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Imperiences vith ths application of enzymatip zonulolysis according
to J. Barraquer. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 81 n0-7-8:677-680 Jl-Ag
1. Ocno odeljenje Opste bolnice u Zajecaru, sef: dr. Sava Tovetkovic.
UMMIES ther. )
YUGOSLAVIA/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by
Helminths. Arachno-Entorwi,
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Molt) No 6, 1958, 26355
Author : Ilevenich, V., Petrovich, K., Sibalich, S., Tsvetkovich,
Q., AnGelovskiy, T.
ting Sheep Scabies with the
Title Our Experience in Combat
Help of "Vetalin".
Orig Pub Veterin. glasnik, 1956, 10, No 10, 756-762
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
AVDEYEV, Mikhail Mikhaylovioh; TSVETKO)7jCR,,_Sorj.~,Qy Aleksandravich% GORO-
-i;~-senzent~ SIDOROV,- --- - r;A
DETSKOV;, A.P~, inzh..g iCl-, iriho-., - f
MEDVEDErJA, M.A.., tekbn. redo
[Practices in the operation of &.e. ele,otric locomotives] Opyt eks-
luatataii elektrovoZov peremenriogo toka. Moskva., Vnes. izdatellskc--
poligr. obuedinenie M-va putei coobshcheniia, 1961. 37
(Electric lo-Vomotives) (MpiaA 14-.ll)
Operation of the electrical drive of the PS-12.00 centrifugal.
Sakh.prom. 31 no.8:60-61 Ae, '57. rRA 10: P)
I.Kiyevskiy sakhavoklotrest.
(Centrifuges) CIE1-~atrlc notors)
-;-- ~tr ~--,
wRepair of electric motors.0 A.I.Maevskii. Reviawed by B.A.TSvet-
kovskii..Sakh.prom. 28 no.4-.47-48 '54. (MLPA 7:7)
(Electric motors-Repairing) (Haevskii, A.I.)
Repairing the rotor of a turbo-generator. Sakli.prom. 27 no.4:30-31 Ap 153.
(YT,PA 6:6)
1. Kievskiy sakns7eklotrest. (Dynamos)
*Labor economics in Uw ecUted by A.S.Kudriavtsev, Reviewed
by E.Granovskii, V.TSvetkovskli. Soto, trud 7 w,12:140-146 D 162.
(Labor economics) (Kudriavtoov, A.B.)I (MMA 16t2)
,,-TS-VETKOVSKIYt V.N..q-pR1kovnik meditainskoy alubby
Diagnostic significance of the fractional erythrocyte sedimenta-
tion rate in r&-unatic fever. Voene-med. zhure no. 6:83 Je 160.
Effect of various physiological factors on the vectorelectro-
cardiogram. Klin.mod. 38 no*6941-44 Je 160. (MIRA 13:12)
For-mula for cIct=-,dnirS, in acivance tho ,-rclicht of flat Girlr.stroi. 21, no.1, lr',11~2.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, i,PL-,.!L 19~-,2 --t9#9i Uncl.
GACHEVA, Y., _MVL,~TVMYj~L.,_ Chair of Physiotherapy and Balneology,
Director Prof. V. Mikhailov, ISUL jnstitut za spetsializatsiya i
usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite; Institute for the Specialization
and Advanced Study of Physiciang; Chair of Neurology, Director,
Docent P. Oveharoval ISUL.
"Treatment of Post-Apoplectic Hemiplegic Patients By Electric Stim-
ulation With Low-Prequency Pulse Currents"
Sofia 9Nevroloeiya, Paikhiatriya i 1ievrokhirurgiya, Vol 41 No 6v
1965, pp 447-452.
Abstract: Electrotherapy with low-frequency pulse currents
according to a methocL developed by Gacheva was applied -Go 25 pa-
tiente 20-70 years old with hemiparesee and hemiplegia!j in cons--~-
quence of apoplectic strokes due to thromboses, embolisms, and
hemorrhages in the brain. 3tarting from the principle of recipro-
cal action of flexors and extensors, attempts were made 1) to sup-
press the pathologically increased excitability and lability of
the principal muscles(responsible for the Wernicke-1.1ann posture),
while at the same time obtaining a reciprocal activation of the
nerve centers of the extensors of the hands and flexors of the
legs, resp.; 2) to stimulate antagonist muscles with a view of
produc-Ing reciprocal inhib-ition of the spastic hypertonic muscles.
The response of spastic paretic patients to tbA aDDlication of
pulse currents varied; preliminary electrodiagnosis was found
- 42
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010 a rm cogra"d Casling of BM9U for Anolm Red TOW&
00 a 1. Ilmdyehav, IL-1#9tnenko and B. Furs. (Stal. 1938, No. 1.,
pp. 44-52). (in Riii"nT.'- The centrifugal casting of wamless steal
tube billets offers a number of advantages. The authors describe
experiments on the industrial wAle on the production by this method
00 .3 ofplahi carbon and beat-rcaisting steel tubm. A centrifiqtal casting
00 a twichine, dosigned wid conxtrurted In Ituada, was uWI for these 1
00 a experiments. Full details of steel compostion, casting tem perstured,
. nd other conditions of casting, method of rolling and the mechanical
.4 lvrop~rtira and microstructure of both the billets and the rolled tubes
0 are given. Under suitable conditions, the results obtained were
00 verv Itati5fisetory.
I T-1 M I A P A q -r
U U AV PO IS7, K K a 9 a It a t9 19 W KW 4 a
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18(5) SOV/1 28-59-6 -1 -3112 c5
AUTHOR: Tsvetnenko, K.U., Engineer
TITLE: Using Models and Similarity Methods in Studying CGntri-
fugal Casting
PERIODICAL: Liteynow Proizvodstvo, 1959, Yr 6, PP 38-40 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; After describing the normal process when pouring li-
quid metal into the die during centrifugal casting,the
author states that there is a great possibilty of chan-
ging considerably the centrifugal casting when dis-
regarding the dependency between the rotationary speed,
the temperatures, and the Time for pouring the metal.
Such a poor result is the formation of so-called "rain-
falls", i.e. one part of the liquid metal separates
from the pouring stream and pours down like a "rain".
Such rain causes strong oxidation and changes consi-
derably the formation of the structure.
For correct pouring the following rule is suggested:
C~rd 1/3 3
SOV/1 28-59-6-13/25
Using Models and Similarity Methods in Studying Centrifugal Casting
settingk4f, equal to: rotationary speed of the mold
within 1 sec.
equal to: flowing speed of the liquid metal
in 1 sec.
V. equal to: coefficient of cinematic viscosi-
ty in cu.m/sec.
t equal to: pouring time in sec.
R equal to: outside radius of liquid stream
during 1 min.
equal to: radius of the open area of the
lioui d i n mi.
V3 e a U a 1so; gr O-P, 0-0 7"a17 -41,
"he casting In Y/Sec.
