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Mon-electrostatic forces In rock-oalt t7pe ionic crystals. Trudy
Inst.fiz. AN URSR no.5:29-47 154. (MLRA 7:12)
(Crystallography) (Electrostatics) (Quantum theory)
-70 Y # X6 DO
USSR/Physics Solid state FD 403
Care 1/1
Author Liberberg, I. I., and Tolpygo, K. B.
Title Many-electron treatment of the motion of an electron (hole) in an
excited crystal
Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 26, 35-41, jan 1954
Abstract Discuss the motion of an electron (or hole) introduced extra into a
dielectric in a field of any defect. Employ the many-electron equa-
tion approximated for the case ofstiongly bound electrons. Take into
account here the deformation of atoms (ions) by the field of the extra
charge added. Utilizing Hardy's approximation the authors succeed in
reducing the problem to the solution of a partial derivative equation
for one particle. This equation turns out to be convenient also for
the case of the "hole". Treat special cases of very narrow and very
wide potential wells created by the defect. Eatablich a connection
with th-: potential of the defect. Thank Prof S. 1. Pekar for hiz
critical comments,
Institution : Kiev State University and Zhitomir Pedagogic Institute
Submitted : March 18., 1953
-A C~L~ C~_L'___ (-'I 1--i
Category i USSR/Solid State Physics - Solid State Theory. Geometric E-2
Abs Jour i Rof Zhur - Fizilce, Ito 3, 1957, iio 6499
Author :Tolpygo, K.B.
Title :ITTe-t-~--r-Fr7r-equencies end Normel Oscillations of Alkeli-Halide
Cryptels for Extremely Long lirvcjs
Orig Pub iTr. In-ta fiziki AN USSR, 1955, vyp. 0, 102-131
Abstract tA quantitntive invostigation wne male of the dopendonce of
natural frequencies and nmplitudes of oscillations on the
wave vector k in the P2k approximation (a is the lattice
conetant) . The numoricel celculations were performed for
LiF, NaCl, K01, and KBr, Pnd thoir recults are given in the
form of tables listing the coefficients of arrengement of the
above quantities relative to powers of sk. As in earlier
articles by the same outhor, account is taken of the deform-
ability of the ionr and of the oloctronic portion of the
polarization (Zh. eknperim. i teor, fiziki, 1950, 90, 497;
Reforat. Zhur Fizikr, 19",, 21713). It in shown that both
double refraction es well as a nep-ptive group velocity of the
Oard s1/2
Is mod 'o'n Of lip-ht by t in Vieu Of
temPerVture 0 Of thO Spec' he crystpl
the Velocits 3,11 t h Ific heat Of the nbo- A cn1cujV_
y P'low"Ice for t vo crystal, ,t low
experiments Of sound) Prd the rehe nOn--isotr,pic nature of
is de - The d' Pullo are compared with
termined 'Dole mou,ont of the
ill the' (,.I,)2approximatio acoustic oscillatio S
n. n
Cprd 2/,
I OL t~l/ iz~
uss~~hysicsl Serhiconductors FD-3102
Card 112 Pub. 1`1 - 1/24
Author Tolpygo, K. B.; Zaslavskaya, I. G.
Title Bipolar diffusion in semiconductors in the case of considerable
curren tq
Periodical Zhur. tekh. fiz.) 25, No 6 (June), 1955, 955-977
Abstract 11be authors solve the equations describing bipolar diffusion in
a semiconductor in which there is an inversion in the sign of
conductivity thanks to the contact field or to the inhomogeneous
composition of the admixture (impurity). They consider the ad-
missible direction of the current in the case of planar or semi-
spherical contact. They show that in the case of considerable
currents the essential role is played by the penetration of current
carriers ot" one sign into the region of the semiconductor with
current carriers of the opposite sign, in addition to the familiar
"flooding" of the blocking layer by current carriers. As a result
the tatal resistance of the system turns out to be considerably
less than the resistance of a homogeneous semiconductor of the
same thickness but without the blocking (valve) layer. The authors
present sample volt-ampere characteristics for direct currents.
Card 2/2 FD-3102
"bey thank. Professor V. Ye. Lashkarev, Active Y-ember of A--ad,:-rrj of
Sciences of Ukrainian SSR, who posed the problem. Six references:
e.g. N. F. Deygen, V. Ye. Lashkarev, Trudy IFAN USSR, No 4, 3:
Submitted February 8, 1954
'71 Offi, - - M i R W ~ V I
USSR/Phy,sics Semiconductors
Card 1/1 Pub- 153-24/28
Authors : Rashba E. I. and Tolpygo K. B.
Title : Static volt-ampere characteristic of the stopping layer formed on the
boundary of electron and hole semiconductors in the reverse direction.
Periodical : Zhur. Tekh. Fiz., 25, No 7, 1335-1338Y 1955
Abstract : Attempt is made to improve known relations on rectification by semiconductors
with (p - n) transitions. Criticized are results by W. Shockley (Bell Syst.
