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GORSHKGVj A.A.p otv. red.; TSIZLNj,--B.B.jAnzh.jy red.; IIOVIKOVy F.A.p inzh., red.; REMI-NIK, T.K.9 red. izd-va; KADASHEVICH9 O.A.p tekbn. red. (Hot working of metals; transactions of the Scientific-Technical Conference on the Development of the Production Forces of the Kiev Economic Region] Goriachaia obrabotka metaUov,- trud:7 paucbno- t6kbnicheskoi konferentsii po voprosam razvitiia proizvoditellnykh sil Kievskogo ekonoricheskogo raiona. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. No.2. 1960. 142 P. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po, 7oprosam razvitiya pro.;., izvoditellnykh sil Kiyevskogo ekonomicbeskogo rayona. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN USSR, Institut 3iteynogo proizvodstvf- AN USSR Ifor Gorshkov). (Founding) (Forging) (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Metals.-Hardening) TSIZIN, I.G., inzh.; KOZHMIIKOV, N.N., inzh. Consolidated equipment units of hvdroelectric power stations. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.5:35-36 My 162. (Mfi 15 - 5) (Hydroelectric pc-,rer stations) L o9o85-67 SOURCE CODE: UR/0104/66/000/007/C ACC NR, AP7002376 )Ojo/00~3 Iri IHOR: Potashnik, S. I. (Engineer); Kalmykov, I. Z. (Engineer); Stroganov j(e M. I UT A (Engineer); Kozhevnikovp N. N.; Tsizin.- 1,11. G." (Engineer); Papanov, A. V. (Engineer); Beschastnov, G. A. (Engineer); BM- G" __ r. (Engineer) i akirev, ORG: none TITLE: Increasinr the power effectiveness of horizontal capsule hydroelectric units SOURCE: Elektricheskiye stantsii, no. 7, 1966, 30-33 TOPIC TAGS; hydroelectric power plant, electric power production ABSTRACT: At tho Kiov Hydrooloctric Station, which was the first low pro- snuro hydrooloetric station with horizontal capsule hydroolootx-lo units in .the country, the usage of those horizontal units alloiiod a roduction in cost of construction band -installation oporations in comparison with vertical units of 20-25%, This article prosernts An oviluation of the powor clualitios of the capsule hydroelectric units on tho ba-sin of rosults of unaga and in- vestigations porfoi-med, as well as some suggestions for increasing those qualities. The author concludes that the horizontal capsule unit can operate normally in the synchronous compensator mcdo with a- po-wer of 15 Nvar irithout removal of wator frcxi the reflex condensation chamber. The thermal state of the rotor vindings allows operation irith a powor coefficient loss than unityt which provides for distribution of the reactive power in peak hours and in- creasos the static stability of the capsule hydrogenorators. The usage of capsule generators in the synchronous compensation mode is economically justified. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. 1JPRS: 37,5643 SUB CODE: 10 / SUM DATE: none Cnrci 1/16~ UDC *. 62.224-131.2 ''. TSIZIN, S.G. Now developments in the designing of sugar factories. Sakh. prom. 33 no.1:42-44 A 139. (MIR& 12:1) l.Giprosakhar. (Sugar industr7) TSIZIN, U.S.; PREOBRAMENSKII, H.A. Diphenyl ethers. Part 3: Ac7l rearrangement in the series of substituted diphenyl ethers. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:3290-3294 o 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Moskovskiy institut, tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Phenyl ether) (Rearrangements (Chemistry)) ~ 7-~. ;-:. , "" , .., -~ , , , g . - - .2. Synthesis of Aminazine and Other Phenothiazine Derivatives "On the Synthesis of Aminazine and Its Analogues.," by N. M. Shchukina, N. V. Savitskaya, and Yu. S..Tsizin, All-Union Scieatific-Research Chemicopharmaceutical Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, Meditsinskaya Pronkyshlennostt SSSR, Vol 11, No 3, Mar 57, pp 20-2k This article describes a method of synthesizing aminazine and its an- alogues--etizine, dinezinep diprozine, and mul't-azine -- all phenothiazine derivatives. All have been found to possess important pharmacological properties, i.e.,- they act as spasmolytics and sedatives, affect the central nervous system, and are used as therapeutic agents in nervous diseases and in the practice of psychiatry. Aminazine is the only one of the group of phenothiazine derivatives in which there is substitution in the-nucleus. In all other cases, only the nitrogen is replaced by N- alkylaminoalkyl radicals. They are easily synthesized by the heating of phenothiazine with haloidoalkyl-aminoalkyl compounds and alkali reagents. The best results are obtained when condensation is carried out with sodium hydroxide, with the water and immiscible solvents -- benzene and toluol -- being continuously drained off.. a method developed at the experimental plant of the All-Union Scientific-Research Chemicopharmaceutical Institute by L. I. Morozovskaya and M. A. Voroblyev. N-dialkylamincalkylphenothia- zines are obtained having the following structural formulas: ACH 3)2 CHP -CH2 ici (anergan) INq 2-CH-CH 3 1 N(cil 3)2 2 -N(c2R5 )2 ici Dinezine (dipaxk0l) s CH-CH 3 -H 5 An DiprOzine (fenergan) 2 Cil2-N(CH 3)2 Ici parfezine (parsidol) 11 ~cl \ell -CH -CY( CH 3)2 t 2 2 Aci . . . .Amiuazinj (largactile., Chlorpromazi-ne-) Fromazim GORTINSXLYA, T.T.; SAVITSKAYA, N.V.; UMOLOVOTA, Y.G.; TSIZIN, Yu.S.; SHCHUX INA, M. M. bb'taini'ng'd'i*metfiylaminopropanoI from ethylene cyanohydrin. )%d. PTOM, jj_no,4:23-?5..4p.157- (MLRA 10:6) i,.''V-s,e*e-o,yu'z'nyy na"uchno iseledovatellskiy kbimiko-farmatseTtichaskiy instibit imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (PROPANOL) (HYMACRYLONITRILE) 5..3610,5.3950 77874 SOV/79--)0-2-25/78 A6THORS: Tsizin, Yu. S., Preobrazhenskly, N. A. TITIE: Investigation in the Field of Diphenyl Ethei-s. Syn- thesis of 3,5-DJ.iodo-4-(21-hydroxy-3'-methoxy-5'- formylphenoxy)-phenylacetic Acid PiERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimil, ig6o, Vol 30, Nr 2, PP 479- 483 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Synthesis of above acid UX) was conducted as follows: D,N O,N NCO Op No ~~CHJCOOCH3 - T30 CHICOOCHS 0~~CHICOOR O,m O'N (11) Hp (M) ON OIN Card 1/4 Investigation in the Field of Diphenyl Ethers. 77874 synthesis of 3,5-DIiodo-4-(2'-hydroxy-3'- SOV/79-30-2-2:-/7f- methoxy-51-formylphepoxy)-phenylacetic Acid H" 'COMIS)l0 11C(OCONI),RI"I NCO 0 CHIMOMS HSCO OCOCH3 NO& HAO 0=113 HH' H'CO 0COCH, 0 NCO a '---~MCO 3 NCO 10 0-0 -0-CHICOOR ~ 0-0-4~~CNtCOOH ~ ~~O-~~ CH'CGOW HjC0 C14 HNCOCH, "ICO ON H3,N-MCL H'*CO ON a (W) Mfl) (a) Methyl 3,5-dinitro-4-hydroxyphenylacetate (I) was prepared from 3,5-dinitro-4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and anhydrous methanol, in the presence of cone H. so 4' in 89% yield (mp 8o-8io). (II) was obtained from (I) and p-toluenesulfonyl chloride in the presence,of dimethyl- aniline, In 65.8% yield (mp 149-15oO). (III) (R = CH 3) was obtained from II) and 3-0-methylgallic aldehyde, in Card 2/ 43% yield (154-155 (IV) was propared from (III) and Inv'esti-gation In the Field of Diphenyl Ethers. 