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IL'INSKIY, O.B.; ~%RTYSMK, N.T. Blectrotonic analysis of the action of different narcotics on the frog nerve. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 no.4:1005-1008 160.~ (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR. Predetavleno skademikom Y.N.Chernigovskim. (Narcotics) (Nerves) MOSKALIT, V.D., redaktor; SINITSYN, V.P., redakto redsictor; KANEVSX&YA, M.D.. redaktor; KARY.;iiAlf.-Illk-4~.~r.-~o*.7-~-tei"t,di~siciv redaktor (Henuol on local air defense] Uchabnos posobis po MPTO, Pod obahchat red. V.D.Moskaleva, V.P.Sinitsym . A.B.Tertychnogo, Moskva, Izd-vo DOSA , 1956. 222 p. (microftial (MLRA 10:4) 1. Vessoyuzacya dobrovolluoys obahchastvo sodaystviya armit, aytataii i flotu. (Air defenses) LATSIKOV, A., predoedatell; TERTYCHM, Yu., direktor. . . . . . . Trade-union cultural Institutions are patrons of rural clubs. Sov. profsolusy 1 no.4:32-34 D '53. (KLRA 6:12) 1. Tomlest" po kallturuo-massovoy rabote komiteta profsoyuza Dne- prodsorshinakogo zavoda imeni Dsorzhinskogo (for Latelkov) 2. Za- vodskly Dworets kulltury (for Tertyahnyy) (Trade-unions) (Coamnity centers) TPUTUH, V.A.;, CHUYFO~ A.t.; NMARK, Infrared spe.troscopic mAthod for studyirg the roaction of -aminopropyl and A-cyanosthyltriethoxysilanan with sorosil aurfaoe. Teoret. I eksper. khim. 1 no.3WO-405 My-Je 065. (MIYA IF,-g) .. I 1. Inatitut fizicheskoy khJudl fixeni 'L.V. Pisarzhevskogn 1,N Ukr.';.')R, Klyev. L 22~91-b6 ."n/'j6 14 - NRs IVY6006249 SOURCE dODE:_-_Gk "00 D7_G5_V0d0_T0_0016-66VVoj-~--i AdTHOR: ~e~ kh, ~V-A. ; Burushkina, T. U.; Chuyko, A. A. ORG: Physicochemical In~!~_t~utet__~caq~-Ty_of Sciences UkrSSR. K-i-ev..(Institut fiziches- V koy kh1miI i a-dem-ii nauk UkrSSR) TITLE: Study of the surface chemistr anicifilleralt'nteract- y of functional s Ing chemically with polymers SOURCE, AN UkrSSR. Modifikatsiya svoystv polimerov I polimernykh materialov (Modifi- cation of the properties of polymers and polymeric materials). Kiev, Haukova dumka, 1965, 85-95 TOPIC TAGS: organosilicon compound, polymer, silica gel, silicon plastic, synthetic material, IR spectroscopy, EPR spectrum, gamma irradiation ABSTRACT: Several silicoorganie fillers containing functional groups were prepared b reacting y-aminopropyl, methylmethacryl, and styryltriethoxy silanes with hydroxy groups of silica gel. These fillers were subslquently used for Improving the thermal and mechanical properties of organic . lymers4.VThe formation of bonds between vari-_ Gus functional reactants and the silica ge surface was followed by IR spectroscopy (absorption bands of OH groups and N-H or N-H2 vibration banCs). For IR investiga- tion, the discs of silicoorganic fillers of 0.2 mm in thickness and 1 cm2 aurface are Card 1/2 L 2297-66 ACC NR3 AT6006249 uere prepared by compressing at 250 atm/cm2. In order to examine the filler's struc- I ture, the fillers were y-irradiated from Co6o-source and the EPR spectra were taken at -1960 to +200C. The EPR spectra of fillers heated to 600C indicated the strong 1 chemical bonds between functional organic silanes and silica gel surface. It is con- cluded that the methylmethacryl-type fillers can improve the mechanical properties of polymethacrylate resips Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 tables, 3 formulas. i SUB ODDE: 07/ SUBM UTE: 060ct65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 002 1 TERTYSHNX, A., slesar' Appliance for turniAg out straps an clothing* Prom.koop. 13 no.11325 N '59. (KRA6 1313) (Clothing in4ustry-4quipment and supplien) MALOLETKOVA. Tatlyana Mikhaylovna, doyarkai Geroy Sotaialisticheakogo Truda; BEZZUBIX, X.Y., red.; TFMYSUIK, G.A. , red.; YASMIKINA. Ye.A., [Persistent work results in a hAgh milk yield] Upornyi trud - vysokie nadoi. Kulbyshev, Kulbyshevskoe knizhnoe Izd-vo, 1960. 