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ABRAMOT, A.A.; TATTS, A.Ae, kandidat tekhaichaskikh nauk. ~n, , .Device for test3ag the economical operation of weaving looms. Prom. energ. 10 no.5;09 JW 153. MM 6:5 ) (Looms) SUSLIN, V.Y&.; VLASOT, I.A.; TSYMBALOV, K.F,; TAYTS, A.A., kandidat tekhni- cheekikh nauk. Device for distribnting canning jars in annealing ovens. Prom.energ. 10 no.5:10-11 My 153. (MMA 6:5) (Glassware) LIVSHITS, D.S.. inshener;-%=.,~,,,,I~andidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; NAYM'D, H.R.. Inshe-aer [reviewers]. Book on the electria power supply of industrial enterprises. Reviewed by D.S.Livohits, A.A.Taite, X.R.Naifel'd. Zlektrichestvo no.10:82-85 0 153. (MIRA 6;10) 1. Tyashproselektroproyakt (for Livehits). 2. TSentroenergochermet (for Tayts), 3. TSentroolaktrououtash (for NWelld). (Ilectric power distribution) TAYTS,_A...A ANTRUSHIN, B.D., .jj budidat tekhni~heskikh nauk, redaktor; ----'O~~tox'; POPOTA, S.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Electric power econour in industrial enterprises] TkonomRa elektro- energil na promyshlennykh predpriiatiiakh. Pod red. A.A.Taits. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry-, 1954. 269 p. (MLPA 6-.4) 1. Don inzhonera i takhnika imeni F.I.Dzerzhinskogo. Xoscow. (Electric paver) AID P - 707 Subject US.1)R/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. ,!g - 18/18 Author Tayts, A. A. Title Sclentific and Technical Conference on Problems of Economy of Electric Power in Industry Periodical : Energetik, 8, 39-40, Ag 1954 Abstract : The? Conference took place in Moscow on October 19-22, 1953. A brief report of the Conference follows. Institution : Moscow Scientific and Technical Society of Electrical Engineers (MONITOE) Submitted No date TATTS, A.A., kardidat tek-hzdcbesk1kh nauk. clentiftc and Industrial eonference on now technical developments and the outlook for their application in power supply and Industrial electrical equipment. Prom. energ. 11 no-11:33-35 X 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Blectric machinery industry) -.j 7XX '7` DAKIIMNKO, A,.; CHUMAKOV. N.:SMBINOVSKIT, G.; GRACHEV, V-; DRMSgIK, A.; SOKD"WV, B.; BOLISHAM, Ya.-TAYTS A - NITYELID, M.- MMII, S.; LTMURSKIT, 1.; NUNSM, 6VSKIY, S.-, TMIWT, A.; BROZGOLI. H.; SOLOVITBV, P.; KLYUYTV, S.; ROZMUALO, A.;SMIRIIOV,V.: DORO.-MU, A. Solomon Mikhailovich Livshits; obituary. Prom energ* 11 no*12:34 D 1560- (MLRA 10:1) (Livshits, Solomon Mikhailovich, 1901-1956) UTT%kA. - kandidat tekhuichookikh nsuI4 rodaktorl HaDvrowy., -L-Ye., iekhit 'chaekiy redaktor [mew inthods of electric pover distribution in industrial interprisso; a collection of articles] No*Ia takhaiks v slaktrosnabzhenii pro- zW9hl13nnykh predpriiatil; abornik statei. Moskya, Googenergg Isd-vol 1957. 319 P. (mw 10310) 1, gookoysidy dom nauchno-tekh niche skoy propagandy imeni F.A. Dzershinakogo. 2, Rakovoilitell elektrotekbuicheekoy komiseii Hookovskogo doma usuchno-takhnicheskoy propagandy imeni 7.2* Dzerzhinskogo (for Tayta) (Bleotric pover distribution) TIRE V, Mikhail Vasillyevich (deceased], radaktor; AKATOVA. Y.G., radaktor izdatelletva; KONYA HINA, takhaichaskiy redaktor [Tachaical operation of city electric networks] Takhnicheskein ekeplustataiis gorodakikh elektricheekikh satei. Moskva, Izd-To M-va kommun. khoziaistva RSPSR. 1957. 393 p. (MLRA 10:8) (19lectric power distribution) AUTHOR Tay-ta,, A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences 105-9-32/32 TITLE Book Review., B.A.Teleshev "Electrical. --',~eekng" (Bibl-lografiya: B.A* ~Ieleshav "Electrotekhnika".) PERIODICAL Elektrichestvo, 1957, Nr 9. pp, 92--94 (USSR) ABSTRACT This book was published by-Gosenergoizdatp has 496 pages and its price is Roublea 17.25. Admitted as textbook for Polytechnicalm and Machine Const,metion High Schoolao The book is baaed upon the lectures delivered by, tb3 author and is exceUent in its methodical way of representation. Besddes basic rules also computations of complicated branched current circults are given* A wide space is given to working material which is u.4pidfor pre-heating devices& The properties of dielectrics and the classification of electrical InsuUtion are described. The theory of tha altermUing currents is given without application of the symbolic method. WorkJj2g characteristics of the motors are dealt with thorou",,& Heating of the electrical. machines is not sufficiently deialt with, A1.1 problems connected with synchronous -aachines are well dealt with, All electron. and i-en devices at present in use, are described. ASSOCIATION Moscow Branch of the Technical.,.%Scientific Association of Paver Engineerlqg IndustrYp (MONTOEP - Moskovskoye otdelen3.yu uaachno-tealinicheskogo obshchestva. energeticheskoy promjmhlennosti.) AVAILABLE Libm-r of Congress TATT5j-A.Ao, ke.nd.takhn.nauk. Conference on designs for lov-voltage equipmento Ilektrichestvo no.11:93--94 N 157, (MIRA 10:10) l.Mookovskoys nauchno-tokhnicheakoys obshchestvo energeticheskoy proWshlowmati. (Yescow-Alectric apparatus a=) ipliances--Congresses) N.N.,- BOLISHAM. Ta.H*; GORDBYST, A,N#,- GRACHIV, V.A.; YUMILOV, A.A.; ZAZXSZIT, A,M.; KIZZYNNIR, Te.N.; KNOIRRING, G.K.; KONSTANTINOY, B.A.: IDPYTOV, N.V.; LIVIT, G.O.; MILLIR, G.P.; NATMID. K.P.; PRINISXV,-A.A.; SIRBIWOVSKIT, G.V.; SOKOLOV, B.A.; STASILOYTS, A.B.1 TATZ3, A.A.; IEUMMIN, A.M. Mikhail ronstantinovich Kharcher; obituary. Belov and others. Prom. enerC. 12 n0-12'.33 D"57. (MIRA 10 112) (narchav, Kikhall ronstantinovich. 1896-1957) TZMILOV, Aleksay Alekseyevich; TATTS, A.Aq, red.; RKHARIVA, R.A., - -- I (Now ond efficient methods in supplying electric power to various anter.Prises] Novye L ratsionalinys resheniia v elektroanabshanii. -prodp-riiatii. Koskva, 1938. 40 p. (Peredovoi opyt proizvodstya. Seriia OProvqshlennaia energetiks,* n'o,2) (MIRA 12:4) (Blectric power distribution) IZBMW, RikhalL rasillyevich [deceased], lwh. ;- ~ TAM. ArjmWsmwlch,-:-k&nd. tek~n. nauk; SMYRROVp S.A., red. izd-va; KOWASKENAg A*Po, tekhn. red, Dfaniahal electrical twatemal Gorodskii elektricheakio oeti. Xoekmo lzd-vo X-va kom=. khoz. RSTSR, 1958. 369 v. (XM lit9) (Illectric power dietributiou) SYRRDal. Ionif 6emenovich; KRASKYANSKIY, Yeleazar Ablovich; TATTS, A.A., red.; KISXLEVA, T.I., red.izd-va; DOBUZHINSKATA7,"T.-T.-. --mmTmil. [Blectric power consumption in Iron ore dressing plants) ZlektroispolixoYanie na obagatitelInfth fabrikekh zhelesoradnoi prouyshlwanosti. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhnisd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tavetuoi metallurgii, 1959, 148 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Ore dressing-lquipment and rupplies) (Blectricity In mining) LAZAREV, B.N., insh.; TAITS, A.A., kand.takhn.nauk; KISSIAVA, TjI., red.isd-val ATTOPOTrCH, K.K., tokhn.reds [Introducing simplified starting and protection systems for high voltage synchronous motors] Vnedranis uproshchennykh ekhem pusks 1, sashchity vysokovolltnykh sinkhronnykh dylgatelel. Moskva, Govi.nauchno-takhn.isd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, 1959, 131 P. (KIRA 12:7) 1. ISINTMONRGOCHROW. trust. Moscow. (Blootric motors, Synchronous) XHOKYAKOV. Mikhail Vasillyevich; STARIKOT, Yavgeniy Sorgeyevich; TATSINKO, G.G., otv. so vypask; SVKHARSTA, R.A., [concerning the operation of electric substations and networks at industrial enterprises] Toprosy ekeplustataii setei i pod- stanteii promyshlennykh prodpriiatii. Koskva, 1959. 59 p. (Hookovskii, dom nauchno-tokhnichookoi propagandy. Persdovoi opyt proizvodstva. Seriia: Blektroonargetike, vyp. 6). (MIRA 14:1) (Alectric substations) (Blectric power distribution) KAZAHOVICH, Grigori:r Yokovlevich; TAYTS, A.A., red,; UTSMO. a.G., otv. za vypisk; SCXHMU (New high-voltage blocks of electrical equipment] Novoe vysoko- volitnoe koiaplektnoe elaktrooboradovanis. Koskva, 1959. (Moskovskii Dom nauchno.-tekhnicheekoi propegi3ndy. Peredovoi opyt proizvodstva. Seriia: Alelctroenergatikat no*7). (min 14;1) (Ilectric power plants-Iquipiont and supplies) (Blectrio power dis,6ibution) BULGAKOV, Aleksey Alekseyevich; SOKOLOV, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; SMUNSKIT, Aleksandr Viktorovich-,_TAITS,-A.A, red.; TATS 0, G.G., otv. za vypusk; SUKHAREVA, R.A., (Automated electric drive] Avtomatizirovannyi elektroprivod. Moskva, 1959. 