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TETERJI Jer2y Morphology of the gonads in Turner's syndrome, fHlato-clinica2 study of 3-1 casea)o ftt. p01. 14 n0.2%201-213 163. 1. ~ I K21niki Polomietwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM v Warsaawle Kierownik,- prof, dr'sed. Ta Bulski Z Poradni Endokrynologiesnej w Warozawie Kisrownih doe. dr med. J., Teter, (TURNMIS SYNDROME) (OVART) (GENITALIA, FEMAIE) (PATHOLOGY) TETER, Jerzy Morpholog7 of the gonads in Tm-nerls syndrome. (Histo-clinical study of 11 cases). Pat, poli 14 no.23201-213 163, I., T I Kliniki POloznictwa.i Chorob Kobieoych AM w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr'med, T, BulBki Z Foradni Endokrynologicznej w Warazavie Kierownik: doe. dr med. J. Teter. (TUPONERIS SYNDROME) (OVARY) (GENITALIA, FEMALE) (PATHOLOG!r) .tw USSR / General and Specialized Zoology. Insects. F Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-B161i,-,JNo 2, 1956t 6765. Author Tetenkova, M. F. Inst ReMn-ttate-ftricultural Experiment Station. Title The Alfalfa Pests in the Kemerovo Oblast. Orig Pub: Tr. Kemerovsk. gos. s.-kh. opyt. st., 1956, vyp. 11 67-86. Abstract: The article deals with the bionomics and harmful- ness of bugs, snout beetles and certain buttor- flies. The pea pests, Kakothrips robustus Uz. and Acyrthosiphon pisi Kalt., were reported in great numbers on alfalfa. The mining larvae of flies and leaf rollers, and the larvae of click beetles, mainly those of Selatosomus latus F., Selatosomus spretus Mannh. and Agriotes sputator F., inflict great damage. For the protection of Card 1/2 USSR / General and Specialized Zoology. Insects. F Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,, No 2, 119580 6785. Abstract: alfalfa crops it is recommended to: alternate the yearly seed and hay harvesting; remove seed- plots away from old alfalfa fields; out away wild alfalfa near seed-plots; out alfalfa for hay at the budding sta e; effect spring clean- in~ of alfalfa fields fburning the mass oollect- ed) and to apply shallow plowing; use the suit- able waste for feed before the advent of spring, and to compost the unsftitable waste. -- A. P. Adrianov. Card 2/2 15 USSR / General and Specialized Zoology. Insects. F Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 6773. Author :.1rPtfjnk-nynM. F. Inst :Kemerovo Stfff-e-rgricultural Experiment Station. Title :Tests With 12% Hexachlorocyclohexane Dust Prep- aration, Orig Pub: Tr. Kemerovsk. gos. s.-kh. opyt. st., 1956, vyp. 1, 87-89. Abstract: Dusting-with hexachlorocyclohexanG (HCCH) (20 kg/ hectare) of the seed pods of alfalfa during its budding stage led to the destruction of the fol- lowing bugs: 9.87% of the adult grey Poecilo- soytus cognatus Fieb. 63.5% of its larvae, 93.5% of the larvae of iLdelphocorus lineolatus Goeze, 80.9% of the adult Lygus pratensis L. Dusting prior to formation of the ovaries was more effect- Card 1/2 17 USSR / General and Specialized Zoology. Insects. P Abs Tour: Ref Zhur~-Biol6, No 2. 1958, 6773. iLbstract: ive. Dusting with HCOH (18 kg per hectare) of turnips was very effective against the adult Athalia colibri christ., especially in the first hatchingo Dusting with HCCH (15 kg per 1 ton) of corn seeds prior to sowing prevented them from being damaged by elateriform. larvae. With an increase in therate of sowing And in the den- sity of the standing plants, the destruotion of the elaters increased and the damage to corn de- creased. -- A. P. Adrianov. Card 2/2 of ya ~,0,061 __.0 ~rolbnlevs 91 195B 0 3f GeVO 3 .:5 ,~01. a I oov~ vwo tyro OX15 joa . at~ol OV6 Vr()GO6 T~cv Cl - j)TOP COT ar,66 ot -got GGIG ot TV 0 1 ta6ls 'ate-riue oe VD.St, T of t 0 Of tlae 1a-!5 I GT_ lyl tle 95ro I ro ,,,,reT ,, Zi , 0-DS r, S-5, , 0t ~,tyL Jo& 0% A, Of ~ko$ 0 000, il 'POT -vu TO- TO fmo 150 *Olue 'aty OLS te& 0 b mO 06Dol O-jel! 