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j rat'. ;I I TS~~~ ~zh ~ Follow the example of outstanding engineers. HTO 5 no.2:8 F 163 (MIRA 16~ 1 ,6, le Chlen nauchno-takhidcheakogo obahch6atva Gomellskogo zavoda sellskokhozyaystvenno, o mashinostroyeniya. IEl~lpeere) tJS311 / Ft;-i:) Animalo. Honey Bee Q-7 Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12203 Author Toarenko V. P. Inst Title The Technique Used by I. S. Filatov and the E.-fpcdi-- ency of Strengthening Bee Families (0 metode raboty 1. S. Filatova i tselesoobrazno3ti podsilivaniya pchelinykh semey) OriG Pub: Pchelovodstvo, 1957, No 5, 21-23 Abstract: The author argues that the strengthening of weak families is expedient not only for the salce of aui~- menting the number of bees but also for introduc- ing, into a poor family, the bees distinguished by their energy and efficiency which characterize Strong families. However, If the weak family does no'~~ iffi- prove, it should be culled. Card 1/1 L.,15'~9 06 ACC NRt A.P6018552 satisfy exactly the zero boundary conditions on the two ohmic contacts. The threshol& field and the frequency of these oscillations turn out to be gorverned by the same for-1 mulas as obtained in the earlier pappr for an Infinitely long sample. The threshold fields for the almost-natural oscillations is smaller than the threshold field for the true natural oscillations. If the field is smaller than critical, damped oscillations can be excited by applying to the sample an alternating field. These arise when the ohmic contacts are weakly injecting. The impedance of the sample in the latter case is investigated and it is found that it exhibits resonant properties near the frequen- cy of the natural oscillaiions in the case of a short sample or near the frequency of almost-natural oselUations for the long sample. For the short sample the resonance is manifest lay a single dip, whereas for a long sample it is manifest by a packet of waves, The authors thank L. E. Gurevich and V. 1. Perell for useful discussions. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 45 Fo_rmulas. M CCDE: 2p/ sm DATE: 22Nov65/ oRiG REF: oo2/ ozi REF: ool T 47 ACC HR: A P601072 SOURCL CODE: UR/0142/66/009/001/0063/0070 AUTHOR: -Toarenko, _V. ~~rpv,, G. V.; Borzenko, V. V. ORG: none TITLE$ Semiconductor waveguide attenuator.with combinational electric control for shf power atabiliza Cion SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 63-70 TOPIC TAGS: microwave attenuator, microwave power stabilization, pn junction ABSTRACT: A description is given of a wide-band voltage-controlled semiconductor attenuator for regulation of the shf output power level of waveguides operatingon the 3-cm wavelength. The semiconductor atten- uator in shown in the figure. The Ge wafer with ohmic contacts 1, 21 3, and rectifying contact 4 form a distributed p-n junction. To red Ucei the ripple of the attenuation-frequency characteristic and the initial losses, the wafer thickness in J.ess than the skin depth of the ulif field in the semiconductor (i.e., 0.6 mm). The wafer may be mounted cither porpendicular to or parn1lel to the longitudinal axis of the waveguide (nee Fig. 1). Voltage potential ET is applied between con- tacts 1 and 2, and a field is created, causing the flow of current If -UDC*. -6,2 1 . 3.71.2 . 8 5- .-3-9 L 2Mi 5--156 ACC NR: AP6010724 4 To a L 20 narrowed Waveg 11~~afer 6 b normal sections of waveguide junctions Fig. 1. Attenuator construction (a) and mounting in waveguide (b) in the forward direction between contacts 3 and 4. Passage of current If through the p-n junction causes the holes to be injected into the sample. As a result, excess carrier concentration arises in the p-n junction. Due to the gradient of carrier concentration along the length of sample, the holes partially diffuse into the region inside the waveguide. Voltage ET accelerates the motion of the holes and increases their diffusion length. The lifetime of the holes becomes sufficiently long for them to reach point x - a (Fig. la). This causes a substantial increase of sample conductivity and, indirectly, the attenuation of the electromagnetic wave as it passes through the semi- Card 2 3 MrP 3 LIE % 0 ME L 2277-'1-66 A1160107 2 4 ACC NP: conductor sample. Test reaulta :~n,lfcati! that the tranamli;filon factor does not vary by more than 3 db I.n a 20% f requcncy band. The speed i of responne of the device operating in the pulsed mode was 200-220 iisec for ET - 0 and 20-30 usec for Ej, - 2v/cm. The attenuation charac- teriatic Sv w da/dIf (a. attenuation) was 300-600 per amp for optimum E-e. The maximum dynamic range of the attenuator was 20 db. The attenuator may be effectively used in automatic systems requiring high-' speed slif power level regulation, alif detectors, and directional couplers. The two control signala are the error signal and its differential. Orig. art. hast 4 figures and 2 formulas. JBDJI ,SUB CODEs 09/ SUBM DATEs 04Feb65/ ORIG REN 005/ OTH REPt 006 ATD PRESS:q'2-zq Card 33 T=RM-AP60035 SOtJRCE GODE: UR/O log /66/011/001/0158/0161 AUTHOR: Tsarenko, V. T.; Valitov, R. A. ORG: none TITLE: Calculation of �HF-pR~yer stabL1izers_,,,!/, SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11, no. 1, 1966, 158-161 TOPIC TAGS: SHE attenuator, SHE power stabilizer ABSTRACT: A method of calculation iE. suggested for a broadband SHE-power stabilizer based on an electrically-cont rolled semiconductor attenuator. The SHE- generator -stabilizer -load system is treated as an automatic controller and a plant, Plant and the equations descr.ibing both are set up. r-13j-eim Essentially, the system (see figure) comprises the P, S P, - ;r following parts: I - SHE oscillator; 2 - controllable -r~~ ~- - attenuator; 3 - directional coupler and crystal I so 8 detector; 4 -.first amplifier; 5 - comparison circuit; 1 6 - second amplifier; 7 - pulse detector; 8 - single- 1 I 1(n 7 6 stage d-c amplifier; 9 - load. A graphoanalytical I on ro or L ----------- --- I Card I UDC: 6zl-.3i6.72 ACC NRt AP6003566 0 1 procedure for calculating the stabilizer parameters Is given. An experimental verification of the procedure showed a difference between the theoretical and experi- mental stabilization characteristics of C'. 06 db. Orig. art. has: Z figures, 14 formulae, and I table. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: Z5Jan65 / ORIG REF: 003 Card VALITOV, R.A.; DOMANOVA, Ye.A.; TSARFNKO, V.T. Device for stabilizing the power of microwave oscillations in a wide frequency range. Radiotakh. i elektron. 8 no.10:1793-1795 0 163. (MIRA 161l0) d L ACCESSION-NR: AP4040755 6/0142/64/007/002/0253/0256 AUTHOR: Valitov, R. A.; Domanorap Ye. A.; Tearenko, V. T. TITLE: Waveguide broadband power stabilizer SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 7, no. 2. 1964# 253-256 TOPIC TAGS: waveguide element, standing wave ratio, microwave equip- ment, power stabilizer ABSTRACT: A stabilizer is describeds capable of maintaining the load power constant within several per cent in a frequency range of 20%. The stabilizer is made broad-band by using an electrically con- trolled germanium-slab attenuator with a rectifying p-n junction. The input measuring element is a gas-discharge junction. Whenever the waveguide power deviates from the minimum level, an error signal, modifies the admittance of the germanium slab and restores the power level. The accuracy of the apparatus is estimated at 3.5% when the Card ACCESSION NR: AP4040755 input power drops by 10 dB from not less than 2 mW initial level. The stabilizer can be used as an attachment to a sweep generator of the klystron type with mechanical, automatic tuning provided the fm signal is additionally modulated in amplitude at approximately I kcs frequency. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 5 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUDMITTED: 13Aug63 ENCL! 03 SUB CODE: EC NR REF SOVi 004 OTHER: 000 2/ VALITOV9 Rafkat Amirkhanovichg prof.; TARASOVI Vladiolav Lukichl SHISHKINv Leonid Adrianovich; TSARZ,-NXO,_Yiktor Timpfoyevichj FIIA)NENXO, , Sergey Nikonovicbj BARMOV, Viko2ay Arsentlyevich; SYTYYj Gezwadiy Fedorovichf hURILOVA, T.Mol red,j TROPMENKOp A.S., tekhn. red. [Measurement of transistor parameters] Izmereniia parametrov po,-- 3.uprovodnikovykh triodov. Kharlkov, lzd-vo Khartkovskogo Goe. univ. im. A.M.Gorlkogo 1960. 193 P. (M3RA l4s8) ITransistors) POLUUAKII, Konstantin Stemmovich: A.Ya., retsenzorit; SKOIUK, Ye.T., retsenzent., ., 'AY, rotoenzent; TSA:OiKO, V.T., otv. red.; TRETIYArUVA. A.Ili., red.; ALEKSV!D,-,l'OV!-G-.F., toklm. red. fElectronic rosont-me ricamiring devicosl Eloktronnyo rozonansnyo izmeritollyWo pilbory. K~arlkov, Izd-vo KharIkovckogo [,'ov. univ. im.A.E.Gorikogo, 1961. 138 p. (MIRA 34: 12) (Eloctronic measurements) Otadio meauurements) vil I'l frequency gas-discharg,~~ 7 110-5:995-998 '(;4. 1. laiarlkovskiy DOROKHOV, Alok:;undr Petrovich; M213KIIIA, Galina Stepanovna; bTARODUBTSEV, Viktor Aleksandrovich; T.SAIU-24KO, Vladimir Ti:mofeyevich; VCLIKO'.', A.A., retsenz76tit';' =RODN-rYCjMT,, I.F., retsenzent; RUDDIKU, V.S., retsenzent; TETELIBAUM, Ya.I., retsenzent; FILOT111171:0, S.N., dots., otv. red.; NE-STEI(ENKO, A.S., red. [Principles of industrial electronics] Osnovy promyshlennoi olcRtroniki. [Byl A.F.Dorokhov i dr. KIwrIkov, Izd-vo KharIkovskogo univ.) 1961t, 214 1), (MIRA 17;8) 015151' SOURCE CODE: UR/0142/66/009/002/0241/0243 AU11iOR:. Ts aren~,o_Y;J.; Malyshenko, L. Ye. ORG: nnne TITLE: The use of semiconductor diodes in uhf energy modulation in the 10-cm range SOURCE! IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 9, no. 2, 1966, 241-243 TOPIC TAGS: uhf, waveguide element, semiconductor diode ABSTRACT: The results obtained with commercial-type D403 semiconductor diodes in modulating uht energy in the 10-cm range are discussed. In the case of modulation with direct diode switching during the transmission period, negative characteristics are observed, i.e., low controlled attenuation (not exceeding 7 db per diode) with considerable losses (2-3 db) and a voltage standing wave ratio reaching 2. A modulator based on a twin T-Junction waveguide, in which no resonant state of diodes is required, is also investigated. It was found that the modulation of the uhf energy is associated not *ith the reflection of energy but with its absorption. The wodulator *systems considered can be used as smooth electrically controlled atenuators in automatic control systems. Or1g. art. has: 3 figuree. [3R] SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 23Jan65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 002/ TSARENKO, Ya.A. Labor on guard for peace. 