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TAUJ-I:AN,,A.B. rT 20-1-30,Ahi AUTHORSt Nikitina, S.A., Taubman, A.B. TITLE: The R81a of Adsorption Kinetics in the Effects of Wetting of Dust Particles by Drops of Solutions of Surface Active Substanc- es (0 roli kinetiki adeorptaii v yavleniyakh smachivaniya chas- tits pyli kaplyami rastvorov poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 116, Hr 1, pp. 113 - 116 (USSR) ABSTRACTs When investigatin4the dust adsorbing effect of the aqueous so- lutions of surface active substances of semicolloidal type (e.g. the wetting substances A J5 and OT-10) the authors found consiiierable differences in their dust-adsorbing capacity, althouga these substances were of similar chemical composition and molecular structure. These differences were found also in such solutions in which a practically equal extremely reduced static surface tension (UP to 30 - 35 erg/cm 2 ) exists. The re- duction of thestatic surface tension of the solution of sur- face active substances does not characterize the true proper- ties in the case of the real conditions of dust adsorption. The dynamic value cY d of surface tension may assume values that Card 1/3 range nearly from the surface tension of pure water ( 0- 0) up 20-1-30,1.4 The R81o of Adsorption Kinetics in the Effects of Wetting of Dust Particles by Drops of Solutions of Surface Active Substances to the lowest value (5r . Perhaps these differences, which are due to the special properties of the solutions of the colloidal wetting agents can be explained by investigating the surface activity of these wetting agents in the case of different dura- tions of the existence of the interface solution-air. In the solutions of AB and the aerosol OT the kinetics of the at- tainment of adsorption equilirbium manifests itself comparative- ly quickly, and both isotherms(6f dynamic and static surface tension) approach each other rapidly with increasing concen- tration. At a certain value they areeven identical. In the case of the wetting agent OT -10 the difference between d d and eys in considerable and does not vanish (which is of essential importance) in the case of larger concentrations. In the solu- tions (if those wetting agents in which the forming of micells occurs at a certain point of approximation of the isotherms a, (C,~)and dr (C), the efficacy of the collision of the dust parlicles with Ne drops of the solutions will be greatest at kinetic conditions. The greatest effect is attained by the wet- ting agents A-5 and O-r . There are 3 figures and 8 re- Card 2/3 ferenc(;s' 4 of which are Slavic. 20-1-30/4 The Ale of Adsorption Kinetics in the Effects of Wetting of Dust Particles by Drops of Solutions of Surface Active Substances ASSOCIATIONt Department for Dispersive Systems of the Institute for Physical Chemi st,~y AN USSR (Otdel dispersnykh sistem Inatituta fizioheekoy khimii Ak4oemii nauk SS:3R) PRESENTED: April 1.3, 1957, by P.A. Rebinder, Academician SUBMITTEDt April 4, 1957 &VAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 - - - - --- TOWdly- A. B. and--YANOVA,-L. P. -- - -- -- - - - -- "The Role of Gas-formation In the DisintegratIon of Polymers by Radiation" p. 292 Tru3,y Tmnsgetims of the p:Lrgt CMrare=e on paalowtjon CAmtutrys Hosetv, Tvi-vo AN GMs. 1958- 33Dpp. confere=e -25-30 Xmh 395T, Moscow .1 liOV/131-59-16- 59581 Translation fromi Referativnyy zhurnalg Khimiya, 1959, Ur 16, Pp 556-557 AUTHORSt Taubman, A.B., Yanova, L.P. TITLE: The Investigation of Radiation Resistance of High Polymers 1. The Effect of Ridiation on the Diffusion Permeability PERIODICAL: V sb.: Deystviye ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy na neorgan. i organ. sistemy. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1958, PP 307-313 ABSTRACT: The diffusion permeability (DP) in relation to HU of polytetra- fluoroethylene (I), polyethylene (II), polymethylmethacrylate (IIIJIS polystyrene (IV) and polyvinylohloride (V), which had been irradia- ted by X-rays and electrons, has been investigated. The determina- tions were conducted by means of measuring the leakage of the gas through a film of the polymer which separated two chambers, one of which contained a 35-5~6 solution of HC1 in water and the other water, The quantity of HCl was determined by electric conductivity~ It has been established that amorphous III and V in the glass-like state have a low DP which increases slowly in III and rapidly in V during irradiation. Such a behavior is explained by the dense Card 1/2 packing of the molecules and the radiation instability which leads SOV/81-59-16-59581 The Investigation of Radiation Resistance of High Polymers. I. The Effect of Radiation on the Diffus~on Permeability to the intensive liberation of gases and gives rise to the origination of micro- defects in the material. IV in the glass-like state is characterized by a hi~-h DP due to the looseness of the packing. Radiation slightly affects the DP of IV. A high DP and its snall variations due to irradiation are characteristic also for II. On the bas~.s of the obtained data the coefficients of permeability and diffusion of II and 11 for 11C1 have been calculated. Yu. Lipatov. Card 2/2 66387 SOV/58-59-10~22522 Translation from: Reforativnyy ZhumalFizika, 1959, Nr 10, p 106 (USSR) AUTHORS: Yanova, L.P., Taubman, A.B. TITLE- Study of Radioresistance in High Polymers. II. On the Role of Gas Formation During Degradation of Polymers PERIODICAL: In the Symposium: The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Inorganic and Organic Systems. Moscow, AS USSR, 1958, PP 314 - 324 ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the role played by processes of gas formation in the inechanism of degradation of polymers (teflon, polymethyl metha- orylate, and polyethylene) under the action of electron irradiation, It is shown that the intensity of the process of formation of gaseous de- gradation products increases with a sharp jump in the narrow temperature region where the polymers melt or effect a transition to a viscous- flowinj: state, It is pointed out that degradation should be considered a reversible process; degradation 4~__ reoomblnation of free radicals. The equilibrium of this process shifts toward the left upon the transition of the polymer to the flowing state. It was established Card 1/ 2 that Vie temperature increase of the polymer sample irradiated with fast ~_r_ 66387 SM/5"9-10-22522 Study-of Wioresistance-in Hihg Polymers. II. On the Role of Gas Formation During Degradation of Polymers electrons can in a number of cases induce a melting of the material in the zone of maximum absorption of electron energy and thereby substantially alter the intensity of the processes of degradation and gas formation. It Is shown that the character of the change in the mechanical properties of polymers and, in the final analysis, their degradation, is nDt directly dependent on the amount of gaseous products of decay that are being formed, but rather Is determined by the ratio of the speed of this process to that of the process of liberation of gases from the irradiated sample and consequently depend3 on the gas permeability of the polymer. The authors discuss the mechanism of crack :formation in polymers under the action of irradiation and show that this phenomenon is connected with the formation of gases and the conditions of their liberation from the material. (In-t fiz. khimil AS USSR). Part I cf. RZhFiz., 1959, Nr 8, 17756. The authors' rau-.6 Card 2/2 SOY/58-591-~IM9 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurmal Piiika, 1959; Hr 8, p 112 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kargin, V.A., Taubman, A.B., Yanova, L.P., Belyayeva, Z.F. TITLE- The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Properties of the Copolymers of Vinyl Chlo:ride and Vinylidene Chloride PERIODICAL: V ab.: Deyatviye ioniziruyushchikh,lzlt~cheniy-na neorgan. i organ. sistemy. MDecow, AN SSSR,^2958-j-pp4-,~25-~3~-- ABSTRACT: The effect of radiation on the gas-permeability and mechanical properties of the copDlymers of vinyl chloride and vinylidene chloride is investigated, and it is shown that the variations of these properties are closely connectedwith the variation during irradiation of the mixed amorphous- crystalline state of the copolymers and theIr microstructure. The presence in the copDlymers of a crystallizing component which heightens micro- defectiveness, causes an augmentation of their gas-permeability in pro- portion to the increase in the content of this component. Irradiation also leads to an