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BEKESSY, Andras (Budapest); TOTH, Karoly Remark on the paper of Almar & Dalazo: mApproximate Yethod of Plotting the Orbit of a Space Rocket Pasaing near the goon.9 Hat kut kozI MTA 4 no.2:143-147 159 (MI 9:3) 1. A Kagyar Tadomanyos Almdemis. Matematikai Eutato Intezete. (Approximate computation) (Space flight) (Rockets) (Moon) (Nomography (Hathematice)) PAPP) Firosiva, dr.; TOTH, Karoly, ir. A fatftl can,~ no.51140-142 My 165. 1. Kozlemeny a Izeqedi C-vostudcmaiyl lip-jetem N. sz. Fc,g.- es Sznjbetef, Klinikajrtrol (igazgat(--,: Tr-th, Karoly, dr. egyt-te~%-; lr~nt!r). TOTH, Karoly. dr.; KIWAI, Mihaly, dr.; PONTI, Sandor, dr. . .m a am.1 UWAts"m Results in prevention of dental caries in connection with researeb in the last five years. Nepageszoegugy 38 no.1-2:23-26 Jan-Feb 57. 1. Kozl"morq a Szogedi OrvooWdomanyt Iffetem Fog- an Ssajbeteg Klinikajarol (igasgato: Hattyany, Desso, dr. egyat. tanar as orvoetmdomanyok doktora). (DWAL CARIES. prev. & control in Hungary. progr. (Hun)) TOTH, Xuroly, dr.; KAI.MAH, Xatalin, dr.- GoilTVAI, Gyorgy, dr. WWAOW~ Importance of correct diagnosis in public heal th.11epege a z segug7 36 no.2:52-54. 1. Kozismeny & Robert Daroly krt. i korhazbol (iga7gato: Krasznai Ivan dr.) as a XIII. ker. -i Visegradt uteat rendelointezetbol (igazgato: Sonkoly Odon dr.) (DIAGNOSIS in hoop. admission & discharge, pub. health aspect. It is,a significant innovation also from the international point of view. Ujit lap 12 no.21:21 10 N 160. T 0 r, 6 d frc,l the pol lil, ralircn.l -:~ * , , " ~t--, -, t, . 12 c -i%,4 --y- r.S~ 17, , 11 an 'JC!TH Kar Z) ~ y '-'a3 '71b Vat 7 e S B no. r'49-61 5 163 4,uLl J. M!.T,Lng PUNGOR, Erno, prof., dr. (Veszprem, Schonhorz Zoltan u.); IIAVAS, Jeno (Veszprem, Schonherz Zoltan u.);.TPIII, Klara (Fdas) (Veszprer,, Schonherz Zoltan u.) Membranes of heterogeneous structure for the detemJnatlon of the activity of anions. Pt.l. Acts. chimica Hung 41 no.1/2: 239-255 164. 1. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Industr7 University, Veszprem. TOTH, YLaroly What Is the electric distributor with qlaeved raila? Ujit lap 12 no.15t10 10 Ag 160. TOTH, Karoly, dr. Studios on the relation between nutrition and dental caries in gypsies In the vicinity of Szeged. Yogory, examis 47 no-10:316- 321 Oat 54a 1. Kozlemany a Szagedt Oryostudomanyl 1gyatem Fog- as Szajbsteg Klinikajarol. Igasgato: Hattyast Desto dr. egyat. tanat, &z Orvostudomanyok Doktora. (MMAL CABINS, statiet, in Rungary, in gypsies, nutritional faotors) (EUT ITION relation to dent. caries in Hungarian gypsies) SZABOI Imre (Szeged, Lenin krt. 69);.!OTH, Karoly (Szeged, Lenin krt. 69) Effect of constant life conditions on the buffer capacity of saliva. Acta pbysiol Hung 20 no.2:93-102 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomany-i Fgyetem Fog- es Szajbeteg Klinikaja. TOTH., Karoly Remark on Antal. Polner's study entitled *Would it be worth while?n Erdo 12 noo5:203-204 My 1163o 1. Frdorendezesi felugyelo, Kocskemet. n t lc~-, ("'T", Ak 7-,t_vi~r~,Ity of Flt~c,:3, ?1i1. ka t1n, 7.v,~11;ttiw. o,' VOI ;Trl', 66, Al j s t r,-.t [Au th-zw., a_,.i,:.:; ~;G"j 7*,-.,! -,~j uf ba ~-,a I on, Value was proven i.-, t;wjrz3c- OC a t-~On or All Eastt,.rn _Yanu~:cri,-A ri~celvcd 14 ~;i~p TOTH Karoly dr. Organizational probI62o of pediatric dental services. Kopegemssegq7 42 no.5:138-1" Mir 161. - 1. Koslemeny a Szogedi Orroetudownyi Easterm Fog- as Szajbeteg Klini- kajarol (igasgato: Hattyavy Desso dr. eg7etemi tanar, as or7ostudomanyok doktom) (PIDODONTIA) TOTH, Karoly, dr. Principal results of the study of dental caries. Orv. hetil. 