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ALEKSANMOVY II.V. , doktor tekhn.nauk; KALDINA, Ye.A. , inzb.; TRUBACHEV, S.G., inzb. Use of different methods for determining the corona. resistance of electric insulating materiks. Elektrichestvo noe4:61- 68 Ap 161. (141RA 14:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut imeni Lenina. (Electric insulators and insulation) (Corona (Electricity)) ALEYSANDROV', N.V., prof.; TRUBAGHEV' S.G., inzh. 11 Electrical and mechanical properties of PVlyethylene terephthx3 e films@ Vest. elektroProm. 34 no.8:41-46 Ag 163. (PaRA 16:9) (Terephthalic acid) (Filma (Chemistry)) ITRURACIMV, T. . inzh.; DIDIKOV, K. Organizing coordinated operations at transportation plants. Zhol.dor.tmnsp.36 no.5:18-25 MY '55. WIRA 12--5) (Railroad engineoring) D T TTT M. T T. DAL', I.Z.; KALININ, P.G.; TRUBACHEV, T.Te. ... W-XIMIAlbft~ Over-all mechanization of the production of spare parts. Zol.dor.transp. 39 no.4:42-48 Ap 157. OILRA 10:5) 1.Nachallnik proyektno-konstruktorzkogo otdola 10rublinskogo litayno-makhanicheakogo zavoda. (for Dal') 2.11achallnik planovogo otdala lyublinskogo liteynomakhanichaskogo zavoda (for Kalinin) 3. Nachal'nik otdala promyshlennykh predpri7aniy TsPINJ Ministerstva putay soobahchaniya jLyublino--Steel works) TRUBAGION.T.Te., lnzh. I.. I -- 11 c. - , -% ~ %-~;-- ~', .1.17 , - - Development of railroad Industrial enterprises during the seven-yoar plan. Zbel.dor.tranap. 41 no-3:9-14 Kr '59. 04IRA 12:6) 1. Zamaetitnl' nachal'nika Planovo-okonomichookogo upravleniya Ministerstva. putey soobshchentya. (Railroad englnecrirg) BELYUNOV, S.A., inzh.; INITRIYEV, V.I., dots., kand. ekon. nauk; KUCHUICU1, S.F.; LINIKOV) M.V.; MULYUKINj F.P.; NEDOPEKIN, G..K., inzh.; PUZYNYA, I.Ye. I- ., inzh.; RAYKaft, G.Kh., inzh.;._ThUBACHEV., T.Ye., inzh.; TYVA!?' CHUK, D.P., inzh.; UPBLIYA, V.E., N.F., dots. kand. ekon. nauk; CHUDOV, A.S., prof., doktor ekon. nauk; ERLIKH, V.S.p inzh.; 1VLIYEV, Ivan Vasillyevich, red.; KRISHTAL', L.I., red.; KHITROV, P.A., tekhn. red. (Planning in railroad transportation) Planirovanie na zheleznodorozh- nom transporte; spravochnik. Moskva, Vaes. izdatellsko-poligr. obu- edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniie, 1961. 470 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Railroads-Management) KOIVALISKIY, A.Vef TRIUBACHN, T.Ye. Inproving, production of brake shoes for railroad cars. Zhel. dor. tranap. 40 n0.2:56-60 7 '58. (KMk 11:3) 1. Spetaialist Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo eoveta Ministerstva putey noobahchent7a (for Kovallakly). 2. Nachallnik otdola promyahlennVkh Prodpriyatiy TSantrallnogo protzvodstvonnogo upravlentyn Hininteratva Initey aoobBhcheniyq (for Trubachav). (Railroads-Brakos) PARAMONOV, A.A.; TRLTAGIMY, T.Ye. Developing repair bases for electric and diesel locomotives. Zhal.dor.transp-37 n9.4:16-23 Ap '56. (MLRA 9:7) 1.Nachallnik Glavntgo upravlexiya lokemetiveremoat"mi i vago- norementaymi zavedami Hinisterstva putey soobahchanira (for ParamwL*T).2.Nachal'xIk otdela prsm7shleunfth predpriyatii Plazove-ekoxemichaskego upravleni7a Ministarstva putay soobshche- N17a (for Trubachav). (Electric locomotives--Rapairs) (Diesel locomotives--Repairs) ALEKSEYEVJ, V.A., inzh. (g.Kanash); TRUBACIIEV, T.Ye., inzh. (g. Kanash) Corweyer as-swrbly lines In car repair shops. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 rxo.2t62-65 F 161, NPA ]4:4) 1. Nachaltnik otdela truds. i zarplaty Kana.9hokogo vagonoremont- nogo zavoda (Alekneyov). 2. Zamestitall nachallnika Planavo- ekonomichoskogo upravlonlya Ministoratva putoy ooobaliciieniyu (for Tr~bachev).. (Assembly-line methods) (Railroads-Repair shops) THUBACHEV, T.Ye. T+ical and economic advantages of the new system of ro2linz stock repairs. Zbel.dor.tran5p. 10~ no.4:36-41 Ap '~2. (MIRA 15.,4) 1. Zamestitel' naebal'nika planovo-ekonomicheskogo upravleniya Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. (Railroads--Maintenance and repair) AID P - 4745 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - tactics Card 1/2 Pub. 135 - 3/31 Author Trubachev, V. A., Lt. Col., Candid. of mil. sci. Title Air combat of fighters at high altitudes Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 8, 8-14, Ag 1956 Abstract Various methods of attack against bombers either by a single fighter or by a two-ship element or flight formation of fighters at high altitudes are discussed by the author. Three diagrams. The article merits particular attention. Institution None Submitted No date -4_ THILTBACHEV, V.A., ,ro.