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r. IL 6~- WX L L K. M.P- M~.=- r. a KK L py-- F"- 4 It on (c 10 Ao 16 R&M) L JL OWW9.~,, & JL np-.d 0 -V-G~ 'V~ 7- K A~ M.P. A. IL F.- *. IL V. 3~ JL 1. Y- (c Is A. 22 L c. j- (CMIA) VIA YIS 0. rp.- A--a id saw C..t..dA& *"Ivg CC &J..uria womelfti.1 saw.- of A. a. 1"" (TMIX), "MGM, U010 S/058/62/000/009/045/069 A006/A101 AUTHOR: Trifonov, P. M. - ---------- TITLE: On the ultra-distant Ionospheric propagation of meter waves PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 9, 1962, 28, abstract qZh169 (In collection: "Ionosfern. Issledovanlya, no. 9"j Moscow, AN SSSR, 1961, 92 - 96; summary'in English~ TEXT; Results are given which have been obtained in 1957 - 1958 from in- vestigations at the Voronezh State University"on the ultra-distant ionospheric propagation of meter radiowaves. The following radiotracka were used for ultra- distant reception: Voronezh-Prague (2,000 km), Vovonezh-Budapest (about 1,30010); Voronezh-London (3,600 km) and Voronezh-Paris (about 2,800 km). It was found that the ultra-distant propagation of.meter band radiowaves proceeds in the win- ter during the day through the F2 layer, and in the evening only in the presence of-the Espor layer. Reflection from layer Espor In the.summer vaniah or attenuate. 1 2 hours before midnight. Maximum ultradistant radio reception of meter waves for the i2 layer is possible in January - February, and for the Eapor layer in Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/009/045/069 On the ultra-distant ionospheric... A006/A101 July - August. Distortions of the wide band of modulating frequencies are higher in reflection from layer F2 than from layer E These distortions spor' occur both in the frequency with changes in the modulation depth, and in the phase during reflection from several ionized layers. In reflection of.meter waves from layer Espor repeated contours of the Image received occurred frequent- ly. They are caused by signals which arrive with 1 -3 /joec delay. This cor- responds obviously to the presence of sharp stratification even at about 300 - 900 m distance between the layers. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Trifonov, P.M. s/16q/62/ooo/oo8/o86/oqo E032/Ell4 TITLE: on ultra long range ionospheric propagation of meter waves PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizikaj no.8, 1962, 28, abstract 8 G 215. (.In the Symposdum: 'Ionosfern. issledovaniya no.91 ('Ionosphere studies no.91), M., AN SSSR, 1961, 92-96).'(abstract in English). TEXT: Reports results of studies of the conditions necessary of ultra long range ionospheric propagation of television signals along the routes Voronezh-Prague., Budapest, Lond *on and Paris,- which were carried out in the Kafedra radiofiziki (Department of Radio Physics) of the Voronezhskiy universitet (Voronezh Universityi during the period of 1954-1958. Television signals from centres at shorter distances (Leningrad, Riga, Tashkent) were recorded in a number of cases. The observations were carried out an the signal field-strcngth in the frequency range 49-56 Mc/sec (audio and video channels). Use was made of antennas of the wave-duct type, .namely, single-stage five-element, four-stage three-element, Card 1/2 On ultra long range ionospheric ... 5/169/62/000/008/086/090 E032/E114 and a single half-wave vibrator. The results of the experiments are illustrated with graphs showing the field-strength of signals received from Prague, London and Budapest at 25 m above ground level (averaging time of I min) as a function of the time of day and year. Ultra long range winter propagation of signals in the ultra short wave range during the day is associated with the scattering of radio waves by ionospheric F2-1.ayer irregularitie,91 and in the evening hours with the presence of the E. layer in the ionosphere. During the propagation of radio uives through the F2-layer a larger distortion in the signal chaL-acteristics was observed (frequency and phase) than in the propagation through the E. layer. In the case of reflection of radio waves from the Es- layer, repeated image contours appeared and corresponded to a signal delay of 1-3 4sec relative to the arrival of the main signal. This is explained by a clearly defined stratification of' the Es-layer with the separate layers at a distance of 300-90() m from each other. Card 2/2 Abstractor's note: Complete translation. h1953 S/19 62/000/009/068 /1j0 D295YI)308 AUTHOR: Trifonov, P. 14. TITLE: On ultra-distant ionospheric propagation of meter waves I?ERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 9, 1962, 28, abstract 94h169 (In collection: Io- noefer. issledovanlya, no.