intensification of gas-permeabillty, but the melting of the crystalline component which it causes and the disorganization of the Card 1/2 material in a certain region of small doses, can lead to the opposite SOV/5"9--8-17759 The Effect of Ionizing Radiation oxn the Properties of the Copolymers of Vinyl Chloride and Vinylidene Onloride effect. In conformity with this, the curves of the coefficient of permeability versus the dose have two extrema: a minimum and a maximum. The disorganization of the material also shows up alDruptly in the elastic properties of the copolymers: after irradiation the typical diagrams of stretching, consisting of two linear sections, the second of which is horizontal, are-superseded by the S-shaped curves characteristic of amorphous materials. Full conformity is established between the character of the variations of the gas-pe:.meability of copolymers and their mechanical properties under the Influence of radiation. (In-t fiz. khimii AN SSSR). The author's r6sum6 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Taubman, A.B., Burshteyn, S.I. SOV-69-20-5-3/23 TITLE: Some Specific Features in the Adsorption of Surface-Active Substances From Non-Aqueoue Solutions (0 nekotorykh osoben- nostyakh adsorbtsii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv v ne- vodnykh aredakh) PERIODICALs Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958? Vol XXt Nr 5'9 PP 539-545 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the artioleivarious facts which permit the formulation of some important laws of adsorption from non-aqueous aolu- tione are considered. Formamide is especially useful for the investigation of the adsorption lawsp because it has very pro- notmeed polar properties (dielectric constant w 84, dipole moment -3.2) and a relatively high surface tension. In Fi- gure 11 the surface tension isotherms of alcoholst acids, and amines dissolved in formsmide are shown. tt is evident that tho adsorption capacity of these compounds increases sharply in homological series. In formamidev solvatation appears on%y on the liquid-vapor interface in the relation of the po:Lar groups of the dissolved molecules which effect the in- teraction with the solvent by means of the hydrogen bonds. The adsorption from a non-polar hydrocarbon medium leads to Card 1/3 tho formation of adsorption layers only on the interface of SOV-69-20-5-3/ 23 Some Specific Features in the Adsorption of Surface-Active Substances From Non-Aqueous Solutions the hydrocarbon and the polar liquids. Figure 2 shows that the surface activity of molecules of diphilic structure is determined by the adsorption of the polar groups, not of the hydrocarbon chains, The influence of the chain length 14s ne- gligible~ The different groups may be arranged in the fol- , COOH lowing series according to adsorption capacity: OH > NH 2 ~~ COOR '~-- J = Cl, The adsorption work, e,,g, in the adsorption of the carboxyl group from octane, amounts to 2,500 kcal/mole. The differences in the polar propert- ies of the solvent'affect the adsorption capacity of the surface-active molecules. Figure 4 shows that at the tran- sition from the not-easily polarizing octane and cyclohexane to the easily polarizing benzene, the adsorption capacity drops sharply. The solvatation of the hydrocarbon chains by Card 2/3 the solvent transforms them into gases and excludes the pos- SOV-69-20-5-3/23 Some Specific Peatures in the Adsorption of Surface-Active Substances From Non-Aqueous So:.utions sibility of the formation of condensed adsorption layers on the interface of two liquids. There are 4 graphs, 1 table, and 12 references, 8 of which are Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR,Otde1 dispersnykh sistem (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sci- ences,Department of Dispersed Systems). Odesskiy universi- tet im. Mechnikova (Odessa University imeni Mechnikov) SUBMITTED: June 2, 1958 1. Adsorbents--Analysis 2. Solutions--Properties 3. Amides --Applications Card 3/3 AUTHORS: ~'aubman, A.B., Koretski4y, A.F. sov-69-20-5-22/23 TITLE: The Role of the Mechanical Strength of the Stabilizing Lay- eir in the Stability of Emulsions (0 roli strukturno-mekhan- Jcheskogo faktora v ustoychivosti emullsiy) PERIODICAL: Yolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 5, pp 676-677 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The stabilizing action of bentonite clay on emulsions of hydrocarbons in water is here investigated. Stable emul- sions could be obtained only by means of one-particle lay- ers in the presence of adsorption layers of metallic soaps. The stabilization of emulsions by hydrophobic aluminum soaps takes place in the presence of the solid colloidal phase, A chemical adsorption layer developing under these condi- tions prevents the emulsion droplets from cow-alescing. There is 1 graph and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR,Otdel dispersnykh sistem Moskva (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciencea.Department of Dispersed Systems )Moscow) SUBMITTEDI June 15, 1958 1. Metallic soaps--Properties 2. Clays--Performance 3. Hydro- carbons--Stability Card 1/1 AUTHOr: Taubman, A.B. SOV-69-20-5-27~'/23 TITLE: rhe Fourth All-Union Conference on Colloidal Chemistry (Che-!.- I' vertaya vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po kolloidnoy khimii) PEHIODICALt Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 5, pp 677-679 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 17he Fourth All-Union Conference on Colloidal Chemistry took place in Tbilisi from May 12-16, 1958. Wore than 150 papers were presented. A,V, Dumanskiy read a paper on the history of colloidal-chemJcal investigations in the USSR. The con- ference heard the following reports: V.A. Yargin, V.',;. Tsvet- kov, S..M. Lipatov, on Dolymers, their solutions and semi- colloids; A.I. Yurzhenko, P.1.-.. Khomikovskiy, on the mecl!a- rism of emulgion polymerization; B.A. Dogadkin, on the pro- duction and the properties of the interpolymer of natural and butadienestyrene rubber; 11.1. Zubov, on thr, mechanism of the formation of polymer films in gluing processes; S.S. Voyutskiy and D.11, Sandomirskiy, on colloid properties of latex systems; A.S, Kuzlminskiy and A.P. Pisarenko, on the properties of rubber and resin solutions; V.A. Pchelin, on the structural-mechanical properties of gelatine gels; NA. D-3mchenko, on solubilization in soap sciutions; A,V, Du_ Card 1/4 manskiy, on new methods for investigating the structures of The Fourth All-Union Conference on Colloidal Chemistry SOV-69-20-5-23123 soaps and gels; P.A. Rebinder and his school or. structure formation in solidification processes of binding materials: A.A. Trapeznikov, S.S. Voyutskiy, B.Ya. Yampol'skiy, G-V. Vinogradov, on probloms of rheology and structure formation in oleophilic systems; L.A. Kozarovitskiy on the mechanism of the printing process and the influence of the rheological pr.Dperties of printing dyes; I.N. Vlodavets, P.A. Reb-inder on the process of structure formation in food stuffs; V,I, Lilchtman, G.M. Bartenev, Ye.,I). Shchukin, P.A. Robinder, on den'ormation processes, the rheological conduct and the de- St:7UCtion of solids and metals; P.A. Ti3sen (GDR), on the su:7face dispersion of solid bodies; Linde (GDR), on the in- fluence of surface layers on the kinetics of heterogeneous proces3es of diffusion exchange; M.Ye. Shishniashviii, M-P, VoLarovich, N,N. Serb-Serbina, N.Ya. Denisov, Z.Ya. Berest- neira, A.S. Korzhuyev, S.P. Nichiporenko, G,.V. Kukole-va, F.D. Ovcharenko, I.N. Antipov-Karatayev, on 3tructure formation in the colloidal chemistry of clays and peat; B.V. Deryagin, on the interaction of twisted metal threads in solutions of electrolytes; A.D. Sheludko, M.B. Radvinskiy, on the resist- ance of free films and foams; S.V. Nerpin, on the hydrome- che.nics and thermodynamics of thin films and their influence Card 2/4 on soil properties; S.Yu. Yelovich, on catalytic processes SOV-69-20-5-23/23 The Fourth All-Union Conference on Colloidal Chemistry in foams; Yu. M. Glazman, on the first mathematical theory Df ion antagonism; 0.1-1. Grigorov, D.A. Fridrikhsberg, S,G. Teletov# on the electrokinetic propertios of colloids in connection with their coagulation by electrolytes; Yo,M. Napobashvili on radiation colloidal chemistry; B,A.. Dogad- kin, on the chemical sorption of sulfur and rubber on car- bon black; S,G. hlokrushin, on the formation of thin colloi- dal films, N.A. Krotova, on the influence of an electrical field on the dispersion of a liquid; 031. Hatanson, V,G. Levich, L.Ya. Kremnev,.AP, Taubman, on the resistance of emulsions and suspensions in ca'onneciion with the stabili- zing action of structure-mechanical properzies of protec- tive surface layers; P.S. Prokhorov, B.V. Deryagin, G.I. Izmaylova, S.S. Dukh-in, on the adsorpt4.on of vapors by con- densation nuclei and theiZ, influence on the formation of water aerosols; P.I. Kaishev, 0.11, Todes, on the kinetics of formation anddestruction of aerosols; A.B. Taubman, on Card 3/4 the kinetic wetting in the process of collecting dust by use sov-69-20-5-23/23 Th-e Fourth All-Union Conference on Colloidal Chemistry of solutions of surface-active substances; A.N. Frumkin, M.M. Dubinin, B.P. Bering, V.V, Serpinskiy, V.M. Luk7ya- novich, L.V. RaduBhkevich, G,V. Tsitsishvili, N,P, Yermo- lenko, on the adsorption from vapors and liquid3.. 