptlon~6
Therefore, it was surprising to find a demaription of "ry stabl
*theratoo of trietbyl-scaMiumed triothyl-yttrium given by W M a
(Vokl#& AkgLLS*_n 27 (1938). The, present authors decided to
attempt a synthesis of slailar compounds for other elownts of the
same group, starting with one of the lanthwma family. rn the z;o 0
experiment described they added an other solution of SrMCC H to a
d '&
u ra
suspension in other Of W13, No "action followe
oonalud*d it Is generally ikpossiblo to form stable alkyl derivatives, !too
or their othisratos of rare earth** Joe
U is AT to it
~'94 0 0 0 0 0
6-4-10 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 0 00 *OGG
Risactlost of metallic Iran with othyl bromide. It. N
Afassas'ev and P, A. Tsygenova (Agr, Inst., Svet4tv%k).
ZkW. 061"1 Ord., Chem.) 21. 4M-qIV5I).-
Witing powd. Fe (0.1-0.2 s.; sample of W.&I"? purity,
washed with IICI, 11A), HtOll, anti RtO) with 315 it. pure
Me and letting stand 10-14 suits, (no furthes, actiLnir
Pifeuponconca. oftheliquk! portion 0.14).2c. urange-red
crystals, apparently oIEhFeHr,FjFt1Jr,, .iol. in Elso and
C411a. decompo" by 160yieldisix fir- and Fe' * *. IIv4t-
inj decomis. it to a dark powder partly sol. Its 110(in%ol,
portion It C). .4 wHr anti PhBr gave similar
G. St. Ko,,olalx)ff
t. -
*y - 13M0, XO '72(j. a.
(p, Is. Hollif and M. N. Lyashenko. lkd. 37-M.-
10,4103 Pt('vHfOlf)*l1
(ff). fo"nS UeSUly SqUAM. dAtk-OMEC PhittletS I MM- 0"
a side and 0.1 turn. thick. Monoctlikk bolobcdeg Q-2
-9()S; i1 - 104*16'. With very
M. d:b:t - 0-981: 1: 0
SMI reflection jorlil. 11101. 11111. 13011. J311 Orre
obwvtd~ 1114%iAl wish the p6ndpoill folfrutivot Milk-
1.7110. 2 it . 76 rjj-DkMwvdAy*s#iw "s
410011k. I 1,10i (Noll#) 112.21110. U t-yellowplatticts
I x I x oll InIll" which 114 Glinost tv"trin fippeaft"Ce
.2 in. a4m - 0,9642!
a It. Monoctinle holobedra Cm
1: 1.2m. 0 - lot *391. 66;;44 tam" lool 1101.
11tol. The cMtx6 were bk%W. pas., and showed sym.
.txIjtsc(Ion. They were plemitrole, being green in the
direction w-v and light yviltow to rolorlml; ' 'i -
- L". ~ Diamma ' i1;.1dloo,,-
I.M. we - 1.670. w.
Platiolunt. fnems U-&"spcuv"t'pak-
sr"it. (Ld nerflh-v A ~ I.A X J)A nun. with
It It,* A 111,41: 0 - on,
11"1. 14"1 11111L 11411~
I "I I%,-m ,A, ft.. mid j i I "'I - I *7 1
IK;"12 tki*.
1Pt(NWXl1C4. forum couse. white needles sho*'Ilg
hexagonotl symmetry. cl.-M co.-308. 4:x - 1:03M
Ob6cirved forms 112111, 11120), .d JOIT01:.
The aptails are unWial, pot. with both a a between J.M
and 1.718. Pt-
WCAN)XI.J. formn a YtIlow powder conastitig of Z
drites. The extinctions are oblique both to the axes and
todoebranclicsof the dtodrites. Crystalsarebiazia) neg.,
is, - J.U4, woo - 1.715. or. - 1.6U; 2 V - -60'. Y&;y
show sit!W ta It augle dispersion. with V, < V- tij.
