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Je MIT 3/148/60oo/do2/004/al A161/AI33 AUTHORS: Tarnovskiy, 1. Ya., Gans o, 0. A. Yaysburd,. R. A. TITL~g Calculating the forces in drop and forging PMUODICAL: Izvestiya vyeshikh uchebr4kh zavedeniy. Ghernaya metallurgiya, no. 2 1961,51 - 61. TEM- The rated pressing stress'.of- presses has-to be selected for the ex- pected maximum pressure~required, i.e., finish-forging when the simplus metal of the forced out into the flash. The high number of existing theoretical and empirical formulae show th4t the.-prbblem is-both important-and difficult to solve. Usually the zone of plastic deformation at the flash space is determined experimentally and the data are used-for calculations. The authors considdr thi practice wrong since the results are correct-for the-definite e.;gperiment conditiL only, and xise a different approach. The article presents a mathematical analysis In which the'spreadirig of the plastic deformaiion zone at the flash space is de- termined theoretically for the minimum (instead OfLthe maximum) full deformation energy. This principle itself had beentreated in three ptevious works,[Ref. 8: I.' Ya. Tamovskiy, A. A. Pozdeyev, V. B. Lyashkov. Deform&tM_va metalla' pro pro- Card 1/4 27037 S/148/6i/0oo/oo2/oo4/bii Calculating the forces in c~rop and forging katke (Metal deformation in rolling), Metallurgizdat, 1956; Hof. 91 1. Ya. Tar- novskly, 0. A. Ganago, R. A. Vaysburd. "Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metal- lurglya, 1959, no. 1; Ref. 10; 1. Ya. Tarnovskiy, A. A. Pozdeyev. "Nauchn. dokl. v. hhk. MetallurgiyO, 1958, no. 11. Numerous experiments had been conducted wilh coordinate networks traced in different portiono of specimens and deformations studied with t6ol microscope, and the same means were used later for verifying the theoretical: conclusions. A formula describing the real spread of the plantic de- formation into the the cavity has been derived see Figure 1, a): h h3 + alh 1 - x (1) -BC,2n-- /) , where h - current ordinate (or height) of expendIn seat of plastic deformation; a, - indeteftinate (variable) parameter. The formula (1) determines only the shape of the boundary between the rigid (1) and the plastic (2) zone in the forg- ings, but the volume of the plastic deformation zone depends on the variable para- meter (a,). This parameter is determined by the following analysis. An electronic computer had been used for more accurate calculations. Ihe 3impson rule and the Siebel formula (the latter for the determination of speodle contact friction) are employed in the derivation of the f4aal two simple formulas (12) and (13) for the Card 2A 2703T S/148/61/boo/oWoo4/on Calculating the forces In drop and forging A161AIM c"e of flat and of:axially symmetric forgings. - p B - - 1 + 0.25- (12) 1. 15,~s H3 where B 2b is the width of the forging with the flash bridge; H, 2h-, - the flash thickness: 'P - 1~+ 0.17 (13) H, w-fteje D is the forging diaineter with the flash bridge., The formula (12) corres- ponds Uie formula obtained by Unksov [R~f. 12: Plasticheakaya deformatsiya pri kovke I shtampovke (Plastic Deformation in Vorging and-Stamping), Mashgiz, 19391 for.the calculation of the stresses during upsetting between two parallel plates, and the formula is )mown as the Siebel formula derived for the case of upsetting of cylinders. This coincidence of the formulae leads to an important conclusion that the value of the force required for finish forging depends not on the configur- ation of the forging In the vertical cross section, but on the shape and dimensiona of tho f6rging in the:planer-, the.flath thickness, and the temperature and speed of Card 3/4 27037- s/148/61/0oq/oo2/0o4/o1i Calculating the forces in drop and forging A161/A133 stamping. Experiments conducted -erith lead forgings,gave results confirming this coholusiom There are 5 figures, 3 tables and 13 Soviet-bloo-refey-ences. Figure 1: a flat problem; Card 4/4 b axially symmetric problem. S/148/61/000/003/006/015 A161/AI33 AUTHORS: Tarno,,~4kiy, I., Ta. , Pozdayev, A. A., Meandrov, L. V., Ihsain, 0. A. TITLICs The dopondeme of the deformatlon resistance on the ductile proper- ties of steel in hot pressure working FM~iODICALs Lkyestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 3, 1961'$ 82 - 90 TMUs texts have ba~eA oerried out with thej;psetting of 16 different steel grades at 900 - 1,2000C and.three different deformation ratexi 0.05; 7,5 and 150 Voe seo-1. The artiole presents details of the experiment toobaiques, 4;.b.9 data obta-4-n- ed in the form of.graphs, and derivations of.foraaAae, The grapbs. presertt the real stress value variatlons with.the defqrpa,~Ion degrge, as well an with deformation rate at differe"nt' temperatures. The growth of deformation-resistance (1.64, liaydel-- ing) of some steel grades at 1,1C0 - 1,2DOOC, and a'low deformation rat6 were fcpAnd to be so insignificant that the yield limit or ultimatie at Migth could be used as deformation resistance 0aaracteriatte), but a 4. high deformation rates the Mteel be- haviour was different,, and the oonolusiotn was drawn that the effeat of the de- formation degree should by all means be taken iato acoount for all the xteel types studied. 7he increase In tbe deformation rate also considerably raised the. de- Card 1/3 S/148/61/000/003/O(A/015 The dependence of the deformaition remistanae on A161A1323 formation rexistanae.. A formula was derIved that, expresses tkw behavior of the majority of the 16 steel grades with sufficient uouraoyt d# + KIn (.1 +. J!nL qn 0 5 0 where 6,qn is the deformation realwtanoe during linear stressed state and rate; 6' - the d9formation resistanae at zero deformation-rate; f 0 - the deformat-on rate durIng statto t6sis'j � n -.&MY deformation rate; X'- a coefflaient, tkmi,, depends on the steel grade, UmperatUre and deformation degree,. in kg/mm2. Tha Qoeffioient presents in a phyxioal sente the fftough resixtance of metal desor- mation". Its connection with the toughness faetor to analysed; and a -table ii inoluded givin .of K andd4' oaloulated for two G'I* the ot--Ated g the =Ozdsal valaes 11 steel grAdev (pat different, temperatures and def8rmatlon rates) - i8XHBA (,8"-NvA) and )(i8WH2T (i(hON12MT) irteel. it, is pointed out that the simplifted %TeqA,.e.jQn Tor n_ut. employed usually in pressure working theory 1.15e X (5) does not saftloiently express-the real properlies of steel at high-temperatares, The now equation of tvagh-duotile alv-ete derived from experimental da'.a in Card 2/3 S/148/61/000/003/006/015 The dependenae of the 4,0formation resistance on the ... A1611A133 6' an (6) 3 a ~~e where /0 is the mean (,for the entire body volume) value at the toughness co-' Officienfelt the given deformation moment, and 5' - the extrapolated yield limit that accounts at any given moment for the degree f the preceding deformation of the,body. Equations are derived also for the case of any stressed state. The numerical values of the K coefficient render it easy to find the toughness coeffi- cient for heated steel also under diff*rent,deformation conditions. There are 7 figures and 4 Soviet-blos references. ASSOCIATIONs Urallskly pqUtekhn14hesk1y institut Me UraliolyteQbn~c lastibite) SUBMITTEN. July -20' "'1959 Card 3/3 .. .. TARNOVSKIY, I.Yaj; POZDNEV, A.A.; MF"ROV) L.V. Physical equations for the mechanics of a deformed SQ4d in the press forging theory. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern.mete no.4:67-78 161. (MM 14W 1. Ural'Bkiy politekhnicheakiy Institut. - (Forging) (Deformations ~Mecbanics)) S/148/61/000/006/003/013 ZIWE483 AUTHORS: Tarnovskiy. I.Ya.1 Levanov, A.N., Skornyakov, V.B, ']~ Wra n a ~,B . D . TITLE., Investigation of contact friction forces during reduction (by forging) PERIODICAL: livestiya vysshikh uchebziykh zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya, 1961, No.6, PP.53-59 1"BXT: ldh,)n operations of the squeezing group are used to form a inetal component, the working pressure effect the plastic d-formation, the character of the metal flow and the distribution of stresses and strains depend upon the frictional forces in the area of ccntact between the tool and the metal being worked. Experimental determination of these forces has'been the subject of Many investigations in which, however-, methods and equipment both ,:complex and inaccurate have been used. In the present paper, its authors deBeribe a simple equipment with the aid of which accurate dotA on the contact friction forces can be obtained, irrespective oi' whether static or dynamic loads are used to deform the metal, The equipment ( comprises a measuring block (2), split in tLe centre and held together by a rod (4) incorporating wire strain Card 1/9 S/148/61/000/006/003/013 Investigation of contact friction ... E193/E483 gauges, The measuring block is placed horizontally between the upper (3) and lower (1) plates of a aub-press assembly, so that two.-- test pieces (shown in the diagram by cross-hatching), placed on either side of the measuring block, can be simultaneously deformed. The test pieces must be placed precisely in line and, in the case of cylindrical specimens, a jigAshown in Fig.1b) is used for this purpose. In both the upper and lower heads pins (6 and 7), silding freely in their bushes, are ilLserted. One end of each pin is in contact with the test piece, the other presses against a measuring rod (5 and 8), also equipped with wire strain gauges@ The position of the measuring block can be changed with the aid of an adjusting pin (9). When pressure is applied to the sub-press, assembled as shown in, the normal forces in the area 6f contact between the measuring block and the two test pieces balance each other. The sum of the two friction forces is transmitted onto the measuring rod (4). Consequently, the rod is under the action of a force which is twice the contact friction force, acting in a given part of the conthct area whose magnitude depends upon the position of the test piece in relation to the plane of contact of two halves of the measuring block. The pressure exerted on the Card 2/9 S/148/61/'000/006/00 V013 Investigation of contact friction ... E193/JC483 ' test pieces is transmitted by the pins (6 and 7) onto the measuring rods-.. Pressure and friction forces are recorded with the aid of an oscillograph. This method can be used for measuring the contact friction forces both during flat deformatton and during l.'Ompression of cylindrical specimens deformed at various rates of 2train. By varying the distance S between the centres of the test pieces and the parting plane of the measuring block, the integrated contact friction force can be determined as a function of S and tangential stresses at any point of tht contact area ,:an be calculated. In the case of flat, rectangular test pieces, the calculation consists of differentiation of the experimentally determined relationship between the integrated friction force and S. The treatment becomes more complex for a cylindrical test piece, axially compressed. In this case, the relationship between the tangential stresses and the experim6ntally determined equivalent force F(a) acting on the segment determined by the distance S (Fig.2) is given by Ir F (s-) w 2 ~ T(r)r min y dr d (1) Card 3/9 rK yo S/148/61/000/006/003/013 Investigation of contact friction 9193/Z483 where r and (P are the polar coordinates of points on the contact area, T(r) is the sought function of the distribution of the tangential stresses along the radius of the contact area and rK is the current value of the radius determining the boundary of a given segment along the cord. A method of solving this equation is given and applied to experiments in which the contact friction forces were measured during axial compression of cylindrical lead.specimens of 36 mm diameter and 36, 12, 6 and 3 mm high. Thirty tests were carried out for each do/ho ratio, where do and. ho denote the diameter and height of the specimens, respectively. The specimens were compressed to approximately 12% reduction in thickness at a strain rate of 6 mm/min. The: surface finish of the measuring instrument was V, The results are reproduced graphically. Those obtained for Rpocimens with do/ho w-1 are shown in Fig.4, where F (kg, left-hand scale, curve 1), 1 (kg/MM2, right-hand scale, curve 2) and pressure p (kg/mm2, right-hand scale, curve 3) are platted against S (mm). The results obtained for specimens with d0/ho W 12 are-shown in the same manner in Fig-7. The results of the present Card 4/9 S/148/61/000/006/003/013 Xnivei-stigat ion of contact friction .,,El93/E483 investigation confirmed the earlier views (Ref.91 X.Ya Tarnovskiy A,0A,Pozdeyev, 0,A,Ganago.' ItDeformation and forces in ~re83ure X orming of metals", Mashgiz, 1959) on the relationship between the--'~-' friction forces and the geometry of the deformed specimens and on i,the distribution of these forces in the contact area. They also confirmed the fact (Ref.10i A.I.Tselikov, Stall, 1958, No.5) that the contact friction forces increase as the d'/ho of the 0 'specimen increases. There are 7 figures and 10 Soviet ~.A references. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) S/148/61/000/006/005/013 E193/E480 AUTHORS: Smirnov, Y.K. and Tarnovskiy, I.Ya. TITLE: Forward-slip in the transition zones in rolling of periodic profiles PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,, ~_'hernaya metallurgiya, 1961, No.6, PP-95-104 rZXT: Most periodic profiles, produced by longitudinal rolling, --institute various combinations of flat and tapered sections. in rolling profiles of this type, theye are momenta when two or atore parts of the rolls with different curvatures are in the deformation zone. In the present paper, an analysis is carried Ott,!, of the conditions for the casf~ when no more than two different portions of the rolls are simultaneou.sly in the deformation region. All possible combinations of flat and tapered sections are shown in Fig.l, where the direction of rolling is from left to ri!;iit. When a strip of this type is rolled. roll portions with d.Lminishing and increasing radii,can be simultan,~ously in the deformati.on zone; 'his corresponds to a transition from rolling with deareasing draft rolling with increasing draft. When roll portions witti In,;reasing and constant radii are in th~,:- deformation zone, this r~~ird 1/6 S/148/61/000/006/005/013 15'orward slip in the transition ... E193/E480 ,-~-~,rresponds to transition from rolling with increasing draft to rolling at a constant draft etc. The variants shown in Fig.1 are divided into two groups: one compritiing the variants a,d 15 and 2 4 the other comprising variants 16 , e, N9 and it. Rolling of capered strip under conditions of diminishing draft can be regarded a particular case of the first group; similarly, rolling of tapered strip with increasing draft is a particular case of the second group, (Variants 2 and tt , less common than the remaining ones, are not considered in the present analysis.) The geometry of rolling according to variants a and' B , relevant to the subject under consideration, are shown in Fig.2a and 26 respectively. It is with reference to this figure that general formulae are derived in the following paragraphs for the central angle of contact 0 , and for the critical angle y, the latter being determined from the equilibrium of the horizontal components of forces in the deformation region. The change of the critical angle y with the rotation of the rolls is then considered and the relationship between y and various rolling parameters in discussed. A formula for the momentary forward slip is then derived, the term #'momentary" signifying the fact that the forward Card 2/6 S/148/61/00o/oo6/oo5/013 Forward slip in the transition ... E193/E480 in the case under consideration continually varies. The ~*alidity of this formula was checked by experiments carried out on lead strip of the type shown on top of Fig-7- Test pieces of various sizes were rolled under various rolling conditions. Typical results for 2 sets of experimental conditions are shown in Fig.7 (bottom), where the forward slip SIt is plotted against the distance (given in mm on the circumference of the rolls or in degrees of the angle 6) from the point of minimum roll radius. Although the validity of the analytically established relationships was qualitatively confirmed by the experiments, in many cases the experimental values of S" differed from the calculated values. This was attributed to the fact that the formula S" derived by the present authors, did not take into account the zone of sticking friction. There are 8 figures and 11 Soviet references, ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: January 4, 1960 Card 3/6 s/148/61/000/010/002/003 E193/E435 AUTHORS: Pozdayev, A.A., Tarnovskiy, I.Ya., Zykov, Yu.S. TITLEt Poundations of the theory of visco-plastic deformation of metal during rolling PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no.lo, 1961, 50-58 TEXT: Experimental evidence indicates that a hot-worked metal possesses both plastic and viscous properties and should therefore be considered an a complex visco-plastic medium. In contrast to the theory of,small elastoplastic deformations in which the equations of state for a deformed metal establish the relationship between the stress and strain components, the corresponding equations for the theory of visco-plastic deformation describe the relationship between stress- and strain (deformation)-rate components. One~advantage of using the latter theory as a tool for studying the mechanism of hot deformation is that it is - concerned with increments of stress-and strain rates. As a result the limiting condition of small degrees of deformation no longer applies and the theory can be applied to studying the variation of the stress-strain state at any moment of the deformation process. Car& l/ 8 S/148/61/000/010/002/003 Foundations of the theory of ... E193/E435 In the present paper, this theory is applied to the analysis of the mechanism of flat hot rolling. A slab of rectangular cross- zection ia-considered whose dimensions are Ho (thickness), ','Lo' (length) and Bo (width). Its thickness is reduced during rolling by AH and its,final dimensions are Hl, Ll and Bl, the half-thickness and half-width being denoted by h and b with appropriate indices (0 or 1). The relationship between stress and strain rates is described by a set of equations for a vis,co-plastic medium (Ref.2: L.M.Kachanov. Mechanics of Plastic Media. Gostekhizdat, 1948) IXY + 2 te + IA"71"; 2Ts- + 2 tLly; T", 4- tLflyz; + 2 + P 2%H H 1xv Card" 2/ 8 5/148/61/000/,010/002/003 Foundations of the theory of off EJL93/E435 in which 10 (tensor coefficient) represents the coefficient of PrOortionality, between the components of stress and the rate of deformation. Jordan's principle (Ref-3: L.S.Leybenzon. Course of Theory of Elasticity, Gostakhizdat, 1947) appli-ed to an incompressible tuetal is expressed by (X,4v,+ Y.4VY+ V SSI + Z,, 8 v.) dSj (4) where IXn, Yn, Zn projections of external forces applied to the body under deformation$ on the axis of the coordinates; 6vX' 6vy# bvz variations of velocity components of the displacements on the points of the-body on which external forces are acting. The left hand side of Eq.(4) represents the variation of'the work of internal forces, while the right hand side represents the variations of the work of external forces. Utilizing Eq.(I), applying calculus of variations and introducing a Card*3/8 S/148/61/000/010/002/003 Foundations of the theory of ... E193/E435 new system of coordinates t6 the right hand side of Jordan's equation it will become a ("Y + HS dV V,2 + %2 dS 0.(16) 2 4m. ff Vr Va where-.H the intensity of'the velocity of defornration due to shear; VB - roller velocity; 9x the angle characterizing the. point considered (0 < T. /, a)-; a contact angle; T. yield point under shear; vx1v vz - velocity components (vz vxtan Tx). Jordan's equation presenTed in this form is applicable to the analysis of the process of rolling orl plain irallers. If the work of shear lost on overcoming resistances Ts is also included, it becomes: Card 4/8 S/148/61/000/010/002/003 Foundations of the theory of ... E193/E435 (,,H + V + T, (oil dS + 2 1 f~ S, + V,2 + V. dS 0. Cos Tj .]