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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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~5 -;7
-T d am Z Ya
aks" L
~Psdxadaa_ Akad,. Nauk
Law. SSR. Trud n -38(1953).
I st, Fiz. 6, 21
thm'treat the problem of ongitudi
The au in magnetiza.
re o
, con
n of an i
y cy
y the-Application of an external magnetic field.
tutit radius b:
Th~wirehasconstantco6d and permeibilit)~.wlthifi
`.the radius a ftom theasis nd other,. also constant, con--.
e outer turfi
between a and th
d ice
A p
vity an
Wx considered: in one the field
Two ca3es of, ternal field am
fro to unityat timel-O,while in the other the.
umps in zero
nity is approac
;P~lue u
tic field is said to satisfy the differential
being continuous across dis
AHw:4,r;,(i)-j(r)eIjH1at. H
continuities in p and -f. The problem is solved by separation
of vari-tbles. J. Amoy, (Ney Yoik, N.- Y.).
"Particle With Soin 3/2 in a Magnetic Field,"
Tr. in-ta fiziki AN LatvSSR, No 6, pp 114-122, 1953
Equations of a free particle with spin 3/2 aDinor-vector form
as suUested by I. Ye. Tam and A. S. Davydov (DigM 17, 427 (1947) are
generalized for the case of interaction with an electromagnetic field
through introduction of a s-pin-tensor which becomes zero in absence of
field. The ratio of magnetic moment of the particle to the mechanical
moment was found to be 2/34/2mc. (RZhFiz, No 4, 1955)
SO: Sum. No 606, 5 Aug 55
on of
Detut, nnI ctiv i-OMS) r I'M
InetIlod 0j jj,jjr1;.ejj (radha I FSR.
and V. 1~1&ttrs-
melika-~a chnazj.,,,,,., 195S, Nb. 4 ()VIlble: 92 1
zintIMIS Ilk"* CA..,
~-, r test, showed'thlit C6(-N'03)1 -Ith
,6i..).-Lah- d NjNO with S', as 1121,
I , . 4
N, pl,o~pjiatc With p"I an -j- tes Tile
ail tro,lgl,, .ds_~bd On sl ica -
several dyes, "Mc., Uirough a 5-cUI-`
Iltrf.tion 91 gola".
In f
jor,S Ki-Ttdwd 904 were 110t suitable for tracing
thick~ed. TI-11sthesecOtill"is, d. Andrew Dravnit1:1-
n * of water in SM411
flic moveme t
Fizika i Tekhnika Frimeneniya Radioaktivnykh Izotopov (Physics
and Technique of Use of Radioisotopes), Works of the Institute
of Physics, Vol 9, edited by Ya, E. Cbudars, Candidate of Physi-
comathematical Sciences~ I. M., Taksar, Candidate of Physico-
mathematical Pciences; and L. L Pelekis, Riga, Publishing
House of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR, 1956~ 165 PP
USSR/Ti. -retical Physics - Quantum Field Theory B-6
Abst jour.- Reforat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 33799
Author Kunin, P. Ye., Taksar, I. M.
Institution Tone
Title Nu-'ann Interaction with Allowance for Isobar States
Periodical Latvijas PSR zinatnu akademijas Vestis, 1956, No 2, 105-115
Abstract Nucleon interaction is considered with allowances for the isobar
state of the nucleon, which is treated from the point of view of
the semiphenomenological theory of 1. E. Tamm and others (Referat
Zhur - Fizika, 1955, 13184). The state of a system consisting
of 2 nucleons is described by a wave function, which has many
components, so that one or both nucleons can be in the isobar state.
A system of integral equations of the covariant type is obtained
Card 1/2
USSR/Theoretical Physics - Q-~artuv Field Theory
Abst Journal : Reforat Zhur - FiziKa, No 12, 1956, 33799
B -6
for the components of the weve function. Next, one ignores in this
syste-m of equations those components which vanish in the absence of
a field. Inasmuch as the interaction with the isobar can be con-
sidered small, these components yield correction for the next ap-
proximation of the perturbation theory. A transition is then ef-
fected from 4-dimensional functions to 3-dimensional ones for which
a system of 36 integral equations of the Tarin-Dancoff type with
36 unknown functions is form,--lated. This system can be applied to
processes in whic~h the nucleons sre both in free as well as in
bound states.
Card 2/2
YANUjJ!NL:V,';KTY, %Iadimir Aleksandrovicli; SHU1,'ILOV.,~Kly, prof.,
kand. fiz.-m t. nauk,
doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; TAKM,
red.; FROKOFIYET, F.T., k-an(f.--fiz-.-mat. nau , red.; PEIZEKIS,
L.L.J red.; LEVI, S., red.; BORM, E4, tekhn. red.
[Use of radioactive radiation in industry] Primenenie radio-
aktivnykh izluchenii v promyshlennosti. Riga, Izd-vo Akad.
nauk Latviiskoi SSR, 1957. 104 P. (raiLk 15:2)
(iiadioactivity--Industrial applications)
Scientific-Technical Conference on Methods of Radioactive lig-6-i4/i6
Control and Regulation of Manufacturing Processes
doctor of technical sciences and L.V.Mel'ttser, candidate of technical
sciences (institute for automation and telemechanics Ali USSR); it dealt
with the basic trends and tendences in the development of the auto-
mation production control by means of nuclear radiation. Great atten-
tion was paid to the reports of the Scientific Research Institute for
the Construction of Heat-Energetic Apparatus (NitTeplopribor), which
dealt -Ath the theoretical principles in the design of radioactive
apparatus for the measuring of the level and density of liquids.
B.I.Verkhovskiy (Physical Institute 91 USSR imeni Lebedev) described a
method on the increase of exactness in the measuring of the intensity
of radioactive radiation. I.M. Taksar and V.A.Yanushkovskiy (Institute
for Physics AN Latvian SSRj-ie-poft`e-d_on the consideration which should
be given to the statistic of the control signal at the registration of
radiation by means of a radioactive relay. The report of V.K.Latyshev,
Yu.S.Pliskin, L.K.Tatochenll-o and A.K. Felinger (Central Scientific
Research Institute for Iron-Mining) dealt with the characterization
Of f4,~ principle of the establishment of a quick-working radioactive
anmeter. Other interesting reports were submitted: by the Central
Card 213 Scientific Research Institute for Iron Vdning, by the Central
TITU Sore Relativiatic Fecuiaritie3 of the Behvvior of the Farticles rlt!i
5pin 112.