Diew=UOFv&'1xgm. jPt(!'IQ1Cloj' fornis a yellow
povnkr consisting of needles having An ALMKIO at extinction-
d30'. X7 - 1.812, Pop - 1,711o), a. - 1-745;
9"d hically)
Pt X
10 C116 "loems a ~;p-yclkmv powdort consisting of is.-
tictric CfPtA6 Whkh appeAf L%KropiC 111ttier jjw pAul.
xation cukroft-ope. They belong to she cutik, system.
oo > 1 780. IN.
KH#Caff*NCJ#I. very fine i-illow nccdk-s. x7 > 1.79).
Ro - LM 0. - 104.
login, Pl( F-Jf*N),C4 Krone a Yellow ixlwder consiallass of
(WitumWendlit". b; clilinction is oblique to the twin.
Clog Plaits. a, > 1.79), go - 1.770, op. - 1,878, vii.
DIOMiolditA areAdinum. J`:(CJIoN)tClo. forms a vvi.
tWa. silky. reddisti
*7 > 1.710. no > 1.
4.wiiv &110111'. ll~
ol.. N7 > I.-IM. not 7d,
der composed of crystals of irrcjuLr tL-11w. jtf(yrm~
rZirrystah. with whose long dinornsion x.forstu in Ingk-
of 17". Twinning is frequent, to, a J.7,11). o, - J.',4j).
Ra - 1 .595. Ainswivin elkjokFitir w1doraphat mau. N*ii,-
jPtC9HoC4j. forms it yellow powder rtimpti-d tit line
cMtab of indefirtite form. orT - 1.7X, xj - 1. 7211,
I W6; 2 V (cakd. from it's) - -&I*, (N11.)..V11.C1Pj-
CVN11j)dV4Ptr4 (a mnl. rwmpol.) is a y~llaw 1,owdr,
mostposed of tudazi;d, pos,(. t tragotud cTr%fAlo tot P--IQ-
octahedral habit. xo - 7tUl. ol, > l'-asto.
hydroxylaviolvixogaitilum, PUNI4011411fu is a yellem
poiviler compui~d of Crystals showing sym. tOwtion
pilexbroilm -ith Cotm from tkrp vWn to Pak
1.4-140. a. - JAW. QQMcHictrant.
Wifl"I is in Orange Powder ConlPond of long crysl.A~
showing dired extinction. The longitudinal direction
ocs. Pk4ochrokm b ouserved, (ratio dark yttlow along
so to colorless along as and Ov. av - 1.750. no - 1.724.
a. - 1175; 2 V - -To' (CAW. from On O's). tftxs-
(A mi iso)POUixafkAki, 'Isom Pt(CsII4NIIv-
M) at A. CIS, is 6 g" ~ I w powaer -1 Orytl. .1
no deradtir form. xy > 1.780. no - 1.751. a. - IA05;
2V - -63*. Grfen Molxujl sail. lpt(Nll4)4l(ptC4j.
forms thin sovedles which show faint Intafaivacc colon *11.1
4IM1 vqllwlml~ fty > JAM, a LM, Thip
Oftlim Is P.M.
isti of its,
a Yellow poindet comistifts of dto
> 1.81 as - 1.71H. Ammoosium Mar
(NileMPt!"). forms dark-green ntedks w" a n1c
Miewence. The unLnW, neg. crys" show plemhro6tu
Innst light hmwo along us to light Penn skins ft.. A
1.736. no - 1.544. DiamminiolkhWodiAlydroxvitz4vi.
in rM MU)II, lit Wit is, 13 a pale-MlOwpowda at Crys-
I Uri Do dtfinite form. *7 m 1,756. no - 1.730.
1,9; 2 V (.dd.) - -75-. TetrommixopaUadium
no - IAW, a. -
-000 ChImi"
CIMICI.1.81-1#0. factria king. yellow piatelets 3 X I X
0.5 mm. MeasuretuentA indirave the crystris Are n=o.
thille-holijbiedral. I-evivolati,,iii. t-ver, ind"tts G-2-
2V (mled. from a valiws) -78'. 1.710, so -
1-11411). O:b:c it - 101 -311%
Ponns obwrved 11001, 10011, 11101. J1111. 0M.