1. Chemistry--USSR 2. Colloids--Chemical properties Card 4/4 !1_3 G01,1- - D C -375 808 NIKITINA9 SeAv; TAUSUp A*B* Apparatus for gauging the dnet recov ary properties of aqaeous solutions of wetting agents. Gig. i san. 23 no.12$n-74 9 158. W" 12:1) 1. 1% Instituta fixicheakoy khimil AN SSSR. (DWT dust recovery properties of aqueous solutions, appar, for evaluation (Ras)) 01 . I 5W0 AUTHOR: Taubman A B 30'1/76-32-lo-39/39 TITLE: Petr Aleh.sandrovich Rebinder (Petr Aleksvndrovich Rebinder) (on His 60th Birthday Annivers,-.ry)(k 60-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 32, lir 10, pp 2467 - 2469 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On October 3, n.c. P.A.Rebinder, Member, A-ademy of S,ziences, USSR, reached his 60th birthday. In his 35 years of activity in the field of physical and colloid chemistry to-ether with his collaborators he introduced the concept of physical chemical mechanics. Papers (with their titles) by P.A.Rabirder as well as the ramea of hic coll,%borators in thetie papers ;,.re C;iven. AmonC; ther, are the following scienticts: A.B.Taubnan , K.F.Zhiu-ach, 11.1-T.Fetroval IT.I.I.Serb-Serbina, M.Ye.Lipetc, A.N.Frumkir, V.B.Mar-aritov, A.?.PisareL.ko, L.A.Kozarovitskiy, Ye.K.Venatr, A.M. Card 1/2 Smirnova, A.A.Trapeznihov, N.A.Figurovskiy, K.A.Pospelova, Petr Aleksandrovich Rebind'er (On Hio 60th Birthday SOV/76 _7 2-lo-39/39 Anniversary) ZAT.Markina, V.I.Likhtman, G.I.Looinov I M.S.Aslanova, L.A.Shreyner, S.Ya.Veyler, G.V.Karpenko, G.I.Yepifanov, N.A.Pleteneva, Ye.Ye.Selgalova, L.A.Abdurajimova, N.Y. Mil-haylov, I.14.Gorlkova, N.Ya.Donisov. 18 Doctors of Sciancoo bind 50 Candi&Ltea tcolk their det;raofi at the Kaliektiv under the vixpervitl-ion of P.A.Rebinder at the Irstitut fizicheskoy khinii A'r-.Ldemii nauk SSSR (In- stitute of Physical Chemic-try AS USSR) and the kafedra kcilloidnoy khimii Moskovskoro,o gosudirstvennoC;o uni- vc-roiteta (Chttir of Colloid ChonJotry of M.9covi State University). P.A.Rebinder toSether with his collitboratoro published 300 scientific 1~aperc Lind 50 mono.-IrLphica. Robinder iS a winner of Stalin Prize and was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Order of Labouz and the Order of the Patriotic War.,First ClassWith Modals. Card 2/2 USG0j&1-DC.,.60.a.57 AUTHOR: Taubjaan, A.B., Doctor of 1~hemical Sciences 26-56-5-57/57 TITLEz Is It Possible to Produce an Inexplosive Mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygian (Mozhno li sozdat' nevzryvayushchuyusya smes' vodoroda a kislorodom) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 5, p 128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author roughly explains the practical method of Tanaka and Nagai in 1927. He points out that the theory of the increasing stability of explosives by introducing special substances (flegmatization) has been worked out chiefly by Soviet scien- tists. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Hydrogen - Oxygen - Stability AUTHORS: Taubman , A. B., Yanova, L. P. 20-118-_-,.-40/59 TITLE: PERIODICAL: On Some Characteristic Features in the Radiation ,.D(loomposition of Polymers (0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh radiatsionnoy destruktsii polimerov) Doiclady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958P Vol- 118, Nr 5, pp. 991-993 (USSR) ABSTRLCT: In the decomposition (depolymerization) caused by high- energy radiation highly supersaturated gases form, which owise high interior stresses within the material and therewith accelerate its destruction. It is difficult to determine directly the relationship between the radiation strength and the quantity of gas liberated by irradiation. ThIs fact does not depend on the low influence of the formation of gas upon the destruction, but on the complicated character of the radiolytic processes. Some peculiar features of these processes can be observed at an simultaneous influence of radiation and increases temperature upon the polymers. Therefore the present work investigates Card 1/4 the formation of gas and its influence upon the destruction I On Some Characteristio Features in the Radiation De- 20-U8-5.-40/59 composition of Polymers of polytetrafluoro ethylene, polymethylmetacrylate and polyethylene by irradiating them with a beam of fast electrons at different temperatures. The samples were electrically heated within a special bulb and irradiated as well. The dosage rate of the beam produced by an accelerator amounts to E,- 2.1o17 - 4-1019 ev/om3.seo. In polytetraflueoroethylene the intensity of formation of gas in a wide temperature interval is very lowl it only amounts to a few hundredth of one~er cent) and even at 2500C it is does not exceed 0,5 .However$ within the re.nge near the melting point (,j 330-35000 the formation of gas increases to such an extent that at an equally high dosage the irradiated sample losses about half of its weight. By irradiating the sample somewhat longer it completely transforms into gaseous products. Then a short report is give4n the phenomena occurring in the irradiation of the other above mentioned substances. The general character of these phenomena obviously speaks for the reversibility of radiolytic reactions, which are caused Card 2/4 bjr the formation of gaseous products. The rapid liberation On Some Characteristic Features in the Radiation De- 207US-~~40/59 pomposition of Polymers of destruction products from the range of reaction displaces the equilibrium of the reversible process of destruction *==;, recombination to the left, and there- with much increases the velocity of the radiolytic processes. In the phenomena discussed here the principle of the equivalence of the effect of different dosages independent from the dosage rate is not valid any longer. The formation of ligneous fissures in the irradiation with electrons also can be explained by the reversible character of the process. By the liberation of gases a state of stress is formed within the materiall the there- from resulting fissures decrease the supereaturation of solutions and lead to the liberation of the simultaneously forming excess gas. There are 2 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet Card 3/4 On Some Characteristic Features in the Radiation Do- 20-11&5-40/59 composition of Polyners ASSOCIATION: Otdel. disperanykh sistem Instituta fizicheskoy khimii Akadomii nauk SSSR (Departmentfor Disperse Systems of the Institute for Physical Chemistry of the AS USSR) PRESENTED: July 10, 1957, by V. A. Kargin, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: July 6, 1957 Card 4/4 AVT'H' C- IR S Taubma B., Koretskiy, A. F. 30VI 2o-12o-1-3141/63 TITLE: On tho Mechanism of the Emulsifyine Action of Solid Emulsifiers (0 mekhanizme emulgiruy-ushcheCo deystviya tverdykh emuV-atarov) Q PERIODICAL: Doklaay Akademii nauk SSSH, 1958, Vol. 12o, 11r 11 pp. 126 - 129 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Pirst the authors mention various papers dealing with the same subject. The experiments carried out in earlier papers permit the explanation of the character of the activation of bentonite by the addition of electrolytes (FeCl , Al etc) as well (SO 3 2 4 3 as Vie physical and chemical foundation of the method of the emulsification of mineral oil products by means of solid c.:1ulsi- fiers. The authorn determined the stability of omulaion~, ,;roduced by s. thorou-h jaechanic zhahi,-, as well as the atrL,Ctt-.r"l and mechanic properties of the layers between the phases as function of the content of the solid emulsifier at a coiotant ratio of the volumes of the liquid phases (water: oil - 1:1). Va3eline oil and carbon tetrachloride nerved an experimental nubcta.