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PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION s(Y%T/4338 Timofeyev, Pavel Vasillyevich Smazochno-okhlazhdayushchiye zhidkosti primenyayemyye pri rezanii metallov (Lubricating and Cooling Fluids Used in Metal Cutting) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 114 P- 7,000 copies printed. Reviewer: V.S. Radchik, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed.: H.S. Soroka; Chief Ed. (Southern Division, Mashgiz): V.K. Serdyuk, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel of machinery-manufacturing plants working in metal cutting. COVERAGE: The author presents information on lubricating-cooling fluids used in the machining of metals and discusses their effect on the physical and process- ing characteristics of metal cutting. Special attention is given to problem of selecting lubricating-cooling agents for different types of machining and to re- cently dev6loped efficient methods of cooling and lubrication. The author thanks Academician Pk. Rebinder for his advice and suggestions. There are 28 refer- encesY all Soviet. card V 3 Lubricating and,Cooling Fluids (Cont.) SVII4338 TABLE OF COMM: Foreword 3 I. Effect of Lubricating-Cooling Fluids on the Metal-Cutting Process 5 Lubricating action of the fluids 5 Cooling action of the fluids 10 Washing actidn of the fluids 12 Anticorrosion action of the fluids 12 Rffect of lubricating-cooling fluids on the physical and manufacturing characteristics of the cutting process 13 II. Selection of Lubricating-Coo1ing Fluids 28 Compositions of lubricating-cooling fluids and the role of indIvidual gomponents 28 Basic premises In selecting lubricating cooling fluids 45 Selection of lubricating-cooling fluids for different types of machining 53 Selection of lubricating-cooling fluids in the machining of nonferrous metals and alloys 66 Card 2/3 Lubricating and Cooling Fluids (Cont.) SOV/4338 III. Special Methods of Lubrication and Cooling in Metal Cutting 68 Pressure-jet cooling 69 -Cooling by means of carbon dioxide 78 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress VK/pv/gmp Card 3/3 1 10-12-6o -TIMOFEM, P.V., kand* tekhn. nauk Lubricating and cooling fluid. Mashinostroitall no.lOtI9 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) b-zaGA.I.,; TRfLFEZN1KOV,V.A.,; TSYPUN, Ya.Z., doktor ~ekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; VOROLOV,A.A., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; L, SOTSKOV.B.S., dcktor tekhn.nauk,red.; AG:F:,YK1l1,D.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; GAVRILOV,M.A., red.; VR11KQV,V.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.,red.; CHELMMIP,A.B., doktor tekhn. nauk,red.; PROKOFIYEV, MI., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.Jred.; WIN,V.A.., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.,red.; KITOV,A.I.,doktor tekhr,.nauk,rod.; KARIMSKIY, N.A., kand. fiz.-matem.nauk,red.; KOGAN,B.Ya., doktor tekhr.nauk, red.; USHAKOV,V.B., doktor tekhn.naulk,red.; 121'~i&,,Yu.A., doktor tekhn. nauk,prof., red.; FELIDBAUI'~~, A.A.,prof., doktor tekhn.nauk,red.; SHREYDER,Yu.A., kand. fiz.-mat. naWcdots.,red.; KIDIRKEVICH,A.A., akad., red.-TI1-OF'EYEV F.V. _red.; l-',ASLOV,A.A.,dots.,red.; LEVIN, G.A., prof.,r6 .; LOZ1T',SK1Y,1-:.G., doktor tekhn.nauk.,red.; NETUSHIL, A.V., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof . red.; FOFKOV,V.I.,red.; ROMMERG, L.D.,doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; LIVSHITS,A.L.,kand.tekhn.nauk,red, [Autor.aticyn of produ~tiion"'and"industrial electronics] Avtorratiza- tsiia proizvodstva i promyshlennaia elektronika; eutsiklopedi-in sovremennoi tekhniki. Moskva, Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia. Vol.3. Pogreshnost' resheniia - TeleimmeritelInaia sistema chastotnaia. 