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L 18074-6~ ACCESSMI NR: AP~004252 tiated 1~y the fact that rilvanized rubb6Ts of equal tensile strength were prepared from MR stock contaln5ng either 50% c!rjrbon black or 40% carbon black plus 1% Zino chloride. 7be investigation also covered the effect of matecrylic and benzoic acids on the properties of unfilled vulcanized rubbers obtained by polymerizntion of WPR in the presence of 10', zinc chloride. The addition of 10r of one of these acids produced a transparent rubber possessing a triple tensile strength (as compared with the control) without affecting its plasticity. Orig. art. b.-.91 4 charts and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iasledovatellskiy institut monomerov d1ya SK, Yaroslavskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut (Scientific Research Institute of Monomers for Synthetic Rubber, Yaroslavl' Technical IastituteT- SUBHITTED: 00 DATE ACQ-, 2lAug63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: KA NO REF SOV: 005- OTHER: 001 Card Z/2 L 7879-66 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/EWP(J)/T RPL RH ACC KRt AP$0250jo SOUICIS CODSt UR/0286/65/000/016/0083/0083 0 'AA A AUTHORSt Belynyev, V. A..j Gromova, V. A.1 Zmit, S. V.) Karralskays, lct_~p 49442uj "_.WKosmodem'yarAk!Z, L. V.Wqlostin D. L.;*Kutlin A M.11 tA%k ~a-x&_r__nV8__1- U.44Romanovs, 2. G X~ _,_ Shuahkina, To. N Shikhalova, ORGa none TITLE# Method for obtaining eynt ~Ic rubber. Class 39, ke,-UI219 SOURCE: Byullaten' izobrateniy I toyarvyM anakov, no-. 16, 1965, 83 TOPIC TAGS i rubber, synthetic rubber, butadiens, styrene, polymer, copolymer (10 ABSMACTi This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining synthetic rubber by polymerisation or coTqj ff izatlin $f dienes with vizW1 monomers, for example, butadiLnolwith o( -mat,4ZU nedin aqueous swilaion at low temperatures in the presence of known ir"-r ic tiatore and regulators employing emulsifiers. To Improve the polymer properties, asters of monoal172bansoic " are used, as atasif Ion. UD CODE:1(10?/ SUN DATZt O!tJul63 bard 1/1 hW 00e. 6 8.762 678.762434 L-4 14 -66 A1-1~ NR' Ap6ol5673 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/ooo/ooq/0O76/oo76 INVENTOR: Lazaryants, E._G,; Aleshin,, A._ M ; Gromova, V. Zemit I S. V. -- Kopylov, Ye. P. - Koamodemlyanskiy, L. V ; Romanwa,_ R. G-_1 A 'L.#, ~-fkj~nlova, K.P.; Shuishkin P Tsaylingolld V. "N a. YO.N.1 none TITLE: Preparation of divinyl-alpha-methylatyrene rubber.l~'Class 39o No. 18.1294 SOURCE: Izobretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztsyt tovarnyye znakip no. 9, 1966t 76 1 TOPIC TAGS: rubber, methylstyrene rubber, alpha methylatyrene, divinyl ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of preparing divinyl-alpha-methylotyrene rubber by emulsion copolymerizationlof divinyl with alpha-methylstyrene at 20C and above in thr pre-aW-n4e of persulfate initiators and emulsifiers. To Increase the polymerization rate and improve the conditions for the granular coagulation of latex, commercial grades of sodium salts of the synthetic fatty acids C 10-C16 ACC NR' AP60-15673 are suggested an emulsifiers In the following composition W: 0.10,5-7;' i 0110 n-14; cl2P 16-17; C 1V 15-17; 014j 12-13; 0 150 9.10) 0161 7-81 below C10 and above 016 P 15-20. (Translation] [LD1 SUB CODEt 1l/ SUBM DATEI 12nar62/ PY"SlIKIN, B.A.0 otv. red.; ARISTOUKly, V.V.j doktor tekhn.naukp prof., red.; RUSAKOV, S.V., kand. tokhn. nauk, red.; WSIMCHUK, VA., kand. tekhn. nauk.. red.;,TSAYTS, Yq.S,-,._kand. tokhn. nauk, red.; PECHKOVSKAYA, O.M., red.; LIBE-11AN, T.R., tekhn. red. [Changes in the banks of reservoira]Fererabotka borogov vado- khrnnilishch. Kiev, lzd-vo AM. nawk USM, 1902. 2J.0 p. (MIRA 15:U) 2. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Rada po vyvchenniu produl-tyvnykh syl. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akaderii nauk Ukr. SSR (for Pyshkin). (Reservoirs) (Coast changes) - -/Z I I I I TSAYTTS-. E.S.,inzhener, PYSHKIN, B.A., professor, rukoyodil vypolneaiam ra o . Planning the upper slope of an earth dam without reinforcement. Gidr.i mel. 6 no.1:60-64 Ja 134. (HLRA 7:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR. (Dame) TSAYTS, Ye. S. , Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Action of waves upon a bank composed of disconnected soils." Kiev, 1958. 19 pp with drawings (Min of Higher Education Ukr SSR, Kiev Inst of Engineers of 'dater "- 150 copies (KL, 35-58, 109) -50- AUTHOR: Tsay"u-ts, S. I., En-~;ineer TITLP,-:~~The ~E'Ilmination of Burned-on Sand on CastinFs Gast into Mixes Based on Liquid Glass (Ustraneniye Frj~ara pri otlivke v smesi na zhid1rom stekle) PERIODICAL: S-.all, 1958, Yr 5, p 479 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to prevent the formation of burned-on sand on iron castings cast into moulds made fror. rapid drying mixes based on liquid glass the followin,- mea-siires are proposed,. a) castinU, iron overheated to 15000C and abo-_-, b) casting iron heated to 1400 to 14300C but preliminarily blown with a neutral gas or treated with a catal possessing low evaporation temperature; c) using iron of normal temperature but chemically treatinG the mould (hydrochloric or boric acido). ASSOCIATION: Slawjanskiy mashinostroltellnyy z-tvod., (Slavywick Machine-Building Plant) Card 1/1 USG0MK_DG_6o607 TSAYUKOVA, P.A. Method and nature of the work of the orthopeaic-phyBician in a special boarding school for children following policmyelitin. Ortop.,travm.i protez. no.12t46-50 160. (MIM 14:2) 1. Iz spetsiallnoy shkoly-internata No.,9 (dir. - V.S. Turchinskaya),, Leningrad. (POLIa4YEWTIS) (ORTHOPEDICS3 CU E-0 TSAYU`KO`VA, P.A. Work of an ortheps4lot in a special boarding school for child"n who have had-polioWelitio. Vop. okhr. mat. i dot. 6 no.6t65-70 Je 161. (MIRA 15:7) 1. 