14ekh.sill.boap. 10 no-12:3-4 D 159. (MIRA 1323) 1. Prodeadatell kalkhosa "Pershe travnya." PopilyWanskogo rayon&, Zhitomirskoy oblaoti. (Popellnya.~District--Collective farms) TSARENKO, Cand. Agri. Sci. (diss) "Local Variety of Win- ter Wheat of Western Oblasts of Ukraine as Initial Selection Ma- terial," Leningrad, 1961, 25 pp. (All-Union Acad. Agri. Sci. All- Un. Inst. Plant Raising) 150 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 280). SHAVIDVSKIY, G.M.; TSARENKO, Ye.M.; FIKTASH9 I.S. Characteristics of flavine synthesis by the yeast Candtda tropicalis var. rhagii, Dokl. AN SSSR 142 no.4:91+0-943 F 162. (h."A 15s2) 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im* 1. Franko. Predstavleno &kademikom V *N0Sha shnikovym. (R3BOFIAVINET (CANDIDA TROPICALIS) 77, ---- -- t AUTHORS: Lantratov, V. TITLE: TnvestigiAtion Solutions. The PERIODICAL: Zhu,. na I f izic ( U!;:; it ) S C) V/ -5 2 F. , Taarenko, Ye, 7, of the Thurmodyn7imic kropertios of Liquid !'utallio S.-latem Potassium-Thallium ivukov khiiaii, IY)'), Vo I I -T r `I, pp V,/ Q7 ABSTRACT: The electromotive force (UP) of the conceritratior. X I glaao I K -TI for colu tionB with 1 2,6? to )5 a tov.-," "'I wa,4 .0 measured in the tea;poraturv range of' 171'.)--~,2'1 C~ The dtvii~-.ji of the measuring coll was the one doscribed in 1 1he electrolyte was rlass 75-5K references 2 (68-' Sio '291,~,' B 03; 31-~ k1 0, :I-a,,O uni K_O~ 2 2 2 perature was ineu5ured iith a c fir ome lzallui-.ii num via a potentiameter PP while .110 (VIP) was duterr,.-n,!d by mean3 of a 1-otEntiomete--- PPTV.!~ Th~- 'herviodynamic 1.roi:erties cf thl! liquid 7 `21 aclutiona were calcul~tte~ from the -Values obtain,.-I 'or the -.oncertration ve.11.9 with K'-ion:3 poiassi--an thall.-um (if K TI C-rd 1/3 (IrKand 11 T! atomic fraction of compoilunte.) - SCV/7' - - 20 Investigation of the Thermclynanic Yro~ert -J',r- s of' Li qu 1 11 1 -Ir S~- t 4 on The SYstem Pot aso lAuri-I pr oper t io a cit I cu la tu ~A -wa r,3 a c t iv x t y , a r. t i v i t y o,, f f i %-n~ partial molar,fEee unorgiu3 lin) 03'CV!)-21V0 fr(M) fcr K an,1 TI at 525 C; aa well au th~.! integral v;tiu(~o ,-t' t h c- molar free tanerigies 6 F of the excougive f ree r,,,- cs of the rnixt%ire entropy 6 3 off tiic (-xcessivc :,.i-xt,4re ~2! trrpy L,3'0, -1 i.; ', x' , i i bt s and the auxture heat A 11 ( ble 2), '-'he activ'ty :,.f K ~, . t, complt~x dep3ndence on tho coml,,osition. 11'!Uys W-,.th 0 2'r, uhow a pos-itive deviat-l~n from Iniv t.~ c n 5 ,%ith less than 25 Atl/o T1 dFiviato in the neC3',iv,~ These dpviations are increa3e-] by lr)wer ly complisated inatter are Uie isovierms --f I..e eff-cien-. of F. TbjL2 behuvicr of K T! ?~cn siderad to be d-.)(, to a ctrong rew-,ticin takinir p1o ~e 1j,?tweer, K and T! iiherebj structural of' motalltc fcxm in the aoluti-)n. 1111h(; Jnfe,grul c.irvc.-i cf A i.,, A F F exhibit extreraes at N 0,4 All - 5',60 AF 26,130 -,,11 bF* = 11)10 ca*l and S 2.~!,', ca] /de&rcu~ Sine,-, the Values t i All bre for all cow-positicna ~,reuter tnan tht, icz~pc:t:.Va, Card 2/3 values for L r,*; ],,..TI SOIUtiO."1.3 11--it lie aa " e~:ular" 30V/76 -37J,F,' ~0/39 Investigation of the Thermodyna;:iic Pruport ion of Liquid I ic Soluticnj~ The System Potassium.-Thallium ones (Ref 13). The shift of the extreme value away from the one which would correspond to the most stable K-T1 Compound is explained by the fact that there are in the liquid alloys compounds richer in TI side by side with the K-TI compound, There are 4 figures, 2 table3; and 13 referencec, 1, of rhich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Loningradskiy elektrCtekhnicheskiy institut in. V I Ullyanova Lenina) Leningrad EinctrotGchnical Institute imeni V I Ul*yanov Lenin)) ~ SUBMITTED: January 51, 1958 Card 3/3 6/080/60/033/U0'(/00_(/02G 200 A003/A001 AUTHORS: Lantratov, M. F., Tsarenkg, Ye, V. TITLE: An Investigation of Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Metal Solutions in the Potassium-Mercury System PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 1539-1546 TEXT: The thermodynamic properties of liquid alloys of potassium with mercury were investigated within the temperature range of 250-3500C and within the concentrations NK = 0.04992 - 0.898 by the emf method. The thermodynamic properties were calcucl&ted from the emf values (E) and