1964- 487 P. (MIRA 17:10) ~. ;-Chlen-korrespondent Ali S6SR (for Sotskov, Gavrilov, Timofeyev, ~opkov). .L 2,396-66 EWT(m)/FPF~ c)Ai~A(d)/r/E,,-ip(,)A~IP(k)/Fi'?P(z~ WNb) IJP(c) IAJ-,?/.JD/ ACCESSION NR.- AP5023347 UR/0304/65/000/005/0033/0035 If 621.564+669.018.2$ AUTHOR: -Timofeyev, P. V. ~Engineer) TITLE: Effectiveness of applying lubricating~qool~n *sqb nces'to mechanical workinf,t1of a heat resistanta4gy SOURCE., Mashinostroyeniye, no. 5, 1965, 33-35 TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, lubricant filler additive, alloy, steel, wear resistance,'_ coolant/ E1765 alloy ABSTRACT: A detailed investigation was carried out to evaluate the fectiveness of applying oil-codlantAto cu~ Rr- ,~ing tools during the cutting 'opess, f heat resistant alloys such as E17651(nickel base -L- Atotal of 30 lubric~ht-coolant compounds was tested with ii-rious additive ) Y a~ as chlorine, phosphorus, and sulfur' Two indices of comparison were us 11 decrease in the P component of tha cu;ting force, and decrease in cutter wear over a period of 50 seconds. Force were measured using wire counters and a dynamometer. The force test showed that the cooling effectiveness of the lubricants increases when one substitutes fatty oils or fatty alcohols in place of oleic acids. At 22.7 R~~in cutter speeds most Card 1,12 L 2696-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5023347 of the lubrioant-coolants used had little effect on the instrument wear, with the exception of water-activated fluids. In general, the best antifriction lubricant- coolants were found to be those oils that contained chlorine and aulfur additives* It is concluded that the mosVeffeotive lubricant-coolant would be a synthetic system consisting of a water solution with chlorine and sulfur as additives., Orig. art. has: '-.,2 tables. ASSOCIATION2 none -t, ~j- tE 'Effed 6f th,9 coolatt cc ihe QUAM7 d the mr4lima SuAiii. P. V. T`irnaf'--v. (Stanki i jra~ummtl, IGM. j4)~ --7-nR-umtafiI-.-The malts am prerwutat' I of an tacwtigadca of the effoet. of Acl,U on tho ex-ttmt cf trw-werss in tM moibining of a dtool, a tcol a:,-], and a heat-treatxA Th- following fluids wev, swed i Paraftj ; por,11.1in + 0.2% ol,,!o add -, parr.Oln + 0-6*' aWo Wd i an einutitou c~nt*drliiW 2% tWph,,r%W cactlcail + 0- 5% *add ; and an -L-1 n~stm~~ The efliectivmtm of thr diffcruz)t Unicig W produoing smoothar nufaws is ronipawd for tho vw-imm 6tee!j bnd mmhinbia tpt)ed&---s. ar~ V, ,965/112 621.9.91 t621.892 f Ef`t_!,,t of Cutting Spaed on-the StankI.In3trum. - I --of-MuBricating. j!3Lcjj!jds 0 )#15 f i c i _en cy i JM, 11994- P,V. Timofeev U.Sts.r. X graph and the results of atudics on the change in efficiency cumpoc'Ition Lf lubricating liqliids during the high-speed cutt-Ing of ii,,-tals arc presented. Forn-ailau for calculating high speed cutting Uf metals, and tht, geomotric configux-aticti of the cutting tool =ed in abuv6 -,puwatim am given. I-VAOFF-Y MR/Enginee ring - Indicating iestruji-nats Card 1/1 Pub. 128 23/32 Authwe Timofeev,, P. V. Title A two-component (mechanical & electrical) vibration indicator. Periodical t Vest.. mash. 34/7, 72 - 73, JulY 1954 Abstract : The author of this article, and V. K. Skorikov, designed a device for indicating vibrations during metal machining, The operation, structure, and performance of the vibration indicator., are described, and diagrams depicting the individual components are presented. Graph. .Institution : Submitted : S/123/59/000/010/012/068 A004/A0OI Translation from, Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, No= 10, p. 79, f 37790 AUTHOR- Timofeyev P.V. C__ kk TITLE- The Effects of Lubricating and Cooling Agents on the Steel Cutting Process PERIODICAL- Mauchn. zap. Kharlkovsk. in-t mekhaniz., 1958, No. 8, pp.' 31-41 TEXT. The author presents results of an experimental investigation of the effects of lubricating and cooling agents (50% sulfofrezol, 10% boiled oil and 40% turpentine) on the characteristics of the cutting process, The tests were carried out during the free cutting of steel with three P18 (R18) high-speed steel cutting tools with a plane front edge and the following geometry~. -r= 00, 1o0,' 2oo, 30, 4o0; c~ - 80; k = oO. The thickness of the layer to be cut off was between 0.05 and 0.25 mm, the cutting speed was 3 m1min, The cutting stres- ses PZ and PY were determined by a two-component dynamometer with wire resistance Card 1/2 S/123/59/000/010/012/068 A004/A00i The Effects of Lubricating and Cooling Agents on the Steel Cutting Process pickups, the non-uniformity of the cutting process by a loop oscillograph, the hardening of the material was measured with the aid of -the Khrushchev-Bertkovich device by the coldhardening - X-ray method, while -the surface finish was deter- mined with the aid of the Linnik double microscope. It was found that the use of lubricating and cooliDg fluids promotes the convers,4on of the elemental chip into a continuous one and reduces the chip curling radius. Besides, it facil- itates the plastic deformation of the metal, reduces.the,chip hardness by 30~ 40% and Its shrinkage, considerably lowers the cuttihg stresses, reduces the friction force and the normal force at the tool front edge, attenuates the iPr*egularity of the cutting ftresses and reduces their dependence on T_ The right selection of lubricating and cooling agents makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the cutting process, reduce the wear of the tool and machine tool, and improve the surface finish by 1-2 classes. There are 10 figures, B.L.D. Translator's note,~ This is the full translation of the original Russian ab- stract. Card 2/2 IOMIZ.% F.Ya. [Iokheles, F.IAj;'1R1IVKINA, O.S. [Len7vkina, O.S.1; TIMOFEYEV, P.V. [Ty-mofeiev, F.V.1; PAGUR, O.G. [Fahur, O.H.] Substitute for oil in honing. 14okh. sill. hosp. 9 no.2:28-29 F 158. (MIRA 11:3) I.Kharkivalkiy institut makhanizataii sillslkogo gospodarstva (for Iokheles, Lenivkina, Timofeyev). 2.Xharkivalkiy traktornly zavod (for Pagur). (Metalworking lubricants) TIMOFBYEV. Pavel Vasillyevich; RADCHIK, V.S., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SOROKA, M.S., red.; SOROKA, M.S., red. [Lubricating and cooling fluids used in metal cutting] Smazochno- okh1azhdaiushchie zhidkosti, primeniaemye pri rezanii metallov. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 114 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Metalworking lubricants) 4i J,.j _T;KQFEYZV.., Pavel Vasillyevich [Tymfisiev., P.V.); KOROIENKO,, I.I., red.; THROSHENKO, T.G. [IEroshanko., T&H.b khud, (Fundamentals of interchangeability and technical measurements; manual for institutes and faculties of farm mechanization) Osnovy vzaiemozaminnosti ta, tekhnichni, vymiriuvannia; uchbovyi posibrWk dlia instytutiv i fakulltetiv mokhanizatsii sills1kobo hospodaretva, K7iv, Derzh. vyd.,ivo silletkohospodaralkoi lit-ry URM9 ig6i. 201 p. OMU 15:5) (Interchangeable mechanisms) (Measuring instruments) (Tolerance (Engineering)) KOZLOV, I.V., dorozhny7 master (stantsiya Klik Tashkentskoy dorogi); TSYMRE, A.V.. dorozhny7 master (stantsiya Elva Betonskoy dorogi); POLKLAD, P.I., brigadir puti (stantsiva Perml); 14DGVIIT, F.G.; NTMU, R-Ya.; PWNIK, IT.M., dorozhny7 master (atantsiya Almaznaya Donetskoy dorogi); TIMOFEM, S. - Give us an answer. Put' I put. khoz. no.5:41-42 My '58. (MIIIA 130) 1.6tarshiy dorozhnyy master, stantsiya, Beshtau Ordzhonikidzevskay dorogi (for Logvin). 