1z spetsiallnoy ahkoly-internata dlya detay, parenevahikh pbliomiyal-it, No.9 lAningTadokogo gorodskogo otdela narodnogo obrazovaniya (dir. V.S. Turohinokaya). POLIMMITIS) MTHOPEDIA-HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS,, ORLOVA, G.M.; TSAYUN, G..P, Kinetics of dissolution of arsenic selenide glasses vith small additions of gallium in alkaline solutions. Vpst. LGU 18 no.10;133-138 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Arsenic selenide) (Glass man,ifacture-Chemistry) (Solution (Chemistry) ) T110FEMA, V.N.; ORLOVA, G.M.; TE-!irjOIIAy,,,, -.l.; TSAYUN, G.P. Kinetics of* dissolution Of AsSe ABS2 Ge i sodium hycjr .1 .5 r-.e Xf Ass Ge x ' oxide 5-)IU iRns. vest. Lr 1.18 X' 108-115 163. t U no.10: (KRA 16: 3) (Glass manufacture-Chemistry) (SolIIt.j.r)1j (Chemintry)y L 1NZ7-6,, IJP(c i jD/jG ACC NR, APS028587 SOURCE CODE: UR/0076/65/039/011/2828/28V AUTHORI -Repinskiy, So No; Tsayun, Go Ps ORGz none TITLE: Kinetics of the reaction of germanium,with potassium forricya- nide solutions SOURCEt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 39, no. 11, 1965, 2828-2831 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, potassium compound, chemical kinetics ABSTRACT: The kinetics of the dissolution of germanium in neutral and alkaline solutions of potassium ferricyanideq frequently used for the detection of dislocations in germanium, was studied. The rate of dis- solution was determined from the weight loss of the germanium plate dur ing the experiment. Up to about 0.3 N K3Fe(CN)6 the process is of the first order. The addition of alkali up to 0,7 N KOH increases the rate of the reaction, but with further increase of the concentration of al- kali the rate of the process decreases. Stirring affected only those alkaline solutions in which the rate of dissolution increased up to about 1800 rpm* The rate of dissolution was identical for both the p- and for the n- type germanium. A mechanism is proposed for the disso- 1/3 UDCs 541.121/.123+621,315.592 G + FO(OHIO> F9 (off)* A H 0", He two OH t? tom,, + HjGtOI X011 \0 10 011 HSO The first step is the oxidation of hydrated germanium atoms which re- quires only 49 k cal/mol to break the re-0 bond. The increase of the rate of dissolution with increase of the potassium hydroxide to 0.7 N is associated with dissolution on the germanium surface according to 1. - -1.,1- -_ r ACC NRs APS028687 lution of germanium: 2/3 . K .1- 13027-66~ ,"Ar-c W, APS028507 the following scheme: -Ge + Oil = -Go + 01+ 114-. Orig. art. has: 1 table, 4 figures. qI'R f!t)Pr,: 07,111 SUDH DAT'".: 3A'NQVG14/ ORIG RM.1% 011,' aTH FEF: 004 3/3 HAWIOLOIT, A.; DOZOT, Y.K.; TSCH"O". X.L. Study on innervation of cerebral capillaries. Acts. norph. hrMg. no,4:525-529 1954. 1. Academia Bulgare des Sciences, Institut de morphologie, Sofia (Directeur Prof. A.I.Hadkioloff) (BRAM. blood supply capillaries. innerv.) (CAPILIARIES cerebral, innerv.) SOURCE CODE: -9/004/1107, AUTHOR: Tschentscheff, IAan (Doctor; Director; Sofia) ORG: Veterinary Institute of Infectious and Parasitic diseases,/directed by Doctor Iwan Tachentscheff7, Bulgarian Acai-emy--o-f-W-gricultural Sciences, Sofia TITLE: Effect of corticosteroids on infection and immunitpprocesses. I. Effect of hydrocortisone and cortisone on the infection and immunity processes of strains VR sub 2 and staub of Erysipelothrix Ansidiosa kD SOURCE: Archiv fur experimentelle Veterinarmedizin, v. 19, no- 4, 1965, 1107-1109 TOPIC TAGS: corticosteroid, immunity, mouse, commercial animal, animal diseasep immunizationp cortisone, vaccine ABSTRACT: The effect of hydrocortisone and cortisone on the development of immunity and on the course of the vaccination process, after the use of two live vaccines against swine erysipelas (strains VR2 and Staub), was studied on white mice. In both cases$ mortality increased during the immunization process. The immunity built up in the surviving animals was very 13light. [Based on author's abstol [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUEM DATE: 22Dec64 / ORIG REF: 002 / CTH REF: 007 A', H "i i\' f ~' /~j 'v, _EXC6~A MICA Sec Vol 12/9 General-Path.--SePt 59 2511. THE HISTOAUTORADIOGRAPHY OF METABOLIC CHANGES IN THE GRGANS OF TUMOUR-BEARING MICE (Russian text) Tscherban Z. 1. M a n o i 1 o v S. E. Centr. Res. Inst. of I and %led. Radiol nj,.F-_VGPR.' ONKOL. 1059, 5(46 (681-686) Tables 2 Illus. 4 The incorporation of C into the proteina of organs of mice bearing Crocker sar- comas was studied. Five days after transplantation the uptake in the liver war. in- creased by 35%. in the kidneys by 24%. Ten days after transplantation. when in some cases a turnour had already developed, these differences as to the controls were even more marked. Biochemical btudies confirmed the above data. (XVI. 5) 0 i. TSCHERKESOWA-KINOWA, Ewgenia Contributions to the pathcphvaiology of experimental Wcreatic necrosis. Rev. sci. mod. 7 no.3/4:139-142 162. (PANCREATITIS) (PANCREAS) (NECROSIS) (PANCREATIC FISTULA) (PANCREATIC juIrE) WLLOVI IJ.; HANOVA, M.; It;rIII..J(NEVA? N.; II.;GIGARGOVAP N.; 0(;NJAIK)Vp I.; PANOVY P. On alkaloids of Aconitum ranunculnufollum. bakl. nkftd. nauk 17 no.1:251-254 164. 1. Vorgelegt von B. Kurtev, korr. fli.tglJfqi dor hk,.cif-!rI(-. T, 26198-66 F7dP(h)/EtdP(1) ACC NRs AP&007518 0, Al SOURCE CODF: Gf;-/0051/66/000/002/0070/007) AUTHOR (Engineer)-,__Tqcbernow,. M. _1,_~Engincer) ORG: none TITLE: Low-draft ship of the Soviet inland waterways SOURCE: Schiffbautechnik, no. 2, 1966, 70-73 TOPIC TAGS: inland waterway, Inland waterway transportation, inland vesoel data, hydrofoil, marine engineering, cargo shipp shipbuilding engineering AB,c.,RACT,, Modifications to vessels,.of It.he-Soviet river fleet, and shallow-draft vessels in'particular, have contributed significantly to the great boom in Soviet river transportation uring recent years. , Soviet inland waterways have been divided into fottr~toups according to their average depth: 1) over 3.0 m; 2) 1.65-3.0 m; 3) 1.0-1.65 m; 4) 0.75-1.0 m. The following is a summary of the most significant modifications which were carried ut on vessels operathig in shallow waters (groups 3 and 4) and on vessels -which are being-builtin series. Cargo've'ssels and tankers with a load capacity of 300-600 tons, belonging to group 3, are equipped with shrouded propellers, and have a speed varying from 13 to 15 km/hr. Group 4 contains dry-cargo vessels and tankers with a load capacity of 100- 150 tons and a speed between 14 and 15 km/hr. Modifications on these vessels include the replacement of C a rd--0- - _ ____ ... . - - - L2619b-&6 ACC NRe AP6()(YI518 screw propellers with hydrojet propulsion units and the installation of trim tanks on two types of vessels in this group, an increase in the dimensions .-of 100-150-ton tankers, and the equipping of 150-ton cargo vessels with 3500-kg electric derricks with 15-m booms. These modifications will ,make it possible to operate fully loaded vessels (carrying 150 tons) in water 0.9-1.0-m deep and partially loaded vessels (carrying 100 tons) in'water 0.7-0.8 m deep. Hydrojet-propelled 10-ton-dw refrigerator ships and 25-ton-dw dry- cargo vessels for operating in water 0.56- and 0.65-m deep, resfiectively, are: ,under construction. The overall dimensions of these vessels (LxB = '23.6 x 3.7 and 24.2 x 3.7 m, respectively) permit their transportation by_ railroad-from one river system to another. The following types of pas- senger motorships, equipped with screw propellers, are also being built In series; the Moskvich (143 passengers, 0.9-m draft, 150.hp, 19 kni/hr), t ,i the Leningradets (100 passengers, 0. 