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TAAK2,_L*Z,j POPOV, D.N., kand. tekhn. nnukj retsenzent; GORBOV, P.S., inzh., red.; TUCHKOVA, L.K., red.izd-va; UVAROVA, A.F., tekhn. red. [Wave processes In the pipings of hydraulic mechanisms3 Volno- vye protsessy v truboprovodakh gidromekhanizmov. Moskva, Mash iz.9 1963. 181 p. (MIRA 16:10) folil bydraijlic machinery-Hydro'dynamics) TARKO, L.M. (~bskva) Dynamics of the otoppage of a bydriulio oarrrmotar. Ixv. AN SSSR. Otd..takh. nauk. Energ. i tranot illo.jsJ66-376 My-Je 163. IKM'l6s8) S/121/63/000/001/003,/014 A004/A126 AVDMs.*- T*rko'p X#; M. .:'Trml X!n 110t.pressure., In sto hydieuito drlv*n rp 3=ODTMI giinki- i-initrument, 1- -16 1963# 12 Tim I' The author-invest1gates trensfent,preq'sures In the hydromohan1cal system of hydraui!c-driv*e*ff an4 mentions In this.*connection the importance of hy- draulic~ shocks, within the -hydra:ulio piping. ', T!be' mognitude of Ahe maxima pros- sure . p orig"U'ng an,a result 'of hydraulic shocks Is determined by the Zhu- max kov*iy formula - PMax P6 P Ovoo where, fluid density at atmospherio. pro saure Based. on - this -function,, - the 'author,d4rives number of formulae do- terminipe the..'varique - fa6torsi. which hiv'e to be token into aabount in calculatIrg the magnItude of-'1mpa'ct'presmxre' orlgina~lng when. orhydraullo drIve'le stopOsda and-he:presents-the eiimole-of such..'a calculation for t,,r hydraulic system of a --'p &dng n%chine. Ttiere are-3,figures; Card. ~/I. - - - -TARK071 L.M.- .. - - - -- -- -- I Cal,culat,ing the pressure In a bydroulic drive under unateady conditions* Stan. I instr, 35 tw.102-24 ja 164. (MIRA 17:3) ;0 TARKO, L.M., kand. tekhn. nauk Design of a displacement hydraulic transmission. Makh. i avtom, proizv. 19 no.5:24-26 My t65- (MIRA 18:11) f\[NVY) ' ''' I TARKOT, A.P. . . g.the history of the formation. of, local structures in the Studyin Kinusinsk 3kein bamed on electric logging data from rotary wells. Razved. i okh.'nsdr.~3 noOtW-24 9 157. -(HIM 1041). 1. Voesovusujy goo ogicheskiy nauchno-issledovatellakiy inatitut. .f (Minusinxk taxin-Tas, Utural-Geology) * (Minusinsk Basin-Pstroleum geology) (Oil well logging, Blectric) AUTHOR, Tarkov, A. SOVI 2o-112c-6-4'1,~59 4AIAft"- T I TLE-, The J'trusttwo cf the Modern ;Iurfaco of the Foundation of' t~e Troughs According to Datz, of -Ieromngnetic ,~'Urvay (0-truktura sovremennoy poverkhnosti fundamenta Minusinz.tkikh kotlovin po dannym aeromqwnitijoy a"yemki) PFRTn!)*fCAI.': Voklqdy 4ademii nauk 1956, Vol. 12o, Nr 6, pp,135-4-IM Omz;il) Ab,.)TR ACT Th-~ Minusinsk troughs form an intermountain 't).-inditig, It is filled nith Middle- anti Upper P&leo-zoic struta and is strati- fied uron it Lower Paloozoic folded basin. Matprlrils of 'the survuv 4 T# Fit a scale of I : 200 Y)O, wi-tre used for the drawing of the structural map of the foundtttlion, The author c1trried out computations for the d,~tfrmiration of The depth of the stratification of the surface voundary o~ the mhgnetic massea. The schematic map of the surface mentioned In the title (Fig 1) compiled by the author, confirme the complicete-.1 fundamantnl structure. Tbn indi"~tdusl etructurez are enumnrE~ted in connection with the corresponding te,,,tcniz I'ard 1/3 formations. The depths of the foundation fluctuate between SOV/ 2o-,12o-6-47/59 'I'Ve ~itructurc of the Modern Surfacqof the Foundation of tha Yinusinsk Troughs lccording to Date. of Aeromagnetic Survey -inte out tc and 5 km- In conclusion the author p. tne inevitable divergences in the repreaentation of individual of the map jis comp--xpd to tne geological map of thil; ;,ren. f-'ir:3t oi allp the aeromagnetio survey of a scale o" 1:2k:0 0,",') onnnot reliably separate smaller structureti, the drawing of contour3 t-.t eVePy 1COO = "Uld UIC poj-Ltior, ad-reissiblk between the J.ndivJdual points lead in Iny Q,--3c to a blurring of structural d-tails. There in I A,','~) 0 c' i T INIts v miuchno-issledovatellekiy gqclogicheskiy 'incti'lir, kall-'J'niott .;-Iientific Research Trvitit~.ite of Goo'.Iogy) PR E ')* EM!,"D by 1:. 1. J,:irunov, --.1emoer, Academy cf :TIBMITTED: Nnuary 1, 1~5A Card ?/3 SOVI 2c,--,2o-4,-47,/'9 The Structcre of tfj,- Mndern Surface of the ?oundation of tile I'4IK?jrInE4 Trough!i According tf; Vatq of Acromagnatic Slurvey 1. Geology--USSR 2. Geopbysical surveying 3. Mapping 4. Aerial photog--ap!V -41/56 0', 110 11 Tarkov, k. TiT11L: Two, ot ~fie cutri WJrwi1;:.skziYna Yrough at~ the End of tho Give-rian (K voprosu. o tektonicie.,ikom stroyenii Yuzno- Minus i nskoy kOt 1()VinY V kOrIL-2 V 7~iivetskogo veka PER." LODIC;U: Dokl.-,,fiy .kij.,,mii naue 1q5ti, Vol 122. Nr 5, Fp 89t)-899 ABSTR." C,1- Th-~, recom-,tructior, of the paleostructures of' tue Minusiliskaya Trf.mlgii fl t ~. 15 '~C- t:h t ti, li~~zi to t ion of tn(, pre- .QcW ror,)~;Pft. r'uvtnL-,! irjort~ sc,)iv ~ijp wivi prot lem nits definite pr&Q!;;.ca1 value in pr,--parat.,on fur petroleum exploration. In -hf~ flystryansKayn, beas of the Givetian a ri--coverable gas ac- curnjirl! toll w%n uo~-n- *1-%s,1(-,!1~?d, %,7:~ f'rom 11ne Acpy-kaya bfAs light 1 -11 amcj,;ntz~) bt-P-11 Orjrt.~..ned. Fur this study tr,,~ tioti;cit- pvPparea a OL.Licturai contour mup oi the ~.sklzskaya, IjelnorolrSkaya, ana BLyolmya suites (Fig 1). Thif! map demon- st-rates 1,ti-2 compl i~xity Lnd strone, deveiopmejA of inner ,3 r i - end of' Lhe . - - .;"#, in tfs,~, T,,-,)U9,a Lowardt; ttik" rlikLdle From this s-.udy the aithor conclude.,! thatt Card /2 11) Tne main elvinurstS Of Ule Vtructure were, formed prior to WY1 "'()- 12 2 -'-) -111/16 The 13tvicture 0!' Th--7- .wA.,j Miritlijinokaya Trougil at tile End of' the Givetian Gevc.ri~-.