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KOLI,S)H~,IIUK, Viktor Tereritlyevich~ J.nzh.; 'jL.,'XNjaVA Ygy &&' Z~ Nikolayeyi2h,. ~Dr~zlh.; POHITSM, O.V. kand. tekhn. nauk, M~ I J, Wt'senzent (Calculation and de:31gri of magnetic -tape recor(I-irs] Kon- struirovanie i raschet, n7agnitofonov. Kiev, Tekhnika, 1965. 389 P. (~UILA 18:8) 137-58-6-12023 Translation from: RefezatIvriyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 119 (USSR) AUTHOR- Okunev, A.I., Vostryakov, A.A., Aglitskiy, V.A., Travnikova, L.B. TITLE: Fundamental Factors Influencing the Selection of Optimal Composition of Matte and Slag During Processing of Copper- zinc Cinders in Reverberatory Furnaces (Osnovnyye faktory, opredelya)~,shchiye vvbor optjmal~nogo sostava shteyna i sblaka. pri pererabotke medno-tsinkovykh ogarkov v otrazbatel'nykh pechakh) PERIODICAL- Tr. i materialy. Ural'skly n.-J. i proyektn. in-t medn. prom- iti, 1957, Nr 2, pp 365 .372 ABSTRACT: A brief examination of the fundamental factors that influence the selection of matte (M) and slag composition during process- ing of Cu--Zn concentrates in accordance with the following pro- cedure: de c-.p - penet ration roasting- smelting- fumi gat ion. The selection of an optimum M composition in smelting of roasted Cu-Zn concentrates is dictated by the following basic factors: 1) Variation in distribution of Zn between the slag and the M de- Carci 1/2 pending on the composition of the latter. Z) variation in specific 137-58-6-12023 Fundamental Factors Irfluen(.ing the Setection of Optimal Composition (cont.) gravity of the M depending on itz, t ompositior.: 3) a change in the melting point of the M-- 4! a change in the fluidity of the M. It. is noted that the distri- bution of Zn i:5 favorably alfected by an increase in the Cu content of the M and that it is most de5irablv that. the Cu content be maintained at the highest possible value :up to 60 80%"-. The specific.. gravity of liquid M increases continuously with inc reasing Cu content, M's containing maximum possible amounts of Cu are be-_~( s_-ifed for efficient separation of M and slag, whereas M's containing 40-45% of CtL are most desirable from the point of view of lusibility of the lvf. These same M's also exhibit the best fluidity. Taking all factors presented into consideration one may state that the opti- mal value of Cu corteni in M's constitutes 45%. In reverberatory- furnace smelting of Cu Zri conrertr;itez the -lags must contain 32-341o (or less',- of Si02 depending on the Zr, c.ontent. G.S. 1. Gopper oreb--Proeess;Lng Zlr'~,, ores 3. 51,ags--Gomposition 4. _'Iags--Propertie~ Card 2/2 OKUNIV, A.I.; VOSTRYAWV. A.A.; AGLITSM, VeA.; _TRAVRIEDVA. L.B. Basic factors determining the ohoioe of the beat matte and slag composition for processing copper-zino tailings in reverberatox7 furnaces. Trudy Unipromedi no.2:365-372 '57- (MIRA 11:11) (Copper Metallurgy) (Zinc--Metallurgy) ORLOV, A I.; KOPYLOV, G.A., TR_~VIIIKOVA, L.B. tallurr of laborator-f testing of the hydrcir~e I rmlarged mixed low-grade ores. Trudy !PI no 18:71-78 163. (MIRk 17~6) VYGODA, R.M.; ZAPEVALOV, G.G.; TRAVNIKOVA, L.B. Direct hydrometallurgical processing of Transbaikalia oxidized lead ores. Trudy IPI no.18:100-111 163. (MIRA 17:6) A C TOPIC TAGS! aerodynamics, luminous flux modeling, photographic re- corder This, Author Certificate. Introduces it device for determining d!tbe aera.dinam:Ec characteristics o~ complexly shaped bodies (see Fig. I nF the EncIngure)z 7t cn~nsfstq -jf an 111uminatori 7hotographic re- a n n a r. _i i q Q r r3 o v F! q i n ~z ~- a r 7, t tt q ; w i r n n ~_, 'i t n - 2a ~_,, XUZaD M 'A r 4 ~ ~. , , ., ~ ~ '. '. . :P4044329 1, 100613-67 1 J P(c) ACC Nilt ld(~;29997 w-UiC E- GOD!-": UR Otf3/6 0/0 9 9 6/00 15101 7/01 Y INWENTORS: Vasillycv,,L. A.; Travnikova, L. 1. ORG: none TITLE: A method for determining the resultant of the light pressure forces on a body I of a complex shape. Class 62, No. lb4155 SOUIRGE: Izobrot prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 197 1110PIG TAGS; light radiation effect, motion mochanics pressure effect A13SMACT; This Author Certificate presents a method for detenaining the resultant of the light pressure forces on a body of a complex shape. The mathod is based on- measuring the reflected light and is designed to increase the precision and to shorten the time of the determination. An optical wedge with a transparency which varies linearly (from. zero at the center to one at the edge) is mounted in front of the two photoelectric cells in the image plane of the body being studied. This test body is J 1 A straignt, line is detoriminou on Lou pw,!.,,. u,* of the resultant of the light pressure forces of the ligiit reflecteG in the given direction is found. Then .tne angular position of the optical system is changed in respect to the test body, and L 10068-67 ACC NR: AP6029997 the measurement process is repeated. The point of application of the resultant is determined by the intersection of the straight lines which arclobtained. Tne optical system mounted in front of the two photoelectric cells consists of one cylindrical and two spherical lenses with a screen between them. The screen has a diaphragm in the form of two symmetrically positioned wedge-shaped apertures. The screen is moved until the light fluxes from both apertures are equalized. When this is done the straight lines on which the resultant is located pass through the center of the diaphragm. A nontransparent screen having a rectilinear border is mounted in front of the photoelectric cell. This screen is repeatedly shifted in a direction perpendicular to the rectilinear border from a position in which it completely cuts off the image to a position at which the whole image is exposed. Measurements of the illumination are made at the different positions. When this is done, the straight line on which the resultant is found is located at a distance from the border of the screen atwhich the last measurement was conducted. This distance is obtained as the quotient of the division of the sum of all illumination measurements by the value of the illumination at the last measurement. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 25Jul64 tit" ~, by the iighL r-eojected fr,)T. 'dispersion caused haracteristj-g rf the is gelected in such a manner 4 1 prted molecules ASSOCIA'~'TON: nonp 1~ C.,le of some microeleMents in the soil-plant system. Vest- MjSk.un.Ser.6: Biol., pochv. 19 no.1:74-80 Ja-F '64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra pochtovedenlya Moskovskogo universiteta. I rxfc~qz~lis--1*7&~-V-,-.'If - A-, 1- -&-&W, Fl~~ I ON -. ~ "'CESSION NO- AP4012005 S/O;dOB/64/Ob4/001/0078/0095 AUTJ10R!Jt Popov, V_X. (I.Tosoow); Stepshov, V. A9 (14oacow)l Stishavaii A. 0. (Mosoow)i Travnikova, N. A, (Moscow) TITLE- Programming program SOME- Zhurnal vy*chisl. matem. i matem- fiz., v. 4, no. 1, 1964,-,78-95 TOPIC TAOS: progranning, program, triple address machine, binary code, uncondi- tiqnal transmission, conditional transmission, manual programming, machine language ABSTRACT: A proGramming program is set up for. a triple-address machine Vrith a nine- place binary code of operation and twelve-place addresses. The system of commands for the machine has all the basic arithmetic ind logical operations~and operations on commands. There are commands of unconditional transmission of control and com- mands of conditional transmission according to the sign worked out-by the preceding command. The machine has a large external memory. Programming programs have been in use since October 1962. The time of progrdmming is small; in the processing of one bit of information the time expenditure corresponds to 1000-2000 machine commands. Programs composed by a programming program are 1-5-2-5 times longer than Card 1/3 ACCESSIOIN' 110- AP4012005 pro-7-ams OP't up manually. The solution time for problems by prograims composed by a pro,-ra,7nting- program 1-1 1.5-5 times greater than by programs composed manu--liy. Tni6 relationsh.'.p dopandi; stront~ly on the quantity of cycles and variable addresses in them, and aluo on the quantity of procedures. The author3 discuss the input lan- ,,ua,-,e of a prog-ramAng program, the history of programming programs., and transcoding of infoniation. They construct a table of boundary of conditional aderess'es, treat preliminary processin,('r of information and its translation into machine lanTaa~:-C, classification of -arocedures and formulation of procedure- schemes, and processing of information on blocks and variable addresses. The problem of programming operators is separated into two stages: regulation of the ODerations and their programmin.g. Peculation of ouerations is reduced to seDaration of all syntactical units of the laniTaage into the sequences necessary for the program. Determination of the length of the Dro_-ram, construction of scales, and appropriation of true addresses are discussed. There are certain deficiencies in the programming program. it may have uneconomical formation of variable addresses. Novi blocks are set up due to which these and other deficiencies are remedied. Included in a programming program is a block for processing variable addresses, linearly dependent on the parameter, with the help of commands of recovery and transaddress. With new processing of blocks man abstract of blocks is not set up, and the restriction on the quantity of blocks is Card 2/3 ACCESSION NO: AP4012005 removed. A clearing of cycles and blooks,is done. Clearing of a cycle means carrying out.operations on the cycles which can be accomplished up to the beginning of working of the cycle. Clearing of a block means carrying out operations in the preparatory part of a block which can be used in it. The preparatory part of a block is the collection of descriptions and operators from the beginninG of the block to the first mark, or to the first operator of the transfer, or to the first operator of the cycle. "G. Y1. Zaikina and S.-A. Toporishcheva took part in various stages of the work on the programming program. The working out of the general scheme of the programming program is due to S. S. Lavrov. The authors express their gratitude to them for the valuable advice and constant interest." Orig. art. has: 1 table and 4-formulas. ASSOUIATION: none SUBla-TTED: 223nar63 SUB CODE: CP DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 NO REP SOV: 004 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 Card 3/3 41215-66 (m) /E.'IP (j )/T IJP (C) RM ACC NRs AR6015911 SOURCE CODE: UR/oo81/65/O0O/O22/SO27/SO27 AUTHOR, Titows A. p.;_K0toV9 V._V.-, Golod,, A. Ye Travnikova, N. I. TITLE1. Effect of the nature of the emulsifie Ion the structure of the polymer SOURCEs Ref. sh, Xhimiyap Abs. 22SI59 REF SOURM Tr. Iabor. khirdi vysokomolokul. soyedineniy. Voronezhak. un-t, vYP- 3# i964g nmt5 TOPIC TAGS: emulsion polymerizationp isoprene ABSTRACT3 A study was made of the effoct of the nature of the em!!~sifier on the /polymers prepared ratio of 194-ois-p 1,4-trans-, lp2-9 and 394-linkagoB in 1!2prene by emulsion polymerizationlby a standard method at 50 and a pH of the aqueous phase from 2 to 10--i-n-the-presence of K soalp of SKZh, Nekal, OP-109 or esteramine sulfate. The conversion reached 7-29% iri the various experiments. It is shown that the con- tbnt of linkages of different configurations in the polymer is practically independ- e~t of the conversion, changes only slight~7 with the pH of the aqueous phasel and very appreciably from one emulsifier to another. A difference in the mechanisms of polymerization was observed when ionogenic and nonionogenic emulsifiers were employed V. Kopylov. (Translation of abstractj SUB CODEs 079,11 S/020/63/146/006/023/023 B144/B186 AUTHORSt Pinegin, N. I., Travnikova, N. P. 