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/T/'~Wl-'t T ~ t ACCESSION NE: AP5021978 UR/G2.86/65/ooo/oi4/oo4l/N,4i 621-787 M-110IR: Ali I TITLE: Method of increasing t service life of steels and alloys. Clas 16, I No. 172865 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 114, 1965, 41 TOPIC TAGS, steel, alloy, steel service life, alloy service life, steel training, alloy training,cyclic training* ABSTRACT:- q-%is Author Certificate introduces a method of increasing the service lif of steel and alloy parts by trainingt- To obtain a higher strengthening effect of r, I n.t,-d training-"' the cyclic treatment by a stress higher than the yield strength is, alter 1 with rest periods. The training'process, which comprises a fixed number of cycles with subsequent rest periods, is repeated 5-10 t -Imc s ! ASS061ATION! oone : SUDIaTTED: 18Apr63 EUCL: 00 -8UB CODE: MPI ~NO RDF SOV: 000 OTHER! 000 ATD PRF-')S: --- - - rd Wl L 2662-66 FMT (m) /DIP (w)/E PF (c)ITIW (t W&V (b)/alA (c) JD~dEIGS ACCESSION W.: AT5023089 UR/0000/65/000/000/0104011-9/ AUTHOR: _jvanova V S.' Tlerent' ~evV-~F- TITLE: Effect of air atmosphere on the cyclic strength of metals SOURCF,.- Problemy bol'shoy metallurgii i fizichaskoy khimii novykh splavov (Pro- blemi of largv-ncale metallurgy and physical chemistry of new alloys); k 100-letiyu :~* dnya rozhdeniya akademika 14. A. Pavlova,,Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 104-110 TOPIC TAGS: a r, cyclic strength, metal oxidati fati&ue strength, crack pro- 2 gation W11 ABSTRACT: The fact that the cyclic strength oi many metals in air is much lower than in & vacutum points up the role of oxidation processes in accelerating fatigue breakdown and, second, points to-the possibility of exploring new ways to enhance the cyclic strength of machine parta. For example. metal surfaces can be protected against the harmful effect of air by being wetted with organic li- quids of the dodecanol type or coated with an insulating film that is impervious to gz2~~i or used' in an air atmosphere to which inert gases (nitrogen, argvn, or Card L 2662-60' ACCESSION NR; AT5023089 carbon dioxide) are added in order to reduce the amount of oxygen present. The accelerated fatigue breakdown of metals in the air atmosphere is differently ex- plained by different investigators. Schaub and Liedtke (Zts. Metallkunde, 44, 570,_1 -1953;-Proc. -Il.-Fatigue, Stockholm,--1955,-Bsrlin,--1956,--p. 244) offer the- theory that the commencement of fatigue breakdown requires: 1) the presence of a local slip that develo 9 during cyclic deformation; 2) the interaction between the' p oxygen of the air and the atoms of the metal located in the activated slip planes., The combined effect of this reaction and the plastic deformation arising during cyclic deformation leads to the appearance of fatigue cracks. Thus, the mechanism of crack formation would be chemical in nature. This hypothesis, however, cannot be accepted, since chemical processes are rather a secondary factor in crack /.,formation during the fatigue process. The primary factor should be regarded as the processes associated with the motion and interaction of crystal lattice defects ~_(dislocations, vacancies) leading to disturbances in continuity. Chemical pvoces- ses of the chemosorption type merely contribute, during the stage of crack pro- _-Pasation, to-a-c-celerating the--appearance-and-devolopment-of --fatigue- cracks.- On - the whole, this survey of 22 literature sources shows that.the-mechanism of actioni of- air-on the -process- of -fatigue-breakd - -_ i- own a still inadequately inve3tigated. Further basic and applied research into the effect of gaseous media on the fatigue's 2/3 Card 26-62--66 ACCESSION NR: ATS023089 strength of metals and alloys is -needed. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED., 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; NM h0 REP SOV: 002 OTHER: 020 Card 6 P Evi L 2W25_6~ T W)/~H (m)/T/ENA (d)/ENP(w)/EWP(t) IJP(c) E M/P ACC NR- Ap6olooaa 0 'RCE CODE: UR/0129/66/000/0-03/66-i6/6(jiO'- AU1110fl: Ivanova, V. S.; Torentlyev, V. F. ORG: Institute of Metallurp (Institut metallurgii) im. A. A. Baykov TITLE: Effect of repeated defornitlon on the cyclic strength of low-carbon oteel SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i tormicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 3, 1966, 16-18, and bottom half of insert facing p. 32 TOPIC TAGS: steel, low carbon steel, steel treatment, mechanothermal treatment, steel cyclic strength (I I ABSTRACT: The effect of mechanothermal treatment on the cyclic strengtl of SQ, ,A)low-carban (0.15% C) steel ':as been studied. Steel specimens were repeatedly (3-6 times) stretched up to tba end of the yield-point elongation and after each stretching were aged at 100C for 20 hr. it waj_~found that increasing the number of mechanothermal cycles improves the strengthl'bharacteristies of the steel. The treatment repeated 5-6 times increased the tensile and yield strength to the same value, 42-48 kg/mm2, and lowered the elongation to 17% and the redvotion of area to 3-6%.,-Annealed steel had a tensile strength of 38.3 kg/mm2 . a yield strength of 21.5 kg/mm2, an ek%;ation atlaB%, and a reduction of area of 43.5%. The cyclic strength (in puah-pull tests with 400 cycles/min) increased from 26 to 35 kg/MM2 and the fatigu 1*fe increased 50-100 times. Repeated deformation creates in the Card 1/2 uDc: 620-178-311.868:621-78 NR,- -AP6_61-o-68--8 ferrite a uniform dislocation structur )f high density,,and aging brings about the precipitation of a finely dispersed secondary-phase which blocks the dislocations. Orig. art. has: 3*figures. [ND] SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH FW: 001/ ATD PRESS: Card 2/2 sckW L 21745-60 (V')A-!-' ( k ) T ~ r, ! , *' 7- ~ .1 ":p -A, j ACC HR: AP6008044 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/1,66/OD4/0843/0846 ;AUTHOR: Ivanova, V. S.; Terent'yev, V .F iORG: Institute Of Metallurgy im. A. A. Daykov (Institut metallurgii) ;TITLE: On the form of the fatigue'curve for low carbon steel !SOURCr,: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 166, no. It, 1966, 843-1346 TOPIC TAGS: fatigue strength, fatigue test, mechanical heat treatment, deformation, rate, low carbon steel 1ABSTRACT: In a previous article by one of the authors (V. S. Ivanova, Fatigue Fail- ure of Metals, Moscow, 1963) energy criteria *,ere proposed for fatigue--a (reduced: 'fracture strength) and N (critical numb6r of loading cycles)--which are Yndependent c lof the loading conditions and the initial structural state of the metal or alloy j(due to various form's of heat treatment). Correspe)nding to the critical number of Icycles Hc is a critical fatigue stress cc --the stress at which submicroscopic icracks appear in the first loading cycles together with the,accumulation of inelas-1--- 1/3 UDC: 53 9.365 L 21745-66 ACC NR: AP6008044 tic distortions in the crystal lattice~b Since a is a limiting stress above which c submicroscopic cracks appear during the first loading cycles, differences should be expected fn the behavior of structure-sensitive properties of the inetal for cyclic I loads abow and below a , as well as a change in the slope of the fatigue curve be- ~ginning at the criticalcfatigue stress. Fatigue tests were conducted to verify this I I pothesis on specimens of low carbon 20 steel (0.24% C). The specimens had the V follming mechanical characteristics in the annealed state (9001D, 5 hours): a B 2 50.9 kgjmm. I a 30.6 kg/MM2, 6 = 37.9%, 34.7%. Fatigue curves are give-11 for the metal in the annealed 3tate -and after repeated thermomechanical treatment. Jbis treatment consisted of active loading at roon temperature to a strictly limit-' ~ed degree of defamation equal to the value of the yield surface with intermediate caging at 1800 for 20 hours between deformation cycles in the unloaded stata. Repe- i. L*on of,6is treatment for 6 cycles- resulted in complete disappeiarance. of the ield surface and the yield Gtrc--s wass raired to a new ~-alue equal to the ultimate Y tensile strength. The fatigue curves for, annealed specimet. -ow a q sh slight increa=,-., In &lope IndicatIng Lrreater durability at the critical fatlgw stress. The behavior lof upecimans subjected to raptated them=echanlcal tntatment just t1he opposite 2/3 L 2174'-'-1-66 !ACC HR: AP6008044 ~Wlth a Much more pronounced change in slope toward Alower durability. Thu5 the itheoretical, hypothesis is confirmed and the values of aaand 11Cmay be used for an I iexact determination of the critical stresses at which changes In the slope of the jfatiguo curva should be expected. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB COM 20P 1l/ SUBM DATE: MugW ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 006 Card 3/3 '0 L 23178-66 EWT(m)/EWA(d)/-tW(k)/EWP(t) JDIHW :ACC NR: AP6005562 SOURCE COM UR/0122/65/000/010/Wr .)910062 ,AUTHORSt Ivanoval V. S. (Doctor of technical aciencos)l Terentlyevi, V., -_(En g .ORG: none MTLEs The effeot of plastic deformationAnd subsequent aging on the cyclic ;strength of steel ISOURGE- Veutnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 10, 1965, 59-62 TOPIC TAGS: metal, metallurgyt aging, fatigue stron,,..~th, plastic deformation, steel 19a&M=Aa&/ Armco steel, 34 steel ABSTRACT: The effect of deformation antl ar,,inf, on the cyclical strength of steel !machine parts is studied. Aging which occurs in the process of cyclical loading 1#3 the prototype example of deformation a,~~in-. The cyclical strength of otpel under temperature increase from 200 - 400C reachea a waximum siatlar to the maximuir. istrength limit under otatic atreosing of ateel in the tomperature interval of blue ibrittlenees. The effect of the degree of preliminary deformation on the increase !:of cyclical strength as the result of static deformation aging is shown in Fig. 1. !It is concluded from thia data that the growth of the degree of preliminaly rd 1/3 __Ca uin 621.7s620.17. 23178-66 7ACC NR: AP6005562 Fig. 1. The effect of static deformation aging on the cyclical strength of lo-vr-c,~~Lrbon steel: I - normalization; 2, 3 - static deformation of 4% and 9% respectively, a[..-,ing for 8 hours at 10OC; 4 - dynamic defornation 17%p aging for 8 hours at 100C. ve WYN ,deformation is accompanied by an increase in strength from static deformation ':aging. The magnitude of the strength increases depends not only on the degree of 1preliminary deformation but also on the mode of preliminary heat tr-9tment. Plots lare presented ohowing the effect of static deformation aging for varying degrees of. :deformation on the cyclical strength of Armoo steels, as well as the effect of .preliminary plastic dpformation and subsequent heat treatment on the cyclical blithe success of the MUO method (multiple mechanical-thermal .strength of eteel_q4. :treatment) is reviewed and the mechanism by which this method increases fatigue 'Card 2/3 L 23176-66 ACC NH.- AP6005562 strength in outlined. Reference is made to Soviet, Ameriewil and Ge,=An research ,in this field. The authors (6nolude that ratIonal a lication or ttvLa type of ~k Mechanical thermal trcatmentV~n increane the fati e limit of low-carbon fsteela an ii~~c-haa 0 t-o---4'ry-p'--wltl'corresponding increase in machine parts durability. ,by :Orig. art. haat 8 figures. M COND 11/ SUBM DATEs none/ ORIG REFs 007/ OTH REF3 005 A :Card 3/3 L 27233-66! EY1T(m)/T/EWP(w)/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD ACC NR: AM6003228 Monograph UR/ Ivanova. Vs S.; QMdjYQnkoj L. K.; Geminov. V. No;_Zubarev. P. V ;_.Fridman, Z. G; 1.1heray- JAL-it.; Terent'jay, Voroblyev, N. A Kudryeshov, V. G. A Role of dialocatio4oin the strengtheni 'and failure of metals (Rol'dialokatsii v uprochnenii i razrushenii metallovOlMoscow, Izd-vo "Nauka", 1965. 179 p. illus., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 4500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: metal, alloy, metal strength, alloy strength; dislocation, disloca- tion theory, thermomechanical treatment, metal failure PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book to a continuation and development of the ideas of the late Professo L~J. Q~n ~n the theory of dislocations. This theory served as the basis for the elaboration of new methods of strengthening metals. and alloys. In the first part (Chap. I-IV)'of this monograph the role of dis- locations in the development of plastic deformation and the generation:of flawai is dig cuesed. In the second part (Chap. V-VII) t the theoretical premise for metal and alloy strengthening with therwomechanical treatment and the ffect o this treatment on the mechanical properties of metals and alloys under static And cyclic loads are reviewed. TABLI OF CONTIMi Card 1/2' UDCt *669.018.25s669-17 L 27233-66 -F--ACCNR: AM6003228 Foreword -- 5 Ch. I. Regularities of slopping and strengthening on the diffe rent grades of deformation -- 7 Ch. Il. Formation of submicroscopic flaws during deformation as a result of multiplication of and interaction between defects of the crystal lattice -- 29 Ch. 111. Effect of grain eize, temperature, and deformation fate ott the charac- teristics of metal fluidit7 -- 46 1; Ch. IV. Mechanism ot ~ Aure and regularities in.theidefectibility of mittle rul -k-A 73 metals during creep Ch. V. Basic premises for the developmen5 of methods of mate,rial strengthening by means of thermomechanical treatment\%- 103 Ch. VI. Effect of basic technological factors on the effectiof strengthening in thermomechanical treatment - 119 1 1 Ch. VII. Increase of cyclic strength under combined thermomschanical treatment 146 References 170 SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATSt 06Aug65/ ORIG REFt ISO/ 0111 REFt 238/ Card 2/2 ACC NR: AP7005735 SOURCE CODE: U11/012G/G7/023/001/t,':~17/tj?i,:;~ AUTHOR: Ivanova, V. S.; 19Xrj1CXev, V, F.; Kudryashov, V. G.; Sabitova, N. S. ORO: Institute of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykov (Institut metallurg:U) TITLE: 161echanism, of hardening during multiple deformation aging SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedenlye, v. 23, no.' 1, 1967, 117-122 TOPIC TAGS: metal deformation, metal aging, metal heat treatment, creep, low carbon steel ABSTRACT: The strength of metals can be additionally enhanced if they arc deformed in stages alternating with aging. The best results are produced when the metal is subjected at room temperature to successive dynamic loadings up to a rigorously limited degree of deform- ation equal in magnitude to the c'reep plateau, alternated with intermediate aging (multiple thermornechanical treatment or MTMT). The WINIT of e. g. iron increases its yield point by 100-150% and ultimate strength by 50-75% while maintaining plasticity at the level of 17%. In this connection the authors investigated the dislocation structure of low-carbon steel and armco iron following their quadruple (i.e. 4-stage) MTMT with intermediate aging (150"C for 1 5 hr) after each stage of deformation. Dislocatlons were examined by etching with the reagent Card 1/2 UDC: 539.4 ACC NR, AP7005755 LZ (100 cc of methyl alcohol + 1 g FeCl ). Findings: the increase in the static and cyclic 3 strength of armco iron and low-carbon steel following their MTMT Is due to the formation of a stabilized dislocation structure which uniformly encompasses the hardened volume of X:ie metal and leads to: a) limitation of surface deformation during cyclic loading oi the metal and, as a consequence, retardation of the occurrence of fatigue cracks which, in its turn, prolongs the life of the metal; b) increase in the energy Gic required for the propagation of a crack (per unit length of the crack). Knowledge of the parameters G and K (relative local increa7c lc lc in tensile stress at the leading end of a crack spreading under conditions of plane deformation) is an important and useful requirement for selecting the optimal regime of hardening treat- ment. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 13, 1l/ SUBM DATE: 09Oct65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 007 Card 2/2 STETKEVIGH, A.A.; TERMIYEVp V.F. Data on allergic diagnosis of tjok-borne encephalitis* Trudy Tom NIM 12:37-42 160 (MIRA 16t11) 1. Tomakly moditsinskiy inatitut i Tomakiy nauchno-izzledo- vatelfskiy irstitut vaktain i syvorotoX. 