77874 Synthesis of 3,5-Diiodo-4-(2'-h3dr-oxY--;3'- SOV/79-30-2-25/78 metboxy-5'-formylphenoxy)-phenylace'tic Acid acetic anhydride, in the presence of conc H2SO4, in 97% yield (MP 131.5-132-50, alcohol). M was pre- pa red by hydrogenation of (IV) over Raney NI, in 96.7% yield (mP 153-1540). (VI) was prepared from M and phosphoric acid (d 1.?), NaN02-' H2S04ty KI, 12 , ~)ater, and chlor6formj In 36.6% yield. For the preparation of (VII), (V) and glacial acetic acid were added to the mixture of NaN02 and H2304 (d 1.84). The reaction mass was added to a mixture of KI, 123 urea, water, and chloroform, and after 5 minutes (VII) was obtained in 51.3% yield (mp 227-2290). (VIII) was obtained from (VII) and a mixture of glacial acetic acid, HC1 (d 1.19) and water. (VIII) was added to the mixture of H2804 (d 1.84), glacial acetic acid, and NaN02- (IX) was obtained in 15.4% yield (mp li8-1210) Card 3/4 by addition of the above reaction mass to the mixture Investigation in the Field of Diphenyl Ethers. 77874 Synthesis of 3,5-DJiodo-4- ?"_-h.~rdroxy //78 -3-- SOV/79-30-2-25 methoxy-5'-formylphenoxy)-phenylacetic Acid of KI, 12) urea, water, and chloroform. .(Ix) was obtained Also from (VI), glacial acetic acid, and HC1 (d 1.19) in 92.4% yield OnP 117-1200). There are 5 references, 3 ILK., 2 French. The U" *K. references are; R. Pitt-Rivers, 0. Thibault, Lancet, 1, 285 (1955); J. H. Wilkonson, Bioch. J., 601 (1956); W. Bradley, R. Robinson, G. Schwarzenbach, J. Chem. Soc., 793 (1930). OCIATION: Moscow Institute of Fine Chemicals Technology (Moskovskiy institut tOnkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii) UBMITTED: January 31, 1959 Card 4/4 TSIZINY Yu.S.; RUBTSOV, M.V. W -Aminoacylhydroquinones. Part 1: Synthesis of 2.5-dihydroxy(methoxy)- P-aminopropiophenone. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no,7:1260-1264 il 165. (VIRA 18:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issindovateltskiy khimiRo-farnatcevtlcheskiy institut imeni S.OrdzbonikJdze. TOLKACHEV O.N.- TSIZIN. Yu-S-; BELOUSO-VA, M.A.; pRE0j3RAZHENSI(I'y9 W.A. f dipheny] ethers. Zhur.ob kbim. Ultraviolet spectra and structure )f i4:9) U 161. (MIRA 31 no-9:Z987-2991 5 nologii imeni 1. MoskovskiY institut tonkoy kbimicbesXoy tekh M.114omnosovas (Biphenyl) (Ethers--Spectra) TSIZIN, YU. S., CAND CHEM 801t "SYNTHETIC INVESTIGATIONS IN THE FIELD OF DIPHENYL ESTERS." MOSCOWt 1961. (MIN OF HEALTH USSR. ALL-UNION Sci RESEARCH CHEM A48 PHARMACEUTICAL INST IMENI S. 0RDZHONIKIDZF_ "VNIKHF111). (KL-OV, 11-61t 211). _50- TSIZIN, Yu.A.; PRvOBRAZBMISKIYP N.A. Biphenrl ethers. Part 2: Synthesis of 2-=y-2'p3-dimethoXY-4'.,5- diformyl biphenyl ether. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no.D132-135 Ja 162. (MIRA 35:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khImichaskoy tokhnologii imeni 14.V.Lomonosova. (Ether) TSIZMqG,, N.I. 5 and equipment. Razvedo i okho New geophysical instr=ent (mm 16z7) nedr 29 no.5:26-2-9 My 163. 1. ]Loningradskoye osoboye konstruktOrskOY8 byuro' (Geophysical instruments) TSKAGREIMO, V.N., mayor meditsinsko sluzhby - y.- Shortcomings in the prevention and treatment of paratonsil-lar abscesses in units. Veen.-med. zhur. n0-4:81 Ap f6l. NIRA 15:6) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) GELID.FELID, B.S.; TSKHADADZE) G.O. Collectors vith plastic hulls for use in electric machines. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.60-6 Je 163. (MM 16:9) 1. Nachallnik konstruktorskogo byuro Tbilisskogo elektrovozostroitell- nogo zavoda im. V.I.Lenina (for Gelldfelld). 2. Nachallnik tekhnologicheskogo byuro Tbilisskogo elektrovozostroitelinago zavoda im. V.I.Lenina (for TSkhadadze). (Electric machinery) KHOXHLOV, M.Z.; BULKIN. P.S.; MITSUK, V.Ye.; TSKAYEVA, T.F. Effect of radioactive irradiation on the formation of a pulse superhigh-frequency discharge. Radiotekh. i elektron. 3 no-5: 704-709 K7 '58. (MIRA 11:6) l.Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets. im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Electric discharges) (Radioactivity) USSR/CuJ_tI,,ra'6Ic(I 1~laiJ;s - Abs Jjur "Z`-uV - BL)I., -.Lio Y.'r- 2 centnCrViin of K Chu y~*,vl(' w,,.-c 33.5 cknO. 2.75;/h3 0 j* 0 C4,j.VLjy. 11, ,:,,u-L-1 c';vc:- mid I.Ulc!~;17 tl~v L~ats nl~Z w-'wat covc-V WC-1-1-J JIL"u-1-AlILICI ill U10 COUI.fc ,., a lawn:: in2 41-5b na of2 CarO, 2112 B/079/60/030/05/53/074 B005/B125 AUTHORS: Minkin, V. I., Ardashev, B. I.,,Tskhadadzep K. A TITLEs The Condensation of Diaryl AmineslWith Isovaleraldehydel PERIODICALs Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No- 5, pp. 1647-1649 TEM The synthesis of several previously unknown derivatives of N-aryl- 2-isobutyl-3-isopropyl quinolines is described in the present report. The derivatives named were isolated in the form of their perchlorates. The production was carried out according to the Doebner-killer reaction by t condensation of secondary aromatic amines with the aldehyde of the iso- valeric acid. The mechanism of this reaction was already Investigated previously (Refs. 1, 2). The authors assume that the ring closure in asymmetrical diaryl amines occurs towards the more strongly nucleophilic aryl group. This assumption is in accord with the data of G. T. Pilyugin (Ref- 4). The reaction according to Doebner-Miller was also applied to secondary aliphatic-aromatic amines. The N-methyl quinaldinium perchlorate formed in negligible amount in the corresponding reaction of the methyl aniline. The formation of this product can be explained by the decomposition Card 1/3 The Condensation of Diaryl Amines With 3/079/60/030/05/53/074 Isovaleraldehyde B005/BI25 of the intermediately forming dimer of the vinyl methyl aniline under the neparation of methane (vide also Refs. 8, 9). The schemata of the formation of the normal reaction product and tho by-produot montionod hro given. The reaction worked out by the authors can be carried out on the one hand with various aromatic and aliphatic-aromatic secondary and acylated primary amines, and on the other hand with various aliphatic aldehydes; and it can generally be used for the synthesis of arylates and alkylates of quinaldine and of 2,3-dialkylquinoline. Hitrobenzene or an- other polar solvent can be used as a solvent. o-Nitrodiphenylamine, 2,4-dinitrodiphanylamine, and N-phenylanthranilic acid form no quinolinium salts, since these amines are too weakly basic. Also indole forms no quinolinium salt. All of the syntheses carried out are thoroughly de- scribed in the experimental section. The yield, melting point, and chlorine content are given for each synthesized product. The influence of the solvent on the yield of N-phenylquinaldinium perchlorate is given in a summary. There are 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 The Condensation of Diaryl Aminea With Iso- 5/079J60/030/05/53/074 valeraldehyde B005/BI25 ASSOCIATIONs Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstyennyy universitet (Rostov-na- Donu State University) SUBMITTEDs May 49 1959 - Card 3/3 o"Uncill T"Plow"WIll 911WITIvall Cd 'c%61 5.d. ff.d ... -V -,-A a.dr.y lu .6m '9*0C :CS61 .1be 901 Ix 11:61 .r.91 'OS61 -161E ...dA d,.