*9, M., AN SSSR, 1961, 92-96 (eummary,in Eng.)) TEjXT: The results of an investigatiorf carried out in 1957 - 1958 at the Voronezh State University on ultra-distant ionospheric pro- palation of meter waves are reported. The Voronoezh-Prague (2000 km~, Voronezh-Budapest (- 1300-km),.Voronezh-London (3600 km),' Vo- ronezh-Paris (-2800 km) radio routes have been used for ultra- distant reception. It has been found that in winter the ultra-dis- tant propagation of meter-wavelength radio waves occurs via the _22 layei~ during day time, and only in the presence of sporadic E Ciird 1/2 3/194/62/000/009/068/100 On ultra-distant D295/D308 layer in the evening. Reflections from the Espor layer in suhuier either vanish or weaken 1 to 2 hours before midnight. The maximum possible ultra-distant radio reception of meter waves occurred for the P 2 layer in January-February, and for the B spor layer in July- August. Distortions of a wide band.of modulating frequencies are more significant for reflection from the F 2layer than from the Espor layer. There are both frequency distortions with variation of the modulation percent and phase distortions for'reflection from several ionized layers. In the presence of reflection of meter waves from the E spor layer the reception picture often shows repea- ted loops caused by signals arriving with 1 - 3.,,U see delay, which apparenily corresponds to the presence of marked stratifications even with distances of -300 - 900'm between the layers. Z-kbstrac- ter's note: Complete translation._7 Card,2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4015256 s/0106/64/000/002/0031/0035 AUTHOR: Trifonov, P. M.; Budko, V. N.. Zotov, V. S. TITLE: Structure of space fluctuations of vhf field strength in a city SOURCE: Elektrosvyaz', no. 2, 1964, 31-35 TOPIC TAGS: vhf waves, vhf field strength, radio field strength in city, radio wave city distribution, Rice-Norton distribution, Rayleigh distribution, log normal distribution ABSTRACT: An experimental study is reported of the radio field strength distribution in the streets of a city which had 5 -story buildings in its center. A .50 -w transmitter was operated at 50, 150, 'and 300 mc with a vertical polariza- tion, while reception was continuously and automatically recorded on a vehicle moving in the streets. Statistically processed records permitted arriving at these conclusions: (1) Space fluctuations of the field are regular with a period of over A 12; (Z) The period is independent of the wavelength and is but little dependent upon the type of built-up area; (3) At close range to the transmitter, Card 1 /Z ACCESSION NR: AP4015256 the fluctuation distribution is normal, at longer range it obeys the Rayleigh law; apparently, the close-range normal distribution it; determined by the prevalence, of the mean -field -component amplitude over the sum of reflected rays, which are distributed according to the Rayleigh law; at longer ranges or near high buildings in narrow streets, the Rayleigh distribution Is expected to prevail; (4) In the general case, the space field distribution can apparently be expressed by the Rice-Norton function. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 4 formulas, and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: Z6,TuI63 DATE ACQ: 1ZMar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CO NO REF SOY: OOZ OTHER: 002 Card Z/Z TRIFONOVI P.M.; BUDKOY V.11.; ZOTOV, V.S. Structure of the spatial fluctuations of the field intensity of microwaves in a city. Elektrosviaz' 18 no.2:31-35 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) L -2783--6o EWr (l)/FCC/E'.'1A (h) RB/Grf AGG M AP5025485 SORCE CODICs UP,/0203/65/()05/005/0939/0?41 AUTHOR: -Lonoy.- m.; &_h'Lko_,__Y-N-; z2_to_z,__Y-P.- ORGs Voronazh State iveral Department of Radiophysics (Voronezhakiy i gosuilarstvannyy universitet, Kafedra raiiiofiziki) TITLE: Some results on the observation of 61stribution of meter wavelength radio signals from the layer E SOURCEt Geoma- patizm i attranomiya, vb 5, no. 5, 1965, 939-941 TOPIC TAGS: electronic signal, radio wave propagatton, si%nal listortion intensity a maplt A6STRACT: The occasional anomalously far propagation of radio ani TV aIgnals la a comon phenomenon. The observations of public and private stations, matie during 1954-58, were sli-arized and the time of the beginning and the enA of signals, their amplitude, and the coordinates of the signal sources were de- tirmined. The results, represented graphically, showed that the anomaliously far 313 UDCS 550. 