'TITLE: Dependence of threshold illumination of the pupil of the eye, emitted from a fixed point source of light, on the background brightness for different points on the retina PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 146, no. 6, 1963, 1403-1404 TEXT: The threshold illumination in lux, El, was determined under the following conditions: (1) angle dimensions ofthe fixed point source 112"; (2) background brightness, B nt; 0' 3-10-3, 1-10- 1, 1, 10, 1021 3- 102, 103 0 0 0 (3) binocular vision: foveal, peripheral +10 1 +20 above and below the fovea). The light emitted from a lamp was p7rojected through an opening of 0.2 mm diameter via an objective, a mirror and a screen onto a background, through an opening in which it could be observed as a point source of light. The background brightness was constant in the entire field of vision. There was no difference in the color of source and background. The illumination of the pupil was reduced to the threshold value with photo.- Card 1/2 S/02 63/148/006/023/023 Dependence of.threshold illumination... B144YB186 E. M tric wedges. The curves plotted for the values averaged from 5 test persons showed that E is independent of the point where the light ray im- -3 her in the pinges on the retina, when B 3 0 nt. For B 0, B1 was hig fovea than in the periphery. For B >3-10- nt, E increased with the distance from the fovea and the background brightness. All curves were -6 3 symmetrical. The dependence of S on B as plotted for 10 to 10 nt and 1 nt 6 the retina zones from 0 to +20 Taking B 0 - 10 nt, all curves inter-,- sected with B . 3-10- 3 nt, where E - 2.0-10-8 lux, independent of the localization on the retina. This corresponds to a threshold number of quanta absorbed of'n . 6. There are 3 figures. 0 PRESENTEDs July 16, 1962, by V. P. Linnik, Academician SUBMITTEDi July 6, 1962 ~_Card -2/2 GORMIOV, fl.l.; (JILUUSOV, B.P.; TIUVNIKOVA, L.S. Fornation and cho-racteri B tics of v~-njculites as related to their use in agricu-Ituro. FochvoN' lenie no.].Itl-10 N 164 (1-1*11b% 18:1) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V. Dokuchayava, All SSSR, Moskva. TRAVI+IKOVA, L.S. "I'll I Heterogeneity of the soil cover and methods for taking samples of forest soils for cheraical analysin. Trudy Vor. gos. zap. no.13: 187-195 161. (MM 160) (Voronezh TRAVNIKOVA, L.S. ; - ---. - I - - - - ~- ---- Effect of fertilizers on the +sorption of some microolementa by plants. Nauch.doki.vys.BhkoVqo biol.nauki no.2:192-195 063. (MIRA l6s4) 1. Rekomendovana k ed V pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni'erliteta. im. M.V.Lomonoava. (PLANTS.. EFFECT OF TRACE EIEMENTS ON) (FERTILIZERS AND MANURES) L62831-65 W/UJAH ACCESSION NRi APS019045 UR/0286/65/000/012/0075/0075 879.674 : 678.028.294 Yk;I I AUTHORt -Zol, P: Z.J.Hiknaloval.Z. V..; Bykova. L. V.; Rubteovs, 1. K.1 Travnikoves L. V. TITLE: A method for hardening unsaturated polyester resins. Class 39, No.. 172037\~ SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i-tovarnykh znAov. no. 12. 1965, 75 TOPIC TAGS: plastic, resin, polyester resin, thermal stability ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for hardening unsaturated polyester resins by copolymerization with a croos-linking phosphorus-containing agent in the presence of an oxidation-reduction system'at room temperature. The tharmal stabilltv and aslf-stopp~ng properties of these.polyeaters are improv d by using di(mathaorylethyl)mothylphosphinsto an the phosphorus-containing cross-link- ~ng agent. i Hauchnc-imeladovatellskly Inatitut plastIchaskikh mass 1/2 L 62831-6!~- - ------ ACCESSION NRI AP5019045 0 Research lnstit~ts Of Plutics) SUB CoDel. Iff SUBKITTEDI Mug" ENCLt 4W 0 REF SOVI 000 OTHERt 000 A J- Frd 2/2 Discussion lessons. Fis.v shkole 23 no.lz83-86 Ja-F 163. (KM 16:4) 1,9-ya srednyaya shkolap yolgograd. (Phy-Ace-Ztudy and teaching) p I tAxperimcutal and t;mit-,ti rl, ,aluj:'~,Il 1 '1.. 1- ;,_,, .1 Illatic ell ec! of C --iiialls d ve, n,i -nup E~rt -,o ~,i- ~l ...... r, i lilt-let ats, wh.:r~;" in a, 'r~~ai,ctumnz,d nkts it c,,LLscd a sli~-llt ~nhAtic=,nit 0 FN- 9 "ItIna IN4, C,! Imill m4liuJi., (111) art(.4 if] Lh~ 11 edema III intei-t rat5 hall ell!, -h( ellt-11) ~ 1:1 pfr-~,J Ctonitz(A aninials. Sa fic airi ~ IV vi~utt , iml t ml-f 1~te also II edrmt .1 - and Ila C')ur5,, obncrvittl (f tit-, fair ii! .r A twimilcdl I- rN, d", ,I aril.:il, I I "t.011 d dur ... K .1 '-t rats t11 is t iMP -r-ai I)' ill t1 13 * -11:1 1 tl-t-1711 b"i". -I ) "i a , 't ~l? M or I or Awitili;rV,-I of 10 nig. IV, iatht-r or ur.lJy, ~tiikillgiv mi- Proved the sympto"'. %q Inuict rats; tfhe M Kr.11P .4, 1,1 tically ticaltdi on tht da -v Tit* e-xmx of arthliti5 ill ijaL untreated adrtnalcctMniZCd &=ucrs w2s -mnilar w Cin coa- troh " slightly betier. JU vas wil'Aunt curative ef3rct in adm=;r-ctomized rats. I stighttlF Impaired the course oIl ilythritij it-, adrenale~ctcanized rats. Poth subcutancou,,i and oral IV sho%"d mrmtiv- eff-et even ill the athemActonlized graimp. N ltas Oieu th;x arthritis as stabilized minv~trat r, it HOW. Audarthritx eftmt c# by a 2nd ad- M and 1, but not of IN', alypczrs natdiated by the adrenals. T--nty patients ~itlh aillaTitis or othr- dimt~ts of joints were treated with Ill --i-irture (20 drvp~ 3 thne.4 -I (lay up to V10 in!.). NO Lrikiml! ffrei was P-pa-Trnt. . Y - (M(,akv. .jt~*E4_. u) Problem involving the bending of a semi-infinite plate lying on 0 an elastic base. Izv. AN SSSR. Melch. no.2:144-147 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) MOROAIV, Yu, R.; KAU,YDZHYAN, R.A.; OGANESYAN, A.T.; TRAVUSHKIN, G.M.; TYABLIKOV, Yu.Ye.; GRESTIaKOV, Y.M.; FONGAUZ, Instrumentation of hydropulsating racks manufactured in the Soviet Union. Zav.lab. 28 no.10-.1270-1274 162 (MIRA 15:10) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut strorftdllnykh konstruktsiy, Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro ispytatell.nykh mashin i Armavir.,kiy zavod ispytatellnykh mashin. (Testing machines) ~'-~VUSHKIN, V. Always in front. Mor. flot 21 no.10:38-39 0 161, (MIRA 14:9) (Merchant saamen) YASIIGHXNKO, T.H.,; TILAMHONA. X.Y. Treatment of experimental tTuberculous meningitis b7 oral administration of drugs [~rith summary in French]. Probl.tub, 35 no*5:101-105 '57. (MIRA 10.11) 1. Iz Moskovskogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo Institute tuberkuless (dir. V.F.Chernyahav, zam. dir. po nauchnoy chasti - prof. D.D. Aseyev) (TUMCULOSIS, MENINGIRAL, exper. eff. of oral admin. of drugs) m - 1. VItAVUSHKINA IM.V. 2. US:-,*R (600) 4. Thyroid Glanct --- %berculosis 7. 