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--TR(MOV. B.V. -. AKSMMM, Y.H.
Expansion of the carbon skeleton of molecules durigg the interaction
of iodides with hale organic compounds. Zhur.*b.khim.26 no.5:1393-
1397 MY '56. . (MIRA 9:9)
l.TomRkiy politakhnichaskiy institut.
(Iodidas) (Carbon compounds)
4:i M
UMN. ~Nl
~_O " i-j V , 1' , "
, A i% I -:) V
USSR/Physical Che'mistry, Thermodynamics, Thermochemistrj, B-8
Equilibriums, Mys-Chem. imal. Phase-Transitions.
i~bs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1957, 22340.
Author B. V. Tronov, N. D. Strelnikova.
Inst No~~~
Title Study of nit-i-ile complex formation reaction with other organic
Orig Pub Izv- Tbmskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1956, 83, 98-101.
Abstract By earlier electrochemical method (Tronov B.V.,Kulev L.P.
Izv Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1948, 64, 3-87) were explored
13 binary systensin toluene solutions at 20-220 (electro&~s
aere of sodium and platinum). One of binary system components
was benzonitrile or isovalero-nitrile; the second comprised
isovaleric or banzoic acids, phenol, normal butyl alcohol,
isoamyl, triisoarijyl boric ester, acetone, nitromethane, ortho-
nitrotoluene, pyridine, benzamide. Almost in all systems an
increaue ul' electromotive force was nuticed which 1ndicatel;
t.he presence of a complex formation. An electron-acceptor type
of a complex forLation is prevalent with the nitriles.
Card 1/1 -112-
Mthoda of studying the interaction of atoms in molseules.
Trud7 TGU 145:97-3.14 '57- k ICIPA 12: 3 )
LKafedra organichaskoy khimii Tomskogo gosudaretveunogo uni-
v:raiteta imeni, V.V. Iluybysheva.
k9olecules) kAtoms) Ohemistry, i1qsical and theoretical)
[Theoretical bases of organic
oenovy organicheskoi khimii.
1958. 258 p.
chemistry] Tooretichaskie
Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomakogo tmiv.,
(MiRA 12:9)
(Chemistry, Organio)
AUTHORSs Tronov, B. Y., Morozova, V. M. SOV/153-58-6-7/22
TITLE: Complexes of the Nitrocompounds With Phenolates (Kompleksy
nitrosoyedineniy s fenolyatami)
PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimiches-
kaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 6, PP 39 - 41 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors carried out experiments with nitrobenzene, p-
nitrotoluene, and m-dinitrobenzene on the one handq and with
phenol-, p-cresol-, as well as with o(-naphthol- and ~_
naphthol-sodium salts on the other hand. As all of the
resulting complexes are colored, the investigation was made
by means of colorimetric analysis. Absolute ethanol was used
as a solvent. The 11 binary systems investigated, of the
substances mentioned in the titlep are shown in table (no
numbers given, p 40). Figure (no numbers given, P 40) presents
a comparison between the coloring intensities of the above
mentioned compounds. The results of all these experiments
fully bear out the assumption that the phenolate moleculejas
a complexp can attach itself only to a nitro-group. This also
Card 1/2 proves the correctness of the previously (Refs 1, 2) derived
Complexes of the Hitrocompounds With Phenolates SOV/153-58-6-7/22
structure formula (Patterns P 39) of the complexes mentioned
in the title. Dinitrobenzene reacts with phenolates also in an
equimolar ratio. This phenomenon can apparently be explained
by the fact that the anion (with a negative charge) formed
after the attachment of the phenolate ion bars the approach
of another phenolate ion. The coloring intensities of the
resulting complexes probably also depend on the composition
and structures of the nitro-compounds. The qualitative
comparison (comparison of solution concentrations) shows the
coloring intensity to be significantly increased by the 2nd
nitro-group. On the other hand, the methyl-group in a
p-position rendered less active the nitro-group. Among the
phenols, p-cresol was least active; the naphthols were most
active of all.cs~-naphthol had a stronger effect than (Lnaphthol.
