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TSZLIBMV. B.A. (Roscow) - ,----O"",Xode' of actinn nf Insulin, Vrachodelo no.5:535-537 14Y '58 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Oblastnaya polkhonevrologichookaya bollnitea No.l. (INSULIN) LAKOSINA, N.D.; ROZHHOV, V.Ye.; 15ELIBEYEV, B.A. Now preparations for the treatmgnt of depressive states; a mirvey of foreign literature. ,Prak.sudebnopsikh.ekspert. no.5:96-129 161. (MIRk 16,4) (FSYCHOPHARMAGOWGY) (DEMMSION, HENTAL) B.A., kand. med. nauk mal disorders in poiscnin,- with orlrin( c Sov. ined. 27 no.6:120-124 A 164. 1. 'rSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellukiy InfiLitut, 8,ndeblioy pal- klilatrii imeni V.P. Serbskogo (direktor - clotsent G.V. Morozov) i Klinicheskaya orO-na Lenina bollniti3a imeni S.P. Botkina (glavnyy vrach - dotsent Yu.G. Antonov), Moskva. TSILIBSY&VI thogenesis of excitability in insulin therapy and its control (with summary in French]. Zhur.nevr. i pelkh. 57 no.]-2:1503-1508 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Xafedra psikhiatrii imeni S.S.Koreakove (zav. - prof. Ye.A. Popov) I Hookovsko'go ordermi Lenina meditsinskop~o inatituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (CHIAMOKAZINIC. therapeutic use excitation in insulin shock ther. (Rue)) (SHOCK TH9RAPY, INSULIN, adjuvant, chlorpromazine (RuB)) TSILIGOROV. A.I. Tasks of mining geology In the coal industry. Ugoll 29 no.10:1- 6 o '54. NLRA 7:11) 1. Glavnyy geolog treats, Artemugoll. (mining geology) (Coal geology) - -1 - -;~- f",- ~J,- f I I . -I, - --T~ -,I-.,-- . - SVIRDWV, Ye.N., inzh.; TBILIGOROV, Ye.V., inzit. Modernizing SBK-1 tower cranes. Mekh.stroi. 14 no.6:24-26 Je '57. (MIRA 10:11) (CrAnes, derricks. ate.) ANTIPIN, V.I.; BUDANOV, N.D.; KOT11JKOV, V.A.; I&BOSHITS, A.M.; PROKHOROV, S.P.,, kand.geol.-riner.nauk; SIREAN, A.P.; FALGVSM, A.A.; SH-.iYN, M'.A.; BASKOV, Ye.A.; EOGA--,KGI'., Ye.A.; GAMEVA, M.M.; ZXUBINSKIY, Ya.I.; ILIDIA, Ye.V.; KATSIYMEV, S.K.; KOMPAVIYETS, N.G.; 1iEUUf3GV, L.P.; POI~OMAREV, A.I.; 101ICIENKO, V.T.; IWLEV, N.A.; TSELIGORCYA, .A.I.-i ALSTER, R.K.; SHVETSOV, P.F.; VYKIiODTa;V, A.F.'; K1riCT-1YY-- A.I.; KASHKOVSKIY, G.N.; LOSEV, F.I.; ROI.WIOVSKAYA, L.I.; PROKHOROV9 S.P.; I,IATVEYZV, A.K., dots., retBenzent; CIELITSOV, M.I., inzh., retsenzent; KUDASHOV., A.L. otv. red.; FP RYAKOVA" Ye.P.y red. izd-va; ILIINSKAYA, G.M., tekhn. red. (State of flooding and conditions for the exploitation of coal- bearing areas in the U.S.S.R.] Obvodnennost' i uqloviia eksplu- atatsil mestorozhdenii ugollrWkh raionov. Pod nauchn. red. S.P.Prokhorova. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 243 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidro- geologii i i-,zhenernoy geologii. 2. Kafedra goologii i geo- khimii goryuchikh iskopayerykh Moskovokogo Gogudarstvennogo universiteta (for Matveyev). (Coal geology) (Mine water) FREy,p V.B.; f .,rvorotok Lm o 1. 1.1,oskrvskjy InstItut vakt5M i s" S/073/60/026/003/004/004 B016/BO54 AUTHORS: Vinarov, I. V., Tselik, I. N., and Orlova, A. I. TITLE- The Problem of Lixiviation of Germanium-by Water From Coals 1-1 PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 26, No~ 3, pp. 383 - 388 TEXT: The authors extracted germanium with distilled water (without using ultrasonic waves) from fat boiler coal of the type 7T X(PZh), large-sized gas coal of the tirpe rK (GK), and low-aohw enriched coal in a ground state. The germanium content of the coals was 0.0030.. 0.0023,- and 0.0010%g respectively. Table I shows the granulometric composition of the ground coals. Table 2 and Fig. I show the results of the first toot ofarion oonbwtod to atudy the dependence of extraction on the dura- tion of lixiviation. Hence, it appeare that germanium can lie oxtraoted from ground coals, even under standard conditions (without ultrasonic field or irradiation), but to a relatively small extent. The degree of extraction depends on the duration of the process. In further Card 1/2 The Problem of Lixiviation of Germanium by 3/073/60/026/003/004/004 Water From Coals B016/BO54 experiments (Fig. 2), the authors proved that a more intensive dissolu- tion of germanium is inhibited by the sorption of germanium by the coal, The degree of extraction of germcnium from coal rises by continuous lixiviation with water. Among the hypotheses on the origin of germanium in coals, the authors prefer that which states that germanium compounds are absorbed by coal from the circulating waters. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganichookoy khimii AN USSR, Laboratoriya v Odesse (Institute of Ceneral and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS U`krSSRq Odessa LaborAtory) SUBMITTED: January 30, 1959 Card 2/2 . TSELIK., I. N.; TURKALOV, N. F.; ORLOVA, A. I. Sorption of germanium oxide from aqueous solutions by, coals. Ukr. khim. zhur. 28 no.3:419-421 162. (MIRA 15:10) L Institut obahebey i neorganicheskoy khImii, AN UkrSSR, laboratorii'v Odesse. (Germanium oxide) (Sorption) (Coal) TSELIK, I.N.; TURKALOV. N.F. Sorption of germanium oxide from aqueous solutions Irf aclui-rated carbon. Ukr.khimozhur. 28 no.2sl79-185 162. 0IMA 15:3) 1* lmtitut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii All WSR. (Germanium oxides) (Carbon, Activated) VINAROV. I.V,.; TSILIK, I.I.; OILWVA, A.I. leacbing out germanium from coals witb the use of vater, Zhur.prikl.khim- 33 n0-7083-388 JT1 16o. OURA 1317) 1. Institut obsbehey i neorganicbeekoy kbimii AN USSRj laboratoriya v Odessa. (Germanium) AUTHORS: Tselik, I.N. and Ukshe, ;N~S, TITLE: _C_hlorin~tion of a Titanium-contai-ning Slag PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, 195"), -1- 9v YP 119-53 (USSIO ABSTRACT: Investigations of titanium--containing materials is important, One Of' 01P.40 i.8 t1IC SIA~1, Obt8ifIC(I by HiCltillg an ilmenite concentrate vii-th a determined quantity of' coke. This contains 70 to 80% TiQ21 Normally a chlorine- air mixture, obtained from the electrolysis of MgCl2.NaCl2 mixtures, is used for chlorination. The slags were first ground, made up in briquettes, dried and heated at 8000C for 8 hours. Chlorination was carried out for 7 hours. Table 2 shows tile effect of temperature an chlorination. 