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TARTAWVSKIY, M... inzh. Mixed food industry in the Polish People's Republic. Muk.-slov. prom. 24 no.10:30 0 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Poland-loed mills) TARTAKOVSKIY, M., inzh. Grain-processing machinery at the InternAt lonal Fair in P6/Znwl Muk.-elev. prom, 27 no.4:31-32 Ap 161 , (MIRA 14:7) (Grain-miLling machinery) TARTAKOVS inzh. lUxed feed production abroad. muk.-elev. ~rqm. 27 no.7:29 J1 161 (MIRA 14: ~) (Flour and feed trade) TARTAKOVSKIY$ M.$ Who Problem concerning the enrichwnt *#~flour with vitamins (from "Przoglad Zbo:~6~o-M%ynarskipP no.12 1960), Muk.-elev. prom. 27 no.9.-31 3 161. (MRA 15:2) (Flour) TA.RTAKOVSKIY, M., inzh. Milling equipment at the French National Exhibition in Moscow, Muk,--elev. prom. 27 no.21:30-31 N 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Moocow-Exhibitions) (France- --Grain-milling machinery) TARTAKOVSKIYj M., inzh, Flour mill equipment at the 30th International Fair in Poznan. Muk.-elev. prom. 28 no.1:29 Ja 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Poznan-Exhibitions) (Flour mills-Equipment and supplies) TARTAKCFVSKIY, M.. inzh. Grain production in Poland during the period 1961-1965 (from *Przoglad Zbozowo-Mlynarski,," no.6,. 8., 9, and. i1 3.961). Mak.- elev.prome 28 no*3s3O Mr 162. WU 15:4) Obland-Grain) 14 Results of the contest for methods of mechanized oleaning of silos. Muk.-elev. prom. 28 no.7:17-19 JI 162. (MIRA. 15:9) 1. V/T Spetooldvatormellotray. (Silos-Cloaning) TARTAKOVSKIY, M., inzh. 1. - -- - - 1. 1 -, - 11 1 - 14 t - - Researo*h work of the Higher School of Agriculture in PozAn. Make-elev. prom. 28 no.801 Ag 162. (MIRA 17:2) TARTAKOVSKIYP M., inzh. On the world grain market (frm "Przeglad zbosowo-mlymaraki," nos. 1 2, 194). muk.-elev. prom. 28 no.1002 0 162. (MIRk 16:1) (Grain trade) TARTAKOYS=,-&, inzh. Milling equipment at the exhibition of the industrial production of Italian firms in Moscow in 1962. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 no.12i 25-26 D 162, (MIRA 1~tl) (Moscow-Exhibitions) (Grain millini-ftbibitiono) TARTAKOVSKIY, M.,__Apzh. At the 1962 International Fair in Poznan' (from *Przeglad ztozowo-mlynarski, " no.8, 1962). Muk.-elev.prom. 29 no.101 Ja 163. (MIRA 16W (Poznan'-FA!n) (Grain handling machinery-Exhibitions) BARDYSHEV, G., insh.; TARTAKOVSKIY, M., inzh. Abroad. Mak.-alev. prom. 29 no.2:31-32 F 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Feeds) (Flour mills) (Grain elevators) ~TARTAKOVSKIY M Construction of a new millin combine in Poland. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 no.11:29-30 Mr 163. (IMU 16:9) TARTAKOVSKIYIM. inzh. Output and quality of flour in the countries of Westerm Europe. Make-elev. prom. 29 no-401 Ap 163- (MUU 1617) (Europes Westarn-Flour) TARTAKOVSKIYj M., inzh. ................................... Determining the quantity of mites in grain produats. Hak.- elev. prom. 29 no*5:31-32 My 1639 - , (M323A 16:7) (Grain-Testing) (14ites) TARTAKOVSKIYP M., inzh. Improve in every possible way the working conditions. MA~-elev. prom. 29 no.6:3-6 Je 163. (AM 16:7) 1. V/T Spetselevatormellmontazh. (Grain handling-Hygienic aspects) TARTAKOVSKIYO M., inzh. - Grain production and the building of enterprises for storing and processing grain abroad. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 no.7:29-30 J1 163. (MIRA 17t1) TARTAKOVSKIY, M.p inzh. In the Peoplels Republic Of Poland. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 noe80 of cover Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) TARTAKOVSKIY, M., inzh. Production, storage, processing, and export of grain in various countries. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 no.11229-31 N '63. (WRA 17-.2) TARTAKOVSKIYp M.., inzh. At the 32d International Fair in Po2nan. Muk.