(,%Tekotoryye relyativistikiye osobennosti po-;ederiya chastits so spi-
nom 1/2 - Russian)
PERIODICAL Zhurnal tk3perim.i Teoret. Fiz-_*ici, 1957~ Vol 32, Mr 39
pp 5o6-5o9,
Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957
A&MRACT In the case of scal;r interaction the potential of the interaction bet-
ween the particle and the field is invariant, nhilst in the case of el-
ectrostatic (vectorial) interaction the potential consists of the fourth
component of a fourdizensional vector. Therefore the DIRAC equations
which describe the behavior of 2 particie with spin 1/2 in t~e scalar
field, have the following form, a + )j'f-0
ft;_'(C~jx- + a2zy '23g8z-)+ ~3(bo + U
Here Li; denotes the total energy of the particle, E. - its rest energy,
the potential energy of the particle in the scalar field, al,Q,G3,
and - DIRAC matrices, ?LANCK'S con3tant and the velocity of light
~_re ~~re put equal to 1. The authors here examine the onedimensional rao-
tion of the particle in the direction of 'the Ox-axis in ~ field, wnicn
represents a atraight potential barrier of the form U-O(x,4~0), U-Uo(x''>O)
here also the scLution of the SGrNODINGhR equation is set up in tne fcl_:L
cie1PXfx>0', and by-
!,ILrz ie of the Plane wavesIM. w aiel.7- + bie_i1V_(1X/_())2
75,~R. 01&,,noye upravltn,~ye po ispolltoyxntyu
&rd A"do._47A ntuk 353R.
Iditorl&l Board of Set' V.I. D-1i"11hin, 084#9acain (RIBP. Ed-). X-9
Re.p. Ed Yu 3 Zeal v kjy (Deputy Reap.
Shu.ilovsk-IY B.I. OV kii,
Ed.), L.X. Tatochenko Vr6 S.T. &zLrov, L.I. rotra*4
and N.G. Zelovinakaya (fiecret a-ry )
p.N. Hlysnin, Tech. Ed., T.P. Polonovs.
Ed. or Publishing House;
PURPOSEt This book in Intend:dtfor specialist$ in the field or a&-
chin. and instrument -ILnuf c tLr* who use radioactive Isotopes in
the study of materials and process@&.
COVERAGE i This collection of papers covers a very wide field of the
utilization of tracer methods In Industrial research and control
techniques. The topic of tnis volume to the use of radioisotopes
in the machine-and Inst-ument-manufacturing Industry. The indi-
viduLl papers diacues rho .pplIcationa of radioisotope techniques
In the study of metals and alloys, problems offriction and lubri-
cation, metal cutting, engino performance, and defects in metals.
Several papers are devoted to the use 0 f radioisotopes In the auto-
motion or InduatrIal processes, recording and ;easuring devices,
quality control, flow,matera, level gouges* safety devices, radio-
t1on counters, etc. These papers represent contrIbullons or var-
Ioua Soviet Institute. and laboratories. They were published an
transactions or the All-UnIon Conference on the Use or Rad-oac-
t-va and Stable Isotopes and Radiation In the National Economy
and Science, April 4-12, 1957- No personalities are mentioned.
BRB -4 -r most Or L" paper&.
kin. L.N., A.M. Bogach.., L.A. Brodskly, B.l._Yer4,,,,,JLy,
A.N..-MAkarov, N,3_NoyQ6h,,y and L. .A. Rubinaht*yn (Tsentr.
labor. bvtomatikI Min-va che'rn' . a I
Leningrad. m t1kIlurgiISSSR; Fie. nstitut
Bt&leprokatnyy I provolochno_k~mcyy za,od; %atel-
lurg. zavod .ZapOroz-hetall- Imeni Ordzonl~_ddze - Contr&I Auto-
Nation Laboratory of the Mlni5try of Ferrous Metallurgy, URSE,
Inatitutq Or physics Imeni P.M. Lebodev, Academy Of Sciences,
USSR1 Leningrad Stee lling.Mill and Steel Rope pl t; Metai
lurgical plan t . jc!o. an
Zap . _h te,11 imPnI Ordzhonlk:idze). Use or Ap_
PLrAtuh for the Measurement of the ThI6kn9~~ or Rolled Steel
coatings &Ud
Movoshanys, M.S. (Dn*Pr0P*trOv5k:LT zavod 'Zaporaztstal,-
Dnepropetrovsk oZaporothate,244 plant). Use of e,
at the "Zaporotbotmal% Plant nickmong O&U,*a 240
and VA__j.~ushkovsk%(In$tItut fIzIk1 Agsdeall fiv's,
~.Y SSR - lRAt1t4t_o_oF_ yelcm, Academy of Science*,
L-tvI1xn SSR). Consideration of' the ControlSignal Statiaties In
Recording Radioactive Radiation With Relay-type lnmtru~mants 242
LatyaNex_Y~X_ V.V. Lr
,41n, S.Y. Redyedev, Yu. S. PlIskin, L.X_.
nkQ, and V-.T-.'S U11-ra-Matitui mota2lovedniji _- fjzIkI
metallov TaNIIChX_=_Vart_j_Edte of Metallography and the physics of
Metals, TaNIIChM). Certain problems in Do9LJP1,1ng Oanna-Rity Loval
Indicators 247
X.. (Konstruktorskoye byuro "Tevotmetavtossatum*
==~:Ign Engineortng Office or oTsvtmst:vtO"t.'ka*, =M).
, c un
Use of Scintillat. n Cc ters With Electron Modul tion for Gaming
Radiation Recor4ing 252
Shpor_ K-r-, and V.A_TAnU&hXoVAk:I4 (In#-tltUt fisiki AN L&tVLY-
skoT SSR - Institute of Physics, Acadowjr of Sciences# Latvian
SSR). portable Radioactive Level Indicatore, 255
Br1k-Xq.A, Lovel Indicator for P"*.rlow%ng Materials 250
Ed I
L! L.r.. TL 0, 3.T. Y
w~d N.G. Ztla,lnt~~,; a(tecrtta.rY)-
-jd. of Publl.h4rg haumo: P.S. Le'yan1n; Toon. Id.t T.P. Polonova.
PURPOSE' -his Is lntln4ld for 6;.clalists In the field Of a-
ch4ne and lnstnmxnt ma~n~fhcture vno use radioactive isotopes In
the study Of materials and processes.
COVZRACIZz This collection of papers covers a very wide field of the
ut'll-ation of tracer methods In Industrial research and control
techniques. The topic or this Volume to the use of radioisotope*
the machine-and Instrument- manufacturing Industry. The Indi-
vidula papers discuss the appl-catlons of radioisotope tachrUques
In the study of meteas and alloys, problems off'riction and lubrl-
cat'on, metal cutting, engine performance, and defects in uetsis.
