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USSR/Optics Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, 10619 K and its dc component, and these are aj:plied rs,;pectively to t-vo pointer meters. Normalizing the coelffir.,ient of amplification of th~ dc components to unity (S~at.!Arlg the point~trr of tl-!~ ~-,e,:cnd ment at the "red marker"), o-1-5 obtains the valat, of the r~-lative pulsations of the light fl,.~x by dirtctly real~ing th.:~ fir%;t poirtztr instrument. The accuracy of the "i~trobomester" is hitter than I%,- Card : 2/2 V USSR/Physics Lumineucence FD-2L,)L84 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 25/28 Author Tolstoy, N. A.; Tkachuk, A. M.; Tkachuk, N. N. Title Temperature dependence of relaxation time of luminescence of bar- ium and potassium platinocyanides and fluorite activated by euro- pium _q Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, September 1955, 386-387 4 Abstract By means of the method of the ultra-taumeter (N. A. Tolstoy, DAN SSSR, 102, 0135, 1955) the present writers succeeded for the first time in investigating the kinetics governing the photoluminescence of several substances for which the time of extinction of lumines- cence lies in the time interval 1/10 to u; microseconds (the ab- sence of such data on the relaxation -" phatoluminescence in his time caused S. I. Vavilov to call this interval a blank in lum- inescence (Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz., 13, 216, 1949). They find that for all three substances (K2(Pt(CN)4'3H20, CaF (Eu"), bar- ium platinocyanide) the brightness of luminescence ?s proportional to the intensity of excitation E and that the times of extinction and flare-up do not depend upon E; thus all three cases are con- cerned with monomolecular processes representing comparatively slow fluorescence. Four references: e.g. P. P. Feofilov, DAN SSSR, 99, 731, 1954. Submitted May 27, 1955 2Z TOLSTOT, N.A.; TROFIMOV, A.K.; TKChTK, A.M.; TKACHUK, N.N. Kinetics of the luminescence of platix= cyanide compounds. Izv.AIT SSSR 156. (MLRA 9:9) (Luminescence) (Platinum cyanide) /7 L, L USSR/Optics - Physical Optics K-5 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5., 1957., 12935 Author : Tolstoy, N.A., Tkachuk, N.N., Tsenter, M.Ya., Mansurova, Z.S. Inst : Leningrad Technological Institute, State Optical Institute USSR Title : Investigation of the Scintillation of the Flash Flareup Curve for the Glow of the ZnS-Mn Phosphors. Orig Pub : Optika i spektroskopiya, 1956, 1, No 5, 719-728 Abstract : A new procedure is proposed for the investigation of the flash flareup and attenuation of luminescence, based on the application of a one-shot light modulator (magaeto- electric gate, controlled by an electronic circuit). With the aid of this modulator, an investigation was ma- de of the flash flareup of a series of ZnS-Mn phosphors. Card 1/2 USSR/Crystals. B-5 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khtmiya, No 6, 1957, 18329 Author N.A. Tol.-toy, A.K. Trofimov, A.M. Tkachuk, N.N. ~11 Title Lumin~_3-_nce Knetics of Platinum Cyanide C'dMpVmds. Orig Pub Izi. A!; SSSR, E-X. fiz., 1956, 20, No 5, 583-590 Abstract The kinetics of the luminescence of anhydrous and hydrous salts of M/ Ft(CN)4-7, where M may be Li, Na, K, Po, C5, MG, Ca) 0..., Ba., 1, La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, Tu, Yb, was st-udi I -w~-U, an ultrataumeter. In case of all these salts, t1t. brightness of the stationary luminescence is in propoition to 'the excitation intensity, the intensity rise and quenching curves arg symmetrical and exponential. The relaxation time is lo-O to lo-7 sec. The lumines- cense kinetics depends in a complicated manner an the ca- tion nature, the amount of water of crystallization and the crystalline structure of polymorphous modifications. The luminescence kinetics and the luminescence spectrum Card 1/2 - 84 - 61-6-11/26 AUTHORS: Tolstoy, N. A., Tkachuk, A. M. and Tkachuk, N. R. TITLE: Flash Emission of Luminescence. (Vspyshechnoye razgoraniye lyuminestsentsii.) 1. ZnS-Ni Bhosphors. Part 1. (1. Fosfory ZnS-Ni. Chastt I.) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.II, Nr.6, pp. 759-769. (USSR) ABSTRACT: The red band of the ZnS-Ni phosphor exhibits flash emission. The phosphor was excited with 365 line of mercury. The flash was observed using a light filter. The intensity of the flash increased with the duration of the dark interval between two consecutive excitations, to. The maximum intensity was reached at a value of to which increases with decrease of temperature (see Fig.1). Preliminary illumination of the excited phosphor with infrared and green-orange light affected the flash emission. The infrared illumination shortened the dark interval Card 1/3 before the flash but did not affect the maximum flash Flash Emission of Luminescence. 1. ZnS-Ni Phosphors. Part 1. 51-6-11/26 intensity. Illumination with 578 or 546 mA& lines of mercury decreased the ability of the phosphor to emit in a flash. If this green-orange illumination was of sufficient power and duration the flash emission disappeared altogether. The ZnS-Ni phosphor which can emit in a flash was found to possess a wide band of complementary absorption (Fig.5). It was also found that kinetics of the blue-band emission (Zn) is closely related to kinetics of the red band (Ni). The authors suggest that flash emission is due to transitions of electrons or holes from one locallsed state Cfirst localisation") to another such state ("second localisation"). Students of the Leningrad University A. Yeremeyeva and 0. Popova, took part in this work. There are 6 figures and 10 references, Card 2/3 9 of which are Slavic. Flash Emission of Luminescence. 1. ZnS-Ni Phosphors. Part 1. 61-6-11/26 ASSOCIATION: State Optical Institute imeni S.I. Vavilov; Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet, Chair of Physics. (Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut im. S.I. Vavilova; Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut im. Lensoveta, Kafedra fiziki). SUBMITTED: November 28, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 SUBJECTs USSR/Luminescence 48-4-5/48 AUTHORSt Tolstoy N.A., Tkachuk A.M., Tkachuk K.N. and Mansurova Z.S. TITLEt Flash Brightness Rise of Zinc-Sulfide Phosphors (Vapyahechnoye razgoraniye tzink-oullfidnykh fosforov) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR# Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol 21, #4, pp 495-498 (USSR) ABSTRACTt A rise in the flash brightness of the luminescence long-wave band is observed in ZnS-Un; ZnS~Nij ZnS-Co and also in the "pure" ZnS (apparently due to iron admixtures). The flash may be 6.5 times as bright as stationary phosphorescence of ZnS-Ni. The intensity of flash depends on the duration of interruption of t0 in excitation illumination. There is an optimum time of to max ("ripening time") which corresponds to maximum flash. The value of t 0 max depends on the phosphor composition and temperature. Temperature-dependence of t o max is expressed by the following equations I - VOK 7- Card 1/2 L 48-4-5/48 TITLEs Flash Brightness Rise of Zinc-Sulfide Phosphors (Vspyshecbnoye razgoraniye tzink-oullfidnykh foaforov) The process of flash "ripening" ia interpreted as a thermal transfer process of electrons from the local "supply levels" to the local "flash levels". After a