'Aiberculosis of the thyroi(t gland, Probl.tub. no.6, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Arril 1953, unclass. Rod scoop for (iL,an !,-j ve. O-unki,r;n oariplIng in th- ix,*,tom of shallW waters and overgrowth of aquatic vegetation. G1-6roblol. zhilr. I noJ-?6Q--70 165, (MIRA 38:5) 1. institut g-idrobtologij AN Ukr&SR, Klyev. I TAKOVLWV*- A.A.;- TRAVTANSKAYA,- A.V.- - - Roentgen diagnosis of cardiac echinococcosis., Moskva 29 no.2:49-52 Feb 51- (CUS 20:7) 1. Of the Roentgenological Division (Head-A.A. Yakovlev), First Clinical Hoapital (Head Physician--L.V. Kats), Molotov Medical Institute, Molotov. TRAVITANSKIT, N.G. (Moskva) Determination of alloying elements in alloy oteels. Xhim.v shkole 11 no.2:68-70 Hr-Ap 156. (MLU 9:7) (Steel alloys-Analysis) - - - -/- L- -~- 1~ ~- - - - I TRAVYDAS., R. Some preliminary resultb of the investigation of crystalline erratic boulders in Lithuania. P. 297 (Mcksliniai Pranesimai) Vol. 4, 1957, Vilnius, Lithuania 60: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, INO. 1, JAN. 1958 TRATZEI.J. Marko inz Modernization of telephone and telegraph equipment over the terr~tor7 of the Postal, Telegraph, nad Telephone Enterprise at Koper* PTT zbor 16 no.6:156-161 Je 162. TRA-d-INE, A. I. "Composes acridiniques, comma source des derives antima-lariques. Communication III'. Magidson, 0. J. et,Tr-awine, A. I. (p. 909) 30: Journal of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1936, vol. 6, No. 7 HUML, Frantisek, inz.; SVOBODA, Jiri, promovany geOlog; TRAXLER, Jindrichp dr. New raw material area for preparatio0i of high quality glass sands. Sklar a keramik 14 no. 1: 24-25 Ja '64. 1. Ustav nerostnych surovin, Kutna flora. -TRA,YANOV., PAKHALUYEV, K*M.; BLOKHRI, Ye.P. Test charaoteristics of certain bpmmers for the combustion of natural gas. Gaz. prom. 7 no.4t23-28162 (MIRA 17M TRAYANOV K. Bulgaria Nineth Sanitary Department (IX MSCH)q Sofia; Head Doctors Ko Trayanov. Sofia, Khixiena i Zdraveopazvane. No 3. 1966, pp 245-248. "Continuous and Frequent Patients as an Object of Dispenearization." Co-authorm: NACHEV, Ch. KAMENOV, A. 7, /1, M - V, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/6181 Urallskoye noveahchRniye po spektroskopli. 30, Sverdlovsk, 196o. Materlal~ (Materials of the Third Ural Conference on Spectros 197 p. Errata slip; copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. inserted. 3000 copies printed. uk SSM *Sponsoring Agencies: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii na Komisslya po spektroskoplij and Ural'skly dom tekhniki VSNTO. Edo. (Title page): 0. P. Skornyakov, A. B.-Shayevich, and S. G. Gennadiy Pavlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish! -Bogomolov; Ed.: ing Houses M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.t N. T. Mallkova. PURPOSE: The book, a collection of articles, Is intended for staff members of spectral analysis laboratories in industry and scien- tifio research organizations, as well as for students of relate'd disciplines and for technologists utilizing analytical results.~ Card 1A5 Ile> Materials of-the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) sorI6181 COVERAM The collection presents theoretical and practical prob-~ lems of the application of atomic and molecular spectral analy-? sis In controlling the chemical composition of vatious material# In ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, geology, Zemical Indus- try, and medicine. The authors express their thanks to G. V. Chentsova for help in preparing the materials for the press. References follow the Individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 PART X Sherstkov, Yu. A., and L. F. Makeimovskly. Investigation of the dependence of the total Intensity of spectral lines on the concentration of elements In an ara-diso"o plasma Card 2/15 Materials of the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) SOV/6181 'Shchebleva, V. P. Spectral analysis of manganese orep titanium -oncentrate, and weld deposits 125 Narbutovskikh, T.' &, D. Yo. Katkova, and A. P. Zelankina. . Speotral'determination of cadmium In the products of hydrometallurgical reprocessing of sublimates from copper smelters j! 126 .-Prokhoroyj V. G. Arbitrary standard method 127 Kolenko, L. I., and P. V. Pokrovskiy. Determination of small amounts of beryllium in granitoids 129 VMyanova, M. V. Quantitative speotrographic dptermlnation, - j ~ Ne-ad-ln-i lrcons and monazites 131, -Zotin, M. A ,and A. M. Shavrin. Spectral-analytioal'dater.' mination of nickel,ln ores by the dilution method 133 Card 10/15 TAGER, A.A.; DREVALI, V.Ye.; TRAYANOVA, N.G. Effect of the molecular weight of polyisobutylene on the viscosity and heat of activation of its concentrated solutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.1:140-143 Jl 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Karginym. (Polypropylene) CHEN, N.G.; TRAYGER, I-N-; SOLOWYEV, L.L.; MKINA, R.Ye.; YUDIN, M.I. ~ Acid pickling of steel with the use of a new additive. Stall 24 no.5:451-452 My 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Dneproazarzhinakiy metallurgichookiy zavod-vtuz i zavod "Zaporozhstall". TRAYNIN, Bor. (Balakhna) They approved and forgot. Sov. foto 23 no.4:25 Ap 163. (MMA 16: 5) 1. Spetsiallnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Sovetskoye foto". (Balakhna-Photography) BUIROV, Anntoliy IvanovIch; KANEVSKIT, Vladimir Lc-onid--,-,,--'ch; Tr"A'i'lFill, D.L., retsenzent [Automation of sintering plants i-n nonferrous retal- lurgy] Avtomatlzatsiia aglomerat.slorittykh tsekhov tsvet- noi metallurgii. Moskva, Met,-Ilurg,~~ia, 1965. 