-. -d-A-. IT -CKtt -d- ........... I... -T-.-LI ..r . ....... dj ..j I .... V j.,d.3 -V ......h 'C' 9T ogst .9.0c LS61 411-4 -no -0C61 -Z"COPS. 42901 rx -cut -9000 _-jajc~",,j .0, q.q-a. ,=-vqGQq. Qcva "'CL'OL-'C% 'CIL .0 q4-m-ofsaQ n-InQ Orn" *91Z 'IC61 .1b.E pr-,- wQvqq q"mctrr loo6t let q.3.2.q .11"Cl Clf,QQcr.jw4 V...... dA ....-Ii-d 'C'9Z '90-6t '"T .d-.. .,..,.,d o ..... 'a 4-9 ... e - .... -n -. ......... d: .9 rc Lc6t 40--a ,,, 0 .1 4'... - loti I ....... 4L 'CI -IC61 tcvIct q.qcz.o;lrq Y=.J)qcYcG.Q re= .kc-re-i -,f-,w -fc-2-t 'Cr q-9-1 *roz qw -W-& .q .4.qqk.zc O,.q.Z..A -ri, -CR 6, -t1.61 'ttlil 'fb'E .5t6l .-qcgcc-rq -'re -a -4 PDT *Z*61 qqQqOz_% IT trm 'my "r-1 "e.-I 9-1-1 -Z"t-L -L04 'ClOOt 'Zt6t 'CaegWr '9'Zt 'LC61 "hVIE .*n xtr -;-Qnc-n -co n-9 1t,61 -,j -d-1rut. -dl) ---Ad.A -QlCI-0 ... P-4r) 'IIL ..d.. W.c -d ...... ....... 'Cr. '1961 lhc .44. 90 -d r . . ~ ... Y.Cra.... -0C6, '0,,rr lic6l 4D.-a ...g- .....d ... AZT 41w 't[ 'Q *,FL 1;NT9. ..44rar) 1-d.1 -w-n OVA 1-t"-Rt .9-Qfmc "q%.n '" '1T61 --r -=11vC -0-1-1 9-o-4. "?-" Cq LS 'It '0961 -EQ191 q-&SCZ .04a *cw-39-40z. ap.r.q.q -goL .'" t-~r=& q-tm"rk .%4- -cp 'vcz Csfil llkp 4.v.jcq I.Y.Q ... a. h -011 IK61 In 'di) ITs ~mt llt'C TS61 lbE :... 0.... d. - j...-.d A C6 'CS61 ""'d. V- A. V..- .... .. fl-kh ...,d..j ...... a........ n ...... dA- ... 0..d.".r 1 COUNTPY U 6:--: R CAT T; ORY Cultivated Plants. Industrial, Cleiferous, Sugar. ABS. JOUR. RZhBiol... F0 -,3 195.' 8 -11o. 104781 AUTHOR Takhakaya., E. T I TLZ Ilybrid of Sunfl,,.wer and Jorusaleff, Artlehoke. ORTG. PUB. Sakervelos kobmaurne, 1953, No. 12 JABST17ACT No abstract. 6Ard) t l/ 32474 1 S/044/61/000/010/040/051 Cill/C222 AUTHOR: Takhadaya, F.G. TITLE: The error estimation of the numerical solution of an ordinary differential equation of first order in the complex region PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 10, 1961, 38, abstract 10 V 228. ("Tr. Vychisl. tsentra. AN Gruz SSR11, 1960, 1, 231-243) TEXT:' The author investigates the question of the numerical integration of ordinary differential equations dw = LP (z,W) d-Z in a rectangular complex region with the initial conditions z = z 0 W = wo 0 The region of integration is covered with a quadratic net, and the solution is sought in the following stages 1 1) Determination of the solution in s first knots of the zero line with the aid of the Card 1/2 32474 S/04 61/000/010/040/051 The error estimation of the ... C111YC222 Taylor development ; 2) determination of the solution in the other knots of the zero line with the aid of a formula of the type of Adam 3) determination of the solution in the other knots of the rectangular region with the aid of a formula for a numerical integration with complex coefficients. The author gives an error estimation from which there follows the convergence of the calculation process. [Abstracter's note : Complete translation. Card 212 32475 L-/ 0 0 S/04 61/000/010/041/051 C1 1 IYC222 AUTHOR: Tskhadaya, F.G. TITLEi Numerical integration of a system of ordinary difforential equations of first order in the complex region PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 10, 1961t 38, abstract 10 V 229. ("Tr. Vychisl. teentra. AN Gruz SSR", 1960, 1, 245-262) TEM With the aid of the integration formula of Hermite the author derives formulas with complex coefficients for systems of differential equations in the complex region. The author considers the same calculation process which was used for the numerical solution of a differential equation (abstract 10 V 228). He gives an estimation of the error which appears by the neglection of the remainder term. [Abstracter's note : Complete translation.] Card 1/1 TS'," 7 11 24788. TSKHADADZE, G.B. i GVEMSITELI, J.~r. Deystviye Kontsentriavannoy Solyenoy Kisloty Tla Diatsetilenov, ,I- - Y, ye Glikoli. Zhurnal Coshchey lvflinli, 15,19 7y,-,. 7, S. 1315-17.-Bibliogr- S. 1317 GRACIIEV, I.V. i KIRZNMJ, II.A.-Sm 24794 KIR7.1.1-ER, N.A. i GRAM07, I.V.--Sm 2479b SO: Letopis' No. 33, 1949 Aa oases F **Osseo***$ 0 A ~ - w1i to It u u i a 10 a IN a 41 41 al 0 0 -00 -00 00 jr .00 00 c -4141 o'* a. ArOnd 00 a I. U. Gvwd 0" m4 0. CAM., U.S".' 13116-41117 3: 74mwith so. Ila at ..49 3: 4-dkAhro-S ' TJiwOdkA%dm-2: 6- 'D0 r =13ibWP;S 004 64-40114 maL. V111 04114~ a&$ 1.6477. 4W-O~.: &-do goo so a 43 00 o '00 00 moo j WW- r~ tgoo .1 L A 4111ALLURGICA& UTINOW CtASSOK01011 Z- ego 0 woo aw I., 1A --1 -1-8a.w-o- u is AV 10 As T, R 0 0 0 0 q 0 010-9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 90 0 40 0 *irp 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 6 0 0 '19 -M W, a .' 'I.20; -.1 1 00~~ P-y~ 4EW T M SlIVANGIRADZEi M.D.-; TSKHADADZE, K.A.; TARENKO, M.I.; GOGUADZE, V.P. Increase of the sensitiveness of nitrogen detection by the Lassaigne method. Zhur. anal. khim. 18 no.3.1:1399-1400 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut prikladnoy khimii i elektrokhimli AN GnizSSR, TbiliBi. 5V0 3134AW,531074 125 7ITLE. The Condensation of Diaryl Asia 0 pnioDIcAL. Zh-.1 ob.bckay 1thimill. t960. 1.1. 30, So. 5. FT. 1617-1647 TLM The myothools of wev.ral previounly mactoon derivative* of I-aryl- 2;1-obq _I*! ", saw 1. ~..ih p It the at !;, l:,!, in "'. . ri I.-:d r i.a t - or production am carried out according to thw -*4a, *be .14.174. at a 1. to .t4. 7h ..b"l. f thi r -Oti.c -a- already Investigated previously (Refs. It 2). Th. out bor. a-- !~.' the ri., It Uoryl -to.. --r. toward. ths -, a .%-tgly arrl Croop.. 1. 1. a.zrd .1'1% it. data of G. T. Ptlyuggn (let. 4). Th. r-ati- -rdl.g to saw is. p;ll-d Is mocdary !IpbtIa;mm:.tIcjsain 5-m.ttll 4.1n.14i.l~ ;o-h orate d . I h:.;cTh .' raw In Clig b as ant n t rr: *z4%r4 reaction or txA 2411 1 by Ths formation or this product a- b. by it-.. 4--P..M~h Th. or 1)1.ryl &.Laos With S/079/60/030,W531074 l.avalar.1dithyd. SOOVS125 of the imitoroo.diat y r raing di2or of the ry'. wthyl anilize ~!#r the ..porAtion of :1.thane (vils also Sofa. S. ~). The schwasta of 2" formatto nof the tormal "action product ans Too by-produ et sm=t_~-d4r, give The reaction v*rktcL out by the authors - be carried out o~ t d ;lth atiou :.:rcmatie -1*&.1LphAtIC-c1aAt1C -00D4-7 az~-- :.Ylb.t'.d rImary sal,and on th that b"4 .1tht, to r th.- yn h -1:1: .1d.hyd..; and it an Co..r.111 be us :1, -7* at sikyl.tes or q.1a.1dia. -a of 2,5-4j:11bylqmI_-.lih,. Vitrobencome or am- other polar solvent can be used a. a solvent. s-31tro4iph*cyl&=1=*. I -a the.. -1 o . a for, v! dbl, Aut.olluin- $.I% & I c r t o ..4ftlT to- -rited Iathe .;,Isent.1 ... Th. yield. a.Iti-C pottit, -1 c1lorin. content a,r. give, for y.tb..