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- TJKH&NO - k T IMOSI~ P IN, D.S.; KHROMOV, M.N.; TIKHOHOV, P.P.; IMILET, M.A. The object and problems of economic geography. Izv.Voes.geog.ob-va 86 no.5:435-438 S-0 154. (XIaA 7:1-0) (Geography, loonomic) KATROSOV, I.E., laureat Stalinskoy premii; YEGORCHRIIKO, V.F.; KARVATSKIY, B.L.; AGAFOHOV, X.I.; KRYLOV, V.I.; PEROV, A.H.; KRUTITSKIY, red.; KHITROV, P.A., V.F.; SUAZOV, I.G.;,Jkjq~N (Automatic brakes; installation, operation, maintenance. and repair) Avtotormoza; ustroistvo, upravlanie, obaluzhivanie i remont. lzd.4., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Gos.transp.zhel-dor.izd-vo# 1951. 253 P. (MIRA 12:11) (Brakes) TIKHONOVq P. Iotgo plan a profit for ever7 store., Sov. torg, 35 no,6:45-/,6 je 162, (MIM 1517) I* Zameatitell nachallaika finansovogo otdcla Ministerstva torgov,'i RSnR* (Retail trade-Fi=ce) K.RUTITSKIY, V.F.; T .. inzhener', rodaktor; BRAYLOVSKIY, N.G., inzhaner, redaktor. (Automatic-brake control points and compressor units] KontrolInye punkty avtotormozov i kompressornys untenovki. 2.,perer.i dop.izd. Moskva, Gos.transp.zhel-dorjzd-vo, 1953. 251 p. (MLPLA 7:3) (Air brakes) (Compressors) 57 -FlKtiot'lov ~'T J 146. TIKH6-,OFF P. T.. NIOGILEVSKAYA 0. Y an-,; DENIIDO~A V.M. *A n e w 1 ea t:: es stypogr a p h ~ c a GIGIENA 11,157. 1 (35-38) (Russian text) The article cun!a'.."is reij,"i of carred out c-.inng the expe:-.rren*aI use in the pr,.n*.,-.g house of newspaper 'Izveitia' of a typograph-to allov, containing 941~,j o" zne, 4,t) of al-arn-mium an.. 2,-o of magnesiurn. For the used of this allov the polygraph~c machinery works have reconitructe,:; the type-setting machine and made a new linot e. Exclusion of leai rorr. the typographic alloy is a! great achieve- ment -in the -.mproverrent of conalt*.oni n the polygraphi industry. The con- tent of zinc ovade in the air of the type-metall melting shop in theivicinityof the boil- e r did note xceed 0.2 mg.,cu. m.; above the place of pouring out of ~netal pigs an%i in the centre of the workshop, for the most part, no zinc oxide wasluetected; over the conta''ners -with linotype the concentration of zinc oxide dio nqt exceed 0.12 mg./cu. M. The discharoe of metal zinc dust into the air of the wor~'ing places of lino- typists did not exceed /cu. m. All this shows that with auequa~e ventilation and maintaining of the temperature regime tor the heating of the alloy, there is no reason to fear that the concentration of compounds of zinc should reach the level which is liable to produce foundry fever. 2W910ya F.T., inzhener; MOGILEVSKAYA, O.Ya., kandidat meditsinskikh aauk; V.M.. promyshlenno-sanitarnyy vrach Now allay without lead (with sum-ry in Inglish]. Gig. i sea. 22 no.1:35-38 Ja 157. (HIM 10:2) 1. Iz tipografil gazety *Izvestlyall. kafedry gigiyeny trade I Moskovskogo ordena Imenina meditsinskogo instituts imeni Sechanova. i sanitarno-opidemiologicheakoy stantsii Sverdlovskogo raydna Moskvy. (INDUSTRIAL HYGEOM hygienic value of leadless typographic alloy in linotype workshop (Rus)) -,, TIKHONOV, R.A. New apparatus from the optical instrument industry of the German Democratic Republic and Czechoslovakia. Lab. delo 6 no.5:43-46 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskaya laboratoriya pri Mavzoleye V.I. Lenina i I.V. Stalina. (MICROSCOPE) (COLPOSCOPE) TMONOV. R.A. (Moskva) Simple device for medical photography; photographic picture, stereo- and microphotography (with silm ry in Inglish]. Arkh. Pat. 19 no-7:79-82 '57. (MLRA 10:9) 1. Is nauchno-iseledovatelinkoy laborstorii Hiaisterstva zdravo- okhrananiya SBSR (dir. - deyetvitellrqy chlen AMN SSSR prof. S.R. Hardashev, zav. otdelom - doktor meditsinakikh nauk A.P.Avtsyn) (FHOTOGWHY, photgraphic head on x-ray support (Rua)) ,(- Mlt%pl~,~FR~Oe~~ ------I . I-, . . -- - - I - - I - - - TIKRONDV, S. - In a now city district. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 6 no.6:6-7 '56. (MraA 9:12) 1. Predoodatell Novotul'okogo rayispolkoma goroda Tuly. (Tula--Municipal services) TIKHONOV, S.A., Cand ihrdx*x Tech ki - (diss) "Stuay of the mechanism of action of t"4 xjAe the flotation of e"Ip4ides-af co?Per$,lead, A--) zincff-~and irolh~jrl-- Mos, 195b, 15 p (Min of Higher education USSR. Boos Inot of Non-ferroustand gold im M.I. Kalinin. Chair of "Concentration ka of, 150 coldes (KL, 50-58, 126) - 87 - YASYUn-VICH, S.M.; TIki0IIIjV. sA. - q - Methods of mewsurine, potentials on minerals. TST&t.wet. 30 no.6:2144 Je 157. (MLRA 10:7) 1. Hintsvetmetzoloto. (?otentiometric anslysis) KUMIN, V.I., doktor tekhn.nauk; TIKHODOV, S.A., Izand.tekhn.nauk. Iffect of sodium oleate on the flotation properties of air bubble surfaces. TSvet. met. 33 n0-10:4-8 0 160. (MM 13:10) 1. Instittit gornogo dela AN SSSR. .