69 p. (Moskovskii dom nauchno-takhnicheskoi pro- pagandy. Peredovoi opyt proizvodstva. Seriia: Blaktroenergetiks, no-3). (MIRA 13:10) (Electric driving) (Automatic control) TAYTS, A.A., kandL;tekhnnau7r, red.1 LARICUOY..G.Te., (Preseut-day state and prospects for developing now designs of low-voltage apparatual based on materials from a conference on science imd technology] Soetoianie i perepek-tivy razvitiia konstruktaii nizkovolltnykb apparatOTI p0 Materialam nauchno- tekhnicheskogo soveshchantia, Kookya, Goo.energ.izd-To, 1959o 287 P. (KIRA 13:6) 1, Nauchw-tekbuicheskoye obohahestvo energeticheakoy pro- myshlennostio Mookovskoye pravlenlyes 20' Predeedatell sektaii Frouqehlonnoy elektrotekhzLlki NookOTakogo pravleniya Nauchno- tekhnicheskogo obahcheetva energeticheakoy pronqshlennosti (for Tayto). (Electric apparatus and appliances) INUMAUM, Yeniazdn Solomonovich, Insh.; LUBMIT. Mikhail Tanillyevich, inzh. (deceased]; LIBZRW. Grigoriy Romanovich, inzh.: QLI- OWSKITI, 7a.A., inzh.# red.; POPOV, K.S., inth., red.; TATM., A*Ae# Inish., red*; SURMOV, S.A.. red.izd-va; BARANOV, Kj.' [Operation of small steam turbine electric power plants] Ikepluatateiia paroturbinnykh alektrontantsii maloi moshchnosti. Pod obshchei red. G.R.Libermans. Moskva, Izd-vo K-va kommun. khoz.RSr,SR, 1959. 483 p. (MM 13:5) (Blectric power plants) _!g.~ e~kea~rkadi-yollAb*jmnd.tokhn.nauk; MESHILI, Boris Solomonovich, inzh,; KIRM3V, M.I., red.; LARICNOV, G.Ya.', [Regulation of voltage and reactive power in electric networks of industrial enterprises] Regulirovanie napriashaniis i reaktivnoi moshchnosti v alaktrichookikh setiakh promyshlennykh prodpriiatil. Koskva, GcPo.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 223 p. (KIRA 13:12) (Voltage regulators) (Blectric power distribution) T31-110SHENKO, Valentin Vasillyevich;.TAYTS., A.A., red.; MIKHAYLOVA, Ye.p., md. izd-va; MIKWWVA, v.v,y tekhn, red, [EconorW of electric power in electrometallurg-ical enter- prises]Zconomiia elektroenergii na clektrometallurgiche- skikh pr(3dpriiatiiakh. Moskvap Metallurgizdatp 1962. 189 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Electrometallurgy) (Electric power) KALINKIN, Vladimir Sergeyevich; FEYLER, Georgiy OskarovIch,-,ZAYTS. A-A , rod - VAGIN, A.A., red. isd-ye; ISLENTOYEVAO PZ~, tekhn. red.. [Electromagnets for electric cranes]Pod"emnyo elektromagnity. Moskva, Meita.1lurgizdat, 1962. 87 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Electric cranes) (Electromagnets) KOVALISKIY, Konstantin Vitolidovich; TAYTS A A red.; KOHONOV, A.S., red. izd-va; LELYUKHIN, A.A.f, (Calculation of windings in transformer repair and rewinding operatiors]Raschet traneformatorny"kh obmotok pri remontakh i peremotkakh. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1962. 48 p. (miRk 16:2) (Electric transformers-Maintenance and repair) BYKOV, G.A., inz'h.; BIRFELID, A.G., inzh.; GODELIMAN, B.R., inzh.; YEGORYCHEV, G.M., inzh.; KRICHEVSKIY, G.M., inzh.; PISTRAX, M.Ya., inzh.j TAYTS A A kand. te4hn. nauk; FRIMW , A.P,, inzh.; GOLIDIN, Ya.A., glav. red.;IVANOV,A.N.,red.; LANOVSKAYA,'M.R., red. izd-va; DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., (Electric power engineering]Elektroenergetika. [By]G.A.Bykov i dr. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 190 (MIRA 16:4) (Electric motors) (Automatic controls* (Metallurgical plAnts-Electric equipment) ,_, red.; MIKHAYLOVA, TIMOSHENKO, Valontin Vaail'yevich;.jA17�,-A,A, YS.P.p red. izd-va; MIKHAYLOVA; V.V., takhn. red. [Economizin electric power in electrometallurgical er4erpriseel Ekonomiia elaktroenergii na elaktrometallurgi- chaBILILkh predpriiatiiakh. Moskva, Metallurgisdat, 1962. 189 p. (miRA 16:7) (glectrometallurgy) (Electric power) TAYT3 I A.A. Scientific and technical conference on nev techniqugs in the field of electric power distribution and electrical equipment of industrial enterprises. Prom. energ 18 n9.7:38-41 JI !63. (MIRA 16:9) (FIlectric pawer distribution) TAYTS, A. A. Scientific and technical lecture conference on "New electrical equipment; of industrial enterprises-and Its operation." Prcm. energ. 19 no. 4:50-51 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) BELIKINDY L.D.; VENIKOV, V.A.; GLAZIJI,'OV, GRUDYSKIY, P.G.; 21!ADJI*, X.P.; NEKLr ZHEBROVSKIY, S.F.; 1AFITSKIY I.; I jDOV, 3.K.; FAVL~ KC,, V.A.; RAZEV1GI D.V.; ROSSIYrVSKIY, G.I.; SAFCNGV, A.P.; SOIKOUN, N.I.; 'V, A.M.; ULIYANOV, S.A.; FEDOSEYL KHEYSTFRY V.V. Boris Arkadlevich Teleshev; on his 70th birthday and the 45th anniversary of his engineering and educational work. Elektri- chestvo no.9:91 S ?64. (14IPjt 17: 10 ROGALI-LEVITSKlY, Mikhail Viktorovich, kand. tekhn. nauk#dot.-;.; STEPANOV, Vladimir Nlkolaycvlch~ prof.; TAYT5,..,Alakxaudr... tekbn. nauJ,,, dots.; GOR61AKOVA~ O.D., red. [F,Iertr.'.c power plants and transformer substations] Elektri- cheskie stantall i transformatornye podstantsii'. Moskva, Traxisportp 1965. 36? p. WIRA 18: 8) TAYTS, A.A., Imnd.tekhn.nauk --- Scientific and technical confemnce on the Uf3S Of Co_-FUtA,- I.0C'-4-?aB . I in electric power enginearinge Ildsk. t3ta. 36 nc.8-87-90 tg 1"5, . (MIRA 18:9) LIBERMAN, G.R.; X~~~Aj FANINp V.I., spots, red.; 1/,D1-'AYEV-TSIKA14OVSKrY, V.A., red. (Electric power and heat supply of cities; collection of scientific and technical information] Elektrosnabzhente i toploanabzhenie gorodov; nauchno-tekhnicheskii infomft- tsiormyi sbornik. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va komnmn. khoz. FLSFSR, 1963. 162 p. (Hovaia tekbnika zhilishchno-kommunallnogo khoziaistva.9 no.4) NIRA 18:8) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo kommunallnogo khozyaystva. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye. TAYTS, A.A& Conference of the readers of "Promyshlennaia energetika" held in Moscow. Prom.energ. 20 no.12:38-39 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) d) d /EW(l) /r (k) M .V A( 3P55 (M/0105/64/CW/0O9/00ql/ooqi p3W AUTHORt BelOMM, L. D.1 Venikov. V. A.; Glavinov, A. A.; Grudinakiy, P 'G-1 Zhebrovskly, So P.: Lapitskly, V. lot Neklyudov. 8. K.; Nvlenkd~ V.A. Razovig, Do V..; Rossiyevskiy, Go I.; Safonov, A. P.; Sokolov, No I.; Soldatkina, L.A. jaj!!!j~A. Aol U11yanov, So As: Fodoseyev, A. M.1 Kheyster, V. A. TITM Profaisor So A. Teleshev on this 70th birthaay and the 45th snnlyorsor7 of his engins,prIng, scientific, and teaching activity SOMCF: Elektrieheatvo. no. 9, 1964, 91 TOPIC TAGS% electric engineering por3onnel ABSTRACT- Boris Arkad'yevich Toloshov w" seventy years cld 12 Mrah 1964. He department of the Petrograd Poly~- technic Institute In 2917 and gained the title Electrical Engineer In 1920. in the union of Zloatria Power 3tatIons of the Moskovskly rayon, Teleshav was one of the founders of the first dispatcher servic* of the Iloscow Power 6yatem, the chief dispatcher of this aystom, the mnader of tbo high- voltage networks of the Modoow Unlono the chief engineer In construction of th*,Moso*w_bI*i-vo2Up network and of the big%-voltap networks of the Card 1/3 r--L 2968-M ACCESSION NRt MM26353 t): Ilookovskly rgq,on and the chief engineer in construction of the BobrIkOVek (now Wovomosluivskj hydroelectric station. in connection with the reorgan- 'Ization of construction In 1931, Toleshey was tranoterred to Energostroy, first as ohlol! engineer of the 11cooow division and then as deput7 chief of the design adnInistration of Enorgostroy (now Teploslektroproyekt). In 2934, Telashe,r took the post of assistant director of the golentiflo Section, of the rover lInglusering, Institute limni Krshlzbonovskl7 of the AcadeaV of Sciences UOSSR W worked as the immediate assistant to Academician 0. U. Xrxhizhanovskly in directinS the Inrtltuta until 1946. Stiwting In 1923, he did scientific research work first at the goscow Institute of 11sobanlos 1m. Lomonoeov and then at the Institute Of National ZoonovW Im. PloUbanov. ' After the founding of the Koscoty Power Engineering Institute In 1930. Telesbev transferred to that Institute and works& there until 1940, Here he was Lecturer of the Department of "Central Electric Stations" and a professor in the department. He YjA91,ved his professorship In 1933. He w" Doan of the 32ectria Power Department of the Institute from 1932- 1 2935. In 1940, Teloshey was mAds diroator of the Departiment of Zleatrical Inf;1usering 4-f the Moscow Institute of 71ne Chemical Teabnolea *Mrs be remained unti.1 1966. In 12" he took part In orp4doing tba Paver Xagineer- Card 2/3. L 2968-66 ACCEMION Utz AP3026355 'Ing j)epartaint of the Uosoow InstiVito or.xj-..;In*arIna -sconomics 10-d2bonikid'so. From 1946 to the present, Ts~eshoy has boon director of G)nt of "glectria Stations WA su,atations" and there have been gineor- .1two printings of his textbook on a course In "General X16atrical ;~n In(;." To2esbor has acted in a consultative OspaCitY In plans for a great number of slactrioal stations and networks. He participated in the Govern- iment Consultation an the Dnoper hydroolootria station in. Y. 2. 