12031. 11111. .1WIMM friammixogriji,j)Uoindale ke=hy-
pointed rhombilliedrs At X 0.3 mm.. which Wong to the
bezogonal Crystals of CIA" DiAm. d:e -
FogivI4 oteirr" 110111. j(11121. 11[ciiial stirfAc" Are Wj-
scryttl and mtk-weniv alovic 110111. tynt-iii6l. neg.
No - 1.571), R. - 1.114d. TIWY AM W111101phOM With
Nail Rh(SCh)s(NI(i)*I.GIfO. Poksitum triamminatruid.
filisrhodals he%44*dt* forms coloricss. 1mg thombolledra
1601111orphato with W. vi; - 1:3 194, Ws - I.W.
a a Ito,
Mi. i*1ohlihill tip Itio tritational holoh-iltal sjis~
tem. T life todsalwg JIMI with the (men 100i1 and
lot -c :0.68. no - 1.706. a. - 1.574. 2 V -
-0'. Correspooding dAU for K.ptc4 (V) are: d:C -
I:O~M. NO - IAW. X. - I.&M. 2V - -0*. Wand V
are snumed to be isot", how r ition 4&xu.
ChildrOrbW448 M4MOAYdfQj,. MII.),kbC4"1f'00`(`octtu dark.
10. 1-0.3 mm.1 belongivig to the orthochombic
lyltem4,r which an 6omorphow with (%lij,
11706.51110. :b: 0.874:1:0.407. Forms measured
lll()I, 11201, 10111. is - 17541 Fee - 1.750, is. -
1.740-. 2 V - -70'. T1. Wjituthttal direction is wn
fridiiiwAiichkro(dimdkylgtyvximse) acid.
Corrosion resistance of metals subjected to sugar and caramel
syrups. Kbleb. i kond. prom* 1 no.4:12-14 Ap '57. OLRA 10:5)
1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut pishchavoy prouWahlennosti.
(Corrosion and anticorrosives) (Syrups)
Studying the corrosion resistance of materials for making apparatus
used in the production of pectin from beat pulp. Xhleb. i kond. prom.
1. Mookovskiy tekhnologicheski~ inotitut pishchevoy pronVehlonnosti
(for Ai' ye Qv4. 2,.Vs~soyuznvY konditerskiy nauchno-
doZIF ,and Myga
issledovatel'skiy institut (for Sosnovsk1y).
(pectin) (Corrosion and anticorrosives)
/ 6 yy "V&O V/1' A t~'
ATDJVffA, AtT., prof., doktor takhn. nauk; SOKOLOTMIYO A*L., prof., doktor takhn.
nauk; TSYGANOTA,-P.A.., assistant.
Investigating corrosion resistance of metals in confectionery production..
Trudy KTIPP no.lOr96-103 157. (MIRL lOrl2)
(Confectionery) (Corrosion and anticorrosives)
SOV/1 37-58- 1 J -ZiG42
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 173 (USSR.)
AUTHORS: Avdeyeva, A. V. , Sokolovskiy, A. L. , Tsygapova,. P. A., Begunova.
T. N.
T IT LE: Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Metals in Aggressive Media
of Caramel Production (Issledovaniye korroziynoy stoykosti
metatlov v agressivnykh sredakh karamel'nogo proizvodstva)
PERIODICAL: Khlebopek. i konditersk. prom-sti, ,1958, Nr 2, pp 14 -15
ABSTRACT: A study was made of the corrosion of Zh-17-T and Ya-l--T steels,
Al, Cu, and St3 steel in a caramel mass, caramel filling (I part
apple puree + I part sugar) and in boiled apple, apricot, and damsc.r.-
plum purees. Zh-17-T and Ya-l-T steels are resistant in all. Three
media, Al is resistant in the caramel medium, Cu in the caramel
filling and in the boiled purees. The addition of 10/o citric and 1%
lactic acids to the caramel mass and filling does not increase cor--
rosion. The addition into the boiled puree of 2C/6 a line must have
been skipped in the Russian original, Trans. Note ..... Cu. Upor.
the addition of 20/6 trioxyglutaric acid to the apricot puree all metals
Card 1/2 are corroded. Tests under shop conditions shovred a good resistance
Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Metals in Aggressive Media (cont. )
of Zh-17-T and Ya-l-T steels in the filling vacuum apparatus. Only Ya-l-T steel
is resistant in the storage tank for puree treated with S02, and it can also be
recommended for the manufacture of the condenser of the water-jet air pump
where SO? of various concentrations may always be present.