(71b tat i on-Bqaipment and supplies) AUTHOR: Yasyukevich, S.M. and Tikhonov, S.A. 136-6-4/26 TITIE: Method of Measuring Po~eii___ad~_-ongl~erals. (0 metodike izmereniya potentsialov na mineralakh) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1957, No.6, pp. 21-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Measurements of potentials in tbe surface of minerals are often used in studying the action of reagents used in flotation processes. The present authors found difficulties in using the methods described in Soviet literature for such measurements. This article gives a description of their own recording method and some tables and graphs of some of the results obtained. RodE cut from natural sulphides served as electrodes, the rods being contained in open-ended glass tubes: one end of the rod was freshly-ground in the test solution, the other being connected in the circuit. Graphs are showa of potential against time for galena and chalcopyrite for pH values of 6.8-11, some curves for solution to which xanthate was added being included. Graphs are also given of potential against pH and of potential drop against pH for constant additions of xanthate and against xanthate concentration for constant pH. The results show that when bases are used as depressors for sulphide minerals flotatioz is hindered by the formation of hydrophilic surface films of Uardl/2 metal hydroxides on the particles; but when butyl potassium Method of Measuring Potentials on Minerals. 136-6-4/26 xanthate is added a favourable, hydrophobic film of met-al xanthate is formed. When xanthate and base are added simultan- eously the reaction of the former with the mineral surface decreases as the pH rises. There are 5 figures and give references, all Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Mintsvetmetzoloto. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 KLASSEN, V.I.; KROMIN, S.I.~ TIKHONOV, S.A. Effect of halat-ion by a nonpolar reagent of the area of contact of abubUe with amineral particle on their force of adhesion In flotation. TSvet. met. 35 no.4:9-11 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Flotation) TI191ONOV, S,A. Uranium In turf- -:~rx-,zol-' c; soils of the central and northeastern areas of the W"hitp Russian Polesye. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.6t4O5- 409 Je 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. InBtitut pochvovi- ',-2'n-1-it Pinigterstva sel'skogo khozyaystva BSSR. Predstavlv--ino al-LLd~i.-Ahom AN BSSR P.P. Rogovym. TMON0119 S. (Yakutskaya ASSR) Our millione-'res. Grr-.zhd. &v. 21 no.1'1~14 N 164. .1 M:RA M-~~ TIKHONOV, ~, zamestitelt komandira podrazdeleniya po politicheskoy chasti ~~ (Yakutsk) A captain's school. Grazhd. av. 21 no.8:12-13 Ag 164. (MIRA 1814) KLASSMI, V. I. and TIEHONOV, S. A. "On the Influence of Bubble Age in the Flotation of Non- Metallic Minerals with Sodium Oleate" Report presented at the Colloque on Preparation of Anorganic Non-metallic Minerals, Freiberg, GDR, 29-30 Aug 61 TIKHONOV, S.A. Uranium distribution in soils of the Kopatkevichi region. ~okl. AN BSSR 7 ho.3:190-194 Mr 163. OqRA 16:6) 1. Institut goologicheakikh nauk AN B33R. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR G.V.Bogomolovym. (Kopatkevichi region-Uranium) ELASSENIP 7J.; TIKHONCV~ S.A.; Prinimali uchastlye: KRAYEVSKAYA, R.S.; tIFIMSM, G.S. Mechanical. carrying out of pulp particles during flotation. 7Svet. met. 37 no.9t44 3 164. (MIRA 180) TIMIONOV, Sorgoy Alokooyovichp nrluc~m. notr.; 12'..;ODENOV, Ylwiy o9tr.; JATURN, I., red. [Ultrasonics at Crizelin plants] Ulltr;jz-,rluk nu pred- priiatiiakh Kryma. Sjaferoj~oll, Krym 1904. 37 p. (FIRA 18:1) P I r f i N 11" T-01.,-~l-,",--, GHBSTNOV, Y.; TWONOV, S.N., inzhener-podpolkovnik, redaktor; MEZHRRITSKAYA, N.P., t&6khe'AV"redaktor. [In the world of radio] V mire radio. Moskva, Voennoe lxd-vo Minister- sty& oborony So1usa SSR. 1954. 335 P. [Microfilm] (MIRA 8:1) (Blectronice) KALASHRIKOV, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich, mayor; MEPU , Yakov Vasillyevich. podpolkovnik; LKVICHEV. V.G.. mayor; GAYEVICH, Y.N., inzh.- podpolkovnik, obshchiy red.: TIK OV, S.N.. Insh.-polkovnik, red.; SOKOLOVA, G.F.,, (Principles of radio engineering and radar] Oanovy radio- takhniti i radiolokataii. Moskva, Voen.1zd-vo K-va obor. SSSR* Vol. 1. [Oscillation systems] KolsbatelInys sistemy. 1959. 354 p. (HIRA 12:6) (Radar) (Radio) KALASHNIKOV, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich; STEPUK, Yakov Vatlillyevich; GAYEVICH, V.N.y red.; TJKHMY-,~., inzh.-polkovnik, red.; KOKIIIA, N.N.., tekhn. red. (Fundamentals of radio engineering and radar; oscillatory systemslosnovy radiotekhniki i radiolokatski; kolebatell- nye sistemy. Izd.2., parer. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 365 P. (Radio) (Radar) (IaRA 15:11) KAIASIOUKOV, Anatoliy Mikbaylovich; SLUTSKIY, Veniamin Zakharovich; Prinimali uchantiye; FOGELISON, B.I.; IWVEZ-FI04YM, I.Z., GAYEVICH, V.11.,, red.;--TIYTOIjGV,, S.N., inzh.-polkovniky red.; KOKINA, teldm. red. (Principlos of mdar and radio onginoering; Taomm- tube dovices and pulse techniquos)Onnovy radiotokhniki i radio- lokatsii; elektrovakuumriye pribory i impul'snaia tekhnika. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Voenizdat,, 1962. 385 P. WIRA 15: 10) (Radio) (Radar) (Pulse techniques (Eloctronien)) KALASkWIK0V, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich. mayor; SLUTSKIY, Venismin Zakharovich; FOGILISON, B.I.; KUNVIZ-MNMI, I.Z.; GATZTICH, T.N., insh.-podpolkoynik, obahchiy red.; TIKHOXOY,.S.N., inzh.