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IYANKIN, Ta. KOVALEVSKIY, P.P.; BIDULYA, V.I.; TSUKUR, I.D. Improving the control of apparatus for Industrial gammaray flaw detection. Zav.lab. 23 no.9:1127-1128 '57. (YIRA 12:12) l.Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metallurgicheakogo oborudovaniya. (Materials--Testing) T5 ti k_t I K" 1, V, .AUTHOR: Ivankin, Ya.l., Kovalevskiy, P.P., Bidulya, V.I., 32-9-2~9/43 Tsukur, I.D. TITLEt Perfactioning of the Control of Apparatus for Industrial Gamma Defectoscopy (Usovershenstvovaniye upravlenlya apparatov J1ya prcmyshlennoy gauma-defektoskopii) r&IODIOAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol.23, Nr 9, pp.1127-1i2,_-j (USSR) ABSTRACTt The apparatus GUP-CO-5-1 and OUP-CO-50-1, which are beinj~ produced by the "Mo3rentgerfl plant, have an important diradvantak.,ij in "hat the switchboard for the radioactive source 13 mounted irinediately on the unaerstructure of the device near the protective 3hield of the preparation. Here a new construction, in which the ijWitc,hboarJ is fitted on a separate tablep is described. By making -.,jse of a cable of 21 m length, which connects the apparatus with the opera- tor stand, mid of an operating stand of 7 m length, the pers-on operating controls 13 able to Yfork at a distance of 28 r3 from the sour" from an open atand, so that full safety is warranted. There is I figure ASSOCIATION., Dnepropetro;sk Plant for Metallurgical Equipment (Dnepropetrovskly zavod metallurgiaheskogo oboriilovaniya) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ACCESSWU NR: AP55007616 Card L 307' P-65 (~7 6 A jenT I- A Mal KAUT, V.; SLL,-M--.Il SVORCOVA, S.; TESAR, V. .1-- Evaluation of some measures against harmful exhalations. Cook. hyg. 8 no.2M-77 Mr 163. 1. Katedra hygieny lekarske fakulty KU, Hradpj Kralave Vyzkumny ustav lesniho hospodarstvi a myolivosti,'VS Opocno. (AIR POLLUTION) TSULADZE, L.Ye., otv. red.; * ',',N)VSKrY, A.A., prof., red.; KARZIE'KIN, G,S., prof., red.; VDOGRADOV, K.A., prof., red.; EESH.-M-VA, T.M., dcktor biol. nauk, red.; TSHOMELINE1 0.1., kand. biol. nauk, red. [Transactions of thp virst Scientific Conferenco Lodi- cated to the Study and Use for Fisheries of the Inland Bodies of I-later of Georwial Trudy Nauchnogo soveshchanila posviashchennogo izuchenilu I rybokho7iaistvennomu ispoll- zovaniiu -nutrennikh liodoemov Gruzii, Bt;tumi, Ilauchno-issl. Rybokhomaistvennala ~;t.antslia Gruzli, 1963. 161 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Nauchn(P ye s3veshchaniye, posvyashchennoye izueheniyu i rybokhozyaystvennomu ispollzovaniyu vnutrennikh vodoyer.ov Gruzii, 1st, Batim, 1961. 2. Direktor Nauchno-issledova- tellskoy Rybokhozyaystverinoy stantsii Gruzii (for T3uladze). TSULADZE, S.V. Use of th apperceptional -thod during the study of Fersomality characterist:..:t * I.uay L jtopsikhol. .411 Gruz."-'R 1431951-206 163. (MIRA 18:4) TE,UKUR,-,.Ye.P. (TSuku--, 1E.P.] Improving the q--a&-.Jt7 of the pr-aparation of drugs and pharmacy services for the pOpulatlon- Farmatsev. zhur. 18 no.5%72-74 163. (MIRA 1716) 1. Dnepr-3petrovskaya kortroltn-,-ana!:Lticheal,---,va laboratoriya. GAGUA, M.B.; TSUIADZE, m - iF~~ Ikmarical solution of a Dirichlet probie=. Soob.AN Gruz,SSFL no-5:513- 5 18 MY 16 0. (KM 13:8) 1. Vychislitellnyy tsentr AN GruzSSR. Predstavleno chlenomkorres- ponclentom Akademii Sh.Ye.Mikeladze. (Differential equations, Partial) 34596 S/044/62/000/00'/048/061 CIII/C222 AUTHORSs Gaglia. M,, B., Tsuladze, M. G. TITLE; On the numeric solution of' the Diri.chlet problem PERIODICAL.; ReferEt4:ivnyy zhurnal., Matematika, no., i. !96?, 31~52, abjat-rac~ tV!.')O,, ("Soobshch~ AN Gruz SSR". !960, 24~ no., TEXTs The Dirichlet problem for the equation M pU(P) - )L DU(P) ~ f(P), P F- f)- . ~3 solved., where R. is a given. finite domain in n-dimensi.,)niall Diclad"an spa-ca. is the boundary -of -0- ard A a parameter, complex in general fa 0.1 j n T,~ Card 0-~ fbe rumer4c, soluti-,~,n of tbp. IYC222 e. elrL - 4 p the boundary A~-;m:ng tha* there nxis's a Gvaen-s fun-,ti-,,-. G(P for -he (P' -i-ra Il- ':Or-,e3pop-ds to and fu'lfills the k p L i" %(P, Q) io p R S/04 62/000/001/048/061 El 4 ? S/044/62/000/001/048/061 On the numeric solution cf the C!:ll/C222 L G(PQ) dQ L G(F,.,Q) dq P p 'hen ~he Prcblem (1), (2) is equivalent to the integro-d7-fferantial qlA a t i en G(P,Q) L U 1, Q),3 'IQ, P L Q Tte sollAtion of thiz; for satisfyirg k slip L G(P.Q) dQ P c a Q is gi-en by the Piccard series U(P" 1'.(P~Q) f(Q) IQ + G(P,Q) dQ X G(P, Q) dq L G(Q~. Qj f(.Q.) dQ, + + C-9 r d On. the rpli"le'r 8olution of' the L G Q "Qn I Q.. C' G (Q~- + S/04 4j6?/000/00,/o48/06l ViVC222 rphe authors Star* ")n9 (Gr.-.irsat. (,,O,jrs dianalyse. BI following recurrence equali-.