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-W-sp~ , cii , - 111 Y - - -- OMTIATII P. A. , Irli?LT i~CSHVI I and CVSYAI,;K(l, ~,. A. T-LL- L "Applications of Phosphorous Esters of Choline, Ethanolamine and Scrine to Phospholipides Synthesis in Brain," paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl.' Conf. on the praceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 SePt 58. TKESHEIASH . M., Cand I-led Sci - (diss) 2 *Treatment of diaphysial fractures of both bones of the foream by intra-osseous fixation." Tbilisi, 1958. 25 pp (Tbilisi Ate Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, 15-58, A nt 119) -?(0 - P KOHLPTIOII P.A.- TKESHEUSHVILI L IC Conversions of phosphoric esters of choline,.ethanolamine, and serine in the brain. Ukr.blokhim.zhur. 31 no.6013-936 159. (MIRA 13:5) (CHOLMY (MMNOL) (SMINII) TKESHEIASHVILIIJ~4. (Tbilisi) Changes in the mucous membrane of the pharyroc during the menstrual cycle. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 23 no-4: 63-65 Jl-Ag'63. (MIRA 16tlO) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. SX, Khechinashvili) Tb:Llisskogo institute. usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i izllauchno-iB~ledovateltskogo instituta fiziologii i patologii, zhenshchih7,,~(zav. - prof. I*F*Zhordania [deceased]) Ministerstva zdravackhranoniya Gruzinskoy SSR. (~WSTRUATIGN) (PHARYIIX) KIPSHIDUE, N. N.; CHUMBURIM) T. TVIDDIANI, D.D.; TORDIY*, M. V.; DTR4BADZr,, Z. G.; SALIJKVADZE, N. S.; DIDERASITIM, A. A. - GAVAKNISWIILI, N. N. Studies on Cardiovascular System, some Biochemical, Hematologic and Haamostatic Blood Indications in Old Age. Clinical Cardiology Gerontalogy, 6th International Congress, Copenhagen, Dermark 11-16 August 1963 TKESILELASHVILI, L.K.; KOMEMANII, P.A. Studying biochemical transformations of phosphoryl serine in brain. Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN Gruz. SSR 12:163-173 161. I MLtA (BiUIN) (SERINE) the 15:2) TKESHELASHVILIP L.M.; SIMOSISHVILI1, A.Sh. Internal_fixati-on'fft tfttVaree during childhood. Soob. AN Gruz. SSM 25 no. 3:357-30 S '60. (MIlRA 14: 1) 1. Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. Predstavleno akademikom K.D. Eristav-1. (INTERNAL FIXATION IN FWTURES) TKESHELAS=, L.M. Ihtraosaecus fixation in tubular bone fractures with a pin made frcm a cow's horn. Trudy TWj. GIDUV 62397-405 162. (INTERNAL FIXATION IN FRACTURES) (KIM 16s2) N K. kand.teldin.nauk: ASHUIAN, O.A., kand.taklin.nauk; ~,W4P 0 AS1kILT-,'_T.I. Mechanical injuries to to&, leavos and investigating thnir effect on the quality of production for the purpose of im- proving designs of plucking siachinery. Trudy VNIICHP no.1:71-82. 158. (MIRA 12:5) (Tea machinary) NOCIA)IDELI, A.I.; TUMELASHVILI, R.Sh.; NAKAIDZE, L.T. Reaction ef dimethyldiciilorosilane with 1,4-dLhydrc---#, 4-dilithium-t~,-methylnaphthalene. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 38 no. 3:559-566 Je 165. (MMA 18:12) 1. Thilisskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submitted Jan. 30, 1965. L 1128-66 &q(m)/EPF(c)/EWP(j) RPL vA4/Rm ACCESSION MR: APS022931 UR/0062/65/000/008/1396/1402 546.287 5 01 -1111~r 44, AUTHOR: Tkeshelashvili, R. Sh.; Andrianov, K. A.; Nogay4eii, A. I. TITLE! Reaction of dimethyl- and_phenylmeth Idichlorosilanih with 1,4-dilithium- -1,4-dihydronaphthalans SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestila. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 8, 1965, 1396-1402 TOPIC TAGS: dimethyldichlor-osilane, condensation reaction ABSTRACT: The reaction of dimethyl- and phenylmethylchlorosilanes with dilithium derivatives of naphthane was studied to determine its usefulness in the synthesis of oligomers. The condensation reaction of 1,4-dilithium-1,4-dihydronaphthalene with dimethylchlorosilane proceeds according to the following scheme Ll CH CHI CH CHI CHI CHI C, HP Ji 0 -d7 CHI .4H$ CHI I Ll -Cardl/3- ACCESSION NRs APS022931 The reaction product is a tetramer with a boiling temperature of 218-2200C (at.1 rzi Hg). In the ab sence of moisture this reaction proceeds according to- CHS H H cis CIA, -H ~H CHS H H I JI-Cl + Ll Li + CI-J, 1-0'~ I jut CHJ H' H CHsH H CHx. H H CHS This scheme was followed also In the case of condensation with phenylmethyldichloro silane. In this case the products were: a dimer boiling at 200-2050C (I am Hg) and' a tetramer boiling at 245-2500C Umm Hg). Boiling temperatures at reduced pressure.- refractive Indices. and molecular weightl (elemental analysis) were determined for 1 all reaction products. 'In order to confirm the structure, the reaction products were hydrolyzed to the corresponding dihydroxy-derivatives with.various degrees o Card 2/3 --L.U28-66- ACCESSION NR; AP5022931 25 polymerization and transformed into other derivatives. Orig. art. has., 2 tables., ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh sayedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute 6f Elemental Organic Compounds, Academy of Scienees)SSSR),,,;,~" SUBMITTED: O9Jul64. ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GCO Oc NO REr SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 Card 3/3 NOGAIDEM, A.I.; TKEESHELASHVILl, R.Sh. Condensation of acetylene with acetone In the vapor DhaSS in the presence of caustic soda deposited on activated gumbrin. Zhur. prikl. khim. 38 no.721639-1640 Jl 165. (WRA 180) 1. Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. TKE S NET, Nematological modifications following a major resection of the small intestize. Soob,AN Gruz.SSR 17 u#.4:343-350 156. (KLU 9:9) l.Akademiya nauk Gruziuskoy SSR, Institut sksperimentallsov i klizi- chaskey khirurgii i gematelegii, Tbilisi. Pradstavlano akademikom K.D.Hristavi. (INWTIRES-SMQUY) (BIDOD-ANAUSIS An CHEMISTRY) TKESHELA,SHVIL, T.V. Functional associations between Soob.-B Gruz-SSR 16 no.4:325-330 lkpdemiya klinicheskoy stvitelinym segments Of the small intestine. 155. (MIRA 8:12) nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut ekeperimentalinoy khirurgii j gematoloel,m Tbillsi. Predstavleno chlenom Ak-ademii K-D Eristavi. (Intestines) J dey- TKESHELASHVILI, T.V. Nerve regulation of the motor function of the small intestine. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 17 no.2:163-168 '56. (MBA 9:8) 1. Almdemiya nau Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut eksperimentallnoy klinicheskoy khirurgli I gematologit, Tbilisi. Predetavleno deystvitellnym chlenom Akademil K.D. Bristaij. (INUMIUS) 'A V/ USSR/Human and Animal Morpholo~;y Blood. General Problems. R-4 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologii, 11o 16, 1957, 70558 Author Tkeshelashvili, T.V. Title ChanCes in th-e-TIo-od After Extensive Resection of the Small Intestine Orig Pub Soobshch. AN GruzSSR, 11056, 17, No 4, 343-350 Abstract In dogs after resection of 35-60% of the total length of the small intes't"i-ne the blood picture changed re- latively little, The qu. of chlorides and N was in the limits of lower and hi&jaer noran1s. Card 1/1 - 102 - TKESHELASHVILIP V.G. Hydrobio.logica,l regimen of Lake Dzhandar. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 31 no. 3:675-682 S #63. (MERA 17:7) 21903. Cherkecskiy wrt 'Truly ./p. 7, 1949,s. 37-42. - Bibllio-~T: 8 nazv. SO: Iletopis' Z;hul-nallnykh Stateyi, I~o- 29, Lloskva L , 1949. 21902. ilyll, i_, ILI U-51 at s 4 1,~~ s 2 i,/Jr 1- Trud 43-47. in-ta 'is-Leh. 7 - Biblio~, r'i a zv. 1,1.: 7 5(): LAOPis' ZJ-urr,al'nykj, 'A~Aey, 0 29, 1,0!:kva, 1949. I i:*T,,'A- i:,;ii '-.: - .. - , - . -1. 3330. Ojnovp.Tjo Chorko~;olh~..yc Sor-IM Lijusili. ,;acl I 0,,,O,.O(l kj 1 19)19) 1'0- 10, C- :-P-30 SO: Lebo- is' Zj,,,,rjjapjjyilj Vo].. 11,jr, & ,7fa, ),,;g TYPAGUS1171, Nul--ba Akl.m;:!rlovich (Y,aban' Agri.miltur-1 Tnst) - Acadr- ;c 3e--rie o' D~~ctor of Scicmces, ba~3-~-! o:. defens,--, 4 4:ay 1"55, In th--~ Counc-il of ~h~. A]3-Unio-n Sci Re,- inst of' Ilant Cultivr-tion, of lli~ .~i7sert-tion entitlod: I'Ar,y!?--~y (Ch-?r',-,ac-,sian) Aca,~,Jriic rflm-rcc --n(3/rr title: Doct.or of Sci-nces SO: Decisions of VA"', Liot no. 2'.,, 21'. D-C 55, Byulhtinl IFIO S-SR uncl. 7R3/IFf 54,- TKHAGUSHEV, N. A* "Adygeg (Circassian) Orchards." All-Union Order of Lenin Academy of Agriculture imeni V. I. Lenin, All-Union Inst of Plant Breeding, Krasnodar., 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Agricultural Sciences) SO: 11-955, 16 Feb 56 1, TKRAGUSTIEV, E. A. 2, ussR (6oo) 4. Nut a 7. Widespread introduction of nut growing. Sad i og. no-10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. TKMKAKQ-V,..U.U-. "The Protein Need of Highly-productive Cows"; C. d!jise--tqtA,o)n "or the d#Wree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences k.~kwarded I.- the 'hmiriazev Agricultural Academy, 1962) voutly., T4-7rIr)mzo,.,skoy 3eV3Vokhozyvatvennqy Akadmall Mosoowp No. 2, rp 232-236) POPOVP I.S.., akademik; SKOROBAGATYKH, N.N., kand. sel'Bkokhoz. nauk; TKHAKAKHOVI Kh.Kh.p kand. oellakokhoz. nauk; DAVYDOVA, L.P., I - '. nauk; FESYUH, G.I., aspirant I sk~91T Protein requirements of bLigh-yielding cows. Izv. TSKHA no.6: 191-202 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Vaesoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk imeni Lenins, (for Popov). 1~Lff: IT BOGORODSKIY, G.N.- no r. The type PTA-M facsimile transmitter. Vest.sviazi 17 nos2:3-5 IF '57s Wak 10:3) 1. Starshiy inzhener Tekhnicheakogo upravleniya Ministerstva svyazi SSSR (for Bogorodskiy) 2. Nachallnik laboratorii Nauchno- iseledovatel'skogo institute, Ministerstva radiotekhnicheskoy- prom.rshlennosti (for Tikhanov). ((Phototelegraphy) pou f-,o3 I:ovn,-',; podr.;ol!covn--'-r ImFertant -,N t I L dne of the h-"Ez(,-7 r)' na' Kaba--ainc-Balkar skogo izucheniia 'KabardInc-Salkarill Balkarskne kPdAmoe jvi-vrj~ il:*2. li-T., stud SRAUTSUKOVA, L.K., starshi7 prepodavatel", TO ent; KHAPAZHHV, T.Sh., student; KgAKUWV, T-.