2. Nachallnik distantaii, g.Pyarnu (for Nukka). . 3.Starshiy dorozhnyy master, stantaiya Karachev lioskovsko-Kiyevskoy dorogi (for Timofeyev). (Ballast (Railroads)) TIMUMV, 5 - _;_- -- ------ .......I Accounting in camital construction. Bukhg-uchet 14 no.11:16-23 N 157. - (MIRA 10:11) (Construction industry--Accounting) TIMOYEY-'P,'V, S. Improve accounting for construction and installAtion work. Bukhg.uchet 15 no-10:6-15 '0 '56. ting) (KM 9:11) (Construction IndustrY--AccOun TIMOFETXV. So ~,- Phrt7 leadershlp of mass defense work. Voen. man. 33 no.2:23-25 7 '57. (KM 10:4) 1. Sekretarl Tulskogo obkoma Kormmistichesko7 partii Sovetskogo Boyuza. :fj (Millitar7 education) 4 17 Is 9 ~ 21 22 n 21 A v A it b) 0 L, LI R0 j:'Wr L- A. A-j L tL 4-1, L 2 19 v I?. I I S i S t -Ai A determination of tho Solu- -00 00 ic bWty of ajorowl[Wow Is akobal2m tT mad is a Otn" h g~ a h O V d N h l as a er s m . . . no ety an Y akabal. S. T - 1706- 6-W 11 1934 o 17 Z CA go 81 - -m- ; - #x . . , Kkim. IOU M 7,A short;z~~ thm by 35 bra. Is "alixed by the fW- 2 lowing tnethod: Set. 0.6 g. Ipyrolylin) or 1.6 1. (col- losylin) of the altracellulam. dried 4 bra. at 93,7', with P, Y) cc. ak. &M 100 cc. ether added during the courm of 0o 1-2 min. Stir 18 atim. 6M allow to st&W 2 (collosylin) or 3 bra. (pyroxyliv). In testing the ady. in ik.. add 0 J~, VIA) cc. ate. with stirring, after 1.5 hys. siir the mist. min. and Allow to #tWW apether 0.6 hm filter d h h k i et er, . an t s through a filter which hu bm treafed w 0o dried I hr. at " and weighed: wah the mklue twice 00 with 20 cc. ale. sad ether ( 1:2), then with 10-13rc. ether. ;:o 0 and dry the residue and Oter to const. wt. (about 2 bra.) .4 &t9"'. The high Viscosity of many Wnv. Can be lowered v9 0 00 of a cc. 15-:U)% without tm tial error by the addn 0 ZOR ~e Nits. In the &k. extd. wash the filter Only with ak. The mean variationfrom theusualtnethodisO.02-C25%. 7 Zoo .00 j W. A. Momt roe 0 0 4 At I L 4 -11ALLUPWAL LITIVATL~t CLASIIfKATICN U00 go 8 0 re L 00 k:~ " ; . 010 1 silo ~101 at a it a r( tt r( it x WD n I Is AA 1 5 a W 0 '1 if u D 444 0 0 go 0 0 0 6 0 : o '1 :10 0 * o 0 o 6 0 9 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 e C: j - 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w ,,Ise a 10 0 0 WR a awe we w awe W a W-W 0 0 9 A-A--A- 10 -Itn-M" Awl "ft to so to self wo - 00 MWWd 0A -Oro ~' "buy in -the. medium. Is We eva Named by, b46. a -Wiv 6" ii-y-bi dMos at &'q. X M 4%0. M zr-,s 4CULLURGICAL kjT(VATW48 CLASSIFICATION via., 40.1-1v lit L/ I 4i 142 %*#,;so if am. ust 11311110111 vViAll M a" III " ' p - v - 9 7 1 'A An A a aa a I I ar a I a 4 3 4 W .:7 ab U It IT N It X KID 4' LI 9 a tF to cr 9 1~40 a 0 a 0* a0 a 0*1 0 0 ;; 0 0 000600 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 -~b 0 0_~O;o so- -0-0-40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ire* 0 -9 #'o p 0 -*a Its met too goo ass "a Met 100 as 900 W 0 Net ass too Wool TIMOFEYEV S inzh. Designing foundations of large4anel apartment houses. Roe. 4 no-5:21-22 Vq 163. ' construction) (Foundations-Design (Apartment and houses) He stroi. (MIRA 16:5) KIIESIN,G., kand. tekhn. nauki SAVOSTIYANOV, V., kand. tekhn. naak.; TIMOFEYEV)S. , in zh. Study by the photoelastic method of the static perfc-mance,of pile grating under a panel. Zhil. stroi. no.1129-13 164 (MIRA 18:2) USSR/Medicine - Anesthesia. Procaine'and gar 48 Prooalne Compounds