- polkovuik, red.; MKOLOVA, G.P., [Principles of radio engineering and radar) Osnovy radiotekhniki I radielokataii. Moskva, Voon.izd-va K-va obor. SSSR. Tol.2. 1959. 375 P. (MIRA 12:6) (Radar) (Radio) 0 0 9 0 0 0 30 'A r 1- A. a "-A-t-- L-&-J--A-- ISO AND At- "Optit N foocri&41 to t Runlam) N T*hoWV and A A Samar-k h ;" so . . ir. urwal KkpeK t4rxOj i T-eticheskvi Fiviki (Journal of Experimental and 2 me* Th"o-tical PhYSICS), 7, 18.1 Feb. 1948. p. 243-24,R. Formulates basic Principles of radlatJon for wave d& l IV* mp ng. lea, J./ C. C*9 -00 so too -SL A ANTAWAGOCAL WINAIVAS CLASUPKA1000 _,;i. -- 7-- --.~ -- It. . - - . .-, , ~ - -- - talas') 44C AT 10 111 to? TT a, ;o*-oooqoogo,o AjLAA ALS-4-0 0 0 0 0 DITAXOV, D.D., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor (deceased]; 2ADORMBM, A.I., redaktor; RODCKANOV, P.B., redaktor;,Z1A4QVjU,. S.N.. redaktor; IMIOVALOYA, Ya.X., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Pulse radionavigetion aide. Translated from the Bnglish] Impullanye radionavigatsionnye ustroistva. Perevod a angliiskogo. Pod red. D.D. Dliakova. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo Kinisterstva obor. SSSR, 1955. 487 p. (MiaA 10:1) 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Radiation Imborstory- (Loren) (Radar) PZNROSN, H.A.; BWLDING. R.S.H.; GOROKHOV. P.K., inzhener [translator); SOIAVXYCHIK. F.S., inshener [translator]; S inzhener g ~4% ~!' - polkoynik. redaktor; SOKOLOVA, G.I., takhaictRk or [Principles and practice of rada. Translated from the Bnglishl Printsipy i tekhnika radiolakataii. I?orevo&.s angliiskogo. Koekva. Voen. isd-vo Kinisterstya obor. SSSR, 1956. 782 p. (KLRA 10:2) (Radar) MROMOV, Yevgeniy Afanaslyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; PROMOROV, Vladiriir Ivanovichp kand. tekhn. nauk; PYATIBiATOV, Aleksandr Petrovich, kand. teMan. nauk'L TIKFONOV S.N., inzh.-polkovnik, red.; SOIXONIKI a.L., tekhn. red. (Principles of computer engineering] Osnovy vychislitellnoi tekhniki. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo M-va oborony SSSR, 1961. 425 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Electronic calculating machines) --TIKHONOV, Some N a-'-'-- VRUBLXVSK1Y. A.V.. inzli.-podpolkovnik, re .; STIMINIKOVA, M.A., (Ftmdamentals of radio engineering; study aid for radio technicians and wireless telegraphy operators] Osnovy elektroradiotakhniki; uchebnoe posobie dlia kursov radio- 11 misterov i radiotelegrafistov DOSAAF. Izd-3-, parer. i dop. I Moskva, Voen.izd-vo X-va oborony SSSR, 1959. 454 p. (MIRA 12:10) (Radio) (Telegraph, Wireless) TM(XOv,,,S"q*,,JLIk*l&y~YIch; YRUBLVSXIY, A.Y., Inzhener-mayor. rodak-tor; KM 'MIN, I.I., taknichookly redaktor. [Fudamentals of radio engineering; manual far couross for radio technician and radio operators in the All-Union Volunteer Society for Avelptinoe'to the Army, Air Force and Navy] Ossevy elaktroradle- tokhalki; uchobites possbis dlia kur~*T radismasterey I radietele- grafletev DMAY. Izd. 2-se, perer. i dep. Kooky&, Veen. izd-ve Hisisterstva. obor. S*iuz& SSR, 1956. 359 P. (MIRA 9:5) (Radio) o / VALITOV. Rafkrtt Amirkhanovich. f)MTFX.;I'.Iy. Vaelliy ffikolaye7lch. T1191I)NOV, red.: STYSLONIKOVA, [Ultrpbleh-frequercy radio measurements] Radloizmerenlis na sver;divysokikh chastotakh. lzd. ?.. perer. I dop. Moskva, Voen. lzd-vo X-va obor. SSSR 0 1958. 411 p. (H lu 11: 8) ('Redlo measuretients) TIKHONUV, S. F., Cand Biol 3ci - (diss) "Particularities of the Develol.ment of Maize Under the Parching Conditions of Krymskaya Oblast." Leninl;rad, 1960, 22 pr, (All-Union Order of Lenin Acal of Agric im V. 1. Lenin; All-Union Jcientific-.~,--Zearch Institute) 200 copies, no price given (KL, 21-60, 121) VANYUKOV), ZAYT,")EV, V-Yft. A. V.; jLyigRaj, I Studying the distxibution of tin and lead tetween ths- proeuCtS of smelting. TSvet.met. 38 no.10:29-32 0 165. 1 WIRA. 18-112) V. (Luganskaya oblaat') 21MO "'IV Pozh.delo 4 no,11:11-12 They started to work in earnest H 158. (MIRA 11:12 (Lisichansk-Chemical plants-Firos and fire prevention) TIILHONOV. V.(Luganskaya oblast') Results of the continuous connections with the Office for the Promotio'i of In4ustrial Efficiency and Inventions. Po7h. delo 4 no. 7:~-9 Jl 158. (14IRA 11:8) (Iw,anak Province--Fire Drevention) TIKHONOV, V., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk (Llvov); BORYMSKAYA, Ye., (L'vov). Ozokerite ore waste--a base for the production of building mate- rials. Stroi.mat., izdel.i konstr. 2 no.6:31 Je '56. (KLRL 9:8) (Ozokerite) T/ A A-.~ il tMR Farm Animals - Svino. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - TkiologiYa, No 5, 1959, No. 21255 Author Tich 2Xa-. Inst given Title Industrial Crossing of Latvian White and Estonian Loop-Eared Pigs Orig Pub Kolkhoznik. Sov. Latvil, 1957, No 12, 24-26 Abstract As Latvian whito saws were crossed with Estonian lop- eared boara) their fertility at birth was 12 percent higher on the average and the average weight of a litter was 25.8 percent higher at weaning than in purebrod raising. At the age of 2 months, the average wolght of a hybrid piglet was largor than the avorage weight of a purebred piglet by 8.8 percent. At the age of 2J - 3 months, nursing piglots were subjected to comparative fattening. As they were permitted to feed Card 1/2 59 USSR / Farm Animals. Swino. -Aba jour Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 21255 freely, hybrid nursing piglets weighed 13 percent more at the ago of 6 months than paebred pigletai During 108 days of fattening each piglet exhibited 11 kg more of live weight gain; the slaughtered veight of the hybrids is by 17 percent larger and their inner organs are much larger; the average length of the bacon halves is by 9-3 percent longer in hybrids at the age of 6 - 6j months than In purobreds. A more uniform subcutaneous distribution of fat deposits in hybrids permits to use them for the production of high-grado bacon. Kh. Khachaturlyan C ard 2 /2 TIKHONOV, V-., inzh.-podpolkovmik, kand. tekhn. ntmk. System of bearing-s specifioations.. Tankiet no.5:41-43 My (Bearings (Mmhinery)) (MIR& 11:6) T-IKHONOV.-V-~L Ribeaucourt, transformation in conformal geometry. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat no.3:136-147 161. (MMA .14:7) 1. Voronezhskiy gosi;darotvennyy universitet. (Transformations (Mathematics)) (Conformal mapping) TIKHONOVp V,A~ A special type of Ribocour's transformations. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.6sl293-1295 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Predstavleno akademaikom, I.N.Vekua. (Transformations (Mathematics)) TIKHONOV, V.A. On a certain type of Ribeaucourt's transformations. Sib. mat. zhur. 4 no.3:683-688 My-,To 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Transformations (Mathematics)) TIKHONOVP V.A-. Degnn,trate Ribew,rjour,', Ivit /Y,,70 il':Kf~bo no.5:104-108 1 C4. (VIRA 37:12) ZIKHONOY,j_KjA,,t,prof.; GALABUTSKAYA, Ye.A.; FOLUEKTOVA, Ye.F.; KUDRYAVTSEV, T.N.; SUVOIROVA, O.F.; TOROPOV, N.A.p red.; KVITKO, I.S., red. [Laboratory manual on the chemistry of silicon and the physical chemistry of silicates] Praktikum po khimii kremniia i fizicheskoi khimii silikatov. LIvov, Izd-vo LIvovskogo univ., 1965. 291 p. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Toropov). TIKEONOV, V.A. Adaptive phenomena in arthritis deformars. deotruction and a cystoid rearrangement in image. Trudy LIETIN no.16:367-372 ~1,4. 1. Pervyy Leningradskiy meditsinskiy akademika I.P. Pavlova. siaulatirg the X-ray (MIRA 19:1) institut im. L 38714-66 W(d)/DiT(l) LJF(c) BB/GG A&C _NR, AR661-42oo SOURd~~_Cdb22: ff/O--27-176-5[o-o-o7o-!-f[B6~l~-/Ed~9 AUTHOR: Samofalov, K. G.; Skorobogattko, N. V.; Tikhonov, V. A. 3 TITLE: Analog-to-digital converter lcl~) SOURCE: Ref. zh. Aytomatika, telemekhanika i vychislitelinaya tekhnika, Abs. 1IB235 REF SOURCE: Vestn. Kiyevsk. politekhn. in-ta. Ser. av-tomatiki, elektropriborostr. i. radioelektron., no. 1, 1964, 123-136 TOPIC TAGS: analog digital converter, voltage digital converter ABSTRACT: A voltage-to-digital converter is described which consists of these unitai a voltage commutator, a summation amplifier, three level-quantizers, twelve rectifiers, three 4-digit registers, two code-to-voltage converters, a voltage-sign shaper, and a main-and-offset-pulse generator. The overall static error of the converter is O.Ya. Circuit diagrams of the principal units designed with electron tubes and semiconductor devices are explained. The code-to-voltage converter uses a method of current summation in a matrix that comprises two resistor type1q. Six figures. Bibliography of 3 titles. N. P. [Translation of abstract] SUB COM 09 Card 111 UDC: 681-142.621 TIKHONOV, V.A.; KLIWMO, Z.G. Synthsais and study of the hydrogarnet having the composition 3C&O-AI203-0.43SiO2-5.14H20- Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.61l368- 1371 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Hydrogarnet) TIKHOEOV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; ZAKBRCHENKO, N., red.; '-WlffyY~VA, V. . tekhn. red. [Land, machines, labor; a popular essay on agri- cultural economics] Zemliat mashirW, trud; populiarryi ocherk ekonomiki sel'skogo khoziaistva. Moskvall4olodaia Y(U.4c, gyardiia 1963. 190 P. (MIRA 17:1) (~Ox&o TIKHOKOV Vladimir Aleksandroviah kand. ekon. nauk; UPIVAKHIN, A.I., red. (Roonomice and tha organization of the utilization of machinery on collective fafoo]Ekonomika i organizateiia iapollsovaniia tekhniki, v kolkhozakh. Moskva, Sellkhojisdat, 1963. 261 p. hiv,-7 - - (MIRA 16:4) ~~ I ~P-' (Farm mechardzation) Y Tildionny, V. A.,.Effelct of plolid-ling and air-"NWng and ottlec PtopcrtlCLAjd~9W6aUw (in thimidail), aidrolrkh. Stmil. 22, 7, 10-22, July 19,11. 3/081/61/000/023/045/061 B138/B101 AUTHORS: Tikhonov, V. A., Shpynova.,, L. G. TITLE: Strength gain accelerators instead of hydrothermal treatm-.1% for concrete PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 1961, 355, abEtract. 23K381 (Dokl. Llvovsk. politekhn. in-ta- v. 2, nr.. 2. 