Based on these rules the author made tests zo s-.,udy
normal process as well as the "rain-falls " of the cen-
trifugal cast?ng. These results are published by' way off
graphs, and micro-pho-ton. Conclusion: Experimental tes-
'ling of the rul4s proved a 10 to 15,4 deviatiori from the
Card 2/3 theory. There are 2 photographs, 5 graphs and
SO V/1 7/25
Using Models and Similarity Methods in Studying Centrifugal Castinp-,
2 Soviet references
Card 3/3
S/123/6 1/ooo/co4/o 13/027
A On- 4/A10 !-1
AUTHOR: Tsvetnenko, K, U.
TMES: Using -the similarity principle in the theory and practice of centri-
fugal casting
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinost-royendye, no. 4, 1961, 18, abstract
40145. ("Tr. Ukr. n.-i. trubn. in-ta", 1959, no. 1, 177-201)
TEXT; The utilization of the principles of the theory of similarity and
simulating for processes of centrifugal casting makes-~t possible to establish
the'technological parameters of castings, This method makes it possible to
determine, in the value range of the criteri v -
0.11 v~ (R F , the critical
velocity of mold revolution, the distribution of velocities over the flow d
the duration of the unsettled rotation of the flow, which increases with a
growing speed of rotation of the mold and rate of metal pouring and*with a
decrease in its, viscosity (other conditions being equal). The unsettled state
of the circular steel flow in short water-cooled metallic chills without lining
can be observed during'~O-25 seconds from the termination of the pouring, while
it lasts some 80 seconds in long, dry, lined rotating molds at a temperature of
Card 1/2
UL=tng the similarity pr-Inciple ... Aoo4/Aio4
the metal being poured of 1,60-00C and a linear pouring speed of 0.2 - 0.25 cm/sec.
The author presents formulae and graphs for the calculation of the optirm-im number
of revolutions of the rotating mold wh1oh tally well with the practice. There
are 18-figures and 14 references.
S. Zhakovskiy
[Abstractor's notez- Complete translation]
Card 2/2
.4004/A 10 1
AUTHOR3: Samoylov, G. D., Volkovitskiy, G. I., Tsvetnenko. K. U.
TTTLE: Cast tube blanks from converter steel blown through with o);:ygen
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnil. ?-4u;hlno_,troycniye, no. 6, 1962. 5, abstract
617,12 (V sb. "Proiz-vo trub". no. 5, Khar1kov, Meta Llurgi zda t,
1961, 129-1132)
TEXT: The use of oxygen blast (containing 92 - 94~ oxygen) considerably
improves the quality of converter metal. Its chemical composition approaches
that of open-hearth steel, .-ihile its content of harmful impurities and gases is
reduced to the following limits: 0.020 - o.o45% S, 0.010 - 0-0315~5 P, 0.005 -
0.010% N2, 0.002 - 0.00?,% 0 2P 0.0002 - G.0004% H2, To investigate the feasibility
of rolling tubes from ingolus of converter metal blown through with oxygen, a
batch of round-section ingots (345 mm in diameter and 2,000 mm high) were cast
from killed grade 20 steel. The rolling results revealed the possibility of a
successful production. on pilger mills, of tubes from Ingots of converter metal
blown through with oxygen.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Samoylo%, G. D., Volkovitskiy, G. I., Tsvetnenko, K. U.
TITLE; Oxygen-~,lown converter-steel cast pipe blanks
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 59, abstract 5V345
(V sb. "Proiz-vo trub", no. 5, Khar"kov, Metallurglzdat, 1961,
TEXT: To investigate the possibility of rolling pipes from 02-blown
converter metal ingots, a series of grade "20" killed steel round ingots were
cast (345 mm in diameter, 2,000 mm high) . To study the structure of chemically
heterogeneous ingots and the mechanical properties in the cross sqction at 600 mm
from the bottom, templets were cut out. Samples and specimens were taken from
the templets at different spots in the direction from the external surface to
the axis, The structure of an ingot is characterized by the presence of 3 zones.
Zone I of the external surface consists of a thin strip of very fine equiaxial
crystals which slowly pass over into fine columnar crystals; zone 2 following
zone 1, consists of ramified dendrites; zone 3-is located in the Ingot depth
at about 90 mm distance from the external surface extending towards its axis.
Card 1/2
O)Vgen-blown converter-steel cast pipe blanks A0061A101.
It consists of coarse equiaxial, crystals with intermediate segregations. The
distribution of elements in a converter metal ingot is the same as in open-hearth
steel ingots. The results obtained in rolling show the possibility of success-
ful pipe production from conve.rter metal ingots on'pilger mills.
P. A.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translathn]
Card 2/2
Hydrodynamic state of the metal in centrifugal pasting. Lit.
proifv. no.7:45 J1 162. (Centrifugal casting) KRA-16:2)
V. 123/62/000/00VO16/016
AUTHORs Tsvetnenko, K. U.
TITLE: The metal flow rate along rotating chill molds and its effect on
the outer surface quality of centrifugally cast tube blanks
PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, r4ashinostroyeniye, no. 7, 1962, 21, abstract
7G162 (V sb. "Proiz-vo trub". no. 5, Khar1kov, Metallurgizdat, 1961,
TEXT: The quality of the outer surface of hollow tube blanks cast by the
centrifugal method in relatively long ingot molds depends, to a considerable
extent, on the metal flow conditions and the rate at which the inner mold surface
is covered by an unbroken steel layer. The motion of the flow along the ingot
mold is impeded by the friction on the mold lining and a decrease in -the metal
fluidity owing to its temperature drop. These two factors slow do-~m the metal
flow rate, and the longer the mold, the more pronounced is their effect. During
tests being carried out, the metal flow rate was determined by the closing of
contacts which were placed over the whole length of the mold. It was found that
a lining of coarse-grAined river sand with rounded off grains offe,,,s less
Card 1/2,
The metal flow rate along rotating chill molds Aoo4/Am
resistance'to the flow of the liquid steel than a lining of fine-grained sand.
The average metal.flow rate on a lining of fine-grained sand amounts to 0.144 ml
see, while it is 0.241 m/sec on a lining of coarse-grained river saiid with roun3Ed
off graihs. This is explained by the physical characteristics of the metal motion
on a loose lining. Rounded off sand grains offer less resistance to the metal
flow than canted ones, the granulometric composition being approximately the
same. If a lining of fine-grained sand is used, the outer tube surface shows
depressions and cavities since the shear resistance of the lining layer to the
metal flow is not high because of the low inertia of the fine-grained sand.
