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lop, CL Jf rxCC NR,~ u6o12557 AUTHORS: 14Jshiku) M. (Bucharest); Teodosiu, K. (13ucharest) ORG% none TITLE: Solution of the static plane problem of thn theory of elasticity for heterogeneous isotropic bodies with tile help of the theory of complox functions SOURM Prikladnaya materatika i makhanika, V. 30, no. 2, 1966) 379-387 TOPIC TAGS: elasticity theory, motion mechanics, CtYnfj,4 ABSTRACT: A method is presented for solving the plane static problem of the theory of elasticity for heterogeneous bodies) by successive approximations based on transformations of the type proposed by N. I. MusIdielishvili. (Nekotory-je osnovn:,,7e zadachi matematicheskoy teorii uprugosti. Izd. 4-a. M., Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1954) and on conformal transformations. After presenting tile equations of quasi-static equilibriums geometric relationships, and visco-elastic equations in the form e1j='/.(U1,j +UJ,j), #jj=ejj*dGj, cklk = (Est - 3aT) 6 dG, .the two basic boundary problems are formulated in the form =+ Re' G + As 21 (t, s); (2A& 4- 2As L as astes as L 331077-66~ ACC NR, AP6U12557 and "a U OV a U L P P (S. (kT) - + -j-I(P a- )= 4 (X 'Y) 7s)]+ 2 with boundary coriditions .x + 1%,,) d8 +~T(r) F(s) dt + (% U V 1). and f,U'(#)- !-k 4-: 1 6- respectively. Conformal transformation and the method of successive approiii:Aions in solving these equations are discussed. The procedure is demonstrated for a circular body uniformly loaded in the radial direction. Orig, art. hass 2 figures., 59 formulas, and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20, 12/ SUBM DATE: 1217ov65/ ORIG REF: 0031 SOV REF: 004/-OTH REF: 005 Card 2) S U ~_,~U-'2 G'-ven 111--res Comtry-. Rumania Academic Degrees: Affiliation t -not given- SOurcG2 Bucharest I Farma2ia I Vo 1 IX , No 9 1 Sep 1961, pp, 513- Data% 'I Theoretioal Considerations on the Eleetrophoretio Method of Analysis." Authorse. APRE3 TESEI I C -Fam * Dr --TEDDOSIU, M.., -Pharmacist.- Gro 9&16%3 C.j ~!D) k -tot n jig. :1, i/i RLP,,"ANIA 616-981-71 W- G.-,,,ADUp :,-.-ariana, D., T:-, DO GeorEeta, of the Institute of n rpmicrobiol ey kinsi-itutull de Infra.:%icrobio1ot;ie) of the Aca-eemy of the Socialist hep,~Iblic of Ruz:;ania- (al Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania.) "The Identification of"' Some Inframicrobic Strains Isolated from Aaiicrobic Urethrites." Bucharest, .2tudii si (-ercetari do Infrapicrobiologie,, Vol 17, "o 6, 66, pp 473-477. 1'~bstract: The authors atter,~Pted to identify the strains isolated :Cro:i. ajAcr(.bic urethrites by ;ieans of inuaunofluorescence, se~u= neu-i-,:-alization, complement fixation nnd microagglutination. Or, t1lie bbcis of these reactions they classify the utrains isolated 11'rom the i-,r.-Acrobic urethrites Lis viembors of the pararickettsial Lrroup, TRIC subgroup. Includes one table and 22 references, of which one Flumanian, 3 French ond 18 English-language. -- 'v,.anu3cript submitted 6 Sep- 4. UeLber 1966. WNGHIN,S., prof,-. IIPWSIU,Tr.,, BIBISGU,Ion; BART,J. Therapeutic value of ohlorofunglm~,(S-mqquinoline hydrochlorate). Rnmanian M. Rev. 3 no.4:41s-46 O-D 159. 1. GlInic of DermAtovenereology,Berceni. (MYCOSES, therapy) (qUINOLINIS, therapy) (FINGICIM, therapy) LONGHIN, S., prof.; TEODOSIU, T. The bioloji--cai treatment of dermatczycoses. Pa=aaian M -':L-v. no-3: 51-54 Jl-S 160; (DEHMATOMYCOSIS therapy) (VACCINE THEWY) 1, ACC NRi AP6019359 - S__ _0_U; VC_E_C_0J)_B:R_1Y[d 62 ~ W9C F6J:[0_ _0_670 _RqT69~ -c AUTHOM Gurau. C. (Colonel; Doctor); Woissman, Do (Lieutenant colonel; Doctor); Toodosiu,, Tr..(Major; Doctor) ORGi none TITIE: Functional radiogrg~y? a dynamic mothcd of ctudy in Li ~kthology SOURCE: ReviatiL sanitara maitara, v. 61, no. 6, 1965, 909-920 TOPIC TAGSt pathology, bone, raaiography, skolotal mechanics ABSTRACT3 The authors aJm at an objective functional study of the cervical colurm. using radiography adapted to the spocifto anato7zacal and physiopathological con'4itiond of this sogzwnt to check on the static and dynaide vertebral pressures on tho inter- vertebral disks as an extremely importAmt elom-nt in tiertebral pathology. The toch- nique, intorpretation and value of the radio aPhic examination are discussed in -soma details Orig. art. has: 11 figures* firpaff SUB CODEj o6. 14 / suBm DATE, 27Aug65 / OUG RCF: 001 / OTH REF: 004 SOV REFt 002 Card TFDDOSIYE'V, L.S. --------&-Fr-arenal hypF.Tazotemia In acute febrile diseases. 26 no.7:11-15 Jl 162. (HIPA 15;11) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney Vysshego meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P.Pavlova2 Plovdiv, Bolgariya. (NITROGEN IN THF BODY) (FFIER) (KIDNEYS) TZODOBIYEV, L.S.; KASVAKOV, I.I. (BDIgariya) Case of toxic renal lesions due to m2fathiazole, 40 no*6:138-339 Je 162. (I-MU 150) I* Iz kafedry propedevtiki vzrutren-nikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A@ Mitov) pri rysehem meditsirskom institute imeni I.P. Pavlova i voysmogo gospital,7a (glavnyjr vrach V, Pemkov) v gorode Plovdive. (SULFATHIAZOIZ--TOXICDLOGY) (XIDIMS-DISMM) Qv (ZlIV. ts - r4:.'