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Waves of finite amplitude ...
k - 0). Prom this follows
28776 S/O~~/61/031/010/009/015
B109 B102
H,=hve-1'co3((D-t-?,), V,= an' e--"cos((D-4-(D,-~-cp,),
f-jvdt], (15~
v.) k
O= -? k 0 - -Q
T 2 sin (11 -H,
where h iE-itrary r e~' ___ ' t -15 )---r-ep r -es e-n-t s-a -sig- na 1 of
oe T Vuare a 1 constan s.
inite ampli de in a finite conducting fluid, moving at the velocity v 0
along H,), In case of kj:~H,., (where H.,R~qk'(j) - Vm)) the propagation
rate of the signal is approximately equal to the velocity in the ideal
fluid. The authors thank Ye. F. Tkalich for discussions. Ya. I. Frenkell
(7,hTF,' XIVt 97, 1944) is mentioned. There are 24 referencesi 16 Soviet
and 6 non-Soviet. The three most important references to English-
language publications read as followss I. N. Kapur, Appl. Sai. Res., A8,
198, 1959; T. Kakutani, J. Phys. Soc..Jap., 1j, 1316, 1960; W. E. Williams,
J. Fluid. Mech., 6, 321, 196o.
SUEMITTEM January 9, 1961
Card 5/5
S/057 61/031/010/009/015
Waves of finite amplitude ... B I 09/vl 02
SUBMITTED: January 9, 1961
Card 6/6
-9 E032/E514
AUTHOR: Tkalich, V.S. (Sul4chumi)
TITLE: Stationary motions of high-temperature plasma
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye,
no.2, 1962, 30-37
TEXT: This paper is concerned with the theoretical aspects
of the insulaiting properties of a "magnetic wall". The first
section formulates the equations of motion for a particle in a
stationary electromagnetic field. Terms describing the inter-
action at small distances are neglected. The second section is
concerned iiith a quantitative description of plasma (nonrelativ-
istic) in a self-consistent field. The presence of cyclic
coordinates is assumed and the generalized Maxwell distribution
function is derived. The analysis is then specialized to the
~wo-parametric and one-parametric stationary cases. In the final
section expressions are derived which may be used to estimate
the insulating efficiency of a magnetic grid. The paper is
Card 1/2
Stationary motions of high S/179/62/000/002/005/012
entirely theoretical, no numerical computations are reported.
ASSOCIATION: Fizilco-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk
Gruzinskoy SSR
(Physico-teelinical Institute, Academy of Sciences,
Georgian SSR)
SUBIMITTED: April 24, 1961
Card 2/2
AUTTIOR: Tkalich, V.S, (Sukhumi)
TITLE., Thn steady stnte problem of ntignatohydrod7namics with
two coordinates Chapligin transformation
PERIODICAL: Inzhanornyy zhurnal. v.2, no,3' 1962, 43-53
TEXT: The steady atqLte problom of tragnotohAirodynnmics with one
cyclic coordinate is considered. A cyclic coordincLte is defined as
a coordinate upon which presouro., entropy,, velocity, magnetic field
and Lam6 pa-Ameters of curvIlinear coordinate system are indepondent",
The principal symmatry integrals are deduced, By a. transformation 11
analogous to Chnpligin's transform, linear equations are derived fot,
the analogo of potential and stroam function.
SUBMITTED: Februnr7 S. 1961
AUTjWlt; T __S _(Sukhumi)
TITLE: On the stationary problem of magnetic hydromechanics
in the two-dimensional cn.9e; colliding streams of a
conducting liquid
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. :Izvestiyn. Otdeleniye
teklinicheskikh nauk. * Mckbanika i mashinostroyen.iye,
no. 5. 1962, 32 - 38
TLXT: This paper is concerned with the magnetohydromechanics
of a non-ideal conducting liquid. The analysis is concerned with
the stationary problem in the case where there is only one
SIquasi-cycl�c coordinate". The coordinat.e (x3) is defined as
IjqUaSi-CyCliC" if the magnetic field -1-1 , the 3velocity Y and
the metric tensor gke are independenE Of x and the electric-
field potential CI and the total pressure P are linear
'functions of it. The analysis begins with the Gromska-Lamb
equations. The conditions for the fact that the x coordinate
is quasi-cyclic and the ma.-netic field and velocity vectors
are solenoida,11 are-theft allbstituted into these equations, leading
Card IA
On the stationary problen .... E012/rN4
formulae for the field and velocity coml)onents in curvilinear
form in terms of the generalized current functions. It is then
shIown that the g.ene~al 'partial differential eclitations for the
system include the id4ial liquid ns a special case. The case
where the medium is dissipative is then considered in the general
form and again it i6 s)1own that classical hydrodynamics is
incluoed ab a special case. .% class of solutions is obtained
in the casf: %%Iion the curvont functions satisfy the Helmholtz
equation ariLi an expr4!ssion is obtained for the analogue of tile
Bernouilli eqiiatian. ',:ext, it is assumed that the motion is
ali--iost of the po-,:ontial type arid expressions are derived for the
lift force and its rioment,which are generalizations of the
Chaplygin formulae and Zhukovskiy theorem. The final section is
concerned with two plane symmetric and uniform-at-infinity
streams travelling in opposite directions against each other. it
is assui-iied that they are incompressible but conducting and that
there are no body forces. Under these assumptions the present
theory and the resul-ts of T.S. Soloi,.:al,:hova (Vestn. KGU, seriya 1,
Infat., melch., 1961, no. 1) are used to obtain expressions for the
comp,lex potential for c ch of the streams.