the temperature coefficients of emf(( of the concentration circuits: K I solid electrolyte containing K + I K (N7, Hg (N ), where NK and NHg are the atomic percentage K go. of potassium and mercury, respeAively. Equations were presented for the calculation of the partial values of the isobaric-isothermal potential and the excess potential of potassium, for the partial molar entropy of mixing and the 'A excess entropy of the mixture, for the partial molar heat of the mixture, etc. The emf was measured by a HTS-1 (PPTV-1) potentiometer. It was shown that the activity of potassium depends on the composition of the alloy. In solutions Card 112 3/080/60/03-3/00VU07/02-0 A003/AOOI An Investigation of Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Metal Solutions in the Potassium-Mercury System containing from 0 to 35.5 atomic % mercury positive deviations from Raoult's law and in solutions containing more than 35,5 atomic % large negative deviations are observed. The most stable oompound in the K-Bg system is KHg 2' The curve of the integral heat of mixing has a clear extremum at N K - 0'36' i. e., in the region of the composition KHg 2' The maximum molar heat iz; -4.3 kcal/g-atom. There are 5 graphs, 2 tables and 20 references: 8 Soviet, 8 German, 3 English and 1 American. SUMMED: January 28, 1960 Card 2/2 IANTRATOV, M.F.; TSARENKO, Ye.v. I Thermodynamic properties lof liquid metallic solutions Of ther systems Na -0a and K - Ga. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.11:2435~-2441 r, ' t, MRA 15:1) 1. Leningradskiy elektroteklmicheskily institut imeni, V.I.Ullyanava (Lenina). (Gallium alloys) LANTRAT"OV, M.Y.. TSARMO. Te.V- Thermodynamic properties of the liquid metallic solutions of Zn - Di and I - Cd systems. Zhur-prikl.lchim. 33 no.5:1116-1128 my 16o. (MlR1 13:7) 1e Leningradekty elektroteMmicheekly institut im. V.1. Ullya- nova (Lenina). (Zinc) (Bismuth) (Potassium) (Cadmium) LILNTRATOV, M.F.; TSIARZ 0, Thermodynamic properties of liquid metallic solutions in the system potassium - mercury. Zhur.prikl.khim- 33 no-7t 1539-1546 J1 16o. (MIU 1,137) (Potassium-wercury alloys) 7- !~: _ ,i, I- inekrino -into -s vnAirotron A r e q e ff- n S/.12o/62/000/005/002/036 E032/E314 AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, G.S., Mikhaylov, A.I., Myznikov, K.P. and Tsarenkov, A.P.- ----------- TITLE: Methods of varying the time of interaction of the beam with the target in the lO.GeV proton synchrotron PERIODICAL: Pribory i,tekhni.ka eksperimenta, no- 5, 1962, 19 - 24 TEXT: Experiments designed for th~e proton synchrotron at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Studies require the availability of secondary-particle pulses of different lengths. Secondary particles are produced by bombarding an interna '1 target ana the time of interaction of the beam with the-target determines the length of the secondary-particle puls*e. The authors give in. this paper a brief summary of the various methods used to alter the beam-target time of interaction. The methods for increasing the time of interaction are as follows: 1) resonance build-up of oscillations in which the resonance is excited artificially by modulating the accelerating voltage in such a way that the particles leave the phase-stability region. Particles leaving tard 1/3 s/120/62/000/005/002/036 Methods of varying .... E032/E314 the acceleration process are deflected by the variable magnetic field onto the target and the time of interaction with the target is adjusted by adjusting the modulation amplitude. In this way, the length of the secondary-particle pulses can be increased to 250 ms. 2) Slow reduction in the amplitude of the accelerating voltage. This method is also based on the removal of the accelerated particles from synchronism by reducing the region of phase stability. The method has been discussed theoretically by V.I. Kotov and L.L. Sabsovich (PTE, 1957, no. 6, 19). However, an empirical approach was found to be more suitable. 3) Slow variation in the frequency of the accelerating voltage. A change in this frequency produces a change in the radius of the equilibrium orbit. This effect has been considered theoretically by M.S. Rabinovich (Tr. FIAN SSSR, 1958, 10, 23). The rate at which the beam is displaced onto the target is proportional to the rate of change in the frequency. Linear variation in the frequency was found to be inadequate and a special feedback system which controls . the relation between the frequency and the magnetic field was developed, using the radial beam- position indicator reported by F.A. Vodoplyanov et al Card 2/3 S/120/62/000/005/002/036 Methods of varying E032/E314 (Proceedings of the International Conference on High Energy Accelerators and Instrumentation, CERN, Geneva, 1959). The methods used to reduce the beam-target interaction time were as follows: a) reduction in the radial dimensions of the beam during the acceleration process. In this method the width of the beam was it-educed by slowly varying the frequency of the accelera- ting voltage; b) instantaneous change in the phase of'the accelerating voltage. Hero, the time'of interaction was reduced by increasing the rate of displacement of instantaneous equilibrium orbits; c) rapid variation in the frequency of the accelerating voltage. This method has the considerable advantage that it gives rise to very lit'tle chdnge in the output intensity (low particle losses). With a frequency variation of 1.8 Mc/s/s, the time of interaction can be reduced to 2 -As. This corresponds to the interception of 70% of the original beam by the target. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: ObOyedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 (Joint Institute for Nuclear Studies) December 9, 1961 KAZAIISKIY, G.S.; I,IIYJAYLOV, A.I.; MYZNIKOV, K.P.;-TSARMOV, A.P. [Methods for changine the duration of the iirteraction between the beam and the target In a sjnchrophasotron at 10 Bev] Fetoer/ izmeneniia dlitellnosti, v,,,,aimodeistviia puchka a miohenliu v sinkhrofazotrone na 10 Beir. Dubnap Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh issl.l 1961. 17 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Synchrotron) (Protons) 45137 S10891631014100210031019 B102/8186 6 73 0 AUTHORSj Kazanskiy, G. S., Kuznetsov, A. B.j Mikhaylov, A. I., Rubin, N. B., T!_"r jLkqy"~_X, TITLE: Investigation of the beam formation of accelerated particles in the proton-synchrotron by means.of induction electrodes PERIODIdAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 14, no. 2, 1963, 153 - 158 TEXT: The beam formation process in the first stage of acceleration at the proton-synchrotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iBeledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) in Du~pa was studied wit 'h the help- of electrostatic signal electrodes (Vodoplyanov, Kuzmin, at aL, Proc. Intern. Conf. High-Energy Accelerators and instrumentation, CERN,.Geneva, 1959, P. 470, 4771 Kazanskiy et al., Preprint OIYaI, B-50-819, Dubna, 1961). Vr These electrodes are broad copper plates arranged tQ form two systems on either side of the beam. The platei; of one system are arranged symmetri- cally to the mid-plane of the ma net (vertical electrodes), and those of the other perpendicular thereto ~radial electrodes). The signal Y(T) in- duoed in the vertical electrodes is the change in the Card 1/4 S/089/63/014/002/003/019 Investigation of the beam... B102/Ble6 azimuthal charge density in the flying bunchs V(9)c-a~d -1 2n, where 1 is C 7E the electric length of the electrodes, C the capacitance of the plates relative to the earth, and R the perimeter of the equilibrium orbit. V(j) is led to an integrator which yields V mean ' N/nC, Q being the charge pf the accelerated bunch. For the proton-synchrotron of the OIYaI the sensi- tivity of the vertical electrodes, a - C/el, was 1.10 12 protons/v; R - 208 m, I - 0.5 m, C - 400,~x~,,f- If the output volt9ge Vout (cf. Fig. 1) is measured and the amplification factor K is known, the number of protons in the bunoh, N - V out alK, is determined. -The signal U(j) of the radial electrodes records the horizontal deviation of the beam from the equi- librium radius; the radial sensitivity is 2,~/cm. The electrode installa- tion has a pass band of 0.1 - 3 Mc which allows a distortion-free recording of V(p) and U(y) and their amplitude modulation. A consideration of the motion of the p3rticles along the phase trajeatories taking account of the free oscillations shows that the amplitude structure of the bean, must be ob- served during 1C0 - 150 pseo after the switching-Aon of the accelerating voltage; the beam formation takes place during the first 1 - 1.5 mseo. The Card 2/4 S/089/63/014/002/003/019 Investigation of the beam ... B102/Ble6 radial phase oscillations of the beam are accompanied by the oscillations of the azimuthal density with the frequencies S1 and 2R, where 11 is the angular frequency of the phase oscillations. The amplitudes of these oscillations depend on AM/b, 6M biting the initial energy spread and b the radial eeparatrix half-dimension. If AM/b 6 1,'the oscillation with the frequency 211 vanishes;-if AM/b,/, I I., and increase with temperature (I dir dir 01 o2' 01>P2' 1o2 o2 faster than 1 01 ); at 200-3000C, Iolc~~IW Pl- 02 - The occurrence of two Card 2/6 20 8 0 2 Alloyed GaAs ... S/181/61/003/003/029/0310 B102/B205 exponential sections of the direct branch is related to the surface proper- ties of the diode. By a change of the composition of the etching agen-, one of them disappears, and in formula (1) 1 OW Io2 and 0-42. The existence of two sections and the disappearance of one section by surface treatment is ascribed to the fact that the surface of gallium arsenide has an inverse layer. The cutoff voltage of the direct branch is lower than the contact voltage calculated according to Shockley's junction theory, and drOC3 with increasing temperature. The temperature coefficients of the two voltages are almost