T. A.
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metalturgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 181 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Avdeyeva, A. V., Sokolovskiy, A. L., Tsyganova, P.A.
TITLE: An Investigation of the Corrosion Resistance of Metals in the
,Confectionery Industry (Issiedovaniye korrozionnoy stoykosti
metallov v konditerskom proizvodstve)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. tekhnol. in-t pishch. prom-sti, 1957, Nr 10,
pp 96- 103
ABSTRACT: A study is made of the corrosion resistance of Zh-17-T,
Ya-l-T, and St 3 steels and of Al and Cu, at 1200C, in the fol-
lowing aggressive mediums: 1) sugar syrup with 1% added lac-
tic and 1% added citric acid, pH 2.87; 2) invert syrup, pH
3.14; 3) caramel syrup on molasses base, pH 6.22 and 2.8;
4) caramel syrup on invert sugar base, pH 6.14 and 2.12. Zh-
17-T steel proved fully resistant to all these mediums. Ya-l-T
steel was less stable. St 3 steel was totally unstable. Al starts
to corrode in acid caramel syrup. Cu corrodes in acidified
syrups. Shop tests showed that steels Zh-17-T and Ya-l-T are
completely stable in a medium of caramel crumbs and caramel
Ca rd 1/2 syrup and are suited for the fabrication of cooking tanks. Studies
An Investigation of the (cont.
are made of the corrosion strength of metals in caramel mass with 1% lactic
and 1% citric acids added (at 1450C), in caramel fillings (I part apple puree
plus I part sugar at 950) and in reboiled preparations of apples, apricots, and
alycha. I a member of the damson plum family; Transl. Ed. Note] (at 1200).
Zh- 17-T steel and Al are completely stable in caramel mass. Ya - 1 -T and Cu
become corroded. St 3 steel is completely unstable.
1. Metals--Corrosion 2. Industrial plants--Equipment
Ca rd 2/2
Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 228 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Avdeyeva, A. V., Sokolovskiy, A. L., Tsyga-nova, P. A.
TITLE: Corrosion Resistance of Metals in Sugar and Caramel Syrups
(Korrozionnaya stoykost' metallov v sakharnykh i karamel'nykh
PERIODICAL: Khlebopek. i konditersk. prom--st', 1957, Nr 4, pp 12-14
ABSTRACT- Some results of corrosion experiments conducted on various
metals in the preparation of caramel under both laboratory and
indu3trial conditions. The degree of corrosion was determined
by the weight method. Sugar (pH Z.87; 3.14) and caramel
(pH 6.22; 6.14; Z.81; ?,12) syrups were investigated as the
corroding media. Tests in the plant apparatus have demonstrated
that steel 3 is unsuitable either for syrup made of crumbs or
for caramel syrup, Cu is unsui'.able for syrup made of crumbs,
whereas Cr and Cr-Ni stee15 Eire corrosion resistant in the
media mentioned.
Card 1/1 0. P.
1. Caramel syrup-Corrosive effects 2. Sugar syrup-Corrosive
effects 3. Metals-Corrosion-Test results
L L56'13_66____~V~~ 1P t 1'~I' c j ~ r"I a
jLNr(m)Z~~R(0 TID I 1JP D/v /J
ACC NR, AP6021214 SOURCE CODE: UR/0294/66/004/003/0364/0368
AUTHOR: Trelin, Yu. S. (Moscow); V
Tsyg nova, T. A._(Moscow) g~sil e~v, 1. 1. (Moscow); ProRkurin, V. B.