-A., studenf-~DZOBLAYEV. A.A, student. Physiological and biochemical change during amvtal-induced sleep in rabbits. Uch.zap.Kab.gos.ped.inst. no-10:113-127 156. (KI-RA 10:3) ----CSMP-TBMPMIC USX)' (AKLM)) U.SSIR/Pharmacology, Toxicology - Narcotics. U-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, j-2845 Author : Shautsukova, L.K., Tkhas)aQjipy,,NJ., Khapazhev, T.Sl., Khakulov) L.A., Dzoblijev', A.A. Inst : - Title : Certain Physiologic and Biochemical Changes in Rabbits During Amytal-Induced Sleep. Orig Pub : Uch. Zap. Kabardinsk. gcs. ped. in-t, 1956, vyp. 10, 123- 126. Abstract : Experiments were performed on male rabbits. A 15% solu- tion of sodium amytal in a dose of 1-5-2 ml. was adminis- tered into the ear vein on 3 successive days. During the amytal-induced sleep, total plasma proteins decreased in proportion to the duration of the sleep. Blood sugar and iron decreased during the first two days but then be- gan to increase until the sleep was terminated. During the anZU1-induced sleep there was a decrease in Hb. and Card 1/2 Tog Ig J4 4 jj- -4 811 fill 116--J ,T- , , , 1 - I . I - ", I ;~ . r, -, . J~ - : ~ ~ - . - , - ARTF(W, U. A. , T-IANNNOV I V. A. , G. A. , KI-EY11, G. A. , PASIJEISKILY, S. Z~. , TKIL-,LUME, L. M. , T:31-:T.'WHIAN-i~11 T. V. , CHIMv.] DUI.:, T. It. , mid SM,,rrK()V, zl. M. "Treatment of Sil~worm Cocoons by Radiation." paper to be preGentea at 2nd Ulf Intl'. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Ener,g-j, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sept 58. F/- M2M.IDZP L - - GADAMBADZE, V-I-; .jh..j cocoon and hybrid cocoons. The introdliction of Wbi" -prom. 16 no.f3.8 Ag 156. Tekat. (KLRA 9:10) (Georgia--Silk manufacture) TKHILADZE. G. Methods for economizing drying oil.Stroitell 2 no.6:P-g Je 156. (iaaA lo: i) 1,Nachallnik TSentrallnoy nauchno-issladovatellskoy labormtorii Glavmosstroya. (Ppinting, Industrial) (Emulsions) SIZOV, Vasiliy Nifolayevich, prof., doktor tekhn.nau,j RITDENKO-MORGUN, Ivan Yakovlevich, dots,, kand. texhn. aauk; TKHILADZE,__q2orgV-j~qdj2~Liq. t. h., inzh.; UME"KC, y Q- Vasiliy Mitrofanovich2 kand. tekhn. nauk; SHVIDEM'K0, V.N., prof., retsenzent; DANILEVSKIY, A.S., inzh., retsenzent; KUPERSINIDT, L., red. (Technology of construction] Tekhnologila stroltellnogo proizvodstva, [By V.I.Sizov 1 dr.. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 613 p. (MIRA 19~,1) -- - TYWILAME, G. R.-; VOLOARSKIY, G. 1. Drilling and Boring A drill with bard-alloy tip for drillinp holon in brick walls. Biul. etroi. tekh. 9 no. 1. 1952. Minmaehatroy, Treat Otdelstroy; Inzh. 5,11 Mont List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, 2 .1 ____LPri1 195;, Uncl. "T", TK,M~&,D -. ~~, :"~, i,oc.0 Cbupl!n,-O -3 , ii.11.!3troi. tulkh., '1 11110. 1!,, 1952. Stand,ard hose sou.plin-,s- !ILAIL,-.-;i~,-o 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, --- tqrW, Uncl. -- - -- ---- ---- --- --- - - - 1. TKHILADZE, G. R. MG. 2. USSR (6uo) 4. Plastering 7. Rationalization of decorative work. Biul. stroi. tekh. 9 no. 19, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, january -1953. Unclassified. 1. TYMILADZE, Ci. 'A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Building Machinery; Plastering 7. Mobile plastering machine units Stroi. prom. 30, no. 4, April 1952 Nachallnik Tsentral Inoy Nauchno-IEsledovatel Iskoy Stantisii Tresta, Otdelstroy Minmashstroya. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, June 1052. UNCLASSIFIED Y-JUS7, jL.M., inzhoner; TKHILADZE, G.R., inzhener nauchnyy rodaktor. --, ~ (Paper hanging] Oboiuys raboty. Koskya, Goa. Izd-vo lit-ry po stroitel'stvu i arWtekture, 1953. 31 p. ( KEJIA 7:7) (Paper hanging) ( Wallpaper) MTT,A G.R.,,inzhener, nachalnik. Finishing of building facades in winter. Stroi.prom. vol. 31 no-9:17-19 S '53. (MLRA 6:9) 1. MentralInaye. nauchno-issledovateltakaya laboratoriya Ministerstva stroitel'stva. (Plastering--Gold weather coaditions) - Ir ~ T --.1 T-~-,, ~ - ~ - --' ~ . L~ 3352 TKHIIADZE G. R. AND VJIIDDARSKIY, G. I. Mekhanizatsiya parkegnykh rabot. M., 1954 16 S. S chert. 26 sm (Akad. Nauk SSM. In-T Tekhn. hkon infomatsii. Periodich 4informatsiya tema no 47) 1.000 ekz B ts Na obl owt Ne uka2any (54-57189) 69h.631 a 3.0025 TKHILLDZZ. G.R. I p- I (Iquipmant for the mechanization of plastering] (rborudo7anie dlia mekhanizataii shtukaturnykh rabot. Moskva, Goa. izd. lit. po atroit-vu i arkhit-re, 1954. 216 p. (MIJU 8:3 D) KIMTOV. K.A., redaktor; WHILA191, G,R,, inzhener, nauchnyy redaktor; BZGAK, B.A., OiC. tokhnichookiy radAktor. [Technology of finishing work] Otdelochriaia tekhnika. Pod obshchei red. M.A.Irrestova. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitelletva i arkh1tekture. No. 2. 1954. 82 p. (MINA 7:11) 1. Akademlya arkhitektury SSSR, Moscow. Laboratoriya otdelochnykh rabot. (Faeades) (Painting, Industrial) TKRIUDZE, G.R., Inzhener. r For progressive technology in painting. 