14~0. no -,b" ~!~en wi active viember of the Scientific and Toohnioal Society OR SM He was obai f the Moscow board Power liri~Adtry for more than 20 yis a -.N" 0 lof the soolety from 19" to 1951* Y -his servios to the sooiotro he bas Ibsen madt 4 P$iWZ$tt 106"Gr- MOo .. was olootod depaty Is the Madow 10ouno 12 of Deputies - of the Workers. He bsA ban dooqrstod with ib Wfor L-~-- *r"91.1 tU Modlarowr of.109y'aied vitla ~:411, Prige AA#1 hoot I figwrb& AMIATICUs SUBIMEM 00 '00 so CM, 12, VX1.1 im M IF" so I w0 0=1 000 _-.ACCiTR, AP6012930--- SOURCE CODE: UR/0104/65/000/008/0087/0-090 -Tayts. A. A. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: 110ne .TITIE., Scientific and-teohnical conference on the uses of computer technology in electric pawer_RK2juction SOURCE: Elektricheskiye stantsii, no. 8,, 1965,, 87-90 TOPIC TAGS: electric power productionp scientific conferencep computer applications digital computer, algorittim, analog corriputerp cybernetics ABSTRACT: This conferente was held in Moscow from 23 to 26 December 1964, and was attended br over 400 delegates, representing the major power institutes and installations in the European part of the Soviet Union. Over 40 papers wore audited and discussed. Subjects covevca included computer applic Ltions for optimization of power Matems', Awning :and design of power systemaq calculation of transient processes, optimiza- tion of power distribution, and designs of power grids and smaller net- works. Also considered vere special computer designs and the atatus and future prospects for computer uses in power production. The Ural-2 digi- :tal computer is now regularly used to predict power demwWs on the several ~unified power grids In European USSRv thereby permitting both short and 'i .long torn optimization of'power production from the Viewpoint Of effGCtiTq: exploitation of equipmeatt distribution of active and reactive loads, am T. 9P5H9-66 ACC 14R, - AP6012930 :Water and fue'l conaervation. A method has been developed to group Indi- .vidual power stations awl customers so as to reduce hundreds of variables ~to 10 to 159 which can b,e used as reliable criteria In optimiziag grid operation. One paper treated techniques of computer simulation of power problems. A number of papers focussed attention on computer analysis of the operation of small units And equipments of large power complexes. Several papers dealt with Applications of programs identified as KO am KI for large-scale power calculations on the DRAL series of computers .(other available programs And subprograms, an well an Algorithms were also described). A few papers dealt with stability problems. One paper described the construction and operation of the RER analog computers Uodel I to designed for 16 power plants, Uodel 2 in designed to handle 24. The EOAN-4 in now widely used in most of the 4arger plants. The delegates re,.,ommended establishment of a central library of .prorgrams ane further derelopment-of cybernetics AM optimization, tech- .nique4. Considerable progress and valuable contributions by various instl-: tutes In the poWer field were acknowledged by the conferees. This rather extensive review of the conference Is replete with inamen and associations involved in electric id porer production w distri- 1bution in the Western USSR. [JPR61 SUB CODE: 100 09 SUE14 DATEt none ~J Card 2/2.,eg.,/ - L j719c1---oo -7 ACC N% AP6027843 SOURCE CODK-F- AUTHOR: Ta, 0. ytsp A. A. OM: TITIEt Scientific and technical seminar, Automatics w-A Telemechanics In Electrical Power Systems of Industrial Enterprises SOURCE: Promyehlennaya energetika, no- 5,, 1966s 51-53 TOPIC TAGS: electric ongineering conference, industrial enterpriesp.industrial automation, electric power engineering, powey supply, reliability engineeringp electric equipment. ABSTRACT: The seminar was held in Moscow in 105, and about 40O."'PrOdenta- tiveB of regional power administrations were present. TWITS reports Wre .heard on the following themes t automation and telemschadsation, of electric power supp3y systems of industrial enterprUeal usage of the increased active. resistance of cable corr-es upon heating to automate short-circuit cutoff; ,automatic devices for line dividm of transit 110 ky vubatational the reliability of automatle startup of awdliaz7 generating equipment; automatic control of transformer voltageaj automatic control crmwitation of synch- -,ronous motors; automaVLo control of condensor powerl automatic 46, , aukiliary generator control equipmentp ita.planning and production; a tone ~apparatus for remote aisconneotion of eqXdpment- The-delegates recommoded :.that.further developrmit work an'vaiforup integrable automated equipment, be undertaken. IJPRS: 36,5011 SUB CODE: 03p 09 / SUBM DATE: none Card 1111*41-0 - I OU Fr'" rx -I-' . ; ~~ F---T-- , ~Kh . L. --TAYI.LS, k. Yu.;GULY 101111,- B.__ - UTRI - - -- -- - ---- - - -- - - -- - Metallurgy of Magnesium, Gosudarstve=oye Nauchno-Teklmicheskoye Izdatel'stvo Literatury po Chemoy i TEIvetnoy Metallurgii. Y---)scow (195c)) 491 pr.. B-78883, 13 Sep 54 AUTHOR: Taytst Ael[u. 287 TITLE Reductioi:x of magnesium oxide with silicon-aluminium, alloys. (Vosstanovlenie Okisi Magniya Kremnealywinievymi Splavami.) PERIODICAL:'Tsvetn,ve Metallvil.(Non-ferrous Metals), 1957, Wo. 1, Pp. 56 - 66, (U*S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: -Silicon-aluminium alloys, since they appear as by-products in the treatment of primary aluminium-silicon alloys to produce silumi-n or aluminium, are economically attractive reducing agents for magnesium reduction. Experimental investigations have shown that in the reaction of magnesium with such alloys the presence of lime in the charte has a very favourable effect on magnesium-yield: with a lime:magnesia ratio of 1.2 by weight the yield rises to over 80% the value with no added lime being 3Wo. Comparison of silicon-alumin alloy with ferrosilicon as a reducing agent for magnesia show that the formr, when in the form of filter residues, is more reactive. There are-10 tables and 4 figures. There are 6 references, of which 5 are Russian. SOV/ 137-58-8-16651 Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Nletallurgiya, 19"1", Nr 8, p 58(USSR) AUTHOR: Tayts, A.Yu. TITLE: Studies in the Silicothermal Recovery of Nia-piesium (Raboty 'j po silikotert-nicheskomu polucheniyu magniya) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Legkiye metally. Nr 4. Leningrad, 1957, pp 99-105 ABSTRACT: Methods of reducing MgO from dolomite or magnesite by mc-ans of Al, Si, Fe-Si, Si-Al, Si-Ca, and CaC12 have been developed and verified on pilot-plant scale. The m ost, efficient and economically profitable reductants are 75% Fe-Si, Si-Al, and a mixture of CaC2 with Fe-Si. When M1,10 is reduced by mcans of Fe-Si or Fe-Si+ CaC , the charge is calculated to produce 2CaO-SiO2 in the resiLe. When Si-Al is used. ZCaO-SiO? and 5CaO-3AIZO3 is produced in the residue. The addition of 2-57o CaF2, which increases the Mg yield, has a favorable effect. The charge should be calcined until complete elimination of C02 and HZO is attained, and then briquetted under a pressure of up to 1000 kg/cm2. Reduction with distil- lation of Mg was run at 1190-12100 in retort vacuum furnaces Card 1/2 having graphite heaters and retorts of a medium-carbon steel. SOV/ 137-58-8-16651 Studies in the Silicothermal Recovery of INIagnesium The Mg yield %,kith a 490-kg charge and a 25.6-hour cycle was 67.7 kg (66.576). A 400-kw furnace with 2 retorts having a total capacity of 3 t of charge has been designed and is being tested. Ye.z. 1. vIafneiAim--Jieco,,,ory 2. I-Iagnec;j*-ui.i 3. -"ilicvn--~r~-,)Onler Card 2/2 SOV/ 137-58-8-16650 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 58 (USSR) AUTHORS: Voynitskiy, A.I., Tayts, A.Yu. TITLE: VAMI Studies in the Field of Calcium Metallurgy (Raboty VAMI v oblasti metallu-rgh kal'tsiya) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Legkiye metally, Nr 4. Leningrad, 1957, pp 120-124 ABSTRACT: The optimurn conclitions for electrolytic recovery of Ga and its alloys have been determined, and a method of extracting Ca by heat in vacuum has been found. Dewatering of CaC12 for subsequent electrolysis is performed by remelting at 850-9000C for 30 to 40 min. Addition of 576 NH4CI is desirable. The elec- trolysis is performed with pure-CaC12 or a mixture of 25 parts by weight CaCIZ and 4 parts Ca'ki. The process is run at 780- 8100, cathode current density. 