84-m draft, 150 hp, 19 km /fir),. the Ozernyy.Moskvich (242 passengers, :1.47-m draft, 2 x- 150 hp, 20 km/hr; or 165 passengers, 1.50-m di hp, 20 raft, 2 x 150 km/hr), and the MO :(136 passengers, 1.20-m draft, 150 bp, 20 km/hr). Three other types of vessels being built are designed to carry 22,,60, and 153 passengers (draft: 0.55 ', 0.55, and 0.68 m; speed: 16.0, 16.8, and 18.5 km/hr, respec- tively); al I are equipped with 150-hp engines and hydrojet propulsion. Car4 L' 26198-66 ACC NRt The modified Raketa hydrofoil now has a foil -borne'draft of 0.5 m, a floating draft of 1. 2 m, an 850 -hp powerplant, carries 50 passengers, and develops a speed of 60 km/hr. This vessel can now operate on group-3 inland waterways. A newly developed high-speed passenger motorboat, for operating on very shallow rivers (0. 7 - 1. 0 m de ep), has a hydroplane hull, hydrojet propulsion, a draft of 0.4 m, and develops a speed of 43 km/hr with an engine... Orig. art& has: 10 figures and 3 tables4 (ATD PRESS: 422941 SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE:' none Card 313 Fj~) BULGjkRIA / Chemical Technology. Lacquers. Paints. H-30 Coatings. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiye, No 23, 1958, 79677. Author : Rankoff, G., Popoff, A., Tschobanoff, D. Inst :Bolg.~ 1AN'. . Title :The Investigation of a Bulgarian Tallol in Re- spect to its Possible Use as A Base For Prepar- ing Varnishes and Drying Oils. Orig Pub: Dokl. Bolg. AN, 1957, 10, No 6, 469-472. Abstract: Tallol (I) was subjected to a double vacuum dis- tillation (pressure of 1 milliliters of Hg) with the isolation of 3 fractions: to 2000C., from 200-2100C. and 210-2200C. The fractions obtain- ed and the crude I were esterified with glycer- ine and were then polymerized in a stream of car- bon dioxide at 280-3000C. to a viscosity of 3-4 Card 1/2 91 SC H v N (40f)) 1). Tschobanowa and L. Dimitrow, "Veraenderungen in der alkalischen Phosphatase bei Anwendung von radioaktiven Thiamin," Die Naturwissenschaften (Berlin), 44/18, September 1957, PP. 493-4- Received on 8 July 1957. The authors are affiliated with the Chair for Phthological Physiology at the Medical Faculty, Sofia. Bulgaria/Chemical Technology Chendcal Products and Their Application. lacquers. Paints. Drying Oils. SiccativeB, 1-22 Ab9t Journal: Referat Zhur Xhimiya, No 19, 1956, 63285 Author: Rankoff, G., Popoff, A., Tschobanoff, D. Institutiont None Title: Investigation of Bulgarian Tall Oil Original Periodical: Untersuchungen an bulgarischta Talloel, Dokl. Bolgar. AN, 1954 (1955), 7, No 3, 45-48; German; Russian resumo~ Abstract: Bulgarian crude tall oil contains on the average 32.4% water and 59.5% oil. Physicochemical characteristics and composition of this oil are given; the oil differing but little from tall oil of other countries and being especially similar to the Swedish. Bibliography, 9 titles. Card 1/1 TSCIRTDTI~, 11. ":A, T L, C,H', Inr", t ;,,, nerirdicals: "L,"? A C"L! t T I - 9 " . I ~ I',' Vol. 1%, n . 1, Jun. 1 5 , '-'. Joharm i-rm-s Cci-.enlus. - IN Lonth17 List )f Last -',',-1ropeari !~ccc-.;M.o- ) il, Vol. i~, r0. 5 !-:ay 05), -nclc~:-,: . FRUDLIKA, RAH., TSCMXOVSKAU,, L.YE. "Telomerisation, einbau uiid ersatz von olefinen durch silane in gegenwart verschiedener initiatoren.0 Report submitted to the 2nd Dresden By=. on Organic and Non-Silicate Silicon Cbemistu. Dreadeng East 0enwW 26-30 March 1963 NATSCHUFF' B. [Nachev, B.); GM13FF, K. [Gerav K.]- GABRASCHANSKI, P. [Gaboranhanskis P.JF TSCHUSCHKOFF, P. (ChusLov, P.1 Contribution to the therapy and prophylaxis of enzootic heart and skeletal muscle distrophleo of lambs by seleniuma, Acts. voter Hung 13 no.1:11,13 163. 1. Medizinische Klinik der Tierarztliohen Rochschule in Sofia (Direktor: Prof, B. Natacheff) und Institut fur kunstliche Basawin und Aufzuchtkrankh iten (Direktor: Prof. K. Bratanoff). TSCHOBANOVA, D.; BOJADZIEV C. Changes in the iger= proteinogram under the influence of succus liquiritiae. DAL bolg. akad. nauk. 15 no.5:579-581 162. 1. Vorgelegt von P. Mikolcm, korr. Mitglied del- kademle. (BLOOD PRMIN ELECTROPHORESIS) (GLYCYRRIIIZA) MIZA.--iA R CEBELIME, P.., rod.; SMAPINAS, V., tokhn. rod. [All about the native landjApie tavoo gimtoji zeme. Vilnius, Valstybine grozines literaturos loidykla., 1962. 268 p. (MIRA 15M) (Lithuania-Description and travel) Changes in himn alimentary salivation following conduction anesthesia of the maxillofacial region. Vriwh.delo no.12: 1315-1316 D 156. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Kafedra Ichirurgicheskoy atonatologii. (zav. - prof.H.V.YetiRov) I norrYL11noy fiziologii (zav. - prof.N.K.Vitte) Kiyevskogo meditain- skogo stamiLtologicheskogo inatitilta. (S&LIVJ%RY GLMS) (IA"L AIIESTID,'SIA) TSIBINKO, N.S. Clinical investigation of food salivation in conduction anesthesia of the maxillofacial region. Vrach.delo to-5:541-543'W . ,59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Kafedra kbirurgicheskoy stomatologii (say. - prof. N.V. Yettsov) Kiyevskogo meditsinelcogo Inatituta. (SALIVARY GLANDS) (LOCAL ARSTHICSIA) TBRBINKO, H.S. Analgesic effect of conduction anesthesia of the mRxillafacial region with relation to the amount of navocAine used. Vrach.delo no-9:977 S'58 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Xsfedra khirurgicheskoy stomatologii (zave prof, NoVe Yetisov) Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo institutas (NOVOCAINE) '~-TS=JKO 9 V.A. p inzh. Automatic control of the acidity of mother liquor in the saturater bath in coke c-bemical production at the Kuznetek Metallurgical Combine, Makh. i avtom.proizv. 15 nr,.3t24,-26 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Automatic control) (Stalinek-Coke industry) TSIBRO, M-Ya., inzh.; KMNETSOV, S.I., lnzh. Improving the system of repaxping feedwatar as a method of combatting corrosion in locomotive boilers. Vast. TSNII M 17 no.8:51-53 D 158. (MIRA 12:1) (locomotive boilers) IIOVITSFIY, L.[Novytslkyi, L.], red.; TSEBKIK0, G.[TSebenko;H.], red.; NEr-RUTENKO, 0., red.; TtM-TIII, V.,, tekhn. red. (Guide to the State Local Geography Museum of Che--nov-:c-jj Putivnyk. Kyiv, Derzhpolitvydp-v URSR, 106 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Chernovtsy. Cbernivets1kyi derzhavnyi kraieznavehyi muzei. (Ghernovt.7-Geographical Ruseums) ACC NRi" AP-6033468 SOLIRCE CODE: UR A 11.1 3/66/000AIIJ/0054/0054 1INVEATOR: Tager, A. S.; Mellnikov, A. I.; Kobel'kov, G. P.; Tsebiyev, A. 14. ORG: None TITLE: A method for generating and amplifying SHF oscillations using semiconductor Idiodes. Class 21, No. 185965 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 18, 1966, 54 TOPIC TAGS: S11F oscillator, SHF amplifier, semiconductor diode, waveguide, resonator ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for generating and amplify- ing SHY oscillations using semiconductor diodes. Stable generation or amplification of oscillations in the centimeter and millimeter wavelength ranges is produced by placing the semiconductor diodes in a resonance or waveguide system, connecting them in a DC circuit and selecting their parameters and working points on the voltage- current curve in such a way that the resistance of the diodes on direct current and on frequencies below the working frequencies is positive while the resistance in the working frequency range is negative and greater than the resistance of losses in the diodes and in the high-frequency circuit. Card 1/2 UDC; 621.373.422 ACC NRo AP6033468 I i- 1-diodes; 2--high-frequency circuit i i SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 270ct59 M. ACC NRo AP6014712 A SOURCE CODE: Ult/0323/65/000/006/0032/003'8 AUTHOR: Tsebrenko, M. V. (Engineer); Yudin, A. V. (Dr. of technical sciences; Prof.)