- c r! TEODOSMV., Lyubomir St. Problem of the so-called extrarenal hyperazoteitia in pneumonia; experiiwntal research. Arkh. Pat. 25 no.6:53-57 163. (MI-RA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry ropedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A. MitOV5 pri Vywahem meditainakam institute imani I.P. Pavlova, Plovdiv, Bolgariya. V IL V and Tcxicolov. Tranquilizerz 7-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol.., No 15, 1958, No 71-109 Autbo-r : Tlicb 1.lekscndlar, Morkovich M-41an) Teodosiyevich Dushan Ti t1c :" Toa Treatriell'. of Schizophrenia with Serpasil Orig F'ub :Srpski arkhiv tselok. lakar., 1957, 85, No 9, 943-954 Abst'ract :220 schizophrenic patients were treated with reserpine E;jmct'.;ies in corl-ination with electroshock. R produced a decrense of cessation of I-Allucinations and, in certain cases, of the autism and neGativism. The best results were obtained in ca7zatunia and depressive states. Mie combination with electr~,shoek increased the effectiveness of the treatuent; no c,)nplications were noticed. In pationts with tu1berculosis, R was improving both psychic and somatic conditions especially well. The symptoms of Parkinsonism developed in 33 patients who received only R. but were not observed even once in the combined treatment. These symptoms were remedied by artane without interrupting the treatLent. Card 1/1 TEOFAI,OVIC., A. Vojvodina's teleprinter contest. PTT ZaJed 6 no. 2:46-47 164. TEOFIIAK, Anna retrograpby of lias and dogger in the Paslek, IG I borehole. Kwartalaik geol 6 no.2:392-393 162. 1, Z&Uad Mineralogii i Petrogra.M. Instytut Geologiczny, Warazawa. -"- - - , - - ---, -- - * -- -.1- - - 1. 1 TEOFIIAK, Anna - - , "., Petrography of Lias and Dogger in the Bartoozyce IG 1 borehole. Kwartalnik geol 6 no-4-.733-714 162. 1. Zaklad Mineralogii i Petrografii, Instytut Geologiczny, Warazawas TEOFILLK, Anna the Lias and Dogger in the Goldap IG 1 borehole. Petrography o Kwartalnik geol 6 no-4:734-735 162. 1. Zaklad Mineralografii i Petrografiij Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa. -- MEOFILAK, Anna Dogger clay oolites. Kwartalnik geol 9 no.1:131-136 165. 1. Department of Minerqlogy and Petrography of the Institute of Geology, Warsaw. Submitted June 27, 1964. T&WIIAN, I.., inzh.; VFZF.UNOV, St.j* insh. IrVrovemnt in the extraction of mstals from aresp reserve for the increase of labor productivity and reduction of prime cost of.concentrates. Min delo 18 nool-.13-16 Ja 163. 1, 3-1 otdol 80bogatitelen" (for Teofilov). 2,,Raionen inzhener po obogatiavaw,, Upravlenie, OTsvetna metalurgiia i rudodobivu (for Veselinov). Gcncr,~i L-id ';j ')ccializ~)d Zoolo6y. 3. Ir,'.3,-.C"- P~,p u , A*b,.t jour Z*~iur -- 31o1., -'-!o 44875 -70 lot 1953 L -h o r, Ill"Ovy B,; Tijvotkov, n." Tonhuva, Tdr-,-~.- In "A -* 0t -; iv-~-l Tibl" TLI", Rosul'LIL; of to Dz;tormvin~,, th~~ ")""iduu,13 in take Disinfuctic of -:jdi.. CinL'I Plailto a_11-1 -Dry Frui~o ar iiou s - u 3 Ori3 Pub 3yul. r,~3tit. &,.-,hc"iite.., 1957, 6, xo. 1, b s t ru c'u- 7,.on2 ~ivzm Care.. 1 /1 MILEAKOVIC, S.; TEOFILOVSKI, C.; DIZDAht Z.; BIRCANIN,, Lj. A now procedure for the production of the carrier-fro 353. Bul Inst Nuol 12:8&.96 0 161. 1. The Institute of Nuclear Sciences *Boris Kidrich.0 Hot Laboratory Department, Vinca. 2..~bmbre of the Editorial Board and Editor, "Bulletin of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences 'Boris Kidrich'" (for Dizdar). Y/001/62,/000/005/002/004 D293/D302 V _QV Cedamir, 'Engineer, S)enior Co-worker Te uk - ~Belg_rade) TITLE: Production of artificial radioactive isotopes /I DERIODICILL: Tehnika, no. 5, 1962, 837-842 T _EX T Tl,-,,e article deals briefly with the production of radioactive Isotopes in nuclear reactors and describes the achievements of the "Boris Kidri6l' Institut za nuklearne nauke (Institute of Nuclear Sciences) i1L Belgrade-Vin6`a in this field. The production program of this Institute presented to the Conference on Industrial Al);)li- cation of Radioactive Isotopes, held in Bled from June 9 to 11, 1960, has been practically fulfilled. In the Yugoslav reactor the irradiation is carried out in vertical reactor channels. The neut- ron-gamma, neutron-proton and neutron-alpha reactions ,tr(, used for producing radioiuotopen. In 1961, -the Laboratory for High ActiviLy of this Institute made 1,929 radioactive material shipments total- ling 218,446 C. The Laboratory accepts orders for the following: Card 1-12 Y/oolZ62/000/005/002/004 Productiori of artificial ... D293/D302 1) Radiographic and other Co 60 sources of standard dimensioiio and up to 10 C per sample, and for reactivation of weak radiographic sources of Ir 192 up to 20 C per sample; 2) variouo S35 and P-32 pl:q- 131 and Au' 98 parations with a carrier or carrier-free, as well as preparations; 3) radiochemical radiation sources of alpha, beta and 210 35 131 32 60 garima. emitters such as Po , S , i , P and Co ; and 4) va rious radioactive isotopes not chemically treated. In 1()62, the Laboratory will endeavor to master the production of sterilized 131 32 196 preparations for medical purposes containing J I P , Au Na 24 1 Ka 42 radioisotopes. There are 4 tables and 3 figures. cl ASSOCIATION: "Boris Kidri'/1 Institut za nuklearne nauke (Institute of Nuclear Sciences), Belgrade-Vini~a SUBMITTED: Pebruary 13, 1962 Card 2/2 JOVANOVIG -KOVACEVIC, O.Z.; MILKIKOVIC, S.M.; TEOFILOVSKI, C.M. Concentration of 32p from irradiated MgSO by adsorpticn on =etal magnesium. Bul Inst Nucl 13 no.7+:1-8 D 162. 