128 - 132) TEXT: The article presents the results of the investigation of additions circumstances (stored in water, in moist filings, steam blow. ;ind at pressures of 2 and 7 gauge at.) 2~. CaCl 2 and 0,25% SSB per we,.Fiit o;' cement were added respectively. Combined additi-)na of 2% CaC12and SSB were also tested. The tests were carried out with sand mortars ?:1, and 10:3 concretes, White cement and Portland cement of varioua screening grades from the Nikolayev Plant were used as the hindint, agents, The combined addition of CaC1 and SSB was found to pi-omo*;, a Card 112 of CaCl2 and IC G(SSB) to concretes setting in various different. Strength gain accelerators..., greater gain in strength than these two additives and hydrothermal ?ffective.. The effect of the kinds and screening grades of translation. I S/081/61/000/023/043/06' B158/B101 when used separately, The combination of V/- treatment was found to be particularl.,., & combined addition is roughly the same fo- a .i: cement. I Abstracter's note: Com.,Iel,? Card 2112 NYHOEU If A - KLII,'ENKO,- Z.G.; SlRO'l'YUK, O.A. I .. &I Effect of the phase composition of cement stone on its strength. Dokl. LPI 5 no. 1/20:356-160 163. (MIRA 17:6) TIKHOINOV, V-A, - r I ~ --ron - , t., " on a lum i - , .cl st-dy ,,f aiL,.- ~ t : ,.q , r; hr, SylItIlp ~-- ;Ijl hydrogarneto. Pokl. LPI 5 no- 1/2-.134-13'/ ' ~,3 -" - AUTIHORS: Tikhonov, V. A., lngullskaya, TITLE: The influence of hydrothermal active substances upon the variation strength of aluminous cement S,/081/61/000/024/053/08n' B150/B102 1. S. processing and of uurface- of the mechanical PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24, 1961, 363, abntract 24K312 (Dokl. Llvovsk. politekhn. in-ta, v. 2, no. 2, 1958, 144 - 149) TEXT: Tested surface-active additives (CGG(SSB), sodium stearate, phthalic acid) reduce the strength of the mortar in aluminous cement on setting at normal temperature, but at the same time some additives (SSB, sodium stearate) inhibit the reduction of strength of the mortars in hydro- [Abstracter's thermical processing. note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 t Vita of pfastictrinr wd lif-eflefaminc Admixturex ,if 11-[t 10--tion knl o(her chitraccerli(w, ~t c-ef v A,t,t .. ...... I lie, I .igwrim.'E. CdCl, With 41id IVO-1-1 dltlt~ C~Icmlod tht hirrit 0! har""'unc ......v......... (fit first 20 to .30 kr after mIxIng rEffect of Mr-retalninf additi"--. on the watc, permneability and ftceze resiezance o. cmr-nt~hllxturez. V. A, 'I'ikbo;~ov. VqgzA . za St~ovd. 1954, 'Nu. 1-21 A- At,ztr No. ef t'.A . 415, Th, cilect A ubivti, re-ain, 0.051~10 ii rL.2 mmmt xXtcrx ~,nj Al (0.05% xylcn,~ + ci,io~', AC'. U 0.10c", and IfjO. is inveatizatc-A, The h;gheait ~~%trr pzrrn~~btlitv is Cawu!~-,,j ')Y LIA, ard the luw,--st by the addn. of xyl.uL-Al mixt. The be4t fi-e-uc rc~i5tarwc is obtaiied by a.1ding ahictic re.,:In (200,'0 mength loss aiftex M cyclea of aiternatt fi-ccAng and the I'Lime.1t reAmince the. addu. 'A II,,(h (581"I'l de~reas-) It i~- -n-kaed- that Cj(,2 -J!rre lourAinced their citc-cit. BOR3MSKAYAq Ye.P. [Boryms'ka, O.P.]; TIKIIONOVq V.A. Rga,ation between the moduluB of elasticity and the mechanical strength of a plaster model. Dop.AN URSR no.2:212-2:L4,161. MM 1412) 1. Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavleno, akademikm AN USSR B.S. Lysinym. (Elastic solidB-Models) TIKHONOV, V.A. Bases of affine deformation of a Burface. Sib* mat. zhur. 3 no.4: 62B-W ii-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Surfaces, Deformation of) GIADYSHEV9 B.M.; TIKHONOV, V.A. Ferrous slag cement and its use in making concretes. Stroi. mat. 7 no.2:30-31 P 161. (MIRA 14:3) .(Concrete) (Binding materials) -.zhonor; liet. i zhol.-, nc ro tc~ T.IKHONOVt VIA. A~ class of congriennes of spheres. Sib. mat. zhur. 5 no-3:724-726 MY-Je 164. (MIYUk 17:6) ic(i i, M~~ it of Gle tile 5114)"ll(IN-1 CtmL.U Parm" m roarded ind hence tht stability of [hQ uspemion increascs by lncre~..Ang the, coron. of I in the iitipzii~icn NO W. of cc- ,~ent su%pc-ilcl in VA cc. of 11:c') S!,lbilizatio-a of 111c ~uspcu-di);i is dat! -,n id,,wrptinit ~if lignosulf me acirl tom and T rnicclle5 on14'urfcc of th~ c~i;wnt !3~- iuch T-( ..I'l -Is -W ~� - . lp~,7 gmw P'M'* k ioig TIKHONOVJI V.A. Surfaces of conBtant mean curvature with an infinite num'ber of spherically Oonjugato Chebyshev or geodesic nets. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; mat. no.1:159-164 162. WIR 15:1) 1. VoronezhBkiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitet. (Geomotry, Differential) (SurfaceB) 1 ................... .................. .......... ----------- tto r) () V)V. USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Kh-fmiya, Nc 2, 1957, 5289 Author: T , Kintsell, L. A., Suvorova, 0. F., Shpynova, L. G. Institution: L'vov Polytechnic Institute Title: Change in Compositicm of Liquid Phase in the Cement-Water System Original Publication; Dokl. L'vovsk. pclitekJm. in-ta, 1955" 1, No 2, 88-92 Abstract: Sulfite-alcohol vinasse lowers the concentration of lime in the liquid phase of the cement-water system, which prevents reduction in strength on mixing of such compounded binders as building gypsum Portland cement,, anhydride cement -- Portland cement, flooring plastergypsum Portland cement, alumina cement -- Portland cement, alumina cement lime. Thermographic analysis, determinations of chemically ccmbined water, volumetric weight and free line, have shown a charge in