167 p. (J-1IRA .18-.5) PALMETs G.1.1 _TIMMS L.P. I.- - 1-1 ~ I... ~; Scm plwalma properties and tho geological ago of rocks of tho watorn ftodshar Hills, PrM.geofiz. no,38t213- 223 164. (MrRA 180.1) ZAMARENOV, A.K.; ZIJIVODEROV, A.B.; VOLOZH, Yu.A.j _11!AYNIN, L.P. Tectonion of the weatern part of the )hagodzhar Hills region ard evaluation of the prospecta for finding oil and gas in the suhsalt Upper Faleozoic sediments. Sov, geol, 8 no~8:45-53 Ag 165, (MIRA 18tlO) 1. Institut geologii geofiziki Sibirskogo otdaleniya PIT SSSR, Aktyubin8koye otdoleniye; Trest "Kazakhatanneftegeofizika", Aktyubinskaya geofizichaskaya ekspeditaiya. L 9424-66 MIT (1)/&-iA (m) -2 1,7p(c) t ACC NRi AT50221 9 AUMOR: Dubinina, A.H.; Tr"n, L-Ya- '; Chirl:tov, B-V. TITIL': Magnetic mirror designed for a lasting; containment of electrons SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut, yaaernoy fizild. Dolzlady, Lovush!~a a magnitnymi prdbl=d, raszchitaiinaya na dli-'Cellnoye wlerzhaniye Olektronov', -L-9 TOPIC TAGS: electron capture,, eloctron Cun, maCiictic mirror irachine ABSTRACT: Desi- . arrangement and eyperiments with a marnetic mirror device are de- 'n scribed. The device consisted of a vacuum chamber electron Zun, solenoid, collector with grids and auxiliary equilmient. It vas desiGned for containment of electrons up to a period of 40 sec. An energy of about 100 kev was attained by electrons. Ma- I netic induction in the mirror was about 2.5 kilo3auss with 'a mirror ratio of 2-5. DiTSnsions of the cylindrical vacum, chamber were 1600 x 2MMU. The pressure was x 10 ima H.-. Under normal operational conditions the time of electron containment was abeut 15 sec. This time interval was increaseil up to 40 'See by doubling or triplin',-, 1~ the nagnetic field strength after the electron cal7ture. In this case, the nxi~ber of electron oscillations reached 5 x 109 and the number of Larmor revolutions was 1011. Significant decrease of the containment, tixae has been observed for p/R 0.1 where p is~ the radius of the electron orbit and R is the magnetic line curvature radius. This Card L 9424-66 ACC NRs AT502241J9 result demonst-rates a non-adiabatic effect of electron motion in raa.-,xietia -Arror geometry. A simple method of electron injection from external electron Zun is de- scribed. The capture is the result of fast switchin,; of the electric field of a special form. The authors express their deep gratitude to G.A. Blinov for his ous advices given on obtainirLrr a super high vacuum as well as to V.G. Ponomarenko for his continuous assistance at the erection and adjustment of the mirror Machine. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. ki ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki. Novosibirsk (Institute of Nuclear Physics) S UM11=, : 0 0 ENCL: 00 SUB COUE: FC,EM,11P No w sov: oo4 OTHER: 004 Q d A42 RIJKOV, Yo.F., illzh. Effect of some parameters on the crushing of' anthracite in hydraulic conveying. Makh. i avtom. v gor. prom. no.3:209-221 163. (KRA 16:10) TRAYNMO V.V.j kand. tekhn. nauk Method of calculating the crusbing of coal in pipelines during hydraulic.conveying. U9011 38 no.9;37-41 S 163. (MIM 16: 11) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A. Skochinskogo. TRAYITISY V.V.; RUKOV, Ye.F. Hydraulic conveying of lump anthracite coal in a coal auspension. Ugoll 38 no-3:34-38 Mr 163. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochirskogo. SPIVAKOVSKIY, Aleksandr Onisimovich; MUCHNIK, Vladimir Semenovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; YUFIN, Andrey Favlovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; SMOLDYREV, Anatoliy Yevtikheyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; OFENGENDEN, Naum Yefimovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; BORISENKO, Lev Dmitriyevich, kand. tekha. nauk; TRAYNIS Viulen Vladimirovich. kand. tekhn. nauk; Frinimai-Fu-c =stiye: KUR MV-, 'A.K.,inzh.,- MARKOV, Yu.A., inzh.; KORSHUNOV, A.P., inzh.; EKBER, B.Ya., otv. red.; KOVAL', I.V., red.izd-va; ILIINSKAYA, G.M., tekhn. red. (Hydraulic and pneumatic transportation in mining enter- prises]Gidravlicheskii i psevmaticheskii transport sa gor- nykh predpriiatiiakh. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 250 P. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademil nauk SSSR (for Spivakovskiy). 2. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo (for Smoldyrev). 3. Vsesoyuznyy nauchnoissledovatellskiy i pro- yektno-konstruktorskiy institut po gidrodobyche uglya (for Muchnik). 4. Donetskiy nauQhno-issledovatel'skiy ugollnyy institut.(for Ofengenden). 5. Moskovskly inzhenerno-stroitell- nyy institut im. V.V.Kuybysheva (for Yufin). (Pneumatic conveying) (Hydraulic conveying) L 9977-63 EFF(c)/UR/EWP(J)/EWT(l)~W(M)/BDS/ZS(e)-2-AFFTC/ -37SSD-Pr-4/Pa-4/Pe-4Pi-471~l-h/Pt- __ijP(r.)