40-50 amps/dmZ, and bath vol- tage 20-30 v. The current efficiency is 85"/o, and 40 kwh is con- sumed per kg Ga. Fe and alkaline metals must not be allowed to accumulate in the electrolyte. CaC12 electrolysis with liquid cathode (Al, Pb, Cu, or other metals) is possible and yields a corresponding Ga alloy. Ca may easily be driven off in vacuum Card 1/2 from a Ca-Cu alloy. Alloys of Cu and Al are produced at SOV/137-58-8-16650 VAMI Studies in the Field of Calciurn Metallurgy - 5.5-v potential and 800-8500 for low Ca contents. It is possible to produce Ca-Al alloys containing up to 50% Ca. Under these conditions current effic- iency increases as temperature rises to 800-900o. It is desirable to add 151/6 KC1 to the elec-trolyte. When CaO is reduced by Al by heat in vacuum in a 400-kg-charge furnace with graphite heaters, the Ca yield is 60-700,10 (up to 92 k- per batch) at a process temperature of 1200- 1300'. The charge re- quired per kg Ca is 3.8-4.3 kg, the Al consumption is 0.67-0.78 kg, and the electric energy consumption 14 kwh. The Jo contents of the resultant Ca was: Fe 0.003-0.004, Si 0.05-0.008, Mn 0.04-0.15, Cu 0.002-0.004, N2 0.006- 0.009, Al 0,2, Mo 1-2 (from the Mg in the charLre). It is also ossible to recover Ca by reduction of CaO with an Si-Al alloy at 1375- 1400 in an 0.05-1 mm lig vacuum with up to 8516 Ca yield, and also with the aid of Fe- Si at 1400-1450') in an 0,01-0.03 mm Hg vacuum, with a yield of 50-70% and an Fe-Si consumption of 0.6-0.8 kg/ka Ca. Ye.z. 2. Caliwa alloy.,---. 'rnly"J2 4. Card 2/Z 5- (1) AUTHORS: T-ay-1.2, -A.-Yu., 'Chel I taov, V. M. SOV/64-59--5-10/28 TITLE: Pre:?aration of Metallic Potassium by the "Vacuothermic" Method PERIODICAL; Khijaicheakaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 5, pp 404-406 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present investigation was carried out in the experimental plant of the Dnepropetrovskiy alyuminiyevyy zavod (Dnepro- pet:rovsk Aluminum Plant) in collaboration with the co-worksrs of -the VAMI, V. M. Kozlov and D. N. Chemrukov. The method mentioned in the title is based on a reduction of potassium chloride (I) (in vacuum) by other metals or alloys ("metallc-- the:rmic") or with calcium carbide ("carbidothermic"). P. V. Gelid et al. (Ref 3) reported on the latter. N. M. Nikolay.- shvilli Ref 4) reduced (I) with silicon alloys, whereas ( V. 11. Gus1kov, N. M. Zuyev, and A. I. Voynitskiy (Ref 5) -ar- ried out the (I)-reduation with silicon alloys and also with aluninum. Or. the basis of these investigation results the ex- per%ments of the present paper were made with ferrosilicon (11) and aluminum silicon (III) (in the beginning with calcium carbide under the participation of a team of the UNIkhim). The Card 1/3 fol:.owing reactions were investigated: the carbidothermic Preparation of Metallic Potassium by the I'Vacuothermic" SOV/64-59-5-10/28 Method reduction 2KC1 + CaC 2- CaCl 2 + 2C + 2K (1), the aluminothermic reduction 18KC1 + 14CaO + 6A1 = S3a0*3AI 203 + 9CaCl 2 + 16K (2)~ and the silicothermic reduction 4KC1 + 4CaO + Si - 2CaO-SiO 2 + + 2CaCl 2 + 4K (3), further, the authors calculated the free energy AF (within the temperature range 1123 - 1323 0K), the equilibrium constant K p, the equilibrium pressure of potassium vapors P., and 1g P. (Table 1). The experiments were made on a semicommercial scale with 150-300 kg charging initial quantity for the preparation of 20-40 kg of metallic potassium. The charge was briquetted and the potassium chloride was thermally reduced in vacuum. The charge consisted of potassium chloride (of up to 4% NaCl), limestone, and ferroeilicon (72.3% SO. The components ((I) and (II)) were dehydrated, finely ground (-60 to -80 mesh) and subsequently briquetted. The reduction was made in a perpendicular vacuum retort furnace (Pig 2) whereby the condensation of the salt from the gaseous phase Card 2/3 took place in the upper-part of the furnace while that of the Preparation of Metallic Potassium by the "Vacuothermic" SOV/64-59-5-10/25 Method metal vapors occurred in the lower (hotter) part. The redaction was started at 810-8500 and proceeded at 780-8000 (0-5-0-13 = H~- The, first series of experiments resulted in potassium yields of only 15-3V.. To increase the reaction rate, 5 and Vo of calcium fluoride (IV) was added in the second series of ex- periments. An addition of Vo of (IV) inoreased the potassium yield to 47-7-62.7~6 (Table 2), as well as a reduction in the (II)-consumption and current'cc)nsumption. Further experiments carried out with (III) offered good results (39-3-58.56/a potas- sium yield, Table 3)1 though cnly a reduced yield is obtained as compared to the (II)-procedure (Table 4), the consumption of (III) is considerably less thin that of (II). A technologic- al schedule of operation ia given (Fig 3). There aie 3 fig-ures.~ 3 tables, and 8 Soviet references. Card 3/3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4184 Strelets, Kh.L., A.Yu. Tayts, and B.S. Gulyanitskly. Metallurgiya magniya (Metallurgy of Magnesium) 2d ed.# rev. and enl. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1960. 479 p. Errata slip inserted. 2p650 copies printed. Reviewersi V.A..Pazukhin,, Doctor of Technical Soiencess Professor, Ya.M. Kheyfits, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, V.N. Veriginp Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.Ya. Fisher, Candidate of Technical Sciencess Ya.A. Tsentert Candidate of Tech- nical Sciences, G.S. Markov, Engineer, and V.V. Krivoruchenko, Engineer; Ed.i S.M. Chemobra;r; Ed. of Publishing Houast M.S. Arkhangellakaya; Tech. Ed.t M.R. Kleynman. PURPOSEi This book is intended for technical and scientific personnel in the metal- lurgical industory. It may be used by students of the field in schools of higher educationy particularly those specializing in the production of magnesium. COVERAGEs The book gives the characteristics of the raw materials used in the production of riagnesium, and discusses the theoretical bases of magnesium metal- lurgy. The eloctrolytical and thermal manufacturing processes are described. The properties of magnesium and the methods used in its refinement are discussed. B.S. Gulyanitslciy wrote Chapters I and IV, Kh.L. Strelets -- Chapter II, and Card-1/15> Metallurgy of Magnesium SOV/4184 A.Yu. Tay-ts -- Chapters III and V. The authwe thank Professor Doctor V.A. Pazukhin. There are 438 referenoes, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface to the Second Edition 8 Introduction 9 PART ONE. RAW MATFAUALS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF MAGNESIUM 13 Ch. 1. Magnesium Carbonates 14 1. Magnesite 14 2. Dolomite 17 Ch. 11. Magnesium Sulfates and Magnesium Chlorides 20 1. Mineral salts 20 2. Natural brizies of magnesium salts 22 3. Waste liquors of magnesium chlorides 27 I TAYT5. A.Yu. --i ~-~ ~Ther~5axeductiou of magnesium oxide b7 a mixture off ferrosillcon, calcium -.artide, and aluminum-silicon. Zhur. prikl. khim. 33 no-8: 1714-1713 Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Iron-silicon alloys) (Calcium carbide) (Aliminum-ailicon alloys) (Magneoium oxide) IVANOV, Abskeandr Ivanovich; KRIVORUCHENKOp VWimir Vladimirovich; ILOICHEV, Vasilly Andreyevich; KRYZHKO) I.S.p retsenzentj NECHRIP, V.M.j, retsenzent; IRTEGOV, II.H.j, retsenzent; _jAXW,-A.Ym..j-xed.; ARKHRIGELISMA, M.S.,, red, izd-,va; DOBUZE[NSKAYA, L.V.0 tekhnerede (Electrolytic production of magnesium) Froizvodstvo mag- niia elektrolizom. Moskvap Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo lit- ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgiij, 1962. 254 p. (MIM 15:2) (Magnesium-Electrometa:Llurgy) TAYTS, A.Yu. Concerning V.M.Chelltsov's and I.D.Toaregorodtsev's article entitled "Vaculin Furnaces for the silicothermic method of pro- ducing magnesium." TSvet. met. 35 no.3t85 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Vacutm metallurgy-Equipment and supplies) (Chelltsov, V.M.) (T-Garegorodtsev, I.D.) TATTSI B -A., kandidAt takhnichookikh nauk, d*toent. -~Wift Special factories and plants for the production of reduction gears. Vest.mash.27 n#.12:82-83 D 147* WaA 9:4) (Gearing) (Nachinery industry) TAYTS B. A A 12A9T51 Aug 48 Gears "SelimtIon of a System of Taking Readings and Un- related Errors for Geared Mechanisms," B. A. Thyte, 15 PI) "1z J.1k Nauk SSMr Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 8 Treats subject under following headings: (1) system of taking readings: (2) primary errors of a gear- wheel; (3) periodic errors of gearwheels; (4' peri- odic errors of gearwheels produoad by chasers, hobo and s~2avers. 