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TIKHOMIROV, V.V.; SOWVIYFV, YuJa. Geology in Agricola's works. Vop. ist.est. i tekh. no.l: 146-150 156. (MMA 9x10) (Agricola, Georg, 1494-1555) (Geology) 'V, V V 15-57-2-1197 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 2, p 2 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ratyushkova, I. V. TITLE: Convention on the History of Goology (Sovoshchanlye po istorii geologii) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vopr. istorii yestestvozn. i tekn. Nr 1, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, pp 312-314 ABSTRACT: In his report, "The State of Knowledge of and the Problems in the Scientific Research on the History of Geology", D. I. Gordeyev points out the main courses leading to the development of the history of geology. These courses are: clarifying the history of geology from the Marx-Lenin viewpoint; establishing the part played by the Russian geologists in the development of geology; U systematic study of the old documents on the history of geology. This work should Include the development of a method for subdividing the history of Card 1/3 geology into periods, writing of monographs on the main Convention on the History of Geology (Gont.) 15-57-2-1197 stages in the growth of various brunches of geology, and writing of monographs on the history of separate important probiems and discoveries. Scientific research on the history of geology should explain the ideological struggle in the science of geology, and it should show how the elements of the objective dialectic of nature were discovered in the course of growth of geology. It will be necessary in this work to clear the history of geology of all falsehood. The development of geology in Russia should be studied tog-ether with the development of this science in the whole world. N. S. Shatskiy pointed out the necessity for studying the archives of not only the Department of Mines, but also those of the universities and other scientific organizations where the groatest geological workers of Russia were concentrated. VV Tikhomirov proposed that the plan for publishing works on tho history of goology bo to broadened, and also that the "Syllabus of Russian Geologists be prepared. The convention resolved that the efforts of the scientists working on the subject of the history of geology Card 2/3 Convention on the History of r -57 ',0010L ~y (Cont. ) 15 -2-1197 should be concentrated on the cilreation J. work, "The History of Geology. Card 3/3 of r' PoPular scientific r- I. D. 15-1957-3-2596 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 4 (USSR) AUTHORS: Volkova, S. P., Sofiano, T. A., v V. TITLE: A short Bibliography on the History of the Geological Sciences in the USSR. Nr 5. The Geolc3y of Ore De- posits (Kratkaya bibliografiya po istoril geologichei- skikh nauk SSSR. Vyp. 5. Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhde- nty) PERIODICAL: W~sb~- Ocherki po istorii geol. znanly, vol 5, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, pp 277-310 ABSTRACT: Bibliographical entry Card 1/1 TIKU -19 lim t SUIANO, T.A. _'Yaaazw~ Menorable date* for April-June, 1956. Survey 14. Isv.AN SSU.Ser. geol. 21 no.4:117-120 Ap 156. (MLVA 9:8) 1. Kabinst istorii goologii Goologichemkogo inatituta AN SM, Moskva. (Geology--History) .~-SJW Q%oj.V.;,~4,MANO. T.A. - Kenorable dates for Aine-Dec ember, 1956; onrvey 15. 12r-AN SSSR.Ser. geol.21 no-10:110-117 0 156. (KLRA 10:1) 1. Geologicheskly institut Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdel istorii geologii, Moskvit. (Geologists) TIYHOKIROV V.V.; VOLKOVA. S.F. I.--. Losses of science in 1956. Isv.AN SSSR.Ser.gool.21 no-12:115-116 D 156, (MLRA 10:1) 1. Otdol istorii geolo,4i Geologicheakogo Instituta Akftdemii nauk SSSR. (Geologists) I SUBjECTs USSR/Obituaries lo-6-6/i3 ,_40HORt Tikhomirovp V',V. and Volkova, S.P. TITLE: Losses of Science (Poteti nauki) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 6$ P 107-100 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors give brief obituaries on the Soviet geologists who died during the period from May 1956 to February 1957: Professor Semikhatov, A.N., a Lenin-Award winnerp died on 29 may 56; Kurochkin, V.I., Chief Geologist of the Georgian Geologic Administration, died on 16 Aug 56; Romanov, B.M., Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, died on 11 Nov 56; Professor Mikheyev, V.I. died on 12 Dee 56; Speranekiy, B.F., Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, died on 30 Dec 56; .Grigorlyev, P.K., Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical .~Sciences, died on 31 Dee 561 Card 1/2 'It ".I lo-6-10/13 AUTHOR: Obruchev, V.A., Popov, V.I., Tikhom1rov, V.V. and Khain, V.Ye. TITLE: Review and Discussion of "A Concise Outline of Geological History" by V.V. Tikhomirov and V.Ye. Khain (Kritika I Diskussii: o "Kratkom ocherke IBtorii Geologii" V.V. Tikhomirova I V.Ye. Khaina) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geolovicheskayal 1957, #6, p 110-116 (TISSR) ABSTRACT: V.A. Obruchev briefly reviews the contents of the book under consideration and gives It an entirely positive evaluation. However, Mr. V.I. Popov reviews the book in more detail and, admitting its value and positive quali- ties, notes some negative features and drawbacks. In general, Popov holds thin book as a success, especially in the description of the initial and subsequent stazes CARD 1/2 of the history of geolozy, but not of the latest stake. TITLE: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: lo-6-lo/n Review and Discussion of "P Concise Outline of Geoloaical History" by V.V. Tikhomirov and V.Ye. Khain V.V. Tikhomirov and V.Ye. Khain replying to the remarks of Popov and other readers of the book, admit that most of the remarks are justified And promise to consider them In the next edition of the book. Review on Iq September 96 and the Reply on 15 December 56 At the Library of Conqress CARD 2/2 -1 _rY .,r~ / I -, iw, ZZ - AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V., Sofiana, T.A. 11-7-10/23 TITLEs "Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of the French Naturalist G.L. Buffon" (Dvesti pynt'dayat let so dnya rozhdeniya frantsuzakolpyeatestvoispytatelya Zh. Byuffona) PERIODICALi "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No- 7, PP- 108-109, (USSR) ABSTRACT; George Louis Leclerc Buffon, 1707-1788, famous mathematician, physicist, geologist, zoologist, became"well-known by his multi-volume publication "Natural History". In 1776, Buffon was appointed honorary member of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V. V.J. Sofiana... T. A. 11-7-11/23 TITLEs "Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of the Swedish Naturalist K. Linn.611 (Dvesti Irat'desyat let so dnya rozhdeniya shvedskogo yestestvoispytatelya K. Linneya) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR", Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7P P. 109, (USSR) ABSTRACT.: Karl Linn6, 1707-1778, was born in Rosshult (Sweden). After graduating from the Upsala university in 1734 he received the degree of a Medical Doctor in Holland the following year. Linn6 concentrated his efforts on the study 4nd classification of the flora, and described approximately 1,500 new kinds of different plants. He was one of the founders of the Stock- holm Academy of Sciences and its first president. AVLILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORs Tikhomirov., VI.