There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 5 references, 4 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra organicheskoy khimii; Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy in-
stitut (Chair of Organic Chemistry; Tomsk Polytechnical In-
SUBMITTED: November 4, 1957
Card 2/2
---- - -.-- --- B V - -V.A--- LISI]TA,-A.I.
LU-tLti-t! 9
Tar acids in resins from Siberian larch. Trudr-Khim.-met. inst.
Sib, otd, AN SSSR no. 13:27-35 159. (KMA 14: 1)
(Wood tar) (Larch )
AUTHORS Tronov, B. V., Bardamova, M. 1. SOV/153-2-1-7/25
TITLE: On the Complex Formation of Organd-halogen Compounds With Amines
(0 kompleksoobrazovanii, galogenoorganicheskikh soyedineniy s
PERIODICAM Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i kbimioheskaya
tekhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, Ur lt Pp 34-40 (USSR)
A13STRACT: The further development of the -theory of Butlerov-Markovnikov
concerning the mutual influence of atoms in molecules today is to
be regarded as one of the most-important problems of organic
chemistry. For this purpose it is necessary to utilize the material
of synthetic chemistry as well as the various methods of physical
and physico-chemical investigations. This mutual influence in the
molecule is immediately disclosed by the distribution of electrou
density on which the electronic kind of reactivity of the whola
molecule and of its individual parts H dependent. The simplest
reactions proceeding in one single phase are beat suited for the
correBponding investigations. This is particularly the ca6e'with
complex formations. The most favorable reagents for the electronic
kind are substances with distinctly marked electron sources or
Card 1/3 electron acceptors. Imines belong to the first group and acids
Cn the Complex Formation of Organo-halogen Compounds With SOV/153-2-1-7/25
(carboxylic- and sulphonic acids) to the second one. For the
purpose of studying the afore-mentioned subject the authors
investigated fifteen Systems by thermal analysis. These were
binary systems comprising p-dichloro benzene, p-dibromo, benzene,
p-diiodo benzene, on the one hand, ando(_ and)3-naphthylamine,
diphenylamine, benzidine, and p-toluidine in various combinations,
on the other hand- 31 systems were investigated electrochemically
(method described in reference 3). In this connection methylene
chloride and.-iodide, ehloroform,'bromoform, carbon tetrachloride,
ethylene tetrachloride, dichloroethane, bromo-, chloro- and
iodobenzene as well as oc-bromonaphthalene were used as halogen
derivatives. n-butyl amine, pyridinet aniline, and dimethyl
aniline were used as amines. The apparatus and methods employed
in both investigations are then described. Results of the thermal
analysis (experiments Nr 12, 14, 15) are listed in figure 1.
Figures 2 and 3 contain curves of variations of the values
denoted *electromotive force". Table 1 givGs the results of the
electrochemical investigations. A special paragraph deals with
the reaction products of the complex compounds under review with
Card 2/3 sodium. In all, forty complex compounds were found whiA for the
On the Complex Formation of Organo-halogen Compounds With SOV/153-2-1-7/25
major part were synthesized for the first time. In rather all
systems an interaction of the components occurs as well as the
formation of oomplex compounds. Aromatic aminies form unstable
complexes with dihalogen benzenes (thermal analysis). In most
oases organic iodideis were the most active, bromides ranged
second, whereas chlorides exhibited the lowest activity. In-the
interaction with amines, which are distinctly marked electron
sources, halogen derivatives proved to be electron acceptors.