7000C is the optimum temperature, Further increases in gnesium chlorides, temperature cause films of calcium and maf and aluminium and silicon oxides which prevent contact Of the particles with chlorine, Table 3 shows the influence of carbon coistent in the t)riquettes on chlorination. vicro is ny, ITICA-0-Ant) Of 50,,, wit.11 All inct-"atit) ", Carbon content from 15 to 20%. V'Wtile,' illcrellseti Ilk content are not recommende,i, The arjude chlurine was Card 1/2 compared with concentrated clilorine, rable 4 stiows a Ll~ Chlorination of a Titariium-Conta3.ning Slag -j'- - 9-12/25 comparison of the degree of chlorination and Table 5 of the rate of chlorination. Concentrated chloriiie is better in both cases. Table 6 shows analyses of the commercial TiC14 I-roduced from concentrated arid anode chlorine. rhere is no differeilce in impur3-ties, There are 2 figures and 6 tables. ASSOC 1ATION: Bercznikov sk iy Filial VAMI (Berezriiki Bratich VADII) Card 2/2 S/073/62/028/002/003/Oo6 B101/B110 AUTHORS: Tselik,_1 N Turkalov, It. F. TITLE: Sorption uf germanium oxiie from aqueous ;olutions by activated charcoal PERIODICAL: Ukrainakiy MLimicheskiy 2.hurnal, v. 28, no. 2, 1962, 179-105 TEXT: The possible adsorption of Go c,)ntained in the water of coal Mines (up to 2-5 mg1m5) by 6A~-i (BAU-1) activated birch charcoal was studied. Preliminary experiments had 3hown that the removal of ashes 0-v~O) from coal by boiling with JfCl did not affect tho corptive power 0(1.111'7) of coal for Ge. I. Static sorption took plac(! when stirrinf, fit 25 C with 5 g of coal and at a solid-to-liquid ratio o:*.' 1,25. Re3ults. (1) Erptilibrium was reached after 2 hrs at an initial Ge ,oricentration, Co, of 0-00551- 0.055 mmoles/l, and 89c1, of Ge was sorbed. At Co - 0.3443 mmole3ll, equilibrium was established within 2.r-3 hrs, and up to 637,"J of Ge -wag sorbed. (2) a - 0-0178CO-583 (a = degree of sorption) holds for the sorp- tion isotherms of Ge on BAU-1. (3) Experiments at pH - 2-10 and Co .. 0.0275 mmoles/1 showed optimum norption, at pH - 7 (approximately Card 1/2 9/07 3/6 210? 8/00210031006 ) Sorption of germanium oxide ... pic'1/3110 60-10-5 111M olealq of coal). (4) Sorption of Ge decreaues linearly -Tith increasing temperature. II. UainC a column of adsorborn with DAU-1, the validit7 of N. A. Shilov's and M. lit. Dubininla equation 0 - KL - -C (9 period of action of the protective effect; K - coefficient, aiin/cm; L length of the sorbent layer; -r - moment at which the protective effect ceases, (penetration of ga3 thruu(;h the aorbent) , min) for the sorption of Ge from solutions was checked under dynarnical conditions. The Ge02 sOlu- tion (Go . 0.3443 mmoles/1) was added from belor, and the moment of Ge passage was determined for every adsorber. Experimental conditiona: 0 2 2 20-22 C, volume rate V I - 4 I/min/m , V2 . 6.o l/min/m Results obtained for V1: K - 14.5 min/cm, i - 125 min; for V2: K - 8-5 min/cm, 'T - 85 min. It was found that i - Vn . con3t; n - 0.66j XV - const -58, from which the parameters of a oorption column can be calculated. Complete extraction of Ge can be achieved using several columns with alternate sorption and desorption in a closed cycle. There are 10 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN USSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: April 23, 1960 Card 2/2 TSELIK., P. .... If you accept obligations YOU MUBt carx7 them out. Self.mekh. no.3:29 162. (NIPA 15:3) 1. A7,crvokiy zernosovkhoz Omskoy oblasti. (Flowing) ::ACCESSION MR% Ap4o3893o 8/0066/64/000/003/0042/0044 ;AUIHOR: Gromov# Yee 1e; Cherkasbinj Vo No; Tsallkj,,Vo Yee !TITLE: Corrosion activity of asmonium and sodiun rbodwates SOURCE: Koks i kht-lys.. no. 5.1 1964, 42-44 ITOPIC TAGS- oodiua rhodanate, =ionium rhodanate, steel corrosioup rhodanates lateel corrosion, thiocyanate steel corrosion, synthetic fiber tABSTRACT: This work vas prowpted by the planned increase of synthetic fiber pro- duction. requiring Increasing amounts of sodium and amonli= rhodanates. Their preparation from icocyantes involves steel equipment, namely, dissoci- :atora and evaporators. Therefore, a study vas made to ancertain the corrosion of odifferent types of steel in this equipment. An a result of their testa, the .authors found the corrosion rate of steels St3, 3Khl3jKhl7T,, lKhl8N9T, E1530, iKhION1343T and E1629, depending on tAmoperature and a=onium rhodauate concentration. ;With increasing'temperature and salt conceztration, steel corrosion rises markealy ifor types St3, M13, MaMo lKhl&;9T- The authors have found tha corrosion of i8teela St3.. 25KhGaA,,, 1XU3, 1Xh1ai9T,, Khl&ila&3T and EX629 versus tha pH of sodiua ACCFMICK Im: AP4038930 rhodanate running from 1.8 to 8.65- Along with decreasing pH of the solution', the corrosion rate of St3,, 25KhGU and lKhI3 abrupt3,y increases. ATM (Zantifric- tion thexmoconductive material: a ccmbination of graphite and phenolformalAehyda resin) can be used as material for the dissociator inthe production of A aium rhodaaate. Tho beat material for pure salt separatioa equipuent is the Khl&41343T stainless steel., while for the absorption equipinent, stools Kh2T and M18N97 am recomuendedp likewise steel Okhl3. Origo art* has: 2 figures and 3 tablese ASSOCIATICK: None SUIMMM: 00 DATE ACQ: 05Jua64 ENCL: 00 Stm C=3 MT, MK NO MW SM 002 0=81 -000 2/2 Card - . . I I . ~4 - USSR/Culltivn%. -t~ 01-a ol.,.3, Autior Ts.-lik., V.Z. I------------ List r;f -,a', j -,T. Titl,-; ::a-.- Or' !~ulz '-'r. n. i!-,-' `-ul' ur, 1957, -.ryp. P2, 2,~(D-212.. Car,~ I./i USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodders. M-4 Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 25088 Author : Demkin, A. P., T8elik, V. Z. Inst :Not given Title :Planting Clover in the Poleask Rayons of Ukrainia Orig Pub: Zemledeliye, 1957, No 4, 72-73 Abstract: The Glukhovskiy Dvukoenyy, a local clover variety, has long been renowned in Glukhovskiy Rayon of Sumskaya Oblast'. In the past 12 years a drastic drop in clover output has been noted 6 times. The hay yield was reduced to 10 centnerB per ha. The chief reason for this reduction is its deterioration as a population. Its seeds start to be used In its first year, hence by 1947 already there were 40% summer forms in the Glukhovskiy clover. A system- atic seed raising project Is required to remove Card 1/2 TD-:01"IN., M.A., kand. tekhn. nauh-; SENCHEINKO, G.I., kand. sell- 1-Yoz. nauk.; APIN-71MIZIT, A. I... kand. sellkhoz. nauk; GORSIIKOV, P.A., (:oktor sallkhoz. nauk; ZHUKOVj M.S.j, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; DEMKIN, A.P., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KHASI 1EJ I 11R1 IKOV, II.A., Icand. sellkhoz. nauk; GORMMY, N.G., doktor sollkhoz.nauk; REITAKII, I.I., nauclut. votr.; PIL1111K, V.I., kand. r3ell1clioz.nauk; rdIANIT, M.D., kand. 3elikhoz. nauk; TSELIK,,V,Z., ut. nauchn. votrj4eceased]; KOZINETO", 11.I., naluchn. sotr.; ZPAWIVA, L.S., nauchn. sotr.; MASHENHO, 3.11., kand. nellkhoz. nauk; GONCIMOV, G.I., inzh.; BUYA11OV) V.I., inzh.; IRUDNIKOV, V.N., st. naucIm. -otr.; BLOMMIA V V red.; PROKOFIYEVA, A.11.,; SOKOLOVA,N.11., * " (Eemp] Konoplia. Monkva, Sollkhozizdat, 1963 162 (RI" 16'.