~ns in tiOn of this ser-~es and write the 7 (P) Q) f ( Q) dq - p G(p*, q), LQU Q) dQ 2 S1.(p) G~ P-Q) '.(Q.) dQ~ Ca-l 44 S/044/62/000/001/048/061 On the numeric solution of the . . . C11itC222 Sn(P) G(P,Q) [f(Q) + ~ L 3 -1dQ (n=1,2,...) Q n-i(Q) To solve the problem (1), (2) numerically, an arbitrary sec:uence of nodes Pi (i=1,2,..., N; N = 1,2,...) in A is taken. The operator K p is applied to both sides of (3), and in the resulting equations, the differential operators M and L in the given points are re-placed by P - P their difference-analo&ues M and L .. It is proven that for each T) i P3. fixed n and N the resulting ;ysterr of linear algebraic equations "JU0 R11 U:N (PI) = X 411 Un-LN(P) (n=1,2,...; t=1,2,...,N), T1,,j S,~ (Pi) = f (PI). (I = 1. 2. .... N). ""Pi S"'.N(P1)= f (PI) + XEPI Sn* -1)V (PI) (n ~ 1. 2, ..; I = 1, 2, . o.. N). Card 5/6 S/044/62/000/001/048/061 On the numneric solution of the . . . C111/C222 with IN unknowns (P,) and S* (P,) (n = 1,2 .... ; i = 1,2,--.,N; Y,=1,2, nN nN is stable unQer cert;-in assumptions regarding the ICree terms f(P )(i=1,2,..., N). The convez-6;ence to the solution of problem (1), (2) is proven. EAbstracter's note: Complete translation.1 Card 6/6 . 4 v I ~: ~- !~ M 0 * to di S 1 , 1 0 11 U tj W U 16 11 Is 1 a I I U n M I 11 4r u ,A _f_a- 1 -1 c AA,-" t v , OCI 61.1 . - --T vscv~-', _-f Disuibution of phosphom compounds In cow m*. It 1'. A. Kumttiani anti T. E. Tsidadir. Biokkitnivajk~ i -Ul npils. Ow-10WO).-Milk doerldt"'Wrifitifi - )ik' P col ther than the complex CAAN).Pt~cwvein. A difficuldy bydrolyzable fractioa is rmusniced, but not identified. B. C. A. as 00 00 00 &III-SLA, AgIALLUMCAL LITIOATIM CLASSIO-KATIOU C-F AV 10 4% 4 tv, ar t, a, at is K a tr it at a KW 0 1 ~14 0 of 0 * : 4no * a o 0 0 0 TSULAYA M.F.,- GAGULASHVILI A.D.;.-MIBAYA, V.R. - .9 Some biochemical changes in the cerebrospinal fluid under the influence of craniocerebral traumn. boob. All Graz. SSR 30 no.5: 579-582 14Y '63- (MIRA 16:11 ) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel I skiy ins titut travmatologii i ortopedii. Predstavleno chlenom-koi-respondentom AN GruzSSR A.N.Bakuradze. 00 0 00 0 es 0 0 0 a a III* 1, V. -1 -A I L Is a A ..P #11('01I.VIS Wt. Of "W111111 lit the WadA AiliviediAni n't At, 0, 146, 11niki, 111 's jif 10- No' CIA 19.1 M1111IT-olithal.1 1 1141, All Illl%llf (44-Clon P=14) in a unall Ic%t tube add I nil. a)( If)% irkidot_ At I&M, Ink aticl --crattritille. To I nit. -4 the wipet - nalam foluid 04141 1 1111~ Ali NIl.cI l I) 4 (dol'ooll-0 Isll.4 M looll it (lot'if ..I.A1 Nit l- .4111kincit ou .1"tilino It,, Is,# 1. A 'Imatt 1'. Lot .,I,t J..J~j b"I't 1'. Wolof fh.~ 1'. A I'll . oil% oliAl ct"tollog, t~tlaoatl 1, 1.. Ott ). 1'. ~'. .4 liar 01FIX-1114NUIt Milli Will :1 till, Ad 1.90. (1: IV lodt tokl' 0 And 1111str ffmil d 1,11A.F.Janet With 11 1 s At Muliqlly file (11M .3 -cefue lwlwcrri the milli. lit KAIII(J. 16.-d fly 0.2 (t fill. of 11.111 N KS1210. )lojr. Ili ca) 10 oaln liar Carol. ad C4 in 11 UA fill, kt. ca ill Vkh.d., lfloc.t Ignite 11te Ill-I on it I'MOMr. 11110,01YV the SAJ) io of several drw4 of 4-ont-fl. MIA alld U tiff. (d giliAttf. watet. 00 Allil 0.8 nit. of 10% N11,00, 1, 0-11 fail, of I), 117t, (Nild.- VA and droptiviloti, 20rl Nil. Imill it lattill othat 1, lifitsourif in iihakills: jowml atlidewtilard 1ATCO."I'lY. W. It I I 1111MAMMAL LITTRA111011of CLAvilfKA1110111 4-4i-A-1 J-1 .#,Afl 40 Plo~ M ll 41 -1- 'a A 0 V-' ITI, ANPI -S ru to lot 9 1 Car p 9, a ato P, if 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 fiI 0 0 0 6 0 0 CIA 0 all 41111 0 4 48 4 0 -06 00 1-04 =*O 400 000 900 are 0 see CAI I KUCHEROV, R.Ya.; RIKENGLAZ~ L.E.; TSULAYA, T.S. Kinetic theory of overcondensation when the temperature difference is slight. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 32 no.11:1392-1398 N 162. (KRA 15:11) (Thermodynamics) 42218 S/057/62/032/011/011/014 B104/B102 AUTHORS: Kucherovp R. Ya., Rikenglaz, L. E., and Toulaya, T. S. TITLE: The kinetic theory of overcondensation at small temperature differences PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy-fiziki, v. 32, no. 11, 1962, .1392-1398 TEXT: The transport of a substance between two parallel plates at different temperaturesis investigated on the basis of the Boltzmann equation vxaf/ax . (df/at)st (.1:). The state o .f the vapor from the substance of which the two plates are composed is described by the distribution function f(x,:;). The collisign iiitegral is given in the form:- (2) A, = n( M %311 exp M (V - U)2 (3) 2T Card 1/6 S/057/62/032/011/011/014 The kinetic theory of overcondensation ... B104/B102 n=ffdv; nu=ffvdv; ~'-T=f(v-uYfdv, (4). M Here t is the relaxation time, v` the velocity of the gas molecules, M their mass, n the vapor density, and T the vapor temperature in erg. It is assumed that all molecules of vapor reaching a surface adhere to it and that the molecules leaving surface have a Maxwellian distribution. This implies that the distribution function f(X, v)=/'(x, v)-+-/-(x, V), (5) f+ (X, V) 0; V. < 0, f- (X, V) 0; V. > 0, has the boundary conditions Card 2/6 The kinetic theory of overcondensation ... PI )/'exp V) T, 2r.T, exp 2 T2 2-r2 S/057/62/032/011/011/014 B104/B102 iT-I) (6). 