Tech. J., 28, 435 (1949)) and by A. I. Gubanov (ZhTF, 22, 381, (1952)). In-
debted for initiative to Prof. V. Ye. Lashkarev.
Institution; --
Submitted : March 28, 1955
--lifflU !~sr .1 "y c
,-. I,.-
11 1 . I , . -1
. 7111h - ..
Theor.r of the photoelectric Method for determining the lifetimes
of current carriers in semiconductors. Agrobiologiia no.5:29-43
S-O '56. (MM 9:11)
1. Institut Fiziki Akademii nauk MM.
(Semiconductors) (Blectrons) (Photoelectric measurements)
TOLPYGO, X. B., and F014MO V. A.
SwInvestigation df,the Rectifying.Properties of Point-Contact
Germanium Diodes," by K. B. Tol-pygo and V. A. Fomenko, Radio-
tekhnika i Elektronika, No 81 Aug 56, PP 1093-1105
The results of a theoretical and experimental investigation of
point-contact semiconductor diodes ai-e considered, wherein the difference
of their properties from the properties of junction diodes was studied.
Jt was proved that, at low voltages, diodes of low-resistance ger-
_~zmium. with weak molding possess good conduction characteristics and a
..,,greater detection efficiency than high-resistance germanium with strong,.
Tolpygo made reference to his previous works appearing in Zhurnal
Tekhniches~oy Fiziki, 25., 1955., PP.955 ancl,1335p andto an article, still
at. tb~.-typographer to appear in the same:peri odi cal.
USSR Electricity G
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, iNo 4, 1957, No 9699
Author Tolpygo K B
Title Emission Ability of an Abrupt p-a Junction and its Effect
on the Conductivity of a Semiconductor.
Orig Pub Zh. techn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 2, 293-309
Abstract Under the condition that the impurity levels are almost
fully ionized and that the dimensions of the region of va-
riable concentration of impurities is less or of the same
order as the length of the screening, an approximate solu-
tion is given for the system of equations that describe the
forward direction of the current in p-n Junctions. An in-
vestigation is made of the variation in the conductitity of
the semiconductor as a result of injection of holes through
Card 1/2
USSR / Electri,2ity
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 9699
Abstract the p-n junction from a hole-type semiconductor into an
electronic one and vice versa, and unlike in preeeding in-
vestigations by other workers, the most actual case is ana-
lyzed, when the concentrations of the minority and majority
carriers are comparable in magnitude and the recombim tion
of the carrierB is bimolecular. The dependence of the emis-
sion ability ~ (where ~'Ois the fraction of the current car-
ried by the minority carriers on the boundary of the p-n
junction) on the current is ascertained and conditions are
formulated under which the current is carried primarily by
minority carriers. An estimate is made of the depth of the
region of increased conductivity.
Card 2/2
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18353
Author K.B. Tolpygo.
Title Rermrks to The Letter of Ouhanov and Makovskiy in
Connection with The Work of Tolpygo and Zaslavskaya
"Bipolar Diffusion in Semioonductors at Considerable
Orig Pub Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 9, 2127-2128
Abstract See the foregoing abstract.
Ca,rd 1/1 - 113 -
TITLE The Kinetics of the Bi;o Ciar hotoelectromotoric Force in a Semi-
sonductor with Metallic Electrodes.
PERIODICAL Zurn.techn fi , 26, fasc.10, 2165-2169 (1956)
Issued: 1i /s1956
Here the theory of photoelectromotoric forces occurring in such a semiconductor
in the case of an unsteady illumination is developed in linear approximations
The semiconductor is assumed to be fully homogeneous, and its contacts with the
metal are determined solely by effective "transparences" for holes and electrons.
The theory is intended to explain the idealized form of the impulse which was
attained in the course of experiments carried out by I.P.POTAPENKO, dissertation
and auto-review, KGU (state university, KIEV ?) during constant illumination.
In linear approximation the theory of the photoelectromotoric force is reduced to
the integration of a system of partial differential equations (which express the
modifications of the numbers of electrons and holes in the zones and on local
levels), and to the integration of FOISSONIS equations at certain boundary con-
ditions. For certainty's sake an electron semiconductor is investigated here and
the thermal excitation of the holes is neglected. Light is assumed to be
sinusoidally modulated. With rectangular light impulses (length T and height L 0
the photoelectromotoric force is obtained by the summation of "replies" for
all components of FOURIER'S series.