'a , -?%1b Of iga to TOO, '01 T SeGoll, so g~.V60 Sta6es-lest, $eOx tVe Vt,,Dle lr'~60 tj~e tlxe *e V, V, X- T~.13.6 13.0 ,qeS, ,.S re .re '0 t &0 1,0_41 *as ose TOO . 'latiot, 6,.,a6,f, ~.UOOOLI.PT06 Vauclj~ ses I ()aro tue ~ '9T06 I:ble aeL 08, 94-10 0 of 1106 O'JOTS 0-90 Ste e1 IJIT tT *eTe 0 '60 IPZ POLAND / General Problems of Pathology. Human Tumors. U kbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 42086. Abstract; the cervix were discovered in 7 patients prior to the pregnancy. (3-precancerous conditions, 4-intraepithelial carcinoma). Precancerous con- ditions, discovered during pregnancy, increased sharply during the first trimester, decreased in the third trimester. It is the opinion of the author that the hypergonadotropic phase of preg- nanoy (first trimester) favors the development of anaplastic changes in the cervical epithel- ium, and the progesterone-estrogen phase (second and third trimesters) retard the development of those changes. -- M. A. Koyro. Card 2/2 TEXCERPTA I FM CA sec 3 Vol 13 17 Endocrinolory J111v 50 103. CLINICAL STUDIES ON EUNUCIIOIDAL HABITUS IN GONADAL DYs- GENESIS AMONG PATIENTS WITIf EXTERNAL GENITALIA OF FEMALE TYPE. (STtMY OF I I CASES) - Etudes cliniques de I'aspect eunuchoidal des dysgenesics gonadiques chez lea sujets avec des organes gdnitaux ex- ternes de type f6minin. (Etudes de 11 cas) - Te te r J. Policlin. d'Endo- crinol. pour lea Femmes, Varsovie - ANN. ENMUCR77arls) 195B. 1912 (202-221) Graphs 6 Tables 2 Illus. 7 In the Policlinic of Endocrinology for Women in Warsaw 36 cases of gonadal atro- phy among patients with external genitalia of female type were studied. The habi- tue of many of them was infantile and dwarfish (Turner-Albright syndrome), or normal. The habitue of 11 of them was eunuchoidal. These patients were submit- ted to a complete clinical and biological examination. All showed primary amen- orrhoea. Their social and psychological behaviour was normal and was of female type. Seven of them felt no libido. Six were able to have intercourse. Their prim- ary complaint was a lack of womanly morphology and menses. A thorough study of the morphology was performed with reference to the morphogram of Decourt and ~17 T;-tu t_! 1903 Doumic (Paris). The morphometric findings were different, according to whether the chromosomal sex was male or female. Pilosity was generally poor, the vagi- na normal, and uterus and breasts were very small. Three patients complained of numbing when an oestrogenic treatment was discontinued. Seven patients be- longed to the female chromosomal sex, 4 to the male. All showed a high FSH, and most a low 17-ketosterold output. The uterus was sensitive to sex hormones and artificial menstruation could be secured, The breasts were sensitive to sexual hormone in the patients of female chromosomal sex. The histology of gonads will be reported in a future paper. Vignes - Paris (111, 10) EXCERPTA 14EDICA Sec 10 Vol 12/8 Obstetrics Aug 59 1.354. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF POST-PARTUM HYPOPITUITAIUSINI (SI[EE- IIAN'S SYNDROME) - Teter J. Endocrinol. Clin for Women, Warsaw - J.OBSTET.CYNAEC. 