-ces. These substances had been carefvll,, purified. V-ie experi-,:erits Card 1/3 are described in short. The results of t~e measurements show, On the Y-ec-anism of the Emulsifying Action of Solid SOY/ 2o-!2o-1-34/63 Emulsifiers among others, the following: Stable emulsions can be obtained with :cure vaseline oil only in the cuse of a relatively high concentration (0111) in the aqueous bentonite modiiimr which corresponds to the coagulation structure already formed in the entire volume. With decreasing concentration of the emulsifier the stability of the emulsion decreases rapidly so that rather thick layern cannot form any stable enulsiono. The introduction of oleic acid into the oil considerably chanoon Vic conditions of emulsification as sodium oleate forms on the surface of the dropfi. The influence of ouch a change of the properties of the solid sitrface becomes noticeable to a different degree dependirn~ on the content of bentonite. Stable emulsions of oils can be obtainod only on the following conditions: Bentonite is produced in the aqiiooue phase with volume-like coagulation atrlicture-only when structurized motal soaps of basic character are formed in the surface layer - and only on this condition it stabilizes the one-particle layer of the solid emulsifier. The author thaiii-s F.A.Rebinder, Ifember, Academy of Sciences, USSR, for his inter- est in this paper ae-woll as for his valuable contributions., Card 2/3 On the Mechanism of the Exhulsifyini; Action of Solid 307/2o-12o-1-34/63 Emulsifiers There are 2 fiCures and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fizicheskoy khiraii Akadomii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry AS USSR) PRESE11TTED: December 30, 1957p by P.A.Rebinder, h1embert Acade::y of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: December 26, 1957 1. Mixtures--Properties 2. Oils--Properties 3. Metallic -soaps --Structural analysis Card 3/3 TAUBMAN, A. B. and KOFZ- IZKIYI A. F. "The Role of the Structuro-Mechanical Properties uf-Adsorbed Layers In the Stabilizing Action of Solid Emulsifiers." report presented at the Section on Colloid Chemistry, VIII Mendeleyev Conference of General and Applied Chemistry, Moscow, 16-23 March 1959. (Koll. Zhur. v. 21, No. 4, PP- 509-511) ;,~. nj~.I ajTk,'jTI-,'rIIC I j~.- - .~ . ". n. -- --- - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - I- - - "The Kinetic Factor in Adsorption and Wettingi Phenomena." report presente6 at the Section on Colloid Chemistry, VIII Mendeleyev Conference of . General and Applied Chemistry, Moscow, 16-23 March 1959- (Koll. Zhur. v. 21, No. 4, PP. 509-511) NIKITINA, S.A., )mmd.khim.nauk- TAU-1311AMN A.B 'A.Pktor Ichin.nauk; UYI'MA. 5-F'n., kand.khin.naulk .6.. Pl%ysical and chenical principles of the dust-collecting action of surface active agents. Bor'ba a ail. 3:29-39 159. (HITLk 12: Q) (SUIPACE ACTIVE AGENTS) (DUST--M1OVAL) 5W SOV/69-21-4-21/22 AUTHORz Tau~3ma TITLE: Boo:c Review PERIODICALs Kol:Loidnyy zhurnal, 1959, Vol aI, Nr 4, PP 507-508 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thi:3 is a review of the book "Kolloidnaya khimiya (Uchebnoye pos,)biye dl t de tov tovarovednogo i tekhnologicheskogo a ov~ja,,,qoulon fakul't t C 1 id Chemistry (Text-book for Students of the Faculties of Staple Commodities and Technology) r? by A.P.. Pisarenkot K.A. Ica)elova and A,G. Yakovlev, published by the Irstitut sov. torgovli (Institute of Soviet Trade) in 2956 (245 pages). Card 1/1 5(4) SOY/60-32-4-15/47 AUTHORSs Utiyevaq SM., Taubmin, A.B. TITLE3 In-restigation of the Dust Collecting Capacity of Solutions of Wetting Agents in the Dust Chamber (Issledovaniye pyleu- larlivayuohche~y sposobnosti rastvorov-smaohivatelay v pylevoy komerd') PERIODICALs Zbu=al prikladnoy khimiig 19599 Vol 32, Nr 4,pp 797-800 ABSTRACTs Wa,ter is-widely used in mining operetions for reducing the concentration of quartz or coal dust. Special wetting reagents are added to water to increase its dust collecting cepacity. The purpobe of the present investigation was to test several wetting agents in a laboratory dust chamber of 1 m3 in volume. The chamber is illustrated by Figure 1 and described. A speaial~method was developed-which consisted in determining the dust collecting capacity of water and -w(Itting-agent,oolutions by the muddiness of suspensions which were formed by the dust collected in theprocess of I:Lquid spraying. It was found that the new synthetic Card 1/2 wetting agent PAC-Na~ prepared in the Institut nefti AN SSSR SOV/80-32-4-15/47 Investigation of the-Bust Collecting Capaoity of Solutions of Wetting Agents in the Dust Chambez (Piatraleum Inatit-ate of the AS USSR), effeotively raises thi dust oolleoting --apeoity of water. The results of experiments are shown in Graphs 2 and 3 and in Table. The muddiness of the-au-spene-iom was measured by a nephelometer of the W-type. Acknowledgement to A.Ya.Larin. is expressed for the supply cf-watting agent samples. There are 1 diagram, 2 grapha, 1 table and 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Institut fizioheakey khimii AN SSSR.(Inatitute of Physical Chemistxy of the AS USSR" SUBMITTED: December 31, 1957~ Card 2/2 5M AUTHORSs TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRAM Card 1/3 SOV/20-124-2-33/71 Koxetskiy, A. F., On the Emulsifying Effect of Highly Dispersive Solids (0b eiwal!giruyunb~hm deystvii vysokodisperanykh tverdykh tel) Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, PP 358-361 (USSR) The stability of the emulsion was estimated on the basis of that time which is necessary for the partial destruction of the emulsion and for a separation of half of the emulsified oil in a free form. Such emulsions were considered to be stable ac were not destroyed within two days. The highly dispersive particles with different dispersive nature form stable emul- sions at very different concentrations of the solid phase. Infinitesimally small impurities of acid character which fre- quently cannot be detected at all by means of analysis (and which always exist even in purified hydrocarbon-oil) suffice for the purpose of forming a hydrophobe chemoadsorption coat- ing on the surface of the CaCO 3- particles which reacts easily with these particles. This coating is an adsorption layer of On the Emulsifying Effect of Highly Dispersive Solids SOV/20-124-2-33/71 Ca.-oil which is necessary for structural formation. The de- peridence of the emulsifying effect on the hydrophobe and espe- cially introduced additions, which is shown by a di *agramg con- firms what has just been said. kt no concentrations of oleic ao:~d does SiO2acquire the capacity of emulsifying, but TiO 2 doos. By the consolidation of the particles of the emulsifier whJ!ch have been rendered as hydrophobic as possible, it is poosible considerably to reduce the solid phase content neces- sary in transition from a loose multi-layer coating to a dilut- ed but already structured protective coating. Rendering hycIro- phobic of the emulsifier particles exercises a similar influence alao upon calcium carbonate. The high degree of stabilization necessary for the production of stable, long-duration emulsions with small quantities of solid, hydrophile emulsifiers can be attained only by considerably strengthening the natural and not aharply marked mosaic structure of the surface of the crystal lattice of the respective particles. There are 2 figures and 10 references, 7 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 On the Emulsifying-Effect of Highly Dispersive Solids SOY/20-124-2-33/71 ASSOCIATIONs Institut fizicheekoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: Aueust 27, 1958, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician SUBMITTED: August 27, 1958 Card 3/3 5W AUTHORSt Belugina, G. V., Zakiyeva, S. Kh., SOV/20-126-2-25/64 Rebinder, P. A., Academician, Taubman, A. B. TITLE: On the Stability and Viscosity of Concentrated Suspensions in the Oleogels of Metallic Soaps (Ob ustoychivosti i vyazkosti kontsentrirovannykh suspenziy v oleogelyakh metallicheskikh myl) PERIODICAL2 Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Hr 2, Pp 318-321 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the course of the investigations discussed in the present paper the aluminum soaps of naphthenic acids were used as structure-forming additions. They form oleogels with peculiar structurally mechanical properties. These properties of oleogels depend on the molecular nature of the dispersive medium and may be regulated by variation of these factors. In this connection, the authors investigated the time- -dependence of the viscosity of the gels of aluminum naphthenate in hydrocarbon media and in concentrated suspensions which are built up on the basis of such hydrocarbon media. Ordinary technical surface-hardened oxidized aluminum Card 1/3 powder with particles of aluminum powder from 6 to 13 14 served On the Stability and Viscosity of Concentrated SOV/20-126-2-25/64 Suspensions in the Oleogels of Metallic Soaps as dispersive phase. The dispersion medium used was the pvxified basic paraffin-naphthene fraction of the fuel T - 1. The production of the aluminum soaps used for structure-formation is briefly described. A diagram shows the typical curves Igit-Ir for a 2% aluminum-naphthenate-gel. Here% denotes viscosity and IU - time. The introduction of a solid phase increases initial viscosity considerably, but without changinp the character of its aging. AnalogQus cx;.rves of aging are given for 2%- and 4%-gels of an al.uminum-naphthenate of other composition. If benzene is substituted for the paraffin-naphthene fraction, the initial viscosity of the gel is reduced, but the viscosity of the gel in the suspension undergoes practically no change for the duration of one month. The decrease of viscosity in the oleogels of the aluminum-naphthenate and in the corresponding suspensions is probably a consequence of the latent formation of aggregates. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 10 references, 9 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 On the Stability and Viscosity of Concentrated SOV/20-126-2-25/64 Suspensions in the Oleogels of Metallic Scapa ASSOCIATIONs Institut fizicheskoy khimii kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTEDs February 26, 1959 Card 3/3 BXRKOVICEI, Malka 'ftTlyevna; BUKMNq Yakov Zakharovich-,-TA'UBKAN, A.B., prof., dolctor Ichim.nauk, rateenzent; (EWASINT, A.K., kand. tekhn.nauh, retsenzent; DITAXOT, T.T., gornyy In2h., retsenzent; BAIKIROV, U.Kh.. kand.tekhn.nauk, rod,; TSMOALIST, N.Not red, izd-va; TIMKINA, Ye.D., [Industrial dust] Promyshlennaia pyll. Sverdlovsk# Gos.nauchno- takhn.izd-,vo lit-ry po ohernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, Sverdlovskoe otd-nie, 1960. 240 p. (MM 1338) 1.1notitut fizichaskoy khimii AN SSSR (for Taubman). 2. Sverd- lovskiy inatitut okhrany truda (for D'yakov). 3. Urallskly filial AN SM (for Bakirov). (Dust) 5.5300,5.1220 77941 SOV,/65-6o-.7-14/19 AUTHORS: Taubman, A. B., Kon5tantinova, V. V., Kryukova, A. S. TITLE: Determination of the Critical Concentration of Micelle Formation of Surface-Active Substances X - PERIODICAL: Kh1miya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel., ig6o, Nr 3, pp 61-66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Determination of critical concentratlon(Ccr) of micelle formation of synthetic nonlonic and anionic surfactants is carried out by t1tration of their aquecjs s6lutions with a suitable dye solution. Two dyes, pinachanin chloride and rhodamine 6G extra, were used in these experiments, as well as the several surfactantz shown in Table 1. The results of experiments are shom in Table 2 and compared-With those obtained by conducto- metric and spectrophotometrile methods. The* suggested method can be Used for any type of surfactants, provided a sult- Card 1/5 able dye is chosen, and no special equipment is required. The Determination of the Critical Concentration 77941 of Micelle Formation of Surface-Active SOV/65-60-3-14/19 Substances error of' determination is + 2%, and reproducibility is good. There are 2 tables; 2 figures; and 13 references, 10 U.S.,3 Soviet. The 5 T-ecent U.S. references are: Gerstman, J. W., J. Phys. Chem., 61, 581 (1957); Mc Bain, M. E. L., Hutchinson E., Solubilization and Related Phenomena, New York, 29, (1955); Goddard, E. D., Jones, T. G., Res. correspond, b, Nr 8, 41 (1955); Corrin, M. L., Harkins, W. D., J. Am. Chem. soc., 69, 679Y 683 (1947); Klevens, H. B., J. Phys. Coll. Chem., 51, 1143 (1947), ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Institut fizicheskoy kh1mLi AN SSSR) ard 2/5 77941 SOV/65-6o-3-14/19 Card 3/5 Table 1. Surface-active Com?.,~unds. yo,,. wvl&"r 0 (C,lj,O),-, C,11,01 1 C (CI I.). n_6 U C (CI I,,), 515 0 (C211.0),-, C'11,011 10 647 C'n" :3 C211"Ooc-cul-CII-Coo C'11" 444 SO,Na 4 SO#Nn 297 ~.11, CII, 61, 61, Table I continued) 77941 SOV/65-60-3-14/19 5 ri 1, C11" Clio Clio 40.5 Clio C - Clio - C - Coll, Clio C - Clio Clio Cll3SO3NaC[tg Clio Clio 333 SOsNa - Coll, (CIII)f - Clio Clio Card 4/5 7 SO,Na - C&114- (cly, - cil - (Cly, - Clio 33:1 (CHj)s Clio 8 SONncfll, -Clio - C11. Clio - C11. C1181. 345 (CIl')'Cl 61, - Clio - Clio ? I Table 2. The 'values of c 1,1941 sov/65_6o-3-14/:Lq different methods. cr (moles/liter) measured by (7~ 1,8-10-3 /,,9.10-1 - r1A 10-' (2A - 10-3) (2.0 10-') 8,4.1o.-3 io,o In-' t.0. 10-:1 Io jo-3 3, 24- j0-3: 2,7-10-3 1,7-10-3 13,10-3 to- 3.8.10-4 4,T, jo-3 (2,7 - - - - - 9 .10- 3.3-10-3 3,3-10-S I.C,. to-3 1.1.10-1 Key: Surfactant-11 (2) coloPimetric titration; (3) Pina- cyanin chloi-tde; (4) Rhodamine 6G-extra; (5) Spectrophotometry pinacyanin chloride); (6) Electric conductivity at 00; M 6 + ele(!trolyte.,,. Card 5/5 .ZAIMAA. A.B.; YANOVA, L.P.; KASLMILTA#, R.S.; GLAZUNOV, P.Ya. Mechanism of gas formation in the radiolymis of orgaulci compounds. and its relation to their state of aggregation. Dokl.AJI SSSR 134 no.2:397-399 8 160. (MIRA 13:9) l..Inatitut fiziobaskay khtmit Akademit nauk SSSR. Predstavleno ak,ademikom P.A.Aebinderom. (Radiation) (Gases) 3/020 ,1601135100510351043 B004/3075 AUTHORSt J1 gubigA6,46k and Nikitina, So A. TITM Nicoll Formation in Solutions of Surface-active Substances PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRv 1960, Vol* 135# No- 5t PP- 1179-1182 TEM The authors 6isouss the problem 1) of the real exiatence of a cri- tical concentration range of surface-active substances (SAS), in which micell formation takes place, and 2) of interpreting the critical points Car* The change of the solution properties of SAS was investigated. Meth- ods and results are given in Table 1: Critical concentrations of mioell formation: Card 1/4 Nioell Formation in Solutions of Surface-active 5/020/60/135/005/035/043 Sub'stances B000075 Methods of'.determining C SAS or -M%Ikelometric titration with determination of preparatio.nt d solution surface tension (C 01), (C cr)2 )l (Cor)2 (C or)l (Cor)2 1 0.0025 0.0049 0.0026 0.0050 0.0027 0.0052 2 - O.W4 0.031 - - 3 - 0.00022 0-00045 - 4 0.0020 0-013 0.0024 0.012 0-0030 0.010 L 0-0,'15 0.095 OX23 0.075 0.02~ 0.083 The-authors examined: Preparation 1: Sodium salt of diethyl 'd*exyl ether of sulfosuccinic ac4ld (aerosol OT); pre aration 2: Sodium salt ot'dihfjxyl ether of sulfosuooinic acid (aerosol MA~; preparation 3: Sodium salt of di- debyl other of oulfosucainic acid; re aration'-4: Dodecylamino acetate (amak 1120), and 5: preparation A6(DB t a polyoxy ethylene eater of di- tertiary butyl phenol. The nephelometric de*ermination was carried out by zneimi3 of an !FBK-H-!j7- (FEK-N-57) nephelometer. In preparation 4, ti,bration proceeded by~-eosin, in the others by pinaoyanol chloride. For aerosol OT Fig. I shows the op-;ical density D, the static surface tension and Clard 2/4 MicellFormation In Solutions of Surface-active' S/02OJ60/135/005/035/043 Substances~ _3004/B075 the dynamic surface tension d as a function of concentration C. Two cri- I d tical points were found: (C ), and (C The following interpretation or cr)2 is given: In the initial range of'concentration 0 > C ~ (Ccr ), an adsorp- tion layer forms, the SAS being in a,moleculdr.(ionic) state. With C=(Ccr)l the maximum saturation of the adsorption layer and a minim-im.of the ta- tic surface tension (a - a are'obtained. With a fttrther increase of C 'i ~ 8 Min the excess molecul6a (ions) associate to micells, until C - (C )2 is at~. cr tained. From ibese results the conclusion is diawn 'that the m1cell forma- tion as well as, alsorption show the same tendency of sapona- ceous SASp to dec;rease their free surface energy on the phase boundary. The authors thank Academician P. A. Rebinder k6r discussiona. T'here are 1 figure, 1 table, and 15 references: 4 Soviet, 7 USV' 3 Britinh, and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Inotitut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academ;r of Sciences Card 3/4 ,NIKITIW,.k S.A,j KONSTAKINOVA, V.V.; ZAKIYEVA, S,Kh,; TAUBMAN, A.B, Wetting capacity of surface-active substances and their rate of adsorption from aqueous solutions. Zbur. priU. khim. 34 no.12t2658- 2664 D 16i. (MMA 15:1) (Surface-active agents) (Adoorption) I FILATOVA, M.A.; AIKITDA, S.A.; TAUBMAN, A.B.; REBINDERI P.A., akademik Demulsif.fing effect of surface active agents and tho structur2l and mechanical properties of their adEorption layers. Dokl. All 140 no.4:874-876 0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. (Surface active agents) (Emu3sions) THEMAN, A.B.; EDRETSKIYI A.F. Disperoity and stability of emulsions stabilized by solid emulsifiers. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no.5:1128-1131 0 161. , (MIPA J~ :2) 1. Institut fizicheekoy khimii AN SSSR. Predotavleno akademikom P.A.Rebir;derom. ~ (Emisions) 3/844/62/000/000/106/129 D408/D307 AUTHORS: Taubman, A. B.,_Yanova, Lo P., Plaslovskayaq R. S. and ___GlaZUrL0V9 F. Ya. TITLE: Mechanisms of gas formation processes during the radio- lysis of polymers and low-moleoufar weight compounds 9QURCB: Trudy II Vsesoyuznogo'soveshchaniya po mdiatsibnnoy khi- mii. *&d. by L. S. Polak. Noscow9 Izd-vo &N SSSR9 1962, 625-6?8 TEXT: The present work is a continuation-of previous investigations by the authors. Water and n-octane were irradiated with fast elec- trons accelerated at 700 - 750 kv; the.doses were measured by the' ferrous sulfate method. For both materials the quantity of gas e-~olved altered very slowly, and the temperature coefficients re- pained practically constant, within wide intervals of temperature ,both above and below their melting points. Since this phenomenon was also detected in earlier work when polymers were irradiated, the authors.con.cluded that the change in the gas formation kinetics r- Card 112 3/844/62/000/000/106/129 Mechanisms of gas ... D408/11307 in the phase transition region is independent of the nature of the irradiated material and dependo only on the conditions under which the gaseous degradation productG are formed and liberated during the radiolysis. The results confirm the authors' previous conclu- sion that, up to the moment when new gas phas.e nuclei form, the radiolysis reaction is reversible. Thermocechanical curves'dra-..-n for polybutylmetliacrylate specimens which had been previously irra- diated with identical doses but at different temperatures indicated that destruction of thb polymer chains depends not only on the di- rect radiation reaction, but also on internal stresses produced in the material as a consequence of the.formation and delayed libera- tion of the gaseous radiolysis products. In some cases th,2.forma- tion of increased quantities of gas at higher temperatures does not aggravate the destruction of the polymer because the increased 0 mobility of the chains enables the internal 8tresses to relax. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheelcoy,khimii AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry, AS USSR) Card 212 S/020/62/142/002/027/029 B101/B144 AUTHORS: Tolataya, So Not Borodina# Vo Not and Mikhaylovag So So TITLE: Adsorptive modification of fillers and pigments and structure formation in polymer solutions PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 2, 1962, 407-410 TEXT: The change in hydrophilio properties of mineral fillers due to oriented adsorption of surfactants was investigated. The experiments were conducted: (A) with 0-5% toluene solution of CKC-30 (SKS-30) rubber, fined with kaolinj (B) with 1.2% toluene solution of perchloro vinyl resin (PCVR), filled with T102 (poly-mer-to-filler ratio n 1:80)1 (C with 1~2% of dichlow ethane solution of PC11Rj filled with T102 (ratio I:W. The change in static shear stress Pjj was measured with a Veyler-Rebinder apparatus with addition of a surfactimt (octadecyl &mine (I) or stearic acid (II)), and the tensile strength of SKS-30 rubber samples, filled with activated kaolin (90 parts by weight of kaoliu per 100 parts*by weight of rubber)-and vulcanized for 60 min at 1400C and 27 kg/OM2. For the ultraviolet-irr&4i- Card 1/ 3 S/02 62/142/002/027/029 Adsorptive modification of ... B101Y33144 ated PCVR samples, "chalking" owing to the decomposition of the film and to the emergence of T:L02 to the surface was measured photometrically by S. V. Yakubovich and If. A. Zubehuk, using a method of GIPI-4. The degree of adsorption of the ijurfactant by the filler was determined by photometric measurement of the mel;hylene blue adsorption on the surface not occupied by surfaotante. A maximum was found for Pm - f (Courfactand in all the experiments. For SKS--30 rubber filled with kaolin and activated with 2% 1, P increased from 170 to 670 dynes/CM2, while it dropped at a higher choentration of 1. The maximum of tensile strength Pt lay at the same surfaotant concentration which corresponds to the Pm maximum. A similar effect of I was observed with PCVR (Pm increased from 150 to 330 dynes/cm2~ however, the optimum concentration of I was 0.2%. The "critical rangen of occupation of -the ftller surface by an adsorbed surfactant, within which structuralization occurs, was very narrow. In the case of kaolin, the occupation was about 50%- In addition, the filler particles must be modified by irreverailile chemosorption. II, which is reversibly adsorbed by kaolin, showed no utrueturalizing effect with rubber. When I and II were added simultaneously, the P in the maximum dropped from 670 to 2 m 260 dynes/cm , ito povition remaining unchanged at 2% 1. For amphoteric Card 2/3 i 8/020/62/142/002/027/029 Adsorptive modificat:ion of ... B101/B144 T1029 Ii wasmIlso effective. The optimum lay here at 0.080% 11 (350 dynes/c ). Tho experimental series C showed the specific effect of the solvent. In dichloro ethane, a minimum of P occurred at 0.2%1. M The intensity of chalking was lowest at the P optimum where the linkage m between pigment and :polymer is hightest. There are 2 figures and 9 references: 8 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English- lan&age publication reads as follows: P. Rehbinder, Discuss. Farad. Soc., 1-8, 151 (1954)- ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Ph;fsical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: August 15P 1961, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician SUBMITTED: Augus". 15, 1961 Card 313 KUZIKIV~ Sergey Fedorovich; NEBERA, Vladimir Petrovich; TA.Uawl,.-. A.B.p rotsenzent; SUVOROVSKAYA, N.A., otv. red.; ---l- MAKRUSH:DlAp Ye.A.0 red.izd-va; BOLDYREVA, Z.A... tekhn. red.; LOMILINA, L.N., tekhn. red. [Synthe",ic flocculants in dewatering processes] Sinteti- cheskie flokulianty v protsessakh obezvozhivaniia. Mo- skva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 243 p. (MIRA 17:1) dj)ktor khimieh. nauk,, prof.; YANOVA,, L*P... kand. khImich. nauk; GoRMA,, G.J., inzh.; MONASTYRSKArA, H.Soj kand. tekhn. nauk, dotirent; PAVIM, S.A., doktor tekhn. naukp profe Study-ing -dw effect of ionizing radiation on films made from carbcmyla,* latex* Izvo vys. ucheb. zav,; takh log. prom. noJsI2-:Mi 163. iMIRA 160) 1. Akadamelya nauk SSSR (for Taubman, Yanova). 2. MoskovsIdy tekhnoloeicheskiy institut legkoy proWahlennosti (for Gorlova, Monast7rohaya.. Pavlov). Rekomandovana kafedroy takhnologii iskasstvannoy kozhi i plenocbnykh matarialov Moskovskogo takhno- logichaskogo instituta Is k shlennosti.- .. (Rubberv S7utteolicTromy(Ionization) NIKITINA, S.A.; TAUBMAN, A.B.; KULIGINA, N.V.; SPIRIDONOVA, V.A. Structure formation in interphase adsorption layers of dissolved surface- active substances and the stability of emulsions and aqueous dispersions of polymers (latexes). Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.4005-908 Ap 163. (MIRA 16-3) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom P.A.Rebirideram. (Surface-active agents) (Emulsions) (Adsorption) LEVITSKIYO L.M.; :VIKITINAI, -S.A.; TAUBMAN, A.B. Formation of aleel2es in solutions of =rface-active imbstances and Idnetic vetting. DALAX SSSR 149 no.3t633-636 Or 163. OCRA 16s4) 1. Institut fizicheekoy khimii AN SSSR. Pre"tavlmw akademikoit-P.A.Robinderom. (Micellee) (SurfOce-active agents) S/020/63/149/004/022/025 Bio6/BI86 Vikitina, I.` - Utl manf: Lv: -Kullginov N4-1-5 LUT9098 S ~b B Spirtdonova, V. T-7; StructlWation in:-in'terphase adsorption layers of solutions oe' surfa.c4i-aotive substanaes and stability of emulsions and aqueetui dispersions of polymers (latex) FBERIODICAL-v Akadem4e, nauk-SSSR. Dokladyf ~,~149;-no.--4, 1965#-905 906' P of the adsonption layera in TEXTs The values of the ehear~ M - other)-solutions '.'aqueous CITT~.10 (OP _10) -(alkyl.pheilol-bol.yh_ydrox-yethylene during t."Ie period-of their fornation.-under static.conditions were measured along .--the water - xy,'Lene-interfaae.--:~Purthe=orej the-stability of can- centrated emulsions )f xylene in water and polymer dispersions (polystyrene 1--tPr st~_"Ilzedl wt:! OP-10 endi -Altiror-ic (hydroxy eth_vlene and hydrozy -r- '-'Icck poly,er~! wee st-icle-1. Tnr- rnte of increaae in strungLa r~.