A coarse-grained sand increases the centrifugal forces acting.on the lining
layer in contact with the liquid metal, and a lining from this sand offers a
Gonsiderable shear resistance to the metal flow, as a result of which the outer
tube surface is of a better quality than with fine-grained sand. However, in
this case scab is formed owing to the penetration of the metal into the coarse
pores. To reduce the pores on the surface of a lining from coarse-grained
sand, the author recommends to apply a layer of fine-grained sand 0.7 - 1.0 mm
thick. In this case the outer surface of the blanks does not show any scab or
other casting defects. There are 7 figures and 2 references.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation] L. Yanovskaya
Card Z/2
S112316 1/000/004/0 19/027
AUTHORS: Tsvetnenko, K. U.; Volkovitskly, G. I., and -lamoylov, G. D.
TITLE: Centrifugal casting of hollow pipe blanks from converter metal blown
through with oxygen
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, no. 4, 1961, 20, abstract
40155, ("Byul. nauchno-tekhn. Inform. Ukr. n. -i. trubn. In-t",
1959, nos. 6-7, 131-135)
TEXT: The authors report on the casting of pipes from converter steel of
the grades K 0, K 10, K 20, kr- (KS) and kA (KD) on centrifugal machines, the
steel having been srmelted with oxygen blowing. The blanks had a.length of 3,320
mm, a diameter of 285 mm and a wall thickness of 40-45 mm. High-quality blanks
can be obtained if the following technological parameters are observed: rotation
speed of 600 rpm at the moment of pouring and 500 rpm after the steel has reached
the opposite chill end; pouring rate - 25 kg/sec; sand layer thickness on the
inner chill surface - 5-6 mm. There is 1 figure and 3 references,
S. Zhukovskiy
[Abstractorl,s note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
3/123/6 1/000/004/016/027
AUTHORS: T-svetnenko, K. U., and Rulla, N. V.
TITLE: The effect of steel sprinkling during centrifugal casting on the
quality of cast blanks and pipes rolled from them
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 4, 1961, 19, abstract
4G148. ("By-ul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n.-i. trubn, in-tt',
1959, no. 8, 57-64)
TEXT: Investigations carried out on a centrifugal casting machine revealed
the following defects of pipe blanks cast with sprinkling: 1) the macroscopic
structure of the-blank is multi-zonal with abrupt boundaries betr3en the adjacent
zones.; 2) besides the zonal structure, the blank shows also a distinct nonhomo-
geneity of the chemical composition and a nonuniform change of mechanical proper-
ties over the wall thickness. it was found by tests that the hot deformation
during the rolling of the blank does not change the character of' the macrostrue-
ture, nor does it lead to a homogeneity of the chemical composition and uniformity
of mechanical properties which, in this case, are preserved also in the ready
Card 1/2
The effect of steel sprinkling ... A004/A104
pipe. It Is pointed out that carbon steel blanks cast with sprinkling should
not be used for the manufacture of pipes. There are 2 references.
S. Zhukovskiy
[Abstractor's note: Ccmple*.e translation]
Card 2/2
Macrostructure of hollow steel centrifugal castings. Lit. proizv.
no.6:35-37 Je 161. (MIRA 1/,:6)
(Steel castings)
AUTHOR: Tsvetnenko, K.U., Engineer SOV-128-58-7-16/20
TITLEt To the Problem of the Effect of the Rotation Velocity of the
Mold on the Speed of the Longitudinal Displacement of Metal
(K voprosu o Yliyanii skorosti vrashcheniya formy na skorosti
prodolinogo peremeshchaniya metalla.)
PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Wr 7, p 29 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author disagrees with the statement made by Y.Y. Le-vin
and V.M Krapukhin in their article "Centrifugal Casting of
Cast Iron Pipes with Two Flanges", in "Liteynoye Proizvodstvo",
Nr 6, 1957, that the flow speed of metal along the mold in the
process of centrifugal casting of pipes in earth molds is in-
versely proportional to the rotation velocity of the mold,
There are 2 graphs.
1. Pipes--Casting 2. Mathematics--,Applications
Card 1/1
AQQ4/A 10 1
AMMS I VolkcwitaXiy, 0, 1 j TwoUwao, K. U.; r, A,;
Samoy-lov, 0. D.
TITLE: Centrifugal tube blank castings from bessemer steel smelted with
the application of oxygen blast
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhL-rnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 11, 1961, 28, abstract
110181 (V sb. "Proiz-vo trub". no. 3, Khar1kov, 1960, 92-102)
TEXT: The authors present technological data and-investigation-results of
the quality.of centrifugal,tubeiblank castings from bessemer steel smelted with
oxygen blast (St.20 and carbon steel). The obtained results were compared with
the corresponding data on centrifugal casting of-tube blanks from carbon electric
steel. It was found that the structure of the centrifugally cast blanks is not
so much determined by the smelting method but by'the casting parameters. The 0
optimum metal overheating over the liquidus temperature should not exceed 50-70 C
(in this case 60-70% of the blank metal does generally rit possess a zonal macro-
structure over the wall thickness). The absence of an even growth of C, 3 and
P-concentrations from the outer casting surface to the Inner one was found, which
Card 1/2
25537 s/123/61/000/011/,021/034
Centrifugal tube blark castings ... Aoo4/Aioi
is generally related to the'effect of the centrifugal process, although the inner
surface zone contains nevertheless more S and P than the outer one. An additional
nitrogen saturation of centrifugal cast blanks from bessemer steel with o.,qygen
blast does not take place. The increase of the nitrogen content towards the inner
blank surface is connected with the separation of dissolved gases by the centri-
fugal forces (metals with a hig:her manganese content contain more nitrogen). The
blank metal from electric steel contained 0.006-0.011% N, i. e. nearly the aame
quantity as in bessemer steel. All strength characteristics both over the cross
section and in various zones over the blank length vary in a comparatively narrow
range. Besides, the strength characteristics of centrifugal cast blanks are
always higher, while the plastic characteristics after heat treatment are mostly
higher than it is stipulated by GOST for rolled tubes. The suggested technology
ensures a high quality of tubing blanks, including their deformation ability.
S. Shamirgon
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
[deceased]; RULDI, N.V., kand. tekhn. nauk
Effect of the vibration of centrifugal machinen on the quality
of castingS. Lit. proizv. no.l:/,4 Ja '66.
(1-glu 19 - 1)
Sand equipment for a.c. electric locomotives on receiving and
departure tracks. Elek. i tepl. tiaga no.1:24-25 ja 161.
(MIRA 14:3)
1, Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela sluzhby lokomotivnogo khozyE.'Ystva
Krasnoyarskoy dorogi.