~ ORG: Kiev Technological Institute ofLight Industry (Kiyevokiy tekhnologicheakiy institut'legkoy promyshlZ_nnc~s_tf_ TITLE: Study of the of polyforma dehyde melts. 2. Effect of plasticizer on viscosity and consistency of the melt SOURCE: IVUZ. Tekhnologiya legkoy promyshlennosti, no. 6, 1965, 32-38 1 TOPIC TAGS: polyformaldehyde resin, solid viscosity, p lasticizer ABSTRACT: Rheological properties of 2_40% solutions of diphenylamine in polyformal- dehyde nrlt were studied-under conditions corresponding to the extrusion of syn -thetic fibers Viscosity and deformation were measured with polymers of 4.2-6.3-10V molec- uTa-rweight at 438--463 K and stress of 2.4'104--4.6-103 N/m2. Viscosities docreased. 1.3-37 times on addition of plasticizer. Correlations of viscosity and composition indicated that the effect of plasticizer depends markedly on both temperature and molecular weight but little on stress. Viscosity decreased with increasing temper- ature and rheological properties changed in direction to Newtonian flow; the trans- formation occurred in plasticized melts at lower temperature than in pure polymer. Nonnewtonian flow, however, was preserved under experimental conditions. Stability of flow required for fiber forming was reached at 463 K and over 5-10% additive content. Card 1/2 ~~'NR vtL~___ E~L L 07543-67 rAec-to-s-AP6014712 IThus, the approach to Newtonian flow is not required for stability in the aystem, poly- formaldehyde-diphenylamine. Rheological changes were observed for melts containing 2% diphenylamine, and use of d1phenylamine as antioxidant in polymers may result in similar effects. Student L. Moroz took pak in the experimental work. Orig. art... has: 5 tables and 7 figures. SUB CODE: 07,11/ SUBM DATE: 1BHar65/ ORIG REF: 616/ OTH REF: 002 Crd 2/2 tt C 4_ A. J, ., V I II KOVA I v (K i'f V-7) Otd. tc':i.. nc~ 'A 33-14'. Ja-,-' (Boron (Phane ria-'r- ~.wll. I im) S/l80/6l/0')0/')0l/Ol2/r)l5 E021/EL06 AUTHORS: Zhuravlev, N. N., Yakarenko, G. N.2 Samsonov, G. V.j Sineltnikova, V. S. and Tsebulya, G. Go (Kiyev) -MM --- M TITLEi The Question of the Properties and Phase Composition of Alloys of Boron and Carbon PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tokhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1961., No. 1,1 pp. 133-141 TEXT: The aim of the work~as tofind a method of preparing relatively pure alloys of boron with carbon and to investigate their physical 2roperties and phase-comPosition. The initial materials were powders of amorphous Uoro-i-1798.5 to ~9.5%) and larrr) black (99, 8rC7_-_The powders were mixed in alcohol, dried and sieved through 150 mesh. Several metliods of preparation were tried,, the r most acceptable being to hot-press a mixture of the powders in an argon atmosphere in graphite press-formers. Sone carburization took place (chemical analyses were made bi' r T. N. Nazarchuk). This could be overcome by using a molybdenum lining bi resulted in contamination with 1.31 to 1.Q%, mo:!8denu , Boron nitride linings avoided this conLamination. The alloys prepared were exR-dned metdllographically,, etching by anodic trentment in a Card 1/3 89630 S118016110001001101-2101.5 The Question of the Properties M21/E-),r)6 LO% KOH solution at 0.9 to 1.2 A.cm2 and 10 to 20 ". The structures obtained are shown in Fig. 2. The allo; with 6.4% carbon had a eutectic structure. At about 8% carbon, the structure was practically single-phRsed and at 1O.e',0 carbon Vie whole field appeared as a eutectic. It is proposed that a compound forms at about 6% carbon with the formula B12C- A second compound begins to appear at about 10% carbon and .s either B1302 or B C3 -ray analysis of the alloys was also carried out and (m~iiired the X metallographic observations* Fig* 2 shows the photograph of the phases B12C and B4C Th B Cphase had a rhombohedral e b structure. Between 2019 a2 " C. the alloy consisted of two phasest the rhombohedral phase, with maximiun darbon content in the cell, and graphite. At 61% carbon, an X-ray photograph with a large number of lines, the intensity and position of which did not correspond to B4C, was obtained. It is proposed that a compound richer in carbon than B4C exists at high temperatures, which decomposes to B4G and graphite at low temperatures. Ficro- hardness measurements showed that in the imannealed state t;here is mm2). a maximum corresponding to the proposed phase B12C (About 6000 kg/.. After annealing, the hardness curve is smoothed out and the hardness Card 2/3 S/180/61/000/001/012/015 7he Question of the Properties off E021X06 2 g/M2. of Bjr2C was 4000 kg/mm whilat that of B4C was about 5000 k Elec ical resistance measurements shawed thattliere were sharp maxima at 8 and 21.7% carbon. After annealing, the first raximum was retained although the absolute value decreasedl a high maximum was observed at about 15% carbon (BlIC2),, The resistance of alloys ccntaining more than 30% carbon wa9 ow and practically independent of corpusition. Studies of ter-q)eratnre dependenoe of reBiBtence of B40 confirmed the semiconducting character of this carbide (see Fig. 5). Thermal measurements showed that the highest values corresponded to defect structures of the compounds 1312C and P C deficient in carbon. 'No possible variations o the phase Ha~,ram of the boron-carbon system at the boron-rich end are given in Fig. 4. There are 5 figuress 3 tables and 19 references: 14 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet SUBIMTED: August 24, 1960 Card 3/3 MAKARA, A.M.; TSECHAt~ V.Aj, ZHCVNITSKIY' I.P. Determining the characteristics of cold crack development -in welded joints.,.by means of ultrasonic flaw detection. AvtWI. avar. 24 no.504-9 Mv '61. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Ordena Trudavggo Krasnogo Znameni Inatitut elektroovarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN USSR., ' (Welding-Testing) (ultrasonic testing) ZVORYKIN, K.Y.; PERTSKVA, A.A.; TSIDELKH, Ye.B.; LXBRM, N.P.; VIDINk, A.A. Work in the typing and qualitative evaluating of arable lands. Vop.geog. no.43:86-108 '58. (MIRA 12:5) .1 It (soils) TSFAZLER.. Ye.E. - -- --- - *Map$ of the industries of economic administrative regionsm by E.M.Gurari. Reviewed by E.E.TSedeler. lzv.AN =R.Ser.geog. no.3:1,39-140 My-Je 162, (KIRA 15-5) (,"Luasia---L3dustries--Maps) (Gurari., E.M.) KM(AR, Y.G.; SAZHIN, L.I.; FMIN, N,A,; TSIMMUM, G.I, , , Selenium valve. Trudy NIKFI no,7t227-238 147. (MIU 11:6) 1. Blektrooilovava laboratoriya Nauchno-looledovateliskogo Idno- foto-instituta, Xoskwa, (Zlectric current rectifiers) Tachudin., F. Tschudin,, F. Paper production in Old Mexico. p. 21. Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan. 1957 PAPIR A CELULOSA TZCBNOLOGY Czechoslovakia So. East European Accessions. Vole 6, No. 5, May 1957 TSIMENK00.6, 4t~." Analgesic effect of conduction anesthenia of the maxillofacial region with relntion to the amount of nOVOCAlne used. Vrach,del%) no.91977 S158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Kafedra khirurgicheakoy stomatologii (sava prof* NvVe Fetisov) Xiyevskogo meditsinskogo institute* (NOVOCAINE) T'SEBENKO, N. S. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Alimentary Salivation as anMI :tiAess of t -Conduction Anesthesia of dex of the Ef fe( X -.0% the Maxillofacial Area." Kiev, 1957. 17 PP 21 cm. (Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Medical Inst im Academician A. A. Bogomolets), 200 copies (KL, 27-57, 111) _ 8? - TSMNKO X.S. '- ~Mechmu sm of the action of novocaina block. Trech.delo no.llil2l9 N '56, (KIRA 10:3) 1, Kafedra kh*irurgichaskoy stomatologii (saveduyushchly - professor N.V.71tisov) I normallnoy fiziologii, (zaveduyushchly - professor N.K.Vitte) Kiyavskogo maditainskogo stomatologichaskogo instituta. (NOVOCAINE) TSIBINKO, U.S. Salivation as an objective method for studying the effectiveness of conduction anesthesia of the maxillofacial region with novocaine solutions of various concentrations. Vrech.delo no.6:657 Je '57. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Kafedra khirargichaskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. N.Y.Yetteov) i-kefedra normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. H.K.Vitte) Xiyevskogo meditsinskogo stomatologichookogo institute (SALIVARY GLANDS) (LOCAL ANZMHICSIA) (NOVOCAINE) TSEDERTOVICII R [Cebertowicz, R.) I ;Ii The leaning tower of Pisa won't collapse (from "Wiedza i Zycie"). Nauka I zhiznf 28 no-5:55-56 My 161. (MIRA 14.6) 1. Chlen Pollskoy Akademii nauk (Soil stabilization) f PBOHOITYY, Rhaim Davidovich,: ROMYSIO. Mkha U Abramovich, ; TSIBRJWKO, Xorl,Pawlovich,; YAUCIMXO. Ye. F., kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzent,-, TRMAS, A.B.,prof ., red. (Repair of grain harvesting combines] Remont zernouboT-ochnykh komba inov. Kiev, Goo. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo mashinostrott. lit-ry, 1958. 315 P. (MERA 11:12) (Combines(Agricultural machiner.0-Maintenance and repair) T 0 T ~ Speoialization of the departments in a department store. Sarib tor no;4:20-25 AP 158, (MM 11141* (Department stores) SANSONOV) G.V. [Siuntionovp H.V.1; TSEDULYAt G.G. [TSebulia, H.B.) Effect of additions of carbon and titanium on the electrical conductivity of silicon nitride. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5 no, 5:615-619 5-0 160. (MIRA 14.4) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i t3patsiallnykh splavov AN USSR. (Silicon nitride-Electric properties) (Carbon) (Titanium) GOLIGORSKIY, S.D. (Kishinev); TBUTM, X.A_ (KishinST); SHOYMT, R.N. (Ki, shinev) Treatment of acute nonspecific cystitis with presacral novocalne- penicillin blocks. Klin.mad. 32 no.1:84 Ja 154. (HLRA 7.-4) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy Ichirurgicheekoy kliniki (direktor - professor N.H.Kukin) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo institute. i ReBpublikanskoy klinichaskoy bolfnitay. (Bladder--Inflammation) (Penicillin) (Novocaine) -117,11.5 GURVIO9.j Ajatoliy Eons tar t,imv iz~i, -' ~' . TSE~;HALI, V.A. y inzil., retsenzent; INOVIK, A.M., red.-Mmarmrzo tekhn. red* (Ultrasonic defectoscopy of welded joints] U11tra- zvukovaia defektoskoplia avarnykh soedinenii. Kiev, Gostekhizdat UM, 1963. 227 p. (MIRA 17:2) KHIMCHMO, N.Y.; YESIUVSKIY, Y.P.; TSZCHALI, V.A. Ultrasonic defectoscop7 of welded joints made by automatic welding with flux...Avtom. ovar..10 no.2.,70-78 Kr-Ap 157. (WI-RA 10W 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiv institut khimicheakogo mashinostroveniya i Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut alektroavarki im. Te.O. Patona Akademil nauk USSR. Odlectric welding--Q=lity control) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) 1-ibo 2084 Sll~V611000100510011016 A161/A127 AMORS: Makara, A. M., Tsechal2, V. A., Zhovnitskly, 1. P. Determining the development of cold cracks in welded joints by ultra- sonic flaw detection PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya. avarka, no. 5, 1961, 3 - 10 TECT: A new method-developed by the Institut alaktroevarki im. Ye. 0. Pato- pa (Eleatrio Welding Institute im. Ye. 0. Pqton) makes it possible to determine the-moment of 'ar4ok initiatlon iml thelz~ further propagation in welds. An Y_Vr7H (UZD-7N) ultrasonic flaw detector of TeMITMASh design was used. The investiga- t'ions wort conducted with h-f oscillatious.of 2.5 MG, with prismatic feelers prod- ucing a 300 sound beam angle, one feeler performing the functions of both trans- mitter and receiver. Silicon oil was used on the specimen surface, which ensured a dependable contact at temperatures about 1500C. Butt welds were prepared in 14 mm thick 35X3H3M (39".3M) medium-alloyed steel with straight edges and single- bead welds. The shape was chosen for conveniencefor cold cracks in such welds usually develope at about right angles to the surface, and the reflection is clear. Already a slight increase of a crack c;-.used a noticeable change in the reflected Card 1/ 3 26784 S11251611000100510011016 Determining the development of cold cracks in... A167./A127 ultrasonic energy on the screen. However, vertical internal cracks in metal do not produce such an effect, and it was not possible to watch and record slight in- .creases of cracks of this kind. It is emphasized that also other flaws than cracks (cold shuts, notches) are being reflected, and preparatory experiments are neces- sary with specimens of the chosen geometric shape to spot and determine the other reflections before the tests. The lengthof cracks is determined as usual in such flaw detection, i.e. by two positions of' the fee'ler being moved to and fro. The depth of cracks was judged by the changing amplitude