19 p. (MIRA-14:1) 1. Plemzavod *Kanash*, Kuybyshevskoy oblesti (for Maloletkove). (Dairy cattle) LAKTAYEVA, Aleksandra Hikhaylovaa, starshaya ptichnites; ZOLOTUNW, B.V., red,; TZRTYSUIE, G.A.. red.; TASMIXIUA, Ta.A., [For 170 eggs per layerl Ze 170 iaita ot nesuohki. Kuibysbev, Kuibyshovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 20 p. (MiRik 14:1) 1. Kolkhoz wHovoye 7avolzhlye" Privolsthakogo rayons (for Laktayeva). (Eggs--Production) GERASIMOV, Vladimir Gavrilovich. postukh-skotnik; 10OUTIM, A.F., red.; red.; TAMMIXINA, Te.A., takhn.rad. (My sevenm-year plan] Kola semilatka, Xuibyshevq Kulbyehavokoe knishnoe izd-vo, 1960. 21 p. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Kolkhos Meninekiy put" Borakogo rayons (for Gerasimov). (Stock and stockbreading) TULUPOV, A.M., red.- -TUTTMOI~, G.A.. red.,- YASMIXM. Ye..Ao# [Sa-flower, a valuable industrial crop] Podsolnechn!.k - toonnaia takhnichaskaia kalltura. Knibyshev, luibyallevokoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 41 (MIRA 14:1) (Sunflowers3o GITSMAY, Vladimir Borisovich; TIMTSHNIX, Grigorly, Lfansolyevich; 7 T ~ GOLIDSHTM, L.Te., reda0i`�r-, .9 Irekhnicheskiy redaktor (At the thick of life) V gushche zhizni. [liubyahev] luibyahevokoe kn-vo, 1955. 57 P. (MLRA 9:B) (Collective farms) X&LININ. A.I., professor, doktor; TMTSHNIX, V.I., student. Comparative study of the concentrating ability of the kidneys in some domestic animals. 21:164-171 152. (WAL 9:12) 1. Kafedra patologichookoy fisiologil lbarlkovskogo vaterinar- nogo, instituta. (Kidneys) TE.-I"~-TYSHI-,IK, V. I., Cand Vet Sci -- (diss) "Biochemical indices in the organism of hogs sick with infectious atrophic rhinitis." L'vov, 19O-G. 17 p5; (Ministry of Agriculture Ukrainian SSR, LIvov Zooveterinary Inst ; 200 copies; free; (KL, 50-60,),A-.'3~~ ri -1~ V, G.G, [Petrenko, RoK.3; TIM Certain biochemical characteristics of the blood and milk of eowe during lactation., Ukr.,blokhim.shur. 32 no.ItIO7-110 160. (KMA 13:6) 1. Department of -Biochemistry and Department of Apixootology of the M=kov Teterinary Institute. (LILCTAT ION) (BLOOD) (MMK) KALININ, A.I., professor, doktor b1ologichaskikh nauk.;TERTYSHRIK, V.I., student. ;KHARCHNWO, Te.D., assistant. Yunctional state of the kidneys in experimental nephritle In dogs. Sbor. trud, Khar'. vat. inst. 22:171-177 154. (KhRA 9:12) 1. lafedra patologichaskoy fisiologii Mw Oko-rokogo veterinarnogo instituta. (Kidneys-Diseases) (Dogs-Diseases) T -, it- -7 P6016805 SOURCE CODE: UR/0018/66/000/001/0084/0088 Tortysbrlikovi A. (Lieutenant general of the engineering corps); Glazunov,' ORG: none : Success in using a bridge train OURM Vo-yennyy vestnik, no. 1, 1966, 84-88 OPIC TAGS: military bridge, floating bridge. BSTRACT: Over bridges made of pontoon bridge trainso tanks and other eavy ca.terpillar drive machines can move in columns at speeds of up to 0 km/br, at the some distance sport as on roads. It has often been ,bserved, however, that drivers increase the distance between machines ,n a bridge, and the column becomes too long. In addition, at the pproseb to the exit at the opposite bank, the rate of movement of the olumn decreases, particularly when tbo exit is badly equipped. In iovement*on a bridge at minimum distances, there should be no danger Irom the chance approaching of neighboring machines. Machine's of the i9ximum allowable weight should follow one another at distances of,up to ,0 meters. The article proposes now designs (illustrated)for bridge 4 L 02503-67 1--------- 61 11- C NRI AP016605 ifficultiese Orie7- ert *1 omponents nnd pontoons to help elimingto these d . as: 4 figures* TJB CODE'- 151 SjB~, DAIEt none Card TWTSHNrVOV, N.G. Work of trade union organisations in preparing enterprises for the transition to a sborter workday. Razved. I. okh. nedr 