1. Hot Laboratory Department of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd-Vinca. TEOFILOVSKI __~qedMjr,. inz., visi a trucni saradnik (Beogradp Zmeja od Nocaja 1)/11);DT'7A.R. 7,denko, inz., vici r4aucni saradnill Prooljr!tlon of radioisotopes at the Boris Kidric Instit0e of Nuclear .14ciences, Beograd-Vinca. Tehnika Jug 19 no.- Suppl: hadioizotopi arac 3 no.1:25-32 Ja 164. 1. Institut za nuklearne nauke "Boris Kidric", Beograd-Vinca. TEOFnMKI,C. Production of radiciootopes at the Boris Kidric Inatitute of Nuclear Scienceop Vinaa; abstract. Glae, Yam dr 27 no.9/102481 164 1. The Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Hot-lab- ratory Department,, Belgrade-Vinea. L 37o5-66 ACCESSION NR: AF5028233 rU/0020/65/000/002/OOOZ/0009 AUTHORI TV_Q_fjj_0v_0_k_1jL_ -Cedomir-SSection chief of laboratory of high activity chemistry, Graduate engin6er# Senior professional anvociate) I jeg;dLc& Vojislav (Graduate, ,engineer, Senior profesoional aBsociate) TITM Production-of radioisotopes and labelled compounds at the Boris Kidrid- Institute of fluclear Sciences nOURCE: Nuklearna energijaj, no. 2, 1965, 2-9 TOPIC TAGS: radioisotope, chemical labelling, radiation chemistry, chemical research facUity# nuclear physics research facility A&STRACT: Roanarch associated with the production of radioisotopes wan initiated in 1957. In early 1959 the hot chemistry labomiory vaA set up to cover the production or radioisotopes, and later the production of labeled compounds. For implernentati.)n of the progran it was esnontial to have a number of problemo z3olved., training of staff for work, with radloinotopea at high activity levelej technology of material irradiation in the reactor; distribution of radioisotopes and labeled compoundr3; improvement of known and mastery of new methods for production of radioisotopes and sources of radiation requiring chemical treatment of tarptal development and wmntery of procedures for the production of labeled compound-n-, ~Card 113 L 3-jo5_66 ACCESSION MR: AP5028233 development of a method for the chemical# radiochemicalf radiometric, and pharma- ceutic control of the products obtainedi designing, staffing, and equipping the laboratory; and designing and building of the necessary facilities and shielding -for work with radioisotopes at distanae and behind the shielding. The hot laboratory produces a number of radioluotopes requiring simple treatment after ,irradiation in the reactor# such as dissolution of irradiated targets, filtration of the solution, etc. These include radioactive solutions with the isotopes: sup 42 K, sup 24 flap sup 45 Ga , sap 89 Sr, etc. pni ch were obtained from the irradiated carbonateal sup 60 Cog cup 65 Zn sup 110 Ag obtained by irradiation of puro metals; and oup 32 P with carrier, sup 141 Co, and sup .59 Ve produced from irradiated oxides. However, tho production of radioisotopes for application in medicine and sane .inventigations requiring a pure radioinotope of high specific activity in most cases withoutcarrier, is more complex. Thorefore, their production is associated with a number of radiochemical separations. Work was carTied out to mako possible a permanent synthosis of a number of labeled compounde needed for reaearch. First, work waa conducted on the chemical synthesis of nup 14C-laboled compounda, and later Wtheces were initiated with sup 35S and sui) 32P1 now the synthesis is 'planned of compounds labeled with other radioisotopes such an sup 3 H, halogens, ate. Procoduren were developed for the production of eighteen compounds labeled with sup 14 C, cix sup 35 IS-laboled compounds and live sup 32P- labeled compounds. In addition to the production of radioisotopes and labeled compoundel distribution also had to Card 2/3 L 3705-66 ACCESSION NRi AP5028233 bo organizod In viev of the npacitio packing and ahipment requiremanto for radioactiva products. Orig. art* has 5 figures, 7 tableat and 1 gmph. ASSOCIATICHt Inatitut ma nuklearne nauk* "Boris kidric!l (Institute for Nuclear Science 'Torin Kidric") SUBMTM-Di 00 NO UF SOV 1 001 ENCU 00 OTMI 01,41 SUB CODEt NP,, GG NA Card 313, d A~ vi 1 ,4 E21hm- - I I - mm I-- 5Z ~L, -17ruir TWEz, G. - Vol. U, no - 5, hv lw~55 --n-y"", L- - - ag __ __ ____ __ - - - -I-- - -,nor " 1" 7- __ Soviot expoviences In tho dovoloi.-imont of heatIng equipmont In powor p. 1P6. SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (MAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. , , va~^ nur~ " , u TPE jEPEFU,.TION CP D~57, DISPE'Ll: 1U, S. p 409 (:-.A~-Yk? IMLARY VCL 9 N2 11/12 l'l-'!