%S.g pr.d~Ot. Th. of th:u:ol..At oc the yield of I-ph y "'Id.1.1-um p;rchl.rat. to civ-, Ir . :. lq.i It '. N, ry. There are 9 rotor c 6 of whiz .,let. Th. Cond .... tion of Meryl A.I..* With Z.*- 3/079/60/03()/C5,'53/'074 wal.r.1d.byd. 9005/B125 A330CIATIOXi Rostovskly-ne-Donu urivor.1t.t Donu State VnIversitv) SUBMITTM, Say 4. 1959 C-rd 3/5 -MIKINOSHVILI, S.Ta.,; BXRIYA, F.Ye.; BAGATURM, Sh.l. Active detection of glaucoma among the population of Sakhimi. Vest-oft. 72 zko.6:4-5 W-D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Glaznoye otdeleniye Respublikauskoy boltnitsy imeni A.A. Ostroumova (zav. - S.Ta. Himinoshvili). (GLOCONA statist. prev. & control) S/774/60/001/000/01ziolz AUTHOR: Tskmadaya, F. TITLE: The numerical integration of a system of ordinary differential equgions of the first order in the complex region. j SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Gruzinakoy SSR. Vychislite Inyy tsentr. Trudy. v. 1. 1960, Z45-26Z. ,rEXT: Thigi paper, the body of which is presented In the Gruz;ian languagq'with a brief Rus sian- language re'sum4, derives interpolational formulas for the nultierical integration of a system of differential equations in a complex region with the iid of the Hermitian interpolation formulas with multiple points of interpolation. E'4alua- tions of Lhe errors incurred by the elimination ot the residuai terms of these orm. U_ ,Irre~nt that, when the network -step Las arc given. From these evaluations it is appi3 goos to zero, e error goes to zero, allso. There% references R Gruzian- Ian,-uage, of which I by the present author. I Russian -language Soviet; GePiond, 0 ,iye konecilinykh rarnostey (The calculus of finite differences :952, A. 0. , 'Ischisler 2 French-language: Ceschino, F., The approximate integration of differential equations, C. R. Acad. Sci., v. 243, no, 20, 1956, and Goursal, E., Course in mathematical &nalysis, v. 11, 1936, in Russian tran&1ation; and 1 English- language: Card 1/Z The numerical integration of a system ... S/774/60/001/000/010/01Z Salzer, H.E., Formulas for numerical integration for first- and second-order differential equa.tions in the complex plane. J. Math. Phys., v. Z9, no. 3, 1950). Card Z/Z ACCESSION M. AR4039852 8/0044/64/000/004/Bl38/Bl38 SOURCE- Ref. zh. Matemtika, Abs. 4B612 AUTHOR: Tskhadaya F. G. -TITW'-: ComTutation. of the antiderivative of a function. ~CITED SOURCE: Tr. Vy,*chial. tneatra. AN GnmsSR, V- 3~ 19W1963), 49-08 TOPIC TAGS: function antiderivative, ccmputation, Miln 00 Hermit,6-polynomial a method TRANSIATIOM. For the tabulation of the antiderivative of a functionp It is neces- Sax7 to COMPUte the integral Y-a + h f(t)dt (1) 11n the origdnal paper, f0raulas for (1) are derived, which involve nodeg non_ GY=0trica1l7 located with. respect to the mid-poi t of the ls b7 the method of undetenitned coefficients interval Lx,,,,x, g. i ,aare derived two- In three-., four- Card Ve i; 1. It i :ACCESSICK NR:, AR4039852 band five-tem formulas with one abscissa not determined in advance. In obtaining ~the remainder terms, Milne's method is used. The formulas derived are, respect- !ively.. of order four,, five, six and seven,, in accuracy with respect to'h. In ~2 ' in multiple nodes are used; the author derives three-,, four- and five-term. teg, 4on! -formulas., involving the derivative of the integrand. Using Hermite polynomials in P i 13, the author derives numerical integration formulas in which the nodes to be 'determined are of multiplicity two, while the fixed ones are simple. The formulas derived are of accuracy order five, six, seven and eigbt with respect to h*. In 4 are derived formulas in wbich two of the nodes to be determined are of mtilti- ;plicity two, while the others am fixed and simple. The given formulas axe of jaccuracy order seven and eleven with respect to h. AU the formulas derived an ;given with remainder terms., In 5s the author uses a theorem given by V. 1. I Kry*lov in proving the convergeince and stability of the formulm premted, Iluo Shakhov DATE ACQ: 1%aya SM CODE: MA EXCLt 00 Card TS KMDATA 9 F. G. Numerical solution of a qaasi-linear hyperbolic system of partial differential equations. Trudy Vych.tsentra AN Gruz. SSR 2t29-46 162. (KIRA 1621) (Differential equations-Numerical solutions) I 0 po,~reshnosti pri chislennom integ-rirovanii obyknovenny'Kh diffarontsiallnykh uraviien-V 3aznostnym ;.etodom. Tbillsi, Trudy *.a'ue:7. in-ta .41; G.~33.?. 11 (1942) 97-106. So: I.-lathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A. G. Markushevich, A. I. Rnshevskiy, P. K. Iloscow-Leningrad, 1948 _Tl .4 .0 IK61 lh-E -CS61 C6 _9 1 "m A- An .. 4, A-v-,-do 011 'eSbt -TC"Cf. u 7. ml ...... _,YT "qw.,q ";CcQvq -1 1.2 ,..1 29.0119 '60L VOC 'CS6t ""IR '1901 111 -"6t '5* *Mbt .he ..,di ....-d- -d-A-_ ...4. -Ngl -Ildl., .., . g-fl..16 -- .... ...roo-dU ....... do -y ....... j ... ~ ----dj .... w.,d.0 ..r ...... h -rgt 'mbt -W-il WOC 'M6t tn' ' _Z-.fqcQq. got Ix -ZS61 --QVQ .,Ccqf).y -Q-CL'CL-C% 'CIL ris-I .A_,-rpqQQ -q-9m al"qu '9.1 - -Lr6 Ifh-e -ri q*tn4krT 'of '(0061 'Cl 'A *AJI'd.0 "C61 .2,40q 12F.Oacr.1 904 .-do --.11-d wet "61 lhlE .-...d 0 ...... -o 6, -o:l -...-.d. -4 . -gav. ."N d~ -9-m Itr5t -al-4 ."'l 11 low .. .... dl 'Cl Q -Mc-") LC61 Tcq"ce -919-e. oJo."", --To "-.L k.. _tcz_r~~.Q .9_q= .... D -yo-q-q *Crn-9-t ver 9,.l ar6.& CF.,.Z..A -ZIL 4T 6# -CT'61 'QV61 "h'E 9161 -.VcqcC-V2 "n -a " .1 eot -r'61 q'q"'zcszL'w -P" q_2aq=__L ~A~ XIX or -."j . __c_ -.q=.Qrq .-do.j It ...... r ow-n -0 'ap z I 6t rw Q.9t.-C -tat .91731 -.Vst .9-ec 'afix -0-E Cr 1.1 4%E61 -,I -.---d.Ar--dj)-Ad.A ..d.u W- -do- ... ... -d . ....u 'C's -IS6 1 .44. go -dr ...... V.1v ..... ic III W69 -A.43 --A~d~" .9-et 14-6t 4N-a ..,.d .- lit6l 'tt -Q --A .9"- Voqcar) -o o.Aj v ... d~j .. qcq"CL -qaro ISO CN~ .-r -q-" Lg 'It -osit -lagrz C.04 cp.r.g.q .90L -f-Es- 'or 't-se cc6t lbe q.q.qrl &.4t) *OIL -(tS61 'CS '&U 'dl) " IK T96T TS61 M,v :.--.d. w. -do- . 1--d C6 TV61 ---d- --od. 0 W~d . ..... o9o r, -n 97.el:; '!Sj.jiqj,- ir la n Gqpi~,~ !Sip qj Ila -IOU mow" T-v*lrox Kwvrvm 4,11,009 .30; unmamsew --geld .,Q ",.Q -Z r 1. 0 .A., gp.Zq.% -owt j . . . ... d.14 -,W, tI*6r losm lb-9 1. z W61 -b-C It"61 Cs 4-4.j 'LCSI -Z 96t III '016t d.L) -a- ad- -.4 ---ad . (.-A.. awaft gq--x.&k a-9- - --9) .-"awd . -W- -oody .... a,V :nA wAdy jL_"mjmt_n-..r .3 ..3..d ...K -=I .....dA....L .... 3 ..I*.n -Irc K*I 'bn 'It'6r '096t -M-'a -(~ -,a- ft sonotaq Lct r. -4 .-..-g .-H .-VI am-podov"a me -vc-s-% I -as-=q. W.4 ---.X 'a. C%z4a. Cjqa4qt r--I.d smd.. w .... 49. M -- Cqq Q 1 3 = 2 ....v a . 'o d.11 ... x 'not -129-0- VlCZC --*Z-qo '666 T" *Smt S-E -rVI tul -th-E .,C,t -%4AA.d..." -s- a Womax"d -6,61 -wA4j.a--d . .01 ..d.h -4 NO ...j -Mt --a . . . 3 9.dAC ..v.j..M * tt 'es6t " -rot Its6l -en-a 9 t W MI IdA.