27-31 N '55. Gor.khoz. Xosk. 29 no.11: (MLRA 9:3) (Painting, Industrial) MESHKOVSKAYA, V.V.; SMIRSOV, V.Y&.; ANTIPOV. M.M.; TMfILADZB,.,G.,R. . WJ." Mobile mechanized machine for preparing paint components. Rate. i izebr. predl.v '55. (MLaA 9:7) (Paint machinery) SMIPITOV, V.Ya.; FEREPELKINA, M.S.; ANTOIX)V, M,M.; TEHILADZE.,G.R. Mobile all-purpose machine for parquet floor layers. Rats. i iz*br. predl.v stroi. x*.223:13-17 '55. (MIBA 9:7) (Parquetry) VASADZIO TO.N. I Turbodrilling of mine shafts. Azerb. neft. khoz. 37 no.B: 21-24 Ag 158. (KIU 11:11) (Shaf t oinking) D. G. Squifuent. and technology for drill-Ina sturuz2t-ural-prcspe~cting walls on the territor7 of the Saot Ukrainian oJ1- and gas- bearing region. Neft. I gaz. prom. no.422?7-29 0-.0 964 (MIRA 18.,2) TYJiIR, D.G. Turbodrilling in sinking structural wells. Neft. i gaz. Prom. 3:35-36 Jl-S 165. (MIRA 18:11) L 0 -) 1 A '~ - ') 7 _ JE IAT F'Atr NR,';jg~6.17 5 4 7 souRcH coon, uR/0169/66/000/001/DO14/DO14 AUTHOR: Parkhomovskiy, O.A.; Andreyeva, R.I.; Burako0skiy, LWe. Goncharova, LAO; Grigorlyeva A*I~ Ivanets, N.I.; Ivanyuta# M.M,; Kozar, L.T.-i-Aafth-eff L-,'D",-;- -reT;Mna,. ~A.S.; Tkachenko,_Zh. Y~.j Tkh. .0. TITLE: Determination of the development level of the technique and technology of geo- logical prospecting for oil and gas in the Ukraine SOtJRCB: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abe. 1D97 REP SOURCEt Tr. Ukr. n.-L. geologorazved. in.t, vyp. 10, 1965, 10-17 TOPIC TAGS: prospecting, seismic prospecting, gas f4TROLEUrn , magnetometer gravimetry 1-1-2 mogawerome--raper -ABSTRACT: Geological-gpApty3jcal pro pecting for oit n gas, completed on the Ukrai. ne during 1960-1962 was anaXyzed.'At present all the oil-bea'ring territory of the Uk-' raine is covered by prospecting survey with the M-2 maanetomete .1~xho cost of study was 46.4 roubles/km2. The output and.precision of the aeromagnetic su'rvey in much beta ter. The gravinetri 6 survey is basically completb. The cost of.the total survey was 92.2.rQubles per ka in IL960 and 47&2 roubles in 1962. Highly precise gravimeters (~01 - 903 agal) can elucidate various anomalies#- Inspite of the relative cheapness a of the electro-reconweithod, and Its nobility# It has not been afforded the deserved development in the Ukraine,. Volume of seismic work teaches 87% of tfie total geophYsi- IMs 350,830(477) L Catd L U0143-07 ACC NRv AR60175547 cal work volume. Cost of I km of seismic profile work was 560-850 rouble3. in 19620 seismic reconstructing instrumentation for the automatic Processing Of seismograms and design of boring sections.-, has been developed. Technoieconomical, indices of stri tural mapping boring arevery high; those of structural-iecon boring are at relati, ly low levels, On the basis of consideration of the possibilities of each method, a methodology for tke recon of all and gas is proposed* Translation of abstract SUB OWEt 08 Card 2/2 tn 40 (j V L TMOHIROV~ D.7. telem. i sVi&z'2 no*,: roved. AVtOM-9 staff catchers must be irIP 39 Ja 158. istanteii Bignali- 1. Starehiy elektromakhanik Volkhovetroyevskoy d Z&tftjj j evy7azi Kirovskoy aorogi. (Railroads-Signali-09) ADAMOVIGH, A.V.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; TKHOMIROV, Ya.V.., kand-tekhn.nauk Statistical investigation of the strength of the block carter of a V-engine. Av-t.prom. 27 no.8:8-11 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy avtomobillnyy i avtomotornyy institut. (Automobiles-Enginea) LEVIN, V.I.; GOLUTVINA, M.M.; TKHOMIROVA, Ye.A. Preparation of arsenic-74 from neutx-on-irracUated selenium. Radiokhimiia 3 no.5:597-600 161. (14IRA 14:10) (Arsonic--Isotopes) (Selenium) (Neutrons) MARGIN, V.A., inzh.; GRINBERG, V.L., inzll-; ZdOR2 -_P., Jnzh.- 7,AZINKOP V.N., inzh. _L y Mechanization of duck brEeding farms. Mashinos-troenle no.5a 83-81, 8-0 164 (KIRA 18e2) TKVV .11 1.- - 11 1- , I Chemilmndnescence of oleic acid. Trudy KIP. Otd. blol. 21-. 4203-205 165a (MIRA l816) THOR, L.F.; KOZILOV, Yu.P. Effect of som-e ant-ibi~:itics on 'he -hemiluminescence cf' olel,: acid. Biofizi-ka 10 no.3023-524- 16150 (Y-I.RA, 18-11), 1. Biologo.-pochvennyy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudar3tvennogo universitet.Fi imonl Lornonosova. SubmItted Jt,-ly 11; 19(61,. ,y rukovoditell raboty THOR, T.G.; PANKPATOV, M.A., prof., nauchny Restoration of reflexes from the auricular skin of a rabbit a3 related to the regeneration of nerves. Uch. zap. Fed. inst. Gerts. 239:131-137 164. 01,11#-~ 18-3) BF.DTJYY, M.S.; THOR, V.G. (Dnepropetrovsk) Oldest hospital in the Ukraine, Sov. zdrav. 21 no.2:6C-,63 162. (MIRA 15:3) (UKRARR3-110SPITAIS) USSR/Farn Animals - Sheep and Goats. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17., 1958., 78766. Author Lerraontov, V. S.-'_44ior, Ye. List Title On the Effectiveness of Winter lambing of Sheep. Orig Pub: Ov-tsevodstvo, 1958) No 1, 5-6. Abstract: In a test group (February birth), 5% of the ewes were barren, 0.5c/', of the lanbs died; 124 1 B of 100 ewes were raised. In the control group (April birth) respectively: 15, 2.1 and 100. Difference in live weight of the lambs for 5 months in favor of the test group com- prised: with young ram 2.7 kg, ewe yearlings Card 1/2 USSR/Fam Animals. Sheep and Goats. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1956, 78766. 