2T2 P1 and P2 are the vapor pressures at the temperatures T 1 and T2. For the case of smb611 temperature differences ((T T2)/Tlc',Zl) the solution of (2) can be obtained in the form f=n M 'I exp MV21 (14- 2rro) F TrV (7), n = no (I T= To (1 6), Card 3/6 S/05 62/032/011/011/D14 The kinetic theory of overcondensation ... B104YI3102 where n0 in the mean density and T0 the mean temperature. On intro&ucing the dimensionless coordinate z x/(d/2), where d is the distance between the plate surfaces, the system (2)-(4) becomes linearized and givea: A 2) (9) C= M V; e-"yde; 3 2 (10). t jl~-T' d M The linearized boundary conditions are: c c)="2--+- (C Card 4/6 2)021 S/05 62/032/011/011/014 The kinetic theory of overcondensation ... B104YB102 PI P2 TI T2 P 2 01= Orl YOT 0 From (9) the formal solution is reached: ,e-, e 1"S -+- 2c,q X (z, C) = V, f 11, . . (13)- 24-Ir x When this is introduced in (10) the following.system of integral equations is obtained for determining V, q and 0: (9,1 t,2q-4- kIP P, 1 Ik3IV -f--,krq --f- P3, The integral operators Kii are discussed. For the case of large Eaudsen numbers the solutions arrived at: Card 5/6 The kinetic theory of overcondensation V (Z) V. V V 1- 2) (01- 02) x S/057/62/032/01 1 /011 /014 B104/B102 q = qK ~2 . 2p r [(.,I - V2) -(0. 00] x 2 x ['-zlnl-'-'-'Inl-' W =W. - 3 q. -,'jj [(v, i 41L for small Knudsen numbers the solutions are: q = 0.252 (v,-V2-+-O,-OO, .w=0.63(v,'- =0.23 (v,-+-Oj-i-0.27(v,-&--Oj. SUBMITTED: January 31, 1962 (initially) ('24), (31). Card 6/6 April 10, 1962 (after revision) KUOUHEROV, R. Ya.1 TSULAYA, T.S. Absorption of sound associated with reflection from the pliine surface (H ; of a solid. Akust. shur, 7 no,1:96-97 161, I.U :4 4:4) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye po ispollzovaniya atomnoy energii. pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. (Absorption of sound) 1. TSULAYA, V.I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Plans Tree 7. Vegetative reproduction of the European plane trea. Los I stopl 4 no.100 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. 1. 7. i. 2. T,'3sa (O'co) 4. I'Smon 7. :13haracteristics of le,,,ton~ fmlt' iui(ior trojich cu1tIv-.ILi(;)!. 110. 5, 1g:',2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jtuau;-~-ry 1953. Unclassified. Name: TSUIAYA, V. I. Dissertation: Growing lemon trees in trenches in southern TajWstan Degree: Cand Agr Sci AffitUtOM., Acad Sci Tajik SSR., Division of Natural Sciences -Zefenee-Q&te, Place.- 1956, Stalinabad Source: Knizbnaya Letopis', No 4, 1957 TS(1'~L USSR / Forestry. Forest Crops K- L, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13, 1958, 58413 Author : Tsulaya V, I., Kudrina E. K. Inst ; Not given Titl,.2, : Cultivation of th,,, Oriontal Plane trco by Seeds Orig Pub: Lesn. kh-vc, 1957, 11o 8~ 82-84 Abstract: This is a description of a two-ycar long uxperi- ment at th3 Vakhsh zonal experimental station of zrowing th,.2 oricntal plane true in deep bodsl sheltered by glass covQrc-d frames. It is grown on a light clayey soil of a loess type. Manure com- post and fine grained sand wero introduced into the beds. The seeds waro moistoned in water for two days. The percentage of laboratory germina- Card 1/2 TSUIAYA, V.I.- SJUNTIMI, I.M. Trench culture of citrus fruits in Central Asia. Agrobicloglia no.l: Irtz-108 ja-F 158. 11:2) 1. Tadzhikskly nauchno-iosledovatollskiy institut sadovodstim, vino- gradarstva i subtropichookikh kull 'tur Imeni I.V. Kichurina, Stalinabad. (Tajikistan-Citrus fruits) TSUIAYA V.I. Results of tree and shi-tib introduction in Vakhsh Valley. Viul. Glav. bot. Bada no./~Ozj?-23 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Vakhshakaya zonaltnaya optnaya, stantsiya Inatituta sadovodstva AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Vakbuh Valley-Plant introduction) (Treee) (Shrubs) TSULEYSKIRI, G. I. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Materials for the clinico-biochemical characteristics of Opernt' interventions in pulmonary tuber- culosis." Tbilisi, 1961. 26 pp; (Tbilisi I-Ante Med Irait) ; 200 copies; free; (KL, 6-151 sup, 242) TWUYSKIRI- Gj~. [Materials on clinical and biochemical characteristica of irargery in pulmonary tuberculot~is] Materialy k kliniko-blokhimichetkoi kharakteristike operi-tivnykh vmeshatellstv pri tuborkuleze kikh. Tbilisi, Iz"L-vo Almd.nauk Gruzinskoi SO, 1960. 