-j *,,.,,!-':., nau'r-, pod:,,ollrov--i - Tactl:7,al .,-av:s-,,ors ~f -L~`,Aer -~lanoo du-ing r~,,--At !r. t,~,s strat-- spherve - 1'.) Tf. '57. 1~1-:~-) 0 Q z;i - I (.Jr wa7~'arc) TRURACHIV, V.A., kandidat voyannykh nauk podpolkovnlk. Ylghter combat at high altitutudes, Tsst,fts0d,Yl. 39 no.8:8-14 ,41.% 0 (Air varfare) (KIM i0-1 1) _tf~ U 0 A C 11 lz~ V)-V 14 1 SUBJECTs USSR/Welding. It 135-4-9/15 AUTHORSs Kozinets, P.V., Engineer, Veretnik, L.D., Engineer, and Trubachev V.A., Engineer. TITLEt Straightening the Body of Diesel Locomotive "T)-3" (Pravka kuzovov toplovozovT)-3)- PERIODICALi "Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo", 1957, # 4, pp 24-25 (USSR). ABSTRACTt The article describes the now method for straightening out the bulges, caused by wel ing warpage, when the steel sheets of the body are welded to the frame of the diesel locomotive which in used at the Khar1kov Transport Machine Building Plant. The methods formerly applied, consist of corrugating the sheet edges or of symmetrical heating, or electric riveting instead of welding, had disadvantages that compelled to seek other so- lutions of the problem. It was found a better method to heat a bulge by torch to dark cherry-red in spots of 8-10 mm diameter 24-40 mm apart, depenling on the size of the bulge, and cooling the heated spots by a stream of compressed air from the opposite side, but the new method, which is in use at the present time is still a better solution. It consists of spot-heating by a Card 1/2 graphite electrode with a special holder connected to a "cTa-Y'. 1 135-4-9/15 TITLE: Stiaightening the Body of Diesel Locomotive (Pravka kuzovov t*plovozovr.)- 3). transformer. There is no need to cool the metal from the other side, the work is done fast and without any fixtures. The bulges disappear nearly completelyt ioe,, the bulging may be I mm in 1 m length, whereas 3 mm in 1 m. is permissible by the technical conditions. The graphite electrode leaves no traces on the metal surface. The method is recommended for the procuction of buses, all- metal railway care and similar constructions. The article contains 2 sketches. ASSOCIATION: Kharikovskiy Zavod trartsportnogo machinostroyeniya. (Khar1kov Transport Machine Building Plant). PRESENTED BYi SUBMITTED: AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress, Card 2/2 TRUBACiim-111. V. A. KOZINXTS' F.V., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; VUETHIK. L.D., inzhaner; V.A. , lazhemer. Q Dressing T9-3 diesel locomotive bodies. Svare proisve no,4: 24-25 Ap '57. (MMA 10:5) 1. Kharikovskiy savoa transportnogo mashinostrayonlya. (Diesel engines) (Electric welding) TRUBACHU, V,A., kayAidat vovennykh nauk, podpolkovalk. I Air combat conditions at high altitudes. Vest.yozd.71-38 n0-2: 15-2o 7 156. (Air warfar6) MRA 9:7) AID P - 4568 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - air combat Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 3/23 Author Trubachev, V. A. Lt.-Col.,Candidate of Mil. Scl. Title Conditions for air combat at high altitudes Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 20 15-20, F 1956 Abstract : The special features of air combat at high altitudes are described in this article. The author shows how the low atmospheric pressure, low load factor and better visibility at high altitudes Influence the attack of an aircraft. One graph, 1 sketch, 2 tables. The article is of interest. Institution : None Submitted : No date TRUBAOHEV~ V.I. Diagnosis of paraple=*ivT& Vest.khir. 1. 1z 3-7 khirurgiohookoy kliniki (zav. laningradekogo ordena Lenin& instituta vrache7 ime S.M. Kirova. (PLEURISY) 86 no.31IM-lM Mr 161,, (WAA 3433) - pof, NI, Minov) usavershenstvoyaniya 110, TRUBACHEV, V. I.: Mgt-or !4ed. Sci. (disc) -- "The hr-allmg oll to thn ncf`-, tiosuea in radiation diseaGe of animals treated with antibiotics, vitamine, and blood trans fuc ion". Loningrad, 1958. 