-V., Sofie4a, T. A. 11-7-12/23 TITLEz "Two Hundred Xeara Ago was Published M.V. Lomonosov's 'Nord about the Origination of Metals from Earthquakes" (Dvesti let so vremeni vykhoda v avet truda M.V. Lomonosova "Slovo o rozhdenii metallov ot tryaseniya zemlill) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7, PP. 109-110, (USSR) - ABSTRACT: In 1757 was published one of Lomonosov's most important geo- logical works in the Russian and Latin languages: "Word about the origination of metals from earthquakes". Lomonosov attached great importance to the movement of the earth's surface for the forming of mountains and other tectonic changes. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V... Sofiana, T.A. 11-7-13/23 ------------------ TITLE: 1, Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of J.W. Goethe's Death (Sto dvadtsatlpyaV let so dnya smerti J.W. Goethe) PERIODICALt "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR", Seriya Geologiche5kaya, 1957, No- 7# PP- 110-111, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The great German writer and naturalist Johann Wolfgang Goethe was born at Frankfurt/Main on August 28, 1749. He had shown great interest in all questions pertaining to geology and mineralogy, and wan one of the initiators for the preparation of geologic maps of Thuringia. From 1813 till his death in 1832 he was president of the Jena Mineralogical Society. The bibliography lists 2 references, I of which is Slavic (Russian) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: -Tikhouirov, V.V., Sofiana T.A. 11-7-14/23 TITLEj "Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Day of the Death of N.G. Meglitskiy" (Sto let so smerti N.C. Meglitakogo) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademil Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheakaya, 19579 No. 7, pp. 111-112, (USSR) ABSTRACTi Nikolai Gavrilovich Meglitskiy (1625-1657) graduated from the Institute for Mining Engineers at St Petersburg in 1846. He was engaged in geological surveying work at different territ- ories of the Urals and Siberia. Besides, Meglitskiy was interested in geothermics, and conducted temperature research in deep mining pits. He was active &ember of the Siberian Department of the Russian Geographic Society. AVAILABLE% Library of Congress Card 1/1 -7- /A' // (,' ~/ V, t1 AUTHOR: Tikhomd~rov, V.V., Sofisna T.A. 11-7-15/23 TITLE; "Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of M.E. Noinskiy's Deathw (Dvadtoat' pyat' let so dnya smerti M.E. Noinskogo) PERIODICALi 111zvestijya kkadenii Nauk SSSR", Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7t P. 112P (USSR) ABSTRAM Michail Eduardovich Noinskiy (1875-1932) graduated from the Kazan university in 1900. Besides his pedagogical work Noinskiy spent much time at surveying. Large parts of the Tatar and Bashkir ASSRs were mapped under his supervision. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORI Tikhomirov, V.V., Soflana. T.A. 11-7-16/23 TITM "Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Death of R.K. Vysotskiy" (Dvadtsat' pyat' let so dnya smerti N.K. Vysots- kogo) PERIODICAL: I#Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR", Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No- 7, P- 112, (USSR) ABSTRACTs On August 7o 1957, 25 years had passed since the death of Nikolai Konstantinovich Vysotskiy, great specialist for ore deposits. Short biographical data are found in the issue No._.2p 1954 of the "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk" Seriya Geologicheskaya. AVAILABLE: Library of Congteas Card 1/1 AUTHORS: Tikhomirov, V.V., Sofians, T.A. 11-7-18/23 TITLE: "Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Day of the Death of the Academician B.S. Smirnov" (Desyat, let so dnya smerti aka- demika B.S. Smirnova) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No- 7, P. 113t (USSR) ABSTRAM Bergey Sergeyevich Smirnov (1895-1947) graduated from the Petrograd Mining Institute in 1919, where he was appointed professor in 1930, and corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences USSR in 1939. Smirnov's primary work was the geo- logio research of various areas of the Far Eastt the southern Trane-Baykal, the far north-saetern districts of the USSR and coastal areas. The bibliography lists 2 referenceng all of which are Slavic (Russian). ASSOCIATION: Department of History of Geologyq Institute of Geology of the Academy of Soiencea)USSR, Moskva (Otdel istorii geologii geo- logioheskogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 V AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V., Sofiana, T.A. 11-7-17/23 TITLEs "Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Death of P.I. Stepanov" (Deayat- let so dnya smerti P.I. Stepanova) PERIODICALt "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRII, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No- 7, P. 113, (USSR) ABSTRACTs On August 26t 1957, 10 years have passed since the day of death of Pavel Ivanovich Stepanov, one of the greatest geo- logists. Short scientific-biographioal data on Stepanov are publi6hed in No. 2, 1955 of the IIIzvestiya Akademii Nauk", Seriya Geo- logicheskaya. AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORz Tikhomirov, V.V., and Sofiano, T.A. 11-10-12/23 TITLE: One Hundred and Fifty Years Since the Founding of the Londrn Geological Society (Sto pyat'desyat let so vremeni o9novaniya Londonskogo geologicheskogo obahchestva) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 10, p 100-101 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The London Geological Society was founded on November 13, 1807. Among the foreign scientists who were honored by the Society wa-a the Soviet geologist A.E. Fersman, who was awarded the Wollaston medal. ASSOCIATTON: Department of the History of Geology, Geological Institute, AN SSSR, Moscow (Otdel istorii geologii Geologicheskogo institute AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 r T I V AUT11011t Tikhomirov,V.V, and Sofiano, T.A. 11-10-15/23 TITLE: One Hundred Years Since the Birth of the Belgian Paleontologist Louis Dollo (Sto let so dnya rozhdeniya bellgiyakogo paleonto- loga L. Dollo) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademij Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 10, p 102 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The prominent Belgian paleontologist Louis Dollo was born on Dec 7, 1857. Brief scientific biographical data about Louis Dollo may be found in the Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheakaya, # 10, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Department of the History of Geology, Geological Institute, AN SSSR (Otdel istorii geologii Geologichemkogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V. and Sofiano, T.A. 11-10-16/23 TITLE: Seventy Five Years Since the Birth of M.M, Tetyayev (Sem'desyat pyat, let so dnya rozhdeniya M.M. Tetyayeva) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheakaya, 1957, # 10, p 102-104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Mikhail Mikhailovich Tetyayev was born on 23 September 1882. After attending the Petersburg and Louvain universities, he was granted the diploma of a mining engineer in 1911. In 1920 he began his pedagogic activity at the Geographical Institute and in 1922 at the Leningrad University. Beginning in 1930, he was appointed professor at the Leningrad Mining Institute. Tetyayev's scientific interests were centered on the geo- tectonic problems of Siberia. He died on October 11, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Department of the History of Geology, Geological Institute, AN SSSR, Moscow (Otdal istorli geologil Geologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 TIKIIOMIRCVt Yr-.N., prof. Elastoplastic bending of a beam. prochn. no.11: 175-208 165. (MIRA 19:1) YERDAKOVO Vadim Ivanovich,, inzh.; NIN121, Leonid Sergeyevichp inzh.; TIUCKIROV, Ye.w,prof.,, retsenzent; DARKOV, A.