~ S, (17) in which summation is extended over the surfaces of the discontinuities of the velocities and vt represent s the difference between the velocities on the surface of discontinuity. Eq.U6) or (17) should be combined with an equation expressing the law of energy conservation. The work done on direct rolling is: M =!2R W +Ts dS d Nnp nP [SS S1, S, S~ where MTrp roll torque (for two rollers); w angular volocityj R - roller radius. The work dono on overcoming friction forces and Internal resistances is Card' 5/ 8 Founda tions of the theory of ... S/148/61/000/010/002/003 E193/E435 N, (c, H + ILI 111) dV + V2+ V,- V Cos 4P, Taking into account the work lost on the surfaces of .discontinuities aud the cond:Ltiori N N); leads to nP Ob N v. dS - S x-. dS - H + ILIU-) dV -7 VY2 + (Cs y, )2dS_ (vil dS 0. fj Cos (26) where y - critical angle. Eq.(26) and (17) taken together define the problem for the calciulus of variations. They contain three unknown quantities v%vy,vz and their derivatives which have to be determined in suc a manner that, on one hand, the Card 6/8 S/148/61/000/010/002/003 Foundations of the theory of E193/E435 integral is to assume its maximum value and, on the other, the Eq.(26)'be satisfied. Moreover, the functions vxlvylvz should satisfy incompressibility condition OV, a UY 0 V. + = 0. (29) 'a X 82 The solution can be obtained with the use of the calculus of variations (Ref.10: S.G.Mikhlin. Direct methods in mathematical physics. Gootekhteorizdat, 1950; Ref.11: L.V.Kantorovich, VoIsArylov. kethods of approximation of higher analysis. GostekhteoriIzdat, 1949). Thus, the velocity of the metal at any point of the volume of deformation region can be determined, whence*all rolling parameters can be calculated. The power expanded on deformation NA can be found from Eq.(21). If NjX in known, the rolling torque Nn can be determined from Eq..(18), and the roll force can be calculUed for a given roll radius. The velocities at the entry and exit points of the deformation region (v0 and vl) are calculated from the known value of vx. Then, from the ratio of the initial-to-final cross-section area of Card 7/ 8 s/i48/6i/000/020/002/003 Foundations of the theory of ... E193/E435 this slab or-from*the values of vl and -.-p 1 the elongation X can be-calculated,from Fo vi x Fl v0 The lateral spread can be then calculated for a given draft, from the*condltlon of constant volume of the deformed metal. The velocities vx.,vy and vz can be used also to construct trajectories of displacement of metal particles in the deformed region relative to the rolls, as has been described earlier (Ref,12i A.A.Pozdeyev, V.I.Tarnovskiy. Izv. VUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya, no.6, 1959). There are 12 references: 11 Soviet- bloc and l.Russian translation of non-Soviet-bloc publication. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhniche skiy institut (Ural Politechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: March 9, 1960 Car4-8/8 TAR.NOVSKIY, '-Ya.,, doktor Lekhr, nauk- I Variational me,:iode in the thsoY7 of the working of metals bT pressure. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ural. politekh. inat. no.1221 234-242 161. (M-RA -!?:12) -- - -- - -- ---- - -- - ---- -- --- -- -- --- - ---- - --- - - - -1 TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya. Classification of processes in metalwor)dng by pressure. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.127:5-18 161. (MIRA116:8) S/137/62/000/006/080/163 A0521AI01 AUTHORS: Tarnovskiy, I.-Ya., Skorokhodov, A. N. TITLE; Mechanics of metal deformation at rolling complex shapes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 3, abstract 6DIO ("Tr. Urallskogo politekhn. in-ta", no. 127, 1961, 19 - 32) TEXT: The modern conception of the stressed and strained state of metal at rolling complex shapes is described. In view of a great varlety of complex shapes, a classification of shapes in groups is suggested. 1. By the form: a) with two planes of symmetry (H-beams and other), b) with one plane of symmetry (rails, T-beams and others), Owithout planes of symmetry. 2. By conditions of lateral deformation: a) with a free expansion, b) with a restricted expansion, c) without expansion. The analysis of the mechanics of metal deformation shows that neither Brovo's nor Tafel's method can be accepted as a correct one. It should be recommended to use electronic machines for performing calculations, since the functions derived are very cumbersome. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] N. Yudina Card 1/1 TARNOVSKIYI I.Ya.; TRUBIN, V.N. -.1 Using variational principles to investigate metal flow into die cavities during the upsetting of large steel ingots. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.127tlO5-113 161. (KERA 16.8) 1 ILIYWHIN, A.A.; POZDEYEV,, A.A.; TARNGVSKIY, I.Ya.; TARNOVSKIY, V.I. Applying the method of hydrodynamic approximations to variational problems of plastic flow. luzh.zhur. 1 no-4:59-67 161. (Plasticity) (I MIRA 15 34) T KOTELIVIKOV, V.P. Depth of the zone of plastic deformation in high strip rollin . Izvevysauchebozava; chern.met., 4 no.5:209-.119 162. (MMS 14:6) 1. Ural~Wdy politekhnicheskiy institut, . (Rolling (Metalwork)) (DeformationB (Mechanica)) VSKIY, I.Ya.; LYU KHAY-KUANI [Ilu Hai-kluaAl; TRUBIN, VON. Mechanism of and conditions for the 4ppearance of the wforging.cross.0 Izvo M. ucheb. zave; cherni, met- 4 no.7.,112- (MMA 34: 8) 1. Urallakiy politakhnichaskiy institut (Forging-Defects) - - -TARNOVSKIYO I.Ya.; SKIRNOV, V.K.; IQIAYKTII, BaYea --------- Estimate of power parameters for periodic rolling with burrs. Izve vyno uchebe save; cbern. met. 4 no.11:86-~., '61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Urallskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. (Rolling mille) TARNOVSKIY, I,Ya; SK-WOV, V.K.; KOTSMI, S.L. Kinematica of the nonstationary center of defc=ation in rolling. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav,,- chern. met. 4 no.1107-109 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Uralfs4y politekhnichookiy inatitut. (Roiling (metalwork)) (Deformations (Mechaiics)) TARNOVSKIY., jt)~a.; POZDEYEVI A.A.; ZYKOV, Yu.S. r Variational method of investi-pating the widening of plastic tough- ness metal during the hot rolling process. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 4 no.12:61-70 '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Deformations (Mechanics)) 1. kmL* -1.1, , SOW-, - TARNOVSI=l I.Ya.1 ODINOidip yu, I. I' NuStOBAUV G.G.1 STOMMVp B.D. ROLUng 7 to 9-ton ingots by the vaddouble method on the 215o slabhirp, mill., Metanurg 6 noens20-22 N 161. (Km u: n) 3., Ursalskiy po3jtakhn~tb:,akiy instittat) Institut cherrqkh metalloy i Napitogorskiy metanurgichaskiy kombinato (Roning(Metalvork)) 7`19 A: ~'A e'0 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV16162 Trubin, V. N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and I. Ya. Tarnovski Dpator of Teohnical Soiencesj eds. Kovka, krupnykh pokovok; rezulltaty Issledovaniya tekhnologicheskikh rezhimov (Production of Heavy Forgings; Results of a Study of Technological Methods). Moscow, Mashgiz, 1962. 