-olev.prom. 30 n0-1! 3 of cover Ja 164s (MIRA 17:3) TARTAKOVSKIY.,,.N. Results of the competition an safety technique. Mak.-elev. prom. 30 no.3:24-26 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) SHEVTSOT, V.D., inzh.; TARTAKOVSKIY, N.A., inzh. Manufacture of stamped ventilation outleto out of roofing steel. Mont. i spets. rab. v stroi. 24 no.9:16..18 S 162. (MMA 15:9) 1. Trest Spetselevatormallmontash. (Ventilation-Equipment and supplies) (Pipe, Steel) ,'LISTRATOV, Anatoliy Andreyevichl 14AM-UT, Yankell Llvovich; DENISENKOVA, LA, red.; I'ARTAKOVSKIY, M.A., red. - 0 1 m [Asphalt concrete work at enterprises for grain storing and processing] Aufal'tobotonnyo raboty na predpriiatilakh po khranenliu i pererabotke zerna. Moskvap Zagotizd&t 1962. 37 p. (MIRA 17:21 ""', - ~ ,,- , X i ~', -,., . XHVILIVITSKAYA, H.I.; UVERSKAYA, Fourteenth All-Union Gongress no.li83-99 Ja '57. (HKART-DISMASES) V.T. - KOVSKIY, H.B. (Ieningred) of Therapeutiets. Terap.arkh. 29 (141RA 10:12) TARTAKOVSKIT. Mikh i1 Borisovich (UnIpolar electrocardiography) Odnopoliususis slektrokardio- graftia. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1958. 333 p. (KIU 13:6) (ILMROCARDIOGRAPHY) ARRIGONI, 1.14.; TAR'WUVSKIY, H.B. Electrocardiographic observations in cardiac insufficiency treated by ligation of the external iliac veins. Trudy LSOHI 40:86-93 158. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Fakulstatakaya terapevticheskaya klinika Leningradskogo, sanitarno-gigi.venicheakogo meditsinskogo institute. (zav. klinikoy - prof.A.A.Kedrov). (VEINS. ILIAC, surgery, ligation in congestive heart failure ZCG (Rug)) (COUGHSTIV2 HUM 7AILURN, surgery, ligation of iliac veinsp ZCG (Rua)) (ELBCTROCARIWGRAPHY, in var. die. congestive heart failure, after ligation of iliac veins (Rua)) TARTMOVSKIY, H.B. Wilson's central electrode potential and method of takine unipolar leads of the extremities. Trady LSGIfI 40;246- 257 1580 (MIU 12:8) 1. Fakulltetskaya terapevticheskaya, klinikm Leningradekogo sanitarno-giglyenichookogo maditsinakogo institute, (say. klinikoy - prof.A.A.Kedrov). (I M TROCARDIOGRA M Wilson's central electrode potential size & limb unipolar leads (Rue)) TARTLEMEY, H.B. ~ctrocardlogram with Increased unipolar leads of the extremities. Trudy LBOHI 40:258-2n '58. (MIRL 12.8) 1. FaIncaltetskaya torapevticheakaya klinika Leningradgkogo sanitarno-gigiyanicheakogo meditsinskogo instituts (zav. klinikoy - prof.A.A.Kedrov). (MACTROCARDIOGUPHT, normal In increased unipolar limb leads (Rua)) KIb-=VA, L.K.; TARTAK07SKIT, ROB. Significance of increased unipolar leads of the extremities in evaluating negative T waves in a third standard lead. Trudy LSOMI 40:272-276 158. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Fakulltetskaya terapevticheskaya klinika Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo meditsinskogo institute, (sav. klinikoy - prof.A.A.Kedrov). (ELWTROCARDIOGRAM, increased uniplar limb leads in negative T wave in 3rd stand rd lead (Rue)) TARTAKOVSKIY,. ji.B.- Significance of increased unipolar leads from the extremities in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Trudy LSGMI 40: 277-283 158. (MBA 12:8) ..,-I~.'fakulltetakaya terapevticheskeya klinike, Laningradekogo sanitarno-giglygnichaskogo meditsinBkogo instituta (Zav. klinikoy - prof.A.A.Kedrov). (XMTROCARDIOGRAPHT, in var. dig. myocardial infarct, increased unipolar limb leads (Rue)) (IffOCARDJAL INFARCT. diagnosis, HCG, increased unipolar limb leads (Rue)) .