sufficient time, elec- trons leave thermally also flash levels. The law cited above can be derived on the basis of these conceptions. The article is followed by a discussion of the topics touched in the report. No references are given. INSTITUTIONs Not indicated PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDi No date indicated AVAILABLEs At the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 SUBJECT: USSR/Luminescence 48-4-14/48 AUTHORSt Tolstoy N.A., Tkachuk N.N. and Preobrazhenskiy R.K. TITLEt Kinetics of Infra-Red Luminescence of couprous Oxide (Kinetika infrakrasnogo svecheniya zakisi medi) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957,Vol 21, #4, pp 521-522 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Development of the ultrataumeter made it possible to investi- gate luminescence kinetics of couprous oxide. The study of dependence of luminescence relaxation time T on temperature and content of ultra-stoichiometric oxygen has shown the followingi T anomalously increases from 5XIO' a to 5xl0_6 sac with the temperature rise from -1830C. At the room temperature the T -value ceases to rise and falls at the further heating (temperature quenching). The increase in oxygen content leads to Z- -decrease at all temperatures except the lowest. Card 1/2 48-4 - ili/48 TITLEi Kinetics of Infra-Red Luminescence of couprous Oxide (Kine'iika infrakrasnogo svechaniya zakisi medi) Citing the 3 possible ways of accounting for the F-rise with temperature, the author favors the third one according to which the absorption mechanism bears an excition character, Exciton decay on a chnrged acceptor loado to photoconductivity, and on an uncharged acceptor leads to luminescence. Assuming that the cross section of exciton capture is larger for the uncharged acceptor, the total cross section of all exciton capture centers decreases with temperature rise and the'r- value of luminescence increases. The report is followed by a discussion. No references are cited. INSTITUTION: Not indicated PRESENTED BYi SUBMITTED: No date indicated AVAILABLEi At the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 T- SUBJECTj USSR /Luminescence 48-4-113/48 AUTHORS: Tolatoy N.A., Tkachuk A.M. and Tkachuk N.N. TITLE: Ultrataumeter (ulltrataumetr) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizichaskaya, 1957, Vol 21, #4, pp 595-611 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to measur relaxa, ion pro asses whose duration is ~ ~ ; rom 10- to 10- within the limits sec, a special apparatus, efultrataumeterh, was designed and constructed. Investigations of the kinetics of some luminophores were carried out with the aid of this apparatus. The ultrataumeter uses photoelectronic multipliers. One of them in of the FEU-19 type (antimony-cesium pnotocathode), and the other one of the "AEG" firm (cesium oxide photocathode). The multipliers are supplied from a rectifier with electronic stabilization. As the Soviet industry does not manufacture oacillographs suit- able for application in an ultrataumeter, a special oacillo- Card 1/3 graph was designed and constructed by the authors. This TITLE: Ultrataumeter (Ulltrataumetr) 48-4-43/48 oscillograph is valuable also for the application of the method of electric-gifferentiations Its sensitivity to inertia is (1 to 2)xlO sec. Its horizontal frequency characteristic ranges from 5 c/see to 10 megac/sec at the value of gain factor k - 500 and to 3 megac/sec at k - 1,000. A mechanical modulator of light can modulate the light of any spectral composition, within the limits of quartz lenses. The practical resolution ability of the u 6trataumeter with the mechanical light modulator amounts to 10- see. Two more ultrataumeters were constructedt 1. The ultrataumeter with an electro-optical modulator of light. It was designed for modulation of light within the visual portion of the spectrum. It was applied for studying kinetics of the infra-red luminescence of cuproua oxide. 2. The ultrataumeter for studying kinetics of cathodolu- minesc*nce. Relaxation times of cathodoluminescence up to 10-7 sec can be measured with the aid of this device. The article contains 13 circuits and 4 figures. The bibliograph lists 25 references, all of which are Card 2/3 Slavic (RuasiaZ TITLE: Ultrataumeter (Ulltrataumetr) 48-4-43/48 The report was followed by a short diacuaBion. INSTITUTION% Not indicated PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDt No date indicated AVAILABLEi At the Library of Congress. Card 3/3 --9L 5152k-65 'ACCESSION NR: AP5015323 UR/0286/65/000/009/0077/0077 535.805.5(088.8) /0 :AVrHOR: Vinog1jqdov,_g, q,; Zavodchikov, G. I.; Telltevskiy, 1. A.; Kolordytoov, Yu. V. ; Z;Tl7ul>ov ghly., Yu. M.; Mikhaylova, K. A.; Kudryavtsev, M. P.; Peryabkov, M. S. I Nefedov, D. h. ; t~ac buk ,N. N- .; Rodzevicb, I. V.; Samurov, L. A. ITITLE: A photoelectric autocollimation tube. Class 42, No. 170707 ISOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy I tovarnykh znakov, no. 9, 1965, 77 ITOPIC TAGS: collimator, optical equipment, photocell ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a photoelectric autocollimation tube which contains an optical system for projecting an image of the working alit I .on a reflecting autocollimation mirror. The optical system then projects the auto- !coll.imaiion image onto photocells which are connected in an electric measuring circuit. This circuit puts out a signal which corresponds to the positioii of the sight axis of the optical system with respect to the autocollimation mirror. The instrument Is designed for reliable operation and simplified construction. The ~working slit is made up of reflecting fine, esg.) edrroras fastened to a transpa- Card 1/2 L 51526-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5015323 rent plate In the focal plane of the main lens of the projection system. These reflectors direct the autocollimation image of the working alit along auxiliary optical channels to the photocells which operate on an on-off basis. The photo- cell located in the main channel, which receives the autocollimation Image passed by the working alit, also operates on-an on-off basis. ASSOCIATIONi none SUBMITTEM O8Jul63 ENCLt 00 BUD COMI EC I i NO REF SOV: 000 or=: -000 Card 2/2 i n,, PROKOPENKO A.G., 5h.; GOITSHNIK, A.D., inzh.,- T~ACIIUK, N.V., inzh.; BRAGINSKIY, V.A., inzh.; GALATSAN, V.N., inzh.; MAKHLIII, V.A., Analysis of the start operation of warm 150 Mi. singleLblock units. Teploenergetika 10 no.8:2-10 Ag 163. (kMA 160) 1. Yuzhnoye otdeleniye Gosudarstvennogo tresta po orranizatsii i ra~hionalizataii rayonnykh slektrostantsiy i setey, Khartkovskiy turbogeneratornyy zavod i Gosudaretvennoye upravleniye energeticheskogo khozyaystva Dnepropetrovskoy oblasti. (Boilers) (Steam turbines) TKACHUK, R.B. Obskva) "Methodology of teaching electric engineering in secondary schools" by M.A.Ushakov. Reviewed by R.B.'Ilcachuk. Fiz.v shkole 21 no-3:103-104. It-Je 161. (MIM 14:8) (Electric engineering-Study and teaching) (Ushakov, M.A.) ACC NRs AP70o,-,668 SOURCE CODE:--t)i~/6iog/67/012/001/0098/0105--~ AUTHOR: Arkhipova, A. M.;_,_Tkachuk, P. M.;.Fedorus, G. A. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, AN UkrSSR (Institut polupsovodnikov AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Threshold characteristics of CdS photoresistore SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 12, no. 1, 1967, 98-105 TOPIC TAGS. photoresistor, photosensitivity ABSTRACT: The voltage and photosensitivity of CdS photoresistors was experimentally studied to establish the application of the photoresistors in recording weak alternating light signals. The 4 x 1-mm film specimens were pre- pared fron CdS single crystals (50-100 p thick) obtained by vapor- phase synthesis of Cd and S on a glass substrate. The noiseless,con- tacts were made by vacuum deposition of indium on the ends of the speci- mens (the photosensitive area is 1 mm2).' The experiment shows that both high- and low-resistance photaresis ors have a minimum sensitiv ~ty threshold [(3--6) x 10-10 Xm cps M2 (1.5-3) x 10-11 w cps -1/2) at 1-10 lux illumination for a light source with a color temperature corresponding to 2854K. The sensitivity threshold for light pulses in the spectral range of CdS maximum sensitivity (A - 0.51 V) is 5 X 10-13 w cps -1/2 at 10 lux white light illumination. 'The voltage Card 1/2 uDc: 621.383.4 t ACC NRs AP7002668 sensitivity of WS photoresistors is 2-10 v/Xm at 1 ir*d-c conatant* voltage. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 1 table, and 3 formulas. SUB CODE; 09, 20/ SUBM DATE: l3jul65/ ORIG'REF: 010/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 5112 LqqrA 21/02 TKACHUK, R.T. - Functional state of the adrenal cortex in tuberculosis of the kidneye. Urologiia 27 no.4:21+-26 J-1-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1, Iz fakulltatakoy kbirurgicheskoy kliniki (2mve - prof* AgGo Martynyuk) Ternopolskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ADRENAL COR7m) (KIIMEYS-TUBERGUIDSIS) ~Av-.;-, n;' I lip adr-n~i' nc!oplaciinf~ o' the Verp.ork, 11 1. 1 -, kn f~(- d ra n op z5 i , , TKACIM, S.A. - I~i -- - Ifethod for suturing the wounil in clean operations. IChirargiia Supplement: 65 157. (MIRA 11:4) (SURGERY, WERATIVE) -T V i~ C,- H L, - C-- ~ Call Nr: AF 1095038 AUTHOR: Samoylovich, A. a. :TITLE: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Termodinamika i statisticheskaya fizika) PUB. DATA: Gosudarstvennoye izdatel'stvo tekhniko-teoreticheskoy literatury, Moscow, 1955, 2nd ed., 368 pp., 8,000 copies. ORIG. AGENCY: None EDITOR: Tkachuk, S.G., and Kuznetsova, Ye.B., Tech. Ed. -TE-a~arfia,~..; Ed. of the Publishing House: Gurov,K.P. PURPOSE: Approved by the Ministry of Higher Education as a textbook for state universities, this book is said to be the first complete text written for both parts of the course on thermodynamics and statistical physics. COVERAGE: See Table of Contents, The book deals with Russian contributions. There are 51 references, of which 40 are USSR, I German, and the remainder translations into Russian. Personalities mentioned include: Korenblit,L.L., Card 1/10 Candidate of Phys.-Math.Sciences, Chernovtsy State Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Cont.) Call 11r: AF 1095038 University; Dakhovskiy, I. V.,Assistant; Kon1kov, V. I., Gorlkiy Pedagogical Institute; Kholodenko,L. P., Gorlkiy State University; Yakovlev, V. A., Chernovtsy State University. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword to Second Edition . & 0 & 0 0 & 0 0 V 0 . 0 0 0 . * 7 Foreword to First Edition . . . . . . 8 Introduction . o . . . * * * . 9 9 . 9 Chapter I. Basic Principles of Thermodynamics 1. Thermodynamic equilibrium -- a special type of flow . . . 10 2. Factors determining theproperties of a system in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3. Temperature as the measure of the intensity of heat flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Card 2/10 Call Nr: AF 1095038 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Cont.) 4. Characteristic parameters of a system in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. Equation of state. 16 5. Quasistatic and nonstatic transitions between states of equilibrium . . . . . . * . 0 0 . . * . . . 0 - - 0 20 6. Concepto of energy, work, and heat quanti ty . . . . . . . 21 7. Macroscopic work of a system as a whole 24 8. Internal energy . . 0 . . 0 # * 9 * 27 9. First principle of thermodynamics 29 10. Heat capacity. Principle of the thermostat. Latent heat. 30 11. Polytropic processes. . . . 0 * . 0 0 a 0 . * 34 12. Pfaff's holonomous and nonholonomous forms. . 36 13. Second principle of thermodynamics for quasistatic processes . . # * . . * * . * . & .0 . . . . 42 14. Entropy and absolute temperature. . . , . 4 0 00 * a 0 0 43 15, Additivity of entropy . Gibbs paradox . . . . . . . . . . 51 16. Derivation of simpler correlations . . . . . . 55 17- Classical formulations of the second law of thermodynamics. Single-valued entropy. . 9 * 59 18. Nonholonomity of thermally heterogenous systems 64 19. Basic thermodynamic functions 66 Card 3/1o Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Cont.) Call Nr: AF 1095038 20. Derivation of some important formulas. . . . 0 * . a 0 0 , 72 21. Joule-Thompson effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . 0 77 22. Thermodynamics of dielectrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 23. Thermodynamics of system with a variable nUmber of particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 24. Galvanic element . . o . . * # * - *- 9 a * 9 a * a 9 91 25. Irreversibility of nonstatic processes . 0 . . . 97 26. Second principle of thermodynamics for no~siaii; ;rocesses.101 27. Clausius inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . 104 28. Work maximum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 29. Efficiency coefficients of heat engines: . . . . log 30. General conditions for thermodynamic equilibrium . 6 0 . . ill 31. System equilibrium in fields of force . . . . . . . . . 0 0 119 32. Stability conditions for the state of equilibrium of a homogeneous system . . . & . . . . . . * 0 . . 0 . . 122 33. State of metastability. Phenomena of hysteresis . . . . . 125 34. Le Ch~atelier-Brown principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Card 4/10 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Cont.) Call Nr; AF 1095038 35- Classical formulations of second principle of thermodynamics and nonstatic processes. Critique of the reactionary theory of universal "thermal death". . 0 . . 0 . . . 132 36. Basic concepts of new thermodynamic theory of nonstatic prbeesses . . . . * . . . 135 37 Th?)modynamics of thermoelectrical phpnom~eL: 139 38: Brief review of the basic concepts and princip'les of thermodynamies . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . 147 Chapter II. Basic Principles of Statistical Physics 39. Lomonosov and the basic concepts of the kinetic theory of heat 149 40. Impossibility ~f re-dL!4 ;h;n*noay;aL;s*tL ;e;h~nic;.* Engel's view of heat as a special form of motion of matter . . . . . . . 150 41. Dynamic and statistical ~uie; 153 42. Macroscopic and microscopic approach to the state of a system . . . 161 43. Fundamental principles oi ;t~tisii~ai ~h~sicsi' 164 Card 5/10 Call Nr: AF 1095038 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Cont.) 44. Processes of relaxation. State of thermodynamic equilibrium as a special form of motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 45. Relaxation as a stochastic process . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 46. System of differential equations for the state of microscopic probability. Analysis of the general solution . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . . 171 47. Equiprobability of microscopic state. Microclassical distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 48. Gibbs' classical distribution * 176 49. Possibility of substituting classical di;tLLL;n for microclassical distribution . . . . . . 0 . 0 0 18l 50. Derivation of thermodynamic laws for quasistatic processes . . . . * . 0 . . * * * * 185 51. Second principle of thermodynamics f~r n~n;t~tic ' processes. Heat exchange. . . * 191 52. General proof of the principle oi Lniro . p~ ;iLe 196 53. Critical evaluation of the results . . . . . . . . . . 198 54. Experiments of Svedberg. Smolukhovskiy's theory. 200 55. Mechanism of irreversibility from the microscopic point of view . . . . . . 202 Card 6/10 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Cont.) Call Nr: AF 1095038 56. Two interpretations cf the principle of entropy riBe 204 57. Theory of fluctuations . . . . . " * 205 58. Fluctuations and impossibility of a sLc~n~ iy~e*o~ * perpetuum mobile . . . . * & 0 * 0 & . 212 59. Non-applicability of results obtained in* ;t~tis;i;al, physics to the physics of the universe . . . . 0 . 0 213 6o. Gibbs' distribution for system with a variable number of molecules . . . . . . . . . * 0 * . . 0 0 . . . a . 215 61. Boguslavskiyls distribution . . . . . . . . . . . 220 62. Brief review of concepts and principles of statistical physics . . . . . . # a # a * * * e 221 Chapter III. Some Applications of Statistical Physics in Research on Classical Systems 63. Nonvariability of phase volume in regard to classical transformations . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 ' * 224 64. Free energy and equation of state for an* idLai ~aL.*"* Gibbs paradox . . . . * 228 65. Equation of state for a n~n_oiaeL'gas* 235 Card 7/10 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Cont.) Call Nr: AF 1095038 66. * Dielectrics and paramagnetics . 240 67. ail;y; Regulation processes in binary m;t;l 245 68. Maxwell distribution . . . e * * 9 . & 260 69. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 70. A different derivation of the Maxwell-Boltzmann * * * * distribution . . . . . . . . . 270 71. M n;n_ e~ui1!b;iU a Boltzmann princIple and entropy ;f ideal gas . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 273 72. Statistical sum conversion theorem . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . 275 73. Law of uniform energy distribution according to the degree of freedom and classical theory of heat capacity 279 74. Fluctuating continuum as a system of harmonic oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 75. Rayleigh-Jeans f onnula . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Card 8/10 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Cont.) C~xdpter IV. Quantum Call Nr: Art 1095038 76. Formulation of problem 77. Planck formula as an empirical fact . . . . . . . . . . 78. Planck formula and quantization of oscillator energy. . 79. Heat capacity of solid bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80. Radiation fluctuations and the photon theory . . . . 81. Calculation of interference wave fieid: 82. Statistical derivation of Wien formula. Nonapplicability of classical statistics to photons . . 83. Quantum synthesis of waves and particles . . . . . . . . 84. Bose-Einstein distribution. Radiation as a photon gas. 85. Fermi-Dirac distribution . a * * o a * * a * * a . * a 86. Comparison of three derivations of distribution. Temperature of degeneracy . . 0 87. Entropy of quantum nonequilibrium* id;ai ~a; 88. Variations in the number of particles and the wave aspect of matter . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 a . 0 0 a 0 9 * 0 89. Electron gas in a metal at absolute temperature . . . . 294 . . 295 . .297 . . 299 307 315 . . 317 . . 319 324 326 329 330 332 . . 333 Card 9/10 Call Nr: AF 1095038 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Cont.) 90. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac equations of state for gases * 338 91. Monoatomic quantum gas . . . . . . 343 92. Thermodynamics of a highly degenerate electron gas 344 93. Electron gas in semi-conductors . . . . . 0 0 6 0 a 347 94. Thermodynamic functions of photon gas . . . . 0 & . 351 95. Highly degenerate Bose-Einstein gas . . . . . . . . 353 96. Remarks on the basic principles of the Nernst heat theorem. 360 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 10/10 TI- ~- - - ~ - , I ZAVILISKIY, Fridrikh Somuilevich; TKACHUK, S..G., rodaktor; KURATOVA,N.T*,; takhnichookly rodakt*r. ~-- , -- - . 1.. [Time and its measurement; from the billionth of a second to billions of .years] Vromia i ego ismerexie; ot milliardnykh dolei sokundy do miliardev let. Hooky&, Go*. izd-ve tekha-teerst. lit-ry, 1955. 174 p. (Time measurements) WaA 9:5) SHVIDKOVSKIY, Yevgeniy Georgiyevich; TKAGMX,, ! __- ~q redaktor; ZHABOTIN- SKIY.Ye.Ye.. redaktor; A)GffA OV,S.N.. toldmichaskiy redaktor [Some problems in the viscosity of molten metals] Nekotorye Yop- rosy viazkosti rasplavlennykh metallov. Moskva, GosAz&-vo takhni- ko-teoret. lit-ry, 1955. 206 p. (MLRA 9:3) (Metals--Testing) AUTHORSt Moshkov, Ye.A., Tkachuk, S.S. SOV/21-58-11-27/28 ---TITLE.- The Effect of Bromine and Caffeine on the Thyroid Gland Act- ivity of Certain Birds (Vliyaniye broma i kofeina na aktiv- nost' shchitovidnoy zhelezy nekotorykh ptits) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, Nr 11, pp 1268-1271 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Data is presented on the effect of definite doses of potas- sium bromide and pure caffeine on the thyroid gland activity in adult male sparrows and young drakes of the Peking breed, subjected to conditions of a long or short day. The ad- ministered dose of bromine stimulated thyroid activity in the sparrows regardless of the lighting conditions. Caffeine exerted a similar, but less intense, effect under conditions of a short light day, whereas with longer periods of il- lumination the thyroid gland activity was lower in birds of this group. No clear-cut resultv as to the effect of bromine and caffeine on the thyroid gland and testis were obtained in the experiments on drakes. The problem of the mutual effect of the thyroid gland activity on that of the repro- ductive glands remains as yet unsolved and requires further Card 1/2 experimental investigations. SOV/21-513-11-27/21) The Effect of Bromine and Caffeine on the Thyroid Gland Activity of Certain Birds There aret 1 table, 1 graph and 19 references, 15 of which are Soviet, 1 French, I American and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut zoologii AN UkrSSR (Institute of Zoology of the AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS VkrSSR, A.P. Markevich SUBMITTED:' May 26, 1958 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation. Card 2/2 Thachulk T.Ya TITIL: I..'ater.-Lals of glaciologic tau. lk.cteorology. 11"o. L) ~21,11'IODIC,-a,: iteferativnyy zhtirnal, abstract 12V388 (Otd. 13.5 pp., illust.) 3/169/62/000/01.2/037/095 U223/J307 research. '"ailiyskiy -la- 8-.* L~ctinometric observations Gcofjzj'Xa, no. 12, 1962, 66, gcoc-r. AN KazISISR, 11., 1962, The materials o~ actinornetric. observations, carried out at the station 'I'uyu.:--u-2 in 1958, are published. The 7,iaterials were Drocei;sed and prc-~)arcd for publication in the glaciologic ,yrou" of the Otdcl' gcografiir.