equal. The curvature G. of the linear section of the direct branch calc-alated from the data of the diode with a base 0-5 Mm thick amounted to -103 a/v-cm 2. The differential resistance at zero voltage can be exactly calculated from the formula Ro 0 PkT/qIo. R0 (T) is nearly inverse to Io(T). Ro of diodes with two exponmtial sections of the direct branch is m)ich Omal ler than Ro of diodes with only one section. The reverse branch of the characteristics at voltages lower than the breakdown voltage can be descrilhed by the empirical formula I - AUn where n 5;1; 1 increases with rev rev' rev temperature. The breakdown voltage also increases with temperature, whir~h is Card 3/6 20802 S118116110031003102~1030 Alloyed GaAs ... B102/B205 taken as an indication of the electric character of breakdown in low-voltage GaAs diodes. There are 1 figure and 11 references: 9 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR Leningrad (Institute of Physics and Technology, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: September 23, 1960 Legend to Fig.: Ordinate unit 4 ma, abscissa unit 1 v (left-hand diagrams) or 0.25 v (right-hand diagrams). Card 4/6 Alloyed -GaAs ... ~2j P. WC 1.3i1 20802 S/18 61/003/003/029/030 B1 02YB205 Card.5/6 Alloyed GaAsaas card 6/6 20802 o W'/181/61/003/003/029/030 B102/B205 I '.,~ ~ 7~1:, 1. 4 -~ "---,~ - S/181/62/004/004/038/042 B102/BIO4 AUT11011")* Naoledov, D. N.9 Rogachevq A. A., 11yvkinj S. M., and Tourenkov, B. V. TITLE: Recombinution radiation of gallium arsenide Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 40 no- 49 1962, io62-W65 TFXT , i.fonocryutalllno n-typo InAn platen with an olootron ronvontVILIA(ift of 41017CM-3 were used to study the intrinsic recombination radiation. A p-n junction of '-0.1 cm2 was produced by diffusion of Zn or Cd into the InAo plate. The nonequilibrium carrierc were excited by pulsed injection through the junction. The radiation was observed in parallel t.o the p-n junction plane. At 770y, the emission spectrum has a narrow peak at 1.47 ev (optical self-absorption edge) and two maxima at lowor energies which are in connection with recombination via impurity, levels. One of these levels is 0.2 ev distant from the middle of the forbidden b--nd, the other 0.25 ev from a band edge. The relative height of all maxima depends on the current density through the-p-n junction. At less Card 1/2 s/i81/62/004/004/03a/0,12 Recombination radiation of gallium B102/B104 tlx,u 1 a/cm2only iz,purity radiation is observed, then intrinsic radi-rition arises and increases rapidly, anti between 10 and 100 a/cM 2 the relative height of the maxima remains conl3tant. The results can be explainc,l by assuming volume-charge rfcombination at weak currents and injection it high currents. At above 10 a/cM 2 the emission intensity increasc,:; linearly with the current density through the p-n junction anil 3 2. -],~I, ndent only above ;-10 a/cm The forbidden band width is temperature c!. according to the law (1-51-5.6-10-4 T) ev. The intrinsic ernisoion line narrowing observed at high current densities can be explained by inver:~e band filling (production of stlit-2s with "negative temperature") or by assuming that the injected carriers cause degenerate fillinr of on', bf~nl only. The latter possibility is more probable. There are 2 figur~22. ASSOCI.ITION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskf4 institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBIMITTED: January 11, 1962 Card 212 GUTKIII,,; N=EDOV, DAT.; S11"DOVp V.YO.; Ts".1u,"11KOV) D.V. Photoelectric propertie:3 ()f GaAs r,-n junctions. Filz, tver. tola 4 no.9;2338-2348 S 162. (MIRA lrl:9) 1. Fiziko-tekhnlcheakiy Ins'Atut imeni A.F. Ioffe Arl Leningrad. (Junction trpnsistors) (Gallium tiruenide) (Photoolactricity) nASIZDOV, DJI.; ROGACIWV, A.A,I,RYVKI]4., S.M.; KHARTSIUN, V.Ye.; .TSAaW;Nj-R.V.- Structure of direct recombination spectra of gallium arsenide. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.11:3346-3348 N 162- (MIRA 15:12) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni A.F. Joffe AN SSSR, Leningrad* (Gallium arsenide--Spectra) GUTKIN, A.A.; NASLEDOV, D.N.; SWOV, V.Ye.; TSAREITIKOV, B.V. Photoelectric solar energy converters using GaAs. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.12:2095-2096 D '62. (MMA 15:11) 1. Fizik - hnicheskiy institut im. A.F. loffe AN SSSR. (Photoelectric tells) 07 (Solar batteries) L14978-63 EWA W VFX, (k)/F-"-rP (4'J/EWT(n,' /KC 1FFTC/A5D/-_3D--3/S_5D i~_X_-_4_F1'_Z-4 AT/JD/WG 7 'F, ACCESSION M: APYJ04gi6 S/0120/63/000/004/0187/0138 AWHOM GUtkin,_ A. A.; Rogachev, A, A.; Sedov, V. Ye.; Teareakov B. V4 '12MMIMP~r 1101. 1 Tr=: Low-inertia gallium arsenide l1gbt-generating diode SOURCE: Pribory I tekhnlka eksperlenta, no. 4, 1963, 187-188 TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide light generator, light-generating diode, gallium arsenide diode, carrier injectiorn liminescence, injection luminescence, gallium arsenide laser, laser, carrier, luminescence, injection C.