ccaposition of the hydration products of Portland cement, due to action of sulfite-alcohol vinasse and calcium chloride. Card V1 ~L t4 C" N USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya., No 2., 1957) 5274 Author: Tikhonov. V. A. Borymskaya, Ye. P. Institution: Lvov Polytechnic Institute Title: Prrduction of Building Materials frcm Ozocerite Ore Waste Original Publication: Dokl. Llvovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1955, 1, No 2, 93-96 Abstract; Ozocerite ore can be utilized as the clayey component of the raw na- terial mix of Portland cement and also in the production of unfired clay-line articles, building ceramics (wall panels, stove tiles, facing tile, etc) and ceramic glaze. Card 1/1 TIKHONOV, V.A-; TIKHOMIROVA, L.A. Effect of surface-active substances on structural changes of cement rock. Zhur.prikl.khim. 27 no.10:1067-1081 0 '54.(YTAA 7:11) 1. Kafedra tekhuologii silikatov LIvovskogo politekhnichoskogo Instituta. (Surface-active agents) (Cement) 0. :Izi C5 Pk SUV/97-5e-'11 -9/11 AUTHORS: --Tlkhonax-,-Af-rAv-y---Okruzhko, M.Ye., Gladyshev, B.M. and Klimenko, Z.G. (Engineers) TITLE: Concrete Made From Cement Based on Iron-Clay (betony ng. zhelezisto-glinitnom tsemente). PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1958, Nr.11, pp.434-435 (US'Sh) ABSTRACT: Cement based on iron-clay could be used for ordinary,air- entrained, no-fine, and fine aggregate (sand) concretes Crushing strength of concrete based on this cement is 1.5-2 times higher than the strength of concrete made with ordinary cement. Adhesion of iron-clay cement to reinforcement is sufficient to secure cohesion of the concrete and reinforcement. It is therefore possible to use this cement for reinforced concrete constructions. Iron-clay cement was investigated in the Department of Technology of Silicates of Lvov Polytechnic Institute (Kafedra tekhnologii silikatov Llvovskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta). This cement is obtained by finely grinding together 20% quicklime, 10-310% pyrite of slag and .50-70;4 Card 1/3 pulverized brick or burnt clay. Highest intensity of Concrete Made From Cement Based on Iron-Clay. hardening is achieved when steam curing takes plac~e under a pressure of 6 atm. or more. Mix of 1 : 3 of plastic consistency was investigated, and it was founa that during 4-hour curing under 6 atm.; the compression strength of the concrete articles varied from 200 tc 1"00 kg/cm . and the strength in bending from 50 - 100 kg/= The concrete mix was prepared in a plastic consistane;y with a water/cement ratio of 0.5) and 325 kg cement per mX of concrete. The concrete was mixed in the proportion of 1 : 2*2 : 4.2 (by weight). The strength of the co-no-rete was tested using testing samples shaped as figure 181 with a waist cross-section of 15 x 15 cm and length of 60 cm. Further tests were carried out to establish the cohesion between the concrete and the reinforcement. Thq test cubes were 15 x 15 x 15 cm. and the reinforcement was of 12 mm diameter. Cohesion in concrete mark 200 and 160 reinforced with standard reinforcement was found to be 26 and 17 kg/cm2 respectively. The advantage of concrete based on iron-clay cement is its strength in compression. Tests with this cement were carried out also in the factory Card 2/3 for reinforced concrete constructions Dorstroyt~est (Zavod Concrete Made From Cement Based on Iron-Clay. SOV/97-58-11-9/11 betonnykh i zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy Dorstroytresta). air-entraifted, concrete was prepared from iron-clay cement of activity 400 k&/e]n2. Aluminium powder in the quantit5 of 400-600 &/m3 was used to air-ebtrain the~conarete. The resulting concrete weighed 600/1000 k&/.Mb,, and its strength of compression was in the limits of 45-100 kg/cm2. No-fine concrete was prepared using aggregate of 30-40 mm and 120 kglm3 of iron-elay cement, with aetivit of 235 ke..2 'rl~ and its streng*th This no-fine concrete weighed 1760 k91M in compression was 43 kg/cm2. Slabs from fine aggregate concrete were manufactured by the Dorstroytrest factory. When the mix was 1 s 5 of plastic consistency the blocks after curing had a strength in compression of 16P kg/cm2; .with'ai mix of 1 : 9 the strength was 68 k&/em~-d. These figures show that fine-aggregate concrete made from iron- Card 3/3 clay cement is suitable for walling units. There is 1 table. ANDRIMSKIT, A.I.,doktor tekhn.nauk; TIKHUIIOV, V.A.,dots.; SHPYNOVA, L.G.; N&BITOVICH, I.D. Ilectron microscopic testing of hVdration hardening of unslakod lime. Stroi.mat. 5 no.3:33-35 Mr '59. (MIPIA 12:5) (Lime--Testing) 4A 15(2) AUTHORS- T. 111. So c6_c5-2-4.5/!j a (avtL TITLE: Iron- Slate-C oment t-soment) PERIODICAL: ffauchrVryo doklady lrjssh3y shkaly. Xhim':.ya- tekhnologiyR, 1959, irr 2, P,-) 394-307 (USSR" ABSTRACT. A new binding mater-Jal, the iron-,: 7 av-cement, whi,;h surpasses the Pcr.