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'Work capaoity of patients follovii-tg excision of the larynx in
cancer. Vop. ofik. 6 no,6133-40 Ju 160. (MIRA 14:3)
Movements of the vocal cords in heoath and in pathology. Trudy
VNIIMIO no.3tl54-JL56 163 (MIRA 18:2)
RespAratory function of the larynx. Trudy mol. nauch. votr.
MCNIKI no.2258-60 ~59 (MM 16M)
Respiration in Datients following complete excision of the
larynx due to caacer. 17bid.:61-64
1. 1z Otorinolaringologicheskoy kliniki (zavo-profe I*Ya.
Sendult-skiy) Moskovskago oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatel'sko-
go klinicheakogo instituba imeni V"Iadimirskogo.
Itoblem of cerebellar abscesses, Yeattoto-rin. 106 no.2:!,7-60
Mr-AP 154. (MA 7:6)
1. Iz otdelonlya bolaxney ukha, gorls i nona (zar. T.T.Geliko-
nova) Respublikansk-dy bollnitsy Kor&)vskoy ASSR v Saranske.
(CZMXUUM, abscees,) iABSCISS,
Influence of laryngeatomy on pulmonary reception. Vest. otorin.
22 no.1t48-51 Ja-F 140. (MIRA 14-'5)
lelz UL-JU bolezney ukha,, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. I.Ya.
Sendul'skiy) i nauchno-bkopirimentallnogo otdola (zav. - prof.
G.P.Ko4adi) MoBkavakogo oblastnogo nauchno-isoledovateliskogo
klinioheskogo instituta imeni M.F.Vladimirskego.
TSMOMG, L. I.: Yoster Med Sci (dise) -- "The physiological aspects of
respiration following complete removal of the larynx". Moaccrr, 1958. 14 pp
(Acad Yo& Sci UWSR), 200 copies (KL, No 1, 1959, 125)
1-867i;ator7 function in patients after lay7ngnotomy [vith summar7
in English]* Yest.oto-rin. 20 no.5:91-95 S-0 158 (HTRA 11:12)
1. Iz kliniki boleznev ukha, gorla i nosa (zav prof.
I.Ya. Sendullskiy) i eksperimentallnogo otdela ~z-av. prof. G.F. Xonradj)
Mookovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issladovatelskogo klinicheskogo
(LMM. srugery
excis., postop. funot,,, tests of reap*' (Rue))
(RESPIRATIOR, function taste
after laryngectomy in humans (Rua))
ARKHANGEWSKIY, V.M.; AFANASIYEV, L.L.., doittor tekhn. nauk;
TSUKERBERG, S.M.; ANOXHIN, V.I., kand. tekhn.nauk#
`reseMFn-'r;-TM=O, V.G., inzh., retsenzent;
YEGORKINA, L.I., red.izd-va; PAKRINSON, V.A.p red. izd-va;
SOKOLOVA~ T.F., tekhn. rods
rMotor vehicles; design, operationand repair] Avtomobili;
ustroistvo, ekspluatatsiia i remorit. Moskva,, Izd-vo
"Mashinootroenief" 1964. 510 P. (MIRA 17:3)
- -.1-- ...... --;---.-.. ~-- . ~~ , ,
Testing of automobile tires, Kauch. i res. 24 no.10:40--43 165.
(MIRA 18:10)
1. Nauchno-isaledovatellakly institut vhinncy prompffilennosti.
A.RKHAIGELISKIY, V.M.; AFAIIASIYEV, L.L~-,, doktor tekhn. nauk.;
iZ- -k
DEKHTLRMSKIY, L.V.; ANONHIN, V. fo p ka * fe bn* nark.,
retsenzent; TSETENKO, V.G.0 retsenzent
(Motor vehicles; their design, operation and repair] Avto-
mobili; ustroistvo, ekspluatatsUa i remont. Moskva, Ma-
shinostroenie, 1965. 510 P. (MIRA 18:8)
-ii4481-67 ----IJP, -Rm~
Acc,NR, Ap6oo6516 -i~ ~/011~/65/000/011/0028/0031
AUTHOR: asukeLbe&S M. (Candidate or technical sciences); Gorda2, R. K.
ORO: nIi or the tire industry (NII shinir. promyshlennosti)
TITLE: Determining the aperational properties of automobile tires 'b simulation
J'SOURCE: Avtomobillnaya prcmyshlennost', no. 3-1, 1965, 28-31
TOPIC TAGS: tire, =bw=1s&iem.,dimension analysis, torque, model theory, model test,
automotive industry, '-n'7j0#q0r
ABSTRACT: The authors use the third theorem of d1mensional analysis as the basis for
a study of automobile tire operational characteristics. A differential equation is
given for the equilibrium of an element of the ruLbber-cord shell of revolution loaded
by internal air pressure and an external load. 71his expressicn has not been solved
and ihe authors use the second theorem of dimensio"nal analysis to obtain its solution.~
Six parameters are given for the tire model. Difficr.1ty is encountered in modeling
cord thickneas. This is eliminated by using the same cord thickness botb in the model
and in fu.11-scale testing. The experimental unit. for determining some of the opera-
tional characteristics of tires is given. It consists of four parts; power, loading;
support and measuring. The power unit tran its torque to the vbeel with the tire
model and varies its rpm. The loading part applies vertical, tangential and lateral
Card'112 UDC: 629.11.012-5-001.