-12~1 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellukly institut lubyanykh kulltur (for all except Blokhina, Prokoflyeva, Sokolova). (Hemp) VOLYNKIN Yu.M.; YAZLOVSKIY, V.I., prof.; GD10, A.M.; GA7=0, ~~TJV I i 4.1 O.G.; GU* 3Yrf, N.N.; M'-EL'YMOV) M.D.; !UYFA"1W;OK"' G.P.; GO~BOV, F.D.; SERYAPI11, A.D.; BAYEEVSKIY, it.M.; ALTUKEOV, G.V.; KOPANEV, V.I.; KASIYA11, I.I.; YYASNIKOV, V.I.; TERRITIYEV, V.G.; LRYA11OV, I.I.; FEDOROV, Ye.A.; FOMIN, V.S.; ARUTYUNOV, G.A.; A11TIFOV, V.V.; KOTOVSKAYA, A.R.; KAKURIN, L.I.; T-5ELIKIN, Ye.Ye.; USHAKOV, A.S.; VOLOVICHI ~ 1, P.7-.-',;--Y8dOROV, V.G.; SAKSUC7- A.D.; NEUMYVAKIN, I.P.; TALAPIE, V.F.; SISAKYAN, N.M., akademik, red.; KOLPAKOVA, Ye.A., red.izd-va; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A., (First group space flight; scientific results of medical and biological studies carried out during the group orbital fl.lght of manned satellites "Vostok-3" and "Vostok-4] PeLWL gruppovoi kosmicheskii polet; nauchnye rezulttaty mediko-biologicheskikh issledovanii, provedenny'kh vo vremia gruppovogo orbitallnogo poleta korablei-sputnikov "Vostok-3" i "Voskot-4." Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 153 p. (V IRA 17: 3) " ., I ~'. , t.V.11. A.Ve.; ""(VI ",cv,.., , , l!;!.- - 4i~, V1,1"Fect cf ~hronl,: -,,L*lh 7.Lrr. on ur tisnun prateing. limlv--h. ',:-'AY mod. In9t.. I; -, , Ll. . "I ;A1. (I I-IRA 17: r"i 1, Kafulru biclogicheskoy khlrlii (zav. kafe-droy - Ryazan3kogo riv3i,~I-i~riikoio inst.Lti,,tpi imeni "wilrva. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'a lo, a 1i a a P a $4 0 1 TA I III 1--A L- L AA Of CE a, go Ar '00 . r 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 : 0 0 Moo 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 a a 6 0 o1 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000eis a 16 u a too 41 a 41 a eiao a jp 6 1-T,4 *00 91110, The Induot;cs ot ExisnW Maim and Tewdon on the 1`11011111M Of 106 he OUIU. jilviallurg. .Wb in p M~W on the p 00 m 1101. Nit. 41 Of ",11), (h, lllwlstnr-ns~ smim I rt. oil On 111 - 1 ago rillutuill fit i tit deriving all voilorraso-111 lair tile shat article it~ th,, 14 . .00 mvempure mi the art-A of minloocl, betwcvI, the metal &I'll the ri-liffi. I Integralitwn it( the vitlortmotum for fill, ppecific pretwurv 104111ols tit a fto flienjula (tir the filial perwiarto fou the rtills. Cin4iihiraiii", in 1111- goo givoll to the rfirrs "I tookosiml voitorritally MWollOd its t1to, strip son either goo tile inimi, i%r outlait sidt, 'At- 14A t-I the kletermlikatuvit Iif faith, Att Roo of the Mtical width of' the roUing gap. N isinwhislon the rvaults valculs" from the various exilroosmions am comloared with age experimental 41&t& InshfinluA fly Ske-fito, a Xrwd agreq-ment, betwerii -00 111wervesi tile I wit 1wl1 , 400 4g 3100 4100 loo too Z too $it I I A GIIAL1,0614.41, 1,11111411,41 Ctallolcallas " "go go 40 .4- lee u AT to Jj ow so a An I s IF 1w o IF It a is 11 14 11 0 00696966 00000:044:000; 0000010 -0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 * 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 * 0 00 10 0 0 0 (b0 a 0 0 0 0 0 'a 0 W V It l l l ' A A F Z __s_ I K L Q_A i I T -1 9l al 39113, ly a X A& K - -A - --A -_ I.--,-t j 6 L, .1 a 15 ro . 00 0 Inyw6cation cg iM Fw= on thd Mom of the 7APmod" -00 Okbbing KilL A. Taclikov, A. Iroshnikov And A. Gurevich. (Stal, 00.4 1940, No. 5-6. pp.--47zM). jIn Russian). The shears at the 0 ZAporothstal rolling mill were intended to cut dabs with a maximum croas-section of' .1100 x 1500 mm., the maximum pressure being 2WU o : tons, The investigation wts made using oncillographic recordings of of the current and voltage taken by the motors AM the number of revolutions. The Analysis of the oacillograms is discussed. Allow. Ance was made for frictional looses in the driving mechanism. The rroulta Are given In tabular awl diagrammatic form, the Wter see showing especially the cutting streas in kg. per &q. mm. of the l d h l i d h f 0 otta Against t e re at ve original croas-section p o pent. apt (ration of the abeam. and also the cutting stressi at diffnrent tern. 43 prratures. The cutting-atre"/iviative.pomtmtion ourvas showed 0 coo OOW ioell-pronounced peaks; tho maximum values of the fftrnw decrean. o0 a ing very considerably with rise in tempenture, whilat at the same time the position of the m4ximurn was shifted to lower values of relative penetration owing to the increased ductility of the metal. l It was difficult to determl[no A, relation betwee. the tensile strength and the cutting strem. Under similar conditions the maximum goo cuttitif streas of's lowWkiy chromium-coppee steel exceeded b k Tb on Aes o maximum pnwxwes with Mr. th" of plain car of the order of st slabs used (200 X 1500 mm ) were onl the th k . c e y Q; , 2; 1000 tons. i.e.. only half of the design load of the sheare. Is was. t h dhl h t f hi h fl h f tti d boo ese or w c ame-cu ere e o s a t ore, poo urf ng Alf-ILI n 1TAtLpr ously been emlployed. e Yj n _ _ _ _ 4 Iro 0 k i 63-11 %iff Z., it U 0 A V 'A JA 1 9 a ?W a a 6 1 9 IM -3 1 1 . KA 3 , 4MG 0 :Ile 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 49 0 0 00 19 00 I* o 0000000*00004 0 a Wo 40 41 0 0 0 goo 9 a 0 0 0 * 00*10966 0 04 000 640*041 9 ID 0 it 0 00 Tselikov, A. I. "Simplification of the Method of Galculation of the Influence of Tension on the Pressure in Rolling", Stall, M5, Nr 6, p 209. TSELIKCV, J%. I. Prokatnye stany. Dop. ... v kachestve uchebnika dlia metallurgiChe3kikh institutov. Moskva, I-letallurgizdat, 19V, 194(,. 5(0 p. di-ers. Bibliography: P. 550-556. Rolling Mills. DLC; TS340.T-?4 SO.- 1,11anufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Uninn, Library of Congress, 1953. RXVIN, I.A.; GHAYKA, V.Kh.; RUSTANOVICH, V.A., otvetetvennyy redaktor; T,5$LIKQV,,A.I.,,aauchnyy redaktor; GRAKOVA, Ye.D., tekhnicheskiy redaktor CSteel industry equipment; a catalog and reference book] Metallurgi- cheskoe oborudovanie; katalog-spravochnik. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Vol-3. 1947. 299 p. (MLRA 9:9) [Microfilm] 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo tyazhelogo mashino- stroyentya. Tekhricheskiy otdal. (Rolling mills) SOP 1947 Mathmatios- - ApplIed *8014~btjon of aear natio for Iloctrizal Apparatus Acting as Auxiliary Xqidpment for Milla," A. To Teelikov, ToNI17WM, Ji. P. Mmitskiyy MVIV imml SammAnp 3 PP *Vjstnik Flektro-Promynblemosti' No 9 Purely mathematical discussion of gear ratios. Contains several mathmnatioal 'ormulas for +,be oolouUtion of various ratios and a gmph which shove theoretical data obtained in the course of rosewoh by the, authorn. 23T8 !A 23T-8 1. . TS~IIKOV, A.DR., ANISIFG.W-I, V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Rolling (Metalwork) 7. flew technology of rolling recurting profiles and metal savings. Za. ekon.mat. no.5 1952 '-T~tr'4x 6 - 4 ~ 111 9. -Mon~hlj Lint of Ruag'aQ AcoeepLogas 1ibrary of Congross, Larch, 1953 -UncWsif ied. TSZLIKOV, A.I., doktor takhnicheskikh nunk, professor. laureat Stalinskoy premii. - -F - I - I - a Tasks concernirtS the desien of rolling mills of increased efficiency. Yest.maah. 33 no.6:20-25 Je 153. (KLU 6;6) (Rolling mills ) Loll 6- USEM/ Vagineering - Structural testa Oard 1/1 Pub. 128 - 3/34 Authors i Teelikov, A. 1.~ and Tratyanov, A. V. Title tThe calculation of the netal pressure on rollers during its cold rolling by taking into account the stress and cold-hardening of metal Periodical IVest. mash. 12, 10-120 Dec 1954 Abstract IFormulas for calculating the stress and cold-hardening of metals and the influence of the Above mentioned characteristics on the pressure of metal during its cold-rolling process are given. Four USSR references (1939- 1951). Table; diagrams; graphs. Institution 2 ......... 5ubuitted 3 *#,soso TcS Z! A. UM/Engineering - Rolling-mill construction Card t 1/1 Authors i Tselikov A I Corres,, Memb. of the Acad. os Sc. of the USSR, Laureate Title i Distribution of torque anong the rollers of a rolling mill. Periodical t Vast, Mash., 34., Ed. 6, 23 - 24, June 1954 Abstract I This article consists I&rgely of comments on the article by Nikit:Ln en- titled, "Distribution of Power in the Mechani= of a Rolling Mill.under Numerical Inequality of Circumferential Speeds of its Rollers.,, Inequal- ity of circumferential speeds is found to be objectionable because of the stress and strain on one of the bearings and friction. It is, however, used where bending of the metal is required. The author considers that any treatment of the problem of inequality of circumferential speeds must involve the ouestion of t~e effect on the metal which is being worked. Drawings. Institution Submitted KOROLXV, A.A., kpadidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; KOOM, 1,K,; TOKARSKIT, A.F, NOSAL', V.V. GUREVICH, A.Ye.. SEU~MAR, V.F.; K&RMV, V.Y.; 'SHUL'UN, P-G-; AZAXOTICH. X-r-; va-r-MB(C Y.K.; KUZIKIN, A.D.0 kau41dat tokhnicheakikh nauk; cheskly rodaktor. [Blooming mill 10001 Bliuming 1000. Kozkva, Goa. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-rye 1955. 271 P. (MIYA, 8:0 1. Chlon-korroopondtat AN SSSR (for TSelikov) (Rolling mills) SOVA 24 - 57- 5- 5958 Translation from: Referativnyy zh:irnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p I ~6 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tselikov, A. 1. TITLE: Determining the Mean Rates of Strain Produced by Rolling and Draw- ing (Opredeleniye srednikh skorostey deforniatsii pri prokatkc i volochenii) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prokatnyye stany i tekhnologiya prokatki. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1955, pp 7-13 ABSTRACT: The author criticizes the formulas evolved by S. Ekehind and N. Kreyndlin [Raschet obzhatiy pri prokatke listov i lent iz tsvetnykh metallov i splavov (Rolling- reduction Analysis of Nonferrous -metal and Alloy Sheet and Strip), Metallurgizdat, 19501 for determining the rate of deformation induced in a metal by rolling; he states that these formulas do not make due allowance for the speed of the rolls. An expression for the actual rate of deformation is evolved, and the mean rate of deftji~mation is dt-termined. The loi-nitilas of S. I . Gubkin (Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. tekhn. n., 1947, Nr 11, of Shveykin (Stal', 1953, Nr 10), and of Nedoviziya and Tarnov~kiy (Skorostnove Card 1,12 volocheniye nizkouglerodistoy stat'noy provoloki (High-speed Drawing SOVI;124-57-5- 5956 Determin-ng the Mean Rates of Strain Produced by Rolling anc' Dra-x~;r,~, of Low-carbon-steel Wire). Metallurgizdat, 1954] far determining the rate of deformation induced in a metal by drawing are crit.1cized also; in these formulas the rate of deformation is determined as the ratio of the degree of reduction that the metal undergoes to the time that it spends in the zone of active deformation. The rate of deformation is determined at each point of the area of active deforma- tion, and Irom thest- (1vtt-1-mination!i the me-in ratt- of (ick;rni.ition i,, t:(jll1Imtt!d, All analogous method is used to evolve an equation with which to calculate the rate of deformation in tubing being drawn on short or long cylindrical mandrels. V. G. Osipov C a r d 2/1 112-1-1401 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 1, p. 214 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tselikov, A.I. TITLE: Automation of Production Processes In Machine Building by Way of Rolling (Avtomatizatsiya tekhnologicheskikh protsessov v mashinostroyenii putem primeneniya prokatki) PERIODICAL: Sbornik: Avtomatizatsiya tekhnol. protsessov v mashinostr. Goryachaya obrabotka metallov, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1955, pp-22-34. ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1/1 SOV/124-58- I- I OZZ Translation from: Referati-vny,, zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 134 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tselik TITLE- On the Sectionwise Strain Distribution in Rolled Metal (To the Reviews of the Discussion "On the Theory of the Rigid Ends") [ 0 raspredelenii deformatsii po secheniyu prokatyvayemogo metalla (K itogam diskussii 110 teorii zhestkikh kontsov")] PERIODICAL: V sb. : Prokatnyye stany, Nr 5, Moscow, Mashgiz. 1955, pp 217-226 ABSTRACT- Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 :olilit v, 141',:1 'If pecl;uixetry e'! li;oo 'Eimr,ter Ipirally W"!