ORG: none
TITLE: Experimental data on the speed of sound in alkaline metals at temperatures up
to 8000C -1-7
SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v, 41 no. 3, 1966, 364-368
TOPIC TAGS: acoustic waveguide, sound transmission, iftel--l j soellao? /4C_S4_
STAACT: The present work discusses the method and results of measuring the speed of
_0 d in sodium and potasslum and three mixtures of these metals (69.4%, 53.1%. 28.5%.
sodium in each mixture) at temperatures up to 8000C. The speed of sound was deter-
mined by an acoustic interferometer adapted to high temperature work and in chemically
active substances by using steel acoustic waveguides. In all cases under investiga-
tion, the speed of sound war. found to be a linear function of the temperature. The
greatest speed was observed in pure sodium. The authors also computed the following
quantities on the basis of the acoustic data and density: adiabatic and isothermal
compressibilities, ratio of heat capacities at constant pressure to that at constant
volume. These quantities wre derived from the thermodynamic relations given in a seri.
UDC: 534.2.22:532.12
L 45673-66
ACC NR: AP6021214
es of equations. For the three alloys of Na'and_~', density relationship in terms of
relative concentrations was derived from, the empirical data. The measurement error5
10f these quantities are also4given. This work was Gtimulated by the need of thermody-:;
inamic data for liouid metals:'needed in -the design of the atomic energy power genera-
tors. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 1 table, 5 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: 25Apr65/ ORIG REF. 005/ OTH REF: 003
LC.,d 2/2
2, ussR (6oo)
4. Afforestation - Chelyabinsk Providance
7. Spob seeding of forests in the forest-steppe zone of Chelyabinsk Providence.
Dost. sellkhoz. no. 4i 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY, -1953, Unclassified.
2. IJSSR ( 600)
4. Chelyabinsk Province - Afforestation
7. Spot seeding of forests in the forest-steppe zone of Chelyabinsk Province.
Doet. selkhoz Z- no- 4, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified.
SHAINSK3Y# M. Te., inzh.; TSXWOVSKIY. R. M., inzh.
Semiautomatic face-milling machine. Maahinoo-troonis no-5:10
M 162* (MIRA l6ti)
1. Luganskiy toplavozostroitelln7y zavod.
(M M ing machinea)
AP6036461 SOURCE CODE: UR/0196/66/002/011/0112/0117:
A~THORSt Kozlovp L. F. (Kiev); Tayganyuk, A. 1. (Kiev)
16", SSR (Institut gidromokhaniki Alt bkrSSR)
-61--Institute of Hydromachanics, AN Ukr
MUM: Using sixth degree polynomials for calculating a boundary layer in the
.-*esence of sue-"ion
~`S-OURCE:' Prikladnaya mekhanika, v. 2, no. 1.1, 1966, 112-117
TOPIC TAGSt laminar boundary layerg approximation method, incompressible flow, fluid
ABSTRACT- The Karman-Pohlhausen momentum integral method is used to analyze the
laminar viscous flow of an incompressible fluid in the presence of arbitrary pressure
gradients and small suotion. The velocity profile is described by a sixth degree
~polynomial. The integrated form of the momentum equation is given by
. - --d2U
du . .I. - - W
(F 2t + JU-
where t is the auction velocity (nondimens-ionai) and F is the pressure parameter givenj
by where f is given by -dU Plots of f versus 4 and of f
Card 1/2
,~.CC NRs AP6036461
versus H indicate that F can be approximated by the almost linear relationship
*,)..=,A (I B (I I- a V. t
Substituting this in the momentum integral equation, a quadrature is obtained for f.
and the v ious boundary layer parameters calculated for different values of the
suction velocity. Orig. art. has: 16 equations and 6 figures.
SUB CODEI 20/ SM DATEt 02Sep66/ ORIG RM: 003/ OTH REFs 001
ANDREYEV, A.I.; SHISHKINA, Ye.Ya., veterin.vrach; GULIYEV, M.A., veterin.vrach;
DUBAKIN, II.I.; FOMINA, A.Ya., kand.veterin.nauk; SOKKAR, I.M.B.,
aspirant; KUZIMIN, V.V., prof.; TSYGENBORD, O.A., veterin.vrach
Laboratory practice. Veterinariia 40 no.7s66-76 Jl 163.