Medicine - Procaine and Procaine Compounds *Problem of Prolongipg Novocain Anesthesia," S. A. Timofeyev, Chair of Gen Sarg, Voronezh Med Inst, 4j Pp w7est Khlrurgii" Vol IXVIII, No 3 Norocain As least toxic of existing local anesthetics Unfortunately, its effect does not last long enough for complicated operations. Studies diffusion of Novooaln In various organic solutions. Concludes that starch, carpenter's glu6 and gum arable retard Novocain diffusion, as do glucose, beet sugar and ift 17/49TcYP USSR/Medicine - Anesthesia, Procaine and Mar 48 Procalne Compounds (Coatd) flaxseed infusion to a lesser extent. Summarizes results of surgical operations performed under pro- longed Novocain anesthesia. E- 17/49T96 ~.-'_TI-MQFElU-jL _Se-Aot z,asluzhennyy vrach USSR (Lubny) Man, writer, Physician. Vrach.delo no-5:535-537 My '60. (MIRA 13:11) (CHEKHOV, ANTON PAVLOVICH, 186o-lgo4) TIKOFEYEV, S.G., inshanar. Mechanization-of the upkeep of peat fields. Torf.prom. 31 no.4:7-8 '54. (KLRA 7:6) 1. Shuyalovskoye, torfopredpriyatiye. (Peat industry) 1~ TMOFEYEV, S. U. Peat Industry Operation of ',he roller VUF-2 with rubber working rim. Torf. prom. 2.~ no. 5, 1952 1~ Monthl kist 2f Russian Lccessions, Library of Congress, Au.-~;ust, 19'.21 UNCLASSIFIED. 4191. moAlli T i OF Mi., Ttr-lrccvE3.P,. jTcr . Frcm. (pc,--r, z Jpr. r , 7. 8). l -1-PtIcna aro givEn of racbines, rith lllus=tlcrL3 or a &rLtbw, a C-!, fCr tral jCu::ps rnd a craLrj-djCgjnj plcugh. Ua crGanizaticil of 7~~rnmcc tc=-s is outlined. W. NIKITIN, A.I., prof., otv. red.5 DODYCHIN, 13.D., prof., zam. otv. red,; ABRAMIOV, K.T., dots., red.; U-7=TSEV, A.I., prof~' r("d'; prof., red.; MOW-`?, D.B., prof.~ red.; DOLOTO`Vj M.P.., prof., red.; SH94SMIEVy F.A,., prof*, red.; VAYS, S.I., prof., red.; KLMOV, K.A... dots., red.; SEVENOV, V,V.,, dots., red.; MMAKOV, B.I., dots., red.; (Materials on the influence of physical, chemical and biological factors on the animal and human organism]Materialy o vliianii fi- zicheskikh, khimicheskikh i biologicheskikh fak-torov na organizr;l zhi-votnykh i cheloveka. Irkutsk, 1961. 317 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Irkutsk. Gosudarstvennyv. meditsinskiy institut. 2. Zaveduyu- shchiy kafedroy terapevtichenkoy stomatologii irkutskogo medi- tsinskogo instituta (for Vays). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kafedruy fa- kul'tetskoy khirurgii Irkutskogo, meditsinskogo institute kfor Dobyehin). 4. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy infektsionnykh bolezncy Irkutskogo meditsinskogo institute. (for Karnakov). 5. Zavedu- yushch.iy kafedroy normallnoy fiziologii Irkutskogo meditsir~ skogo institixta (for flikitin) - (PHYSIOLOGY., PATHOLOGICAL) USSR / Humfift and Animal Morphology, ffori-iial and Puthololgical. 5 1~,Whatic System. Abs Jour Rec. Zhur - Biol. I No 8P 1958, 110 36022 Author Narinskaya, Mi. I - Inst Irlutsk University, Bio-Geographical Scientific and Research Institute. Title The Reflection in the Structuro and Ontogenesis of Mawals Bones of Their Philogenesis. Orig Pub Izv. Biol.-geogr. n.-i. in-ta pri Irkut. in-te, 1956, 16, iNo. 1-4, 279-299. Abstract The aira of this work is to develop an understandinr of the bones' structure, based upon conditions of the evolution of animals. - A study was made of the structure and development of certain bones of the sLull ~-,n man and, partly in a niacaque, and also of the tubular bones in represontatives of carnivora, un,rulatas and primates. In the composition of bones, there Card 1/2 A.I., prof.,,- DOBYCHIN, B.D., prof.,,, ABRUIOV, K.T., kand.rmd.nauk, red.; KAUNTM. A.I., prof., red.; TIJ%.WmYAjjj., prof., red.; KHODOS, Kh.B., prof., red.; BOLOTG7-;-K--J?