102 no.19:879-883 7 My 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Fog- as Szajbeteg Klinika. (DENTAL CARIES) TOTH., Karolyr dr. Significance of technological process from the point of view of labor productivity in the field of tYe executive service.Pto 2, Vasut 12 no-5x16-17 31 My 162o TOTH, Kare1j, dr. D,Eqnold cyst in the sublingual muscles. Fogorv. szemle 58 no.7t 209-211 J-1165. 1. Kozl m-eny a Szegedi Or-vostudomanyi Ft-gletem 11. nz. Fog- es Szajbeteg KlAnikajaral (igazgato: Toth, Karoly, dr., egyetemi tanar). TOTH, Karoly, dr.; STARG, imIre, dr. Lower free-end prosthesis is' n9 immf diate lmplartati,~n pillar tooth with metal root. Fogorv. szemle 58 no.9:~72-,"-:76 8 165. 1. Kozlemeny a Szogedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem II. vz. t?u 5zajbeteg Klinikajarol (Igazgato: Toth, Karoly, dr., egyltcm! tanar). -TC-TH, Karoly, dr. The conditions of t~,c alveolar 1-rocese Ln Avar an,,; ancient Hungarian skulls. Fororv. szemle 5) no-1:1-11 ja (,6. 1. Kozlemeny a Szcgedi (,rvostudumnyi -',-'Cyete,.'l II. sz. Fog- es Szajbeteg Klinika;arol (igazgato: Toth, ':&roly, dr. of- etemi J y tanar). 1M V~L= fW M tf 'O"M iTme -on 4/0 1 R4elyepitestudomanyi Szemle" ozerkeazto bizottoagi tagja (;or Ocavar). VAJDA, Bela okleveles mernok; OCSVAR, Rezoop okleveles mernok; TOTIJ-JECSUS. Pal, okleveles mernok 100 years of caisson -rm--=IATMM Hungary. MelARW%d ozemle 13 no.1:1-15 Ja 163, To TO NO. W- 0, ~/G. t-4!sjb gMe dec tA W) 5 ATr"l With COld T A ~~"A -3 i ',. ayo-~~ L.-I pA fIfung.). Ihifyar TtlamArsyni Akad Kjs~-,nlt Fit. KulcM lnii:cijntk Kj-z*mhs)ri 4, 436-40 litingirLin) -A rcvicw with 11 ndcm-:", TU-, 1-; Studies In the field of nitration with fuixer] rjCjr1,c3 1. Nitrristtre'i, d,-irmt'(-,n of nit,ration, derradation. P. 201 (~-Inry-qr Yemiai FolyoirFit) !-1.Anne t 'V01. (13, no. (,/7 Jime./-My 1957 SO: Monthly Index of E-Ist European Aces,,Aons (A'-.ET) Vol. 0, no. 11 Nove!',Iher 11-)57 'j .-;ome problems 0 The Co!,ton 41 (Irwe t' oI. rr) . 1 r Ea:~ t EU --o an 1cc,-,F Si:" is, 'LA . .:ontl,.ly List of Uncl. TOTH, L.; SZABO, E.; FELFOLDY, L.J.M. Standing crop measurement3 in stands of Phragmites cocr=is on the ice cover of Lake Balaton. Acta bot Hung 9 no.1/2:151-159 163. 1. Biolof,ianl Renearch Institute of the Mingnrian ArRdemy of Sciences, Tihany, Lake Balaton. VJ'VARY, G.; ANGUL, T.; TOTH. L.--- Studies on the oUssification, oathogenicity and antieenic structure of Staphylococci. Part 2. Serological typing of Staphylococcus aureus. Acta microb. hung. 8 no.2:3.41-147 161. 1. Institute of Microbiology and Department of Paediatrics, University Medical School, Nes. (STAPHYLOCOCCLIS) TOTH, L. Recollections of tije construction of the Valtellina railroad line. P. 507. rL,'KT,tjOT:.IrjP,'jKS. (Magyar E~elctrotechnikaj E'Qresulet) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 51, NO. 10/12, 1-958. Monthly of &ist Furopean Accessions (EEAT) LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 19-59. Unoia. ZM!) L. 1~ SCIENCE FERI ODICAIS -., ACT r FIZIKAI UaaZ #ol. 8, No. 3, March 1958 Toth, J. Vibrating movement of sphere suspended on clock sprin6 if it starts with a fall. p. 91 Montlily list of East European accessions (EEA.T) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2 February 1959, Unclass. TOTI: , ladislav, inz. I - "Building encyciopedia." ?t- (-,. by icth. Inz qtavby 12 no. 3:233-134 Mr f64* il 4548Lj-66 E'4?(-k)/T/E?-;P( t)/ZTT WNC) DJ/JD/' 1*4 --- ACC NR- AT6033334 SCURCE CODE: L. --Tot L AUTHOR: Toth ORG: Technical University for the Heavy Industry, Miskolc HU/2504/65/O51/O3-/O327/934& Z/ I TITLE: Effect of lubrication Ifn the piie-9 sure -formi ng of metals SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta technica, v- 51, no. 3-4j 1965, 327-346 TOPIC TAGS: metal deformationt lubrication ABSTRACT: The deformation of a cylindrical specimen of metal under compression by two parallel loading surfaces was investigs ted and the effects of lubricating the surfaces on the deformation was discussed. The configurations