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Translation from: Refarativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1958, Nr4, p 166(USSR)
AUTHORS- Tseyttin, V. Z. , Volkova, T. 1.
TITLE: Investigation of Relaxation Process in Metals by the 1. A. Oding
Method (IS51edovaniye protsessa relaksatsii napryazheniy v
metallakh metodom 1. A. Odinga)
PERIODICAL: V sb. : Prochnost' metallov. M05COW, AN SSSR, 1956,
pp 41-49
ABSTRACT: Some laws governing stress relaxation and factors affecting
the process are experimentally investigated by the method of
relaxation with the aid of annular specimens as proposed and
developed by I. A. Oding in 1944. Results of determination of
quantitative characteristics of flexural stress relaxation are
presented. The influence of numerous factors, both external
(temperature, stress, time) and internal (chemical composi-
tion and structural state of the material), affecting the process
of relaxation have been studied. Recommendations are tendered
as to the content of the alloying elements (Cr, Mo, V) that
increase the resistance to relaxation of low-carbon steels for
Card 1/2 various temperatures. The relationship between relaxation
Investigation of Relaxation Process in Metals (cont. )
stability and chemical composition of austenite steels was studied. Results
of the experiments are compiled in tables and graphs.
Yu. G. Maksimov
1. Metals--Mechanical properties 2. Metals--Chemical properties
3. Metals--Structural analysis 4. Metals--Mathematical analysis
Gard 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 351 f'USSR)
AUTHORS: Tseytlin, V. Z., Volkova, T. 1.
TITLE: Employment of 1. A. Oding' s Method in the Investigation of Stress
Relaxation in Metals (Issledovaniye protsessa relaksatsii
napryazheniy v metallakh metodom 1. A. Odinga)
PERIODICAL: V sb. : Prochnost' metallov. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, pp 41-49
ABSTRACT: An analysis of advantages of the ring method of testing metals
for relaxation, as proposed by 1. A. Oding E'Novvy metod
ispytaniya na relaksatsiyu i polzuchest' " (A . Nev Testing Methcd
for Relaxation and Creep), 1949, Book 23, MAShGIZ I , and an
examination of certain laws governing the relaxation process
when this method is employed.. It is pointed out that the proposed
method deserves wide use and that it may be successfully applied
to the development of a theory of stress relaxation in metals, and
to an evaluation of the relaxation stability of materials. With this
method it is possible to obtain directly quantitative values for re-
laxation characteristics not only of parts subjected to bending, but
also of parts operating under tension; such as bolts and dowels of
Card 1/1 boilers and turbines. Z, F.
1. Metals-Stress analysis
PiTi~P]A~~SKAYA. Z. N. kindidat'taihnichaskikh nauk; UTLIN, Va.,
Xandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk.
In7eatigating the properties of 11723 (TsZh-4) steel.
Metalloved. i obr. met. no.12:17-27 D 156. (MLRA 10:2)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatelOskiy institut tyazhologo
-7~f ~11"Aj , V, Z.
USISR/Solid State Physics - Mechanical Properties of Crystals E-10
and Polycrystalline Conwounds.
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 11908
Author : Tseytlin, V.Z.
Inst ; Central Scientvific Research Institute for Technology and
Machine biilding, USSR.
Title : Third Period of Relexation of Streases in Metals.
Orig Pub : Zavod. laboratoriva, 1950", P-2, No 7, 8k,5-849
Abstract - The author calls attention to the, incorrectness of making
an analogy between the third period of creep with the third
period of relaxation, as proposed by Gintsb'urg (2;aVod. lat-
oratoriya, 1953, 19, 4). Analyzing the extensive exp'eri-
mental material of the Scientific Research Institute for
Technology and Machine Building on stress rela.1mtion ci:rve.~
obtained with a large number of types of steell
Card 1/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 259 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Lashko, N.F., Tseytlin, V.Z.