(Electric locomotives)
KOCHUROV, Nikolay Ivanovich; TSMINIKOVO Viktor Ivanovic~; ZUYI,,-V,
A.I., inzh., retoenzent; red.;
SIVLQIOV$KIY, 11.Z., red. izd-va.- SHMININA, L.V., tekhn,
[Hydraiaic systems of tractors and agricultural machines]
Gidravlicheskie sisteqr traktorov i seltskokboziaistven-
nykh mashin. Moskva.. Mashgiz, 1962. 176 p. (MIRA 15-11)
(Tractors.-Ilydraulic equipment)
(Agricultural machinery--flydraulic equiptnent)
SCURM: Ref. Y.'J, Mateap-Tika, Ab-B. 6N526
AV svel#ts
Ul WACk Can of th&MaU&WWJaa&j 114&IA.,.f the L-cwzbfne
The celi ocutalne one
1024 alamant-8 -f' t1--,
br--,t, I "-v
cores and tra=12tov, proylAo UzL- 4*s '-'-g of 'A
-:1C I
ka L -1 r'
T3v3Il,,,,ov, V.V.
TSVETNOV, V. V.: "Theoretical investigation of the effect of Gaussian
interference on two-channel phase systems." Vin Higher Education
USSR. Yoscow Order of Lenin Aviation Inst imeni Sergo Ordzhon'--
kidze. I' Moscow, 1956. (Cissertations for the Degree of Candidate
in Technical Sciences).
SO: Y-nizhnays Letopial No. 22) 1956
'AUTHOR TSVETNOV V.V.,Ordinary Member of Radio bocciety. I 1.06-1i-iIi -!.. -t.
TITLE Statistic 2roperties of Signals and Noises in Phase System3 vntl-, Two
(Statistichaskiya svoystva signalov i pomekh v dvukhkanalInykh 4fazovylch
sLstemakh - Russian)
PERIODICAL Radiotekhnika, 1957, Vol 12, Ur 5,, pp 12 - 29 (U~S.S.R.)
4kBSTRACT The basic statistic properties of amplitudes, the phase displacement of
sinoidal signals as well as the GAUSS signal-to-noise ratio in two channel
systems are investigated and analized. The vector diagrams and the stati-
stic initial parameters are dealt with. Six parameters are introduced as
initial parameters and they fully determine the lawi of the distribution
of amplitude - and phase shifts., namely- 1.) The relation "q', between sig-
nal intensity and the intensity of noise. 2.) The coefficient of channel
asymetry. 3.) Generalized correlation coefficient of the two-ch;.,~nnel noi-
se. 4.) GeneaUzed phase parameter of the two-channel noise, 5.) Phase shift
of the signal as viell as of the two-channel noise,,- A three-dimensional pro-
bability-density, i.e. bho first amplitude-distribution larf as well as
the first phase distribution law are deduced independently of each other,
The first phase distribution law for a signal 2nd a two-channel noise, which
is in no correlation, are then investigated, Here the range of wea.-c and
that of strong signals, in which the parameter q changes, are investigated.
The statistic. props3rtita of the momentary phase distortion for the signal
Card 1/2 as well as for ~ha two channel noise which is not In corrciatAon, are in-
Statistic 11~,operties of Signals and Voise~ in Phase Systems
With Two Channels.
vestigated, namely the characteristic function (P(t) the scattering
(average quadratic deviation) the arithmetic mean of displacement and the
integral layt of distribution. Finally some cases of statistic phase-pro-
parties of strong signals are investigated.
(With 1 table, lo illustrations and 5 Slavic references).
AVAILABLE Library of Congress
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Tsvetnov, V.V. , Yeaber of the Society 108-13-4-7/12
TITILE; U.L'.L_=.LUt.Lvn Phase Properties of Signals and Gaussian Inter-
ferences in Tvto-Channel Phase Systems (Fazovyye korrelyatsionnyye
svoystva siLmalov i gau3so-trjkh pomekh v dvWhkanal'ny1-h fazovykh
PERIODICAL: &Ldiotekhnika, 1958, Vol, 13, Nr 4, pp. 53-62 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The correlation properties of the phase differences at the input
of the phasometer are analyzed in two-channel phase systeum sub-
jected to the action of Gau.9sian interference. In the istpart
the statistical properties of the non-correlated interferences
are studied. The second anTlitude-phase law of distribution is
set up: equation (2). If th-3 two-channel Phase 3ystem has identi-
cal channels, the lart (2) is simplified to (6). Hereafter, the
second phase-lavi of distribution is set up: equation (9). In the
case of charmels being id-~ntical, equation (9) is simplified ar-I
becomes equation ( 12). The .correlation functions of the phase
differences of two-channel not correlated interference is studied,
and it is shown that in the case of channels not being ideatical.
Card 1/2 the correlation function of the phase difference of a not
Correlation Phase Properties of Signals and Gaussian 108-13-4-7/12
Interferences in Two-Channe! Plase Systems
correlated two-channel interference depends on three correlation
functions. The latter are determined by the)energetic spectra of
interferences according to (3), (4), and (5 - In the analysis of
normalized correlation furctions of phase differences the calcu-
lation of the factors occurring in (10) and 03) presents the
greatest difficulties. Therefore, approximated formulae for the
correlation functions for domains with small, medium, and large
correlation intervals aree giten. - In the 2ndpart the phase--cor-
relation properties of a strong signal and if a correlated Vao-
channel interference are investigated, viz. the correlation func-
tion of the phase difference (general case) and one for sptcial
cases ( identical channels .~rith not correlated interferences and
such with correlated interferences). There are 5 figures ani 6
ref erpnoes, 5 of ahich art: So,,riet.
SIMMITTED: October 12, 1956
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1~ Dichannel phase systems-Theory 2. Signals-Gorrelatiom
phase properties 3. Signals-Tnterference
ACCESSION NR: AP4042514 S/0109/64/009/007/1159/1172
AUTHOR: Tsvetnov, V. V.
TITLE: Comparison of fluctuation errors of phase meters and correlometers
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 9. no. 7, 1964, 1159-1172
TOPIC TAGS: phase meter, correlometer, radio navigation, radar system
ABSTRACT: A phase meter is defined as a device whose reading in proportional
to the phase- difference of two coherent signals; a correlation meter is a device
whose reading is proportional to the time delay of random coherent signals.
Fluctuation errors of a servoed phase meter are assessed theoretically and c o -n-;
i pared with those of a servoed correlometer. These conclusions are offered:
(1) With strong input signals, a servoed inertial phase meter is the optimum
instrument for measuring the phase difference of harmonic signals in a Gaussiad
noise; (Z) With random signals, the fluctuation errors due to incoherent noise
'Card.. ;1/2
differ but little from those in the preceding case; however, an additional error
I'due to the randomness of signals arises, and the general level of fluctuations
increases; (3) In Inertialess servoed and nonservoed phase meters, the fluctua-
tion errors due to the randomaess of signals are proportional to the average
phase -difference measurand and to the relative band of the signal; (4) The
randomness fluctuation error is much lower in the servoed inertial correlometer
than in the inertial phase meter; (5) Time-reading fluctuation errors due to
incoherent noise are equal for both instruments if certain conditions (formula 51)
are observed; (6) With weak input signals and under 2-channel measuring condl-
tions, the lower the signal-to-noise ratio at the inputs of the correlometer and
servoed phase meter, the farther they both depart from the optimum. Orig. art, hans.