Sev"ral papers are devoted to the use or radioisotopes In the auto-
mation or Industrial processes# recording and measuring devices,
quality cont'rol, flo"eters, level gauges, safety devices, radio-
tion counters, etc. These papers represent contribution& of war-
lous Soviet institutes and laboratories. They more published as
Transactions of the All-Union Conference on the use or Radioac-
tive and Stable Isotopes and Radiation In the National Sconomy
and Science$ April 4-12, 1957. No personalities are mentioned.
Rer.rvness are given at the end of most or the papers.- -
Auzan, Yo. A., V.E. Banashsk~ Xh.g. Ounn*, ;..K. Takmar, _X.M.
Tum4l I Zymanip, 1~n. anush -
kovBk.-y (institut f1zlki AN Latvii-.'Xoy 33R; zavody Kom-
pressor" i-DzInmaxa- - Ina'.1tute Of, PhIDII.Co, Ac,.,domy of Sciences,
L_ "VEP., "Kompreanor', and row Plants). Automation
Ptvimn SSR; I .
and Control Equipment With Radioactive Relays 259
Spgalln,_1.0. (Voevoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatel$skly ugollnyy
Inotitut - All-Union Scientific Coal 1nmtitUt4). Gamma Relay with
Crystal Triodes 264
Pem.PR-r, X.3. Zvaluatlon of the Minimun Necessary Charge of
Counterre -fn-i Game Relay 2"
ShuallpVskly, N.N., Yu.V. Oushchin, and M. 1. Tolokonni)Rv
TTAstitut avtomatiki I 'teT*meld~iiilkl AN &MR Institute of
Automation and TolosechanIcs, Academy of Sciences# USSR). Dow or
Radloactlv* Isotopes for the Automatic Control or the Flow or
F.ryzh=ovsk:iy V V., I.I. Saflyants, and V.A. Tanushim ki.
(1ni0tuV_fiz1k1~Ak.d..iI L.tvjysk~, SSR i Lan r dy
OtLIeprokatnyy zavod - Institute or Physics, Academy of ftlanes&,
Latvian 33HI Leningrad Steel Rolling Kill). Use of Short-lived
Isotopes in the Control of the Process or Steel Strip Manufacture 2T1
and L.V. (Inmt1tut evzomatibd I
lttmldli~ikl " SSSR - Ina_~Itute of Automation and Tele"ohaniaso
Academy or Sciences, USSR), Use of Radioactive Radiation* in time
Noncontact Control of the Volume and Velocity of a Strom or Gas 276
ODD.-Y&-yu., and D.N Z-Iv. Use of Alpha Emitters for the Measure-
ment of Gas Density 260
.tlord&n'L 0'a" K' , Fuma.A, and T.G. Ntyvan (Xauchrw~lasledoyatoll-
skly Institut tt"i0anorgetich6ilicogo prhoromtroYenip - Do Ientifla
Research Institute for Heat-Power Instrument NakIng). squipmmt
for the Automatic Control of Gas Flow by Means of not& Mediation 06
.P0.chkk,L_P,A-, L~V~Rql_ltlnar, and X.Tj.,Y1MYuk0v ( sentralln"
dauchno-7561*40vatellskly Imatitut she kovoy pronyThlennosti
Central Scientific Res*Lrch Institute or the Silk Industry)
or Radioactive Isotopes for the Dlsslp ~tjon or glectrost&ti.
charge a In the Silk Industry 209
d other.~2.
HP C) 1-s. M,
SU 1IL01,`3KI~f, N. r-~.y 1 E )
"The "'flaeory and Pract Lce of Applyine Relay-Type Instruments Based an the Use
of-' Padloactive Isotopes."
to be
paper presented nt 2nd 1.P11 INtl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy,
Gane-.ra, 1 - l` Sep 58.
Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR
Nauka - proizvods~-vu; kratkiye annotataii rabot, vypolnennykh dlys promyshlen-
nosti i stroitell5tva, vyp- 4 (From Science to Production; Short Annotations
of Work Accomplished for ludustry and Con5truction, voi.4) Biga,
1959- 119 P- 1,000 copies printed.
Editorial Board: S. B. Aynbinder, Candidate of Technical Sciences, M. P. Zwds.,
Candidate of Economic SciencesP A. K. Malmeyster, Corresponding Member,,
Academy of Building and Architecture SSM, P.N. Odintsov, Corresponding
Member, Academy of Sciences lAtviyskeya SM,, and K. K. Plaude (Resp. Ed.)
Academician, Academy of Sciences TAtviyskays SSR; Ed.: Ch. Shkleanik
Tecb. Ed.: R. Bokman.
PURPOSE: Tftis book is intended for construction and industrial scientific
personnel, especial],y those concerned vith the use of radioactive isotopes.
COULUM: -.2hs. book untains -.44 articies preasittlug the readto of work uccnll*W
&VInstItute$ of tb&--1^tv1&,n:AcsAemv of Sciences in 1958. Tbe articles, which
deal with assorted problems in the mechanicalt building, and cbemical
From Science to Production (Cont.) sm/4461
industries., are grouped in the following sections- automation and mechaniM_
t16n of industrial processes,, machinery construction., construction and con-
struction materials, chemical technology, and industrial economy. References
accompany individual articles.
Radioactive Tagg:Lng of Welded Butts in Uninterrupted Hot Rolling
[Institut fiziki (Institute of Physics), TsNIrB&L13h (Central Scientific
r1e5e&rch Institute of Technology and Mchinery)", and Makeyevskly metal-
lurgicheskiy zavod imeni. S. M. Kirova (MikeyevkEL Metallurgical Plant
imeni S. M. Kirov)] 7
Workers of the Institute of Physics, A. A. Genis, I. M. T&ksar
and V. A. Yanushkovskiy, worker of the TsNIITMASh, instructor
in uninterrupted-rolling operations, A. N. Iroshnikov., and engineer of
Card 2/15
I tw-fz "m .--,
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.11IW.P.3 !IuI ~ul Inp s--v ;z *Twl..z
-q I wod-
Tran"vactlcyi5 of the Ta3hkert (Cont. S 0 T' /5 4 1 o
1.7andidate of P~iyE;-fes and Mathe%aticsv Ya. Fh. Turakulov, Doctor
I '. - U. h, Ed. : A. G.
of Blologl-ai S-Ience!~. Ed.-. R. T. Kh-amidov,' Tec
F-MP::SE r_ubli~aticri I.;zz Intended fnr i~!:Aentlfi,- wrrkers and
in Wh,-re,
c, a.. i w sotopes
arA ru..-',-ar radi,at~cn are u,3ed. f,:Ir rF-~,arc.b. n geo-
arl e,~hnolos�cal fie"de.