TITLE: Certain Peculiarities of Medium-carbon Chrome -molybdenum
Pearlitic Steel (Nekotoryye osobennosti sredneuglerodistoy
khromornolibdenovoy perlitnoy stali)
PERIODICAL: V sb. -. Fiz. -khim. issled. austenitn. splavov. Moscow,
Mashgiz, 1957, pp 167-171
ABSTRACT: A study was made of two types of chrome -molybdenum steel
containing 2 percent Cr and 0.9 percent Mo, one with an 0.5
percent V content and one with no V content. The steel was fused
in a high-frec~lency furnace with a capacity of 12 kg. The ingots
were forged into rods which were normalized at 10000 C and
tempered for 6- 10 hours at 650-7400 and for 100 hours at 6501
The phase cornpo'sition of the steel was investigated by means of
a comprehensiveiphysicochemical analysis which involved sepa-
rating out the su4plus phases by chemical means, a chemical
analysis of the residue, and a differential X-ray and chemical
study of the residue phases. After normalization and tempering
Card I /Z at 6500 for 10 hjurs the steel with no V in it was found to
Certain Peculiarities of Medium-carbon Chrome -molybdenum Pearlitic Steel
possess three phases of varying composition- (Fe, Cr, Mo) 3C, (Mo, Cr.)2C,
and (Fe, Cr, Mo) 23 C6 ; the steel with the 0.5 percent V content was found
to have two phases (Cr, Fe, Mo, V) 7C 3 and (V, Mo, Cr)C. In the steel
with no V the (Fe, Cr, Mo) 3C phase was not in evidence after a 100-hour
tempering at 6500 , which suggests that this phase is metastable. The corn-
position of a stable phase in the steel with no V was not ascertained. In the
V-based MeC phase of a V-containing carbon steel the Fe was practically
insoluble, the Cr was not very soluble, but a relatively large quantity of
Mo could be dissolved therein. A small quantity of V ( -.10.5 percent) ,
which was almost wholly combined with the vanadium carbide, exhibited great
influence on the phase composition of the steel. Because a significant quantity
of the Mo combined with the vanadi-,irn carbide, the possibility of formation
of Mo 2C was excluded. The remaining C combined in the phase Me 7C3'
1. Steel-Phase stadies
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Tseytlin, V. Z. 126-1-6/40
TITIB: Ferromagnetic phase in austenitic hibr~h temperature steels
of the type 14-14. (Ferromagnitnaya faza v austenitnykh
zharoprochnykh stalyakh tipa 14-14).
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1957, Vol.5, No.1,
PP. 37-43 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The results are described of detection of the ferro-
magnetic phase in high temperature austenitic type 14-14
steels (approximately 14% Ni and 14% Cr). It -vias
established that the hi,-- temperature strength ofthe
steel decreases considerably with the appearance of a
ferromagnetic phase. The speed of appearance and of
cessation of the ferromagnetic phase increases with
increasing -temperature. The formation of -the ferro-
magnetic phase is associated with concentration changes
in the solid solution during carbide formation ~airl its
cessation is associated with diffusion processes which
lead to equalisation of the concentration. The structure
of stainless and high temperature austenitic steels with
18 to 19016 Or and 8 to c)0,66 Ni may contain the ferromagnetic
a-phase even directly after hardening in a quantity
Card 1/6 which depends on the Ni and Or contents and also on
Ferromagnetic phase in austenitic hii~;h teraperature stee-15
of the type 14-14.
the contents of those carbide forming elements which
bring about anSM;3faction Of the y-zone. After tempering
and also during operation, the quantity of the ferro-
magnetic phase increases and may degenerate into the
a-phasel bho oxistence of which Is highly undesirable.