9RTr-,EMTr- 1959, 6r)/t (40-46) Tabies 2 Illus. 10 A study of 14 cases of Sheehan's syndrome showed the following incidence of sym- ptoms and signs: Triad related to the delivery. (1) Postpartum haemorrhage in 100% and collapse at delivery in 7976. (2) Absence or premature disappearance of lactation In 93%. (3) Permanent amenorrhoea subsequently, without molimina or menopausal mptoms, In 93%. Subsequent SyMptOMB of hypopituitarism, (1) sy Physical asthenta In 10016. (2) Abnormal sensitivity to cold in 860,16.' (3) Apathy anti mental torpor in 70%. (4) Loss of libido in 7016. Common physIcal changes, (1) Atrophy of mammary gland tissue In 1001%j. (2) Depigmentation of nipple areolae and labia minora in 03%. (3) Waxy pallor of skin in 100%. (4) Atrophy of vulva. vagina and uterus In 100%. The endometrium Is usually unresponsive to treatment with oestrogens and progesterone, Variable physical changes, (1) Complete loss of pubic and axillary hair in 64%. (2) Increase of weight, and appearance of myx- oedema in 50%. This occurs usually in the first few years of the disease. (3) Loss of weight In 35%. This to seen most commonly when the disease has lasted many years. Laboratory examinations. (1) Insulin tolerance test positive In 7076. (2) Urinary 17-ketooteroids decreased in 75%. (3) BMR below -20 In 50%. (4) The Kepler test and glucose tolerance test kive abnormal results only in severe cases. The whole clinical picture to so characteristic that the condition can be diagnosed by the gynaecologist at his first examination of the patient. (X,3,60) TETER, Jerzy; WIGURAp Aleksand6r; NADWOM, Jerz7; JANOZEWSKI, Zygmunt Congenital adrenal dysplasia in a female with signs of pseudoherma- phro.ditis (adrenal virilism). Endokr. pol. 12 no.5:531-542 161. 1. Foradnia Endolcrynologiczna w Warszawie Kierownik: doe. dr J.Teter Klinika Urologicznq A14 w Wa~szawie Kierownik: prof. dr T.Wesolowski I Klinika Foloznictwa. i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Warszswic Kierownik: prof. dr T. Bulski. 1;."k (ADUNDGENITAL SYNDR014E case reports) KOWALCZYKOWA, JaninqLTETER ___ _ja=,y4_MIKULOWSKI, Pavel Precocious puberty due to an ovarian tumor composed of germ cells and Sertoli-granulosa cells (gonocytoma II). Acts. medica polona 3 no.2: 159-170 162. 1. Department of Pathological Anatomy, Medical Academy, Crocow Directori Professor Dr. J. Kowalczykowa I Gynecological and Obstetrical Clinic, Medical Academy, Warsaw Director: Professor Dr T. LU.aki. (PUBERTY, PRECOCIOUS etiol.) (OVARY neoplasms) (GWTUI,OSA CELL TUMOR diag.) (SERTOLI GELL TU14OR diag.) BLUKI, Tadeusz; STERNADEL, Zdzialaw; TETER, Jerzy; WASILEWSKA, Teter Folliculams. Fmdokr. Fol. 13 no.2:199-207 062. 1. 1 Klinika Poloznietwa -1 Chorob Kobiecych A. M. v W-wie Kierownik: prof. dr T. BulBki. (GRANULOSA CEI TUMOR cane reports) (OVARIES neopl) - T=Q,-JAm; SILWZRYISKA, Jadwiga On the problem of indications for the conservative management of pre-invasive cancer of the cervix uteri. Gin.polska 31 no*3: 379-384 jV--je t6c. 1. Z I Kliniki Polozaictwa i Chorob Kobiecych A.Me w Warezawle Kierownik: prof. dr T.Buiski. i Z Centralnej Poradni Onkologicznej d1a Chorob Kobiecych w Warazawie Kierownik: doc: dr J*Teter (MTIX NROPLASMS surg) TETZR. Jerzy; OKNINSKI, Wladyllaw On the diagnosis and claosification of Sheehan's syndrome. Gin. polska, 31 no-1:77-89 JA4 160, 1. Z I X3inikl Chorob lobiecych i Poloznictma A.M. v Waresavis. lierowulk: prof.dr med. T. Balski. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrz- nych A.M. w Waresawie. Kierownik: prof.dr med. A. Kodejsxko,oras z Poradni Indokrynologicznej v Warosawie. Klerownik: prof.dr mod. J. Teter. (PITUITARY GLM die.) TIM, J.; TARWWSKI, R immturity with the characteristics of Turner syndrose; study of 11 cases. Gin. polska 29 no.2:211-224 Mar-Apr 58. 1. Z Poradni Endokrynologicznej d1a Kobiet w Warazawie Kierownik: doc. dr med. J. Teter. Warszawa,, Krakowskie Przedmiescie B. M. 5. (TURM SYNMOMR, differ diag. .bther types of sexual immaturitv (Pol)) (DMANTILISM alnesif. & differentiation from Turner eynd. (Pol)) CHATM-SF'IRZYNSYA, Halina; TETER, Jerzy Primary amenorrhea of uterine origin. Gin. polska 29 no.4:375-385 JuIY~- Aug 58. 1. Z Poradni EAdokrynologicznej v Warazawie Kierownik: doe. dr med. J. Teter i z Oddzialu Polozniazo-Ginekologicznego Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warezawie. lierownik. prof. dr med. 14. Bulska. Adres: Warszawa, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 8. (AMENORRHIA, etiol. & pathogen. uterine maldevelop. & dis.7. ther. (Pol)) (UTERIIS, dis. causing amenorrhea, ther. (Fol)) JANCZEWSKI, Zygmunt; HADWORNY, Jerzy SAPKR, Jerzy; TEIR,,.,J Endocrinological similarity between myotonia congenita and dystrophia myotowLica. Preliminary communication. Neur.&c.polska 10 no.6:777-786 160. 1. Z Kliniki Neurologicxnej A.M. v Warssavie p.o. Kierownika: prof. ar mad. I.Rausmanowa-Petrusewiez. Z Poradni Endokry-nologicznej w Warazavie, Kierownik: doc. dr mad. J.Teter. Z I Klinild Poloz- nictza i Chorob Kobiecych A.M. w Warazawie, Kierownik: prof. dr med.'T.Bulaki. (MYOTONIA CONGENITAL diag) (MYOTONIA ATROPHICA diag) TETER, Jerzy Endocrinological methods in the diagnosis of neoplasms of the gonads. Endokr. pol. 12 no.6:623x-636 161. I 1. +nika P61oznictwa i Chorob Kobieoych A.M. w Warozawie Kierownik; -.5 prof'.-Itdr T.Bulski. (GONADS neopi) MEL, Zdzis w"arzy; WASILEWSKA, Barbara; STEP Evaluation of the estrogenic activity in ovarian tumors of the foAU.culoma type. Endokr. pol. 12 no.9:648-661 161. 1. 1 Klinika Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych A.M. w Warszawie Kierowniks prof. dr T.Bulski. (OVARIES neopl) (GRANULOS4,~-CELL TUMOR physiol) (ESTROGENS physiol) Z BOCZKOWSKI, Krzysztof; TETER, Jerzy, doc. dr. A case of gonadal dysgenesis with clitoris enlargement in a patient with an 45/X0 karyotype. &dokr. Pol. 15 no.6; 479-486 N-D 164 1. 1 Klinika Poloznietwa i Chorob Kobiecych Akademii Medycz- nej w Warszawie (Kieromik: prof. dr. T. Dilski); i Oddzial Endokrynologii (Kiero-wnik: doc. dr. J. Teter). TETER, Jerzy; BOCZKOMKI, Krzysztof Testicular dyagenesis with Intersexual exterral genitalia and male chromosomal pattern of 46/KY. &doer. Pol. 16 no,ltL3-22 Ja-F 965. 1. 1 Klinika Poloznietwa i Chorob Kobiecych Akademii Medyczaej w Varsaawie (Kierowniki prof. dr. T. Rulski); Oddzial &dokry- nologli (Kierovnikt doc. dr. J. Teter). BOCZKOIW,IIKT. T-PZ-.YB2t.3r) TETIM, doo. dr,j WEGSWICZ., Graxyna$ I ....... MACKIMU', Krystyna, A- case of Tarner's syndrome with normal feminJme k&ryotype 46/ZX. &dokr. Pol. 16 no.2tI33-139 Mr-AP'65. 1. 1 Klinika Poloznietva i Chorob Koblecych Akademil Medycznej w Tdarzzawie (Kierouniks pro:t. dr. T. Wlski) i Cddzial &do- krynologii (Kierownik: doc. dr, JO TeUr). BOCZKOWSKI, Krzyeztof; TEIS_Lex~;Z,,doc. dr. Male pasudohermaphroditiom in a family - an obBerved in children. Endokr. Pol. 16 no.3t233-,2" MY-J*165. 1. 