-, t.Lme. 2) The iovai characterized by by.gGryfirit-koye. '.vakarisol Izavoclskoye, Vurnsuks.'Coye tind a f*ew nrn-c!vs, whien nave zompLtclaLed Lh--- ovorali sLructure, vere pro- duced in i)ost Givotian a,, tn,p r-arlie.-it in Upp'?r Paleozoic. ;i'rapned peLrolvorn ana ga-, colild pokisibly be ?-oun d in the di~sta.-IL limbs o!' rti,~, Taga,~skcp,? ana Uybatskoye uplifts, which io-.,vrd Lne t~U.QaglfloKiy !'old. Thcr#~ J:; I i'.igare- -S,iOCI,,.TI0N-. Vs(!zoyuznyy geologicileskiy ins,.itut Sciew-ii'jc ~,eoio.-jic Riiaearch Institute) PRel: FNT rD May rr"j, 19-8, by '-~- T. Mironov, Academician W11MITTED: May ?b, 19)6 Vard ;?,,2 0 0 1 'A M A 4 :I ta s qz 9 -4 .0 Vo N. ! 15 1 S " "0 36 A v pol 05.~-. ; I.- . . .1 It '4U x j .-. s 0- .0 t z ,a 00 ; a , *I a 9 9. 0i r. 10, Oh VO LX A0 0100 cow 0 Q0 Ao -00 A -4 -0 WA, , 4~ ail A 4 Is 0 loft a go TARKOV, A.P. Nature of the anomalous gravity field of Minusinsk depressions. Prikl. geofis. no.23:136-140 '59. (MM 13:1) (Kinusinsk lovland--Gravity) .. TARKOV, A.?. I- -1.1111-~ --:'. ~~ al-11- - Using the results of gravinetric surveys in studying the bad structure of the southern part of the Minusinok Depression. Razved.i prom.goofts. n0-31:3-8 159* (KIRA 13:4) (Minusinsk Lowland--Goolog7o Structural) (Gravity) VOLKHONINY V.S.; LISHRMEII9 E.N.; TARKOV, A.P.; SUDAKOV -S-P. U)wer Cretaceous nedimenta in the southern Zeya-Bureya downwarp, in connection with oil and gas potentials. GeolA geofiz. no.5:9-18 161* (MM UzO LVOODOYMMY7 nauchno-iosledovatelfokiy inatitut geofimicheakUh metodov razvedkil MDokvas - zeya-Bureya Plain-retroleum geology) eya-Bureya Plain-Gas,, Natural-Geology) R TARKCV, A.P. OK~,~~fde struoture of the Zeya-Bureya Plain baeed on geopbysical data. Sov. geol. 6 no.7jqc6-io4 n 163. (MM l6s8) 1. Voronezbskiy gosudarstvennyy uaiveroitet. iCompost Method of Rendering Wfastes Harmless in the 1-foldavian SSR." Dissertation: Sovetskaya Voldl-viYa, Ki,;hinev, Cand Yled Sci, Kishinev 5tate Medical Iri3t, 19 May 54. 7 may 54. - j0: 6UM 284, 26 Nov 1954 -I- -' - ,'- - 1 7 -- r--,t ~~ i'N .--- FIr ~T - -- - -- - - - - - - - - I SHLTAKHOV, I.N.; ZHITOMIIMIT,-Y.K.[deceased]; TARKOV. M.I.; SUSLQ. N.Ta; DITAEDVA, V.S.' Active 41agnosis of dysentez7.. Zhur.mikrobiol.spid. i Immm. no-8:103-104 Ag '55. (MLRA 8:11) (DIrS=TMM--DIAGNOSIS) _,jk9XM1 Vol.414 Public -ju 1431. CHEMIC(Dr-BACTERIOLOGICAL COMPARISONS AND SANITARY INDICES rOR BIOTHERMIC REDUCTION OF REFUSE (Russian text) - Tar k Q_X K M. 1. SBORN. TRUD. MOLDAVSK. INST. EMDEM.. M,.R0B,0MrG_ -ITST, 1 (51-54) Ref. 15 The author conducted observations on garbage and garbage-faecal composts, de- posited in dumps and trenches during different times of the year, from the end of 1950 to January 1952. In order to establish norms for garbage in composts freed ::om pathogenic micro-organisms of the enteric group a comparative analysis of the results of chemical and bacteriological examinations of the composts was carried out. With a titre for B. coli of 0.1 the amount of mineral ammonia did not exceed 5 mg./100 mg. (calculated on absolutely dry weight) except in the case of composts laid down in summer. The amount of spore-bearing micro-organisms reached 60%. The number of bacteria varied greatly both at the time of depositing the garbage and during the stages of Its reduction. Although the content of thermo- philic micro-organisms reflected the course of the biothermic process, it showed marked divergencies in different composts and at different times of the yeaz. The so-called 'sai--:tary number' In most cases did not exceed 0.80-0.87. whereas ac,:ord- Ing to Xhlebnikov, in soil rendered harmless it should reach 0.98-0.99. A na-Mber of other indicators (pH, nitrate and chloride content, determination of nitrifying and cellulose-fermenting micro -organisms) make it possAble to determine the state of mineralization of refuse, but this process lags Pppreciably compared to the intensive blothermic reduction process. For the estimation of the extent to which compotit has been rendered harmless the author considers suitable the fol- lowing dynamic indicators: (1) titre for B. coll, (index for harmless refuse 0.1), (2) percentage ofspore-bearingmicro-organiame (index over 60%), (3) miners.l. ammonia (index below 5 mg-1100 mg.). The author considers the significance of the t1tre for Clostridium. perfringeAs in a separate work. Ref. 15 (S) USSR Microbiology, Sanitary Microbiology. Sanitary Micri9biology of Soil. Abs Jour : Ref Zhi4r - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19527 Author :Tarkov Inst o avian Scientific-Researah Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene Title Chemico-Bacteriological Parallels and Sanitary Indicators In the Blothermic DecontAmination of Waste Products Orig Pub :Sb. tr. Mold. n.-i. In-t epidemiol., microbiol. I gigiyeny, 1956, vYP It 39046 Abstract :From December 1950 until January 1952, durine; all seasons, refuse composts and fecal refuse were stored away In the form of stock piles and ditches. As a result of observations Card 113 28 USSR / 14icrobiology. Sanitary Microbiology. Sanitary Microbiology of Soil. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19527 and monthly laboratory control, a regular parallel between the dynamic change in the coll titer, mineral amonia and It the "percenta3e of sporldiferous microorganisms (accordinS to Mishustin) was established. The bacterial population, thermophilic microorganisms, nitrifying and cellulose-destroying, and also chemical indicators - nitrates, chlorides and pH - did not show any parallel modification; therefore, the author considers that they possess no sanitary-hygienic importance. The following norms are recommended for the indication of decontamination of compost waste products: coll titer, 0.1%;,,"Percentage of 8porldiferous microorganisms , more than 60%; Card 2/3 1 0 USSR / Microbiology. Sanitary Microbiology. F Sanitary Microbiology of Soil. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19527 mineral ammonia, less than 5% of MG - in conversion to absolutely dry weight. -- M. A. Dykhno Card 3/3 USSR/Microbiology - Sanitary MicrobioloGym F-3 'Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 12, 1958, 52820 Author !rarkov, M,1. Inst Moldavian Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene. Title Evaluation of Interrelations Between Perfringens and Coli Titer in Strongly Contominated Objacts of the External Medium. Orig Pub Sb. tr. Mold, n.-i. in-ta opiderdole, mikrobiol,, i [Aaicy- any, 1956, No 1, 47-50, Abstract A study was conducted of non-troated refuse (rubbish and garbaGe mixed with faces) as w11 as waste products in com- posts at different staaas of the biotherml process of naking them harmless. The Kassler-Svenerton medium wse used to determine the coli titer and the Wilson-Blair Card 1/2 - 40 - C~ USSR/Microbiology - Medical and Veterinary Microbiology F-4 Abs Jour : Referat Zhurn - Biol., No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 68620 Author : Shlyakhov, E.N., Zhitomirskiy, V.K., Tarkov, M.I., Suslova, N.Ya., Dyakova, V.C. Title : The Active Exposure of Dysentery Bacteria Excretors in some Ordinarily Uninvestigated Population Groups. Orig Pub : 5b. tr. Mold. n.-i. in-t Epidemiol., mikrobiol. i gigieni, 1956, No 1, 91-98 Abstract : The relative frequency of dysentery bacteria-carriers was investigated in several ordinarily iminvestigated groups of the population, for instance, pregnant vo- men, confined ones, patients in surgical and therapeu- tic departments, patients with diseases of the diges- tive organs, also different ordinary diseases, and fi- nally patients with infectious hepatitis. The huge majority of excretors are persons of 18-42 85%)- The min mass of people investigated (63-M were Card 1/3 - 65 - USSR/Plicrobiology - Medical and 'Veterinary Microbiology F-4 Abs Jour Referat Zhurn - Biol., No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 68620 confined women. Most bacteria excretors belong to this group. The frequency of detection of dysentery bacteria excretion in pregnant women is 3.7%, in women in confine- ment, 9.94%. The excretion of dysentery bacilli among pregnant and confined women investigated was observed 4-5 times oftener than among normal ones. In bacteriolo- gical investigation of surgical and therapeutic patients predominately with diseases of digestive organs, pati- ents with infectious hepatitis also manifested a large number of excretors of dysentery bacilli. The frequency of detection of carriers was least in May and sharply in- creased in September. The majority of isolated type;3 be- longs to the type of Flexner bacteria (89.1%), 9.2% to Newcastle and 1.7% to Sonne. The au-bbors consider that for the purpose of exposure of dysentery bacteria car- riers, a triple inspection in infectious disease depart- ments of hospitals should be made f6r dysentery Card 2/3 - 66 - USSR/Microbiology - Medical and Veterinary Microbiology F-4 Abs Jour : Referat Zhurn - Biol., No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 68620 bacteria in all patients with diseases of the digestive tract and also in patients with infectious hepatitis. Card 3/3 - 67 - USSR/Microbiology - Microorganisms Pathogenic to Humans and F-5 Animals. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 9958 Author : Gruz, V.N., Starikova, K.I., Tarkov, M.I. Inst : - - Title 9fTeaftvset"er Agglutination Reaction with 1% Dysen ery Cultures as a Method of Identification of Atypical Dysentery Strains. Orig Pub : Sb. tr. Mold. n.-i. in-t epidemiol. milrrobiol. i gigieny, 1956, No 2, 67-70 Abstract : The specificity of coctagglutination was tested with dy- sentery bacteria of Flexner, Newcactle and Sonne, with in- testinal bacilli which do not produce paragglutination, with dysentery antisera, and with Bact. alcalescens. 89.5% of dysentery strains produced a specific positive coctagglutinating reaction in diagn6stic titers, similar to the usual agglutination reaction. Coctagglutination with an intestinal bacillus which has no paragglutinating Card 1/2 UssR/Microbiology - Microorgmaisms Pathogenic to Humans and F-5 Animals. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol-j, No 3., 1958) 9958 properties was positive in 5% of cases in titers of 1:100, 1:200, 1:640, and 1:12,800- Coctagglutination with Bact. alcalescens yielded a clear positive reaction in titers of 1* .oo to 1-.6W, The &uthors believe that datA Obtained by them on agglutination of boiled dysentery cultures show evidence of a lowering the agglutinating titer as a result of destruction of the thermolabile component: coctaggluti- nating reaction permits no differentiation oi atypical dy- sentery strains from Bact- alcalescens. card*2/2 TARKOV. M.I. Problem of the biological activity of pathogenic Clostridium. Trudy MIEMG no.5s5-11 161. (CLOSTRIDIUM) (MIRA 15:9) TARKOV, M.I. Soil of the theater of the 1941-1944 military actions as a reser- voir of pathogenic micro-organisms of the genus Clostridium. Trudy MIEMG no.5:15-21 161. (MA 15:9) (CLOSTRIDIUM) (SOIL POLLUTION) (WORLD WAR, 1939-1945-orUIUAL AND SANITARY AFFAIRS) SOBOLEVA, K.P.; TARKOV, M.I. Reproduction of Clostridium perfringens in the soil. Trudy KEYB no.5:23-3.4 161. (MIRA 15:9) (CLOSTRIDIUM) (SOIIS--MICROBIOLOGY) . TARKOV M 1, Phases in the development of a population of pathogenic Clostridium. Trudy MIEMG no.5s59-68 161. (KIRA 15:9) (CLOSTRIDIUM) TARKOV M I Effect of respiratory poisons (2,/+-dinitrophenol, sodium azide and sodium cyanide) on the biological activity of pathogenic Clostridium. Trudy MIEMG no.5:89-99 161. (MIRA, 15:9) (CLOSTRIDIUM) (POISONS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) "11;hu v 1Y.