L 04481-67
AeC__Ri- _AP6006516
lo'ading to the tire model. The support part is a6plate with road surface specimens
which moves in a horizontal direction with wheel rotation. The measuring part-de-
termines the torque transmitted to the tire model wheel shaft, an well as the load,
tractive force and tire sag. This unit can also determine the elastic and traction-
contact characteristics and losses on rolling resistance of the tire model. The
radial and lateral rigidity of the tire model are! determined. A 13-5% deviation
exists between the parameter values for the tire model and corresponding values ob-
tained from full-scale testing. This vas expected on the basis of the material'-said
technology used for tire production. The data from this study show that simulation
is an effective method for determining the opera);Ional characteristics of autaoibbile
tires. Orig. art. has': 5 fib-ires, 6 formulas.
SUB CODE: 13/ SM DATE: 19bael. ORIG RM 002
I Card 2/2
Problems in the development of tubeless tires. Kauch. i rez.
16 no.11:9-15 N '57. (Tires, Rubber) (MIRk 11:2)
BIDERMAN, Vadim L'vovich; GUSLITSER, Ruvim L'vovich; ZAKHAROV,
Sergey Petrovich; NENAKHOVI Boris Viktorovich;
SELEZNEV, Ivan Ivanovich; Z~~ Rqj-0olomon Maksionrich;
;__ "i 1-1- ~A I - - . -
BUKHIN, B.L.,, red.; KOGAN, V.V.j te hn. re .
(Motor-vehicle tires; design, construction, testing, and
operation] Avtomobillnye shiny i konstruktaiial raschet,
ispytanie., ekspluatatsiia. [By] V.L.Biderman i dr. 140-
skva, Goskhimizdat, 1963. 382 p. (MIRA 16:12)
(Motor vehicles-Tires)
I Ro&~ ENHO, G.V., prof.., red.;
ERG _14akp R LAR
~q y~S4; KRAM
TUPITMA, L.A., red.; YAShUKOVA, N.V., tekhn. red.
[New motor-vehicle tires.1 Novye avtomobiltpye shiny. Moskva,
Rosvuzizdat 3.963. 64 p. (MIRA 16:12)
44otor vehicles-Tires)
AUTHOR: TsukerberS, S. M.
lube -ieiu bes'~~.tmernyl7h
Tyro's (K rascl 1;
PERIODICAL: Kauchu~c I Rezina, Nr 9, pp 20 - 25 (USSR)
ABSTRACT:- The casirLr of a tubeless tyre is subject to internal
stress throuCh diffusion of air into the body of the tyre.
This can cause bli3terinL, or exfoliation of the layers
if any part o-L' -"he tyre shows aeakness. Tubeless tyre
-L u
must be viell bonded, and the interior hermetic layers
must permit minimum diffusion. Fig.2 shoas the character-
istic distribution of pressure through the side viall of
a tyre. The pressure drop varies as the thickness -and
permeability of the three main elements, i.e. the in-
ternal hermetic layer, the carcass, and the outer wall.
A graphic method of analysis is shown In PJ.&.3. 11 The
individual elements of the tyre are drawnw.'Lth virtual"
thicknesses. The thickest layer, usually the carc~tss,
is taken as a datum. The other layers are asSIE-ned
thicknesses which are their real thicTc-ness
multiplied by tne ratio cf the permeability of their
material to the permeability of the datum layer. D-e
Card 1/3 ltvirtual" thicknesses are laid out on the abz.~Issa, -
Calculations on Tubeless Tyres BOV/138-58-9-6/11
and a straight line can then be drawn from the point
representing, the internal -pr,3ssure on the ord-Inate, to
the point at atmospheric pressure on the absciss'a repre-
sentinE the outside oft' the tyre. Pressure a' any 11 point
in the tyre can then be determined by convertin'r virt"'I'la-l"
thickness to real thickness. Pies. 5, 6 and 7 sho,7f L'L-03
pressure which arises at the boundary of the internal
hermetic layer and the carcass for different thicknes2as
of the hermetic layer. The three figures are dravin f:.-)r,
different tyre pressures. Each fl-ure shows curlres for
natural rubber, "Nairit", -and butyl rubber hermetic- lay, -~~s,
and for these materials-in two different sizes of tyre
(260 - 22.5 and 6.00 - 16). The cu--ves are for materia-1-
at 70'C. Experimental determination of the actual pres-
sure at di-f-Cerent parts of" the tyre was c"rried out, us-
ing the apparatus described in Kauchuk i Rezina Nr 11,
1957, p 9. This indicetted ivide variation in pressure in
the body of different tyres ~,.roulh factors Influencirtr-
the stability of the imperiiieacle layer. Variation in
pressure, at the same thiclcnezs Jl.evel, occurs in di-'fer-
ent partsof a tyre. It was shovia, by work at the Moscow
Card 2/3 Tyre Factory, that the diffusiori pressure in the bcd',v ot-
Calculations on Tubeless Tyres, SOV/j39_52_E;_6/11
a tubeless tyre increaseo du*rin,,- the first 5000 km of uoe
and then remains almost oonstant. A stiidy is mAde of
the effect of damaged or unbonded areas In the body of
the tyre. The focal point at which disruption of the
layers commences is assumed to bR circular. 1-.9 shows
the relationship of the it peeling forces Nglrclm) with
pressure (kg/cm ) within focal points of different dia-
meters. Similar peeling forces can arise in the absence
of an actual damaged or unbonded area, but where there
are multiple fine pores In the body of the tyre.
ASSOCIATION:Nauchno-issledovatel7skly institut shinnoy promyshlen-
nosti (Scientific Res,;arch Institute of the Tyre In-
Card 3/3
Calculating air pressure in tubeletis tires. Irauch. i rez. 17
no.9:20-25 8 158. (MIRA 11:10)
1.Nauchno-issledovAtellskiy instibit shinnov promyshlennosti.
TS RGO_ ~ , kand. takhn. nauk; NIKAMV, B., inth.