92 1). (MIRA 13:12) (TUBERCULOSIS) 7'sULMK V-~ PICHKHAYA, T. P., ASATIANI~ V. S., PIIASAHVILI, A. To.) AGEYEVAp A.K., LIDZE, 0. V., KITIYA) T. D., KOJV)ZAKHIYAj T. P., KLINCHULIYAI V. G., Pl,"UIDZE, T. V., (USSR). The Effect of the Mountainous Climate on Biochemical Aspects of Human Blcod. report presented at tho 5th Int'le Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug* 1961s 6 .,-4 y Rcs. -rst, , ~ 0 .1 !14 r )Uo Ica. Try~ I -s- e _Z11' ta.' a AtIE ~I -M UL -1. L t4I -1~-! j.71 i Urc, Wt t"'.: tit bw! )I,r cpc~ Jul I llvf k,; 14, U-a n,) on JTq, ta-y tt-ev--: S-1-e-t-Z wl-~f.- -n c- ~-i 'rht o^ L e i vrerag- dr-i.L. 1. -26 'IA b t ePI V -IUI W-0 ar,-I tj t tt:C -W~ th !,.L,rls of 16-i;. ma-vo ta )I I -mt .,Jo ium o~i ry).jlt~ c-t i--1' La t'~j tjpj!3 hut, Ix -)(.r o" L,.- lil t. I I; tea alic ecl."I.)~. D-OK r)CA -jo -3-4 -,Ifjt Ly Ulf" Nut:.- PC4 T. . L,% v! e n c -"u I t 1 1; L I o n r) CCltrk;5 irults In '~6 0 n e %.i d w-it-t-ropics of Contral A-ctla lemw Sf s t c.-- 'ef crop ralsed In trencl, cu!Tlv,--,',ion. ir. tl,e va'Ki-Is"islkapi. valley are noncentrated 34.6 of" cr 11 tne c1trus -.1antat-ione of Central Asia and of ti-..p croi) is ~,,arvi~,sted. I-n i957 d~i` IrG ~ ~ - L R .21-tr-ucs Eroviers hrirveGtf,,d < t:;C)O,OC;O frults. best sorlu of' le-..~ori, yields annual cro-ps. 149 VAYSMAN, Moy8he Zakharlyevich; TSUL114OV, A., red. (Accounting, analy.9is w0 audit using the journal- voucher accounting Bystem] Uchet, analiz 3. --zviziia pri zhurr-l'no-ordGrnoi fome schetovodstva. Kishinev, Kartia moldovenlaske,, 1964. 372 p. (MIRA 17:U) MAKEYEVK09 M.M.j FROSKURIN, I.G*j WDERMAH, G.I.; SOLNTSEVA, Z.V.; NUVAKp V.A.; KARTELISHEV9 V.T.; TSUL3FOVp A., red.; POLZVAYAj Ye.9 [Moldsvian Economic Administrative Region] Moldavskii ekonoricheskil administrativiqi raion. Kishinsvp Gas.izd-vo "Kartia Moldoveniaskey" 1961. 168 P. (MIU 146) (Moldavia-Economic conditions) PROSTOVIOLOTOV, F.t-TSULIKOV, A., red-.; TELIPIS, V., tekhn. rod. DReorganization of industrial management and prospects for industrial development in the Moldavian S.S.R. during t)ie seven-~7ear plan]Perestroika upravleniia promyshlennost!iu Moldavskoi SSR i perspektivy ee rawitlia v semiletke. Kishinev., Gos. izd.-vo "Kartia, moldoveniaske," 1960. 59 p. (KTU 1.5- 11) (Moldwiia-Industrial organization) TSULIMOV, S.I., inzhenere A;~ ejection blastings with deep charging in loosely bound ground N 156, (MLRA. 10:1) 1. Upravlentya Sredneaziatskogo gornogo okruga. (Blasting) in ro oub k V ts en ~s; r r.y kn 2~,.)zo pr7t~.Iv .-iberkuli: c7, 2p v~,yny, i - ;71 LEE;, AP. Dok-lad na mez;iinotit--utskoy konf,~;rsl-_~ tsii ~,o baktleriofa ~,. 0 L/_Izcf~ort on the kiter-institute Confererce on 3 ~eyerlop.tafje ,Ic)sc.:)w, 1),10. T:7'L'---JLL7-E., A.'~,. On tic mtioduloU of adrain-10tra-,-Illor. of phal-e in Sur -Lcal Ixactice. ic ~r Ln. 1:hir, . Z.-Tourn-al of' Euv,-ery7 Vol 61, i,o (1 19111. I - 'Lo' - - - 1-11 -.1-1 - .. Tuidukldzc) A. 11. "The Of J,n1.1.oj'-k'Jvr. opel-Aldurlig of 11ij 11-irn. ur tile urovtmltal or~,-ans," (Feport), Trur~-j III Zak-iv1uzfik. filljczda -ferevan, 1-)1416 (on covcr: 1949), P. 396-407 SO: U-1;210, 1" Lice. J3, (Lefopii; 'Zhurnal In,'kh StaLey, NO. 25, ivij). I ~j J, LU T r f~rlnoye Ult~lf-nly,: J Z.~ry ~947. T " II, t "K IZit - 1.0 .'1 Ao- miy1i Fishk-u (~~! Zjol-ache:; ~,;,~-nnykh VnebryushInnaya Priresaclka 11 cle -7hnikov V Prya O.nukholyakh). VesLnLk 1QqLrin,.,,ii Grokovd, 1.949. No. 4, SO: Lr:tr-j,) Zhurnallnykh -Statcy, Vol. 42, "o-fleva, l?4?. 0-- T I kj TSULUXIMB, A.P., professor. Surgical therapy of patients vith hypertrophy of the prostate gland. Xhirur- giia n0-9:3-7 5 '53. (KTRA 6:n) 1. Is kafedry urologii (zavedavushchiy - professor A.P.Tsulukidze) TbiliBeko- go instituta usovershonstvoyaniya vrachey. (P~rostate gland-Surgery) A P. Surgical treatment of hypertrophy of the prostate. Xhirargiia, Moskva no.9:3-7 Sept 1953. (CIML 25:5.) 1. Profeesor. 2. Of the Department of Urology (Head - Prof. A. P. Toulukidze), Tbilisi Institute for the Advanced Training of Pbysicians. iTgnnnz-g , A - P - - I TSULUKIDZZ, A.F., professor (Tbilisi) Viv.alignant tumors of the kidneys in children (clinical treatment., roentgenodiagnostics, and roentgenotherapv)" K.A.Hookacheva. Reviewed by Prof. A.P.TSulukidze. Kh1rurgiia no 5:86-88 My 154. (KIDNEYS-TUMORS) NLRA 7:7) TSULUKIME, A.P. . -~, 6., -" ~ . [Dissalos of the gemit#-urizary orgeas requirlAg cwgery] Xhirucgi- cheskis zabolevaniia mochavykh i pol*vykh organov. Moskva. Medri2 1955. 390 p. (KLRA ~-.'4) GENITO-URINARY CRGANS--SURGERY) TSULUKIDZN,.Alq~~ I r..Fe~Fovl "I - - I ".. ,;I. M^~~ ..... :, -,~ ;;r , . [Studies in operative urology] Ocherki operativnoi urologii. Grumpodgiz, 1955. 