12/49T51 6ne itia t tr'V!-nIe4,evkH-h m0r: j, ~iili, # doir to r vaO, ; MeTLIHAD, f In;,. h ann. r, WYAW. 1-U. , kgndlda*. nauk; B_TTiGi:j I.A. , h?,fl'int takhni- cheskikh nai*-; BCGUS1.hVSK.Y. P.Te., Im&-idat te1,hnLccsk1k1j -isuk: BOROUGH, kaliflint tel.-hniche6kilch vanir; VuLIMR, A.S., -)rnfessor, doktor tekhni0,F-qkikh nauk; 0011mi~uIRG, YU.Y., in7he"Ar: G-JiODHTNKI1', I-Ye., professn-, '-ktor t~khntchen*-Ikh notak; GORDO, 1.0.. aroffisnor; dI,*3?rBZ.R(;, Y.P., kandidat tek~nl~hojakiVh riAuk; DUSChATOV. V.V., in7hener, IVANOV. A.G.. kandidat terhufr-ovkV0. nank; KIRkNOS11111I. R.S.. vrofeasor; KOUUI?, D.3.. ".- -iii-tat tev_hni- ihaakikh nouk; A.i-.., kandldqt tekhnic-inck--kh nauir.; i:AJTIKQ'1. L.P., ko,;dIdpt takimirbonlicilr-h natak; CU""HULI. Vandi- tek-hnI-!hev~Uch nauk: 1.9VA116LIN. Ye.Y., inzheaar; YAZYHI1;. 1.I., i Wiener; Vk I-11tIN. . !mndidvt tet7~- i,!hankikh nauk -, 14AR.Tvi-CY. kaw-71eint taikhni!-1nn,-.kt~h nw*: MU.,;RG, II.YA., kiindidat nFji,:j-,; NIXQ'idiUY. G.A.. o-rcfasw)r, dr%*e-tf'.r takhnirbeckikli nank; P-6TRUSOVICH, A.T., dnktz-,r takhnichef:kik~. nouk, ?OZD11Y,,..rC1. doteent; ornfeenor, &~Irtnr tekhnichaOllkh nf-,4-; ?R1GWOVA'A'Y, 11-1., tir(fo-tor, dolctor t0hr.!chevktkb nau*-". nf;* 'IN, B.A. . kvnAidat t0bnIt+Fi4:ikh naidr; R3361120%1' D.N., orcf #b_&rNr' dn!-15r tat-hnicheslrilkh nauk; SPTIL'. R.A.. Drcfe--n,-,r. rioktur telvl~n'lrhec'-~il& nDu~% SXF.RHS31N. '*,.V.; SLOBODKIN, H.S., in-therer; SPITNI-YU. N.A.. ~14. nrcfenvor, doktor tmttmi~,henkikh nauk; ST,'T-_111. G.R., ka,, _r t nauk: TAIT kandiat ta~+-icnenklkh TOWLIBAM. I.M., kardidat te'rhniches Krkdh na-,k; URAN' oKlY. A -A profeaseir, 4oktor t,0,1-ni-;inr--ikh nauk, V.I., dnktor tekhn1cbqs'-ikh (Continred on next card) BABKIN. S. I.--- (coatinuad) Card 2 ICIAYT. D.M.. kandilat tek~nlcbef4kikh nauk-, .1:;Yi)l.'ICV, V.Yr-., r':3rdl.Jat tekhnichookikh naL',-; Sia;.l-B&. M.N., Irsher"er, na*--~~r~7v radakt~r., :;HHDROV. V.S.. k nnue-nvor raialltar; .an-'j,j-jt takhnicheakikh nnuV TSVNTXUV, A.P.. dctE;ont, nwicbW redairtor; SU, 'li IKQV. inzhaner, naucbuyy redaktor; MARKUZ, 9-Ye.. inzhaner, rv~!-.thnvy radAktor. KARG-ANOV. V-G., inziient.-r, nauchnyy reda":tcr, dc~.tcr tekhnicheakilch nauk, professor. redactor, S)C-iUl-OVr- T.F., telchniche- ski.v radaktor (Unrual of machirery manufacture] v trakh zpuakb. Mnekva, lit-ry. Vol,3, Fiell 10059 9, 1. Deyvtvitel'r--:- AkadeT.!i nnuk (fcr Serensen.) 0~;'hl I-r-7) TAYTSI B. A. (Boris Arkad,lyevich) "Basic Problems of the Precision of Preparation and Control of Gear Wheels," (Dissertation), Academic degree of Doctor in Technical Sciences, based on Ma defenl3e, ba 13 14MY 1953, in the Council of the Moscov Machine-Tool and T:)oI Inst im. Stalin. JILM- 3,054,778, 2 Oct 57 -T RY F q- I.? I t -31 f.)- MALYY, D.D., inzhener; TAYTS, B.A., kandidut teklmicheskikh nauk, dotscotf. Gear measuring instruments. Vest.mash. 31 no.6:72-77 Je '53- (y7-RA 6:6) (Gearing) Neasuring instruments) TAYTS, B.A., kandicU.t tdchnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SOK010VA, T.7., "--'j-VViAhnicheskJjy redaktor. [Methods for Increasing accuracy in machining gear wheal#] Puti, povyshoniia to'chuosti obrabotki zubchatykh koles. Moskva, Gos, nauchno-tekhn. isd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 222 p. (MLPA 8:2) (Gearing) AL'SHITS, I.Ta.,,kandidat takhnichesklkh uan ; BABKIN, S.I., kandidat tekbnicbesklkh nauk; BALAKSON, B.S., doktor takhnichookM man professor; MUMMY, R.D., inshener; BWATW, T.H., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk; BERMINA, N.I., inshener; BIRGZR. I.A., doktor teikhnicbeekikh nauk; BOdUSLAVSKIT. Tu.W., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh imuk; BOPIOVICH, L.S., kandidat takhnicheskikh usuk; 001=31M1. Tu.H., Insbener; GORDON, T.O., professor; OORDDWZSKIT, I. Te., doktor tekhnichaekikb nauk, professor; GPDRAN, H.B.. in2h~ner: DIKIR, Ta,I., kandidat takhnichesktkh nauk; DOSCHATOT, V.Y., Inzhener; IVANOV, A.Gd, karldidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KINASOSHVILI, R.S.. doktor takhnichagktkh nauk,- professor; KRU- TIKOV, I.P., kandidat tekbnIcheskikh nauk; LIMSON, YsX. inzbznez,; HMRIN, I.V. inshener: XARTMOV, A.D., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; NIBIRG, N.Ta., kaMidat takhnichaskikh nauk-, NIOLATIff, G.A., doktor takhnichaskikh mauk, professor-, PITRUSI- VICH. A.1., doktor tekbnIcheakikh nauk; POZDWAKOT. S.N., dotsent; PONOMARLV. S.D.. doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, profeavor; PRONIN, B.A. ka-adidat takhnicheskikh mant; RISHITOT, D.H., daktor t1khul- chaskikh nauk, professor; SATELI. V.A.. doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, professor; SIMAXOT, P.P., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; STOBODKIN, M.S., Imbaner; SPITSTN. N.A.. doktor tathnichaskikh nauk. professor; STOLSIN, G.B., kandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk; TAM&~B A. doktor takhnichaskikh nauk; CHIMSHW, H.A., kandi- a&T-- askikh mmi -, SHIMBROVICH, R.M., kandidat tekbni- (Conti=ed onnext card) ALISHITS, I.Ta., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk (and others).... #-, Card 2, chaskikh nauk, YMODY. T.Ta., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; FMIKH, L.B.. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; ACHSFXM, M.S.. doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, professor, redaktor; H&WS, M.Te., lushener, redaktor; XkWAIIDV, Y.G., Whener, redaktor; BOKOLOVA, T.Y., takhnichaskly redaktor, (Mechanical engineer's manual; in 6 volumes] Spravochnik mashino- etroltel.1a; y shesti tomakh. Isd.2-s, ispr. i dop. Moskva, Go*. nauchno-takhn.Isd-yo mashinostroit. lit-ry, Vol.4. 1955. 831 p. (Michanical enginaering) (MLRA 8:12) VOLODIN, TO.I., Itandidat tekhnichegkiktL nauk; GORODITsKly. I-ye., professor, doktor t,okhaichookikh nauk [deceased]; DOSCHATOV. V.V., Inthener; KOROfXOV, V.P., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; KANTSIT. B.M., inthener; HIST11ROV-SKIT, M.N., inshener; PAIST, N.A.. inzhener: ROSTOVM, A.Ts., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; TAYTS, B.A.. professor, daktor takhniche- skikh nal2k; MYDIMOV, V.Ta., kdWfftd&ttekM1 che ski kh nauk; ARVAYS, A.V.. inshener; CHUDOV, V.A., inshener; ACHEMN. M.S.. doktor takhnicheskikh nauk. professor, glavu" redaktor; VIADIStAVISY, V.S., redaktor: MAW. A.K.. redaktor; POZDNTAKOV, S.N., redaktor; STOLBIN. O.B., redaktor; CMXAVSXIT, S.A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauko redaktor; MAR=, M.Te.. inshaDer', redaktor (deceased]; RARGAMOV. T.G., Inzhener, redaktor graficheakikh rabot; SOKOLOVA, T.Y., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Metal worker's manual; in five volumes] Spravochnik astallista; y plati t(=okh* Red. soyst I.S.Acherkan i dr. Moskva. Gos.nsuchno-tekhn. Isd-te-vo misehinostroit.lit-ry. Tol.l.(Pod red.S.A.Chernavskogo).1957.03 p. (Mechanical engineering) 7-19 XT~S 28-1-8/42 -AUTHOR: Tayte, B.A., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: Gear Drive Tolerances (Dopuski na zubch%tyye peredachi) PERIODICAL: Staridartizataiya, #_l, Jan-Feb 1957, p 37-45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article considers the now standards 'IrOCTI' 1643-569 1758- 56, and 3675-56 which were approved in 1956 and will become effective in June 1958, and the faults of the,,rmll ts*1643-46, 5411-50 and 5412-50 which are presently in use, and contair general theoretic data related to gear tolerances, with ex- ple.nations of causes and consequences of machining inaccuracies. The plotting principles of the new standards are given in detail (for cylindrical pars only, aince the principles of plottin the tolerance standards for bevel and worm gears are similarf, with diagrams and formulas. It is stressed that the tool in- dustry must arrange production of the necessary instruments, (onQ-profile combination meters, angle pitch gages, axial pitch meterst contact motors, special gears with a changed contact angle) and that a number of the present standards for measuring gears, gear cutting tools, and gear cutting machine tools ought Card 1/2 to be revised. The projects for the aforementioned new standards Gear Drive Tolerances 28-1-8/42 are being developed by L.A. Arkhangellskiy, U.S. Polotskiy, B.A. Tsyts., and G.I. Tkachevskiy of the Gear Drive Department of rsNIITMASh. The article contains 5 diagrams, I chart, and 5 bibliographic references, 4 of which are Russian. ASSOCIATION: TsNIITMASh AVAILABLE. Library of Congress Card 2/2 TAYTB. DAA~wwwwaft NOW00- Ifficient, design of transmitting levers for measuring instir=euts. Itm. takh. no.4:1C-12 JI-Ag 157. (KM 10;8) (Measuring instruments) (Mechanical movements) doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; KOILOT,j Mikhail Prokoflyevich;,TATTS, B.A. KOXHTV, A.A., inzh., red.; SIOMRMIKO M.Te,. ixdatel'skiy red.; ROMIN, V.P., [Gear transmissions In prscLsion instruments] Zubobatye peredsohi tochnogo priborostrooniiso Hosbro, Goo, Izd-vo obortprowyehlog 1958. 