0.6 kg; in length of wool, respectively: 0.7 and o.6 cm. Card : 2/2 Q 44 fib"'Wi L 1304-62 BD3 ACCESSIM NR: AT.")003010 S/2927/62/000/000/0235/0235 AUMOR: Miselyuk, Ye. G.; Tomashev~kmya, R. Tkhorikp Yu., A. TITLE,- Ten-element diode matrix (A brief information) (Report of j~e All-Union Conference on Semiconductor Devices held in Tashkent, from 2 to 7 October 1961J SOURCE: Elektronno-dy*rodiny*ye perekhody* v poluprovodnikakh., Tashkent, Izd-vo, xi uzssR, ia62, 235 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor matrix, diode matrix, ten-element matrix ABSTRPCT: Soviet-manufactured MI-Aen-element, diode matricesPare intended for torage-computem-Trie-RMI-10 mal-ix comprises 10 diodes with a common base a~ 10.X 10 sq ma pane ;-.- t~-has-i~he- ng-P o n ..i m2bdmm forward current 0. 25 - wmj -maximum pe c ent -1 - amp f orowd res i stavee -at o.6 v 2-4 ohms, peak resistance 5 ohms, maximum reverse curre-Int 6 microm*, breakdown voltage 60-80v, operating, temperature range -50 +65C. Orig. art. has: I figure. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR (Acaclemy of Sciencea SSW); Madmiya nauk SSR (Academy of Sciences U-SSR); Tash%entskiy gosiidzxstvcnnyl*y Uzbekskoy Card .141 (Tashkent St.. Un.). L IM5-63 F.Wr 1'./E7WU (m) /BD5/T-2/EEC (b) -2/ES(t)- 2 AFFTC/ ASD/E4D-3 Pz-4/Ftq-4 JLI~Jp(f-) ACCESSION 11R: AT3003011 S/2927/62/000/WO/0236/0243 -!'AUTHOR.- Mi6elyuk, Ye. a, R. L01 Tkhorik, Yu. A. Tomashevsky TITLE: Germanium iffusion diodegifor pulse circuits [Re"p"orTITthe All-Unton Conference on Semiconductor Divices, Tashkent, 2-7 October, 1961T SOURCE: Elektronno-dy*rochny*ye perekhody* v poluprovodnikakh. Tashkent, Izd-vo AN UzSSR, 1962, 236-.243 en -germanium diode,'IDG-Idiode. OF C.TAGSi M ABSTRACT: As a prerequisite to the development'of high-power pulse-type Ge diodes transients in Ge diffusion diodes were studied. Effects of resistivity and life time of materials,geometric factors, and p-n junction processing on the switching characteristics of,diodes ware investigated. Particularly' the effect of injection and reverse voltage on the reverse-resistande recovery 'level (or forward current) time, for various lifetim(nand base thicknesses, were Investigated. As a result, a now Ge diode IDO-1, with these parameters was developed: peak current with a 0.5-microsee pulse a~A 1/2000 pulse duty factor, UP to 15 amp; voltage drop at I amp, 0.6 0.8 vIforward resistance, 0.5 1.4 ohms; reverse current, 0.6 15 i Card 12815-70 ;ACCESSION WR-. AT3003011 microamp; breakdown voltage, 80-100 vj recovery time, 0.25 microsec or less$ 'pulse forward reoistance, 5 ohmsi working temperature range, -100 +6 The 5C 1IDG-1 diode was tested in vw-ious computers' and is recommanded for use In switching circuits, ferrite-diode circuits, ferroelectric circuits, discriminators,, iiregisters, and other circuits involving heavy currents. The diode was set in small-: .1lot production. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 5 formulas, and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: none DATE ACQ: 15May63 ENCL: 00 i SMITTED: 00. 'SUB CODE: PH, 03 NO W SOV: 006 0M1,008 Ica 2/2 rd T 3713-13 S/185/62/'007/005/003/013 D407/D301 AUTHOR: Tkhoryk, Yu.0. TITLE: Emissivity of diffused p-n junctions P-ERIODICAL: Ukrayins1kyy fizych--yy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 5, 1962, 476 - 481 TEX.T: T'he distribution of carrier*concentration in a diffused p-n j'u,actuion is considered which has been obtained by the method of t1hermodiffousion. A formula for the emissivity of p-n junctions is obtained. It Was shown by K. B. Tol-pygo (Ref. 1 : Z~TP, 27, 884, 195 that the coefficient of injection y is not a constant of the P-n junction (as in Shockley's theory), but depends on the structure of the junction, the properties of the contact metal-semiconductor and 'U-he -asni1jude of t~e -current. The parameter P, called by Tolpygo the emissivity of the p-n junction, combines all these properties. In Rlef, 1 (op. cit.) the parameter P was calculated for linear and exponential distributions of the doping impurities and criteria for high emissivity (i.e. large vaiues of P) were derived. Large values of ~ are particularly important for pulse diodes, where a low direct Card 1/3 S/185/62/007/005/003/013 1-3missivity of diffused p-n junctions, D407/D301 - resistance is required; as pulse diodes are normally obtained by the diffusion method, -JI.- is important to derive analogous c.-iteria -Lor diffused p-n junctions. It is assumed that the p-n j,.,nction is formed by the diffusion of donors in a p-type semiconductor. There- by the donor concentration decreases with the distance -from the ed- ge according to the lavi er-Lc(Y./2;/5T_), where x is the -distance, D - the diffusion coefficient of t4e donors, and t - the time of dif'Lu- .L sive annealing. The n-layer is divided into 3 regions; the points S and (which are dimensionless coordinates related to x), are 1 1 '~' 2 chosen in such a way that the donor concentration can be approxima- Ued by a linear function or by an asymptotic formula. After calcula- tions, one obtains the following formuia for P: N(O)IQ+ - (15) + A-' Z~o Q+ where Q, is the transmittance (for holes) of the contact; N n/pp (n beinc the electron concentration and p Uhe equilibrium conce P Card 2/3 3/185/'-2/007/005/003/013 1~is_-ivity of diffused p-n junctions D407/D'z)Ol tration of holes in the -base), A Rd4l,"r. The accuracy of the above approximation is estimated. Thereby- one obtains '= + ;,-~:2 N (0) . (24) + :;: 0 0 (15) and (24) are in agreement with the corresponding -for- nulas of ~Ref. 1 (Op.cit.). it is noted that the emissivity of the P-n Junction (in 'U'.