The presence of two solid solutions has Lua unfavourable
influence on the properties of steels intended for long
duration operation at elevated temperatures. Therefore,
for steels intended for steam piping, the nickel content
is frequently increased for -the purpose of improvint~ the
uniformity of the solid solution. Type JL~-14 austenitic
steels have a more uniform structure of the solid solution
and it was assumed for a long time that the solid solution
of such steels consists solely of alloyed austenite
whatever the state of the steel (hardened, tempered, after
operation over long periods). Now methodo of analysis,
particularly the method of magneto-metallographic
investigations developed by N. I. Yeremin (Ref.1) showed
that under certain conditions a ferromagne-tic phase also
forms in 14-14 steels but this phase is unstable and its
quantity can be controlled by heat treatment. Investi-
Card 2/6 gations made on the steel 90-434, which contains
Ferromagnetic phase in austenitic high teiaperanture steels of t1-he
type 14-14.
approximately 14% each of Cr and Ni and 100/6' Co,
yielded t8e followinG results: after hardening in oil
from 1260 C no signs of a ferromagnetic phase wSre
detected. However, cubsequent tempering at 760 C for
20 hours brought about appreciable separations of this
phase in the form of a dense network alon6 the grain
boundaries and around individual carbides (FiS.1a);
if the tempering duration at the same temperature was
increased to 50 hours, the network of the ferrowagnetic
phase was thinner and discontinuous in some spots
( and,after tempering for a total of 100 hours,
the network became even mor 8 discontinuous and fainter
(Fig.lB). Tempering at 800 C for 20 hours produced a
discontinuous fine network of the ferromagnetic phase
(Figl~), whilst after tempering for an equal duration
at 8 0 C, no ferromagnetic phase at all could be detected.
These result-Is show that in this steel the ferromagnetic
phase is not stable, forms only under certain conditions
and decreases with time. By means of magneto-
metallographic analysis of the microstructure (carried
Card 3/6 out by N. I. Lebedyanska) the processes of grovith and
Ferromaf,znetic phase in austenitic IdLj-h tempera-11-ure steels of the
type 14-14.
reduction of the ferromagnetic phase in the steel. V-~34
at 650, 750, 800 and 850 C (after hardening from 1250 C)
were watched and the results of these observations are
entered in a table, P.38. It can be seen that at each
of these temperatures the speed of formatioi-i -and
disappearance of the ferromagnetic phase is different.
The graph, Fig.2, shows diagrammatically the increase
and the cessation of the ferromae;netic phase; with
increasing temperature the maximum of the ferromagnetic
phase shifts towards the left, i.e. towards shorter
tempering times. A. -P. Shishkova (Ref.2) obtained
analoSous results wh n studying the fatigue limit of
austenitic steels Msimilar type. In Fig.L~ the change
Of the relaxation strength (r8sidual stress after
4000 ohours of loading) at 650 C after hardening froin
1200 C and an initial stress of 12 kg/mm is Lrraphed.
The author arrived at the followinG conclusions. The
ferromagnetic (x-phase may exist not only in the structure
of the austenitic steel 19-9 but even in the structure
of the more stable 14-14 type steel; in such steel the
Card 416 ferroma.-netic phase appears not only durin- a-eing but
L, 0 Lj
Ferroma gnetic phase in austenitic hibh temperatui~e steels of the
type 14-14.
also as a result of tempering after hardeninS and ceases
under certain conditions. This phase is detected along
the grain boundaries and surrounding individual carbides.
Appearance of -the a-phase in austenitic steels is linked
with diffusion processes of carbide formation and with
local concentration changes of the solid solutions in
zones directly adjacent to the separating out carbide
particles which bring about y to a transformation.
Cessation of the cc-phase is due to diffusion processes
which equalise the concentration of the solid solution.
Appearance of a ferromagnetic a-phase brings about a
considerable reduction of the heat resistance in static
and cyclic loading. Therefore, it is necessary during
heat treatment to select such a tempering temperature and
a duration of the tempering at which the a-phase is
suppressed completely or at least to a 8 onsiderable
extent; in the case of tempering at 860 C, the a-phase
was completely eliminated after 20 hours. The problem
of formation of the ferromagnetic phase in an austenitic
steel as a result of plastic deformation when non-
Card 5/6 diffusional y to a transformation takes place has not
Ferromagnetic phase in austenitic high temperature steels of the
type 14-14.
been considered in this paper.
There are 4 figures, 1 table and 4 references, all of
which are Slavic.
SUBMITTED: August 29, 1956 (Initially), November 15, 1956 (after
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 6/6
T-,F_Yru,~, v. _" .