388.2 L, 97,E3-66 ACC N1q: Ar5025485 propa,,atlon of ultra-short waves had a seasonal cbaractir. No effect was observel of the 11-year cycle of solar acti-ilty on this prop-Agation. The hi ghest, probability for receiving the anomalously distant signals was during evening hours. The spatial field intensity increased about proportionally with the In- cransed number of reception days. During Aug gust and especially September, the field Intensity of received signals charply decreased and Its value approached 400 - 500 1Av/m. The probability of anomalous reception was Invorsely pro- portional to the si_gnal frequency. The maximum duration of anomalous receptions 1 was 1.5 - 2 hours, during which signals with constant field intensity and fluctuating si gpals were received. The TV imagges on the screen often hai "repetitions" indicatin 'a the arrival of the repeated signals which lqgged behind. Geometrical calculations and some assumptions suggested that the anomalously distant radio receptions of the motor-lon', waves were caused by the presence in i the ionosphere of the sporadic layer E.. The data on the ntmber of days of anomalous radio receptions and the valu-3s of the spatial field intensity auggested that (1) the refl,3ction of signals from the Es layer occurred at the i hifji values of field inOrsity (June - july), or (2) the sigials were scattered. from the E. layer when the field intensity was low (April, August# and especially September The go layer had a cloud-like structure in addition to its seasonal L 9783-66 ACC NRt AP5025485 character, U-1g. art. hass I figure, SUB CODEs O'VII?ISUBM DATE3 1OApr64/ J 3/3 AUTHDRS, Skoryy, I.A., University Lec"ror. aal 33/35 Xopytov, V.D.. Scientific Assistant TTTlX# Lotanomov - Lecture$ 1957 at the X~c1h&n1-_al-=st!A-t1O&j 'aculty of Sasco. Ztat. C.111orsity .ht..1y. 1957 ad. n. mtkhzjkc-t.=tL.h..11" "k -I- to%* MOU) PEMODICALi To.tnik "askovskogo Univeroitetv. S,ri.-a nat~tlU# N-khaalkl, "traftmil, M&U, 1thiall, 193-a ..;r ..p;. 241-246 (VS_-R) LBSTR&CTt The.Lomcno:ov lecturat 1957 took place from *ctabor 11 - Oct b:r031. 195', and var. dod1c.tod the 40-th anniversary a, th at ber rejolution. In the &.moral cost he L.S. Eal=Vrcv, A.a4.a',.1.= spak. .0. App ramizotIso R!pr.s.n%*t1G~ *f of Sw'.ml Variable. by Superposition of Functi.- 71th Los. Tart able. &md 9 -Intropy of' Classes of Function-. Too leatare lvaorall ces Ibe.r;sults at Zolmotorow, A.G. T.T. Irn.114 and I x'khositav. Th. content. h- to.. r*LAy P,blish.d (iokl.dy ... k SSSR,114,5). Professor ZX_L.2&thm&talja, b- -f-tlot LZ&Atay at Saienzea of the .7-a-Z.,11.'spoko ."_ ~lavoetigstLam of the lo%ndary layer of -b. 113%itz of & two- Co.pon.nt Liquid". Th, other 1.ctu~reo sort eocs it. M..!L.1kjC. and '-tre4 .." given. I. A.L.-Javl.nko, Lecturer s C*-r&1Lt&tcA at the 7bwqry of th; Transverse Sho,k AC.1not a Tr,.&4. A.D. 41iko-kly. top1rant . Flo- Amu.4 Z-6-n-tia.4 Sadie. Iq Conducting Liquid. 10. :.V%_L*rsts7*v, Lecturer i ln.tru~ato for the A~Iyol. ad Systhasis or 1140hanisms. It. V.Sj _La skly, &*dtv"r a 3a- C...r.1 Lee. in the So- bov or of Multiply Loaded X.tal.. 12. V.D. Klyu.haLkav. A.Vimat . A T.,L..t of the 'toory at the foo-rease. at Deformation and Stability. 13. Professor wnd Pro.Irsscr Z.A. Xum:jrz1k Asy.9tatio behavior of the Soli-jou of With $sell P.ram.ter In the Dfr 14. Prof-Near D.A. 01-yVik . '-,. Partial Differential fq-.sti*r,. (S~r-y of tt.. of To.tsell. Chlb.. Tuy-lift., S.D. A.:. alkov, Y..3. Satin.9, S.L. ......... 13. Professor R.I. StILIN-I.r. ani I Y 1 11 Card 3/ 5 sal.ntif4c Assistant 0 'TRIFONOV, S. Effective use of new equipment in commerce. Sov. torg. 33 no.8:8-12 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) (Stores, Retail--Equipment and supplies) BTILGARIA/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Viruses R-3 and Rickettsiaeo Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol,,, No 14., 1956, 64655 Author : Ivanov, Ks.) Zhelev, V1, Trifonov St. Inst : Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine of the BulgnrianAcaderW of Scionces.Igurian Sciences. Title : The Study of the Morphological Changes in Swine Plague in Relation to the Diagnostic Griteria of this Disease. 