15 pp (Ln-rdngrM State Order of, Lanin Inst for tho Ad7anced TrainIng of Physicians im S. !4. Kirov), 200 ('KL, ITo h, 1959, 1-72) TRUBACHEV, V.I. (Leningrad) The course and treatment of vounds of the soft tissue in experi- mental acute radiation experiment. Zksper.khir. 4 no.5*64 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:1) (WOUNDS AND I=RIES, exper.) (RaIATION INJURY, exper. ) ,,TROACHUt V.Io (Leningrad, 196, Tanevokly proupekt. d.1/82. kv-53) Treatment of voundo in experimental radisticin oicknesoo Novskhlro' arkh- n0-3142-46 My-Je 158, (MIRA 11:9) 1. Kafedra ineditsinakoy radiologii (sav. - prof. M.N. Pobedinakly) i 3-ya khirurgichaskya klinika (zav, prof. JESIo Blinow) Leningradskogo instituta usovershonstvoveniya vracheyo (WOUNW-TMUTHENT) (X RTAS-PSTSIOLOGICAL NFECT) (ANTIBIOTICS) 7 71- 1 A I -_ D I Ck Sce.9 Vol.1211% 1976. (561) TILE; HEALING OF SURGICALI,Y DETBUIDED WOUNDS WITIJ AP- PLICATION OF STREP`rOMYCIN IN EXPLREMLNTAL RADIATION SICK- NESS (Russian text) - T rubache v V. 1. - VESTN. KIIIII. 1957. 79/8 (99- 103) Tables I Illus. 1 Four series of experiments are described: (1) 9 guinea-pips received 400 roentgen units in a single dose and served as controls; (2) after radiation of the whole body 21 guinea-pigs were wounded, the debridement of these soft tissue wounds with closure by primary suture following in 24 hours' time; (3) 16 nonradiated animals wounded in the same manner were accordingly debrided but with the addition of atreptomycin after 24 hr.; (4) 27 guinea-pigs wounded after radiation were debrid- ed as usually with supplementary application of streptomycin. The use of strepto- mycin therapy resulted in healing by first intention in the majority of animals. His- tologically there was no spread of infection in the adjacent tissucs,not only in the freshly debrided wounds but also in cases of delayed Interventions (25 hr.). A parti- al or whole dehiscence of the wound was noted in the majority of guinea-pigs re- maining without treatment. Histologically, a spread of infection in the deeper tissue layers and massive necrosis of the wound itself were present. (13( 14*) R; SHEYDINAp R.Bo; TRUBACHEVA, Tbersoregulation discrders in crganic disaases of the ner7ouB system in children. Zhur. nevr. i paikh. 63 n0.731000-1003 163. (M1RA l7t7) 1. Leningradskays, detskaya bollaitea imeni K.A, Raukhfusa (g:lavrqy vrach Ye.N. Speranskaya). OMNGENMIN, Samuil Rafailovich,kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; PANADIADI, A.D., kandidat sellskokhozyaystvannykh nank; TROMBACHKV, S*P.,inzhener, EdeceasedJ: YARUSHIJU, M.I.. inzhener; XRMIWSKIT , N.D.kandidat sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; KAGAN, G.S., inzhener; NIKOJATKV,I.G., inzhener; ZjUPACj4VA e Q , kullturtekhnik; SHKLTARICVSKIT, A.I., redaktor; V2WMS+j4~skhnicheskiy redaktor. [Operation of irrigation and drainage systems] Ekspluatataiia giclro- meliorativu.vkh sistem. Pod red.S.R. OffenEaRdena. Mosk7a, Gos.izd- vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1956. 535 P. NLRA 1o:6) (Irrigation) (Drainage) KOVALICHUK, Viktor Semenovich. Prinimal uchastiye KITAIEVICH, 13,Ye.t prepodavatell; BORODIN, N.I., kand. tekhn, nauk, doteent, retsen~- zent; REM , D.B., inzh.p rateenzent? CIMIKANOV, TV., inzb,, rp.-- tsenzeiat; TAPM-W,- A.A., inah... rai.,~ FRISMAN, Z.S., red. izd-va; KOTLYAKOVA, O.L., tekhn. red. (Fundamentals of radio engineering] OsnoTy rad:~Aekhnikl. Lerdn-- grad, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport." 1961. 279 p. iMIRA 34-.11) (Radio) (Radio .in navlgation) A~.Jk' TRUBANOVSKAYA, K. M. "The Effect of Tissue Therapy on the Degeneration and Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves." Cand Med Sci, First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst,, 29 Nov 54- (VM) 17 Ncv 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR higher Educational Institutions (1-1) SO: Sum. No. 521, 2 Jun.-55 TRUBCHANINOV, A.A., inzh. Determining the boundaries of the economic area of distribution and specialization of shoe industries in connection with the problem of savings in labor. Izv.Tys.ucheb.zavq; takholegeprome no.6s.22-32 160o (MM 14:1) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologichaskiy inetitut legkoy promyshlennosti. Rekomendovana kafedroy ekonomiki promyshlonnosti i organizateii proizvodetva. (Shoe industry) THUBGHANINOV, A,A., inzh, Some growth potentWa of labor piroductivity in shoe rAnufacture. Report No.2. Izv.vya.ucheb,zav.;tekh.leg.prom. no.2:20-30 162. MIRA 15:5) 1. Kiyevskiy takhnologicheskiy institut legkoy promyshle=osti. Rekomendovana kafedroy ekonomiki proWBhlemosti i organizatsii proizvodstva. (Shoe mamfacture-Labor prodtLotivity) TRUBCILAVINOV, A.A., inzh. Scientific and tqchnical conference of shoo indu--'.,7 represent-a- lives (UkrainUm S.S.R.). Izi.vys.ucheb.zav.;tokholegaprcma nco2: 14D.,142 262. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Kiyevskiy tokhnologicheakiy institut logkoy promysh-lonnosti. (Ukraine--Shoe industry) TRUBCHANINOV, A.A. Lvov Interprovincial Scientific and Technical Conference of Shoe Manufacturers. Izv.vyo.ucheb.zav.j tekh.leg.prom. no.2:160-161 ,61. i (MIRA 140) (Shoe manufacture) TRUBCHANINOVI A.A., inzh. Some potentials for the growth of labor productivity in the foot- wear industry. Report no.l. Izv.vyB.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.l: 5-12 162. (KIRA 15:2) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnolovicheskiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti. Rekomendovana kafedroy ekonomiki promyshlennosti i organizatsii proizvodstva. (Shoe industry-Labor productivity) TRIJBCHANINOV, k.,A inzh. Development methods and classification of potentials for increasing labor productivity in shoe manufacture. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; takh. leg.prom. no.5:17-25 161'. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologiobmkiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti. Rekomendovana kafedroy ekonomiki promyshlennosti i organizatsii proizvodstva. ty% (Shoe industrym-Labor yroductivi, j ZHILINP V.A.; TRUECHANINOV, A.V.; STROGA110VP F.P. Drilling of hal-dAm-ei mangan Be steel G13L. Stan.i inatr. 34 no.3: 23-24 Mr 163, (M:E?A 16:5) (Drilling and boring) AP6006440 SOURCE CODEt UR/0420/65/000/003/0084/CO85 AUTHORSt Lopatin, A. I.; Balyberdin, Chumachenko, V. S..; Fomonko, V. I., Ivanov. 0. V.t Trubeha-ninov., F. A,; Kirichenko, R. F, Ono$ noiw TITLEt Radiotechnical. method for measuring the motion parameters of the blank during sheet me stamnigg If SOURM Samoletostroyonlye I tokhnika voxdushnogo flota, no. 3, 1965, 84-85 TOPIC TAGSs metal stamping, test instrumentation, U11F instrumnt ABSTRACT: A mostly qualitative description of a radiotechnical method for measuring the displacement~%f the die during shoot metal stamping in briefly presented. The method consists of attaching a metal "flag" to the die and using this flag to par- tially block the path between two ultrahigh'froquency waveguides, one of which aervw as a transmitter and the other as detector. After calibrating the change in trans- mitted UHF energy as a Amrtion of flag position in the gap between the guides, this c=ve can be used to interpret the die motion (position or velocity) an recorded on an oscilloscope during a stamping orvration. Any centimeter range UHF generator can be used, A sample calibration curve and a sample stamping curve are presented with- out details or specifications an to operating ranges, accuracy, eta. Orig. art* has 3 figurese -SUQ QqQE#~ X3J SUM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001 i~&75Y62/032/005/010/022 B163 B102 AUTHORS: Kalmykov, A. A., Tereshin, V. I., Trubehaninov, S. A., and Safronov, B. G. TITLE: Interaction of plasma clusters with a spatially periodic magnetic field PERIODICAL-. Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 5, 1962, 579-563 TEXT: The parametric resonance of the ions in a plasma cluster moving along the axis of an axially symmetric magnetic field whose strength is a periodic function of the axial coordinate is studied experimentally. If the cyclotron frequency is nearly equal to the product of axial velocity and spatial periodicity, an increase of the velocity components perpendicular to the axis is expected, on the basis of theoretical considerations. The plasma cluster moves inside a copper cylinder of 6 am diameter and 120 cm length. The magnetic field is formed by one external long coil, giving a homogeneous field H, and 17 equidistant internal coils of alternating polarity, producing a superimposed C a rd IC12~ 3/057/62/032/005/010/022 Interaction of plasma clusters B163/B102 sinusoidal modulating field h sinvz. R is varied from 0 to 2000 gauss, and h between 0 and 150 gauss. Proton bunches with concentrations of 109 to 10 10 cm-3 are injected through a toroidal section with a magnetic field, and the dependence of the axial and perpendicular velocity components on H and h are determined by probe measurements. [Abstracter's note: The initial ion energy is not explicitly mentioned, but can be calculated from the data as 60 evi. Maximum increase of perpendicular velocity and reduction of axial velocity, while the total particle energy was conserved, was attained when H - 570 gauss and , h/H = 0.17. It is intended to use such periodic