~ ABSTRACT: A light-generatingtdiode made of single crystal a-type gallium arsenide diffused with p-type zinc has been ~zonstructed and tested. Light emission was produced at room tempereture by applying a pulsed current with pulse luration of 1-10 ~Lsec across the p-n junction. The obtained light spectnn, showed two Maxima centered at 0.95 and 1.3 11. The time constant wai less than 5 x 10-0 sec. At a maxim,m injection current of 20 amp the efficiency of the generator wass about The authors hope to Increase tho photon flix several times by construc- tional refinements and the use of higher quality material. The author acknowl- edges that while the present article WaB being prepared for printing, the journal Card 1/2 L 1497&63 AccEssion m: Anoo4%6 Electronica (iluly 1,062, 13, 7; 1962, 27, 24) disclooed the construction (in the '.'T Ti. S.) of a galliwn arcen:tda light-ganerating diQde vith a power of 3 v operated I at IiquId-njtrO._eq "7be authors thank D. N. Hasledov and S. M. Z _4tomperatures. Ry*vkin for theiilHlbterest in the vork." Orig. art. has- 4 figures. X.1501,'TATIOTh FI,.1%o-teI,:hnIcheskIy inatitut All SSOR (Physicotechnical Institute, AN 0.13311) SUBIa=: 14.Sep62 DA7EACQ: 2OAu63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M NO REP SOV.. 001 0111ER: 001 1! Card 2/2 Tr5fi k EIV k0 V'~ t3' V. AID Hr. 975-14 23 MAY ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN OF GaAs p-n JUNCTIONS (USSR) Nasledov, D. N., and B. V. Tsarenkov. Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 4, Apr 1963, 1181:-1188. S/181/63/005/004/035/047 A stu6 ;)f electrical discharge in GaAs junction diodes has been made with monocrystalline specimens of n-type gallium arsenide with 5.1016 to 1017 CM-) ele ctron concentration and 3000 to 3500 cm 2/ v-sec electron mobility, T he specimens were doped with Cd or Zn impurities. The thickness of t he -p- layer was 10-20 11 after Cd diffusion and 20-100 4 after Zn diffusion. the breakdown voltage was under 10 v at room temperature., Results show that the breakdown voltage and the critical field increase almost linearly with temperature in the range from 77 to 540*K. With constant temperature the breakdown voltage increases with increasing critical width of the volume charge layer during breakdown, while the critical field decreases. It 'is shown that the breakdown mechanism is impact ionization. [BB) Card 1/1 Acamiou NR: APW19837 S/03-81/64/006/003/0776/0779 AUTHORS: Ivanova., Ye. A.; Haslodov, D. N.; TgpLronkov, Be V. TITLB2 Lifetime of current carriers in space charge layer of Gaks-p-n-transitions SOURGEa Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 6, no. 3, 1964, 776-779 TOPIC TAGSi upaco clkirgo, p n transition, volt'ampero characteristic, vacuum I diode, current density ABVIRACT: The lifetime of current carriers in a space charge Iayer of GaAs-p-n- transition has boon determined from the straight portion of the statistical volt- ampare characteristics, under conditions when the experimental volt-ampere cluaractoristics of a diode could be compared quantitatively with theory, The Sah-I Noyce-Shockley (Proc. IREI 45j 1228, 1957) equation for the volt-ampere character-. istics is used to predict the lifetime TOP ligeop 7- kr i We &F, Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4olq837 and is eomoared to the data from two vacuum diodes (Nos. 58 and 64). The results show-that' does not depend on the nonequilibrium carriers up to citrrent densitiai Of 1 amp/c~2., nor on temperature in the interval 293 to 545X. Its value was estIimated to lie between 10-9 and 10-6 sec. "The authors express their gratitude to R. F. Kazarinov and V. I. Stafeyev for their help," Orige art* has: 4 formulas, 1 table., and 1 figure. 'ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnichoskiy institut im. A, F. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Physical and Technical Institute AN SSSR) SUBWITTEDs 0_53ep63 DATE ACQ: 3DIar64 ENGLs 00 SUB CODE: 'PH NO REF GOV: 003 OTHERs 004 Card 2/2 GUTKIN, A.A.; ROGACHEV, A.A.; SEDOV, V.Ye.; TSARENKOV, B.V. Low-inertia light source from gallium arsenide. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.4.-187-188 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN SSSR. t iuri(-L i oris in cl"I I Lum F I c f Ei c; I I Card 19 I~f. C - -, ;)N 'i !, - ~j, ~ - ASSOCTATInN S JR F Card 3/3 310_82_65 ZjT(M)/9:,"P(t)/WP(b) 1,TP(c) JD- .1ACCESSION NR: AP5006880 5/0181/65/007/003/0775/0780 Heskin., V. N.; Tsarenkov, D. V. TITLE: ElectrolumInescence spectra of strongly degenerate gallium qrsenide SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 3, 1965, 775-780 TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide, semiconductor. electroluminescence, p n junction. recombination radiation, radiative recombination S AUTMORt Imenkov, A. .; ~aLlovz H._M_.