STJ131-1ITTED: 14ay 18~, 1992
Card 2/2
3 2 694
AUTHOR;. Tkalich, V.S. (Sukhumi)
TI'LE Two-parameter motion in magneto-gas-dynamics
(Gromeka and Chaplygin transforniationi
PMIODICAL: Mrademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniya telchnicheskikh nauk.
Prikladnaya matematika. i mekhanika, v. 26, no. 1, 1962,
TEXP Starting with the system of equations of ideal magnetic gas dyna-
mics of adiabatic motion, the two-parameter stationary case in absence
of electric field in the given direction is discussed. The author uses
the transformations of I.S. Gromeka (Ref. 2:Sobr. soch. Izd-vo AN SSSR,
1952). To obtain the solution of equations of motion in the form of two
scalar equations in two unknown scalar functions, the first equation re-
presenting the law of change of the 3rd component of velocity vortex..
and the 2nd equation giving the law of energy change per unit inass are
given. With the help of an additional assumption of the absence of
Card 1/3
Two-parameter motion D237/0304
internal volume forces, the obtained solution is reduced to a canonical
system which is then transformed into a linear one, by means of C.A.
Chaplygin's (Ref. 15; 0 gazovykh strugakh (On Gaseous Streams), Gostekh_~z-
dat, 1949) transformation. Basic physical properties of Chaplygin flows
so obtained are deduced. Motion in a longitudinal magnetic field is dis-
cussed together with general gas dynamical properties, and finally the
motion in an arbitrarily directed magnetic field. The last isfound to
consist of several alternating zones of elliptic and hyperbolic flows.
In particular it was found that when the flow velocity is lower than the
thermal velocity, then hyperbolic flow is possible, while for the flow
velocity higher than thermal, elliptic. flow occurs. The author thanks
I.I. Nochevkina, N.V. Saltanov, K.P. Stanyukovich, E.F. Tkalich, F.I.
FrarLk1 (deceased) and I.M. Yurlyev for useful. criticisms. There are 24
referencesi 16 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent re-
ferences to the English-language publications read as fbllows~ J.N. Kapur,
Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc., 19591 no. 1, v. 51; L, Woltjer, Astrophys. J.,
1959, no. 2, v. 130; R.R, Long, J. Fluid Mech. 1960, no. 1, v,7i M.Z.
Krzywoblocki and J. Mutant, Acta Phys. Austriaca, 1960, no. 1, v,, 13.
Card 2/3
Two-parameter motion ... 0237/D304
ASSOUATION: Fizilto-teklinichesIdy institut AN GI'LIZinskoy SSR
(Physico-Technical Institute AS Georgian SSR)
SUBMIfTED-. October 20, 1961
Card 3/3
3 4~~ 0
, ~Ifj
S/057/ 2 OfW~02fiO4/022'
jq', b7 B104/B102
AUTHO;~t Tkalich, V. S., and Saltanov, N. V.
TITLE: Nonlinear Langmuir oscillations
PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy -fiziki, v.'32, no. 2, 1962, 156-16o
TEXT: The authors study plane, cylindrical and spherical oscillationd of
an electron plasma with allowance for the electric force, the pressure
and frictional forces between the electrons and the surrounding ions and
neutral particles. The authors proceed from the system
0- VdV OP E - Vv,
at dr nmdr M (1)
r-11dr 4ne (n, -n.), 4Tcenv 0.