Aromatic halogens substituted at the nucleus do not readily enter
reaction with.bases, alcoholates, amines, salts, eto, whereas the
halogen easily passes from them to metals. This behavior is a
specific feature of aromatic halogen compounds. From amomg all
three halogens iodide can be polymerized most strongly. In some
cases a1arge, number of amiaw molecules were affiliated to one
single molecule of the halogen derivative.'The structure of these
complexes remains yet to be explained. There are 3 figures, 1 table,
and 4 referenceaq 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politekh-aicheskiy institut; Kafedra organicheskoy Ichimii
(Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, Chair of Orgmic Chemistry)
SUMTED: October 30, 1957
Card 3 3
AUTHORS: a. G. L. B115/BO00
-Tronov2 B. V.9 Ryzhov
TITLE: m"plex'Formation of the Ethanol Amines With Different
Organic Compounds
PERIODICAL: Izveatiya vysshikli uohebnykh zavedeniy. Kh1miya i khimiches-
kaya tekhnologiya, 19599 Vol 2, Nr 6, pp 886 - 890 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the formation of m6no- and triethanol aminel
complexes with compounds representing different groups of
organic compounds (nitrophenols, quin~ones, alcohols, phenols
(cresols), carboxylic acids, nitrobenzene, and amines) is
investigated. The paper by Migall and collaborators (Refs 1,2) 0"'
is mentioned by the authors. The formation of both sufficiently
stable and unstable complexes of the, nitrophenols and qui-
nones was detected colorimetrically, and, for the remaining
complexes, by means of the highly sensitive electrochemical
method developed by Tronov and Kulev (Refs 3, 4). Results
obtained indicate that, in the case of both the ethanol
aminea studiedg the electron-donor reactivity prevails. The
stronger complex-forming tendency was shown by the mono-
Card 1/3 ethanol amine. The complexes of triethanol amine were
Complex Formation of the Ethanol Amines With S/15 59/002/06/012/029
Different Organic Compounds D115YBOOO
detected onlv colorimetrically, and were colored less
intensely. The order of activity for complex formation was;
nitrophenols and quinones, simple phenols (m-cresol). From
the alcoholag only methanol and butanol reacted, while the
compound representing the group of oJmple ethers (dioxane)
gave no reaction at all. Carboxylic acids showed a low
oapacity to form complexes with ethanol amine, the acetic
and caproic acids being more active than the butyric and
isovaleric acids. The result obtained with nitrobenzene was
indefinite and indicated a weak interaction. Triethanol amine
did not react with quinoline at all., while aniline (because
of the hydrogen atoms in the amino group) showed a somewhat
higher activity, and with pyridine, a sharp maximum was ob-
tained, which may be attributed to the rather high positive
charge (0.18) on the I-carbon of the pyridine ring (Ref 5).
The strong polarizability of the pyridine molecule may be
important in this case, too, The formation of complexes of
ethanol amine with 2.4- and 296-dinitrophenols, 2,6-dichloro-,
dibromo-, and diiodo-4-nitrophenols, quinone, tetrachloro-
Card 2/3 quinone, and tetrabromoquinone is described, and the com-
Complex Formation of the Ethanol Amines With S/15 59/002/06/012/029
Different Organic Compounds B115YBOOO
position of the complexes as well as their nitrogen con-
tent given. Finally, the colors of some complexes of mono-
ethanol amine with several nitrophenols, and quinones, their
molar compositions, and their melting points are given
(Table 1). Thirteen systems were investigated colorimetrically
using the FEK-M photoelectric colorimeter, and the results
represented in the form of diagrams (Figs 1 and 2). The re-
sults of the colorimetric investigations of the formation of
complexes of ethanol amines with r~itraphenolsland qlLinones 1
are given in table 2. The results obtained by electrochemical
investigations with a device described by the authors, are
given in figures 3 and 4. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and
6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V. V. Kuybysheva,
kafedra organicheskoy khimii (Tomsk State University imeni
V. V. Kuybyshev, Chair of Organic Chemistry)
SUBMITTED: July 4v 1958
Card 3/3
- . -- - TROMOV,-B.V.; RYZHOVA, G.L.
iiyeicochemical study of complex formation reactions of amino
phenole and amino alcohols. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no. 10:77-
83 160. (MIRA 13:12)
1. Tomekiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Complex compounds) (Phenols) (Alcohols)
AUTHORS: Tronov, B. V., Terekhova, 0. A.