Tires with air-pressure control. Amt. transp. 37 no-10:47-50
0 159. (MIRA 13:2)
SWZNRV, Ivan Ivanovich; TSUKERBIRG, Solomon Maksimovich; KERWIN.
Boris Viktorovich-, Pli-:3k-K, V. x. , red.
[means for prolonging the life of tires] Puti uvelichaniia probega
svtomob1Vnykh shin. Moskva, Avtotranoizdat, 1960. 47 P-
(MIRA 13:9)
(Tires, Rubber-Haintensnee and repair)
C,-,nd. Tech. Scie
TSTrMBERG, S". M., Engineer
Dissertation: "Operational Qualitie 9 of Aiitomobile Tires-Investigation of
of Tire Cohesion with Road."
23 Jun- 49
Moscow Highway Inst.
imeni V, M,, Molotov
SO Vedwery-ava
ftl I
TSUKMM, S., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk.
Selecting the type of motor track for city transportation. Avt.
trarisp. 32 no.9:12-13 5 '54. OMU 7:11)
(Motor tracks)
LIVIN, S,, Inshener; TSUKMMNRG, S., lnxhmnar, Imndidat taklmichesk1kh nauk.
tubeless tires. Za rul. 15 no.2:13-14 IP 157. (MLRA 10:5)
1.'Na~hallmlk konstruktorsko-okelmrimentallnogo otdala Hauchno-
inaledt-vatel'skogo instituta shlimay pro shlennosti (for Levin),
ARKHANGELISKIY , V.M.; .4.FAh'AS'YLV, L.L.,doktor tekbn.nauk,-,DEKHTEiZITISKIY,L.V.;
kand, tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; TSE'TENKO, V.G.) :Inzln.s reteenzent;
YEGORKINA, L.I.., red.lzd-va; NAKENS011, V.A.., rod.i2d-va;
SOKOLOVA, G.F., te'dm. red.
(Motor vehicles; working principle operation and repair] Avto-
mobili; ustroistvo, ekspluatatsii,g. i remon.. Moskva, Izd-vo
"Mashinostroenie," 1964. 510 P. (MIRA 17:4)
. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
Now kind of tires for trucks. Kaucho i rezo 20 no.9.04-38 S
161. (f (IRA 15:2)
1e Nauchno--issledavatellskiy insUtut shimn6y promyshlennosti.
(Motortrucke-Tires) -
-T _TWKUdUMG,, 6 H - ZAKMOV, S.P.; NNW )Y, B.V.; AMAMOVA, E.Te.;
red.; KLTP.MMgt F-Ya., red.; sFMURWYA, A
ziixsw, TUVS*9 OA.9
[High-roadabilit tires for motor vehicles] Shiny Me avtomo-
bilel povy rokhodimostl. Noakva, Goo.nouchno-tekhn.iid-vo
khim.lit-ry, 1966~1- 71 p. (MIRA 14-:4)
(Motor vehicles-ft es)
%9AW)DJ4 ZAKWOV, Sergey Petrovich; NEXAMOV,
Boris Viktorovt-#c'0;ft1AjBOVA, Blljj Yefimovus; OECHXO' T.M.,
red.; DONSLATA, G.D.,
[Tires for Increasing the roadabAlity of automobiles) Shiny,
povyshaiushohie prokhodimost' sv,~omdbilia. Moskva, Nauchno-takhn.
izd-vo H-va avtomobilinogo transports i shosseinykh dorog RSFSR,
1959. 43 P. (MM 12:12)
U -K 1:
1XVIN, Samuil LIVOVich; TSUKERRM , Solomon Plaksi jCh; KNOROZ, M.M..
red.,,'.-tor; MALIKO#-A ...... 'Tji~ n--.- -r-e-d -. -~R-07
[Tubeless automobile tires] Avtomobil.Inys beekAmernve shiny,
Moskva, Bauchno-tekhn. izd-vo avtotrausp.lit-ry, 1957. 29 P.
(11, IRA 10: 12)
7,~ , /~ ~ - f; -., - - ~- - " , ,-,- Al
j '14
OUSLITSAR, R., inzh.; LOXHIVA, P., inzh,; TSIJKMM, S., kand. tekhn. nauk.
Selecting proper tire pressure. Avt. transP. 36 no.1:10-12 A 158.
(Automobllea-flres) (RIRA 11:1)
FACC NR, AR7000841 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/009/D043/D043
AUTHOR: Tsukerblat, B. S.
TITLE: Quantum output of ruby luminescence orl. the R-line
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9D336
REF SOURCE : Sb. Materialy IV Konferentsii molodykh uchenykh Moldavii, 1964.
Sekts. fiz. -matem. Kishinev, 1965, 33-35
TOPIC TAGS: crystallography, ruby, crystal, ruby luminescence, R line ruby
luminescence, luminescent crystal, ruby laser
ABSTRACT: A theory of multiphonon aradiational transitions in crystals with
it small-radius" impurity centers is developed and the quantum output of ruby
luminescence in the region of the R-line equal -to r,-11 at 77K and r%-.1 0. 82 at
300K is computed. The theoretical results obtained agree satisfactorily with
available experimental data. V. Khodovoy. (Translation of abstract)
C,r.d 1 / 1
Disintegration and formation of PI-centers in ionic crystals. Opt.
i spektr. 16 no.1:69-75 Ja 164. (14IRA 170)
31493-66- -EWT(J)/r_ _I-jP(q)__
ACC NR: Ap6oiN22 SOME CME: MV005116610--lolOO4106571066o
AUTHOR: Perlinp Yu. Ye, Kovarskl;rp V. A.-, Tsukerblat, B. S.
ORG: none
TITLE: Contribution to the -~Iieory of marW-phonon nonradiative transitions between.
local states of different multiplicity" 1.