* S.; Nasledov, 0. L ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the injection electroluminescence of GaAs tunnel p-n junctions at temperatures of 77 and 293K. In preparing the diodes. zinc was diffused into an n-type GaAs monocrystal up to hole concentrations of 165-1019 cm-3 in a 10-20 micron surface layer. The tunnel p-n junction was fabri- ~ cated by diffusing tin into the p-side of GaAs. The emission was found to vary strongly with injection current. Recombination radiation spectra showed a peak which with increasing current densities was shifted toward higher photon energies (from 1.0 to 1.445 eir at 77K). Other maxima independent of the Injection current were also present. A very distinct peak at 1.42 ev was observed at 77K. Analysis I of the experimental data showed that at small Injection current densities (lead Cord 1/2 %Vh L 31082-65 ~ACCESSION NR: AP5006880 ithan 1-2-104 amp/cm2 electrolumineacence depends on the properties of tunne( diodes while at higher current densities it is determined by the properties of the p-region: The current-independent peaks were attributed to tunneling of electrons into deep- lying levels in the forbidden band and subsequent radiative recombinWon. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. ICS) ASSOCIATION: Fizik6-tekhnicheakiy inatitut im. A. F. loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 15Aug64 ENCL: 00 SUR CODEt SS, OP NO REF SOV., 005 OTHERj 006 ATD PRESSj 3198 Cord ACC&SSION NR: AP5007nrI2 Y M. ',I,- SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektrotilka, v !Q41r ABSTRACT: Alloy ar-d -d-W&Usion Mricticini; anei ACCESSION Mi. AP~ijtj-, :4z rapa(lta,l, ~- )f ar a,,!, , - , . . . - .-.. . I I i! f ~ ASSOCIATION. 7 1 .cr)- te-k ~,ni r-?-. 4 T. 33~54-65 !ACCEtSION HRI AP5005313 I i. I.", jf, AUT11ORi Imcnkov, A. 11, oi, C. 410 V , kz~,~L 4~Lj -V--0.-, TS .1, --: 11 1~ny 'TITLEt RocombinAtion radiAtion In GnAo tunnel_ -n junctions i FLz1ka tvardogo tole, V. 7, no. 2, 1965, 634-636 TOPIC TAGSt tunnel effect,- tunnel p n junction, p n Junction, recombi- nation radiation, recombination, gallium arsenide 'ABSTRACTt The dependence of.the integral inttnsitz of radiation fonthe 'Current I in the range of current densities 50-10 amp/cm2 can be rep- resented in the form of the sum of two members 4 43 - A(T)ln + 103(T.I). where the member 0 th:i + 3(T,1) is the part of radiation inten- sity which is added to the Intensity 42. The fact that stacertainvol- 'tage the volt-ampere characteriatic and the curve of the dependence of ;the radiation Lntansity on voltage display a "hump" indicates that the Iexcess currents connected with tunnel transitions contribute to the ~radLatLon. Contrary to the findings of other researchers (e.g., Andor- !son, R.p Froc. IEEE, 51, 1963, 610), no radiation in the region of 1cord 1/2 L 33954-65 !ACCESSION MKI AP5005313 negative conductivity of tho tunnel diode was detected. Orig. art jZLI !has: 2 figures and 2 formulas. 1ASSOCIATIONs FizLko-takhnicheakiy inatitut im. A. F. loffe, AN SSSR, .1 Leningrad--(Physic&l-Tachnical Inatitute,AH SSSR) iSUBMITTEDi 31ju164 EHCL.OSUREj 00 SUB CODEt S S !NO RZF'SOVo 001 OTHERI 004 ATD PRESS13209 Card 2/2 M,NYMT, A-11.; K(l-*M(-rl, M M.; rIAnjl,F;D('V, P.N.; TOSAREMKOll I I ll.v. El,f!~trorl-hc2n transition in heavily degerierate the cane of superhigh current densities. Ftz. tver. tela 7 nc.~,: 1480-1485 I~y 165. fMIRA 13:5) 1. Fi-.Iko-.tekhni.cheskiy Institut Imeni Ioffe AN SSSIR, D-ningrad. E-IT(m) 1T4*DMW IMP(b)/94 AP~V 25 C Lin 01 m1097101013115131a AUTHOR. I Y. A. 4D An If. menko XDZIDT. M. M. I Meakin, S. Naslodoyl D. Toarenkov. r ORO: Physicotechnicii Institute im. A. F. Toffe, AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fizlko-tekhnlI nsfItut All SS cheaklY I TITLEs The affect of Impurities on the recombination radiation of galli arsenide SOME; Mika tyerdogo tols, Y. 7, no. 10, 1963, 3113-3118 v-7 . TOPIC TAGSs recombination radiation, gallium arsenide, pn junction, Impurity. acceptor, donor ABSTRACT: The affect or ;90 Cdq Mn. und Fe impurities on the recombination radiation of GaAs p-n Junctions"49it'dxperimentally Investigated. The junctions were formed by direct diffusion of the element, by simultaneous diffusion of No and Cd and Fe and Cd, or by diffusion of Mn and then Cd or To and then Cd Into n-type We with an electron concentration'(Nn) of 5 x 10,16-3 x 1016 cm-3 (crystals with Nn ~- I x lO17eW3 were doped with Te),~The junction un was 10-3-10" cal. The recombination spec- X- tra were measure a 7 and 293K in the photon energy range between 0.7 and 1.6 ov. The spectra were recorded at direct injection currents at which the energy of the short wavelength band was independent of the current. The expet;Imental data are giYeL- in Fig. l.and Table 1. The band with hvx&x ai 1.01 ev (YTK) and liva" a 0.95-0.98 ov :ord 1/4 ACC NR. AP5025399 Fig. 1. Recombination radiation of n-GaAs p-n junction doped viths :0 ~, ~Sl`lll 1 - Cd; 2 - Hnj 3-- Mn and then Cdj, - Yot-5 - Fe and then Cdj ACC NJU AP5025399 .1able 1. Photon energy In the band peaks an d band halfvIdthe Upirity Woo.. ad to 71 1.48 1-47 : i;; 137 Im ww