&!d 1,4 41ttip wiff of tEv i-~~ ly CUIL I- Lo,, ~q`, --T. 1 'H-I'~ rq; I Ivi- or JA rjk-;Lo; iaT2 (..I t-wir t TSILINDY, A.I. Determining the average deformation rate in rolling and drawing. [Trud7l XVTU no.62s7-13 155. (XLBA 9:7) l.Ohlon-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Drawing (Metalwork)) TSXLIKOV, A.I.; KOROUV, A.A., kfnd. tokhn. nauk; TRET'YAKOV, A.T.. kand. tekhn. nauk. Now conbinod multiple roll mill for rolling thin strips. [Tra4l TSIIIITMSH 73:5-PS '55- (HIRA 110) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for TSelikov). (Rolling t!dlls) Wq X 5~M~ -Z: TSULIKOV, rk, I, DintribiAlon of deformations along thq cross sections of rolled Mtn!". [Tmdy] TSWITROH 73:217-226 155. (MM 11:3) 1. Chlon-korrespondnnt All SSSR. (Rolline (gotaltrork)) (Daformationa (14achAnice)) TSHLIKOVO A*I* Formila for pr9cise determination of Inea-I -relocity of deformtVion in rolled metals. [-,rady] TSHIMMASH 73:227-229 155. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Rolline (Hstalwnrk)) (Deformations (Mechanics)) SOV / 1.3 7 - 5 7 - 10 - 190 72 Trans lation f rom: Ref e rat i vn yy zhu rna 1, Metal ]u r gi ya, 19 5 7. Nr 10, p ') 2 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ts-elikov A I Korolev, A.A., Kuzmin, A.D., Kogos, A.M., TITLE: Cluster-type Rolling Mills Designed by the TsKBMM of the TsNIITMASh (Mnogovalkovyye stany konstruktsii TSKBMM TsNIITMASh) PERIODICAL: V sb.7 Prokatn. stany: Nr 8. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1956, pp 5-26 ABSTRACT; A 12-roll cluster-type mill for the rolling of thin (down to 0. 1 -mm) and fine (down to 0.05-mm) strip has been designed by the TsKBMM of TsNlITMASh. The mill has a roll and a pinion stand, coilers ahead and behind, and a tapered uncoiler. The roll stand consists of a parallelepipedal cast-iron housing con- taining a cylindrical bored hole for the roll (R) adapter and two rectangular openings on the sides for the guides. Upper and lower adapters carry three R each and three shafts with four back-up rolls (BR). Of the three R in each adapter, one is of 38 mm diameter and 350 mm body length, and is a working roll, Card 1/3 the other two 45-mm are driven intermediate rolls transmitting SOV/ 137-57- 10-19072 Cluster-type Rolling Mills Designed by the TsKBMM of the TsN!ITMASh pressure from the working R to the I 10-mm diam BR. The latter are mounted without play in the adapter chocks, the upper driving and working R being suspended from the upper chock by springs, so that they are alwys compressed against each other and toward the BR, while the bottom chock lies free in the bottom portion of the housing. The pinion stand represents a combination of types. The mill-stand motor is of 100-kw power and runs at 980-1150 rpn-. The mill R are of Nr IlKhNZA steel, the Hsh of the working surface being, 100-105- the driving rolls are of Nr ZOKhN3A steel, with an Hsh 95- 100-1 the BR are of Nr 9Kh steel. The rolling rate is 1-5 m sec, and the maximum permissible rolling pressure is 35, 000 kg. The working and back-up R have circulating lubrication, machine oil being used. The coilers are located on both sides of the mill stand and make it possible to roll with tension both in front and behind. The maximum tension on the strip is 3600 kg, and the diameter of the coiling drum is 300 mm. The coiler motors are of 81.6 hp each. The weight of the mill is Z5 t. The following is the rolling flowsheet. Annealed and pickled coils, O.Z-0.5 mm thick and up to 300 mm wide, of steels 0.8, U7A to U12A, E1142, 20SZ, 65G, 5OKhFA, and others, are delivered to a conical uncoiler and are mounted thereon by a lift table. The end of the strip goes from the uncoiler through the mill R and is fastened to the drum of the rear coiler, The strip is then placed under tension and the Card 2/3 SOV/ 137-57-10-19072 .Cluster-type Rolling Mills Designed by the TsKBMM of the TsNlITMASh rolling rate is increased to the desired level. Before the end of the coil leaves the uncoiler the stand and coiler are switched to servicing speed, and the mill is stopped and reverses itself. The end of the strip is guided into the front coiler and a second pass begins, during which back tension on the strip is provided by switching the coiler motor to generator operation. Rolling continues until 2 or 3 coils are left on the drum of the rear coiler, whereupon the motors are switched to minimum speed, stopped, and re- versed for the next pass, etc. The coil of finished strip is taken from the coiler by a special knock -otit and is delivf-red for trimming of the side edge" or annealing. 237-mm wide strip of KhO.5 steel is rolled from 0,37 to 0.105 mm in 6 passes with an 8.7-Z3% reduction per pass and a single intermed- iate anneal, R adapters on roller bearings being used. The precision of rolling, based on thickness, for strip not over 0. 10 rnm thick, is within a tolerance of :LO.005 mm. The average output of the mill is 3.0-3.5 t thin strip per shift. V. Z11. Card 3/3 SOV/137-57-10-19078 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 93 (USSR) AUTHOR. Tselikov, A.I. in the Design of Rolling Mills (Obzor dosti- zheniy v oblasti konstruirovaniya prokatnykh stanov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Novoye v konstrUirovanii tyazh. mashin. Moscow, Mash- giz, 1956, pp 66-85 ABSTRACT: The central design bureau for metallurgical machinery is engaged in developing fundamentally new types of rolling mills (R) to make consumer goods now being manufactured by less economical methods. The design of a M to roll wide-flanged beams, a contin- uous 400 bar M, a M to make bent sections, a M to roll ultra-thin strip and thin-walled tubing, a M to produce periodically recurrent sections and various types of M to produce piece products (balls, bushings, gears, etc. ) - In addition, work has been done and achievements are on record in perfecting designs of rolling M. More complete mechanization and automation of the production processes in rolling has been effected, also increases in the life and the load- ing capacity of M and reductions in the cost of M manufacture by Card I/ I reduction in weight per t of rolled metal. S-G 1" - - . - , z , .-T :z M I= A 04 I I I-V, -~L . (Corr. r. -,cadl. ~r-.C ~, k I I rf T ~,j T' (Cands. :~-ci . ;M'rO:';, tigr.; -t-,rVy L L-V i, I . E n g, r . 111-fultil,le-Roll Mills, Built bv T.9FBXM TsNUITMA~:11,11 .. . . J ., Rolling Kills; Studies, Ca~guiazior-, De -..;:n and C,,~2ratip~,, Masbgiz, 1956. 