Zurn.techn.f _, fasc.10, 2165
is, g.6 -2169 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1557
The photoelectromotoric force was computed for two different schemes of photo
transitions: In a scheme a quantum produces a free electron and a hole, and the
hole recombines immediately with the electron and also by means of the filled-
up donor electrons. The linearized system of equations and the linearized
boundary conditions are written down for this case. Next, the computation of
the photoelectromotoric force for the rectangular impulses is described. In the
oaae of a not valvo-liko photoolootromotoric force the contact for unreal
carriers is little impenetrable, and these carriers diffuse into the interior
of the semiconductor. In the case of a valvelike photoelectromotoric force the
impulse has a different shape, The experiments made by POTAPENKO with Cu 20
are here explained on the basis of the mechanism of the interior photooffect,
The aolution of the aforementioned aystem of equations is then explicitly
given. POTAPENKO'S experiments are, by the way, a new and independent argument
in favor of the exiton mechanism of photoconductivity in Cu20. The theory
suggested thus provides a simple method for the determination of the exiton
photoeffect from the form of the impulse of the photoelectromotoric force and
for the evaluation of the transmission coefficients.
TITLE The Field Mass of the Polarizf~nf~ix ~s In
lt~n Ion Crystals.
PERIODICAL Lrn.techn.fis, 26, fasc. 11, 2459-2466 (1956)
IBsued: 12 / 19-5"9
The present work investigates the comparatively slow motion of an exiton as a
whole. In this case the velocity of the displacement of the "center of mass" of
the "polarization trough" is to be understood (in the exiton- as well as in the
polaron theory), which agrees with the motion of an electron and hole. It is then
possible, when developing the exiton energy according to the powers of the
velocity v, to content oneself with the quadratic term. The coefficient near
v2/2 is then the effective mass of the exiton.
The macrosail)ic computation of the effective mass of the exiton:. Several previous
works are cited, whereupon the formula for the effective mass M, which was derived
by L.G.LANDAU and S.I.PEKAR (gurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 18, 419 (1948)), is given and
specialized for the spherical-Bymmetric states of the exitons (particularly for
the lowest la-state). Finally, the definite formula for M is given without follow-
ing the entire course of computation*. Under certain conditions the value
M 1%1105 - 106 electron masses is obtained for NaCl, KC1 and other alkali halide
crystals. However, so large effective masses of the exiton apparently do not
correspond to the actual values for these materials. Therefore, the microscopic
structure of the crystals must be taken into consideration in this connection.
,Zurn.techn.fis, 26, faso. 11, 2459-2466 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1838
"The microscopic computation of thn, effective mass of the exiton: For the com-
putation of the displacement of the ions the potential energy of the inter-
action between the crystals with an electron and a hole is written down. The
# 4
induction 1) r ) ooourring in this formula is computed as the induction of a
multipole with the usual formulae for electrostatics. The displacements and the
dipole moments of all ions can easily be determined after transition to the
normal coordinates. The deformation in the distribution of the exiton charge
and the modification of the forces acting upon the surrounding ions (if the
displacement of the ions is less than the lattice constant), are neglected.
When computing the forces brought to bear by the exitons onto the ions, the
field of the ex-iton is considered to be the field of a system of seven charges
which move with progressive uniformity within the space. The formula for the
effective mass M found under these and other conditions is given.
The numerical values of the effective mass of the exiton in KC1- and NaCl-crystals,
which are discussed at the end, show that the effective mass of the exiton has
essentially a fieldlike character.
Ft, mg- m 10- 1 F
_ jg - vjj~~
TITLE ;eracil
Kiie:'~ on between an Electron Hole and the oscillations
of the Lattice in a Homoeopolar Crystal.
PERIODICAL turn.eksp.i teor.fis,31,fase-5, 845-853 (1956)
Issued: 1 / 1957
A.M-FEDORCENKO in his work for his diploma, computed the wave function and the
energy of a crystal if an electron is lacking (hole) at one of the bindings. On
this occasion the smallest possible deformation of a crystal was taken into
account. The present work deals with the results of these computations and the
discussion of the consequences of the found interaction between the hole and
the oscillations of the lattice.
The authors investigated a diamond crystal, because for Si, Ge and a-Sn the
structure of the lattice and the configurations of valence-electrons and
binaings are quite uniform. The wave function of the crystal is set up in form
of an antisymmetrio product of the wave functions of the bindings of each pair
of atoms a,b. The wave functions of the electrons and the various nuclei are
assumed to be approximatively orthogonal. Also for the energy of the system
which holds in this case an expression is given. In the approximation used
here this expression is composed of the sum of the average energies of indi-
vidual bindings. Next, the wave function and the energy of the crystal with a
removed electron are computed. In the case of the presence of a hole the wave
function of the system must be set up in form of a linear combination of anti
Zurn.eksp.i teor.fisp_31,fasc-5,845-853 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1967
symmetric products of the aforementioned type. Here one of the functions T ab
of the binding must be replaced by the function of an electron with in-
definite spin direction. W3th the aid of a variation principle a system of
linear equations is obtained and by putting equal to zero the corresponding
determinant the eigenvalues of energy are obtained. A diagram shows the posi-
tion of the zones. This does not explain the peculiar features observed in
hole-germanium. For this purpose it is apparently necessary to retain the ex-
change integrals for the functions which do not overlap to such an extent.