212 p. (MLRA 10:4) , (GHINITOURIMARY ORGANS--SURGFARY) TSULUKIDZE, A.P.; profesanr; MURVANIDZE, D.D. Indications for cystectomy. Urologiia no-3:3-10 JI-S '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz urologichaskoy kliniki j(zav. chlon-korrespondent'AMN SSSR, zasluzhenW dayatell n-Auki prof. A.F.Tsulukidme Thilieskogo institute. usovershenatvovaniya vrachey. (BLADDER. surgery dyst6ctomv, indic.) TSULIKIDZE, A.?.. professor (Tbilisi) "Experiences of Soviet Medicine during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,m vol-13, Pt-l: *Surgery," section 9. Reviewed by A.P. TSulukidze. Urologiia 21 no.3:80-83 Jl-S '56. (MINA 9:12) (ABDOMEN-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) TSUIBXLDZZ. A.P.,, professor (Tbilisi) ~~iv,~~*~ f, lp.,~ I lProstate gland; pathologyo clinical aspects and treatment of diseases of the prostate gland" by Mikhail Infedzhiev. Reviewed by A.P.TSulukidze. Urologlis, 21 no.4:76-77 O-D 156. (MIRA 10:2) (PROSTATE GIAND---V1SnSZS) (ZBYXDZHINV, MIKHAIL) - !SViUX=S. Aleksan4r,]Ntrovich. HURVANIDZE. D.D. clusion and r4moval of the urinary bladder] Tykliuchenie i udalenis muchevogo puzy-ria. Tbilisi, Grachmedgiz, 1937. 130 p. (MIRA 11;10) (BLADDER-MMURT) countl'y : USSR E Catcaary: Virology. Bacterial V-'-.ruses (Phaacs) Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 23, 1958, 110 103514 P,uthr,r Tsulukidzc, .0-P. List 16 Title Material on the Use of Dacteriophage in Surrical Infections OriC Pub: Sb. WtteriofaGiya- Tbilisi, Gruzmed(;iz, 1957, 36j;-372 ,'Jostract: Data in the literature and the results of personal observations are presented on the successful use of phaGe in pyogenic cuid anaerobic infections. T11c- author believes thc-t the use of phcqc ia surGical infections is of tromandcus practical and Card 1/2 Country : USSR _7 O~tt~L;ory: Virology. Dacterial VirusQs (Pha.-c-s) ,'-bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 23, 1958, 110 103514 Great attention should be Given to this rx-,tter. -- Ya. I. Ra-utenshtcyn. Card -. 2/2 TSULXrg[IDZE, Alelcoandr Potrovioh (Anurial Anuriia. Tbilisi, Sabahota Sakartvalo, 1959. 17 P. (KIMYS-DISFASES) (MIRA 13:7) MAY ILI, Mikhail Georgiyeviah; GEJASHVILI, Avtandil Petrovich; SAKVARELIM, D.S.,; AKHVLEDIANI, G.S., red.; (TBMX~L jZ,,-A2,, red.; )MIXISHVILI, G.A., red.; BRISTAYI, X.D., red.; KID MENT&MASHVILI, I.T., rad.; TATISHVILI, I.Ta., red.; BKRIDZH, V.V., red.; APAKIDZE, A.M., red.; YAKIMOVA, A., [Illustrations to the history of medicine in Georgia; from e:-1:Lcient times to the 19th century] Illiustrataii k istorii meditsirLy Gruzii; a drevneishikh vremen do XIX voka. Tbilisi, Gos.izd-vo *Sabehoto Bakartvalo.0 1959. 127 p. (MIR-A 13:9) (GRORGIA-MEDICIRS) ADRWIAN, A.Ya., prof..-, ATABEKOVI D.N., prof.; VOROBTSOV, V.I.j, ktind. med. naukj GASPATUNj A.M., prof.; GREDENSHCBIKOV, G.S., prof.; DZHAVAD-ZADE, M.D., kand. red. nauk; DWUMSKIY, L.I., &,ts., prof.,- LOPATKIE, N.A., dots.; POI-OUNTSEV, A.A., dots.; FYTRLI,,.A.Ya.# prof.; RIKHTER, G.A., prof.; RUSANOV, A.A.p prof.; SKIRHOV, A.V., prof.; 9YROVATKO, F.A., prof.; TO IK~~, prof.; SRAPIRO, I.N., prof.; EPSHTffV, I.M., prof.; PETROVSKIY,, B.V.., prof., otv. red.; BMIVI, A.W.j akademik, red.; GULYAYEV, A.V., prof.; YEGOROV, B.G., prc,f.p red.; KUPMANOV, P.A., prof.., red.; PANKRATIYEV, B.Ye..,.prof., red.; FILATOV, A.N., prof., red.; CHAKLIN, V.D., prof., red. GORELIKI S.L.j, red.; GABERLAND, II.L., tekhn. red. (Multivolume manual on surgery] Mnogotamnoe rukovodstvo [.'o khirurgii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo med. lit-ry. Vol.9. [Surf~ey of the urinary and genital organs and the retroperitoneal. space] Khirurgiia mochevykh i polovykh organov i zabriushin- nogo prostranstva. 1959. 630 p. (MIRA 15t4) 1. Deystvitellrjyy chlon Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSF- (for Petrovskiy, Yegorav Kupriyanov). IRETROPEUTONEAL SPACE-SURCERY) (GENITOURIVARY ORGANS-SURGERY) TSULUKIDZE, A.P., prof. (Thilifii) t%alignant tumors of the urinary bladder and their treatment" by G.A. Rikhter. Reviewed by A.P. TSulukidze. Urologiia 25 no.1:80-81 Ja-F 160. (~Mui 15: 6) (BLADDER--CAITCER) (RIKHTER, G.A.) TARKHANOV,, I.R.[deceased]; SAAFASTIVILI, M.G., prof.; GEDEVANISHVILI D,Ms) prof*) zasl, deyatell nauki, otv. red.; ASATIANI, V.S.., red.; ZHGENTI, V.K., r&1.; ZUPAUSHVILI, A.D., red.; KAVTARADZE~ P.P., red.; ERISTAVI, K.D., akademik,, prof... red,; TSUILKIDZE,.-~~ed.4--TATISHVILI, I.Ya., red.; KUTATELADZE, I.G., red.; VANIDZE, TS,.V., red. izd-va; KHMADZE, Z., tekhn~. red. [Selected writings) Izbranriye sochineniia. Tbilisi, Gos. ik-vo "Sabchota Sakartvelo." 1961. 393 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Chlen-korreopondent Akademi4 nauk GruzinBkoy SSR (for Gedevanishvili). 