223 P. 3800 copies printed. Reviewers 0# A. Ganago, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: N. A. Dragina; Executive Ed. of Ural-Siberian Department (Mashgiz): E. L. Kolosova, Engineer. PURPOSEs This book is intended for engineering personnel of forging shops and engineering and design offices at heavy-machinery plants, as well as for those working in sciehtific-research and planning organizations. It may also be useful to students at higher educa- tional establishments* Card 114 X Production of Heavy Forgings; (cont.) sovl6i62 COVERAGEs The book reviews technological problems of forging large steel Ingots. The effect of reduotion-and conditions of deforma- tion on the quality of forgings is discussed on the basis of re- search work done at heavy-maebinery plants of the USSR. The book offers practical suggestions on improving the quality of large forgings and reducing the amount of labor required to produce them. I. Ya. ChernIkhova'LV' I. Tar-novskiy, and-V. P. Bakharev took.part in prepar1bg the copy for publication. There a:~e-193 ref- erences, mostly Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Effect of Technological Parameters of Forging on the Quality of Forgings 5 Deformations and stresses-durlng drawing and up- settin~ operations (Tarnovskiy, 1. Yao, and V. N. Trubin) 5 Card 2/0/4/ Production of Heavy Forgings; (cont.) SOV/6162 Mechanism of *welding" of internal defeats in metal (Trubin,, V, No, and I* Ya Tarnovokly)- 26 Welding of internal de ee a dur ng orging (Sokolov, 1. 0.) 45 Effect of forging on the density of metal (Sokolov, 1. G.) 49 Effect of forging on the shape of nonmetallic in- clusions and anisotro y of mechanical properties in large steel parts TSokolov., I. Go) 54 Effect of heat-treatment-conditions on the anisotropy of mechanical properties of forged steel (Trubin.. V. N., and I. Ya. Chernikhova) 64 Cho Ile Changea in Metal Quality Caused by Drawing of Carbon-Steel Ingots 72 Basic principles 72 Forging of 5-ton ingots (Trubin, V. N.0 and I. I. Grigor I yev) 75 Forging of 6-ton and 10-ton ingots (Nedosekin, L. Iov and V. M. Korovina) 81 Card 3/9,~- Production of Heavy Forgings; (cont.) SOV/6162 Ch. V. Improving the Technology of Forging from large Ingots 187 Selection of best methods for disk forging on the basis of model analysis (Tarnovskiy. I. Y&., 0,~ uc,W V. N. Trubin, and S. G. Pue o TY, 187 Rational technology of forging of backup and work- ing rolls [for rolling mills] (Golubyatnikov, N. K.) 207 Improving the technology of forging rotors and disks (Nedosekin, L. I., and V. M. Korovina) 212 Bibliography 215 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress SUBJECT: Metals and Metallurgy DYV1W k 6~ Card Aw::, 2 25 ,3 6 2, YY ,1;11141 yv,GOROV, Vladimir Vasillyevicb; SOKOLOV, Olog Viktorovichj_jA4P0-UKIX-,-_ Lev Fedoro c . -.10GOV, A.B., red.; SIWIAROVA,* T.A.j red. izd-- - - ~ ~W ~ ~ ~~- C ~'*' " . va; MIGU.,tOV.. V.S., tekhn. red. (Compiling and editing maps]Sostavienie i redaktirovanie kart,, Moskvap Geodezizdatj 1962. 238 p. WMA 15:10) (Maps,, Topographic) (Cartography) TARNOVSKIY, Iosif YakOVI-eYiQh,'MMUIOV~ Vitaliy Kuzlmicll,# KOTSARI, ',- Sergey Leouidovichi PALIMOV, Ye.V., prof., retsenzent; LFXVEV, M.P*p k&nd,tekhi.naukp retsenzent; XRYZHOVA, H.L.v red.izd-va; TURKINA) Ye.D.J. tekhn. red. (Longitudinal rolling of merchant shapes with a varying cross section] Prodolluaia prokatka profilei peremennogo secheniia. Sverdlovsk., Metallurgizdat,, 1962. 366 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Rolling (Metalwork)) S/182/62/000/001/002/004 D038/Dl13 AUTHORS: Trubin, V.N. and Tarnovskiy, I.Ya. TITLE: 01baing of internal defects in metal by upsetting PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo,fzio, 1, 1962, 6-11 TEXT: The author deals with research on the closing of internal defects in large forgings by upsetting,since the mechanism of this process has not been sufficiently investigated. Upsetting tests conducted on blanks consisting of compound lead templates provided with artificial defects had demonstrated that the closing of internal defects during the stress state similar to linear strain occurred only along the forging height, and the radial dimensions of defects had increased. It was impossible to close the internal defects in the shape of through holes during the linear strain. However, the closing of internal defects located along the height, and in radial directions was made possible by all-round compression. Dur- ing uneven upsetting,the internal defects closed only in the central por- tion of the forging,i.e. in the zone of greatest deformation. The shape of Card 1/2 S/182/62/000/001/002/004 Closing of internal ........ D038/11113 upsetting plates and the presence of an aperture in the lower upsetting plate affect the closing of internal defects. A description of upsetting on flat plates with and without oil and graphite lubricant, the mechanism of the closing of internal defects, and upsetting of a 34XHV~WhNIM) V/ steel blank are included. The work of A. Tomlinson and I. Stringer (Ref. 1: The Closing of Internal Cavities in Forgings by Upsetting, Journal of tho Iron and Steel Institute, March 1958), and that of 1J.V. Rastegayev (Ref. 2, Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 3, 1960) is mentioned in the article. Tnere are 10 figures and 3 references; 2 Soviet-bloo and 1 non Soviet-bloc. The English-language reference is: A. Tomlinson, I. Stringer. The closing of Internal Cavities ih Forgings by Upsetting, Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, March, 1958. Card 2/2 s/149/62/000/005/008/008 Aoo6/Aiol AUTHORS: Pozdeyev, A. A., Tarnovskiy, I. Ya., Vaysburd, Rb A., Orlov, S. N. TITLE- On the calculation of force in pressing aluminum alloy rods PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, i:!f_no. 5, 1962, 145 - 155 TEXT: In order to develop methods of detdrm'ining the force in pressure working of metals, the authors attempted the derivation of a formula to calcu- late the force in rod pressing, using direct methods of variation calculus. Force and pressure are calculated with the use of a rough, approximate metal flow diagram( Fig 1) where the container is divided into 3 sections, the velocity field is Xinematically possible, and value to ihe depth of deformation spread. The following simplified formula for the necessary force in pressing rods is derived: PC AA + 0.6 2, = 1.1 + 1.15 igt, + 2 2 Y_ . __ I+ 2.8 (6) Cs ;k ~D is the extrusion. The calculated data were experimentally checked and their Card 1A I On the calculation of force in... S/149/62/000/005/008/006 Aoo6/Aiol satisfactory agreement makes it possible to recommend the relation obtained for the determination of the pressing force for aluminum alloys. Calculations with the use of formula (6) are simple and do not yield indefinite results as e.g. Gubkin's formulae. Graphs are plotted to facilitate calculation (Figure 7). There are 2 tables and 7 figures. ASSOCIATIONS: Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy Institut (Ural Polytechnic Institute) Kafedra obrabotki metallov davleniyem (Department of Pressure Working of Metis) SUBMITTED: April 9, 1962 Card 2A On the calculation of force in... Figure 1. Kinematic diagram of metal flow and shear volumes in pressing rods from a round container Legend: rn Is the rod radius; R is the con- tainer radius; L is the length of the pressed ingot; 1. is the length of the operational zone of the die; a is the depth of deforma- tion seat spread (variable parameter) Card 3A s/149/62/000/005/008/008 A006/A101 8 J s/14q/62/ooq/bo5/bo8/oo8 On the calculation of force In... Aoo6/Aloi Figure 7. Graph of function P = f~,?