--e case ol' a linear impurity distribution) increa- ses vlizlq d-v/dl (,v being related to the donor-concentration dis- Uribution); 1'or a diffused p-n junction dv/d?. is a variable quan- tity. it is also noted -uha-'U-; other conditions being similar, the emissivi-~Y of dif-fused p-n. junctions is higher tham with a linear. iri-ouri-t,y-di-s-U.--i-bu-L,ion. ~There are 1 figure and-5 references: 3 So- viet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc, The most important D=glish-lang- ua-e -oubl-ication reads as follows: J.H.A. Beale, Proc. Phys. Soc., Q - 70, 1087, 1957. ASSCCIATION: Instytut napivprovidnykiv AN URSR (Institute of Semi- conductors of the AS LPcrRSR) Kyyiv SUB"11TT-2D: January 24, 1962 Card 3/3 /-L 117, 8/109/62/007/006/021/024 3 D234/D308 UT;~IORS: Kolomiyets, B. T., Litvinova, E. M., Miselyuk, Ye. G., L Txhorik, Yu. A. and 6hilo, V. P. TITLIE: EL'ffect of fusible glass coating on the characteristics of germanium diodes PZ-'-RIODIC.!'I.L: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 6, 1.9-02, 1054-1055 T-EXT: Three types of glass coatings on germanium diffusion diodes were tuested: As Se T ; As Se T1 Se; 2As S T1 S. The whole ex- 2 3* 1.5 2 3* 2 2 3'. 2 posed surface of the semiconductor, including the D-n transition, was coated. A graph off a typical variation of V-A characteristics afuer coating is given. The characteristics so obtained were prac- tically unchanged over many days. Glass coating is found to im- prove essentially the inverse branches of the characteristics. The effect of all three types of glass is nearly the same. Improvement, of characteristics was also observed when the glass had been re- Card 1/2 S/1 09/62/007/'006/021/024 Effect of fusible D234/D308 moved immediately after coating which disagrees with the result of other Soviet authors. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: InssituI.: poluprovodnikov AN USSR; Piziko-tekhniches- X'-.iy institut im. A. F. Joffe AN SSSR (Tnstitute of Semiconductors, AS UkrSSR; Ph i -Technical Insti- tute im. A. F. Joffe, AS USSR~Glco SUB2.1ITTED: February 13, 1961 Oaru- 2/2 TKHORIK Yu.A. [Tkhor,7k, 1U.0.) *- Accumulation of minority current carriers in semiconductor diodes with a narrow base. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.10:1128- 1141 0 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. ACCESSION NR- AP4017393 8/0185/64/009/002/0139/0149 AUTHOR- 111yenkov, A.L; Tkhory*k, Yu. 0. TITLE: Measurement of short lifetimes of current carriers in semiconductor devices by the pulse method SOURCE: Ukray'&nslky*y fizy*chny*y zhurnal, v. 9, no. 2, 1964, 139-149 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, semiconductor lifetime, pulse method, current carrier effective lifetime, diode, transistor ABSTRACT: The effective lifetime Te of the minority carriers in the base region ol a semiconductor device Is the most important parameter which determines the fi.-equency characteristics and the transient response of the device. Many methods for measuring i Ire in diodes have been proposed but the most practical and direct method is based Oil the investigation of the transient process which arises during diode switching. For values of 10-7 see, the measurements can be performed on an oscilloscope. When a p-n diode Is switched from forward to reverse, the reverse current is established in two stages t1im or phase of constant reverse current (when the diode resistance. is small com- i pared to the external circuit resistance) and the phase of current decay (which begins when the minority carrier concentration near the p-n junction goes to zero). The forward cur-! rej,11se length ti, its magnitude If, as well as the magnitude of the reverse current Card ACCESSION NR: AP4017393 which flows during tlim, are related to *Ye by the formula: ti + tlim erf tanx erf 16;+ t:l:irr BO + I 'Ye Ir e where Do Iv and Bo:~'O. 6. if Equation (1) is valid when the base region is much longer than the diffusion length of the minority carriers and when the awitching pulse has zero rise time. When the finite rise time in the leading edge of the switching pulse is taken into account the use of equation (1) may lead to serious errors. For a planar p-n junction diode switched by a trapezoidal pulse, when the forward and reverse resistances in the wcternal circuit may be unequal. (Fig. I of the Enclosure), the following formula to derived, which gives the desired minority lifetime 1Y in terms of.measurable parameters: Card ACCESSION NR: AP4017393 1,-2(a+b+c)Z er1Vti+b+c+VT+b+Cd +C) :2a a VFT-c (2) d VF+-c + ar. Do (2c- 1 erf !