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BUKHAYEV, V.P., inzh., GELIFAND, S.I., inzh.; DIDERIKHS, F.F.; KALERT, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; HIKISHINA, M.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; jSPLY.UGA,_21,S_,_inzh.; KOVRIZMn.H, L.P., red.; BOD&NOVA, A.P., tekhn. red. [Study of lightweight improved road pavements of the north- western part of the U.S.S.IFL]Issledovanie oblegchennykh uso- vershenstvovannykh pokrytii avtomobillnykh dorog severo- zapadnoi chasti SSSR. [By]V.P.Bukhaev i dr. Pod red. A.A.Kalerta. Moskva,, Avtotransizdat, 1962. 124 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Russia, Northwestern-Pavements) 5(3) , 5(4), 24(7) AUTHORS: Bubnov, N.N., Kibalko, L.A., Tsepalov, V.F. and Shlyapintoich, V.Ya. TITLEs -On the Nature o 'f the Intermediate Product in the Reaction of Photo- ri~duction of Hosin (0 prirode promezhutochnogo produkta v roaktaii fotovosstanovleniya i~oxina) PERIODIC&Lt Optika I sloaktroskoviya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 1, pp 117-119 (USSR.) ABSTRAM Hosin solution in pyridine (10-inole/litre) was photoreduced in the presence of ascorbic acid (10-3 mole/litre) A SVDSh-250 lamp was used as the light source and the reaction was studied using an electron-caramagnatic-resonance (e.p.r.) spectrometer with high-frequency modulation of the magnetic field. The e.p.r. spectrum kthe upper figure on p 118) was a triplet with the component intensities In the ratio 1-.2-.1 (the hyperfine-structure splitting vas &'rl = 4.6 -h 0.2 oersted) 0 The e.p.r. spectrum 'war, due to an intermediate product in the photo- reduction reaction; the shape of the spectrum confirm9d earlier card 1/2 S07/51-7-1-19/27 On the Nature of the Intermediate Product in the Reaction of Fhotoroduction of Rosin suggestions ~Refs 1, 2) Thai (1) the intenviediate product is sosin Gemiquinone, 6nd that (2), in the photo chemi call y -a,7.tjvfj ctts, sonin is a metastable biradical. There are 2 figAiros anti 10 roferences, 4 of which are Soviet, 3 German, 2 English and I French. SUEMITTHDs November 25, .1958 Card 2/2 I ; SHLYAPINTOKH, I.7a. ---Wfft~ ~ ~:~ - Intermediate products of xanthene dyes in redox photoreactions. Dok-1. M SSSR 116 no.4:641-644 0 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Prodstavleno akademikom A.N. Toreninym. (Photochemistry) (Xqnthene) 50) SOV/20-124-4-43/67 AUTHORS: Tsepalov, V. F., Shlyapintokh7 V. Ya. TITLE: The Determination of the Elementary Constants of the Reaction of the Oxidation of Ethyl-benzene by the 1.1ethod of Intermittent Illumination (Opredeleniye elementarnykh konstant reaktsii okisleniya etilberizola metodom preryvistogo osveshcheniya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 4, PP 883-886 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to present-day concepts, the oxidation of hydro- carbons in the liquid phase develops according to a chain mechanism accompanied by the formation of hydrogen peroxide as the primary stable product of oxidation. At moderate tem- peratures hydrogen peroxide is also the final product; and in this case the reaction develops in accordance with the following scheme: Production of radicals A or k0 21 rate wi; 1, - -~2 -->-ko (1). Continuation of the chain R + 0 (11); 2 2 k k + RH :" RO k0 H + k (III). 2k ~~ inactive products 2 2 k . k6 (IV), i + i0 2 inactive products (V); 2R'O2,-=-> inactive Card 1/4 products (VI). Here RH denotes the hydrocarbon, fi - an alkali SOV/20-124-4-43/67 The Determination of the Elementary Constants of the Reaction of the Oxidation of Ethyl-benzene by the Method of Intermittent Illumination radical, and RO 2 " a peroxide radical. Next, an expression is written down fo*he rate of the reaction for th 'is scheme for the case of long chains, and is then specialized for the case of sufficiently high concentrations 1 021 of oxygen: d [02] = v/ 1/2 k k-'/' [Rffj . In the case of short chains dt i 3 6 the initiation rate w i must be added to the right part. The last-mentioned equation contains 3 unknown quantities wi, k3 and k6' and accordingly, three independent relations are required for the separate determination of these three quan- tities. The theory of the method of continuous illumination of such a decomposition has already been discussed in an earlier paper (Ref 3)~ By means of this method it is possible to measure the mean life of this chain, or, which is the Card 2/4 same thing, the mean life T of the radical. Formulas for che SOV/2o-124-4-43/67 The Determination of the Elementary Constants of the Reaction of the Oxidation of Ethyl-benzene by the Method of Intermittent Il-lumination determination. of T are written down. Carrying out of the experim,unts is described in short. The rate of reaction is determined from the absorption of oxygen in a vacuum device with automatic recordings The light source used was a mercury lamp 3VDSh-250~ which was fed with direct current. The next chapter--deals with the determination of the initiation rate. The experimentally determined dependence of d 10 21 /dt on 1/[13] gram. The straight lines for 2 inhibitors at different tem- peratures intersect at one and the same point, which is indicative of the fact that the additions of these inhibitors do not modify the initiation rate itself and that the latter also does not depend on teraperature. This fact was u6ed for the direct measurement of the quantity wi. For this purpose the dependence of the reaction rate on temperature was deter- mined. In the case of sufficiently low temperatures (5-15') the reaction rate does not depend on temperature. Within this temperature ranp, the length of the chain is near zero, and it holds that d[0 2]/dt = w . The values of w. determined Card 3/4 by the inhibitor method anl from the temperaiure-dependence of the inhibitor is sh-own by a dia- the concentration SOV/2o-124-4-43/67 The Determination of the Elementary Constants of the Reaction of the Oxidation of Ethyl-benzene by the Method of Intermittent Illumination of the reaction rate are in practical agreement. Furthermore, the initiation rate was determined by means of the second method, because more accurate results may be obtained in thiE way within a shorter time. In the last part of this paper the life-times of peroxide radicals are determined. There are 4 figures, I table, and 6 referBnces, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: October 11, 1958, by V. 11. Kondrat'yev, Academician SUBMITTED: September 2o, 1958 Card 4/4 TSEPAIDV,,,-V.F.; SHLYAPINTOKH, V.Ya.; CHZHOU PEY-KHUAN (Chou Plei-huang] Kinetics of cooxidation of cumene and ethylbenzene. Part 1. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.1:52-58 Ja'64- (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. TSEPAIOV, V.P.; SHLYAPIIM.LKH, V.Ya. Determing constants of elementary reactions in the oxidation of etbylbenzene by means of intermittent illumination. Dol--I. All SSSR 124 no.4:883-886 F '59. (MIRA 12:1) I.Institut khimichooko7 fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.9. X.ondratlyevym. (Oxidation) (Benzene) (Photochemistry) 28654 /S-/ L) S/020/61/139/006/021/022 B103/B101 AUTHORS: Lebedev, Ya. S.; Tsepalov, V. F., and Shlyapintokh, V. Ya. TITLE- The possibility of using the method of electron paramagnetic resonance to record the active centers in the oxidation of hydrocarbons in the liquid phase PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 139, no. 6, 1961, 1409-1412 TEXT: The authors studied the applicability of electron paramagnetic resonance (epr): a) for determining free radicals; b) for measuring the steady concentration of these radicals in the oxidation of hydrocarbons. A continuation of these studies will probably contribute to the knowledge of the kinetics of processes of other types. From the measured values it is possible to determine directly the rate constants of the elementary reactions that constitute parts of the entire process. Since the concentration of the radicals is low, their determination under steady conditions is difficult. For this reason the active radicals could not be identified during the oxidation of hydrocarbons in the liquid phase. 2 types of active centers take part in the oxidation of hydrocarbons: Card 1/5 S/2082605~61/1 3 9/006/021/022 The possibility of using the inethod ... B103/B101 hydrocarbon radicals k and peroxide radicals R62' At a given initiation rate the steady concentration is known for several substances. It is approximately equal for the following substances: cyclohexene, methyl cyclohexene, 1-octene, dihydromyroene, ethyl linoleate, digeranyl, tetralin, ethyl benzene, cumene, n-decanal, and benzaldehyde. Under d(RO w i steady conditions: --E 2) = 0, and (R; ) - *1 (1). Hence, the steady t 2 (-kr 6 concentration of the R62, at a given initiation rate, is ~he higher the lower the rate constant of R62 recombination. An increase of the constant to the threefold increases the steady concentration only to the 1-7-fold. In aromatic hydrocarbons, tetralin and ethyl benzene, in which the peroxide group is located at a secondary hydrocarbon atom, the recombination constant is by 1-2 orders of magnitude higher. Among the substances mentioned the cumyl peroxide radicals recombine with the smallest constant. In order to prove the existence of the peroxide radicals their concentration must amount to at least 1-1015 to 5-1015 radicals/CM3. The authors studied Card 2/5 28654 S/020/61/139/006/021/022 The possibility of using the method... B103/B101 oumene since they expected the highest concentration in this substance. They used an epr-spectrometer HO-2 (lKhP-2) with high-frequency modulation of the magnetic field (A. G. Semenov, N. N. Bubnov, PTE, 1, 92 (19.59)). During the oxidation, oxygen was continuously bubbled G~cugh the hydrocarbon. The following substances were used for the oxidation: I) azobisisobutyronitrile, 11) dicyalohexyl peroarbonate, III) cobalt stearate, and IV) cobalt acetate. Different initiators give identical spectra. The a video almo t symmetrical singlet (&H~4118 t2 oer:Ptecter)"withe a g factor of 2,015 tOsOO1. According to the shift of the g factor and the effective line widthl this spectrum is similar to the spr spectrum of the peroxide radicals in the solid phase. In control tests in which isopropyl benzene was replaced by ethyl benzene no epr spectrum was observed in any of the initiators mentioned. Besides, epr absorption disappeared when the oxygen supply was stopped and when nitrogen was blown through for a short period. Ad I) The authors calculated the steady concentrations of the cumyl peroxide radicals at different initiation rates from the known values w i and k6 of Eq. (1). These concentrations were also measured between 70 and 900C and a Card 3/5 28654 S/020/61/139/006,!021/022 The possibillty of using the method... B103/B101 concentration of I) between 0-05 and 0-55 mole/l. The absolute values of the concentrations of (R6 2)meas lie between 2-1015 and 4-10 16 radicals/CM3. The measured steady concentration of RO 2 radicals was close to the calculated one. In experiments with II) the authors measured concentra- tions of 4-10 15 to 2-10 16 radicals/CM3. The rate constant of decay of II) into radicals is unknown. The authors assume that its decay rate is equal to the decay rate into radicals. Thus, they calculate the initiation rate and find that the measured concentrations of the RO 2 radicals are tC 4 114 1/2 of the calculated values. Since this rate is unknown in experiments with III) and IV) the meaf;ured and calculated radical concentrations could not be intercomytred. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 11 references: 4 Soviet and 7 noi-Soviet. The four most important references to English-language publi:ations read as follows: Ref. 1: H. W. Melville, S. Richards, J. Chea. Soc. 1954, 944; Ref - 4 : H. R. Cooper, H. W. Melville, J. Chem. Soc., 1951, 1993; Ref. 5: L. Bateman, G. Gee, Trans. Farad. Soc. , All 155 ( 1 971)_;_ f ef . 6: T. A. Ingles, H. W. Melville, Proo. Roy. Soc., A218, 163 (1953). Card 4/5 28611/ S 020/61/139/oo6/o2l/022 The possibility of using the method... B103/B101 ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: May 20, 1961, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTED: May 20, 1961 x Card 5/5 V V, AUTHORS: Tsepalov, V. F., Shlyapintokh, I. Ya. 20-4-31/51 TITLE: Note on the intermediate Products in Redox Photoreactions of Xanthine Dyes (0 promezhutochnykh produktakh v okislitellnovosstanovitellnykh fotoreaktsiyakh ksantenovykh krasiteley). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, Nr 4, pp. 641-644 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The xanthine dyes eosine, erythrosine and bengal pink are frequently utilized photosensitizer of oxydation and polymerization processes. A potentiometer method was employed for studying the photo reduction and photo oxydation of xanthine dyes. In the present paper the measurements of the photo galvanic effect permitted the recording of the formation of the intermediate products in the redox- reactions of some dyes. The experiments were conducted in a container with platinum electrodes. The authors established the following facts in complete accordance with the results obtained from chlorophyll theophitine (feofitin) and other pigments. The illumination of an alcoholic solution or of a pyridine solution of a xanthine dye (C - 10-6 -1o-3 mol/1) shifts the electrode Card 1/3 potential towards the positive in the presence of oxygen. Note on the Intermediate Products in Redox Photoreactions 20-4-31/51 of Xanthine Dyes An illumination in the presence of reducing substances (alcohol, pyridine, ascorbinic acid, aldehyde) shifts the electrode potential towards the negative. A diagram illustrates the kinetic curves of the modification of potential of a platinum electrode, which is immersed in a pyridino solution of oovine. Tho mearjuroments wore conducted with different light intensities from I - I to I - 0,08. On illumination the potential decreases, reaches a certain minimum, the increases again and returns to the original value. The modification of the photo potential observed here is connected with