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Decreasing expenses and ine-easing the time between roll,
changing on continuous sheet mills. Met. i gornorud. prom.
no.2:34-37 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18: 5)
doktor tekInne 71allk [deve-ased]; GOWII,~~-
',,lay, of dec caoing the crescent ,3~Ape of
nn.. ~ -. /,6.-,,'47 J.1
C. v"e". I gornorud. prom t,
.:,f weIded "AfRA i~-,
Sl;udy!Lmg the fonwrard flow on contirruamas sheet rolling rills,
Met. i gornorud. prom. no.4143-45 J~-Ag 165. KIIRA i8ZIG)
-rN,-7LIQtY . L, L~.
;-;~ . -
Semiconductor thermostat for self-oscillators. Zhur.tekh.fiz.
27 no.6:1215-1220 Je '57. WaA 10:8)
l.Inatitut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk SSSR. Leningrad.
(Thermostat) (Oaoillators, Crystal)
TITLE Semiconducting Tharmoatat,-fo-r-AqV-Tg-neratorB
(Poluprovodnikovyy termostat dlya avtogeneratorav. husslan)
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz. 1957o Vol 27, Nr 6,, pp 1215 - 1220 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT An apparatus for the keeping constant of the temperature of auto-enera-
tore as well as the construction of a thermostat by means of semiconduc-
tor-thermo-elements are described. The results of the investigatioms
which had been carried out by the Institute for Semiconductors together
with the Faculty for Radio Engineering of the Mozhayakiy-,kcadeqr are
given. 1.) A thermostat with a battery which consumes 3 - 4 W of electric
energy can keep constant 100 cc at 20 - 30 0 C and within a temperature
fluctuation of from +60 to -60 0 C. 2.) The distribut.-on of the quartz-
-autogenerator scheme, collected in a point- or plane triode, does not
essentially increase the heat stress of the battery in a thermo-stabdLi-
zing spaces 3.) The blowing at the surface of the thermostat as well as
of the radio-technical block is essential as the temperature within the
block can be higher than 80 0 C if the outer temperatures are 55 - 60 OC.
40 In the case of work at low temperature conditions (-60*) an automa-
tic switching off of the blowing, a regulation of the feeding current
of the battery and an increase of the heat isolation of the thermostat
must be provided. 5.) The heat-balance, i.e. the temperature demanded
Card 112 (+350c) is attained in the thermostat within 20 - 40 minutes. 6.) The
Semiconducting Thermostat for Autogenerators
scheme within the thermostat must be composed of parts which are moist-
ure-resistant to a high degree. 7,) The inertia of the thermostat is
different in the case of heating and in the case of cooling. It mainly
depends on the temperature-fluctuation-amplitude as well, as on the re-
lation between the capacity of the battery and the heat stress. (With
5 illustrations and 5 Slavic references).
ASSOCIATION Institute for Semiconductors of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R.
(Institut Foluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTED 29.12-1956
AVAU,ABLE Library of Congress
Card 2/2
1. TKALICH, 1~. It.
2. USSR (6co)
4. Shchekino District - Coal
7. Report on the prospecting survey for coal in the North Shchakino section of the
Shchekino District in -the Tula Province. (Abstract) Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon.
no. 3, 1947.
9. Monthly List'mf Russian Accessions Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified.
1. TKAT TCH, ~J. 1,1.
2. U-q,9,R (600)
4. Coal - Shchekino District
7. Rerort on the prrspoctin~ survey for coal in the -North Shcbelklmo sectio-ri of the
Shchekino Distvict i , the Tula Province. (Abstract. ) Izv. Glav. upr. ~;-eol. fon.
no. 3, 1947.
9. Monthly List o" Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified.
Ultraeonic control of cast T)arte. Zav.lab. 25 no.7:gT; '59.
(aIRA 12:10)
1. Luganskiy tnplovoznatroItnl'nyy zavod im, OktyabrIskoy
(Founding-Tnnting) (Ultrannnic tnsting)
Ultrasonic Impactlon of weld unams. Zav.lab 25 no.7:818-a2l
(MIRA 12:10)
1. Iawanskiy teplovozontroital'W zavocl im. Oktyabr'skoy revolyu-
26 (5)
AUTHORS: Shanter, Yu. A--. Tkalich, 11~ Ye. SOV/32.25-7-8/50
TITLE: Ultrasonic Control of Welding Searas (Ulltrazvukovoy kontroll
svaTp-y?li ahvov)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya ).aboratoriya, P)r-q, Vol 25, Nr 7, pp 818 821
ABSTRACT: The quali-ty oontrcl of welding seams by means of ultraaonics
and prismatis feeler Cauges (FG) of the system T9NIITMA91i can
take place according to two s,.--hemes - with a direct ray and a
reflested ray. The distance of the front surface of the (FG)
from the middle of the welding seam, under consideration of the
different rates of propagation of the longitudinal and trans-,
versal ultrasonic waves, is determined by means of an equation.
Other equations eerv~? for the determination of the position of
the defect for the direct and the reflected socuid rriy- In thq
present case corresponding nomographs were drawn by mEans Of
equations, for (FG) with angles of 50 and 400 (Fig 2). and thus
a considerable simplification of the computation was aehieved~
The work with ouch nomographe is illustrated by the example of
the definition of the quality of a welding noam with a rlintal
Card 1/2 thickness of 10 mm, An appliance was designed fox the exact
Ultrasonic Control of Welding &earas SGVj/'72-2--7-1 8/50
displacement limit of the (FG) (Ref I). A description of the
working technique in given for the detection of craQks. Welding
seams of bridige cranes, welded by hand, were tested according
to the described method. Special samples of Yielding seams were
produced with the standard types of defects (pores, cracks,
slag enclosures etc) and the connection was examined between
the shape of the echo siGinal on the screen of the crack de-
tector and the kind of the defect. The investigations were car-
ried out b,r means of the crack detector UZD-7N with frequencies
of 2-5 megacycles. It was found that a provisional estimation
car, be made with regard to the kind of defect in the welding
seam (Fig 4). There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Luganskiy teplovozostroitellr-yy zavod im. Oktyabriskoy
revolyutBi.' ~&wmr,3; WorkB for Locomotive Construction imeni
Oktyabrlakaya revolyutsiya)
Card 2/2
28(5) SOY/',z2-2r-7-79/'C
AUTHORS: Shanter, Yu. A., Tkalich, N. Ye.
TITLE: Attempt at Ultrasonic Control of Castings (Opyt ul'trazvuko-
vogo kontrolya litykh detaley)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 7, p 884 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The sensitivity of ultrasonic control was examined by control-
ling forgings and castings. The examinations were carried out
with the apparatus UZD-7N and a feeler gauge at frequencies of
2.5 megacycles. The sensitivity curves obtained are given (Fig),
In examining castings of large dimensions it was difficult
to obtain the surface purity required (,7v 6,7v-v7)- In these
cases the roughly treated surface (v 2, v 3) of such castings
was filled and it was found that thus a sufficiently sensitive
control could be carried out. Upon increasing the thickness
of the filler layer, however, the sensitivity of control de-
creases. Cast cog wheels of steel 45KhNT and cast die castings
of steel 5KhNV were ult.rasonically contiolled by the method
described. There is 1 figure.
Card 1/2
Attempt at Ultrasonic Control of Castings SOY/212-25-7-39/50
ASSOCIATION: Lupanski_v teplovozost-coitelinyy zavod im. Oktyabrlskoy
t8a Construction Factory imeni Oktyabr I skaya
Card 2/2
DOLIDZE, G.V.,, kand.biolog.nauk; VOLKOVA, L.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;
NFSTEREN'tr,O, N.I., kand.biolog.nauk; TKALICH, P.P.