AUTHOR: TseytLin,V.Z. 32--7-27/49
TITLEt On the Early Period of Relaxation Stress in Metale (0 rannem pe-
riode relaksatsii napryazheniy v metallakh)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 7,pp. 846-849 (USSR)
ABSTRACTi Relaxation stress is considered to be the result of two processes:
the intergranular and the internal granular process. At present the
intergranular processes predominate, the effect of which is decrea-
sed by degrees, while the part played by the internal granular pro-
cesses at the same time gains in importance. For tests carried out
according to the method of relaxation investigation annular samples
were used, which were subjected to stress by a wedge being pressed
into the interior of the ring. An analysis of relaxation curves ga-
Ye the following results: 1) With a rising temperature in heating
the samples of up to 6ooO the relaxation process takes an active
2) The higher temperature rises in the initial period, the more
active does relaxation stress become. Relaxation velocity thus in-
creases proportionally to the rise in temperature.
3) The decrease of stress increases proportionally to the increase
of initial stress. The method of annular samples was repeated in
connection with heating in a hot lead though. The following results
were obtained by the investigations Stress relaxation in the early
Card 1/2 period is explained by the viscous sliding of the grains along their
On the Early Period of Relaxation Stress in Metals 32-7-27/49
boundaries, so that it appears to be suitable to decrease the num-
ber of grains along the boundaries with an increase of the volume
of the grains, which can be brought about by thermal treatment of
the steel. (It is known that coarse-grained steel shows greater re-
sistance against relaxation than fine-grained steel). .
Easily meltable (and disturbing) admixtures of lead, antimony, ar-
senic, and bismuth should be removed because in this way hardness
is increased.
By thermal treatment such a structure should be produced as con-
sists of a small number of the grains of different phases, with,
however, the geometrically correct round shape. There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Central Scientific Research Institute for Technology and-Machine
Construction (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut te-
khnologii i mashinostroyeniya)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
TSBYTLIH, V.Z., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk.
Iffect of molybdenum on rela3ation resistance of low-t:arbon
pearlite steel for steam pipes. [Trttdv] "THITUSH no.79:31-
86 157. (WLRA 10:6)
(Molybdenum) all. ..Xn' ual lograpby)
, __~_ I I- -, I
U, ' ~ ~ T I /- I f Ff Y
v - - " I
1 0 / I
LASHE, N.F., kand.takhn.nauk; TSEYTLIN, V.Z., kand.tekhn.neuk
Characteristics of medium carbon chromium-molybdenum steel. [Trudy]
TSNIITMASH 84:167T171 '57. (MIRA 10:11)
(Steel alloys-Metallography)
Y7_ L IN
AUTITOR; Taeytlin, V.Z., Candidate of Technical Sciencesi and
z5va, . ., Engineer.
TITLE: Change in the Properties of the Nickel-chromium Alloy
)W65 for Stationary and Mobile Turbines in the Process of
Long Duration (Up to 10 000 Hours) Isothermal Heating
(Izmeneniya svoystv nikellkhromovogo splava EI 765 dlya
statsionarn,ykh i transportnykh turbin v protsesse dlitell
nogo (do 10 000 chas.) izotermicheskogo nagreva)
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, NO.17
pp. 30 - 35 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: A considerable number of published papers are devoted
to nickel-base, particularly nickel-chromium,alloys. In most
cases, the experiments were carried out predominantly for
short time durations (amounting to a few hundred hours). In
this paper, the results are described of observation of the
long duration isothermal heati~g,,of up to 10 000 hours.,on the
properties of the nickel-chromium base a;loy ;~A?65 which has
a high relaxation strength at 700 - 750 C. The heat treatment
of the alloy consisted og hardening after heading for three
hours at 1 150 or 1 200 C, tempering at 800 C for 20 hours
or at 760 00 for 25 hours. The lo~g-duration isothermal
Oardl/5 heating was effected at ?00 - ?50 C and the change with time
Change in the Properties of the nickel-chromium Alloy 3~A?65 for
Stationary and Mobile Turbines in the Process of lionE Duration (up
to 10 000 Hours) Isothermal Heating.