the existence of an intermediate product. The condiderations institute by the authors also explain the dependence of the kinetics of the modification of the potential on the concentration of the dye, which has been observed experimentally. An increase of concentration of eosine shows in general the same influence on the kinetics of the process as an increase of the light iiatensity. On a cooling down the velocity of the potential reversal decreases quickly. The character of the dependence of the Card 2/3 kinetics of the modification of the potential on temperature Note on the Intermediate Products in Redox Photoreactions 20-4- 3415-1 of Xanthine Dyes distinctly speaks in favour for a stage-like character of the reduction process. Finally, a few words are said concerning this reaction at various pigments. There are 4 figures, and 3 Slavic references. PRESENTED: Apri112, 1957, by A. N. Terenin, Academician SUBMITTED: February 7, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 KULITSKII Z.I.; TERMANq L.M.; TSEPALOVp V.F.; SHLYAPINT0101, V.Ya, Determination of the rate constants of disintegration of initiators and of the efficiency of initiation. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.2s253-257 F 163. (KIRA 16:4) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Chemical reaction, Rate of) 8/062/6 310001002100610'Zor B 144/0186 AUTHORSt Kulitskij Z. I., Termant Le M., Teepolowl V. ?.I and Shlyspintokh, V. Ya. TITLEj Determination of the rate constants of initiator denompooritiott and of the initiation efficiency PERIODICALi Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izve3tiya,. OtdoleniTe khimicheaktkh nauk, no. 2, 1963, 253 - 257 TEXTs The rate constants of initiator decomposition can be deterwi-nQd from', the relation between oxidation rate and concentratib'in'. The oxidatlo-n rntes of.cumol and ethyl benzene containing iao-bis-isobutyr-a n itrile (1) aricL di-: cyclohexyl perojy dicarbonate (II) as initiatore'vere studied at. 60 ~- 90OG in an apparatus described previously (Kinetika k'.kat&'Iiz-(A962)p no. 6~. The 02 absorpt ion-vers us -time curves showed that the oxidation rate is oon- stant at low temperatures# where the initiator, concentration remain" stant, but decreases at higher temperatures, owir(j to initiator decompopition. The order of the i)ftitiation reaction was determliied using the equation -d(O')/dt - k k -1/2 (RH)(e-k )1/2.(y)n/I (3) for the rate of 0 absorptIon, 2 3 6 eff 2 Card 1/3 Determination of the rate... IM4 B 186 where RH is the substance to be oxidized, e the t nitintion efficienayt kerr the effective rate oonstant of initiator decompovitiont Y the initiatort and n the order of the initiation reaction. If _k t (Y) - Mo a ef f- in in.troduced into (3) under the aiaitmption of a first- order reaction for the decomposition of the initiatoi-j, lol;(-d(O2)/dt) , - lQg(-d(O2)/dl)o - kefft/4.6 is obtained, where (-d(02)/,;-It*)o Is the initial reaction rate and Y the initial concentration of the iiAtiator. Plotting 0 curves for the time dependence of log (d(02)/dt)/(d( 02) 0 a't)o established that both initiators decompose in a first-order reactio-li., The rate coh- stants of initiator decomposition, kff, were calculateil from this graph* The activation energies were 29.6 kcallm for Il ango * .2 kcal/M for I.& I I The decomposition rate constants were 2.71,10150-29 VRP for Ilf and 2.63-io'5e-3'2'0/RT for 1. The initiation efficiency wait calculated frost the initiation rate and the rate of initiator decompasitinn. The values Card 2/3 Determination of the rate.'.. S/062/63/00o/oo2/006/020 B144/BI86 obtained were 1.1 for I and 1-4 for 11. There are 5 figures and 2-tables.' ASSOCIATIONt, Institut khi-mioheskoy fiziki iAkadexii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chomioal-;Physios of the Academy of Sciences UBSR)- SUBMITTEDt Maly 14, 1962' I ~V.F. ~(Moekva) #~E~ Chain reaction kinetics of multicompouent systems. Part 2: Two-component systems; effect of the composition of the system on the reaction kinetics. Zhur,fizokhime 35 no,7:1443-1452 .T1 161. (MIRL 14M I* Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut kbimicheekoy fiziki. (System (Chemistry)) (Chemical reaction, Rate of) TSEPALOV, V.F. Kinetics of the chain reaction of multicomponert systems , Part 3: Two-component systems, integration of the rate and composition equations. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.81l691-1693 Ag 161., (MIRA 14:8) 1. AkeLdemiya nauk SSR.. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki. (System (Chemistry)) (Chemical reactiono Rate of) S/Util/'62/000/001/003/067 B156/B101 ATITHOR: -Tsepalov,_V. F. TITLE: The effects of the chemical compositions of systems on the kinetics of chain transformation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1962, 58, abstract IB418 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol. (Gorlkiy),no. 1, 1961, 19?-197) TEXT: The complex chain reaction taking place during simultaneous linear and quadratic stopping of chains is examined on a theoretical basis. A general expression is obtained with a stationary approximation for sufficiently.-. long chains making no allowance for diffusion, for the consumption rate of any component of the reaction as a function solely of the concentrations of reacting substances. A few particular cases of complex chain reactions are examined (copolymerization, oxidation of hydrocarbons at very high and very .L Abstracter's low 02 pressures and the 1'nked oxidation of two hydrocarbons). note: Complete translation Card 1/1 LEBED&W. Ya.S.; TSEPaLOV, V.F.; SHLYAPINTOKH,, V. Ya. Possible use of'the electron parwagnetic resonance method for recording active centers i1i'the reactions of the 34quid phase oxidation of hydrocarbons. Dokl. AN SWIR 139 no.6:2409- IW Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Institut Ichimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V*N. KondrAtlyevym. (Aydr6carbons) (Oxidation) (Radicals (Chemistry).-Spectra) PETROV, N.A.,.red.; PETRENK09 L.I., red.;,SAVITSKIYt P.S., red.; RUMYANTSEV, S.V., red. toma; TSEPAYEV9 V.A.9 red.toma; GRUZIN9 P.L., red. toma; LEBEDEVp A.K., red-.-fo--ma,-GERASB4CHUKq G.S.j red. toma; MIGAY, L.S., vedushchiy red.; SHOROKHOVA9 L.I.,' veduahchiy red.; IMEL'y A.G.,, vedushchiy red.; MUKHINAy E. A.!, tekhn. red. [Transactions of the Confereba6 on Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation in the National Economy of the U.S.SeR.1 Trudy Voesoiuznogo ioveshchaniia po vnedreniiu i-adioaktivnykh izotopov i iadernykh izlu- chenii v marodnae khoziaistvo SSSR. Riga, 1960,j v chetyrekh tomakh. Pod red. N.A.Fetrova, L.I.Petrenk6 i P.S.Savitskogo. Hosk7a. Go nauchno-tekhn.- izd-vo neft. i gorno-topli4noi lit-x7. V61.3. 'Iery fKae industry. Metallurgy] Mashinostroenie. Me-tuallurgiia. 1961. 224 p. (MIRA .14:6) 1. Voesoyaznoye soveshchaniye po vnedreniyu radioaktivnykh izotopov i yadernykh izIucheniy v narodnom khozyaystve SSSR. Riga, 1960. (Metal industries) . (Radioisotopes-Industrial applications) KIDIN, I.N.; MOZZHUKHIN, Ye.l.;-TSEPAYEV, V.A.; CHERNYAVSKIY, K.S. Kinetics of the induction heating of porous iron. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.1:152-156 164. (MJRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. SOV/84-58-4-7/48 AUTHOR: Teepelev, A., Instructor, Political Department TME: Communists Struggling for Plan Fulfillment (Kommunisty v bor'be za vn3olneniye plana) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatBiya, 1958, Nr 4, pp 9-11 AWTFJ=: The article deals with the state of political propaganda in various units of the Kazakh Territorial Administration. Individual units and individual political workers are evaluated in terms of the practical results of their work. The basis of evaluation is accident-free oper- ation and the fulfillment of production quotas. ASSOCIATION: las6khakoyd tefritoriii"noye Vpravletlye GVF (Kazakh Territorial Administration of the GVF) Card 1/1 1. Aviation--USSR 2. Communism 3. Propaganda 35-131-. S/058/62/0OG/GG2/019/r-53' //0900 A058/AlOl ATJTHORS- Tsepelev, A. I., Larlonov, N. I., Mikhaylov, F. 0. SUNW.- TITILE: Ultrasonic effect In the process of galvanic plating PERIODICAL, Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1962, 43, abstract 2G.321 (V sb. "Primenenlye ulltraakust. k issled. veshchestva", no, 14, Moscow, 1961, 227-2'~O) TEYT: Nickel-plating in an ultrasonic field enables one to increase the current density 2-3 times over and-to carry out nickel-plating at reduced tempera- tures (20 - 30 C); at the same time, the quality of the nickel platings is improved, The isotherms of current density as a function of ultrasonic power were found. it was found that the highest yield of chromium per current takes place when ultrasonic intensity = I watt/cm2. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 39 S/19 OM&/004/0069/105 0 D295YD308 AUTHORS: Tsepelev A. I.) Larionov, N. I. and Mlikhaylov, F. G. TITLE: The influence of ultrasound on the cralvanic-coating process PERIODIC,~L: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika -1, radioelektronika no. 4, 1962, abstract 4-5-409 (V sb. Primeneniye ull- traakust. k issled. veshchestva. no. 14, M., 1961, 227-230) T:,,;XT: It is established that ultrasound of 22 kc/s enables one to increase the current density by 2 - 3 times and t-o carry ou-u -Uhe nickel-plating process At a lowered temperature. The optimum ultra- sonic int-ensity for the largest output of chromium for a given cur- rent is determined. The magnetostrictor is so placed that ultra- sound propagates parallel to the surface of the object. -process of degreasing of the object before coating was-intensified by ultra- sound. 2-references. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 XAMJMSXIY, I.Y.; SMIRNOVAv G-Pa; --- Y, AOS. ~ Melamine-acetone-formaldebyde resins* Trudy MUITI no*29;108-113 159. (MIRA 13:11) (Resins, Synthetic) (Kelamine) (Acetone) (Formaldekvda) KAMENSKIY, L V.;_Tp~--PELEV, A, S.; YAKUSHINA, T. V. Textolite based on melamine-formaldehyde resins modified by acetone. Plast. massy no. 5:67 164. (MIRA 1?:5) ;k. 88317 S/191/60/000/002/004/012 B02VB058 AUTHORS: Kamenskiyl I. V., Smirnova, Ye. P., T A* S. TITLE: Melamine Acetone Formaldehyde Resins PERIODICAL: Plasticheakiye massy, 1960, No. 2, pp. 17-19 TEM The disadvantage of melamine formaldehyde resins is their in- solubility in organic solvents and their low stability while storing, thus making a modification*of these products necessary. V. S. Kiselev and,M. F. Sorokin (Ref. 2) studied the modification of melamine formaldehyde resins with alcohol. K. V. Lukina (Ref- 4) Vroduced resins from dimethyl melamine and diethanol aniline which show higher stability in water and good di- electric properties. This study deals with the modification of melamine formaldehyde resins by acetone. Commercial*melamine with a melamine con- tent of 99.07~, formalin with a formaldehyde content of 40.3% and acetone with a boiling temperature of from 55.5 to 56,50C served as initial materials. Best modification was obtained with acetone, if this product was introduced into the reaction after the formation of the methyl derivatives of melamine. The reaction was carried out in neutral or Card 1112 88317 Melamine Acetone Formaldehyde Resins S/igy6o/000/002/004/012 B027 B050 alkaline medium. Na 2CO,, NaOH, and 25% aqueous ammonia solution were used as catalysts. Only when applying the latter, transparent colorless resins of high stability, adhesion and good miscibility with various fillers were obtained. The modified resin has a slightly higher coking number, it has a higher thermal stability and may be stored for a long time. The yield of melamine acetone formaldehyde resin is 150~ as compared to the melamine used, while the yield of melamine formaldehyde resin amounts to a maximum of 1346'. Various pressed materials were manufactured on the basis of the synthetized resin. Glass fabric of the type )f'OCI- 8481-57 (1-t" GOST 8481-57) which contained 4qo resin after saturation with the condensation solutiong was used for the production of a laminated plastic. Tests with the glass textolite produced exhibited a high thermal and water stability as well as resistance against the influence of chemicals and organic solvents, and has good dielectric properties. There are 6 tables and 6 referencest 4 Soviet, 1 British, and 1 US. Card 2/2 KAMENSKIY, I.V.; TSEPELEV, A.S.; KOGAN, N.N.; ANDRIANOV, B.V. Urea-acetone-formaldah.yde resins. Plast.massy no.4:8-12 162. (KRA 15:4) (Resins, Synthetic) 36-j,,/j. S/191/62/000/004/004/017 3110/B138 AUTHORS: Kamenskiy, 1. V., Tsepolov, A. S., Kogan, N. N., Andrianov, B. V. TITLE: 'Urea acetone formaldehyde resins PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 4, 1962, 9-12 TEXT. M~A-l (LIFA-1) with 72 ~L dry residue, 620 sec viscosity and 1 ~- free formaldehyde was tested for suitability as a basis for glues and as a binder for glass textolite and shell molds. Catalysts used were: 10 Ya aqueous oxalic acid, 50 ~6' orthophosphoric acid, 10 % hydrochloric acid, arLd 30 26' NH4Cl. Activity decreases in the order: NH4Cl,ortho- phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, oxalic acid. The hardened films are only stable with oxalic or orthophosphoric acid. The lifetime of resin hardened with 10 aqueous oxalic acid (2 % referred to dry resin) was 7,5 hr. at 100C, 0.6 hr at 500C. With 2 /6 catalyst, it was 4-5 hr, with 10 %, 0.5 hr. 1.6 7- volatiles with 5 % formaldehyde and 95 % H20 were separated by hardening with 2 % oxalic acid. 0.5 N aqueous KOH caused Card 1/2 3/19,1/62/000/004/004/017 Urea acetone formaldehyde resin6 Blio/B-136 swelling and cracking, 25 ~0' H2 so4destroyed the sample. Films hardened with oxalic acid remained unchanged in very moist 2air, keeping their luster. The ultimate tensile streno-th was 48.4 kg/cm Glass textolite (POCT 8481-57 (GOST 8481-57))-was hot or cold molded with resin, ratio 6:4. Glass fabric impregnated with resin (dry residue 70 ~o) was dried for 1.5-2.5 hr at 100-1100C. Non-laminated specimens were obtained at 1600C, 2, 'lass fabric impregnated with the resin and 250 kg/cm and 4 mL n/mM. V C: (), ~ ~6 orthophosphoric acid was held at room temperature for 1.5-2 hr, and pressed at 1.5-2 kg/cm2 for 6-24 hr. The resulting glass textolite had: 0.5 % hygroscopicity after 1 day, 1.1 % after 5 days, 1030C 31.1artens thermal stability, 205 kg-cm/cm2 specific impact toughness, and 1350 kg/cm2 tensile strength in bending. 