-.h of 1_33 a-rtI-_'e5 repre:=enj- the second
"--a-n.:-a,+-Ioni rj-f" the Taz_hkent Gcn'I'.--rr= on the
J:--ea of Atc~mi.c-- Fnergy. Individla'a], aLr4.'_1,-IeS deal
a w,-de z-ange rf problemz I-Ir? tlh- field ~f radiation,
and chew-ts-al analy!--~~!,~ rf
-1gat Jxr, of the c,", (-hernica.I r=actione.
by mearB of i3otcpe~i.~, applIcat'lon of zpe.:~tral analy~_-I..-~; for the
irani,fart-ur�ng of radioactive preparation raqtlican_~--Ive methods
.cr detier-mining the. content of elementz In the rcrksj, and an
ina-YE!, of metho_`B for obtaining pure 5!ubataw-e tain
rar'i 2/2)o
04'Pransactions of the Tashkent (Cont.) SOV/5410
instruments used, such as automatic regulators, flowmeters,
level gauges, and high-sensitivity gamma-relays, are described.
No personalities are mentioned. References follow individual
Lobanov, Ye. M. (Institut yadernoy fiziki UzSSR - Institute of
Nuclear Physics AS UzSSR]. Application of Radioactive Isotopes
and Nuclear Radiation in Uzbekistan 7
Taksar, I. M., and V. A. Yanushkovskiy [Institut fiziki AN Latv
S'SR--institute of Physics AS Latvian SSRI. Problems of the
Typification of Automatic-Control Apparatus Based on the Use of
Radioactive Isotopes 9
Gard 3/20
"'000/m 1 06~
AUTH'ORS Taksar I DI. and Yarmushkovskiy, V. A,
TITLE': Problems of standardizintr the -.esh-nolooical control
equipment in radioactive isotope applica-t. ions
PE2IODII-'t'tL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika _i radioelektronika.,
no. 1, 1962, abstract 1-2-39s (Tr. Tashkents. 'Konfe-
rentsii po mirn. uspolIzovaniyu atomn. ener--i-.
Tashkent. AN UzSSR, 19060, 9-17)
TEXT: This is a short description of the position (relay) type of
4, L
-M--truments as developed by the Institut f4ziki AN LatSSIR (Insti-
rute of Phjsics of the ,AS LatvSSq) in conjunction with the Tallin
f~jctory of control and measurej,,ient instruments. For the p,,,rposes
,if standardization the equipment was divided into 3 separate parts,
The source of radiat'on, transmitter and a universal electronia re-
1~ arious p I -ac-
- y Unit. V, urpose instruments using 8 types of radiG
dive train.9,11itters are considered. The example of using switc-,Iung
Irstruments in the continuous action equipment is gilien which =3how--
d 1 /2
02'"'0 0 0, 0 01- 0 1 7/0 6
Problems of stand,--,rdizina- D201,/D-40
I u CD , 5
,ew pco&ib",Jitie~ Jin -kie ~-ons'ru~~ion o'~' ind
I U. u t,
run;-, emen ',- S , 6 fi r es -5 references, /-Abstr-ter's note: Complete
S/Ge! '/'62/000/001/026/067
315 1 /'..)i 01
V. , 2,arinja, '.1. , 06ilets, V. ,
T~jk,u,tr, T. YarIL-Aikovski-, V. A.
T T "I cc)ntrol of a v,Lcuum-diLit: lIaLit)n apparatus
relay Syste%is
P -r" -I L. C, D 1 C.-~ LRal',~rLAivnyy zhurnal, 7himiya, no. 1, 1962, 300,
arj~trr,ct 11155 ~Sb. "Radioaktivn. izotopy i yadern.
izlucheniya v nar. kh-ve 66SR. v. 2:1. 'A., Gostoptekhizdat,
19161, 84-85)
For tne con-rol o~' a single-shell vacuum-distillation -apparatus in
the Rj.zhsI-iy mas-lr~z:-,irovyy ko7b-nat (iiga Oil and Fat Combine) a system
M -L
has been in:~talled whereby a neasuring colut.,in with an areometer floating D,
it i5 connected with 'the apparatus by means of two thin tubes. On the
column thjre are 1--ao :---rarliation sources of the -:. -1 (BT-J) type and two of the rI,IT -6 (ID-6) type (for determination of the density and level
of the solution). The signal from the pickups enters a standard ampli'f:LeT
Card 1/2
Auto;,",atic control of ...
circl!it :)C th;--l tyi),i, and is then passc-d on to an
a,,;t3.matic coa!,roi bl:)c? through t?ie slave. It is E:nvisa-r~-- that the
tran3iti()n will b;-- -nade from automatic control to se-Mi-ai-itomatic and
c-entralized manual control. The installation of 'Uhis system in a single
shell vacuum distillation apparatus for the production of glycerin gives
an economic savin,-, of. -- 64 thousand roubles per year. rAbstracter's note:
Car-' 2/2
AGGiSSION NR: A?3007869
Avj,,%.-opS: Kunin, P.; Taksar, I.; Shiltere,, M.; Shilter, E.
TYUL: On energy spectra and oscillator forces in single valence atoms
SOURZE. LztSSR. Izvestiya, no. 8. 1963, 5?-W
TO?IG TAGS: Sl-xo"ding~x equation, single valence atom, potential field.. neutral
atlom, single charge ion, lithium atom, sodium atom, potassium atom
ABSTIUCT: The ~bx;ding*er equation has'been solved for single-valence atoms in two
effective potential fields given by
B S(S+I)
U=- +
uliere B - 1 for neutral atomss B - 2 for single-charge ions, etc., and by a second,
more complicatedpne given by
U= -2r2- .2ar + s (s-4-1 I b
2r2 (r + b)
Card 1/2
A closed form solution is obtained for (1) and a three-term recurrence formula,
ropresented by a series, for (2), Detailed num~arical computations on an electronic'
computer are obtained for lithium,, sodium, and potassium atoms and in isoulectron
series of lithium. The various parameters appearing in the equations for various
energy levels are determined from experimental 'data. All computations were per-
'Lor-med on the BESM-2 VTs'computer at Latviyskij gosudarstvannogo universitet Im.