was studied of the hardness, impact strength, micro-structure,
lattice parameter, phase composition, electric and magnetic
properties and the resistance to corrosion in air. The heat
resistance was determined predominantly on the basis of the
relaxation strength. In Fig.1, the change in hardness, impact
strength, specific electric resistance and magnetic suscepti-
bility are graphed for isothermal heating at ?50 C for
durations of 10 000 hours. Fig.2 shows the change in the
contents of nickel, aluminium, titanium, molybdenum and tung-
sten in 'the separated-out phases as a function of the iso- .
thermal annealing time. Fig-3 shows the change in the residual
stress after 10 000 hours as a function of the test tempera-
ture for an initial stress of 25 kg/mm . Fig.4 shows the
change of the residual stress after 10 000 hours as g function
of the initial stress for a test temperature of 700 C.
Fig.5 shows the change of the residual stress as a function
of the number of loadings whereby the test duration between
the repeated loadings was 1 500 hours. Fig. 6 shows the
Card2/5 relaxation curves for repeated loadings. It was found that
Change in the Properties of the Nickel-chromium Alloy ~A?65 for
Stationary and Mobile Turbines in the Process of Long Dufation (up
to 10 000 Hours) Isothermal Heating.
each repeated loading to the initial stress increases the
relaxation strength; after 6 loadings fo~ 1 500 hours each,
the strer can be increased from 14 kg/mm (first cycle) to
23 kg/mgi (sixth cycle). The speed of gas-corrosion in air
at 700 C, determined by L.P. Kestell is very low, amounting
to about 0.0011 mm/year. Observations relating to the change
in the properties of nickel-chromium alloys alloyed with
molybdenum and tungsten, carried out for isothermal hardening
at 700 and 750 0 for durations of 10 000 hours (which is
equal to the maximum duration of overhaul periods of power
plants),permit the following conclusions: alloys of this
type have a high stability of their properties for long service
lives at 700 to 750 C. Particularly, the relaxation curves
show that the relaxation strength is maintained for periods
exceeding the test durations and this also applies, to some
extent, to hardness and impact strength. Physico-chem~cal
processes proceed in the temperature range 700 to 750 C very
slowly for the alloys under consideration, the_ ix'---jp1-ha:ee.-4T-V",this
Card3/5 temperature range is stable and combination of this phase'into
Chanoe in the Properties of the Nickel-chromium Alloy BM765 for
Stationary and Mobile Turbines in the Process of Long Duration (up
to 10 000 Hours) Isothermal Heating.
Ni3Ti was not observed even after isothermal annealing for
10 000 hours at 750 OC. Some change in the properties of the
alloy detected in the interval of 1 000 to 3 000 hours is
attributed to dissociation of binary carbides and possibly to
changes in the composition of the carbide Me 23C6, as a result
of which an impoverishment takes place of the separated-out
phases in molybdenum and tungsten and an enrichment of these
with a solid solution and it is also ktj;ributed to proc8sses
of coagulation of the al-phase 0which/tL$,tivated at ?00 C after
1 000 hours of heatiagsnd'~st 750 C somewhat earlier; however,
these changes in the properties of the alloy are insignificant
and do not affect the relaxation strength of the alloy. The
fact that the physico-chemical processes in the studied alloys
are slow can be explained by the complicatbd compbsitiori
and by the increase in the number of separated-out phases
(presence of carbide phases) and also by a complication in the
composition and the structure of interacting phas which,
Ca.rd4/5 according to the views expressed by A.A. Bochvar rRef. 52,
Change in the Properties of the Nickel-ch-romium Alloy 3W%$ for
Stationary and Mobile Turbines in the Process of Isong Duration (up
to 10 000 Hours) Isothermal Heating.
bring about a braking of diffusion exchange processes at the
boundaries of division of these phases. M.F. Lesnykh parti-
cipated in the experimental part of this work. N.F. Karpenko
measured the lattice period and took the X-rays of the precipi-
tates and L.A. Nude carried out the chemical analysis of the
phases of the precipitates.