25 no.12:46-47 D 159. (KIRA 13:6) 1. TSentralinyy komitet profsoynsa rabochikh geologorazve- dochnykh rabot. (Hours of labor) TFMYSIINIKOV, N.G. Consultation on labor legislation. Razved, i oldi.neilr 24 w.11: 57-58 N '58. (14IRL 12:1) 1. TSentralfr~7 Komitet Profsoyuza rabochikh g9O1DgorszvedocbzWkb rabot. (wages) A UTHOR; Tertyahnikov, N.G. 30V/132-58-11-15/17 TITLE: Consultation on Labor Legislation (Korsulltataiya po trudo- vomu zakonodatellatvu) "'ZSIIDICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1958, Nr 11, pp 57 - 58 (USSR) AB3'jLRACTi The author answers the letters of tho readers concerning some points of Soviet labor legislaticn, A,-))(4IATlOr1t TsK Profaoyuza rahochikh goolop,,orazvedochnykh rAbot (The Central Committee of the Peological ard Prospecting 'Norkers, Trnde-'Jnion) Card 1/1 TERTYSRNIKOVA, L.I. (Odessa) -.,- - -111 -.-. -e--, Method of practical instruction in physical therapy. Yel'd I akash. 24 no.8.:58-59 Ag 159. (PHYSICAL TMMAPY) (MIRA 1-01.12) TERTYSIINIKOVAp L,I, (Odeom) Characteristics of teaching physical therapy in madical schools. Felld. i akusb. 27 no.32:1+9-50 D162. (MIRA 16:7) (PHYSICAL THERAPY-STUDY AND TEACHING.) TERTTSHNIKOV.N.-, BEHDROV,I., prepodnvatell kursov shoferov How we train drivers. Voon.znan.11 no.4:7 Ap'55- (NUA 8:10) 1. Zamestitel, predeedatelya-kotaitsta pervichnoy orgaaizatsii Dobrovollnogo obahchastva sodaystviya armil, aviatsit i flotit (for Tartyahnikov) (Automobile drivers) TERTYSHNIKOVI N. N. Azerbsyjan - Scorpions Scorpions of Azerbayjan. Trudy Fst. -iest. muz. AN Azer. SSR, No. 3, 1949. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congressp.December 1952. Unclassified LITUSHKO) N1,1%; KHARCNEINKOI O-N. I; Tir:`:-~'Y'~"WHY, A.A. FaamadiDsus infestation of rabbits. !I + rinar-1.4a I no.12: r 9 C- 8-1-89 D 165. 0-fMA 19: 11 1. Kharlkovski.y zoovetorinarnyy institut. "'A' ~ -4 " . I ~ 0 0 r,'j; - - , - t: *-' , - , , - ~ TERTYSHNYY, V.Go, aspirant Effect of boron on nitrogen metabolism in sheen, Trady SZVI 11: 135-146 162. IRA 16:7) Nitrogen metabo3iom) ron-Physiological effect) M (Saratov Province-Sheep-Physiology) ABIL'u',10VICII, inzh.; GORSIITFYN) I.I.,. kAnd.tekhn.nauk; 7,0YURA) I-M-P inzh.; L.-oLl~;jUil:OV, A.A., inzh.; RUDAKOV, L.M., inzh.; 1TEYDITI, L.M. inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: SUBBOTIN, Ye.P.; T-EIKLYSITIMO V P 141MIMCHIK, N.F.; DDYY,01 S.G. Practices of the Alchevsk sintering plant. Stall 21 no.10:869-873 o 161. (MIRA 14:101 1. Alchevskiy metallurgicheBUy zavod i VoroBhilovokiy gor- nometallurgicheakiy institut. (Voroahilovsk--Sintoring) (JV Prnditct,l nf cond-nsr6n nf tr;z1t-iFlcnrWnn!- with / g. 111 t P'l;Hn Lgta:2 fr-t.' L~Jlmraf i. fie. 04TArchet )Rlru. Y23 , 11171171 77, 1 f) --~ II ) i ri I e t h I131"inti.- subtititutul-cli- arill MI(I thC;f !~Ir~ ftlirri crindens- with (1),j yielding prMucti which in polar solvents dissxv. into the !%Irr.r ("Ptiins th--tt nrc formed on -,oln- of the cormsporiding. dyes it thc.~,Ltnc m)tvcu13. To 7.5 K~ I lit MtOll wat .td,tc;t b.g. (pMc-tN- Cot WiC(O.W)Ph and the mixt. boilrd 4 hm, LC fc%:N.NI1h.CO I Wit 1j; 91.1% decomp. 1132.5", U140 frillneft ill t"'(3.3% yield front I and tilt! corresponding carbillol, absorpfion max. 035 niju. the mme ai the )I I salt of malachite gircen with ocarly the. sumir! extinction coc.17. I'crifxlic examns, of solm. in PhNOl for ab~orpdmt ithow(A it progrei,;ve increa" of dinuxii. Ill -10 lim). Similar boiling of I with ~,-Nfc,NC.Ilc r- C(OIf)Phj gavc 77.5%, I'll K p- NIciNCjT WCC If. C Nfe: N. - Nllh.