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70 1 X, and rk ;-r- rul d,~ 'ft 7 PacqItA:I., d- Fax-macle), VUC~Ams:: ~mglia?z p;, 257-261. 2. Study of th" M-tho&s of a A;pIll.d In T-3%leo'.C-,7 " Prof R. Pr- L~ ah 4 U And ?!..A.- T. S-A24 -.-orV ;~r:c-no d 'ZVTF~ I A ~t-2 =a tj'~-6-6k I ~* laa (:A tc-rit a, rul dt, T~ %it, It ri. o f Fwcal-, tatil do Fsxt-neit.) bicharrost; ;;P 263-266. 13. "Stud-7 a., Oil ~P-d In ln~-ctabll- 0111T Solutiots C':Otf Z)," PrvC it. Fm= A . 1, n &C -Tr. ar I ff A Work -D t t !,.~ _.ZA t - - 5 1 4Z -Z~- of Fh&r-.IC7 (Al- Felzultatll 6~ Par~.aale), Clu,-; pp -26,-1-275. Dator-minctlom o;nd rxtrsz'ic:,-.:l OC Allwmln I-om :ah.,L, ~1-kra lar,ts ; conx 41 A ;7-16-d at th. OU~B-&- of th. A&-Z-,7r!nq AM 7a.-ca&I, Contont In v* 1TVV7 Pm- ver'. S!:. - 's LrdF'-- P?7C~:Z'R. ',;~rlr porfdF.".d, at th" lniE for V-~ 5~ ~to TFAT~~'l or Fbarnz.-- :t'tc-- Cftrcltarl Fmr.-ac~"-lce); Zn,-Iloh Ztv~=7; p, 233-Z37- "'Com-r!bution to ttht ZAt of T-wOOns In thl) Drug , !Iirz rharmaq,- In th. climles of rcp~=j 1~14 FAlgil;1% zp 2/2 1? E- SOV/44-58-4-2965 Translation frm: Referati-qnyy zhurnal, Matematika, 1958, Nr 4, P 77 (USSR) AUTHOR: Teodoreseu, TITLE: Snook Wave in the Invariant Theory of Wave Propagation (Udarnaya voina v invariantnoy teorii rarprostraneniya voln) PERIODICAL: Zh. matem. i fiz. Akad. RNR, 1954, Nr 3. pp 114-131 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1/1 BOLD, I.., ing.; TECDORESCU, N.; CRISTEA, V., ing~;. DABROWSKI., R., ing. ft Sams--611~jets of the organization of the labor of the brigade of the-t-or'ritorial management organization& Rev.geodezie 7 no.2.*46-:55 163. 1, I.S.PA.T.A. (for Bold., Toodorescu). 2. O.R.P.O.T., Oltenia (for Criatea). 3s So. Fd. Funciar R. CraioA~ (for Dabrowski). GIOGOLF-Aj G., prof.; MORAIT, G.; TEODO&IM., N~,_ A new method for the determination.of caesium. Rumanian M Rev. no.4: 87-90 0--D 160. (CESIUM chemistry) Tcodorz--,ca, N. Vor-de de chGc darts 12 thiarie Invariante CEFT-i-pOpTagation dei ond-s. Acad. Repub. Pop. Ro- t' in'.ne. Bul. .50. S(!q. .5ti. Mat. Hz. 5, 19-39 (19,53). i (Roninniin. Russian and French suminaries) Let u(M) satisfy the linear partial differential equation (*) a,je2ii/exlexi+b:eirlaxl+ctc~-t Of 11"PeThOlic type in n-dirlic'nSional space-time V.. I oil S~Irnc (1;--1)-dimen3ional hypersurface S,-, of V. a first ,)artial derivative of it H an exterior direction has a junip discontinuity while th! first partial derivatives in inter;or directions are continuous, then S_1 is caUed a shoci: wave Let ot be the ju:np of it and let the j unip of the exterior first partial deiivative be 1j), A. If the values of ot on S,-., and of A oil an (n-2)-di- mensional subspace S,-.. of S,_, determine A on S,-,, the s'iock is said to be propagable. A shock is propagable if and only if S,, is spac("like and S.-, is a charac- teristic hypcrsurface of ("). The author derives a linear ordinary differential ennation governing the variation 0 10 Of A 11 n the bt~ch_aract(7risitics of S,,-, and calls attention T.-C'I') rC- -) 0, to a term omitted in a similar discussion in J. Hada- rn.ud's Le~ons 5ur ]a propaption drs ondes- (Hermann, Paris, 1"?031 Finally th- of tile wave III S~ I is mterp.,e~id il~ tcrnls (4 th, (oncept of corptmclc~ it :11LIi it ~f." r,,, ~T: inal cwi~act ellt-~m,~nts with cz!n*-:rz; on S. pf,tviousIv Introduced by the author III "Irl carlict pap(,r [An- L Acad Repub. Pop. Rofi),wc Sfxt ~U, Nfat. lei7- Chim. Sicr A 3, no .7 (1950)j Gicse T TEODORESGU, U. "Rarnnian S,7~d,,it ras,,*~trch )n tho tnaory )C ;-,r(jo1&r dorivativoim monogenic functi ins (-~)-"P- 389; "Issued by the Ruminian Socl~ity of Mathe=-.t1cs and Phyiics, ?.;:)nthly ". (GAZ.,-,TA RATERATICA SI FIZIGA, SERIA A., Vol. 6, no. 9/9, Aug. /Se--)t. 1954. '3ucur,53ti, Rumania.) SO: Monthly List of Mla,7t Buro-oerin A,.(!e!ssi-)n, (N,:AL), W, 101. 1~, ITO. 5, MaY, 1955, Uncl. Ti,'00"U.", 1, "k I, fir 'Dif0trie Pompoiii: ~n obiturry "il; "Is-tuind by thm q of M--,tviojritic-~ tuld PIIYXI(I~k. Nont AY'. ~ATEKAMGA SI S'~,RIA A., Vol. 6, no. 10, Oct - i954- - -3ucure-ti, SQ: Montaly Li L of E--.-t Huro min Accamsion, (.1;W IAL). LC, Vol. 4. , N-io. 5, YhY, 1955. TEODORESCU, N. Achievements at the Institute of Kathematics of the Rumanian Academy during the first five-year-period. p. W. GAZETA MATEMATICA SI MICA. SERIA A. Bucuresti. Vol. 7. no. 12, Dec. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions Ust(EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 7. juiy 1956. TF,OrOFUCTJ'y N. The 4th Congress of Fumanian Me thematic ians. P. 376 (AMETA YJTF14ATICA SI FIZICA. SEPIA A. (Societatea de Stlinte Matematice si Fizice din Fominia) Vol. 8, no. 71 July 1956 Ducuresti, Rumania SOUPCE: East European List (EFAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 195? AV - N. Stir 1'unlvit6 do In forme de V6quation d~'-r-o-n-Mi 3=ca ME( e'ristique. Acad. R. 1. Romino. Fil. Cluj. Stud. Cf-rc M 0. Fiz, 7 (11/56), no. 1-4, 7-1,1.. (Wmianizn. Rw~Uln and Fyclic ,I sumnlarit The olljoct (if this nwt~ i.,; to g ve a rj;,,orou-q proof of it 1 result (file to I I ld-mult-A, tliat the square of Ow gcod( iic distance i-, the ullifjllt~ sollitioll 44 W11pre A) is Beltrarni's fir5t differrntial par,onote.- in a Rivininnian -pamrf nictric dA Actually thc following i7mr, nemr result kh proved: If the equatiort AIG.-Q2' G, where A iq a ffinction of (xi, X,-,, ' * *, Xn). h;Ls holornor-phic coufficients, it has ;t uni(pw holortiorphic sol,ition vanishing on the rharacturistic coavid with vertex 0, and this solution is the square of the geodesic, distance. from 0 in the Rie- inanumn space (if metric drj2~,A162, E. T. CoPso" (St. Andre%vW 8/044/62/000/009/033,/069 A0601A 000 AUTHOR: Teodorescu, N. TITLE: derivatives and a generalization of the fundamental diffe- rential operators Grad, Div, Rot of field theory PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mateimtika, no. 9, .1962, 74, abstract 9B354 ("Bull.. inath. Soc. eel. math, et phya. RPR", 1959, 3, 363' - 383, French) TEX The paper proposes a generalization of the operators Grad, Div, Rot to the case of nondifferentiable fields, taking the transformation properties Into account. The author makes systematic use of the notion of space derivative proposed by him. The paper indicates the relationship between the theory deve- loped by its author and the known results of S. L. Sobolev (S. L. Sobolev, "Ne- kotoryye primeneniya funktsionallnogo analiza v matematicheskoy fizike" ("Some - Applications of Functional Analysis to Mathematical Physics"), Leningrad, 1950). ['s note; Complete translation) 0. S. Parasyuk Card 1/1 CO'lntrY: Rumania Aawit-mic Degrteu -, Affillati-on: Corresponding Membor of the Academy of (Academia R.F.R.) Source: Bucharest ComunicarIja Academiel Rep-ublieli- Popu3are Romi NO 41 1961, PP 375-362. Data: The- Approximationg of Holomorph Functions W by Am Areolar Polynomials." TEODORESCU, N. (Bucuresti) Global areolar derivative and gonl~raJlvel derivatIve. Bull MAU, Rum 6 no.3/4:239-255 162 [publ. 164). 1. Submitted October 282 1963. TEODORESCU., N. (Rumania) I-, I.- -- -_ 1--- -1.-,. . I ~ ~ Data on the global, areoral (spatial) differential quotient and the generalized Vacua's differential quotient as interpreted by Sobolev. Mat lopak 13 no.1/2s2O9-210 162. TEODORESCU, N, Cn ame Finsler opaces. Studii corc mat 23 no.3-499-510 162o 7EODORLSCU N. acad. ~14 no.6:321-326 .9 163. Mathemati-s and youth aspirations. Gaz rat B 1. Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic Bucharest University. TEODORESCU, N. The 1962 Ijenin Prizes in the field of mithematico and application of mathematics. Gaz mat fiz 14 no.8:431-434 Ag 162. 1. Decanul Facultatii de matematiea si fizica a Universitatii, din bucuresti, Is TEORD.ORESCU.,_N.4 academician Generalized derivative of the functions f(z) of th~e elms C, Comudbarilo AR 4 (4 )- L 13 no.4039-342 Ap 163. RTNANIA TEODQRE=R,_I,T_, Univ Prof, Eember of the RPR Academy (Membru al Academiei P2R) [affiliation not given] "Mathematics and Some Philosophical Problems." Bucharest, S-,iinta si Tehnica, Vol 15, 110 7, Jul 63, pp 10-12, 19. Abstract: A Marxist evaluation of abstractions and "objective reality", with emphasis on the significance of mathematical abstractions and their roots in the real world. Also discusses the "incorrect" concents of mathematical abstraction advanced by the idealist school of thought. Justifies material-dialectic concepts in mathematics by referring to current advances in science, technology, economy and culture. 1/1 - 2 - TEODORLSCU, N., acad. Prospects for the youth who study mathematics, Gas mat B 15 no. 6:241-244 Je 164. 1. Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Buchaxest Un4Nersity. TFJODOPMCU, 11., prof. ; SA'PILESCU, V., dr.; MIDR(TIACHE T., dr. P v Clinical aspects of the pre-ulcerous phase of ulcerous disease. Stages of the evolution of peptic uleer. VPI. -3,itern. (Ricur.) 