There are 6 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Slavic.
AVAILABIE: Library of Congress.
Card 5/5
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AUTHOR; Tseytlin, V. Z. SOV/32-25-1-33/51
TITLE: On the Determination of the Pl,~sticilty of Fleat-Resisting
Alloys inDestruction flOb otsenke plastichnosti zharoprochnykh
splavov pri razryve)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laborntoriyn, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 1, PP 87-90 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present determinntion of the plasticity of hent-resisting
alloys, which is judgod from the extent of relative (con-
ditional) extension, is inaccurate in the case of less elastic
alloys where each per cent of residual deformation is important
The plasticity of the E1765 alloy (chrome-nickel bsse) at
565-6500, for instance, can be wrongly determined (Table)
in this way. Maximum deformation is determined more precisely
according to the sample contraction since the latter charac-
terizes the degree of deformation of the most strongly
deformed part of the sample. Thus the maximum plasticity can
be expressed by the dquation
F0 - F K
Card 1/2 F 0
On the Determinntion of the Plasticity of Heat- SOV/32-25-1-33/51
Resisting Alloys in Destruction
where P. denotes the initial and FK the finel cross-sectional
surface of the sample contraction. The absolute qunntity of
extension, which is determined by means of the extensometer,
permits the plotting of the creep cur;e in the coordinates
"relative contraction - time" ('+ - t) (Fig 1). As this
characteristic of plasticity is not commonly known yet the
author recommends to apply I. A. Oding's suGgestion (Ref 3).
lbroad, the plasticity of cast iron is alrepdy being deter-
mined according to the relative contraction + , which in-
dicates the necessity of introducing this term. There are
2 figures and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION- Tsentrallnyy naunhno-issledovatellskiy institut t:?khnolopii
j MqShinostroyeniya (Central scientific Research Institute
of Technology and Machine-Building)
Card 2/2
Tsentrallnyy nailchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya
Struktura i svoystva zharoprochnykh materialov; [sbornik] (Structure and Prop-
erties of Heat-resisting Materials; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Mashgiz,
15L59. (Series: Its: (Trudy] kn. 93) Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies
Additional Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Gosudarstvennaya, planovays, komissiya and
Glavnoye upravleniye nauchno-issledovatellskikh i proyektnykh organizatsiy.
Ed.: Z.N. Petropavlovskaya, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing
House: N.A. Ivanova; TL~ch. Ed.: A. F. Uvarova; Managing Ed. for Literature on
Metal Working and Thol Making: R. D. Beyzellman.
FUYIPOSE: This book is intended for workers of scientific research institutes and
for engineering staffs of plant laboratories of the boiler and turbine
industries and power stations. It may also be useful to staff members of
higher educational institutions studying problems of physical metallurgy.
Card 1/9
Structure and Properties of Heat-resisting Materials (Cont.) SOV/2103
COVERAGE: This collection of articles describes results of work done at
TsNIITMASh on the strength of materials used constantly at high temperatures
in power plants. The articles deal with groblems of heat resistance, al-
loying, and the production and heat treatment of heat-rusistant steels.
The evaluation of properties of industrial materials used under high and
ultra-high pressures is given, and modern testing methods are discussed. No
personalities are mentioned. References follow several of the articles.
Osipov, K.A. [Doctor of Tachnical Sciences). Melting and Blip at Grain
Boundaries in Metals 5
Klo Ving-sa Is formula for the velocity of slip and N.F. Mott's
hypothesis on the direct connection between the phenomena of melting
and -viscous slip at grain boundaries are discussed.
Card 2/ 9
Structure and Properties of Seat-resisting Materials (Con-11.) SCJV/2103
Ti!~ ~Ln ~Y.4. (Candidate of Technical Scienceslyand S. A. Yug94ovajC&ndj-
Aatee Physical and Mathematical Sciences]. The Role of the4d4!-p)iase in the Resist-
ance to Relaxation'of Ni-Ck-Aliti Alloys 10
The *conditions for formation and existence of the C