2. Akademiya nauk Grazinskoy SM (for Bristavi). (Pbysioloe TSULUKIDZE A P - MURVAUIDZE, D. D.; IVASHENKO, G. M.; DVALI, R. F Further modification in the formation of the "urinar7 bladdeir" around a temporary endoprosthesis made of plastic. Urologil(L no.6:28-29 161. (MIRA 15--4) 1. Iz Instituta urologii (dir. - zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauhl, akad. A. P. TSulukidze) AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (BLADDER-SURGERY) (PLASTICS IN MEDICINE) TSULUKIDZE, A.P.; MURVANIUM, D.D.j DVALI, R.F.; IVASHCHENKO, G.M. Foxnation of a plastic reservoir for urine following total cystectomy. Urologiia 26 no.1946-51 161. - (KEU 14:3) (BLADDER-OSURGERY) (ACRYLIC ACID)'.. TSULUKIDZE, A.P.,prof. (Tbili5i) Treatment of patients with tumors of the bladder. Urologiia n0-1:43-49163. (MIRA 16:7) (BLADDER-CANCER) NIKOBADZEJF I.I.; TATISHVILI, Ir.Ya.; KURCIIISHVILI, I.B.; ZHGENTI, V.K... akademik, red.; ZURABASHVILI, A.D., akademikv red.; WITARADZE, P.P., akademik, red.; TSUUJKIDZE, A.P., akademik,, red.; FaISTAVIK K.D.., a ide~Ak -d' CHITAYA G.S., red.; MUNDANE, G.R. . re .; I zasl. deyatell nauki, prof., red.; MESKHIA, Sh.A., prof., red. (Basic stages of the development of medicine in Georgial Osnovtqe etapy razvitiia meditsiny v Gruzii. Tbilisi,, Izd-vo "Metsniereba," 1964. 286 p. NIRA 17:12) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Zhgenti, Zurabashvili, Kavtaradze, TSulukidze, Eristavi). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Chitaya, Khundadze, Meskhia). TSULUKIDZE, Grigorti Antonovich. Metody podzemnoi razrabotki mestorozhdenii poleznykh tslcopaemylch. Methods of C-iining mineral resources. Moskva, ~ios. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chei-noi i t3vetnoi metallurEii, 1948. 684 p. (50-'~4789) TNI45.T8 wau 1. YlininZ en7ineering. 75916 T--,ULUXIDZE, Cl. !... , 11 r- I ne Tsulukidze; G. A. ItThe ar--anCement of cavering materials in workinC t e -a a -,-e lava overburden in the ChiLtury", in the cgl;-ect-'on entitled: Vopros.,,- !--orno,, o ~c' --, ."o-sc:n.1, ;-.213-24. SO: b-2888, 1~1 Feb- 53, (Letopist Zhurnal Iny'kh Statey, No. 2, 19401). TSULUXIDZE, G. A. Tsulukidze. G. A. - "The aspectsin the utilizatiomof wooden protable studdles in stopes," A commawrative collection of transactions dedicated to the 25th annivers of the Institute, (Gruz, poAtekhne in-t im. Kirova, No 17). TbDisl, 1948, P. 351- 62, (Resume in Georgian SO: U-5240, 17, Dec. 53, (latopis 'Zhurnal lnykh Statey, No. 25, 194-9). TSUL'UKIDZE, G. A. Tsulukidze, G. A. - *Anew overhead method of mining steep coal coda hydraulic backing,n A commemorative collection of transactions dedicated to the,;'25th anniversary of the Institute, (Gruz. politeMm. in-t im. Kirova, No 17), Tbilisi,, 1948, P. 36)- 73, (Resme in Georgian) SO: U-5240, 17, Dec. 53, (Latopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 25, 1940). MULUKIDZX, G.A. ---- -- --- 'Phooretical diagram of classifvirg underground mining wthcals. Trady Inst. met. I gor. dela AN Gruz. SSR 205-41 149. (NYIA Iltl) (Hining engineering) USSR/ Mining Methods Apr 49 "Classification of Mining Systems," Dr G. A.. Tsulukidze, Prof, Active Mom, Acad Sci Georgian ZLZ P. 1. Gorocletakiy., M. A. CO, Torobko, Ye. Ya. Makhno, N. 11.-PolyaIzor, Co- Workers of Cbair of Ore Mining, Leningracl Mining Inst; V. T. Markelar, P. M.Tollfson,,A. G. Barlas, Mining Engineers; L. I,. Baron, V. N. Semeveldy, Candidates Tech Soi, 7 PP "Gor Zhur " No 4 Proposed classification has two main divisions: ndning. mildly slanting deposits of small and 41/149T88 USSR/Mining Methods (Coutd) Apr 49 average width, and mining steeply slanting do- posits of axkT width and large deposits with mildly slanting walls. First division is divided into: solid., pillar, and room-pillar. Seemi has two main subdivisions (containing a more cletaile& breakdown):' Mining is clone with- out collapsing leaning rocks in early stag6s of extraction, and mining is done with collapsing' of leaning rocks in early stages of extraction. 4lA9T88 TSULUKIDZE, UrIgorii Antortwich. Classifications of mininp methods usea in the USSR. Moskva, uos. nftuchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1950. 70 u. (51-17887) TN153.T76 T-3 !I LTJ F~-' I P~ - ob 1 a ma Zan, Ij T-SULIFK -L~~ ) P- . 30282.4.,. - , Malrna~ryaz hyc- nnyy bye c n v g icir cy-i t -? h ri, c, y,3.9 1, i k~ 3 C, r .. hY,-- n ~ a ~ -.h . 'jr,.--~jy 17,j Vay-~- I (. y- - ~ - . ', - n. f - I , - .- 1. 1 ~ - I " n Po byetonu i - zhyelyezobye - ton konstruktslyam. Ch. 3 M.-L., 1949 S. 161 - 165 SO; LETOPIS' 110. 34 1 5 --.: ;~, ~ I~N-~ . -c' I- R I", ~, .4 ~~ " -7 -. ! , I. ~ -~ ; t- -Mke : ~17 M, TSULUMIMS, Ylr., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. `4- 1 h Lightweight concrete in hydraulic engineering construction. Gidr. stroi. 