-*~'N Kaz SSPI (Department o-E Geography, ,~-.,'Wstracter's note: Cortipletc translation_.,7 Card 1/~ TKACFUK V. L Y , starshiy leytenant, komand"r motostrelkovoy roty Trainint, of physically hardened soldiers. Homm. Voor-uzlj. Sil 46 no.20:48-52 0 165. (1,a-RA 18:12) BOBRINSKIY, V.M.; BUKATCHUK, P.D.~ BURGELYA, N.K.; DRIJI-IYA, A.V.; YAPTSAN, V.Kh.5 F.AFAIRESKU, V,S,; NTEIRYANSKIY, D.G.; NEGADAYEV-IIIKOI;OV, K.N.5 PERES, F.S.; ROVANOV, L.F.; ROSHKA, V.Kh.; SAFAROV, E.I.; SAYANOV, V.S.; SOBETSKIY, ,,,A,!; KHUBKA~ A.N.; EDELIS V. A.; TKkCLIUK,-_V HTEYN, A.Ya.; LUTOKHIN, I., red. [Paleogeography of Moldavia] Paleogeografiia Moldavil. Kartia, moldoveniaske, 1965. 145 p. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Otdel palenotologii i stratigrafii AN Moldavskoy SSR (for Negadayev-Nikonov, Roshka. Romanov, Sobetskiy, Khubka). 2. Institut geologii i poleznykh iskopayemykh Goffudarstvernogo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR (for Bobrinskiy, Burgelya, Nevryanskiy, Tkachuk,, Edel'-shteyn). 3. Oporna-ya seysmogtantsiya All Moldavskoy SSR (for Drumya). 4. Gosudarstvennyy proizvod- stvennyy geologicheskiy Komitet Moldavskoy SM (for Bukatchuk, Kaptsan, Safarov). TKACHUK, V.A., monter radiosvyazi Specialists in precision eTaipmrent. Avtom. telem. i sviaz' 8 no.2:18 F 164. (IMIRA 17:6) 1. Ilanskayn dintuntsiya signalizatBil i svyazi Vostochno- Sibirskoy dorogi. PARPTNTIYEV, V F~- TKACHUK) V.A,; SHCHSTDIINA, Ye., red.; ARAKAN;~iL,T-.-"-" ' " T , te-kl~n-.'-red' . [Architectonics of the blood vessels of the thymus gland during early ontogenesis] Arkhitektonika krovenosnykh 5osudov viloch- kovoi zhelezy v rannem ontogeneze. Kishinev~ Gos.izd-vo "Kartia moldoveniaske," 1961. 123 P. (MIRA 15:6) (TIM~IUS GLAIID--BLOOD SUPPIZ) 'PIrJiGIi'UK V A 0 ~,..~,d 1, -,.,d 2 ci c,:Iand in 19 5 ("ishili'm `~Id Ul'-61' 1;f An tovy-', (I-L, 26-53, 127) flatswisto I/ U 30 IS SAO *00 41 043 NaMo cwmz PNC-411,111 AND OltPfff 'it 'Pill A I 43 900 006 040 v so it at tarwk add in the wants pfodmcft of wine production and to the raw materials of Axorbald9han. V V. TkK4V)6..;'jmMdsr i l7mograditto 1939, No. 7. -Kk!Q. -1 -Rxtd, Zhu?. 1940, No. 7. 121. juitrLantainsO.3 2M. liquid wine yeam Q.W-0.13. dry wine 20.10-44.81. malt grain% J.u".O% of tar- laric Tidt Ca tartratc obtained from the emid. Juke, -N.09% of tallark yviL,t anti mail grvin* coulains 21.13 Meiji. -vinschiol, (ortificiall winest(me) contains 12.42- 04.0%: clujlk residue. vamunt residue, and bar"I wine- lone 27.37t~2-70 and W.14%. f=p. W. R. Henn .tlo-IL A TAILU*GICA~. LITERATURE CLAISWKAYWW 110FIS tAftoma -A solova "I. cWv cat Ab U s AV 10 is 119 X, OF Not Bic.. 50.0, At) Ad L a fW 0 N x I it 111 9 a d .0 .0 coo X&O 09 300 boo ts** Wool 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 Ole *J: TI naUr. SO V d,-ktor ger -Av. red.; LOM0110S I~S. kaar-6, na-uk, red. FBINEK~T., Ye,'i'j kari;i~ geol.-miy-:. red,; YASNITS"KAYA, 174,V., -red., FILIPPOVA, B.S,, red., SHOKIFL-f, B.S.2; GUSIKOVA, 0,M., zeklin. red. [Mineral wat--~rs of Eastern Siberial I-linerallrfye vody Ilostochnoi. SJ'biri. Moskva, lzd-va AN SSSR, 1963. 148 p. (MA 1731) 1. Akadendya muk SSSR, Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut zemnoy koy-y. TKAGHUK,-V.G., doktor geol.-niner. nauk, otv. red.; YUPa, Yu.Yu., d6fifor geol.-nin. nauk., red.; IVANOV, B.N., kand. geogr. nauk,, red.; GOLOVTSYN, V.N., doktor geol.-min. nauk, red.; VOIIISTVENSKIY, M.A., doktor bio.. nauk, red.; SHULITS, P.N., kand. ist. nauk, red.; DUBLYANSKIY, V.N.,, kand.geol.min. nauk, red.; SERDYUK, O.P., red.izd-va; TURBANIOVA, N.A., tekbn. red. [Transactions of the Joint Karst Expedition] Trudy Kompleksnoi karstovoi ekspeditsii. No.l.[Studying karst in the Crimea] Is- sledovaniia karsta Kryma. 1963. 170 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Kompleksnaya karstovaya ekspedi- tsiya. i& fF jr W- W- " - W, W-, OF41 A- -C-4 0 4 0 0 a 6 0 & 0 0 a 0 I w 1~ It it w it it it is 91.11 Z. 4"JS A.Unit x 31 UU3413buill"Vo u 41 m a r AI L 4 L-1 A AL-1-1-16- -A 2 P 9 It I I U V !_ 1 1 1 L AA 40 (X W tt 4'T. . 11 1 .0 4 .1 1 .,.f .~ a; 0 0 0 06181111113cation Of Undy-CJ&ycy sail-focks on the b4sis of their YNICOMIChAnical ploperfles. Tkarbuk. V! Acad. f,s. Vkraom. S. S. R 6. - 'It,, t V-,. 4. 1. il . 00 fin Engfi~h. 2(ri 4)(Ittim.- ()Fj tile basi-d 111vir collit'll, 'p, srs., Ids,twilit ., ongle. of ini,in,j U.111, ~iml. Im'I allmOllm fill".111.61 Kj"" Imu.itw.. and 11,16111. of '41,111,111- 11w. tile nwk, at, If, 0 Ago 0 00 j = o o 000 00 Zoo 00 00 11 to 0 00 zoo go* zoo *.j IV 0 0 o tj 6 rj 0 : wo 0 $*Iasi -it Q.. -1 a., 'S. - - - _ ss&v Poll!, P all IN It X 9 K ct tt It x tr P, (P It 4 5; w 0 1 .3 1 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v - . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 : : : 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 6 0 ; .6 A_ 0000 4 0 0 * 0 0 40 0000, 0 a a s 0 0 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 -.3. , ~V 1. -rem-~ntu -,,o tiw i,-ruurv;-,.,atr-r cycl, i!,r, Tkachuk ~;. 11,Do-termIrlation of the inc 1~ . - I ., I -- level flucti-atlon' I Trudy Labora~.crii im. airad. ;*,avarei.:~c~ r,, ;01. -1, 194-1-1, P. 163-93, - 3iblioi~-,: 6 iter-Is. SO: U-3042, 11 Earch 53, (Letopis Inykh Statey, ',;o. 9, 11-i"'w') 1. TKACIIUK, V. G. 2. USSR (600) 4. Water, Underground 7. Principles of the division of ground waters of flat regions on the basis of the conditions of balance formation. Trudy Lab. gidrogeol. rTObI.It-1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. CA Conditions for forinatior. of subterranean water% of chlodde-alksli'Calcium type. S. Z. SAWA,,%,kil. V, G. rkachuk, anti S. I.M. T,vik (Minviral. lyi%t Ask- lady Akud. Nauk S.S.S.R. $0. 791 Watct, sit the aluivir tylw were foulial by Ille SuIllors ImAlks, clurcIT10% time, %cry-cl- is, Ow Ilffacv it si, 'kljtgr't.j cach is, "s'lk "..t- ftom .%Is. q I-Vilifig mid Im. exchallic.- rcacti..)~ 'itill 11". 'I'misrA, m ,,,n(Act with ml. 0601 eat, -,kr m ms, dep(h, A. 111)"Sh ficirp-lying sIrl-it, ""UM lvml to give timcr,of Im-rv- ktable mrilm. (" M. TKACHUK, Y.G.; SAYDAKOVSKIY, S.Z. On T.B.Porfirlev's and Y.F.Linetskii's book "Problems in petroleum migration. Reviewed by V.G.Tknchak, S.Z.Saidakovskii. Reft.khoz. 32 no.6:93-96 (MLRA 7:6) (Porfirev, Y.B.) (Linetakii, V.F.) (Petroleum--Geoloa) TnCM, V*G* *~" -: 7~, 'I -m~ ~ --I' TYPeB of underground waters in the Carpathian region. Gidrokhim. mat. 23:62-69 '55, (MIRA 9:2) loInstitut geologii Poleznykh iskopayemykh Akademii nauk USSR. LIVOV. (Carpathianllountains--Water, Underground) h-ln Unat dit appear-ance of C-20. in widergiuulld w-Atis i5 Lht M:ult Of USSR/ Geology Conferences Card 1/1 Pub. 124 - 30/39 Authors I Tkacbuk) V. G., Dr. of Geoi. Ydneral. Sc. Title I Exploration of ground waters in eastern Siberia Periodical t Abstract I Institution Vest. AN SSSR 26/2, 127-128, Feb 1956 Minutes are presented from a conference held at the Eastern Siberian Branch of the Acad. of Sc., USSR in Irkutsk where the study of under- ground waters of eastern Siberia was the main topic of discussion. Submitted W TKACHUKs V&Q#,; PHWAKOV, Ye.A., red.; Sh ALOV. P.A., red.; SOROKINA, T.I., te? [Studios on underground waters in Eastern Siberia] Materialy po podzemnym vodam Vostochnoi Sibiri. Irkutskoe knishnoe izd-va, 1957. 180 P. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial, Irkutsk. 