100 parts by .,,eight of sand (K100/200) and 6 parts by weight of resin (dry residue 41 '/a, viscosity 4-18 sec) were mixed for producing shell molds and rods for casting. Tensile strength was 26.6-68.2 kg/cm2 in tension.and 82.4-12-1.0 kg/cm2 in bending. There are * 6 figures and 2 tables. The most important English-language reference reads as follows: Hodgins, Hovey, Ind. Eng. Chem., ji, no. 6, 769 (1941). Card 2/2 Acassmi AP4035110 s/olgi/64/000/005/0067/oo68 Ya AUMOR: Famenskiy,, I. V.i._T~epelev.,-A. Imshina, T. V. TITM Textolite based on melazine-fo=aldehyde resin modified vith acetone SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*, no. 5.. 1964., 67-68 TOPIC TPGS: textolite, melamiae formaldehyde resin, modiiied melmine fo=a3Ae*de resin., acetone modified melamiae formaldehyde resin, mechanical strenath, impact strength,, tensile strength, breakdoim voltaGe: electrical property,, heat stability,, light stability, dielectric property,, water resistaace ABSTRACT: A textolite was pre_npxed from an acetone-modified melanine-formaldehyde resin., more stable in conceatrated solvents than the u=odified, mande according to earlier findings (I. V. Kmenskiy., Ye. P. Smimova,, A. S. Tsepelev, Plast. ----gay*, no. 2,. 1g&), and its physical mechamical and dielectric properties were investiGated. A r-elamine-formaldebyde resin containing 9.9~4e formaJdehyde and 2.3% acetone vas for=d at 70-75 C in 35-45 minutes at a PH of 7-7-5 using 2%,(on the weight of the =03=ine) of a 25% solution of a=onlae The textolite containing 50% resin vas made fr= cottca sheeting pressed at 150 C und r 135 kgsz=2 Card 1/2 Acassim NR: AP4035110 yressure with 5 minutes/sm holding. Water resistance of the textolite increased somevhat, vith increase in molding temperature. It has higb34, decorative proper- ties and practically does not cbange upon prolfnaed irradiation by quartz mercury vapor lamps and under natural conditions# Iti: impact strength is 23 kgs,cm/cm2p tensile strength 84~,kgs/=2, Marbens heat stability 187 C, specific surface resistance 5.6 x 1013 ohm, specific volume rassistance 1.4 x 3b13 ohm cm.., dielec- tric permeability 5.4. briakdown voltase 10.9 ky/mm and arc xes'stan 4 seconds (at 10 milliamps). Orig. art. has: no gmixics. ASSOC=CIU: Now SUMaT~ED: 00 DATE ACQ: 26%ay& ENCL.. 00 ;SUB CODE: MTpOC No Mw sm.. 001 OnM 000 4 lard 2/2 KAJONSKIT, I.V.; SMMMVA, Te.P.; TSWET, T, A.S. Malamine-acatone-formaldeb7de resins. Flast.maso7 no.2: 17-19 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Resins, Synthetic) MASHRYKOV, K.; TSEPELEV~ N.S.; KULIYEV, K. Concretionary formations in coal measures of the Kugitang Jurassic deposits. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.l: 66-71 162. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut geologii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. YUREVICH, A..L*; HIKKURADOV. K.; TSHPZLEVI, 4.5. Mineral composition of "caving cla7s" of Nebit-Dag. Izv. AN Turk. SSR no.2:57-58 159. ~ WRA 12:6) I.Institut geologii AN Turkmonskoy SSR, (CU7-Aualysis) ation diment-a. ZY during the o" Be tekh., kh-'n- geol. naAlk 1. in,titut g--O")gli ~'Il L r Ma35 of crcEL'-' AN '-,TIurk. SS'R- TMIN., A. .X-xay examination of th6-miniralogical composition and genesiw of Claya-An.-the variagated,and lower coal-bearing series of the T;4&r- region. Izv. AN- -Azerb.SSR. Ser.geol.-gecg.nauk i nefti tio.3' . 59-;~ 163. ... (141M 16:11) TSEFELEV., N.S.; IBRAGIMOV, N.S.; KULIYEV, K. Presence of g&Uium in the rocks of Kugitang. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser. fix.-tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.3:106-110 161. (MIRA 3-4:?) 1. Institut geologii AN Turkienskoy SSR. (Kugitangtau Range-Galli=) TSEPELEVP N.S,, Genesis and facies significance of concretionlike bodies in the sandstone series of Bathonian sediments in Tuarkyr. Izv. AN Turk. SSR.Ser. fiz.-tekh., khim. i geol.nauk no.6:60-72 163. (WRA 18:1) 1. Institut geologii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. V ALEKSM Z7, Intensity of reflected waves in a laminar nonhomogeneous elastic medium. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.9:1021-1035 S '56. (NLRL 9-12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Leningradskoye otaeienve Me,tematicheskogo instituts, imeni V.A. Steklova. (Seismology) (Seismic waves) -F,5 E IPL-' L L', Pf SMIRNOVA, N.S.; TSEPELEV, N.V.; BERDINNIKOTA, N.I. Plotting theoretical seismogramg of reflected and leading waves propagated in media composed of plane-parallel layers. rop. din. teor. raspr. seism. voln. no.lr213-248 157. (MLRA 10:8) (Selomolog~--Graphic methodsY ISLIIPII.;Ilzv ~ 11. V. "'Uave Propagation in a Medium Containing an Inhmogenous Transitim Layer," paper prooentera at -IIe 4~h All-Unioll ccnferecn,~ on Acot~stics, Mlor-CoW, -25 i4ay - d Juri AUTHOR: TITLE: SOV/49-59-1-2/23 On Reflection of Elastic Waves in a Non-uniform Medium (Ob otrazhenii upruglkh voln v neodnorodnoy srede) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nr 11 PP 11-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is usually assumed that at the boundary where the elastic prbperties of the medium change discontinuously, Uhe gradients of these properties also change discontinuously. The present paper deals with the case when elastic waves are propagated in a non-uniform medium, at the surface of which gradients of velocities and of density change discontinuously. It was found that such a surface has reflecting properties , and coefficients of reflection and refraction for elastic waves were obtained. The change of form of the reflected and refracted waves at the surface of the medium was derived. This change of form is related to the type of discontinuity of the wave-front. The paper is entirely theoretical. Acknowledgments are made to G. I. Petrashen!and A. S. Alekseyev for their advice, Card 1/2 SOV/49-59-1-2/23 '. On Reflection of Elastic Waves in a Non-uniform Medium There are 2 Sovi,t references. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Leningradskoye otdeleniye hiatematicheskogo instituta (Ac.Se. USSR, Leningrad Division of the Mathematics Institute) SURIAITTED: JulY 309 1957 Card 2/2 TSEFEUV, N.V. Propagation of waves in acoustlical media with transition layers., Vop. dim, teor. raspr. seism. voln no.5:169-205 161. (MIRA 14-11) (Waves) TSRPRM, Yu Microscope foi use in surgery. Medprom 12 no.8:5-~-58 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) 16, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovateliskly institut meditsinskogo instrumentariya i oborudovaniya; (MICROSCOPY, MEDICAL). (SURGBRY, OPERAT M ) TSFXNL-&V, Yu.A. Hndoscope construction in Czechoslovakia. Ked.prom. 13 no.3:51-55 Mr '59. OGRA 12:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy institut meditain- skogo instrumentarlya t oborudovaniya. (CZECHOSLOVAKU--EIMOSCOPE) TSEPMV, Yu.AA Ophthalmological instruments in Czechoslovakia. Ked.prole. 