7, Changes in the Genito-Urinary Organs. Orig Pub : Izv. In-ta eksperim, veto nedo B"lgar. t0l, 1956, 4, 197- 212a Abstract : The investigation of the genitourinary organs of a consi- derable number of pigs sacrificed on the 4th.6th day foi- lowing experimental infection with plague disclosed the presence of microscopic hemorrhages in -the uterus and Card 1/2 17 - BULMRTA/Discases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Viruses R-3 and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biols) No 14, 1958, 64655 ovaries in 11.1%, in the ureters in 869%. in the urethra in 26.4, and in the bladder in 66% of cases. In 57% of cases, macroscopic hemorrhages were detected in the blad- der. Histological investigations showed the presence of diffuse or focal lymphoidocytic infiltrates (sometimes also containing lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and erythrocytes) in the ovaries in 5-5%, in the uterus in 22*21P', in the ureters In 28-5%, in the urethra in 44.7~ and in the bladder in 50% of cases, In the mucous mem- brane of the bladder, ureters and urethra 'a desquanation and hyperplasia of the surface epithelium vus observed. The authors consider that the above named changes may serve as diag;ioBtic symptoms of the acute plague in awine. The predominant affectibility of the bladder is attributed by the authors to the prolonged presence of urine with a high content of the plague virus in it. Card 2/2 BRYKIN,S.V.. inzhener; TRIFORCIV,S.M., inzhener Vibration forms ng reinforced concrete culvert sections. Transp. stroi. 5 no-5:16-18 Jl '55. (MIRA 8:12) (Culverts) BAXMVj P.L. inzh,., Geroy Sotsialisticheakogo Truda; TRIFOI.IOVp S.M., inzh. Construction of the footings of a bridge over the Ugra River on colutnar foundations. Transp, stroi. 12 no.6:17-19 Je 162. (WM 15:6) (Ugra River-Bridges-Foundations and piers) 1 -4 C VN AUTHORS: Tatarinov, B.P. and.Trifonov, S.M., Ingenieurs. 177 TITLE: The effecJxreinforcing s-et-s-o-nth-e technology of manufacturing prestressed reinforced bridge constructions. (Vliyaniye konstruktsii armaturnykh puchkov na tekhnologiyu izgotovleniya predbaritellno napryazhennykh zhelezobetonnykh proletnykh stroyenii). PERIODICAL: "Beton i Zhelezobeton" (Concrete and Reinforced Concrete), 1957,7-0-3, pp.106-10? (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The TSNII MPS designed the above construction under the leadership of A.P. Korovkin, Cand.Tech.Sciences in 1946. The drawback of this construction was in the manufacture of sets of reinforcement and in their effect on the construction as many executed adaptations and modifications showed. The first reinforced bridge construction was erected on the line Kursk-Kharkov. Anchoring blocks Were formed externally on both sides of the sets of reinforcement but no protective pipes or mortar injection was used. Bitumen was injected into the channels. In later constructions, up to 1951 ,qnchoring blocks were used but, on the advice of the TSNII, protective pipes were incorporated as well as the injection of cement grout after tensioning. Difficulties arose because of the friction between these and the reinforcement. After 1951 E. A. Troitskii (TSNIIS Mintransstroi) invented a new method of anchoring the The effects of reinforcing sets on the technology of 178 manufacturing prestressed reinforced bridge constructions. (cont.) sets of steel reinforcement internally. The majority of structures after 1951 showed a reduced tendency of crack formation. An analysis of data of 24 prestressed reinforced constructions (each 23 m long) in 1953 showed losses in pretensioning between 58 to 8201c. The improved design partly eliminated crack formation, The losses are to some extent due to the different coefficient of elongation. Vibration methods for the consolidation must be used. Strict control of tension- ing of the reinforcement and of injecting the cement grout are recommended. ACC NRs CODE: BU/0011/65/018/001/0047 AUMOR: li~ifonov, T. ORG: Siation for Veterinary Medicine, Burgas (Veterinarmedizinische Station) 23 I TITIB: Biological properties of Simondsia paradoxa Cobold, 1864 SOURCE: *Bulgarska akaderdya na naukite. Doklady, v. 18, no. 1, 1965, 47-50 TOPIC TAGS: aninal parasite, entomology, morpboloMr AB9TRACT: .1 rM .be an srti:~i;,7 The author reported earlier (see, TFient. veterinA i~--~----zarazni i p za prazitni bolesti, 1062, Book 5; Ibid., 1964, 13ook 9) that dung beetles Caccobiua schreberit Oniticellus fulvus, and Copris hievanua are intermediate biological hosts of the Simondsia paradoxa. Further i~vestlgations reported in this paper show that Gym-noplaurus mopsua and Outhophagus furcatus ahould be added to the above-mentioned intermediate hosts. After 34 days the 3uthor was able to isolate from these hosts larvae capable of further i&- fostation. this should be the first such experimental production of larvae of' Simondsisi parsdoxe Cobold 1864, and the article presents their piotures togathqr with a brief description of their morphological proportioa./The work was presented by K. Matoff, CorrespoTrFing Member, 28 Aug 64. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 1 table. SUB CODE-s LS SUB14 DATE- 28Aug64 / CHIG REF- 002 / SOV REF% 001 TRIFOROV ... T - - Inteniiediata hosts of Physocephalus sexalatus and Ascarops stronglylina in the Burgas District. Izv Vat inst zaraz parazit 7 181-185 163. Intermediate hosts of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinac6us (Faalas, 1781). Ibid.:18?-189. A now intermediate host of Gongylonama, pulchrum. Ibid.;191-193. TRIFONOV, Tr. Ontice2lus fulvus Goez;~ arul Copris 'i . as Lntuem--diate hosts to certain helr.Lnts in swine. rzv Vat, Inat 2mraz paramit 9:185-190 t63, r! A .ter _qloply (jr . jr 9 mo.r,O~-:L38 164 mellr STODMENOVY Kr.; TRIPONOV, Tr. --------- -- - -.1-1 -.- . I Studies on the he]-inthofauna of gray partrlde-.05 Fordrix .;. u perdrix perdrix L.) in the eastern district-., i jlgaria. Izv khelmint lab BAN %125-128 1640 TRIFONOV, Tr. MESHKOV, St. Distribution of Taenia pisiformis in dogs and Cysticercus pisiformis in hares in the Burgas District. Izv khelmint lab BAN 9:135-139 164. TRIFONOV. Trifon l---...,-..-.-.----------- -- -------- -- --- Drawing up normative graphs. Trud teeni 4 no.4:32-45 162- SRIFONUV, V.; LIBEIMAN, G. Outstanding drivers share experience. 7Ahil,-kom. khoz. 13 no.1:18 163. - (KIRA 16:3) l.Rabotniki Upravleniya gorodskogo elektrotransporta Ministerstv4 kommunallnogo khozyaptva RSFSR. (Rapid transit-Congresses) SIIAIINNKOV, Stefan Stoyanov, knnd.ekonom.nauk; TRIPONOT, V., red.; / DAMILINA, A., (The building of the socialist economy in the People's Republic of Bulgaria] Stroitellstvo sotainlistichaskoi ekonomiki v Narodnoi Respublike Bolgaril. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo polit.lit-r7, 1960. 156 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Bulgaria-1conomic conditions) TMH VSNI-TSZIN (Teeing Win-ching]; PRESHEV, Yu.A., kand.ekonon.nauk [translator]; TRIFONOV, V., red.; TROTANOYSXAYA, N., (Socialist industrialization of China] Sotsialistichoskaia induatri- alizateiia fitaia. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo polit.lit-ry. 1959. 380 p. Translated from the Chinese. (MIRA 12:12) (China--Industrialization) V-Tl.l-3GlU.LOVY V.; TRIF(140V V.; YhVKi,%, More on the stage systcm. Prof.-tekh. Ar. 52 ic 165. 1. Nachallnik upravloniya organizatsi-i truda i tekhniki bezopasncsti Soveta narodnogo khozvaystva R'DFSR (for Vinogradov). TRIFONOV, V.; LEM", R. - I Large-pamel construction in France. Stroitell no.10:28 0 161. (Mllrk 14: 11) (France-Precast concrete construction) ZHAMIN, Vitaliy Alekneyevich, prof., doktor ekonom. nauk,- TRIFONOV, 'V', red.; TYAGAY, Ye., red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N., tekhn r (Equa3izing the level of the economic development of socialist countries] 0 vyravnivanii urovnei ekonomicheskogo razvitiia sotsialistichoskikh stran. Moskva, Gospolitizdat, 1962. 85 P. (MIRA 15:5) (Communist countries-Econmic policy) (Communist countries-Foreign economic relations) VOLKOVp May Yakovlovich; TRIFONOVO V.9 red.j KLIKOVAp T.j, tokhn. rod. (What Is a financial oligarchy) Chto takoe fi=sovaia ollgarkhiia. Moskva, GoB. izd-vo polit lit-47, 1961. 79 p0 (MIU 14: 8) jBig business) TRI70NOV, Ve Those In the front raulm. Poxh.delo, 6 no.12:6-,7 D 160. (KMA 13 -' 12 ) 1e Naohalluik otdela Upravleniya posharnoy olchrany Udmurtakoy AS=. (Fire departments) KOCHWAN, Anton Tervandovich; TRIFOROV, V., red.; DANILINA, A., W-,, [Armenia in the seven-year plan] Armeniia v semiletke. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo polit.lit-r7, 1960. ?7 P- (MIRA 13:6) 1. Predsedatell Eoveta ministrov Armyansko7 SSR (for Kochinyan). (Armenia--Economic policy) BELOUSOV, Rom Aleksandrovich; TRIFONOT, V., red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N.0 [For a better life] Vo imia luchshei zhizni. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo polit,lit-ryq 1959. 68 p. (MIFLA 13:3) (Russia--:Xconomic policyl BIKILTLHR, K. (Germanskaya Demokratichoskays Reopublika): GKRTSOVICH, G. (Sovetskiy Soyuz); TRIFONOV, T., red.; PMVA, T., tekhn.redo (A socialist bridgehead in the West) Forpost sotsializma na Upade. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1959, 334 p. (MI" 13:4) (Germany, East--Economio conditions) KHVAN DO YEN [Hwans, Do-yong]; TRIFONOV, V., red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N., (Postwar reconstruction and development of the national economy of the Korean People's Democratic Republic] Poslevoennoe vosota- r.ovlenie i razvitie narodnogo kh02iaiStVB XM. HOSICVa, GOO. izd-vo polit.lit-ry. 1958. 109 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Gosplana i nachallnik TSentrallnogo statisticheskogo upravleniya Koreyskoy Narodnoy Demokraticheskoy Respubliki (for Hwana). (Korea, North--Economic conditions) SIDIKHMMIOV, Vasiliy Yokovlevich; TRIFONOV, V., red&; MUKHIKp Yu., (Great victory] Velikaia pobeda. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1959. 110 p. (MIRA 12:12) (China--Economic conditions) TRUONOV, V. i , .. rialization of the Chimse People's Republic during the first five"year plan Top, ekon, no,7:82-93 JI '5B. (XIU 11:8) iChina-loonomio conditions) HIMYEV, Vladimir Ivanavich; TRIF-ONOV, V.. red.; WRHIN, Yu., [A leap into the future; an account of the building of socialism in the people's China] Scachok v budushchee; rasakaz o stroi- talletva sotsializma v narodnom Kitae. MORkV8, GOB.i2d-vo polit. lit-rY, 1959. 78 P. (MIRA 12:4) (China--Economic policy) DITACHEHXO, Vitaliy Vaoillyevich;_T4Xl?QNQ-Tt..-V.-.-red.; KLIHOVA, T., [Learn the principles of manag~mentj Uchist khoziaistvovat'. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo pollt.lit-ry,.~*. 29 p. (MIU 13:12) (Industrial managemut) SUKRUSHOWIN, A.$.; PLTUKHOV, X.P.; MOSKOVSKIY, N.M.; TRIFOIIOV. V.F. .--. - - . t-,.- ~.- , , ~. -- Technology and procedure of replacing the traction vheel unit of 960 electric locomotives. Ilek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no. 9:41-43 3 160'. 041U 13:12) 1. II.-botniki naladcheskoy brigady Provaictno-konstruktorskogo byuro Glavnogo upravleniya lokomotivnogo, khozyaystva Ministerstva putey soobshchentya. (Electric locomotives-Kaintenance and repair) MARKOV, Valentin Vasillyevich; SUSLOVj Nikolay Nikolayevich; Vadim Georgiyevich- ANDRMV, V.V., retsenzent; ARIFKHANOV, UM.., refienzent; ARNO, A.A., retsenzent; DMUMIEV, S.I." 'USF -retBenzent; SF 19B, A.A., retsenzent; YJJMM, V.S., na=hryy Wei, DUKHOVEYt F.U., red.; SHAPETKOVA, T.A., tekhn. red. [Primary processing of bast fibers) Pervichnaia obrabotk&-,j*P_ biar,ykh volokon. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo "Rostekhizdat," 1961. 463 P. (MIRA .15:4) (Textile fibers) (Textile machinery) I nai th~if f 14AKARICHET, V.V.; TRIFIONOV, V.Q. Panels made of foamed ash concrete for walls of industrial buildings. Prom. stroi. 39 no.5sl9-22 161. (MIRA 24:7) (Donets Basin-Precast con,-rete construction) (Lightweight concrete) - KOPPS M.L.; RASTSVETAYYEV, L.M.; TRIFONOV, V.G. Tectonic joints fomed by Holocene earthquakes in the r~entral Kopatdag. Izv. AN SWR Ser. geol. 29 no.7:59-69 J1 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. G-gologicheskiy institut AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny,7 universitet im. M.V. Lomonosovaj, Moskva. TRIPONOV ) V. G. Remains of the Upper Palebzolc volcanoes in the Kalmakemell syncline (central Kazakhstar.). Izv.AN SSSH.Ser.geol. 29 no. 1:95-109 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Geol6gichaskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva, TRIFOHOV, V.G. QLwntitstive and qwlitative characteristics of scutching tow. Ixv. vye. ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom. no.5:47-53 '59 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kostromskoy tekstillnyy iastitnt. (Cotton waste) -....TRIYONOV. V.G. Appraisal of retted flax straw. Izv.vym.ucheb.zav.; tekh.tekst. prom. no.6:3-10 '58. (MM 12:4) lo Koetromskoy tekstillnyy institut. (Flax) TRIFONOV, V.G. Morphology of the Sa-vqk trough in Kazakhstan (Interrelat-J, an ship of Bh-4fts with fold sti-acture). TLzv. vys. uoheb. za7., geol. 1. razv. 6 no.9:3-16 S 163. (MIRA 17;10) 1. Gsologlche8kiy Inotitut AN SSSR.. BESSONOV, S.A.; VASILIKOV, N.,P.,, kand. ekon. nauk, VLASOV, V.A., kand. ekon. nauk, GLUKHAREV, L.I., kand.ekon. nauk; DANILEVICH, MA, doktor