SOURCE: Optika i spektroskop:Lya., v. 20.. no. 4., 1966.. 657-66o
TOPIC TAGS: nonradiative transitionp spin orbib interaction honon interaction,,
electron interaction Sk-SrEin
ABSTRACT: The authors analyze mvq-phonon nomradiative transirLo4s between levels.
of different multiplicity within the framework of the adiabatic approximation.
The 61ectron-phono~Mrteraction is assumed to be small compared with the spin-
orbit interaction, and the non~-adisbaticity operator is treated as the pertufba-
tion, using a method described by the authors elsewhere (FTT v. 4, 1936, 1962;
Usp, fiz. nauk vo, 80, 55,3p 2963). Possible a4Bchanisms of many-phonon transitions
are discussedy and a k;eneral formula is obtalned for the probability of nonradi-
ative transition with spin Mp due to the BI-in-orbit Jmnteraction* The upper
limiting casep when the spin-orbit interaction is small conq3ared with the electron
Card 1/2 UDC: 535-330: 548.0
L 11493340
ACC IqR: AP601,3022
phonon interaction is considered in detail. The matriy- element for the spin-orbit!
interaction is then regarded as the perturbation. Different expressions for the
nonradiative transition are'then obtainedp depending on wherther the electronic
part of the matrix element of this transition vanishes or note Orig. art. has:
17 formulau.
SUB CODE: 2o/ suBm DATE: 14Dec64/ oRi(; REF.- 004/ OTH REP: 002
;Card 2/2 (Y1c,
_7P 0 3 2 4 7 8 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/05:L/003/0831/0841
AUTHOR: Tsukerblat, B. S.
ORG: Kishinev State University_(Kishinevskiy go3udarstvennyy universi-;
Ile #1
TITLE: Optical bands in paramagnetic crystals with degenerate impurityl
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51,
no. 3, 1966, 831-841
TOPIC TAGS: crystal, paramagnetic crystal, crystal impurity,
degenerate impurity, crystal optic property, luminescent; crystal,
ionic crystal, adiabatic approximation, adiabatic potential splitting-,-
ABSTRACT: Broad electron-vibrational impurity light absorption and
luminescence bands In ionic crystals containing paramagnetIc local
centers are investigate"'- within the framework of the adiabatic approxi-
mation by the moment method. The effect of configurational instability
of a crystal with degenerate impurity-electron levels (adiabatic po-
tential splitting) on the optical spectrum pattern is examined. It is
shown that Jahn-Teller distortion of the nuclear configuration in only
L 09d65-67
one electron state does not lead to splitting of the optical band. The
theory predicts optical band splitting only in those cases when the
same vibrations which are active in the Jahn-Teller effect remove the
degeneracy of both electron states involved in the photctransition.
Detailed calculations of the band parameters have been performed for
Ions of the iron group with a d3 shell. As an example, V- and U-bands
in pink ruby are considered. Orig. art, has; 2 figures and 28 formu-
laa. [Author's abstract]
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE; l7Feb66/ ORIG REF: 011/ OTH REP: 009
L 04753-67 EWT J)ZgV1T(m)/MVP(e)AEC(k)-2/ _C,,L IJP(c) WGA I
Y/E 4P I
NR: AP6025948 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/021,1001/0013/0018
AUMOR: Tsukerblat B. S.; Perlin, Yu. Ye.
ORG: none
TITIX: On theory of multiphonon nonradiating tremsitions between the local states of
dissimilar multiplictty. H. Quantum yield of ruby luminescence on the R-line (low
SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 1, 1.966, 13-18
TOPIC TAGS: electron transition, nonradiative transition, transition probability,
transition radiation, ruby laser, ruby optic material, phonon, phonon interaction,
crystal lattice energy, crystal lattice parameter, crystal lattice vibration
ABSTRACT: The authors use the adiabatic method to calculate the probability of a
multiphonon nonradiation transition 2E -~.4% and the quantum yield of ruby lumines-
cence of the R-line. The interaction with optical and acoustical vibrations of the
crystal lattice is taken into aSpount. The investigated transition corresponds to the
operating levels of ruby lasers5dnd occurs in the second order of parturbation thepry
via the virtual state IT2g. Other virtual states can be neglected because of their
low probability. Taking in account only the strcngest interaction of 2E and 4A2g
Card 1/2 UDC; 535.37 553.824.01
NRs AP6025948
electron energy levels with the wholly symmetrical lattice vibrations in the crystal,
the adiabatic -iectron-oscillatory function is given by
(D.Vk. qkV)
where *r(r) is the electron wave function from the crystal field theory; 0n are wave
functions of the harmonic oscillators; indices k, s identify wave vectors and zones
of the acoustical phonons; 2~j, a are correspondingly related to the photons. The
Wr) -k, %, P
repreaent the displacements of the equilibrium for the oscillatcri, in the phonon fiel
due to electron-phonon-interactions. The authors proceed from the standard expres-*
sion for the probability of multiphonon nonradixtion transitions, derived by the auth
ors in an earlier work, to develop. an' expression which accounts for both the phoncn
and photon interactions in the crystal. Based on this expression the probability
of nonradiation transition 2E 4 IA2g at low tem-Peratures has a value of 1.4 sec
9 -3
Considering the lifetime of the E state to be 4.3*10 sec the quantum yield, in
agreement with the experimental data, is practicialy equal to unity. Orig, art. has:
25 formulais.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 1IDec64/ ORIG RM 004/ OTH REF: 002
L 541246 DIA(k)IFMIJW(1)IATP(e)IW(M)IEEC(:k)-21wp(l)ITI~WP(k)IEVA(m)-21EWA (h)
ACC NR: AP5027405-SM/Ifi(o WGI/WNSOURCE CODC; UR/0191/65/007/011/3278/3288
'AUTHOR: Tsukerblatf B.- S.; Perlin, Yu. Ye. (X"
ORG: Kishinev State Univers it (Kishinevskiy gasudrastvennyy universitet)
TITLE: - Orf-the theor~&f -nonradiAtive transitions involving several phonons in
-10calized.paramagnetic centers
,SOURCE. Fizika'tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 11, 196.5, 3279-3288
TOPIC TAGS: phonon interaction, nonradiative transition, ruby laser
ABSTRACT: The authors calculate th: trobability of nonradiat ve multiphonon tran-
sitions between the orbital triplet T2 and 2T1, In the Cr ion (as well as in
9 91
other ions with V configuration)in an octahedral crystal field. This transition
is the "bottleneck" in the relaxation process fox: population inversion In the work-
ing levels of a ruby laser (the single-quantum 21 1 -* 2S transition takes place
at a much faster rate), Statei of various Multiplicity & considered. The spin-
orbLtal.interaction of the Cr3 ion is stnall. in r,cxaparison with the. effective crys-
-reat `z
tal field and may:be t a perturbation vhA -W causes.: the multiphonon, transt-'.