~C: 9 h 2 tf tr te where a=7, b =-:7, c and the Intervals tf, tp and tr are def ined in Fig. 2 of'the Enclosure. Equation (2) can be simplified considerably If the constant reverse current interval tli is shorter than the duration of the leading edge of the switching pulse (Fig. i~). Tgleneral laplace transform equation from which an expression analogous to Eq. (2) can be derived for any switching pulse shape, is also derived. The errors which can be encountered In calculation, when the finite duration of the leading edge of the trapezoidal pulse is neglected (as In Eq. 2), are summarized In Fig. 3 of the Enclosure. Some experimental data which support the conclusions reached in this paper are tabulated in the origi-nal.- It is evident that for large Do values the values of T I are too low. The 3 AV Card ACCESSION NR: AP4017393 error 'Ye -'Y1 to systematic and ranges from 13. 6-2 1. 6% for B0 0. 2, from 7. 2 to 17.7%for Bo = 0.469 and from 22.2 to 42.4%for Bo = 1. The accuracy In the estimate of 're is 6. 6% and also Y 2 < Ire even though the error in 102 to smaller than in -r i. "The authors thank E. M. Ly*tvy*noviy for construction of the diodes. " Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 1 table and 31 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Insty*tut avtomaty*ky* ta elektrometriyi, SV AN SSSr, NovosibirBk (Institute of Automation and Electric Measurement); Insty*tut napivprovidny*kiv AN URSR, Kiev (Semiconductor Institute) SUBMITTED: 06AW" DATE ACQ: 19Mar64 ENCL 03 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 014 OTHER. 004 4/ob Y Card L ACCES510IN AF403864,6 rl,-~4 )4"(J0-9/005/0;37b,;Q881 A--IHO.-(.: Bondarenko, V. N.~ 0. V , ~ikhorik. Y u A. F- Effect of sorne coati-~Rs and i-ierrr-,~ir--f! rit !3 -1 -!a c F- r )rnbinatlon rate of slllcorl and gerr-,an11,jTT-. SOURCE: Radioteklmika i elektronfka. v. 9, no. 5, 1964, 876-8-31 TOPIC; TAGS: adicon, metal coated silicon. germanium. inetal (:oated gerrnari:um, 9:,rfarp rer V p AB-SIR-AC;)7: An experimentaL invesugation of the effecta of (1) low-temperat'ire anrie a; in g ,f ;i nd C, er-, I i- a? 7-!4y T 7 dl~'c A k8~,Cl. Ae S" Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4~038648 and TI,S- ZAa2 It is found that a,inealing of n- or p-type Ge 7-c-a'Ats in a;i S3- i f 9 i !;,,q ~iass t.r. f, a r,, T,. t, r-8 oi e was oDtamp(l bvavacl.,~m 9 D 7 a ASSOC 1A ION AN J SUBMITTED: ZZMar63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: s -s NO RF-F SOY: 00~ 0-1 HJ-R: 004 Card 212 L 6~- A FW L/ A 3 t~CCESSION NR- TOPIC TAGS: li,ansien, A -'T 11 A Carci L !4799-65 ACCESSTON NR~ AP404416- diffusion, and in t1ne second type h% he :41r-ftl "iut-r',or is grateful A R Kli, help menko for With !he runeta. Orig. art. has: 8 figures, 32 equations ASSOCIATION- lns';wt po'Lu,3rovodnikov A~N' UFS!~ (Institute of Semiconductors AN URSR) SUBMITTED: 19Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS NO REF SOV: 012 OTHFR: 003 Card 2/ 2 GRIBNIKOV, Z.S. [firybnykov, Z,S.I; TKIMRIK, Yu.A. [Tkhoryk, B.O.) Transients of Btorage and decay of nonequilibrijm carriers in semiconductor diodes. Part 3. Symmetric thin diodes at superhigh injection levels. Ulw. fiz. zhur. 9 no.9:943-94? S 164. (Mirtt~ 1-(. 11) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrS-11', Kiyev. GORBAN), A.P.; TOORIK, Yu.A. Device for mea5wring the cF.Mci Uirlv-le of c,, -.' -.r e ~. 4 - -1 s ~Vtom. J- prib. no.2:57-60 Ap-Te 163. 1. Inst-itut poluprovodn,"kav A.-17 Uqa.s-n. ZHURAVELI, F,~.~ --1L'Y--IIKO!I, , TKI10RIKp. Fvaj~Ufjt, Trudy TnSj TnORIK, Yu.A. Effect of the dependence of the recombination opeed in the plane or a non rectIfyJ_ng contact from the injection level on the spread- ing time. Radiotekh. I elektron. 10 no.3:574-576 Mr 165. (MIRA 18-3) TMIORIK, Yu.A. Nature r)f of the min inortiai p-n Junction diodes with E,,nall jeakag,~ oritY Current carriers ra-tes Radiotekh. ZrOugh a norrectifying jtlr i elektron. 10 no.6:1 ~,tjon. 162-1163 Je 165. (M.MA 18; 6) KLIWNKO, A.P. [Klymenko, A.P.; TKHORIK, Yu.A. [Tkhoryk, IU.0.1 Use of the simultaneous diffusion of two admixtta-es In manu- facturing quick-response diodes. Ukr-. fiz. zh~. 10r no.2.-238- 239 F 165. (~M 1824) I.' Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. KLIRENKO, A.P. (Yaymenko, A.P.]; TKHORIX, Yu.A. [Tkhoryk, IU.0.] Effect of the duration of the pulse front on direct tranBients in semiconductor diodes. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 9 no.1-1t1271-1273 N 164 (MIRE 18:1) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN TJkrSSR, Kiyev. C,RIBIIIK,",-',', 7.S. [Hrybny'.-ov, Z.S,I; TKHOTIIK, YLi.t. [TVJioryk, Tratisient processes of storrage ard deca7 cf none oui 14 current carriers in semiconductor dicrjeo. Part 1: Low ir dection levels. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 9 no.6:648-658 Je '64. ",.?: 11) 1. lnstitut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. BONDARENKO, V.N.; LITVINOVA, E.M.; SUITKO, O.V.; THHORIK, Yu.A. r-1-- ... I Effect of then-ial treatment and some coatings on the veloci t7 of -i and Ge surface recombination. Radiotekh. i elektron. 