-land-cemen' wfth z-agr_-=0_ tn, 2~rerCth, frost resistanoe and other 'l-lechnical chatar;teristics, haz %ven at the Chair mer_tJ-_c--,Ei Assooiat-ILen. Tho diS-aj1rai_taC,3 -4--- the produntion of thie iro n-::1ay-cc, men, t lies in the fsot that the clay component mtist be burned at 800 degrees. The pre2eit article reports on a binding material, which predominantly consists 3f s. mate-rial II-hat not require burnii_~g. Yenilite- slate from V;yzhn-.tsa vas used foT the experiments. The mixturs of the cement raw-material con,02t-cd of pyz--.*:_t? cinders and T'he analysir~ lata ,f the ra-,- materials are shown 4-n- ta.zle '. Banod cn, thp experiments, the proporticn 3Amest-ine slatc was ~hlien as I. - 3- The stiress- valuee when addin(; 0 _9cj.~ Pyvlt'~ Cf-ride--o' are shorrr. in table 2. Card 1/2 The compressive str-,)ngth inf,_-eas(~s from 220 Iron-Slate-Cement siov/.l r6-rg-2-4r/48 (at .0~ cin4lers) tc 452 (st Ir% c'nder-~). I,-i table 3, the stresa-w6lue a Of e;amples vi'04'-.7ih wer!r 1.~---ft se tting for 28 day3 at room-temporp-ture, are oc;mpared with those which were hardsn,,~d with steam cf 1? k,-,/c,-a2. Wl,;an har(le7iing with steam, alumini=-iron~hyd and zoolithps av w-M as fibrouz calc-l*.umsilicate a:?e The bensile qtr.3n6th ard th-? bend!-ng strength -LE 1-5 - 2 times h4'Cher as i~^, tho case of Portland -~- 3men4;. Ther;? art-'., A tables an,! 7 Sovjiet refe.-a.-ia:,-,. PRESENTED BY: Kaf~t.-Ira tekhnoioeii politekhnicheskogo instilu-ita (Chair for Te,-;hnolcazy ~,,ff Llvw Polytechnic Ir's tituts ) SUBMITTED. November 14, '1958 Card 2/2 TIXHUNOV, V.A.; KM)tYAVTb'EV, T.H. Iron-shale cement. ffaiich.do1-J-vyH.shkoly; kh1m. I Ichimotak-h- no.2:394-397 '59. (14IRA 12: 8) 1. Predotavlons kafedroy tekhnologii allikatov Llvovskogo politeldmicheakogo inatituta. (Binding materials) Tj M-Ojffl#V V A /ltnkt '01 OlastIcIrIng and Ai4itaInta- adazitTRO-s on' #eat liberation and other cbxracterktfcg of cement. V. A_. tpi, Gidrotekh _ftw Stroild. 22, No. 7. q! iment " SPA (its chief component Is NHA lignosutfate), Chemical Abstracts w In arnts. of 19ol and bigher (by wt. of cement), May 25,1954 retards greatly the hydration of portland cement during the Ant,10-40 firs. after ruixing, Similar action was noted with Cement, Concrete and ova 0.20% of Ca and NIfj lignosulfates and sulfite-atc. other Building Materials wash water. Effect of abletic min on ficat Ilhevatfon-wn"T Insignificant, C&CII with and without the adinkt, of abletic resin accelerates sharply the hent liberation of harden- In portland cement during the first 20-30 hrs, after mixing. 7 . '. KamkJb.-d R GALANOV., I.G., otv. red.; MATLAKHOV, S.G.9 otv. red.; POLESIN, Ta.L., red.; BOGW.OLOV, A.I., red.; ZHEIS71TYAKOVA, M.A., red.; ZHIDOVETSKIY3 B.V., red.; ZILIBERSHTEYN, I.A.g red.; KANER, I.Ye., red.; KINUYEVA, Ye.P., red.; KOZLGVA, Ye.l.., red.; MAKAHOV, A.D., red.; SAMARTSEV, A.I.p red.; SOLOPKO, A.P., red.; TIKHONOV, V.A.p red.; VOLYOVA, V.A.p ved. red. [Safety regulations in the gas industry; regulations obligatory for all ministries, departmeats, and organiza- tions] Pravila bezopasnosti v gazovom khoziaistve; pravila obiazatelIny dlia vsekh ministerstvp vedomstv 1 organ12ataii. Perer. i dop. izd. Moskvao Nedrap 1965. 143 p. (MIRA 19:3) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitet po nad- zoru za bezopasnym vedeniem rabot v prouwshlennosti i gorno- mu nadzoru. TIKHONOV-BUGROV. V. D. Case of familial dermatosis with clinical picture of acute lupus errthematosus. Vest. vener., Ilosk7a no.4:38-41 Jul,r-kig 1951. (CLML 21: 1) 1. Of the Hospital imeni Sverdlov (Head Physician - Prof. V. G. Yermolayev; Consultant -- Prof. 0. N. Podvysotakaya, Active Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences), Leningrad. 1 . Z, jUti Av L- V , v . F . ; 'i -L i - ~ kii L -., , V . . I -_L 2 . USzk (6(~W 4. (,efaent 7. 6-lile Posicuclicifli~Qii ui. -L1-: ~,C;LiUr; uf ,IaF;tiLizinG anu ~;.*r-n-kra-~rL-!:.-,, agcms. Zaur. prik-L. lraim. 25, (". i2, ,I JqL 3. 'f 4 ~ 9. Mon~iu~ biU U hus~dan -cctssioris. L~iurar, (Z L(,zio I:Iarc;i, - ~,n;-iass-l ~-d 1. ZHURAVLEV, V. F., TIKHONOV. V. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Plasticity 7. SOEO PhYsiochemical aspects of the action of plasticizing and air-entraining ageuts. Zhur. prW . khim. 25 No. 12, 1952 9. MonthlZ Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclissified. -ITIXHOMV TA Apsh.; OEMZHKO. M.Ye., inzb.; GLJXTSHBV, B.M., inzb.; KLIK9MV-,-T-.G., Inzh. Using Iron-clay cements In making concretes. Bet. I zhel.-bot n0-11:434-435 N 158. (MIRA 1l.-12) (Concrmts) 1. V. A. TIKHONOV 2. U33it (600) 4. Cement water permeability and frost re- 7. ,ffect cC air-rebainir.C, adrdxtures on the sistance of oement solutions. Gidr. stroi. "'I no. 11. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. ZHMVLVV. V.7.. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauko professor; TIXHONOV. V.A.. kandidAt tekhnicheskikh nauke liffect of plasticizing and air-retaining surface-active substances upon the strength of mortars and concretes made from aluminiforous cement. Stroi.proa,31 no.12:39-40 D 153. (ML" ?.-I) ((;oncrete) (Surface-active agents) TIKHONOV V.A. (Voronezh) Bases of p-bending. Izvovysoucheb.zav.; mat. no.1:1-53-1507 165- (MIRA 18:3) 30217 G) 0 Vca 01/000/0:9/054/085 B1 " 7/B'l 10 AUTHORS: Tikhonov,_V_o A. Shpynovaq Lo Go TITLEi Effect of warr.