-~~ctive euiia_4 I~ier iayers increases rapicy "&itr, tne curjt;t:nLra- tion of OP-10 soiuti)ns. Even in 5~,&olutlonsj however, Mailaua at;~ertgtt. 71 (P_ .-0.25 dyn/cm) ia only reached after 25 tire. When the same amount of OPfIO was previouslj distributed between the two phases, high atrength waa reached in the first :`ew minutea after the interfaae formed. To obtain small droplets (2 - 3jJ the emulsio; has to be shaken vigorously fov 15 - 20 min. in a 5p solution ol' pluronio L64 the layer solidifies immediately even if the aurfece-active oubstance is dissolved in the c f rm of ma:tilaiei- phase layers on tne intcrface of the twc 11,q,,~Id phases. These struct~,_:,es car, also be seen v1sually. The abovE- phenom-na a:-_ csL..3~a oy tne nya.,ocynamic effect cf the spontaneous surface t-ro-lence arIG (.aLZSa9 an transiton of tre hydrc, carb.~n phaE;e into the equeous phaze in the farrL of an ultramicroemulaion (C. Starnlina, L.. lcrlvenl.,koa Inkt-t. Chea, &!zg.* 6t 514 (1959 )- 'The i~~4emaulsi-fkera -for poly- styrene latex agree wfll with th4 above datq. These emulsifiers as well as Nekall-'Pi'D (Neka-11-14B) and pluronic 184 make an almost complete polymeriza- tion of the monomer possible at comparatively high concentratians, but differ considerably ir their stabilizing, action. ltarimu2 stability is roachad when usling 0?-10 or plaronio as emulsifiers under conditions such Cer -2 S/020/63/149/004/022/025 Structuration in int a rphas a i --that-solid -aupdrmoleo,aler-GurfaO$76tr4atures-are:able'to form. High j strength of the strucWrized stabilizing layers is the principal conditicn for high stabilizat'io! of latex and concentrated emulaional it is achieved when the eaulsifiers ire suffpioiently soluble in water as well as In the nor. -an upoi-19 phq a,? ~ T i ere -are I C11-1--e and I + -_)Dle . IN& m~nrtqn t re~ P.. J., eroc. ioy . Sor 447 *k 4 ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR) 'PRESENTED.: :September 26, .1962 by P. A. Rabinder, Academician SUBMTEDs September 12i 62 Card .3/3 YAKIMIN, Ye.D.; TAUMN, A.B.- Adabxptlaa.~modifl aticm :)f-dlspersed-quartz, and structure formatiam in-sDlutioris of rubber. Dokl. AN SSSR. 152 no.21 382,385-3~ f63. (MMA 16ill) 1. Inatitut fialchevkoy khWi AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom P.A. Rebinderom. Y*10 T !T' 11-t- i --i, I: es t- rari. )Iy~ nt ~.olvnt- 'iv Impt I)acry late Ind Doiv~btjrvi - SOURCE: Khimicheskiye svoystva i modifikatsiya polimerov (Chemical properties and the ri-,odification of polyfrers); sbornik statey. Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 183-188 TOPIC TAGS: pot urtuat4y tmf t4a~-- ry late, pot vbutvlmethacry I ate, polymer radiolysis, polymer molecular weight, polymer strength ABST A study was- frzzde ot gas Formation during irradiation within a tempera- c', mria r i t~ j 71 C: y fn e t i a C r y a t !PMM -irs h ;0 c] ec S4M E) es ere 5 ea t ed ;n a acuum for a~, 120C to removu In idd;7-on, ru p, r u r e and compress i )n t t-!t, we r e P,ad- urlder i oad 5 c 8 kq/cM.I (PmMA) DW MAN L 196og-65 ACCESSION IIR: A-4049857 L L-/,2fPRIA,-k) and m)lecular weights were determined frM. the viscositY Of the F -.I at- 4 table and 5 figures. ASSOCfATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimit AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 19Nov62 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC, PIT AO, REF SOV: 007 OTHER-. 012 Card 3/3 AcassioN NRs Ar4olada S/0303/64/000/001/0009/0012 AUTHDRSt Taubman, A. R.; B2,y*skosh, G. S.; Yanova, L. F. TITLIt The structuratiLon of oarboxylated latexes SOUIRM Lakokrasochrq4" materialy0i, ikh primeneniye, no- lo 1964,, 9-12 TOPIC TAGSs ~ latext owboxylated latex, methaorylio acids dispersion, gal formatio4 structuration, structm-al mechanical property.. viscosity, sheer stress., alkalij ~sodium. hydroxide,, amordum hydroxide, film, paint, varnish ;ABSTWTt The effect ct the pH value on the structuration of earboxylated ,latexes was investigat4d, The particular brands chosen were divinylstyrene :3.atexes SM-30-3 and WS45-1., stabilized by Kekal, which contained 23 and 34% ;respectively of dry matter Liid 3 and 1% methaerylic acid. These latexes were treated with various'anounts of NaOH., KOH,, and NH40H to bring about the desired :pH range, care being taken to adjust the final volume to 1,5 of.the original, The intrinsic viscosities and the ultimate sheer stress values of the dispersions were ,measured at various intwvals,, and strength tests were performed on films from the various specimens, Xt was found that in latex SKS-30-3 treated with KOH or Na0H Card 1/2. AccEssioN NR: AM-M-04 ~ths structure formation increased with the pH. reaching a maximum viscosity and Pa at pH 21. At this p41nt the consistency resembled that of a rubber-like gel, owhich was not reversed by the addition of MI, The a tructuration was a slow ,process, requiring 24 lu)ure for completion. KOH proved more effective as a structurational agent titan Na0H,, which in turn was more effective tha--i NH40H- Under simil~x conditiorai, in latex SO-65-1 the NaOH gelation reached a maximum :within 5-6 hours., rendezIng further visposity determinations impossible, and here ammonia proved ineffective, Strength tests conducted on films obtained from the ,apenimens at various stages of struoturation provided values which parallelled 'those of viscosity and shear stress, Thanks are given to A. B. Peyzner for the :synthesis of the latexea. Orig, art, has' 3 figures, ASSOCL42ION a none ;SUBMITTEDs 00 DATF. Acqs iWar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODES CH NO REF 50Vs 009 OTHERS. 001 Card 2,Ad GORLOVA, G.I.; MCINASTYRSKAYAp M.S.; YANOVAp L.P. Filled filma made from carboxylato latex* Kauch. I rm 23 no.4e7-9 Apt64 (MIRA 170) 1. Moskovskiy tekbnologicheskiy institut legkoy promyshlennoati. ACCESSION NR: AP4011313 S/0069/64/026/001/012013~7 AUTHORS: Yakhnin, Ya. D.; Taubman, A. B. ;TXTLE: Adsorption modification of quartz In connection with the :SOUROB: ctructurIzing effect of fillers In polymer systems. Kolloidny*y zhurnal.. v. 26, no. 1, 1964t 126-132 TOPIC TAGS: quartz, rubber filler, surface active!madified quartz,, adsorption modified. quartz, filler, quartz suspension,, reinforcing capacity ABSTRAOT: The isotherms of adsorption of surface active compounds (ootylamine and octadecylamine) from xylene onto quartz were con- structed. The relation between the degree of adsorption modifica- tion of the disperse quartz and the struoturation of Its suspensions fin xylene and xylerie solutions of SKS-30 rubber was investigated. fBinding of the amines by quartz from the xylene solutions proceeds in two consecutive.stages; first by irreversible chemical adsorption,,: and than -by revere. 'able physical adsorption. The madigim strength ,occurs in these eyistems when there Is incomplete ooverage and ahemical card-1/2' ACCESSION NR: AP,4011313 binding of the modifier on the filler surface. Thisexplains the appearance of the 1;rophobio-lyophilic adeorptive maoromosaic pattern on the solid phase surface. The reinforcing capacity of fillers in actual polymeric materials may be estimated from model systems. Orig. art. has: 5 Flgares.* ASSOCIATION: Inatitilt fizioheskoy khimil AN SSSR,, Moskva,.' (Institute of Physical Chemistry AN SSSR)i.'' SUBMITTED: 02Jul63 DLTZ AOQ~- l4Pebd4,-.7;'.i~,,.-,. EVOL: 00 SUB,OODB: XLp PH NR REP SOV: 006 002 Card 2/2 .TAU BL4Ah,,.__A, P-. ; YAM-THI, Ye.V. Incomplete thixotr,)p of condensatiGn-coagulaticn strlcture-v .7 , arising: in finely divided quartz dispersions. Yoll. zhur. 26 no.5%61,3-654 S-0 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimil AV SSSR, Moskva. ACCESSION N'R- AP4047948 -.I/, 1005./11,, CJ5 1115p, ATITHOR- M7a_-,lmrRlcava_ R_ q--: Taubman A- R. Vanow; 1. P. TVT-LF,- Diffusion perme-abilitv of Tynlvmer-s~upon ra-lia,ive destruction in ph,,,sicall states SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 158, no. 5, 1964, 1155-1156 TOPIC TAGS: diffmiion nermeabilitv. irradiated nolvn-mr- irradiated nnlvmathvl- tc fri e,~f- r~r c!n~i (FFMA) ~~,2 J ~.q _j.-71 a n,-, P!;?V1 2Fri 1;41 P Card i 13 23531-65, -1, f~r 4, avid Cord 2/ 3 L 23f!5321-65 ACCESSION NR.- AP4047948 A&q0CLATY0W- Triatitut fizicheakoy khirnii Akprleml! rnauk SSSR (Ingtitute e,)f Phypi- 5 UR %,Tl T T FID 2 5 A6 4 N, F!, r) n NO REF SOV: 009 OTHER: 007 SUB CODE OC TO V_'(~ i -V rS. s,,,,ttheuc rul-16or ai- kao';rt by surfactants was stil hed i th sY,';fe'nfl- ARLS-FRACT Act o-Au h at 50C., _iLadi eiie- s',v i- c, ae in llrucr !ED ;ii1l"'E" 0, 1 Eft I 't Card 1/2 7 L 25263-65) At'CT,'SST(-)N- -.,,7R: concentration, a moaaic pattern of equal areaz ot nydrophi~ic and hydrop~.obic surfaces Sb.