- TARIAKOVSKIY M B. Methodo of azolysis of vectorcardiogrms. Trudy I4GNI 48:323~342 '59. ' (MIn 14:3) (VECTORCARDIOGRAPHY) TARTAKOVSKIY, M,,B* - --------------, Normal vectorcardiogram in a system of bipolar thoracic leads. Trudy LSGNI 48:343-356 159. (MIRA 14:2) (VECTORCARDIOGRAPHY) ARRIGONI, I.M.; MINKIN, R.B.;-RASPUTINI A.MS; SOLOV'YbVAP-Ye*A*j*, TARTAKQVSKIT.J~B. Nov method for a olinical evaluation of the elootrocardlogram (frequency analysis of waves of the ventricular complex). Trudy LSGNI 48S408-1+33 159. (MIRA 14t2) (ELECTROGARDIOGRAPHY) ARRIGONIf R*B*;- fMPUTINI-A.M*-; SOLOVYEV4 Xe-,A*, TARTAKOVSK319 M.B. .,culAr )OUnical significance of the frequency analyLjio of the ventr' oomplex of the electrocardiogram. Trudy ISGNI 48143 446 159. tHIRA 14t2) (ELMTROCARDIOGRAPHY) MINK;Nv R.B.; TARTAKOVSKIYv M.B. Signi-ficance of-ile a"aar component in the formation of the first heart sound. Trudy LSGHI s 507-5 U- 159. (MIRA 14:2) . .. (HEART--SOUNW~ TARTAKOVSKIYp M.B,, Vectocardiographic diagnosis of hypertrophy of the left ventricle. Terapj arkh.32 no. 7:29-39 J1 f60. (KIRA 14:1) (HEART-DISEASES) (VECTOCARDIOGRAPHY) TARTAKOVSKIY., M.B. Phase principle of vectorcardiographic evaluating the electrical position of no.4:64-71 Jl-Ag 162. analysis and-Uts use in the heart. Ka~Oologiia 2 \(WRA 15:9) '\' 0 1. Iz fakulltetskoy terapevticheakoy kliniki (zav. - pr ~.A Kedrov) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsins instituta. (VECTORCARDIOGRAPHY) BUTCHENKO, Lev Alekseyevich, at. nauchnyy sotr., kand. med. nauk; ;&AUA2y�KIY, M.B.# red.; KHARASH, G.A.p tekhn. red. (Electrocardiography in sports medicine) Blektrokardiograflia v sportivnoi meditsine. Leningrad, Medgis, 1963. 206 p. (MIRA 16:7) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) (SPORTS MEDICINE) TARTAKOVSKIY, Mikhail Borisovich; DENBO, A.G., red. [Fundamentals of clinical vectorcardiograpby) Osnovy kli- nicheskoi vektorkardiografii. Leningrad, Meditsina., 1964. 434 P. (MIRA 17:5) ACC NRi AP7000330 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/022/0078/0079 INVENTOR! _T1art_ak-ov,s'kiy,,-H..- B.; Pupko, I. D.; Dolgov, V. K. ORGi none TITLE., A device for mass EKG examination of the population. Class 30, No. 188621 SOURCE: Isobreteniya, promyshlennye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no . 22, 1966, 78-79 TOPIC TAGS: electrocardiography, heart rate, cardiovascular syste i ABSTRACT; An Author Certificate has been issued for a device which contains elec- trodes, biopotential amplifiers, and power sources, and which has units for analyzing the temporary and amplitude relationships of EKG elements, a readout unit, and an automatic electromechanical lead commutator (see Fig. 1). It is designed for the Fig. 1. 1 - Electrodes; 2 - biopotential aml 'ifiers; 3 - elec- j tromechanical lead commutator; 4 tit for analyzing temporary relationships of EKG elem ts;.5 - unit for 1 2 analyzing amplitude relationships o. EKG elements; 6 - readout unit. Card 1/2 UDC: 615,471:616,12-073.9t, ACC NRI AP7000330 automatic evaluation of EKG elements and for signal indication of leviations from selected EKG elements of examined EKGs with respect to normal E) 's. A model for analysis of the temporary relationships of EKG element9contai, systerris for identification of examined EKG intervals, comparison of the exami- A intervals with selected normal intervals, and signal indication during deviations of the values to be compared which, $exceed established values. A model for anal, -sis of amplitude relationships of EKG elements includes systems for identification ind amplitude comparison (with normal waves) of examined EKG waves, and systems 7or signal indication during deviations of the values to be compared which e;--eed established values. A model for signal indication of a deviation of the exam-.ed EKG elements from the established values.and for reduction of the probability f an incorrect result consists of systems of coincidence I- systems with different -4torage capacity, and a signal indicator. A device for automatic commutation of lez,'a and establishment of a certain nimber of examined EKG cyples on each ]:!ad has systems for output of synchronized pulses, a counter of synchronized pulf-rio and a pitch -selector. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [SWI SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATEs 20Jan64/ ATD PRESS: 5110 a Arkhv veterin, nauk (Archives mgdative "us or Fowl FS*tp of Veterinary *djcjne)p 34, 642, 1904 GLEYZER, M.D.,inzh.i M~AWVSKIYp M.L.,inzh.; KHOMYAKOV, K.A., inzh. Construction of electric pover transmission lines in mountainous areas. Elek.sta. 33 no.D7446 Ja 162. (MM 150) (Bledtric lines-4Vsrhead) SKly, N. , %asju7,herjlYY trener jjkvSSR -1-- Radio no*3:7 ev 165. We are preparing for flDals- (mm 18:6) TARTAKOVSM, N., =sluzhennyY trener ukrSSR Spo,rtsmen of the Ukraine. Radio no.lltl5-l6 N 165 jMIM 18:12) L 33245.66 Ew(k)-2/EwP(k)/r4(d)/M(1)/PBD/T - - iip(c) - - wo - - -Accr4-R;--iP6006864 SOURCE CODE: 'UR/0406/65/002/003/005610-0170 AUTHOR None TITLE: Synthesis of a light signal receiver during the heterodyning of light SOURCE: Problemy peredacht informateff, v. 1, no. 3, 1966, 66-70 TOPIC TAGS: signal processing, light qmIssion,, coherent sigml, laser application ABSTRACT: The development of las ~teghhn logy opens up opportunities for the utilization of -er n0 coherent liaht sianals for communTeatron d for the location of various objects. The present problem is the optimization of the methods of recelving such signals. The author calculates the statistical voltage characteristic's at the output of a photomixer during the heterodyning of fluctuating light signals. In addition to the useful signal and, possibly, the background, the mixer Is affected by a sufficiently powerful heterodyne signal; a circuit (filter) serves as a load and It is tuned to the intermediate frequency (between the input and the heterodyne signals) The author finds the optimal method for processing the voltage at the output of the photomixer in the receiver. The method makes It possible to obtain the beat characteristics for the detect- ion of weak light signals and to measure the parameters coded in them, An evaluation Is made of the potential possibilities of light signal receivers In detection and measurement. Orig. art. has: 73 formulas and 3 figures. SUB CODE: 17t 20 / SUBM DATE: 19FAWS / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: 002 Card 1/1 6121 39 S/124/62/000/005/012/048 D251/D308 AUTHORS: TartakovB'kry, F.F.t and Putyata, V.Y. TITLE: Generalization of the theory of the carrier line to the case of a sagittate wing PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Melchanikap no. 59 1962v 28t abstract 5B139 (Vianyk Kyyivstk. un-tup 1960 (1961) no, 3, ser. matem. ta mekhan. no. 1, 44 - 54) TEXT: An attempt is made to generlize the theory of the carrier line to a sagittate wing by means of the distribution of the con- nected vortices of the wing on the carrier vortex line and the sya- tem of complementary connected vortices perpendicular to the axis of-the wing, which permits infinitely great values of the induced velocity close to the carrier vortex& A method is given for calcula- ting the vortex system of the wing, based on the combination of the general vortex theory of a wing of finite span with the theory of-a thin profile, and also a method of calculating the complementa- ry aerodynamic forces which arise as a result of the interaction of~ the complementary connected vortices and the transverse component Pard 1/2 Generalization of the theory of S/12 YD 62/000/005/012/048 D251 308 of velocity of the current* [Abstractor's note: complete transla- tion). Card 2/2 L 18766-63 E?A(b)/EWT(1)/BD.S/ES(v) AMjAFFTC/A5D/AFMC Pd-4/Pe-4 S10124163100010081DO331BO35, ACCMWION NRt AR3DO" ,SOURCEI RZh. Mekhanika, Abs. 8B196 AUTHORs Tartakov3kiye P. P. I putyata V. 1. a..!p!ep win TITLS t Som~ &erodyn&mipipM14eqq ;CITED SOURM Tr. 0shevsk, avi&t&Jarts vi$y- 139 ch. 