392 P. I (HLRA 11:4) (Gearing) Onstrueentw-Transmission devices) TAITS. B. A. (Doctor of Technical Sciences) Balyayev, V. N., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Birger, I. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Demidov, S. F., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Korotkov,V. P., Candidate of Technical Sciences; KudUavtsev, V. N., Doctor of Titchnic,41 "clencen. Frofesnor; Yjartynov, A. D., Candidote of Technical Scionces; hiberg, L. Ya., Candidate of Technical -1ciencon; Ponomerev, -'3. D., Doctor of Technical ~'Oences, Professor; Pronin, B. A., Candidate ot Technical Ociences; Push, V. E., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Sleznikov, G. I., Engineer; Stolbin, G. B., Candidate of Tecl,nical Saiences; Tayts, B. A., "octor of Technical Sciences Spravochnik rAtall1sta. t. 2(YPtals Engineering Handbook. v. 2) Moncow, Mashgiz, 1958. 974 p. 100,000 copies printed. Ed. (title page): Chernavskiy. S. A., Candidl;te of Technical Sciences; Ed. (inside bock): Farklis, Fl. Ye,, Engineer (deceased); Tech. Ed.: Sokolova, T. F.; Editorial 2~oard of the set: Acherkan, F. S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the i'loard and Chief Ed.; Vladislavlev, V. S. (decoased); Malov. P. N.: Pozdriyakov, S. N.; Rostovykh, A. Ya.; Stolbin, G. B.; and Chernavskiy, S. A. PLIPM. The book os Intended for technicians and engineers working in the field of ruichine design and in production. -4"4449 of re 4 nk a 'IE'-lr'flent bTld reT)Ort itted -for 1'~ ' 11 tin f-,a ,1,1,tl Gc)nfprpnr't' - luclaPest) ic scierItAl, 21,-,C) I*ov ~ M ROMY) --V. P, Fg- 1-1 41 y "Gex4it Vir Kontr:)lle der kinematischen Genauigkeit von Verzahnungen" report presented at the Oct Intl. Measurements Conference (WEM) Budapest, 24-30 November ~~ LU -40 Ph H=C. P4 Azt .4 o A 0.0 g ..-HOZI A... ! A * 0 VI ~30 W-ft -n % RH :,,44 r SO U.C 003 oil 0 94 !11 1 A- I - ; I a u 3 Ail Ak I , .. " 14 1 -0 .4 1 U-0 I. H :%. 'a ; 8. ~ N" f's-HOW A 71% OA J 14 i's Hj 11.3 1 :~, A 1 0 �; Ntj3-.-2 . S 81P. U ev I I I 02 N A 1 ih .1 -. I iv KALASHNIKOT, N.A., prof. tekhn.nauk-"-TArTA, B.A., prof., doktor j- ~ tekhn.nav.k. red:-'LTAIMO.H. Tu.N., dotesInItI&lmAskbn. sauk, red.; UVAROTA, A.r., t; [Increasing the accuracy of gear contact measurements] Povy0henis tochnosti izmere,~Iti subchatykh sateeplenii. Pod red. B.A. TalteaO M.M. Liandona. *skva, Goo. nauchno-takha.izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry. 3.958. 159 P. (Gearing) (MIR& 12:2) -T-A-Y IFS , - R ~ A- TATTS, B.As. doictor takhn. nauk, Prof. Methods of checking gear wheels* Hashinostroltell n0.102-34 A 158s (Gearing) (MIRA Ilil) 28-56-2-26/41 AUTHOR: Tayta, B.A., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: Development of Normal Thlerances fw a Gear 111ranamission (Razrabotka norLiaiey dopuskov na zubchatyyc peredachi) PERIODICAL: 6tandart.izatsiya, 1956&Nr 2, pp 62-69 (USSR) ABSTRACT: New standards 11GOSTs 1643 - 56,,, "1758 - 56" and "3675 - 561, for gear drives will take effect on January 1, 1959. The author Points out that these standards must be completed by "normal" standards (for d4fferent trachine industry branches) which should not only indicate the tolerances for various parameters of gears and gear drives, but also contain recom- mendations for the choice of the accuracy-degree of a drive, the method of calculating the guaranteed backlash and the choosing of the mesh type, the required accuracy of gear blanks, the checking methods, and the drawings. Related calcule.tions and charts are given. There are 4 figures, 5 charts, and 3 Soviet references. AVAILABLE; Library of Congreus Card 1/1 1. Gears-Standards 2. Standardization-USSR SOV/122-58-7-2/31 AUTHORS: _ta.,2-A. I Doctror of Technical Sciencas, Professor -Tay -& - Dii'man, V.S., Enginee= TITLE: New Staxidards Specification for the Accuracy of Gear Transm.-'.zisions (Navyye standarty na tochrio3t' zubchatykh peredach) if, 1j, ri PERIODICAL: Vestn!.k M-ashinostroyen-iya, 1958 1 PP ti - 13-(USSR) ABSTRACT: The new standardsspecification, GOST 1643-56, entitled "Cyl'nd.:!ical Spur Gear Transmissions. Toleranl~,es" replaces the 19415 standard of the same title and -;omes into force on Janu3,rj- It, 1959. The spe~;ification eirzisages 12 grades of accura3y. The highest, namiely, the 1st and 2nd, are left open fcr future development. TEe lowest (12-uh) remains umspecif-Jed, being fo-reseer- for unmachined gears. Tolerances are stated for 9 grades Ord - llth). Increasing the n7inber of grades o-.,e-- the old standard was dictated by the adoption in practi~;e of high-preccision lov.- power and high-speed hIgh-power trar)-smissions both -demanding finer limits th~an tha old lst grade. Further, Whe geometric prcg-ression factor of 1.6 internationally adopted has replaced t-he old factor of 1-?3. In effect, the nevi ?t-h and 8th grade tolerances almost coincide with Cardl/8 the old 2nd and 3rd grade. Each grade specifies the SOV/122-58-Z-2/31. . Iqew Standards Spe?.,ification for the Accuracy of Gear Izansmissions standar,".s of kinematic aczu:,.-acy, smoothness of runrdin6( and tcoth ~~c,ntact accuracy separately. Thus, different requirements zan be set up under different operatirF, conditi-oris. For example, in a turbine gear transmicsion th~ standard zu.Gt be I grade above that of kinematic The opposite rela,.Lon prevails in dlvi(iing transmissiona. 1n rolling-m-ill gears the - must exceed that of accura,,,,r with regard to tooth contact kiaemat'..:; ac-curacy and running smoothness. The spe--ifi-,ation envisages fc-ar meshing fits independent of the mac-21-ining accurat~.y. Thue, a reversing dividing .1. vra.nzz:_-s~L,~r_ ~equi_-es -the zmallest clea-rances and a high- epeed -transmission, the highest. Each type of meshing is dist-inguii-ahed by the minimum --learance. The fteld of minimum and maximum clearances is illustrated. The straight spur gear specifications include helical spur ge4,rs of a width so defined that the helical feature does not guarantee overlap of tooth contact arcs. For each of the 3 ac--uracy standards and types of meshing, overall criteria amd singla-element criteria are established. The Card2/8 former include the kinematic erroZ of the gear wheel, the SOV/122-58-7-2/31 Bew Standards Spe4ll~Lution for the Accuracy of Gear Transmissions cyclic pitch error, the contae~t spot and the limiting displacement of the basic profile as well as the error in the '-entre distance, the lack of parallelity and the errors due to the axes not being in one plane. These overall criteria are related to the element criteria by analytical relations. The basis of these relations rests on practical experien,~e with the existing standards which has served to establii3h expressions for the tolerances and errors in the ?th grade of accuracy. The denominator of the progression for the tclerances covering the kinematic accuracy is 1.6. For the tooth contact accura,.:y the denominator is 1.25. The main factors which de""ermine the tangential clearance tolerar--es are the ioleran4ces cf the sentre distance and of tile those c-a the displa;,,ement ~" L prcfi'Le. These two quantities can be in-.reased when c-hanging ever from meshing with zerc clearan~',e tc meshing with a finite -.'Learance. The toleraixe fc--f- the d1splacement of the basiz profile is asso-^i;3.t6d dire,tly with the radial e-.centrici.tZr of the tcoth ~-Irown and also includes a magnitude for -the profile error itaelf. The zesultIng minimr--a and maximum clearances and 'he d-41"ferer-ces between them Increase substantially from Card3/8 the most tight to the most, loo-ze mez.hing fit. This SOV/122-58--.7-2/31. Bew Standards Spar-i-f-ication for th,~: At,,surasy of Gear Transmissions in-,rease has been fu.11.1y justified bg practicai requirements. The new standar%,A. zpei~llfi-_ation GOST 1758-56 entitled "Bava2 Gea::- T:-ansm-issirins, Toleranr;es" a].so came into force on Janaary 1. 