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SAPOZHKOV, N.M., inzh.p nauchzWy red.; KOPTEVSKIY, D.Ya., red. izd-va; YEZHOVA, L.L., tekhn. red. [Laboratory practical work on the strength of materials) La- boratornyi praktikum pa soprotivleniiu materialov dlia studentov zaocbrWkh vtuzov. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola,n 1961. 188 P. (MIRA 15:4) (Strength of materials-Testing) (Testing machines) PONOMAJOV, S.D., prof.; TIK11WILZOV.-Yo.11., prof.; SERITSE21, 5.V., prof.; MALININ, N.N. S' k6t Pb_Mv, A.A.,, prof.1 KIIYUKOVSKIY, S.S., prof. COKOLOV,S.11.,prof. (Program of the course "Strength of materials" for departments of mechaniced engineering in technical Institutes) Prograrma kursa "SoprotivIonio matorinlov" dha mushinootroiteJOnykh i mokhaniahe- skikh spetsiallnostoi vysshikh tokludcheskikh uchobnykh zavadanii, Moskva, Izd-vo "Vyshaia shkola.," 1959. 15 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) 1-tinisterstvo vysabegp I srednego spe- tsiallnogo obrazovaniya. (Strength of materials-Study and teaching) TjEE2ggM~~~OKHVISIEV, A.111. Proceeo of iron roduction in the blast furna-co wAh bur(:ijn including Kamysh '3u=n sinter. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; chern. met. no. 1:31-40 161. (ZIi- IJ..-.2) 1. Zavod "Azovstall" i Moskovskiy institut stali. (Ifon-,Metallurgy) (Kerch-Iron ores) TIKHOKMOV, Ye. N., Honored Scientific and Technical Worker of the Rust;ian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic, Professor. "Speed of Propagation of a Deformation" for Strengtb; Ibecretical and Experimental Research on the a! - to 11~te Used in MachIm Construction. Collection of Articles, IQPDMO Val. 20 Vb4wV, Mftbgft, 1958# -160ff - SOV/ 124-58-8-9217 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 127 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, Ye.N. TITLE: -Tn-th-e Subject of Variable Loads (0 peremennykh nagruzkakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. zaochn. energ. in-ta, 1957, Nr 11, pp 46- 55 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1 /1 TIKHOMIROV, Ye.N.,prof.,zaslU%hennyy deyatel' nauki i tekhniki RSFSR. Speed of the propagation of deformations. prochn. no.2:P.90-301 158. (MIRA 12:2) (Deformations (Mechanics)) NEDUMOV, Nikolay Vasillyevich; TIK prof., retsenzent; CHERNYSHEV, N.A., dots., retsenzent; SIMAKINA, I.L... red.; BARANOVSKAYA, K.P.,, tekhn. red. [Design of statically determined frames) Raschet ItA- ticheaki opredelimykh ram. Moskva, Aviatsionnyi in-t im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, 1962. 112 p. NiRA 16:4) (Structural frames) TIKHOKIROT. Ye.N., prof.. zasluzhennyy deqatell nauki I tekhniki RSFSR Contacts resulting from Impacts. Rasch. na prochn. no.3:287-294 158a (MIRA 12.12) (Impact) TDW4IRDV,_je,.K., aael.dayat.nauki i tekhalki RSM, professor, redaktor; PONOTDOW, S.D., doktor takhnicbeekikh nauk, professor, redaktori SOKOWT, S.N.; doktor, tekhnicheskikh nw*, professor, redaktor~ TARABASHW, N.D.. doktor tekhaichookikh neak, professor, redaktori TL~WSHIN. V-M-, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, rsdaktor; POPOTA, S.M., takhnicheekly redaktor. [Computitr, strength. hardness, ntability wd vibration; collected articles] Rashchaty na prochnostO zhestkostO. ustoichivost' I kole- banita; abornik statei. Moskvn,Gos. nauchno-takhn.tzd-vo mashino- tro,itellnoi lit-ry. 1955. 290 P. (MLRA 8:9) Moscow. Stankoinntrumental'WY institut. (Strength of materials) TIKHOMR V __Ye.N.,. __prof. -9--p I------ Straight bending of a low-rigidity bar. prochn. no.8: 3-35 162. (Elastic rods and wires) WRA 15:8) TI]MOMIROT, TO.Ne ~11 Displacements 4urIng the Impact. Trudy KAI no.69:51-58 156.' (MIRA 10:1) (Impact) (Deformations (Nechanics)) VOL' V'T it)A.S.; GHIC1010YVIT A.A. - AFAIIAS'Y'b'V, V.A. ; J,T OVITV UMANSKIYJ I I - 1-1 kq IN .1y, V.v.; TIKBOI-ILTIOV, KODANEV, A. - i red. Y e retSenzant; e eth of materialsi [Collection of problems on the str n izd.2 otivlenill, materialov- Sbornik zadach PO SOP' 61 550 P- perer. I dop. 14oskvap Ilaukaf 19 4. TIKHOMIROV, Yevgeniy Nikolayevich; KHORIKOV, A.I., red.; BAWMIN, S.F.~ red.; 1,11IROFANOV, I.A., red.; NECHAYEV, M.A., red. OLIVOVSKU, I.G., nauclim, red.; NEVEL'ShTEYN, V.I., ved. red. (Assembly, adjustment, and operation of devices for the electrical protection of pipelines] Montazh, naladku i ekspluatatsiia ustroistv elektrozashchity magistrallnykb truboprovodov. Leningrad, Nedra, 1964. 126 p. (MIRA 17:12) BARERY A.5,; Prinimali uchastiyet GOLOVt G.A.; ZUBAVINI V,Bo; -=wiq.ROV# ye.P. Limit of human resistance to transverse acceleratio d the n a physiological reactions of the organism. Probl.kosm.,jol. 2t255-272 162. (M 16s4) (ACCELERATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) BARER., A.S.; GOLOV, G.A.; ZUBAVIII, V.B.; T-Ir%qQQL-XU~ Physiological reactions of the human body during the action of maximum accelerations in time and value, directed along the spinal-thoracia axis. Report No.I:Limitation of acceleration and the basic concept of physiological reactions. Bal. ekBp. biol. i med. 56 no.7t24-29 JIt63 041RA 170) 1. Predstavlena deyBtvitellnym chlenom AM SSSR V.V.Parinym. ACC NR, AT6036616 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0000/66/000/000/0300/0302 AU111OX: Parin, V. V.; Agadzhanyan, N. A#; 1Wznotsovv A. G.;;Barers A. S.; i Isabayova.V. A.; Mirrakhimov, M. M.; Davydov, G* A,; Kelinichenko, 1. R.; Yorohova, A. A.; Yarpovep Lo I.; Nikulinav Go A.; Tikhomirovs, Yee P.; Sokol, Ye. A.; -Gavrilovt Be A. Cal'"; none TITLE: Establishing the possibility of using alpine acclimatization for the )reparation Inins of cosmonauts Parr presented at the Conference on Problems Tnd Irge 9 9E Space tied cine Id in macow f tam. 2 -2 may 1 66_7 !SOURCE: Vonferentslya po probleman kosmicheskoy moditoiny, 1966* Problemy kosnicheskoy meditsiny. (Problem of space medicine); materialy konforentaii, Ilbscow, 1966, 300-302 TOPIC TAGSs hypoxia, high altitude physiology, alpine acclimatization, aosmonauc training I AASTMCTs Tasks of the present study Were to. 1. Conduct complex physiological simd-citnical invVatillations during the celimatization at Alutudes 3300 to -4 100 me pimppess of a Cwd .1/4' ACC NRs AT6036616--' 2. Study the influence of alpine acclimatization on human tolerance to "extremal spaceflight factors. 3. Study the comparative resistance of alpine inhabitants, valley inhabi- tants, and alpinists to extremal factors. 4. Develop a system of alpine acclimatization for cosmonauts and issue :recommendations on the application of alpine acclimatization for the prepara-: tion and training of cosmonauts and on the creation of ilpine camps for cosmonauts. Acclimatization was conducted at the alpine station of the Kirgiz State Medical Institute (Tuya-Ashu mountain pass, altitude, 3300 to 4100 m). A total of 28 male subjects were studied of whom: 11 were indigenous to al- 1pine conditions as farmers of the Tien- Shan- -Pamir region (2000 to 2500 m), 11 were valley inhabitants, and 6 were accomplished alpinists. The follow-, ling indices were studied under alpine conditions and using test stand 'Functional condition of the central nervous system., external respirator and cfLrdiovascular system function; some biochemical indices, the state of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation capacity; and In separate ox- periments; cerebral cire$nX.4oolo~gtrqolpthysmographic method. U1. L Cw.d 2 /4 ACC 'NR, AV)036616 The experiments showed that after 45 days of alpine acclimatization, human tolerance to prolonged, back-cheat accelerations (8 to 10 G) was limproved. This was reflected in a relative increase in the amplitude of 'rheoenceplialograms. for all subjects and -consequently, improved cerebral I circulation and lowered