& 'Vacuum -I*t S13-ver-Bearin ItItled , hod Of the D-4stillation-of Zinc ft-om 9 Froth," by M. p. Smi a method Of vacuun distill -rnov.,, and 11. G. froths which was worked ouat~on ~ofzjn-c--;~ Om dr-~-R_ ~Tar ~v describes tures are given t in the laboratory. Y and wet Bilver-bearing the generation * Working conditions are improve ()PtiMUM working tempera- the vacuum-distOf gases d due to the absence of Illation- TechnIcal and economical calculations show that method is economically more existing methods. ftml profitable than other - Tsentr- in-t. inform. tsIrPt. metallurgii, 1.1956, PP .13-19 from Refemti- 110 3 Abstract Ito 4721) (IU) YP~I- 7hurnal - Meta.Uurgl7a, NO 4 Jan 57, A TARKOV, N. N. Dredging Machiner7 Modernization of the electrical equipment of a diesel-electric pu;np dredge. Rech. transp. 12 no. 2, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Au,,-ust 1952. WICIASSIFIED. ni~Ku4r-n, N. i~.; W"11WIDI, A. G.~ FIATITK-flili) A. rL%'.,- TITOV) N. A.; ond TARKOVp -- F. V. -- "Geology and Mineral Resources of the Western Districts m^.the USSR," USSR Geological Res. Inst., Moscow and Leningrad, 1941. - -_ -_ ____ --- - - - -_ "Record Average Increase in L'eir-ht of the ToW. of one Tuxi-.ey lien DirinC a *Yearl" Sov zootek-h 7, I!o 7, 1952. 1 Kandidat Sellskokhozyaystvennykh Nauk MLRA, Sep 52 - - - TLA~'.KOV, 3.:% Turkeys BOSt POLL Itry-rai ser. Sots- zlliV- 14, no. 5, 1952. I 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, XJGJST 1952 - tftfa; Uncl. TARKOV,_S.N., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk Types of large-size poultry houses. 7.hivotnovc>dstvo 23 no.2: 81-83 F 161. (KIRA 15:11) (Poultry houses and oquipment) TARKOV, S.N.j kand.sellokokhoz.natik On Kanevskaya ponds and lagoons. Priroda 50 no,7:58-63 n 161. (MA 14:6) . I I* Krasnodarskiy nauohno-iseledovatellokiy inatitut sellskogo khozyaystva. (Kanevokaya Distriot-Ducks) Ill, A.? t. SU ZAD! Possi'rillities for utilization of' ionizing rujiaticr- ~n hl.-dra)- ponica. FPadioblo'Logiia 4 na.3:457-459 164. 01111RA .1 1. Institat b1ologIcheskoy fiziki AN SSSP, floi4va I Kralmodarri'My nwichno-.iss Iedovri tel I ski y nell-~ko~hovruyst,vennyy jru;1-it7-1t) ponicheskoye khozyaystvo. TARKOV, V.,, kapitan-nastarnik Fuhing a two train formed of two lumber carriers proceeding in wake. Bach. transp. 21 no.1:43 A 162. (MM 16:8) (Towing) TARKHOV, Ye.N.-;- IVANOV, N.V. Secular variation of the angle of ivalination of the geomagnetic field on the territory of the Lithuanian S.S.R. according to paleomagnetic data. Geomag. i aer. 5 no.3:591-594 My-je 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetJzma, ionoofery i rasproatraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR,, laningradekoye otdeleniye. APIs 1~~I MARRINWEVA, L.N.; SKVORTSOVA, G.K.; TARKOVA, Cffect of physical training in an Alpine camp on the organism -)f adolescents. Uch. zap. MPI no.168:255-258 162. (MIRA 19:2) ih -H R 4~ UM TARKOVSKAYA., 1. [tarkovslka, I.]. kand.kbi-.nauk The achieviemeints of a young science., radiocbewistry,--Nauka i zhy-t,fda 12 up.3:47-48 Mr 163. (MM 16:11) Chem Sci -(di:7r;) of c-,,rb,-)n.11 Kicv,105, 16 n-o Illot of Phyl.-W1 y 0l: i"ntz; ru ;",rtic"s -itli (AC7-~tl sci U.SSR. 150 1-6 A :-, (17,o ',-50~1120 I A [Tarkovalka, I,A,j ~TAMVSKAT Ion exchame groups on the surface of oxidived carbon (vith sunmr7 in Inglishle. Dop. AN URSR no.3-.280-283 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1,Inetitut fisichnoi khimli AN URSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR A.I. Brodskim [0.1. Brodsky-ml. (Carbon) (Ion exchange) TA V,:) I -V f 1.1-, Iq AUTHORS! Strazholko, D. N., Tarkovskaya,, I, A.., Chervyatsova., L. L. 78-1-20A3 TITLE: Investigation of the Mechanism of Adsorption of the Salts by 0xidl. zed Coal With the Application of Radioactive indicatortr (Issledova- niye makhanizma sorbtsli soley okislennym uglem s primeneniyem radio- akbivrWM indikatorov). PERIODICAL.' Zhurnal Neorganicheakoy Khimilj 1958j Vol. 3j Nr 1, pp. 109-114 (USSR). ABSTRACT*. There is no uniform opinion in literature on the principal problem of the mechanism of selective adsorption of the cations by oxidized coal (references. I to 16). The importanod of the mere electrochemical fac- tor in this complicated phenomenon remains lirgely-not clear (referen- ce, 18). TMs is mainly due to the fact that the values of adsorption were directly determined. The authors for this reasons set themselves the problem to app3,v the method referred to in the title, by whichp as is known, (reference 19, 2o), the smallest quantities of adsorbed ions can be determined immediately and with sufficient accuracy. Pre- liminary reamits on the cation-adsorption of rubidium and calcium (with Rb86 and CaV-) an. ashless oxidized coal. from acqueous solutions Card 1/3 of their chlorine salts or from water-mbctures with organic solvents: Inventigation of the ifechanism of Adsorption of the salts 78-1-2o/43 by Oxidized Coal With the Application of Radioactive Indicators. Methyl- and isopropyl. alcohol, acetone., dioxane.. and phenol., as well as', from non-ac-queous media are given in the present report. An expe- rimental part with the data on the test methods follows, Test results and their explanation.The results are shown in table I to 3. It is whown in table L tha:F in spite of material differences in quantity, one and the same rule was observed governing both cases (Rb and Ca): the value of adsorption of the salt cations was not equivalent to the quantity of hydrogen ions passed over into the solution, but to the Sam ~,+ + acl -., in which caser iH+ denotes, the quantitT of hydrogen ions passed over into the solution after the adsorption and ac - the value of adsorption of the salt anioOF (according to FolldardP method). It remaiaed constant within the whole range pf concentration (figure 1). The authors hence concluded that the sal-tadsorption by oxidized coal from acqueous solutions is an ordinary enhange of the cations of the dissolved electrolytic substance against the hydrogen ions of the ou- ter coating (obkladka) of a double layer of the adsorbent. This ex- Chan-ge-79-complicated by a partial absorption of the acid produced in the solution on the non.