2. Institut goologii Vostochno-Sibirskogo filials AN SSSR; Irkutakoye geologichaskoye upravleniye Ministbretva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Tkachuk). 3. Irkutskiy goeudarstvennyy universitet im. ~A.A.Zhdanova (for Presnyakov). (Siberia, Eastern--Water, Underground) TZLOOK, V.G4; GRICHISHCHNI TO*K* ....... I!asic lines of work done at the Institute of G601097 of the Jhot Siberian Fkanch of the Aeadenq of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. in the field of engineering geology and hydrogeology. Izv. voot. fil. AN SSSR no.1:143-144 157' (KML 11 :4) (Sib;ria, Ikstern-Geologioal research) MOLODYKH, I.1,; TKACHUK, V.G., doktor geologo-mineral.nauk, red. (Loose in the southern part of the area between the Ingara and Oka rivers] Leasovye porody iuzhnoi chasti Angaro-Okinakogo meshdurachlia. Irkutsk, Akad.nauk SSM, 1958. 54 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Siberia, Eastern--Loe as) TKACHUK V.G.,; MISM, G.B., red.; BELOV, I.V., red.; SHOTSKIT, V.P., red.; PMMOVICH, B.F., red.; HISNIKOV, V.V., [Materials for the young scientists' conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the West Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Materialy k konferenteii molodykh nauchnvkh sotrudnikov; k 10-letiiu Vostochno-Sibirskogo filiala AN SSSR. Irkutsk. No.l. [Geology and geography] Geologila i geografiia. 1938. 153 p. (HIRA 10:13) 1. Akxidemiys nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial, Irkutsk. (Siberia, Western--Geology) (Siberia, Western--Geography) t C 0 TITLE: 0." Ea b~ Ol.. AB"TRACT: '47)1 i~ L, c 0:! 1'''11C J11yi-o "Z. I t t t ;):-,I Of t;-x~- ':'a-1-.*: i''nr 1;-,i~.- Siberian DL.P VIC i "n 0, 7 C 09 'ic ~-~rstv~'j Card 1/3 the ' V t3- Investigation a,' Tr ~7 n s L c t i c) ns n' t h e t L e, A. i 'Q a iya Soonovskaya expeditiqn. L t tne j.1-t 0- 4. nIj ry t 0 c;f th-:: sout'nern i,.-rt o-. :;f: ';"he For gencrz-l regional hy,Iropeo1o,,.,-, for tr--chnicp 1i-ol f::i-; science. The Last r---o~,ress o: ;---tion n 2 v-: a, and th~.. ~Ijrt`-,er Of it- 910 The m.~:etin.~7 w--ttliti-id C- ',"h is incor tes iicp I !.j e 4-0 rart "Olier, 1 rid tA~,- comnilvtion o fa m, f1b e iof "he f-c :1A 4 a.- - Lm f .11-,!~Irology ! fill n i- c in the Card 2 Aptinistrations of i.,ic- J niitry at' o: o,-- 1 j- or'. ("I 3113 v P AUTHOR; AfanP_s'Ye,.,,, A- N, SOV/50-58-11-23/25 TITLE: Second Conference on Ground Waters and E-Engineering 3eclogy in Eaet Siberia %I'Tioroya soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam i inzhe- nernoy geoloFii Vastochnoy Sibiri) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1958, Nr 11, pp 69-1j,') (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference mentioned in the title was held in Chita from june 2 to 7j 19;18, It had been organized by the Institut geo- logii Vostoohno-Sibirskr.~;-filialrA~f SSSR (institute of Geo- logy of the East Siberian Branch, AS USSR), the Institut merz.- .Lotovedeniya Ir,. V, A, Obrucheva AN SSSR (Institute of Ground Frost Science imeni V. A, Obruchev, AS USSR), the Laboratoriya gidrogeologicheskikh problem im. F,. F. Savarensin-itp., (Laboratory of Hydrogeological Probiemz; imeni F. F, Savarenskiy)., the Chitinskoye, IrkutskoyeandBuryatskoye geologichesk'4e upravle- nip, Minivterstvi geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (Chita, Lkut:-71c and Buryat GeologvJ.oal Admlnistrntiom4of the Ministry of Geolo- gy and Protection of Natural Resources, USSR), and the Sosnov- skaya ekspeditsiya (Sosnovskaya Expedition). 12 lectures were held at the Plenary i1feetinge, They dealt with the results and Card 1/4 tasks of hydrogeological and engineering-geological exploration Second Conference on Ground 7aters and Engineering SOY/50-58-11-23/25 Geology in Ea3t Siberia of East Siberia, exploitation of natural resources, protection of mineia-1 water& as well as the methcds of compiling compre- hensive and regional geological and hydroollemical multi-purpose mapo, The greatost attention was attracted by the lectures delivered by I, K. Zavteev I'llydrogeologica"! - Multi-purpose 'Aaps of East Siberia i , 2,--,00,00011 and two lectures by V- "Th~~ Mineral 71aters of East Siberia'! and "The Formation of Thermal Waters of -.he Sayano-Baykai-2kiy tfountain- ous Region", The Conference ,~onsLqted of three sa,-.tions.~ j) for geni~ral and methodioal problerm of hydrogeoloay, 2) for regional hydrogeology, and 7) for eng4~.neering geology and ground frost a~iense. '17 lectures heinrd ir the first seciionz V, 7.- Ste- Panov ~.onffrmed the oDlnion of 141. K, Ignatovich, ~it;vt-Iing that there is a vertisal zone distribution in the formation of hydz,o-,-.,hemica1 elements inmountainous regions. 22 lectures were hea--d in the second section, The losses caused by the outflow of the river bed discharge in the Bratskoye ieservoir were submitted to sharp criticism. In the lecture dell-vered by V~ V., Klimochkin (Buryatskeye geologicheskoye upravleniye Card 2A Buryat Geological Administ.ration)."On the Condensed Water of Second Conference on Gro-.--n,,' Waters and Engineering SOV/50-58-11-23/25 Geology in East Siberia the West Zabaykal7ye (Transbaykal)" condensed water was proved to increase with rising height of the slopes in certain moun- tainous regions (up to 30% of *the total balance of ground waters), The author of the present Daper held a lecture-. "On tho Ground Water Component in the Selen&ni River 'he local dependences which were determined for the average annual subterranean discharge in the rivers are indi- cative of an increase in the discharge with the he-17ht and vice versa. The participants, attention was attracted by thc) lecture held by V. 741. Lylo (Irkutlsk UGMS)~ He dealt with the role plq4 by the ground waTcr in feeding some rivers of East SLberia, Deapite a cextain approximation of his data the role of this dis-zharge is very important. 18 lectures were heard and di---- ouaaed in the tPird section. The Conference adopted a very im- portant decigion; hydrogeological investigrtions in East Siberia are to be extended, hydrological litbornt.orieg nnd ~itaitonv- are to he buLlf., the relation betwoen tho f3ub-- rind supezterranaan wolays is to be investigated, and finally, Card 3/4 the Tole played by the condensation and discharge of ice on Second Conference on Ground W-aters and n-ngineerinyg SOV/50-5e-11-23/25 Geology in ',bast Siberla the earth'q aurface in th,e balnnce of the waters mentioned J-s to be detf~rtpired. Card 4114 AUTHOR: Tkachuk, V. G. 20-118 - 6 - 36143 TITLE: On the Types of Thermae of the Sayano -Baykal I skaya Muntain J~egicrn (0 tipakh term Sayano-Baykal'3koy gornoy strany) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Hauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Nr 6, pp. 1176-1179 (USSR) ABSTRACT: There is an abundance of mineral springs in this region (up to 50 springs). Individual districts are described (reference 3). The thermal sprin.