into which the cylinder transforms under compression under various conditions of lubrication were described and the mechanisms involved were described on a theoretical basis. The sig- nificance of the phenomena discussed on the compression-strength testing. of metals was considered and formulae were developed to calculate the def'ormaition'characterisii c's involved. Orig. art - has; 11 figures and 57 formulas. ~(Orig. art. in German] (JPRS: 3397321 SUB CODEs 1l,, 20 / SUBM DATE: 14Jun63 / OTH REF: 003 j I 1 FWF(t)/ET1 ljNc) Jjj L45194-714- SOURCE CODE: HU/25 A6/054/01-/0143/0173 ACC NRi AT 027399 01, AUTHOR: Toth, L.--Tot, L. 3 ORG: Technical University for the Heavy Industry, Riekole TITIE: Determination of the maximum force in die-forging SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acts, technica, vo 54, no. 1-2, 1966, 143-li TOPIC TAGS: die, metal forging, approximation method I ABSTRACT: Means for determining the maximum force in die-forging were discussed and a method based on the approximative calculation was described. The method was applied to various forged shapes of simple configuration. The resu3ts corresponded well with the data obtained in experiments.* Numerical examples were presented to illustrate the computations involved. Orig. art. has: 20 figires, 71 formulas and 5 tables- 1,TPRS3 36#8351 SUB CODE: 13, 12 SUBM DATE: none OHM REF: 003 SOV REF: 007 GTH FM: 008 /714') Card 76-['v-11 ATOO Ignition and stability problem& in cold ealhDols Slow ./q,,, Tod-wi,, ,, - I 1 111/0 11 M tub$ COUfltgr$. 1. 1. T ., 1 1, . I I/,,. q Kii:i-mli Fixi-1-i Kwald InthWitti; KkIrmolmyci (Procowl. i1'94 of the Comfivill aikoiatch Inifitute fur Ilwlg4tioatt Aead my a 8rience!jj, Vol. 6, 105e1, No. 0. pp. For some years cold cathcol. d4will'al c"fiLipi; I&gb!s Ito%-o loceat incr~axitqly used ill pulse cuunti.1i; circuits. The ptilier deioi ibes experiences gained with doestroile built accord. ing to is de4ign reproducad fittin spocifiratioiis published ill literature, and with a now decimal counting tubo of larni- nated design (author's patent). T1Y3 new typo is chAractaritod by tho simplicity of its design, its porfornitince characteristics are na good or better than those of the con vvii t jovial types, The mechanism of tho discharge transfer is exiolainvid on the basis of thet results of moa.-wromanto. ANGYAL~ T.j TOTH, L.; FUWj K. Dsterr6-g&Hing the anteropathogeni city of staphylococci in infants. Acta Pasdiat Aced Sci Ebng I no.4:301-313 160. 1. Institute of Microbiology and Department of PaediatrIes, University Medical School, Fees. (FECES microbiol) (STAPHrLOCOCCUS) -, D ,, T .I L 328o2-66 0/ Acc NR~ AT6025139 AUTFG--i: Toth, L. ORG: Technical University for Heavy Industry, Minkole TITLE% Calculation of thn deformation re-listrince of prismatic bodier, upon loading at their parallel rurfaces SMWE: Acadenda scientiarum hungaricae. Acta technica, v. 51, no. 1-2, 1965, 105-120 TWIC TAGS: material deformation, friction coefficient ADSVMT: This paper dealA\3ith the approximate calciLlation of the forces required fy for the plastic compressionYof material by parallel plates. Cases of approxJnlte solution for the equations, giving the exact solution, are discussed and the effects of the 3urface characteristics are described. For the determination of the friction coefficient the author suggests a novel technique and for the calculation of the force he proposes a new approximating method for plane deformation. The method can be also employed for the swelling of bodies with finite dimensions. orig. art. has: 10 figures and 47 formulas. �ased on author's Eng. abst2 zj-PR�7 SUB CODE: 20/ SUB14 DATE: 19Mar63/ ORIG REF: 0011SOV REFt 001/ OTH REF: 002 Metal Working Card .3-A Liz.