P. Stuchki (Latvian'State University). Orig, art, has: 12 formulas aqd 1 table.-
SUBKL11rM: 26Dec62 DATE ACQ: 220ct63 =L: 00
"Silters, E.1
.K u l., 1.-,l ,. . 1, L
- L ~. - .1
Ef',Ce--tive poten-lial method for detenm-n-'ng ~--e siod"um-
a I,oin. t;3- V!-l R-A 17:11)
Tz,v. AN Latv~ SSR no.10:49-53 I " I
Effective Do-lential method for calculating the energy
.L L -
spectrum and wave functions of univalent atoms. IzV. A-11
Latv. SSR no.10:54-56 163. (MIRA 17:1)
L 01)!68-66 aff ijp(c)
ACCESSION NR: AP5016658 UR/0362/65/000/002/0101/0110
538.4+621.689, '51
AUTHOR: Valdmanis, Ya. Ya.; Kunin, P. Ye.; Mikel'son, Yu. Ya.; oar, I.
TITL,E: Conducting slab in a traveling 4t~ ~of a two-sided In-
ductor .24
SOURCE: Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, no. 2, 1965, 101-110
TOPIC TAGS: MHD, electromagnetic field, current density, magnetic induction
ABSTRACT: Theoretical study of current density and magnetic induction in a slab
with conductivity cF and permeability pa is reported. The slab is placed between
linear round conductors; the slab and conductors are between regions characterized
by infinite permeability. These are denoted as regions I, II, III in fig. 1 of the!
Enclosure. The conductors producing the traveling magnetic field are connected to a
three-phase generator. The solution for magnetic vector potential and current den-1.
sity are obtained by writing out both as Infinite series and appropriate boundary
conditions are applied. The resulting =Vetic induction (and current density) the)
Card 1/3
L OV148-66
lead to the expression for the magnetic force density components along and across
the conducting slab. The conditions for minimizing the effects of various harmo-
nics on the magnetic force density are given as well as its dependance on the skin
depth in the slab and separation of conductors from the slab.. Change in force den-!
sity is also considered when N conductors are connected to a given phase. The dif-j
ferences between the two cases are pointed out and it is noted that only a small
increase in force density can be achieved. Finally, two more cases are considered
where the current-carrying round conductors are replaced by flat plates with and
without separation between them. The average force density is computed to within
0.1%. Orig. art. has: 46 formulas, 4 figures.
OTHER: 000 of i
NO REr sov: 002
Card 210
7 Fig. 1.
I--Infinite conducting-slab with
-G~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
conductivity a and permeability
II--Region with conductivity
a 2 0 and u m-po
ril--Region with V- and a 0
10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
J?S -1. ',IT7'
1. TAK3p' 6 -
h. Solenoils
10 C?5
7. Magn tic fiell of terl-inal 301pnois, Latv.z,S~- Zin. AI(7al. Vestic no. 1 1.
o mon t)-
zly Liqt of llu~sian 1-c-cessions, Library of 'Jonzress, Anril 1953, urclass.
Loading and unloading rubber in the Illichevsk harbor. Mor.
flot 23 no.1:11--12 Ja ~63. (MIRA 1614)
1. Nachal'nik kommercheakogo otdela Il'Ichevokogo pQrta (for
Takserman). 2 Dispetcher IllichaVskogo porta (for Rashkovetskiy).
~11'ichevs-k-.Lo6ding and unloading)
-in cif tie M flo
1r, tj~.e opera
10 D I PL AI
r C,
a -s i y nzhener ~o kommer.~! 6S1, cy ah t U, ra.
WjxdQ.,)j,t Cht.lLf-, Val 13. So 12 (174).
December 1,961.
"Jone.Complax Xechanism of Nitration
ftesturatod Compounds,* A. 1. TITOT ox s-3-a
Soiqqae and Rosoarq~L_LUO-tuto to
#"j3(tvqvw (tranal-ti.n or an *rtiolo
revised by %nthor, originally publiohod In Vqp cht.11
27. 843 (L959) by X. HAX03Z of the T-quA
y of
i.1 Chiraicinylof
.tj or.
Pol tochnLka) at V1 p 7
(Amellah Summary).
2. "IntrapArtiole Rodox Potentials.' M. C=3-SULIKOW-
SKA1 pp 812-814.
"low Reactions and Com,binationj of Complex
atom with Tertiary Amines and Their Complex. I th
Pri.ary Amints," Zdsi.lav ORZOMULI of the ChAir
(Kat4dra Ch..Ji OrjtnIozn4j) of the
VrIv4r1itj (U awor, yt
Koper ika
Toruall1a term . dim or tte a n r ph Von ri
Prof. Dr. Witold ZACHARSVICZ, Reviewers (roatnzomtj a
Fror. Dr. Josef lk~dLk ~C& and Docent Dr. Jan XRV?U-
'behavior of Rigid Aacropartlcl*s in a &city .2ek
with Gr&dl-nl,* Rachols, TXI.Uiz~~
or the Ins ti tu
Obsemil j of the Research Offioo of ApplAod
d rityki TothnIcansj), (Doctorate dim.
Physica f
ser-atten monograph, 2ponmori Deaent Janina
XA, Revi...rat rr.C. Dr. 2113im TVP.3KA.
Eng. Jorair UWADUI)l pp SL9-92V.
~Xju'-y of
t.4OrZ Wii2l:- li~-:.6-
3", Jco
of defc-r-Ation arjd hydro," c-f
poly,mer solutioris~ Pt.l. PolimeTy t-.rorz wie'k 8 no.7A.*
;~- i T
F`nki Pol.-Merow. Fiz- e chl
ItIbIl'-~rti!!, Oi:-ol-nej,, 'Jaxszawa.
Effec~ ~:,f -he character cf deformal, on, the h-,rl
vrovertles of polymer Solutions. Polimery tworz viel 8 rc.10:
~72-*378 WOO.
Flz- erow,
yk- i Polim,ut Chcu:i-ii Ogolnej, Warszawa.
i3e~--io ior o;~ c-ain-macromolecu-'es -:n 7.,e
field with parallel velocity gradient. Bul Ac Pol- mat 1i
no. 9: 603-613 l 6 -3 .
1. 1);-pai-tment of ':echnical Physics, Institute of General
Che;,:i.,;try, lilarsaw. Presented by L. Infeld.
" -l' 4 BI -'~. L , A r It ; -Z~-- j ; TN, , Ha,21 I e l a
Fr rfr;c~ *. Lor. and break a gre rif . - quid . I- --S . -1-2. Hoc z
ch-1. 1 i 37 no. 11 : 1503-1518 '03.
1 , Ins t 1 Luto of Genf) ra i C.,ifimi 3 Lry, oepar txvmt of Tectin I (--a I ihys i --s ,
~,,'ureaw-?ol i borz.