where n is the number of electrons per unit volume, n 0 const is the
Card 1/6
Nonlinear Langmuir oscillations B104/BI02
number of ions per unit volume, P is the effective collision fr(, i-_o, -
between electrons and heavy particles, k - 0, 112 hold for plane,
cylindrical and spherical oases, respectively. Using Lagrange variables
the authors obtain
d2r _i- Vdr _j- 22r -4-1"~P C (ro)C 4re2
Wt-zW mnf)r M
dro (5)
from (1) where r is the running coordinate ofr the volume element,
_R2 - 4r n e2/m (k+1 q - I , TP, Or, r = N+q n(r )rkdrl, where and
r are arbitrary constants. The solutions of this differential equation
are correct if the trajectories of the electron volume elements
determined by them do not intersect each other. An intersection of t~l
trajectories would lead to the formation of shock waves. Several
examples rith non-intersecting trajectories are studied. For a cold
plasma (p - 0) Abel's second-order equation
Card 2A
NonJinear LanL(muir oscillations B104/B102
V -I- VV
rk (6)
is obtained from (5) with the aid of the independent variables r and r 0
For k - 0 it is found that the oscillation period is independent of the
amplitude, the ion density and the frictional force:
C (r0) - 11 -
r= A-Re cos((,)t-4-;), Q2 - "2 (7)
122 4
v = -QRe 2 sin%= _jvT
E Re- 2CoS (U)t -4- B),
n (ro) 2
n n (r - -4--e [R'cos (wt -t-6) R6j'sin (wt"I-?j)j
n(r 0) is the electron density distribution at t - 0. The reiations
.-ird 3/6
Nonlinear Langmuir oscillations B104/BI02
between R,(r, velocity and density distributions at the time t - 0 are
v (r(,) = - QR sin
(,0) 2- (R cos
dro .
A sufficient condition for the non-intersection of the volume trajectories
is dv(r V2 dr J~ 1, 1. e., the distribution of v(r ) mdst be
1 01 0 0
sufficiently bomogeneous. For V = 0 (no friction) and on the condition
that the moti i of the electro, Cas is adiabatic (p -d-(r O)n",)
T=2 2n.Q2 dILd _da
2S0 - Q210 -4- - -.!It - 2". f IL
I/ no J ilk IL(I-J)(k+J)-I
IL Mtn
is derived for the period of the motion. For k ~ 0 the pressure is
approximated according to S. A. Chaplygin (Izbrannyye trudy po
Card 4/6
Nonlinear LanEmuir oscillations 3104/BI02
i matem:1tike. GITTL, M-, 1954) with p = po - p,,n O/n, where p0and p*
are const:~nts. Thus the equation of motion (5) can be written as
d2r dr *2 d2,.
WI-'- -v -, -7t- -t- Dr - c.dE2 ==,92~.
By separating the variables, particular solutions are obtained from
which conditions for the non-intersection of the trajectories are
derived. The larger the oscillation amplitudes, the smaller the
inhomoCeneity in the distribution of the physical quantities must be
a~, the beEinninfz- in order that the various electron volume elements do
not intersect during their motion. The authors thLink A. G. Sitenko for
his intereot. There are 21 references: 18 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet.
The two references to English-lanLuuge publications read as folloy(sa
J. Mi. Dawson, Phys. Rev., 113, no. 2, 383, 1959; E. A. Jacktion. Phys.
of rluids, 3, no. 5, 831, 1960.
C:ird 5/6
AUTHOR: Tkalich, V.S. (Moscow)
TITLE: Compression of plasma cord by longitudinal magnetic
field in the presence of shock wave
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika 1 mashinostroyeniye,
no-3, 1962, 11-14
TEXT: A situation similar to that occurring in the theta-pinch
installations is discussed. The growing external longitudinal
magnetic field constricts plasma with an axial magnetic field.
The plasma is formed as a result of the shock wave passing through
a stationary non-conducting gas in which there is also a
longitudinal magnetic field. The problem is formulated using the
fundamental M.H.D. equations and considering a radial motion of
plasma V. = (v,0,0) in a longitudinal magnetic field H = (O,O,H)
in a system of cylindrical coordinates r, 0, z. If 0 and z
are cyclic, a system of motion with homogeneous relative
deformations exists which was solved earlier by L.I.Sedo-~r
(DAN SS~R, v.90, no-5, 1953). Applying the latter solutions and
taking into consideration the high degree of ionization in the
Card 1/2
Compression of plasma cord ... E202/E492
vicinity of the shock wave, the author derives expressions for the
various states of plasma in parametric form, introducing an
auxiliary parameter E . This treatment is followed by a
detailed analysis of the motion of the shock wave relating the
coordinates of the latter with the coordinates of the pinch.
The work is concluded by formulating the initial and the boundary
conditions from which the necessary desiderata for the shock wave
to be effective are also deddeed.