(KRA 16.- 8)
1. Direktor Akhtyrskoy mezhrayonnoy vaterinarnoy laboratoril, Sumskaya
obl. (for Andreyev). 2. Vseaoyuznyy institut eksperimentallnoy
veterinarii (foi Shishkina, Fomina, Sokkar). 3. Respublikanskaya
veterinarnaya laboratoriya Gruzingk4,439R (for Guliyev).
Moskovskaya oblastnaya veterinarnaya laboratoriya (for Dubakin).
5. Leningradskiy veterinarnyy inatitut (for Kuzlmin TSygenbord).
(Veterinary medicinei
AVIHMI Tayglkalo, A. A.
TI=s Testlng of the accelerating tubes of -the 2 Mev VR (FTI) eleotro-
statio accelerator of the AS UkrSSR
PPIODICALI ReferativrWy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1961, 34, abstract 8B18
(V ab. "Elektrostat. generator7". M., Atomizdat, 1959, 23-31)
TEM The author discusses briefly the designs of five accelerating tubes
tested In a 4 Mov electrostatic generator and discusses the results of these
tests. The author notes that clIpping of the maximum voltage owing to voltage
"breaks" aaw be ellminated by altering the degign of the insulator and the
technology of gluing It to the electrode.
D. Koshkarev
[Abstraotersai notet Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Relation between visual transmission capacity and brigi.tres3,
Dokl. AN SSSR 136 no. 3:730 Ja 161. (MM~ 11-:2)
1. Institut f3ziologii imeni I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. Predsta-Ileno
akademikom V.M. Chernyshevskim.
USSR/Chemistry - Suspension
Chemistry - Dispersed sy3tems
"The Adherence of Microscopic Particles to the Hard Surfact, of Liquids," G. 1. Fuks,
V. Y. Klychnikov, YB. V. Tsyganova, All-Union Sci Res Inst for Fertilizers, Agrotcch,
and Soil Studies imeni K. K. Gedroyts, 4 PP
I'Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol LN, No 3
Studied adherence of raonodisptrsecl suspe-nsions of quartz, glass, graphite, clay, soils, and
1 9
rosin to quartz, glass, metals, par-aMn in water, mineral oils, and several other lif;lLids.
Submitted by Acad Rebinder 3 Jan 49
PA 39/49T11
Gravimetric method for the quantitative determination of arenes in
light-colored petroleum products. Trudy TKII IP no.6:148-155 157.
(MIRA 10:10)
(Aromatic compounds) (Petroleum products--Analysie)
SHAINSKIY, M.Ye., inzh.; TSYGANOVSKIY, B.M., inzh.; MOGILINYY, N.I., inzh.
Semiautomatic machine for milling center flanges in bol*q. rnllprn,
and pins. Mashinostroenie no.6:64-66 N-D 163.
HATAKSIS, T. (Hataxis, T.J. polkovaik; GOLDBERG, S.,podpolkovnik;
ALSK ANDROV, I.A. (translator]; GROMOV, Tu.Ye. Etranslotorj;
PETROV, Y.G. (translatorh_TSTGICH[O,_fi.P., red.; NUODATEY,
Yu.A., red.; IOMEVA, N.A..
[I~entomic Divison; tactics, armaments and firepower of the pentomic
division, battle groups and companies operating under conditions
of atomic warfare] Pentomicheskaia diviziia; taktika, vooruzhenie
I ognevaia moshch' pentomicheskoi divizii, boevoi gruppy i roty v
usloviiakh primenaniia iadernogo oruzhila. Pod red. N.P.TSygichko.
Moskva,, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 345 p. Translated from the
English. (MIR-A 13:6)
(United States--Army) (Atomic warfare)
TSyGIjUiL,'), A. I.
Te'legrafiya (103r) V.V. ~1;011ikovl A.I. '-,7sygikalc,, P.A. NaUMOV- '.ioskvaj Sfyazlizda'U,
ig-. V. illus., diagrs.