/D-EC 157 CL SO: MT47-HLY INDEX OF EAST E-Ti-ROPEAN, ArS~,ST0,11c' (AER.1) '1r' 6 TV) 13 N7'VE:T--LrR 1957 ~ _- ~ ; ~ - I. T'HE DMEIOPENT 07' Olj~~ . ' .7 i.-IT"'. p 1, (.!'~T~~"AYI 1',IET) T-',-DAF-&3T, '4TI'~AFY IT-'; . 32 N-,-~ E " ~..R 1957 30: "CNTHLY I'V'E:" (;r:' -HAST ACESS! ) -6 11 '-'7 1657 TEOKEI Geza .1- .. .... -. Certain technical and economic questions of electric power supply in the metallurgy of alumin=s Ipari energia I no.IA:65~- 72 JI-0 160, Is Cs*V# Pomernokp Nabosip"i Hiniosteriume TEOKE, Geza - Results of the saving contest of the electric-power industr7. Musz elet 15 no-7:10 Mr 160. (EW 9:7) (Hungary--Electric power) TI eamu "Determining the defects of electric motors with constant current, mollors, and generators. Vol. 5, no. 3A, Far./Apr. 1954, p. 36 Zlektroenergiia, Sofiya SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No. 11, Nov. 1954, L.G. TEOKIIAROV, Alsk andur Some experiences from tYe repair of hydrogencrat~,rs. onergiia 14 no.10:19-21 0163. TECKHAROV, AlekBandur Maintenance of collectors and brushes for continuous avA alternating current electric machImes. Elaktroenerglin 14 no.9926-28 5163. TEOKHAROV, Aleksandur Strengthening of stator winding3 in generators. Elaktroenergiia 14 no.7t26-27 Jl 163. TECKWOV, Bogdan, k1. ordinator Bulbo-pontic form of poliomyelitis; use report., Sofia 2 no.2:127-136 1953. 1. Iratedre, po obahcha patologiia i patologichna wmtomila. Zav. katedrata: Iv.Tr.Goranor. (POLIOMYELITIS, bulbo-pontic form, case report) BRAILSKI, Khr., kand. na mod. nauki; MKHAMV. B. Hemangtoondntheliona of the liver with myslogenic leukemic reaction., Sofia 6 no-7:107-112 1953. 1. Iz Katedrate, po vutreahni boleati i gaatroonterologila (zav. katedrata: prof. T.Tashev) I Instituta po, obeha patologila i patologichns, anatomiin (zav. katedrata: dots. Iv.Goranov) pri ISUL, SoMa. (BN14ARGIONNWTHELIOMA, liver, with leukemia, myelocytic) (LIVXR, neoplasms. namangioendothelioma, with leukemia, Mralocytic) LIMMIA, WIMUTTIC, complications, hemangtoendothelioma of liver) USSR / Human and Ani;wl Morphology, Norixil and Pathological. S Pathologic.3.1 Anatomy. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 8, 1958, 110 36c)61 Author :-.Tgol:harov, B. Inst I-Tot grv-o-n----' Title Concerninrl, Peculiarities of a rathological-Anatamical Picture of the Early Stages of Intestinal Amobtasis. Orig Pub Arhhiv Patologii, 1956, 18 , No. 7, lo6-log Abstract The study of the early sta.-ea of vz3ibiasis compels one to renounce the supposition that incipient necrosis is the seal'. of amoobic intrusion. In the e%rly stages, necrosis is absent, althouji amebae may be found in the interstiti:-%l tissue of the mucosa, which, in the surrounding -,rea, is but sli(jitl, swollen. Necrosis sets in later as a result of cn- do'Go.,14n elimination of t,.,c parisoling amebae. -- A. M. Vihhert. Card 1/1 TAOKHAROV B. (Sofiya) Pathomorphological changes in intestinal ascariasis. Arkh.vat. 18 no.8:52-55 156. (KI~LA 10:2) 1. Is Krasnogo Kresta Provintsiallnoy bollnitay Savernogo Pkhanyanya Koreyskoy Narodno-Demokraticheskoy respubliki (glavnyy vrach G.Kitrov) i Gospitalya Bulgarskogo patologoznatomicheekogo otdolentya (zav. B.Toekbarov) (ASCARTIABIS, pathology, Rus)) - TEOIUROVI B. [Tookharov] On the quantitative histochemical analysis of suceindehydrogenase in the cerebrum of rate. Doklady BMI 14 no.7:755-758 161. 1. Submitted by Academician A. 1. Hadjiolov (Khadzhiolov] (CEREBIUL CORTEX) (RATS) ' u, ;:I Tr-,OIIARCrV, B.- [Tookharov,, B.] On the localization vf the specific acetylcholirasterase in tho central nervous system. Doklady BAN 15 no.3.325-328 1&2. 1. Submitted to Academician A.I. Hadjiolov (Khadzhiolo7, A.I.I. TEOHAROV. B. On the histochemical, localization of the non-specific cholinestorase in the central nervous system of rats. Dokl. bolg. akad. nauk 15 no.4: 443-446 162. 1. Submitted by Academician A.I. Hadjiolov. (CHOLINESTFMASE) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTLM) (NEURONS) (AGETYLGHOLINESTERASE) L. A - Dlutnoiis In Cnonrrheal und out~,onorrheal opermtocystitis, 19119 ICII p. Cyr.4 R0108 1. Seminal vesicles - Di3eases 2. Gonorrhea. TWKHAMV, B.A. Casm of acleroderma In adult successfully treated with penicillin. Vast.vaner. No-1:58-59 Jan-Ysb 51. (CUM 20:6) 1. Docent. 2. Of the Clinic of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Stalina- bad Medical Institute (Hoad of Department - L.K.Kenigaberg). TSOKHAROV,, B.A.j dotsent Trichomoniasts of male urogenital organs, Yesteven. i derm. 31D no.5: 49-52 B-0 156. (MIRA 9:12) 1. 1z kafedry kozhno-venericheskith-bolaxne7 (zave - profe G.G. Kondrattyev) Omskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni H.I.Kolinina (dir. doteent A.N.Kushnev) (TRICHOMONIASIS urogenital in males, diag. & control) USSR / ZooparanitoloMr. P,3xasitic Protozoa. G Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 12, 1958) No 52965 Author Teokharov, B. A.