ekon. nauk; ZHAMIK, V.A,, doktor ekon, nauk, prof.; ZAKHMATOVI M.L, kand. ekon. nauk; MAKIN, N.A., kand. ekon. nauk; PANOV. V,P.; SMIRNOV, G,V., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; TRIFONOV, kand. ekon. nauk; TYAGAY,Ye.Ya.; FAMINSKIY, I.P.; KHODOV, L,G.,; SHMIDT, G.A., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; SHMIGOLI, N.N., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; MATSUK, RA, red.; GARINA, T,D,, tekhn. red. (The economy of foreign countries; the capitalistic system of the world economy after the Second World War]Ekonomika zaru- bezhnykh stran; kapitalistichaskaia sistema mirovogo khoziai- stva posle Vtoroi Mirovot voiny. Pod red. V.A.Zhamina. Mo- skva, Vyssh&I& shkola, 1962 632 P. (MIRA 16-1) 4conomic history) TRI NOVI-_V..I.-- Characteristics of Stutzer-Schmitz hydrogen milfide forming dysenterial bacteria isolated during an outbreak of dyaentery of food origin. Zhur.mikrobiol., opid. i immm. 32 no 11:131- 132 N 161. N~RA 14:11) (SHIGELLA AMBIGUA) POMROI%TbTIY. I.A.; VISHREVSKIT. A.A..;,TRIYONOV. V.L. red.; KARABILOVA, S.F., takhn.rod. [Rconomic and other features of socialist telecommunication] Sotaialisticheaknia eviazi, ae skonomichaskie chorty I osobannosti. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio. 1960. 61 p. (KIRA 14-.1) (Telecormunication) VISHNE.VSKIYv A.A.p doktor ekonom. naiikp prof.; PODGORIDDETSXrYp I*Aqj prof.1 SMGEYCHUX9 K.Ya.$ kand. tekbn. nauki SOWVEYCHIK# L.M.# kand. ekonom.naukj TOCHILINIKOV,-G.K., kir)d. ekonomo naukj SBZR# P.Ast prepodavatell; TRIM . red.; RCMANGVAp S.F.s tekbn. red. W41. (Economics of the commication system) Ekonomika uviazi, Hoskvaq Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprossm sviazi i radiop 1961, 279 pe (MIRA 3.4-8) (Corxmnication and traffic) BOGDANOVAJO V.I.; DOVGYALLO, V.P.; KULIZHONKOV, Ye.O.; POPOV, Ye.I.; RUTKOVSKIY, 0.0.; SPEVACHEVSKIY, G.Yu.; NAZAREVSKIY, O.R., retsenzent; TRIFONOV, Vj,,_re_tBenzent; LEVITAS, I.G., red.; USMKO, L.A., tekhn. red. (Moscow - Central Asia; railroad guide]Moskva - Sredniaia Aziia; zheleznodorozhnyi putevoditell. Moskva, Transzheldor- izdat, 1962. 205 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Railroads-Guides) - TRIFOHOV. Vladimir Illich; KURATOV, Xh., red.; PAVLOVA. S., ~_ (Creating seas, putting mountains asunder] Sozdavais moria, razdvigaia gory. Moskva, Mosk.rabochii, 1959. 69 p. (MIRA 12:12) (China-Economic conditions) ACC NRs AM6004739 Monograph lily va-iilyn V. N.: Slobodeny-ok, 0. 1.% Trifonovs V.-Jo- Jrhatuntsev,.YU. L, s I Regenerative semiconductor -parametric qMpliflerial%~w problem of theory and design (RegenerativaVe poluprovodnikovyya parametrichanklya usilitali; nekotoryye voproay teorii i raacheta) Moscow) Xzd-vo "Govetskoye radio% 1965. 447 P- 1Uua.9 bibllo* Errata slip Inserted. 10,,500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: parametric amplifier., solid state amplifiers mil3imater wave amplifiers amplifier design WFPOSE AND COVEME: The book contains the theory of regenerative semiconductor parametric amplifteraj, developed on the basis of the theory of linear networksp and is intended for scientific and engineering-tecbnical wtwkero engaged in the investi- gation and development of parametric systems., and also for students in higher institu- tions of learning-as e, text for the course on "Theoretical Principles of RuUo Engi- neering." The subjects covered are the various amp]Affer parameters# different metb- ods of tuning parametric amplifiers, stability of the :phase and frequency character- istics of a parametric emplifier; the operating featuroa of multirrequency parametric .amplifiers, and questions involved in the electrodymmic calculations and the choicei .of the amplifier parameters. The book contains in the form of appendices some addi- tional data and calculetions, dealing vith particular 1xroblems touched upon in the main text. Cho. 1j, VI, and Vn and Seca. 1 and 2 of Ch. 11, Sees. lp 5,, and 4 of Ch. III# and Appendices 1, IV, and V were written by Go Xo Slabodeayuk; Ch. IV,, Seca. 2 and 5 of Ch. XUp Seca* 1j, 2# and 3 of Cho V, and Appendices IIp X11.9 ard VI were I -Card J14 WC 1 621-375-93 ACC N& AM6004739 written by YU. L. 1hotuntsevi Sea& 3 or Ch. 11 emd Sea. It of Ch. V were vritten 707.G.