Card 1/2
L 5412-66
ACC NR: AP5027405
t ion. -The- formula for the transition-is derived-in.the adiabatic appreximation,
.&aking*_the.Jahn- -Tellerr effect into account.- Sit-Lee -the. introduction of a chromium
ion in place of aluminum in the corundum lattice 01203) does not enerate quasi-
~Molecular (localized) vibrations, a small number of variables will not suffice to
'describe the electron-vibration sy3tem. The final results are considerably depen-
dent or. the parameters of the crystal. The greatest contribution to the probabi-
lity of the from processes with simultaneous participation of longi-
tudinal and transverse acoutstic phonons. The authors thank I _ B, B!I-rsuk2 and
.,G. Vekhter for useful consultation.- Orig. art. has: 40 formulas, 1 tahleV
SUB ~CODE ~.SS/ SUBM DATE: 20May65/-- ORIG REV t 007/ OTH Mr OU
Card 2/2
Theory of the capture and scattering of polarons by 1~-centera.
-Uch., zan- Kish. un. 49zll-18 161. OURA 15. 1)
(M~ctrons-Scattering) (ELsetrons-4apture) (Quantum. theory)
AUTHOR: Tsukarblat, B.S.; Choban,A.G.
TITLE: Disintegration and formation o.1 V centers in ionic crystals
SOURCE: Optika i ipoktroskopiya, v.16, no.1, 1964, 69-76
TOPIC TAGS: ionic crystal, F center, F' center, F center formation, F center anni-
hilation, polaron trapping cross section, polarbn scattering cross section,
many-phonon tranEitions, one-phonon transitions, color center, potassium bromide
ABSTRACT: In earlier papers by the authors (A.G.Cheban, Opt.i spektr.10,493,1961;
Yu.Ye.Perlin,A.G.Cheban and B.S.TsLkerblat,Uch.zap.Xishinevsk.univ,Scriya fiz.49,11,
1961; A. G.Cheban, Ibid. 49,19,1961) there were considered thermal ionization of Vcen-
tars and the inverse proces3: direct many-phonon trapping of a polaron by an F cen-
ter with formation of an unexcited F1 center. It wits shown that, in addition to the
ground state, an F1 center has at least one discrete level, which corresponds to mo-
tion of an undeformed polaron in an effective short-range field. In the present pa-
per there' are considered two possible mechanisms ok thermal trapping (capture) of a
ACCAR- AP4011486
polaron by an F center'in ionic crystals- the many-phonon and the single phonon pro-
cesses. Equations are derived for the total trapping cross section and lor th'c crom
section for scattoring of a polaron by an F center with the formation of an unexcit-
ed V center at an intermediate stage. For purposes of illustration the trapping and
scattering cross sections are calculated for the specific case of KBr, and the re-
sults of the calculations are compared with the experimental data of A.C.Redfield
(Phys,Rev.94,537,1954). The agreement is considered to be satisfactory: the calcula-
ted total trapping cross section for KBr at 2000K is 7,1 X 10-14 cm2; the correspord-
ing experimental value is 2 x 10-14 cm2. Detailed expressions for some of the para-
meters entering into the computation formulas are given in an appendix. "The authm-s
are pleased to express their gratitude to Yu.Ye.Perlin for assistance in the work" 56 formulas.
EXCL: 00
OnMRi 002
card 2/2
Effect of elastic spring-back on the shape of Indente made in
microhardness measurements. Uch. zap. Kish. un. 4902-38 161.
OCRA 15:7)
(Strength of materialB-Measurement) (Elasticity)
AUMOR: Perlin, Yu. Ye.; Rozenfelld, Yu. B.; Tsukerblat, B. S.
ORG: Kishinev State Universit.1 (Kishinevskiy gosu stvenr*-j universitet)
TITLE: On the nature of the optical impurity absorption bands and luminescence of
crystals activated with rare-earth ions
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 12, 1966, 3490-3499
"'OPIC TAGS: activated crystal, luminescence, absorption band, light absorption, irr,
purity center, Stark effect, phonon interaction, electron interaction
ABSTRACT; in view of the fact that the classical theory of the cryatalline field,
which takes into account the Stark splitting of the levels of the impurity ion 1',y the
quenched lattice, is insufficient for the interpretation of the spectra of impurity
absorption and luminescence of trivalent ions of rare-earth elements (P,,3+) in ci-Is-
tals of the MeFa type, the authors employ the theory of impurity light abocrrtion and
liLninescence in crystals, developed by M. A. Krivoglaz and S. 1. Pekar (llnudy, 1,,Iiyz;ics
Institute, AIN UkrSSR, v. 4, 3-(, 1953), to explain the influence of elect ror.- phonon
interaction on the shape of the impurity absorption or luminescence spectra in the
MeF2:Ce spectrum. The concrete examples considered are the 4f - 5d transitions in
the crystals CaS2, BeF_,, and SrF2 activated with Cc3+. 'nic interaction betwoc--n the
outer electrons of a small-radius local center with optical and acoustical vibrationa
of the crystal is taken into account in the adiabatic approximation. It i& shourn that.