pulse rate. EKG changes indicated that the heart !.Was undergoing less strain after alpine acclimatization. After residence :'in alpine conditions, a decrease in basic metabolic indices and a slight in- "crease in arterial blood oxygen saturation was noted in alpine inhabitants I during accelerations. A study of heat tolerance showed that there was a drop in basic physio i -logical parameters (heat accumulation and basal metabolism) after alpine Lacclimatization in all three groups. These changes were more pronounced in' indigenous aluine inhabitants and less pronounced In alpinists. The resistance of the organis m* to hypoxia before and after acclimati- zation was studied using two approaches; exposure to a certain "altitude ceiling" in a pressure chamber and a method 'of reverse respiration using a spirograph first filled with atmospheric air, Inthelattercaseasameas-' ure of oxygen consumption, oxygen content under the bell jar of the spiro- graph decreased and exhaled carbor. dioxide was ch*mic&U ed. y Oso! Card 3/4 ACC NR: AT701165() SOV.1CE CODE-: UTZ/0000/66/000/00()/!.j2ll/Q212- AUTHOR: Barer, A. S.; Golov, G. A.; Zubavin, V. B.; Sorokina, Ye. I.; Til.honlrov, Ye. P. ORG: none TITLEs Oxygen balance of an orZanism at prolonged accelerations SOURCE., International Astronautical Congress. 17th., Hadrid, 1966. Doklady. no. 12. 1966. Kislorodnyy balans organizma pri dlitollnodaystvuyushchikh uskorenlynkh TOPIC TAGS: biologic acceleration effect, anivial.phystology, dog, hypoxia, spaco physiology, human physiology ABSTRACT: The author reviewed the literature as well as experita3rts on humans (1500 te3ts using 120 subjects) and white rats (375 tests)- He stated that changes in oxygen balance in humans are'one of the main fac- tors limiting prolonged 0 tolerance, This is primaril 'y due to circulatory ahd respiratory functions.which are directly affected by accelerations, 'The magnitude of these changes depends on the magnitude.and duration of accelerations,* Card 1/4 ACC NR; AT7011650 external respiration including gas ex- change during accelerations can be attributed to bio-me- chanical difficulties and disrupted pulmonary circu- lation. 'HereO increased work by diaphragm muscles in- creases oxygen consumption. At high acceleration magni- tudes (12 0 and higher), this disruption of gas exchange renders the entire external resoiratory process "unpro- fitable," or inefficient, Up to 8-:12 G, there Is an increase in the aci'lvity of pulmonary ventilation reflected In accelerated respi- A ration and an Increase -In per-,minute volume. A further increase In acceleration wac,;nitude leads first to relative and then to an absolute*decrease in volumetric indices of external respiration, With an increase in acc 'elera- tion, there I*a a steady 200 ml/G decreasb. An increase In the per-minute respiratory volurte An the 13-12 G ranse Is assooiated with Increased 0 consumption and elevated C02 elimination. However, ?he relative efiriciency of pulriloilarlp ventilation decreques as, aceeleration magni- tude increases. The percentalge content OC 02 in respired air increases while C02 decreases. An analysis of the Iiterature and data from the author's experiments Indi- cat*e that the nature of qualitative changes in the gas- eous compoOtion o..^ re8pired air-is associated with an Card 2j4 ACC 14R: Xoo11650 IInercase in physiclo-ically dead space due to chan-ca In puloonary circulatior. Acceleratiolis cause arterial hypoxeir,Ja, the severity of whJch depends on acceleration magnitude and duration.. Beyond a dependence on accelera- tion niartnItude, the-level of hemoglobin decreases by 6 0 - G 5,'~',. The general oxygen requirement under these situations also does not depend on acceleration wagni- -tude and Js a constant value. The* circulatory system plays -a leading role in supplying oxygen to the brain during-accel'eration. In experiments on huaidn subjects, cerebral circulation and circulation An.external vessels of the bead were moni- tored. The force vector'of acceleration plays an im- portant part here, especially the longitudinal comp-n- ent. When the value 'of this cbmponent reaches 1.6-1.3 0, there ia an inprease In the puluedpooling of cerebral vessels. At 3 0, a normal situation prevails while at 5 G, blood pooling decreases by a factor of two. BEG data was used as an Indez. of tbe state of cerebral cir- cula ti on, In experiments with animals, general oxygen con- C2 sumption, oxygen tension in tissues, and the-tissue Card 3/4 ACC NR, Aj?O11650 oxiaation reduction p~otentlal were studied. Here, it was established that durinG accelerations, there Is a dispInce..,ent or oxygen balance In various tissues with a tendency toward Insurficlent oxidation which depqnds on acceleration magnitude and duration an well as speci-, e1c metabolic qualities or the tissues under study. For instance, the period necessary ror the elimination of oxygendeptb In the brain was 1.5-2.0 times shorter than for skeletal duscles. In experiments where aninals and humans were ex- posed to various atmospheric conditions during accelera- tion (normal, increased oxygen partial. pre3sure,-and -decreased barometric pressurn. to 405 Him Hg)o It was round that increased oxygen pressure Improved resistance to prolonged accelerations. However, when general and cerebral-heiabdynamics were disrupted 'due to a high- longitudinal.acceleration component, this positive ef- fect was eliminated by a disruption of Sda exchange. Increased oxySen partial pressure (100 nm H20. increased human tolerance of 12 G-b.,01 35-40 aec.. ATD PMSt 509- SUB CODES 06 SMM DATEs none Card 4/4 PONCHAREV, A., general-j.ollcovnik inzbenerno-tekbnicheskoy sluzhby; FOYdiOVSKIY, G., prof., doktor tokhnichenkoy aluzhby; KUVALIDIII, A., dots., kand. tekhnichaskikh nauk inzha.~er- polkovnik; MOSTOMIKO, V., dots., kard. tekhnicheskikh nauk. inzhener-polkovnik; GONCHAROV, It., polkovnik,- TAWTSOV, A.J, polkovnik; VASlLIYEVp N., polkovnik; GOHDM'Vj N., kapitan 1 ranga; KOZIN,, K.., kapitan 1 ranga; ARUIPOV, 1A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk inzhener-podpolkavnik; SEDGV, A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, inzhener-podpolkovnik; I-IELIK-PASHAYEV, N., dots., kand. tekhn.nauk.. inzhener-podpolkovnik; TIKHOMIROV, Yu dots... kand. tekhn. nauk, inzhener-podpolkovnik;-79MMOT,-V., kand. tekhn, nauk, inzhener-podpolkovnik; CE-ORGIYEV, A., inzh.-pod- polkovnik; Y-RUCHININ, V., inzh.-podpolkovnik; MEKONOSHB, N., inzb.-podpolkovidk; RYKOV, S., inzh.-podpolkovnik; SURIKOV, B., inzh.-podpolkovnik; ZHUKOV, V., inzh.-.mayor; NOVIKOV, M., inzh.- mayor; SUSHKOV, Yu... inzh.-kapitan,- ASTASHENKOV, P.T., inzh.- podpolkovnik; VASILIYEV, A.A., red.; KARYAKINA, M.S., tekhn. red. [New advances in military technology for youthful readersImo- lodezhi o novom v voennoi tekhnike. Moskvap Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1961. 342 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Rockets (Ordnance)) (Atomic weapons) (Electronics in military engineering) T/K/ 0 M 'A o 2 a 9 ir Vo. c-malo 21412 so cu, -a -c c 1! i WI -F8 S.u c R -F JI 99. ".c Zo A. .0 00 5 qj A I ow -r fly J i 96 ACC NRi Al-15027749 Monograph UR/ 11. A.; Vvedenakiy,-B. A.1 Guayatlnskiy, 1. A.; Igoohev, I.F.I. Kazak~~v-.L. nin, YAV A. T YA I .. yakin E. Soko ov,__A. Tarasov'_Ibo-A--; - 0 Tatahkov P. Q A.; TroitBkiz, V. N. Fedorova, L. V.j S C ellni OVA . -;--E ARM 0 V ~.- Stu- -9 ur, A. A.,-;YAkovlev, 0. 1. j K01000V, K. A. WT11111np 1. Y.j 14MUh-1-TO-16 %ftibraoh6rt radio waves (Dallneye yhoric, 2 Upper tropan Fation - .- r_ R3-% tropoaTerni~ye reoproo ane a ulltralcorotkikh radiovoln) Moscow, Xzd-vo "Sovetskoye radio", 1965. 