of reflected signal. The amplification was correspondingly reduced, for otherwise the signals would reach beyond the screen. A graph was plotted by which the depth of cracks may be deter- mined with *0,5 mm accuracy. Error is bighest at about 1 mm Crack depth. At low -ions from notches were crack depths the accuracy increases to tO.2 mm. Reflect different from reflections from cracks. The data show that initial microscopic cracks are starting at both ends of the seam at the boundary with the base metal in 20 - 25 min after termination of welding, when the metal temperature is about 14o - 1300C, and the depth of initial cracks is below one millimeter. The number of initial cracks reached up to ten in 3 lirs. The crack propagation was different - some cracks remained stable for a long time *1d then propagated rapidly, and some vice versa. Only in 2 - 3 days cracks bec*e visible to unaided eye. Cracks Card Z/3 26784 S/125/61/000/005/001/016 Determining the development of cold crackis in... A161/A127 In specimens subjected to a tension stress of 20 - 25 kg/=2 Initiated as all other and spread slowly for several hours, then developed instantaneously to complete failure of specimen. The conclusion is drawn that the method is suitable for stud~- Ing the kinetics of slow destruction in welded joints as well as in metals in gene- ral, e.g.Ithe initiation and apreading of hardening cracks that are forming slowly after heat treatment. There are 11 figures and 5 referencest 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloo. The reference to the English-language publication reads as film: A. N. Cottrell, A Note on the Initiation of Hardened Zone Cracks, "The Welding Journal", no. 11, 1944. ASSOCIATIONs Ordena, Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektroavarki im. Ye. 0. Patona AN USSR ("Order of the Red Danner of Labor" Electric Welding Institute im. Ye. 0. Paton AS UkrSSR) SUEOMMM: January 28, 1961 Card 3/3 14ALEVSKIY, Yu.B.; TSECHAL:, V.A, Work of the SubcoaUttee on the Equipment and Quality Control. of Welding. Avtom.avar. 14 no.9:94-95 S t6l. (,'a?A 14:8) (Welding research) TSECHALI, V.A. . __Z__ __ -- Scientific technological conference on pbysical method's of nondestructive material testing. Avtom. svar. 14 no.lC:Sl-93 o 161. (IIIW. 14:9) Mondestructive testing-Congresses) Ultrasonic testing of joints in 34M steel made by electric alagwelding. Avtom. evar.'25 no.8:82-85 Ag 162. (,'-aRA 15:7) 1. Ordenh Trudovogo Krasnogo Znazeni Institut clektroevarki imeni Ye.O. Patona, AN USSR. (Electric welding) (Ultrasonic testing) 'S000 c,(I-,o ILI 1~, 149(, 1 Lfsij, i 515,210D 2905 S1125141ooc~lo I VC: D040/D112 AUTHOR! Tsechalt, V.A. TITLE, A soientific and technical conference on nondestructi-te physical inspection inethods for materialb PERIODICALi Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 10, 1961, 91-93 TEXT: The II Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po fizicheskim metodam kontrolya materialov bez razrusheniya (Second All-Union Clonforenco on Nondestructive Physical Inspection Methods for Materials) was convened in Leningxad in April 1961. Over 900 delegate3 from. 147 towns of the USSR attended and 95 reports were hoard, The conference started with the report of L.I. Loginov, Er,;.,~neer, on the development and introduction of nondestructive inspection methods in industry. P.K. Oshchepkov, of the IMET im. Baykova (IMLT im. Baykov) gave a report on "Basic problems of the development of nondestluc- tive physical inspection methods for materials", i.e. problems of automatiun, objective evaluation of flaws, visualization (ir-troscopy) of flaws, high- speed recording of tne inspection results, wider application of various kinds of penetrating radiation, etc. Several reports dealt with the auto mation of inspection (by S.T. Nazarov, L.G. Morkulov, A,K. Gurvich; Yu.K. Card l/ F, 29053 S11 2 5~61/01,C/0!0/01 3/014 A scientiiie and technical conference ... D040/D112 Fedorov, M.R, Gubanova). A unit with an converter tube, developed Lit the MLVTU -4m. Baumana (NIVTU im. Bauman), permits mechanizing x-ray in--Fer;-- tion and observing a weld seam on a TV zcreen during trradiation. The con- verter tube is suitable for inspection of welded jA.pes, and the efficiency of the inspection may he 10-20 times higher than with the photographic mg- thod. LETI im. V.I. Ultyanoia (Lenina) (LETI im. V*.I. Ulyanov [Len;r.]) has pz-odaced the first autimatic industrial unit for the high-speed inopection. ~:f rclled sheets. Sheet metal up to 3 n wide and immersed in 7ater,mov6s a. ng a roll table at a speed of 10 m/mi:i ',-etw,-en systems of emitting anO receirinE .*ibrators. The images cf flaws are rercrded or. electrcthermic, p3po.r on the desired s,~ale. '.7ith TV reccr,"Ing, several square meters may be inspected in one mirzlate. An- automatic YK~9 -2 \'UKL-2) unit for the qual.- ity ooz-troi of shest-3 has beer-. devcl~,pea -4n Leningrad. A me-~hod of con- zinuolis automatic ultraeon-ic in-,pecti-(,.%n of the thickress of sheets and p1pe walls r-f 3 Mm ar_'d Ovex,at a speed of up *c 1-5 m/se,, has been develoFed at the T5N'LITMASh. The NIIWdtov presented the functional and electrical sche- mat-icr, .,f experimental units for 1_jltlaF~onic inspection cf Various welded joints with dcrumental 3e~ordirg reported by A.K. Gurvic,h). T. T Bordylagc-v of the za~,-rd "E1ek-,rotc-chj)2:_Jbor" ("Elektrotochpriber" Plant) Cayd V A, 29053 A sciontific und technical conference... D040/D112 reported an the organization of serial production of flaw detectors at the plant. The following flaw detectors will be produced in 1961: the AN17 -2 (DMP-2) mobile magnetic, the 77 nK4-3M (77PMD-314) portable magnetic, the 3M14A -3 (EMID-3) inductive electromagnetic flaw detectors, as well as the 03 -1 (IE-1), the ultrasonic YAM-1 (UDM-1) and the luminescent JIA-2 (LD-2) conductivity testers. A number of reports dealt with x-ray and gamma, ray flaw detection and new trends in this field. 