517,TKEVICH 0 , t/. ", A.A., TEREN'T'Ev . # lmportan:!e of Us! tl-:r,!-,.-ycjn.l c an t, I i!iz-; In q 1 lrjrv, 17. d ~. a grir, a 'A. !I i;f *ick-borne enc-ephfill,is. -y aJy I; --,1, 1 i V c. 14.24-28 '6 3 4 (MlltA i.?-?j 1. Tom3kiy iri.-.titut vaktsir, i ayvorotck i Tomskj.y imlit8insk-Ay 'N TERBNTIYNV, V.G. (Moskva) Von Case of dienc phalle hyperthermis in decompression sickness [with summary in Yr:nchl. Zhur.nevr. i paikh. 57 no.9:1149-1151 '57. (MIRA 10:11) (YNYER. etiology and pathogenesis, caused by diencephalic disord. in changes of simulated altitude (Rua)) (AINITUDS. effects, diencephalic disord. causing fever in changes of simulated altitude (Run)) (DIINGICPHALOV, physiology@ fever caused by diencephalic disord. in changes of simulated altitude (Rua)) T],ic:.'. A" Y-;'./, 7.cj. -Oand I.:nd jol -- (04188) "Cartain raACU~):I" ~)i' nf.:rvwis systam mjft--~; an or-(*CCL" j,-annral vert~-cal 1, vibrations (Clinic-exparima:;tal at,,id,y xf appliad to 19.51,3, 15 pp (1-lin of Healt'li Central 1',';sL for 1.1.0 Achancod '-'7rnLirdn_ of llhysicia,is) i.'00 co:)-nis (YL, 51-5,1, 1111) - 10 - 27 2 SOV/177-58-1-18/25 AUTHORS: Borshchevskiy, I.Ya., Colonel of the Medical Corps, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Koreshkov, A.A., Colonel of the Medical Corps, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Markaryan, S.S., Major of the Medical Corps, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Preobraz- henskiy, V.V., Lieutenent-Colonel of the Medical Corps, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Terentlyev, V.G., Lieutenant-Colonel of the Medical -C~orps_ ly~ TITLE: The Effect of the Vibrations of Certain Modern Heli- copter and Aircraft Types on the Human Body (Vliyan- iye na organizm cheloveka vibratsiy nekotorykh tipov sovremennykh vertoletov i samoletov) PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, Nr 1, 1958, PP 74 - 77 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports on his examinations of persons tested by a type VP-70 vibration stand (Figure 1) Card 113 which produces a single-component vertical vibration. SOV/17rf'-58-1-18/25 The Effect of the Vibrations of Certain Modern Heliconter and Air- craft Types or, the Human Body By a special adjustment, vibrations reached a frequency of 10 to 70 hz and an amplitude of 0.2 - 2.5 mm. Four series of 3 tests each were performed. During the first two tests of each series, the person to be tested was subjected only to vibration and during the third test simultaneous- ly to vibration and to a 105 to 110-decibel noise. Between tests there were intervals of 3 - 7 days. The data obtained have proved that vibrations with low frequencies and large amplitudes may disturb the ~ilotls visual orientation during flight and also negatively influence his ability to hit the target. The reactivity of the vestibular analyzer had noticeably increased. Hearing was impaired on- ly by simultaneous vibration and noise efiects. Vibrations with frequencies of 40 and 70 hz and Card 2/3 amplitudes of 0.3 and 0.4 mm over periods of 4 and SOV/1?7-58-1-18/25 The Effect of the Vibrations of Certain Mode2n Halicopter and Air- craft Types on the Human Body 8 hours, caused insignificant functional changes in the human organism. Vibrations with a frequency of 10 hz and an amplitude of 1.8 and 2.4 mm result in pronounced and permanent functional changes and can- not be recommended as physiologically permissible for the cockpits of helicopters and other aircraft. There is 1 photograph. Card 3/3 TERMIYEV, V.G. Xethod of &Taphic investigation of the knee-jerk reflex in (with summary In 7rench]. Zhure'nevr. I F99h- 58 no.8s9596-963 '58 (RETLNX, knee jerk, rp','dstration (Rua)) (KM, physiolo knee jerk reflex, registration (Rug)) TM17T IYEV, V.G. Modification of vasomotor induced by general vibration. Zhur.vyz.nerv, delat. 9 no,5'#649-656 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Institut avlatsionnoy meditsiny, Moskva. (VIBRATION effects) (MM=) 26467 ;Z1,)t100 S/11 7/60/000/011/001/003 D21 9/D302 AUTHORS: Buyanov, P. V., Galkin i A. V. Karpov, Ye. A.1 Samukhin, N.V., Terent yev, V. G. I Shevchenko, A. 1. TITLE: Contra-indications to the breathing of oxygen at increased pressure PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 11, 19605 64 - 68 TEXT: The authors wished to study the effect of systematic breathing of oxygen under pressure and discover medical conta- indications to its use, especially with regard to personnel suf- fering from physical defects which do not render them unfit for flying duty. 125 persons, 20 - 40 years old,,underwent pressure chamber tests and prolonged clinical observa on. All were well and fit for flying duty. 43 had various defects such as pleural synechia and adhesions hypertensive neurocirculatory dystonia (5), 1st degree thyroid enlargement without malfunction (4) and so on. Normal clinical records were taken and analyses done Card 1/ 3 26467 S/177/60/000/011/001/003 Contra-indication to the breathing... D219/D302 plus X-Ray, neurological, electrophysiological and ENT exam- ination. Subjects took part in 1 - 97 experiments at 7 - 14 day intervals. Physiological effects were noted immediately; rise in heat and respiration rate, arterial pressure, bioelec- tric respiratory muscle activity; ECG variation; fall of oxy- hemoglobin level to 60 - 80/'0' ( slowing of circulatory rate; chan ges in latent period of conditioned motor reflexes; occasional subcutaneous emphysema. Subjects usually felt well after tests complaining rarely of fatigue or headache. Clinical examination generally revealed slowing of pulse (by 6 - 18 beats), increase in venous pressure, moderate increase in arterial pressure, slight fall in pulse pressure and increase in heart size . In over 30P of cases heart murmurs - usually pulmonary and aortic- appeared; No pathological ECG changes save extrasystoles in L cases. Changes were often recorded in capillary formation, phethysmo- graph curves and in vasomotor reflexes. Aftereffects: Lung vital capacity decreased by 200 - 400 ml. A third of the sub- Jects had scattered dry rales. Lung X-Ray showed occasional Card 2/3 26467 S/177/60/000/011/001/003 Contra-indications to the breathing...D219/D302 shadowing and local. disciform atelacteses. There was an in- crea~e in neutrophil leucocytes in the peripheral blood and a relative lymphocyte fall. Tendon reflexes became more and more sensitive,ifinger tremor increased, touch discrimination and co-ordina on deteriorated and signs of general fatigue appeared. All changes were reversible, usually in a few hours. As regards personnel suffering from T-inor defects, the effect of these deficiencies was varies. In some cases e.g., chronic gastritis, they suffered no adverse effect either initially or after pro- longed experimentation, but it was clear that systematic parti- cipation in such high 'altitude tests was contra-indicated in all cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, neurocixculatory dystonia, leucopenia, pronounced emotional instability, endocrine defic- iency, chronic ENT conditions, or for persons.,who became rapidly anoxic, had undergone brain trauma or who were suffering from upper respiratory tract infections or exarcerbations of chronic upper respiratory tract disease. SUBMITTED: August 1960 Card 3/3 VOUl"'KI11, YUJI.; YAZ,';OVSKIY, V.I.; GI-1;331, A.M.; VASILIYEV, F.V.; GYURDZMA11:, A.A.; GUACVSKIY, EX.; GORBOV, F.D.; SERYAYI',, A.D.; BMMAY, V.Ye.; BAYEV.'ZIY, RX.; ALTUKHOV, G.V.; YOPANEV, V.I.; KASIYAN, I.I.; YEGOROV, A.D.; SILIVESIROV, M.M.; S111TUHA, S.F.; TE~M!TIYEVI, hRYLOV, Yu.V.; FC,%M;, A.G.; USTIAIKOV) A.S.; DIZTYAREV, V.A.,- VOLOVICH, V.G.; STEPZ'TSOVJ, V.I.; I-,YAV.-tIKOVj V.I.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I.,- UISIUM, P.S.2 tokhn. red. (First space flighto of man; the scientific results of the ifedicobiological research conducted during the orbital flights of tho spaceships "Vostok" and "Vostok-2")Pervye kosricheskie polety cheloveka; nauchny rezulttaty --ediko- biologicheskikh issledovanii, provedennykI vo vreria or'.1i- t--Ilnykh poletov kortblei-sputnikov "Vostok" i "Vostol,-2.11 Voskva, I,d-vo Akad. Pauk SSSR, 1962- 202 OILU 15:11) (SPACE 1.!El)lClr:E) (SPACE FUGHT IRAIJIING~* YEGOROV, A.D.; OGLEZXZV, V.V.; TERE11TIYU, V.G. (Moskva) Effect of moderately increased doses of positive aeroions on the organism of healthy person; preliminary report. Vop. kur... fizioter. i lech. fiz. kalit. 