414 P- illus., biblioo 4000 copies printed. WOPIC TAGSt radio wave propagation, tropospheric radjo wave, radio communication, space communication,tropoopheric scatter communicat- ion, signal processing, signal distortion, field theory PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This monograph is intended for specialists working in the field of radiowave propagation, designers or long- distance radio communication systems, and teachers and students or the advanced courses In schools of higher technical ~aducation.. The monograph contains, for the most part, heretofore unpublished results of Soviet experimental and theoretical Investigations In the field of long-d1stanoe tropospherlo ultrashortwave propagation.. C"d IAO N'r'UPC:-- C21- -3W - ZV - A= H91 AM502TT49 Problems of investigating the troposphere by means.of refracto- meters, the mean level of signals, meteorological conditions and topography, fluctuation of arrival angles and distortions of antenna'-V directivity patternsjlosees in antenna gain, and quick and slow fadingo of signal levels are discussed. The statistical character- Istica, of the signals at diversity reception in time, apace, fre- quency and angle as well an the distortion of signals In the commun- leation systems are also investigated. The long-distance propagat- theory to analyzed, and the engineering method of calculating field Intensity at long-distance tropospheric propagation is given. At present, there in no theory of Long-Dintanco Tropospheric Propagat- ion which can be applied effectively enough in practice. Thus, In the investigation of that propagation, considerable attention has to be paid to experiments. The special characteristics of geograph- ical conditions of the territory involved should be taken Into con- videration during the analysis of experimental data and In their practical application because the conditions of propagation in arctic and tropical climates differ from those existing over seas and*continente. A considerable part of the monograph deals with the Investigatioroor long-diatance tropospheric propagation carried out over dry land routsup 8W km long, In the central part of the USSR under the general supervision of B. As Vvedoneldy and A, G.- I Arenberg (up-to 1957), V, 1. Siforov IniestIgated problum can., Cmd 2AO ACC N14 AM5027749 nected with distortions and fluotuat;one of signals, Raferenoes follow each chapter* TAMX OF COHM'TSs Foreword Ch. 1. Radio Engineering Methods of Investigating the Troposphoro Diolectric Constant Bibliography -- 26 9h. IX. Rasulto of Tropoophoro Dielectrio Conatant Measurements 17 1. RelationBhip between the moan value of the air refractIon Index and altitude, Standard radio-atmosphere - 17 2. Fluctuations of the air refraction index- -- 24 3. Soma notions on the troposphere model -- 43 VibliOgraPhY 45 Ch. III. Average (mean) Signal Levels In Long Matance Tropospherio Propagation of Ultrashort Waves ( LT. P - V 8 W) - 48 ACC MR-i A14502749 1. Equipment and measuring methods for the mean signal level 48 2. Signal attenuation function in LTP USW -- 54 3. Relationship between mean signal level and the distance 5T 4. Relationahip between mean signal level and the wavelength 63 5* Relationship of moan signal level and -the shadow ongko.of both transmitting and receiving antennas -1165 6. Diurnal and seasonal variations of mean signal level T2 Bibliography 75 lCh.' IV. Effect of Air Refraction Index at the Earth Surfaoe on the Mean Field Level In L7P USW -- 77 1. Correlation of the mean field level with the air refraction index at the Earth Surfaae. -- 77 2. Possibility of predicting field intensity variations 81 -Bibliography 86 Ch. V. Fluctuation of Hadiowave Arrival Aggles and Instantaneous Patterns of Antennas Directivities I* Methods of measuring radlowave arrival angles-and reeordlog of instantaneous antenna directional patterns 69 i A" N~a A1,15OM49 2. Fluctuation of radiowave arrival angles In horizontal and vertical planes -- 92 3. Xnatantwwous antenna directional patterns 92 Bibliography 102 Ch, VI, Looses in Antenna Gain or rrp usw -- 103 1. Determination and methods of manuring loiess-In antenna gain 10' 2. Experimantal data on looses In antenna gain -- 108 3. Theoretical Investigations on losses In antenna gain 114 Bibliography 120 Ch. Vn. Theories of Long Metanco Tropomphorlo*Propsgatlon of USW- -- 122 1. Introductory remarks 122 WbUcgraphy 129 2~ Theory of scatt*rUg radlowaviss by tropospherio turbulent nonhowce"witiel, - 130 Cwd JU150ZT749 Bibliography 150 3o Reflection of radlowayes from dielectric nonhomogensities of definite dimensions - 151 Bibliography 171 4* Reflections of radiowaves from laminated tropospherle nonhoso- geneities of random character -- 172 'Bibliography 179 Ch. VIII, Erigineering Method of Dealgn-Calculation of Field Intensity Attenuation -- 160 \,.I. Basic rules of calculation method -- 181 2. Diffraction horizon ( a distance, beginning of which, the value of the field intensity, calculated according to the,diffraotlon formulan is smaller than the measured Intensity) " 162 '3. Determination of field standard attenuation 182'. 4- Meteorological conditions correction 184 Local topography correction - 165 Estimate of losses In antenna gain 105 Cmd 6A0 A.CC M AI,150ZT749 7. Estimate of fadings 186 Bibliography 188 Ch. IX. Statistical Characteristics of the Envelope, Phase and Fre- quency of the Random Signal In MP USW __ 189 1, Statistical characteristic: or atmosphere dielectric constant signal components In IWP -- 189 2. Distribution-laws for the envelopes and phase of various signal components -- 193 3. Distribution laws of num-nignal envelope 4,Kulti-dimenclonal distribution functions or Instantaneous value o? envelopes and phases or the spaced signals In minute Intervals 207 5. Paramotera of multi-dimensional amplitude and phase distribution functions of spaced signals -- 210 .;6. Statistical characteristics of instantaneous values of the on- velopes of spaced signals In minute Intervals -- 222 7. Statistical characteristics of instantaneous values of spaced signal phases In minute intervals -- 239 Statistical characteristics of Instantaneous value of phase first derivatives of spaced signals In minute Intervals -- 248 NRj AM5027749 ;.9. Statistical characteristics of Instantaneous values of the first derivative of phase in minute Intervals -- 25T Bibliography -- 260 Clp..,X. Experimental Investigations of Rapid and Slow Fadings in Vp usw -- 262 1. Methods of measuring and processing experimental data -- 262 2a Ono-dimensional distribution functions of signal instantaneous values -- 264 3~ One-dImenelonal distribution functions or signal averaged values-. 278 4, Period and frequency In rapid fluctuations of s1gna2 envelope-283 Bibliography -- 287 Ch. X1. Experimental Investigation of Signal Statistical Character- Istics at Space, Frequency, Time and Angle Diversity Reaeptlon - 288 1. Space-diversity reception -- 288 2. Frequency-diveralty reception -- 295 3. Time-diversity reception -- 299 4o Frequency-tIms diversity reception -- 305 5# Angle-dIversity reception -- 307 I Cmd 8AO AM5027749 Bibliography -- 312 Ch. XII. Investigation of Amplitude-Frequency and Phase-Froqu*wy Signal Characteristics at UP -- 314 1. Measuring and processing methods of experimental data 314 2. Amplitude-frequency characteristics -- 321 3. Phaae-frequency characteristics of LTP channel -- 325 4. Frequency charaoteristlos'of signal group time delay 334 Bibliography -- 350 Ch. XIII. Signal Distortion In LTP USW -351 1. Theoretical investigation of distortions appearing In multi- channel FM LTP communication systems -- 352 2. Experimental Investigation of distortion In LTP -- 384 3. Distortions appearing during TV transmission over troposph*ris radio linkB -- 389 Bibliography -- 392 Appendix Automation of Signal Statistical ProcessIng 394 1. Quantification of continuous signals and ooding 395 2. Signal quant1fleation Instruments --.397 TIF101-1111N, Yu.A.., inzli. lime-stigating the atere-icomparator 1818, Olo.215073) mnufacttired by the C.Zeis3 worko (Jena). TrucI7 y 1411GAIK no.44-.107-11-1 `61. (MIRA 14 -7) 1. Vlo.ku7skiy institut inzhenerov geodezii., aerofotos"yemU i kartograft', I-atedra fetogrammetrii. iStereos.2ope) ARMAND, N.A.; WEM.'SKIY, B.A.,i GUSYATINSKIT, I.A.; IGOSHEV, I.P.; KAZAKOV, L.Ta.; KAL321134, A.I.; KOLOSOV, M.A.; LEVSHIN, I.P.; LCMAKIN, A.N.; NAZAHOVA, L.G.