-A, 'Cl OOS '061 -1 -4,94. Hvitig --n) W-C. -0c.0-scol -Z-q-,=rq "=.V,Fm a p -d,gl a- tmm) -d IT **a Ott q.,r% ..Q9290i .066 ....... d. a- -ft '9-69 '11C61 '""S om.imad v--vj -- - - w6t --Adj . -.. ~dj ads weL agrvvoha%wl -MOT I...... El B..d- . A~duo. H ...a '*' zz "t1 1619 ... vv ..o.v ........ x low ,ad 6 'V6Z *QC6t - -.d . ~Ib. .2cal -&--Zccyqq qa-q :-- . - !LC6t 'C 'x `5~ a -9 4% "009'f- .d..3- -cag) I- &L Tv6I q-qfgZ- 9-90Z -ZCC-19-C 166 M add ..-, '901 -lb-C .1od ~..... dr.y --a 1--a was ... IN ... j.'s-lool Adj jo-."g ---di,aU , a u ~..moj NdA.AX TIW '9S61 -MlaQ -"o ,a z; 1-cs 69: I "Paspax.) qog..rc-A low '"I modg -rwa -=C`q4Q- -Up q.% 9L III 'et6l 1-T -,CPrr 4-099-f '966 -9-1 '91,61 'A-E 3 -= -4v ."1. 9 Nu llot *9'%C Ml -,2,1 -9,61 -...Adj jovj V C.,Q ._ g TV 16"t 4)"V1 d .3a.4v.:)) ..... ."a, . .Cq 9LITI .9,61 MINKIN, V.I.; iaWASHFV, B.I.; TSHHOADZZ, K.A. Joint condensation of diarylamines with isavaleraldehyde. Zhur.ob.khim- 30 no-5:1647-1649 My 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Hostovskiy-na-Donu gosudaratvenny7 finiveraitet. (Inovarelaldehyde) (Amines) (Condensation products) SH05TAK, F.T.; SERTMIN, B.I.; LYUBMAN, N.Ya.; VAHAY, A.A.. lon-,smosis method of deminp r&1 i za "ion. Trudy Ina'.. khi.T. rja:;k ~-N Kazakh. SSR 1.1:164,169 164. (MIRA 17 ;11) --V Id ACCESSION NR: AP4038444 S/0294/64/002 02/0294/0296 /0 AUTHOR: _Ts ay-,--N.-- S.-Imoscow TITLE: Method of determining the kinetic temperature of a gas SOURCE: Teplofizika vy*sokikh temperatur, ve 2# no* 2, 1964, 294-296' '!TOPIC TAGS: spectral 'measurement, line broadening, damping, Doppler- effect, temperature measurement, kinetic temperature ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for determining the kin'etic tempera- ture from the contour of the spectral line. The contour is governed simultaneously by two factors -- Doppler effect and damping due to collisions and radiation. Spectral lines whose contours are governed 11by.these two factors can be found in sufficient amounts in spectra i1of gases over a wide range of pressures and temperatures, so that 1~the use of these lines for the determination of the temperature of 11 1;a gas is of great practical interest. It is assumed that the Doppler~ ACCESSION NR: AP4038444 effect and the damping act independently, so that the broadenix444e Itto each effect can be determined by measuring the relative intensit~y-,..l 1~at the two points of the line contour and solve a system of two equa-!, ,,tions which characterize the relative intensity at these points . The, equations can be readily solved with an electronic computer with an ;~accuracy greatly exceeding the accuracy with which the contour of !';;the spectral line is plotted. When an M-20 computer is used* the :computer time amounts to'S minutes. In view of the high accuracy :of the machine computation, the accuracy with which the gas tempera- 1~.ture is determined is in practice governed by the accura4 of the :.experimental measurements of the-coordinates of the spectral-line' i;contour. Orig. art. has-' 6 formulas and table,. ~,'ASSOCXATION: None ISUBXITTED.- 25Nov63 DATE ACQ: 09Jun64 ENCL: 00 \LSUB CODE: OP, TD NR REF SOVt 001 OTHERs (DOI Card TSKHAI) N.S. (Moskva) 143thod for determining the kinetic temperature of a gas. Teplofiz. vys. temp. 2 no.2:294-296 M:--Ap 164. (MIU 17:6) TSO' Z~ k~ t, -': -Lnd, Ahn. nw-J,; '.T'S.KIIAY S."'. of lne~:~ 7rarj~ 4-1 determning the z?f tre dia-,,-- -a.--on of 9-i- Ag :644, Orl 5oma L P, n r I tit). 0 - jL3 JD maj un%vsAmwT(( Tval '0661 -ftv 4.03 -Adj NY -~H) -M, -. ~.-""-e. ~-,Adrr rod --v-rd A."- )I -101.pq .... M ....... h -us -rn '6061 -ID-E --d s " 991 '6,6l -14 --gy. ~dod" wwd~ rw mda4soni. ~.A. . M-rd --w-3-m Iq .1.1m tr..Sh 'We m 12"T lb-s Of -11, *tlt '061 -(-.A" -~) lrwoe-~ -, -C*d -11-d~ --d- - .-M wWod ay ....-dA.A.h -gM -1-Z tw -s-E ~ 3 ~~ %9 'C"1 Wam~.,V.. 1--91 -.. U ',I-j; b.d,oVj -:Fw dr...-V -----n -Km '9'CZ '9%6t "b'g .10L Ml ....... fl,,d -* . , o . . . .0:) .-.A.fq cr.,.r,.X ~Wg TIV061 Me -ml -49-d. ~'_x ....I u2n go.r.ue .. d- -- AdAt -.Ad~ . -_ovdqo .. ..d-f, .-, ~C-* -X.-. ~ ......... 2..x maido.j ti ... a ... A Z) _~(* -it= Iml -M.E '-Adj HV ... ts.- -,-;I) -. LSZ -$96t *Q IT61 -8161 t"A'A:) " -0d) "-*)I ~,d.-dah 00 #~~dv- -rv- -d vmvvww -q .100 *S's *61 lh-c -(J= -.Adj 14V .-6 -~~H) -j..b 6T -~ ZL -S,6, .... ~dl rrm - 00, ..o-. w. s.", I....I .-od Wboi....od. idu.o. --or-pf .. . . a v er ... d.a..:) -009 vot W6 g .11,ve '(d:)O -vAdj Hy -ow -H) .,d.. *** LC 11,51 'A'-6C6t P-M E-C I ..... A, M-.W4 - -dn I- -4.Lov- ..U.44d.d~qj .4d.A ... --a 6 --~ 9c 'At -d...O-".A:) .. .... I.L,,. oi..d.u ... . ...... d. a-w-ogo -,d,. .., -8 IS) "' ZV ~ZV61 '111 -d-*", d4&.Ad- j ...... -.. do -d- -- ~.b.djoV w ...,.dg. -...q.- mdo,o..H -8 OC 'Ml 11 'Ot6t I$ go ... au -A~ diA.Ad.1 ..r..-d .,. -Ad.A a ..... A.,. ...d.u w- . . ..... a-dIj ...... V, S.,doaj .-%..,..dU .,6, roe 19"t 4fte ~o ... flod. md.~b".m ...,dg ..%oA . ...Adj .. w..4_d-d,X -. m . .,b . , ~ ti N~ ........U '96L '11,11 *61 -th-E -*Adj HY --4-j --d " 99 'CS61 --"'F -mq -...n ......... 0.3 ..... ~r .3da-w."idiovoi --thwamm "L I TSKIiAKAqAt Ale',G-,.irdr 1-1-vidavicri, iv~~,z 7t" Z.U. The Tabatsknri carth~-uaka on thenleht of 7-~ M-1,11 io4o. Tbillal, 194'. '111 1). rimp. (Aksdemlia n9i;k Gruzingkoi SSP, Tiflis. GeOfl7iChCCkll InOtitLlt- MentrnVnali seismicheekaia otantsiia- RQlletin, V. 1.2. no. I- 33i.Ppl.) At hp%d of E. Rlue i A. Wkhakaia- Tabatslcurpkoe zomletriasenie ... 19 1;5 -(Gird 2) - -- - - - TSKHAKAYA,-A.- D.- ---- TSKHAKAYA, A. D. "The Gudamkar earthquake of 15 August 1947", (based on macreseismic data), Kvart. seysm. byulleten' (Akad, nauk Gruz. SSR, Tsentr. seysm. stantsiya In-ta fiziki i geofiziki), XIV, No. 1-/*, 1949, p. 101-16, (Resume in Georgian). SO: U-4393, 19 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykll Statey', No. 22, 1949). TSKIIAYJ,IA, A. 1). A study of the development of seismology in Georgian SSr TbilJsi3 I7d-vo Akadem:Li nauk Gruzinskoi SSr, 1950. 64 P. (51-29050) QE536. T7 1. Seismology - Georgia (Transcaucasia) 2. Tiflis. TSentralInaia seismicbeskaia stantsiia. ALIM, G.A.; SFMNOV, F.G.; BEHANKS, Yu.D.; ROZOVA, Ya.A.; DMOVSKIT, T.Gq; ARMUMELISKIT, V.K.; TSEUKAYA, A,D,; XkZAMY, A.G. b&- Comments of participants of the meeting. Biul.Sov.po seism. n9.1:85-92 . '55- (Saismoloa) (MLRA 9: 9) TSKUKAYA, A.D. Seismicity of Akhalkalaki uplands. 1---v.AN SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.l: 105-108 Ja 156. (MI2A 9:3) 1. Akademiya nauk Grusinskoy SSR, Institut geofiziki. (Akhalkalak-I uplande-Rarthquakee) TSKHAKATA, A.D. Weview 7ofCa=uc,,s7n earthquakes occurring In 1951. Trud7 lust. geofiz. AN Gru2.SSR 15!111-125 156. (MLRA 10:7) (Caucasus--larthquakes) TSKUUYA, D. G. Georgian time measures and calculation methods used for the Georgian solar calendar. Trudy Hat.inst.AN Gruz. SSR 22:301-317 156. (Time) (MLRA 10:3) 49-6-9/21 stations In J~.tjv no s U the Beismlc a 7 sthalga-yal p,.D. CL worx of mlchesxala i955)~ pm,2110R - T (SeYS Z~, 3.954- a za 1955 - - uvxa ,~ t~L e 61 ~ a ,eismie starltsil Geof A.Zj( 11 '~59 TLS- S a 1954 1 14 1 5 TI seril bL.Sicm6e~jr~1jet .4 4. 