(10 (13), in. 179--W, absorptimi cocff. ja W.O ing was about 2 W; in 1,11, -An. this '10mly (4.56 1,0 in 4.5 (lays). (p-Mt:l';C,H.),CIIO[l atid I similarly heated in McOff gave pr(Auct C, lit. 193-4* (decomlin.), identified as bi.,(P - dimelltylainintiphenyt)(1 phcn, - 3- t?14thyi-Z-PYrazolin..;-on-4-yt)n.eiltant(cf. . C-~A, 39, 111121). Tile Polar ionization of A, B, a~,'.j ".1eurs at the tcrthuy C ,ttonts of the carbinot fragiricat whicit forms tile Pos. lon. I and (PAf,-,NClI,),CojI in -mcoll gi, only :1 5011). colored violet ;ill(I (to not fr)flll a ppt. of a condelma. tion piroduct, G. M. Ko~-,olapulf -~- - - -- ~--. --~ - I - ;,~-:-~,", ~~ , - ~~. ~ ti: it,- ~~ - ~ ~~ . - :. TzR-LTANOV....J.*.; GUSIV, V.H.; HAMIV, N.N.; LABIJNM, N.Y.; GUSIVA, A.A.. IK, F.I. Transmission of actoparasites of mammals by birds. Zool.zhur- 33 no.5:1116-1125 3-0 '54. (KLHA 7:11) 1. Nauchno-issladovateliskiy institut Hinisterstva idravookhraneaiya SSSR i Stavropol'skiy gosudarstvannyy pedagogichookiy institut. (Parasites-Kammals) (Birds an carriers of disease) NIKOLAYEV, N.I., otv. red.; LENSKAYA, G.N., ,sam. otv. red.; PAS'TUK11OV, B.N., zam. otv. red.; FENYUK, B.K., zam. otv. red.; ISHUNINA, T.I..' red.; AKIYEV, A.K., red.; DOMARADSK17, I.V., red.; DROZIEWINA, M.S., red.; ZHOVTYY, LF., red.; XOROBKOVA, Ye.I., red.; KRAMINSKIY, V.A., red.; KRATINOV, A,G., red.; LEVI, M.I., red.; LOBANOV9 V.N., red.; MIRONOV, N.P., red.; PETROV, V.S., red.; PLANKINA, Z.A., red.; PYPINA, I,M., red.; SMIRNOV, S.M., red.; TE R-VARTANOV, VA, red.; TIFLOV, V,Ye., red.; FEDOROV, V.N., red-.,'TARNES-,'Ya.A., red.; PRONINA, N.D., tekhn. red. [Especially dangerous natural focus infections] Osobo opasnye prirodnoochagovye infektsii; sbornik nauchnykh rabot protivo- chunibykh uchrezhderii. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 271 p. (MIRA 16:5) (CCIMMMUC ABLE DISEASES) NIKOIAYEV, N.I., otv. red. (Saratov); LENSKAYA, G.N.P zam. red.; DOVIAMSKrY, I.V., red.; DROZHEVKINA, V.S.p red.; KORW3KOVA, Ye.I., red.; AYKR:bAYEV, VA., red.; TF.R-VA.R-TA-11,0.V.,.-V_~-11-.,, red.; STYCIUNSKIY, G.A., red. [Specific prevention of particularly dangerous infec- tions; a collection of scientific papers of antiplague institutions] Spetsificheskaia profilaktika osobo opasrjykh infektsii; sbornik nauchnykh rabot protivochumnykh uch- rezhdenii. Moskva, Medtisina, 1964. 383 P. (MIRA 17:6) .=-mYARTANOV, Y.N.; GUSNY, Y.M., REZNIK, P.A.; OUSIVA, A.A.; MIRZOYEVA, M.N.: , 0.1f.; BAX3CYRY, 11.11. Stad7 an the traumissleA of ticks and fleas b7 birds [Inglish eu=ar7 in insert]. Zool.zhur.35 no0,2:173-189 7 156. MaA 9:7) 1.Nauchno-issladevatel'skiy institut Xavkaza i Zakavkaxlya, Ministerstva z4ravookhraseni7a SSSR i Stavropol'skiy gosudarstvmnW pedagogichaskiy 111stitut. (Parasites--Birds) (Ticks) (Fleas) -.,-TER-VARTANOV, V.N.; XOZLOV, M.P. Index of the intensity, of hum3n morbidity in brucellosis. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immm. 32 ao.6:55-59 Je 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz Nauchnc-iosledcrvateliskogo protivochumnogo J.Mtituta Kavkaza i Zakavkazlye.. (BRUCEIALOSIS) PIIEOBr,-.AZHENSKAYA, M.H.; KUNETS, Ye.le; SILASHKOVY V.S.; TER--VARTATTM SUVOFDVP N.N.; SYCIMA, T.P~; SHOUKINA, M.N. Differences in the action ot some monoamine oxid*se inhibitors in 'vitro mA In v4yo. Dokl.AN SSSR 136 uo*5:1231-1234 F 161, (KUU .14 t 5) 1e Prodet&rleno akade A.,N*lWkulavym* (AMIN& OX33)ASR) (PBARM&COLOGY) ZMMCIIENKO, P.G.; GOLOVGHINSKLTA, Ye.S.; WS7TANOVSKIT, R.G,; nLSHuH, I-G-; KUZIMTS, Te-L; HAOTDSON, O.Yu.; WnSHOVA, V.S.; PASTUKHOTA, I.S.; PH3CB?A2MSKAU, M.N.: SUVOROV. N.V.; V!R,7VARTANTAN, L.S.; ZHKHINTADZZ, K.A.; SHASHKOT, V.S.; SHCEUKINA, Role of oxidative deamination in the mechanism of radiation protection afforded by some amitee. Zhur.ob.blol. 21 no.2s 157-160 Wr-Ap 160. (MI11A 13:6) (RADIATION PROTECTION) (MR&MINATION) C.'- '- /-T AUTHOR SAYMON, K.R., KaSTD V., DZHON; L.V. LLSLET, L.Dzh., 53-4-5/7 TERVILIGER,K.M. TITLE Strongly f-oousing Accelerator With Constant Magnetic Field. (Sillno fokusiruyushchiye uskoriteli s postoyannym. magnitaym polem -Russian) PERIODICAL Uspekhi Fiz.Nauk, 1957, Vol 61, Nr 4, pp 61!