16 no.12:11+97-150,1+ D 164 1. Lucrare efectuate. in Clinics. medicala a Spitalului unificat de adulti al Raionului Tudor Vladimirescup Institutul medico-far- maceutio.. Buouresti. OERIU, S.; MOGA, V.; BERTESCU, L; BENSCH, H.; CRACEA, M.; TEODORESCU, 0. Research in obtaining products with tuberculostatic action. Note II. Correlations between the chemical and physiochemical properties, atructure, and biological properties of some prodncts obtained from coniferous resins. Studii cerc chim 7 no.4:531-548 '59. (EEAI 9:7) 1. Collectivul de chimioterapie al Academiei R.P.R., Bucuresti. 2. Membru correspondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for Oeriu) (Gums and resins) (Coniferae) (Tuberculosis) (Bactericidal action) (Therapeutics) OERIUY S., acad.; MOGA, V,; BERTESCU, L.; BEIMSCH, H.; CRACEA, M.; TRODORESCU, 0. Obtainmiant of tuberculoatatic products. Note 11. Correlations betwoon the chemical and physicoahemical properties, the biological structure and properties of certain products obtained from the rosins of Coni- ferae, Rev chimis 6 no.1:159-174 '61. 1. Collectif do chimiatherapie do l'Academie de la R.P.R., Ducarest. 2. I%mbre correspondant de Itacademle de Is R.P.R. (for Oeriu) OERIU, S.; COSTESCU, G.; SOIMU, I. Activity of cocarboxylase and transaminase, and capacit7 of trans- acetylation,4n the process of aging. Studii care biochimie 5 no.3: 337-342 162. 1. Catedra-de biochimie a.Facultatii de medic4 generala, din I.M.F., Bucuresti. 2. Membru corespondent al Academiei,%k.R. si membru al Comitetului de redgatie,, "Studii si coroetari do biochimiell (for Oeriu). OERIU, S.; TIGUGIU-DUMI=FSGU, M.; ENAGHE-PFJMERI, L.; GRIGORESCU, G.; HANESCU, M.; COSTT.,SCU, G.; TEODORESCU.- 0.; SOIMU, I..; WASE, I.; DINU, V.,* GEORGEIISCU, PAUNESCU, E. Seasion of the Society of Medical Sciences; April 24, 1962. Studii cerc biocbimie 5 no.3:477-478 162. 1. Catedra do biochimia I.M.F. (for Ooriu, Tigheoiu-Dumitrpacu, E~ache-perederij Grigorescu, Man~esou, Costesou, Teodoresou, Soi=, Taipse, and Dinu). 2. Im4titut do fiziologis (for Goorgescu, Poposou, and Paunescu). :7 '1 OFRIU, S. (Oeriu, S.1) XO:,'TFS'KU, C'. [Go'Itmor-11, (".1; To odpripaq, , 0. Glutaminase activi,V in the cerebral cortex of rqts of different ngoe,IsAd th-) offoOb~of zyntolne on glutnminase In the brain of aged animA16. Mr. biAhl.m. shur. 35 no.20.63-167 163. (WRA 170) 1. Laboratoriya biokhimLi 14--dits'Lnskogo i farmatsevtLcheskogo instituta, Bukharest. TEODnp�N!j , P. I - ~ - "Contributions to the problem of ventilation in railroad tunnels in operation. 11. 11 P. 93 (Problem Feroviare) Vol. 3, no. 3, Mar. 1957 Bucharest, Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EZAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. h, April 1958 TZODORESCU, F., ing. Supporting subterranean exzavations by bolting operations. Rey cailor fer 10 no.12:627-633 D 142. S. TEODORESCUt Pa., ing. Supporting subterranean excavations by bolting operations. Rev callor for 3-1 no.1:23-29 Ja 163. TEODORESCU,, Petre,, ing. Tunnel constructions by complete excavation of a section. Rev cailor fer 12 no*2t87-94 F t64 TEODORESCU#. Pe - ing, w!~: watoeoproofing tunnels by the claying method in a Rumanian railroad tunnel. Ft. 1. Rev cailor fer 12 no. 5s248-254 My 164. TFODORFSCU, P., ing. . . ~ Waterproofing of tannels by the claying method, with application in a Rumaniam railroad tunnol. Pt. 2. .[Inv cailor for 12 no. ?s 368-373 Jl 164. TEODORESCU,. P-., irAg. Lighting cf roi.1wuy t=)f,,j.3,, pw, for 12 n.-,9il'.8,.-,-4,.1,1/ s 16" ~-ww1a;sCU, P. Considerations on penal regulations for protection of quality of nroducts. P. 32. (Standardizarea, Vol. 9. No. 1, fian. 1957, Bucuresti, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accesr,lons (EEAL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug. 1957. Uncl.-;t- USSR / General Problems of Pathology. Eyperimantal Therapy. U-5 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol.; No 101 1958., Nq-46894 Atthor :Thodorescu, P.; Fronda, Nadia; Iliescu, V. Inst :Not 5v-e-n -- Title Clinical Uses of Triethylennelamina (TIN) Orig Pub Viata med., 1956, 3, No 11, 19-28 Abstract Three cases of successful lymphagranulomatosis (Ifodg- kin's disease) treatment are reported by using the TEM compound (2-4 mG daily internally). During the course of the disease the patients received 15-20 rig of TEM, and after 10-15 days the treatment was repeated. Com- plications (leukopeaia) occurred more often in cases of repeated therapy, and in patients with lowered acidity or with achlohydria. In these cases blood transfuniona as well as intaXe of vitamins C and B12) antibiotics and cortisone preparations are recorimended. Children tolerate treatment with M-1 well. Card 1/1 40 1 r GEIB, R.. Dr.; FAIBISCH, B., dr.; TWDORISCU. P., dr. Report of some cases of non-occupational brucellosts. Ned. '41.618-624 Apr 57. int., Bucur. 