Includes references. . 2 Telarafrue Apparaty i Stantii;
Contents: " V* , U
Ad p
U1 a A
all z
Ri .4
k IL
1 .9 4
-'Ise 2 f 5
.4 t;d
ow All. $I
4GI-i ~C'k v:1
I ::
!3m 41,dill A
Ml I -i I Z
F' ij .8
o ~a rE
0 0
I a iF
moo 1 :2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1960, No. 2, P. 25, ht 2734
Vallter, A. K., Taygikalo, A. A._
An Electrostatic 4-Mev Accele;:t~qr for Precision Nuclear Measurements
PERIODICAL: Tr. Sessii AS UkrSSR po mirn. ispol'zovaniyu atomn. energii. Kiyev,
AS UkrSSR, 195b, pp. 24-34
TEXT: The design and the operation experi!pce are described in detail of
an experimental vertical electrostatic genenatcrf FTI AS UkrSSR for an energy
of 1.2-3.8 Mev. The generator is placed into a reservoir filled with compressed
gas (a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide under a pressure of up to 20 atm).
The reservoir is 2.2 m in diameter and -7.5 m long. The generator is loaded on
two accelerating tubes with an operation vacuum (at the lower end) of (1.5-2).10-6
mm Hg. In sources of the Penning type (with a cold cathode)for a current of up to
70/4 a are installed at each of the accelerating tubes. The beam from one accelerat-
Ing tube is used for measuring the absolute energy by means of an electrostatic
analy7er. The ion beam of the other tube is an operational beam and is directed,
th-rough a magnetic analyzer onto the target. The aCcuracy of the energy measuring
Card 1/2 V
An Electrostatic 4-Mev Accelerator for Precision Nuclear Measurements
Is uP to 0.05%.
ASSOCIATION: Piz.-tekhn. in-t AN UkrSSR (Physico-Engineering Institute of
V. G. Lopato UK
Card 2/2
Vallter, A. K,j F, G. Zheleznik,.)vv 1. F. Malyshev, G. Ya. Rosball,
As K. Serbinov, A. A. Tsygikalo, and S. P. Tsytko
Elektrostaticheskiye uskoriteli zaryazhennykh chastits (Electrostatic
Accelerators of Charged Particles) Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963.
301 p. 4700 copies printed.
Ed. (Title page): A. K. Vallter, Academician, Academy of Sciences of
the UkrSSR.
Ed.i A. V. Gorokhovskiy; Tech. Ed.t N. A. Vlasova.
PURPOSEi This book is intended for scientists, students, engineersp
and technicians developing, utilizings or studying high-potential
engineering and acceleration of charged particles.
COVERAGEt This textbook on electrostatic generators is devoted chiefly
to electrostatic accelerators intended for nuclear research.
Card 1/8
Electrostatic Accelerators (Cont.)
Sections 1-3 of Ch. I are written by A. K. Valfter; Section 4 of
Ch. I and Chs. 11, V, and vir are written by A. A. Tsygikalo; -
Ch. III# by A. N. Serbinzov; Ch. IVO by S. P, Tsytko; and-. Cbi~Wl'
- . r-by
I. F. Malyshev, F. G. Zheleznikov, and G. Ya. Roshall. There are
182 referencess 73 Soviet and 109 non-Soviet.
Ch. I. Introduction
1. Short outline of the development of electrostatic generators 5
2. Application of accelerated particles for the investigation
of atomic nuclei 8
3. Comparative evaluation of linear, cyclic, and electrostatic
accelerators within the range of moderate energies 21.
4, Application of electrostatic generators and accelerators I
in industry 31
Card 2,0
Valfter, A, K,,v, F, 4j. Zhelezn'ik-3v, I. F, Malyshevp G, Ya. Rosball,
A, N, Serbinov, A, A. Tsygikalo, and S, P, Tsytko
Eliiktrostaticheskiye uskoriteli zaryazhennykh chastits (Electrostatic
Accelerators of Charged Particles) Moscowp Gosatomi.zdatp 1M.
301 p. 4700 copies printed.
Ed. (Title page)s A. K. Valfter, Academician, Academy of Sciences of
'the UkrSSR,
Rd.t A. V. Gorokhovakiyj TOO, Edo No A. Vlasovao
PURPOSEt This book ii intended for scientistsp studentep engineers,
and technicians developing, utilizing, or studying high-potprtial
engineering and acceleration of charged particles*
COVERAGEt This textbook on'electrostatic generators is devoted chiefly
to electrostatic accelerators intended for nuclear research.