258 V). This collection of articles Is intenfled for rollini-mill prnce~~s engineers, scientists and instruztors.. Collmetion contains 19 articles on researdh and tests cond,3cted b 'y Ts~J.42-1 TsUITTMA14 in 1945-55. Articles by A. 1. Tselikrv and others describe th-e new TsFB.-'x"L lesign, for 12 roll. miils (built b~y TsUl ,!TMASH), Installed In a numbor of factories and sucessfully used for ro-'-Iirip_ thin and (x-tra-th-An strips. I 17 - 58 - I - 6 1 h ,'Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, ?.Aetallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 97 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tselikov, A. 1. TITLE: New Designs for Rolling Mills (Novyye konstruktsii prokat- nykh stanov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-teklin. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1956, Vol 10, pp 59-76 ABSTRACT: The main trends in the design of rolling mills in recent years are: increase in productivity (P) of rolling mills accom- panied by reduction in overall dimensions and weight of equip- ment; development of mill designs making it possible to roll new and more rational grades of rolled products and various types of products for which there is a mass market; the use of the most complete possible mechanization and automation of the production processes; perfection of the designs of rol- 'ling mills and systems for their automation with the object of producing rolled products having the closest possible toler- ances. The most effective rnethol for increasing P of rolling mills is transition to higher rolling speeds, which is capable Card 112 of providing an unlimited increase in P when continuous mills 137-58-1-618 New Designs for Rolling Mills are used. The mastering and expansion of the production of very thin steel foil (0. 01-0, 1 mm) is one of the urgent pro'alems of the iron and steel in- dustry. Special cross-rolling mills designed by the TsKBMM have made it possible, for the first time in world practice, to produce steel balls needed in large quantities for the bearing industry and for the milling of various kinds of material in ball mills. At the TsKBMM TsNIITMASh there have been developed 4 models of industrial mills for tEe production of periodic profiles of diameters up to 15, 80, 120 and 250 mm. Two mills have already gone into operation. one at the Kolomna Works to produce stems for textile spindles and the second at the MZMA to produce axle halves and other parts and blanks for automobiles. Installation of the 250 mill to roll railway car axles, with an annual P of about 300, 000 units, will save 20, 000-25, 000 t per year. B,Ye. 1. fto.Uing mills-Desip Card Z/Z TSELIKOV KOHOILV, kand.idnt tek1inic:h.,~:0-i'-,. nnuk; OZIMIN, A.D.. ~mndidat tek_hnicheskiL-,L nauk; K~-'TOS, i~-nener; "LOP I. inzhener. 14ultinle-st.qnd rolling nill devi,",e4 by the Centrf'l Buresu, for the Design on Metn1working Mnehirevj In the Centrnl Sciontific ReseArch Institute of Technologj and Mechine Building. FTrudjvj 2SNILTHASH no-83:5-26 156. . (51:-'A 10- q) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN S3SR (for TSelikov). (Mechanical eq,ineering) (Rolling milla) OS Vito VoChe e lacb3llo ~ looo Dg~ 1, p te 9 111ra 6 VTO VIA 143-Pb -d-res 1461p, t. CCO - 'Vi6 ?Votes t6~~ 0l ees 0 ues v ,je . ,013-e ~~ OX OTL O'T te pel. U14A vsc* 0, Aele Og iter, ;;~ tO Os I ve o1 tol: ja ~~Xe tv va~ 0 *, Doe av~& 0 wee &. jk~'j I .,1301co :t~ sucb~~V~;I~ ~-! '3a tegg 03'~j VW- .ue IMSO lels-6,gipeeic - jes Tis I I a 0l 11306 a 00 fxtie W,110 -r0 tioll 0 e slaw, ft'As e0 0 of exe ,too se cu ,,& TO t4-e ove OT oll -'Xts~ tee ao 'o.j c vp1lo Rolling Mills and Methods of Rollirg WV/292 The articles deal with the follcming topics: spreadin of stock in rolling and distribution of stresses and spread along the vidth of the stock, resist- nnc#, to deformation in metal forming., change of the form of the strip depending ,lr dimnsions of the contact areas, in rolling in plain rolls; the theory of ,?IastOPlastlc - bending of a strip during straightening on a miltiroll machine, l.nvestigation of basic parameters characterizing the resistance of material to rolling; simplified formula for spreading.. and measuring unit pressure along the strc of contact using strain ga6vs. Iqo personalities are mentioned. There are hl referencesj 39 Soviet and 2 English. TABLE OF COMMS: Introduction Teelikov, A.I. . _ , Corresponding Member of the Acadeny of Sciences., USSR. Effect of the Ends oft the Workpiece on Spreading and Distribution of Siyeeds and Stresses Along the Width of the Rolled Strip ,?F.xd 2/4. Rolling.MillB and Methods of Roll 4 SOV1292 ~A~.I.,, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and .T.RXikov I V.A. Persiyantsev, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Effect of Cold Hardening on Resistance to Deformation in Overrecrystallization Processes 22 Zaroshchir kiy, M.L., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Change in pbrw of the Strip in Rolling in 'Plain ROUS 35 Smirnov, V.V.j, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. On the Theory of Calculating tAe paver of the Drly* for lbtarymtype StriLigttenere 50 Kovolev, A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Elastoplastic Bending of a Strip During Straightening on a Maltiroll Machine 57 Zhavoronkov., V.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Investigation of Forces in Cross-helical Die Rolling of Periodic Profiles 77 Pushkarev, V.F., Candidate of Teabnical Sciences. Determination of Parameters Characterizing Resistance to Deformation of the Stock in Rolling 90 Card 3/4 Rolling Mills and Methods of Rolling SOV/292 Grishkov.. A.I., Assistant. Some Problems in the Theory of Spreading in Rolling in Pledn Rolls 106 Grishkov., A.I., Assistant. Measuring the Distribution of Unit Pressure Along the Contact Are With Wire Transmitters 119 AVAILUM: Library of Congress r,O/h'!r 5/25/59 Card 4/4 137-58-6-12137 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 137 (USSR) AUTHOR: TITLE: How Marginal Zones Affect the Widening of a Rolled Strip and Influence the Distribution of Velocities and Stresses Throughout its Width (Vliyaniye vneshnikh zon na ushireniye i raspredelen- iye skorostey i napryazheniy po shirine prokatyvayemoy polosy) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prokatn. stany i tekhnol. prokatki. (MVTU, 80), Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957, pp 5-21 ABSTRACT: On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the process of de- formation (D) during rolling and on the strength of experiments performed it has been established that the widening (W) of a strip is strongly influenced by the marginal zones on the edges of which considerable tensile stresses (S) occur. Consequently, the approach employed by many researchers in considering the process of W as a break-off of these zones on the basis of gen- eral geometrical concepts is not correct in principle. As a re- sult of its widening two centers of tensile S's appear on the edge of a strip being rolled. The first of these centers is locaEcd Card 1/2 immediately before the point at which the strip enters into the 137-58-6-IZI37 How Marginal Zones Affect the lVidening of a Rolled Strip (cont.) rolls; these S's diminish in the zone of deformation contact, become greater immediately after the exit from the rolls, and, finally, diminish again. The existence of these tensile S's on the edges of the marginal zones in the vicinity of the zone of contact D points to inevitability of longitudinal D of the marginal zones, in connection with which the distribution of veloci- ties across the width of the strip when it enters and leaves the rolls will not be uniform. Consequently, the basic postulate of I.M. Pavlov's theory of rigid margins, which states that the D and the velocities on the cross sec- tion of a strip are uniformly distributed, must be regarded as incorrect in principle, not only with regard to the distribution of D and velocities through- out the height, but across the width of the strip as well. In order to deter- mine the W at reductions Ah/ho < 0.9 it is recommended that the following formula be employed, which yields sufficiently accurate results for all prac- tical computations: Ab/Ah=c(Z ~Jr_/Ah - ll,,4)[ 0.138 (Ah/h,)2+0.323Ah/lio] . where c is a coefficient which depends on the ratio of the original width to the length of the arc of seizure and which is determined from the formula shown or from a graph; r is the radius of the roll; ~L is the coefficient of friction. Compared with existing methods, the method proposed for compu- tation of the W makes it possible to obtain more accurate results and per- mits to analyze more thoroughly various factors affecting the W by taking Ye.7 into account the S's which arise in the marginal zones. Card 2/-2 2. Metais--Processin'o- 3. Rcilln~ SOV/ 124- 58 -11-1350,j Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1958, Nr 11, p ZZO (USSR) AUTHORS: Tselikoy~,~rsiyantsev, V.A. TITLE- Consideration of the Effect of Work Hardening un the Strain Resistance in Incipient Rec rys tall ization Processes (Uchet vliyaniya naklepa na soprotivleniye deformat.sii v zarekristallizatsionnykh protsessakh) PERIODICAL- V sb. : Prokatn. stany i tekhnol. prokatki. (MVTU, Nr 80). Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957, pp 22-34 ABSTRACT: It is established that in rapidly proceeding incipient recrystalliza- tion processes, as well as during cold working, the actual value of the strain exerts an independent influence on the magnitude of the true stress Strue,. A radial diagram of true stresses is provided, wherein the relationship Of Strue as against the length of time of stress exposure of the deformation process is shown in approximated form. An equation is adduced showing the influences on the strain resistance of three fac- tors, namely, the strain rate, the strain value, and the relaxation rate. The use of the proposed equation enables one, starting f-rom.two experi- mentally known points, to determine the true stresses corresponding Card 1/1 to other strain rates and other strain values. 1. A. Razo% 137-58-1-738 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, IN'r1109 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tselikov, A. I. TITLE: Automation of P-r-e--.--s-,W-6rking by Using Continuous Processes (Avtomatizatsiya obrabotki davleniy~m putem primeneniya nepreryvnykh protsessov) PERIODICAL: V sb.,. Sessiya AN SSSR po nauchn. probl. avtomatiz. proiz-va. Kompleksn. avtomatiz. proizv. protsessov. Moscow, AN SSR, 1957, pp 139-159 ABSTRACT: Problems of automation (A) in the manufacture of forgings by continuous pressworking of metal in special machine tools are examined. The advantages of A processes are an increase in productivity, an improvement in quality, and reduction in the cost of the product. For example, the productivity of a machine for making tooth gears is 25-70 times higher than that of a tooth milling machine, while the fatigue strength of the teeth is increased by 50 percent. Processes of helical cross rolling of balls and sleeves, and rolling with elongation of stepped axles, shafts and similar products are described. Pro- blem5 of A of the rolling and drawing processes are examined. Card 1/1 Ya.0- 19 FOrging presses-4.utozatien 2. Machine too3z~prcductjon .~ - -1- -'- ~ ~ 4 ,...I. ITS~EL ; DRUZHINIH, K.N., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; FMATOY, A.S., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nank. Automatization of new rolling mills. Hashinostroitall no.2: 1-11 F %57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Chlen-k-orrespondent AN SSSR (for TSelikov). (Rolling mills) (Automatic control) I'SEJKOV) A. I.,. (Corr. I'lem.) "Aut.o7-pt;on of 'dorkin;- b:, 7~re!;sljre b:- 1.:ea:-,s of Continuous Froce-~ses," paper read at the Session of the Acad. Sci. USH, on Scientific Froblems of I .lutomat--le Production, ll-20 October 195'.,- Avtomatika i telemek~anika, Ito. 2, P. 182-192, 1.957. 9015229 AUTHOR: Tselikov, A. I., Correspondent Member of the Ac.Sc. o~-(q Sonin, A.L., Cand. Tech. Sc. (TsjNIITMAS'-1). TITLE: Coiling and uncoiling of hot rolled strip up to 12 mr thick. (Svertyvaniye v rulony i razmetyvbaiye goryachekattannykh polos tolshchinoy e.o 12 mm). PERIODICAL: "Stall" (Steel), 195?, No.4, pp.374-3?7 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: In view of the desiGning of new continuous strip rolling mills in the USSR, some experiments in coiling and uncoiling of strip 12 mm. thick were carried out. Uncoiling was carried out on the machine shown in Fig.1 according to five different schemes (Fig.2). It was established that coiling of hot rolled strip from low carbon steel up to 12 mm thick and their subsequent uncoiling when cold is possible. Thick sheets so obtained possessed a smooth surface. Metallographic and mechanical tests indicated that sheets satisfy standards group Il G' (deep drawing) and group II from the aspect of surface quality. Uncoiling of strip 2-4 nm thick from the same steels is accompanied by the appearance of lateral folds. This can be prevented by the application of tension during uncoiling or by dressing with reduction of 1-5-3%. There are four figures and three Russian references. k I IT 137-58-,-619 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p ')7 (USSR) AUTHORS: Tselikov, A. I., Zhavoronkov, V. A. TITLE: New Methods of Producing Rolled Products (Novyye rnetody proizvodstva prokata) PERIODICAL: Mekhaniz. trudoyernkikh i tyazh. rabot. 