- L 33774-66 EWP(k)/EWP t )/LT1 I jD/ i; 4 ACC NRt AT6M5136 SOUXE CODEt IfU/2504/65/051/01-/004 AUTHOR: Tothp L.; Vincze, E. ORG: Technical Univeroity for Heavy Indup Ur, Miskolc TITLE: Solution of Karmen's differential equation for rollin with the aid of infinite power series SOURCE: AWorda scientiarum hungaftcao. Aata tcch~cap Y. 51, no. 1-2, 1965, 45-62 TOPIC TAGS: differential equation, .,)lid statics, metal rolling ABSTRACT: It was shown that Karman's oqtuttion (Z. Anfrew. Math, &ch ., Vol 5, 1925pi pp 139-141) described the static equilibrium of the plastic material. The eseence of the rolling is the motion of the material processed. The excess force due to motion is interpreted by the properties of the material processed. The solution of Kerman's fundamental equation for the rolling process is given an an infinite p wer series. The jaractical applications of the solution were discussed. orig. art. in Enad e-MRSt 33,54&/ T SUB CODE: l3p 12j, 20/ SUBM DATE% 17jan63/ OTH REFt 013 Card 111a2 TOTH9 L. Mostyan, Gy.; Zqthl," L. "Increase in the Metabolic Rate Caused by the High Temperature of, the Envirorzient.' (A2ta I~h 1 v. 4t 1953, Budapest) P. 51. Supplement to SOs Monthly List of East EurMeejq,A~ni~ssLoij~, Vol 3 No 6 Library of Congresq, Jun 54 Uncl TOTH., L. 1e weavjjlg mills po 15. Vol. 7# no. 17t TOTH, L. Excahnge of expraiences im 0 Sept. 1955. Orszagos Tala,3jrxmYi 111vatal) Hungary. UJITOK LAPJA- ( I 30U,RcF,.. East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 619 June 1956 WTH, L. Szechenyl and steair~-,oat navigation m Lake Falaton. p. 'I~P. Vol. (, no. l(;, Cct. 19,46. HijnFary) Monthly List of East European Accessions (E-",AL) LC, Vol. (, no. June 1957. Uncl. 10 TO-ill, L. "Results in the Innovator 11ovemnt of the Cotton Industry." p. h., (UJITOK LUJA. "O"ol. 6, No. 22, liov. 1954; Bhida-jest, Hungary.) So: Monthly List*of East European Accessions) (E.,~AL), IP,.. Vol. It., No. 11, April 1955, Uncl., . I I - - - -,, . ; j, " -. ,I:. - . . , I. - - --- - . - I -,, 1 ~ I.. z ', - : ~lt~ ., -, .%.; , - ,: . I ~ . . I, : -,-: i ; ~- , T: :: - - , ; , , , l.'. I :J 1 1 1 " . " - I - I : - , , --TOTH, L. *A New 45-ton Railway Crane" SO: Hungarian Heavy Industries #17., Spring 1955.. Unclassified. WISLICKI, Alfred, doc., inz. (vareava); TOTH, Ladislav, inz. (translatot-] Efficiency of building machines and their manufacture in various countries. Inz stavby 10 no.1liSuppl.:14echanizace no.lltl3l-134 162. 1. SNR, Bratislava (for Toth). TOTH, ladislav, inz. Selection of machinery for building enterprises. Inz stavby 10 no,7:SUPP1,: Mechanizace no.7:73-77 162. 1. Slovensks. narodna rada, Bratislava. TOTH, Ladislav, inz. Problems of a complete mechanization of the building industry. Inz stavby 11 noil,%%upploi Mechanizace no.1:1-5 1630 1. Slovenska narodna rada) odbor vyotavby, Bratialava. TOTH, Ladislav. inz. wEncyqlopedia of building." Vol.2; "MacIdnea, tools and equipment." Reviewed by Ladjalav Toth. Inz stavby 11 no-3: Suppl: Mechanizace no.3:47-48 163. TOTH, ladislavy inz- e . equipmento and labor prroductivitY in thO chanIzation. y building industry- IrIz- Btavby 11 no.n; supplementt Me- chaniZaCe 'no.11%166-173 r.163. ..jit!, In2,, lt:t~,,Irieering psyc-l-clogy; jj-la~~ation of machLne3 ar'd eqUIDMI~n- to m4W. iJ7 J. OKOrl, ;'.. Paviewea 1- "adislav 'Loth. inz. stavby -L2 nc,,.5 SuppliMachaninace rio.5--718-80 1 b4. TOTH, Ladislav, In7. "2':co-no:nic encyclopedia; industl'y and building." Vol.l. A--4 - -.-,! 1 r - -1 1)%, Tadisla-v Toth. Inz stavby 11 no. 10; Supplement: -, . -j.10:15~-I'O 0 163. ~ 0 ~- ',4 TOTH, Ladialay,_ Inz. _ - ': Operation coats of building machines. Inz stavby 11 no-4: Supplement: MachanIzace no.4:49-53 163. 1. Slovenska narodni rada, Bratislava. BUJDUSO, Erno, dr.; TOTH, Lajos Industrial uso of ij;otopes. Koh lap 93 no.lls52A-52X N 160. - I 1. Femipari 4wzet, Budapeot. 14,70S If oblemi-~Jfifiiblffit -- - f -- Id yr, co rathodeGlimpicounterg. 