/mVMY/WW ASD/F-% ACCESSION NR: AP3000329 S/0142/63/006/002/0143/0147 AUTHOR: Kats,, L. 1. ; Traytellman, L. A. TMX: Using the bridge interferometer for determining refraction index of dielectrics at milli ter wavelengths SOURCE: IzV. VUZ: Radiotekhnika, v 6, no. 2., 1963, 143-147 TOPIC TAGS: interferometer, bridge interferometer, refraction index at mm waves ABSTRACT: Characteristics of dielectrics atmm, wavelengths are important; they have been rwasured by cavity-resonator methods at 8 mm and up and by optical -methods at 1 mm. Complicated and exp_ensive optical equipment can be eliminated by the use of a bridge interferomater (Enclosure, Fig 1). A theory develotped earlier fcw e purely optical interferometer is considei-ed applicable (Kry*lov, K. I.; Rudakov, V. N., Using the Michelson's interferometer for determining The equipment -used: --t OVEGA958,:36.VP 139'-&_ Qsrd 1/4 ---------------- ----------- L 9977-63 ACCESSION BE: AP3000329 interferometer,,experime ts is desc f1tioroplasticj? ebonite?Pjtxi vibed, and the reSractive index of y,111sY and polysterene Myeasured at 4.12, 3.15, and In presented (Enclosure, Table 1). Dimazwiono of jpoalmexi platc~-: ICO x 150 Imm, 1-, 5-, and 8-mm thick. The bridge-interferomter niethod is considered promising despite some difficulties involved in adjusting the system for measurements. Orig. art. has: 3 equations, 2 figures, and 1 -table. ASSOCIATION: NII mekhaniki i fiziki pri Saratovskom Gosuzaiversitate im. N. G. Cherny*shevskogo (NII of Mechanics and Physics, Saxatov State University) SUB14ITTED: 3omar62 DATE ACQ: 13jun6z ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: CO,MA NR REF sov: oo4 OTHM: 005 Card 2/4 L 9977-63 ACCESSION NRs AP3000529 ZNCWSURN I U /U 78 Card 31h Fig I..Block-diagram of the bridge interferometer for refractive-index wasurenents. I - 0soillatorl 2 - 5 - attenuatorej 3 - double-too junction# -4 matcherl 6 ;- plungerl 7 - Veolwnl 6 - aovable reflector* L 9577-63 ACCESSION MRs AP3000329 ENCLOSUMt 2 Table I s Refractive Index Mater ial 17 " ' 4.12 xv 62 F k 2 98 tested . Fluoroplastio 1.44�0.03 %:j1.46�0A2 1646�0 03 Ebonite 1,64�0.07 . .65�0.06 Plexiglas 59�0.07 140 1: 0.06 Polystwone I.W� 0.06 -C ard- / K,~y /0 "4,~l,/ C~> r TRAYTALIMAN, M.Ya. , Death from aspb7xia caused by ascarid stoppage of the lar7ux. Med.parar. i paraz,bolosupplament to no.1:72 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. 1z Shaturskoy protivomalyariynoy stantaii. (ABOARIDS AND ASCARIASIS) (ASPHYXIA) TRAnUR, Endreg dr. Drunkenness from the point of view of cri TH mal lave, . Elet tud 18 no.19078 12 My 863. 1~ TT TMATOYAN, A.A-.-,-1'-- Symptom of fluctuation in the vaginal walls in extrauterine pregnancy. Akush. i gin. 33 no.4:112 Jl-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) .1. Iz ginakologichaskogo otdalaniya (zav. A.A.Trdetlyan) Altayokoy krayevoy bollnitay (glavrVy vrach V.I.Korolev) (MGNANCY, SMAUTERINE) TRAWINSKI, ALFRED Trawinski, Alfred. Miesoznawstwo; podrecznik do uzytku lekarzy- weterynaz-jjnyych, lekar7y i studentow. Wyd. 2. popr. i uzup. 'Karszavia, Lekarski Instytut Naukowo-E~rdawniczy, 1948. 918 p. (Properties of meat; a handbook for veterinarians, physicians, and students. Author and subject indexes, bibl.) SO: Honthly list of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 1954, Uncl. . . /12 I'II\ /, ~, I / A, -1 1 - . TRAIMSU, A. r, u14~ Zoonotic diseasos# tran=issable to nanz. Ned. met,, 60.9 Aug. 50. P. 456-8 CUM 20,1 3,1 tarch 1951 TRAWINSKI, A. Meat inBpection in the Six Years Plan. Med.we5. 6 no.12:738-''740 Dec 50. (CLKIL 20:6) TRAWINSKI, Alfred (Lublin) Bacterial food intoxications. Rocs nauk roln vet 70 no.1/4-1947 160, (Eni 1019) (FWD POISONNG) r ~aw for to of rotstmg 97 104 I lei 7 -0d3 cssing meth ,6&rn Towing prnc Vill' -ncss, are e 12M ~UVT-~f tpecially Wtd and il", W fur knaliu. of uppamtug grc di-Icribed, 38 (in hyd-"w - ty cornmenle, I ,n. %nd inat,Y T-5 hf."a- CANI, 6831 A F IIZ- 1. Ib/T rans-6 IS MUMPLE HYDROCYCLONES OF THE LATEST TYPE. 1I.Trawl"k]. TranstaI434by J. B. dyke4 from Chetu,-ir4.- R.4(suppl.). 5p. Hydracyclones of diameter 10 and 15 nim. have been V developed In which 36 and 24 Individual cyclones, respec- tively, are combined to form a complete block. It Is thus possible to decrease the separated gra!n We [InAt to about 3 IA. Information is given about results of operation and fields of application. (3uth) C4,r?nan.) If-Trawinski. Chrmle-fisgenlew-Techmik, v. 1951, p~ 41"19. Above is described as impatsim to fluldization" or catalyst prmvss~s' for produclehemical tradions. Prindplim of research are discussed. Inch graphe am diagrarm. 18 ref. J. Researe'n o-- --attelijag yood P 1,0 , (' ~:M'--- : . ~ - -` Y --A, I L, I . -3 - -- - -- - Y, - Vol. 9, -.r0. 11, 17ov., 1953 ~11'arCZ~N,~-:.n, pol.-d) 90: Lict of ?;--t -Europo,;~,i ACCCs!!IQ ao, J',C, Vol. ; , A). a-! 1955, Ticl. 7ZA.*--"C:I,:*i~'L, Janina SUXL41.r-.,, Given Nam" CM-Iti7l Poland Academic Degreest Enot civen-7 A.friliations [not givenj Sources Lublin, K2UczM VTqteMUUvjM-, Vol No 10, October yp Data$ "Prolong;Ird VW ftG3hW3 Of HM. Gpo 9416*3 BYKOWSKI, Wojciech; TRAWINSKI, Jerzy Spectrographic determination of magnesium in cathode nickel. Chem anal 5 no.3:361-367 160. (EM .10:8) 1. Zaklady W~t4orcze Lamp Blaktrycznych im. Rozy Lukoemburgg Warszawa; Kierownik Laboratorium:inz. Lech Magajewski. (Spectrum analysis) (Magnesium) (Nickel) Cancer of the colon. Polski przegl. chir. 28 no-8:713-726 Aug 56. 1. Sosnowiec, ul. Stalinogrodzka 35. (COLON, neoplasms, surg. (POW TRAWINSKI, H. Abdominal wounds; general section. Polski przegl.chir. 26 no.11 Suppl.:120-142 1954. (ABDOM, wounds and injuries) (WMMS AND INJRIRS, 1. abdomen) TRAVINSKIP M. Treatment of gastrointestinal and fecal fistulae. Folski przegl. chir. 26 no.11 Suppl.:19)-198 1954. (Prsnu, fecal & gaBtrointentinal system, ther.) (GASTROINTICSTINAL SYSTEM, fistula, ther.) (COLON , fi 11 tula fecal. thar,~ 7 T- --- - - TRAWKOWMI, J. Kgr. t,- Official list of drugs for 1955. ALm.poldm 11 no.2:38-W Feb. '55. (DMJGS 0 accepted in Poland) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 Ol -404'. - 60 00 00 0 0 0 0 * 0 & 1e9.06000000 *0000 41 0*0 00000000600040:* 1 0 is it U is M u I, It 3, a 10 11 3jis No hum"& 4'a" .46r4p 0 0 fr~ - . . A a k 2 1. -0 , IF-1i - a - # a -,-! -7 to 0 A 00 64 lvkdowki FNM. 40. ft( 1-9 Usk 00 L 0 c 91 tt~crilb gkTMb&G-p!P&Wdl 0 hgw.tbt fallinvias camps.: tlm. wh 4A33 .=naol. put 2J sol put JAW), MCI 0,975. H alky. 0.6 W . ext. 6J; metals. .A(O&d.a* ~Ccxtrol*L. 00 NJAVO I . W 1.46. Aft Mao 0 184 FCA .40 O.M%, Un 3J% Ms. in 100 1. dry substanca.' R M.Ml. thilliting a Pronounced, catalytic action dw folkMing ki wwc found for the Am time: Cu OAO�%. Zu 16.11) mg, Z w IOD a.. N1 04=1%, Cc two. As tram, TWs 0.011 lag. per I of non-me"41w followlM were dttd.: 00 S 0.43. Mr-P I.M H 0 -PAW P OJM. nuallinic P cle 0 iP2(W-m1n*rsll*O.iQ%. Lysaphatiabastinfollowittg =0 0 00 '3 ~mwu.: (say acWs &3. awalwalfiable matter 7.W. 00 ~bol..Wd IA)2t%.