magnetic systems for the injection of plasma clusters into magnetic traps, especially into pulsed adiabatic traps for nuclear fusion experiments. Since the observed increase of the perpendicular velocity components is a resonance effect dependent on particle mass, it is thought that a method of cleaning unwanted impurity ions from plasma clusters might be based on this effect. There are 7 figures. SUBMITTED: February 20, 1961 Card 2/2 (j)/ETC(f)/EPF(n)-2/EWGW IJP(c) 651ATAM L Z4042-66_ EWT ACC NRs AT6008845 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0078/0086 17/ AUTHOR, Yalmykov, A. A..; T-rubchaninov, S. A.; Naboka, V. A. 15-4. ORG: none TITLE: Interaction between plasmoids of a magnetic field of acute-angled geometry "')OURCE: AN UkrSSR. 14agnitnyye lovushki (Magnetic traps). Kiev, Naukova dunka, 1965, 78-86 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic field, plasmoid, magnetic trap , magnetic field intensity ABSTRACT: The authors study capture of a plasma in an acute-angled trap sing methods~ vinich permit measurements for partic es with various energies for a more detailed --;n- vestigation of the mechanism responsible for the interaction between a plasmoid and a magnetic field of acute-angled geometry. The acute-angled magnetic field was pro- duced by the appropriate connection of two coils. Maximum field intensity was appro- ximately 6000 oersteds. A drift spectrometer and a plasmascope were used for an ex- perimental investigation of the plasma emerging from the trap. It was found that paraxial ions escape from the trap along the axis, I. a. ions which are in motion in the region near the axis and make an extremely small angle with the axis. The energy spectra of hydrogen ions from plasmoids after passage through a magnetic field of acute-angled geometry were compared with similar spectra for Ions after passage through.- Card 1/2 L 2400-66 ACC NR: Ni'6008845 0 a homogeneous magnetic field of the same intensity. It was found that the acute- angled field cuts off the high energy ions. Energy spectra are also given for plas- moid protons after emergence from an acute-angled trap as a function of magnetic field strength. These curves show a reduction in the number of ions passing through the trap as the magnetic field strength is increased. An analysis of the experimental plasmograms shows that the plasma is initially pinched as it enters the trap and that 1 the central paz~t of the plasma then moves along the axis. A halo forms around this dense central section with a radius which increases with motion along the axis in spite of a simultaneous increase in the magnetic field intensity. The generation of this halo and the increase in its diameter may be due to rotation caused by some mechanism which converts the longitudinal edge component to a transvorse component. The experimental data show that the leading edge of an acute-angled plasmoid is not captured and passes through the end of the trap. A more detailed study of the inter- action between plasmoids and an axially symmetric magnetic field is needed for deter- mining conditions necessary for trapping a fast plasma. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE; 20/ SUBM DATE: 20Oct6S/ oRiG REr: 007/ OTH REF: 001 ctjt- TR IMMANINM,Z-~L, NOZDRACHEV, M. G., NABOKA, V. A., SAFRONOV, B. G., MIMMV, A. A., TIMFEYE;V, A. D., PPIRMAT'YEV,, YU. I., "Plasma Guns Investigation," report presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris, France, 8-13 Jul 63 IACCESSICIN NRI AP4040301 S/0057/64/034/006/2005/1010 i-AUTHOR: Kalmy*kovA.A.; Trupqh~tqlnov,S.A.; Naboka, V.A.; %latopol'sidy'L.A. jTITLEj structure and energy spectra of plasma'.bursts from a coaxial plasma gun 180URCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v.34, no.6, 19", 1005-1010 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma source, plasma jet, plasma concentration. f ABSTRACT: The mass and energy spectra of the ions in the plasma bursts from a coam-, iial plasma gun were determined with a time of flight mass spectrometer and electro-i istatic analyzer described elsewhere (A.A.Kalmy*kov, A.D.Timofeyev at al,PTE,K0.5,0 i142,1963). The attenuati3n of 3 cm and 8 mm microwaves by the bursts was also ob- ;served, and the visible radiation was recorded with a photomultiplier. The plasma Ipm was 17.5 cm long, and the coaxial cylindrical electrodes were 3 and 7.5 c in idiameter. The gun was powered by a 12 microfarad