-oxidized portions of the coal surface. The concerned eation-adff-orptioa iv entirely reversible (see table 2). Al- Card 2/3 ready. by adding a relatively small, quantity of organic solvent to the Investigation of the Mechanism of Adsorption of the Salts 78-1-2o,/43 by Oxidized Coal With the Application of Radioactive Indicators. water.,j the secondary adsorption of the acid practically decreases down to zero, whereas the quantity, of the cations absorbed by coal becomes equivalent to the number of hydrogen ions passed over into the solution. Individual organic solvents influence in various ways tho'~'value of cations adsorbed by oxidized coal. From the point of electrochemical theoryby A, N. Frumkin this fact - like in the case of hydrogen coal.- can be sufficiently and convincing explained by the additional, potential difference caused by the adsorption. This difference occurs on the surface of the adsorbent and displaces the point of zero-charge of the coal, Hereby the important ro'le of the elactro-chemical factor is confirmed also in the mechanism of adsorp- Ition of electrolytes by- oxidized'coal. There are 2 figurem, 3 tables, and 29 references, 19 of which are Slavic. ASSocTATION-. Mjgtituft for physical Chemistry im. .. Fisarzbe vskiy: AN Ukrainian .$SR Uhsti:tit.ft%iebeAkoy-khirn'A i-m.."L. V. Fisarzbevukogo, AN USSR) SUBMITTEMI ApriI18, 1957. AIVAIWLE: Library of Congress.. Card 313 TARKOVSKAYA-1. IOAO Selective sorption of cations by oxidized carbon and possibility for its practical utilization. Ukr.khim.zhur. 29 no.5:1+91-496 163. (MIRA 16:9) I 1. Instituttizicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. GO~B~NKO# F.P.; TARKOVSKAYA, I-A--) OU011,NSKly, 1-1-1- :-_ '~' 1; - Oving cal ci"r" '4 c 0':7-P r! "I " pu,ification of alkalies by rem - 1 "0 by means of oxidized carbon. Zhur. prikl. khim. 37 no. 12:27, 1 5,_ 2746 D 164. (1-1ITO, 18:3) 0/ MIL UU-iliz III ftly, [A UNIONISM og, ptvq Igm,, & UH i ON -7 RANIONShInk, TAMOVSKAYA, I.A.? GORBENKO, F.P.; YEMEL'YANOV, V.B.; OLEVINSKIY2 M.I. Concentration of microimpurities by means of oridized carbon. Trudy Kom, anal. khim. 152336-345 165. (MIRA 18;7) 1_,A,- CILEVINSKly, M.I. GORBFNKO, F.P.; 7~Af ~KOVSKA Determination of cairl.1m; mlrr(~impurities in alkali metal and ar- monium salts a-fter a prellmina-ry concentration of oxidized carbon. Ukr. khim. zhur. 30 no.6.-61,0-643 164. (141RA 1835) 1. Donetskiy filial Vsew~vw,,,nngo nwichno-issludovatel'skogo in, stituta i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv i Institut flziciv--skoy khimii Imeni Fisarzhevskogo AN Uk-r.SM. VOB.,- ; J.h. .. , ~ .:1 , F-7cY,enge sorption of -i by a f-, t I ve _ ,f bearj meal, --4 carbon. Mcr. khLm. zhur. 3-11, ns-8:772-782 165. 1F-:C?l 1. institut fizicbeakc-,-f 1- Tm, . tjl% -11 imeni Pisarzhevskogo AN Uk--SST(. TARKOVSKAYA.-I.A.; GORB]INKO, F.P. Prinimala uchastiye PESTRIKOVA, N.I. Separation of microamounts of calcium from barium, strontium, and magnesium by precipitation. Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no. 11: 1185-1190 t65 (MIRA 19tl) L Institut fizicheskoy khimii imeni L.V. Pisarzhavskogo All UkrSSR, r1yev i Donetakiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-iBsledovatellskogo instituta khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv. Submitted June 4, 1964. TARKOVSKAYA, 0.1. Nutrition and growth of young bream in relation to the of use green manure on the "Umat" Fish Spawning and Rearing Yarm. Trudy VNIRO 32:65-75 1560 ' (MIRA 10:10) (Volga Delta--Fish ponds) (Fresh-water flora) (Bream) TARKOVSKAYA, 0.1. , 1 Method of studying general metabolism in fishes. Trudy sov.Ikht.koz. no.8t232-236 1 58, (WRA 11111) 1. Vessnyusnyy nauchnn-issledovatel'skiy institut morskogn rybnogo khosyaystva i okeanografii. (Metabolism) (-Vishe"--Physinlogy) KRIVOBOK, M.N., kand.biologicheskikh nauk; TARKOVSYAYA, 0.1. Determination of the time of spawning migrstions of th.e Baltic herring based on studies of its fat metabolism. Trudy vgM 42:171-1W 160. (HIRA 13:9) (Baltic Sea-Herring) (Fiehes-Migrablon) (Pat metabolism) KFLIVOBOK, M. N.; T ~OVSII~AYAp 0~.I. Pbysiological characteristics of the Baltic herring Clupea harengus membras L. of various fecundity. Vop. ikht. 2 no.3: 441-451 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Vaeooyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellakiy inatitut morskogo z7bnogo khozMetva i okeanografii - VNIRO. (Baltic Sea-Herring) V KRIVOBO.Kg M.N.; TARKOVSKAYA, 0.1. Chemical characteristloo of the yellowtail flounder, codfish, and Alaska pollack in the southeaetern part of the Bering Sea. Trudy VNIRO 49t257-272 164. WIRA 18:5) le Vaosoyusnyl nauchno-isslodovateltskiy inslitut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. and LID.31;JY, A. T. "Plaster Cast in the Treatment of Wounds in Rear Base Hospitals",, Sverdlovsk., 1941. ,_T T, Arsenly, Biologigtog telescope. JUn.tokh. 3 no.7t25-26 a 16o. (KIRA 13:8) (Telescope, Reflecting) TAMOVSKI%~.7!; . , OCKOLYA, Ye.t.; ICULICHITSEATA, D.O.; OSIPSHIG. I.S.; , ,IMMEOVICH, I.A. , assistant Advancqd training for pharmacists in the Department of Fharuacy of the Itoy Institute of Advanced Training for ftqatoianso Apt.delo 6 no-5:59-60 8-0 '57. NMA 16:11) 1. KefedrA,takhnologii lakaretvannvkh form t galanovykh preparatoy (for Hiniovich) (MY--PHAR)UCT-4TUDY AND TIIAOHING) k , . ; . 