L.-Card 1/2
ACC NR: AP7005833
the presence of local oscillations can lead, vnder certain condition3, 41,-o a perlodic
distribution of intensity in the optical spectrum. The parameters of the o-atical
bands are calculated and a level scheme for the Ce3+ in the cubic crystalline field
is presented. The theoretical calculationr are compared with the experimental data
of A. A. Kaplyanskiy et al. (opt. i spektr. v. 14, 664, 1963) and reasons for some
discrepancies are indicated. The authors thank S. I. Pekar, A. A. Kaplyanskiy, and
B. Z. Malkin for useful discussion. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 30 formulas, and I
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 25mar66/ ORIG RYF: 011/ OTH REF: 004
MAKSDOV, A.B., prepodavatell; TSUKERY.AIM.L,v, A.P., prepodavatell
"Handbook of the foreman in ebarge of the tools in a woodworking
enterprise." Reviewed by A.B. Maksimov, A.P. Tsukerkandelf.
Der.prcm. 11 no.3:27 Rr ',62. (MIM 15:2)
1. Mekhaniko-tekhnologicheskiy tekbnikum, g, Novosibirsk.
(Woodworking machinery)
Tsukerman.-A.-Ye. "A corrective cor-set for treatment of serious fonns of scolio-Als,"
In symposium: Uchen. zapiski (Ukr. tsentr. nauch.-issled. in-t ortopedii i 1r:-Matologii
im. Sitenko), Kharlkov, l9h8, P. 171-77
SO: U-3566, 15 March 253, (Letopis 'Zhurnal lukh Statey, 110. 13, 1~0)
Effect of cortical tonus on food excitability (appetite). Zhur.
v7s.nerv.deiat 8 uo.2:220-225 158, (MIRA 13:1)
1. Danielopuln Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology,
Aoademy of Rumanian Peop*lels Republic, and Chair Of IlDrmal and
Pathological Phyaioloe,7, Institute for tLe Advanced Training of
Physicians, Bukharest.
(CKMRAL CORTEX, physioloa,
eff.*of tonys on appetete (Rus)
(APPETITE, physiology,
eff. of cerebrocortical tonus (Rms))
a v, A Simpt.1t NfaTnott in* OftTAINONO X-14AV ('H"10-
WIF14 A VURV S1111111
_in nVuckrims"! * Awlemko
rz jin 1441-ia"j, N". 4.!,1, 0 1 1'.4
IT ISI-1.)4 )
I", '" Mv 1, rels'le ni the ritnting
"t4mintia Ismt rx)w^%trv X4AY plj,'t,VXfAjih~ itnil A
fi,Ix,ft 9. go% ir'" 'M an 4",pictitur"ttl io%ttsgatt,m~ (hii,
A the tondn". '01 MUlIftl 1% thAt 4 ItAiiIIAM X-fA%
r-Itull"Ir"I %4n he , Ineiijifit4l 44 tn RiIC. tlnlf~ IAIII-TV
con, Mow , ph"t,4graphii nt simpir .11h an
rNlv^i, Ir 0 JIW plf,j~r 411 A JrW IIIIII-M01"ll, %I1110I)l 1110
n- A in ~.,Ilpralm ot a IX4 1.11 impul- tol-
% I* 'r ~
~ w*"---ww4 *
Further investigation on thm novocain stimulating wid blocking of nervous
conduction and the products of its disintergration in the organism.
Ve a t. khir. nno.2:74 1951. (CIJ4L 20:8)
Tsvrmm.. A. Jq.
Stimmlat'ing effect of novocalms on interorceptors. TruAy AM
SSISH 24 no 2:82-99 $53. (KM 7-'7)
(RRiin. offs-eta.
*ou Interoceptivs appar. of variuan organs in frog)
Arrest of ezperimental auricular fibrillntion by electricnl defibril-
lation of the auriclos (with nummaz7 in Zngliohl. Exper.1chir. I no.3:38ds4
M.v- -To - 1. 16 (MIRA 11:10)
1. Iz Instituta khirurgii imeni A.V. Vishnevskogo, (dir. --chlen-
korrenpondent AM SSSR prof. A.A. Vishnevukly) AMN i laboratorii
eksperimentallnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. V.~. Negov3kiy) ARK SSSR,
eff. of electric defibrillation in dogs (Run))
VAN NNS, K.; VAN WISTRU, F.L.; PIATZ, A.F., doktor khimicheakrch naulc
[translator], redaktor; TSUMON". A.M., redaktor; KORNIWV, B.I..
takhaicheekiy redaktor. "'~
(Aepects of the constitution of mineral oils] SoBtay maslianykh
fraktaii nefti i Ah analiz. Perevod 9 angliiskogo. . I%revod, re-
daktaiia i primechaniia A.P.Plate. Moskva, Izd-vo iijostran.llt-ry.
1954. 263 P. ()MBA 8:2)
CHIBIZOT, K.V., reduktor; INSYNYAN. A.S. [translator]; TSUKEEW, A.M.,
redaktor; SHMVAWV, V.I., tekhoicheekly rodAktor-.
[The physical chemistry of photographic processes] MicheB)ala kh1miia
fotograficheakikh protsessov; abornik statei. Perevod s anglilskogo
A.S.Kheinmaua. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1954. 488 p.