-moilst treatment cin the change in phase com- position of Pcrfland cement PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalo Kh1miya, no. 9, 1-96!, 315 - 3.6, abstract 19K311 (Doki. Mezh;ra-z. kon,'-irentt311 po izuch. avtoklavn. materialo-, I J.kri pT;.meneniyu v stl~-,e, L., 1959, 102 - 109) TEXTs The authors studied changes in the composition of hydrosilicates and hydroaluminates of -,alsium under oonditlons of warm-moist setting by means of DTA methodsq microsoopic and eie,-1tron-m1or_,,acop,'- analyses. Primarily, CIPSH., lime, and some CSH are formed by hydration of C 3S in a moist room. Steaming at atmoapheri-. p-zessure acrelerates the crystalliza- tion of hydrosilicates. a- and $-hydrates of C2sH,, lime, -.obermorite, and afwillite are formed by steaming. Then the amount of a-hydrate in- creases. After 7 hr steaming, C 35 can be obser-~ad in equenve su-_ipension, Card 113 30?~ 7 S/08-, /6 '.'/',),UO/G 1/054/085 Effect of warm-molat treatmen4_;. with the electron microscope, in the form of apherolitei and Tl,:-edle crystals. In alcoholio suspension, ;t has thi- ftrm of rnombi:_-~ and rectangular plates, After DrOlonged stunming. the senelfivi'-y of hydro- silicates to the susp;-nf3,on de--reaaeb. A-,t~-r 35 hr a,~~-awdng, mainly rectangular plates are observed, wqil;-- tha nom'Ver of rhe:,ribic plates decreases strongly. C 2SH 2- a-hydrate is mallrily fjorm~d by hydration of C2S under conditions of warm-moist +..reatmAnt. Oth-~!.r hydra-.,i~s are present in small quantities. The rpsulting hydros.:41-i:.~a1ea are 11es5 subject, to hydrolysis in water than the hydrrv~ieri prodij,ts of C S. The hydration product of pure C A is cutic C. AH, under any zond,.(.ions of crtting. In 3 ) b cement pasteg solutlon~ and concret~.-~ C 3A yields hexagonal hydroaluminates and Al(OH) gel by hydration under conditions cf varm-moi-st treatment. The composition' of hydration products of pure C 4AF is not changed by warm-moist treatment. In paste, soLution, and -.onGrete.. however~ i.e., with elimination of the hydratlon heat, ht~xagonsl. hydroaiMminates and a colloidal mass are formed instead of the cubic ferric hydroaluminate. Card 2/3 30217 31081,16;100010-1910541085 Effect of warm-moist treatment ... B11?/B11O Spherolites are only, observed when stirring C.,A and C AF preparations 4 with water. In Portland cement satking at room temperature, no inter- action between clinker minerals takes place during the first period. It only begins after prolonged setting and at ele-ated temperature. The increase in strength of cement stone due to hydrothermal treatment can be explained by the change in phase -zompoaLtirin of'hydroeilicates and a slightly more accelerated oryetallization of nrwly formed structures. [Abstraoter's notoi Complete translation.] Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4042276 S/0000/63/003/000/0005/0008 AUTHOR: Popov, G. A., 71khonov, V. B. TITLE: Various approaches to defining the magnetic Reynolds number and the limited scope of univariato approximations of Re sub m for a flow of conducting gas SOURCE: Soveshchanlye po teoreticheskoy I prikladnoy magnitnoy gidrodinamike. 3d, Riga. 1962. Voprosy* magnitnoy gidrodinamiki (Problems in magnetic hydrodynamics); doklady*aoveshchaniya, v. 3. Riga, Izd-va AN LatSSR, 1963, 5-8 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic Reynolds number, turbulent gas flow, laminar gas flow, electrically conducting gas, gas magnotodynamies, conducting gas flow, Reynolds number, ABSTRACT: The authors analyze several definitions of Re and show that for a turbulent flow it is definable as the ratio of magnetic fieldrocarry-off" (by the flow) to the rate of magnetic field diffusion Into the flow. They criticize definitions given by various authors in relation to lamInar flows: specifically, that Re is the ratio of Induced current to current required to develop a given external magnetic fMe d at a single coil turn, that it is the ratio of the plasma current-induced magnetic field to an applied ex- ternal magnetic field, and that It characterizes the ratio of inertial forces to electro- ma etio body forces. ' Their analysis indicates the limited scope imposed by such do- In Ic 2 Ord ACCESSION NR: AT4042276 finitions, and they introduce the corrective value .1. ... . .f * ImRe. where R is the ratio of plama flow velocity to drift velocity. Orig. et. has: 6 equations. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 04Dec63 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE. ME NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER-. 000 card 2/2 TIKMOV,___I.D.1 GOLIDFARB, D.M. Ch induced viral mutageneels. Aroh. ram,, path* miorobiol. 22 noo4t895-902 S-D 063; lo Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.F.Gamaigi AM SSML GVOZDEV, V.D.; SALINIKOV, A.A.; FOMICIIEV, A.G.; T.IKIICNOV, V.A.; VASILIYEV, A.S. Design and construction of apparatus with a fluidized bed of grainy material. Part 1: Gas diBtribtition grids. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim. i khim.tekh. 6 no.2:320-327 163. (MIRA 16sq) 1. Ivanovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut, kafedra khimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya. (Fluidization)