1. La * I' th If -.jr T, i T L per- n oC 6~r-c' - - ;ci,- Ign-mmit, awl iiomv-m-,(fv accatrwis arc i Compared. Tim hollic-Illade (kc,11rou o'll'i'ts A it liew type, IO-inet.LWC-PIMC CiAtIlOde I.Wfl-WiCh and it circular allode. Card 1/1 TOTH, Lajon (Debrecen); TOROK, Sandor (Debrecen) Determination of grnvitational acceleration by spring w:ale at special teachinp courses. Fiz szemle 11 no.7:223-224 JI 161. TOTH, Lajos, dr. Manufacturing thin-walled, seamless steel pIrje3 by extruslon, Musz elet 20 no.7:12 8 Ap 165. BUJDOSO, Erno; IMM, Aladar; TOTH, Lajos Some laborator7 instruments and installations for work executed b7 radioisotopes. Magy fiz folyoir 8 no-3:243-245 160. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Femipari Kutato Intezet, Budapest. (Radioisotopes) TOTH, LaJov, okl. kohomernok Investigation of recrystallization phenomena of high purity aluminum alloyed with silicon; excerpts from a candidate's dissertation. Koh lap 95 no.1:1-8 Ja 162. (Crystallization) (Aluminum) (Silicon) TOTH, Lajov. kohomernok --.. , 7~ .--- - --- Glass as metallurgical lubricant. Ujit lap 14 no.2t24 Ja 162. 1. Csepeli Femmu, Budapest. (Glass) (Metallurgy) (Lubrication and lubricants) TOTH, Lajos Drying and purifying the protective atmosphere of temperer and agglomeration furnaces by means of molecular filter. UJit lap 13 no.19224-25 0 '61. (Hungary--Metallurgy) prilt Lalos, nyugaluazott iiaijozast ;gP-?gP-tO 1: - - . 1- 1 ~4. 7 - .. t Crng-jiSq. K^,7,1 tuJ az 14 nc,.3tl3l.-l./ An UQCOUPt of Irle ,ijo TOTH, Lajosp okleveles kohomernok The significance of the use of depolarizedj non-passivating nickel anodes in the galvanic industry. Ujit lap 14 no.18..22 25S 162., Inio", . I r " 17 -7 1 i7f .- I "r4i" I ~ - 17, ~n- " , nj~4 fOTIIVttiOn Of th'-' (,r"Jri:mtt;on Coc-Itt,x;c 0, $a , , I t, . I p 14 no.-,. 1 52 IT GO - k.. TOM) Lajos, nyugalmazott hajoyatii lgazgtito Hungarian pioneers of steazship ravigation. Kozleked kozl 19 no. 30: 572-575 28 Jl 163. TOTH9 lajos Co-operative Comittee on Mutics. Hidrologiai kozlony 42 no.2t107 Ap 062. TOTH, Lajoo, gopesmernok Exf ic -iency of the development Of technOlOgy imtion. FinommachwLika 2 no.2s47-50 F 163- and ita determi- 1, Talefongyar techn.fejj.0sztajy vezetojeo TOTH, Lajos, dr. Galvanic nickel plating bj ox-ygcn and carbon dapolarized nickel anodes. Musz elet 18 no.15; 12 18 Jl f63- TOTH, Lajosj PEREEDI, Lajos, dr.; SZIJGYARTO, Gyula; SZABO, Pal; BALAJTHY, KalmRn Remarks about Dr.Istvan Kovacs' article entitled "Certain questions re.- lating to the qalculation of average income." Munka szemle 5 no.1:28-32 Ja 161. 1. Voros Csillag Traktorgyar, Budapest (for Toth). 2. Kispesti Husipari Vallalat (for Paradi). 3. Szemuva#9retgy&r, dtWapest (for Szijgyarto). 4. Epito kisiparl termeloszovatkezet, Pacs (for Szabo). 5. BIOGAL Gyogy- szergyar, Debreqex (for Balajthy). TOTH, Lajoa okleveles gepeazmrnok Modern methods for improving production technologies. Finom- mechanika 2 no-4:115-122 Ap 163. 1. Telefongyar. TOTH, Lajos, dr.; BE1.10, Yaroly OseMatory mo-,ion of a sphere s-Lisponded on a spiral spring p-ro- vided that its i.-,oion starts with falling. Fiz 3ze.-de 9 no.3:91- 93 Mr '58. 1. Crvosi Fizikai Intezet, DoIxecen. TOTHs LaJOS I - - ---, .- ~ --y"i determination of neutron activization e module of bauxites by mews of th Ysis. Ujit lap 13 n0-22:21 N '61- anal !.. I .-~11 TOTH, Lajos Up-to-date methodu for pro-luction d-svelopcent. Gupgyartastel%,~n 4 no. 2:49-53 F 164. TOTH, Lajoos, dr. Extrusions of molds and honiv sections made of steel and high- strength alloys. Musz elet J.9 no.8,-14 9 Ap 164. - TCT!,,~Joa 7,-- -, Flushing time determination of furnaCeD with protective atmosphere. Ujit lap 15 noo8t23 25 Ap 163. TOM, Lajos, nyagalmazott hajozaei igazgatc Onefaludybo the first steamer on the Balaton. Ko2l tud oz 13 no-4:189-190 AP 763o I' I) I ., I - i - ." - 1" , ~,:" - '1,~ !: - , , " *' "' , 1 .. . . ., . ': -1 I , .1 1 1 ~ , I I" ". 