From practices in the use of poisonous chemicals. Zashch. rast.
ot vred. i bol. 8 no.9:20-21 S 63. (MIRA 1611o)
1. Institut sadovodstva, vinogradarstva i vinodeliya Gruzinskoy
SSR (for Dolidze). 2. Fskovskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opy-tnaya
stantsiya (for Volkova). 3. Laboratoriya toksikologii Vsesoyuznogo
nauchno-issledovatel'8kogo in3titUta sakharnoy svekly, Kiyev (for
TKALICH, P.P., m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Biological mthod for controlling the borer Pyrausta nubilalis
Zashch,,raat. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.8:24-25 Ag 161. (MA 15:12)
1. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut lubyanykh
kulltur, g. Glukhov, Sum koy obl.
(Hemp-Disoases and pests)
(Pyralid moths-Biological control)
1. TKALICH, S. m.
2. USSR (600)
I+. Geological Research
7. Botanical methods in geological exploration. Bot. zhur. 37 no. 5, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1-953. Unclassified.
_ _~ --a-
2. Usm 6oo
U. Prospecting
7- Contents of iron in plants as a prospecting criterion, Priroda, 42, No. 1) 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl.
TKALICH, Serafim Mironovich; JCRASNIKOV, V.I., red.; G.V.,
redizd-va; BYKOVA, V.V.,
[Practical guide on the biogeochemical method of prospecting
for ore deposits] Prakticheskoa rukovodstvo po biogeo-
khimicheskoma metodu poskov rudnykh meBtorozhdenii. Moskva.
Goa. nauchno-tekhnizd-vo lit-ry po,geol. i okhrane nedr,
1959. 50 P. (MIRA 12:8)
(Geochemical prospecting) (Indicators (Biology))
KOSTGO, M.K., dotsent; KU2MSOV, G.A., dotsent; PXXARIN,
G.B., red.; S.M., red.; KUKHIN, S.S.. red.izd-va:
GUROVA, O.A., tekhn. _0__
(Angara-Ilin iron ore deposits of trap formation in the southern
Siberian Platform] Angaro-Ilimskie zholazorudnye mestorozhdaniia
trappovoi formstaii iuzhnoi chacti Sibirskoi platformy. Koskva.
Gos.nouchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrans nedr, 1960.
375 P. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo geologii i okhrany nedr,
2. Geologi Irkutskogo geologicheskogo upravleniya (for Antipov,
Ivashchenko, Korabellnikova, Pekarin, Strakhov). 3. Irkutskiy
gornometallurgichaskiy institut (for Kosygin, Roolyakov). 4. Ir-
kutskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet (for Kuznetsov). 5. Glavnyy
inzh. Irkutskogo geologicheskogo upravleniya (for Tkalich).
(Angara-Ilim region--Iron ores)
SYKADOROV, V.S., red. tora; PEKARET., P.A.: red. tom; HADCHEITKO,
G.P.., red. toma; RYA~OKOIII, N.F., red. toma; TrALI ',_
S.'M.j red. toma; IZRAILEVA, ".A., ved. red.
[Geology of coal and oil shale deposits in the U,S.S.R.]
Geologiia mestorozhdenii uglia igoriuchikh slaxitsev SSSR.
Vol.8. 1964. 790 p. (I-MIA 17-12)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Go~5udar5tvermyy geologi-heskiy
C_7~~~~of karst carried out by the Southern Ural Geological
Administration; theses. Nov.kar.i spel. no.2:65-66 161.
(WRA 15:9)
(Ufa Valley-Karst)
(Belaya Valley (Bashkiria)-Karst)
Landscaping the roadside of the Novo-Ukraiska Highway Sectios.
Avt.dor. 18 no.2:P 3 of cover Mr-Ap '55. (KLU 8:6
(Novo-Ukrainke.-Roadaide improvement)
ACC N'- AR7000838 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/009/GOO I /GOO 1
AUTHOR: Saltanov, M. V.; Tkalich, V. S.
TITLE: Nonstationary problem in magnetic gas dynamics
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9G1
REF SOURCE: Visnyk Kyyivs'k. un-tu. Ser. fiz. ta khim., no. 6, 1966, 75-77
TOPIC TAGS: gas dynamics, linear equation, nonstatioriary problem, magnetic
gas dynamics, relativistic problem, three dimensional problem, symmetry
integral, steady state motion, Riemann wave, nonsteady flow, cyclic coordinate,
ABSTRACT: The relativistic. nonstationary problem of gas dynamics and magnetic
gas dynamics is analyzed in the three-dimensional form for a case of two cyclic
coordinates. A complete set of symmetry integrals is obtained. These are then
used to derive an equation identical, except for the notations, to Rudnev's form of
Sedov's equation in the theory of plane steady-state motions. Conditions are
obtained in which the problem is reduced to the solution of a linear equation.
ACC NR- AR7000838
Riemann waves are analyzed. An auxiliary function in introduced which satisfies the
linear equation, and by means of which all the physical parameters are expressed
in their final form. (Translation of abstractj ISPI
Card 2 / 2
Steady states of a high-temperature plasm. A plasma
column in a longitudinal magnetic field. Zhur. tekh.
fiz. 32 no.12:1418-1427 D 162. (MIRA 16:2)
(Plasma (Ionized gasebi)
(Magnet4.e fields)
AUTHORS: Tkalich, V.S., and Tkalich. Ye.F. Sukhumi)
TITLE: The correspondence between stationary flow in
hydrodynamics and magneto-hydrodynamics
PERIODICAL- Izvestiya-Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnichesk:Lkh
nauk, Mekhanika I mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No.2,
PP- 115-116 ,
TEXT: The paper is a continuation of previous work by
V.S. Tkalich (Ref.4: Sbornik voprosu magnitnoy gidrodInamikI I
dinamik! plazmy, Riga, 1959, P. 191; Ref-5: the present journal
196o, No.1). The system of vector equations for the Ideal magneto-
hydrodynamics of an-incompressible fluid are quoted from H.Alfvgn
(Cosmic Electrodynamics, IL, 1952). If the electric field
vanishes, then in the stationary state t = 0) the equations
reduce to :
. d1vH = 0, MY V = 0,V CPU
Vw=VxrotV- I HxrotH, Wo vs.+ P_ + 17
47cp _F P
Card l/ 2
The correspondence between ...... E081/E141
'where y = y(r) is a function of the coordinates. (Abstractor's
note: (p is the only quantity in Eq. 1) defined-in the paper).
X 2 4 1 the equations reduce to the simpler form (Eq-3) by
if 4 3 PtP
8 M sip (4n pV - 1). t 8 U a3 EH
7-1-tP (2)
,V (sw) - U X rot U, div U - 0, (UV) t -h 0 (3)
The first two equations in (3) coincide with.the system of.
equations of stationary hydrodynamics, except that differing
*ymbols are used. The solutions of these equations enable
comparisons to be made of the kinetic and magnetic energies of the
field and the solutions are compared with those obtained earlier
by other workers. Ac'knowledgements are expressed to N.V.Saltanov
for his partic�patIon In the discussions.