-s are bound to large tectonic fractions. Their appearance forms frequently thermal fissures which are several dozen kilometerslong. Thermae were recovered by boreholes in 2 places in loose Tertiary sediments(150 to 300, or Boo m deep ?respectively) vely). The springs mostly flow from cracks of eruptive or metamorphous rocks of various age, more seldom from slightly thick, loose rocks covering them. The chemical composition of the thermal water of the region connoquently cannot be influenced either by leaching of sed-iment masses Card 1/4 or by the composition of the residual waters of the latter. On the Types of Thermae of the SaYano-BaYkALVskaYa 20-118-6-36/43 Mountain Region - The aforesaid thermae are very much varied with respect to both their chemical composition and their gases (references 6, 13, to 15). The data available on this sizbject nre given in figure 1. The following 6 types can be separated according to temperature, chemism and gases: 1)Chloride-hyperthermal- sodium-nitrogen-waters; 2) Sulfate-sodium-nitrogen-waters, chiefly hyperthermal, sometimes thermal or subthermal; 3) hydro-carbonate sodium-nitrogen-waters, chiefly sub- thermal; 4) hydro-carbonate sodium-and calcium-carbonic acid thirmal-and subthermal waters; 5) hydrocarbonate sodium- and calcium-carbonic acid thermal and subthermal; 6)hydro- carbonate sodium- and calcium carbonic acid subtherrqal nitrogen-waters. Type 1" is known only in a few places (Bystrinskiy, Davshinskiy, Kotellnikovskiy and Bol'sherechenskiy springs). Most of the springs belong to type 2). Thoro are only a ninall niimbnr of typo Semiozerskiy and Verklineingodinakiy ,jprintru). Transitionti exist 'cetween types 2) and 3) (Bauntovskiy, Kulynnyye bolota, Card 2/4 Seyuyskiy). Type 4) was recovered by boreholes in On the Types of Thermae of the S&y=0-BaYk&1'skaYa 20-118-6-36/43 mountain pegibfi , in the villages Sukhaya Zagza and Zhemchuk. Type 5) is Only found in the alpine region of Eastern Sayan where young volcanism becomes apparent. Type 6) The Yamkun-spring belongs already to the Daurskiy-region of carbonic acid waters (reference 13), as well as the springs Khoyto-Gol and Kholon-Ugun in East-Sayan (reference 11). It may be assuEied,due to the variety of the thermae of the concerned region, that they are formed in various depth zones which pass over into each other. The deeper they come from, the higher is the temperature of their water. The zones of formation of a) the hydrocarbonate b) sulfate and c) chloride-sulfate thermae can be indicated on the strength of the present data. For the two latter groups the satura- tion is carried out by nitrogen from the nitroGen-depth- cover (reference 1). The increased chloride-content in waters of high temperature might be explained by magmatic exhalations of chlorine. Theoccurrende of Pb,Sn,Li,B,Cu, Au and others (references 6, 11) in hyperthermal thermae Card 3/4 may point to the conn,ection of the thermae with magmatic On the Types of Thermae of the Sayano-Baykal'skays 20-118 -6-36/43 MAntain Regioii occurreuces. Carbonic acid hydrocarbonate nitrogen springs of low temperature form relies of carbonic acid thermae if the precipitation of metamorphous carbonic acid ceased or when its reserve is exhausted. The author proves that the nitrogen of these thermae does by no means originate from the air as is frequently maintained (roforences 5,9, 12). The ratio: Argon-nitrogon in horo 1,3 to 1,6 an4 is thus always higher than 1,8,as is the case with the exterior terrestrial atmosphere. The depth-origin of nitrogen in the thermae is consequently proved.There are 1 figure and 15 references, all of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: East-Siberian BranchAS USSR (VostnchnosibirskLy filial Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTEDi August lo, 1957, by D.I.Shcherbakov, Member, AS U35R SUBMITTED: August 1, 1957 Card 4/4 1. --' -1, TA ~ ~ - ~ . ~ m. ; --- -, - V.- - ------- TKACMKp Valentina Georgiyayna; P114111,XM, Tevpeniy Viktorovich; ODINTS011, M.K., doktor.geologa-mineral.nauk,, SEPPING, N.G., red.; PECHERSKATA, T.I., I [Underground wnters of Irkutsk Province and their significance for the nntional economy] Podzemnye vedy Irkutakoi oblasti i ikh ne- rodnokhoziaistvennoe 2naohanie. Irkutsk, Irkmtskoe knlzhnoo izd-vo, 1959. 109 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Irkutsk Frovince-Water, Underground) TKACHUK. V.G.;ANMIIIOVA, G.A. Mineral watera in the Baikal region. Trudy Vost.-Sib.fil,,AIT SSSR no.10:97-136 '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Baikal reirJon-Mineral wio,ors) - -1-1 1-~- - ,~ - - ~Z. --; 1 , - - -LLI- -- - M 11---,~~~ TXA=,l V. G., and PRUMM. Ye. V. "Areal Hydro Mapping of Some Porto of tbo East Siberia." report presented at the 12 th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Helsinki, 25 July - 6 Aug 6o. I TKACHUKj V.G., otv. red.; DASIMVSKIY, V.V., red. izd-va; DOROKEINA, tekhn. red. (Underground waters of the Irkutsk cma basin] Podzemye vody Iricut- skogo uglenoanogo basseina. Moskva, 1961. 213 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskay-Je otdeleniye.Vostochno4jUirBkjy geologicheskiy institut. (Irkutsk Basin-W4ters, Underground) doktor geologo-mineralog. neuk; TOLSTIKHIN, N. 1. 9 prof.; PIMIEKER9 Ye.V.9 kand. geologo-mint3ralog, nauk, mladshiy~mauqbM7 sotr:; YASNITSKAYAq N.V. 9 m-ladshiy nauchv" sotr., khimik; VTJTIKO~, VA, AJ.- mladshiy nauchnyy sotr., khimik; SHOTSKIYq V.P., kand. geogr. nLk; ORLOVA, L.M., starahiy gidrogeolog; STEPANOV, V.M.9 kand. geologo-mineralog. nauk, VLASOV, N.A.9 kand. khim. nEuk; PRO- KOPIYEV9 B.V., kand. khim. nauk; CHERNYSHEV, L.A.9 starshiy prepoda- vatell; PAVIDVA9 L.I., starshi-f prepodavatell; Prinimali uchastiyq; IVANOV, V,V.9 kand. geologo-mineralog. nauk; YAROTSKIY9 L.A.p kand. geologo-m,ineralog, nauk; KARASEEVAy A.P., nauchrjyy sotq.~ AIRVTYUNYPI-ITS9 R.R.v nauzhn3nj sotr.; ROMANOVAv E.M.p nauchrWy sotr.; TROFIMUKv P.I., starahiy gidrogeolog; LADEYSHCHIKOVr P.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotr., kand. geogr. nauk; LYSAKr S.V.p starshiy laborant; nUCHII-IINA, L.Yu.r laborant; SEMENOVA, Ye.A.9 red. izd-va; BOCHEVER, V.T., tekhn, red. blineral waters of the southern part of Eastern Siberia] MineralInye vody iuzhnoi chasti Vostochnoi Sibiri. Moskva, VoLl. [flydrogeolo of mineral waters and their significance for the national econo7F Gidrogeologiia minera:Llnykh vod i ikh narodnokhoziaistvennoe zriu~e- nie. Pod obshchei red. V.G.Tkachuk i N.1,Tolstikhina,. 1961. 346 P. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Vostochno-sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut., (Continued on next card) TY.ACHUKp V.G.--- (continued) Card 2. 2. Vostochno-Sibirskly geologicheakiy institut (for Tkachu-'k-, Pir=---ker, Yasnitskaya, Kruti-kova, Lysak). 3. Institut geografii Sibirskogo ot- deleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (for Shotski-y). ]+. Chitinskoye geologiche- skoye upravleniye (for Orlova). 5. Sonnovskaya ekspeditsiya Mini- sterstva geologii i okhrarq nedr SSSR (for Stepanov). 6. Irkutskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Vlasovq Prokoplyev, Chernyshevq Pav- lova). 7. Leningradskiy gornyy inatitut (Tolstil.-hin). 8. Gosudar- stvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kurortologii i fiziote- rapii (for Ivanov, Yarotskiy, Karaseva, Arutyunyants, Romanova). 9. Irkutskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye (for Trofimuk). 10. Day- kallskaya limnolp ,gicheskaya stantsiya Vostochno-Sibirskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Ladeyshchikov). 