1. . . .T.(YrH, Lajosp dr., a rrusviki lrunald(itlvilt ti , t, i 4 1 vf -1 - lck-~l I ll~, 1'refarinf; tile n Ifl, Cl, r,.~.i,2-559-563 I .. .. elect.ron Lubes ilrl 'Iflf'Allme - - , I 1. 77.)cparimantal Di"'Inifal, L 34961-66 EWP(k)/EWP(t)/ZTI IJP(c) JD W6C-14-165-10 98/008 /035 7/0159' ACC NR- AP6026664 SOURCE COM AUMOrts Tapolcai, Laszlo-Tapoltsai, Le; Toth, 1Ajos-Tot, L. (Doctor) ORG: Dopartnwnt for Research and Development, Coopel Metal Works, Coapel (Coopeli Form Kiserleti en Kutatasi Oaztaly) K, TrIVILt Some problerm in the manufacture and pouring of large chromium bronz~bbilla -_ 0 SOURCE: Kohaszati lapok, v- 98, no. 8, 1965, 357-359 TOPIC TAGS: bronze, chromium alloy, iryluction furnace, cr7stal structure ABSTRACT: The manufacture of the preliminary copper-chromium alloy, the alloying of the preliminary alloy in evacuated and atmospheric-pres- sure induction furnaces, and the effects of the billet shape on the .manufacture and pouring behavior of large chromium bronze billets containing 0.5 - 1.0% chromium were investigated. Methods to ensure satisfactory crystalline structure and good pouring behavior were idiscuased. Some steps to reduce wastage in production were outlined. Orige art, has: "; figures arxi 1 table, fims: 32,4917 SUB CODE: .11, 13, 20 / SUBM DATE: none / SOV ROM 003 / OTH REF: 004 card 1/1 is UDCi 669.26+669.35.6s621o TOTHt lajon- Kozieked kozl .Iltofokl the 0129-h%md"d year-old waterij2g place 0 19 no.8:120 24 F 163. ~.i I I . .1'. I, TOT.Hj- Laj-os.I ~ - in Siofok. Muez sist 16 no.15t6 ji 161. --. .1 A museum Of navigation (Inland navigation) TOTH., Lajos, dr.; VISSI, Geza Hungarian manufacture of nickel cathode tubes. Musz elet 18 no.8:4 12 Ap 163. 1. Csepeli Femmu. TOTH, Lajos A fcrgoiten Agntor :fr I Peca: Anol Bernhard and his OCarolina om the first Danubian steamship. Jarmu mazo gap 9 no.12:47&-479 D 62. X THO Evaluation of the first 9~ip model display. ja=u nezo gep 9 no.11: 439 N 162. TOTII.v LdJOB, dr,., okleveloa kohomemok 9.xtrusion process of steels and high-strength allo7a,, Kzb lap 96 no.lo.*451-457 o 163, 1 -- - :, .... - 1. 4 - . BENKO, Karoly; TOTH, Lajos Dependence of the period of oscillation of the pendulum on the gravitational acceleration. Fiz szemle 7 no.2/3t7MI Ap-Xe '57. 1. Debreceni Orvosi Fizikaj Intezet. _jpTj4-La-jo9ne - - Experlarces in the Afleld of measuring noises in factories. Murkaveleler 7 no 10/12:1-4 161. ~ TOM, LajoBne -6~'-a-~-ffiftles of social homes. Repegeszeegugy 41 no.7:207-208 ji. i 6o. (OLD AGE HOW) M KAY, Adam; TOTH, Lajosne so ' blems of industrial noise. Munkavedelem 7 nol/p6r.-Io-"5 161. 1. Szakszervezetek Orazagos Tamosa Munkavedelmi Tudomanyoo Kutato Intezete. GYARKATI, IAszlo; TOTH, Laszlo A simple colorime-tric method for the deter:d.-mtion of urirAr7 phenmetrazine (preludin, gracidin). Kiserletes orvoBtud. 13 no.4: 350-357 Ag 161. 1. Magyar Hephadsereg Egeazegugyi Szolgalata. (PEMMTRAZINE urine) GISZTL, Anna, dr.; MArxT, Laszlo. dr.: TOTH, Laszlo, dr. Therapy of respiratory paralysis complicating infantile eclampsia by iron lung. Ory. hatil. 98 no.1-4:19-20 Jan 57. 1. A Lasslo Korhaz kozlemenye. (CONVULSIONS, in Inf. & child compl., rasps paralysis, tber. by iron lung (Hun)) (PARALYSIS, in inf. & child rasp., in convulsions, ther. by iron lung (Hun)) (RESPIRATORS iron lung in rasp. paralysis of inf. In convulsions (Hun)) HLUGARY / Forestry. Forest Crops. H-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 195611 7Z8Z3. Author :-T-gth, Laszlo. -T--n-A--- Inst Hungar a cademy. Title Results of Investigations of Breeding Acer Cam- pestre. L, Orig Pub: ?.Aagyar tud. akad. Tihanyi biol. kutatointezet. evk., 1955-1956(1957 ), 24, 345-.353. Abstract: In forestry, the opinion was