1 1, . ( I ., A - 7. '-. ;I'. g. - 1 6, .,. I I .." -- I M IFIR - , E. - I I'x M ,~~4 A Mism u1 WER 0 NO ml M m MR W. TARKOVSK, !IN M, -I - - -1-low--to-ob-ti-n-high hay yields from annua 1 aryl pix,-znnial grasses Foskva. 1950- 13 P- iA.nAILI iQZL~11- 1. L.--- --- -- --- - - - -- -- -- ---- - -- -- - - - -- the non-chernozem belt) Moolm, Go8. izd-vo egl'khoz. lit-ryj 1951. 78 P. TARKO,;SKI)ro -- M. T. - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - I -I Mnogoletnie travy v polevykh sevooborotakh ZTerennial grasses in field mW rotations7 Moskvaj, Sellkhosgis,, 1952. 372 p SO: Moutbly List of Russian Accepsions, Vol 6 No-8 November 1953 JAM, KOVUN' ORO'V, A.P., ANTOITIMO, G.P..; BUDIUA,L.VS; VQ'-RONINA, TO.P.; GUSEV, P.I.: TKAGIN, M.N., ZHURAYLIV, M.A., ZALOZNYY, K.D.: KOMKbV,V.N-" KOROBOV, A.S.-,KORCHAGIN, V.N.; LAVROV, V.N..; LAPSHISA, O.T.; LUTIKOT.I.Te~ MAXVNIN, A.Ta.;MOROZOVA. F.I.;NBVZOROV, A.P.;PONOKARCHUK, K.K,;PUCH- KOV, A.M.; RAZMOLOGOVA, A.K.;RUBIII..S.K.; SIT-2 NEVA, O.V.;SIMNOVA, F.I.; SPIRIDONOVA, A.I.:SUSHCHUSXIY, M.G.;USOY. M.?.; TARKOVSKIY. Mai CWWXAyIVA,.Te.A.;MUWRIKOV, G.L.; SHULIGIN, G.T.;T3TrSTW-,T.-T-,&kEL- demik, redaktor;RRVENKOVA; A.I.,redaktor-, KHODMINA, N.M., khudozhostvan- nyy redaktor; VISKOVA. Ye.I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor; FEVZNERV.B.I.. tekhnichaskiy redaktor. Mipt breading at the 19~5 All-Union Agricultureal Jxhibition) Rastenis- vodstvo na Vemsoinznoi sel'skokhosiaistvennot. vystavke 1955 goda.'Koskva, Gosjzd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1956. 607 p.. (MLRA 10:4) (Moscow--Plant breading--Xxhibitiouz) USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodders. m-4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 25078 Author : Bukin, V.I., Inst : The All-Union S.R.I. of Fodders Title : The Effectiveness of Alfa.*&fa Seed from the First or Second Harvests on the Irrigated Land of Eastern Predkavkazlye Orig Pub: Byul. nauchno-te'chn. inform. Wes. n-i. in-t kormov, 1957, No 2-3, 50-53 Abstract: The problem of whether it is more practical to let the first or second harvest of alfalfa go to seed is not clear enough, especially in regard to the new rayons of Eastern Predkavkazlye with irrigated agriculture. The author investigated this subject in 1953-1955 and came to the conclusion that the first alfalfa harvest yielded a larger output of Card 1/2 81 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodders. m-4 Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 19581 25078 Abstract: seeds than the second. Plants of the first har- vest are more strongly developed, their roots contain more carbohydrates, and they have bigger seeds than the plants of the second harvest. They are less inclined to droop. All of these biological peculiarities make it possible to obtain, under local conditions, larger seed crops from the first harvest of alfalfa. -- S. A. Brushlinskiy Card 2/2 TARKOVSKIYI M, 1,: Doc Agric Sci (diss) -- "AgrobLological principles and as- pects of growing lucerne in the northern non-chernozem belt of the USSR". Moscow, 1958. 39 pp (VASKhNIL, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Fodder im V. R. Vil, yams), 150 copies (KL, No 6, 1959, 137) TABKOVSKA, Anna Ronal diabetes. Polski tygod.lak. 15 no.41:1576-1579 10 0 160. 1. Z I 111niki Chorob Vownetrsnych A.M. v Lublintel 146rownik: prof.dr med. K.Kedra. (GLYCOSURIA ease reports) KEDRA, Mieczyslaw; POIESZAK, Jozef, TARKOWSKA, Anna Renal fimetion in myocardial infarct. Fol. tyg.lek. 18 no.48t 1795 - 1798 25 N163 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych AM w Lublinie; kierownikt Mieczyslaw Kedra. TARKO'-ISKA, Anna " case of nocct-rnal paroxysmal hemoglobinuria 11-farchiafava-Michel. ). 1` o1. tyg. lek. 19 no.14:517-519 30 tir 164. 1. 7 1 KI.Iniki Chorob Uawnetrmych AkndemJi Madycznej w Lublinia (I-ierownik: prof. dr. med. Mieczyslaw Kedra). TA1MOWSKA, Abna Beanier-Boeck-Schaumann disease as a cause of abronia pulmonary cardiac syndromes Polo tyg& lek. 19 no.30t1155-1158 27 J1164 1. Z I Kliniki. Chor6b Wevnetrznych Akad(mll Medycznej w lublinie; kierownik: prof. dr. med. Mieezysla,,r Kearao JAROSI"MSKI, Grzegorz; TARLfLdSKA, Auat "-ft 1"ttempted dellermination of vavaular changes in the Timdu.-i o,,uli in the cmirse of arterioscleroals. Pol. tyg. le".c. 20 no.6t213-215 8 F 161:0 1. Z KlInAl Okul.ts-'JY-znej Akadeall Med SP T21b-tinie (Kie- cm w rowilk., prof. dr. med. Tudever, J I KlinAl ' Ghorob ',,Iff,,,n,BtT,zny(.,h Mcademii Medycmp~,j v lublime (KAero~mi,~s p-:X. &-s med. M-ie.~zy-dlaw Kedra). TARKQWSFAI Anna I -C-opp er level In the blood osrum in myocardial infarction. Pol. tyg, lek. 20 no.35:1309-1312 30 Ag 165. 1, Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Wblinie (Kisrowniki prof. dr. mede Mieozyslaw Kedra). TARKOWSKA, Anna Serum iron level in mpcardial infaret. Pol. tyg, lek. 20 no.37: 1387-1390 13 S 165. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: prof. dr. mod. Mieczyolaw Kedra). TARKOWSKA, J. Experimental analysis of the mechanism of cytomixis. Pt.l*--:~, Acta. soo botan Pol 34 no.lt27-44 165. 