- Inst k Medical Institute. Title FAperimental Investigation of Some Pathogenic Properties of Trichomonas Vaginalis, Orig Pub Tv. Omskogo med. in-ta, 1957, No. 21, 287-292 Abstract Pare cultures of Tricbomonas were cultivated on a modified 'rohnson-11tassel medium: ascitic fluid and liver infusion 20 each, 204 peptone, 0.15~ cysteine hydrochloride, mal-cose and glucose 0-%, each, 57~ Tyrode's solution. With the addition of penicillin and streptomycin, 200 units each per ml. of medium, T. vaginalls does not, have hpmolyzin8 or plasmo- coagulatina prop=ties, does not form H2S or indole, decom- pose3 glucose, maltose and starch well, and decomposes lac- tose and galactose weakly; not one strain of vaginal TTi- Card 1/3 1 US311 / Zooparaoitology, Paraaitic Protozoa. G Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 12, 1958, N052965 Infectionc of' %irinog..inital orqjmin Phoulil bu contillier-A rm a mixod probozoa-bactarial iaection. Card 3/3 2 I 114 i- ZHI1TO"'. Ye.; TROIGIAROV, B. (Pkhenlyan) pathological aspects of retinal e4nio in nutritional d,v5trophy (with nummary in Anglish], Arkh.pat. 20 noo?.:71-76 158# (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1Z gla2nogo otdeleniya (zav. Ye.Zhtvkov) i Datologoanatomicheskogo otdelonlya (28V. 'B.Teokharov) Bollnitisy Sev. Pkhenlyan (gospitall Bolgarnkogo KraFtnoe:o Kresta, glavnyy vrach - d-r Gerasim Kitrov) ZRETINAR ~ia. edevig in nutritional dystrophy, clin. & hi8tol. pathol.) (IRMUTICRI DISCRDERS. pathol. retinal edema, clin. & histol. pathol. (Rua)) TEOXWOV, B.A., dota. Treatment and Drevention of trichomoninsis of the urogenital orgnns., 22 no.5:100-103 147 158 (MM 11:7) 1. Iz kaftdry kozhnykh i venerichaRkM bolezney (ZAve - prof, G.G. Kondratlyev) Omakogo meditainakogo inatituta imeni M.I. Kalinina (dir. - Drof. I.S. Novitakly), (TRICHOMONIASIS uroganitnl, in women, T)rev. & thcr. (Rua)) (VAGINMS. TRIGHOMONAS. prev. & control conjugAl (Rua)) EXCERPTA ',IDICA See 4 Vol 12/11 Yed. Micro. Nov 59 3821. PURE CULTURES OF TRICHONIONAS VAGINALIS (Russian text) - Teakharov B. A, MED. PARAZIT. I PARAZIT. DOL. 1958, 27/6 (706- To obtain bacteria-free cultures of Trichomonas vasinalls a medium is suggested comprisin 2016 liver infusion, 20% ascitic fluid. 2 Ira peptone. 0, 15~6 mur iatic cysicine, 9.3% mallose. 0,376 glucose, 57% Tyrode solution with the addition of nicillin and streptomycin 200 U. to every ml. of the medium. The medium may e liquid. semiliquid. With 0. 170 agar, and solid with 3% agar. Subcultures are r effected every 3-4 days. Sixty strains were isolated in pure culture. All strains were devoid of haemolytic and plasma -coagulating properties. They did not pro- duce Indole nor hydrogen sulphide;- they decomposed glucose, maltose and starch with the formation of acid and gas. Some strains decomposed galactose and lactose, but only feebly. The characteristic 'carbohydrate series' may be used in the de- termination of T. vaginalia. (IV, 10) TBOXHAROV, B.A., dotes Resistance of TrichomonRs vaginalis to certain factors of the externnl environments Vest.derme i ven, 32 no-5t53-59 S-0 158 (MMA 11:11) 1. Is kafedry kozhnykh i venericheakikh bole%ney (Zav. - P!..Of. G.G' Kondratlyev) Omgkogo gosudsrst7ennogo meditainskogo Inetituta ime;i M.I. Kalinina kdir. - prof. I.S. Novitskiy)e' (VAGIFITIS, TRICHOMONAS, mibrobiol. Trichomonas vaginalls, resita. to factors of external environment (Hue)) (TRICHOMORASI vaginalisI eff. of various environmentnl factors on viability (Rua)) .1 ~f ot trtchorzonlasls of TEOFY00-1, B. A. Doc Med Sci (disc) -- "7ve epidemfolo~ I the urogenital orgnns, ard problems of the patbogenil~ty of vaginal trichomonads". Leningrad, 1959. 27 PP (Lenirgrad State Order of r.enln inst for thr- Pdvanced Training of Miysiclans im S. M. Kirvi), 300 copies (IM TTO I , . 12, 19'0, 129) TEOKHAROV. Boris Antonovich (Trichomoniasis of the urogenital organs] Trikhomonlax moche- polovykh organov. Moskva, Medgiz. 1960. 17 P. (MIRA 13:8) (TRICHOKONIASIS) (GIRIITOURINARY ORCiANS-DIMUSM) TEONVAROV, B. A. , dok. mad. nauk Treatment of trichomoniasis of the urogenital organs in women. Vest. darm. i ven. no.10%52-57 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venerichaskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. G. G. Kondratlyev) Qmskogo meditsinsko o inatituta imeni M. I. Kalinina (dir. - prof. I. S. Novitskiy5 (TRICHOMONIASIS) (GENITOURIHARY ORGANS-DISEASES) TZOKHAROV.. B. A., doktor mod. nauk Miture and epidemiology of conclylomatosin ac-InAtim. Vent. dem. i ven. no.2:51-56 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Is kafedry kozhnyM i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - doktor maditsinakikh nauk B. A. Tookharov) Omskogo meditainakogo instituta imeni M. I. Kalinina. (rektor - prof. L S. Novitakil) (GENERATIVE ORGANS.-DISEASES) TBOKHAROVj B,A9, prof. ((hak) Teminology of diseases caused by Triohomonas vaginalls. Vest, dem. i veno 36 no.lOt62 0162 (MIRA 16:11) 1 --)t- TLOIUIAROV, B.A. , prof. Source and route of Trichomonas 7aginalis infection. AkuBh. i gin. 38 no.5:85-99 S-0 162. (MIFUi. 