established that the seed of Acer campestre L. is distinguished by weak germination .9 in connection witti which the reasons were investigated which inhibit grovth. In 1954- 1956 seeds of Acer camoestre L., as well a3 of Norway maple and sycamore from different regions of 1111ungary, were compared. It was established Uat in Acer campestre L. more than 50/'0 of the fruiL was found to be barren and damatjr~d by ln3ertS -Nd -L'V:19!. Card 1/Z H U1 -1 GA/Forestry. Forest Crops. ?, 5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-31ol.1, No 16, 19583 MZ3, Abstract: In the remaining species of maple, the percentage oi' good quali ty seeds comnrised 75-3G.'% Separate specimens of Acer campestre L. vere also found with a high (-,,70;loj percentage of germinated seeds, which it Is proposed to isolate for permanent seed E!ources. The dynamics of catalase change during seed strati- e34 fication were also inv Ugated. Catalase content is increased in a like manner in all Investigated species and reaches a maximum with growth of the seeds. Its greatest content Is found in the cotyledons, the least, in the hypocotyl. During vegetation reproduction of Acer campestre L., semj-lignlfle~ grafts are bast -of all abridged by treating them withc~-naphthyl acetic acid. -- S, N1, Stoyko, Card 2/2 SZIGETHT. Gyula, dr.. JANI.Lajos, dr.1 GATI, Bela, dr.; TOTH, Laszl,o..-dr. lxperience with heomycin therapy of coll dyspepsia. Orv.hctil. 101 no~30:1049-1051 24 J1 160. 1. Pecei Orvostudomanyt Zgyetem Gyermekklinikaja. (NEOKYCIN ther) (ESCHIRICHIA COLI INUCTIONS ther) (INFANT NUTRITION DISMERS ther) 1p Twill UO"all U,", old I! VX it a a III ait cm a ins n z _& 1- 2- 00 iffils too .-0 Ile-co, lop rr r_7 so son 1 Oer 0 or 0 191 n*O 0 12 p 00 900 00= 61 -ultz 00 jq; II! 111- 19 IJF-AI 4111 SJjeI 111*44 3111 JUqA 49M"WjUj-jJ*( 00 Hit in I-E ISEW41 -IIII III 'jot 1229101111 1"O'llim 00. 11 mloj.jr ml) 01 ILIU0134 !,(Iq )qvjq )v Upta N PC *qj )0 )[113 jIr.'4j 03 SUOIJIIKk)3 IMIJI(SO 141FOn '%OR tj iq H -wig to imfidm.,jo Airl pmvAi"I apti, You Cj,o Iroaqw po junuai k~ Irpil v pq rAjq sowi.-pp) paj*-iunWm V--Jh"l) 000 I - -.I *I.Pow -V 'won* q, - - Owliquk" 1. p 2t.;;4 -'saillm roo !000900*44 so #000 00 0 0 0 6 0 4111 ~Mn -w --- 05 list%$ to 4111tullut31611UN a M V a IV, to a It V a to a It 9 a to 0 it a it of do J! A 004 11 C__A-A I I I W Cc SIR U41 It I I -a a v -00 so 9 -to lUc&*Ws of akeloof otood it" ist"ve Hot otgod SrAhA. PrAWr- 11 3 M 1 .00 1 9 I 1, 1 - th l b l A 4 I l i H h et ttri 4 wfvori e r ncoors vi wd4 to ov v aiti c A 00 11,W).i atul ol too t uthic I Moll) with Al . U411%, (tox l d l d 11 M .00 , it- floo e e ret *a- 41118 t , AM of as aftmic. ii h d f 2 h i h M b or 1- is. w t t - d. c. tx stirmpt g duredbyusingto.c. Both the light effert ati $so Iransmittatle wm hijbmt 1w di-id. woo" (IM ross.) and ,"W"S fat On% Sk. (lima.). Thes"rum"(W$%F14111 wa% remipured with (hat rif Ifit, The lines ranged irmis coo .3 Akor# t., 4(M A. lin" wife .lmr"A at Coo and t114) A S S if, FinAv so so so 0 0 got To o Si t .- 00 j Wo 0 00, __0411 too 6 it) I a W 0 at of 'I 'h- 0 1 v 4v to to to it K it it It 4 It it I it" 41 a 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 11111111111141111 in 411o 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 St too 00 9 0 41 4 0 0 41 0 0 0 a HUNGARY FEMNCZY, Lajos, Z3CLT, Janos,. HAZNA",Y, Andras, Kalman; Jozucf Attila Univ'ersity, Institute of Plant Physiology (directors GZALAI, I.) (Jozsef ALtila Feyetnm, Novenyelettani Intezet), Szeged, and Medical University of ZzcCed, Institute of Pharmacognosy (directors NUAK, 1.) (Szegedi Crvostudomanyl '.7gyctcm, Gyoey3zerhatastani Intezet). It The Antifungal C1On5titUqnt3 or Cynanchum Vincetoxicum (L.) Per3 I. The Quantitative Antifungal Spectrum of Substance C-1." Budapest, AcLa NicrobloloZlca Acadcmiae 3cicntlarum 