[Xicrofilml (KLRA 8:1)
1. Ghleu-korresponclent Akademii Nauk SSSR(for Chibioov).
( chemistry)
.737&,ez~e,oPVwA1, ,4 Af
SMIRNOV, V.I., redaktor; ZHAMERSKAYA, V,X., redaktor; TSUKFSW
redaktor; VITOVSKAYA, I.V- [translator]; GALDIN, 14-16. Ll torl;
GOTMAH, YA.D. [translatorh KOOTMINOV, M.N. Etre'nalatorl; GZRASI-
MOVA, Ye.S.. tekhaicheakiy redaktor.
(Geochemica'. methods of prospecting for ore deposits; collection of
articles] Geokhimicheskie metody poiskov rudnykh m6atoroschdenii; sbornik
statei. Perevod a angliiskogo i nemetskogo I.V.Vitovskoi, N.B.Galdina,
IA.D.Gotmana i M.M.Konstantinova. Moskva, Izd-vo, inostrannoi lit-ry,
1954. 582 p. [Microfilm] (MLRA 8:1)
(Geochemical prospecting)
~jr e
TIMM IY37, A. P. MM T, A~ 9. TSUKMMN. A.9.; POTAPOV. V.M.;
SERGffW, P.G., prof e9dTr".-?8W&W,-TtTWCHKOV, Tu.T.,
redaktor; MOSKVICHWA, H.I., tekhnicheskiy redak-tor.
[Nomenclature of organic compounds; survey, criticism,
proposals3 Romanklatura organicbeakikh soodinanii:
obzor, krittka, predlozheata. Moskva, Izd-7o Akademii
nauk SSSR. 1955. 302 p. (MLRA 8:12)
(Chemistr7, Organic--Nomenclature)
[translator) redaktor; TSUKERKAN, A.M., rodaktor; GRIBOVA, H.P.
takhnicheskiy redaktor.
(X-ray identification and crystal stractures of clay minerals;
collection of articles. Translated from the Inglish] Rentgenovokis
metody opredelaniia i kristallicheskoe stroanie mineratoy glin;
sbornik statei. Perovod s amgliiskogo B.B.Zviagina i T.A.Frank-
KmanstakoLPod rid. i is predlial. V.A. Irrank-Kamenet skogo. Moskva,
izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1955. 4o2 p. (MLRA 8;11)
(Clay) (X-rays)
Systematic nomenclature of organic compound#. Vest.Mosk. un
no.6:97-134 je'55. (MIRA 9:1)
lot Kafedra spetsiallnogo organichaskogo lintem,
(Chsaistry. Organic-Nomenolaturs)
Lrob.tqunemlstry - Nomenclature FD-j.683
Card 1/1 : Pub- 129-8/25
Author : Terentlyev, A. P.; Kost, A. N.; Tsukerman; A. M.
Title : A new system of numbering at&as in condeLsed cyclic struct xes
-Periodical Vest. Mook un., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, Vol. lo 69-76. Feb 1955
Abstract Proposes a new system for numbering condensed cyclic siolecul-is which
depends on the structure of the compound and therefore can be used for
both carbo- and heterocyclic structures. The atoms in the condensed
cyclic structures are divided into four classes depending on whether
they are non-junctional, junctional,, junctional with three structural
atoms, or Junctional with four structural atome. Diagrams; eight
references (one USSR).
Institution : Chair of Organic Chemistry
Submitted : APril 14, 1954
In the organic chemistry section of the Moscow Branch of the
D.I. Mendeleev All-Union Chemistry Society. Khim.nauka I prom.
2 no.5:654-655 157. (MIRA 10-12)
(Moscow--Organic chemistry)
n.f the naine;3 c F vr,~o nk 4ng, P~Iycyzlic 6tru~~"UlceB.
j. ~q
FITI no.4s-23-30 10 (MIRA l8z6)
IVANOVSKIY, F.P.,kand. tekhn. nauk., red.; FUIIMAN, M.S., doktor
khim.nauk, red.; SAI-URIII, B.P., red.; KRICHEVSKIY,I.11., prof.,
doktor khim. nauk, red.; GOLUBEV, I.F., doktor tekhn.nauk,red.;
KRASILISHCHIKOV,A.I... doktor khim. nauk, red.; KLEVKE, V.A.,
kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LEVCBRIKO, G.T., kand. khim. nauk,red.;
GELIPERIN, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk 'red.; GYSTRAKH, M.L., red.;
KREYSEERG9 A.Ya., red.; TSUKERM , A.M., red.; KOGAN, V.V.,
tekhn. red.
[Chemistry and technology of the products of organic synthesis;
intermediate products for the synthesis of polyarnides] Khimiia
i tekhnologiia produktov organicheskogo sinteza; poluprodukty
dlia sinteza poliamidov. Moskva, Goskhimizdat, 1963. 255 p.
(MIRA 17-3)
1. Moscow. Gosudarstvenrqy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyekt-
n,yy institut azotnoy pronyshlennosti. 2. Zamestitel I direktara,
Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo i proyektnogo instituta
azotnoy pron7shlennosti (for Ivanovskiy). 3. Zamestitell direktora
po nauchnoy chasti Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogci pro-
yektuo,go instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti (for Furwan). 4. Glavn7y
inzhener Gosudarstvennogo, nauchno-issledovatellskoRo I proyektnogo
instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti (for Samuin). .
New stimulants of growth, Nauka i zhIzn' 30 no,5:36 FT 163.
(KIRA 16tlO)
TORBUT, V.A. (Leningrad); TSUKZRMAN, A.M.