28 no.2. 135-137 Mr-Ap'63. (MIRA 16:9) UIR., IONIZED-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) VOLYNKIN Yu.M.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I., prof.; GENIN, A.M.; GAZENKO, O.G.; GUPOVSKIY, N.N.; YRELIYANOV, M.D.; 1-1IKHAYIDVsuY, G.P.; GORBOV, F.D.; SERYAPIN, A.D.; BAYEVSKIY, R.M.; ALTUKI:OV, G.V.; KOPANEV, V.I.; KASIYAN, I.I.; 14YASNIKOV, V.I.; HCYANOV, I.I.; FEDOROV, Ye.A.; POMIN, V.S.; ARUTMIOV, G.A.; ANTIFOV, V.V.; KOTOVSKAYA,; KAKURIN, L.I.; TSELIKIN, Ye.Ye.; USHAKOV, A.S.; VOLOVICH, V.G.; SAKSONOV, P.P.; YEGOROV, A.D.; NEUMYVAKIN, I.P.; TALAPIV, V.F.; SISAROUN, N.M.., akademik, red.; KOLPAKOVA, Ye.A., red.izd-va; ASTAPYEVA, G.A.t (First group space flight; scientific results of medical and.biological studies carried out during the group orbital f;fgh't of manned satellites "Vostok-3" and "Vostok-.;] P6rvyk-gruppovoi kosmicheskii polet; nauchnye rezu].1taty mediko-biologicheskikh issledovanii, provedennykh vc vremia 'Lftmppovogo orbitallnogo poleta korablei-sputnikov "Vostok-3" i "Voskot-/,." Moskvao Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 153 P. (14, LRA 17: 3) kP 1: V.r,.g qci:. to 6 '64 (MIRA 18% VOLYNKIN, Yu.M.; ARUITUOV, G.A.; ANTIPOVp V.V.; AL11JXJ1OVp G.V. BAYEMMY, H.M.; LSIXI, -V.YO-; &-ykiU, P-V-; BRYANW, VASILIYKV, P.V.; VOLOVICH, V.G.; GAGARY, Yu.A.; GEVIN, A.M.; GORBOV, F.D.; GORSHKOV, A.I.; GUROVSKIY, N.N.; YESHkNOV, N.Kh.; YEGOROV, A.D.; KARPOV, Ye.A.; KOVALKV, V.V.; KOLOSOV. I ' A.; KORESHKOV, A.A.; KASIYAN, I.I.; KOTOVSKAYA, A.R.; YkLIBERDIN, G.V.; KOPANEV, V.I.; KUZIMBOV, A.P.; KAKURIN, L.1 ; KUDROVk, H.V.; LEbEDEV, V.I.; LEBEDEV, A.A.; LOBZDJ, P.P.; MAKSIMOV, D.G.; WASNIKOV, V.I.; MAIYSHKIN, Ye.G.; NEUMYVAKIN, I.F.; ONISHCHENKO, V.F.; POPOV, I.G.; FORUCHIKOV, Ye.P.; SILIVESSTROV, SERYAPIN, A.D.; SAKSONOV, P.P.; Tqt&XjjXFV,-j.G.; USHAKOV, A.S.; UDALOV, Yu.F.,- FOMMI, V.S.; FOMIN, A.G.; KHLEMIKOV, G.F.; YUGA11OV., Ye.M.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I.; KFICHAGIN, V.I.; AKULIVICHEV, I.T.; SAVINICH, F.K.! STMPURA, S.F.; VOMESEZ15KIY, O.G.; GAZENKO, O.G.,, SLSW-ANq N.M.p akademik$ red. [Second group space flight and some results of the Soviet astronauts' flights on "Vostok" ships; scientific results of medical and biological research conducted durJng the second group space flight] Vtoroi gruppovoi kosmichenkii polet i neko- torye itogi poletov sovetskikh kosmonavtov na korabliakh "Vostok"; nauchrWe rezulltaty medikobiologicheskikh issledovanii, provedennykh vo vremia vtorogo gruppovogo kosmicheakogo poleta. Moskva, Naukap 1965. 277 p. (MIRA 18:6) - - -- - .-I- . II -- -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - I I WA=NMANVM --4", ral IL fi~ : --- - ~;,.1 t~' r~~ ". -, Ti="- 4~~ t~- - - , - - i . I I'- . . - . ,-- - . I I . I . - -m~ -- In miizilza& - -9501313 .Now ti M~ -, - ., - ~ , ~ , - , , , I - --,i -- - 71-Jr r - , --z 4~7. , L 3236h-67 Wft SOURCE CODES UR/0000/66/000/000/0081'/0083 AUTHORs Buyanov, F. V..* Galkin. A. V.: Torantlyov, V. Go; Sholudyakov, Ye. Yee; Pisaronkog No Vo; Yaroshonkog Go L. ORG: none TTTIZ: Problems of the selection of candidates for special crows fPapor presented al conference on problems o? space medicine held in Moscow from 24-27 May 19~67 SOURCE: po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsinyq 1966. Problomy kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentaii, Moscow., 1966v 81-83 ,TOPIC TAGSt cosmonaut selection,, bionstronauticst space physiology, space psychology, psychophyniology, cosmon&at training ABSTRACTs The systematic exposure of young test pilots to aviation or space-flight conditions is of importance relative to perfecting methods for selecting pilots and cosmonauts. Considering the caliber of profeqsional activityp the test pilot must be in excellent pbysical and mental conditicuo Se 1 e c t i o n t a k e s' p1 aic e iii th r'e'e' 'a f4i t 67s: P r e f i i~~i r' y" a- m'b*-ul a t'a e* 1'e' c t i o in, stationary examination in special medical establishments, and. elimination I iduring the first months of occupational activity, Card 1/3 L 3.1364-67 ACC NRs AT60365W During preliminary selection, the medical commissiod was given documents describing anamnesis data, general and physical development, i and medical treatment in the preceding year. After familiarization with these documents, nearly half the applicantsWer *e rejected due to therapeutic',- status or.poor eyesight. During preliminary ambulatory examinations, medical specialists (therapists, otolaryngologists, neuropathologists, surgeons) analyzed blood, urine, EKG' s during rest and after exercise, x-ray films of thoracic organs and nasal accessory sinuses, and con- ducted vestibular and other functional tests. In some cases, spinal x-rays, pressure chamber exposure, etc.'were conducted. Rejections during the first examination phase were high. The main reasons for rejection were ear, nose, and throat ailments, neurocircu- latory dystonia, and ve stibulo- autonomic instability. During the stationary phase, an expanded program of clinical, physiological, and specialized tests was used. From 25 to 50% of the candidates who had passed the first phase of examinations were rejected. The main causes of rejection were diseases of internal organs (nearly half th6 rejects), ve stibulo- autonomic instability, e.a.r, nose,. throat ~diseases and spinal disorders.-," _~nd_ ACC NRt AT6036509 In recent years, rejection of candidates during the second phase has declined as a result of a more detailed examination during the first phase And new methods of exanilination. I.Por instance, substitution of tho standarc~ OR-10 vestibular test with 1. 1. Bryanovi s test (summation of :vestibular stimuli during Coriolis accelerations) significantly decreased i ithe number of rejects due to vestibular disorders. At the same time, ear, nose., and throat rejects were more accurately diagnosed by Bub- stituting otoscopy and manometric examinations (Boyachev qnd ,Gerasimov manometers) with pressure chamber tests. Spinal x-rays %AUring the ambulatory phase could not be justified. The occupational activity of a number of candidates produced some changes which precluded their further participation and caused their ,rejection from testing work. About 1076 of the candidates were found to be unsatisfactory during this phase. These data permit the examiner to foresm probable deviations in 1health under occupational conditions during the selection phase, to ,evaluate individual methods anolicableAp,sple4i9o. AncUopr9gn9p(~.~York CaP&-'Ity under the Influenc.e of external factora. LN.A. No. 22;' ATD Report 66-11 Q SUB CODE% 05906 / suBm DATct OOM&y66 . .,P- - I S_2/FEC(k)- AWA) SCTB TT/P LAW, M AV4t OURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/001/01'5110155 AP6007746 AMIN: Buyanov, P. V.: KomlevL 1~. Terentlyev. V. G. Fedorov,)~~. A. Khlebnik2v, q. F. ORG: none TITLE: Results of preflight and postflight medical examinations of Voskhod-l crew members -Tz-- -S01jRCE-__Kosvticheskiye issledovaniya, n. 4, no. 1, 1966, 151-155 TOPIC TAGS: cosmonaut, physiological change, cardiovascular system, enzyme, encephalogram, muscular tonue, leukocyte/Vjmmk!