11. Qtdel ekonomiki i geografti Vos-tochno- Sibirskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Kruchinina). (Siberia, Eastern--41ineral waters) TKACHUK., V.G.; STEPAINOV, V.M.; VOLKOVA, M.A. Underground waters of the Buryat A.S.S.R. Mat. Kam. po IzUAI~. podzem. vod. Sib. i Dal' Vost. no.2:154-163 162. (MIRA 1-1- 6) ,T:KACHUK V G , otv. red.; TOLSTIKHIN, N.I., red.; POPOV, I.V., red.; ZAYTSEV, I.K.J. red,; YEFIMOV, A.I., red.; FALISHIN, G.B., red.; GRECHISHCHEV, Ye.K., red.; ASTRAKHANTSEV, V.I., red.; PERLOVICH, B.F., red.; PECHERSKAYA, T.I., tekhn. red. (Transactions of the Second Conference on Underground Waters and the Engineering Geology of Eastern Siberia held in Chita, 19581 Trudy Sovesbehaniia po podzemnym vodam irinzhenernoi geologii Vostochnoi Sibiri. Irkutsk, Irkutsko~ knizhnoe izd- vo. No.4- 1961. 161 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam i inzhenernoy geologii Vostochnoy Sibiri. 2d, Chita, 1958. (Siberia, Eastern--Water,, Underground) (Siberia., Eastern--Engineering geoloff) TKACHUK) V.G.; RMAIMK, A.F. Hydrogeological characteristics of the subaurface underthruat fold in the BoriBlav field, Neft, i gaz. prom, no.2;7-13 Ap-Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut. (Borislav rogion-4-J'ater, Underground) (Borislav region-Folds (Geology)) GORDIYEVICH, Vyacheslav Afanaslyevich; KURISHKO, Vadim Arkad'yevich; LYCHAGIN, Georgly Aleksandrovich; RISHM, Yevgeniya Aronovna; TKAGM, Valentina Gri 'yevna doktor geol.- miner. nauk; MELINIK, A.F., red.; MOMERAN, P.F., tekhn. red. (Pydrogeology of the Crimea and its oil and gas potentials] Gidrogeologiia Kryma i perspektivy ego neftegazonosnosti. Pod obshchei red. V.G.Tkachuk. Kiev, Izd-vo AN Mr.SSR, 1963. 138 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut minerallnykh resursov AN Ukr.SSR (for Tkachuk, Kurishko). (Crimea-Petroleum geology) (Crimea-Water, Underground) TKACM-K, S#erj.ena6 with .,--rz Odnaation cn dairy farm,3. Gig. i oar. 28 To I (Mim i-i logic 1y, Rovenskoy oblaa-tar)y hegkoy stanta!.!. W..-- -- MOMM, V.I., sanitarnyy fel'dsher - , ~ ~'" Health education work is an important element. Zdrav.Belor. 5 no.6:57-58 Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) (IIAIRIOVI Gill --HFAL---H EDUCATION) TKACIIUK, V.K. Ghanges in the ballistocardiogram and electrocardiogram in hyper- tension patients under the influence of biotron treataent. Vrach. delo no.7:55-60 J1163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Kafedra terapii-I i kafodra norvnykch bolozney-I Kiyevskogo instituta, usoverslienstvovaniya vrachey (nauclinyye rukovoditeli: chlen-korrespondent M,21 SSSR, prof. D.F.Chobotarev i zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof. D.I.Panchenko.) (HYPMTEYSION) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAFHY) (BALLISTOCARDIOMOHY) (CLIMATOLOGY, MEDICAL) TKACHUK~ V.11. Errors in the diagnosis of renal tuberculosis. Urologiia 28 no-3:16-20 163 (MM 17:2) 1. Iz urologicheskoy kliniki ( zav. - prof. A.M.Gasparyan) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika Pavlova. GASPARYAN, A.M., prof.; Wcfrrjx, V.11.1 kand.--M.nauk Functions of the Student Scientific Society of the First Leningrad Medical Institute. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 8 no.2:25-28 F'63 0,11RA 17:3) TKACIIUKI V.v. Frequenc7 of renal tuberculosis in pulmonary tuberculosis treated with antibacterial preparations. Urologiia no-5:22-25 1620 (MIRA 15:12 ) 1. 1z Urologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.M. Gasparyan) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta, imeni I.P. Pavlova. (KIDNEYS-TUBERCULOSIS) (TUBERCULOSIS) TKACHUK) V,Nop Role of the the develODment first Russian surgical school in no.2,53-57 165. (IIITRA 19--l) of urolori. Urol. i nefr. 1. ljrologlcheskaya klinika (zav. - Prof. A m G,'!3parynn) 1-90 Leningradskogo medit-sinskogo inst,tuta jwmj lj..Favlova. TKACHUK,..V.N. P.P. Zablotskii-Desi.9tovskii; one of the found( of Rlarsinn urolo,-,Zr; on the 75th anniversary of his death. Urologiia 21 no.4o-6 Jl-Ag 158 (14IRA 11:8) 1. Iz kafedry urologil (zar. - prof. A.M. GnFtpnryan) Il LoningrAdskogo meditsinskogo inatituta im. akad. I.P. Pnvlova. OTROLOGY contribution of Pnvl P. Zablotakit-Desiatovskii (Run)) (ZABLOTSKII-MSTAT(YI-JEII. PAUL PARY91.10VIGH, 1814-1882) - TKACHUK, V.N. Features of the course of tuberculosis of the kidneys tuberculosis of the lungs under antibact3rial therapy. -25,no. 4:11-16 JI-Ag 160. (KID14EYS-TUBERCULOSIS) during Urologiia (MIRA 14:1) IUMITSOV, A.T.; WACM, Vep. I Studying the snow cover in las*hstan. Trudy Otd. geog. AN lazalch. SSR no-7:177-183 160. (KIRA 13:12) (Kazakbstan--Snow) GUP3VICH# R.I.; TrACHTIK. V.P. V*-r~ Capillary changes in experimental Yqpertansion. Modych.zhur. 24 no.6:78-82 154. (MM 8:7) 1. Tustitut fiziologii im. 0.0.7logomol'tays. Akademii nauk UM . (HYPERTINSIOIT. experimental. Capillaz7 changes) (CAPILLARINS, in various diseases, axper. hypartmnsion) C, - 11 i ; - 11 , N, N. [";ql I t:-ev, "UMV.,N], MALITT Application of' mf--thf`r~s for mvasl centration in water solutions. Khim. prom. IlIrr. I n(-, I Ja-t,lr 165. TKACHUK, V.P.; GODIEVSKIY, P.F. . Operation of forging rolls at the "Svet Shakhtera" plant in Kharkov. Nuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 no.5:31-33 My 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Kharkov--Forging machinery) IYEVINSH, Ya.K.; BETIN, S.G.; KIIAAS, V.14.; TKAGHUMY, Y _a*..* nauchn. red.; SHCHEGLOVA, I.B.,zed. [Farm mechanization in the countries of the northwestern zone of Europe (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the German Democratic Republic)] Mekhanizatsiia sellskogo khoziaistva v stranakh Severo-Zapadnoi zon-y Evropy (Finliandii - Shvetsii - Danii - GDR); obzor. Moskva, 1963. 91 p. (Kom- pleksnaia mekhanizatsiia i avtonsatizatsiin predpriiatii. Seriia 1-63) (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moocow. TSeiitrallnyy institut nauchno-toklinichaskoy in- formataii po avtomatizatsid i mashinostroyonlyu. TKACHUK, Ya.I. -- aristicS of jambliaois. Vrach. delo no.8: .. S=e clinical charact 127-128 Ag 161. (MIRA 15-3) 1. 11 terapevticheskoye otdeleniye Ternopollskoy oblastnoy bollnitay, Vauchn3-y rukovoditell - A.G. Lopyavko. (GIARDIASIS) TUCMM, V.R. Computing the horizontal comonents of the wind taking into account the Internal friction and nonlinear acceleration terms. Izv.All SSSR-Ser.geofiz. no.12:1517-1519 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Moskovskly goeudaretvennyy universitat im. H.V.Lomonosova. (Wind13) SOVI 49-58-122-13/17 AUTHOR: Tkachuk V___R. .TITLE: Calculation of Horizontal Components of Wind with Considera- tion of Internal Friction and Non-Linear Treatments of Accel- eration (Raschet gorizontallnykh sostavlyayushchikh vetra p.-i uchete vnutrennego treniya i nelineynykh chlenov uskoreniya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya akademii nauk SSSR Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1958, Nr 12, PP 1517-1519 (USSR~ ABSTRACT: The problem of distribution of wind in the layer of the atmosphere up to 1 km can be considered as a general case of motion with the correction of friction caused by the earthis surface. The equation of motion (1) can be written as: v b S +-itS = 0 then its solution can be shoum (IZ2 as Eq.(2) which takes the form ()) whou Wie pV00o.Vilo jllvi~,Jiotii; is tndopondeiit of z and directod alozig the lqxis x(P(z) in th-iii ou-no, Wit., oxj~)vozniLoti V/~, - ti i.' the velocity of geostrophic wind. Accounting for thd acc;ul- oration, 'the solution of Eq.(1) can be found by the method of Card 1/3