ASSOCIATIONt Energeticheskiy institut AN SSSR
(Power Engineering Institute AS USSR)
SUBMITTED; may 8, 1961
Card 2/2
T e, t
y 5 ta en !)f A ~ I Kh - t
p of curront, I r,,T4 ri
P 7A'
'-I ', 3 1 ",a
'r ~~A CT A "I r-
sA A n,
rl 1;1,.
v wi p ri- r? P ad m -arr, the- c 'nR a.-,,d )f tho pa rt i t!,
Acc "
r - AP40"
for v negative and H Ifv and t,-. vantah oii~ervLse. Iforc, a I F, a jp~a r:i e t r
r-a or
10 i~aave ttle pltsImA tl)rck~gh a Sur-fac,
e s
1 T ng E.- 7 1 z c i-,~a s 1 ag V 0-
v,' r.
AUTTIOR: V,; Tlialich.. V. S-
-if P j e, ni w, i v (2
hydrodvRanlic Ric, rnat ol vi 1 ve f 1, v
A 13 S T 1-1, 1) ~4 R E, 'i TI n,J
T 1,
f T-
I ~l 7
1,)r I, ;-V are obtained
sady-a ta ti Zhur. LCL-- f
carrant fr.-m n r-i-3ma,
L 36469-66 9fPW/EWT(l) W/M
AT6ol6718 (N
SOURCE CODE: U-R/0000/65/000/000/0045/0048
al-ce AN JlkcSSE (Institut giromekhaniki
TUTHOR: Nkalich, V. S.
TITLE: Continuous flow of a tb finite conductivity around a
half body
SOURCE: AN UkrSRR Gidrodinamike bollsbikb skorostey (High speed
hydrodynamics), no. 1. Kiev, Izd-vo Naukova dumka,, 1965, 45-48
TOPIC TAGS: fluid flow, beat conductivity, boundary layer theory, magnetic
ABSTRACT: The article considers the steady state problem for an
incompressible nonviscous fluid of finite conductivity with a single
cyclic coordinate, Using previously published results in a Cartesian
system of coordinates, the author finds the following class of thin
solutions: h -
H~&VEXe,+he3; U-avExes'+ U'(0+2- e,
V~+ c vhxe,; O Hw . and t--) v9mi-ch othril-lsc- Here a Is a --,arametor Lreat(,r
"' I - 1 -- I ... ~ -- I ~, , - ~ --* ; 1. * L, (I - ,, I - , -t -I . ,
. 7-- : !-. ~ ~ .; - ~ , , - 7 , - 1 1 1 1 r., ; ~1, I I .-I , .
. . - 2 --. 1 .1 , ..., - ,
` A - ; "' ( _U"UTi)
, V- -L; W L L-. 1 11 L ~:, J M f I -
" Gn steadystate symmetric nroblem , f high-temjyer~jture
Lierort r,respntzd at the 2nd All-UnIon Con~rec- on I'heoretical
and Applied ZlechanIcs, Nloscow 29- Jan - 5 F~b 64.
Line assembly of the movable parts of electric meters. Priborostror.-nie
no-4:21-23 Ap 163. (I-MRA 16-4)
(Aseembly"line methods)
PETROV, V.A., retsenzent;
SHTMISIR.'AYDER, M.B., -inzh., nauchn. red.;
Ye. A. . red.
[Assembly-line production of electrical inotruments] ~:--
tockmoe proizvodstvo alektricheskikh priborov. Mosk-wi,
Energiia, 1965. 343 p. (milifi, 18:7)
1. Zavod "Vibratorit , Leningrad (for Shteyw,,hnayder).
.1 1 , , i1i,.-/
'TSKY Favel I) a v! cl~ ~ (,P ) 14'
red -
t i
Tj,j aj!(7!rE, rll ~,f wind 6,
[mecharlizatLor, ", "I. ~l 'I- Rlt:~ zat., I I
of electL, ~j - A
av-t.(-,r.ati zato-
I's, a, Lnerg.iliy
- ...... - --, - , - :- ~~. .. I I
Issuing wages to fattening centers attached to sugar plants. Den.
i kred. 21 no.9:73-74 S 163. (YL-1RA 16:10)
1. Starshiy ekonomist Cherkasskoy oblastnoy kontory Gosbarika.
VERFEL, Jaroslav, inz.; TVillY, Zdenek, doc. inz. dr. CSc.
Sirld g of mcased ditcbes at the Nechranice Waterworks.
inz stavby 12 no. 2: 54-62 F 164.
1. Geologicky pruzkur~, n.pep Brno.
TKM, Zdanak., dr.,, in%.,, C.Sc.
Percussion dril-Ung of deep bo-reholes. Rudy 11 no.4:110-
116 Ap #636
1, Geologiclq pruzkum.% n.p*,,. Rmoo
I.T.KANY, Menek, (Jr. inz., nositel costneho odznakii "Nojlopsi pracovnik
geologicke sluzby"
Technology of boring by diamond bits. Geol pruskum 5 no.9:
262-265 S 163,
1. Geologicky pruzkum, n.p., Brno.
TKANY, Zdenek., doe. dr. inz. kandidat technickyah ved
Work of the bit in percussion borLng. Geol pruzkum 6 no.Us
32~-327 N 164.