1, 1962t 3-22 TOPIC TAGSt aerodynamics, swept wing, slip, flow, cross-aection lifting line theoz7 TRANSIATIONt After a thorough analysis of the hypothesis of the plane oross see- i tion applied to a wing, atreamLined with slip, the authors establish the necessity of introducing the supplementar7 asswiptions and constructing a vortex system which takes account of the effect of the induced velocities directed along the maxis of the wing: it is shown that the additional pressure arising at the wing with the slip, has a considerable value. Using the methods of the theory of thin certain solutions, ob- proMe wings, and the theory of lifting lines, and using tained by these methods, the authors distribute the velocity along the surface of the wing. Calculation of the force arising on the swept-b&ck wing is given; Card 1/2 L 18766-63 ACOSSION NRt AR3006434 0 estimates are made of the effect of the curvature of the section* Me question of the limits of applicability of the theory of lifting lines to the calculation of.I sweptback wings is considered, It is shown that the complete preaware drop is J. formed from the pressure drops detemined on the basis of tie theor7 of plane cross sectionag and the fall of pressure caused by the flow directed along the axis of the wing; in some cases this tem is compared with the first (fundamental). At the end of the work, a method is given for determining the distribution of the circulation along the wingspan of the swept wing. MI. 3 names* As L Borisenkc ,DAIE ACQs 2aAug63 SUB COM A? ENCLs 00 em "' ME-10 W,.- ill ~ No TARTAXOVMY 0 P. 5 0 "Inter-PhOtOOffOct and BMW I'evels of Electrono in Cr."talsoo Zhur. ekq*r. i teorst. MOP llo.4s 1934 W'' 0 V ]AD 0- 100 A- JARAI l. wig a paccesus #$o Till Wff 9 ec- see '00 001: i 100 ~Oe I -,Do q* -00 n-00 U&Ir. Al..v-" A., Rea *oW AfTLLtV"KA& LITAIIIATOOd CLANWWATM No@ low 90011" $41141100 ote sow 40C 11116111 dist dv Lit AV 10 al; at &0 so O*N, NJ a' t;Ae-k !o o 0 *47g"* 0 o I is is m 0 a a SO 11 IS It It Q AA. A-2 a lkt Viso$ ..0 pliclotold$ dW 6641011flItM iffi 9 NUtitt fW- 161, Virsid"avirbs A. V.. Zmdtheye Ldb. 4. XVIA firgs with a bflWW4)Avft shu-41 flim in a dktrt tv1stloft betweril flif IMP- WId Ow a rjlW, of a flittite., Hrwvo It W PoWhis to det- dw IMP, W a &W by pwit""J"s flow Ow. F f"I letw"A 00 or woe Itiv tif a moil mil 1111111114'p; see got Zee 00,3 Zoe go 00 09 o 00 g coo moo Ise* I!me it Wflat4i" CL IUFCAII~b two 0 9 idej kp Ov 0-9 u u At to F I r It It ;U AAOO A I it a a a I v s a Q 3~ 10 W CP ft it 41 oil Its Wan 4111111114111 #24 OW 04 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 # o 4 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 *1 e goes 0 0 0 sea 0 0 900000 0 6 C 5 0 4 4 A L a 0 6 VU 2 S I W Pon *,In cm as% 300 AM 00 OWIS I #- "ft" 11 MA194"s NMI- Oil :O,r 0001 0o-!; I 0 r, Its . 00 roe eel v 9 a 0 0 0 iVjIA 0 V 0 0 9 L I I W 'A loop loaf Sol 04P to. Ow 60. sell V *0 vft O"'s, 1" Now wx go p "VAXT.1 '41 afewra) RM-Nm'I so 0 * 39 Ii 32 Ii X S b 3P'S W if A 0 4M 49 L . A . 9 . L t 4' p 0 g I ;W AT 9 "a AND A T. Mat" F. "AlMMA ITM"IIIAIW I. 4" -rum Sao 30 ~,:Vwm "m at n" a" gal I Poo so. 0* 00; 00 a 00 go! .4ilt -4 IF V -w-w w w W, 0.0040000000000000 ON V' 0, j I s I a I P 0 it ;ljj.Swll4 olf top P b b is is is a jo mit um its Us; minan olf) ag 040 AA 0 IX 0 tf t 4 6 & L & L t 6 A, i. 41 to :0 A Tl~ 0 0t ANJ6. Klftlr4M 1410h In 41110 lnt#MNI P11040-ItOW. P. lOftlk- kovsky. J. o/Let, ooj lAfor 1,kjottl. V SA H. u 1. rf 211AI Sij.'JifW N-kUS40406. -The intarnal lifKAWCOwt in X-lay umbatrd A%t (tifituml 90 fmkwt W" inveatipted by the (qAkw t*Wm otathmi; in "icular the ~_Odl 00 alsoctral distfilmlom of the t"sladvatitm cunvat was mciuuml. The .00 *0 .146ftstirm fl(flw ""Whattion of rf"Immeatiol" of the Awtrom at the *1141 ell 2*0 04 oforil 141110 ist dsis 110"41 S .'04 is 00 00 600 400 Of 0 see .00 If boo woo it '.1, to i a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 00 000 0 0 to 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 6 0:10 1 090 0 41 4 00 0! 