TITLE: Complexes of Some Polyheter6cyclic Amines With
Nitro--phenol Halides
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly. Khimiya
khimicheskaya tekhnologiya~ 1960, V')I, 3, No~ 3i
pp, 466 - 466
TEXT: The authors report on their studies of the complex forivatiou of
two isomeric, (2,21,-, and 4W-) dipyr-Idyls, tvic (2,z~- and 6j6'
quinoyls as well as o-pherant.hrcline with mono- and dihaloger. dr-i"'va--
tives of p-nitro-phenol. They ~.btained !crystalline complex compounds
for all 12 systemg formed, wh-Lch they divide into three groups: 1) -,--.Ior-
less or almost colorless complexes. To these belong r~ompleyes of
2-.:,~hloro- and 2-bromo-4--nitro-phenol, in which th,? nitTogen of th':4
amine is linked with the hydrogen of the Dhenyl.-hydroxyl.:
0 NC,H ClOff...NC H H N ... H0010 H NO 2) Lemon-yellow complexes, to
2 0 3 5 5 6 3 2'
Card 1/3
Complexes of Some Polyheterocyclic Am-ines S/,53/6o/003/003/020/036/XX
With Nitro-phenol Halides B016/B056
which complexes' of 2,6-dichlora-,4--n.Ifro--phePoI and somt~ complexes of
2~6--dibromo--4.z.nitro-.pheriol belong, which apparently are dgrilred from
-the aci--form of the nitro-phenols:
O-C C-N----Off~ -NC5it 4-- 015H4N, 110 C ~- 0
3) The brighte.-t orange colcred or red -,ompounds of dibromo- and di-
iodo.-,nitro-pher,ol have, as the authors prestime, a stracture of amino.-
nitro complexes. At an amine express (amirt:phenol - 2:,)j tho yellow
dipyridyl oomplex grows xed. Th.; initial ~~,jl;sranops were )aed in ratios
2:1 j 1:1., and 1:2. With the rxceptit:1n. of the above mentic-ned -,-ase Gf
4A'--dJ_py.r,,dyl and 2i6-,dibromo-,4-,nitro~--pheiol, compositicn. and p,~3pex-
ties of the oomplexes diiveloped were independent from the quant-.1tative
relation of the two lorrporeaLa~ The authors mention papers by
R. D. Giukhcvskaya and N. A. Ugollnikov (Refs. 3,4). Th,~ fol.ln-wing
students participated in the experimental part of thf-!
Card 2/3
-Complexes of Some'Polyheterocyclic Amines S/153/60/003/003/020/036/4/;(
it' !3C1 6/3058
q Uitro-phenol Halides
L. 1M. Geranimov 'a, A..A. Pleskachovskayan, Tz F. Baskova, and
Z K. 1"'Isiukova. Th'ere are, 5 xeferen,ces: 4 Soviet and 1 German.
ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy gosudarstveyinyy universitet im. V-V. Kuybysheva;
Kafedra.organichesko,, khimii (Tomsk Stat'q Univers-ity
imeni,V.V,. Ku7byshev; Chair of Organic Chemistry)
SUBMITTED: July 15, 1950
0 C C =N- OH...NCA - CH4N ... HO-N=C/ C=O
\CBr =C
H ~'Cfl=C Br
0 0
(-4 N C., F1, -H, N)
CBr-CH 0 0
HO-C C-N ... LNC~ [%-C~ H, N ... N- C-OH.
