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1 .9
Inverse problem in luminescence theor7. Vest. LGU 20 no.16:
21-25 165. (MIRA 18:9)
J44V5-W , ZW1- 1drk0l dl)
AM AN, AP6003611 SOURCE CODE: UR/0054/65/000/003/0021/0
AUTHOR: Trifonov, Ye. D.; Tamarchenko, V. I.
ORG: Leningrad State University (Leningradskiy gosudarstyennyy uni~j
vers itet-T
'2 C
TITLE:, Reverse problem in the theory of luminescence
_SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fizlkli khimLi, no. 3
1965, 21-25
TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, cadmium.sulfide,.electron transition, impu-
rity center, crystal lattice vibration, distribution function
ABSTRACT!- The reverse problem relates to restoring the distribution
function of the displacements of normal coordinates of a crystal by us-
ing experimental emission or absorption spectra (considered to have Mir
~ror symmetry). This distribution completely characterizes the interac-
of an electron transition in an impurity center with vibrations
of the lattice. The distribution function is represented as a series
'whose members are successive on
Stfactions of the spectrum. An emission
spectrum of an impurity in a4d_ rystal is considered. The calculatio
was performed with a BESM-2 computer for several experimentally obtain-
UDC: 535.370
Card 1/2
L-14205-66- ------
ACC NRt AP6003611
ed spectra taken at 4.20K. The results showed a strong interact on wit
long-wave acoustic vibrations. In conclusion,the authors thank K. 1.
Petrashent and Is V. Abarenkov,for a number of useful ouggestiona. Orig
art. has-: f igure 22 formulas.
~M CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OSApr65/ ORIGREN 005t, OTH REFt 004
New type of shears for the cuttirg of molten glass. Stek. I ker. 22
rio.8:32.-33 Ag '65. II.CRA 18:9)
1. Moskovskdy elektrolempovTj zavod.
I SOV/96-58-5-3/27
AUTHORS: Polikovskiy, M.V. and Tamarchin, A.L. Engineers
TITLE: Tests on a Sonic Regulating Stage by the Kaluga Turbine
Works with Partial Steam Supply (Ispytaniya okolozvukovoy
reguliruyushchey stupeni KTZ s partsial'nym podvodom para)
PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, Pr 5, pp 17 - 21 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: Experimental work by the Kaluga Turbine Works in
co-operation with the ?.131 (Moscow Power Institute) the BITM
and other institutes has resulted in a marked increase in the
efficiency of the works turbines. In particular, it was
possible to raise the efficiency of sonic two-row regulating
stages from 56.5% in 1954 to ?2.?7o in 195?. This has been
accomplished mainly by using aero-dynamic blade shapes developed
in the Moscow Power Institute. Work on sonic regulating stages
for the high-pressure cylinder of 3 000 rpm turbines has
proceeded in the works laboratory since 1953 on experimental
staam turbine, type ET-300.
During the tests, the initial pressure is teld to within 0.01
atm. and the temperature to within 2 - 4 0. The turbine is
loaded by a two-disc hydraulic brake, illustrated in Figure 2.
The brake load is regulated by adjusting the flow of water and
covers the range 60 - 350 kW at 31p000 rpm. The method of
Card 1/3
Tests on a Sonic Regulating Stage by the Kaluga Turbine Works
with Partial Steam Supply
applying load is described and the test procedure for deter-
mining the no-load power and the efficiency is indicated. The
tests established the numerical influence of the area-ratio
on the efficiency of regulating stage, type KS-lA. At present,
The Kaluga Turbine Works employs this stage in nine types of
turbine with outputs of 2,500 - 12.,000 M Three stages were
tested and the corresponding area-ratios are given in Table 1.
The mean diameter of the stages was 800 mm and the main
characteristics of the blading were as given in Table 2. The
values of the various gaps are recorded in kigure 3 and the
associated table. All the tests were made with supBr-heated
steam, with initial conditions of 3.5 atm. and 200 C with son-ic
pressure ratios on the stage. The test results are given in
Figures 4 - 6, showing that- the most efficient of the three
stages is Nr 2.
Graphs of the loss with outlet velocity are given in Figure
which shows that in stage 2, the least loss, of 2%, occurs with
a velocity ratio of 0.22. The use of the i/s diagram to
calculate the outlet velocity loss is demonstrated in Figure 8.