19r* The ifica-ori zc-,-ers trans- 59 rLew spec mliss-ir,ns with intersecting axes(at any angle) and gears abraight, inclined and curved teetah, with a pitch circle diameter'of up to 2 000 mm and -a module between and ~O mm. 1._~ gradea of are envisaged, whilst toleran, and ei~ro_-a aTz, stated o_nly frjr all grades between -the 5"-h and lith. Present-day production methods of be-e.1 geara do not ir,,~Iude reliable procedures for manufLnl.uring gea4rs more at-curate than the 5th grade. The ni!w standard briLgs into line grade designations of bevel, spur anI wGrm Sears. Tzanszissiors of the same grade will yield the same operating features. The greater difficulty of prezise bevel gears -B-,,ren limits the application of V-a "h and 6th grad~e of a,~c-i)xa.-y. As before, each grade ,on':qins thxee types cf standards, namely, of kinematic accuracy, of smooth runnirg and of tooth contact. He same gear may be made to different grades of accuracy in the~~a tlrLree respe,.ts. In cencrast with spur gears, the Card4/8 smocthness ,-an differ f-2cm the kinematic accuracy SOV/122-58-7-2/31 Pew Standards Specificaticn for the Accuracy o_f' Gear Transmissions. in bevel, gears by no more than one grade. The tooth-contact grade cannot be coarser than that of the running smoothness. In the manufacture of bevel gears the variety of finishing processes is more restricted than -in spur gears and it is not posfj,;Lble to improve the runnine; smoothness without increasIng the kinematic. accuracy of gears. From the operational point of view, the manufacturing precision and the tangential clearances are not interconnected. Once again, '~he specification establishes four meshing fits, which determine zhe minimum tangential clearance. Each of the three standards of 9,CQV acy and meshing fits is covered by overall cr.iteria ana 6Eent criteria. When determining the nu eri~_-al values of the tolerances and fits, the basic new feature is the equal quaiity in operation of bevel and spur gears of the same grade of accuracy. This determines the similarity of several quantities in the two types of gears Eiu-h as the kinematic -arror of the gear, the accumu- lated circular pitch error, the e~,-_entricity of the tooth crown and t-he circular pitch errors. The tolerance for tooth thickness, as in other gear types, is assumed larger than the effect of eccentricity, besause the change in tooth Card5/8 thickni3ss resulting from ec_ce~-_-ricity must not amount to more SOV/122-58-7-2/31 mew Standards Spetifi--ation for the Aceixracy of Gear Transmissions than part of the tolerance zone. Often, especially with curved toeth,, the tangential clearance found in a master assembly w~_11 be a more rtliable inspe,~tion method than dire--t measurement of tooth thickness. The worm gear standard, GOST 3675-56, equally came into force on January d., 11959~ It eliminaTies several gap6 in the earlier standard,, namely., the absence of high-pre-ision worm trans- missionO, the failure to distinguish between kinematic and power txansmissions, the abserLce cf standards for large kinemat_-L.-, transmissicns, the absence of requirements covering the o-rerall a-.curacy factors for the -worm wheel such as the kinematic. and cjyclic errors and the absence of values for the tangential clearanf:-~o- 12 grades of accuracy are foreseen, of which those from the 3rd to the 9th are speu-ified. On--e again, the 1st and 2nd grades are high- pre--ision transm-Lssions, indJ'ridually made and grades above the 9th are generally unmachined. In kinematic and dividing t,?ansmiE;5-_'ons1, the deTiations of those elements are signifi- cant wh' -eh determine the relative turning error of the pair. Se,;cnd, since the relative position error, inevitably leads Card,6/8 to lama of running smo6thness, whdch appears once in every SOV/122-58-?-2/31 New Standards Spe;aification for the Ac3uracj of Gear Transmissions worm revolution, the exaCt reproduction of the profile and position of the worm in the worm-wheel cutting tool is essential. The latter requirement can only be achieved by an adjustment in the position of the worm. The standards replace the specification of the relative positions of worm and worm wheel by a specification of the contact spot posit-;.on and of the kinematiG and cyclic error. For power transnissions, assembly accuracies are given. Kinematic transnissions have specified standards in the 3rd-6th grades of accuracy; power transmission., in the 5th-9th grades. In the 5th and 6th grades, kinematic and power trans- missions have identical worm tolerances but the assembly tolerances are stated only for the power transmission. To provide a distinction, the abbreviation "reg" is added -to the designation of a worm transmission, denoting adjustment on assembly; thus, an adjustable transmission to the 5th grade of accuracy wit-h D fit meshing is designated "St. 5-reg. - D GOST 36?5-56". Power transmissions include modules between 1 and 30 mm, worm-wheel pitch'circle diameters -Ap to 2 000 mm and wo--ma with pitch circle diameters up -11-o 400 mm and an arbitrary number of starts. Card?/8 X_Jnemat_L~ transmissions extend to wom wheels of 5 000-MM SOV/122-58-?-.2/31 .New Standards 4ecification fcr the Accuracy of Gear Transmiszions d.iameter and moduli between 1 and 16 The accuracy requirement,s are divided into tbose co-!ering worm wheels, viormo, adjustable kinemat:"c transmissions, assembly of ncr-.-ad.just -able power transmissicas and tangential s 1 e azan,; e s. Overa-11 cri.teria and singi-e-element criteria are irzladed. The kinemati~-; eT'ror tolerance in worm trans- mi sions is coarser b3r 1 grade than the tolerance for spur gears. Therefore, worm transmi8sions used for dividing in gear-l-,utting maahines must be 1 grade finer than the gearB ~;ut on the machine. Several considerations apply to the erec~ification of the worm profile thickness accuracy, since the tangential clearance cannot be adjusted by the centre distance without distunbing the toothcontact. Tiae spec-ifi7,atiori dependz on the -,ype of cutter used to machine tb.e wcrm wheel. There are I figure and 3 Soviet references. Card 8/8. SOV/1 15-59-6-1/33 25(l), 28(1) AUTHORSt Tayts, B. otkov, V.P. TITLE% Instnunents for Checking the Kinematic Accurany of Asmemblies and Machine Tools PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya telchnika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 13-16 (Ussrt) ABSTRACT: The anthors describe a number of devices d6vsloped in the USSR for detennining the kinematic accuracy of mechanisms, especially gears. A considerable amount of meclianisms mumt provide a precise matching of the revolutions of the driving and tbe drivoyx shafts. The mismatching must not exceed several angular seconds or mi- crons, and, in some cases, even fractions of seconds or microns are required. Consequently, it is necesnn-_-j to d-ovelop devices wntrolling the accuracy of' individunl ine(Ainnical. links (gears, Worm gearsT screws) and devices for controlling entire link~trains and machine tools. Ifeaiurt-ment.4 of individual ele- ments, gears, screws, etc. do not result in complote prezision characteristics of the work of the give-,). pai-ts in a mechanism. Individual errors of one part are intensified or eumpensated'by Card l/.1 the errors of the other parts. Therefore, the most precise parts SGV/.115-59-6-4/33 Instruments for Checking the Kinematic Accuraty of Assemblies and Machine Tools must 'be checked under conditions drialogous to the actual opera- tion. ThuE, the total error of a part may be established which it would show when installed in the wochaniwn for which it was de- signed. In the USSR2 a number of devices was designed for the hi- nematic control of geari. The d_-vice MT-2 was proiaced for check- ing the total error of gears with a small modulus (0.02-lmm). This device is uf3ed for determining the total (,rror of a single- profiRe gear link by a measuring slide. A s(:hematic diagram of this device is shown in Pirr 1. For measuring under mass productiz)n conditions, ilia total error of gears lifAving a medium modulus of 1-8, und a center distau.