\CBr= CH 11 \CH= CBr
0 0
Card 3/3
AUTHORS. -Trono Syrneva~ N, V,
TITLE: Complexes of Aminobenzoir, A,,,Ids and Their Saltq W011,
Meta-dinitro Benzene
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedaniy. Xhimiya i
khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol, 3, No, 4,
pp, 752 - 753
TEXT: The authors studied the complex formation of the following amino
acids of the benzene series: ortho-, meta-, and p.-aminobenzoic arid with
meta-dinitro benzene; the latter is distinguished by a high ele~~tron-ac-
ceptor activity. The colorimetric investigation was ronducted in alco-
holic aclution, since both dinitro benzene and aminobenzoic acids are
soluble in alcohol~ whereas simple; saturated amino acids are insoluble
in alcohol. In all three systems~ the color is considerably intensified,
the maximum exactly or almost exactly lying at a molar ratio, of I : I , which
indicates that only one nitro group participates in the complex forma-
tion. This is confirmed by the circumstance that sodium Balts of amino
Card 1/2
Complexes of Aminobenzoic Acids and Their S/153/60/003/004/036/040/)rX
Salts With Meta-dinitro Benzene B02O/BO54
acids, in which the formation of a hydroeen bond is impossible, also
showed a color intensification in systems with dinitro benzene., the
maximum lying at a ratio of 1:1~ Crystalline complexes with dinitro
benzene were obtained from ortho~- and para-aminobenzoir~ acids. The op
tical density was measured at 190C by an ~)K-m (FEK-M) photoele~~tri-~
colorimeter. Measurement results arc- In Flfgs~ 1 and 2, There are
2 figures and 1 Soviet referen.~e,
ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politekhnicheakiy institut, im. S. M. Kirova
(Tomsk Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M, Kirov). Tomskiy
meditsinskiy institut; kafedra organicheskoy khimii
(Tomsk Medical Institute, Department of Organic Chemist:ry)
SUBMITTED: July 15i 1958
Card 2/2
Halogenation pf aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives
in the presence of a nitrating mixture. Izv.vys. ucheb. zav;
khim. i khim. tekh. 3 no. 5:872-875 160. (MMA 13:12)
1. Tomakly polite,khnicheakiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova.
Kafedra organicb4skoy khimit.
(E5rdroca:e~ons) (Halogenation)
Obtaining "lignin acids' from hydrolytic lignin- GidrollzA
lesokhim.prom. 13 no.4:3-4 160. (HUA 13:7)
1. Tomskiy politekhnichaskiy institut.
(Lignin) (Wood-Chemistry)
5.36io 78290"
AUTHORS: Tronov, B. V.,,',.Bq;ptovoy, 1. M., Potekhina, L. I.
TITLE: Complex Formation of Amines With Different Organic
,Compounds. I. Complexes of Benzidine and Naphthlamines
Nith Some Halogenated Phenols
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 196o, Vol 30, Nr 3, Pp
982-985 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Complex formation of benzidine, CL-naphthylamine,
and )3-naphthylamine with halogenated phenols was
studfed. The complexes, shown in Table 1, were
obtained by simple addition of the components in a
suitable solvent (usually benzene).
Card 1/5
Complex ForTaation of Amines With Different 78296
Organic Compounds. 1. SOV/4T9-30-3-50/69
Key td Table 1: (a) Nr; (b) amines; (c) phenols; (d)
molecular composition of complexes; (e) mp; (f) benzidine.
I[,() I I t 2 122-1230
) 4-
BrVG114()II 1 2 123-124
3 j 4-11C If ()It 1 2
1 149-ir)o
4 In ION 112 4-CIC, '011 1 -
5 4t-C11,117N 11, 4- BrC, 1, It I t 52-53.5
a-C,,11-,N 11,
11-IC11140 If
1 1 M-62
7 C1017N 112
~- ti-CIC6114011 1 1 70-71
8 C,.II,N 112 4-BrCqI1 10 It 1 1 71-73
N 11, -JC
4 all if) 11 88-89
Card 2/5
Complex riormation of Amines With Different 78296
Organic Compounds. I. SOV/79-30-3-5-0/69
The complexes obtained were tested for their
bactericidal action according to suspension method,
using B. Coll. Twenty min In 1:90 phenol was
taken as standard. Results are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Bactericidal action of complex compounds
and their componE-nts on B. coli. (a) 14r; (b) compounds
tested; (c) compound concentration (%); (d) bactericidal
action at exposure (in min); (e) benz-1dine + 4-
chlorophenol; (f) benzidine + 4-bromophenol; (g)
benzidine + iodo henol; (h) d-naphthylamine + 4-
chlorophenol; (i~ GL-naphthylamine + bromophenol;
(J) cL-naphthylamine + 4-iodophenol; (k) /*~-naphthyl-
amine + 4-chlorophenol; W 8-naphthylamne +
bromophenol; (n) 8-naphthylmhine + 4-iodophenol;
(p) benzidine; tr) cL-naphthylamine; (s) naphthyl-
amine; (t) 4-chlorophenol; (u) 4-bromophenA.