There'are 6 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: October 11, 1960
Card 2/2
TKALICH., V.S. (Sukhumi); TKALICH, Ye.F. (Sukhumi)
Conformity betWeeM stationary motions In hydrodynamics and magnetobydro,-
dynamics. IzV,AN SSSR.Otd.tekh.nau Mekh.i mashinostr. no.2:3-15-116
mr-Ap 161. (KM 14:4)
(Hydrodynamics) (Magnetohydrodynamice)
IMICHY V.S. (Sukhurli'; -.rLALICII., Ye.F. (Sukhumi)
110--tationa.ry spiral norveraents in -muitioomponent
M-F r, 24. d2)
,1 o.L&,16 11-D 11"d.
Steady states of a high-temperature plasm. A plasma
column in a longitudinal magnetic field. Zhur. tekh.
fiz. 32 no.12:1418-1427 D 162. (MIRA 16:2)
(Plasma (Ionized gasebl)
(MagneUc fields)
S/207/61/000/006/00 2/t 25
AOO I/A 10 1
AUTHORS: Tkalich, V.S.,,T~~ ~F. (Sukhumi)
TITLE: On nonzsteady screw motions in multi-component magnetic hydrodynamics
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 6, 1961,
8 - 16
TEX T: The purpose of this work was investigation of non-steady screw mo-
tions in multi-component magnetic hydrodynamics. The authors introduce in the
analysis the analogs of electromagnetic potentials (T , rotB) and total momentum
(Pk) of the unit of mass of k-type ions. A definition of "screw" motions is
given as motions satisfying the condition:
rot P ~ a (P - 11* e. rot B) (1.4)
k k k cmk
'The present work is restricted to studying "homogeneous" screw motions in which
ak = ak(t) i.e., quantities are independent of space coordinates. Then the sys-
tem of equations given is linear with respect to the functions sought for, which
Card 1/3
On non-steady screw motions A001/A101
are magnetic and electric fields and velocities V . Solving the system the
authors express magnetic field in terms of a single vector F depending on coordi-
nates and time and electric field in terms of the gradient of an arbitrar-j harmo-
nic function T 0. If ak / 0, momenta Pk and velocities V k are expressed in terms
of vector P. If ak = 0, momentilm Pk is a gradient, and such motions represent a
generaliza-tion of potential motions in conventional hydrodynamics. Using harmo-
nic-conjugated functions the authors solve the system of equations for the case
of potential motions and find the vector fields of quantities E, H and V k' 'The VY
next case consideredis steady motions; in case of the absence of any magnetic
field,-the eqliation of motion in the e%leady case is reduced to Bernoulli's equa-
tion. In the case of traveling waves, energy Wk depends on magnetic field H. and
derivatives of function F. Several extreme cases of function F presenting a
special interest are analyzed. One or another form of this fundtion is selected
depending on -the mutual orientation of the magnetic field vector and direction of
propagation of traveling waves. For the case of waves traveling along the magne-
tic field Ho, which is applicable to plasma waveguides in which magnetic field is
oriented along the waveguide axis, the form of F-function looks as follcws:
F = F (q I . q2, -rx3 + Cj t) (5,1)
Card 2/3
3 1; " 2 7
On non-steady screw motions AOOI/AIOI
As an example the authors consider propagation of axial-symmetrical waves in a
cylindrical waveguide. Introducing dimensionless quantities for frequency, den-
sity and phase velocity the authors derive a dispersion equation and find the con-
ditions under which its solution is a real quantity. There are 17 references,
16 of which are Soviet-bloc,
SUBMITTED; February 16, 1961
TKALICH, V.S. (Sukhumi),- TY.UICH Ye.F. (Sukhumi)
Helical motion in the multicomponent magnetoV.,drodynamics. Izv.A!7
SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no.5:184-186 S-0 160.
(MIU 13:9)
I TA14 OV, BoriB Nikolayevich; TKALIN, Ivan Mikhaylp~v~qh; SOOTS-13W, Vyachealav
k- - .1OVMM, Romn Izrayle-
Aleksandrovich; SHTRUM, Mtor L v I
vich, MAYANSKIY, losif Isaakovich; BORISOVA, Volya Petrovna; ARTYM-
NOV, V.O., retsenzent; BLZKIMTM, L.I., red.; SCULEVA, Ye.M.,
[Technology of the manufacture of electric instruments) Tekhnolo-
giia elektropriborostroaniia. Mos1rva, Goa.anerg.izd-vo, 1959.
590 P. (MIR.A 13:4)
(Electric apparatus and appliances)
TKA1,111, Ivan Mikhaylpyich; SHTRUM, Viktor,Llvovich; MAYOROV, S.A.,
-. kand-. tekhfi-. nauk, retsenzent; BIMSHTEM,1, L. L, red.;
SOBOLEVA, Ye.M., tekhn. red.
(Automation and mechanization in the manufacture of electrical
instruments]Mekhanizatsiia i avtomatizataija Y elektropriborc-
stroenii. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 10,62. 331 p iMIRA 15:12)
(Electric instruments) (Automation)
.%,-,-do the 4.3 lp'tr~.'t '~fuxtrl-) Y-f-. 11"7.
M ;. E-.t. .11p -,('CC prin-.4.
Ed. 3J. !Lltroll.~w, L-!~ ?.-I:, z' :--I
5~llezo..; ?do.$ A.Z. 1--c" f
?.1r. -414'.t. ~f A.K
' ; - - 'lot"
of T-t--I:.Z 5--l.W-1, a.A. 9-lk-, Zrglo.-, I.N. S io 1-1
:d. for h-
La. of Publ!.P.-
JI=-,.kIyj Tach. Ed.,
PC?.?=, T~U. -~Uoctlzn or is i.t..ded f.~r tvo~.!
"- p1lants, 14. sod sol-tific-re ... r-h !zItIt't...
fty .1sop be uz'~~slftllel wcoko%.
C-f Lh. ?sch!n- -rd
b"'Screaber Z4-;9, ',9!9 in Lanlxprad. 7'.. by
ftt-t---c "4 tooll-l-I of t~ 'T
.. -cht". ."d !-drat.
Qr-j 17,1Z, ~A ~h. or. b ... d '.he -p-iol-
or Industry La ,oLrcd-L=g the gmur.UC ;r!n"-,14 in ;r-4311rg. 'coy dis-
basic tran" In dvvslopwtt, and C~up uhinin.; in tht basis ~V -h-
o-z-1vtoo- ;,od-ti.., 7h. ~f --t-I.I: llit.o' I
or end -A f aq.l~ disouse-d ?rob: x, d a~lng vith U.* irtrid~ctl-o -f
tbDas Iz-,o -h1-. L-13 -I I,... P~d-tl- of
C art --W-d. ?I.=-
-4 oa. o,!a .,nr ~el latlnj '.to -n~- voneva
: iffect'
;o,~- ng am .'so t-atod. lo persoonlitles are -11-ccol. 7tate
am no -f
S.%~p of 2-_I.1 -d "'drors.1
Vorl, Sporl-o. ar '.he ?-,.I.riy* 2cl
U-s t'F~. 'hG W-Mt
Wtip.-.d_t pr, zu
1. Gmp Cp~..sjng] and Sector% 1. Snall-
'rro-ah 229
~to- ~t4t!p- _- Lj~.o fr Port Y..hintng
[~'ovj. a-..p S4*-;- "
3, d
in the Ll~.k4 sarod &T*4"og~uhlk~l (L',-, L-tlng--r~k Plant) 23-
_d]. t, In Ap-rUc-t-oD 2r -~.. C-.p yeh~ In
ions p. u6
-g-rodo-t ion -.f C--tt-u- Y#th-d3 and
of Ajsaab~ Cipam%lone in nw~ric-l"t-ozt. XA-fa-'tuz'i=l' 260
gasd ojs G-r=p Pr~-44L-t
I III 'S 1, ='-p mcc
VAX. A, ;;~;7x i
-29 3-p
.%d,;. The M,,,rj.ue of Introduo' 26
tb. Ztbl-'.?--td or tb- tl"-4~' Ll
jiozac-1. T~A llal'at a or 1 .. roll Toom ~;.omtlo. or Plant 280
-L=jk=_XA. [1--tzgTed). he Zparjotco or Intro4ozing 296
Yhotbd. in on, Optjcqj-r~haoical Plant
-be of 296
Se,11-1,ot Prod~tt*n In the %:m~s,&shz&Tod
(Kubyah~]. SiPo4l-l F6-to"s 1. t?,* V".I.poo.t of MAn.-
Vith the Introdwation of aroup Y~h!Alzl of ?or,* jig
TFALIN, I.M., inzh.