~-652 (U.S.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT The paper under review apparently is the translation of a paper published in Phys.Rov.,Vol 103, Pp 1837 (1956). The correct spel- ling of the names of the authors is'not given, and the original should be consulted for this purpose. According to a note by the Soviet translator, such an accelerator was proposed in 1953 by L. A. Kolomenskiyq V.L.Petukhov, M.S.Rabinovich, see "Nekotoryye vo- prosy teorii tsiklicheskikh uskoriteley" ("Some Problems of the Theory of the Cyclic Accelerators"), published by the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R., 1955. (25 reproductions, 3 charts). ASSOCIATION PRESENTED BT SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 1/1 v ti's 0 11 a a 0 4 it ff a 0 4 a 0 a a -C a J-4 a 1 .1 9 M WK A-A.- *-A .-A -A --0, J T. ~1,4 -6 100 f 0 emead I buewwdww *Mrs. (TkedwAtect f4tak I Ow 104 V. N, Tmt"Y ftmovAeo mad flow j1peal. to Diarg-ISA 140 V, chwt% FM. jj+ UM*% Wive. DAWS-A w4WI" of oev-l4t Ankko Im vgriwAs &4"t* d tk cwmtg eif dai region, P. I.. ViApm W. maid0kis it die Asso-Out Ike room 1. V. Mil- AftimmokoUpipcoussawAmOKsO A cNaw a# RAWIVOAWKtWSO"gki V. V. Tfwlct-4A6: sour I a" I N. A. &tp4Wv&.'TfW"W- WHOM a III 4wi G. M. C sawwoslaw, TOOMPOromfe 0 Me ~$ 1. V- IM OVA V, V. TMUOdugo: G~ N. M-wailov: Prec4ftfiam; V. S, Thook"o' Sow 0m) P. L Ck"woiknv. Fiefteem of No sk and %*A-. 11, 1- Vksn*4.- Asw ellmoadle pedKos of R~ AM Krsamioftsk v "atalms6oulkow mafty~Rtcfvms- I" diwialkim, OUPA"W"tort by fimvft~ soul (At. d lkir Inaw'". f"14, effirtl of W*W f"fia, lkw, air mad no ttnnw~iwv. freew huu"(y, pyrivitmirm. unrm 4 mv. etc. (to Riviol"). 00 too- O"OT --W i " I s -I *4000*090*0000*00 04 0 0 0 OR 0 0 0 0 is so*** c7: TERVOSKAYA, L.r. 1-- 11 -," -Ir-_r~ Sloctrossmosis In molls haring different degrees of clay content. Trudy NIJ omn.1 fund. me.17:63-72 152. (MIaA 9:9) (Alectr9oamosis) (Clay) (Boil stabilization) TERVINSKILYS V.N6 Wind regimen in the region of Tsimlyansk Reservoir. Sbor.rab. Taim.gidromet.obser. no.2:5-15 161. (KIRA 15:3) (Taimlyanak Reservoir region-Winds) KIRILLOVA, T.V.; TERVIN3KIY, V.N.; CHESTNAYA, I.I. Cloud observations above reservoirs. Trudy GGO no-95:30-32 163o (KM 16:7) (Clouds) TERVINSKIT, V.N. Formation of wind oonditions over Tsimlyansk Reeervoir. Truay GGO no.95t47-55 163* (Toimlyanak Haservoir-Winds) (K~RA 160) MATVZYZVA, Rakel; VISKARI, E7ne-, FORMAN, Khellga; RANTAIMN, Astrid; SALMI, KhII'ya; MV011 gjIj,.Ljdjya; KHNGLUND, Lempi; JEURKI, Yarlya: LEMPININ, Kbannaf-TWIMNEN, Kyullikki; MANNILA, Anlya; PUTTONIff, Katri. Yor the common good. Rabotnitsa 36 no,8:22 Ag '58, (KIRA lltg) (Russia-Description and travel) 3(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2505 Akademiya nauk Oruzinskoy SSR. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditellnykh sil Prirodnyye resursy Gruzinskoy SS.R. t. 2: Nemetallicheskiye poleznyye iskopayemyye (Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic. v. 2: Nonmetallic Mineral Deposits) Moscow,-Izd,vo AN SSSR, 1959. 379 P. Errata slip inserted. 5,500 copies printed. Ed.: F.N. Tavadze, Corresponding Member, Gruzinskoy SSR Academy of Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: K.M. Feodotlyev; Tech. Ed.: A.P. Guseva; Editorial Board: R.I. Agladzej Sh. R. Archvadze, N.D. Vachnadze, G.G. Gvelesiani, B.I. Gufthefthiani, A.I. Dzhanelidze, G.S. Dzotsenidzep S.V. Durmishidze, N.N. Ketakhoveli, I.S. Mikeladze, M.M. Rubinshteyn, A.A. Tvalchrelidze (Deceased), G.V. Tsitsishvili, and P.G. Shengeliya. PURPOSE: This book is intended for economic geologists and mineralo- I gists, COVERAGE: This collection of articles describes the nonmetallic min- eral deposits of the Gruzinskaya SSR and the extent to which they Card 1/13 Natural Resources of the Ge-,rgian Soviet (cont.) SOV/2505 have been exploited. Individual articles discuss the importance to ~he of barite, diatomite, talc, andesite, and other m1nerals L. chemical industry; of barite, gumbrine, and bentonitic clays to the petroleum industry; and of marble, slate, and limestones to the construction industry. A map depicting the major nonmetallic mineral deposits is included with the work. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Andesites. Tvalchrelidze, A.A. 5 Andesites of Georgia 5 1. Kazbegskiy region deposits 5 2. Borzhomsko-Bakurianskiy region deposits 9 3. Southern Osetiya deposits 11 Asphalt and Asphaltite. Magulariya, T.A.y and A.-N.-Terlyan 14 Deposits In Georgia 14 Card-2/ 13 Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) SOV/2505 1. Natanebskoye deposit 14 2. ElIdarskaya and Shirakskaya steppe deposits 16 3. Deposits in other regions 18 Basalt. Tvalchrelidze,A.A. 20 Basalts of Georgia 23 Barite. Kuparadze, D.I. 32 Deposits of Georgia Barite deposits of the Rioni and Tskhenis-Tskhall river basins (Kutaisi group of deposits) 32 Description of the Kutaisi group deposits 34 Barite deposits of the Dzhodzhora river basin IDeposits of the Upper Racha and Southern Osetiya) 38 Barite deposits of the Inguri river basin (Deposits of Svane- tiya and Megreliya) 44 Barite deposits of the Mokva, Kodora, Atsa (Bakianovka) and ..Bzybi river baBina (Abldiazskaya group of depoaits) 46 Card,3/13 Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) SOV/2505 Barite deposits of the Mashavera river basin (Boinisskaya 6 group of deposits) 4 Other barite deposits .54 Jet. Tvalchrelidzej A.A. 59 Jet of Georgia 6o Gypsum. Sanadze, I A. and R.G. Dzhavakhishvili 61 Gypsum deposits ~fGeorgia Gypsum deposits of western Georgia 62 Gypsum deposits in the Akhaltsikhskaya depression 64 Other gypsum deposits 66 Clayey Gypsum. Sanadze,I.A. and Dzhavakhishvili R.G. 68 Deposits of clayey gypsud in Georgia 70 Tbilisi region deposits 70 Western Georgia deposits 72 Clayey gypsum deposits in Kakhetiya 72 Other clayey gypsum deposits 73 Glauconite. Dzhamaspishvili, S.I. 76 Card 4/ 13 Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) SOV/2505 Glauconite of Georgia 77 Bentonitic Clays. Tvalchrelidze,A.A., W.' Rokva 79 Bentonitic, clay deposits in Georgia 81 Gumbri deposits 81 Askanskaya group deposits 84 Other deposits of bentonitic clay in Georgia 88 Brick and Tile Clays. Gorbunov, S.S. 101 Deposits of brick and tile clays in Georgia 101 Clay deposits around Tbilisi 101 Clay deposits of Kakhetiya 104 Clay deposits of central Georgia 105 Clay deposits of western Georgia 105 Clay deposits of Adzhariya 107 Clay deposits of Abkhaziya 1o8 App6ndices 110 Refractory Clays. Rokva, M.L. 127 Card 5/ 13 Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) Refractory clay deposits of Georgia Shroshinskoye deposit of refractory clays Refractory clay deposit of the Kutai8skiy region Kolkhidskaya lowland deposits Refractory clays in the central region of Georgia Other deposits of refractory clays in Georgia Graphite. Gorbunov, S.66 Graphite of Georgia Diatomite. Vachnadze, N.D. Diatomite deposits of Georgia Dolomite. Rokva) M.L. Dolomite deposits of Georgia Abonoyskoye dolomite deposit -Other dolomite deposits Limestone. Guntsadze) V.K.,and_A.N. Terlyan Limestone deposits of Georgia~ Limestone as raw material for cement production Limestone as raw material for lime production SOV/2505 128 i29 131 134 138 140 143 144 146 14-1 153 153 153 155 163 163 163 169 Card 6/ 13 Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) Limestone deposits of eastern Georgia Limestone deposits of western Georgia Fluxing limestones Industrial Stones. Gorbunov, S.S. Agate Akhaltsikhskiy agates Other manifestations of agates Rock Crystal