1 Klinika Poloznictva i Chorob Kobiecych Akademii Medycznej v Warazavie (Kierownikt prof. dr. T. Bkxlski) i Oddzial Didokry- nologiczny (Kierownikt doo. dr. J. Teter). BOCZKOWSKI, Yxzysztof; IETER, jEa-zy YLIxed form of gonadal dyagenesis. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no-40: 1491-1493 4 0 165. 1. Z Oddzialu Endokrynologii (Kierownik: doe. dr. J. Teter) i z I KI-iniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Warszawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. T. Bulski). L 36279-6( )17"& ( j -Tf ( M ) ~r IjF(C) myliyrw - ACC NRi AP601681T SOURCE cODE: Ufl/O37l/65/ooo/oo6/oo63/0O72 43 AUTHORS: Tamuzh, V. P.--Tamuze, V.; Teters, G. A.-Teters, G. 8 OIRG: Institute of mechanics of polymers, AN LatvSSR (Inatitut mekhaniki polimerov AN LatvSSR)_ A- - TITLE: Flexure and stability of nonlinear-elastic orthotropic plates SOURCZ- AN LatSSR. Ityestiya, Seriya fizichookikh I tekhnichankikh nauk, no. 6. 1965 63-T2 TOPIC TAGS: elastic plate, flexure vibration, nonlinear elasticity, orthotropic shell, shear strength, aerodynamic stability, supersonic Tibration ABSTRACT: The authors consider plates made of a nonlinear-elastic orthotropic medium describing their deformation properties in terms of elastic tensore of fourth and eiRhth ranks. It is assumed that the shear rigidity in two of the planes in suffi- ciently high, and that the geometrical dimensions of the plate are such that the by- potbesis of undeformed normals can be used. An equation for the flexure of the plate is obtained by s-ing the elementary momenta over the height of the section and by using the equilibrium equation for the differential element of the plate. The influ- ence of the nonlinear terms of this equation on the behavior of the plate is esti- mated. The dynamic stability of the plate against a force applied for a short time is then analyzed. This Is folloved by an analysis of parametric resonance and anal- 1/2 L-36279-66 ACC NR. AP6016817 ysis of the stability of the plate when placed in a supersonic stresp 94 gas, Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 38 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 02Apr65/ ORIG REF: 0031 21 2/2 LIPIN, L.; THERE, A.; SINIT.A. Reaction of alumimm with water. Doklady Amd. Hauk S.S.S.R. 8-8. 871-1; 153. (CA 47 no.22:11921 '53) (mLRA 6:2) 1 Reaction between-;~I;Dq 4nil water. L and 411jud. "Va"k. S.Ssle' I' ~,J, 00, 413-41fij, 91". l1ber,fiml of 11~ imm In hy'lm'uls slskms the SQ'Itti-twe if rcactuals tu li~ , (1) 2hi + 2UP Zn(011), A- Znll., (2) Zull, --- Zii + of Applied Chemistry ll, (Mkorbed.): (3) 1954 flw' 1i cunfirmud by dw 1~%w -twrgy of activation (15 !~g. of tht: urdcr expectvil f()r HiC ZIL-11 bond strength. .,astriai Inorganic Chemistry I. . .1 - - R.C.Mvmz.~N% Preparittlon of colloidal 1juminum gtndjl= tere A "ginits and Lftfceiua~ ~nsem., Acad.-tLieLatv. r r.a-A. 410101119 Airad. -S(Russlan sum- Vh Is to N ole No. 80), 120 mury. 124)-,'~is of At and Zn were prepd. by the con- t1citstd-spark method with doublr-distd~ witter at 0' tinder pure Ili atin. The disperse pliai-c consisted of (M) metals and hydroxides, the free metal comprising up to 61% to 88% (Zn) of the phase. The particles were positively charged and polydisperse. The sols were browni.9h-gTay in transparent and gray In reflected light, with the Zn sot being darker. The soli reacted slowly with water and evolved 11. The Al sot could be >.tabilizedtiy an adjust- rnLnt of pl-1, for a period of yrs. (cf. 8mits and Liepiga. CA. Andrew Dravitteks f. -MM. TKEI'Z, A. k. TETWS, A. P. - 