~; for K - 1.4 2,i s D (K is qIA- Ts is friction stress; i's the shear yield point) a ,D 15 JUS 13 7 JU VI/ Card 4A JPR!NO~Vs~&~; MMYEVp S.V.; GANAGO9 O.A.; STAROSELETSKIY, M.I.; SHELEEMp V.A. Investigating the possibility of manufacturing railroad rails bjr drop forging in dies (without sub"uent rolling). Nuz.- shtam.proizv. 4 no.l2s3,-3 D 162. (KIRA 26 s1) (Forging) (Car wheels) TAHNOVSMI, I.Ya.1 SKMHOVj V.K.; MTSARIp S.L. Inaftse, In vidtb during the roUing of strips of rariable thickness. lzv. vys. uohag. zav.; chern not. 5 no.lilOl- M 162 * (KMA l5t2) 1e Urallakiy politakhnioheakly institute (Ro3lirtg(Metalwork)) TAMOVSKJY., I.Ya.; SKOROKHODOV~ A.11,, AnalysiA of deformatlow in the rolling of croon-like shapto irf means of wxiatiow-d mothods.,,-.; chern.met. 5 no.6z61-70 162. (MIRA 15.7) 1. Uralokiy politekhaicheukiy institut. (Rolling (Ibt-alwork)) (Deformations O*chanics)) TARNOVSKIY-I SKOROKHODOVI A.N. Rolling of H-boams with free widening. Izv. M. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.8:62-68 162. (MDU 15:9) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut, (Rolling (Metalwork.)) (Beams and girders) ZYKOV, Yu.S.; TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya.; POZDEYEV, A.A. Investigating by the variation method the 4ddening of the metal during hot rolling In plain grooves. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.,- chern. met, 5 no.10:77-87 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) TA-R,NOMI-r..I-,I. (Tarnovskiy, I.I.1; KOTELNIKOVP V.P. [KotelInIkovP V.P.) Depth of the zone of plastic deformation at the lamination of high ~bars. Analele metalurgie 16 no.2:163-175 Ap-Je 162. I QV=sjjasq Prof.# doktor tekhn. nauk; PMD]ffEV, A.AoO kand. W takhn. nauk; KOLMOGOROV., V.L.0 kand. tekbn. nauk Calculating frictional foroen In variational problem of metalworking by preasure. Stall 22 no.6:538-539 Jo 162. (Metalwork) (Internal friction) (KERA 16:7) .AAM~p-J.Y&*; AMNOV, S.P.; ODINOKOV., Yu.I.;._-rUSTOBA1ZV., G.G.; SYGHKOVp B.D. Ingot rolling in the 3-150 slabbing mill. Stall 22 no.8:720-727 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Urallakiy politekhnicheskiy, institutp Urallskiy Institut chernykh metallov i Magnitogorskiy metallurgichookiy kombinat. (RoUing (Meshwork)) IL'YU.KOVI(,H, B.14.j SKOROKHODOV, A.11. Calculating deformations in the forming and edging grooves during the rolling of T-sections. Stall 22 no.10:925-928 Ot62, (MIRA 15t10) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut i Chusovoskoy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Deformations (Mechanics.)) BAAKASHVILI, V.S.; TAPJIOVSKIY. kja.; KHASIN, G.A. Plasticity of heat-resistant and stainless steels and alloys at high temperatures. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 28 no.2:211-216 F '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. AN GruzSSR, Institut metallurgii, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom F.N.Tavadze. (Metals--Heat treatment) (Plasticity) LEVANOVP A. NO TARNOVSKIT I. Ya. , Gauge for measuring contact stresses in sa ging. Zav. lab. 28 no.12:1531-1532 '62. MIRA :L6:1) 1. Urallskly politekbnicheskiy instituto (Gaugeirl TAR KIYO K.K. Experience in the manufacture of stareb products from corm, Sakh.prom. 36 no.5:63-67 It 162a (1,MA 15:5) 1. Kazatskiy patochnyy kombinat. (Corn otareb) ,-.T-AFGIOVSKIY, I.Ya.; POZDEYEV, A.A.; KO11,:OGO?,OV, V.L.,- VAYSBURD, R.A.; GO, O.Ya.; NOTELINIKOV, V.P.; TAMIOVSKIY, V.I.; SKOROKHODOV, A.11. -[Variational principles of mechanics in the theory of metal- working by preasure] VariatsionrWe printsipy mekhaniki v teo- rii obrabotki metallov davleniem. Moskva., Metallurgizdat, 1963. 52 p. (MIFLA 17:5) - - - -- - -- - 0 TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya.p prof.,, red. -.1-1. ...... Z~. [Engineering, methods for designing technological processes for the pressworking of metals] Inzhenernye metody rascheta tokhnologicheakikh protsessov obrabotki metallov davleniom. Moskva# Metallurgizdatp 1963. 430 p. (MIRA 17:5) prof , red.; GOLUBCFIK, R.M.j, red.izd-va; DOBUZH1143KAYA: L.V., tekhn. red. [Engineering methods of calculating technological proces- ses in metalworking by pressurel, Inzhenernye metody ras- cheta tekhnologicheskikh protsessov obrabotki metallov dav- leniem. Moskvap Metallurgizdat., 1963. 430 p. (MIRA 17:3) ,lp-v,i PALIYDV, Yevgeniy Vaoillyevich , , _q4, TrAGUNOV,, VlaA'-i Arkadyevich; MHOEV, Sergey Vladiniro-deb; WTELINIKOV, Venigain FetttVich; ANDRE=,, Leonid Vasillyevich. Prinizal uebastlye KOTSAR'q S.L.; LTASHKOV9 V.B., red.; SKOROBOGACHEVA, A.P., "d.izd-va,- DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Rolling on a blooming mill] Prokatka na bliumings. Mo- okva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 388 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Rolling (Metalwork)) TMOVSKIY, losif Yakovlevich; POZDEM, Aleksandr AleksarArovich; GMAGO, Oleg Aleksandrovich; KOIFOGOROV, Vadim Leonidovich; TRUBIN, Valeriy Nikolayevich; VAYSBURD, Rualld Arkad'yevich; TARNOVSKIY, Valeriy Iosifovich; GOROBINCHENKO, V.M., red. izd-va; BEKKER, O.G., tekhn. red. [Theory of working metals by pressure; variational methods of calculating forces and deformations] Teoriia, ob.-abotki metallov davleniem; variatsionnye metody rascheta usilii i deformataii. L'Byl I.IA.Tarnovskii i dr. Moskvap Metallurg- izdat, 196-1. 672 p. (MIRA 17:1) TARNOVSKIY I. Ya., doktor teldmnauk; ODINOKOV, Yu.I., Inzh.; CHICHIGIN, V.A.9 ia;iho I RoUing forcen of the 3.150 slal) mill, Izv.vris.ucheb.zav.; W45-156 163* 0IMA 16t5) 1, Ural'skiy polltekhnicheshy Institut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) IL M: AR401833 8/0137/64/000/001/1077/1077' T., Mh - 14atallurgiyay Abe i11h84 'AUTHOR: Tarnovakiy~, Is Ya.) Lywhkbv) V B.; Baskaahvili,, Vi 86',, Khasin, 01 A& TrHZ: -Plasticity and resistance to deformation of alloyed types of steel and alloys at high temperatures ;CITED SOLJRCE: Tr. Uralfskogo n6-i,, in-ta cherno met@.