capacitor charged to 10 to 20 W land the period of the circuit was 7 microsec. Approximately 1 CM3 of hydrogen dard conditions) was admitted to the gun through a pulsed valve. Two quite diffe- rent modes of operation were noted, depending on the delay between admitting the gas and.firing the gun. When this delay was greater.than acertain critical value, 1Card.X/3__ !ACCESSZClf NR: AP4040301 $a single dense burst was elected at a velocity of about 107 cm/sec. The density of !this burst was at least i0 4 CA-3,but it contained no ions with energies greater ithan 100 eV. The operation under these conditions was not investigated in detail, .!but it appeared to conform to the theory of L.C.Burkhard and R.H.Loveberg (Phys.Flu-1, lids 53,34.1,1962). When the delay was less than the critical value, two bursts were I of 1013 cm-3 and cont& jejected, of which the more rapid had a density ined ions withi energies up to 20 keV. The energy spectra of these bursts varied only slightly when! --other operating conditions were changed, provided only the delay time remained less, ;than the critical value. The ions were all accelerated simultaneously (within 0.5 1microsec) during the first half cycle. The moment of origin of the ions was marked by a slight but very sudden decrease of the discharge current, occurring near the 4irst peak. Heavy Impurity,ions, presumably originating in the insulation and the I ;valve packing, were present In considerable numbers. These had the same energy din-1 itribution as the protons, and hence smaller velocities. The burst could therefore In principle be purified by permitting It to drift a sufficient distance. In the ab- I ;sence of a magnetic field (all the work reported waa performed with no longitudinal!'-- i ;magnetic field) nearly all the low energy ions, and none of the high energy Ions, , iwe" lost during traversal of one motor. This In presumably due to the better colli.; tion of the high energy Iona* k1t In suggested that the difference between the to, ma : rd 2/3 I.Ca - ACCESSION NR: AP4040301 modes of operation is due to the interaction of the charged particles at high don- Bitios: when,the delay time is short the density is moderate and the particles are ;accelerated essentially Individually; when the delay time is long the density Is sufficient for the interactions to become important, and they may be taken into account by a magnetohydrodynamic theory such as that of Burkhard and Loveberg (loc., cit.)# In conclusion, the authors consider it a pleasant duty to express their gratitude to B.G.Safronov for fruitful discussions and his interest in the work." 6 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBM s 22JulG3 SUB CODS: HE DAU AOQ: 19jun64 ENCL: 00 NR MW SOV: 003 0TMRt 002 r, loqll-66 C~.:T ACC NR, A"IC0204o6 _~';_075-CIE' C_0DE_:_ _Ui 9/_ 0102 R/ocw/65/0U0 C,00 AUTHOR: ':_1ab.Tjkov, A.,-A. :~r,;bch,anin~;v, S. A. ';ab-oka, V. . .............. OBG: none 'LITLEE: Development of instabiLl~~11_a -Dlasmoid iincn injection in an axial-ly- symmetrical maUnetie field SVUIRCE: Ali UkrSSR. !Gsledovaniye plazmennykh sgustkov (Study of plasma clusters). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 89-102 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma instability, planwi Injection, plasma diagnostics magnetic pinch, magnetic mirror AESTMCT: '.Lie present investigat- ions were made with a coaxial plasma gun which pro- X 107 C-,/SeC d~aced hydro,-en plasmoids of density up to 10-1,3 cm-,3 and velocities (7-81 1) . q7he magnetic field waz produced at a distance (100 cm) sufficicnt for at- Uenuation of the cvarrents captured by the -plasmoid'. In view of the fact that the Iront part o* the plaswoid did n(--)t have -uff-c'ent luminosity, the stn~icture cf the plasmoia was inn-cstioatcd with a. plaLr,-,arcopo fir,-.16 d,25cribed by L. A. Yel_fzarav a n I-1 A. V. Zharin3v (:!Lei. Fu~;. i962, suppi. 2 609). 'Me field distribution ,,-an nca5urcd w ith 'n the, ,he aid of probe-1. 1^he reL;zill~-s sho-wc(l that the bcbavior of th-C p ron-u-niform, magnetic fiei(~ was -.rery to thi.,t occurring durJ14-, rapid comprez- sir, s n of the plazma in a & pinch, and the test results are interpreted in light of this )phenomenon. The possible causes of the instkability of the plasmoid upon enter- L Card 1/2 ACC NR: A'160204c)6 in6- t6he axially-syrn:-.etrical 1C.