11unraricae, Vol XII, No 4, 19657Zr, pages )3'1-Yi4. Abstract. [,-~ngllah arktic1c, authors' English summary modified) The anti- funeal activity of a compound isolated from Cynanchum vincetoxicuti (L.) Fers and d4csignated as SuWotance C-1 has been studied against 40 yeasts, 40 moulds and 20 dermatophytes. With the -exception of a raw moulds, most of the examined species and strains, including all of the hwian pathogenic fungi tested, -were found to-be highly sensitive to the compound. The minimal inhibitory concentration on glucose-broth-peptone culture medium at pH 7 was found to be between 0.015 and 1.0 pg/ml. 2 Eastern European, 6 Western referencoa. [Manuscript reneived 31 Jul 65,1 FIJIIT~ARY KCVACS, Ferenc, Dr, Capital City Laszlo Hospital (Fo- varosi Laszlo Xorhaz), Budapest. 11 Gases of Polyradiculitis Accompanied by Respiratory Disturbances and Their Treatment by Pespirator." Budapest, Orvosi Hatila , Vol 107, No 37, 11 Sep 66, pages 1735-1738. Abstract- [Authors' H=!arian summary] Since 1955, respirator treatment was used in 49 cases of polyradiculitis complicated by respiratory di5- turbances. In the spinal form, in the case of paralysis of the intercostal musculature and the diaphragm, an "Iron lunp" or a It rocking respirator" can be used. In the case of fluid in the respiratory passages or a re- spiratory disturbance of spino-bulbar ori~ eotomy and use of a gin, trach high pressure machine respirator are recommended. The pro.,nosis is most favorable in cases with cell-protein dissociational liquor; relatively hi her mortality occurs in cases of polyradiculitis with liquor of increased cell content or nearly negative liquor. The average hospitalization was 3 months and the duration of respirator treatment was 18 days. Ten patients died partly from septic complications and partly from paralysis of the respiratory and motor centers. The average age of the deceased patients was 49 years; of those recovered it was 22 years; 39 patients recovered with complete ability to work. 10 Hungarian, 9 Western references. HU;,.*GARY CSE':-*, Sandor, Dr, docent, HORVATH, Gyor-y. Dr, adjunctus, candidate of ve- t erinary sciences, veterinary; University of Veterinary Sciences, Departmen an inic of Cbstetrics and Biology of Reproduct4on (Allatorvostudomanyi Egyetem Szuleszeti es 3zaporodasbioloFiai anszeke es Klinikaja) (chainzan: BOLCSFAZY, Kalman, Dr, professor) and the ?harriaceuti_ cal Factory of Kobanya, Main Medical Departmont (Kobanyai.Gyo,,-Iyszoraru,,;yar, Orvostudomanyi Foosztaly) (chaiman: FEIKETI-E, GYOR3Y, Dr). "The Treatment of the Retention of Fetal Membrane and the Preven'Lion of its Consequences by Use of "Septimetrin", a INew Preparation." Budapest, 'Maf~yar Allatorvosok Lapja, Vol 18, No 10, Oct 063, pages 411-416. Abstract: [Authors' En~:lish sumznary modified] Containin,,, citric acid, boric acid, chloramphooicol and Superseptyl, the domestically produced "Septimetrin" is used especiallylbr the so-called dx-.f trPatrient of fetal membrane re- tention and its consequences. The dose reco:Taonded for various species is given. The drug should be introduced into the womb 6-24 hours after d,~_ livery. In 1~1-20 viinutes violent uterine-. contractions are observed and the membrane is shed or can be renoved in 70-80 nor cent of zhe cases. ':he dru-, is a strong bactericide and promotes "..he corrinletion of uterine involution. .."arm aqueous solutions of the dri4S can be used for infusion in cases of in- complete uterine involution. It is especially effective in the treat-ment of brucella infected herds. Also used for treatment of uterine prolapse, the drug is simple to use and effective. 8 Hun~-arian, 3 idestern references. TOTH, ,, Ok2"V61-is kczl. on varlo:xj 1-4,,rlrg M~ t~~ ,I - L jarTri'L. YrC,70 gttf ]-,, 'f 0-n9jne-r-0---!tr9 - , . q39 1.,/ 6 " :7 - ~' 5 . A. -