00 0 * 0 * : 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9ps S-0 -- - -- - "Contribution to the Theorv of the Inner Photoeffect in Dislactricapm Zhuro Sksper, i Teoreto Fizop No.3, i9A0 4 it ~2 n 24 26 27 21 29 1) JS )1 13 34 35 34 11 Is .0 41 4' 41 44 45 a c .-Ir, A 0--c dvisolari/41tinn cilryclit,, in the AdditivOY colo-d custal!- of NMA and KTIr Nva-, stildi,d it, lik-prilli(wrt. '111 (ht it'llip. avill tilt, kligill of tile d J'Alj~-" It 1-4 -tabliOled that af!cr a certain an es it it, tile 7-1-- 'If rillill., tilt' r1cctionsart: cripturvA oil , -11 Rill Y ~k h~ lk .0 .1 ~ () 1) 10)_ ' 1-1 t[ N tilt, P levul, thil, Thc~c l . layi. I 77irorel. I r th lxy~l -~vs rq, will it tilt- cry%tal k grotindvil ill datVii.-t,; h or lig t. The 111:1911011de uf tile space rliargv on icill[), 'I'lir lJolarintli )II k furlially (file to (he 1011 t ppvc chalges, Ow j'tc!.l:ftcc of Which wis provt"(l fly the i 1. 1 1, - , uxpf~. wi ,, I IrK Tl.(-. two nutnima (in a tfi(k ta ( F Rm=mmt or dcpolatirldmi curn 1 1 44~;'rvvd Uir Nacl, KC1 will Mir. IL 1). M. K;1mitil.( i . Aid. 145-9.-The ismstigation of tht- fluir fivili-sillk lwe of tliv flir%:rt will tile icvcr,,~r plintocurrents u a,; t hu fmw ( wit of I i: mp. show,; I hat I lie pror"s of polarlya - lion is title to tile uppenianct- of 5parc charges. Tile spac7c clitugcii appvar in tilt- fir%t I 10MCIlt Of M11111iff4tinfl. when atc capillit") oll 0 v F, levi 11. 'I'lle f1multur of tile,(. 1" evillcls with ill(; tellip. The Ilmillicr Ill cl'-Oroll.i (-117111rcfl oil tile F' levch M-1) with i fillip, litit mt Ou: other 11311d (110 ~Jlirij Of rejUalioll f . L e., lraitqi ition it( v1cctrfw; oil tilt- wmal F Vvi-k ill. rrv.vw 4 with (villp, 1 lit, c1luillurplay of ilit:,c fador~ jvwl' in tilt JaIlili?;iGm of fill, nitntif %vilb the invrva~ilvg lemll. *1 fir spavu rbargc~. c-11i -tl;o lie di,p,-r.'v(j ill dalk- :11111 Ow spv"I or O'k pr 1~' Ill, tt mp. "f tilt, rlv~lat. lb)k~lblla 0:111mw 0 . A ULIALLIPCICAL LITERATUPC E-2 I to-,! 14 1 1~" Tin. I lJow lm~ " IV, t, 'r L t 7t e )In n 1 ;X4 . ' (- (c i a t T. -j"t" p t 0, 0 % 4- 1 TARITAXOVSKIZ', A-f4f.. 4690, IV1. I kro.~ Inj cf. 4.. 14, 77,411 '~Tvo com.. (k the I't ml W4,1 Wit wA 14.1, 7771, 7.7717.7.7-1 55(l 111bl$ tall vv% A&FAmmmW (roil the 3 11 to dir, it URTAKOVSKlYs P, S. -- -- - ---- --- - ---- - - - - "Photooffeet in Crystals,,N Advances in Pbysics, PP, 3-22,9 1947 1 Siberian PbVico-Tachnical Inst. (SFTI),, Tomsk T&RTILKOVSKIY'- R*- N* - - ---- --- --- ---- --- - - wCalculation of Rail Bending in the Vertical Plans Considering the Dynamic Elasticity of the Bed.0 Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Inst of Railroad Tranjport Engineers, Moscow, 1954- (RZhMekh, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Instiutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 DMITRIK# R&S.; IVASHCHENKO# N*Fo; TARTAKOVSKIYj R.N.# kand.tekhn.nauk (st,,Kazating Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi-Y- -- Equipment of tie repair shops needs to be modernized. Put' i put. khoz. 5 no.3t26 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1, Nachallnik shpaloremontnvkh masterBkikbl stantsiya Kazating Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Dmitrik). 2. Nachallnik Putevoy dorozhnoy maBbinno.v stantsii,, st.Kazatin, Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Ivashchenko). (Railroads---Ties) LAYKO, N.V.; )~ARTAK03MIY,-EL.N.#--kand.tekbn.nauk (g.Gomell SLAVIKOVSKIY, N.A.; BARANOV, G.G. From practices of the maintenance of a continuous track. Put' i put.khoz. 5 no.12:12-15 D '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika distantsii puti, st. Molodechno# Belorusskoy dorogi (for Layko). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika Moskovsko-Kurskoy distantsii (for Slavikovskiy). 3. Starshiy dorozhnyy master Moskovsko-Kurskoy distantsii (for Baranov). (Railroads--Track) PETRUKOVICH, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk (Gomel'); TARTAKOVSKIY, R.N!.j kand, tekhn.nauk (Gomel'); SMYKOV, Ye.K., ka' ~.e LIPSKIY, M.V., dotsent (Gomel'); LIZOGUB, I.C., starshiy prep:>da-iatelo (Gomel'); GANKEVICH, V.I. (Gomel'); PETROV, A.G. (Gomel'); ANAMENSKIY, P.I. (Gomel') "The railroad track" by O.H.Shakhuniants. Reviewed by A.A. Fetrukovich and others. Zhel.dor.transp. 44 no.4:95-96 Ap 162. WHA 15:4) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Belorusskoy dorogi (for Gankevich). 2. Nachal'nik sluzhby Puti Belorusskoy dorogi (for Petrov). 3. Clavnyy inzh. sluzktar puti Belorusskoy dorogi (for Znamenskiy). (Railroads-Track) (Shakhuniants, G. 14.) Ueber the L8. ung 'X2 py? ,~~g der unbestimten Gleich 1. Hiov, zap. fiz.-maten. otd. an U33R, 1:2 (1924), 39-43- SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Hurosh, A. G., Markushevich,.A..I., Hashevskiy# P, K, Moscow-lonirgrad, 1948 kTl8sung der Gloicliung x~~ - PY4 = 1. Ian (6), 20 (1926), 301-'1?24. 1 SO: Mathematics in the USM, 1917-1547 edited by Kurosh, A. G., HgAushavich..l. I., RashevskV, P. K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 TAKU'VZY I i T Expression pour le nombro do roprbsoritations d'un nombro par une forvio quadvaticluu, positiVu plus de trois varaibleso C. R. Icade Scief 186 (1928). 13~17-13110- SO: Ilathenatics in tbe,USSRo 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, Le Gov. 1-farlmshevich, A. I., Rashevskiy, P. K. Moscow-Loningrado 1948 1~' ' '." L', -U-,L - I ~ L6L La (16terml-nation de totalit6'dcs nomb~es repr6sentables par wne for*me quadratiquo I.,ositivo A plus de quat-re variablqs. C. R. Acad- Sci., lP'6 (1928), l4ol-1403- SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A. G., 1-hrkushovich, A. I., Rashavskiy, P. K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 La d6termiratior de totalit8 des nombres repr6sentables par une forme quadratique positive qiaternaires. C. R. Icad. Sci-, 1% (1928), 1684-1687. SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Xurosh, 1. G., Markushevich, A.,I., Rashevskiy, P. K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 Die Gesamtheit der Zahlen, die durch eine positive Quadratischef orr. F(.-,cl Xq X--,n)- darstellbar sind. IXT, ser. fiz.-mateir. (1929), LU-122. SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A. G.. Karkushevich. A..I., Rashevskiy, P. K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 'L Fl; . ~ lu-.~, V " I 'i - , -, , - A. Die Gesamtheit der Zahlen, die durch eine positive Quadratisc."af orm F(X1, x2 . ..... , x n) darstellbar sind. IXi. ser. fiz.-matem. (1929), 165-196. SO: Ilathenatics J-n the USSRo 1917-1947 edited by Kuroah, A. G., Markushevich,.A. I., Rashevskiy, P. K. lbscow-LenLngrad, 1948 Sur la reprbsentation d'un systAme de nod-ires piu- un syst6me de formes quadratiques additives positives. C. R, Acad. Sci., 1.02 W931), 907-910. SO: Mathematics in the USSR,.1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A. G., 1-Tarkushevich,. A.. I., Rashovsh-ij,, F. K. I-loscow-Leuingrad, 19148 La totality& des nombres repr6sentables par C. R. Icad. Sci.. 192 (1931)v 1072-1075. SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A. G., I-larkushevich, A,.I., Rashevsldy, P. K. Iloscow-Leningrsd, 1948 une forme ind6finio gbn&rale quadraticlue oa cubiquel 'o des 411comainetiV Diophzmtischor. AnalAse mit vielen Unbekannten. Die assymptotische GosetZ Ian, ser. fiz.-natern. (1935). 