- L .. 67. sapois. .. 230, m. p. of LO 0 Lhc 410 -a &cWjj 31.29. scid no. =,"toses. hex , a1dosts 0 ad ketoses, neg~~ pas., total N 9.8, mi. N 2.48, 4P F, 2 I's. twxW protein substances 4ro.92%. 2 goo protein N 725, In addn. to the abm lympbstin contains a great no. of co 0 enzymes the role of which Is important in metabolism. Arginase arbutaw, Wtham &M glycolaw were fowle! in Jymphatta for the &A time. 1. wkrtd&k woo was IL&_ SITALLURGICAL LITERATIAN CLAIMPKATION tio 0 #saw tivisil" LOP 0 Sala.* 49* 1- W t 4.1 At, U a AV so it An I S a r-! IV 0d 0 if a I If so 5 a a 2 1 0 KLO ; 0" 0 0 00 of 00000 a 0000 60 11,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ : 10 it a U m 10 it r n I L Amp c4p(v A CAI- 1-00 -Lymph&" dw dtY cd-'W lym tic .00 of it db~ ol bGC-V vIJ& The p-d. value in U"dw 4 i 09 ps Comm. Pf"bu. has aw lowgr k. SOL put I A3), &CI 0.078, (water4amol 2j -- mtsim: 2 6 t f = I .00 j . . ; sq. COJ ). o . as Nw , [ IAS 0.1" PerCh 0 iu ;o 1- jw , Metals dry 6 too g i& 3m M 40 . s. o.tzm *, cxmwuns & Prot cawytic --tiou aw lawl" . were found for the finrt tiwe; cu OA4%. zo L6.9 Ms. 011 0 TiO .00 't . 9 PVT 100S., NIOJm%*CQ-trmCMm ALO trams, , 401 . tug. Per 00 1 '01 nonmewis the Wowim w- dttd. aucklaic P 4w P OAM W U I , . 8 0.45. p O.Am" minma P 0,40a1. Lymphatin k" tht (0110whit 00 coum... fatty adds a 0 wiwo"abia Matta 7-M. (, I go. 57, "poa. no. 230. =..?. of amoms b ezoses, so. 2&2. p4stow. the acids 31.2'; LO 0 and Irctow. M.- pm., total N 9.8, sol, N 2.45, 1 d 1 " C- 45 t b 92% 0*0 P . . i - ttal protein su 1 8 . N 745, NI -dd-. to the above tympbatick contidne a peat no. of so* enzymea aw rose of ~- is bmpw-t In -bou-- kddwft and glycolaw Wes (-W in imm arbutame A rs , lym7bR6. for tbe 6M time. 1. Wlertdak AS&-SLA RETALLUX"AL LffERA?URE CLAISIFICAVON k 'SjtL:A':Uj; ;jj; ;j ~X' UP; I'll Ing 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * * 0 0 : 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 - 6 * 0,0 0 0 * 0 0 ~*00 0 c-zrrx= tie 0 114141 go: 0: v]IAjIGwc"v,-- - pool ;;AML so two is W-INNSA 0 0 0 4 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 ; 0, , ;- I 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 TRAWINSKI, A. New method fo testing meat for the presence of larvae of trichina by the flocculation reaction in gel. Bul Ac Pol biol, 8 no.l.-41-43 160. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Department of Hygiene of Animal Products, College of Agriculture, Lublin. Presented by W.Stefanski. (MEAT) (TRICHINA AND TRICHINOSIS) (FLOCCULATION) TRAWINSKI, Alfred Studies on Salronella in the scientific research centers In Lublin and Pulawy. Zesz probl. p,90 nauk roln no.33:73-84 161. j 1. Wydzial Woterynaryjny, Wvzmza Szkola Rolniazap Lublin. TRAWINSKIj H.F., Dr, (Dusseldorf) Phase separation in the food industry by means of centrifuges. Elelm, ipar 14 no.8/~*251-259 Ag-S 160. a: Yliicrcaccln In ~.utryl i~OtilaCzrylato." Uffillutica na prrzc;~'u4 by A. on 1u ',;ovcnbor 1560. .POLAND TMVTY5r'KA,-_an~5nQ, Chair of Hygiene of Animal Productq (Ka- ~fadrift Higiony Iroduktow Zwiortecych), Vel.,-.NrInAry DiviNlon Wydzial W43terznxi-ji) WSIR [Wyzszm Szkola RoInicza, Higher School of Agriculturel In Lublin (Director.- Doctnt, Dr. Edmund PROST) flOccurrenca of Mlcroortgarilsw-x of the Coli-Aerogenez~ Group in Milk and in the Environment of its Production and Dis- tribu tion," Warsaw-Lubliti, IqodycynaL Waterynary .na, Vol 19, No 2, Fab 63, PP 79-34 Abstract: [Author's English summary modified] Procedure and result;-Are reported for a study on the contamination of milk with the Coli-Aerot--anos group. Contamination is in- v,orsaly ralated to hygioine of handling, risai from udder to market with an increase of 9 coli and decrwase in A aerogenes, and the four out of five pathogenic; serotypsa of' tho ri, coll did not appear till the markot stagia. Of the 17 references, one is in ,;nglish and t1io otiicrs are oight each In the German and Polish languages, L-I./ i -A TRAWrOWSKI, Jozef, Kgr . %, - Ow. Basic commercial functions of a pharmacy. Farm. polska 10 no.9: 230-234 Sept 54. (PHAPMOY, * In Poland, organiz.) TRAVKOVSKI. Josef, Mgr. Advertising In pharmacies. Parm. polska 10 no.10:262-265 Oct 54. (PHARMACY, in Poland, advertising) T 11. "Official Pharmacopoeia for the Year 1954." P. 54 (Enrinae-ja PoInk-n- Vol, 10, no. 2, Feb. 1954, Warszawa.) Vol. 3, no. 6 SO: Monthly List of East Wopean Accessions./Libr,iry of Congress, June 1954, Uncl. TRAUXOWSKI, Jozef --- TUiXOWSKI, Jozef, Kgr Powdered milk as universal medicament. Farm polska, 10 n0-5: 133-136 May 54. (KIIK. powdered) TRA1WKOWSKj, iozef, Vgr -- V--.- .. F - -- -56 7 '54. Official list of drugs for 1954. Yarmar-ja 10 no.2:54 (ML 3:6) 1, Kierownik Dzial'a Zaopatrzenla FarmAzoutyoznego CZA. (]DRUGS, *list of accepted drugs in 1954 in Poland) 19 '4ala Y. CIO - 6 ~Pl , _11 n CZr, f 0 V., -!Lego - -, .1 -r. Tq,td. S. Kubicki). 64 /rf I Now 01watim-red"IJOU Catalyft. Walthr Trail and Fma Trail. AWIT%, 163,423 It. W40. S01111. of . - - -6r'saits. e.g. cach. XIIEl"y Fech. anti 2kinch, in ffovLkq~ Me :1 ,Apoufflithir fats or ails. e.g. firtsercl oil or cmi-liver oil, are pfc;X1. 71tese Are uwful to caulyze all kinds of olklation- rechtclion vroms~s F. Epstein CA 17 WA11hrrTras). Austrian 160,)U, May to, 1941. Metal salts-, "'~'Ulffbf Au. Fe, or Sb, are dissolved in a nonact. solvent, e.g. FtjO. forrattyalls. The win. Is miseo with an od, e.#, olive oil, Conti. in allmll soap of the respective fatly acid. Very staMe cleopols of the respective metals are obtainni. The therapeutic applications of such colloid sains. are briefir diwn"ed. F. Evixtein C, lit, oildation-reduction catalysm TraxI and Rn.. Trail. Austrian 163.423, July 11. l949.