13 no.4:56-59 Ap 159. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Vsesovnznyy nwichno-issledovatellakly institut meditsin- skogo instrumentarlys, i oborudovaniya. % (C%MCHOSLOVAM--BYB, INSTRL49NTS AD APPAR&TUS YOR) IN, V.V.; NESTMWK0. A.T.; KOVSHAROVA, L.A.; RAZUMOVSKAYA, Ye.I.; OSIPOTA, Ye.V.; VASIL'Y&VA, G.S.; PREARSKIY, M.D.,; ZVCRONO. B.P., zamestitall BOLDYREV, B.Y., red.; YCLODIN, Ye.A., red.; DANILI ' I WO, Te.F., red.; ORSKIY.. I.N.,. red.;, MISHIN, L.N., red.; MIDIN,., G.S., red.; TSEPELU, Yu.A., red. ETechnological instruction material; aluminum and aluminum alloys for medical articles] Rukovodiashchie telchnicheskie materialy; aliuminii i aliuminievye splavy'dlia meditainakikh izdelii. Moskva, M-vo zdravookhraneniia. 1959. 70 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-ionledovateliskiy institut meditsinskogo instrumentariya, i oborudovaniya. (MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS AIM APPARATUS) (ALUMINUM) SMIRNOV., I.P.p kand. tekhn.nauk, otv. red.; PEKARSKIY, M.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, zam. otv. red.; BOLDYREV, B.V., red.; VOLODIN, Ye.A., red.; GAYSIVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; DANILICHENKO, Ye.P.; red.; KABATOV, Yu.F., red.; KALM-ITAROV, K.D., red.; MISHIN., L.N., red.j ORSKIY, I.N.., red.; FEDURKIN, V.V., red.; TSEPELEV, Yu.A., red. [Materials of the scientific session devoted to the 25th anniversary of the All-Union Scientific Research Insti- tute for Medical In3truments and Equipment] Materialy nauchnoi sessii. posviashchennol 25-letiiu VNIIM10. Mo- skva, 1962. 65 P. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut meditsinakogo instrumantariya i oborudovanlyn. 2. Zame- stitell direktora Vsosoyuznogo nauctmo-issledovatellskogo instituta meditsinskogo instrumentariya i oborudovanlya (for Pekarskiy). 2. Direktor Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta meditsinskogo Instrumentariya i oborudovani:ya (for Smirnov). AUTHORS: TITLE: SOV/70-4-1-11/26 Rez, I.S., Sonin, A.S., Tsepelevich, Ye.Ye. ahd Filimonov, A.A. Experimental Investigations in Finding New Piezoelectric Materials (Eksperimentallnyye issledovaniya po 1rrjavleniyu novykh plyezoelektr-ikov) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, 1,'o1 41 Nr 1, pp 65-68 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Lists are given of materials tested for piezoelectricity (with a piezoelectric tester, PT-2). The authors found: 39 inorganic and complex compounds showing marked piezo- effe--ts; 43 inorganic and complex compounds with inappreciable piezoeffects; 90 organic compounds showing marked piezoeffects; 184 organic compounds showing inappreciable piezoeffects There are 4 references, 3 of w ich are S'oviet and 1 EnglisA. ASSOCIATION: TsNIILP .. '8 SUBMITTED: December 7, '95 Card 1/1 ANASTASIADI, A.P.; BOROVSKIY, V-R-; VYBORNOVI G.V.; KOPELYANSKIY, G.D.; MAK, I.L.; FECHURO, S.S.; PIYEVSKIY, I.M.; RACHEVSKAYA, K.D.; REYZNER, Yu.B.; RYBAK, L.L.; TSEPELIOVICH, ..M.R.; SHUMAKHER, L.I.; YUSHKEVICH, M-0-Ldeceased], AG-E-YSRKCF, Yu.G., nauchnyy red.; BELUGIN, A.T., nauchnyy red.; KOGAN, G.S., nauchnyy red.; KRZHEMINSKIY, S.A., nauchnyy red.; MITSKEVICH, M.I., nauchnyy red.; SILENOK, S.G., nauchnyy red.; TRILESNIK, Z.Ye... nauchnyy red.; ZUBAREV, K.A., glav. red.; TROFIMOV, I.P., red.; SKRAMTAYEV, B.G., glav. red.; BALATIYEV, P.K., red.; KITAYEV, Ye.N., red.; KITAYGORODSKIY, I.I., red.; ROKHVARGER, Ye.L.., red.; KHOLIN, I.I., red.; CHERKINSKAYA, R.L., red.; RODIONOVA, V.M., tekhn. red. (Manual on the production of gypsum and gypsum products] Spra- vochnik po proizvodstvu gipBa i gipsovykh izdelii. [By] A.P. Anastasiadi i dr. Pod red. K.A.Zubareva. Moskva, Gosstroi- izdat, 1963. 464 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Gypsum) (Gypsum products) SOV/' .18-59-3-13/~22_ 2 B (1) 5 (5) AUTHOR: Totoonov, A.T., Tsepenyuk, D.I., and Davydov, V.I. , En-gIffe-e-r-s TITLE: A Hydraulic Method of Mine Working and Transportation of China Clay Ore (Gidravlicheskiy sposob razrabotki i transporta kaolinovoy rudy) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 1959, Nr 3, pp 38-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In mining china clay ore it has become necessary to search for new methods , because of difficult working . conditions in the spring and fall, and the.increasing demand for it in the national Ponnom.y. In order to meet the requirements of th~_ Glukhovetskiy combine, Vinn- itsa sovnarkhoz, 100 million rubies are to be invested for its reorganization. Long examination of hydrpmech- anical working methods and transportation of china clay ore in the combine have led to following conclusions: Using small and simple equipment operated by 4-5 per- Card 1/Z sons, the hydro-processing plant can constantly be pro- SOV/1 18-59-3-13/62'~ A Hydraulic Method of Mine Working and Transportation of China Clay -Ore vided with raw material, not only to meet the present production capacity but for double the output. For (~ig- ging and transportation 70 workers, 6 excavators, .3 trol- leys and more than 100dUnp-car5are needed- at present. With the aid of hydromechanical methods they can be replaced by 2 earthpumps, 2 suction pumps, 2 hydromotors, 2 bull- dozers and 15-20 workmen. There are 3 diagrams. Card 2/2 L 10757-63 EPP/F7P(J)/rPF(c)/F,"T(m)/PrS-AFFTC/ASr,-Ps-b/pc-4j/Fr-)i-- Rs AP3003291 3/0138/63/000/006/00.3l/0034 'ACCESSION N AUTHOR 11 Ch4ko, A-. A.: Nejg~t_ 1. Ye.;V~aup T.-MO(Deceased)l Tsepanyukp Z*V.; Chuyko, Ye, Ae~ f TITL71 -Effect of the chemical nature of finer sitrtace and lon1slue rgd== cm i of rUbbers SOUMEs Kauchuk i resina,, no. 6j. 1963, 31-34 ;TOPIC TAGSs rubbers.. SKS-30-, SO-40,, SO; fMersj aillaaj Belsks; modified silica' !vIWI-substituted silloei vulcanization# vuloanizate propertieub terasila strangthi swellingi ionising radiation,, butadiene-styrene rubberi nitrile rubber zdulus; sodium butadiene rubberj silica surface hydroxyls ~ABSTRAGTs The effect of the chemical tu" of the fiUsr~ surface an _Ahe physica- mechanical prop~ofies of rubbeie boo n studied. %!Lad:Lena-st_yrene%'(�K�z "0 nitrile W)Rmd sodium butadiene rubbers loaded with unmodiflad silica arA with silica whose surface hydrWls had boon aitbatituted by allyloxy or vWj radicals were used, Use of modified silica in standard rubber mixes (containing 100 parta rubber and 50 to 60 parts finer) was shown to improve the pkalco- mechanical properties of the vulcanizates. For e=mplep the tensile strength of 1 -07 15 7 -~ 3 iAOC=ON MRs AP3003291 ;3M-40 rubber containing 60% filler Increased from 126.3'k with unmodiff _g/em ed silica to l63Au-3Mft/oa2 with viny2-substituted silica (iinyl silica); the impactive values of the modulus at 600% elongation and swelling at equilibrium in benzene were _55,2 and 134 W-cm 2 and 30 and 15%. This improvement was lat'ributed to.greater compatibility of the filler and the rubber and to a reaction between the olefin radicals of the finer surface