9 n0_4 1. Lucrare ofactuata in Clinic& I medicaU si Clinic& do boli contagioase a Spitalului wColentina." (BRUCILLOSTS, case reports non-OCCU5., probably caused by consumption of dairy pr( (MIX cream & cheese as probable cauens of brucallosis) TM,)DOlP,,,G,U P Prof, ; B~,'RGMNU, ,,t., ~X.; 1,11A."", it. ir.; Ii. Dr. a -.trocardofibroais; clinl,~:,l and morphon thological aspects. ':e-i. int.. -,+jcur. 9 no .5:714- -751 !-~ay .57. LucrorO AfertllAtS III Clil)iCH 9) ';I-n I'letiiVAIR -ItalUJU iindor;Wor-~r,i4nl fibronts, clin. & nathol. R-,,.-)acLo) TEEODUR.?ZOU, P.; BMCOVICI, S.; MMA, Nadia Repato-billary repercussions of hepatic hydatidosis. Red. int., Bacur. 9 no.8:1246-1259 Au,-, 57. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica a VI-a medicals. I.M.P. si Spitalul "Cantacuzinoo. (LIVER MS3ASSS echinococcosis, causing obstruzt. dyakinesia, lithiasis & other dinord. of biliary tract) (BILIARY TRACT, DIS. dynkinesia, lithiasis, obstruct. & other disord. caused by hepatic echinococnosis) -A Dl~' Spe 6 Vol 11 1P lnfernal I-ed. 4290. THE U-WAVE IN CLINICAL ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY ~ Unda 11 In elect rocardlografla clWcl orescu P. and Sfrbulescu R, Clin. a UI-s Med. 1. M. F., E ucureqt -'"STERNA (Hucurelti) 1958. K tO/4 (575-504) Graphs 3 *Morphological data on the U-wave and the TU -segment are p-teented. From the pathological point of view, alterations in the U-wave are significant with respect to disturbances in serum K level. Greater or lesser alterations in the direction of the U-wave (secondary to the S-T segment alterations) may take place In the curves of hypertensive patients with ventricular overload. Negatkvation has a prognostic nignificance. in that It indicates aggravation of the disease. When the negativation occurs alone, it is a sign of coronary Involvement. given the presence of the characteristic symptoms. Nicolaosco - Bucharest (XVIII, 6) r .2 E. T 'A r_ _ULRPTA_.'~!DIGA_ See -18 _V01- -3 /10 - Cardio. -Diseases- Oct j9 2727. The adrenal gland and heart failure. Functional tests znd therapeutical attempts Glanda suprarenala si in-;uficienta cardiaca. Aprecieri functionale si incercari tera- peutice. TFoi)oRF-,c(.- P., STEFAN I., LILIS M., SIRRULESCU It., CONSTANTIVE-iIX P. and Ti%c__u_S7CMfi`T-aM-a Med., ,;pit. 'I)r, 1. Cantacuzino', Bucureiti Med. interna (Biscitrests) 1958, 10j12 (1791-MAN) Graphi 41 Tables '.) A study of the functional condition of the adrenals in 541) cases of compensated and decompensated heart disease revealed that in these patients there is hvpofunction of the adrenal cortex, the severity of whicli increases parallel with the' severity of the cardiac insufficiency. The improvement of the clinical signs of cardiac insuffi- ciency and the restoration of the response to cardiotonics and mercurial diuretics, which were observed in 13 of thesepatients after treatment with A-cortisone, are attributed to the anti-aldosterone effect of!the drug rather than to its substitutive action. (XVIII, 3, 6) ,..TZODOHX"U,-..P~; STEPAN, I.; LILIS, M.; SWUUZOU, R.; 'CONSTANTINNSGU, P.; TINGU, S. The adrenal glands & cardiac failure: functional tests & therapeutic attempts. Rumanian M. Rev. 3 no.1:15-21 -Jan-Mar 59. (CONGICSTM HFAR FAILURN adrenal cortex funct. & prednisone ther.) (ADR]CFAL CORTIM, phyBiol. in congestive heart failure, application to prednisone ther.) (PEONISONN, ther. use congestive heart failure, indic. by adrenal cortex funct.) - --------- TEODOL 'ZESCU, P., dr.; ILIFSCU, V., dr.; IOAASESCU, R., dr. Essential cryoglotulinemla. Mod. intern. 14 no.10:1217-1223 0 '62, 1. Luorare efectuata in Clinica medicala a Spitalului "B, Andreiu (director: prof. P. Teodorescu), Buouresti. (CRYOGLOBULINS) (I.IYOCARDIU14) (SCLSROSIS) (AURICULAR FIBRILLATION) TRODORESCU,P.,Prof. Current atiopathogenetic aspects of arter-Ul hypertension. Med. intern., Bucur. 