Use of a multic7cle continuous line for the prodiiction of
electric instruments. Vest.elektroprom. 31 no.1:55-58
ja 16o. (MIRA 13:5)
(Assembly-line methods) Plectric apparatus and appliance)
VLASOVf Mikhail Fedorovich; PIGIN, Sergey Mikhaylovich; CHERVYAKOVA,
Vera Ivanovna; LAVRUKRIN, M.A., ret6onzent; -TKALIN, I M.,
retsenzent; LEKHSHTEYN, L.I., red.; ZHISHNIKOVA, O.S., tekhn.
rad,i 11 4
(Assembly and adjustment of electric measuring devices]Sborka
i regulirovka elektroizmeritellnykh priborov. Izd.2., perer.
Moskva., Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 260 p. (MIRA 16:3)
(Electric meters)
First steps in lowering the production costs on the "Proletarskiin
State Cattle-Breeding 7hrm. Zhivotnovodstvo 20 no.5:24-30 W 158.
(MIRA 11:5)
1. Direktor plemsovkhoza "Proletarskiy," Ryazanskaya oblast'(for
Pm*ov). 2. Glavnyy zootekhnik plemsovkhoze. nProletarelcly, 11
I~razanskaya oblast' (for Tkanko).
(Dairy cattle breading)
Safety of operations on die casting machines.
no.7:38-39 Jl 162.
WRA 16:2)
"Torpedoing in hydraulic drillin-.11
p. 299 (Vodni Hospodarstvi) No. 11, Nov. 195?
Prag.rue, Czechoslovakia
90::Y,onthly Index of East European Accessions (Z71T) LC. Vol. 7. no. 4.
April 1958
TKAN-f, 7.
Rotatinr, worm 1,,orinf,, a new horinry mpthod for soft rocks. p.191.
(Stavivol Vol. 35, No. 5, Fav )9`7, Praba, Czochoslovakia)
SO: Monthly List of East -Puropean Accessions (EFAL) V3. Vol. 6, I'lo. 9, Sept. 1957. Uncl.
TK,A~4Y, Z. ; JEDLIChA. PI -
Core bores with large profiles. p. 212. (Inzenyrske St2vbv, Vol. 5, No. 4,
Apr. 1957, Praba, Czec6slovakia)
SO: Monthly List of 'bast Euror)ean Accessions MAI.) LC, Vol. 6, -No. 8, Ala-, 10,57f. Uncl.
llole hcrin7, fcr 7,crc-I
LE l1r.l.
of East horc-pean ~,ccc-Fsi-ns
onth ..a-
~~KLNY, Z.
The detendnation of the boring ~-~'r--Jity of rocks.
p. 524 (Inzanyrs~e Stavyy) Vol. 5, no. 10, Oct. 19~7, Fraha, Czechoslovakia
so. 110",ITHLY -'"U"' r-F " A i' n- j~ LF J) LC, vl(~L. 7, ~!C, 1, JA%:
, " ZA ~ :"-Zi. _CFEt.,j OCESSICN5 (I!2i:, . 105F
It M
00 A
-it ...... NEW
aM Ark. 4r le".1a*44ow-
,r Fm
b*dkr TWNjtw
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gl, *41
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0 Cuiture of tunig-itsIt In U.S.S.R. lt.,fls 'I'km,,hrsA,, -00
RM.. ifthrrm. 1,441T. 1,6 !1 air. Irop. 28, 32 WHIM. A
iosl of tile 40vogir cm.66031* III the RuImLssf Wilir
mecird Alrylito's f,wdii k cultiv.0"I III C.111cuslan
: `60
0 1 "It asrA of the IILA%7k SkA. The Ilrylog of lrtsitI I% stib. 7* 0
a; "t tttst~l bv a whk-h m4tmi rpivmp and i,
rsiv~~Arp %a that the kmiels cut he ftr,,t how Me III -h
0 by wishing. Losses in oil due to thii lermcnumon wr
1* 0
only tjfx~-0.00% RUSSiAn tung oil hJ5 16 r
n U210-400. acid v-,duc 0.5(H),98. Sapom vilor 191-8,
I v,due 164-72. 'ei referenc-s.
ZO 0
, Iwo
z t*o
I J4.1 To 0
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00000:i~ooooooo*e*oooooo oooloo00000***000000*0 ~
- 0*0 10000*oto*Oo*O*00 0*0.000**000*00*0*0000 :1
ID A i1i
11 U 0 bi It IS Va 0 41 Q ss 44 a
HydmuUc resishme In (sugar beet] dUtualm
battery c*U. - F. R. 'buTma-umto (Nouch. Zap, Sach.
Prom.. 19U. 37-~-A'127w-~130).-Technknl
details are czamiDed. Ans. (p) 0
030.1 %W43-1-W.
a 6 0
via-, to"IfIv
SUA31 ad 0mv 1%1
b U 0 AV 00 Or
0 0 0
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C A -J 5,, -j -L- a -A 1- 6 1 1 -f'~ I -A, JL-AA CC 0 M a I -S -I- a 6 A
A -1 --JL I j
5 A- A
36". Trwepwt ad low by the Explodeet-Wave. A. R. 00
ys. Zeits. 4, soa~*Iuxiqa. 3. a.
MeNnewak! and 1. T. Tkataclowke. A
pp. paper describe* experiments on the tz'
tt"kwt of ions In the esplonion of a definite mixture M "vtylsas sM air.
00 and forms part of a $DAM of Investigations on the "Itchani"a of the Coln-
bustiou proom and the explosion W gas mixtures (we Abstract S361
(1930)). The apparatus used conAsted of a glass tube of about I cm.
internal diameter and Go cm. king through which th* exlAosion gas mixturo .00
was driven at cmutmt Immure, the mixture Wng igulted at the open *W 00
of the tube, at which the gas mixture passed into the air. The tube ow. 0
00 Wood two s1milar cylindrical condensers whom distance apart could be '00
varied. Eacb condenser was In circuit with a ballistic galvanomeW and a so*
00,3 battery. A voltage of from S50 to 1400 volts could be applied to the con-
deasm. When the explosion wave travelled down the tube in the opposite
diriection to the Sas current, a conduction current was observed in the
go galvanometers. The number of WA caught could be estimated from the
galvanometer deflection. Calling the condenser and galvonometar nearer a**
the 40tion point of the mixture No. 1, and the otb" No. S, it was found
that pJvanomttar No, I gave a am-Ile deflection when the field was
condensers No*
I and S
tbaa who no d*W was a
d t
loo transport b wAssured by Uw difference is the d4dkOmu of galvema-
mater No, 2 In the two cans. A diagmeo W the apparatus, with tables of
mults, am given, topther with a short discussion. T. R.