FormaLion and breakage of liquid threads. Pt- 3. Rocz chem-*'- 37
.. --L
no.12:1607-16-16 163.
1. Instituti~ of General Chemistry, DeDartnent of Technical Physics,
Propertfps cf solu* 'ions contair-,ng fleylble --haln
-n a veloc.-ity fielld of general x.'.nd wl~.~ a
gradient, Pt5. 1-2. Bull Ac Fol irath 1-2 164.
Depart en, of Techn'-cal *hya-
F' -~~a c~l the nstlTutp of ~e~eral-
Cheraistry, ~;e~rsaw, Fresented hy I-
In a gt; neret'. v,- Ir:,c ity f ield .tl '--Pi constant grad ~Lenr, C-1
4 Bul Ac Pol math nc)AC):627-648 '6,.
1. DIvI!:ion of Technical Physics of the Institute of General
Chr;rr-'.stry, Warsaw. Submitted Judy 13, 1964.
TAKS11i,N, I.D,
Production of hol-="g of -;pera,.ing blast
furnaceg. M,3t~ i gor-norui. prom. no. )~24-24 Mr-Ap 164.
NIRA 17:9)
TARSIC, Antun, prof.
Professor Marko Ma.-getic, April 25, 18~U-Yhrch 19, 1955j obituary.
Geol vjes Rrv, 8/9:247-2-49 '54115;, (publ. '561 i
6' ; ~~AB- -IC -LT,C;,
'a ?'a:-ina. r. '37.
cc:rd dc-osits in Krnr,~
T'~ t-eoloslIrl-a istrazivanla Hrvats'-e i llrvatEko
geojcsl7c urustvo) ~-"arTeb, Yugoslavia. Vcl. 11, 1057 (nuhliE-hed 1958)
La m A.CCE~r S; oils (z.; LC, Vol . 8, no 8, Au--. 1-59
..ult-L--ly _LL-t t Pe,
Fifty years of the gologic service in Croatia, 1909-1959. Geol vjes
Hrv 13:219-221 f59 published 6o). (EEAIT 10:4)
TAMIG, Antuan
Prof. Dragutin Anic; obituary. Geol vies !~~ 15 no.2:519-523
(publ, 1631
TAKS IS. -A. 1.
Chill casting iron kitchen pots. Lit.proizv. no.7;?f~-29 JI'55.
(Revda--Founding) (MLRA 8:10)
AP6036904 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0226/66/000/011/0072/0076
1 AUTHOR: Bessonov, A. F. ; Taksis, G. A.; Semavin, Yu. N.
0,::,G: UralskPoly-technic Institute im. S. M. Kirov (Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy
TITLE: Investigation of solid phase rea(--tions with the aid of a micrometric
SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 11, 1966, 72-76
TOPIC TAGS: chemical reaction, solid phase reaction, dimension analysis.
micrometric dilatometer, dilatometer , calcium carbonate, cuprous ox,4de, iron
ioxide , material deformation, aluminum oxide, zirconium oxide
ABSTRACT: A schematic diagram is presented for a high-temperature complex
micrometric dilatometer. Use of this dilatometer, makes it possible to analyze
in addition to changes in linear dimensions the sequence of processes which occur
in samples of MgO + FeO, M90 + Cu20, A1203+ Cu20, and Zr02 + CaC03
heating. The special characteristics of these processes are determined for
temperature regions of existence of various phases, areas of pronounced shrinkage
."Card I / 2-
ACC NR: AP6036001-1
of material, and 'Lemperatures of development of swelling, sintering, etc. Orig.
art. has; 5 fig-ures. [Based on authors' abstract) [ INT I
.Ca rd 2
More attention to the public instructor. Voen. znan. )9
no.12:26 D 16-L (PaRA 17:1)
1. Nachallnik shkoly grazhdanskoy oboro-ny Dobrovollnogo
obshchestva sodaystviya armii, avlatsii i floty, Sverdla7sk.
7 ". ~ -;- I..- -,
W 6I'l'!! ;:I j i -1
---, Gy. - Vol. ~'!' 1-:0. 5, V-1:7 19~5- -~ j ; "~ -A-".
,Icatl-nr of ;Lowns and settl -mou"s; detervilwit.1-on of lonslo. data on the source
of heat 1r.. thtw:zl Poijl.,r i)lants. (To be contd.) p. 176.
SO: j-'onthly lif7'. of Ea~,t European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, 7ol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955
~D*,Ir2e of
no. J1.1
T j
SCA !,ccess
ct hP,';t'
CC _S3
TaksorW, Gy.-
Present conditions and outlook of district heating in Hungary. P. 436
ENP.GIA ES ATOMTECHMKA. (Energiagazdalkodasi Tudomanyos Egyesulet)
Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 12, no. 7/8, JulyAugust 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEXI) LC, -'Vol. 8, no.11
November 1959
TAY,SONY, Gyorgy, okleveles gepeswernok
Trends in International economic development of energetics.
Energia es atom 14 no.1:7-12 Ja 162.
'A G.
!,'e w]a-,,a cr '~he s t-~ at, hi cd -* s ~ r -i ~z, c fe, ---nus
Valenciennius Fousseau. Soob. IT GnUz. SSR 20 3:301-306
S r02
1. Insti-tut paleob'-clogii ~T~ Ga-u--SSR, Tb.--!--si-. Sulanitted
r~-tnber 31, 1961.
il-V L L I
D 163. .17
i i
Methodology of determining small quant.itie s -3f
al materials. Lab. delo 10 no.3:153-156 f 6-y~.
1. linii(!Iin(-~-issleJovsitol',3kiy instAtuf
terstva zdravookhraneniya Gruzinskay SSR, Vbili~i.
TAKTA-TZOV,V.S., Inzhanor; SHARGORODSKIY,A.D., Inzhener.
All-purpose machine for filling earth da-me without use of trestles.
Makh. strol. 12 no.5:21-22 Mv 155. MR-A 13:6)
(Dams) (Hydraulic engineering)
T AKIIA5' 0,3, r e p - dav~, 1 i ii ")M'- 1) 7 11 prepodaval-ell; TIATYUK, Ye,
?,in,l, F, datsent
T'rair-'.r!R ol' '--an3n. 41 n-o,6,52-54
(~mu liS, 8)
1 4 If,
a-v'j)i -,Un (for Taktashevj
PaLidin). 2. Zalueetitell dekana transportnogo ffakullteta
Moskov6kogo instituta imen-I
0,:,dzhon-4lkl-dze I'for Koll.,:,snik).