80xidation of/Suspension Sols of Alwainum and Zinc with Water in the Presence of Different Substances.0 Latvian State U, 1955. In Latvian (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences) SO: Izvestlya Ak. Hauk Latylvakoy SSR, No. 9, Sept., 1955 TETERX, A*; SHITS, A.; LIXPINS, L. Preparation of aluminum guA zinc hydrosols. Koll.shur*17 no.6: 468-470 11-1) '55. (NLRA 9:4) I.Institut khiuli AN Lstv.SSR, Riga. (Aluminum) (Zinc) (Colloids) -Mas/chemistry Physical chemistry -and 1/1 Pub. 22- 27/47 Awthors I Lapin I pL.p Act. Memb., Aced. of So., Latv. SSR; and Tetere, A. MIS I Reaction of Al with aqueous solutions of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids Dok. AN SSSR 101/69 1079 - 1082, Apr. 21, 1955 AbArftt I The kinetics of reaction processes between metal (Al) and aqueoun acid solutions were investigated. The effect of gradual increase of hydro- gen ion concentration on the reaction is explained. It was established that the reaction between the metal and acid, which in the first stage, leads to the formation of two metal compounds (hydroxide and hydride), i. a., separation of bonds in the water molecule and formation of two new chemical bonds, requires a definite orientation of the water Mole- cules on the phase separation boundary. It was observed that if the water molecules are turned toward the surface of the metal with their o.Vgen or hydrogen tips only, the reaction between the metal and Vie aqueous acid solutions will not take place. Seven references: 6 USSR and 1 English (1927-1954). Graphs. Institution Aced.,-:of So., Latv. SSR, Inst. of Chem. ~`S:ubzdt'ted 4anuary,13S 1955 I -- - -I-- .Z. , . f I I I I 4 - i .14EREs A. p and others. :I. - -- Parkerizing of iron at reduced temperature. In Russian. p. 69. LATVIIAS PSH ZINATNU AKADEMIJA. VESTIS. RIGA, LATVIA. No. 7, 1959 Month3y List of Fast European Accessions. (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. Hydrosol of iron. A. - TeterIe and L.-Liepiria. LaIv PSR Zindinu AM. Vts ~- ~0. '2, 73(in By -the Svedberg method d hydrosol of Fe was obtained. The ~ expt. was wadc in If$ atni. wider iutensive cooling. condition. The sal-suspension contained 2-12 p particles. The content of metallic Ve was 180.0 to 080.0 mg.11. and total Re 5t7.0-1280.0 nig./I. N1. K. Cliqu- YEZEMKIY, H., inspektor-kulinar;,.Ti~TKW-,.,,#,,,-, Duty of cooking inatructor. Obabchostv.pit. no-801 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Cooking acbools) ACC M AR6000664 SOURCE CODE: UR/0372/65/000) 00~16008IG668-1 AUTHOR: Teterey, A. G. TITLE: The support plane method in nonlinear programming SOURCE; Ref. zh. Kibernetika, Abe. 8G62 SOURCE: Sb. Itog. Nauchn. konferentsiya Kazansk. un-ta za 1963 g. Selft, matem, not, lteorlyaveroyatn., mekhan., Kazan', 1964, 50-52 TAGS: nonlinear programming, set theory, mathematic space, function analysis 3STRACT: For the const. vector c = (CI, . 9 0 9 Cn), the continuous piecewiso-linear functiou K) of x = (t1, .... tn)ERn and the continuous function g(x) with the bounded piecewise-con- kuous derivative gl(x) = (ag/a%, ..., bg/agn) defined in We space Rn or with respect to the t A and convex with respect to one of the sets A = (x/1 (x) :r. 0 J, B = [x/4 (x) :r- 0g(x) ~! 