-'I. 31obodenyuk'and TU. L. J0xYtuntsGv;.C ho V311 was written by W I* Tr- and Chit IX) Xj and XI were 'vAtied-by V.' 1h *Vasil lyffire TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged): Xntroduction - - 3 Principal symbols - 11 Indices - - 22 Ch. I. Principles of theory of parametric amplifiers 13 Ch. 11. Intrinsic equivalent noise temperature of parametric amplifiers - - 31 Ch. 13:1. Bandwidth of parametric amplifiers - - 50 Ch. 37. Broadening of the bandwidth of parametric amplifiers 8.9 Ch. V. Tuning of parametric amplifiers - - 136 Ch. VI. Instability of phase-frequency and amplitude frequency characteristics of parametric amplifiers - - 167 Ch. VII. Some mathoda for increasing the stability of the characteristics of para,- metric amplifiers - - 208 Ch. VIII. Matifrequency parametric amplifiers - - 240 Ch# IX. Electrodynamic problems connected with the development of coaxial-waveguide . parametric amplifiers - - 282 Ch. X. Waveguide-coaxial, constructions for single-loop parametric amplifiers 341 Ch., XI. Waveguide- coaxial constructions for two-loop parametric amplifiers - -L-367 Appendices - - 420 Literature;- '~'~j 442 Card -SUIRDATEI 24J=65/ DMIUM, 42-U QQ/ L 25b54-66A EVIT(O/E7:A(~)) ACC KR, ApIS004739 Monograph Vasillyev, V. N.,. Sloboder G. 1. ; Zrifonorv V I - Khotuntsev, YU. & quk, _P 0, 00 ~~;_ ' Regenerative semiconductor par ric amplifieral problems of theory ani design (Regenerativny-fe poluprovodnikovyye paraaetricLakiye usilitelt; nekotoryye voprosy teorli I rascheta) Moscovp lzd-vo "Bovetskoye radio", 1965. hA7 p. illus., biblio. Errata alip inserted. 10,500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: parametric amplifier, solid state ampliflerp millimeter wave amplifierp "lifier design PURPOSE AND COVEME: The book contains the theory of regenerative semiconductor parametric amplifiersp developed on the basis of the theory of linear networks, and is intended for scJentific and engineering-technical workers engaged In the investi- gation wA development of parametric systems, and also for students in higher instift tions of learning as a text for the course on "Theoretical Principles of Radio Engi- neering." The subjects covered are the various amplifier parameters, different meth- ods of tuning parametric amplifiers, stability of the phase and frequency character- istics of a parametric emplifier, the operating features of multifrequency parametric amplifiers, and questions involved in the electrodynamic calculations amd the choice of the amplifier parameters. The book contains In the form of appendices some addi- tional data and calculations dealing with particular problems touched upon in the main text. Cho. I.. VI, and V171 and Sees. 1 and 2 of Ch. Up Sees. 1, 3, and 4 of Ch. III, and Appendices Ip IV, and V were written by G. 1. Slobodenyuk; Ch. IV, Sees. 2 and 5 of Ch- III, Seca. 1, 2# and 3 of Ch. V, and Appendices 11, 111, and VI were 12 Me -st-621.375.93 L 2r-554-66 ACC NRi AW,004739 written by YU. L. Khotuntsev; sec- 3 of Ch- 11 and Sea- 4 of Ch- V were writtenfJoint. ly by*G.--I. Slobodenyuk and YU. L. Khatuntaev; Ch. VIII waa written by V. 1. Trifdnav~ end Chs*- Us, X,, and X1 were written by V. N. Vasiliyw. TABLE OF CONTM M- (abridged]: Introatiction - Principal symbols 11 Indic Res 12 Ch. 1. Principles of theory of parametrie amplifiers 15 Ch. 11. Intrinsic equivelezvt nolse temperature of parametzic amplifiers 31 Ch. III. Bandwidth of parametric amplifiers - - 50 Ch. IV. Broadening of the bandwidth of parametric amplifiers - - 85 Ch. V. Tuning of parametric amplifier's - - 136 Ch. VI. Instability of phase-frequency and amplitude frequency characteristics of parametric amplifiers 16T Ch# VIIo Sme methods for Increasing the stability of the characteristics of para- metric amplifiers - - M8 Ch. VIII. Multifrequency parametric amplifiers 240 Ch. IX. Electrodynamic prdblems connected with the development of coaxial-waveguide parametric amplifteris - - 282 Ch. X. Waveguide-cowdal. constructions for alngle-loop parametric amplifiers - 341 Ch. XI. Waveguide-coaxial constructions for two-loop parametric amplifiera - 367 Annendices 42o Literature;- - 442 pV SUEM DATEt Card W2 Ol,"-UB COM -24Jun651 ORIG_BEFt p4j/ OTH RF?j 032 T T AUTHOR: -fonov, V. TITLE: Multifrequency parametric amplifiers P SOURCE: Radiotakhnika i clektronika, v. 3, no. 8, 11963, 1418-14Z7 TOPIC TAC-S: para 7 M"". - ABS)TRACT- Multi-frec,.,enrv paraT--.f-tri, -nn'f~-rs w,-,ns f- ca"ar i- -,p v-~,-p Q are n v 0 a, ~l f. r r v "I q q r) n qr, gen,!~ra~ -probiems o! A "-n f;l~lor ;:--n,~ D: q 7 rr, a v~ n o : 9 e ~ a c ~ D r 9 f o :- 2 -n3 -f~ s rr-itr4c-s. The fo"owng r~cornrr~- n