This leads to a splitting up of the levels into four zones. Now the local hole-
combinations with large radius are investigatedp on which occasion the
following result is obtained: The existence of states with large radius (which
are similar to polarone-states) is only little probable. Also the local hole-
states with small radius are discussed. In conclusion the interaction between
the hole and the lattice is discussed by the disturbance method. At high
temperatures scattering in optic oscillations probably predominates, which
leads to the following temperature dependence of mobility: !114.
Ur4 T-5/2 0 At low temperatures the previous formula u - T-3/2 must 60 ob-
INSTITUTION: State University Kiev.
TITLE The Multielectronic Investigation of the Motion of an Electron
Hole) in a Deformed Crystal. II.
PERIODICAL iurn.eksp i teor.fis,.L1,fasc.6, 1002-1011 (1956)
Issued: ; / 1957
For the consistent computation of the deformation of a orystal(whioh must
necessarily occur near the local state of the electron and must influence its
energy considerably) the multielectronic investigation of the problem must
also make it possible to take exchange forces into consideration. Therefore
the problem must be based on the antisymmetrio function of the crystal, i.e.
on POX'S approximation. It is to this generalization that the present work is
The basic simplifying conditions: A binary cubic ion crystal with a vacant
node is investigated in the origin of coordinates. Let it be assumed that in
the crystal there is a surplus electron (hole) if a negative (positive) ion
is removed. The function of the crystal is chosen in form of a linear combi-
nation of the antisymmetric products I of the wave functions of the individ-
ual ions. The electron is assumed to move along the positive, and the hole
along the negative ions. The influence exercised by the position of the
electron (hole) on the wave functions of the remaining ions is taken into
account, it is reduced, in the case of the free motion of an electron, above
Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,31,fase.6,1002-1011 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1861
all to the inertialese polarization of the rotation, and leads to a reduction
of the level of the conductivity zone.
Next, the wave functions of the system of adiabatic approximation ir efined
for any position of the anomalous node. For this purpose a variationtin-
ciple, the minimum condition of the averaged HAMILTONIAN, is used. Dipole-
dipole interaction of ions is taken into account. The determination of the
dLRole moments of the ions is then discussed. In dipole approximation the
influence exeroised by the position of the anomalous node on the shape of
the I functions of the remaining ions is taken into account. In conclusion
the determination of the potential and of the kinetic energy of the surplus
charge and the determination of the selfconsisting state of the electron
(or hole) ie dealt with.
The method suggested here is also suited for the computation of the hole
states with small radius, for which there has hitherto been no theory at all.
INSTITUTION: State University Kiev
Pedagogic Institute Zitomir
TITLE The Interaction-bWfween-Oacillations of Nonpolar Crystals and
Electric Fields.
PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk 111, faso-3, 575-577 (1956)
Issued: 1 / 1~_57
The authors computed the energy U of a homotopolar lattice of the diaTond
type in the function of the displacements and the dipole moments on
this occasion such states in the crystal were considered to be basic states
in which the valence electrons form a-couplings. The result for U which was
found in harmonic approximation is explicitly given. The terms which are bi-
linear with respect to displacements and dipole moments lead to a coupling
of displacements and dipole moments of the atoms. In adiabatic approximation
the states of the electron shells follow inertialessly the displacements of the
atoms and are determined in accordance with a variation principle by a mini-
mum condition for U. The equations for the oscillations of the atoms and for
'E ol. 1' 01 1
the case s 0 (where Es denotes the exterior electric field in the node a
are solved by means of exponential ansatzes and by a development according to
the powers of the lattice constant. Besides three acoustic and three optic
branches there are two solutions (the so-called light oscillations), for which
u2 , 0, Pi , ff2 0 and W . c(kj/n applies. Here n denotes the refrac-
tion index connected with polarizability by the usual formula, c - the veloc-
Dokl.Akad.Nauk 111jfasc-3, 575-577 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1985
ity of light d and u2 - development coefficients in the exponential an-
satzes for t~e lisplac ement of nuclei, and analogous development
coefficients at ani second approximation with
"for the dipole momenta. In fir
respect tol k ja (where a denotes the lattice constant) it is possible to find
the dependence ofco (it), -U and i~ for all branches. On the basis of the
experimental values of n ana w tHAMAN frequency) ~he parameters of the
theory were determined. A speciol investigation is necessary in the case of
the equality of optic- and light oscillations cjKVn - wo. By methods based
on the perturbation theory it is possible to show that in the neighborhood of
k n oi /c there exist four mixed oscillations with non-vanishing U).
0 -10 1 2
and Pi + P2 instead of two optic-and two light oscillations. Therefore a
marked dispersion occurs near the light point Wo in the case of light oscil-
lations. On the basis of the results obtained the absorption of light of the
first order by homoeopolar crystals can be explained. The exterior field of
light causes a polarization 11 + r- of the crystal. This polarization leads to
a transition of electric energy inio oscillation energy. Further investigations
confirm all qualitative results of the theory, particularly the optic ani-
sotropy of cubic crystals mentioned here.
INSTITUTIOH: State University KIEV.