History of the organizational development of land improvement
cooperation in the Uzbek S.S.R., 1923-1931. Nauch trudy Ta-b"T
no.2o6:54-71 162. -. I - -., ~ ~-- (MIL 16:6)
. . .0, 1
(Uzbnki Wtan'-`IrrIga tion)
1. MEDV~MENKO~ L. T.; TA-,:TT0N0VAj T. S_.__
2. ussR 6oo
11. Onions.
7. Eftect of dry-scale removal in onions on seeds yield and on obtaining a second
crop o-bulbs, Sbor. stud. rab. Umansk. sel'khoz. inst., No. 1, 1951.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1-0153, Uncl.
TAPMAE7, ZH . 3.
Takubaev, Zh- S. Calculation of highest approximations during the dispersion of
fast electrons by electrons. Page 898.
P. N. Lebedev Inst. of Physics
Acad. of Sci. USSR
February h, 1950.
SO: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics3 Vol. 20, No. 10., October, 1950.
Us SI I, /F~ e_-'.roc~ I en~_' s---r-Y B-12
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, 1-10 8, 1957, 26330
Aurhor A.P. Totopov,.A.K Takubov
Title To the 4uestion of Back~F6'uHd Selection for Anode Polaroo7aphy
in lion-Aqueous Solvents.
Orig Pub Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, 30, No 8, 1702-17o6
Abstract The solutions of KOH in methanol and ethanol, of NaI in
acetoritrile and (CH3)411I in pyridine are suitable as back-
t,-round at anode polarographing with Hg drop electrode; ad-
dition of relatively large amounts of water to KOH solution
in ethanol does not cause any undesirable phenomena.
fAK;~!LOV, U. P.
"Clinical Significance of the -Copography of Cancer :metastases
in the Lymph Nodes of the Neck." Cand I~Led Sci, State inst for the
Advanced Trainin-- of Physicians, Leningrad, 19,14. (IRZhBiol, No 5,
Miar 55)
SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55--SurveY of Scientific and technical
iJissert-tions Defended at USSR Righer Educational Institutions (15)
Diagnostic significance of tooopraphv of metastases of cancer in
cervical lymph nodes. Vop.onk. I no-5:46-56 155. . (HIBA 10:1)
Is 1z Severo-Osetinskogo respublikanskogo onkologicheakogo
dispansera (glavnyy vrach U.T.Takulov) i Kliniki obshchay khirurgii.
SOGMI (zav. - Prof. G.Kh.Serkisov) Adres avtora: Ordzhonikidze,
Severo-Osetinskiy respublikanskiy onkologicheakiy dispanser.
(LYKPH NODES. neoplasms,
metastatic spreading from various organs. cervical nodes)
(N3CK. neoplsms,
metastatic spreading by cervical lymph nodes various
EXCERPTA MIDICA Soc 16 Vol 7/12 Cancer Dec 59
*5oo6. Some data on cancer of the skin in North Osetia (Russian text)
TAKI-1.0V U.T,-Republ. Oncol. Disp. of North Os.-cia, Ordpconikidze i*,,Ijr. Onkul.
:11,1-217) Tables I
ur, , to.l.7 io,)7 C1,111cer (if dic skin accoonted :or 15.5-33,5",*, (a%'cI'atV
of all 'malignant' mniqurs. Tlie morbidity rate p.:r toomoo was i2H for men and
150 for women. A detailed analysis Of 7o() cases ii given. nic site was oic fare in
nd wernitiv", Multiple lesions
B2.1 Scall) neck 2..1",,, trunk 3.1",,, a
WCIT floted in of cases. In 26 patients Iymph node nictastase% were
found. In tinnours of the legs, however, meta- ases were found in 6 out of i.j
patients. (XVI' I j)
-~.-,;,rli-m-tion of the mn gins of a stc-illach
--ra' !or, rf~-E;iAed 'rjr and an i uLt-' cr. of' the derrce
-re J-
the radical operation. rairartgriia nc,."'*.7"-'7 Ag 1462, (MIRA 15-.8)
I-- Seaverc-Osetinskogo respublikanskogo onkologicheskog dis-can-
"ev, (Lflavr.--
1 1. yr v--r,-Lhc -- A.Mi. Khoranov) g. Ordzhoni-
TAKULOV, U. T. (Ordzhonikidze, ul. Spartaka, 14)
Routes for the lymphogenic spreading of gastric cancer. 'top. on!..
8 no.5:52-61 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Iz kafedry obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. G. Kh. Sarkisov)
Severo-Osetinskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta.
(rektor - dots. M. A. Totrov) i Severo-Osetinskogo respubli-
kanskogo onkodispansera (glav. vrach - kand. mad. nauk A. Kh.
TAKULOV, U.T. (Ordzhonikidze)
Changes in the lymph ducts in gastric cancer. Arkh. pat,
25 no-5:51-57 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Iz kafedry khirurgii (zav. - prof. G.Kh. Sarkisov) i
kafedry norinallnoy -anatomii (zav. - dotsent V.V. Pedya;r)
Severo-Osetinskogo rileditsinskogo instituta.
dot Seri t
~c --an ce., an:~ f
,.acrascopic forr cf
its growth and micrcscopic expansion.
1. Kal'edra obstchey khirurgli (zav. Takulov)
Severoosetinsko~~o meditsinskogo insLituta i Severcose tins-,,-. ly
respublikanskiy onkololgicheskiy dispanser, Ordzhonirkidze.
A ~ITHO F: Takumbetov, M. (Ufa) _2 -2 -4/12
TITLE: Estimation and Calculation of Operational Expenses at Machine
and Tractor Stations (Ob uchete i kallkulirovanii proizvodst-
vennykh zatrat v mashinno-traktornykh stantsiyakh)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Statistiki, 1957, # 2, p 2Q,-39 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: One of the basic conditions for a continuous rise of agri-
cultural production in the USSR is the improvement of the per-
formances of the Madhine and Tractor Stations - MTS. According
to the directives for the sixth five-year plan, the daily per-
formances of tractors and combines must be increased by 30 % --
35 % and the net operational costs reduced by 16 % in order to
diminish the considerable expenses to the government. It is
planned to make the MTS gradually self-supporting, which will
enable better utilization of material and labor resources and
help increase the importance of the MTS in the development of
agricultural production and the organizational consolidation
of the collective farms. The author points out that self-
supporting enterprises ought to do correct estimations and
calculations of net operational costs and that the accounting
system used by the MTS does not reveal the exact expenses for
~Iard 1/2 the work performed by machines and tractors on the collective
2- 2-4 /12
Estimation and Calculation of Operational Expenses at Machine and Tractor
farms they are servicing. The present calculating system
needs substantial improvements if the MTS should be made self-
supporting. Proper bookkeeping showing the actual expenses
of MTS for maintenance, repair, work performed by tractors
and combines, transportation by trucks, supply of electricity
from MTS power plants to households on collective farms will
reduce operational costs wherever possible and show the net
costs for labor and expenses in correct proportion to the
compensation received from the collective farms.