=4Mt- ABSTRACT: Results of preflight and postflight examinations of the Voskhod-1 cosmo--~ nauts were compared and physiological shifts were noted. The physiological profile of each cosmonaut was determined from background data compiled for two weeks before qe the flight. Examination of the cosmonauts after preflight' training showed icrea, d resistance to flight factors in all of them, especially Komarov. By comparison, Feoktistovand Yegorov showed less adaptability, especially in the cardiovasctdar system. In the week preceding the flight, Komarov and Feoktistov were somewha., ic- served in behavior. Prelaunch tests conducted at the cosmodrome emphasized the ne vous and emotional state of the cosmonauts. The four-day postflight medical exam na- tion began 15 minutes after landing. To ensure uniformity, all postflight tests Card 1/2 UDC: 629.198.61 ACC NRi AP6007746 (including laboratory tests) were conducted by the eame people who had performed the preflight checks. Clinical Inventigation begun six hours after landing showed a moderate decrease in working capacity, revealed in an increase In the number of errors and a lengthening of latent periods during performance of psychological tests. Encephalograms showed intensification of retardation processes in the cerebral cortex. Slight variations in digestive enzyme activity were also observed in the cosmonauts after the flight: the activity of amylase, enterokinase, alkaline phosphatase, and trypsin increased. The following shifts were noted in cosmonauts immediately after the flight: slight instability in the Romberg position, tremor of fingers, increased tendency to perspire, moderate decrease in muscle tone, quickening of the pulse, and decrease in blood pressure due to increased diastolic pressure. Body weight decreased 2.6% for Koamrov, 4% for Feoktistov, and 3.9% for Yegorov. In addition, moderate shifts in metabolic processes were noted: increased energy con- sumption while resting, increase in blood urea and cholesterol, and increased elimina- tion of nitrogenous components from urine. Some decrease in the phagocytic. activity of leukocytes was also observed. The changes noted were attributed to fatigue and stress. They were of a strictly functional nature and usually disappeared within several days after the flight. Individual characteristics and differencesAn pre- flight preparation were reflected in the varying character of these physiological shifts. [JS1 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE, 28jul65/ ATD PRESS: qi S/803/62/000/003/003/012 D201/D308 AUTHORS: Popov, P.I. and Terent'yev, V.G. TITLE: Increasing the reliability of protection systems in the presence of noise S OURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizichcslciy institut. iivtomatika telemeRhanika, no. 3, 1962. Sistemy upravleniya yadevnymi energeticheskimi ustanovIcami, 22-25 TEXT: The authors show that in reactor protection systems, with differentiating circuits having a frequency response VIQ (4) Tljcj (T 3.jcj + 1)(T2JCJ a well designed period meter must satisfy the condition T1 T2- Card 1/1 6/803/62/000/003/004/012 D201/ "308 AUTHORS: Popov, P.I., Terent'yev, V.G. and Filipchult, Ye.V. TITLE: Some methods of increasing the reliability of elcc- tron tube amplifiers SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizichesltiy institut. ~,.vtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 3, 1962. Sistemy upravleniya yadevnymi energeticheskimi ustanovkami, 26-34 TM(T: The authors analyze the following methods: 1) Varal- lel connection of the main and the standby amplifier, the latter being connected via a summing device utilizing negative feedback. 2) Standby amplifier switching by means of an anode load impedance, applicable to power amplifiers or oscillators with tungsten filainents. 3 A special circuit excluding the variation of gain and load current in the case of failure of heater circuit. Gain variations With res- pect to normal gain) and design criteria are discussed. There are 6 figures. Gard 1/1 S/803/62/000/003/006/012 D201/D308 AUTHORS: Popov, P.I. and Terentlyev, V.G. TITLE: Reliability of some circuits for switching in the standby equipment SOURICE: Mosco-u. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Avtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 3, 1962. Sistemy upravleniya yadevnymi energeticlieskimi ustanovItami, 39-43 T-D'U: The authors discuss the reliability of some basic circuits used for the switching in of the standby equipmcnt and switching out of the faulty equipment. The probability of faultless operation P(t) for 1,000 hours Was taken as the quantitative relia- bility criterion. The rates of failure I was assumed as follows: electron tubes X - (0.08 _ 0.11) x 10-3; high stab. resistors - bi -3; capacitors _X z (0.0035 - 0.018) x (0.00035 0. 3) x 10 c 10-3; relays Ir - 0.00035 x 10-3. The follovring basic circuits were analyzed: 1) A single-shot, cathode coupled multivibrator with Card 1/2 S/803/62/000/003/006/012 Reliability of some circuits ... D201/D308 P(t) . 0.923-0.90. 2) A differential amplifier with P(t) . 0.926 0.904. 3) A diode and relay circuit i-rith P(t) a 0.926 - 0.904. 4) A capacitive-relay circuit with P(t) . 0.9988, the most effective as a switching-over circuit. 5) A neon stabilizer circuit for posi- tive and negative power supplies failure signalling with the same probability as 4. There are 5 figures. Qard. 2/2 5/069/62/012/006/007/019 B102/B104 AUTHORS; ponov, P. I., Lore,1.11 yev,_V. G., Filipchuk, Ye. V. TITLE: The safety factor of the emergency shieldinG system of nuclear reactors PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no.*6, 1962, 497 - 502 TEXT: Some principles of automatic reactor shielding systems and their reliability are considered.. The systems have to meet the following re- i quirements! (1) If the object to be shielded breaks down, the processes '; taking place therein Tl~.,st be stopped; (2) a breakdown of elements or con- necting pieces of the shield must not affect the ' technical.processes. The reliability of such automatic systems can be improved by increasinc' their safety factor. The reliability with andwithout reserve is studied simultaneously, using the following quantitative characteristics$ the probability P(t) of uninterrupted operation, the probability Q(t) of interruption, and the hazard X(t) of interruption. Interruptions*in the shielding systems are regarded as being accidental and independent, and the hazard Is considered to be constant. For the i-th element of the Card 3/1,39/62/'0121/006/007/019 The safety facior of'the ... B102/B104 system one finds P i(t) - exp(-k it). A distinction is made between dan~-;er- ous and harmlejo interruptions In the shieldinG iystem. The latter are I!, daused by defects in this system, while the former are due to actual breakdown. Sinple shielding systems, shield8 with coincidence circuit, the connection of s-jare channels, and systems with reserve are described. I Tiie reliability of a ayst cam in the most favorable case (P*, Q and in the most unfavorable ca2e (P*, Q*) is characterized by P(1000), Q(1000), P*(1300) and Q*(1000) for 1000 hours of operation each. These vnlues are V~ nw.n.erically given for a ahielding system with general reserves and for a s:jzter. with reserves for each element. These systems use electron tubcs and semiconductor elements. In addition, a system with increaaed :elia- bili"'Y (coincidence circuit) is desc--ibed (Fig. 6), for which the fol- lo"Vi-ng numer-.1cal values can be obtaineds POOOO) Q(1000) P*(1000) QO(1000) operation with electron tubes 0.89 0.11 0-79' 0.21 ooeration with semiconductor Plements 0-994 0.006 0-97 0-03 There are 6 figures and 3 tables. -V'ard 2/4. -7) A6/007/019 u ia f e t: F .-Y ? (Ovo ionization chumberal IK) "on-itac t less" swit ,end to cheal Oy) io,~;Lrithmic ItinplifierB; (AY) differentiating E~.;njlifiersj (04)break- down detector; (' -',(.,Y) trigger device unit; (Q.Y) rover;inr awitchl (CC) coincidence eirc,,~'Lt; electromagnet; (K Car' ~/f ACCESSION NR: AP4025741 5/0144/64/000/002/0228/0238 AUTHOR: Panin, Vilerian Valerianovich (Engineer): Popov, Petr Ivanovich (Candidate of technical sciences, Docent); Terentlyev, Vladimir Georgiyevich (Assistant) TITLE: Investigation of reliability of contactless -element switching circuits SOURCE:- IVUZ. Elektromekhnn;ka.7ri6. -2, 1964, 228-238 TOPIC TAGS: switch, cyclic switch, sequence switch, contactless switch, contactless switch reliability ABSTRACT: The successive cyclic switching of channels in telemeter or remote- control systems ia theoretically considered. An optimum structure of the (ring or binary) switch scheme is determined on the basis of the nun-Aber of channels N and failure rates of the scheme components. Formulas for the number of transistors, diodes, and the faultless -operation probability are developed for the Card I /Z ACCESSION NR: AP4025741 0, ring scheme and the binary scheme (with a rectangular, pyramidal, or minimal matrix). It Is found that the required number of channels always determines the dimensionality k of the matrix with a selected switch structure. The proper choice*of'k has an important bearing on the required number Cf diodes and the ;.resulting reliability. With an optimum k. the reliability of all switch schemes is practically the same. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 30 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED., l0Apr62 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE:. EC NO REF SOV: 00 1 OTHER: 00 1 :-Card 2/2 ff"Trin 4 At J t!u 1 0 INFIVEIM OF 1K9RTIA OF STS01I Terentlev V I and Alskeeav, 0. 1. ' 16.). 1949, (10% i5, In calculating lengths of stewdig re Is more important than any other. Fam lengths for various types of steming wA 00 11AXAP NG (Gornyi quired, ulas terial. _A!4-SLA WALLUgFKAL W1111AILH11 CLASSIF%311010 Ole 1"T4319. U a AV so 1$! 0 P1 a tv it w 44 194111111 Nutt -1+ 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 SO 0 41 : :j: : : 09 00-00 0 0 * 41 0 0 * 41 0 * U jot It a- I t .6 A 'v ON UMT OF AN EVLWION. Zhurnal (Min. J.), the inertia effitot a are gly n for o4atittlatIng ago Va. fill 14V ir 0 3 2 0 0 0 * * o 0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 Is * a 0 0 0 0 * I Oll .1i red [Jmpr~),Ang th,t of (po-ri 1111 mlnini-~ of rc-.r r re dapo--d ts in the Fiir:;k !-:agrie t I'lnowiLy -,overohonstv. vw, toklino!ogil (ienil IT.I. magmitncy anomalll I-- TMNTersy, V.I. .1, , Ways of incraasing the speed of shot-borlar, holes. Izv.AN Kazakh. SSR Ser.gor. del& 20-304-101 051. (KM 9:6) (Boring) TMNT I MU, V. I. Bffoot of oh&rge depth on the oh&nge In the specific consumption of explosives. Izv.A1 X&zakh.S6R.Ser.gor.dola,aet.1 stroinat. no.1:21-24 152. (KLU 9:8) (UP011yes) Y) BUON, Lg., doktor takhnicheakikh nauk; TMNT'YEV, V.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KAWSHIII, S.O-.,-gdrnyy ni-hener. Reducing the occurrence of silicosis and tn,~-iasing the effective- ness of porforatory drilling by using bito with hard tips set at an angle. Bor'ba a ail. 1:76-82 '53. (KLRA 7:10) 1. Komisslya pri Akademii nauk SSSR po bor'ba a silikozom (for Baron). 2. Institut gornogo del& Akademil nauk Kazakhekoy SSR (for Kaloshin). (MINZ DUSTS) (BORING MACHINIRY) BARON, L.I., doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; KEKIN. A.A.. kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk- TER12 kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; AKHMICTOV, M.N. . kandidat takhaicheskikh nauk; ZHANABATTROT, U.S., gornyy Inzhener Studying the effectiveness of different systems used for the precipitation of dust in boring with pneumatic hammors. Bro'ba a ail. 2MB-131 155. (MIRA 9:5) 1. Komissiya pri Akademii nauk SSSR po bor'be a silikozom (for Baron) 2. Insitut gornogo dela Akademii nauk Kazakhokoy SSR. (DUST COLLECTCRS) (BORING) . TERBNTIYEV, V.I. ChWe In the lump size of ore broken down by deep borsholes. Isv.AN Ux^kh.SSR.Ssr.ror.delA. met. I stroim^t. no.ll:?9-83 1569 (MLRA 10 . 1) (Mining engineering) TKRFMII-XV, V.I., kAindidat takhaicheakikh nauk. ~ The study of the alto of ore fragments as related to factors In blasting operations. Vest.0 Kazakh.SSEL 12 no-1:83-92 Mr 156. (KIRA 9,7) l.Predstavlena deyntvitellnym chlenom AN KELzSSR A.S.Popovym. (Blasting) TIRENTI-MV, V.I. Changing the output of large-al2e ore depending on the spacing of explosive charges. rzy. A5 Kazakh. SJR. Ser. gor. dela, nat., strol. i atroimat. no.2:121-124 '57. (KIRA. 10%9) (Blasting) FUME I BOOK EXPIDITATION 998 Akedemlya nauk SSSR. Institut gornogo dela. Voprosy teorii razrusbeniya gornykh porod deyotviyem vzryva (Theoretical Problems in Crushing Rock by Blasting) Moscow., Izd-vo AN SSSRp 1958. 161 p. 2,500 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: Mellnikov, N.V., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; FA. of Publishing House:' Klimovitskly, Ya,A. PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is of interest to alaing specialists. COVER=: The present collection of 9 articles by various authors presents the re- sults of scientific research in the field of rock crushing in mining by means of blasting. The studies conducted are of both theoretical and practical nature. The articles exEnine the distribution of explosive energy and the propagation of spheri- cal explosive vaves in soil. Theoretical principles in determining the size of charges for certain types of mining operations are discussed and analysed. The ar- ticles are accompanied by diagrams, photographs, tables and bibliographic refereums. Card 1/3 . "'heoretical Problems (Cont.) 1 TAKE OF COMMUS - Foreword 998 3 Kharrusyev, A.N. ThePhysical Nature of the Disintegration Process in Rocks Due to Blasting 7 VlaBov, O.Ye. Principles of the Theory of the Disintegration of Rocks by Blasting 46 Lukhanov,, A.F. Disintegrating Rocks by Blasting 61 Kovashenkov, A.V. (Deceased) Study of Rock Disintegration by Single Cylindrical Blasts T7 TereDtlyevo M, A Study of the Relationship Between Ore L;=pineseand Factors in Explos Operations 100 Belayenko, P.A. Study of Stress Fields and the Process of Fissuring In Cylin- drical Blasting Charges in Hard Rocks 126 Card 2/3 Theoretical Problems (Cont.) 998 Pokrovskiy, G.I, Prerequisites of the Theory of Rock Crushing by Blasting 140 Rakhmatulin, Kh.A. and Stepanova, L.I. Propagation of the Explosive Shock Wave in Soils 149 Resolution of the Scientific Conference of Dec. 20-21, 1955 of the Inter- departmental Commission for Explosives at the Mining Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR 16o AVAIIABIE: Library of Congress Mwgfa 1-12-59 Card 3/3 TiRmT I Yxv, V.I. - Granulomtrio aouNsition of luvW ore. Tridy Inst. gor. dola AN Kazakh. SSR no.3:40-47 156. (MIA 11:6) (Ores--Aesaying) A F TX%7At SciOntific-NOthOd Conference On the Problem of brooking-up Rocks by Uplasione (Pirvoym nauchoo- astodichaskoye soveshchanlyo po problems droblonlya gorn7kh porod YzryVos) PSRXODICA.Li Inveatlya Lksd&nil look SSaR Weloolys Takhalcheakikk lauk, 1958, Ir 5, pp 143-144 (C'SiR) ASSMOTs on February 24-26, 1958 a conference was hold on breaking- up rocks by explosions at the Institute of Mining. Ac,aa, USSR (Inatitut Garoa%* Del& AN 888). 100 Is from 52 towns participated and the participints 1:0alud&d. representatives of T.rka, Research Institutes of the Ac.Sc. from various parto of the Soviet Union. departmental ressax-eb Institute$ and of higher toachlag ow"budemose. conatruction' by To. Yu, zrodov, T&IIISs .Industrial production &Otbcds of estimating the fragmentation of rack produced by oxglosiva breaklAg-vp In quarx'1*0 by 0. P. 960i4yuk and . A. Charopenov, Institute of mining Ad.ft. U;h I -rhotogrumetrLd setbod Of evaluating trG4PK4Ot-tLOn Of a rack *as** by 0. S. MechikOT, Rose** Mining Institute. In the section r9latinG to the Influence of the parameters at exploolv* fragmentation, a. tbo bro"- --Vp Ions the of rocks and data Of Lod "trial lovent1gat followuw P-P.- were pr9sent4di on the degree of trs4pastatiOn of are and determination of its Optimum Valve* by rent 7VT islag- 0#91061csI Stott-on ko.aa 1 *012 the fj"t rs;a%g of j;pIrjsS Inalinod barv halts of a reduc," dimension, to give Vork Under dirri rock comd1tLO44 Lit Us 701 ---a ~ TIMETITIff, V.I., ksnd.tekhu.nauk; FALIT, I.A., Inih.; ITANOV, L.A., - I as- 5 *.- Joe of transducers in teoting pneumatic boring machines. Gor.zhur. no.8:45-46 Ag 160. (KWA 13-18) (Boring machinery-Testing) (Transducers) TMUNTOYMY, V.I., otv. red.; FVZNXR, G.Ye., red. lzd-vr; RYLINA, .Tii-.r.-,--Te-khn. red. (Problems in mining the deposits of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly] Toprosy razrabotki moBtarozhdenii Kurskoi mag- nitnoi anomelii; abornik statei. Moskva, 1961. 307 P. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ta,,ornogo dole. (Kursk jd4gne tic Anomaly-Iron mines and mining) ,gRjn!XBX,,~ s kand. tekhn, nauk,, otv. red.1 PEVZNER., O.Ye.,, red. izd-va; LAUT, V.G., tekhn. red. [Geology,, engineering geology,, and bydrogeology of deposits in the Magnetic Anomaly] Voprosy geologii, inzhenernoi geologii i gidrogeologii raeatorozhdenii KMA; sbornik statei. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk, SSSR, 1961. 92 p. WIRA 15:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut gornogo dela. (Kursk Pagnetic Anomaly-Geology, Economic) TERENTIYEV V.I. otv. red.1 BANKVITSER., A.L.,, red.izd-va; A_L~ SDIKINA, G.S., tekhn. red. (Mining and dressing ores of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly) Voprosy razrabotki i obogashcheniia. rud Wk. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk S3SR, 1962. 183 p. (MIRI 1533) 1. Akaderiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut gornogo dela. (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly-Iron mines and mining) (Ore dressing) AGOSHKOV, M.I.; -TEUNTIYEV. V_I_.J, kand.tekhn.nauk; TERPOGOSOV, Z.A.,, kand.teklin.na7 -a_,_KAAYAKIN, V.F., gornyj inzh. Practice of using a flat bottom J-:~ a mine of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. Gor. zhur. no.9s28-31 S 062. (KRA 15:9) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Agoshkov). (Kursk magnetic anomaly-Iron mines and mining) TERENTIYEVI V. I.; BABAYANTS, G. M.; rLARYAKIN, V. F. Systems of underground mining of ferrous quartzites at the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Goo.natich.-ioBl.inst. naueb, i takh.inform. no.10:3-8 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Kursk Vagnetic Anomaly-Iron mines and mining) TEtFlJT'Yh.'J V Ikand. tekhn.nauk,, otv. red.; NAKOVSKIY, GJI ---- RA-,;,-'ZUDI?lA, V.I., tekhn. red, [Mining and dressing iron ores of the Kurok Magnetic Anomaly] Razrabotka i oboganshchenle zh,14.-znykh rud KMA; sbornik statei. lllookva, Izd-vo AN SSSR 1963. 138 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Nauchno-iosledovatellskly Ingtitut po problemam KNA. TERENTIYEV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk') otv. red.; MAKOVSKIY, G.M... r6d*.; FENZITER, G.Ye., r---d.izd-va,- GUSIKOVA, O.M.P tekhn. red. (Geology, mineralogy and engineering geology of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly] Geologlia, mineralogiia i inzhenernaia geologii KMA. Moskva) Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 140 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Gubkin. Institut po problemam WA. J_ 4 -1 LX1 .1-4 b!~jij k I ITip, r Ir- " - , ACC NRs AT6020407______(N)___--__ SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0103/0111 AUTHOR: Yalmykov, A. A.; Tereshin, V. I.; Chebotarev, V. V. ORG: none TITLE: Traversal of a spatially nonuniform magnetic field by plasmoids SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Issledovaniye plazmennykh sgustkov (Study of plasma clusters). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 103-111 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma magnetic field, p1ttnammnw, plasma conductivity, spec- troscopy ABSTRACT: Plasmol motion in a nonuniform magnetic field is studied with particular emphasis on the blocking of the slow-moving tail par-, which carries a large amount of impurities and is not strongly ionized. Periodic space perturbation of magnetic field was introduced in such a way that the high conductivity pure part of the plasmoid was not greatly affected, while the cooler tail end interacted strongly with the field. These experiments were performed on straight sections of a plasma guide using magnetiq probes, spectroscopy and a pulsed plasmascope for the study of plasmoid properties. ' Magnetic probes showed the almost complete expulsion of the magnetic field by the fast (5-10r' cm/sec) portion of the plasmo;d. These measurements were used to detemine thq extent of a high-conductivity plasmoid as its position in the guide changed. It was Card rvl ~Afl If, ACC NR: AT6020407 shown that as the amplitude of the nonuniform field Increased, the upper limit on the ion velocity moved toward lower speeds. It -was further shown that the greatest lossesj of the high conductivity part of the plasmoid was due to particles following force lines toward the vessel walls. The plasmoid component which propagates best in such fields was that for which the conditions of high frequency stabilization are met, pro-t vided the appropriate space-modulation oscillation replaces the stabilizing frequency: Crig. art. has: 6 figures, 1 formula. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DhTE: l1Nov65/ ORIG IMF: 004/ OTH REr: ool Card 2/2 _jA444546 --I AU- NH& AT6020408 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0112/0118 AUMOR: Kalmykov, A. A.; Tereshin, V. I.; Chebotarev, V. V. ORG: none TITLE: Stabilization of plasmoid boundaries in the traversal of corrugated magneti fields SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Isolodovaniye plazmennykh aguatkov (Study of pla6Ja clusters). Kiev, Haukova dumka, 1965, 112-118 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma magnetic field, plasma velocity, plasma stability ABSTRACT: The results in this work indicate that corrugated magnetic guiding fields can replace high frequency stabilization of a plasmoid surface. The period of corru-, gation in the guiding fields was 10 cm, which at a plasma velocity of 2-107 cm/sec cor responded to a frequency of 2 Mc. The modulation amplitude was about 15%--sufficient. to stabilize the instability leading to a spiraling of the plasma. This is demonstrat ed by a plasmascope adapted for pulsed operation. When the modulation amplitude reaqb. ed 25% of the constant guiding field, some assymmetry of plasma boundary was observed~, At higher plasma velocity, the corrugated field failed to stabilize the plasma and ; 'N tongue-like protuberances were observed. Energy loss measurements show that some 201k% of the energy remained in the plasmoid for long travel distance. This, the authors Card, 1/2 - --L 4.. ('~ r2, f. t : ACC NR: AT6020408 --9 ascribe to the stabilization of those parts of the plasmoid which satisfy stability conditions in the corrugated field, whereas the remaining plasma was lost to the wa.114 Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 1INov65/ ORIG REFt 007/ OTH IMF: 002 Card 2/2 i t j, I A~I T \j I- /, " L t f F_ - v - I_ - TIRMIYXV, V.L., inzhener; LOBANOV, A.I. High-speed cutting on multispindle lathes. Sallkhosmashina no. ?:30-32 J1 154. (KM 7:7) (Turning) (Metal cutting) the rate of $wadisis of T %'. C-Allev, V. M. 11. Portimm. inyjt. AW. Nam* Ad- Muguelit or c~ leave% k aveel"aint by the vrwvuv Ims q( No, 1k. Co and US (it the fill% 14011 u-ni fw 41014- TING OMIOMOMI kWTAWS With IlWtf.AW%t Milt" Of 014 iWO (mad as allirsies except Ifn C-401) and nus. effect Ocairl at 2N Cam. The onler of Activity liserraws Na. C4. X. 02, Or. ME. POODAY the )On$ fAVDf 00 CICOVACC of chlorophyll Win Its Unkins with "rin mad lWes. Go. M. Rowupolf T. N. (;Ovllwv At%l V 161 .1k". VON* fWwft%. m -IOU, sipw% At tb~ k%vlo flw wtAttrial tvt&wA so ofeLay 4 iii, up V.14so m of whe.41. C. M ko"4Atmd 7q YNT v T c, I Ii ~-v diffusn'oti of chloranin-li. nro-vic"s o acids of m)lcouinr veiiriitll, Izvestuiya ul. 1W,9, So: U-'126-1, 1C.; Anril kletop~,,., 'ZIn un-,a]. 12, N49). Acewaiwam or caw"myM and mmme (pm*arrils A I fa Inv" of perosaw ORIMA. V. M. I'Tmlt'ev. lpvsu Abed. Neak Ildejels. S-S,R. 1049. No. fl~ 127.32- %*OrkM* VA1*6" Of lWfVllMAl nhkM$ AMI"11116ir dtllinj OW vesel4tive P"Iml collailImble arlits. o(chl-in,hyll Am, rwito true: NT(# WY) ms. lorf P.No g, u1 ht forlowl mill 59-70 U( Ow LaW lhilkig trs4t.411*0 4-yvle two pelimlsol I-191twol ~.vulrlmlLlkws are olmlelml. thebe cortne befoce the flourging -1.,gt mul after the druth of the ferroductive orsmns. The t1l1wrfing wkxl (11fte4-10% to w "lin. content fit the pis. siwnts. G. M. KI"Utpn1l 1 7 GOD= T.H., professor; TXRNNTIYNV, Y.M., kandidat biologicheskikh wmk. Study of the effect of potassium and phosphate nutrition an the formation of structural tissues and on stalk firmness of cereals in connection with lodging* 6bor.uauch,.trvA.Inst.bIoI.AN BSSR no,l: 25-34 '50. (MLEA 9:1) li,Deystvitel'Vy chlen AN BM (for Goduev~ (Grain) (Plant a--Ifatrit ion) GODMU, T.N., profesor; TXRNNTITV, V.H,, kandidat blologichookikh nauke Study of the affect of potassium and phosphate nutrition on the formation of structural tissues and on stalk firmness of cbroals in connection vith lodging. Sbor.nauch.trud.Instobiol.Al BSSR no.1:97-99 150. (MM 9:1) l.Doyetvitel'W chlen AN BSSR (for Godnev), (Carrots) (Carotene) CA Q"%UtAdvo dirt"Inats" at cksw* IMolife.,. T -%'&,I 4,d-Y. antl Phyu as4.0m* cam NXR . %if. id filliftlothAt 91W.1"Wil with qnse to mpkl. AIM fit. with ixill! jilOll 4w PA", wri"wit h drv, m Alto. 111011 fW 11FA,41 lW 4 ho,ts W 101. linder tillilb." In A filifli'll hin"Ol tut fro I 0f4f.locril-villwify Of SkAlf, Of 1k) Mi. Of 4 K*Ctv(h. 29.6 tell. of 1% 0,14k., 110ML0110%1 101. E I the ext. (or an aliquot) to -10 mi. of peft. etbar. mv. aq.