-I NEMIROVSKIY, A..S.; PROSIN, A.V.; RYSKIN, E.Ya.; SOKOLOV, A.V.; TARASOV, V.A.; TRASHKOV, P.S.; TIKHOFUROV, Yu.A.; TROITSKrY, V.N.; FEDOROVA, L.V.; CHERNYYY F.B.; SHABELINIKOV, A.V.; SHIREY, R.A.; SHIFRIN, U.S.; SHUR, A.A.; YAKOVLEV, 0.1.; ARENBERG, N.Ta., red. [Long-distance tropospheric prrpagation of ultrashort radio waves] Dallnee troposfernoe rasprostranenie ulltrakorotkikh radiovoln. Moskva., Sovetskoe radio., 1965. 43J* p. (MIRA 18:9) Sov/68-59-10-5/24 AUTHORS: Ginsburg, Ya.Ye., (deceased), Voloshin, A.I., and Tikhomirov, Yu.L. TITLE: The Importance of Mcisture Content of Coal Charges for the Carburisation Process PER-TODICAL: Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 10, pp 19-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of the moisture content of coal on the technological indices of coke oven ope--.-ation and the quality of coke produced was investigated. The investigation was carried out on an underjet coke oven battery of 7 ovens with mean oven width of 407 mm and a height of 4300 mm. Two coking periods 14 and 15 hours were tested. During the experiments, the composition of the coal blend, its degree of crushing, and the coefficient of the excess air were kept constant. The quality of the coal blends and coking conditions - table 1. The dependence of the bulk density of the blend on its moisture content - fig 1, the dependence of the consumption of heat for coking on the moisture content of coal - fig 2 (curve 2); Card 1/2 the dependence of temperature conditions in the tar Sov/66-59-10-5/24 The Importance of 7,,.oistu---r-: Content of Coal Chrges for the Carburisation Process line Dlane of the coke on the moisture content of coal - tables 2 and 3; the distribution of temperatures along the width of the charge during coking - fig 3; the dependence of the coke quality on the moisture content of coal - table 4. It was found that changes in the moisture content mainly affect the technological indices of coke oven operation. An increase in the moisture content of coal up to 10-11',.~ noticeably affects the size distribution of coke (an increase in small sizes), but has little influence on the coke strength. There are 3 figures, 4- tables and 3 references, 1 of which is English and 2 German. ASSOCIATION: UKhIN Card 2/P- TIKHOKIROV, Yu.L. Technical probless In the coking of coal pitch. Koko I khIm. no-10:25-30 157. (KIRA 10:11) 1. Rharlkovskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy uglekhimicheakiy institut. (Coke ovens) (Pitch) AUTHOR: Tikhomix Iov, Yu.L., (MIN). 525 TITLE: The consumption of heat for coking coal tar pitch. (Raskhod tepla na koksovanie kamm nougollnogo peka) PERIODICAL: "Koks i Khimiyall (Coke and Chemistr 1957, No. 4, pp. 27 - 31, (U-SeS.R.5 ABSTRACT: A description of the apparatus based on the principle of adiabatic calorimeter for the determination of heat consumption in various temperature ranges during coking of pitch is given (Fit 1). Using this a paratus the heat consumption during cok g of medium and ffgh tempemture pitch and a gas c8al was determined within various temperature ranges up to 600 0. The results obtained are shown in graph form. The difference in the heat consumption during the coking of medium and high 0 temperature pitch appears in the temperature region 450-500 when it amounts to-about 38%. - There is 1 table, 5 graphs and 5 references, including 4 Russian. A! 68-10-7/22 .AUTHDR: Tikhomirovp Yu. L. 'TITLE: --!~o-me--PYdbrem-d-ii-i--ilie-~echnology of Coking Coal Tar Pitch (Nekotoryye voprosy tekhnologii koksovaniya kamennougollmgo peka) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1957, Nr 109 PP-25-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experimental investigations of the influence of properties of the starting material and method of 'its heating on the quality of pitch coke were carried out. Temperature pheno- mena in the lining and in the charge of industrial ovens were also studied. Changes of properties of non-volatile residues at various carbonisation stages were studied on the basis of changes in the strength of the material, yield of volatile substances, hardness, true specific gravity, specific electri- cal resistance and "degree of lattice order" from the X-ray data. Coking experiments were carried out in a special steel retort, heated in an electric shaft furnace. Two heating practices were used (Table 1). On reaching the temperature required (450, 550, 700 and 9000C) the retort was quenched in water. Regarding the influence of the quality of the carbon- ised material on the properties of coke produced under the same heating conditions it was found that high temperature Card 1/3 pitch produces coke with better mechanical properties (Table 4). 68-10-7/22 Some Problems in the Technology of Coking Coal Tar Pitch. The strength of coke increases with decreasing heating rate. It is pointed out that as the technology of manufacturing electrodes requires an ignition of all carbonaceous materials to a temperature of 1300-15000 0 it would be correct, on the basis of data obtained in this work, to produce-pitch coke at a temperature in the axis plane of the oven of 7004500C, i.e., the temperature above which the rate of increase in the strength of coke is comparatively small'. Measurements of temperature of the surface of the oven lihing under conditions of intermittent and continuous charging of ovens were carried out. The results obtained are shown in Figs.1 to 4. With intermittent charging sharp variations in the temperature of refractories (up to 6000C) take place on addition of each portion of pitch. With continuous charging there is only one fall in the wall temperature lasting about one hourg followed by a slow rise after the charging is finished. By slowing down the rate of charging (4 hours) the minimum wall tempera- ture can be maintained at about 700OC'. Measurements of the temperature in plane of oven axis indicated that for pitch Card 9-/3 (with a softening temperature 120-1400C) the fbrmation of coke 68-10-7/?2 Some Problems in the Technology of Coking Coal Tar Pitch. of a stable structure under industrial conditions takes lace at temperatures of 460-5300C. A temperature of 700 to 500C in the tar line plane is reached in 10 to 13 hours. ~ This indicates a possible increase in the output of about 30%. Measurements of the level of the coked material in- dicate that in individual periods the level of the charge is 2.5 times higher than calculated. It was found that by decreasing the rate of charging from 50-80 kg/min to 35-40 kg/min, the coefficient of utilisation of the working vol- ume and operating conditions of the oven refractories can be considerably improved. Analyses of gas during various Coking periods (Figs.5 and 6) indicate that the method of charging has little influence. It is concluded that the present method of Coking pitch scarcely corresponds to the specific uroperties of the material and requires revision of the heating method. For this purpose a new type of oven with a direct method of heating (gaseous heat carriers or high frequency currents) should be developed. There are 4 tables, 6 figures and 4 referencesy all Slavic. ASSOCIATION: UKhIN. AVAILAELE: Library of Congress. Card-1/3- TIK14-li"IROV, Yu.F. Present ,:t,:itus and objectives of oil and gas prospecting in Geol. nefti i paza 5 no.11:50-13 11 '61. (,fi?A 14: 11 ~ 1. Yakutskoye gr-ologicbeskoye upravleniye. (Yakutia--Petrolpum geology) (Yakutia--Gas, Natural-Ovolopay) TIKHOMIROV, Yu.N., vrich Organization of t t,-) lcgi:,al airi at, the ~-n ',- :~r *lh,~,- F--troleum indunstr-y In Sak~Alin FrovLnce. 