11 no-5s641-651 l6o. 1. Clinica madicala, Spitalul "Dr. I. (Antacuzinc". (HYPERTENSION,etiolog) ' (KIINNY DISMSAS, complications) (ADREM GIANDS,diseases) (CAROTID SIMX. pathol6gy) TZODORWCtJ,P.,Prof.; LILIS,M.,dr.-, MARES,A.,dr.; 00,"ISTANTINESCU,D.,dr. Acute cerebral circulatory insufficisnoy. Mod. intern.,Bucur 11 no.5t6g,1-698 160. 1. Lucrare afectuata in Clinica medicala.Spitalul ODr. 1. CantaczInol, Bacurest 1. (BRAIN,blood supply) TEODOFL~ZGU,_~., prof.; BERCLUIU, St.; SASAR110, Maria; IIERGOT, Lucia.; 7~- 1-4,A-SESCU, Gh.; -PIRISCU, Al. Clinical, haematological serological, and histopathological investigations on splenopathies with a therapeutic indication of 3plenectomy. Rumanian M Rev. no-4:21-28 O-D 160. (SPUEN' diseasea*)- TEODORESCU, P. prof.; ILIZO, V. , dr.; IONASMCU, It. , dr.; COSEA, G. , dr. On a case of benign inocu:Lation reticulosis (cat-scratch dinease). Med. internU Bucur 12 no.11:1677-1682 14 160. CAT-SCRATCH DIMUE case reports) TEOD0RL1SCU.,-P.-,..prqf.; STEFAN, I.; LILIS, M.; SIRBULESCU, R.; TINCU, S.; PONFILIAN, P. Contributions to the ftmational characterization of the adrexial cortex in heart failure. Rumanian M Rev. no.l.,272 Ja-Mr 161. 1. Medical Clinic, Cat&-.uzino Hospital., Madicopharmaceutical Institi;te, Bucharest. Head of the Clinic: Prof. P. Toodorescu. (ADRENAL CORTEX physiology) (HEART FAILURL, CONGESTIVE physiology) TEMORESCU P prof.; MUS, M., dr.; STEPANj I., dr.; TINCU,, Silylat chemist; -.24A 0 ';~~~UIMCU$ R., dr.; FWILIAN, F., dr.; CUCU, N. , dr.; STERIAN,, lolandn Treatment with sulforAmide diuretics in refractory cardiac insuffi- ciency, Mad. intern., Bucur 13 no.1:121-135 & 161. EMT FAILURE, CONGESTIVE therapy) LOROTHIAZIDE related apdo) M TEODOR&SCU -&, prof.; CARP, C., dr.; SIRBULESCU, R., dr.0 1 Etiopathagenetic and clinical study of 50 cases of unstable bandle branch block. Mod. intarn.,, Bucur 13 no.2:179-193 F 161. 1. Luerare efectuata in Clinica, medicala, Spitalul "Bernat Andrei", I.M.P. Bucuresti. (HEART BLOCK) 1--TEODORrSCU, P-,-Prof .; SJRBULESCU, It... dr.; DEGERATU, T. , dr.; P01-21ILIAN, dr.; NICOUMCU ) V. , dr.; GEORG~SCU, 1-1. , dr. Clinical and therapeutic aspects of fixed and malignant forms of arterial hypertension. Med. inter., Bucur 13 no-3:353-358 Mr 161. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica a III-a viedicala Ducurosti. (H)TERTENSION -~nerapy) U-0DORI-SCU, P. , prof.; SASAFIMIU1, Maria, dr.; IONASESCU, Gabl., dr. Idopathic hypoprothrombinemia. Med. intern. 3017-_323 Mir '62. 1. Lucrare efoctuata. in Clinica medicala a Spitalului "Bernat Andrei" (director: prof. P Toodorescu). iHl;,240MIAGIC DIATH~ZIS case reports) SAVUL,~SUUI V., dr.; ANDRCRAUU, 1.# dr.1 TEDDOIUSCU, F., prof.; ANG"LESCUP H.) dr. I I Considerations on the factors intervening in determining recirrerce of peptic ulcer. L The study of tho exogonous factors. Med. intern. 14 no.2:175-185 F 162. 1. Luorare efectuata In Clinica medicala, Spitalul "Bernat Andrei", I.M.F., Bucuresti (director% prof. P. Toodorescu). (FEP~IC ULGER) _ - qP0RE$GU,._ P, _prof.; NICOLAESCU, V. , dr.; ANG111"L, !". , dr. ; ANDRONACIE, 1. , dr.; GI;ORGrZCU, I".. , dr. Comparative study of the morbidity of cardiovascular diseases in the Clinics. medicala "Bornat Andrei" and in several population groups. Mod. intern. I/+ no.4:549-5154 M 16 ZS~ 2. (CARDIOVASCULAR DISELS (MORBIDITY) SAVULESCU, V. P dr.; POPESCU, D.W. , dr.; TEODORESCU, P. ,prof . Microradicsonde in investigation of the motoricity and pH of the gastrointestinal tract. Preliminary note. Med. intern. IJ* no.8: IC09-1016 Ag 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics, medicala, Spitalul "Bernat Andrei" I.M.F., Bucuresti (director; prof. P, Teodorescu). (GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM) (HYDROGF14-ION CONCWTHATION) (TELUCTRY) TEODORESCU,-F-,,-prof.; SASAIUW, Maria, dr.; GANGEVICI, Alina, dr.; IONASESCU, R,,, cir , Chronic hepatopathies with paraproteinosis and paraproteinosis with hepatic repercussions. Med. intern. 14 no.12:1443-1453 D 162. 1. Luorare efectuata in Cliaica medicala, Spitalul "Barnat Andrei", Bucuresti. (LIVER DISEASES) (BLOOD PROTEIN DISORDFM) TEODMSCU. P. ff6rmorml factors in cardiac insuSficiency. Stud. cereet. endocr. 11+ no./+/5/6s555-561 163. SAVULESCU, V. , dr.; ANDRONACHE, I., dr.; TEODORFSCU, P. , prof.; ANGELESCU,H., dr. Considerations on the factors which Intervene in the causing of recurrences of ulcer disease. II. Study of the endogenoua factors. Mod. Intern. 