1957, Nr 6, pp 5-9 ABSTRACT: Modern layouts for rolling (R) sheet of variable cross section and hat-section rolling of flanged shapes, the start- ing material for which is ordinary hot-rolled strip and strip of constant cross section. Blanks for drop-forging may be rolled on mills with rolls the working surfaces of which con- stitute .6~haped passes ("periodic" R). Methods of producing shapes of variable cross section economicallv also include various types of cross and helical R (manufacture of wheels, tires, bands, annular parts with internal grooves and externil fins, the milling of threads and channels on products for fast- ening, transverse R of spur and bevel gears, etc.). The de- signs of some of these types of rolling mills and practical data on industrial production art! adduced. Card 1 /1 V. D. 1. Rolling zMa-0peration 2. Rolling mills-Production 0 TSILIKOV, A.I. *~~Ct' of the outer zones on spread and distribution of speedg and stresses ncrosq the strip being rolled. Lrrudyj MTTU no.80:5-21 '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. Polling (Metalwork)) TSELIKOV, A.I.; PERSIYMSEV, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk ~~ -, ~ .---Olalculat ton of the effect of cold working on resistance to deformation in primary recrYstOllizAtlon processes. LTru4Yj MVTU no.80:22-34 '57. (MIRA 10.12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for TSelikov). (Rolling (Metalwork)) (DeformRtions Vechnnics)) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 967 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mashinovedeniya. laboratoriya obrabotki metallov davleniyem Voprosy obrabotki metallov davleniyem (Problems of Metal Forming) Moscow, Izd-vo JW SSSR, 1958. 85 P. 4,500 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: Tselikov, A.I., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Bankvitser, A.L.; Tech. Ed.: Guseva, I.N. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific research workers and designers in the field of metal forming. COVERAGE: This book contains 4 articles which discuss various theoretical aspects of metal forming, such as the theory of sheet-metal forming (drawing), the experimental design of complex drawing dies, and data on research work for determining the actual magnitude and character of forces in rolling of metals to achieve maximum utilization of power and reduction of weight of existing roll- ing equipment and of new machinery under construction. Card 1/2 Problems of Metal Foming TABLE OF CONTENTS: 967 Tomlenov, A.D. The Plastic State of Stress and the Stability of the Process of Drawing Parts Having a Co=lex Configuration Sereplyev, V.V. Effect of the Tongue-and-groove Clamping on the Process of Forming of Parts During Drawing '24 Rokotyan, Ye.S., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences - Forces Acting in Roughing and in Sbeet Mills 46 Tselikov, A.I. and Rituan, R.I. Fundamentals of Planetary Rolling-mill Design 73 AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress GO/fal .1-8-59 Carci 2/2 V13 !Its J-vp 03 1 '13 11,rr i o9 3 ~11 LAI 3a it'll ", I IT 8i ! I 1 13 Iffla, TSELIKOV. A.,I.,.otvototvennyy red.; GOWYLEY. V.D., red.izd-va; KASHINA, %W4IAVII5'9-I'P.~`A.IOI' ' *S., tekhn.redo [Use of pressure in metalwork, reports] Obrabotka metallov davleniem; doklady. Moskva, 1958- 165 P- (MIRA 11:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mashinovedeniye. (Metalwork) 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATIOTI Sov/lew Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheakoye uchilishche Prokatnlye stany i tekhnologiyn prokatki; abornik statey (Rolling Mille and Processing by Rolling; CoLlectlon of Articles) MoaPow, ManhFJzp 1958. 208 P. (series: Its: (Trudy] 84) Errata slip insetted. 3,OCO copies printed. Ed.: A.I. Tselikov, Corresponding Member, USSF AcEdery of Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: L.A. Osipova; Tech. Ed.: B..T. Model'; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz): S.Ya. riolovin, Engineer. PURPOSE., This collection of articles is intended for workers of scientific- research institutes and plants, teachers, aspirants, and students specializing in the field of rolling mil-I engineering. COVERAGE: This book is com-josed of theoretical and experimental works and proceedlng~ presented at MVTU imeni Be=ana (Moscaw Higher Technical School imeni N.Ye. Batman) by the Department of Machinery and Processes of Rolling and Drawing. It covers the theory of rolling and manufacturing methad,,3 described as rev. The articles deal with the problem of determining torces in a planetaz-y mill, the stu4y of the Card 1/ 5 Rolling Mills and Processing (cont.) sovi*16F43 process of metal deformation on plain and shaped rolls, continuous cold rolling of pipe, and methods of selecting tools and fixtures for new mills. No personal- ities are mentioned. References follow each article. TAKE OF CONrMS: Introduction 3 Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR, and R.I. Ritman, Engineer. Determining Forces Acting on Rolls in Planetary Rolling Mills 5 The article gives theoretical substantiation for the calculation of forces and torques in planetary mills. This is claimed to be the first such substantiation. Zaroshchinskiy, M.L. 13 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Work Piece Deformation During Rolling in a Blooming Mill 32 The author discusses thrne problems associated with the process of deformation of metal in a blooming mill: Belectlon of the amoitnt of draft, the nature of deformation, and preparation of schedules for drafts. He recommends (a) the construction of pJasticity diagrams based on the total deformation, (b) rolling in a blcx)ming mill without free lateral spread, and (c) setting values for drafts for all passes. Card 2/ 5 I