Stages Vrs 2 and 3 were tested with various axial gaps; the
Tests on a Sonic Regulating Stage by the Kaluga Turbine Works with
Partial Steam Supply
adjustments were generally made by displacing the rotor whilst
leaving the nozzles and guide vanes in position. Efficiency
curves for stage Nr 2 are given in kigure 10 and for stage
Vr 3 inrigure 11. Stages 2A and 3A differ from 2 and 3 in
that they have a smaller front axial gap; the corresponding
curves from Figures 5 and 6 are shown in dotted lines. It
will be seen that the influence of gap distribution is very
It is concluded that the variants of stage, type KS-1A,
are very efficient when tested with partial steam supply
and short blades. The tests show that the blading is of high
aero-dynamic quality over a wide range of flow conditions.
Quite a small reduction in the forriard-axial-gap increases the
stage efficienip by 2 - 2 1/2 There are 11 figures and
2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Kaluzhskiy turbinnyy zavod (Kaluga Turbine Works)
Card 3/3 1. Turbines--Test methods 2. Turbine blades--Design
0 Lf 10
9, "~ 0--
AUTHORSs Strakhovskiy G. M., Tamarqnkov V. 11.
TITLEs Radiation of molecules under resonance conditions
FERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 42,
no. 3, 1962, 907-908
TEXT: The radiation of a molecular beam in a coherent field is
investigated. The molecules are in a mixed energy state with two levels.
The beam on entering a cavity will continue radiating when the cavity is
tuned to the transition frequency ho 12 ' El - E2 , although the number of
molecules in the upper and lower level is the same. The function of the
two-level system is V - a~l + bT2; :aj 2 + JbI 2 . I, a(+) depends on,,&,,
E and (.v-p is the dipole moment and E the resonance field strength
of the frequencyii d is the frequency of the molecular transition.
0 0
Such a state-can be obtained with an ammonia beam leaving the cavity of a
normal clecular g*nerator; it is saturated, i. e. the populations of th
-Radiation of molecules under resonance ... B15 B 102
two levels are equal, is inactive and can emit only non-coherent
oscillations,'spontarieously. Entering a second cavity the molecules will
emit electromagnetic oscillations of the frequency of the first resonator
and thistrequency is iompletely independent of the resonance frequency.
of the second cavity. The apparatus consist4d of 3 test cavities the
first of which worked ai an ordinary molecular generator and an NH
spectroscope. The radiation frequency in the second cavity was highly
monochromatic and coirzoided with that of the first cavity to an accuracy
of io- . The radiation'power in the second and third cavity was
measured in dependence on the tuning of the first and second, on the
voitage Vof the' gradi4g system, and on the ammonia gas pressure in the
source. When the radiation power in the second cavity vanishes the beam
..passing through the third cavity does hot radiate, but shows an intense
absorption line. At certain V and p values the beam leaving the first
cavity also absorbs energy even in the second cavity. In this case the
population of the energy levels during the flight through the second
cavity is a periodic function of time and of the number of active
molecules in the beam. On detuning the first cavity by t4 Mc/seo
Card 2/3
Radiation of molecules under resonance ... B152/B102
when the shf field in it vanishes, beats between the frequency of the
Itmolecular sound" and the natural frequency of the second cavity are found
in the latter. The beat frequency is 3-4 kc/sec. Further detuning of the
first cavity causes cessation of the "molecular sound". There are 3
figures and 5 references: 1 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references
to English-language publications read as follows: R. H. Dicke, Phys. Rev.,
2j_, 99, 1954; Rev. Sci. Instr., Z-6, 915, 1955; W. H. Higat Rev. Sci.
Instr., 1-8, 726, 1957; V1. H. Wells# J. Appl. Phys., 29, 714, 1958; N.
Sher, IRE Nat. Conv. Rec., 4199, 78, 1960.
SUBMITTEDs December 30, 1961
Card 3/3
SLOBMKIN, L.. inzhener; TARMIN, A., inzhener.
_'. ". F,%Aw Ai.A*.,% _~,
Drying grain in suspended state. Muk.olev.prom. 23 no.9:7-9 S '57.
(KIRA 10:11)
1. Institut energettki AN SSSR.
,. -,-- I - - -
All-Union Conference on. the Ar-cducflon of Reinforced Cancrete
Structral Eleraents. Prom. stroi. 42 no.1:3 of cover 165.