1. Higher School of Technology, Brno.
JEDLICKA, Mdroslav9 inz., TKANY, Idenek, doe. inz. dr. CSc.
Sr,ahilizing sliding slope.9 by draining them by horizontal
boreholes, Inz stavby 13 no.3:107-113 Mr 165.
1. Oeologicky pruzkum National Enterprise, Brno (for Jedlicka)
2. HIgher School of Technology, Brno (for Tkany).
From the editor's mail. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.15j22 Ag 163.
(IURA 16:8)
1. Neshtatnyy instruktor gorodskogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoy
partii Rrainy, Krivoy Rog, Dneprope'trovskoy obl. (for Tkach).
2. Predsedatell rabochego komitata lesoptomyshlennogo khozyaystva
"Glavleskhozall, Maykop, Krasnodarskogo kraya (for Samsonov).
3. Neshtatnyye korrespondenty zhurnala "Sovetskiye profsoyuzy" (for
BorodIko, Logachav).
(Socialist competition)
L 1996-66 WT(m)/ba(h)
ACCESSION fiRS AP5020263 uR/0367/63/002/001/012!4/0130
AUTHORS Meshcheryakov._Yo A!j Remenov, L. Strokacb, P
TITLES Mechanism of emission of hard y quanta in the reaction x + n -4, x + y + N
SOURCE: Yadernaya Mika, v. 2, no. lp X965, 124-X30
TOPIC TAGS: photon emiasionp pion proton interaction,, nuclear interaction,, pion
pion interaction
ABSTRACT: The authors analyze the mechanism of hard-photon emission when pions in-
teract with nucleons. The contributions of different Feyman diagrams to the cross
section of this process are first analyzed., and it is shown by comparison with ex-
perimental data that various contributions and interferences of the high-order dia-,
gram can be neglected. FTom the experimental data on the reaction x- + p
+ y + p the authors determine the interaction constant for the reaction y + It It
+ x Only the single-meson di
j, ana find it to be equal to C2 = 0*9 1 0.5. agraw
are taken into account,, and the contribution of diagrams with reacattering are
neglected. Diagrams in which 7, quanta are emitted by nucleons are Likewise neg-
lected. The solution of the dispersion equation for the amplitude of the process
in question is obtained in this paper as a function of only a single constantp
Card 1/2
fL 1996-66
Acassiw m Ap5o2o263
'which facilitates the anedysis of experimental data,, inasmuch as they are too
f two constants. "The authors thank B. M. Ponte-
,,55 ocanty for the determination o
-CQ=Q-for interest in the work and L. 1, lApidus for valuable hintsa" Orig. art.
4as: 3 figures and 22 formulae.
ASSOCIATION: ob"Yedinennn institut yadernykh ins'ledovaniy (joint institute of
Nuclear Research)
F-- -- t% sn~
NR MW 807: 005 OTHER: 005
CoM 2/2
Case of osteopoecilia. Vest. rent. i rad. 36 no. 2:68 Mr-Ap t61.
(MIRA 14:4)
Leionwoma of the eBophagus. Vest.!&ir. 82 n0.2:69-91 F 159.
(MIRA 12:2)
1. Iz khirurgicheakov kliniki usovershenstvovaniYa vrachey (nach.-
prof. P.A. Kupriyanov) Voyenno-meditainskoy ordena Lenina akademii
imeni S.M. Kirova. Adres av-tora: Leningrad, pr. K. Marksa, d- 7/8.
khirurgicheskaYa klinika usovershenstvovaniYa vrachey Voyenno-me-
ditsinskoy akademli ordena Lenina im. S.I.T. Kirova.
CESOPHAGUS, neoplasms
leiomyoma. (Rua))
(IRIOMYOMA, case reports
asophaMs (Rus))
Perforation of the wall of the cecum by Ascaris. Vest. khir. 84
no. 2:125-126 F 160. (HIRA 14:1)
i, ''
I - I
t; .. V 1.;
On the first Soviet electric locomotive. Ilak. i tepl. tiaga no.11:
22 N 157. (MIMA 10:11)
1. Mashinist-instruktor depo Khashuri Zakavkazaltoy dorogi.
(Electric locomotives)
TKEMAIADZE. -LA*-Cdeceased]
-_-____~ .