9 no.5 876-881 My 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Lnstitut poluprovodnikov All UkrSSR. 0, 1 a In() L V Jkliz) O-ld :S;~-yV-L )Idol -jj~ '7711J. :dC)li,Ln A C, L, C, ha s .8 a ASSOCIATION none SUB?VJTTED: ZSMar64 SUB C-ODE: F-7- NO REF SOV; 006 OTHER: 005 u, - AT, rj AUTHf-IR Kly4mankc A. K t-,, t~ inA k h o r -ik'f uo (rknorLK Yu. A.) ~7 TITLEt Investigation of recombinntion in nickel atoms In p-germanium at high injection levels .SOURCE: Ukrayins'ky*y fizy*chny*y zhurnal, v. 9, no. 7, 1964, 733- 743 ,TOPIC TAGS: injection level, current carrier recombination, current carrier lifetime, diode saturatfon current, germanium, nickel, nickel impurity concentration, semlcnnductor, se,ni,:()nductor device, semicon- ductor diode ABSTRACT: The dependence of the lifetime i of current c3rriera in p- Ge diodes doped with Ni on the (n ilprtf nn 1 P~fel Lind th,- ten?pera~ure has been ir-req1t1gated. 1L 1,i! dl adeg L`ie dependence of 0 n teMnPrJ'1tUre I; VAIIK-'r t'%in 1,1 q-r~ime-ncz 1,ecauqe o~ ~)e lnfluen-e in-reaqeq Card 1 /2 L ACCESSInn NR: AP4043034 c n n 1 1 Q . 'hr- theorpt Ica] in d e - ve d dependence of i :3n t fie in e c- t I r, ri e V 0 .1 F r e e (I t I a I i L a t '~' e 'I I F - I nf, ~ho., f.-)r mi! Asur inp, has been tneo ri~ c Lcal 1v arzal -; -, v ,i . 7 _~e q I - I i on q F, w I ha 1, the ou 1 9 e method provides accurate values for i, a n d t_ at vanishing smal I and superhigh injection leve I R . To red~jce t h e e rrorn in the region of medium injection levels , the parameter h a s to be increased for the measuring circuit 17/11, vhere 11 is the a=plitude of the forward current, and 12 is the ampl i tude of the rejerse current after svi tch- inp off the diode. As an example, a cqlculation was made of the de- pendence o f the infect ton leve 'I on the current density at the p-n junction in p-re with a concentration of 3x,015 cm-3 of Nt at 296K. 235K, and 185K. Orig. art. has: 6 figuree and 44 for-mulas. ASSOCIAT104: Inrtitut poluprovodnikov AIR URSR, Kiev, (Institute of Semiconductors, AN URSk) suamITTED: 05Aug63 ATD PREss - 3106 Ell CL t 00 SUB CODE! EC NO REF Sove 016 OTHERt GLO Card 212 KLIMENKOI A.P. (Klymonko, A.F.1; TIMOUK, Yu.A. (Tkhoryk, H.G.) Study of reconbinationz on nich-el atc::1j in p-germardu::i at hiCh injection Ieve15. U-,-x. fiz. zhur. 9 no.7:73?~743 J1 164. 17:10) 1. Institut pol-aprovodnikov All UkrSSR.. luyuv. MOW, Yuriy Aleksandrovich [Tkhoryk, IU.0j: KISINA, I.V., red.izd-va; RAKHLIMA, N.P., [Semiconductors and electric power] Napivprovidnykova energetyka. K,yiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URSR, 1959. 51 -P. (MMA 13:9) (Semiconductors) (Photoelectric calls) L 2095o-66 EWT(1) TJP~(q)_ AT .ACC NR: AP60067-59 SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/001/004 0/0044 .1AUTHORS: Svvecbnykov, S. C; Tkhoryk Yu 0. -Y.-OvecMikov, V.) Pysl-m,!nnyy, Yu. 11. 1Pi0mennyy;-YT.-'u- (Tkborik,14~ ~A* k JORG: Sem1conductor Institute UkrSSR, Kiev (Inbtytut Inapivprov~dnykiv AN 11M) TITLE: Concerning the problem of a transparent contact for II-V1 type photoconductors SOURCE: Ukrayinstkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 1, 1966, 40-44 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, cadmium compound, photoconductor, photoconductivityo 'single crystal, optic property, electric property, meral vapor'deposition,'volt ampere characteristic _~.IABSTRACT: -The ailthors discuss the possibility of using CdO films as transparent ohmic contacts for CdS-type pbotoconductors. The contact properties of CdS single crystals and films with CdO films were in- vestigated, along with tbe-optical and electrical properties of CdO films. The films were obtained by cathode sputtering of metallic Card-____ 1/2____ L 2og5o-66 !ACC NR: A~P6006759 admium in a low vacuum under the following conditlon.,3: cathode lameter -- 6 cm, cathode-anode distance -- 1.6 -- 1.8 cm, current 50-to 70 mAJ, voltage 600 V, air pressure -- 0.4 to 0.65 torr. :7, Under these conditions the polycrystalline films were deposited at a 0 rate of 500 -- 6oo A/min. The resistivity of CdO films measured by .the four-probe method amounted to (3.2 -- 6.4) x 10-3 ohm-cm, which does not contradict the data in the literature, and was temperature .ndependent between -100 and 70C. The spectral dependence of the ;ransmission coefficient was obtained. The volt-ampere ebaracteris- ;ics.of CdS films with CdO contacts were obtained at various temper- Lture and. -illuminations. An investigation of the distribution of the )oten'tial along the CdS film with CdO contacts showed that the rradient of-the potential decreases near the contacts. These results tnd also data on the,noise characteristics of the contacts indicate -0hat they are obmic. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. 'UB CODE: 20/ SUB DATE: 05Mar65/ ORIG RE:F:-003/ OTH REF: 004 M :2/2