-MftCO layvr (trolorim). wash the om. layn mmnd I l"I" with 11,0, lu'l It thnnigh 4 chromm4lirm"hir 1111W with Y'llu" .4a. hit tA'a imi,tt ic .6(n As.,1weamic Ill v4s, be wil &% the stlAn,t4rj. 14.15ma. 1wr c%wrespm,ding In vJ4A, 10 lint. ,f --arojelle Ill 11. of Pelf. rehrr, Pet. Me allit, 4-4 curutrnoid.-i in the atvlont v%1- pholl"lleirically Will) SUItAllk' Hitht 01,16 Aftil 414719- Chl4xfl- gaf in I*tr. wb .,.I c4filtrimlitla chl""Alull"I'll (mi 0411 inki titlwr. chtlitividlyll b filltv"t Of lm""- '"w"Phy" a I'm,1114 a lund 1whim, h;.xdl;fImqlhylI (twill. a still 10"T1 Wild. thifir varnferytial* of.. itit '. Litli'll. 6. M. xf-ilmot'll GODW. T.M., profePsor;T.HAWF'YN7, V.M., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Effect of light on the pigmentation and seedling growth of certain woody plants. Sbor.nauch.trad.Inst.biol.AN BSSR no.2:121-130 151. (KI&A 9:1) I.Deystvitellny.v chlen AN BSSR. (Plants, Iffect of light on) J.- JI I I. ; LL~L~~- 2. U~;Z (630) 4. Crain 7- The fi,ght against lodg,ing of cereal crops on 'p,-at ro.11s terentlevl ; riroda 1.2 no. 5, 1')53. xinev, 9. Monthlv List of Au-sslan Accessions, Library of Congress, ;-4111 1953. Unclassified. relaf~lnn, to V Sl r~rr.We~ ~nd A N KhrA, 't L-efl ALLY Vauk IIM~, NO. 1. RtmLlnl)~A. full Mhv~mi.- I turity the st&kq of tle n"tMAI and lain-down (Info a-indT Etiricy cormln dry "bil:oic~ P0.9-fil.0 and crlhil~,e 30,S-W.9 an-A '29.5-47.5, eivll lirnitt 14.2-"~2.0 ttj~,j 16 :; , 22.41,10 of tl:~i dry At milky pli~ii:,I, rrm"Urity ifle relitive chic-,". Cormn. of Ole st,:Ls in the -:v., bLt etc arats. cf dry -u~.5taocv, ctllijl*~-, cwl li~im; ir, O!ghly be vallicl fo"Ind fur lll~ ITIMIJ ed gt~,!, ` q Ctilullo",- is the detg. lhr! rciklancc "t Cf. pi USSH/Cultivated Plants. Cereals; Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, Stasenko, N.N.; Kcnovalov, L.N. Institute of Diolo67 AS BSSR- On Several Features of Growth and Development of Grain Crops on Peat Soil. Orig Pub: Uyul. In-ta biol. mr rsSR, vyp. 2, 1956 (1957), 94-99. Abstract: Observations were conducted for the development of plants of Kitchener wheat on peat and mineral soils. or, the peat soil, tillering and shooting up was more intensive, but in the fruit-bearing organs, leas dry sabstance accumulated than nn the mineral soil, in connecticn with w1hich the 0 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Cereals. I Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Liol... No 17) 1956) 77575. seeds obtained were biologically less valu- able. 0 Card : 2/2 m 7 USSR/Plant Physiology Water RegiLien Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., N~; 18, 1958, 82010 Author : Staseriko, N.N., Terentyev, V.-M.. Inst : Institute of Biology, AS BSSR Title : The Influence ok the Soil Moisture on the Water Regime and on the Carbohydrous Exchange of Cet Plants Orig Pub : Byul. In-ta biol. AN BSSR, vyp. 2, 1956 (1957), loo-lo6 Abstract : The types of water (according to the A.V. Dumnskiy method and the content of sugars (according to the Bertrand's raethod) were determined in the leaves of oats of the "Zolotoy dozhdl" (golden rain) variety. They were grown in vegetation vessels with peaty soil of the lowland ty- pe with a moisture of 50 to 75% of full capacity. Greater content of free water and a lesser amount of bound water were discovered. At the same time smaller Card 1/2 USSR/Plant Physiolo&y Water Regimen. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 82010 contents of separate fortis of carbohydrates and a rreater accum.Dlation of dry arbstances were also discovered in the phase of tillering in the presence of snaller soil wistu- re. The total content of water was identical in both ca- ses. During the blossoming phase, the total water contents and the amount of free water dcicrcased whereas the contents of bound water increaued wh.~-i soil moisture was lower in opposition t,- high misture conditions. The formation, transportation and utilization of carbohydrates increased in Litensity. Bibliography, 15 titles. B.E. Kravtsova Card 2/2 - 17 1111-IS"It" Soil O',)irjnc~j. A b s T u r : Rof Polo 3, 1956, 34/1,132. iLb2traot: of Dolorussi_-- an incrua.3,j iii y-lold of g-railn- on tho avsr~-Iq_a by 36 - IOU-4, and tha-u` of --tiaw b*)- I&,- 6a;3; 'uhu absolute Noight of, in- c r a a go i~, .Pro-so-Ang soakinZ of sw,)ds in tho sol- utio-ri of CUS04, strGn-.'vhunad tho t~rovrtti~ dovelop- men t -,nd -,,o,*-jr of shrubbin iii oats, and incroasuci thu j-r:;Id of grain by 33-5 , and str,?.w by 65-74%-) and __LIW tho rr~sistance of it in 2os%loct to breek- in~, do-:/a. I --ind B had still stroagar offact on the sturdinoim of the stams of catus. The work w-.s carried Out LI thO Instituto oT :3iulc~..,,r of icade~.~y of Sci-;nc~.s of BS'3R, -- A. P. Shchcr'DaXv. Card 2/2 41 D r 0 -JY "T, GO'blov, V.N, Tenm t yov, AS fj--3~`R 'me 1,"I*L'cct of vkk4(,r T,,ble L-ivrls m v. d M o I a - tura in PoLt Snit on Coreal (ivaia Growth and Resistonce tn Iodgirg. ().3 11 v Y o, - 0.- Is a Y torl . z "in 1 0 (10 , m 0j ~4 7 6,5.,. Tho irfluonce W7 water tabl-3 levei. and -.vil troiitt:re on tl.e dcvelo~;mnnt, Srotrt-h, li-Lnln and C.Q1111.10fie copitent ard yield of wheat. oats and I-)arley v,Es stimlied at Xom.,,ovska-a Exporisvearal P.jg, Stat--or in Brestniltya Oilasti whll(-~ testing ont~xvjm wz!t,-t-. and air for tbese cerv.-,U5 ovi tog soils. A comparia-m was made otitwoen sluiced and unaluice-11 plotfil where the vum-o:f fta3m~ we.~-e placed -t0, 20 ant] IC, zn tpart. The aluiced ploc distin- 1/3 'JATEGORY rULTIVATED PLANm 197r icup. z E" i k 3'.,IPACT t guishad ltn,:!If from Vie non-alvAcad by n-fgh3p., grotuid wate.- lsv~al and .6nil woisti-i- (),;,) y ! eat,4 x,4jocx:,jd fevorably i yielul to Llie liipha-' wator tebl,3; louer =oifivaxv crxilitiors sv-~ftd', raoro fjer;sCLc4.atl tc barloy; whiot t%#ol. &a hotable etIL'Acts en, i .-litarwodisAtp PasiL~Cojl. thn of tne ti-i-4; -;iLuU3 trere not ip,:-a~hicad b) var.'.atioiL.% i Jr, 't-L'Ici Poll moln4o.)te i,',Iliditivn1.. 'Y'A, C r 'i tj ryoti-ira of do cureples C~ir U.-) L 2/3 TXMTIYBV, V.R.; STASMWJ?j W.W.; KONOVAIDVA, L.N, I.. I MWTOWOO~Oarllpl,xolfic featureq of the growth and development of cereal plAuts on peat soils. Biul. Inst. biol. AN BSSR no,Z.,94-99 157. (XIPA (Grain) (Peat soils) TIUNTITAY, STASMIKO, N.N, Iffect of goil moisture on the water cycle and carbohydrate metabo- lism of the oat plant. Blul. Inst. biol. AN BSSR no.2:100-106 '57, (Boil moisture) (Peat soils) (Oats) (MIRA llt2) T- T-YEV, V.I..-., Doc Bio c-ci-(di--n* "3-ncic proble;.-.-~; of ll'ne -)hy-~4cl--ey ofTceraal~12,IRWM in peat soil." "id"Lk, 1958- 46 pp (Inst of BioloF.Y Acad Sci BSSR), 150 culdec- Idivt uf author'i. %-;ork :A ci.,d of text (15 titloc) (KL, 30-53,12-1) M&SHTAKOV, S.M., prof., doktnr biolog.nauk, GODNEV. T.N., akademik, ,,,,,.,,kand.biolog. auk, red.; SH TK, A.A., kand. red. ;_TMIMj4, ~,,jy n L khimicheakikh nauk, red.; BUUT, 0., red.izd-va; TIKIWIOVICK, I., takhred. [Binebamistry and pbysioloI7 of plants; collection of scientific works] BiokhImila. I fiziologlia rastenii; ebornik nauchrqkh rabot. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSR, 1958. 295 p. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Akademiya aAuk Belorumakoy SSR Minsk. Inatitut biologil. 2. AN Belorusskoy SSR (for Godnev5- (Biochemistry) (Botany-Physiology) ~Tzmlylv, V.M.; IOOYKO, A.N. Mechanical properties of root systems of cereal plants on Peat soll an related to ledgIng of plants. Blul.lust.biol.AX BSSR no.3:151-156 158. (MIRA. 13:7) (ROOTS (BOTAn)) (GRASSES)