0. 4 10 - I L A -I~AkLURSW4 U111*4101 CLASSIP)CAIPON in
14. via.. wj-~.
*11,11 IM 1~1 all
I IF 94 6 a 4 3 1 V Imn
0 U AV Q Ali 0 04 K Al K U 11 It KID A I
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- .,,- .. - 7: A 1 -3, ,e _4 '~- - I I
- '. LIT""'-" - n
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r- -, .
: - ".1 . - - I .
A . , . . ., s
- 1-i . . zeits. d. Sovjetunion) 5. 3. pp.
A. ' .A ,
446-452, 1934.
t., *r, .T PT.) 53j-
~(D' y , 7 r
V.hTs"'i '7,11. .1 "(", -1. 0. ) - .
-1 ." .
A,. ". I&LItion'-.1 , ph",
54D, 1935-
f$ $6 V of 0 It Z; a V is A 10 11 u a
X-A o cc SR. s.-L-A-A -t-I 4_J j
P*m(ssf$ AW PACO "ll -A A
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vAlroWiran sodim
aurs*&. (1, 1. 001A.
adlIk& TUP A! 0 W I Ka (J. Um. hW.
flow, _1067),1t is wmbWed fivm
sokbift data fw- the
Rom"" =,,OdlrNa,a
ry bla%.
in 8-10%, yw...
R. T.
%0v4 1119i I.-
voia-sv-- 1-7 totow It G"v 004
U- AV At
09a a 44
0 o
loo.. ".1"T
41113T ~&.v Til
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1 1~ , ; -, : . J 1 N, L .
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i . - .
6. V.
6. V. Tkatshenko and 1". il. 11-10mikovskiy
"The %".cchanisjm of UjiulsioD FolymerizatIon. Polymerization of I.I-Dichloro-
ethylene in Lmulsifier-Solutions", Lollold Journal 13, 2-17-2-25, June 1951, ~.oscovj
o0- I
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*"i -OiVil"4.0 0 6,0 ib
lot 011!TI.9f!T.
11 it it So opq
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dioxMk~ hwn
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A. 1).
001OLTICS67i AM& VIM. -*,, MRAS..
93 M*bT* lbwdt km~yl,, s-butyl, 001
AL-A-L~ I -- age
0 =00
*8066 %die I gmkA im A34 0
higimselvdahL. --i
411111111111411111 evencum &DI304Y oe
even be Gaillmorm" OW kre
erplalued 1*6&.
of the jj-* tion by the in the-Wirn,
.1. W. S. 00
0.. Got NIA961 Iw (1.- 41,
u Alf 0~) Ali ;a, 4. act it K,W KIAA
it oK : : : I : : a a a 3 11 IF
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ill S K (1kn'll -. 1. - -ri: -.."-~rrj2o
Ij Ir. -n9 zib
t rg
,,an. tfiklis nco2~
y red.; RYABENKO, V.Y'I,., zam. glavnogo
TKALICH,..S.M.-; 1411MYEV, I.K., glavnr
red,; TUYOLISKIY, L.M., zam. glavnogo red.; KURIYOOV, F.F.9 otv.
zav vypusk; BASSOLITSYN, Ye.P., red.; BUITHIKOV, I.I., red.; DAUKSRO,
Yu.Ye., red.; DZINKAS, Yu.K., red.; ZHARKOV, M.A., red.; ZAVALISHIN,
M.A., red.; WDELIBAIR4, M.M.v red.; MATS, V.D., red.; MALETOV, P.I.
red.; NOMOKONOVA, N., red.; NOSEK, A.V., red.; SERD, A.I.,, red.;
SEMENYUK, V.D., red.; TAYEVSKIY, V.M., red.; TIKHONOV, V.L., red.;
TROFIMUK, I.N., red.; TOMILOVSKAYA, M.V.,, red.; FOMIN, N.I... red.;
SHAICS, F.I., red.; TROSHANIN, Ye.I., tekhn. red.
(Biogeochemical anomalies and their interpretation.] Biogeo-
khimicheskie anomalii i ikh into6rpretatsiia. Irkutsk, 1961.
39 p. (Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Irk-utskoi
oblasti no.3). (MIRA 1?-l)
Focusing in a linear accelerator by means of traveling waves
brith mumnary in 3nglishl. Ulcr. fiz. zhur. 2 no.4:299-302 O-D
157a (MIRA 11:3)
1. Fiziko-tekhnichniy institut AN URSR.
(Particle accelerators)
TITLE: of Focusaing in a Linear Scoelerator by Means
of a Travelling Wave. (0 vozmoshnosti fokusircrvki lineynom
uskoritele begushr-hey volnoy, Russian)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fdcaperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 3, pp 625-626
Received: 6 / 1957 Reviewedt 7 / 1957
ABSTRACT: By a modification of the method of radial- and phase stabilization
by the introduction of periodic inhomogemities into the wave con-
duotor (of. V.XM , L.GOOD, Phys.Rev. 92, 538, 1953) the possibil-
ity Of & stabilization of the motion of heavy particles by means
of a focussing travelling wave of an additional generator is here
theoretically discussed. The nonrelativistic equations of motion
are firzt solved for synchmnic particleB by successive approxima-
tions. Next, small diaturbances of the motion are examined and the
conditions for simultaneous mdial- and phase stability are de-
rived. By the addition of nonlinear terms expressions for the angu,.-
lar capture domain and the permitted dispersion of velocities are ob-
tained. ( 6 Citations from Works Published) -
ASSOCIATION: Physical-Technical Institute of the Academy of Science of the
Ukrainian SSR
SUINKITTED: 20-12-1956
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Stepanov, K. N., Tkalich, V. S. SOV/57-58-8-28/37
TITLE: On Electron Plasma Vibrations in External Electric and
Magnetic Fields (0 kolebaniyakh elektronnoy plazmy vo
vneshnikh elektricheskom i magnitnom polyakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1958, Nr 8, pp- 1789 - 1BOO
ABSTRACT, This paper gives an account of the study of the propagation
of electromagnetic waves in a plasma placed in cross-wise
arranged electric and magnetic fields. The thermal motion of
the electrons is taken into consideration and the behaviour
of the plasma waves is studied in detail. The fundamental
equations are laid down and formula (19) for the dispersion
is deduced. Several limiting cases involved in this equation
are examined. Formulae (39) - (42) are deduced. They take ac-
count of the influence of the collision of the electrons with
heavy particles per gap width (na shirinu razryvov). In the
final part the vortex field is also considered (rot E ~-O)
and the dispersion relation (46) for this case is obtained.
Card 1/2 The refraction index of the plasma waves is computed from (46).
On Electron Plasma Vibrations in External Electric and Magnetic Fields
All solutions of (46) in the entire frequency range, for which
(46) is valid, can only be obtained, if Eo - 0. A. I.
Akhiyezer suggested the problem and supervised the work, Ya.
B. Faynberg and A. G. Sitenko discussed the results with the
authors. There are 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR,Kharfkov (Physical and
Technical Institute,AS USSR.Kharfkov)
SUBMITTED: April 27, 195i
Card 2/2
rpid 31 'A A -4
- ,;I
d ~4
31 A
A z ~ u I'l I .a K~.~
0 o x4
ASCII I's 31 al i
IOW SOV/179-59-4-18/40
AUTHOR: Tkalich, V. S. (Sukhumi)
TITLE: Investigation of the System of Equations of Magnetic Hydro-
me chanics
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikb. nauk.
Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr41 PP 134-135 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The system of equations of ideal magnetic hydromechanics
(hydromechanics of incompressible liquids) is first written
down in the absolute Gaussian unit system (Ref 1). For the
steady case a/at - 0, the-system can. be written down in foxm.
of (1) after integration of the induction equation. This
system is'studied in,any,orthogonal coordinate system
(ql,'q2? q3). The investigation is restricted to a/aq 3 - 0'
and the method by I. S. Gromeka (Refs 3,4) is generalized for
this case* The general solutions of the first two equations
(1) have the form of (2). Formula (2) is substituted into the
third component of the induction equation, 3~/aq 3 is assumed
to be equal to 0 ( + is the electrostatic potential), and a
Card 1/2 Jacobian equation (Ref 5) is obtained, the general solution
Investigation of the System of Lluations of Magnetic Hyd-ro=echanJ&.cs
of which has the form of (3). When the cross derivations of
function 4) are seit, equal to each othszq an equation is ob-
tain6d which gives a further Jacobian equation by means of
(2). The third compcrier-11 of the equation of motion has a similw,
form. The-total solution of this system is (4). These equaVions
(4)~cdnstitute a system of equations which are linear with
respect to H and V. If the determinan4u.-,of the system is not
equal to zero, the system can be so!-red with respect to H and
V, and-the-formulas 5) are obtailned..By use of (2) the two
first admponents of t he`)equation of motion (1) can be re-
presented in form of (6 . This formula is equivalent to
Pfaff's equation. H and V are eliminatedl and formula (7) is
obtaiz~~d by means d (5). On the assumption of (8), formula
~7) can be simDlified to formala (9). The general solution d
9) is e uation (10). If the conditions of (11) are applicable,
formula M) becomes 'linear.- P. Ya. Kochina discussed the
results of the investigation with the author. N. V. Saltanov
and T. R. Soldatenktiv showed contiawua interest in the present
investigation. There are 6 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: December 29, 1958
Card 2/2
lo. q-000
AUTHOR. 'Ekalich,_ V, S~, tSukliumi)
TITLE: Transformation of a System
Hydrodynamicl Approximation
PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademii nauk
nauk, Mekhanika i niashinostroyeniye,
pp 122-123 (USSR)
of Equations for the
of klasma J,~
SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
1959, Nr 5,
ABSTRACT: The plasma of N types of ions considered in a
stationary Maxwell system a/dIt ~-' 0 is defined by
Eq (1), where y is the electrostatic potential.
The general solution can be presented in the form of
Eq (2), where y and stream functions,
h 3- the third Lame coe~ficienti H = h 3H3 , Vk = h3 vk3
If Eq (2) is substituted in the equation of ion motion,
Eq (1) (Ic-type), then tho rormuln
J ((Vk' OLOV + Vk) = 0
can be obtained, the solution of which can be shourn as
Eq (3). Thus, the magnitude of H can be defined as
Eq (4). By excluding V Ir from the third equation of
Eq (3), the expression Eq (5) can be obtained from
Card 1/2 which the formula (6) is derived for the first two
Transformation of a System of Equations for the Hydrodynamic
Approximation of Plasma
components of the equation of ion motion (k-type)3
7 Xwk - (.VkX Vot %, It)*+ (Ik(v It x We
The system of equations (5) and (6) can be shown in
the linear form as Eq (7), which, together with
Eqs (2) to (4), determines the magnetic field and the
velocity. Acknowledgments are expressed to N.V.Saltanov
for his advice,
There are 4 Soviet references,
SUBMITTED: December 29, 1958 t-K
Card 2/2
0 100A E032/E5i4
AUTHOR: Tkalich, V.S. (Sukhumi)
TITLE; A Study of the Equation of Magnetic Hydromechanics in
the Two-Parameter Case
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960, Nr 1,
pp 182-183 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper is a continuation of previous work
reported by the author in Ref 1. The notation employed
is defined in that paper, where it was shown that in the
steady state the system of equations of ideal magnetic
hydromechanics is given by Eq (1) of the present paper.
The analysis of these equations given in Ref 1 is
continued in the present note, using the method of
I. S. Gromeka (Refs 1-6). The analysis is carried out
in an arbitrary orthogonal system of coordinates
(qlg q29q 3) assuming that the quantities H, v, t,
and w are independent of q 3' The two-parameter
Card 1/3 solenoidal fields H and v were shown in Ref 1 to be
A Study of the Equation of Magnetic Hydromechanics in the Two-
Parameter Case
given by Eq (2), where H and V are given by Eq (3)
and T, TO I a, P are all arbitrary functions of and
the latter quantity is an arbitrary function of q1 and
q * Substituting Eq (2) into Eq (1), one finds that the
efectrostatic potential is a function of the parameter
Moreover, the arbitrary function P can be expressed
in terms of the electrostatic potential ~ in the form
p = cdj~/d~ . Thus, all the equations in Eq (1) can be
integrated in a closed form except for the first two
components of the equation of motion (Eq 5). If the
determinant of the system given by Eq (3) has a non-zero
value, then the parameter 1~ is conveniently chosen to be
of the form given by Eq (6). The quantities H and V
are then given by Eq (7). Integration of the equation of
motion (Eq 5) yields the solution given by Eq (8), which
can also be rewx-itten in the form given by Eq (10). If
w is of the form defined by Eq (11), where a, a and al
Card 2/3 are arbitrary constants, then the basic equation TEq 10 ~~/
A Study of the Equation of Magnetic Hydromechanics in the Two-
Parameter Case
becomes linear. The analysis is then continued for the
special case of a cylindrical system of coordinates and
assuming that the functional relationship J(~, r) = 0
exists. An expression is derived for the total
pressure P(r). A further special case discussed is
that in which the determinant of Eq (3) is equal to zero.
Acknowledgments are made to N. V. Saltanov and Ye.F.
Tkalich for valuable discussions.
There are 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet and 1 E lish.
SUBMITTED: October 23, 1959
Card 3/3
TKALICH, V.S. (Sukhumi); TKALICH Ye.F. (Sukhumi)
Helical motion4in *kt oulticomponent magneto.Vdrody-namics. Izv.Aff
SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk.Nekh,i mashinostr. no.5:184-186 3-9 160.
(MIRA 13'9)
;110 j,40 1044,106:S, I 1q7 s/185/6o/oo-,-/ooi./013/018
..z6 3 Tka Pakhomov, V.I.
-~Z:3 Elastic Waves in a Thin Toroidal Tube Filled With a Liquid
4-1-1-,-t~ALs Ukrayinslkyy Rizychnyy Zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 5, No. L PP. 115 - 117
~LXyx The genoration of homogeneous acoustic fields in a liquid is of
,.z re a timportance for certain technical purposes (Ref. 1)~ A hc-mogenaous acoustAc
fiela kaccording to period) can be generated In a resonator which i-1 shaped like
a toroidal tube filled with a liquid. In such a system, a wave can be estab-
.-Ished which r-ans along the tube's axis (Ref. 2). Mathematically and by consid-
ring the potential of the liquid's velocity, the defokmation vector in a hard
1>~dy, the velocity of the sound In the liquid (c), the longitudinal (ce) and
transverse (ct) sound velocities in the liquid, the normal tension component on
in-er surface of the tute, as well as a number of other factors. the authors
"?rlve a formula by which ths~ phase speed can be caj-arjj.ated~,
I -- 2
a)(1 + d, ~a
_L�ff - +(I - -_2a
2b 0
,arc: 1/3
Elastic Waves in a Thin Toroidal Tube Filled With a Liquid
r.21.)2 b ~ (2t)2 ~rv
where a - (c , d = 2 - . The phase speed calculated according to
e c Porr
the above formula (for the mjnu5 symbol) coincides with the results of the cal-
culation and the experiment (Ref. 4) In the case of small frequencie5 . The ra
dicant expression in the formula is a positive value. It has been estabiished
that there are always two different undamped waves, which correspond to two 3 ''- V
1utIon6 (8) of, the own frequencies' equation (7). The relationship of the ene'
gy flow In the wall of the tube to the energy flow in the'liquid q at d~5>1 is
expressed In the following way.