15 no.lj69-82 Ja 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica medicala, Spitalul "Bernat Andreil (directors prof. P. Toodorescu), I.M *F Bucuresti. (PEPTIC ULCER) (BODY CONSTITUTMNJ" (GEUETICS, HUMAN) (OCCUPATIONS A14D PROFESSIONS) (STRESS) (DIET) (AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION) (ENDOCRINOLOGY) TEODORESOU, P., prof.; CARP, C.,dr. Reno-vascular arterial bypertension. Med inter 15 no. 5: 541-545 MY 163. (HYPERTEMION, RENAL) (RENAL ARTERY OBSTRUCTION) TEODO=CU, P,,prof, Prevention and treatment of essential arterial hypertension. Vad inter 15 no. 5:553-561 My 163. (HYPUTENSION) (AunHYPERTENSIVE AGEars) (GANGLIONIC-BLOCKING AGENTS) (BRETYLIM4 COMPOUNDS) (BEIMOTHIADIAMM) (HYPNOTIC AND SEDATIVES) (DIET THERAPY) dr.; PO'-TILIAN TEODORSSCU, P., prof.; SIRBULISCU, R./ P./dr.; DEGEUTU, T.,dr.; TDICU, 3 *) chi--'. Treatment with guanothidine in severe rorm:3 of' hypertensive disease. Med inter 15 no. 5:613-617 My 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica a III-a medicala, Spitalul "Bernat Andrei" I.M.F., Bucuresti. (HYPEWENS ION) (GUANMUDINE) NICOLAESCUf V.,dr.; SIRBUL:-ISCU, R.P.; ANGIIEL, E.,dr.; CIMPEANU, S.,dr.; TEODOR:-,SCU, P. Comparative study of the effectiveness of drug therapy in hypertensive disease. Med inter 15 no. 5t631-637 My 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata, in Glinica medicala. a Spitalului "Bernat Andrei" (director: prof. P. Teodorescu) (HYPERTENSION) (VASODILATOR AGEIUS) (RESERFINE) (HYDROCHLOROTHIMPE) (GUANETHIDIKE) (HYDUWIXE) TEODORESCU), P., prof.; SAVULESGU, V., dr.; ANDRONACHE, I., dr. Pharmaco4tmamic tests in the diagnosis of ulcerous diseasr,. Value of some tests to provoke ulcer pains by vascular overstress. Med. intern. 15 no.6:653-658 Je 163- 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica medicala a Spitalului "Bernat Andrei", Bucuresti. (PEPTIC ULCER) (DIAGNOSIS) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) (PHARMACOLOGY) (EPINEPHRINE) (EPHEDRINE) (INSULIN) TEODORESCU YP prof.; SAVULESCU, V., dr.; ANDRONACHE, L., dr. Pharmacodynamic tests in the diagnosis of ulcerous disease. 1. Value of some diagnostic tests to Induce ulcerous pains by motor and secretory functional overload. Med. intern. 15 no.10:1159-1166 163. 1. Luczare efectuata in Clinics, medivila a spitalului "Bernat AndreiO,, Bucuresti. (PEPTIC ULCER) (DIAGNOSIS) (HYDROCHLORIC AGID) (HISTMINE) (IJISULIN) TEODORESCIO, P., prof. Accomplishemnts and aims of sclentific reziearch in medicine in our country. Med. Intern. 16 io.8:Plj'/- 898 Ag 164. 1. Clinica madicala din Spitalul unificat de adultl al Palonului "Tudor Vladimirescul', Institutul medic o-farmaceut ic, Bucuresti, vicepresedinte al Societatii, de medicina interna a U.S.S.M. prof.; SAVUIZSCIJ.. V., dr.; ANDRONACRE, I., dr.; STERN, I., dr.; GANCEVICI, A.J. dr.; TINCU, S., chem.; STANCESCU, Smaranda, dr. Adrenocortical physiopathological correlations in the pre-ulcercris stage of peptic ulcer. Med. intern. (Bucur.) 17 no.9:1069-1076 S 165. 1. Lucrare efectuata in clinicele medicale do la Spitalul Raionului 'IT. Vladimirescu" si do la Spitalul "Brincoveneac", Institutul medico- far-macoutic, Bucuresti. ~~:h ,rA, in if-,,, 4 VCrl' fulirtion, of thf, c"Inn": riiod m r-f tilt' f1ll'i r'.1, (Ap, I awl 21 Nrxt (7 11 ) lin 01;J ~ Iw dl~ Jr Teod!qTesSV,_P. P. On the plane problem of the elastody- We. Appl. 1 (1956), no. 2. 179-184. For the dynamical equations of linear elasticity for isotropic materials, the author gives a solution in ternis of stress functions for plane strain and plane stress. In tho latter case, certain approximations are involved. These could have Ixen Jiminated by interpreting plane stress as generalized plane stress. Omitted detail in tile derivation leaves doubt in the reviewer's mind as to tile completeness of this solution. L. Ericksen. V , JU1Y A 1959 - . -I - - -, ~'. ~ -1 - 1! ~ t . ~ '. :~~ . I I U 1-9: -~ t,~ CL . i- ~ .- -- -- - - I . - - - - - ..-- - - -- - - -, - . -- - IL" 41-~"'~~ - - . . 49 -u; c f('r cc,,.tcur C, t(TJ I,(,. (ic recnnicn, 'T-,]Jc,`7 t" "155 655 --ri je,7,nici V, jilly/sent. Y 5~ 3J. Cercct Lpli c, 7, 3) nia) 1.1lonthly Index of Fzst birc.-can Accessic"S 1-C. Vol. 7, -1, Febn!,~ry 1.5 58 r, 7.. tive trmrs!~n-t&tion ur For t ed"cation of tra,,P-nninn activities in the ro :,j7, W11I A a. 1957 Vnl# lXCP-Z)o Dictrs 4FI/4E4f 4402. mullsoj (us "PIPF00imulin 1%5 "dory condition; In casu of jolaoss FqoWq.