-E-Id are di.,,vussed and are -found tXj consist of refiect-Ion of of the electrons on enti-Hrit,, the -_-L,,,nfAAc fi-A-11 and t1he develop;i-,ent of a radial el-~~ctric field. It- was also noted that the in'ection can be ac- companied by rotation of the plasma, which ray hinder the injection of plasra in ma_gnetic traps of either mirror or acute-angle geometry. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 3 formulaG. L Fig. 1. Diagram of e;qjerimental setup. 1 - Plasma gun, 2 - micrc~- %lave horn antennas, 3 - magnetic field coils, plasmascope, 5 vacuum. SUB CODE: 20/ Sum DATE: 3xNov65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 008 LCard- 2/2 v TRUBGRAIMIKOV, M*M., yurist (Moskva) Legal regulation of the activity of medical workers in ehildrents day nurseries* Med.sestra 22 noo2t56-59 F 163. (HM 1W) (DAY NURSEUM) TRUBGIWMIKOV, M.M. , yurist; SMIRNOVA, M.N. , yurist (Moskva) Juridical question-and-answer oolwm. PsIld. i akunh. 27 no.3:51- 55 Mr 162. (MDA 15:4) (LABOR LAWS AND LEGISLATION) S IOVA. M. 11., yurii3t "Mid' TRUBC NOV M. M., yurist; Privileges for those working in regions of the Par North and iT! areas with the same Ellatur as it. Felld. i akuBh. 27 no.6: 60-63 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (RUSSIA, NORTHERN-MEDICAL PERSONNEL) TRUBCH44HUNt M.M.)yurist; "Jurist. Logal consultation. Felld. i akush. 27 no.8357-61 Ag'62. (MIR4 16;8) (ItEDICA.L FE1,30NIML) TFOJWUHNIKOV, M.M.; VALYAYL-VA, K.N. Legal regulation of nurses vacations. I/ad. s estra- 22 no.62 57-61 J9163. (MM 160) (VACATIONS. FMLOYM) (NUB= AND NUISIM) VALYAYEVA, K.U. ;TRUBCHPJINIKOV, M.M., yurist New standards for the issuance of work clothes, sanitary hygienic dresses and aloes to medical workers. Felld. i akush. 28 no 3:12-24 MOO. (M]RA 16:7) 1. Starshiy inshener po takhnike bezopasnosti Ministerstva zdravookhraneni-ya SSSR (for Valyayeva) (MEDICAL PrsRSONNE6-COSTUM) TRUBCHENKO. P.A.. inzhener: KOROBOCHKIN, I.Yu., inzhener; KIRVALIDZE, - - -inzhener. Wider application of tube-beader mills. stall 16 no.1:41-43 156. (MLRA 9:5) (Pipe, Steel) (Rolling mills) I- - TT- '01 c jp Z, j oo%j~. IT- -M -1 V-2T" IM: tn J~-T 'Zw!"T -T L-d- ..ta.t -4v 1;,,;~l Io, 1.1- 1 1- ..did T w -11 -1 -In q% I ..P-R .4" J*~ ul '14".. li'm 000'* - ii Pov qll~_l - " .;- OCE A, I- cri - 9 006 J. m %mt. I- - X~lq Aq s- I Erp ,n -To _471.1111- _0 ~ ~-n J. mpon zm r- __~ I r--n r- -it j- iv-T-P P~w *"Id T~T..d. ort - 1-1- 1"TtOW d%4 oI -id _11 IF r4%.> ZA J. PT. ~J. Tvl- Oq% P"-*% m ~".d T-Tirm .1.1 V.11t; .1 V- ,n flrTAo " -j I--- nii- -,n j. AIT-b -in P-,dan o3 IT . r 7~b . J.1%.0j: 1~j_" IV ItI. P~ _ T.1 I Tw In J. '"J_ A.U., -ZM so'n"'l- - not --1--P TVTOd. 0 42-1-M A. % ... T. -t *.did ~j :,Zd ol ----I IT P-%Mwll. Mq *~q oun-clct c-li-751 T..WN pc~ P.A.M U.4- :In :y APoiomr.i moT ~,j q- dd .1 ig6 . IVSVU Xiu~ d "--0 !P,%'- -M-d-d-oU '--;-T -dz wt T-Tftlmp-~. -9 v -TX -..Tm .-Y-K ~-Wnz* d '4 ,9 '61,6T WTIUMM-W 'T'-'" o*T'$"tv-JZ a S/123/61/000/011/021/034 25537 A004/A101 AUTHORS: Volkovitskiy, G. I.; Tsvetnenko, K. U.; Trubchenko, P. A.; Samoylov, G. D. TITLE: Centrifugal tube blank castings from bessemer steel smelted with the application of oxygen blast PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 11, 1961, 28, abstract 110181 (V sb. "Proiz-vo trub". no. 3, Khar'kov, 1960, 92-102) TEXT: The authors present technological data and investigation results of the quality of centrifugal tube blank castings from bessemer steel smelted with oxygen blast (St.20 and carbon steel). The obtained results were compared with the corresponding data on centrifugal casting of-tube blanks from carbon electric steel. It was found that the structure of the centrifugally cast blanks is not so much determined by the smelting method but by the casting parameters. The 0 optimum metal overheating over the liquidus temperature should not exceed 50-70 C (in this case 60-70% of the blank metal does generally not possess a zonal macro- structure over the wall thickness). The absence of an even growth of C, 3 and P-concentrations from the outer casting surface to the inner one was found, which Card 1/2 25537 S/123/6i/ooo/oil/021/034 Centrifugal tube blank castings ... A004/A101 is generally related to the effect of the centrifugal process, although the Inner surface zone contains nevertheless more S and P than the outer one. An additional nitrogen saturation of centrifugal cast blanks from bessemer steel with oxygen blast does not take place. The Increase of the nitrogen content towards the inner