~, prof,g red,; MMSBIEV, P.A., prof., red.; VAYS, S.I., prof., red.; KLIMOV, K.A., dotsent, red.; SEMENOV, V.V., dotsent, red.; DONaOV, V.V., dotsent, red.; KARNAKOV, B.I., dotsent, red.; KHAKAU, S.I., red. [Collection of works of the Irkutsk State Medical Institute devoted to its 40th anniversary] Sbornik trudov Irkutskog'o gosudarstvennogo maditsinsko-o institutn, posviashchennyi 40-latiiu so dnia ego oanoveniia. Irkutsk, 1959. 442 p. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo zdarvookhraneniya. 2. 7aveduyushchiy kafedroy normallnoy fiziologii Irkutskogo meditainskogo instituta (for Nikitin). 3. Zoveduyushchiy fakul':.- tetskoy khirurgicheskoy klinikoy Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo medi- tsinskogo instituta (for Dobyehin).4. Xaveduyunhchiy kafedroy bio- khimii Irkutskogo meditsinskogo instituts (for Sherohnev). 5. Za- veduyushchiy kafedroy propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolemay Irkutskogo meditainskogo instituta (for Karnakov). (MEDIODO) TD!OFEYjEV,__.~.jkL- Selecting the insensibility zone of automatic water level inalcators for irrigation canals. Izv.AN Uz.SSR. Ser.tekh.nauk no-6:74-77 ,61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut energetiki i avtomatiki AN Uzbekskoy SSR. (Liquid level indicators) (Automatic control) TD40a=, S.M. Reliability of silicon arjjar batteries for electric Pover ffuPP17 to apparatus in telemechanic systems split into dissocia- ted units. Izv. AN Uz.SSR Ser.tekh.nauk no-5:18-24 161e (IOU V..-11) 1. Inatitut energetiki i avtomatiki AN UzSM# (Solar batteries) (Automatic control) 'TJIP~T~Tzv ~R- - Introduction of automatic equipment for protection of irrigation structures where inadmissibly rapid changes of water horizon occur. Izv. All Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh.nauk no.6317-21 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1, Institut energetiki i avtomatiki All 'UzSSR. (Automatic control) (Hydraulic structures) T11-10FE-YEV, S- M. "Investigation of an Electric Device for the Automation Controlf of Rotational Speed in I-later Turbines with a Sensitive Element Crperation According to the Electro- dynamical Principle." Official opponents: N. N. Shchedrin, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and M. Z. lOiamudkhanov, Docetn, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Defended at Ins'. for Power Engineering AS Uzbek SSR. February 21, 1953. (Elektrichestvo, 1,958, Nr ~, u-p. 93-93.) Wr 14,J C I. I . T D40FF.M,. Speed regulator with a frequency-sensitive element operating on an electrodynamic principle. Trudy Inst.energ.AN Uz.SSR no.10:175-187 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Hydroelectric power stations) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 29650 S/16 01/000/005/001/003 D249YD~302 Timofeyev, S.M. Reliability of silicon solar batteries for supplying dispersed telemechanical control installations Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestlya. Seriya tekh- nicheskikh nauk, no. 5, 1961, 18-24 TEXT: The applicability of silicon solar batteries for supplying unspecified telemechanical equipment for irri ation, gas, and oil installations in sparsely populated areas of Mviet) Central Asia was investigated as a result of the conclusion that this form of supply was more reliable and economical than other devices for utilizing solar energy or the conventional low-voltage power dis- tribution system. The investigation was started with an examina- tion of the atmospheric and solar-radiation data for the town of Tashkent. It was found that for this locali ty, the average number of cloudy days per year is