What is the right name for element 101. Friroda 52 no.8:124--125
Ag 163. (Iq RA 16 19)
1. Komissiya po nomenklature khimicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSRI
Moskva (for TSukerman).
New met:wd of.I&ntIfIcafII;,on of organic compounds b7 their
fusion Ant. Trudy Kom..snalekhim. 13.-5AP-58 163. (KBA 16'5)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova.
(Organic compounds) (Malting points)
Concerning the automation of the cowwsion of the names of
organic compounds to a standard form., and thA conversion of structunLI
formulas to systematic names. Soob, LEM Pll WO no,ls241-
248 6o. (MUV, 15s2)
Chemistry., Organic~
formation theory)
MUMMEY, A.P.,; ALIKAMN, I.P., red.; GELIKAN, N.E., red.;
KLIKOTA, V.A., red.; KOMOV, A.P.:, red.; Ku 9 V.I., red.;
LWIN, B.S.. red.; FODGAYSKATA, Z.1.,'red.; RUKHADO, Te.G.. red.;
TALIROZZ, V.L., red.; g;IH0MH&j, A.M., red.; SOMYAKIN, F.M., red.;
I Yueffef red.;- YMOUKOV, U.S.,
(conference on organic analysis] Soveshchanie po organicheakomu
analizu. Tezisy dokladov. Kosk7a, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1961. 170 P.
(MMA 14:4)
1. SoveBhchaniye po organicheakomu analizu. 1961.
(Chemistry, Analytical-CongreBees)
Whamistry, Organic--Congresses)
TSUMOWIf A. F., (Kiyev)
Problem of classification of chronic suppurative otitis media in
otolaryngological expert evaluation. Vest. otorin. no.5.*23-2
161. (MIRA 14:12~
TSUKERMAN) A. Ye.) zasluzhennyy vrach UkrSSR
Apparatotherapy in paralytic scollosiS. T-vudy ukr. nauoh.-is-
sledovatnl Iskogo instituta ort,-,-'-: ~; I travviatol-0 i.l~-Udy ukr.
nalxch.-~dk, inst. ortop, i trav7-.. ~,o.15249-58 X (MIRA 16-12)
1. Tz UP-raintskogo nauchao-issledovatellskogo histituta ortol-,,iii
i tramatologii imenj rjrdf. M.I.Sitenko (dir. - ahlon-korrespon-
dent A101 SSSR-, ixof. II.P.'11ovachenko).
L. V. ALTSHULFR, ZhTF, 13, 265-80(1943)
0 0 B/044/62/000/007/096/100
AUTHOAS: Tsukerman, B. G., Kozhin, A. M., Pakhomov, A. F.
TITLEs :-Tge- 'noise on the reading of s.cales on control
.Iand measuring equipments
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, blatematika, no. 7, 1962, 81,
abstract 7V397. ("Dokl. Akad. ped. nauk RSFSR", 1961, no.~,
TEXT: The paper deals with an experimental examination of the
influence of short - not fatigue causing - noises without signal charac-
ter on the recepti'vity of optical information imparted by control and
measuring equipmen~s. Method; The scale of the apparatus was exposed by
the test person with the help of a shutter tachisLoscope; in some trials
short, (0-5 seconds) expositions were given, in other the test person
closed the shutter of the tachiatoseope himself after reading off the
information.,The.following results aere obtained: 1) White noises of
a non-signal type having the intensity of 90 decibels and lgstir~, 10
minutes have no influence on the reading of the information. The speed
and exactness of the reading change only after a-15-20 minute noise
inffuence. .0) The decrease in the speed and exactness of thereading
The influence of noise on the C1117C333
with the increasing duration of the noise points to a.fatiguing effect.
3) The influence of t~e noise is noticable in stronger muasure when
reading more complex (for the perception) information from the control
and measuring equipment s.
[Abstracter's notet Complete translation.]
Card 2/2
TS UKEM11 x-
Paramagnetic spoctrum of trivalent eiromium in alumimn nitrate.
Zh-ur.strukt.kI-1;.!i. 4, no.4:625-627 JI-Ag 163. (VIIRA 16:9)
(Chroinjum-spect,-0 (Aluminum nitrate crystals)
AUTHORS: Taukerman, B. I., and Vinetskaya, M. A.
TITLE; Interpretation of paramagnetic resonance spectra of crystals
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. it 1963, 1,29-136
TEXT: A method is developed which allows of determining the parameters of
the spin Hamiltonian of a paramagnetic ion from-7the spectroscopically
observed paramagnetic resonance at a properly chosen frequency. A
corresponding method of calculation is described which is especially- simple
for certain magnotle-field orientatiom where the total set of resonGuces
can be observed. The energy operator can be given unambiguously but Wtth
plus-minua ~indeterminacy. The spin Hdmiltonian is given by
where g x, gY, gz, the spectroscopic splitting,constants and the operator
B determine the interaction of the paramagnetic ion with the lattice
field Paramagnetic resonance is observed at E C C.2 ho where t, is -the-.-,
Interpretation of paramagnetic ... B102/B186
spectroscope frequency andr1,2 are the energies in the states V1,2' 1'r
~_S+j ... y. forms any.orthonormalized set of wave-functions in the
B 1 2 2
given space, -one can go over to a new space R of the order (2s+1) baned
on all possible normal products TiTj. The tra.neitior from operator:ffto
operator T acting in R .is described by
x% ~3 (81 e2) ~1~2-
F1,2 are the eigenvalues of F1_~2 is that of 20. For R a semi-
space of R2one obtains
Card 2/5
interpretation of paramagnetic B102/BiBb
det (V-vE0F-- det(MI (v)-vE)=dt(E-i- X'(v)(E-7E,)) X,
.(V) - vE) v
x E (v
=(-v)"lldet(S, B).
v ( 8ji