Precash reinforced concrete double-curvature shells for roofs of
medium size. Trud7 nauch. korr. Inst. stroi. dela AN Gru2. SSR.
no.2:121-124 '58. (MITIA 12:7)
(Roofs, Shell)
Sffect of Pn raltrahlgh-"requenc7 field on certain liver fi=tioas
In omparimontal hepat!*11a. Vop.klir.fizloter. I lech.fiz.kullt.
23 no.31268-269 My-Je 158 (MW 11:7)
TMEMALADZE, L. M. -- "Ibe Effect of an Ultra-F[igh-Frequency Electrical
Field on Certain Furcticns of the Liver in &cperimental
Georgian State F-ublishing House for Medical Literature. Tbilisi
State Mledical Inst. Tbilisi, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree
of Candidate in Redical Sciences).
So.: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 2, 1956.
[Fundamental principles of bioenergetics] Osnavnye polozhen-Ur
bioenergetiki. Tbilisi, Gos. izd-vo "Sabehota Sakartvelo.," 1961.
124 P. (MIU 14: LI)
TKONALADZIE, N.M., prof.; APMONIME, L. I., ao,-rlTr in2h,
L -1
Performance of the K-52m cutt--r-loader on an ccal se-an.
Ugoll 39 no.11:38 DI 164. (111RA 18:2)
TKEMALADZE, Nikolay Markozovich
(Principles of tho theory and calculati.ona of mino
transportation equipment] [Osnovy teorii i raschety rud-
nichnykh transportnykh ustanovok. Tbilisi, Gos.izd-vo
"TSodna"] Pt.l. 1963. 333 p. [In Georgian]
TK -It-li 1---Z E-
Wy 48
Mining Methods
rA Fast Method of Exca-vating the Main Drifts of the
.'Yugo-Vostoohnayal Mine in Tkibul," N. M. Tkemaladze,
Engr,2 pp
"Ugo-11" No 5 (266)
Subject mines are being worked through two main
galleries. Describes dimensions of two drifts and
shows how they have aided in the exploitation of
this mine.
Results of st*dying the compaction of loeqs by heavy tampers
in the city ot Rustavi. Trudy GPI [Gruz.] no.1:139-144 163.
(MIRA 18:2)
Cancer of the larynx In a 15-your-old girl. Vent.otorin. 20
no.2:125 1fr-Ap '58. (14IRA 12:11)
1. 1z kliniki, bolezney ukha, gorla I nosa (zav. - prof.S.N.
Khechinushvili) Thilieskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya
- T-WAIADZE . ordinator
Experimental study of the wound healing process following laryn-
gectomy. Vebt. otorin. 22 no-1:55-59 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Iz kafedry bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. S.N.
Khechinashvili) Thi-lisskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta usovershenstvo-
vaniya vrachey i kafedry topograficheskoy anatomii i operativnoy
khirurgii (zav. - prof. Sh.S.Toidze) Thillisskogo meditsinskogo
Technic of stuture of pharyngeal defect in total lar7ngectomy. Test.
oto-ria. 18 no.3:49-51 My-je '56. (W-RA 9:8)
1. 1z kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zavo - prof. S.N.
Khechinaahvili) i kafedry topograficheskoyanatomii i operativnoy
khirurgii (zav. - prof. Sh.B.Toidze) Thilleakogo gosudarstvennogo
insituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey.
(URYNX, surgery,
excia., total, pharyngeal suture (Rus))
TKEYIALADZE, Sh. G., Cand. Medic. Sol. (diss) "on Question of
Healing of Wounds After Goimplete Removal of Larynx, (---~Merl
0 L -
mental and Clinical Observations," Tbilisi, 1961, 26 pp.
(Tbilisi Med. Inst.) 160 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 289).
red.izd-va; GIORGADZE, O.N.,, red.izd-va; TCDUA.. A.R.)
(Continuous and automatic lines in.-some enterpriBes o-f the
electric machinery industry in Georgia] Potochrqa i avtomati-
chaskie linii na nekotorykh predpriiatiiakh elekbromashinostroi-
tellnoi pron7shlennosti Gruzinskoi M. Tbilisi, Izd-vo Akad.
-nail Gruzinskoi SSR., 1960. 162 p. (MM 15:5)
(Georgia-Electric machinery) (Automation)
Concept of total power in a non:3y-:az'--',xicaI mul-Lip',.ase currarit not-
work. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; cn-5rg. I') lio.8-33-38 Ag 163.
OURA 16:9)
1. Gruzinskiy politel-ludehe-skiy inu5l'--itut imen-i V.I.Lenina. Pred-
stavlena ka-ft:droy elcktricheskikh sll-antl3iy' sot'3y i Sistem.