-'-SnJns. of 110"aq, metal salts, e.g. C,)Cl,. AIC4. FeCII, and NInCIt. in ",ponifiable lass or oil.4, e.g. linseed oil or cod-liver oil, are prepti. Tbtse Air useful to cat.tlyze all kinds of oxidation- rnlisction vtwr%se4 V. Frostein Z/013/60/000/00a./002/002 A209/AO26 AUTHORt Traxler, JinOich, Doctor, E ~gineer *14~ ~_~w tb TITLE.- Ceramic Insulating Matirials for High Frequency PERIODICAL: Sklfil, a Keramik, 1960, No. 8, pp. 218-220. TEXT- The author states that ceramic has been in use as insulating material for many decades and that, although Czechoslovak industry had to start from scratch after World War II, its products compare very well with world standards. Ceramic high-frequency insulators must meet such basic requirements as compact structure, low dielectric constant and minimum line losses for insulating purposes; compact dielectrics with a normal, high and maximum dielectric constant and low line losses for condensers; compact structures with a low dielectric constant and small line losses for appii- cation in electronic equipment. Elaborating on ceramic technology the author lists the following properties an being significant for ceramic sub- stances: 1) high degree of plasticity, 2) low shrinkage rate during burning and drying, 3) regular burning temperature and wide sintering interval, 4) low abrasion coefficient for durability, and 5) reproductability of the Card 113 Z/013/60/000/008/002/002 A209/AO26 Ceramic Insulating Materials for High Frequency electric and physical-mechanical properties in mass production. The burning temperatures and shrinkage rates of Czechoslovak low-loss matters are listed in Table I. The author also explains a new Soviet technology: hot casting under air pressure. This method permits production of complex small and medium sized castings that require extensive processing. It is being em- phasized that the qualities demanded of Czechoslovak ceramic materials are 24-51, 63N 72 581 - 72 5836, outlined in government standards (6SN - ESC 1 11 CSN 72 570, and 63N 72 57o6). The fundamental criteria, however, for electro- ceramic parts are their electrical properties. Explaining the qualities of insulators used in radio technology, the author states that the dielectri constant DK and the loss coefficient should be as low as possible. The utilization of ceramic materials for condensers is also being explained, as well as some physical-chemical characteristics of ceramic materials. Each ceramic material is a complex multi-phase system with a crystal, glass and gas phase. A list shows the melting points of several crystallir~p mineralv. There is also a description of the sintering of_ceramic matters.15 The author states that a total of 30 different minerals is known, which form electroceramic matters during the burning process. There are: 1 table and Card 2/3 Z/013/60/000/008/002/002 A2091AO26 Ceramic Insulating Materials for High Frequency 5 referencest 4 Soviet, 1 Czechoslovakian. Ll P ASSOCIATION: Ustav nerostnkch surovin (Institute for Mineral Raw Materials) , Kutnh Hora Card 3/3 -Z,/0-13/61/000/001/001/001 it, 7 7 0 0 (16 3 Sl- 16 931 13 7S) DOOVD102 AUTHOR: Traxler, Jindrvich, Engineer, Doctor ------------------ TITLE: Composition and properties of high-frequenty ceramic insulation ma- terials PERIODICAL: Skla'~ a keramik, no. 1, 1961, 6-9 TEXT: The article resumes the topic of a previous paper by the same author (Ref.t' 1: J. Traxler, Kerainicke/ izolacnf materiAly pro,.vysokou f rekvenci triligh-frequency ceramic -insulation materia'3, Skl~r a keramik, X, 1960, 218-220) and gives a brief outline of aluminum-silicate systems which are a2.repdy used in industrial produc- tion of high-frequency insulation materials and cc'%riponents and/or which are poten- tial materials for this purpose. The following systems are dealt with: (1) The Ba0-A120 3-SiO system includes transition materials from ordinary insulation por_ celain to higg-frequency ceramics; corundum ceramics of a very high mechanical strength; and celsian ceramics with a low thermal-expansion coefficient and low loss even at higher temperatures. Corundum ceramics, in turn, include the various types of ultraporcelain, such as the Soviet UF 46, UF 53, UF 50 materials. Research an a corundum-ceramic material and the development of its production technology Card l/ 2 Z/013/61/000/001/001/001 Composition and properties ..... D005/D102 (2) The MgQ-Al2O -SiO system includ have been completed in the CSSR also. 3 es steatite which is the most economical and most widely used hijb-frequency material suitable for mass production of various components. Steatite ceramics are produced in the USSR under the trade name Stealit, and the porous variety under the trade name Porolit. This system further includes ceramics based an spinel and forsterite which are produced in moderate quantities; periclase ceramics which have not yet reached the production stage; and cordierite ceramics featuring a very low thermal expansion coefficient, good resistance to high temperatures and their sudden changes which, however, are porous and unsuitable as high-frequency material. (3) In the CaO-Al 0 -SiO system suitable materials are wollastonite and anorthite although up t9 Aow t9ey have found no wider application. (4) The Zr02-Al 03-sio system includes materials with a low thermal coefficient and a loss angle 9f about Z4 60.10 , and the typical high-frequency materials with a loss angle of about 3.10-4. Materials of the latter two systems are not yet produced in the &SR. There are 2 tables, 2 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: A. R. Hippel, "Dielectric Materials and Applications", Russian translation, Moscow, 1958'. USA pat. no. 2, 878. 130. ASSOCIATION: Ustav nerostnych surovin, Kutna' Hora (Institute of Mineral Raw Materi Card 2)12 als, Kutna Hora). t-, rich; HUML Frantisek; SVOBODA, Jiri _2aAggL Jind Use of kao3-in sands in founding, Slevarenstvi 11 no.1:22-25 Ja 163. 1., Ustav nerostnych surovin, Kutna Hors.