6 figures and 60 formulas.
SUBNUTTED: 03may63 ENCL: 00
.Card /2
----------- - --------
6 (4); 7 (7); 9 (3) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOOV/2665
Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut imcni Sergo Ordzhonikidze
issledovaniye tochnosti i pomekhcrustoychivosti fazovykh radiopelengatorov;
sbornik statey (Study of the Accuracy and Noise Protection of Phase
Radio Direction Finders; Collection of Articles) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz,
1959. 92 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 105) Errata slip inserted.
4,500 copies printed.
Resp. Ed.: V.B. Pestryakov, Professor; Ed.: V.S. Chichkanova; Tech. Ed.:
L.I. Levochkina.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific personnel and
engineers and graduate students specializing in phasing techniques.
COVERAGE: The collection 0.eals -.,ith the theoretical investigation of the
accuracy and of the nolf~e-!-illi'2-c; lfentn-.7o of certain tjpes of phase radio
direction finderc mf 1-nfc5.*(-,;-,'. -'o~- nrodrrfit-L-m, r,?.(1ru-,'"nd
radio control, An ana?...,s-*-~'- errors or I'vo of 1-nflio (1.1-
rection finders is presen'.ed. prol--ei-tior C -nd
Card l/ 7
Study of the Accuracy (Cont.)
of Gaussian errors in two-chann,:~l phase radio direction finders are investi-
gated. 6everal graphs nay be of use in engineering crLIculations. The
articles are based on nntci-ial ft-nm Llic procec(linlys of a conference or-
ganized by the Mosco,., AvIaLiori 1notlititLe In February, Tlie Investi-
gations were carried out by scientific personnel of the radio ongincering
department of the InstUtute. LI-1-tirle.
U11yanov, V.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Equipment Errors of a Two-
channel I~xlse Radio Direction Finder 6
The author analyzes equipment errors, occuring due to lack of identity be-
tween bmplifying channels and the resulting unbalance, in two-channel
radio direction finders using continuous and pulsed radio signals. He
derives functional relationships for this unbalance with respect to ampli-
tude an(! phase. He finds that unbalance can lead to a difference in the
amplification factor modulus between channels of up to 44 percent. How-
evef, from experience it was found that obtaining a 20 percent amplifica-
Caxd 2/ 7
Study of the Accuracy (Cont.)
tion balance of channels is not difficult. Ile then inve3tigates the lack
of balance between tuned amplifiers with a 'fi&rmonic signal and draws curves
of ralationships for thp systematic tuning error of the operator for various
values of unbalance in one-staf-ye and two-stage channels. The -author also
inve3tigates channel u:ibalance for pulsed radio signals. In paragraph 3 diagrams
of the modulus and phase of the envelope at the output of one-and
two-stage tuned amplifiers are prcocnted ond are usnd to determine the
instantaneous magnitude of error at a given piLlse moment. Curves showing
the dependence of average error on pulse duration are also presented. The
author concludes that with a pulse duration twice that of the optimal, error
is practically equal to that with a continuous signal. With a shorter pulse
duration, error declines. No personalities are mentioned. There are two
references: 1 Soviet.and 1 English.
Tavetnov, V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Effect of Gaussian Error on
W6-~cann~ease Systems 26.
This article is a continuation of two earlier works by the author. In it
he investigates basic statistical properties of sinusoidal signals and of
Gaussian errors in phase systems with channel separation/taking into con-
sideration the lack of identity between the channels and in error correlation.
Card 3/7
Study of the Accuracy (Cont.)
Since noise-suppression methods in phase systems are comparatively scarce,
the author attempts to develop a theory for random noise in. order to de-
velop a theory for random noise in order to develop noise-killinrr features
in the phase systems themselves. The author (fivides his problem into
three stages, the first of which is common for all -phase systems. 'j.7he two
others must be solved separately for each system. The first stage consists
in investigating statistical properties of the sioaa.L and of the Gaussian
error at the phasometer input on the basis of initial statistical parameters
of the signal and noise. The second stage consists in finding a re-
lationship between the initial statistical parameters of signs)- and noise
and the F;tructure of the shaping channels, the mechanism of noise emergence,
etc. The third stage takes into consideration the effect of the phaso-
meter. Un the basis of these three stages it is possible to determine the
accuracy of the phase system. The author establishes his first phase dis-
tribution rulej which is expressed in parametric form in order to simplify
final formulae. These formulae are developed for both symmetrical and
asymmetrical two-channel systems. He draws several curves of error rela-
tionships and concludes that with the help of his general formulalit is
possible to solve the first stage of the general problem of the noise-
killing feature (analytically or graphically) for any two-channel system.
Card 4/7
Study of the Accuracy (Cont.)
In Appendix A the author presents some derivations of integrals found in
paragraphs 7 to 9 of his work. In Appendix B he lists properties and
draws diagrams of the L-functions. No personalities are metnioned. There
axe 16 references: 7 Soviet (includin.- 2 translations)/and 9 English.
Veytsell, V.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Effect of Fluctuations of
the Amplitude of the Reflected Signal on the Accuracy of Mleasuring the Width
of a Beam of Scattered Waves 68
The author explains the role of the angular width of a beam of scattered
waves in studying the composition of the ionosphere. In some of the works
listed as references methods for measuring this parameter were presented.
These methods concerLed diversity effects in spaced-aerial reception of
ionospheric waves. HoweverS vh--n they are applied, an error is introduced.
The aim of this work consists in explaining to what extent this error is
essential and under what conditions it can be neglected. The author con-
cludes that in measuring the beam width one can neglect the correction for
the effect of signal amplitude fading in the case when the power of the
received signal considerably exceeds the threshold sensitivity of the di-
rection finder. When the ratio 6f threshold to received power is small.,
the measurements obtained with the DF are somewhat smaller then actual.
Card 5/7
Study of the Accuracy (Cont.)
No personalities are mentioned. There are 6 references: 5 SC~;rj, t) _ .I
1 Englloh.
Belavin, O.V., Candidate,of Technical Sciences. Problem of Equipment Errors
In Automatic Shortwave Radio Direction Finders With a Large Base ("Add-
subtract" Radio Direction Finders With Phase Comparison) 74
The article is devoted to an analysis of instrument accuracy of a radio
d--trection finder with'channel sepELration)having s~ngle-channel amplifi-
cation in the main channel. This direction finder was developed by the
members of the radio department of the 14AI snid used from 1950 to 1954 for
an analysis of statistical properties of the ionosphere. The author
discusses the three basic 'Methods of large-base radio direction finding:
phase, amplitude, and amplitude-phase. Hct devotes his attention to the
last type, presents Its basic equations, finds the required accuracy in
measuring phase differencepjand determines and analyzes equipment errors.