1; M
Card 3/5
Complex Formation of Amines With Different 78296
Organic Compounds SQY-M-30
Card 4/5
.......... 0.5
2 0,295
3 0.248
4' 0.483
5 . . . . 0.3 14 +
6 0.4 1 .1. +
7 0.258 +
f tit) . .. . . . . . . . 0.283 +
( ?%) . . . . . . . . . . 0.411 +
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.43
M) I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 +
(X) . . . . .
: : : , : * . , ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.493
t LA.) .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 -
. . .
. . . . .
. . . . . . .. . . .
Note: .
lack of B. coli growth (i.e .) positive
bactericidal action); (-) growth of B. colij (+)
growth at first repetition and lack of growth "Et
second repetition.
Complex Formation of Amines With Different 78296
Organic Compounds. 1. sov/79-30-3-50/69
SOM of the experiments were conducted with the
participation of M. A. Kuchmar. There are 2 tables;
and 7 references, I U.S., 6 Soviet. The U.S.
reference is: 0. Rahn Injury and Death of Bacteria
by Chemical Agents (1945).
Tomsk State University (Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy
May 12, 1959
Card 5/5
Type of reactivity of the hydroxyl group in alcohola. Izv.vys.vcheb.
zav.,- khim.i Ichim-tekh- 4 no.l.-162-164 161. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Tomskiy politekhnicheakiy institut imeni S.M.Kirovs~ kafedra
organicheskiy khimii# (Alcohols) (Hydroxyl group)
Synthesio of nitro derivatives of biphenyl.
Zbur.VKHO 6 no.1:109-110
(MIRA 14:3)
1. Tomskiy gosudaretvennyy universitat ime
- ': I.- . , , I p -, ~ -, ~Z: -' -~ ~ A -, I - ~
.r,p . -, ;. t, -; i . ~- .' - - -1 - - "
Donor-acceptor interact"Aon and electronic absorption spectra.
Part 1.3 Complex formation of mononitrophenals. Zhur. ob. khim.
35 no.3a429-435 Mr 165. (MIRA 18W
1. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V.V. Kuybysheva,
Complexes of naphthoquinones with phanols. Zhura ob. khim, 33
no.5:1639-1641 My 163. (MIRA 16:6)
1. Tomski-y gosudarstvemVY'universitat imani V-V, Ktqbyoheva.
(Naphthoquinone) (Phetola)
Thiophosphate derivatives of hydrolytic lignin and their insecti-
cidal effect. Gidroliz. i lesokhim, prom, 14 no.5:10-1.1 l6i.
(KIM 16:7)
1. Tomskiy politakhnicheskiy institut.
(Lignin) (Insecticides)
LELICHUK, Di.A.; T11017OV, B.V.
Kinetic study of '(.1--e nitration of so---e aromatic ccj=poures in Pa
nitrobenzene solution. 'Lzv.TtI l1-'-:12-15 161. 16:9)
(Aromatic compounds) (Vitration)
TP,G,'L,IOV, B,V,; SM17EVA, lf,V.