# ve 2) i963, 146-152 JTOPIC TAGS: alloyed steels, steel alloy., high-temperature steel-testing, taeformation resistance Mechanical properties were'determined during the stretching of 12 Itypes of alloyed steel (atructualj twl~ anaptainless) at 800-1,250 degrees. The_, :Iteoto took place on a 5-ton-capacity hydraulic press with a constant speed of engagement movement of 0-33 meters/oec, Heating and testing of samples took place a tubular oven vith carborundum rods. The true-reeistance to deformation Ob Of the steel of all tested'types was lowered'by 6-10 times-as*the temperature of heat-' ing increased) and leveled off at 1,250'degrees)-reachiiig approximately 2 kj/M2; t'for B1435 alloy and 3Kh2V8 type othel only, under these coaditionsp,the value of "Card 1/2 J .,Acassim NR: ARW18334 remained at 4 kg/mm2. The highest Sb at 800-1,000 degrees was characterized by alloy SI 435 and type BI478 austenitic steel. At the same time, in the above ! Yerature range, more intensive lowering of the value of 6b takea place in alloys And austeaitic steels. For these materials, a continuous increase in plastic Cf and Pre- I mharacteristics occurs with an increase in the test temperature. :eutectoid types 12Kh2N4A and 5MM steels, in which the value of Y changes within Ithe range of 92-100 degrees,, possess high plastic properties 'in the tempera- range studied, With respect to 45G2, 3OKhGSNA, Ex 478j M3j and 5XIM steels, Ithere is a steady Increase,in plasticity at a temperature of about IjOOO degree In the remainder steels studied, a ".breakdown" of plasticity in observed in the.900., i1,000 degree ranpe: Card 2/2 -j 8/18Z/63/000/0N/003/00~ Aoo4/A126 AUTHORS: Vaysburd, R, A., Tarnovskiy, 1. Ya-., Teterin,'G. P. TITLE: On the use of high-speed computers in developing die-forging technology PIMIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, ;~O- '2,- 1961 10 '13 TEXT: The authors are of the opinion that for solving'the problems con-, nected with the design particulars of a given component, e. g.- dimensions,,- material, surface finish etc., high-speed computers can be used. Besides in- creasing the productivity, they would eliminate any subjective solution of tech- nological problems. Since the most simpie and widespread group of forgings area axially symmetric ones, i.e.j forgings of the body-of-revolution type, this type of forgings'would be the first whose technology could ~e developed by means of high-speed computers. The authors give a detailed description of,a universal program. which is being developed at present by a team of scientists of the Sec- tion "Metal Working" of the Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S. M, Kirova (Ural Polytechnic Institute im. S. M. Kirov), and the IAboratory of Forg- Card 1/2 3/182/63/000/002/003/007 On the use of high-s~iaeid computers in... Aoo4/Al26 ings of NIPIGOM4ASh in cooperation-with technologists of,Uralmashmod. They enumerate the data to be programmed, the technological'details -to be determined,. present formulae for determining the subprograms of calculating the forging volume, fixing the overlap and determining the forging draft. The results. of the. investigations carried out prove the practicability' of using successfully high-speed electronic computers for working out the technological pripcefises,of die forging. There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 ,TAUOVSKZj,,.TqX4,; LYASHKOV9 V.B.; GOAGO9 O.A. I Review of V.G. ShallnevIs book "Expanding methods of metal- working by pressure. Kuz.--chtan. proizv. 5 no.9147-48 S 163. (MIRA 16;11) TARNMY=I, I.Ya.; LEVANOV, A.K. U ti]2g -Depandence.of-tontact fr1ctI*6-f*rCOO dUring PsOt On the mechanical properties of tbe~netal and the shape of the deformation center. Kuz9-dhtaIi* Proizv. 5 n0-3-1:1-6 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) IKOV KIY, 1-yus; I"IJ',IIKOVP S.G. KOTELIN j, V.P.; TAMM Nomograms for the calculation of increases in width ~nd forces in forge drawing, Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 5 no.12:6-10 D 63. (14IRA 17:1) TUMOVSpYL I.Ye.; SKOROMIOWT, A.N. Deforwtiom,r forces,,iand the consumption of em47 in rolling T.-acations in edging'passes. Izv,vy9,uoheb.mve; chemomto 6 nools67-77 163, (KZRA 1612) 1, Waltskjy politekbWahealdy institute (Rolling mMaj i n v to i,-)n was r VM., t t a ric e of heat -res is L,; F11- FI E 5 t hZV a r- I ou fs C 1, r a ga l. ns IL&, Kh15,N60 eknd El -18 Pl-ot" a gtrain rate of 7. 5 sec- for spe at a t !CA proper t lea Of a met& V. a n e r E an %--l- "BIN TARNOVSKII., I.J..; ILYUKOVICH, B.M.; SKOROXACOOV$ A*N# Deformations and otresoes during strip x~lling with 42ZWUorz grooves. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.4tW-15 -!63. (jilk4 .1615) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheolkiy inatitut. (RoUing (%talwork)) - (Deformations (Mechanics)) TARNOVSKIYP Ijae; SKOROKHODOVq A.N.; ILYUKOVICH, B.M. g of T-sectiOns- IZ7' -sheet passes during the rollin (KRA 16:7) Deformation Jir .5:11&122 163. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. mete 6 no 1. Ural'sklY politakhnichookiy institut& hanics)) (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Deformations (Mee p,.11.; TARNOVSKI LEVANOV, 91-IJ11- A stresses during ~Jgatjon of contae %8t. 6 U0.6; Methods of experimental inveS' ucheb. zav.; chern. M , (MIRA 16:8) plastic def6rmation- Izv- Vys" 73 163. ,iy politekhnichoskly institut- 00 1. Urallsk '(Deformations (Mechani )) (Friction) TARNOVSKIYI_I.Ya.; LEVANOV, A.N. Studying the epures of contact friction forces and normal pressures in upsetting. Izv. 7-ys. ucheb. zav.; chern. mt. 6 tio.6:121-129 163. (MA 16:8) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Forging) (Friction) A ODINOKOVP YU.J.; POPOV, V.M. Jje~,; POZDFYFvt I in'vestigating the flow rate area of a metal during rolling6On zav.; chern. meto Izv. vys. ucheb. M~Rk 160) large cogging mills- no.7-.96-105 163. 1. Ural'skiy politakhnichaskiy instituto (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Deformations (Machanics)) TARJ1OVSKjX,,-1,Xa.; POZDEYLVp A.A.; ODINUKOV, Yu.I.; POPOV, V.M.; CHICHIGIN, V.A. Increase in metal width and the corresponding speeds of hori- zontal and vertical rolls on universal blooming mills. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.9:103-109 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institute Twqv4yjyp I.-Ya.; SKOROIMODOV, A.N.; UxUrIOVICH, B,M- in open beam P6,80080 Shape chsAges during Me tal rolling 6 no-12 :82-89 163- Izv, VY0. ucheb. Zav-; chern* met* (MM 17tl) poljtekbn:Lche6IdY institut- 1. 'Ural I OkIY i -TAIUJOVSKIY, I.Ya.;; ODINOKOVI YU.J.; CHICHIGIN, V,A,; SyCHKOVj B*D* Torque distribution between the rolls of a rolling mill. Stall 23 no.12: 1099-1102 D 163. (MIRA 17%2) TARNOV~ prof., red.; GOLUBCHIK, R.M., red.izd-va; DOBUZHIIISKAYA, L.V.j tekhn, red. (Engineering methods of calculating the technological processes of metalworking bY Pressure) Inzhenernye me- tody rascheta tekbnologicheskikh protsessov obrabotki metal-lov davleniem. Moskva, Metallurgizdat 1 1964. 