0 IXIV (x) !C 0; 'XTE 11'whero El Is a connected and convex set bounded by the outer boundary the set E = (x1t (x) :5 0; g(x) :9 0 jo the author finds the max (ox/,t (x) r. 0; g(x) :c 0 j . The oblem considered to a particular instance of the general problem of convex prograrnmin . A Ahod of solution based on the selection of support planes of the convex surface z = g(x) at the AR6000664 poinLa (xi, g(xi)ERn+l. xiM):z = g(xi + a(xi)(x-xi) and the replacement of the constraint g(x) :r- 0 with g(xj) + a(xj)(x-xj) 4-'0, 1 - 0, k, is described. Methods of constructing the support Aane and determining the initial and k + I approximattow also am described. Mw oonditions A convergence are oonsidered. V. M. (Translation of abstract) WB CODE: 12 2/2 - TWIP.W. A.G. Chaplygin's theorem for elliptic equations. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no-5: 1024-lo26 o 16o. (MM 13:10) 1. Kazanokiv gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V.I.Ullyanova-lanina. Fredetavleno akademikom S.L.Sobolavym. (Potential, Theory of) (Differential equations, Partial) 28610 8/140/61/000/005/006/007 C111 C222 AUTHORs Teterev, A. G. TITLE: On positive solutions of integral equations PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysohikh uchebnykh zavodeniy. Matematike, no- 5, 1961, 69-77 TEXTt The author considers the linear Fredholm integral equation b y(x) 5 K(x,u) y(s) ds + f(x). a Lemma 1: If a continuous positive kernel has eigennumbers then among them there exists a 1\0 -;;PO so that No!~- 1,\kj 'k ~ 1929... . Let the eigennumbers of the kernel be numbered in the sequenoe 1k-11 - lXkl , where in the case of a positive kernel > 0. Let n-1 i ~ 1, j(x,e)f(s)ds (3) T,,,(x) - f (x) + X Card 1/S a 2887.0 S/140/61/000/005/006/007 On positive solutions of integral . . . C111 C222 Since (x) depends on n, f(x) and ~ it is also written (f)-j ~f Let Ky denote the linear integral operator KY K(x,s)y(e)ds Theorem 1i If the n--th iteration of the kernei K is continuous and positive, K >,, 0 and 'If (f,j\ 0 then for the --~I-Utinn a n ,/ 0 on the whole interval- y(x) of (1) is positive, y(x) > b j condition is (if other assumptions of the the- ii are 3 at fied) necessary for the positivity of the SolUt4on. Concl,ision: Let K 1-~ 0, ~ ---' ) X, ). Then from the condi ti en f + X K f 0 it follows that y ~~' 0. n '7 i-I Theorem 2: Let K >,, 0 and Ki >/ Then frc-a n Card 2/5- 26810 9/14 61/000/005/006/007 On positive solutionj of lategral C111%222 f *), 0 it follows that y ;~/ 0. and "> Theorem 3: if A X, Y'. >, 0 i=2 Ki'>/ 0. then R:), Y. Here R is the resolvent of the kernel. The theorem 1 and 2 can be used for the construction of upper and lower comparison functions. Given the equations y = Ky + f z = Qz + g. W) Let the eigen numbers of these equations be 11 and Theorem 4: If K > Jqm then I Al In I V1 Im Lemma 2: Let be the solution of y - X I K 17 + I f and be the first eigenvalue of this equation. For then it holds I y Card 31S 98810 S/140/6-1/000/005/006/007 On positive solutions of integral 0111/0222 Theorem 5s Lot X ~0 f,(f) The-1 y >/ 1z ~ - M Then the author returns to the equation y Ky + f Let the kernel K have a positive eigenfunction oorrespordn-r-& real eigenvalue Ak with the multiplicity x-,. The scalar prodl)rr 1'~- function f(x) and g(x) is denoted with (f,g). 0 4 Theorem 6; 1' ('fkpr, f) * 0 then the condition necessary and the condition (Tk,-rk f) > 0 is also suffioiezit thal., y(x,)t) is of constant sign in a neighborhood at the left and right side of Akandfor all XC-Ea,b] . If here Ak> 0 and 0--,\ < Ak. ~, 0; but if k then it holds y(X,A 0 for even then y(x, N ) > Card 4/6 28810 S/140/61/000/005/006/007 On positive solutions of 1-4-egral . . . C1II//C222 rk and y(x,A )