483. SO: Mathemtics in the USSR# 1917-1947 editod by Kurosh, A. G., 1-larkushevich, A. I., Rashavsk-iy, P. K. Moscow-Uningrad, 19148 I'_', 0 nohotory~li stmuaaPh Upa VigCo Drunla. Dan 23 (1939), 1221-126. SO: Kathenatics in the USM9 1917-1947 edited b fairoah, A. G., 1--larkushovich, A. I., Rashevsldy, P. K. lbscow-Leningrad, 1948 '. - F"121 ~ M POP.% TARTAKOVSKIY,, V. "Process of Extinction.." Dokl. AN SSSR, 58, No.8o 1947 Sci. Res, Inst. Math, and Mech,, Leningrad State U. TARTAKOMIT. V.A. - %surmms's vneralised I 100 thocrom. Ueh, sap. IMUJ no.96.-189-196 (mm lo: 8) (Notrio*o) GTRSPL go. 45 jjjel,%tj,j S -Ioa Dokledy Toj. 79 TAOO redut wil I, thr wor-I pf toblem for grtiulx% u ills a k -&sia lot k -6 Ak-sdemss N-d~, Ss-rsy-, ?6lAerv,-tschesL-'Y- 481.94 (1949) AkIldemiyA HAUk S-S-S-R-1 Daklady Vol. 79 No. OTRSPL NO. 45 I'arlakov*ki, V.A. XtIldw ~Itlull of the sieve method to the solutiun of the word prublent (or certain types u( group,, M..trmatig-heskit 5bornik (N.S.) Z5 (6 . 151-74 (1949) ~J7 Alrademlyll Ilouk S.S.S.R., DOkl&dY VOL 79 1(0- AAA,. W Ell k RE: I- ~ I N Ow M ",M10 IN IN m I M RN . e7 We IM.. W. M-1 EM I my BEEN -~A- UN N k, M-111 MY- "AM I.. OB MIT C Sit L Em rO., W4 ISO -R-41A BAN al PDA mg- iff ~-T XS TARTAK,,VSVUYy V. "Explicit Foi-,ulac for Local Developm.-it of Solutixis of z; &fstem of L'iffe.e.-itial li'--cpatiorislt, DAII 7 2, 633-636 (1)50). Th 1954. bal YS k~7Tartakoiikffj V. A. Explicit formulas for the solution of systems of otdinary 5 Lifferential equation&-* Ukrain. b Mat. 2urnal 3, 128-160 (1951). (Russian) 'In two earlier notes [Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) IV :72, 633-636, 853-856 (1950); these Rev. 12, 27, 180] the a u t hor a n n oun ced a nd sligb tl y ela borated his new approach -dimensional analytical s to the soltitiors of the n y6tcm ti 4=f(x) by infinite vectors and matrices. In this paper this work is elaborated at length. In particular, the Cauchy existence theorem is dispersed with and is obtai d b means of direct estimates. [Additional reference. DaBilevqk Theory of functions of matrices . . . 1VGT Moscow, 1934.] S. Lefsrhels (Princeton, N. V MA - A - - - -i " -,e -li -1111,~ --R,112--Ill III Ili , . .- r ~iwv-f TARTAROVSKIY, V. A. PA 241T83 Jan/reb 166MAktheintice _.Invtriazits 53. ON. V. Yefimov's N-Invariants From the Theory of Bending of Surfaces," V. A. Tartakovskiy, Len- ingrad "Ma,temst Sbor" Vol 32 (74),.No 1, pp 225-248 N. V. Yefimov (ibid. 1939-1946; Uspekbi Matemat Nauk, Vol III, No 2 (24) (1948)) studied the flexibility and inflexibility "in the small " of a part of an ,:analytical surface around its 'point of depression.,In ibis article the author establiahesarelated theorem concerning the met of all points of the mp&ce of coeffs of n th-degree forms which represent special fo.rms. Submitted 9 May 52. 241T83 - - - - - -- 00 - - - - TLRT I The spectrum of the natrix of differentiation at a point of stationarity (with summry in Angplisb). Test. WU 12 no-7: 57-67 157. (RLU 10: 6) (Differential Rquations, Linear) (YAtrices) SOV/ 124-58-5-5021 T ran slation f rom; Ref e rativnyy zhu rnal, Mekhanika, 19 5 8, Nr 5, p I I (USS R) AUTHORS: Tartakovskiv. V.A. Gofman, S.I. TITLE: On the Op .erating Precision of Flexible-belt Transmissions (0 tochnosti peredach uprugoy lentoy) PERIODICAL: Teoriya i raschet elementov priborov tochnoy mekhaniki. Moscow- Leningrad, Mashgiz, 1957, pp 19-38 4 2,11- ABSTRACT: Examination is made of the transmission of a rotational motion by a nonstretchable belt via pulleys of radius R between two parallel shafts. A theoretical analysis is made of the ef - fect of the elasticity (during flexure of the belt) on the variation in the angle of lag 6 (between the driven shaft and the drive shaft) as a result of increasing the tensile force P in the belt in proportion to the increase of the resistance on the driven shaft. The approximate formula 6 (EI) 3 NF_ __3 ~p3 6R P2 1 Card 1/2