a ,A2 b a2 + (I a)2 '9)
q - 17- _____2a
, 2 d ''T1 - a)(1 a32
Therefore, if the phase speed is close to the sound velocity In the liquid, then
the greated part of the energy Is copeentrated in the liquid. Thus, the homoge-
neity of the acoustic field in a liquid is attained (on the average aceording t,'.~
period) owing to the thinness of the tube. In closing, the authors-express Trf-,--
gratitude to K.D. Syellriykov, 0.1. Akhiyazer, V.S. Humenyuk, H.Ya. Lyulbarslkyy
and M.A. Khyzhnyak for valuable discussions. There are 4 references% 3 Soviet,
and 1 English.
daid 2/3
..,.-itdc Waves in a Thin Toroidal Tube Filled With a Liquid
Fizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut AN URSR (Physiab-Technical Institute,
October 17, 1959
,ard 3/3
'P 0 0 0
Saltanov, N- V,., Tkalich, V. S.
Magnetohydrodynamic Waves of Finite Amplitude
Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki-, !960, Vol, 30, No. 10,
pp, 1253 - 1255
TEXTi From the set of equations (1) for an ideal, incompreBsible fluid
of ideal conductivity the authors d9rived equation (7),
~a 2 a 2 2 - 2
7t + v0 ar)2 - va ar 0; Va = Ho /4nQi on the condition that all
physical quantities depend on time and one coordinate, The general solution
(Ref. 4) of equation (7) is given by,~ "'P,(r v0dt + v a0 +71"(r -Sv 0dt
- V t) (8), where the vectorstp,,- and are arbitrary functions of their
arguments. Equation (9), h holds f or
the fields h and V. This solution describes the sum of two waves
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84 735
Magnetohydrodynamic Waves of Finite Amplitude S/057/60/030/010/017/019
propagating along a constant magnetic field In opposite directions The
conductina fluid is assumed to propagate along the field at a velocity
v0(t),, The latter is an arbitrary time function. In this wave, the vertor
of the variable part of the magnetic field strength is arbitrarily
polarized. The following relations-liold for v 0 Ot
-T,.(r + v at) + -(r - va
I (-./V (?! -- (10)
v 4nQ')
+ - ---* i
In waves having the form of (10), the vectors h and 17, in general, are not
parallel, As a result, there is one component of the aaternating field in
the direction of a constant magnetic field (contrary to the AlfvA-n and
Valen waves). The authors thank-Ye, F, Tkalich for discussions. There are
4 Soviet references,
SUBMITTED3 April 8; 1960
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Tkalich, V. S.
TITLE: Waves of Finite Amplitude in a Multi-component Conducting
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 39, No. 1 (7), pp. 73-77
TEXT: The purpose, for which the present work was undertaken, was to
reduce the system of equations which in hydrodynamical approximation
describes a non-perfect plasmalkwhich consists of N kinds of ions each
of which may be considered to be an incompressible fluid) to a linear
system. With this reduction the assumption that the signal be small is
avoided. The propagation of waves with finite amplitude is investigated
for the case when the neutral plasma is situated in a constant homogeneous
magnetic field.lSome conditions for the applicability of the hydro-
dynamical approximation to a plasma are mentioned. Thus, for example,
to satisfy the condition of incompressibility, the plasma temperature
should be so high that the thermal velocity substantially exceeds the
Card 1/2
Waves of Finite Amplitude in a Multi- S/056/60/039/01/12/r,29
component Conducting Medium B006/BO7O
translational velocity~ Results obtained for a two-component plasma
(Particularly the phase velocity) are compared with the results of other
authors (S. I. Braginskiy, Ref. 3, S. I. Syrovatskiy, Ref. 15). In
conclusion, the choice of appropriate boundary value conditions is
considered. The author thanks N, V. SaltAnov and Ye. F. Tkalich for
discussions. There are 15 references: 12 Soviet, 2 American, and
1 Svedish.
SUBMITTED: October 22, 1959
Card 2/2
Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Several non-linear problems of plasma
dynamics." Sukhumi, 1961. 12 pp; (Physics-T-Pechnical Inst Academy
of Sciences Georgian SSR); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 10-61
sup, 205)
AUTHORS: Tkalich, V.S., and Tkalich, Ye.F. (Sukhumi)
TITLE: ';i~e correspondence between stationary flow in
hydrodynamics and magneto-hydrodynamics
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya-Akademii nauk SSSR,*Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika I mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No.2,
pp. 115-116
TEXT: The paper is a continuation of previous work by
V.S. Tkalich (Ref.4: Sbornik voprosu magnitnoy gidrodlnamJ-ki I
dinamiki plazmy, Riga, 1959, P. 191; -Ref.5: the present journal,
1960, No.1). The system of vector equations for the Ideal magneto
hydrodynamics of an-incompreSBible fluid are quoted from H.Alfve'n
(Cosmic Electrodynamics, IL, 1952). If the electric field
vanishes, then in the stationary state (,3/'t 0) the equations
reduce to
divH=O, d1VV=0' V (pH
VW=YxrotY- 1 Hxrotn. WM V2.+ +,e
4:tp P
Card l/ 2
The correspondence between ...... E08l/El4l
where y y(r) is a function of the coordinates. (Abstractor's
note: y is the only quantity in Eq.(1) defined-in the paper).
if 4'jTp(p2 ~ 1 the equations reduce to the simpler form (Eq.3) by
s1 gn (4stp(pl - 1). -4.,p)- (2)
U x rot U, d1vU=0, (UV) t -11 0 (3)
The first two equations in (3) coincide with the system of.
equations of stationary hydrodynamics, excep7t that differing
*ymbols are used. The solutions of these equations enable
comparisons to be made of the kinetic and magnetic energies of the
field and the solutions are compared with those obtained earlier
by other workers. Acknowledgements are expressed to N.V.Saltanov
for his participation in the discussions.
There'are 6 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: October 11, 1960
Card 2/2
. 3 --1 ~Yf, -1
14. Eo3i/z426
AUTHOR. Tkali--h, V.S. (Sukhumi)
TITLE- On uns-'Zoady motion in non-ideal magnetic hydromechanice
PERIODICAL-. Akademiya nacak SSSR. 1z-raatiya,. Otdalaniye
tekhnli~heskikh nauk, Makhanika i mashinostroyeniye.