The methods used in accounting for instrument errors in the radio direction
finder analyzed may 1~e applied for designing other director finder iaria-
tions operating with the "add-subtract" method and having a low frequency
phase difference measurement. No personalities &re mentioned. There are
three references: 2 Soviet.and 1 German.
Card 6/7
. Study of the Accuracy (Cont.)
I AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 7/7
Threshold sensitivity of ideal phase measuring members. Radio-
tekhnika 17 no.1:68-75 Ja 162. (YjRA 15:2)
1. Deystvitel'nyy chlen Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva
radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni Popova.
(Radio in navigation)
AUTHOR: Tsvetnov
ti -0-Y,
TITLE: Threshold
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhaika,
V.V.p Member of the Society (see Associa-
sensitivity of phase radio direction-finders
v. 17, no. 3, 1962, 48 - 60
TEXT3 A method is considered for computing the threshold sensiti-
vity of various types of wide-base direction finders, background
noises being taken into account. The signal of frequency fo --s re-
ceived by the 2 antennas Al and A2; after amplification and -irans-
formation, it is applied to the phase-measurement unti (Phtl).. One-
channel and two-channel types of direction-finders are considered~
The standard deviation aAph of the momentary phase error Z_~oh cha.-
racterizes the error in measuring the phase in the presence of noi-
ses, and hence the accuracy of direction finding. The threshold
sensitivity is determined by the value of the signal-to-noise ralio
at the input (X in -thr ), for which the standard deviation CyAph does
x4f_' -
not e ed the maximum permissible value o'
Card 1 4 &ph max" It is also con
Threshold sensitivity of phase ... D299/J)303
venient to express the threshold sensitivity by the ratio of the
signal-to-noise fields (X E thr ). Another threshold parameter which
is of interesz, is the threshoid power P t thr ' f the transmitter
to be detected. Formulas are derived by which any of the 3 thresn-
old parameters, P t' XE and Xin can be found, for actual operating
conditions of the direction finder, and any pre-assigned error
(YAph max- It is assumed that the PhM are ideal, i.e. their readings
are Independent of the amplitude of the input si nals. The passage
of signals and noises through a t pical circuit Finear filter -
nonlinear element - linear filters of the direction finder, is con-
sidered. The noise at the input of the typical circuit is white
Gaussian noise with spectral density Go. At the output of the oir~-
cuit, the following quantities are 'considered: The amplitude of the
S.gnal UFO, the noise dispersion ri , the noise spectrum G(f), and
the signal-to-noise ratio q~ Three particular cases are disc:ussed,,
1) AM signal., 2) A si nal having 2 side frequencies with very dis-
similar amplitudes, 3~ A signal having 2 side frequencies
Card 2/4
Threshold sensitivity of phase ... D299/D303
equal amplitudes U. Threshold-sensitivity of 2--channel dire.-tion-
finders: Two 1rariants are considered: Direction-finders with high-
frequency method of phase-difference measurement.. and with low-
frequency method, respectively. Block-diagrams of the 2 types are
shown. Formulas are derived for X in and graphs for Pt; thus, the
low-frequency meas-arements,yield the values-.
81 a-1 V f (for inertialess PhYI),
ph max low
81 a-2 V (for inertial PhM).
ph max
A comparison of the obtained formulas shows that the threshold sen-
sitivity of direction-finders with low-frequency phase-mea"3urement,
and inertialess PhM, is higher than that of direction-find.?rs with
high-frequency measurements One-channel direction-finders: Formulas
are der,-".ved for the threshold sensitivity of one-channel direction-
finders with inertial- and inertialess PhM~ A comparison of the
threshold sensitivity of one-channel and two-channel direction-fin-
ders, shovis that the sensitivity of the latter is at least double
Card 3/4
S/10 62/0171/003/0C6/009
Threshold sensitivity of phase D299YD303
that of the former. Further, the influence of external- and inter-
nal noises on the threshold sensitivity of one-channel direction-
finders is considered. As an exampleg the dependence is calculated
of the maximum range R on the permissible phase error ol, The use
of direction-finders with inertialess phase--measurement units and
synchronous detectors, leads to a considerable increase in range
and accuracy, There are 9 figures, 1 table and 5 references: a So-
viet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc (in translation),
ASSOCIATION: ffauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i
elektrosvyazi im~ A.S, Popova (Scientific and Techni- Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Commu-
nications imeni A.S. Popov) [Abstractor"'s note: Name
of Association taken from first paCe of journal
SUBMITTED: November 22, 1960 (initially)
June 2, 1961 (after revision)
Card 4/4
. COMP4Lrlson of fluatuation errors of phase measuring and
corrolation-type measuring systems. Radi-otakh. i elaktron.
9 no.7tn59-11?2 Jl 164 (MIRA 17s8)
t -
harmonic_ signals _&-~Ad_uncoz re ated.--
TI 17L La.-
ACC NR: AT6037040 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000'0005/0026
AUTHOR: Tsvetnov, V. V. (Candidate of technical sciences)
ORG: none
TITLE: Statistical properties of radar signals from extended surfaces in systems
with an inner coherence
SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Teoriya i tekhnika radiolokatsii (Radar
theory and techniques); sbornik statey, no. 1, Moscow.- Izd-vo Mashinostroyeniye,
1966, 5-26
TOPIC TAGS: radar signal, Doppler velocity meter, coherent radar
1 ABSTRACT: The article examines the statistical properties of beat signals in
radar s stems with inner coherence under conditions where the signal is reflected
from an extended rouarh surface. The power spectrum, autocorrelation function,
and other statistical characteristics have been found by the phenomena-logical-
modelincr method. The general solution, valid for a brood class of emitted continu-
ous-type signals, exemplified by an illustration of the Doppler velocity meter with
Card 1/2 UDC: 621. 396. 962. 33(04)
ACC NR: AT 6037040
monochromatic radiation and of a radio altimeter with frequency modulation.
Orig. art. has: 8 figures, 73 formulas. [GC]
C,,d 22
L 19782-65
ACCESSION, IVR: A'124047811
A 'S
K war'll
L 6-~~790-65
ALP i0 If 6 26 3
AUTHOR- Tsvotnov V. V.1 K&randaBo%*, V. -11
SOUP-M Radiotelhnik-2, v X), 7 !C)~-r C,_~e
TOPIC TAGS-~ oaorr~lometer,
for searchipcr pw,poses~ clarl.-c
Gar A sj5onEi t&.1
Mon. 21-01-31-
UR/0106/65/020i007/0057/M 6
L 42790-65
NM: AP9318263
'where k0 0-1--0 2 is a pxjp-ortionality factor and 2&1? is ths douhle aff at
I -jV)q
'has! b flrjres am,
~aiLssiali noiSe 4n a ---ann.