Compli.,xes oIC E--uric'banzoic acids and their s~Cllt3 dinirolZ:S--
zenes. izv.TPI 111.3-1; 161. (~,,Iak
(Benzoic acid) (1,4itrobenzene)
Kinetics of ni--robenzane nitration by 100,'Xnitric acid and ti----, of
the sy5tem b.,; other methcds of physicom'nenical analysis. Izv.T1,'! Ill:
6-11 161. (NITRO. 16:9)
(11itrobunzene) (1111itra Lion)
momov, m, V&
2. ussa (6oo)
4. Altai Mountains - Glaciers
7. Analysis of the physicogeographical conditions of the present glaciation of the
Altai Mountains. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 79, no. 2, 1947.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953, Uncl.
UMM/Geography Sep/Oct 48
"Stability of Glaciers," M. V. Tronov, 12 pp
"Iz v-s Geograf Obahch" Vol =, No 5
--JThIs field of study is relatively nev and there
Swe nany problems vhIch, hovever, are being
I-10-iminated. Treats subject under: necessity for
" thorough understanling of stability of nonstabi)-
j~ity of glaciers, various factors to be con-
sidered vhen determining stability of glaciers,
nonstability of glaciers and the general process
of ice accumulation, stability of "mall glaciers,
am 26/49T46
MSP/Geography (Contd) sep/Oct 48
and the action of microclinate. Data gathered
from glaciers of the Altay range.
TRO"M-1.9 11. V. Sovremennoe oledenenie Altaia. (Vsesoluznyi geograficheskii s'lezd. 2d,
Leningrad, 1947, v. 1st, 1948. p. 286-297.)
DIZ: G56. V8 1947
So: LC, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Unclassified
TRONOVI M. V. Ocherki oledeneniia Altaia. (Geograficheskoe obshcllestvo SSSR. Zapiski,
nov. seri-ia, v. 91 Moscow, 1949, P. - 1-373.).
i SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Unclassified.
1. TRONOV., M. V.
2. ussp, (6oo)
4. Geology and Geography
7. Outline of the Glasiation of the Altai Mountains, Tronov, IA. V.(Records of
the All Union Geograpbical Society, New Series, Volume 9, Moscow, Geography
Press). Reviewed by Grigorev, A. A., Sov. Kniga, No. 11, 1950.
9. 4WReport U-3081, 16 Jan 1953,, Unclassified.
Tron 1. 70
Mmsohere and the snavIins
Bull, of the Ala Union Geograph~cma society
1-10- 4, 1950. P:UF2
Froml Bull, of the Re Trans. Samice., Vole 2,, Octo 1951
. ''. I . . !.J~ 1. :. ::,., :. ~, .
-f -- . fcl-- /~- r " ` , , - , '! , - I - I
/ '~ 'Y '%, I. I--- 'r) J. '.~ I- - M4~'C. 2 r-I.
TROOV, Mikhail Vladizirovich; KA NIK,S.Y., redaktor.
[Problems of mountain glaciology] Yoprosy gornoi gliatsiologil.
Otvetstvennyi red. S.V.Xaleanik. Moskva, Geografgi2, 1954.
(Glaciers) (MMA 8: 10)
Inertia of conservation of glaqiers. Geog.ebor. 4:5-19 154.
(Glaciers) I (KLRA 7:9)
WNOVI Mikhail Vladimirovich; K&MSNIK, S.V., redaktor; PERVAKOT, I.L..
reTaORT"o"T-,"~bMLLTA, S-M-, tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
Problems In mountain glaciation. Zap,Voes.geog.ob-va 15:3-276 '540'
(Glaciers) (MI-RA 8:4)
ACC NR: AM7003449
Tronov, Mikhail Vladimirovich
Monograph UR/
Glaciers and climate (Ledniki i klimat) Leningrad., Gidrometeoizdat, 66.