Card 2/8 M
Electrostatic A~celeFators (Cont.). SOV/6536
Sections 1-P of Fh,, I are writ$en by A, K, Valfter; Section 4 of
Ch, I a d Ch's XZ~ V. and VII &ke written by A. A. Taygikalo; -
Ch. III,, by N., Serbinov; Cb.'IVI- by S. P. -Tsytko; and--C "-- ~1 -by
X. F. Malyshev, i~. G. Zheleznikov and G, Ya, Roshalto There are
182 references: F3 Soviet and A09 non-Soviet.
.TABLE OF CONTENfS (Atridged]:
Foreword 3
Ch. I. Introdudtion
1. Short outline df the development of electrostatic generators 5
2. Application of.~accelerated particles for the inve,stigation
of atomic*nuclei 8
3. Conparati,~e evaluation of linear, cyclic, and electrostatic
accelerators within this range*of moderate energies 21.
40' Applicatign of electrostatic generators and accelerators A
in indust*y 31
Card 2A
NOVIKOV, Vasiliy Vasillyevich- TSYGIXAL-Q,-Arkadlyl.,_Q4ifovich; NAUHOV#
Pavel Alekseyevich; kiff- Ts B*A9, Oty.. i;-d'. ',-hrosm
L.Y., red.; KARKOCH,, K.G.,,
(Telegraph] Telegrafiia. Koekva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosom
sviazi i radio. Pt.2. (Telegraph stations and apparatus] Tele-
grafnya apparaty i stanteii. 1960, 461 p. (KIRA 13:10)
AUTHORS: Val'ter, A.K. and Tsy6-ikalo. A.A.
TITLE: A 4 hTV Vertical Electrostatic Generator of the FTI
Ac.Sc. Ukrainian SSR (Vertikal'nyy elektrostaticheskiy
generator FTI AN USSR na 4 MV)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i Teltlffinika Eksperimenta, 195'j, No.4,
pp. 3-12 (USSR
ABSTRACT: The 4 MV electrostatic generator of the Physico-techilical
Institute of the Ac.Sc. USSR was designed for nuclear work
requiring an accurate knowledge of the energy of the acceler-
ated particles (+ 0.05106). The design was worked out in 1949-
1950. The folloTing requirements had to be satisfied:
a) high degree of stabilisation of the voltage of the
electrostatic generator; b) continuous v:-riation of the
energy of the accelerated particles; c) control of ~.aL~ni-
tude, form, and density of the beam current; d) best utili-
sation of the workinG time of the Generz;tor; e) safety and
simplicity of servicing. To obtain both high resolution ail-d
the necessary ion current, two acceleratin-,-, tubes viere used.
The beant accelerated in one of these is used for measurements
and stabilis,-~tion, and the beaLi accelerated in the other is
the'Working" beam used to irradiate tar-ets.
Cardl/2 Using the upper limit of resolution of the electrostatic
A 4 MV Vertical Electrostatic Generator of the FTI Ac-Sc. Ukrainian
analyser under the first tube, and an electro-a~~netic analyser
under the second tube, it is possible to obtain a bean from
the latter tube whose strength is governed only by the currcit
capabilities of the ~~)enerator and the therLial stability of
targets. Bewn currents of up to 500 4A have beeli obtained.
The generator works in compressed gas (20 atm.). The belt is
53 cm. vide and moves with a speed of 20 m/sec. The chFrge is
out on the inner side of the belt by four brushes --.-orking in
parallel and supplied with ?0 kV through a resistance of
OA cold cathQd5 ioi source is used ~n each ' ID
NQ .
MODEM - 2 f iGurcs and re erences, of which 5 are ~ 1c.
ASSOCIATION: Ph.YS:LQP Technical Institute of the Ac.Sc.Ukrainian
SSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR)
SUBMITTED: March 7, 1957.
AVAILABLE: Library of Uongress
Gard 2/2