blank surface is connected with the separation of dissolved gases by the centri- fugal forces (metals with a higher mangAnese content contain more nitrogen). The blank metal from electric steel contained o.oo6-o.011% N, 1. e. nearly the same quantity as in bessemer steel. All strength characteristics both over the cross section and in various zones over the blank length vary in a comparatively narrow range. Besides, the strength characteristics of centrifugal cast blanks are always higher, while the plastic characteristics after heat treatment are mostly higher than it Is stipulated by GOST for rolled tubes. The suggested technology ensures a high quality of tubing blanks, including their deformation ability. S. Shamirgon [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 i TRUBIC -, inzh.; KOROBOCMN, I.Yu.; KIRVALIDZI, B.S., inth.; L-HXKDI-k.-A SHVJW,IIMIKO, A.A., inzh. Invegtigating the parameters of the second piercing of speciall7 thin- walled shells. Stall 20 no.10:922-928 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Yuzhnotrubnyy zavod. (Rolling (Metalwork)) (ripe Mille) I TRUB~ NKOP Ye. I. f- 30381 Sposob I spolbzovaniya uclyekisloty na gidrozavodal,.h. Pishch. Prom-stv. 9SSR, Vyp. 13, 1949, S. 73-74. SO: Latopial No- 34 KORETSKIY, B.A.., inzhk;__TRuBCIIAITINOV, A.D., inzh. Deformationn of permanent heauframeu during shaft slaking,, Shakhte stroi, 8 no.3:,8-29 Mr '64, (14II(A 17:3) 1. Yegozovskoye shakhtostroitel'noye upravleniye. TRUCHENITIKOV,-M.M.,-yurist (Moskva) Privileges granted to medical workers with respect to living quarters, social security_, and agricultural taxation. Felld. 4-akush. 27 no.2:59-61 F 162, (MIRA .15:3) (MEDICAL PERS0101EL) TRUBMIKOV, B. YA. Teplovoi metod izmereniia turbulentnosti v aerodinamicheskikh trubakh. Moskva, 1938. h2 p., diagrs. (TSAGI. Trudy, no. 372) Bibliography: P. 43. Title tr.: Thermal method of measuring turbulence in aerodynamic tubeq. QA911.F,65 no. 372 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. TP ,UBC71IKOIT, B. Izmprenie turbulentnosti potoka metodom summarnoi teplootdachi. Nioskva, 1939. 12 p., diagrs. (TSAGI. Trudy, no. 390) Bibliography: P. l?. Title tr.: Determination of flow turbulence by the method of measuring the total heat transfer. QA911.M65 no. 390 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1c55. L 42909-66 FI-IT(l) JIA ACC NR, SOURCE CODE: UR/0275/65/000/012/A022/ AR6015863 A022 AUTHORt Trubetskov, D, I. TITLE: Some asp eots in the linear theory of magnetron-type radial devices SOURCE: Ref. A. Elektronika I yoye primenonlyo, Abs. 12A164 REF SOURCE: Tr. molodykh uchenykh. Saratowsk. un-t Vyp. fiz., Saratov, 1965, 43-52 TOPIC TAGS: magnetron, radial beam tube# traveling wavatube~: 11ucceastve,RpprWdmR4on,,..; backward wave tube IIc ABSTRACT: xp essions are obtained for thp amplification factor of type M TWT (traveling-,',~. E e wave tube) e, Viffies 'the tt' by'th ~ tion of the aTni processes taldng Plice in type Wf-ft&M devices'-66bi*Lted t6l&~1.7-:- fund Ae method of the dispersion equation and makes the analysis substantially easier even during the calculation of the influence of the space charge and distributed attenuation In the moderating system. It Is shown that for short tubes it Is possible to be limited by the first RpproximRtIOn. In other cases, two-three approximations are sufficient; only for the description of the higher excitation regions of ty-pe M TWT is it necessary to use the fourth approximation. Further, more, in the paper, on the basis of MSA, the limits of application of adiabatic approximations UDC: 621.385.632 L 429,z)9-66 ACC NR: A are determined, and the crucitron mode of type: M TWT, coik the influence of reflections on the initial conditions of typo M lation of abBtract] Bibliography of 11 titles. E . 0. SUB CODE: 09 -iUi ,of inQO'Attenuatlon, jind a r e i b'd Transr* 2/2 KOSHINSKU, S.D.1 T-PIJBq-IIK')!Ap T*A. Prinalplea of the reglonalizatlon of a territory according V) tho 0 and P-r distribution in constructing probability tables of the Onumber of days with air twVerature in the different lbdto in detervdnW usen valusse" Trudy HIM no.33sll,20 165. (MIRA 18M) TRUBE, L. -111~~ "Vinnitsa"; based on a study of the geography of the city by I.A.Erofeev; "Kiev, the capital of Soviet Ukrainen by M.G.Rusakov, P.A.Zaezdnyi. Reviewed by L.Trube. Vop. geog. no-56:200-201 t62. (MIRA 15:7) (Vinnitsa) (Kiev) (Erofeev, I.A.) (Rusakov, M.G.) (Zaezdnyi, P.A.)