8. the 0 ro cj,bota selvUll T 7eo-P~Y,3in in operati-o' re ?ER,0D-jGAL*. of the vie -?B? at-lons ),pg?B6 pp St I an& 21 1 .sts OrLly sei.S213-r' tions e%l GaAleas'as see ma-ps V-613. C sta 3,ss the the c, 1955, twor3c of s eisma. eUCOluV LUtain r~gi orl. liqcj,~ all ase ne the Be d'arirLF, . / cle KetsX m0' -th a 111SPL 'atIvely t of Geogla'-DzbLBLVE~ - lied. Wl t is .& -re- O-athern. p,ar of the determl ancL I the actI've zone ... are locations III . ceuV d, 5 to r on the epl -Xcee jvdivjd6ll al seis lo ' not e, y j.B re ,,,Or d-oel ,t,,Va -e~ - 1e cases b'y h e we;3X oel Sing 50 Y-M' S"r. cl ace .8.0 1 0 -record- co-rdecl In to an 'vith are re ares Of up Only oss, e e t Uaxes tal Abastumans e euippe e at epicent:cal dIS3. ,.,s ar clia. thel ill tatious iro-vabal s C; aur, E Cases y . ons in the re of e wt jjvajr~es s , jst in y I iris 6 statl 34 ouly anc Stat'C The at'as al ic-entres t Tricey the ep thEL "''c - - type. regrets 7,UF,c ~L3_ termining Seuerl The a-athor participate 1zo(Ine. the raucasils o --.S 04 c1 e e gj Of er a Llcasj -4ce.3 9tatl e.9 Qln 0 .0. 0128 e 1 Q~ op CS, O-r tbi, I e ;Vh~ C4 9 -reglo t e-"e t1 Ge oz. eve .12. Ge TSKRAKAYA A.D. The Gegechkori earthquake in 1957. Izv.&N SSSIZ-Ser.geofiz. no.8:99G-999 Ag 157. (MLPA 10-8) l.Akademl3ra nauk Gruzinokoy, SSR, Institut geofiziki. (Georgia-Earthqualms) g TSKHAICAYAt AVDO Seismic ty of 3)zhava (Akhalkalaki) -aplancl ancl neighboring regionfi. Trudy Inst. geofiz* AN Gruz. SSE 3.6:177-219 157. (MM 11:6) 1 (Dzhava region-Beismology) SOV/169-59-2-1165 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 2, p 20 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tskhakaya, A.D. TIME: The Seismism' 'Kf the Dzhavakhetskiy (Akhalkalakskiy) Highlands and of the Adj'g~~ent egons PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta geofiz. AS GruzSSR, 1957, Vol 16, PP 177 - 219 ABSTRACT; The wuthor gives a characterlstii~ of the seismic activity of th,~, Dzhavakhetskiy (Akhalkalakskiy) volcanic highland and the adjacr--nt regions on the basis of the macroseismic Information from the last years and the instrumental observations during 1912 - 1953. Di-Pastrous eart1hrViakes are. known here since the IX-th century, and In the highland itself since the IX-th - MI-th centuries. The most intense earthquake during the last time was in 1899. The Akhalkalakskiy highland differe from the other regions] of the Caucasus by the greater frequency of earthquakes. The grsatest num- ber of epicenters in the chart of epicenters of the highland for 1932 - IL954 Card 1/2 is concentrated in the sv.1th-western part, in the Bogdanevskiy region, over sov/169-59-2-1.165 The Selsmism of the Dzhavakhetskly (Akhalkalakskiy) Highlands and of the Adjacent Regions an area of but 1,500 km2. The depth of the foci is up to 30 km. The energy index LI amounts from 3 to 9 (in Mega-Joule), in the majority of cases it amounts to 3, A territorial connection between the concentrations of weak and intense earthquakes is not observed. A. Levitskaya Card 2/2 TSXHAKAYA A.D.-SIKHARULIDZE, D.I. ' .-.3 1 Seismism of the region of Sochi and Krasna7a Pol,7ana ear,'~'iquakes of December 21 and 27, 1955. Soob. AN Grtiz.SSR 18 no-3.,287-292 Mr-.'57. (MIZA 10:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut geofiziki, Thiligi. Predstavleno akAdemikom V.D. Kupradze. (Krasnaya ?olyana--garthquake, 1955) (Sochi--Earthquake, 1955) '9 D, 3(10) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3034 Akademiya nauk SSSR, Sovet po seysmologil Byulleten'; Krasnopolyanskoye zemletryaseniye, 1955 g-, No.5 (Bulletin; Krasneya Polyana Earthquake, 1.0,55, ND-5) MOSCOW) 1958. 62 p, 1,200 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: S.V. Medvedev,, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publ. House: N.V. Shebalin. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for scientists working in the field of I geophysics and seismology, COVMGE; This bulletin contains three studies of the Krasnaya Polyana earthquake which occurred on December 21-27, 1955, The studies include data gathered by the expedition organized by Ye.F, Savareaskiy, Chairman of the Committee on Seismology of the Acadeu* 6f -0diences, USSR, in January-February 1956, The members of the expedition included A.Z. Kats of the Geophysical Institute AN SSSR; A.D. Tskhakaya of the Geophysical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Gruzinskaya SSR; and Sh.A. Dzhabua, A.L. Churayan, and A.N. Sa~faryan of the Building Institute Card 1/2 Wma J.P-50-.59 A, SOV/169-59-5-4464 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 5, p 27 (USSR) AUTHORS-. Dzhabua, Sh.A., Kats, A.Z., Safaryan, A.N., Tskhakaya, A.D., Churayan, A.L. TITLE- The Earthquake of Krasnaya Polyana of December 21 27, 1955, and Its Aftereffects PERIODICAL: Byul. Soveta po seysmol. AS USSR, 1958, Nr 5, PP 3 34 V/ ABSTRACT- In January - February 1956, the authors of the article in question led the study of the aftereffects of two earthquakes which took place in December 21 - 27, 1955. The expedition inspected 18 populated localities, among them Krasnaya Polyana, Adler, Sochi, Gagra, Khosta, Matsesta. The results of the in- spection of damaged buildings and structures in the various localities are cited and an evaluation of intensity of the earth-quake is given, On the basis of the instrumental records of the seismic stations and the facts obtained by macroseismic, observations, the epicenter zone of the earthquake of December Card 1/2 21 - 27, 1955, occurred in the region of Krasnaya Polyana. The SOV/169-59-5-4464 The Earthquake of Kraonaya Polyana of December 21 - 27, 1955, and Its After- effects power of the earthquake in the epicenter is seven marks. With increasing distance from the epicenter, the power rapidly decreases that testifies the shallow location of the focus. The macroseismic region of the earthquake extends from Gagra to Lazarevskaya along the seacoast and to KurdzhInovo In the Southern Caucasus. The macroseismic radius amounts to 65 - 75 km when assuming as epicenter Krasnaya Polyana. The influence of the characteristics of the ground and of the relief on the force of shook is studied and brief information is given on the geology and on the seismostatistics of the region. N.A, Vvedenskaya Card 2/2 - -_j!MAUXAw4--Z-4..SIKHARULIDZE, D.I. garthquake in upper Mingrelia, Dec. 25, 1955. Soob. IN Gruz. SSR 20 no.1:27-34 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:6) l.Institut geofiziki AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom K.S. Zavriyov3rm. (Mingrelia--Earthquakes) RUBINSHTRM, M.M.; TSKHAKAYA, A.Do SelemotectIonic characteristics Of the Dzhavakhotokoye (Akhalkalaki) Upland. Trudy Inst.goofiz-All Gmz.SSR 171161-175 '58. (WRA. 13: 4) 1. Goologiellookiy insititut AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi i Institut 'I eofiziki-AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. alkalaki region--Seismology--Observations) M d"! SOV/49-59-9-12/25 AUTHORS: Ts-khakaya, A. D. arad Maysuradze, 0. Y TITLE: Achigvara Earthquake on the 5th june 1958 P:~RIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk, SSSR, Seriya geofiziches'lr-aya, 1959, Pr 9, PP 1386-1392 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The earthouake occurred at 2 h 5 m 57 s GMT. Its epi- centre was found at 420 42N? 410 39E. (Fig 3~. The force was determined as 7 and the intensity M as 1~?. The focus vias estimated 10 km deep. During the followKE days some 21 epicentres of the secondary shocks v,,-ere recorded (Fig 4). According to the Seismic Atlas of the USSR, the area had only a few earthquakes of M -*-,' 2 and force about 5. Therefore, it is proposed ~,hat; rin approprIfita Chart of the USSR. There are 4 figures, 2 tablcr-and 12 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Institut Geofiziki (AS Grazinskaya SSR Justitute of Geophysira) SUBMITTED: March 27, 1959 Card 1/1 S/519/60/000/008/010/031 D051/DI13 A.D. AUTHORSt Byue, Ye.I..L_Iskhaka TITLE: Seismological principles of seismic zoning of the Caucasus SOURCEr'. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po seysmologii. Byulleten'3 no. 8, Moscow, 1960. Voprosy soyamichaskogo rayonirovaniyal 99-104 TEXT: The authoxsgive a historical account of seismological research and observations in the Caucasus and discuss seismic phenomena and problems in connection with a map showing the areas of earthquakes of intensities 7 and 8 and the epicenters of heavy earthquakes which occurred in the Caucasus from 1912 to 1957. A history of the development of seismological research in the~Caucasus from the opening of the first observatory at Tiflis to the recording of recent earthquakes, is given. In the 193018, the problem of seismic zoning of the Caucasus region arose, due mainly to large-scale con- struction development in the area. The growth of this problem resulted in all available data on Caucasian earthquakes being summarized in the first and second sections of a monograph by Ye.l. Byus (Ref. 6: Seysmicheskiye Card 113 S15191601000100810101031 Seismological principles... D05l/Dll3 usloviya Zakavkazlya. Ch. I-III eismic Conditions of Transcaucasia. Parts I-Iiij, Thilisit 1948-55)- 4t is stated that the network of regional stationa in tho CAU040U8, itkitiatod In 193?t h4o booo Krodual-AY 0~%Ilkr~pd hudi 411too 1950, oquippea with now highly sensitive aeismagral!hs. On the baeis of data obtained without instruments, various macros6ismic mals of the-~_ Caucasus have been compiled, of which the map of the zones of earthquakes of intensities 7 and 6, superposed in this article on a map of epicenters,is of special importance for seismic zoning. This map was compiled as a rosult of statistical generalization of heavy and destructive earthquakos occurring over a long period of years. Some zones became distinct only in recent years, and in some cases they were determined according to the data of isolated points. Theepicenters of the map included in thi3 article, determined using data obtained by instruments, have an intensity of V4*4- UP to 1953,the data of the map of~the Caucasian zone of the Atlas of Seismicity of the USSR served as a basis for the compilation of the map of epicenters; since 1953, the data of ceismograms for the Seysmichaskiy byulletent Kavkaza (Seismic Card 2/3 7T1TM777777777777777T~--_1____ 3/519/60/000/003/0!0-/031 seismological principles... D05l/Dll3 Bulletin of the Caucasus) were used. The authorsgive a brief survey of Caucasian earthquakes and also discuss problems of earthquake frequency and the distribution of seismic centers in this region. Iniheir concluding remarks, the authorestate. that the data now available on the seismicity of the Caucasus areap although incomplete, suffices as a basis for seismic zoning in the region and for the building of earthquakeproof structures. Russian scientists I.V. Mushketov, A.P. Orlov, and A. Morita are mentioned in the article. There are 1 figure and 15 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institnt geofiziki,AN Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences Gruzinskaya SSR) Card 3/3 TSKIIAX'in, A.D. Earthquakes in the Caucasus during 1957-1958. Trudy Inst. geofiz. AN Gruz. _SSIR 19:109-123 '(0. (KRA 14: 9) (Caucasus--Earthquakes) S/049/61/000/007/002/00a D263/D306 AUTHOR: Tskhakaya, A.D, TITLE: Some results of the study of earthquakes in Caucasia PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya geofiziches- kaya, no, 7, 1961, 1031-1036 TEXT: The considered seismic zone is between 38 0 - 460 N and 38 0- 540E, The epicenters of earthquakes registered by stations in that zone were determined under the direction of Ye- F. Savarenskiy for the period 11912-1953 and from 1954-1959 by the laboratory staff of regional seismology at the Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Sciences, Georgian SSR. Positions of epicenters of magnitude M~~4 are given. The densities of epicenters are also given. The rela-- tion between the number of earthquakes and their magnitude is gi- ven as lgN=0.741M + 4.046. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 13 Soviet-bloc references. Card 112 S/04 9/611/000/007/002/00 5~ Some results of the study .., D263/D306 ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Institut geofiziki (Academy of Sciences, Georgian SSR. Institute o'L Geophysics) SUBNITTED: October 28, 1960 t// Card 212 TSKHAKAYA,-A.D. Depth of earthquake focuses in the Caucasus. 1z7. AS SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.5:577-584 Ky 162. (KRA 15:3) 1. AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut geofiziki. (Caucasus-Seismology) TSKHAKAYA, A.D. I I-ER EVA, T,M~ t AKRALBEDASRVLLI, .A.M. The Madatapa earthquake of December 1959. Trudy Ins'. geoffis. AN Gruz. SSR 2~M-U 163. (~iRk 18:12) L UU74U-bl LaTkl) Gi)/Ge, -ACC-NR-j -AT6017666---- SOURCE CODE: UR/OOO(Y/65-/oW/M/ov5&/o163: AUMOR: Takhqkgn, A. D 46, 76Y 1 ORM Institute of Geophysics, Aff GeoEg!jn SSR (Institut geofixiki AN Gmzinskoy &-:;R TITLE: Establishing the eismi a a character of the region of construction of the Ingurek hydroelectric station SOURCM Soveehohaniya po voproaam proyoktirovaniya i stroitalletva aroohnykh plotin. Zugdidij 1962. Arochnoye plotinostroyeniya (Arch dam construction); materialy soveshchani-yas Moscowg Izd-vo Energiyaq 19659 158-163 TOPIC TAGS% earthquakep seismologyp civil engineering, hydroelectric station ABSTRACT: A discussion is given on the-oeismic characteristics of the region of construction of the Ingurak hydroelectric facility. The region in question is in Western Georgia, that iz$ the territory of the Georgian SSR which is located tu the west of the 430 meridian of east longitude. Data are presented on the frequency of epicenters by year from 1930. Since 1955 intense seismic activity has appeared in Western Georgia and an the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Eighteen tremors have been recorded In the region since 1955# ranging in intensity from 6 to 9 an the seismic scale. The yearp date, timeg intensityp and location of the tremors since/ 1930 are tabulated. Fifteen strorg(range 4--6) tremors have been recorded in a radius of 50 km from the arch dam site during -the years 1930-1961. The historical data on L 00740-67 ACC NRt AT6017666 tremors in the region are plotted in a form indicating the frequency by "microarea" within the region in question. These data are used in an attempt to estimate the probability of future earthquake action. In view of the possible catastrophe that would result if the Ingursk facility should be rupturedt the author recommends that the deeign streWth of the dam be set in anticipation of anearthquake intensity of 9. Orig, art. him: 4 figures and I table. 