'lop. ,ravm. _4 ortop. no.13:39-40 163. (MIRA 18:2) .1. 0khtri-okuya goruclokaya bo InlAmi. HARAYA , G.D.; BAMMATOV, G.V.; BOBROV. A.K.; BORDAILEMO. V.I.; VASIL'Y9V. V.G.; KOBBLYATSKIT, I.A.; UIKCLAYETSKIY, A.A.;.TMOMIROY, Tu.P.; CIMIKOV, K.R.; CMMCIY. N.V.; CHICHMARST, V.G.; vedushchiy red.; MMIRA, X.A., teklm.ried. (Geology, and oil and gas potentials of the Yakut A.S.S.R.] Goo- logichaskoe stroanie i neftegazononnost' Iffinitzkoi ARM. Pod red. V.G.Vasillevs. Koskva. Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivaoi lit-ry, 1960. 478 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Yakut la--Patroleum geology) (Takutia-Gas, Natural--.Geology) KA7AHDZH&H, F.K. , insh.-polkovnik, prof., doktor tekhn.rau ; Tn=MIROV, Yu.]P.. insh.-mayor, kand.te?hn.nauk Bffectiveness of various fuel systems of liquid fuel rocket engines. Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.6:90-92 Je 160. (MR& 13:7) (Rockete(Aeronautice)-Fuel) VASIL'YEV, V.G.; KOBBLYATSKIY, I.A.; TIKR(,)14IBDV, Yu.P.; CHRRSKIT, N.V. - - - --------- -- Current problems relative to gas prospecting in tho TaWt A.S.S.R. Gas.pron. 5 M-1:13-17 Ja 160 iMIR& 13:4) (Yakutia-Gas, Natural-Geolog7) (Prospecting) i BARKHATOV, G.V.; VASILIYEV. V.G.; GRISHIN. G.L.; KARASEV, I.P.; KISELEV. S.I.; KRAVCHE]aD, Ye.V.; MDRDOVSKIT, CHRPIKOV, K.R.; Y-WIGANS, S.M.,; FXDOTOVA, I.G.. [Oil and gas in the eastern Vostochno-Sibirskoi platvorrV. Gos.nauchno-tnkhn.Izd-vo neft. 130 P. Siberian Pod Platform] NeftmgazonoRnost' rod. K.R. Chepikova. Moskva, gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1958. (MIPA 12:1) 1. Chlon-korres ondent Ali SSSR (for Chepikov). Mberian Platform--Gas. Vatnral) (Siberian Plat form--Pigtro laTm-F- MII(ONCHFV9 Yu.P.; TIKHOMIROV, Yu.P. Types of local uplifts in the VilyiW syneclise and the central part of the Verkhoyansk Range. Neftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no.3: 29-33 '64. WIRA 17:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut prirodnogo gaza, BARkUTOV, G.V.; VASILIYEV, V.G.; KISXIJff, S.I.; TIKHOMIROV, Yu.P. Oil- and gas-bearing potential of the Torkhdyansle piedmont fault and baoic trends In prospecting this region.'%ol, nefti 1 no.4: 1-7 Ap '57. (MIR& 1W) (Varkhoyansk Range-Petroleum geology) (Yerkhoyansk Range--Gas, Natural--Oeology) 71PREMOV, V.V.; RAZUMOV, M.1. TIKHOMIROV, A.H. Iffect of a diet with deficient content of nicotinic acid, tryptophan, and protein on nicotinic acid metabolism in dogs. Voprosy Pitaniya 12. No.l. 50-9 153. (KLRA 6:3) (CA 47 no.14:7050 '53) 1. Nutrition Inet., Acad. Mad. Sci. U.S.S.R.. Moscow. ,nd A , U k i A S 3 S It U ) - . . c . cKcqw , , of dy-~ mm-y rc~~vedadosd:ja diet yj ot trm=t NvIth 400 Wmc tMAO )Ilan. .8%fcfaW!= d, patteiifs'wAkstudml I the d4 j-dl,i tty. `- i" 1 fI4 t c I nl u v t q _TL* d i~blw UYA icnu Is- the total Ural-. of PI 117 v.*Uah~ .2-'.i':b qzl" 13 la album I I 1 0 16 i4id 4.00 , 6 1"Plas a lo Jt; )0. :it 0.1 kand 2 S8 t4 0.10. .1 D ite4or e I e4 tcla d t , I th [or, Uv , thf- blood corciis. M U and III Ircrea-d, While. th 4f a fh- K V. dod ~ ",TLI-aa.n~d Licviy In th' the !r'.tttgv cl,,:rs;c fupiatmeat t1w ef.jf~ , - d f III I i d I d b & bl d V ' ur nary mcig w L e m=T c o n c. ers ad i ;more pro-aOuat&4, aad ign of IV at L4e r;u*f,-Tr-(. It !~ ctroclu"I"s thnt ta tila C K -H Qo vil < USSR dro(rute f IgrinTairitsmLaosti 1A ant-, A."W" W? -~f; la mc acation Of'M Tikhormiruva (111st. NUtfitim. Acgdo UM -0, StA am 4,250 ML diswumcc A34 irfy-KA. ff~SO,. best tbc mIxt. to beGEOv. then aM OW (Pte-VioUdY INSAW CIftr C1 Vltafttfftll~. AW-. omt;"m., Ott bqihag vinitr re(Tait cartdtawr for 2.r-W Us' 'k,. - ict, Op. tntat dc3tpct~ju of t!Wo han take Oj-t of tile hydiwYzate aud ti~ilkitw Qts iviifi-j:a&v-;uqR aminobeavaldayde and HCHO. Wheat the tatol in str,.! - t-urmfev the hy&cdvxate to a 104. dish szd, owmUse ao: - -'V" 60* witil POWJ. BaMI)s until tue conp red tadimtor turim4 viold. Dit. the thick jaite fomfd with &td. wita Id. fi'P. the B"1150i by centrifvPtion, Alta the supn=cau thicush filttr t. clad bews the futmt4q to PX addn. of lu(031 h. The hydmymte must tram of 13&(011~. 111c"fM. tut a OMOW of the h74 drulyzate for the premace at Ba(011~ by the gddtt. -severe[ drops of dil. H404 arA In cm ttuWlty oomww sate, rtaxanther0t. by, the supemtott of trif re H h atLW the A'7 H 4. Neu Ize I (W. 0 m -at .blue LodicabW WMIZ11,I mabaing W the h rAte. Wt afftet the UWMIIECN of the re". Filter e hydrdynte once alaiv., "IM the filtmte an a water bath to 1.5 1., and tmrWer the product itito a 100-160-n0. fiasic and stcsillm far,3(k mIn. In a Koch app. Whem kept In the wW. tile It zate is AW)h for Wmd Madum H.- TIKHOKIROVA, A.H.; MAR, 0.1. Data on folic acid metabolism in white rats during the develppment of folic acid deficiency. Vop. pit-15 no-1:37-40 Ja-If 156 (KM 9:4) 1. Iz ]Aboratorii 12ucheniya vitaminov (sav.-prof. V.V. Yefremov) ("CKAKIDES, effects, on folic acid metab. in folic acid defic. in rate) (FOLIC ACID, deficiency, eff. of sulfonamides on folic acid metab. in white mts) 0 -Errcct of ntricin evitanittiosin on candidonad Irfloxes in- Ll(,Rk;. V.N. Lificillov. A, 1. Mak,trycitev. itittl A. N. 'I'ik- Notrit6m, Acad. M,-d , Se VOPIC, Pit,sNi.-Ol 13. No. 3. IL d,,,;% rmi a 3JU atki ItypLophan (11)-ilk-fick-at dkt, (LL corit Met contg. soine 11-frec czvx-in bydrolynit") tile anit. o( N-tuethylikotittattilde (111) excreted islilt the witte dew CrL%LIkxI fmi 0-12 (Oon"X4) to 1.2-0.2 rl IdAy. Duiring tile Moring thempy addn. of I to (he die LI ilia taut. of tile M excireted rupidly. The slurs. of d(pyricilm nucleotides (IV) and protcias in bloA did not chance djMfi- cattily (0-14 V tied 7.5-6.8 j./100 mi. blood, rcV.) during the "pt. The normal wt. was restomil And the atrit. of IV lit blood was lucroAM u to 20,Y/100 mi. blooO Oter the "Pti. dogs have F=1424 50-mg, dose of 1. 7110 avitet. ,w4- wWdct- "-days- of -the- lemiriff- During the avitardriods the co"tiocuil reflexes were W; distorted: the dEstutbav*c at the hfdW Uervouts atons ,(Cerebral cortex) occun much Goom UM ft of the efinkal symptoms of the im(tantlacills. .- -. - -1 . -r- UWR/Humn and Animal Physioloa. Themoregulation. T-3 Abs Jour: Bef Zhur-Biol., Ho 12, 1958, 55384. Author Inst Title The Influence of HiGh Environxient Temperatures on the development of DI-Avitaninoses in White Rats. Orig Pub: Vopr- pitaniya, 1956, 15, No 5, 75. Abstract: The longevity of rats deprived of vitanin Bl and kept at a 340 C61 temperature was 2-3 tiries longer than of rats kept at a 7-120 f-6_7tepperature, . The weight loss was also greater in aniimls of the first group than in those of the second group. A clearly defined dependence of the tine of death ont he quan- tity of pyruvie acid was observed in the second group of the animals. In the first group such a relation- Card 1/2 "L7 2Z USSR/Human and Animal Physiology. Thermoregulation. T-3 0 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 12, 1958, 55384. ship was not observed. A spasmic syndrome was rnni.