(Eitactric notworks)
j 1, 1~
1114 T,
I.k vprerolo~ ii i -Ierr%atolo
lillr!!,;ri of T.r--:.~,,(
8(0) SOV/112-59-?-2777
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 72 (USSR)
AUTHOR; Tkeshelashvili, K.
TITLt: Computing the Stream Distribution by Successive Approximation Method
(K raschetu potokoraspredeleniya metodom posledovatel'nykh priblizheniy)
PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Energetika, 1958, Nr 1, pp Z5-29
ABSTRACT: A modification of the successive approximation method is presented
suitable for determining the stream distribution in a complicated closed circuit
neglecting losses. To reduce the number of corrections and to quicken
convergence of the problem solution, a set of equations is considered that ties
the numerical values of corrections in various meshes. In a practical
application of the method, the calculations can be restricted to the third
correction. A numerical example is offered.
A.A. K.
Card I 11
ACC NR; A?7008868 SOURCE CODEt UR/0105/66/000/008/0095/0095
AUTHOR: Abelishvilit L, G.; AlItgauzen, A. P.; Daychar, M. Yu.; Gabashvilit
N. V.; Dididzel M. S.; Yefroymovich, Yu. Ye.; Notiyal A. K.; Yupradzej G, D.;
Furdiani, 1. S.; Notushil, A. V.; Nikollskiy, L. Ye.; Razmadze, Sh. ~L;
Svenchanskiy, A, D.; Smelyanskly, M. Ya.;_jka ~shvl 1
ORG: none
TITLE: Professor GrIgoriy Artemyovich Sisoyan (on his 70th birthday)
SOURCE: Elaktrichestvo, no. 8. 19660 95
TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering porsonnal, electric furnace, acadomic
SL3 CODE: 09
ABSTRACT: G. A. Sisoyan graduated from the Foscow Power Engineering Institute
In 1931. In 1932 he wont: to work at the Gcorginn Polytechnical Institute In
the theoretical and general electrical engineering department. Slsoyan has
worked and published many works in the area of electric furnaces. He has
also worked in the area of investigation of electric spark action. He has
published over 50 scientific works. He has also been active In university
level teaching. Orig. art. hast 1 figure. Lr.--RSs 38,33CV
UVCt 621.16
TUSHELASHVILI, G.R., kand. taklin. nauk
t Ion of current distribution by means of consecutive
approximations. Izv. v7s. uchab. zav. ; energ. no. 1:25-29 Ja'58.
(MIRA 11!7)
1. Gruzinaki7 ordens Trudovogo Krasnogo Zaameni politekhnicbeskty
inatitut Im. S.M.Kirova.
(Electric networks)
0 is 11 w 11 w ty 0if ait aa
)v 10 It R U1wil fail MIMPail 041 mom@
Q A.- 1- L-11A.MAM Ot 00 99
ASHVI I, '1Z - '41-tKI410
n be
00 Farposgriya 1940, No, 2/3, 21-4,--Om
Wah"d fraw Afft sev& pan Caucasian
shrub. R Ish Ivy comparatively rkb &0a
11 rill ZxAwwl" , a
In vitawla and so Its berries are poisonous a coifiv
owbitOoM quade Imm them Is my whokmmw and has aCOO
ruild l5pstive c(lem. Julian F. Smith
ad 0 K aIf It a a a 3v
to a Is a a 19 K KW nI
go r, 1,
0 * 0 0 410 101
00 0 0 : 0 0 : :91:
TKESHEI&SHVILI, L. K. -- "The Quantitative Diffusion and Rate of Res-
toration of Phosphoryl Choline and Phosphoryl Ethanolamine in the Animal
Organsim." Georgian State Publishing House for Medical Literature.
Tbilisi State Medical Inst. Tbilisi. 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree
of Candidate of Medical Sciences)
SO: KajzhnAXa letopAUI, No. 4. Moscow, 1956
F ,. --, - A ~;~ --, .-, -~ -, I
- T-~ .; !.,. z .1
"Quantitative Distribution of Phosphorylcholine and Phos-
phorylethanolamine in the Animal Organism," by L. K.
Tkeshelashvili, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, Insti-
tute of Physiology imeni I. S. Beritashvili, Tbilisi,
Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi, Vol
17, No 8, 56, pp 711-717
The author describes the methods used and results obtained in ex-
periments conducted to determine the quantitative distribution of phos-
phoric esters of choline and ethanolamine in the cerebrum and internal
organs of the animal organism. The experiments which were carried out on
rats, rabbits, and dogs established that phosphorylcholine and phosphory-
lethanolamine were present in the animal organism in considerable quanti-
ties, with phosphorylethanolamine predominating. The quantity of phos-
phoryLcholine in the brain and internal organs of the animals varied from
2.2 to 14.35 milligrams in 100 grams of fresh tissue. Largest quantities
of it were found in the liver (rats and rabbits); lesser quantities were
found in the heart and kidneys. It was equally distributed in all parts
of the brain of the dog, with the exception of the cerebellum, where
phosphory1choline was present in smaller quantities. Phosphorylethano-
lamine was found in considerable quantities in the spleen of rats and
rabbits, the grey matter of the cerebral hemispheres of dogs in
quantities varying from 14 to 40 milligrams in 100 grams of fresh tissue.