-Is. Radiotelk'- I-
idi-,~nL-al channe. hriliz. 2'-?,4
7,~hlon I.Ta,.ichno- teld-rl- cite o':,,Dgc
i I kIrmild. i -~,Iekturosvyazi imani A.',;. 1,01,07(j.
L P-9203-66 BUTC0
-r--l ACC-NRi-AP60-07593 -------SOURCE _CODE -UR/ 0 1191
AUTHOR: Tsvetov, Yu. N. (Candidate of technical sciences)
ORG: none
TITLE: Multiplier with triangular cayrier signals J
SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 2$ 1966, 10-12
TOPIC TAGS: voltage multiplier, electron multiplier
ABSTRACT; The shortcomings of known a-c multipliers
are briefly reviewed. A new method is suggested (see
figure) in which tmro triangular -shaped sequences I and 2
(to be multiplied) are clipped by their limiters in such a
way that all parts lying lower than the zero level and
higher than their common. threshold u,, are discarded.
One limiter sequence (u.) is shown by a heavy lin d
-d of the f! anie.
the other (uy ) by a dotted line in Section .1gur
The second trapezoids are subtracted from the first.
.The remaining parallellogram areas are proportional to
.1 Card 1/2 LTD C: 6 8 1. 14
Voltage multiplication Idea
L 29203-66
NR,. AP6007593
.the desired product of two voltages. A laboratory hookup (principal diagrz.m. shown)
corroborated the Lbove considerations and showed that tube aging and replacement
did not introduce errors in the multiplication results. Orig. art. has: 3 figures "d
9 formulas.
SUB GODE: 09 SUBM DATE-.. none ORIG REF- 005
Card z/z LG-
'11. %
Pansivity of titaniun, in sulfuric acia. Zhur. "iz. khim. 39
no. 1:207-211 Ja '65 (.xru 19a)
1. Submitted FebruarY 4, 1964-
ACC NRs AP6015285
SOURCE CODE8 UR/0365/66/002/00:3/0295/0299
AUTHOM Kramil'shchikovp A. 1,
OkGi State Institute of the Nitrogen Industry (Gosudarstvennyy Institut azotnoy
promys nnostrY
TITLEt Passivity of titanium In sulfuric acl~ In deep anodic oxidation /<
SOURM *Zashchita metallov, v. 2, no. 3, 1966, 295-299
TOPIC TAGS: titanium, passivity, anodic oxidation, sulfuric acid, corrosion rate
ABSTRACTI The corrosion and electrochemical behavior of titanium under anodic oxida-
tion conditions was studied at high positive values of the potential (up to 7 V) in
the presence of molecular oxygen and nitrogen. Electrodes of iodide titanium were
Investigated In I N sulfuric acid at 25 and 650C. Polarization was achieved with a
potentiostat, and the dissolution rate of titanium was determined by colorimetric
analysis of the solution. In both oxygen and nitrogen at both temperatures and poten-
tial values from 1.4 to 7 V, the dissolution takes place at an approximately constant
rate. In the range of minim= anodic current, the dissolution rate In approximately
one order of magnitude smaller than the rate calculated from the current; this to
attributed to the chemical dissolution of titanium. In the oxygen atmosphere, the
di~ssolutlon ratio of titanium Is about three times faster than in nitrogen, apparently
-L ?
UM 541.138.2
SKIIIIIHKOVSKly, V~B'; GIEBOVP V.A.) kand. bakhn. nauk, dotnent ; M0TKIN, G.F.,
jAjKjjAyj,rCHF,jj?.( D.; I~IDOROV, Ye.A~; TSVE-NOY, S.Y.
..; POPOV, A. . - i
j, rl.r
Stand for tistIng, mirilat-urt! P- lecr:ric-ai mach -Lnas .;n e -.~c' r-'f!
iris trumen t. syztems. Sbor. st. RIMIT no.45:r8-64 1u- (MIRA 19-1)
., V.F,.,; TSW-TUOY, SJ-1.
Apl:emtua for Chocking the armatures of tdniature rwxhirlov-
Sb(:wn, at. RIDIrl "0,45:70-76 164. (14IRA 19: 1)
Mihail Evgenlevich Nabokov; obituray. Buil,VAGO no.28:60-62
r6o. (MIU 14:6)
(Nabokov, Mikhail Evgentevichp 1887-1960
I :PA?
Wirphological changes in the urinary tract and the healing of the
vo-joico-intestinal jana tomosis in intestinal plastic surgery of
the bladder; experimental study. Urologiia 24 no.6:14-20 '59.
(MIRA 13:12)
RDA-57 rotary diffusiod apparatus. Sakh.prom- 34
no.8:22-24 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Sakharnyy zavod imeni KtqbVijheva.
Fifty years In the sugar industx7. Sakh.prom. 33 no.2:18
F '59. (MIR& 120)
(Shtepan, Georgii Viachoslavovich, 1888- )
,-" , _;__ __ -
Seven-year plan at the Kuybyshev Factory. Sakh. prom. 33 n0,1:13-14
Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1)
1.Sakharnyy zavod imeni Kuybyshev&.
(Sugar industry)
NAUKOV,,'Vasiliy Ivanovich; SIDOROV, Nikolay Grigorlyevich-, SAKWOVP
jladimir Konstantinovich Edecgased]; BELSTSKIY, G.A., in2h.,
retsenzent; KARATI M , V.N., inzh., reteenzent; NAZAROV, D.M..
insh.. retsonxent; KOCWROV. N.L. dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk, red.;
dotsent, kand.tokhn.nauk; GOFM, Te.K.. red.
Izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.L.,
[Operation, technicrI maintenance, and repair of automobiles;
reference'materials] Bkspluatataiia, tek-hnicheskoe obaluzhivanie
I remont aytomobil.ei; apravochnyo materialy. lzd.)# perer. i dop.
Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 447 P.
(Antomobiles) (MIRA 120)
T TNIKOV,jj.; LURIE, A.B., redaktor; CHAPSKIY, O.U., redaktor;
I - ~7
ffi~ "eot, takhalchaskir rodaktor.
[Tractors] Traktory. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo sellkhos.lit-ry, 1956-307 P
(Tractors) (mmA 9:6i
630 Sourem4iniyye traktory i automobili. 2-c pererabor. J dop, J7,d.
Sollkhozgiz, 1954. 300 s, s ill. 26 sm. 12,500 ekz. 9 r. 35k. V pek.
(54-54626) 629-113 + 629-1142
SO: Knizhnaya Letopis, Vol 1, 1955
I- -**,- - - , - --
D'Iakova, A. N. Modern tractorE and automobiles
TL145.D5 1555
1. Motor-trucks. 2. Tractors. I. TSvetnikov, V. I.
LUZHKC78KIY, Viktor Georgiyevich; ULITOVSKIY, Boris Alekseyevich; TSVI'.rIIIKQI.
yjkjp_r,jjAAQjCb I r-'
; DUBROVSKIY, V.A., red.; SHIRNOV, G.I., t;*.;
[Practical work on trucks and tractors; a manual for normal schools]
Praktikum po avtotraktornomu delu; uchabnoe posobie dlie pedinatitutoy.