- fested in the aninals of the first group only, which appeared shortly before death. Thus, rats require apparently a smaller quantity of vitamin Dl at high temperatures than at low temperatures. Card : 2/2 36 TIKHCK-A-R 0.1. AY,&,,, A. N. ; PSNAR. Hethod for ridding casein of vitamins closely bound with protein [with summary in Inglish]. Vop.pit. 16 no.1:69-71 Ja-F 157. (MLRA 10;3) 1, Iz laboratorii lzucheniya vitaminov. (zaveduyushchiy - professor Y.T.Yefremov) lastituta pitaniya ANY SSSR, Moskva. (GASNIN. prop. purification from vitamins closely bound with protein (RUBD (VITAMINS purification of casein from vitamins closely bound with prdtein (Rus)) (PROTEINS same) USSR/Human and P11 iys i ol()L7,-. lfurv~~us Syste.-i. T '- - SY1;-*-C:.i. 7('11avirr. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol. , No 2D) 1953; 93649. Yefremor, V.V., NU-, mrychav, A.I., lvlaslonlkcrm, Ye. M., Ti.hho:.iircva, P-H. List Title The Effect of Lriboflavinosis on BiCher Ilervous ilctivity and Trorhic Punctions of the Or(pniam. Orig Pub: Vcr -44. pr. pitaniya, 1957, 16, No 2, 37 ,*.bstract: Tn the presence of a diet insufficient in ribofia'Hn (I), tile excretion of I in urine was curtailed in clogs of strongly ba-I --, iced aad weak.1y inhibited types for sevcral days, and in IoGs of a stronr;ly pr9noiLnced weak type thir. 1,-tod 3 1~onths- I doficicney reduced the Dositive acid defouse salivary conditiGned reflexes Card V2 and rhysiolorzr. Norrcus Systarl. T Norvnts Syst(~~i. EcIp.1dor. :,1)s Jour: 110f Zhur-!Aol., 1,(; 201, 1958, 9364~, relations" ot LP iii rcL;Ijonac to buLh voch. (36 c1b) antl ntrong (60 db) audial ui(~,als. AVtcr a periccl of intemal of lcarfc. Joses of U,A=-i 11c. (5 - 25 czily) 3 aninals showcd distinct i,r.-.proverent in "forcc-,-' cori-cLations" while oi-c showed a sliC;It detcrioration. licirever, net one animl showed a stable or p'licso cvacl t-to liffurom.- tiatioll rol.nilled ccoljollitc. The probloi~,. uvc-hed by the dia:-.:ctrically oppcred results obtained by Zc-vn-l' /-? 7 in earlier experiterts by Giving hir, does canside;a5ly lower doses of ti-Lia:-iine is considered. -- V. Gavlicheh. Card 2/2 116 NOVAKOVSKAXA, A.A.; TIKHOMIROVA, A.N.; GUSEVA, T.M. Catechin content in the urine, blood coagulation time and the thrombocyte count in patients with -!jclite dysentery on a back- ground of vitamin P and ascorbic acid administration. Vop. pit. 22 no.3:19-22 My-Je 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. 1z kafedz7 infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. -- prof. X.V. Bunin) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinakogo instituta imeni Sechenova. I iz otdela vitaminologii (zav. - prof. V.V. Yefremov) Instituta pitaniya AMN SSSR, Moskva. ,TIKHCMIROVA, A.N.; YEFREMOV, V.V.; MASLENIKOVA, Ye.M. Study of the effect Of supplementary inclusion of vitamins in the diet an the general condition and lon evity of white rats. Vop. pit. 22 no.5:46-50 S-0 163. PRA 17:1) 1. Iz otdala vitaminologii (zav. - prof. V.V. Yefremov) Instituta pitaniya. A14N SSSR,, Moskva. -,'-a -zio:- on. GVGZDQVAI- 1n1.jju:. of U.S.S.R. in O.Z.- yca-.S, W-- S-u- o' a co.-..p I ex of thirzen -.J.6c 1,-,c r a Uo n 0: u- * -.he:.- wcanm.- --om f~-rnaks zo ~::Zh. Thc rats Nycre divid~u-: r,:c,:ivci :ddli:iormlly t'a) vizan;in 'VC), (b) vitamin comp'-x V11.1 . v m., k only vit-min B,, '--') only vi-annin B. - *,-. a ho-at in B, ":) k . We studied % zhcsc ac!"6ans or, (1) u-,c c,,-- body --nd its kn;,h. Animz7s I :ccc:v:-n- VC irc,-czscd -,.-,crr. fastc,-. !2, The consumption. of fccd per 103 Z. o.-- body-weight by the rats receiving VdWas, on the coatl'aq, 'less. (3) Exc.-c-,:oi Ofc.g.-.z w;-.h and 6& conzezt in mrz.,ns. In L-inc the rats o-1- 1121Z . VC -OUP 0-.* all, :7CS had -.;,,CSC lndiccs hig,!W: than conzol Znimals. (4.) Wo.-:~in; cpacity ; the VC -a-'s Scvc-':1 as rnuch Wood a day as animzls oi~ c-mc.- S.-Oups. (5) and wcl:z'.-.z of 1:zti:: nurnberr of litters fronn VC Z_a,,C5, ;-.=bz: of you.-.,- -a:5 1,-c.-.., zr~a thex weill", wcze thzn Ohowt o-7 cl-olc~,-.crol in blood a-, the --p of 1 yz:-, US Up =S Th .i.c.-case-I all goups, 'L;-. rnos: oi-cill in. cznLrol o of (7) c VC ar:.mals had a -.,ucl-. lowcz zz' cont:ol ra-.s ; &.c VC ra-.s had -,'ha -zates-, clu.-azion ofli-x of individua., ;InI*;.-:,'s, tha: of ani-121S wx:ch & eas zcce.vcd B, azd Bavitamins o;~y was less, and rzzs of conuol .-rOU2 *.-.zd c1 6'.h International Congress on Nutrition, Edinburg 9-15 ,.ugust 1963 STBPANYAN-TARAK=VA, A.M.; GOLUBEVAp L.Ya.,* ZIKEYEVAP V.K.; KURTSIH19 O.Ya. J~MOMIROVA# A.N.; MASLENIKOVA, Te.M.; SOROKINP G.Ye,; Effect 4t combined therapy on patients with the qerebroendocrine form of 6besity. Vop. pit. 18 no. 6:16-,2-4 N-D 159. (MIRA 14;2) 1. Iz Instituta pitarLiya AMN SSSRj Moskva. ~ (CORPULENCE) (GLUTAMATES) (CORTISONE) MASLENIKOVA, Ye.M.;_III~~0141 LtOYA,A N -; KRAYKO, Ye.A.; PENAR, 0. 1.; GVOZDOVA, L.G.; SOLOVIYEVA, L.Ya.; KULICHENKO, Ye.V.; GELIFFIIBEYN, A.Sh. Study of the metabolism of vitamins in workers in the hot shop of.s. metallurgical factory. Vop. pit. 19 no.213-9 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Iz laboratorii izucheniya vitaminav (zav. - prof. ViV.Yefremov) Instituta pitaniya AMIJ SSSR, MosWa. (VITAMINS) (HEAT--PMIOLOGICAL EFFECT) ,-TIKHOMIROVA, A.N.;_ BEYUL9 Ye.A.; Prinimala uchastiye: SOLOV IYEVA, L. Ya. - ----- Study of nicotinic acid metabolism in patients with chronic a.olitis. Vop. pit. 19 no.3:48-52 My-Je 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1, Iz kliniki lechabnogo pitaniya (zav. - prof. F.K.Menlshikov) i laboratorii izixcheniya vitaminov (zav. - prof. V.V.Yefremov) Instituta pitaniya AMN SWR, Moskva. (NICOTINIC ACID) (COLITIS) FENIKSOVAt R.V,,I_ TIKHOMIROVA,-,A.S-._ .ylase and proteinase accumulation in Bubmerged A medium for am cv.1tures of Bacillus subtilis. Mikrobiologiia 29 no.6re94-899 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Institut, biokbirn! imeni A.N. Bakha AN SSSR. (BACILLUS,3qWILIS) (PROTEINASE) (ANYLASE) (SOYBEAN) TIKHOKIROVA, A.S. Adaptability of Aspergillus ox7xse amylolytic enzymes [with sumaz7 in Inglish]. Mikrobiologila 28 no.1:45-51 Ja-F 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut spirtovoy promysh- lonnosti,mookva. (ASPMGILLUS, metab. amylase synthesis by Aspergillus oryzae. adaptabi- lity CRUBD (AHYLASM, Aspergillus oryzae synthesis, adaptability (Rue)) TIKHOMIROVA, A.S. Induced synthesis of anylass by myeallusi of Aspergillus orysas. Klkrobiologila 29 no.1:90-96 ja-F 160. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Tsesoy=nyy nauchno-looledovatelisiciy Institut spirtovoy prov7shlennosti. ND~kwa. (ASPM37MB astab. ) (AKTW30 matab. ) TIKilOM:'F,OVA,, A.'-I.; KDLlilQVA, J*--..~. in Asporsz,'11-u!3 74 AJ S -P TIUMUROVA, A.S.; KULIKOVA, A.K. Inhibition of induced amylase synth.esis in Aspez-g.-11-13 oryzae by glucose. Mikrobiologiia 32 rk).4:577-581 JI-Ag 163. . (',,11RA 17:6) 1. Inatitut biokldmii imni A.N. Mkha AN SSSR. SOV/44-58-4-3046 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurmal, Matematika, 1958, Nr 4. p 91 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tikhomirova, A.S.- TITLE: Radiation of Gas Bodies of Definite Geometric Form (Iziucheniye gazovykh tel opredelennoy geometricheskoy formy) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Krasnodarsk., gos. ped. in-ta., 1957, Nr 15, pp 165-176 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1/1 TIKHOMIROVA, A.S. oncantrntion of starch in the culture medium and the formation of. amylase by Aspergillua niger. [with summnry in Enclishl Mikrobiologiia 27 no.2:244-249 Mr-Ap 158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Vsesc7wVy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut a-oirtovoy promyehlonnosti..Moakva. (ASPERGILUJS. metabolism niger, amylase synthesis & carbohydrates concentration in culture medium (Rue)) (AMYLASE. in Aspergillus niger. synthesis (Rua)) (CAROHYDRATES, metabolism, As-pergillus niger culture medium (Rue))