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FrlP ( k I/ Fli P 7
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L --arings of rttefia tLriuftafs.
Elek. sta. 31 no.9:27-30 8 160. 11j:10)
. (Steam turbinea)
AUTHOR: Trif onov, **.V. and Yampollskiy,'-S,~L., Engineers.
TITLE: 9F~e_ 'measurement of axial stresse .sIin a steam turbine.
(Izmereniye osevykh usiliy v parovoy turbine)
FFJUODICAL: "Elektricheskive Stantiii" (Power Stations), 195?,
fo_1.28t_No-3, PP- 19 - 21 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: h1xistinS methods of measuring axial stresses in steam
turbines suffer from a number of defects. Special spring
supports are required in the thrust bearing if it is intended
to use resistance strain gauges and so this method is mainly
used for large turbine sets. The method of measuring the
temperature on the bearing pads that is sometimes used is not
always applicable as is demonstrated by experimental curves
which show that the linear relationship between tempeL-ature
and load which is usually adopted is only valid. at a partic-
ular speed and over a narrow load range.
Accordingly a method was developed to measure the axial
stresses in steam turbines from the pressure of the oil film
in the thrust bearing. The relationship between the maximum
pressure in the oil film and the thrust on the pad was calcu-
Card 1/2 bated. It is in practice convenient to measure the pressure
in the so-called ''centre of pressure" of the pad. A theoret-
ical basis for this method is given. Tests were made on two
The measurement of axial stresses in a steam turbine. (Cont.)
kinds of pad. Small holes were made in the face of the pad and
led to manometers through copper tubes %,fnich are sufficiently
flexible to permit movement of the pad. Ordinary manometers can
be used as great accuracy is not required. The results of the
tests are shown in the form of a graph and show some divergence
from values calculated from existing theories. Measurements
made in this way may be used for other purposes such as for
checking the operation of compensating devices of thrust bearings
which should ensure even distribution of the load between the
pads and an example of this kind is given.
The comparative simplicity of the measurements and the uni-
versa,lit-y of this method for all designs of thrust bearings make
it possible to use it for investigation of the operation of thrust
bearings in operating conditions and for the adjustment of steam
turbines in cases when the strain gauge method cannot be used for
one reason or another.
There is an editorial note that until further expe rience has
been acquired the method can only~be recomm nded for turbines of
less than 25 01. There are 5 fi~1res and 2 Slavic references.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
TRIIWOV. Ye.V., inzhener.
Setting up a hydromechanical, regulating system with a centrifugal Dump
working without suction line blocking. Yest.mash. 33 no.7:11-14 J1 '53.
(MIJU 6:8)
(Centrifugal pumps)
,7rie e
oearings Or-
Le a
bard 1/2
The effect of some desiF,7, pararet,&ra
Car.-I 2/2
Osobennostui tsentrovld reduktorn kh tur"o-,--rre~ai.ov clektrostantsiv
of -.he red:.icer cf Power
U p. Diagrs. , T.-ibles.
SO: N/5
1XI(c," DJj2-:P4 "D
L 4Q853-6j, - 1- -1 1
ACC NReAP6021T 19 SOURCE CODE: UR/0229/66/000/005/002~/-o6-35-~
AUTHORz .,Trifqnov, Ye. V.; Ywspoilskiy, I. D.; Piruyev, Ye. V.; Ekzemplyarskly, V. Y~-
ORG: None
TITLE: er-lubricatedtplain bbearings for high-speed turbine units
SOURCE: Budoetroyeniye, no. 5, 1966, 25-30
TOPIC TAGS: hydrostatic bearing,, hydrodynamic bearing, bearing material, bearing
stability, bronze, corrosion resistance, cavitation, water, turbine
ABSTRACT; The.authors discuss difficulties associated with the use of water-lubricated
bearings in high-speed turbine units. Some of these difficulties are the low viscosity
qf water as compared to~turbine lubricants and the difficulties of machining materials
suitable for operation under conditions of high temperature and pressure. The main
difficulty however is the viscosity of water which produces a very thin lubricating
lVer. The thickness of the layer permits additional friction by particles suspended
.,~the water. The authors propose the use of hydrostatic bearings which ensure a suf-
foieritly thick lubricating layer independent of lubricant viscosity. Such bearings
,e widely used in chemical machine building. These bearings are based on the desired
inciples, but still have many disadvantages. Therefore bearings were developed and
sted vhich are called "combination bearings" incorporating both bydrostatic and
Card 1/3 uDc: 621&?2.5 7,
)ACC NR' AP 21719
bidrodynemic principles. Laboratory test data are given tog .et i with verification 5f
~these data under operational conditions. The bearing material~ssr the main factor in
determining optimum bearing construction. Bearing materialshave to satisfy the fol
loving requirements: 1. they must be highly resistant to corrosion and cavitation;
2. they must be resistant to scratches and must have good ran-t characteristics at
both high and low speeds; 3. they must have good wear resistance under conditions of
semi-fluid friction, and in particular must be vear-resistant with respect to abrasive
particles in vater. As .a result of several yeare-of-operabienaar e*perieaee,-OF-40-1--:-
bronze was chosen for the bearings, This material lms_.cartain.~aadvant ages such aa_-aO9
comparatively low run-in properties and a high coefficient of expansion. All bearing-.