--aric acid. and to a n-. ich lesser dog-ree alsn s~ach rubber additives as tdphenylpani- Pci aspnai~, an6 A,,d.-*~ 1- 12 C rPA-D; :Z-1 ~,e f-,t~ aL.,,.nu t saciu-.,j Ael i,,, ~11 0 -and testg. and ,6p_ suppiy of surfactaras by A. 0. K. -'Sm i i -nov s AIN SSSR): Vsesoyuznyy rc- r4, ~cjs ,~id svnthet~,(- 'Leather se ientific research ins tiULt,,- 2 A U T i 1 u itN a S. A. Sp 1 rdon ccrva, V, 'i,17 -man, A.B. TITLE: StabiLzation of Dlyvinylacetate latexes by noniorogenlc em uls if i e r s T ~~-Irvqcnohr.~-,re Mate-.injv j iki nrin,,p 1 no. 1 9 20-23 65, or-loifir,r cLion ii~;juator. T'e Mi-- n* V c mg. ON - ME, 31 ROM L 41058-65 a L 2 with a rehtlvp SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MT, OC 0 R F S OV OTHER: 006 ky. ~i TAUBMAN, A.B,; NIKITINAp S.A.; PRICOWDOV, V.N. Role of quitai-spontaneous -mulsification in the process of stabilization of emulsions. Koll. zhur. 27 no.2,.291-292 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Inatitut fizicheskoy khimil AN SSSRP Moskva. An.- L /rk- J- UU,?4,2 U :'-'-7 r 7 LI r. -'7 f m ncra If rS ~T T-1 !ABSTRACT: The affect which adsorptive activation of kaolin and precipitated ca-- ~--Iufn carbonate)'used at fil.'ers have or, th4r rui.infyreling actim in SKS-3Auta~iene- Cord 1/2 - - - --- ------- L 52212-65 ACCESO-l"J"' NR; A.E: 5014 S ~O I n ~C- f f nn nr f I I iV~, rwri h F~ imorcvad bv us- in ff, s urf ace - 5-,k:-,v Al: S'- , F. lio- -. ov ' 1r:,-i f SUBMITTED; Mep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; 4-7 ,' TAUBMAN, A.B. "Course Ln colloid chemistry* by S.S.Volutakii, Zhur.fiz.khim. 39 no&71l8O)-l801 J1 165. (MIRA IM) -AUBMANt k-B- )f norcentratod armliq!rril; J"s jiz(d cy KAI* zhur. 27 noc';R.,,-8,65 1..:) 16es I. lna-iLtu,~ fiz!ohaskoy AN iSSq; Moalinra. Suba&t',-C',' .U4 lilt 1,964. M MLSTAYA~ S.N.) BORODINA. V.N.1 TAUBMAN, A,B,---.. Adsorption activation and the reinforcing actIon of mineral fille:78 in polymer avatems,, NoU.zhur. 27 n0,3'."6-452 MY-JO 165. (MIRA 18:12) I* Inatitut floloheakoy khtmil. AN SSSRI Moakvas Submitted Sept., 12, 1963. A -IjOW) -N ACC NRi AP019446 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0303/66/ooO/003/0010/0013 4~~ AUTHOR: Taubman, it. B.;_Blyskosh, G. S. ; Yanova, L. P. ORG: none TITLE: Mechanical and chemical modification of the surface of pigments and fillers by grafting of polymers 15 SOURCE: Lakokrasochnyyematerialy i ikh primeneniye, no. 3, 1966, 10-13 TOPIC TAGS: graft polymer, calcium carbonate, polystyrene, styrene, barium sulfate grafting, polymerilation . 01QMF'A)7* I F14L C'k V.'-jPFPS"4.j 'j ~10AOOM LO&j da-04-XME4 AVSTRACT: A study has been made of the mechanical and chemical grafting of polysty- r T --- jag6to the surface of calcium carbonate, ferric oxide, and barium sulfate by is- persing them in a vibratory mill in aqueous styrene emulsions. It has been shown that the grafting effect is increased by the presence of sma1l amounts of water in styrene; the rate of conversion of the*monomer into a polymer in styrene emulsions and in anhydrous styrene is about the sam . It has been established that the activating effect of water is related to ist facilitating the process of dispersion, ,which leads to an intensified growth of the activated surface. A study of the strength properties of filled varnisht-films has shown that the grafting of polystyrene while modifying the surface of the pigment, renders it hydrophobic la thus improving the quality of the films. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and l.table. (AM) SUB CODE:07,11/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: 001 f---.J I J"I , , I , , , ~.' .--- zz- I- ~Zft ~ SOURCIE CODE i UR/O ACC NR AP7006039 o63/66/ol!/oo4/o387/o3qr IANI A. B., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, NIKITINA, S. A., Candidate of TAUBY cnml~ aj7*Mre-jjcosO arid TOIBTAYA) S. 11,p Candidate PUChemical Sciences ()AC,' Aono- ~active Agents in the Physical Chemistry and Technology of Polymera" Moscow, Zhurnal Vqeaciyuznogo Khimicheakogo Obahchostval Vol-11, No h, 1966., pp 387-391 Abstract: With the exception of carbon black -- a highly hydrophobic and highly dispersed and therefore effective polymer filler, most other mineral fillers., including pigments, are hydrophilic and of low activity. The oriented adsorption of surface-active agents (SAA) on particle surfaces, Iyophilizing it.with respect to the polymeric medium.(the polymer or its solution in an organic solvent), peptizes the filler, intensifies the molecular intaraction on the pqrticle-medium interface, and alters the strength properties arising i-n the filling of coagulational structures. This kind of modification with the purposo of facilitating the distribution of filler particles in the polymer (rubbers), improving the wear of pigments, and increasing the stability of paints is carried out with the aid of long- chain ardnes, fatty acids, their saltq-, and many other SAA. The hieli emulsifying capacity of long-chain SAA homologs -- the soaps of natural fatty acids and synthetic soaplika compounds -- affords their exten3iva utilization, in the polymerization of latexes. For this purP030, anion-active and non- ionogeni .chiefly used..'Orig. art. has: 1 figure. .97-67 1 c are LJPRS-' 38 Card 2 UDC: 66 )9~.YM +~~41.6 e ACC NR: AP7006039 TOPIC TAGS: surface active agent, pigment i -i SUB CODE: 11 SUHM DATE: none ORIG REM 051 OTH REF: 020 212 USSR- hu"Waran in ltw2tOf f4gfcTgLc. Yu. A. Zbiiknv W A. N '-OWA~Ww, 94 -if-Warta 10,4J. I Mlikaw~ Med. IFW. W4, v No, t +45: Refcr4l. e. har, Aetlt. 1954, a llwcltkgun us*4 " la-smikide he iric to be pacqtIbIt fe' of 0. ami In Warm wtte culd Vaitce CA it coticti, (do*) 4a (1,01 The colur attliqt Its f1midag littenAty, at 96 W. . (4 U.08 aud OJU M/l., fup~ - in em", of on I tbo =4 UP to 111.6 1119.A. Imuchwin u* efftrt safAlury cardifk~as of t1to tt--Wqrlr$L,. In C4 =A the devt?vpm=t 60 tnc./I. it dots not miffcct did 0 1, to 12.5 wt./I. 11 fl'iC3 flot affoct. nittifitutic'" pruzesscl. and at cancas, of up to rot-afftxt Via llai,~iaing rats with Lexa' i 'j It a C111(wan u,,;cr;t ptried lat 4 -'a-antfig with tfo~;Zl of V1 mc./kgi V live, wt. cauak-d J10 aotlc~41)je dumps ia Vic golam Cou. cl(tbot-, wt, Ard b" c(, tht smf=ls. Thai, tha oA-' Nionxt 4.0. L" M.7irrh wjj~ ,e Wait rif h"Ic. - Icn. in wa, bjy Its War and ibmild be #Lcuptcd TAUBHLNq A.V NIKITINAp S.A. _9 Formition of micelles in solutions of surface active agents, Dokl,, AN SSSR 135 no.5:1179-1182 D 160. (KMA 29:12) 1, 111atitut fizichaskoy AN SSSR, Predstavleno, akademikom P,A, Reginderom. (Micilles) (Surface active agezits) PA- 69-264 TAUBMI S- th Jbi/AVt 194 wX%thI=&t1cal LitiWature published In 1946 and 194T#w 8 - I Taubman, 4 pp "Uspethl )ktamat Nauk" Vol III, No 2 (24) A list of titles of books on mathematics published In wmin, 1946 and 1947 with numbers and prices. PISARENKO, Aleksanar Pavlovich, prof.; POSPELOVA, Kseniya kleksandrovna, dots.; YAKOVIEV, Aj-ekeardr Georgiyevich, dots.; VOYUTSKIY, S.S., prof., retsenzent; NIAZAROV, V.I.., prof., retsenzent; TAUBMAN, S.S.1 prof.~ retsenzent; BARAMBOYM, N.K., prof., retsenzeAT ~11 I.D.,, red. izd-va; YEZHOVA, L.L., tekhn. red. (Course in colloid chemistry) Kurs kolloidnoi khimii. Moskva, Gos.izd-7o "Vysshaia shkolaj," 1961. 241 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Colloids) REHEIRMY, L., insh.; TAUBMAN, Ye., inzh. Automation of grain drying processes in the YTI-15 grain dryer. Muk.-olev.prom. 23 no.7:6-7 JI 1-59. (141A 12:11) 1. Odemskiy proyeldno-konstruldorskiy institut Fishchoprom. (Grain--Drying) __r__ -7 ~ , II N / AUTHORs Taubman, Ye.I., Engineer 91-56-7-8/27 TITLEt Exchange of Experience (Obmen opytom). The Choice of Im- pulse for the Load Controller of a Drum Ball Mill (Vybor impul'sa k regulyatoru zagruzki sharovoy barabannoy mell- mitsy). PERIODICAL: Rnergetik, 1958, Nr 7, pp 21-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article explains the basic diagram of a double im- pulse load controller commonly used either with TsKTI electromechanical or VTI electronic automation. The au- thor distinguishes two types of mills: with and without clear acceleration characteristics. Figure 2 shows the measuring spot8 and acceleration characteristics for mills of "Garding" type taken at the "Novosibirskenergo" elec- i;ric power plant. The correct choice of the hydraulic re- sistance as impulse can improve the quality of load con- Card 112 trol. On the basis of research made with the "Sh-1011 type