T C,
TITLEt -rn-valTg-aTOns on the Microtheory of Crystals. (Issledova-
niya po mikroteorii kristallov, Russian).
PERIODICALt Izveatiia Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Piz., 1957, Vol 21, Ur 1,
Rpc48 64 ~y S R.).
e eiv;ds i90 Reviewed: 5 / 1957
ABSTRACT: The present work gives a general survey on investigations in this
direction undertaken by the author and his pupils as well as some
results obtained.
At first the bases of the microtheory of ion lattice are dealt
with in short. Next follows a report on eigenfrequencies and the
thermal capacity of NaCl, KC19 and KBr.
On the theory of homoepolar crystals.- In cooperation with V.S.
MASEIKEVICH the author carried out a special computation of electron
energy for crystals of the type of the diamond. The connection
found on this occasion between the shifting and the dipole moments
P1 is considered by MASMVICH as the cause of the absorption
A light and the scattering of conduction electrons on the
oscillations of the lattice. Herefrom the exact order of magni-
tude for the absorption coefficient and for the mobility of the
electrons is obtained, and for this mobility we also obtain the
exact course of temperature.
Card 1/2 The theory of the not perfectly polar crystalas A careful com-
Investigations on the Microtheory of Crystals.
PA - 2342
parison of the theory with the experiment shows that the assumption
of a total heteropolarity of the crystals of LiF, NaCl, KC1, KBr
does not correspond to facts. The same applies for CsCl, CrBr,
TlCl, TlBr, AgCl, AgBr, and especially for MgO, where, besides ion
binding, also a covalent binding may exist. Such a form of the
,~-function of the electrons can be expected here in which the
charges of the different atoms are fraction numbers. In this case
the purely homoepolar binding is probably only a limiting case.
Next, the multi-electronio investigation of the motion of a surplus
electron (hole) in an ion crystal is discussed. In homoepolar
crystals the removal of one of the valence electrons destroys the
binding between the atoms which causes a special type of interaction
between the hole and the optical oscillations.
In conclusion a report is given on the production of lattice os-
cillations by fast polarons and on the widths of the forbidden
zones in the theory of the polarons. ( 12 illustrations).
ASSOCIATIONt Physical Institute of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR.
MILLBLEt Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
TITLk; Injection Coefficient and Direct Voltespere Characteristic of tiperical
(KoeffitsiyeInt in*yektsii i pryaiRaya volltampernaya khrakteristika
sfericheskogo kontakta - Russian)
PLUIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz,,1957, Vol 27, Nr 4. pp 625-629, (UedeboR.)
Received 5/1957 ' Rev.iswed 6/1957
ABSTRACT The amt Impoirtant characteri3tic property of the emitter of a semi6on-
ductor-triode, is the injection-coefficient of the-p-a transition T isee
the part of the current which is conducted by hole conduction through
the p-n transition, The symmetric contact investigated in this paper is
a idealized model of the point contact, which neglects the phenomena on
the surface. In order to compute y,, a system of 4 equations has to be sol-
ved. These four equations relate to the hole concentration z, the elec-
trons N. the fieldstrengA '4 and the part of current caused by elec-
trons as a function of the rldiius3with the boundary conditions fory a -
and To ?0( To denotes the''radius of the motallic contact area), *The se-
miconductor is divided into two domains to obtain the solutions of the
system of equations. 1) A,narrow domain with apace charge yo qk' All cases,for low and heavy cur_~
rents are investigated, and the efficiency of emission of the various
p-n-transitions is analyzed. These that the injec-
Card W2. tion-coefficient 'of th4*ph#ric4, contact is, higher in all other cases
FA - 2786
Injection Coefficient aid Direct Votampere Charaeteristicof Sphe~ical
than that of plane contact, bu~ the decrease of y as a function of.the
current for yt~:tl,,takss place at a much smaller rate, These effects are
related with the relatively greater importance of the diffusion-current
compared with the field-currents. This caused by the dis-
sipatl*a of the hole-conductors over a large surface with the growth Of5
and a corresponding increase of the gradient of concentration Oz
(With 5 citations fron alav Publications).
AWOCIMON atate University of Kiev,(Gosuniversitet Kiyev).
dUBh=ED 23.1o.1956.
AVAILABLI Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: -TOL TgJaK-tB. PA - 3536
,TITLE: -Dependence of Emission Power of p-n-Junction on its Structure
and Operation Conditions. (Zavisimost' emissionnoy Sposobnosti
p-n-perekhoda ot yego straktury i usloviy raboty, Russian)
PERIODICJLLt Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 5, PP 884 - 898 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: The dependence of the injection coefficient at the boundary of a
flat p-n-junction r0 upon the character of the concentration
mbdification of the admixtures in the adjoining domains of the
semiconductors are investigated. The paper deals with the linear-
and the exponential concentration modification of the acceptors at
constant donator concentration as well as with the barrier layer
caused by a contact. The possible influence of the acceptors upon
the life of the unequal weight of the current carriers is taken
into account. The conception of the emission quality of the p-n-
transition is established the high value of which garantees a high
value of Y-0even in the case of high current powers. The method of
measuring r is criticized and an interpretation for the empirically
worked-out hetruction for the production of crystal triodes and
indications for the selection of an optimum mode of operation are
Card 1/2 given. (2 illustrations and 5 Slavic references)
PA, - 3536
Dependence of Emission Power of p-n-Junction on its Structure
and Operation Conditions.