and the rubber with the possible formation of C-0 - and, C-3-0 linkages. The effect was studied of ionizing radiation from a ..Co6o so=ce ,at a dose rate of 7f r/sec on nonloaded SKS-30 rubber and on :~SKS-30.loaded (ratio'2/1) with unmodified and with.modified silica (Belake) con- taining- 2.5% vinyl, - methyl., or ethyl radicalts. Irradiation- did not affect the tensile strength and the modulus at 100% elongation of unloaded rubber but con- siderably improved these properties in loaded rubbers,, particularly with vinyl ~-I- 03j.14ca. The maximum effect of irradiation 4s attained after 48 hr. Th-_se~ re- sults were attributed to the participation of the finer in the formation of the three-dimensional -network. In partioularp the allyl or vinyl groups of the finer and the tubber macromolecules form radicals which link the two through the forms- tion of covalent bonds. It is concludad that the structure and the phyeico- mechanical properties of vulcanizates can be controlled by modifying the nature of -the-orgavia-radicals-on- the -sili.6a-surface,,tha-mmber---of- ouch -radz1v4 as - t1he -compo- sition -of the vulcanizates, and 'the method of vulcanization.~ - lOrIg. art. has i C~rd 213. \9 J SEDOV, X.R., doteent; TSKPI=CH~, B.M, Work of the therapeutic department of a provincial clinicAl hospital. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 7 no#8:40-44 Ag'63. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy terap-li Irkutskogo meditsinakogo instituts, (rektor - prof. A.I.Vikitin) i oblastnoy k1lini- cheskoy bolinitsy (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR P.G. Rudina). AT~M.M, G.B.; VYAZIMIN, V.A.; GRINSHTEYN, L.M.; GOLIDBERG, G.I.; GOLTIBEV, B.S.; KASHLAKOV, M.Y.; KRASHOPEWSEV, M.P.; KUZBETSOV, S.I.; KURATHY, A.V.; KAYUKOV, G.I.; MASHATIN, V,,I.: MOLOTILOV, v.I.; NERUSH, A.R.; PRAT I, G.I.; RAGUSKAYA, L.F.; RDINSHTM, S.M.; SXWNKOV, P.L.; TARASOV, L.A.; FEDOROVA, A.A.; TSaK4..-.,M.F.; SHAYEVICH, A.G.: ZARUBIH, A.G.,; VASILIYEVA, I.A., -red., izd-va; SOKOLOYA, T.F., [ZIL-157 motortruc'k; operation and service] Avtomobill ZIL-157; instruktaiia po ekepluatateii. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1958. 235 P. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Moskovskiy avtomobillnyy zavod. (Motortrucks) PCBMI 9 LeDo; Pishes from the ancient strolk-ghold near Chaplin. restsi AN B33R. Ser.bllal.nav. no.2:137-140 160. (NIU 13s7) (cumm Rmiox-Pisus, Fossm) TSMUKOVA, V.P. Changes in the oral cavity during the experimental vitamin B2 deficiency in dogs. Stomatologlia 35 no.2:13-14 Mr-Ap 156. (MMA 9:8) 1. Iz kafedry terapevt1cheskoX stomatologii (zav.-prof. Te.Te. Platonov) Moskovskogo meditainakogo stomatologicheakogo instituts, (dir.-dotsent G.H.Beletakiy) i iz laboratorii izucheniya vitaminov (zav. Y.Y.Tefremov) AMN SSSR. (RIBOFIAVIN) (DEFICIENCY DISFASES) (M(RJTH--DISEASES) Communists in the fight to fulfill the plans Grazhd. &v. 15 no.4%9-10 AP 958. (MM 11:5) 1,Instruktor politotiela, Kazakhskogo territoriallnogo upravlanlya Grazhdanskogo vozdus',mogo flota. (Communist Party of the Soviet Union-Party work) TiSSR/MorpholoC7 of Man and Animals - Digestive System. S-3 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., 11o 61 1958, 26426 Author Tsepenkova) V*P. Inst I ____I Title Alterations in the Oral Cavity in Experimental Avitami- nosis B2 in Dogs. Orig Pub Stomatologiya) 1956, No 2, 13-14, Abstract Dryness of the ton(,rue and oral mucosa were the first manifestations of ariboflavinosis in three experimental docs 62-74 days after the onset of the experimnt. Hyperemia of the mucous membranes was noted on the 95th, 103rd and 166th days* Ulcers on the oral mucosa, round in shape, measurinG approximately 0-5 cm- in diameter and having undermined: elevated borders and a firm bot- tom covered with bleeding granulatinns were revealed on the 102nd-130th days, Dental deposits on the upper and Card 1/2 I . . USSR/Morpholo~y of Mzn and Animals - Di-:~cstivc System. S-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., r1o 6, 1950) 26426 lower molars were increased. The daily administrazion of riboflavin, 10 ma, initially and then 20 mg., resul- ted in the disappearance of patholot,,-Ic chanCes after 11-2-1 mr)nths. ~~ a Card 2/2 TSEPIIT, A. For you, rural teachers. SovproZsoiuzy 19 no.W8,29 Mr '63. (MIRA 16-12) 1. Pravovoy inspektor TSmtrallnogo komiteta profeasinallnogo soyUza Tabotnikov prosveshoheniyas, vyashey shkoly i nauchnykb ueb~mMehiy. (Teaohers-Legal status, lawsp etc.) TaPIR, Dmitriy Dmitriyevich; YELIKOV, F., red. (Plastics in industi-f and conitruction] Flasticheskie massy v promyshlennosti i ntroltellstve. Barnaulo Altaiskoe knJzlLnoe izd-vo) 1961. 54 p. (MIRA 18:4) TSEPINS D. D. 7553 TSEPIN. D. D. RATSIOMLIUTSIYA V STROITELISTVE. IZ OPYTA TRESTA BAZSTROY-. SVERDLOVSK, KN. IZD., 1954. 39 S. 20 SM. 5.000 EM 1 1. (55-3190) 69 SO: KNIZHNAYA LETIOPIS-VOL. 7, 1955 ANDRONNIKOV, N.K.; TSEPIN, M~F. Great.nd by the innovators of the Rostov Agricultrual Machinery Plant, Mashinostroitell no.41l4-15 Ap 165. (MIRA 18;5) T5j,d'IN, P. F. 29188 Ripus kak ob"ekt ozerno,o i Drudovopo rybnogo khozyaystva. i,.yb. '~hoz-vo, 1949, No. 9, s, 43-46 SU: Leetopist Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskov, 1949 TSEPIN, P.F. Organizing storage and sale of live fish. Trudy sov. Ikh+.. kom. no.14:104-106 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Ministerstvo sel'skogo khozyaystva RSFSR. (Fishery products-44arketing) f .1 M., red.; CECYTE, V.1 tekhn. -.> PFPIIISKIS, Jonas; dots,; YJWAVIGIUTB~ I red. n&,Iine lweedwiaLyj Kiauliu suginiraas. Vilnius., VElst7bine pol.itines ir M-Okslibes iteraturos leidyklay 1961. 395 P. (VIIRA 15:3) (Lithuania-SWine) TSEP TSIN2- A-; LEBFmv, M- A-; RYKOVA, 0 - Stocle. pnd stoci,breedl-~- cases 0, mult,,ple births in farLi enimFls- Sols. zhiv. I L no. 8, 195" Fri re - I ' 50vemb,,r 1952. M-11 '-,IS' '!" F 'ED' Libmry of CongreLs, mqn~~ Lj~, 2f Itursin -AC-Ce-gs- MAKIM, Leontiv Igantlyevich; TSIMSIN, Aleksandr-Grigorteyvich; KALASENIKOVA, V.S., reds~f5r; 0~,'l ".*t-6MftqWMY redaktor [The -Xo==arksP State Yarml Bovkhoz glo=unarka.0 Koskya, Goa, lzd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1956. 211 p. (MIRA 10:3) 1 (State farms) TSEPKANOVA, 0. 1. Tsepka.nova, 0. 1. - uSynoptic conditions of extremely warm and extremely cold pre- winter seasons in the Bru-m-pean territor7 of the USSR,* Trudy Tbentr. in-ta pro- gnozov, Issue 32, 1949, p. U0-34 SO: U-5240, 17. Dec. 53, (letopis 'Zhumal Inykh Statey, No.25, 1949). GRITSENKO, M.V.; TSEPKANOVA, Ye.I. Development of forecasting methods of the pressure fleld-sign and the depending on the initial pressure '124. o. -48-67 163. n (Weather forecasting) for the conservation and change mean temperature for 10 days and thermal fields. Trudy TSIF (MIRA 16:8) KV Ye. I BORISOVA, L.G.; TSIPEANOTA, Tie. Recurrence of certain types of natural synoptic periods. Trudy ?SIP no.56:108-127 157. (MMA lOi8) (Keteorolog7) TSEPUNOVA, YE. I. USSR (600) Weather Foreenatimg- Synoptical conditions of extreme-warm and extreme-cold early winter synoptical seasons in European U. S. S. R. Trudy TSIP No. 11, 1949. q. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 195h, Uncl. 2 TSEPKANOVA, Ye.i. Synoptic climatological study of some prognostic indications for the month of October in the European part of the U.S.S.R. and Western Siberia. Trudy TSIP no.89:74-87 160. (14IRA 14:3) (Weather forecasting) TSEPKANOVA, Ye.I. Forecasting reliability of basic atmospheric processes in October. TRUDY TSIP no.115:80-85 062. (MIRA 1636) (Weather forecastinLy) ACC NRI AT7005069 SOURCE CODE: AUTHORS: Grituanko, M. V.,- Tsepkanova, Ye. Is (deceased) zzt ORG: none TITLE: Prognosis of an average monthly temperature in the lower half of the troposphere and at the earth's surface I SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentrallnyy institut prognozov. Trudy, no. 154, 1966. Vzaimodaystviye protsessov v stratosfere i tropoafere i dolgosrochnyye prognozy pogody (Interaction of processes in the stratosphere and troposphere and long-range weather forecasting), 16-.22 TOPIC TAGS: long range weather forecasting, atmospheric temperature, troposphere, atmospheric model ABSTRACT: A method for forecasting an average monthly temperature for the lower half of the troposphere (layer from earth to 500 millibars) and at the earth's surface is established by expanding the previous work of the authors (1-1. V. Grit--erdco and Ye. 1. Tsepl=ova. Metodika prognoza 7-naka baricheskoippolya i sredney temperatury na me.Tjats. Trudy Tsl?, vyp. 12,1, 1963). This method J-s based on a study dealing with the horizontal transfer of air for the preceeding 25 days. The-study involves a distance of 1800 km toward the cold and toward the warm air, thus giving a span of 36W 1cm of warm and cold air masses. A rela~.%onBhip between the temperature of the troposphere layer and that at the earth was estab3ished for 22 points of the Buxopean and 20 points of the Par Card 1/2 ACC NRt AT7005069 Eastern SSSR. These relationships served to set up the regTeSSioa equatiOnS -,eniCha a~-e tabulated. Prom these equations the average monthly earth's surface temperature may be prognosticated. Orig. art. has: 4 tables and 1 equation. SUB CODE: 04/ SM DATEs none/ ORIG REFt 002 Card KM717, A.V.; SXKLNKOV, P.L.; BLIYZ, N.G.; BULAVA, V.P.; VYAZIKIN, V.A.: GCVJBIV, B.S.; DYSHKANv B.M..- KUMIN, B.S.*F KAMM, G.I., NUGILI, N.V.; MASHATIM. V.1,; MUSMA, LoY.; FMIKSHTM, S.Ko; SYTHANOT, A.B.; TARASOV, LA.; INMOTA, A.A.1 YAMOTg L.N.1 -TOMINi NJ.; SHA73VIOH, A.G.; VASILIYIWA, I.A., red. izd-va,- TIKWOVO A.Ya., tekhn. red. [ZIL-158 and ZIL-1_58A motorbitses; instructions for operation] Avtobusy ZIL-158 i ZIIP-158k; instrukt.-4iia po ekspluatataii. Koskva, Gos. naudhno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit, lit-ry, 1958. 193 P (m6A 1W) 1. Moskovskly avtomobilinyy zavod. (Motorbuses) TSEPKIN Ye,A. ....... .I --- ---- Remnants of fioh populhtion3 of the second and first mill,~-.nniun B.C. on the Peschanyy Penins-ule, in the Maritime Territory. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no. 2:35-38 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Rekomendoveaia kafedroy ikhtiologii Moskovskogo gosudaratvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova. TSEPKINS Ye.A. Ichthyofauna of the Ingods, and Shilka Rivers and some of its biological characteristics. flauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.2:40-43 .'62~ ~6 (MI Rk 15: 5) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy ikhtiolog+ Moskovskogo gosudarstvemiogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova. U1 (INGODA RIVER-FISHES) (SHILKA RM, R-FISHES) TSEPKIN, Ye.A. Fishes of the ancient stronghold of Tanais; fisheries in the Don Delta during the second and first centuries B.C. Vop. ikht. 1 no.3:448-452 161's. (MIRA 14:11) l.. Kafedra ikhtiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Nedvigovka region-Fishes, Fossil) TSEDKIN, Ye.A. . ....... -1- 1......... Neolithic fishes found in the Kul2itta settlement nr~ar 1;~-na P-4,14r. Vest.Moak. un. Ser. 6z Biol., pochv. 20 no.2:57-62 Yr-Ap(,,'(,5. I RA 18: 151) 1. Kafedra ikhtiologii Moskovskogo universitata. C, KARTASHEV, U.N.; UBEDEV) V.D.; TS,EPKBIJ, Ye.A. Feeding habits of kingfl4sher -In the Oka Preserve region. Trudy CGZ no.5:94-103 163. (MMA 17: 10) ACC NR, Una ad Mathematical patterns of excitation (MatematLehooklye modell votburbdenlys) Kievo Izd-vo "Naukova dumka" 6~e 0146 p. iUuso,, UbIloo (At heaA of titlei AkademLya nouk Ukrainskoy SOR, Institut kLbernetikL) 2,,000 copies printed. TOrXC TAGS; cybernatIce,, mathematLe model, tissue ybysLdlogy, muscle physiology,, myology, neurology,, nervous system. PbWOSE AND COVr.RA=: Ole book d1scusses the properties of clent'ns- of nervous and muscle Ussue by constriacUng mathemstical models. A simple mathematical apparom tus is used for cLnstructLng the-modelse The back to Lntan&4 for b1ologlets, engineers, mathematicians, and doctors Interestsd In using c7W methods for the analysis of living tissue. TAM OF CONNES (abridged): Introduction --3 Ch. 1. Determination of the emoltabLlity Ch. II. Threshold regularities --A Ch. III. Models of the nerve -51 Cwd 2/2 JUDC6 ACC NRi I I I ,I I* . I . I . 0 i i ASIKRITOVA, N.A., red.; BURTSEV, K.I., glavxLyy inzh., red.; BURYAK. A.R., red.; GLOTOV, D.I., tokarl, red.; ZAROVNYT, P.L. dispetcher, red.; UOSAUOV, V.A.. red.; JSZPKOV, I.V., red. [deceased]; AGISHEV, R.K., red.; MARKOiA,t.*-.-,--"d~gI.KAYD.ZOVA, M.D., (Energomash; 25 anniversary of the Khabarovsk Electric Power Machinery Plant] Energomash; 25 let proizvodstvennoi deiatell- nosti Khabarovskogo zavoda energatichaskogo maghinastrooniia. Khabarovsk, 1958. 349 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Khabarovskiy zavod energeticheskogo mashinostrayeniya. 2. Khabarovskiy zavod energetichaskogo mashinostroyeniya 'Ener- gomashO (for all except Markova. Kaydalova). 3 ZIN-gAloffibbayo- partiynym kabinetom zavoda *Energomash" (for AIikrito~a).-4-.-'-" Sekretarl partiynogo byaro zavoda O."OnergomaBhO (for Buryak). 5. Deputat Khabarovskogo gorodskogo Soveta deputatov tnidya- shchikhaya (for Glotov). 6. Direktor zavoda "Energomash* (for Nosanov). (Khabarovsk-Machinery industry) TSEPKCV, L. F., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Effect of the scalinl:: factor on the st~;bility of giziss." -'.fo,-:CC'w, 1960. 12 pp; (StaLe Fesearcli Inst for Glass); 2CO coDie-c; price not given; (KL, 126) 43755 S/081/62/000/023/068/120 B180/B144 AUTHORSz Tsepkov, L. P., Bartenev, G. N1. TITLE: Experimental study of glass fatigue PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 1962, 497, abstract 23K456 (Steklo. Byul. Gos. n.-i. in-ta stekla, no..2(111), 1961, 73-77) TEXTs It is confirmed experimentally that there is a safe load for glass, which is 30 of its ahort-time reoistance. If a specimen or object made of glass fails to break.after one month under a particular load it should be able to stand this strsss for a long time, peverail years in fact. Tho dimensional factor is found to be important with long periods under stress. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation Card 1/1