Jaspers Obsidian Alabaster Opals and semi-opals Other semi-precious stones Rock for Construction. Vachnadze, N.D. Deposits of Georgia Deposits of eastern Georgia Deposits of central aeorgia SOV/2505 169 171 175 179 179 179 182 182 188 188 188 187 187 186 196 196 196 Card 7/ 13 Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) SOV/2505 Deposits of western Georgia -, S~r,, Grinding and Millstones. Vachnadze, N.D. 207 Deposits of Georgia 210 Kaolin. Rokva, M.L. 210 Deposits of Georgia 210 Makvanetskoye kaolin deposit 210 Uchkhubskoye deposit 212 Gogolaurskoye deposit 212 Group of kaolJhJcclay deposits in the Tkibul'skiy,, Kutaisskiy, and Dzirullskiy regions 213 Deposits of southern Osetiya 221 Deposits of the Bolnisskly region 222 Other deposits of kaolinic clays in Georgia 224 Quartz. Kazakhashvili, T.G. 227 Quartz in Georgia 227 Quartz deposits of the Dzirullskiy massif 227 Other quartz deposits in Georgia 231 Quartz Sand. Kheladze, M.I. 232 Card 8/ 13 Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) SOV/2505 Deposits in Georgia 232 Sachkere-Chiaturskaya group 233 Kharagaullskaya group 240 Suramakaya group 241 Avchallskoye deposit 241 Kutaisi-Tkibult group 243 Quartzites. Kazakhashvili, T.G. 247 Quartzites of Georgia 247 Deposits In the southemperiphery of the Dzirullskiy crystal- line massif 248 Bolnisskaya group of deposits 249 Kazbegskiy region deposits 250 Gornaya Kakhetiya deposits 250 Deposits of Svanetiya 251 Roofing Slates. Vachnadze, N.D. 253 Deposits of roofing slates in Georgia 254 Kakhetiya deposits 254 Other deposits of roofing slates in Georgia 255 Card 9/13 Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) SOV/2505 Lateites. Gorbunov, S.S. 259 Laterites -- the terra rossa of Georgia 259 Lithographic stone. Nemsadze, A.0. 267 267 Deposits of Georgia Algetskoye deposit 267 Other deposits 26,r Chalk. Rabinovich, I.N. 269 Chalks of Georgia 270 Marls. Sanadze I.A. 271 Marls of Georgia 271 Western Georgia deposits 271 Eastern Georgia deposits 28o Mineral Pigments. Vachnadze, N.D., and A. N. Terlyan 284 Ocher and crocus deposits in Georgia 284 Iron minium deposits in Georgia 290 Marble. Nemsadze, A.M. 295 Card 1o/13 Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) Georgia deposits Paleozoic deposits Mesozoic deposits Lower Cretaceous deposits Upper Cretaceous deposits Other deposits Ozocerite. Mshve-lidze, N.N. Ozocerite in Oeorgia Pegmatites. Gvakhariya, G.V.,and Ye. K. Vezirishvili Pegmatites of Gebrgia Pegmatites of the Dzirullskiy massif Pegmatites of Vakidzhvari Sodium Chloride. Vachnadze, N.D. Deposits of sodium chloride in Georgia Sulfur. Guntsadze, V.K., and A.N. Terlyan Sulfur,in Georgia SOV/2505 296 297 300 304 306 308 312 312 316 316 316 321, 325 325 328 328 Card 11/13 M Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) Pyrites. Guntsadze, V.K. Deposits in Georgia Serpentinite. Chikheltdze, S.S. Serpentinites of Georgia Serpentinites of Kodorskiyy massif Se.rpentinites of Dzirul'5kiy massif SOV/2505 Sodium Sulfate. Dolaberidze, L.D., and A.N. Terlyan Deposits in Georgia Talcum. Chikhelidze, S.S. Deposits in Georgia Deposits genetically related to large serpentinite bodies Deposits in contact with small serpentinite bodies Phospherites and Apatite. OvakharIya, G.V. Deposits In Georgia Chalcedony and spongiolite Guntsadze, V.K, Card 12/13 330 331 334 335 335 336 342 342 348 348 350 356 361 361 368 ' Natural Resources of the Georgian Soviet (Cont.) SOV/2505 Chalcedony and spongiolite in Georgia 368 Other Minerals 375 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress MM/bg Card 13/13 10-15-59 PA 5 T7RIY.,k"*f, A. IT. im 1948 Peat Resources "Feat Beds of Gruziya,," A. N. Terlyan, 2 pp "Torf PrC6" NO 1 Peat bogs of Gruziya, ma.7 be divided Into two groups: lowland and mountain plateau areas. First is of ohial importance, vhile the other Is only of seconlary Im- portance. Briefly describes Kobulatekoye, Potiyskcyo$ Redut-Kale, Sukhumskoye, and Kolkhidskoye beds. W --- _57T36 TFRYAYF,V, B.C.. " Effect of the reference voltage shaping channel on the interference rejection of a simplax phase tolegmphy myntom. Eloktrnmvirtz" 18 no.1%25-31 Ja 164. (MIRA 171d anl .reat wnt (3~ ~;erebral jo!. Th,~~ o--3r,t~ -i .