0.M. Ignatlyev, and D.S. Gerchikov, Zh.V. Ostapenko, V.I. Mak-Mak, and V.M. Fedorchuk reported on the experience gained in the application of nuclear radiation for gamma- ray flaw detection in welded joints at enterprises in the Stalinskiy (Sta- lino) sovnarkhoz, at the Kiyevskiy mashinostroitel;nyy zavod (Kiyev Nachi- nery Plant), the Zhdanovskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya (Zhdanov Heavy Machinery Plant), and the Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metzillokonstruktsiy im. Babushkina (Dnepropetrovsk Metal Structures Plant im. Babushkin). Ye.N. Neelov (Leningrad) spoke on the use of small-size gamma-ray sources for the irradiation of welds on pipelines tip to 250 mm in diameter; the source is moved on a special carriage into the pipeline, and the cassette is left outside, The seam is inspected by means of a single photograph. IA. Neyfelld (Moscow) informed the conference on methods and equipment for gar-ma-ray inspection of welds on main gas and oil pipelines; the use of Card 3/6 29053 3/125/61/000/010/013/014 A scientific and technical conference ... D040/DI12 small PY11-120-5-1 (RUP-120-5-1) apparatus was also recommended. The re- port of I.S. Ivakhnenko (Moscow) dealt with tho use of scintillation coun- ters as one of the promising trends in x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detection. The report of Ye.V. Lisovskiy (Leningrad), "Introduction of the ionization inspection method for large structures at plants", dealt with the physical fundamentals, advantages and drawbacks of this method. K.I. Kornishin re- ported an electrustatic inspection methods. The use of betatrons abroad for ir.-adiation of thick metal items, and its advantages, were mentioned. The Tcmakiy politekhnichaskiy institut (Tomsk Polytechnic Institute) has developed a new design for a small and light 25 mev betatron. Betatrons are intended for inspecting welds in high-pressure vessels (reports by A~A. Vorobtyevp V.I. Gorbunov, and G.N. Kok). The reports of M.N. Mikheyev, G.S. Tomilov and R.S. Yanus, of the Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (In- stitute of Physics of Metals of the AS USSR) dealt with a magnetic method for measuring the depth of active hardened layer and the quantity of reBi- dual austenite in the surface layer, the relations between the magnetic, electrical and mechanical properties of steel after heat treatment, and an autcmatic arrangement for sorting electrotechnical sheet iron by coercive fcroe. N.M. Rodichin (Sverdlovok), A.A. Dorofeyev, S.A. Sadovnikov and Card 4/8 2)'053 s/125/61/000/010/013/014 A and technical conference... D040/D1I2 V.G. Gerasimov (Moscow) reported on the quality control 4;,f various articles, and :,n cpot welding by eddy currents. For the inspection o:~f spot welds~ the te3ted part is placed betweer coil pickups so that the faces of one pair of coils face the weld from opposite siden, while another pair is placed an ~he adjacent non-welded section. Changes of the e.m.f., resulting fXom variations in the quality of the spot weld, are recorded with a m-'lli- voltmeter. The method clearly reveals cracks, burns, st2eking, and 30~ cold shuts in 1+1 to 2+2 mm joints. A.S. Falikevich (14,:~sccw) and N.D. La- kushin (Rostov-na-Donu) reported on the magnutographic inspection of welds~ suitable for joints of 4 to 14 mm thickness when ultrasonic in-,;~ection i,- difficult. VNIIST (Mozicow) has developed a new HA,-ll (MD-11) magnetojra- phic flaw detector th,.t produces visible images of flaws, which is not pos- siblu with the MA-9 (10-9) detector. The use of ferrosonde flaw detection for 1U. rails, steel bars, pipeslets.,was described in the reports of A.H. Matvayev, I.I. Kifer and M.S. Tseplyayeva (Mozcow), and N.N. Zatsepir and D.A. Shturkin (Sverdlovsk). This new mwthod of magnutic flaw detection uses a ferrosonde indicator that iv tntroducod into the zone (.-f the magnetic leakage fiald at the flaw. N.1. Yeremin (TaNlITMASh) repcrted on magnetic Card 5/8 2 Ce3 9 S112 761/OGO/01G/01..VO_I4 A goientific and technical conference... D040 D112 ;netallcp,raphy permitting direct determination of the microatruct%re of me- -al by sp-,tntaneous magnetic "charges". The reuorts of Ye.A. Fllim,)nova, I.N. Yermolov, A.S. Borovikov and N.V. Khimchenko Moscow) dealt with the the,~ry and practice of luminescent and color flaw-detection mathods, and with the highly-sensitive combined luminescen~le-ultrasound method. The re- p~;zt nf D,3, Shrayber (Moscow). "Ways for improving the -,-iltrasonic flaw-- detection pulse-echo method",concerned the fundamental requirements of ul- trasonic flaw-detection methods in serial prc~duction of articles where the absence of flaws is vitally important. L.G. Merkulov (Leriingxad~ generallm! a sc-ries of' theoretical studieu of ultra!joni~: inspection and inuntioned new ..nstruments permitting inspection of steel Tith coarse crystalline structuret FI,,e retp~%rt of A.G. Gorokhov (Moscow), "Investi,,,raticn of the bnsic feat,.,res .if flaw detection by the immersion echo -m,; U.,)d included recommend.11tioni ,:oacerning 3018Ction of the parainetero of the inope,:tion instr1imenta. V.Ye. :vq;-,Gv (Lew-ngrad) gave informat--on on a nk!?j ultraaon,_~; flaw deteotor, the I. x A t-,~~r--~matr '131PVC-18" (-'UZD:;-18II stKucttire nuteT) fcr thu inspectic,r, and iz-ve3tigation of coarse-grained matertals.. and revi sma_311,3ize ( UZD-16) and uItrason.-.-,,t!:e VolE~i-M&-t-,:ba f1ood land and the Volga delta with a total surface of 100,000 km2 that should be partially irrigated iindoconomically opened up, In 1948-50o 6reoGraphical examinations ware mande for the firz)t atago o! the vcheme (general ochodulon were set np). Then, phyoical-googirraphical and economic-geographical special maps at umall arid modium ocalon wore made up. In subsequent years, the most typical soctiona were oxamined in dQtail. Card 1/2 On account of this work, large-scale maps wero produced. Cartographical Work in the Complex Study of sov/'6-59-12-10/14 11alf-Desert Regions The work of the first staae was carried out by special sections (geomorphological, soil-geobotanical and economic- geographical sections). Cartographers took part in the office and field work. The work in the two staGes is here pointod out in short. The work carried out here showed that in extensive geographical expeditions the presence of cartographers in all stages of work is indispensable for the making of special maps with universal characteristics of the region. Card 2/2 TSEDERBAUM, Yu. Examining labor dispites on awarding bonuses. iots. trIad 8 no.8:1.16-141 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Bonus systeri) (Labor disputes) TSEDERBAUM, -Yuriy Yakovlevichi SAKHAROVA, I.M., red.; TIFOFEYEVA, N.V., ';~~ [Payment of rabochim i 1961. 