17: 11) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. A.B. Gillersol) I kafedry kozhnykh I venerichoskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. G.G. Kor- dratlyev) Omskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni M.I. Kalinina. prof.; ANIX321; A.F.1 KLINISHKOVA, V.M. Experience with peror . therapy of utogenital trichomoninses with flagyle Test. del i ven. 37 no,,7t62-66 J1163 .4 (MIRA 16:12) '~aricheskikh bolezney (zav, - prof* 1e Wedra kozbnykh i ve B.A. Tookharor.) Omskogo "ditsinskogo instituta imani, M.I. Kalinina. TEOKHAROVJ. BoA., prcf. CXassification Gf diLeares cciritract~sj thl-ciZb rjer.,,14-1 I'fanta~;t- Veat. derm. i ven. 38 no.4:55--64 Ap 164. (KIRA 18:'4) 1. Kafedra kozinyki, f. venovioliesUkh bolinney (zav. B.A. Teokharov) Omikago m,--ditslnekogo im9tAtuta Iment Knlinina. TECKHAROV, B.A., prof. Treatfroint of iire)grnt*nl Akolari. i Fir.. 40 nrj.~51 89-91, S-0 t64. (MIRA 18:5) 1, Kafedra kozhnykh i vancricheskikh boloznny (zav. -- prof. B.A. Tnokharcv) Omskogn mn,ilt3irnkogo Instititta Kaltninn. TEOXILAROVO B.F. Histochemical studies of the changes in the activity of somme en-.Y--"s in the central nervous system during electric shock. Zhur. nevr. I paikh. 62 no.4;579-581+ 162. (MIRA 150 1. Gistokhimicheakaya laboratoriya (zav. B.P.Teokurov) flauchno- issledovatel'skogo paikhonavrologicheskogo irotituta (dir, G.Ganev), Sofiya. (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (=-CTRIC SHOCK) (ENZYMES) IIPPONEi, V.I., gornyy inzh.;._7EOKHAROVq N.B., gornyy inzh.1 TSOY, V.Ch.j I A gornyy lnzh. Attachment for balancing parts. Gor. shur. no.5t69 W 163. (MIRA 160) (Balancing of machineTy) TEM"V Veselin inzh. T Me line production in the ccmplex mechanized grc,.mi workE. Khidrotakh i mel4or 7 r-o.3.8648 162. TEOKHARGV, Veselinp inzh. Earthmoving machinery for il-rigation engineering. Midtotekh i melior 8 no.7t221 163. TEOKHMV, Veeelih, inzh. Application of prefabricated parts in the irrigation cor- struction. 10iidrotekh i melior 8 no.9t285-286 163- TEOXHA.ROVP veselin, inzh. State and prospects of a complex mechanized execution of earthwork in the building of direllingS. StroltelatTO 10 no.5tl-4 S-0163. T~;HqATWV, Voeej ini inzh. Exffitlient lpyout, of' excavated ~, 1!3 --rt b"-3ements for buildings. Stroitolstvo 'L1 no.3.3-6 J'a It,,/. tECKIL,~WV, V4joelifl, i-Ah. Complexly clro'039~1'j Ilt -.)r~- ant ?),,14 fin I, i,,i .) *~ 'ri f -r, h,! ! r ox - , t! t ; -, 'li i I '.. i ~-~t i r, 1, "~ -., ~ . , ; !7 . f. 1. .1p I (~"] 11 IVAIWV, N.; _rhL)K_WOIVA, M.; CHILINGIROV, V.; LAZAROV, D. E4erience in epidemiological testing of pertuasis vaccine. Nauch. oan. proizv. bakt. prop. 10:64~68 161. (VIRA 18:7) 1. Institut epidemiologii i m-4krobiologii, Sofiya. P.; -TEOKIIAIxOVA M.. BRAU,rAROVA, I.; KARACHOLEV, I.; SHUMIKOV, G.; ANDONOVP STOYAIN'O~~,-~ ~0-11 ~jp Study of the etiology of infectious hePatiti,- no.9sl6-23 164. WRA 18:4) BULG~IRL~/:Iicr_-biolo~y. t'.bs Jour : R--f Zhur P31ol., 7To 14, 195E., No 62394 I A%U t ho r : vianolov D.G., I.IS lludyalkov 3t. Inst : Republical ~"ci_.-it-if ie Pcsuarcli Institutc.. of Titlo Pnictico ii I -lf'l*,, l3cra fro-- t'--c B'L_ L.1--l. Ori~,- ?ub Tr. Ruspubl. n.----. in--t cpidt,:-iiol. i 1956, 3, 107-113 Abstrctct No ab3tracu Iard USSR/General Problems of Pathology. Neoplasms. U Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Bicl.) No 61 1958; 37217. Author Abasov, I T., Teoliaj~~ Inst Title Investigation of Iron Metabolism with Radleactive Atoms In Neoplantic Dinetine, Orig Pub: Azerb. tibb, zh., 1957, No 4, 8-11. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 TIOLW AsAl!ysvich; S.TRCPTATOY, Alsksandr Konotantinovich; &tpl ~~,T "we~ . _QV 4 Ill WAdOi6VSk-Vr,--!3-T'., redalctor; SMIGRYIVA. N.A., redaktor izdatell- stva; GUROVA, 0.;., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [geodesy with the elemento of mine surveying] Goodazila a onnovami markshaiderii. Koakva, Goa. nauchno-takhne izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr, 1955- 277 P- (MLRA 9:8) (Geodesy) (Mine surveying) 10=ivonu, 2-_,d, .1 a, " IONE'SCU, Nicon, dr.; GEORGESCU, Elvira, dr.; dr.; G"ORG-S'U, C., dr.; TOAMR, Ch., dr. Critical considerations on the dysprotainemia toutsp with special reference to the Sellek-Frade reaction. Med. intern. 3:359-364 Mr 162. 1. Luoretro ofectuata in Spitalul din Tr. Yagq"Ie. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (LIMI DI.IILAS?,S diagnosis) (TUBERCULOSIS~ PUMONARY diagnosis) (ARTHRITIS, FUIELUATOID diaGnosiz;) (ITEOPLASMS diagnosis) (CORONAXI DISEASE; diagnosis) T.&ORD04F-4DV., P. , prof.; TEODDREALU, T. , dr.; SAVULESCU, V. , dr.; ANDRONACE, I., dr. I CIOACA, F. , dr. The clinical study and methodological aspects of the sequelae of epidemic hepatitis in a community. Mod. intern. 15 no-3s287-293 mr 63. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics. medicala a Spit&1ului "Bernat Andrei" (directort prof. P. Teodorescu). (HEPATITIS, INPECTIOUS) (DIAGNOSIS) JIANU, larxm,, prof.; NITII-SCU, I.I. , prof.; 30111AU, S.; PAPAZIO, Ti.; STOICA; GIOSAII, E.; CORIATFAJIU, G.; BROST---ANU, it.; Sanda The functional value of atrium diverticula as "ultimum moriens" of the heart. Some aspects of the resuscitation problem with do-cription of an apparatus. Rumanian M Rev. no.1:175-179 Ja-Mr 161. (RIZUSCITATION equipment and supplies) (IEAIC AlUIST therapy) MART SURGEM complications) GEORGESCU, Miron; DOBREANU-ENESCU, Viorica; TEORDORINI, Sanda; POPESCU, G.; IOTA, C. G. --.- --- --- 10,pertensive regulatory disorders in conditions of mental and physical overstimulation. * II. Therapeutio results obtained in this type of regulatory d-isorder with guanethidine (ismelin, Ciba). Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no-4015-523 162. (EXERTION) (SPORTS) (AUTONOMIC DYS-r-MICTION) (HYPERTMISION) (GUANETHIDINIE) RUCKENSTEIN, E.;_TEOREANUp.lo On beat of mass transfer between particles and fluid in a fluidized bed. Rev chimie 5 n~,.2:259-272 6o. (EEAI 10:4) Ofeat) (Mass transfer) (Particles) (Fluidization) RUCKENSTEIN, R-P-TEOREAKUs 1. On heat or mass transfer between the fluidizing agent and the solid particles of the fluidized bed. Studii cerc fit 11 no.1:117-128 160. (EUI 10:1) (Heat) (Solids) (Fluidization) (Mass transfer) R10031601011101210011002 A125/A126 AUTHOR: Teoreanu, I. TITLE: On the gas fluidization of a layer of solid particles PERIODICAL: Revista de Chimle, v. 11, no. 12, 1960, 691 - 694 TEXT: The structure of the fluidized layer has been examined by several researchers. P. J. Backer and ?. M. HeertJes (Ref. 2) determined the presence of three zones in the gas fluidized layer. The author of subject article estab- lishes an equation of the gas fluidized layer for moderate gas speeds, by using the basic idea developed in (Ref. 3). He first establishes the equations of the timeV, needed by the gas bubbles to pass through the operation zone. Starting then from the idea that in case of gas fluidization the solid particles form 11packages", characterized by a fraction of cavities 6p, and that a part of the gas penetrates through the layer in the form of bubbles, he derives the equation of the gas fluidized layer: (, _ f, ) = I (W - Wf) (8), In which E= the fraction of cavities of the operatTon '6 At the fraction of cavities In the pack- ages of the particles, ~u = the speed of ~he gas bubbles in the operation zone, W = the speed of the gas in the fluidized layer, and Wf . the speed of gases which Card 1/12 R/003/60/011/012/00 1 /0022 On the gas fluidization... A125/A126 flow through the particle packages. On the basis of this relation, the conditions Ep = E min) Wf = Wmin (9) are satisfied. Graphical representations obtained for layerS formed by different materials confirm the conclusions expressed by (9). Thus, the particle packages remain non-expanded at an increase of the gas di ez charge, in relation to the above mentioned speed. An Increaiie of the gas dis- charge passing through the layer leads to an increase of the non-homogeneity of the layer. At high speeds, the particle packages do expand. The transition mo- ment from one field to the other is characterized by a certain value of the fluidi- zation speed, depending on the diameter of the solid particles and the diameter of the column In which the fluldization is accomplished. The motion speed of gas bubbles in a fluidized layer is closely connected to the viscosity of the layer, the mixture of solids and gas in the layer,'and the intensity of the processes in the fluidized layer. Thadegree of non-homogeneity of the layer can be com- puted by en ) (11) or IE (lit). There are 2 figures, F-P _C , ) min I table and 4 references: 2 English, I Rumanian and I Soviet. Car-d 2/2 TEOREANU I I. ................. ~7 Considerationn about the 4ardening of binding matter. Rul Inst Politeh 25 no.3-.27-32 My-,Te 163. 1. Silicate's Chemistry Chair, the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest. RURENSHTEYNO E. [Ruckenatein, E.); TEOREANU, I. Process of mixing in a fixed or fluidized bad. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.11:2426-2432 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Politekhnicheskiy institut, Bukharest. TEORYANU, I. [Teoreanu, I.] Transmissicn of heat gas particles in modern clinker overo. ?ev electrotechn energet 9 no.3;439-447 164 TEOS# Kostas. t, Thunder of the approaching storm. Teen. prof.dvizh. ne.12:29-31 D 155. (MIRA 9:4) 1.Sekretarl izbrannage rukovod7ashchego organa Konfederataii truda. Greteii (v nastoyashcheye vrem7a Teos nakhaditaya v lzgnanii). (Greece--Trade unions) USSP~I-harmacoiogy an-I Toxicolo,7f. Narcotics V-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.) flu 15) 1,058, No 7104 Author :Laos Inst : '*3 EstSSR Title : On the Changes of the Imount and Acidity of Gastric Juice in Dogs ruring Slow Introduction of Sorie Hypnotics ENSV 'Ibaduate idtad, toirxtlsod. Biel. seer.) Izv. 