25 no.11:8-11 D 1560' (MLRA 10:1) (Lightweight concrete) AUTHOR: Tsulukidze, P.P. , '_,-.',ngineer SOV-GE-58-01-5/21 TITLE: The ~tuestion of Uniformity of Concrete (K vo-,rosu odnorod- nosti betona) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoyp stroitallstvo, 1958, Fr S, pp 18 - 20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The properties of concrete depend an the quartity and qual- ity of its components. Tests made at various hydraulic constructions in the Union showed that the sirength of con- crete varied within the limits of 15 - 209,11 oi even more, In the Zakavkazskoye metallurgicheskoye stroitel'stvo (Transcaucasian Metallurgical Construction), of 1286 con- trolling tests made in 8 months, 580 did not correspond to the planned results. The author finds thet these var- iations are caused by defective operating melhods curren- ly used in the cement plants. The present weighing method does not guarantee the constancy of the volurotric corre- lation of components of the concrete. When 1his component has a low volumetric weight, a larger quantiIj of cement- water mixture is required, and the volumetric weight of the concrete decreases. This weight increascs when the Card 112 component haa a hipher volumetric wpight. Ir obtain ura- The C~uestion of Uniformity of Concrete SOV-98-5:1-9-5/21 formity of the concrete, the author proposes tho method of double dosage (weighing and measuring of the~:volume of both the cement mixture and of the components b.:ifore mix- ing). The author proposes a detailed scheme fo::- prepara- tion of concrete, which will guarantee its unif,;rmit Y. There are 3 tables and 1 diagram. 1. Concrete--Properties 2. Concrete,03tandards -3. Concrete --Preparation Card 2/2 SOV/98-58-11-12/15 AUTHORS: Tau P.~ te of Technical Scienee.-j and Bala- 1-ukidzeg P _9 Candida v a d z oi-,_ - V.- I(.-; --M-Wi n e e r TITLEs On the Problem of Strength and Expansibility of Old Con- crete Parts of operating Hydroelectric Power Pla;2to (K Vo- prosu o prochnosti i rastyazhimosti starykh betc::aov dey- stvuyushchikh sooruzheniy gee) PERIODICALs Gidrotekhnicheskoyistroitelletvog 1958, Nr 119 IP 57-60 (USSR) ABSTRAM Experiments made by the authors at TWISGEI. have shown that the strength and maximum expansibility of old concrete from the working parts of a hydroelectrical power plant increase with the age of this concrete (Table on page 58)- The expansibility of the concrete increases in conformance with the following logarithmical law: E t . oy6gE 28 lgt p p Card 1/2 SOV/96-58-11-12'/15 On the Problem of Strength and Expansibility of Old Concrete Parts of Operating Hydroelectric Power Plants where t is the age of the concrete in days andEp - repre- sents a sum of 2 componentas limiting elastico-plastic stretch deformation and limiting purely plastic expansibi- lity. There are 2 tables, 2 diagrams, 2 graphs and 8 re- ferences, 7 of which are Soviet and 1. American. 1. Concrete-.-M-chanical properties Card 2/2 TSULUKIDZE. Petr Platonov yiq4; VAYNSHTEYN, G.M., inzh., red.; LEVCHIK, L.P., red.; LEBEDEVA, L.V., tekhn. red. (Quality control of concrete work in construction of the arch dam of the Ladohanuri Hydroelectric P6wer StationlKontroll ka- chestva betonnykh rabot pri sooruzhenii arochnoi plotiny Lad- zhanurskoi GES. Moskva, Orgenergostroi, 1962. 52 p. (MIRA 15:1~) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut po, proyektirovaniyu organizataii energe- ticheskogo stroitel'stva "Orgenergostroi". - (Ladzhanuri Hydroelectric Power Station-Dams) (Ladzhanuri Hydroelectric Power Station-Concrete construction) TSULUYIDZE P P. kand.tekbn.nauk Studying concrete in a structure by means of ultrasonic waves. Gidr. stroi. 32 no."(':33-35 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Concrete conatruction--Testing) (bitrasonic waves--Industrial. applications) GIOSHVILIO VDe; TSUWKIDZN, L.A., kand. khIm. nw1k. Oil from tomuto sends. 14asI.-zhir. prom. 24 no.2t6-7 158. (MIRA 110) 1. Gruzinskiy politelchnichoskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova. (Tomtoes) (Oils and fats, Edible) 6ec 7 Vol 1,1/6 Pediatrics june 59 140H. SoME PRELIMINARY DATA ON THE RLSUi.Ts ()I., BALNEO'NILHAPY OF IME'UNIATIC CHILDUFN DUMING THE PERIOD of, I.N.E.-limissim, (Hussian text) - T.