0406 p. illus., biblio. 1, 300 copies printed
TOPIC TAGS: climate, climatology, ice, climatic condition, glacier, glaciology
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book covers a wide range of problems relative
to the area of convergence of glaciology and climatology specifically: glacio-
climatic indices, the climatic conditions of glaciers (feeding, ablation, balance
of matter), oscillations of glaciers and their causes, regularities of the develop-,
ment of mountain glaciers and glacier covers in relation to the changes in
climate. Teachings on the snow line and the ionosphere and also the various
properties of glacier development are discussed in detail. Teaching on glacio-
climatic indices is linked to problems on the formation of the river run-off in
mountain glacier areas. The book utilizes the latest material on the climatic
conditions of glaciers in various countries. Results of observations made
during survey expeditions in the Altay glaciers are examined. The theoretical
Card 1/3 UDC: 551. 32+551. 56/58
;'ACC NRi AIM7003449
concepts of the author relative to the problem of the development of glacier in
Interaction with the climate are systematized in this work and brought up to
date on the basis of comparison,%i th former works of the author. The book is
intended for teachers and students of the senior courses of geographic depart-
ments of universities, hydrometeorological institutes and for all specialists in
mountain and arctic areas, and in areas of ancient glaciation. The author
expresses his gratitude to the collective of glaciologists of the Tomsk University,I
Joint multiyear work in the Altay glaciological expeditions of the Tomsk
University has not only always provided more new material on the glaciation of
the Altay, but has likewise complemented the theoretical deductions and
'program trends in the field of glacioclimatology. The author expresses his
great indebtedness to S. V. Kalesnik, corresponding member of the AN SSSR,
for a series of valuable comments and advice.
TABLE OF CONTENT [abridged]:
Foreword -- 3
Ch. 1. Physical and geographic conditions of glaciation -- 6
Ch. 2. The snow line and the "Khionosphere" -- 76
Ch. 3. Climatic conditions of glaciers -- 152
:-Card 213
ACC NR- AM7003440
Ch. 4. Chanrrcs and shifts of glaciers -- 263
Ch. 5. The climate and development of glaciers 319
Literature -- 394
SUB CODE: 04, 08/ SUBM DATE: 28May66/ 6RIG REF: 210/ OTH REF; 09a
Car 3/3
TRUtl-11~, .. 41"-#
nroblems of special topics in glaciological research.
leag. sbor. no.170-17 164. (MIRA 18t8)
TRONOV9 M.V.; GRIGOR, G.G6 i-pftf,, red.; OSOVSKIYt A.T.0 tekbn. red.
(The problem of glacsO, de"loptwat] Froblema razvi+,iia ladnikayo
Tomaks 10--w TOMAkia"' uftv.t 1960. 3-13 p. (MIRA 14:8)
1 7" lhi~ciera)
TRONOV, X.V.; BUNTIN, A.P., prof.,;.GRIGOR, G.G.. prof.,
red.Voma; VOLKOV, B.V.,
[Relationship between climate and glaciation] Toprosy eviazi
mezhdu klimatom i aledeneniem. Tomsk, Izd-~vo Tomakogo univ..
1956. 201 p* (um 14:2)
1. Rektor Tomakogo guoudaretvannogo universitet im. V.V.Xuybvaheva
(for Buntiu)i
--- --- - -.1- -- ----
Lr Osnometod.ukas.po gliats,
-1. - jj iievelopment of glacierso (MIRA 12: 1)
no.15:5-20 157. (Glaciers)
Main problem in galcial climatology and glacier development.
Trudy TGU 147.-_r--21 157. (KFrA 16:5)
1. Kafedra. klimatologii Tomskogo tosudarstvennogo
univeroiteta imeni ftybyshevae
(Glacib~ogy) (Climatology)
1950- (Card 21 50-31141)
1. Domestic engineering.
2. BLijiding - Rassia.
I. Lisita3mj, S. N-j it. =*
The industrialization and mechanization of work- in the field of heat supply,
heating, ventilation) interior water pipe lines and sewerage Moskv-P, Go3.
izd-vo stroit. Lit-ry, 1950. 222 p. (50-31141)
AUTHORS: Tronova, I. N., Tikhomirov.a, Ye. A., Shlyagin, K. N.