designs considered in this article are made of this material. Four different types of
combination bearings are tested. A diagram 'is given shoving the temperature for the
internal surface of the bearing inserts. Tests show that local beating of bearings is
the main source of failure. Local thermal deformations affect the inserts and reduce
cooling for the heated zone. The continuation of this process causes binding betveen-
shaft and bearing. Three of the four types of b~ja~ing de Rns tested suffer from
these defects, while the fourth type (sii, fie-w_e_T-do_ei' not. This i fi-g J -s -de-s'gn~e-
so that expansion due to beat both-under normal and under emergency operating condi-
tions does not reduce the clearance between shaft and bearing. The bearing inserts
have a complex shape and are made so that the support surface is composed of four
flekibie elements. They are threaded in place, and in the event that fluid pressure
falls., the shaft rests on the two lower lobes. Under these conditions, a vedge-shW4.
ACC NRs AP6021719
earance is formed between the shaft
A the section in which a hydrodynamic
fting force is set up. This enables
ie shaft to withstand emergency con-
,tions of short duration. Thus the
aults of the study show that it is Z'
osible to develop a reliable water-
bricated bearing for high-speed turbine
utallations. The main problems for
~ese conditions are ensuring the opera-
.on of the bearing under conditions of
iterrupted lubrication, and sufficient
1--lubricant flow channel; 2--fa6tening
bration resirtance at high rpm. Of
,11Aypes of bearing designs studied, the bolt; 3--expansion 'groove; 4--strain pin;
5--band; 6--regulating bolt; 7--0.5
Ur-section lobe type is best suited for
ion under conditions of vaterr depression; 8--groove; 9-alip 6urface
ication in high-speed rotors. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 1 table.
CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 000
Memorable meetingo ZdorovIe 8 no.5:26 My 162. (MIRA 15:5)
Action of a constant current on the electroretinogram of the frog.
Biofizika 7 no.4:426-432 162. (MMA 15:11)
1. Institut blologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, ~bskva.
-~O N07'
Tu.A.-, MOV,
Reaction of the scl:r-:~es
to the ni;:*rent nnnduf-.-tiid thrcaft the Uim
BI.C.,fizikit 10 If-.4,67l- 680 ',')5. M ':'FL A1 5.8'
1 ~r C
1. Institut, problem p,~redashf !nformat-.31i Al
-mtj1rONOT, ru.G.; MIOOROT, V.B,
Ilim1nation of belimthlasis in school children. Zdrav.Belor.
3 no.lOt6l-62 0 957o (mk 13:6)
Approximate theory of steMy-state conditions in a
multiresonant magnetron. Vest. Mosk.un.Ser.3:Fiz,astron.
17 no./+:1+5-54 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Kafedra teorii kolebaniy Moskovskogo universiteta.
Factorization of a characteristic equation of the third
degree. Izv.TPI 137:93-98 165.
(1411RA 19:1)
~nc ronization of an ultrahigh-frequency oscillator operating
toward a transmtesion line containing reflecting inhomogeneitiefl.
Vest. Kosk. un. gar. 3: Fiz., astron. 18 no.3:2f'.'J-3l My-Je 163.
(MIRA 16:10)
1. Kafedra teorii kolebaniy Moskovskogo uhiversiteta.
-1-- q .1
I a 5 teady s 4 - t~ cv, r-d-, i " - -:i
.Pproxinata cf - - I ~ ~ .. -.'. ~!
Lull I.,' c a vity magn(-j fl.-,- -.2a ll?ij ! c. 4,,rj k*- . .' ., tror. 3 ) n o a -3 4. J,
165. (M-.Rs. I.sts".
L 10024-63
ACCESSION NR: A-F30'G 17`9 C/C' 18~i 3'-~/ j./('~03/0026/&G- 1
AUTHOR: TqLonov, Yu. M
ri shf oscil-lator with a transmission channel
TITLE: Synchronization of a.
containing reflected irregularities
SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Veqtnik. S;~rlya 3. Fizika, astronomiya, no.