~:n.3ists -n b~*11,-,er-ii t wj 1~;t rav! ''nd I;.'-r at.-I lene-vation 0, t',.-- ort oil 01 e 1, c) ex t i ~-! -i t, i oc, h ta reno-acr:~ I , tic, P th,) sol-,r lex,is ~.nd no o- eration oh kidnevs or alrenals Is r erforned. .lele,~bion of 1 atients is based on cir::zilator7i tests, r irtl c ,laz, attention being !aid to the behaviour of the blood pre:3-ure after hyTerventilation and after ad- ministration of nitror~lycerin. Decker - Munich (VIII19) SO: Neurology ?t Psychiatry Section VIII, Vol. 4, No. 1-6 IGRATOV, M.G;VMTAN# K.G. Method of preganglionic sympathectomy in andarteritis*' Vopr. neirokhir. 14 no.4138-47 July-Aug. 1950.(CLKL 20:1) 1. Of the Institute of Neuroeurgery iment, Academician N. No Burdenko (Director - Prof. B. Go Tegorov, Corresponding Member of the Acaderq of Medical Sciences USSR), Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. USSR,q-tedicine - Neurosurgery Oct 52 "Afteref-fects and Treatment of Crariiocerebral.,Gun- shot Wounds," Yu. V. Konovalova, K. G. Terya'n', Inst Of Neurosurg imeni Acad N. N. Burdenko, Acad Med Sci USSR "Khlrurgiya" No 10, pp 20-26 Authors cite stat istics shoving that 28.1~ Of all CM .4 gunshot injuries received by Soviet troops during World War 11 were penetrating intracranial wounds. The high rate of mortality in the latent stages of tbLese injuries is explained by the suppuration of 228T19 sear tissues over the old wound. Authors admit that correct diagnosis is difficult as the perifo- cal reaction in this condition closely reseiables intracranial. infection. They suggest early sur- gical interference with a radical treatment (re- " cf P moval , CU scar tissues over the brain, these being a possible sox.Lccc of further suppuration. General and local use of antibiotics is zul,-aested slawltaneously with operative procedure. 228r19 Scientific -J-oc'c4-- of n,--muro-~i-;ccns c'c '-c'J-'-l a- 'rr-v', no. 4, Uc2. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uncl. T.,"CIAN, K. G. , Prof. Brain - Turlon; Cumplicati.ino followin,,'; excizAan of an,,71~L Of the Lrain. Vup. noirokhlr. 17, N*0- 1, 1~53- 9. Nlonthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June - 1953, Uncl. TERTAN- ~-;VOLKOVA-PAVLOVA, V.L. Problem of anesthesia iu cerebral surgery. Vopr. ueirokhir. 17 ro.3: 9-15 May-June 1953. (CLKL 25:1) 1. Of the Institute of Neurosurgery imeni Academician No No Burdanko (Director -- Prof. B. Go Tenorove Corresponding Member AIG WGR), Acadepw of Medical Soienoss USSR. _Ts 11261-46 SWRCZ COM UR/0106/65/ -9 AUTHMS _Teryayev, B. G.; Kau Yo me ORGi none TIM: Signal and additive noise applied to a frequency doubler SOURCE: Elektrosvyazt, no. 9, 1965Y 38-42 TOPIC TAGS% frequency doublerp signal noiso separation, phase telegraphy ABSTRAM The signal-to-noisera4 %ISN'R) at the output of a frequency, doubler (used in Rhase-telegraph equipment)lp' iNeor-3ticzaly determined. The frequency, daublar comprises a nonlinear signal .3onverter and a higher-frequency- filter- the theory of such a doubler resembles t:3at. of th3 detector. It is found that: 11) A considerablel suppression of signal by nois.) (about ') db) occurs in the frequency doubler, particularly when SNR at the Input is low (H 4 1); with higher H, the suppression is lower (3-4 db); (2) With a band ratio of n .~ 0.1, the 1witput SHR becomes greater than N, which means that the referenco-voltage-forming ohminal can be made noise-proof if n