Moskva, Goa. uchabno-podagog. Izd-vo H-va proBv. RSFSR. 1957. 166 p.
(Tractors) (Hotortrucks) (MIRA 11:2)
KASHIROV, V. i, ; B[TPAKOV j, 'i,:. A. - PC, -LiT~ ' ; ' ! y 'i - - . I. ; lrlf~ 11~1- r ,"I , NI . ) - 1-71~ M;K~-- ' - '
~ -LI v - - WL ~ 11 - ) Tl;'.'- N - -1- ~ ' - I - 1. .
"Problems in Realizing the L-Machine."
report presented at the Symp on Relay Systems Theory & Finite Automata, Moscow,
24 Sep-.2 Oct 62.
TRANSLATION FROM: Referativn y zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957,
Nr 2, p. 291 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Tsvetnov, B. V.
TITLE: Theoretical Research on the Effect of Gaussian Inter-
ference on Two-Channel Phase Systems (Teoreticheskoye
issleclovaniye vozdeystviya gaussovykh pomekh na
dvukhkanallnyye fazovyye sistemy)
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the
degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the
Moscow Aviation Institute (Mosk. aviats. in-t), Moscow, 19~6.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow Aviation Institute (MoBk.Aviats. in-t)
Card 1/1
Tc-v z -r ,I i K ~,, j v - I ,
NAMIO~, V.I.; SIDOROV, H.G.; SAMMOV, V.r. [deceased]; VILILTSKIT, G.A.,
inzhener, retsenzent; KARATEM. Y.N.. Inzhener, reteenzent;-U"=,
D.M., inzhener, retsenzent; TSVETNIKOV, V.I., kandi(lat tekhnicheakikh
Mk, redaktor; KOCHUROV. N.1., Tnzhener. redaktor; FZTISOV, F.I.,
inzhener, redaktort SCIKOLOVA, L.V., tekhnichesk17 redaktor
lop ration. technical maintenance and repair of automobiles; reference
mat:ri Is] Wepluatateita, tekhnicheskoe obaluzhivanie i remont arto-
mobilet; spravochrqe matarialy. Izd. 2-e, parer. i dope Moskvu. Gone
nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 495 P. (Microfilm]
(Automobiles) JMIRA Bt4)
IL0v=r"--Y .
Factors detenaining econoric efficiency. p. 7.
LEKA PPOI~abHLENOST, SOMA., BUILARJA, 110L. 6., no. 61 1959
Monthl.y list of East European Accessions (EMI) LCP Vol. 6, No. 10/1959
Factors determining the durability of the glued parts of the shoe* (conclusion) p. 8
IEKA PRUMISHIENOSTe (Ministerstvo na lekata promishlenist) Sofia, Bulgaria.
Vol. 8$ no. 7., 1959.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI),, LCq Vol* 8,9 no* 3.1, Novo 1959
Valuable work of a Japanese scientist devoted to the problems4
Michurin's teaching ("Two genetics." Tokuda Mitoahl. Reviewed by
B.IA. Me-tov). Izv.AN M.Ser.biol. no-3:123-128 My-Js 156.
KADZUO SIBUYA, prof. [Kazuyo Shibuya] (Yaponiya); TSVETOV, V.Ya.
Food in the life of animals. Agrobiologiia no.6:900-908 N-D
26:1. (MIRA 15:2)
(Animals, Food habits of)
_7 7 ;II, - -
- -- T8'7~~-16 $ -
Socialist Comp~tition
Sor_,jalist corapetition in action. Kolkh. ~;roizv., i2, No. 2, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1951. Unclassified.
To"IrEV171 "I'L.
Collective Famis
Socialist competition in a-ction Kolk-h. proiz./ No. 2, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1954 Unclassified.
Don't be: satisfied with achievaments. Kolkh. proiz., 12, No. 05, 1952.
Monthl( List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress October 1952 TNCLASSIFIED-
."V. Ye.P. . dots.
Comparative evaluation of varianto of plastic surgery of the urinary
bla"er. employing the small intestine. Urologlia 24 no.1127-31 Ja-F 159.
(MIRA 12il)
1. Is Yaroolavskogo meditainskogo instituta (dir. - prof. N.Ye. 1krygin)
i kafedry urologii (zav. - prof. A.M. Gasparyan) I Ieningradskogo, medit-
sinskogo instituta.
(BUMM, surg.
ileocystoplanty, technic variations in dogs (Ras))
(HOM, surg.
TSWETOV, Ye.P., dotsent
Some changes in the body of animals folloving ileocystoplasty.
Urologiia no.6:16-21 160. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Iz Yaroslavskog meditainskogo instituta. i kafedry urologii
Nav. - prof. A.M. Gasparyan) I leningradskogo meditsinskogo
TSVETC:V, Ye. P., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Plastic operations of tlie
urinary bladder with segments of the iliac intestine." Yaro:~,lavl',
1958. 27 pp; (First Leningrad Medical Inst im Academician I. P. Pav-
lov); number of copies not given; price not given; (KL, 1?-E,O, 1?3)
TSVETOV, Ye. P. , Doe Med Sci -- (diss) "Plastic operation-s an the urin-
ary bladder with segmaents of the iliac intestine. " Yaroslavl I , 1960.
27 pp; I'Ministry of Public Health RSFSR, Kazan' Medical Inst); 200 coo-
ies; prIce not givan; (KL, 28-60, 164)
TSVETOV, Ye.P.. kandidat meditainskikh nauk, ispolnyayushchiy obyazaanost' zaveduyu-
.r s",
Access to the posterior tibial artery. Vest.khir. 73 no-5:35-36 S-0 153.
(MM 6:11)
1. Kafedra operativnoy khirurgii i topografichaskoy anatomii Omskogo meditsin-
skogo instituta im. M.I.Kalinina. (Leg--Surgery) (Arteries)
Plastic su-rgery of the bladder with an open intestinal loop.
Ekaper.khir. i anest. no.2351-54963. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Iz Yaroslavskogo meditsinskogo Jiu3tituta (dir-prof.N.Ye.
Yarygin) i kafedry urologii (zav.-prof. A.M.Gasparyan) I Le-
ningradskogo iheditsinskogo instituta.
DO YAKOVA, A.K., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; ag~xix V I., kandidat
takhnichookikh nauk; TSYRZN, A.A., redLakt;r't-Vb9bm, S.D.,
takhnicheokiy redaktor
[P~rmsent-day tractors and trucks] Soyramennyo traktory t avtomobili.
2-a parer. t dop. izd.. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sallskokhos. lit-ry,
1955. 299 P. NIR& 8:1)
(Tractors) (Moto, trucks) I