ASSOCIATION# State University T.G.SHECHENKO, Kiev.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
Tolpygo, K. :3. 57-27-7-40/40
AUTHOR Deygen, M. F., Dykinan, 1. M.,
TITLE: A3.1-U niam Conference on the Theory of Semiconductors
(Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po teorii poluprovodnikov).
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 7,
pp. 1628-1642 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The conference took place in XLy" on October 9-13, 1956.
40 lectures were held. They comprised the followinC branches
of knowledge: multielectron-theory of the solid body,
exiton-processes in semiconductors, interaction between
current-carriers and lattice, theory of the polarons, theory
of the local states of the electron in semiconductors, zonal
structure of the semiconductors, ma,-netic properties of the
semiconductors, phenomenological theory of the semiconductors.
There are -16 ref erences, , 12 of which are 31avic.
SUBMITTED: December .0, 1956
AVAILABLE: Library of ConEress
Card 1/1 1. Conferences-Theory of semiconductors-Kiyev 2. Semiconductors-Theory
. i k-
AUTHORS: Gribnikov, Z.'S., and Tolpygo, K. B.
Card 1/2
Note on the Emission of a Spherical. Contact in a Drawing Electric
Field (Em-issiya sfericheskogo kontakta v tyanushchem elektricheskom
Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 27, Nr lo, pp,.- 2232-2239 (USSR).
In this paper, an exact computation of the injection-coefficient -f
for a spherical contact in an drawing electric field is executed,,
Its purpose is to interpret the experiments of the type performed
by C.,A. Hogarth (Proc. Phys. Soc. B 66, 8451 1953) correctV and
to obtain correct characteristics from those experiments. At the
outset the distribution of the potentiaJin the absence of current
throughL,the emitter contact is given. Afterwards it is assumed, that
a certain potential-is supplied to the spherical contact, which is
positive with respect to the medium and which assures the injection
of holes into the semiconductor. By this process a certain concentraw
tion of holes Z is produced in the region, where the space charge is
compensated. The boundary conditions are laid down and the injection
coefficient is deduced. The computations are executed here under the
assumption of negligible Z, of a negligible surface combination and
thickne*ss - effect of the rod, which was used in the experiments.
Note onthe Emission of a Spherical Contact in a Drawing Electric Field.
In this respect the compritations in this paper differ from the
conditions of the experiment_-The equation obtained for Z can be
applied immediateV to measurements, if they take place at a rela-
tively short distance from the contact.
There are 3 figures and 8 SIavic references.
ASSOCIATION: Ukrainian Scientific Researrh Institute for Road Transport, Kiyev
(Ulcainskiy dorozhno-transportnyy nauchno-issledovate]Llskiy instim
tut. Kiyev).
SUBMITTED'. March 4, 1957.
AVAILABLE*. Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Kaplunova, Ye. I., and Tolpygo, K. B. 57~lo-7/33
TITLE! Note on the Temperature Dependence of the Hall-Coefficient in
Semiconductors with Constant Concentration of Carriers (Temperaturs
naya zavisimost' koeffitsiyenta. Kholla v poluprovodnikakh s postoyans
noy kontsentrataiyey nositAley).
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal. Tekhn. Fiz.., 1957, Vol. 27, Nr lo, pp. 2246-2251 (USSR).
ABSTRACT.' A method is proposed to determine a number of semiconductor para-
meters from the dependence of the Hall coefficient on the temperan
ture. This method makes it possible to elaborate experimental data
in a very simple manner and to compare it with theory-. Just like in
the former publication of the author (Tolpygo) in IFAN USSR, Nr 3,
52, 1952, here also the simplest case of an isotropic quadratic
dependence of the carrier energy on the velocity in homaeopolar
semiconductors with great mobility is investigated) if the dispper-
sion is essential it acousticalvibrations and in charged admixtures
at the same time. Formulaefor the dependence of the mobility on
temperature are deduced and it is shown., that u(T)/T3-"I must be an
universaLL functiori f (a) of a din. ens ionless quantity- aa0T2 with
Card 113 an accuracy. u(T) represents the temperature dependence of the
Note on the Temperature Dependence of the Hall-Goefficient in 57-1-0-7/33
Semiconductors with Constant Concentration.of Carriers.
mobility. Next the equation for the Hall coefficient R is deduced
and it is shown, that R. as a function of temperature possesses a
minimum, which was not to be expected from the formula obtained
in the earlier paper. This is connected with the fact, that RX
is represented by the ratio of two functions growing at an unequal
rate. The carrier concentration N and the quantity a0 can be found
from the shift displacement of the curve In RX of in T3 with respect
to the standard curve Injo of In a. A combination with measurements
of conductivity furnishes the mobility of the electrons as a function
of temperature. It is shown, that it is possible to determine from
the difference between N and the concentration of singly ionized
admixtures, to what degree the admixtured donators are compensated
by acceptors. The method of elaborating experimental data proposed
here makes it possible to remove the indeterminacy from distinguishing
between the Hal-1-mobility and the drift mobility and permits to de-
termine the magnitude of the carrier concentration and the concentra-
Card 2/3 tion of singly ionized admixtures with much greater exactitude.