There are two tables,
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 212
'TAKUMBETOI, M.I., nauchnyy sotrudnik.
Cost accounting at machine-tractor stations. Nauka i pered.op.v
sallkhoz.7 no.1:48-50 Ja '57. (MLRA 10.2)
(MachinE-tractor s,ations--Acounting)
Accounting for oroduction ex-Denses Find cqlculnting coats on
mnchine-trpctor stntions thai oDerate on n commercial basis.
Bukhg.uchet 24 no.4:16-24 Ap '57. (MIRA 10:12)
(Machine-tractor stAtions--Costs)
-Jed fcr
de: e.
and i-jr e C-
A 71 v 2 7, 1;
"A K j 'I'ARAKAMIOV, inzh.
i , WIOVA,
KOLPAYWI, ~~, 'I-, I
D r~,it-j .,f foa-med prIVUI'A-thanos~ Str0t, ffvtf,,, 9 no-5~'
~ rope I , - (MIRA 16~7)
3c-z,-o My 163.
CHABINKA, Wojciech; TAKLMKA, Wanda; HENM, Irena
Curves of heparin action in patients operated on. Przegl. lek.
krakow 10 no.12a:401-404 Dee 54.
1. Z III Kliniki chirurg. A.M. w Krakowle - kierownik prof. dr.
(HEPARIN. effects
on blood coagulation after surg.)
(BLOOD COAGULATION. off. of drugs on
heparin. after surg.)
The relation between the strength of brick walls and the way of brick binding.
P. L15.
PRZEGIAD GORWICZY. (Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inzynierov i Technikow
Gornictwa) Katowice, Poland, Vol. 15, no. 9, Sept. 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) T-C, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960.
TAYIUSKI, Stanislaw
DepositB of limestone in Ghana. Przegl geol 9 no..'O,'554-556 '61.
1. Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza.
TAKU-KI Staniqlaw
Raw -=lass materials for the glass industries in Ghana. Szklo 12 no.8:
232-234 Ap,, '61.
1. riatedra Glebienia Szybow, Akademia Gorniczo-Rutnicza, Krakow.
GAJDEk,) Lugon-Lito.,,10 Higi. iliz.1; TAKUSKI. Stanislaw,, dr.
ALIplication of' gravei-concrete filters, GoSL wodna 2 -4, r o . '-~ : Z, 0 -"-
0 -
409 S 162.
J ~,Fa~J 3 IF)w
Gr-,rta,ir, mecYaniral prapertj,ec3 (;J: aflir~atta swirls. Gor-
14. --~tio Ki-ak-our nc.9993-120 v 6"
NaTedra Glebic-nia Stnybow G dav7 4 -Ze~
ba Gr, -f- Akade
,Xjmi ka, KI
L mio -akow.
TAKIISKI , 51-imiglaw, dr inz.
Ha(!injog"o. rf-nsuroment of the Icosened zone in the floor of mine
workings. ir,Tz~gl gorn 20 no.3:89-92 Mr
TAKUYEV, K.~i. kg. Leninakan)
Technics of appeadiczoaq. Vest.khir. 77 no-5:1CO MY '56. (MLRA 9;8)
TA,%M-'EV, K.S. , wiyor med. sluzhby
Diagnostic value ol" the 'lumbar sy::mtom." in appendicitis. -toer.-Med.
zhur no-5:91 W 157 (M.13-1' 12:7)
' -e~-' 4'gu4r "
F-,u-rgi,,a: treatment r-f ind, r - - - - I '~-- ric, r r--, a uy F,
-I' -- , -- '3 ( M, T -rQ!L . - . t ~
methods Sov. med. 2- no, 0 a -
a 0 0 0 0 a re a 4; 6 6 4F 9 VOF V - W - -i - i a
11 t; 11 .1 11 It JR ZI JWAJ# Pt AJ
A I L 9 L f 6 h J L 1. 1. tVV V A I L Q LV tt
f COOMM-' wkb& TAKY F EkktrwtrWka
dOmmuk Rkkis in"Affellow and aim a
for colknalkis pmWbk Im& p,,,pi, am
giv" of the M-t -N&bk dkPDWt6m foe Ame-bum ad .
.0, 0
a::d -00
0.0 # I L4&0
*0 Zoo
JL. W.LL01,k-t L.Ift.TL" (L.SSIFICIT10-
4 La too
.2 .
0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a SO 0
- - - - - - - - - - --
TAKY, Ferenc
f4uestions relatin~~ to tee mr~dernization of working pl"e il-
luminaticn. Munkavedelem ~ no.1/3:1-? 162.
1. Szakszervezetek 0-1,agos Tanacsa Munkavedelmi Tudomanyos
Kutato Intezete;es "hinkavedelem" szerkeszto bizotts-iganak tagja.
Is the color-ccrx-ected merc=,r vapor lamp (HgL) suitable for
illuminating inner rooms? 1,hu*avedelem 9 no.4/6:10.-13 163.
1. "14unkavedelem" szerkeszto bizattsagi tagja; Szakszervezetek
Or5zagos Tanacsa Munkavedelmi Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet.
_B!La A.G.[Taksei, A~Hj
)___ L T
production of bacon. Khar. prom. no.l-.56 Ja-Xr 163.
(MIRA 16-./,)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut myaso-
molochnoy promyshlennosti.
71,1k A. H.
so* too4l 0010
1, If a IV a '% n A ' a, u )I ]a 13 k I/ If
A I L Q L J L L_ L A h" r Q A V T,- -1 _1_1, AA VD It i I A
Qudritiq Of time In a raw frillt"fa (of ailicals bricks. A FAI
/-W#$ Ahl"I'llol N", 2, 141 tqllI:hj) *111, "14.116ty "T Nim - J, J~ -I- q , 1;
I I I th, jw..ity '4 111, 11:1w. it% tclop. III fifflIK and its finene-, C_'I lim cutch. awl
101, Chl-Ill. tlt,Fltpn of thr Mntj An4l thr SlIalw of amins. al"t th'. '1.1~ ~'f t1-1f -ff.,-; Ck)
11"Ill'Ilrnrify 'If 1h, f-~J' f"I'f (ri I Ijjrlh.,I of Akint M, lim,- Vm-mf I hots
I'm% mer.0- it, iwm- i. . .....
III lhr bri, k' .
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