-in of oJolLilaffilloty (i's Ag-lo/. H.-AK& Pyh- P"-far, Rev. Miss a". Ppl. 2. 2. An appinxim,uhm owtho,( i-4 sup.1,,estcd .,hirk lo.i% point% ill C(silillsoll will) tv'U'll Methods. i.e., tile ViWilitilawl and linhc difference isictliods. It cofisists in 64Ainr, for an Analytical function of the Simplest farm Which woubf Verify t,oundary conditions at n ii irc nklmhet of Imintig. 'I hi-s function g'iyc-l tile iuf eitch point inside the lody. Ca"ladon of difletence bCtWCtn she Site&& SlAlt found and she In3ding on the boGdary allows one to estimate the exactness of the results ON.1inej. fly using billamoniciii polynissalaill, 21JUJOC Applies fellUltill 40 plane problem of elasticity theory and presents a complete ex. simple of COMPUT11(ion. Staff, Revue & Islecahl.1va ApplIq%eir Acild.lRepuls. Pop. Romaine, Rwassalit 720DORESCU, ?. The planct problem of ela2ticity of c,-3!rtain anisotropic 'hodies. 7. wIth a Ljy-,r,-neti-Ir!ally ela!,tic jxjT, or t!,(, tilird orrIer. r' I I . 0-1 (COMINICAITME,) (Fincure9ti., RurrL-anta) Vol. 7 , no. 7, Tlll.,,, 1?'~7 SO: !ontlily index o' -ra!3t Fi)j-opean Avce3slono (BEAT) T-r Vol. 7, "o - 5. 195') TEODOIRESCU, P. The calculation of plate boams with one openinC. p. 115o (STUDII SI CERGETARI DE Mr.WIIGA APLICATA. Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan/~br. l(957, Bucure5ti, RulaaniA) SU: Monthly List of East European Accessions (Er:kL) LC. Vol. 6, 110. 12, Dec. 1557. Uncl. T-T R 75 T Calculation of partition-wall bcnrrrs ,iith ore cperriinj~. p. L51 (Acaderi-Ja Republicii Forulare Honim6. Institutul de .-cc~inicr tplient:-. Studiii Si Gercetari De i'ec.~iiiai Aplic:?L~. Vol. nc. 2, 19-57. ~-.ucuresti., Montftly Index of Fast Luropean Accessicnr L(~. Vol. 7, no. 2, Febru,nry 1958 V4) 6: Tdodgrcscq'_~Pe~tra About some spatial PrOblem Of th - lk!!Ll~~It~16Acad. R, P. Romine, Stud. heory of - C MCC, A131'. a 1101-1113, (Romanian. Russian and Engllsh Summaries) The author obtains solutions of three-dimensional stress distribution problems in terins of harmonic and bi- harmonic polynomidi, as well is Fourier-series approxi- mations. when a body is bounded by plane parallel surfaces with respect to the coordinate surfaces (plane), K. Bhagwandin (Oslo) TEODORESCUP P. Some space problems of the theory of elasticity. P. 1101- Academia Republicii Populara Ronine. Institutul do Mecanica Aplicata. STUDII SI CERGETARI DE MECkjjGA APLICATA. Ducuresti, Rumemia. Vol. 8, no. 4, 1957. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Ifol. 8, no. 8, Aug, 1959 Uncl. n0D0RE&aU,,--Z "The plane problems of thermoelasticity.11 P. 471 (Buletin Stiintific. Sectia De Stiinte Matematice Si Fizjce) Vol. 9., no. 2, 1957 Bucharest, Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EM) LC- Vol. 7. no. 4,, April 1958 wig 20 "The plane problems of the theory of elasticity in the presence of som. mass forces." P. 481 (Buletin Stiintific. Sectia De Stiinte Matematice Si Fizjce) Vol. 9. no. 2, 1957 Bucharest, Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EM) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 FRI T-CODOPTSC71 P. Methods of resistance of materials applied In the computation of rectangular beams, p. 9& kNALELE SFRTA STTNTFLOR NATURTI. Bucureati, Rumania. Vol. 7, no. 18, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept., 1959 Uncl. TF,ODQRF,5GU) P. Calculation of wall beams with parallelogram fom. p. 9. ANALaZ SERIA STINTEWR WURIL Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 7, no. 20, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1959. Uncl, TEORORESCU,, P, The plane problem of elasticity of certain anisotropic bodies. VII. Bodies activated by some massic forces@ pe "87. COMLINICARILE. Bucuresti,, Rumania. Vol. 8., no. 91, Sept. 1958 Monthly list of European Accessiona (EEAI) LCp Vol* 8j not 89 Aug* 1959 Uncl. On the -Plano of elasticity in oblique coordi r,-tc: . In Enplizh. P-4~7- REVUE, DF !~7f---,CA:'1QUF, APPLIQUIF~,*. (Academia Repi-blicii Popul-nre iicminc. Listitutul de Mecanica Aplicata) Buc!.~rc-.Aip Rumnia, Vol. 4, no. 3, 1959. Montbly list of Eastern European Acce,-,sion InOex (EEAI) LC vol. 8, No. 11 "ove, 1 . mber 1959 Uncl. TEODORESCU, P. Some,supecial. problems of thetheory of elasticity, in German. P-225 APLIKACE HATF14ATIKY (CeskoslovenBka akademis ved. Matematicky ustav) Praha, Czechoalovak4s Vol, 4, no, 5. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. VOL. 9, nol. 1 January 1960 Uncl. TEODGRESCU, P. Mihail 'langan's Betony2 nrwt, ConstructIl Wustrigle (Reinforced 2.9riqrntei IndustrW cgn3tructian3. p.947 STUDII SI CERCETARI DE 'SCMUTCA At-TT.CATA. Acade-lia Rapublicil Fopulare Rcraine Bucresti, Rumania Vol. 10, no-3, 1959 Monthly List of Mat Europfan Accessions (EFAT) TO., Vol. 9, no. I., Jan. 191-1 Uncl. M. Problem of thestate In la e of inhomogensous elastic bodies. Acta techn Hung 27 no.374:34n9-369 139. (jai 9: 6) (3ustIcity) 23658 n/oo8/6o/0oo/0o4/bo9/o18 71 A125N26 AUTHOR: Toodoresou, P. P. TITLE: On some infinite systems of linear equations which Interfere In the plqne problem of the elasticity theory for a rectangular fleld PERIODICAL: Studii 91, Ceroatirl do MeaanicK Aplioath, no. 4, 1960, 925 - 935 TOM In previous works (Ref. 6: Asupra oaloulului grinzilor pere~i cu o aingurA deschidere. Partea 1. Studii 91 oeroothri do meoanic-a aplionfa, VITT 1, 115, 1957 and Ref. 7: Asupra calculului grinzilor peroti ou o singur6' do- sohidere. Partea a II-a. Studii, �i cercet6ri de mecanid-a aplioatl~, VIII, 2, 451, 1957) the author han shown that the solution of the first basic problem of the eleasticity theory for a rectangular field Is reduced for every case of partial load to the solution of a system of linear algebraic equations with an infinity of unknowns. In the present paper he studies the regularity of these systems of infinite linear equations to see whether the solution Is mathema- tioally correct, and the external load should eventually verify sorreconditions, 2 a and 2b being the two dimensions of the rectangular field. The author fur- ther considers the ratios (1) as well as the case of a normal load, symmetrical Card 1/9 21 R/(A'/60/000/004/OQS,/0!8 On some Infinite systems of linear .... A125/A126 in relation to the geometric symmetry axes. A load, expressed by DW ~2 P(x) b0 +Z b nC03 'Y V. X, (2) n Is supposed to act on the yb sides. The state of stress Is given by (_1)n X n (.Yny) cos -(nx +~: (-1)m '0.07' (6.x) cos my, n M Cos I X (S"x) Cos R 'Y' (4) SY bo +T (_1)n n 4 7 (Yn Y) n m n m s in 'Ynx +1 )mD P ~(S my) sin 8my, 'rxy (-l)r"nO8 (-"ny) m n m the functions E) are deflned by the relationn Card 2/0 23658 R/008/60/000/004/009/018 On some infinite sytems of linear .... A125/Ai26 (?%~) - '~T~ C (1 + Pdlr oth ft) ch ~Tr~ rihK, E)7 0 8 (~Zoth ksOnC-~~chft~)' (7) 7h-~F 99 'OL~ [ (1 -,h ctO~) ch ~W~ + tk~ sh&~]. sh 45T and the j~nl bm coefficient rows are given by the equation systems with a double infinity of unknowns 7 2 F3 + x (m?%,) 15- = o Ami 1 2 M (m. i - 1, 21 3, (n Ni') 11 + 2 )nb (n, I - 1, 2, 3, 2 n 7,/,,,n D, = (-1 n, To solve the system (8) by approximate calculation methods, it is necessary to Card 3/9 23658 R/008/60/ooo/004/009/018 On,some infinite systems-of linear .... A125/126 prove the existence and the unity of the solution as well as its limits. In this case it has to be shown whether this system is infinite or not. The system (8) is completely regular if the conditions 2 - (m /lmff~ 2 and 2 PlIn 2 1 are verified. On the basis of a development into a Fourier series, the author deduces these conditions to ( Sma 2 2 ~h 6ma) ~> 0- (15) Card 4/ 9 On some of linear .... 2 D and b n 0 2 (Th fn b) 23658 R/008/6G/000/004/,009/018 A425/AI26 (15') which show that these values 'vend for m--#- or n towards zero. Thus, the system (8) is regular. The free tems have to satisfy the condition b n K n Al (n fn 2 (17) so that one should have a limited solution obtained by approximations. But, the solution of a regular system is not always unique. With the change of variables 2 B1 -inBn n 2 D' 6 D M m m (18) Card 5/ 9 23658 On -4oine inf Inite systems of 'linear .... the.,system (8) is changed into the syst-sm 2 2 A B,' + D' 0 Mf m R/008/60/OW/004/009/018 A125/AI26 + (0,242 2 -A 2' (n A') B' , )n b n 1n Dl ~"n 1 n which is also provea to be regular, the Fourier coefficient b being of a I/n2 Value P and P2 tend for m- - and n ~ao towards zero). By nthe ohange of va- M n riables, one obtains a regular system with limited free,'t4rms. On the basis of P. S. Bondarenko (Ref. not given)itombe proved that the solution of both sys- tems ,is unique, For the system (8) the bn Fourier coefficients' have to be only of the 1/n2 value. -To reduce the restriction imposed on the external loads, the author deduces by the charge of variables r3n' 'Yn r3n' (24) card 619