(MrRA 18:3)
s/i '19/6o/000/006/024/o52
AUTHORS,: Remizova. A,A, and Tamiarin~ A,A,
T'ITLE, Effect of Impurities on the Anomalous Thermal
Expansion in the Neighbourhood of the Melting Potnt
PERCODICAL~ Ezvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika,
1960. No.6. PPI-152-156
r f-i x,,r Using Frenkel's theory (Ref.,J) of phase fluc~.uations,
Bartenev (Re.1'..2.3) has obtained an expression for the correction
which has to be added to the volume expansion coefficient in order
to atcount for phase fluctuations.. This correction is given by
V2 - V1. k To
an v, y-g (T0 - T)2
Card I./IjL
Effect of Impuritiei on the Anomalous Therina] R-Cpansion in the
Neighbourhood of the Melting Point
whert r,, is the transition temperature, y is the latenL
hr-at of moltln'44., vI and v2 are the speLific volumes of the
~;olid and liquid phases and a is a constant representing the
minimuni statisticat complex of particles capable of experiencing
a phase transition, The phys).cal basis of this phenomenon is
that the second derivatives of the thermodynamic potential
gradually tend to infinity as one approaches the melting point.
and the proc;ess begins a few degrees, and sometimes even rens of
degree,,tL., before the inelting point is reached This in turn is
dude- to the fact that takes place not at a def'Lnite
temperature but in a certain temperature i.nterval, Owing to
Mt. gradual increase in the amounit of liquid phase just befcr-4rt
c~ht- melting point is reached, both the specific heat and the
thernial expansion coefficient exhibit an anomalous behaviour in
this region and must include additional terms of the abc*,re type
(Fq'11 rf, moreover, the system includes small amounts of
SoLuble impurities which are uniformly distributed through the
Card 2/11
of fmpuritics nit the Anomalou3 Thermit) Expansion in the
Neighbourhood of the Melting Ps-Pink
vol ume then impurities may introduce a further selall
*~! f 1, 4D C tWhen the E%re distributed uniformly on the
rwicros,~,opi.v scale while oil the micro-4copie mocale there J% a
statistical nonuniformity, the anomalous part of the thermal
expansion coefficient can be calculated from the following
expre~t!~5irrn obtained by Bartenev Ln Ref 3
-a X~I
V V I: e a
'Wr (2)
T0 - Ta
hc r o~- To and Ta are Lhe melting points of micro-~olumes
free of impurtties and containxag a i.mpurity nolecules
re...spectively. X is the numberr of jMPUI-Ity atoWS- In the
nikcrovolume, and a is the mean number of -topurity atomei in
Car d' 3 / 1. 1
Effect of Impurities on the Anomalous Thermal Expansion in the
Nei.ghbourhood of tile Melting PoLnt
from this formula
In ic J. 0%. 0 1 "me In order to calculate a a it
"311e, 1111ist. have a knowledge of the microvolume which was called
by Bartenev "a quantum of melting", The latter consists of
i.07) 'to 104 dcoms'.. Another theory which is better known at the
present time is that put forward by Dickinson and Osborne
!Pef 4) but the present. authors con!5ider that it is physically
untt-nabke- 'rhis theorv was critically examined by the first. at'
),~be present authors in Ref.,5.. ft is well-known that, the
f-eature of binary 6ystems jLs the fact that
liquidus and solidus lizies on the equilibrium diagram are not the
Sti Hie "In the present case thi..s means that there are different
~,oni,,entra t ions of the intpur.Lty in solid and liquid pliases which
are in c7quilibrium duy-,ng the crystallization prccess The v t * L o
of Ehe impurity concentrations in the solid and liquid phase_c,
ls: defined as the distribution coefficient k which can be either
gieatt~r or tmaller than unity, In the dexcrmination of the
disiv-ibut,~on. of the impurity in a crystalltzed specimen, one may
Card 4/
Thermal Expansion in the
Effect of Xmpurities on the Anomalous
Neighbourhood of the Melting Point
-diffusion rate-in
introduce the simplifying assumption that the
the solid phase is negligible, while in the liquid phase it is.
very large, so that the impurities are distributed uniformly.
It may then be assumed that when the crystallization rate is t
f1ciently small,-a thin layer of the crystal in-contact wi h
suf e
the separation boundary is in fact in equilibrium with the whol
liquid and the impurity concentration ratio in them is equal
to k. On these assumptions it has been shown that the
f the'solid layer crystallizing at a given
concentration c' o
moment is given by (Gulliver, Scheuer, Hayes, Chipman and
McFee Ref.6 to 9)
C/ COK nz (4.
Effect of Impurities on the Anomlous.Thermal Expansion in'the
-X461ting Point
Nel ourhood of the.
where co Is the average impurity concentration, a in the
amount of crystallized liqui&and M in the mass of the
specimen. When k