3M CODE: 13 loom DATEs 29SOP65 I Cc 2L2 15-1957-10-13845 Translation from: Referativnyy zhural, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 68 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tskhakay#, A. D, TITLE: A Survey of Earthquakes in the Caucasus in 1951 (Obzor zemletryaseAy Kavkaza za 1951 god) PERIODICAL:Tr. In-ta geofiz. AN GruzSSR, 1956, vol 15, pp 111-125 ABSTRACT: A map is given showing the distribution of the epicenters of 157 earthquakes which occurred in 1951 in the central part of the Caucasus (chiefly in Georgia). The locations of the epicenters were established by instrumental data. In Georgia the epicenters are concentrated chiefly in the AkhAlkalaskbye highland (82 epicenters) and in the princ'i- pal Caucasian Range in the region of Kazbek bind the Borbalo Mountains (50 epicenters). Because of the activity of a number pf permanent and temporary stations, the epicenters Card 1/2 in the Akhalkalakskoye highland were located with an accuracy 15-1957-10-13845 A Survey of Earthquakes in the Kavkaz (Caucasus) in 1951 of five to ten k~. Isoseismal maps are given for the earthquakes of January 17 (in.the Bogdanovskiy rayon), March 3 (in the Kaspi region), and November 2 (in the upper reaches of the Alazani River at Omalo), and information is presented on the great number of points showing the intensity values for these earthquakes, which were used in preparing the maps. The focal depths of the first two earthquakes were 10 km. and less than 25 km. Data are in- cluded on the seismic activity of the Borbalo region since the 16th century. Card 2/2 P. N. Kropotkin TSKHAKAYAp A.D.; MAISUIRAM, O.M. The Adzhar-Guriya earthquake of May 20p 1959. Trudy Inst. geofiz. AN Gruz. SSR 21:61-75 163. (MIRA 18:12) TSKHAKAYA, A.D. Seismicity of the region of construction of the Inguri hydroelectric power station. Trudy Inst. geofiz. V1 Gruz. SSR 21:85-96 163. (MIRA 18:12) TSKHAKAYA, A.D., Seismic activity of the Caucasus during 1959-1960. Trudy Inst. geofiz.fill Gruz.SSR 22:85-98 164. (MIRA 18:12) ACC NR- AP6002023 SOURCE CODE: Un/oi85/65/010/012/1277/1288 ,5C AUTHOR; Tskbakaya,, D. D. A? ORG: Pbysicotecbnical InstituteXAN UkrSSR, Kharkov (Fizyko*-t'ekbnicbnyy instytut AN URSH) TITLE: Compton scattering in a magnetic field SOURCE: Ukrayinsfkyy fizycbnyy zhurnal, v. 10, no. 12,, 1965o 1277-1288 -,TOPIC TAGS: Compton effect, photon scattering, resonance scattering, scattering cross section, dipole interaction, maignetic field ABSTRACT: CoMpton scattering of photons by a scalar charged particle in a magnetic field is considered. Starting with the interaction Hamiltonian, a general expression is obtained for the differential scattering cross section of unpolarized photons, and the resonance fre- quency is determined as a function of the oscillation quantum number. No account is taken of the spontaneous emission (natural width) or of the Doppler effect. The classical case of large oscillation quantum number is found to yield in the nonrelativistic case a cross section which coincides with the cross section obtained in the dipole approxi- mation for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by a particle with Card -1/2 ACC N" AP6002023 ,charge e situated in a mgnetic field* Author is grateful to S. Peletmins1kyy for discussing the results. Orig. art. has: 20-?~-ormulais.! SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 20Jan65/ ORIG REF: 0031 OTH REF: 001 I Card PIP /2 VVEDENSKAYA, N. A.; DZIIANUZAKOV, N. D.; IODKO, V. K.; KOINDORSKAYA, N. V.; LOWMA, N. S.; HISHARTNA, L, A.; SULTANOVA, Z. Z.; D - YURKMHP 0. 1. Bu3-letin of strong earthquakes in the U.S.S.R. in 1959. Trudy Inst. fiz. Zem. no.22. Vop. inzh. seism. no.7:3-24 162. (MIRA 15'.10) (Earthquakes) TSKHAKAYA, As Do i~e problems In the development of the net of sel m .ie stations in the Caucasus-* Trudy Inst. geofiz. AN Gruz. SSR 20&135-142 162, 11 (MIRA 16:1) (Caucasus -Seismology) 11(jutline of the Hstory ).'L' i -athema tics in, -'eor_-ia Fro.,:. -,ncient e s o he D1,2.-,4 in-, of the '-~wen' 4 Wi ~~,3::tury. " -jr Pfil-s-L~th ~,ci, Tc)i I ~,A u Inst i-nerd L. Jc-i 1954 - '~O Tbilisi) 7, Feb 55) SU: ~um. No. 631, 2,-'-' u-, 55 - Jiurvey of Jcie~ntific -n(i Technic-! Jissert~-tlons Jeff-~r,ied at L'-ij.L id-her I uc-,.~~cnal -1 stitutiors A (141) -D, -G. K voprosv o mqnTUlh v v "AU v. Tl~'Il~i -iru--i.,,r ;*',it,.,--. in-ta an Gr SER, 9 (1941), 9-07-'-15. Tri-orometri~m, Earo-lov Plizhnago vostoka ob odnom iz '7ruzfns)l-i!ch paryatnil~rv v astranomichesioy Litcr%ture. Tbilis', Tru,;y 'Fatem.. in-ta rl_': GR 0-33R, 13 (1944), 219. So: f!athematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 e;7ited by 7urcsh, A. G. Ilarkushevich, A. I. Rashevskiy, P. K. !.'oscow-Leningrad, 194E ZHGENTI, V.S.; K11VOLES, A.R.; TSKHADAYA, F.G. Some Droblems of the geometry of the middle surface of an ar--h dam. Soob, AN Gruz. SSR 32 no.2:289-292 163, (MIRA 1811) 1. Vychislitellnyy teentr AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi. Submitted January 239 1963. TSKHAKAYA, G.A. Replacing high-speed -nonBynchronow -motors by lov-speed synchronous ones as grinder drivee TSement 27 uo. 2:26 Mr-Ap 161. (KMA 14: 5) 1. Kaspskiy tsementnyy zavod. (Crushing machiner7-Electric driving) TSEILAKA'YA, K. E. "Tissue ~,ntogeny in j:ionocotyledonous plants." report submitted for 10th Intl Botanical Cong, Edinburgh, 3-12 Aug 64. State Univ, Thilisi. TSKIIAKAYA, K.M. ,ate rew-11ts of rnycplasty In parsly:sf- of the femorls in patlgmts w-4-.h seqjejae oil poliomye.11tts. Cirtop., tra-m.. IL protez. 24 no.10:28--30 0 163. (MIRA 17: 5) 1. 1z TSontral tnogo institutti travuilit.ologi-i. i ortopcdtt Wir. - prof. M.V.Volkov)*. Adres avtora-, l'o,-Akva A-299, Novaya lpafovka, d, 8., Menturallnyy institut tramatrilecrii i ortcpeiit. 0 TSMUKAYA, m. I.. prof ~ of the caleaneum. Ortop.travme i Drotez. 18 no.6: Closed fractures (MIRA 11: 4) 34-38 N-D '57- (IGAL40AI=H, fract. closed fract.)