430 P. (MIRA 17:3) ~ACCESSION WRt AP4029540 -8/0149/64/000/002/0160/0163 AUTHOR: Poksevatkin, M. I.; Tarnovskiy, j:,Xa; Levanov, A. No TITLE: ExpericAnt4X investigation of contact stresses in the sagging of technically pure metals SOVRCEt IVUZ. Tevetnaya metallurgiya, no. 2, 1964v 160-163 ~TOPIG TAGS: contact stress, pure metal# plastic deformation,, friction, Armco iron,. icopper, zinc,copper ;ABSTRACT; In this paper the authors investigate the ratio T mean :T, and the iildex of :the friction forces c9 w T :p (T Op ~re the specific forces of frl*:,~tion mean mean mean mean in a normal pressure averaged on the contact surface; T is the consistency limit in 8 shear) which most completely characterize the forces of external friction during plastic deformation in the cold sagging of copper, zinc, and Armco iron. The de- pendences of friction and pressure and the varioua metals are presented in graphs. The experimental data show: 1) the forces of friction essentially depend on the focus fom of the deformation at a given state of the wrking surface, 2) the ratios between the friction forces and normal pressure depend on the temperature-velocity confition of deformationj, mechanical properties of the natal or alloy and especially Caro 1/2 'ACCESSION NR: AP4029540 on the change of these properties during deformation# 3) mechanical properties of ~the metal or alloy on the contact surface can differ considerably from those in the. :;basic volume of the body which to connected with the hardening process and tempera-, changess Origo art. hast 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Urallskly polLtekhoicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnical Institute). 'SUBMITTEDs OlOct63 DATS ACq: 30Apr64' ENCL: 00 ~SUB CODES M NO REF SOVs 002 ODER., 000 Card 2/2 1ACCESSION NRI AP4042507 5/0182164/000/007/0009/0012 ~AUTHOR: Tarnovskly, Io Yao; Baskashvill, V, So; Khasing Go As :TITLEt Mechanical properties of martanaLtLc and austenLtie-forritte .SOURCE: Kunnechno-shtampovochnoya proizvodstvop no# 7. 1964g 9-12 i,TOPIC TAGSj martensitic steel, austenitLe ferritLe steel, heat ireaiatant steel* stainless steel, high speed steel# steel mechanical property, steel heating method ABSTRAM A study is made of the deformation resistance of heat-re-' Isistant stainless stools at various temperatures and deformation rates Ifoll-owing various types of heat traatmento Cylindrical specimens l(dLameter-to-longth ratio, 0.8) of EI-347sh (sh - electroslag malted)s !EI-992, EI-961 (AISI-422), 5Kh4SV4MP, and R-18 (AISI-TI) martenaLtLe., ]steels and E1474 (AISI-414), 08Kh20NlOG60 O8Khl9N9S2F2, and OKh2lN6M2T'austenLtLc-farrLtLc stools ware upset at 900, 10009 1100, or 1200C. with deformationiw-of 15, 250 or 40Z and deformation speeds Card- 1_/_8 !ACCESSION NRt AP4042507 ~of 0.05, 7.5, or 150 sac-1. Test specimens were either heated to the' Itest temperature. hold for 10 ming and then upset# or heated to a :higher temperature (1200C)phold for 10 min, furnace the !test temperature and held there for 10 min, and then upset. The ,jhLgh-speed R-18 and EI-347 oh steels and the hLgh-carbon EX-992 Imartensitic steel had high deformation resistance at all deforms- ition speeds, 'The deformation resistance of the martensLtic steels iincreased at a higher rate and was higher in magnitude when heated !by the second method. For the E1347 sh steel upset 30% at 900C,the I Idifference in the absolute magnitude was about IOZ and 5Z at deforms-. !tion speeds of 0.05 sec I and 7.5 sec-1. respectivelys The difference idecreases with increasAng test temperatures Similar behavior was I .observed in the EI-992 steel. In contrast, the'increase in the de- ~formation resistance of the austenitLc-ferritic steels heated by any ,method is practically the same. The higher deformation resistance of :martensitic steels heated by the second method is explained by the ,presence of Wg V, No. and Cr carbides, which at 1200C partially !'dissolve and strengthen the y-solid solution@ Orige art. has: 4 'fLgures and I tableo Card 2/0'4 ,."I yMMEYEV, G.A.; GANAGO, O.A. ,;k.Nq KIY .ya.; VAYSBUAD, R.A.; Forces in open die forging. Izvo vyas ucheb* zavo;(Chern. met. 7 no.1:113-122 164. MIRA l7t2) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. KOTSAR L.; TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya. Stressed and deformed state during the upsetting of a thick strip with one external zone.- Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.3:95-101 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. MINE". POKSEVATKIN, M, I.; TARNOVSKIY, 1. Ya.; LEVANOV, A. N, New methods of measuring contact stresses durinp vysoucheb.zav.; chern.met.7 no. 4:93-96 164. Determining contact stre3ses during metalworking by pressure in connection with the mechanical properties of metals. Ibid.;97-102. (MIRA 1:7:5) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut. t KOTSARII S. L.;TARNOVSKIY, I. Ya. Stressed and deformed state and the equation of the movement of a strip being gripped by-the rolls. Izv-vys.ucheb.z&v.; chern- met.7 no. 5:75-80 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. POKSEVATKIII, 14. 1.; - -TARNOVSKIY, I. Ya.; IEVANOV, A. No; MILASIN, Go A. Contact stresses during the hot upsetting of .carbon and alloyed steels. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern, met, 7 no.6:103-108 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. TI'ral'skJjy politekhnicheskiy institute TAENOVSKIYI I.Ya.; RDR. E.R- Inarmae in vifth and power conSUMPtiOn c1uring rolling with smooth rolls, using tension. Izv. M. uohab, ftvj cherns mat. 7 no,,706-103 164 MIRA 170) 1. Uraltaki-y politekhnicheakiy inatituta 14 1 A: Orse Izvo V75o (HIRA 17 &8) TI R ~,MIMHM MIS RIM VSKIY TARNOVSKIY,,I.Ya.; FOZDEYEV, A.A.; TARNOV Calculating metal pressure on the rolls during sheet rolling. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.8t84-92 964. 'MIRA 17s9) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy inatittit. KOLMOGOROV9 V.L.; TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya.; YERIKLIIITSEV, V.V. New method of stress cal-calatione 14n the pressure working of metals, Izv. vys, ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.904-80 164. (KM 17t6) 1. Urallskiv nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut chernykh metallov i Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. KOLMMROV,, V.L.; TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya.; YERIKLINTSEV, V.V. Stressed state during the upsetting of a thick strip. Report no.!. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.9:95-101 164. (MM l7t6) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatellokiy instibit chemykh metallov 1, Urallokiy politakhnicheokiy Institut, - -- - -- -- -- -- ---- -- - - - -- - ---- -- --- - - -- - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - -1 TARNOVSKIY, LYA.; KOLMOGOROV, V.L.; 111101, E.R. Stressed state during the swaging of a strip vith stiff ends (plane problem). Izv, vyso ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.10: 86-91 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicbeskiy institut.