-,e oe 70-300 non, a simple: device was de- veloped with a short and reliable kinemati~., train, as shown In Fig 2. A self-recorder registers the total qrror of the gear to be controlled. Tests of this device showed that its error with the self-recorder amounts to 2-4 seconds at different ratios. For measuring the total error of medium-moduius, opur gears, a univer- sal device was created, as shown in Fig 3. The tendonvy of elimin- ating the precision mea6uring gear led to the development of the Card 2/3 control method without reference gears as suggested by N.N. hfarkov. 0 SOV/115-50-13-4/33 Instruments for Checking the Kinematic Accuracy of Assemblies and Machine Tools This device consists of an involote meter and an angular pitch meter. The combination of these meters produces error curves of the right and left tooth profiles. The outer contour, obtained in the recorder diagram, characterizes the single-proHle error curve of the gear. D.A. Tayts suggented a device for controlling helical gears of up to 300 mm diameter and a modulus of 1-8, as shomn in Fig.4. L.A. Arkhangellskiy and G.I. Tkaelievskiy developed a spec- ial device for controlling the watching of the rotary motion in precision gear milling machines. A.Y. Levashev developed a device for checking the matching of the rotation of two links of a kin- ematic train which is used at a number of machine -tool plants. This device is shown in Fig.15). V.P. Korotkov developed a method of controlling matching and rotary motion in (rear and screw-4--utting machine tools. This method is basod on optical colneidence and comparision of the shifting of dial calibrations, belonging to the driving and driven links of the kinematic trains to be checked. Fig.6 shows the diagram of this device. The dial is shown in Fig.7. Card 3/3 There are 7 diagrams. DOBRYKIN, Tevgeniy Kikhaylovich; TATTS,_~,4., prof., doktor tekha.nauk, retsentent; GOROMSKIT, Tu.G., JmsLd.tekhn.nauk$ retsezLzent; TAUDDISKIT, A.Gg kendetekhm.nauk, red.; 71LISIM, M.S., red.isel-vo; TIUAVOT, A.U.. [Instritments for automatic control of dimaitsions in the manufacture of machinery] Pribory aytonatiobaskogo kontrolia rasseroy v wshi- mostroonii. Hooky&, Goo.nauchno-takhn.isd-vo wehinost.roit.lit-ry, 1960. 302 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Uschimery ind-ustry) (Automatic control) ,4 oq If I '4N IFv IL DIEM, Ya.I.; JAGIN, L.I.; TAYTS, B.A., doktor tekhn.uauk, red.; RLIKM, V*D# , (Manufacturing globold worm gears] osnov7 prioizvodetva cherviachn7kh globoidnykh peredach. Kookya, Goo.nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashino" otroitellnoi lit-r7, 1960. 203 P. (Moscov, TSentrallnyi nauchbo- issledovatellskli institut takhnologii i mashinostroaniia. [TrudV3, v01.96). (Gearing, Worm) (Gear cutting) (,TAYTS, B.A., proj!.,doktor telchn.nauk Basic principles for selecting the precision of measuring ins- traments. V2aiM.1 takhoizmo v mashinostre;mezhvuzvsbor* no*2*.202- 222 160o (KIRA 13:8) (Measuring instrwonte-Testing) TAYTS, B.A., prof.., doktor tekhn-nauk Analyzing iRrrore of various methods for machining gears# VzaiM.1 tekh.izm v mashinostr*; mzbmuz*sbor. no.2:223-242 160. (NIFA 13:8) (Gear cutting) 4S, .1~ - PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5762 Korotkov, Viadindr Petrovich, and Boris Arkadlyevich_yVts Oanovy metrologii i toohnosti mekhanizmov priborov (Fundamentals of Metrology and Accuracy of InstrQment Mechanisms) Moscow, Mashgiz, 196:1. 400 p. Errata slip inserted. 12,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): B. A. Tayts, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Reviewers: Z. M. Akoellrod, Candidate of Technical Sciences,'Dooent, and A. I. Yakushev., Doctor of Technical Sci- ehces, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: I. I. Leanichenko; Tech. Ed.: V. D. Elikind; Managing Ed. for Literature on Cold Working of Pletals and Machine-Tool Making: V. V. Rzhavinskiy, Engineer.. I PURPOSE Thlis book is intended for students of instrument de- sign in schools of higher technical education; it may also be used by met:rologisto and designers engaged in the designing, testing,.and adjuqtment of instruments. Card 11-544,., Fundamentals of Metrology and (Cont.) SOV/5762 COVMUGE: Basic Information is presented concerning the theory of linear,measurements and the accuracy of instrument mech- anioms used in dimensional inspection. The book contains ex- amples-for calculating the accuracy of mechanisms which take into account errors in arrangement, manufacturing errors caused by cleai ances, etc. The contents of the book corre- spond to the loctures delivered by the authors at the Moskov- skiy vecherniy mashinostroitelinyy institut (Moscow Might Institute of Mechanical Engineering). No personalities are mentioned. There are 121 references, all Soviet. TABLE OP CONTENTS: Foreword FART 1, FUNDAMENTALS OF METROLOGY (Docent V. r. Korotkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences) 3 Ch. 1. - Units of Measure for Physical Quantities 5 1. The concept of measurement 5 Card 2/11 TAM B.A., daktor tokhnonauki profs Anmaysing,some mothods for testing spur gears. Vzaim.i tekhe i=.v mashinostr.; mezhvtxzoobor. no.3:135-162 161. (MIRA,108) (Gearing,, Spur-Teating) - - - -TkYTSj BaA.- - I Introducirg standarda for toleranceo in gears. Standartizataiia 25 no 50-7 Ry 161.-' 0 .0 (MM 14:5) (Gepxing--Standards) (Tolerance (Engineering)) TAYTS B A - MARKOV, N.N.; KOLCHIN, N.I., zaal. deyatell nauki i tekhaiki RSFSR, doktortekhn. nauk, prof., red.; KUTAY, A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk, retoonzent; FIRUN, N.B., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; ONISHCHENKO, R.N., red. izd-va; BARDINA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Precision standards and control of gear wheela]Normy tochnosti i kontroll zubchatykh koles. Pod obshchei red. N.I.Kolchina. Mo- skva, Mashgiz, 1962. 103 P. (Bibliotechka zuboreza, no.6) (MIRA 16:2) (Gearing-Standards) BALAKSHIN, O.B., ka.-ad. takhn. nauk; BYKWVSKI7, M.L., prof., doktor tekhn. na%ak; VOLODINi Ye. I.. kand. tekhn. nau14- -GRIGORI YEV, I.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; DRAUDI"RYLENKO, A.T., inzb.,- IVOOV,, A.G., kani. tekhn.nauk,- KOZIDV, H.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOROTKOVO V.P., prof.; KOGHENOV, M.I., kand. tekhn.nauk; KUTAY, A.K,, kand. tekhn. nauk; MAAOV N.N.,kand. tekhn. nauk; PALEY, M.A., ingh.; RAYBMW, N.S., kand. tekhn.nauk; ROSTOVYKH, A.Ya., kand. tekn. nauk; RUNYANTSEV, A.V., kand. tekhn.nauk;.SARKIN, I.G., prof.; SMIRNOV, A.S., inzh.; ..M.ALYTq 13 A., prof., doktor tekhn. neuk; YAKUSHEV, A.I., prof., dokt-5?-TTM. nnuk) NESTEROVI, V.D., inzh., nauchnyy red.; CHUDOV, V.A., inzh., .,dt~k~or tekhnjnauks prof., red.~ nauchnyy red.; GAVPJLOV,, A~N. BLAGOSKU)NOVA, N.Yu., insh., rect. Izd-va; SOKOWVA, T.F., teldm. rod. (Manufacture of instruments and means of automatic control: a manual in five volum&s] Priborostroenie i sredetya avtomatiki; spravochnik v piati tomakh. Moskva, Gos.naucIuno-tekhn.Izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Vol.l.[Intarchangeability and engineer- ing measurements) Vzaimozameniaemost' i tekhnichaskie izmere- niia. 1963. 568 P. (MRA 16:8) (Electronic measurements) (Automatic control) Y.4WBNIKOV, S.N.; KOGAN, G.I.; KOZLOVSKIY, I.S.; KORZINKIN, V.I.; MARKOVI N.H.; SMOYEGI]TO A.A.; TAYTS, B.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; TROFJIMOVA tekhn. nauk, y P retsenzent; IVANOVA, N.A., red.izd-va; ELIKIND. V.D., tekhn. red. [Manufacture of gear wheels] Proizvodstvo zubchatykh koles; spravochmik. [By) S.N.Kalashnikov i dr. Moskva, Rashgiz 1963. 683 P. (MIRI 16-.12~ (Gearing) ABADZHI, K.I.; BCYTSOVj A.H.; VOLOSEVICH, F.P.; GOBERM) P.N.; KEMPRISKIY, M.M.; KUTAY, A.K.; VARINSKIY, F.I.; ODIXG, G.A.; IAYTS B A.; RUBRIOV, A.D.; SHTYURMI G.A.; BRZflEZTLIOA.L.L,-Y=.., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SHALAYEVSKIY, ON., red.; LEYKINA, T.L., red.izd-va; SPERANSKAYA, ON., tekhn. red. [Handbook on production control in the machinery industry] Spravochnik po proizvodstvennomu kontroliu v mashinostro- enii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz 1964. 748 P. WRA 17:3) IVANOV, A.G.; doktor toklizi. nauk, prof.; VOLOSY)V, I S.,;.; KOROTKOV., V.P.; Yf--.I.; liCSTOVYKIIIY A.Y.; P acktor tekhn. naw., prof.; Kcclr-~!-Jov, r kand. tekhn, nauk .9 retoenzent [Measuring instruments used in the manufacture of ma- chiner- ./I Izmeritellnye pribory v mashinootrconli. skva, Mlaohinostrocnic, J-964. 52:3 p. (Vli~A 18:1)