1. Deptrtment of Plant Anatomy and Cytology of the Warsaw University. Submitted April 150 1964. SUROWCOWA-SWIDZINSKk, Alicjas- TPRKOWSKA-GAWRON, Barbars.; HWLING, Tadeusz; MEMO, Danuta Clinical course of smallpox during its epidemic in Wroebw in 1963. Przegl. epidem. 18 no.2tl65-172 164. 1. Ze Szpitala Epidemicznego w Szczodrem. FOLAND/Gonoral Biolosy. Genetics Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol.0 No 22t 1958, No 98945 ikuthor : Tarkowski C. Inst : - Title : Polyplo~ds Zoa Aays L. OrIS Pub : Postcpy nauk roln., 1957, 4, No 2, 65-68 B-5 Abstract ! In tho pooll-m -rains of corn 10 chraziosooos aro usually found, but tharo aro some sorts with lw chro-.-ioso~~ics. In sozio so,-latic cells, addi- tional chronosozics B are disoovorod; their nuzi- bor can vary from 0 to 34, The lattor consist in the aaia of hotrochronotinc and aria -onotically inactivo. im inorcaso in thoir numbor leads to a dccrcasa In fortility, ~;rowth, for:2ation of the woak seed and at tho sa:io ti:~:j, to an increase in sizo of sood nests and other plant or,3ans. Undor natural conditions thcro also occur hap- loids as a result of haploid partheno3onosis or Card l/ 3 16 POIAND/Goneral Biology. Genetics E-5 Abs lour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No 221 19589 No 98945 androGonosis6, However, their number rarely roachos 0.1% In population of all plants, Under nornal!conditions there occur triploid fomis ac a rodult of an o,,;G call pollination with an un- rodudod nulnbo~ of chrooosomos. They indicate giganism, but their fertility is rather low. The orGans of autototroploid corn are onlaraod only insignificantly, it is not hiGhor than diploid corn, but tho closinG calls of stoma and also the soods arc considerably larger (50%). fertility Is lowered (20"')9 contont of vitanin A in soods Is higher by 40'%. As a result of partonGenosis, totraploids Give:. diploids repoatddly which completely retain giGantisn of their parontat DurinG the pollination of the tobrapolid corn with diploid, in 5% of the cases, viable soods of triploids are on8uod, but during the roversod hybridization It occurs only in 0.5%. Hotorozy- Card 273 AM J-A-ft. 0)1 1 P~59,, im t f 1,7 j 4 M Ti E , aw & o :To the Problem on I)0tfjrc,jna,:icrL Motha Food Value in the belactioll Werk. Pof;toll)y Pa-1k r:7 Ko 5 1A surrey. The nj0crr,.Ity for The, vtillr-atlnlk Of the 1'03d V&111t; Lot OLlTA Of q',19LJSaI analyria but alGo analyrIg rccournarying th3 rorpholcgical duacriptiort of pl&nt3 *.a 26int~~d out. Blblj.ozrt~phy, 16 e 3. GA 131r; S/044/62/000/004/004/099 C111/9444 AUVIORs T k TITLE: On the comparability of dendrites PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 4, 19062, 51, abstract 4A291. ("Bull. Acad. polon. sci. 56r. sci. math., astron. ot phys.", 1960, 1, no. 1, 39-41) TEXT: The author investigates partially ordered sets E in which every finite subset contains a couple of comparable points, and in which every ordered subset is well-ordered; under these suppositions one writes E (7- FVIO. The correspondence f : X --), Y between partially ordered sets X, Y is called a i:,ulti-valued isomorphism if Y; 2.) y F_ f x ::9 fx, where 1.) fx is an oraered subset in 11 Y2 Y(yl' Y2) Y(y y t. Y C Y, y y *1~ y 3-) every uniformisation 11 Y2 2~ j X - Y of' the mapping f P x C~ fx for every x E X) is an isomorphism. et R or (Rip -3 ) be a partially ordered set. The sequence (X, it-, -- "? ) T is called R-dendrite, if 1.) (X,-'-- ) is a finite dendrite with a smallest element; 2, ) for a, b S X there is a ::5 b or b -!5 b if and only if a b; Card 1/1Z S/04 62/000/004/004/099 On the comparability of dendrites C1 1 1YC444 3.) ? is a mapping X -4R. Let T(R) be the act of all R-dendrites being ordered by the following relation for Xi - (Xil Z~r-v ~Ii)(i-1,2) the relation X 1 __3Rx2 means that for a certain multi-valued mapping I : Xi --~ X. and a uniformisation i : XI __11 x2of it the mapping i is an isomorphism, and that (PIX -.3 ~? (x E_ X). If T, __3 RT2and T J'R T1, .1 2('x) 2 then the dendrites T 1 and T2 are not considered to be different. Theorem; If R G PVIO, then there is also T(R)E PWO (a special case was proved by Higman, G., Proc. London Math.-Soc., 1952, 2, 326-336). Conclusion: The number of the finite pairwise non-homeomorphic dendrites is finite. Thus a question of Borsuk (Rzh. Mat, 196o, 2771) is answered; for infinite dendrites this theorem does not hold (see.Sieklucki, K., Rzh. Mat., 1960, 2770); for finite graphs (of genus 4) it does not hold either; it is not known whether there are infinitely mapy finite pair- wise non-homeomorphic graphs of genus 3 (problem of Erd6s). FAboltracter's notes Complete translation.] Card 2/2 WRCNSKA-IIOFER, Teresa; NOFER, Jerzy;.,TARKOWSKI, Stanislaw . . - - I I .. 11 1 Impaired riacin metabolite excretion in animals poisoned with carbon dis-a-Lfide. Med. pracy 16 no.2s77-81 165 1. Z Zakladu Toksykologii Przemyslowej Instytutu Medycyn-y Pracy w Lodzi, (Dyrektor: doe. dr. J. Nofer). TARKPEAP E.I. Organization of the constructicn, work. Energ.stroi. no.24:3--44 ,61. (VJRA 1514) 1. Nachallnik Proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskogo otdela Stroitellnogo upravleniya Pribaltijskoy gosudarstvennoy rayonnoy elektrostantsii. (Narva region--Electric power plants-Design and construction) TAROH, V.Ya.; B&USHOVA, L.S. proln. 19 no.6:90-91 Je 1596 Readerst Wishes. TOkst* (MIRk 12:9) (Textile industry-Periodicals.) 'PARK H, V.Ya., insh. Improving the technology of manufacturing staple suiting. Tekst.prom. 20 no.5:90-% Ny 160. (M33A 13S8) (Yagoryevok-Textile fabrios) TARIA-CZ,, Laszlo, - L-sectione of band filterB dimensioned on the basis of the theory, of wave parameters. Hir techn 15 no.lOt296-305 0 '64. 