& ~qk I ~] z e INT, V. - Vrorn thc book: THUDY TSKIIAI- TUBSKOGO FILiTI-I-A I FIZIOTERAP11 1956, 1/2 (221-227) Ninety-seven patients were observed, 72 or whr.)m sufferud from prinlaryor relaps - ing forms of polyarthritis complicated by cardiac Ic!sions. avid 25 from chorea associated with pronounced cardiac and joint manifestations. The method of treatment employed is explained and the riesults are reported. The balneologic treat - ment at Tskhaltubo is effective in primary.and relapsing forms of polvarthritis and in nervous forms of rheumatism in the after-attack period. The (;bjective symptoms significantly improved under treatment: the haemoglobin level increased and the elevated ESH returned to normal in a number of cases. sometimes even dynamometric indices increased. TSULUKIDZE, Tamara A physician's warm heart and skilled hands. Rab.i al-al. 38 no.12t8-9 D 162o (MIR4.16sl) (WOMEN AS PHYSICIANS) TSULUKIDZE, T. Ow schoolgirls learn to cook. Fab. i sial. 37 no. 4:20 Ap 161. (MIRA 14-4) (Cookery-Study and teaching) TSULUKIM, Tamara, zaeluzhenna7a artiekta GruzSSR. Actors of an amateur theater. Rab. i sial. 35 no.9:8-9 3 '~59- (MIRA 12:112) (Slonim-Amateur theatricals) TSU14AN ) V.G., kand. med. nauk; D.1'. Intravital diagnosis of isolated hypoLla--ia of artery, Vest. rent. i rad. 4rj ;-.o.33:33-35 1,V-Ja 1!1 '57. (,?4-7F-Jk 1;:!:7') 1. 1-ya khimrgicheskaya klinika (zav. - prof. 1,~ikhov) i rentgenolog-icheskiy ctdel (zav. - prof. V.I. I-eLrcv) ll-loskovskogo oblastnogo naLeano-issledovatellskogo kllniQlheskogo bistituLa imeni Vladimirskogo. TSUMANt V.G. Symptcm of reduction of the vascular pattern in angiopulmograms in primary cancer and chronic nonspecific inflammatory processes in the lunge* Xhirurgiia 36 no.3&81-85 Nr 160* (MIRA 13t12) (LOGS.-DISEASES) (ANGIOGRAPHY) TSUMAN, V.G* Implantation of lyophilized homologous bone and plaster of pnris in parotid insufficiency. Probl. endok., i gorm 4 no-3:109-110 My-Je 158 (MIRA 11:8) le Iz 1-.v khirurgicheakoy kliniki (sav. - dotsent H. I. Kakhov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo naucbno-issledovsteltskogo klinicheskogo ifistitutn imeni M.F. Vladimirskogo (dir. - P.M. Leonenko). (PAROTID GLANDS, surgery, 1yophilized homologous bone & plnster of parie Implanto (Rus)) (BM, & BOXES, transpl. parotid implant of lyophilized homologous bone (Rue)) (PLASTER OF PARIS. parotid implant (Rue)) MUROMSKIY, Yu.A., TSUMIN, V.G. The acut7e- abdam~en~ syndrome in cases of traumatic retroperitoneal hemorrhage [with en ary in Inglish]o Abirurglia 34 no-7t4g-57 J-1 15 8 (Mia n$9) 19' Is 1 khirurgicheskogo kliniki (zav. - dots. N.I*' Kakhov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo klinicheskogo institute. imeni M-Fe.Vladimirskogo (dir. P.'M. Leonenko). (ABDOMEN, AGUTE, etilogy & pathogenesis traum. retroperitoneal hemorrh, (Rug)) (RETROPERITORRAL SPAGE, hemorrhage caused by trauma & causing acute abdom. (Rue)) -TSUMJAN, V. G., Cand. Medic. Sci. (diss) "Arteriopulmonography and its X-ray-anatomical Basis for Chronic Nonspecific Inflami.- matory Processes and Primary Cancer of Lungs," Moscow, 1961, 30 pp. (Moscow Med.-Stomatolo.-ical Inst.) 250 copies (KL Supp 12-61) 289). TSUMAN, V. G. Primary cancer of a bronchial stump following pneumonectcmy due to tuberculosis. Trudy mol. nauch. ectr. MCNIKI no.l: 18-21 159 (KM 161l1) Roentgenoanatomic substantiation of radiography of the pulmonary artery. Ibid.t22-28 Clinical use of arteriography. rbJdI47-49 l.Iz 1-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. dotsent N.I.Makhov) Mookovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo kliniches- kogo instituta imeni Vladimirskogo. TSUMAN, V.G. Penicillin in the treatment of malignant anthrax. lhirurgiia Supplement:57 157. (MIRA 11:4) 1. N.-X%1itvyans1mya rayonaaya bollnitea Voronethekoy oblasti. (MICILLI11) (ANTHW) GRIGORYA11, A.V.; TSUMAN, V.G.; VOLI-EPSHTEYN, G.L. Differential diagnosis of chronic indurative pneumonia and bronchogenic lung cancer. Grud.khir. 3 no.6:72-76 F,-D 101. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii lechebnogo fakullteta (zav. kafedroy - prof. V.I. Struchkov) I Moskovol-ogo meditsinshogc instituta. (PM, MONIA) (MIGS-CANCER) TSWAN, V.G. Some methodological and technical nopects of angiopneunography, Grud. khir. 2 no.3:59-62 My4e :62, (RffUL 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.I. Stru::hk-ov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta i 1-y khirurgi- cheskoy kliniki (zav. - dotoont N.I. Makhov) i Moskovskogf) oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatel.'skogo klinichoskogo instituta. Adrou avtora: Moskva, 3-ya MeshcL-anskAya, d.61/2, Mookovskiy oblastnoy ILauchno- iasledovatelyskiy klinicheskiy institut, 1--ya Khirurgiche:ikaya klinika. (LUNGS-RADIOQMM) TSUMM4, V.G. Technique for in vivo contrast X-rays of the vessela of thn extxemj_~~-J.O_S. Vop. klin. pat. no.3:121-127 161. Wd?-~; :ji: 12) 1. Iz I-y Khirurg-4--heskoy kliniki (zaveduyushchiy dotoont 1'.I. lAa-khov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellsl-,ogo ::,istitulta imeni M.V.Vladimirskogo. (EXTI-dMTIES (ANATOMY)~RADIOGItAPHY) (AEGIOGAAPHY)