'If EatOSR, Ser. biol., 1957) 6~ No 11, 343-354 ;.bstract : The changes of gastric secretion following the introduction of luoinal (5-30 Lla./kg.). barbamyl (10-60 rigr/kg) nnd chloral hydrate (200 ug/kg), were studied on 6 dogs with isolated miniature stomachs, and on one esophagotonized dog. Bypnotics (H) were introduced subcutaneously or per as, once a day, during 1-4 weeks. Under the influence of any H whatever, independently from the node of its introduction, the amount of gastric juice increased by 50-100 percent, and the total acidity and content of free HC1 increased up to 100 percent in all doGs. Normalization of the Lpstric sec- retion after discontinuation of H occurred during a period Card 1/2 US,'31VHumn and Animl Physiolo(W. Digestion. The Stomach. T-7 Abs Jour: Ref 22iur-Diol., No 12) 1958.- 55715. Author : Kyaer-Kingissep, E. G., Inst :AcadeLW of Sciences USSR. Title :Changes of the Secretory Activity in Gastric Glands Effected by Frolonged Administration of Drrbitumtes. Orig Pub: V-sb.: Probl. fiziol. teentr. nervn. sisteEW, M.-L., AN SSSR, 1957, 309-317. Abstract: The daily internal adr.Linistration of luminal (pheno- barbital) (in a dose of 20 mg/kg) and of tarbanil (in a dose of 30 na/kg) for 14-28 days one hour before feeding to dogs with the ventricle of Pavlov or of Geydeneayn C~cidcnhainj, increased the gastric Juice secretion, as well as the acidity of the juice with respect to food irritants. Wall doses of luminal Card 1/2 100 TEOSTE, Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Ccricernine, changes in the secre~ory activity of the stomm.,'ch of itt 'I eL4W~kw- ttu"Pl r .Cf~A -ircoties.11 d ogs i; n, Tartu, 1958, 23 -- (Tartu State 'Jniv) 200 co-ies (KL, 29-~b, 138) - 131 - LE24NEI M.; TEFAC, I. (Bucuresti) The absolute age of the earth. Fatura Geografie 16 no. 2: 30-37 Mr-Ap 164. ACel*.' A. SOURCE CODE: RU/0024/65/000/005/0035/0040 AUTHOR: Lemne, M. (Geologist; Bucharest); T_!!pac,-j.? (Geologist; Bucharest) ORG: none TITLE: Radioactivity and terrestrial heat SOURCE: Natura. Seria geografie-geologie, no. 5, 1965, 35-40 TOPIC TAGS: radioactivity effect, earth radiation, earth thermodynamics, solar radiation ABSTRACT: The authors combine arguments from the technical literature of many countries to support their conclusion thct radicactivity is a principal source of terrestrial heatAi,/The argurwnt is bast,' on the-e points: heat from the sun is not felt at depth's beyond 20 meters; heat fror.. the intei.-r of the earth (if its origin was as a part detached from the sun) should have llc~cn exhausted after about 40 million years, while current estimates of the eartl,'s age are much higher than this; and there exist huge quantities of widely distr-f'.- ed radioactive substances in the interior of the earth. Orig. art. has: 3 -,bles. (Based on authors' Eng. abst.] 1JFRS: 33P5421 SUB CODE: 08, 03 / SUBM LATE: none / SOV REF: 004. / O`1H REF: 004 I Card iLl Cel SOV/ 124-58-8-897-1 Translation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr8, p94(USSR) AUTHOR: Tepaks, L.A. TITLE: The Boundary Conditions of Turbulent Flow Over Rough Sur- faces (Granichnyye usloviya turbulentnogo potoka pri obte- kanii sherokhovatykh stenok) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tallinsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Vol A, Nr 78, 28 pp, ill. ABSTRACT: The author examines certain transformations of the well- known relationships for the motion of the flow within the bound- ary layer next to a conduit surface of a generally turbulent flow within said conduit, which relationships are based on a formal substitution in the viscosity term of the turbulent vis- cosity c . A comparison is made of the various empirical formulae for calculating the resistance offered by smooth and rough conduits, and the possibility is examined of deriving the rough-conduit formulae from the smooth-conduit formulae, it being assumed that in the case of a rough conduit, the quantity E ,1) remains constant within the confines of the thin bound- Card 1/2 ary layer next to the conduit surface, and 2) is determined SOV/ 124-58-8-8974 The Boundary Conditions of Turbulent Flow Over Rough Surfaces by the dynamic velocity of the flow and the geometric dimensions of the protuberances constituting the roughness. On the basis of the experimental data available the author analyzes the dependence of the resistance and turbulent viscosity on the roughness. Bibliography: 12 references. B.A. Fidman Card 2/2 12,1-58-6-6889 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 6, p 91 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tepaks, L.A. TITLE: The Hydraulic Resistance During Turbulent Filtration (Gidravli- cheskoye soprotivleniye pri turbulentnoy fil'trataii) PERIODICAL: Tr- Tallinsk. politelthn. in-ta, 1956, Vol A, Nr 81, 20 pp, ill ABSTRACT- Starting from the premise that the "formulation of a law govern- ing the resistance on purely theoretical grounds presents a problem that is not likely to be solved", the author tries to work out a semiempirical expression in criterial form. It is stated that the results of numerous experiments on filtration may be expressed in the form of pf R1 - At + 4 RI where p, -- 9f' R1 =W1 and ?) = In r W2 I-M Card 1/2 where I is the hydraulic radius of the pores, mis the porosity,