1963, 26-31
TOPIC TAGS: uhf oscillators, synchronization, mismatched lines, magnetrons
ABSTRACT: The dependence of the synch-ronization band of an slif oscillator on the
-jhase and modulus of the reflection coefficient in the presence of' nonreson-pn*l
lrreE~alarl ties in the transmission line was investigated. The
system was considered c,-, ~,he basis wit*-, Lim~-ed
a~.d a mismatched waveE..~iL,~ a -Tne
~)eLween the osc-liat,:~r a.~,d *-:.e waveE--ile was corisidered -C.,
-ronizatllon bar,iwidth Dei'a ~ -,.,as iez~e-d ma',,-
reflection coefficient -)i.ase anFle P:~1. --e Larges- syncnrorlizatilon
Lr. + P re smalLes-
oe oc;-,-ained at Psi = ~
I - -725A aid 4,
~s a-- Psi, = 2n F-.'. Zxperizen,~s ca-rr-'-d w`i~- 2G ma4i;ne
Cor-1 1,12
L 10W,~,63
showed that the smallest synchronization band corresponds to the values locatcd
in the center of the magnetron stable operation region and the large5t, to those
located in the center of the unstable region. The introduction oll nonre son ant
irregularitien into a transmission lir,,e re3Ult3 in q dec, aze by a fac .C,, M
iri o3cillator circuit insertion q (wherc m 1 + Ko)/( I - Ko), Kt, being-
,rolta6e standing wave ratio) and ar.- incr--ase by the s fajtor D, ~ftoE-~
sync h-roni zation bandwidth wit-()-;' ;Lo:33 of magr~e,~7 r p
"The author thanks 1. 1. Xinl;~,)V-iya for advisee ~ud for re-vlp~wln,~
remillts oil the work." Orig. 1 Drun~,!P-s and flg~iTes.
ASSOCIATION,. Ka-iedra teo-ii k3leDanly ~DeLs~---tm,-nt of TLecr-- cl
SUMITYEED: 28jun62 DATEE ACQ: Oqju163 ENCL: 00
SUB CODE: 00 110 REF SOV: oo4 OMR: 000
. Prd 2 ///2
AUTHOR: Trifonov, Yu. M.
TITLE. Approximate theory.'for settled operation of a multi-resonator
PZRIODICAL: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizikaj
astronomiya, no. 4, 1962, 45 - 54
TEXTs The total h.f. and constant currents to the anode are calc4lated
as functions of the constant anode voltage boost, of the h.f. voltage, and
of the magnetron geometry. The following formulas are recommended for
use in studying the nonlinear properties of a magnetnont constant
N(N- 4 Mn 2,~X (20)
-i~. + 2 2 2 +2 N
Bir.2 S12 Ins-1 +_ S12
N-4 N-4
X Vsin
Card 1/4
Approximate theory for settled... B108/B102
mismatch angles
a Cris N. bsill N. f) -1 N 0. (22)
2 2 2
2a to N
b B.Ir r. M ' '" 't. ( I , (22),
4 to
IN'-2(1 '(1 N N (N - 4)
41 N, (M 2)
Card 2/4
Approximate theory for settled...
total current;
4-clatoBir2 $in -
a 4 2 2 -6 cos 0.
iv N 1. sin
1.4 4 2
(M 2) V sin 2
44.IoBlr2 sin N N
2 2 1 6
+ - 1, sin A I sin
x 4 2
2) V
I' 4eNfh - 2 sin Af I V.
pun 4
Card 3/4
Approximate theory for settled... B10P/BI02
N - number of resonators, half angular width of gap, V - voltage
amplitude in the gap, Oa constant anode potential, 8ka - boost over
threshold potential, B B(I - 20 a/w k~ ), B - magnetic field strength, WC
angular velocity of spatial harmonic, aj cyclotron frequency, h - height
0A. anode block, I - angular width of one segment, fo resonance frequency
of the magaetron oscillatory system, a. . r /r a, 81 :r ii /_a, ra - anode
radius, r I - radius of electron cloud corresponding to threahQld potential,
rc = r k \1"i Pf / (W A -2c%)I, rk -cathode radius. These re'sults are in good
agreement w.4th experimental data. There are 5 figur6s and 3 tables.
ASS'OGIATION: Kafedra toorii kolebaniy (Department of the Theor.~ of
ti UbZTTI-'P- December 1, 1961
Card 4/4