Note on the Temperature Dependence of the Hall-Coefficient in 57-10-7/33
Semiconductors with Constant Concentration of Carriers.
There are 2 figures, I table and 2 Slavic references.
ASSOCIATION: InsidtUte fbr%ystwANUkinbdM SSR, Kiyev (Institut fiziki AN USSR,Kiyev).
SUBMITTED: March 4, 1-957.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 313
TITLE: Electrical ' Oribli-ca and Elastic Properties of Diamond Type
Crystals. I. ',lektricheskiye, opticheskiye I tzpnjgiye avoYstya
kristallov tip& alrA a. I. Russian)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki., 1957P Vol 32, Nr 3, pp 520-525
Received: 6 / 1957 Reviewed: 7 t 1957
ABSTRACT: Taking account of the deformability of atoms results in a delayed
interaction for hcmoeopolar crystals caused by the reciprocal
dependence of exchange integrals and dipole momenta, so that opti-
cal, electrical, and elastic properties of the orystal my be dealt
with from a uniform point of view. Further, the order of magaitude
of lattice oscillation absorption., which was found experimentally
by MJAX and &BURSTEIN (Phys.Rev. 97, 39, 1955). can be pre-
dioted without introducing free parameters. The energy of the crystal
is written down as a f~motion of the displacements and dipole
momenta of the atoms. As restriction to central forces has been
abandoned, four interaction parameters result (instead of three
in the case of ion crystals). As the necessary wave functions are
not known sufficiently well, these parameters must be determined
Card 1/2
FA - 2965
Elootrical, Optical and Elastic Properties of Diamond Type
Crystals. I.
The present part I ends with the equations of motion derived from
the energy expression, wiiioh also omte4n the reqxdrea dependence
of the shifting of the atoms and their polarization. The above
mentione4 effects resulting from this dependence will be in-
vestige.ted more alose3,y in the following part II. (Zhurnal Eksperim.
i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 4). (7 Citations from Published
Works) -
ASSOGIATIM State University Kiev
SUBMTTIM: i8-7A955
AVAIIMM- Library of Congress
GArd 2/2
- - - t ~__ n_~_
TITLE The Zone Structilre of the Energy .5pectrum of a Polaren
(Z*nnaya struktura energetichaskege spaktra polyarena. Russian)
PFRIODICAL. Zhurnal Eksparim. i. Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 49 PP 874 - 882
ABSTRACT First of all -'.,he paper under review comments on the state of investi-
gations with reapect to the above problem and refers to some relevant
provious'4 publishel papers. This paper, according to their aithora,
in the first attempt of a quantitative computation of the deepest
zones of a polaron.
The approximate method. - Because of the extremely complicated nature 94,
the general problem, the authors iRvestigate in the paper under ra-iie-M
a -i-elativelly slow motion of the polaren., where it is possible to neglect
the transmission of 1.11a energy to the costal. Also the radius of the
state of the polaren (r _> a) is assumed to be sufficientl-~ great L'i
order to enable a consiRerabion of the results of the macroscopic the*-
'ry by Pokar as zeroth appreximation,, Even the investigation of a motion.~-
lej~ polaron with spill radius is an independent and relatively diffi-
cult probilem. . The qlaet tion iinder cans Idorati*n in this paper is reduced
to the daterminatish of the explicit dependence J(f and to the into-
t-ration of the sq~.Ation -('ha/2M) 71`y~ + J['Uf] 14f. Ey . In this con-
Card 1/2 text, J LIP-] donates the energy of, I -_ryrttal wita.-a motionless pelaron,
The Zone Structure of the Energy Spectrum of a Folaron
-f stands for the-co*rdinate of the center of mass of the polaren, Y_
denotes the effective mass of the polarea. This dependence is connected
with the discrete structure of the crystal, The paper under review solves
the Schrfdingar equation for -the polaron in zeroth approxisation. Also
the solution of first approxination is given. All self-*scillations of
the binary crystals have a certain dipole momentp but as far as the pe-
laren with great radius are c9ncerned,, the longitudinal optical branch
,yields the greatest contribution to the coefficients of expansion in
the Fourier expansion of the inertia dipole moment. The paper under re-
view contains formulae for the mean potential energy of the electron,
for the pot-entiAl energy of the deformed cryot#], and for the energy of a
crystal with a pelartn.