102 pensions to workers and employceol aluzhashchim. Iloskvat Goo. izd-vo p. (Pensions) Vyplata ponaii iurid. lit-ry (MIRA 14M 50), 5W SOV/62-59-6-13/42 AUTHORS Petrov, Al. A., Sergiyenkop S. R. Nechitaylo, ff. A., Sanin, P. I., Nikitskaya, Ye. A. TITLE: Synthesis and Properties of the Dimethyl-substituted Alkanes Having the Composition C 12-C16 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Ur 8, pp 1421-1424 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper discusses the synthesis and properties of some of the compounds mentioned in the title. The properties of the synthesized materials are given in table 1. Nearly all substances crystallize at low temperatures; only 2,4-di- methyldecane and 3,5-dimetbyldodecane.vitrify at much lower temperatures than do their isomers or adjacent homologs. Besides reference 3 investigations aiming at an explanation of these phenomena have also been carried out by Petrov (Ref 4)- It was assumed that the characteristic feature of vitrification of the two compounds mentioned is due to their structure. Various investigations were carriee out to prove this assumption (determination of viscosity as a function of temperature (Table 2) and determination of nolecular weight). From the results it is seen that the influence of Card 1/2 the structure on the vitrification effect cannot be limited. SOV/62-59-8-13/42 Synthesis and Properties of the Dimethyl-substituted Alkanes Having the Composition C12-C 16 It was only possible to establish a certain dependence on the branching degree of the compounds. There are 2 tables and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefti Akademii nauk SSSR (Petroleum Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 10, 1957 Card 2/2 TS17MRATIO Y~I. -~A~ FLifo av! -,iork of MarshO Chiltalptinl 0 2111:111 1 Oeli%tellnnsti Mars'hjla Cliolbalsara. Perevod 9 ia-ti,ol'Wro:zo. Moolcra, I~A-vo li,o4trarsnn! lit-ry, I () 15 -') .1) 0 p . (MMA ~ :5 ) IB95-1952) _T~~,_Yu,;_BARULINA, L.G., red.; ROMANOT, A.Y., red.;.RUKYANTsay A.M., red.; TROPM, N.Ts. red*; FZWSMVp P.N.~ red.; BARMINA, L.G., red,; "IMBIN, Te.M., (Socialist transformation in the Mongolian reoPle's Republic] Sotaialisticheakie proobrazovaniis v Mongollskoi Narodnoi Respublike. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 117 P. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Pervyy sakreter' TSentralluogo Komiteta Hongollskoy narodno- revolyutsionnoy partii (for TSedenbal). (Mongolia--Economic policy) T`!,,'1)E'R!3A17j,T, 1'. L On 22 March 1946, at the Power Engineering Institute Lmnenl Molotov, defended his dissertation on "The Problems of Using Selenium Rectifiers". Official opponents - Doctor of Teclunical Scipncos Professor I. L. Kaganov, and Candidate of Technical Sciences Docent V. G. Komar. So: Elektrichestvo, No 4, April 1947, pp 90-94 ( U-5577, 18 Fobniary 1954 A highly developed critique was given of the simple mathematical methods of calculatin,c; hard rectifiers and of the methods of tabulating solutions with the aid of load norms. The principal shortcomings of these methods lay in misinterpretin,-, the lawa existing, between!ho varicus par,%netors of the rectifier circuit and the operating conditions. Erronom,2 poaftlates which had been adopted in the normatives were shown. A recomendation was made of a~graphlc-analytic method of calculat'!ng selenium rectifiers for admissive and. non-admissive mritching in of these rectifiers. Using., the method recommended the problems were investigated of using selenium rect- ifiers in single-phase surply circuits with a load in the form of a pure counter- electromotive force, without taking into account the active and reactive resistances of the power source. As a result of the investigation the circuits were classified into four basic groups on the principal of similarity from the point of view of operation of the selenium rectifiers. So: IBID PETROV, ALA.; 4IRGITENKO, S.R.: TSIDILINA. A.L.; YIMOROV, Tu.P. homerization of unsaturated 16- *carbons. MAx. I takh. Upl. ne.1:26-32 J& 156. WaA 937) (Hydrocarbons) ro T r! T6 T A TSZDMATJM, L.I. "Selenic valve," report 88, Y.G. Komar, L.I. Teederban , Trudy NIKFj.f (Nauch.-insled. kino-foto-in-t), Issue 7, 1947, (column title: 1944), p. 216-26 SO: U-2888, Letopla Zh*arnallnykh Statey, No. 1, 1949 TSEDERBAUM 0 yu. Qiaracteristica of the computation and award of pensI6'hs u workers. Qkhr. truda i sots's~ My 161. rakh, 4 no.L.~1-53 (Teachero,Salariesp pensions, etc.) (MIRL 14:5) TSZDZBMUM Tu. For the workers in education and public health. Okhr.truda. i note.strakh. 3 no.6-.62-67 Je 16o. (MM 13:7) 1. Starshiy yuriskonsul't yuridicheskoy konsulltataii Moskov- skogo gorodskogo soveta profsoyuzov. (Pensions) TSXDBRBAUM, Yu., yurist Istablishing the generp-1 length of service for the granting of pensiors to workers and sayplo7ees. Okh.truda I sota.strakh. no.1:65-68 J& 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Pensions) LIVSHITS, R.; TSEDMBAU-1, Yu. Calculating average iiiiiings. Sots. trud 6 ro.9:41-51 S '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Wages-Accounting) TSaERDAMI I YU. Whe-n-collactij farm work 14P. included in the lengtIf of service record in granting pensions, Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 5 no.7:1+0-/A T1 162. (MIR& 15-7) 1. Starshiy yuriskonsul't yuridicheakey konsulltatsii Moskovskogo gorodskogo soveta, profesaionalinykh soyuzov. (Pensions) TOPMERBAUM, Yu. Verifying documents for receiving state penBions. Sots. trud 6 no.4:132-3.40 Ap '61. (MRA 16:7) (Pensions) TSEDERBAUM, Yu. Compensation for damage- sustained by workers and e=,-,loyees in connection with their work. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 6 no.5:36.-41 MY 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Employers' liability) FK I,-kj USSR/ Physical Chemistry Taer;2odynai.Ac:3. Thermcchemic try. B-8 Equilibrium. 1-hysicochci.LLcal Analy_,is. Phase TrunsItiens. Abs Jour Reforat Zhur - Khinira., 1:10 3) 1957) 7495 Author Tsederb r NOV. Inst Moscow Power nstitute Title On the reterranation of the Thermal Conductivity of Binary Mixtures (Solutions of Ethyl Alcohol in Water) Orig Pub : Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1955, Vol 25, 13-27 Abstract : The the=a4 conductivity ( .- ) of aqueous solutions of C2H 50F' of varying cone entrati ons has been determined expijrimentally by the heated-wire method (D.L. Timrot and Vari7aftik, N.D., Izv. Vesescyuz. toplotekh. Ln-ta, 1935, No 9; 194o, Ito 'f) over the temperature range -70 to 6011. flie fumilila of Predvoditelev-Vargaftik wus used In the calculatioi, ~ ; the formula has been propo- sed for the calculation of "C of associated homogeneous liquids. All the terns of the equation were determined Card 1/2 119 J USSR/ Physical rMenistry - Ther~:rdynamftcs. Thermochemistry. B-8 Equilibriun,. Mysicocheralcal Analysis. Phase Transiticrs. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khirdyu, ',!o '3, 1957, 7495 by the additivity rule. The specific weight of the so- lutions was calculateJ from the Mondc!leyev formulac, The author recommends the use of the Predviditelcv-Var- gaftik formula f:)r the calculatton of N at alcohol con- ccntratlon. of 0-05 pt:rl-,unt (by voliulu). For concentra- tions of' 80 percent arid avcr a fori.-,uJa is proposed for the calculation of X which takes into account the decrea- se in volume on jaixinC. The differences between the re- sults obtuined by norms of the proposed equations and experir2ental data -do not exceed 2.17 percent. Card 2/2 120