1. Beloianniaz Telecommunication Engineering Factoryt Budapest@ spal/061/003/011/007/056 B102/B138 AUTHORS: Murin, A. N., Lurlye, B. G., and Tarlakov, Yu. P. TITLE: Electrical conductivity and self-diffusion of silver in silver iodide at high pressures PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3, no. 11, 1961, 3299-3305 TEXT: AgI is distinguished by an abnormally high conductivity and by the existence of several moaifications. It has already been investigated many times, among others, by the authors together with N. A. Lebedev (FTT, 2, 2607, 196o). The present paper reports on investigations of the pressure and temperature dependences of electrical conductivity and Ag 2 self-diffuaion coeflicients at pressures up to 6000 kg1cM . The AgI was produced from chemically pure elements, ground and pressed at 5000 kg/cm 2 to tablets. They had a density of 5-5 - 5.6 g1cm3 (monocrystalline density: 5.67 91CM3). Electrical conductivity was measured in a pressure Card 1/4 S/!81/61/003/011/007/056 Electrical conductivitiy and self-... B102/B138 cell. For diffu8ion investigati on Ag 110M was deposited from an A01103 solution on to a silver plate which was then exposed to iodine vapor so that an Ag-taggeft Ag*I surface film was formed. This silver plate was then brought tog;t-her with an AgI tablet, and diffusion took place at a certain temperature and a certain pre8sure~ Then the silver plate was dissolved in HNO 3 and 15 to 30 g thick layers were cut from the tablets. Their activity was measured with a gamma scintillation counter. The data were used to plot diagrams: logarithm of spe~-,ific activity as functions of the square distance. The self-diffusion coGffici-vat was determined from the gradient of the straight lines. The Bridgman phase diagram (Proc. Amer. Acad., 51, 57, 1915) is discussed in detail. The results of the measurements are presented in Fig- 4- In all cases (all phases, temperatures and pressures) the measured values of the self-diffusion coefficients are much higher than the calculated ones. This might be explained by assuming a circular diffusion for the a modification and in states similar to it. For the other modifications instability of the lattice could be responsible for the values. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 21 references: 4 3ro-riet and 17 non-Soviet. The 2 '~"'181/61/003/011/007/056 Electrical conductivity and self-... b102/B138 three most recent references to Engliah-language publications read as foilowb'. A. 1. blayimdar a. R. Roy. J. Phys. Chem. 63, 1653, 1959; K. Zimen et al. J. Chem. Boo., Supl. 2t 392, 1949; S. W. Kurcniok. J. Chem. Phys., 210, 2181 1952. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (teningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) SUBUITTED: ilay 9, 1961 Fig- 4- jig self-diffusion coefficient as a function of pressure at 90 and 1100C4 0 Legend: (a) measured, (b) calculated. (1) Dm at 110 C; (2) Dc at 1100c; 0 0 (3) D at 90 C; (4) D,;at 90 C. m Card 3/4 S/jei/61/003/011/00/056 Electrical conductivity and self-.-- B1 02/B138 *4 FIG. 4 V/ 4 2000 P, /cot 4000 6000 Card 4/4 E7856 S/535/61/000/132/002/012 E03o/E484 AUTHORS: Sokolov, S.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences Tarlakov, Yu.V., Engineer TITLE: Experimental investigation of the specifiz heat at constant pressure of the vapours of aviation fuels, gasoline G-70 (B-70), kerosene T-1 and fuel T-5 SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy. no.132.1961.15-30, Teplofizicheskiye Bvoystva nekotorykh aviatsionnykh topliv v zhldkcm i gazoobraznom soatoyanii. TEXT: An apparatus has been &zveloped*fcr measuring specific heat of vapours at constant pressure equal to or below atmospheric pressure at temperatures up to 400-5000C It is a continuous flow system with an experimental volume of 10; cm3 enclosed in a jacket evacuated to a pressure of jo-5 mm Hg, the outer surface of the tube and inner surface of the jacket are silveredl the tube is mounted inside a thermostatL: oven. The volume is temperature controlled to + O.I*C and heat loss zorrections are made experimentally by recording temperatures with and without electric current in the hsaters. The heat loss is estimated, both theoretically and, to be 0.5%. The specifii~ hea Card 1/3 11.1856 S/535/61/000/132/002/012 Experimental in'reatigation of E03o/z484 results are accurato to abou-. 0.3%. Each fuel was distilled into separate fractions, whoss heata were determined, to minimize the erro-rs involved in -.onslde.-Lng multizomponent mixtures. Fraci;ions were; gazoline: 45 to 90, 90 to 120, above 120OCi T.-A.: 117 to L60, 160 to 170, 170 to 200, above 2000C1 T-5: 210 to 222, *-22 to 250, 250 to 284, above 284*C. Specific heats decreased, t1most linearly, with molecular weight by about 5% total for eacl. fuel. Thus, the data rould be used to predict specific heats ft any parti~_-ular system involving those fractions with appropriate eighting fa-c;tora. The temperature ranges covered for each _'uel fraztion wera - gasoline: 125 to 185, 133 to 2370C for 4ha fizat two fraf;tions; T-1: 127 to 1761 170 to 200*C f!or he serand and `.hird*fractionsi T--5: 147 to 250, 201 to 2730C foz- he se,_~ond and ~-hird'fractions. There are 10 figures, 11 +li.)les and'14 ref,rences: 5 Soviet and 9 non-.Soviet. The three refere:,es to English anguage publications read as follows: Ref.9., Reynolds 3. and Vries T.. American Chemical Society, v 72, no.12, 1950; Re'.11: Still D.F, and May-field F.D., Industriai Engineering Chem,jtr-,, nc.35, `.43, p.639; Ref.14: Waddington G., Card 2/3 V856 S/535/61/000/132/002/012 Experimental investigation of 903o/z484 v.69* 1947- Todd S. and Huffman H., American Chemical SocietY, Abstracter's note; No experimental values quoted Card 3/3