Subsequent chapters of this paper deal with the dependence of the energy
of a crystal with a polaren on the position of the center of mass of the
pelaren, and they also consider the widths of the polaren zones for con-
croto crystals. (2 charts).
ASSOCIATION State University Kiy*v (Kiev)
SUBMITTED 21 April 1956
AVAILAbLE Library of Congress
Card 010-
T-OiPYGO, K. B. -
Gorkun, Yu. I. and K.B. Tolpygo. [Inst-itut fiziki AN LJSSR (Physics Insti-
tute of AS UkrSSR)l Polaror Theory of' the Breakdown of Ionic Dielectl*.-Tcs
(fte ftysice of Dlelectrics; TTensactions of the AU41rdon Conforence on the Physics
of Dielectrics) Mosem, lzd-vo AN OSSR., 1958. 245 P- 1,000'copies printed.
TUs volure publiAes reports vrecented at the All-Uhion Conference on the Fbyzics of
Dialectrics, beld in Dnepropetrovsk in Augwt 1956.. sponsored by the %7bysics of
Diolectries" IsUoratory of the Fiziaheskiy institut imni Labodeve An WSR (Physics
Tnatitute lmeu;L lebedev of the AS MR), and the Flectropbyslas Department of the
Dnegropetrovskiy gosudarst-wen*7 universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State University).
TOLPYGO.,K,~~!,-,[Tolpyho, X..B.]; TOMASEVICH. O.F. [Tomasevych, O.F.1
Wave functions and energy of zonal electrons in NaCl crystals
[in Ukrainian with summary in English]. Ukr. fiz.zhur. 3 no.2:
145-167 Mr-AP '58. (MM 11:6)
l.Kiivs'ki7 derzhavni7 universitet.
(Sodium chloride) (Crystal lattices)
GRIBMKOV, Z.S. [Hr7bnykov, Z.S.]; TOLPYGO, -K.B. [Tolpyho, K.B.]
Emiasivity of a spherical contact between metals and semiconductors.
Part 1: Case of small currents [in Ukrainian with summa 7 in Inglish].
Ukr. fiz,zhur. 3 no,2:168-177 Mr-Ap '58. (mm 11:6)
1.Kiivalkiy derzhavni3r universitet im. T.G. Shevchenka.
IMMIMNKO, A.A. [Domidenko, O.A.1; I&IJEMO, Z.A. [Demidenko, Z.O.1;
TOLPYGO, K.B. [Tolpyho, K.B.]
Heat capacTfi-and' natural f requencievand amp4tud6s bf KBr7..
Ukr4,fizj-j-ishur,, 3no.6-.728-742..N-D "58.-.
(mmA 12-.6)
-11*-Institut fiziki AN U9SR,
(;Potassium;bromide cirvotals-Vibration)i
Oeat capacity),
AUTHOR: --IQ-l Rygo I K. B. SOV/10~--3-8-1/18
TITLE: Special Features of the Saturation Transition in
Semi-conductor Thermionic Cathodes (Osobennosti
perekhoda k nasyshcheniyu v poluprovodnikovylr-h
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1958, Vol 3, IIr 87
pp 980 - 989 kUSSR)
ABSTRACT: It is known that the current of a thermionic tube in
the saturation region can be ex-plained by the Schottky
effect. For J~ome time, it has been believed that the
current is primarily due to the external Schottky effect
but it was shown by Zingerman (Ref 1) that this effect
is comparatively unimportant. Morgulis (Ref 2) shoved
that the saturation current is T)rimarily dictated by the
external Schottky effect and gave an approximate,, I
theoretical explanation of it. In this ivork, the theory
of the internal Schottky effect is considered in more
detail., in particular, the effect of the surface charge
Gr 0 is-~aken into account. It is assumed that the
potential between the anode and the cathode in a parallel
C,.;rdl//5 electrode system is expressed by Eq.(l), so that the
S,-ecial eeatures of the Saturation Transition in Semi-conductor
integration of the Poisson equation leads to Eo.(2),
where : m
A = 8Tr i -
= \re
and d is the distance betueen the anode and the
cathode. If the notation defined by Ecs-(3) and (4) is
adopted, Eq.(2) can be written as Eq.(~), where
U = xl/2p3/2 . The relationship expressed by Eq.(5)
is illustrated in rigure 1. The universal curve x(-P)
of Figure 1 gives a single-value expression for U in
rD a
terms of E. and i A similar problem should be
golved for the semi-conductor layer of the cathode and
this would determine the current-voltage characteristic
of the system. Under the assumption that the doiaor
levels are veakly ionised, the currenk.densituy and the
G9rd2/5 Poisson equation can be written as:
Special Features of the Saturation Transition in Semi-conductor
Thermionic Cathodes
dz dy 1
+ zy; T =
where z n/nW is theielative concentration of the
conductivity electrong I =-K r is the normalised co-
ordinate, y is the normalised field and X is the
normalised current. Eqs.(?) can be solved analytically
for various special cases. For X