-v,5, 1961, 22-29
TEXT. The fundamental equations are transfr~rmed-by the
introdu,tion of a curvillnear ;pzrd1n4t& system, and the discussion
limited t-o the caae when the phyzical quantities and'the Lame"
coefficients are indppandent of' tha third coordinate. A system
of four scalar aquatlons i,& obtained from whi-:~h can be determined
the stream functiana, and -:h6 th:,-,&6 tomponeints of the velocity and-
magnetic fielda, If the coordlnate ayartem is zartesian, two
non-line&r equatLoaa are; obta-M-ad for the stre&m functions, the-
remainIng quantitlea are ob-talnad' by, sol,ring these equations and
substituting in the other aquationa, A: number of exact solutions
are given for spezLal cases whIch includ;a ateady motion, inviscid
fluid and the abs6n,_-z of trans,,rerza componentlw of the magnetic
field, Acknowladgmen-,.rz are expressed to Ye.F.Tkallch for
discussion. I.S.Gromek and S.A'.R-5girar are mentioned in the
Card 1/2
il (P
On unst-bady mvUon in nc-n--idea-" EO-'z'.'/E426
article for their ~rontributions in this fields There are
27 referencsa~; 14 and 13 non-So-,-Iat-bloc. The four
mo5l. recent refaranc;aa --o Engi-lah languag& publications read as
Ref.84 Williams W.E. J. Fluid. Mach., 1960, v.8, no.3;
Ref.9g Shmoya J., HishkIn E. Phys, of Fiuida, 1960, V.3, no.41
Ref.22g Long R.R. J. Fluid. Me--h... -1960,, V.?, no.1;
Rsf.23, Kapur J.N. Apple Svient. Res, 1960, -v.k9, no.2-3.
SUBMITTED-. -January 9, 1961
Card-- 2/2
S/20 716 1/000/4006/400 2/t 25
AUTHORS: kali~~, V.S., Tkalich, Ye.F. (Sukhumi)
TITLE- On nonZsteady screw motions in multi~component magnetic hydrodynamics
PERIODICAL- Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 6, 1961,
8 - 16
TEXT: The purpose of this work was investigation of non-steady screw mo-
tions in multi-component magnetic hydrodynamics. The authors introduce in the
analysis the analogs of electromagnetic potentials (T , rotB) and total momentum
(Pk) of the unit of mass of k-type ions. A definition of "screw" motions is
given as motions satisfying the conditJoq:
t~ e
rot Pk - ak (Pk Cmk k 1.0 t B)
The present work is restricted to studying 'I homogeneous" screw motions in which
ak = ak(t) i.e., quantities are independent of space coordinates. Then the sys-
tem of equations given is linear with respect to the functions sought for, which
Card 1/3
On non-steady screw motions ... A001/A101
are magnetic and electric fields and velocities V Solving the system 'he
authors express magnetic field in terms of a sing.; vector F depending on coordi-
nates and time and electric field in terms of the gradient cf an arbitrary harmo-
nic function %00. If ak / 0, momenta Pk and velocities Vk are expressed in terms
of vector F. If ak = 0, momentum Pk is a gradient, and such motions represent a
generalization of potential motions in conventional hydrodynamics. Using harmo-
nic-conjugated functions the authors solve the system of equations for the case
of potential motions and find the vector fields of quantities E, H and V k' The
next case consideredis steady motions; in case of 'he absence of any magnetic
field,-the eqpation of motion in the steady case is reduced to Bernoulli'3 equa-
tion. -In the case of traveling waves, energy Wk depends on magnetic field H, and
derivatives of function F. Several extreme cases of function F presenting a
special interest are analyzed. One or another form of 'his function is selected
depending on the mutual orientation of the magnetic field vector and direction of
propagation of traveling waves. For *the case of waves traveling along the magne-
tic field Ho, which is applicable to plasma waveguides in which magnetic field is
oriented along the waveguide axis, the form of F-function looks as follcws:
F = F (qj ) q2, 1,3x3 + Cj t (5,,1)
Card 2/)
I 6'-~ 7
On non-steady screw motions A0011AI01
As an example the authors consider propagation of axial-symmetrical waves in a
cylindrical waveguide. Introducing dimensionless quantities for frequency, den-
sity and phase velocity the authors derIvo a dispersion equAtIon and filid the con-
ditions under which its solution is a real quantity. There are 17 references,
16 of which are Soviet-bloc.
SUBMITrEDt February 16, 1961
Card 3/3
SALTANOV, N.V. (Sukhumi); TKALICH, V.S. (Sukhumi)
Riemann waves. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinastr. no.6:
26-32 N-D 161. OIIIRA 14:11)
AUTHO St Tkalich, V. S., and Saltanov, N. V.
TITLEt Waves of finite amplitude in non-deal magnetohydrodynamics
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheckoy fiziki, v. 31, no. lo, 1961, 1231-1235
TEXTs The present paper deals with computing the properties of a wave of
finite amplitude, propagating along a mignetic field, in dependence on
conductivity, viscosity, and other plasma parameters. If V and H are
functions of time and of a space coordinate r, the relations Hi Ho/r
V1 . V0/rn can be derived from the known banic equations
dH =rot(VXH-Y.roU1), d1v11=0, d1vV=0,
w--1-vW= VXrotV --L HXrot 11 - v rot rot V,
W V2 F.
2 P
Card 115
Waves of finite amplitude...
2 8`7 S/05;/,61/031/010/009/015
B109 B102
(Ho denotes an arbitrary constant, vo = v 0(t) an arbitrary function of
time, n _'0 (plane symmetry) or I (cylinder symmetry), subscript 1 denotes
the components of the vectors ? and 10. The energy W of the unit mass of
the fluid considered (without magnetic-field contribution) is assumed to
be a linear function of the second and third space coordinates q 2 and q,:
functions of
W a w(r,t) + q 2q 2 + q3q,9 where q 2(t)' q3 (t) are arbitrary
time. In this case, the linear equations
~fo V'; V.
(Dg. dr r4)H,= ar r8 (D, , r" r4 Or LIA
fro I a r-H QS
4 T, p
r 9 ~~ -it- v 77 -r- a,
Tt- v_ -W T- r D
vo 110 a VS (D, V3
r ) H, r, Or
41;prm Or
a . d d I d
D3. v,. 7 7 r 7- D - - - -;w -~-r
Card 2/5 r r 3~ 71
281776 S/05Y61/031/010/009/015
Waves of finite amplitude... B109 13 102
hold for the second and third components of r, andl. By adequate
a tiecializat ions the results obtained are identical with those obtained by
S. A. Re8irer (DAN SSSR, 127, 983, 19591 IFZh, 2, no. 8, 1959),
Ya. S. Uflyand (ZhTF, XXX, 799, 1)60) and 1. B. 6hekmarev (ZhTF, XXX, 358,
196o; ZhTF, XXX, 920, 1960). Upon introducing the vector potential
-9'F: (A2, A3) in (3), (4), the equation
a 02 a a )2 ) - 'Y2. al
-4-- VO -F - V ~;- -"vOW -41rP j7'] (9)
at r 't ) U
Hoe X Q -4- V Q (Q2, Q3)I C = (C, COI
is obtained for a, where e is the unit vector in the direction of r.
Special cases: (A) vo = ~t . I'm =~ = 6 = 0. Then,
.A2=L"-sin(kr)sin(toI-4-F.j), A,= --L"- sin (kr)sin
k k 0 1)
Card 3/5
Waves of finite amplitude ... B109/A102
will be a solution of (9), where h P h0 T21' ly, are arbitrary constants.
From the vector potential one obta?ns as usua y and 9:
H, = h,, cos (kr) sin (tot 4-
V,=-!~2Lsin(kr)cos(wf-i-yj, (e=2, 3).
V T7 t-P
L If there is a fluid layer of the thickness L between two
layers of ideal conductance at r - 0 and r - L, the dispersion equation
W - sm7tH /Lf4nQ is obtained for this layer from the conditions of con-
0 -4 -5
tinuity, m being an integral number. (B) q C 0: the solution of (9)
Ae ' a oe expik(r + ~~Vld*
ik(.y + ym) r.Ho nQk ))M) (14),
1 0 2 1A ~-' H2
~OQ 0
where aoe is an arbitrary complex constant, and k denotes the wave number
Card 4/5