EXCERPTA MEDIGA See 11 Vol 12/4 O.R.L. Apr 59
CLINIC (Hussian text) - Tkesbslashvili L. K. - SBORN.TRUD.TBIL.
MEDANST. 1957, 1 (173:1174)
3,462 case histories or patients suffering from inflammations of the middle ear are
analysed. Sinus thrombosis constitutes the most common intracranial complication.
It occurs 2.5 times more frequently in cases of chronic otitis than in cases of acute
otitis. The administration of sulphonamides and antibiotics has brought about a
lowering of the number of cases of sinus thrombosis but this does not exclude the
possible need for surgical treatment. References 40. (S)
USSR/Ifurnn and Animal Physiology. (Normal and Pathological)-
If Metabolism. Metabolism of Lipids.
Abs Juar: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 79275.
Author Theshelashvili) L.K.
Title Rate of Renewal of Phosphorylcholine and Phosphoryl-
ethanolanine in the Animal Organism.
Orig Pub: Soobshch- AN GruzSSR, 1957, 18, No 4, 413-419-
Abstract: The rate of renewal of phosphoryleholine (I) and
phosphoryl-ethanolwaine (II) was studied in the
brain, liver, spleen, kidneys, heart and skeletal
muscles of rats and rabbits, and in various sections
of the brain (grey and white matter of the cerebral
hemispheres, the cerebellum and myelencephalon) of
dogs to which Na2l'P'2 04 was introduced subcutaneously
Card 1/2
USSR/Ilfumn and Animl Physiology (Nomal and Path6loG~6---J),
Metabolisn. Metabolian., of Lipids.
Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol.) No 17; 1958, 79275.
or suboccipitally. It was shown that the I and II
are renewed in unirzl organism at a rapid rate,
but differently in different organs. Relatively
the most specific activity (p32 in I and 11) of p32
in inorganic phosphate was found in the brain and
kidneys; the least, in the skeletal Lmscles. Fron
investigations of sections of the brain, the greatest
rate of turnover was noted in the white natter of
the brain.
Card 2/2
rV., anCj A.
"Applications Of PhOsphorous Esters of Choline, Ethanolaraine an(I Scrinf-, to
Phospholipides Synthesis in Brain
0 "1
paper to be presented a4~- 211d UN Intl. ' Con-f. on the praceful ilseg of Atomic
Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sept 58.
TKESHELAS T.. M. , Cand Med Sci - (dies) A "Treatment of diaphysial
fractures of both bones of the forearm by intra-oaseoua fixation."
Tbilisi, 1958. 25 pp (Tbilisi gate Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, 15-58,
1 13,1 P
Conversions of phosphoric eaters of choline, athanolamine, and
aerine in the brain. Ukr.biokhim.zhur. 31 no.6:913-936 159.
(MIRA 13:5)
~~,A-R ~ HIM-
Changea in the mucous membrane of the pharynx during the
menstrual cycle. Zhur. ush.v nos. i gorl, bol. 23 no-4:
63-65 Jl-Ag'63. (MIU 16tlO)
1. 1z kliniki bolezney ukhal gorla. i nosa (zave - prof* S.Ne
Khechinashvili) Thilisakogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya
vrachey i imllauchno-is~ledovatellakogo inBtituta fiziologii
i patologii zhenshchiby.(zav. - prof. I.F.Zhordania [deceased]
Ministerstva zdravookhranoniya Gruzinskoy SSR.
_Rjq1Ij L.r
Studies on Cardiovascular System, some Biochemical,'Hematologic and
Haemostatic Blood Indications in Old Age. Clinical Cardiology
Gerontalogy, 6th International Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark
11-16 August 1963
Studying biochemical transformations of phosphoryl serine in the
brain. Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN Gruz. SSR 12:163-173 161.
MLL~i 15-.2)
Internal fixation '1A tMeVams during childhocd. Soob. fill
Gruz. SSR 25 no. 3:357-30 s 160. (MIRA 14: 1)
1. Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy iwtitut usovershenstvovaniya
vracheye Predstavleno akademikom K.D. Eristavi.
Intraosseaus fixation in tubular bone fraotureB with a pin
made from a cowls horn, Trudy Thile GIDUV 6:3917-405 162.
(MIRA 16:2)