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L 11125-63 EPA(~)/Wq)# 1q/ S FS(V) ASD/~qT C4k~~ ~C W ACCESSION NR: AP3000710 S/0258/63/0031002/0:M/0221T 7- AUTHOR- Bukovshin, V. G.,(Moqcow)j Taganov, G. I.-(Hoscow) TITLE: Calculating the aer-dyn' ~s'acting an bodies with separated flow regions in hypersonic flows. SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal, v. 3, no. 2, 1963., 2'15-221 TOPIGTAGS: hypersonic separated-flow, aerodynamic forces, spiked body ABSTRACT: A theoretical method'is outlined for calculating the aerodynamic forcesi acting on bodies of arbitrary shape in hyper6onic, flows in the presence of separa. Certain assumptions are give c 'T, i ted flow regions of given configurations. ri whi h .1. I- .- consAde~ably simplify the problem of flow around spiked-bodies and make it possible I to calculate forces in three different regions, i.e., a conical dead-air regiont a reattachment region, and an outside region. The method is applied to the calcu-; lation of lift and drag forces acting on 1) a sphere and 2) a cone, both with a spike at an angle of attack. The results, presented in graphs, show that flow' separation phenomena have a great influence on the'lift and drag of the sphere, particularly at a zero angle of attack, but.very little on those of the cone. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and"17 formulas. Card 41 - L i82 - 6~~j EFR I PA(b)/ElAr, )/BDS/ES(v) AEDC/AFFTC/ASD/AFMDC Ps-h/ :t~l /E -f~-4/Pe-h Wd ACCESSICav NR: AP3oo6339 S/0258/63/063/003/0419/0423 AUMCH: -Neyland, V. Ya.(Moscow); Taganov, G. I. (Moscow) TITIE: Forward separated flow region in nonsymmetrical supersonic flow over a spiked cone SOURCE; Inzhenerny*y zhurnal., V. 3, no- 3, 1965, 419-423 TOPIC TAGS: separated flow, hYPerr-onic flow, hy-Dersonic flow over cone, spiked cone, mass flow rate., laminar mixing ABSTRACT: A generalization of the method used by S. M. Bogdcnoff and T. E. Vas (Hypersonic separated Flows. Seventh Anglo-American Aeronaut. Conf., it. y., 1959) to solve the problem of hypersonic separated flow aver a spiked con-e at an angle of attack other than zero is described. The flow configuration Is given in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. Coordinates of lines of intersection of a "fluid cone" (BCB') with the body and flaw parameters in the Iquinar mixing region are determined, and an expre a sion for mass f low rate to the stagnation region is estab- lished., and a numerical calcula'don of the angle of the "f luid cone" is made f or various angles of attack a (0-100) at Mach num.1,E=s 5-100. The results (given in graphs) with respect to the maximum value of the angle of attack compatible Card 1/,3 L 18236-63 ACCESSION MR: Ap3oo6339 with the flow model considered are discussed. Orig. art. hast. 3 figures and 15 f onaWjAs. ASSOCIATICIR: -ncne smmwm; l3Feb65 DATE ACQ: Mep63 ENCL: 01 SUB CUDE -. AI NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 002 Ca rd 2/3 VA Z~j f u, :r,-: o r! 1 r M o nolies with ser.aration ror ~Orlsll !lr~ 5--ntei' :it 'ho '~ndl 111-Union Gongress on T!.,--o-.--t;cnl anc' Ar:-!-,cd ..O.-cou 29 Jan - '5 Feb 61~. 01, 71 C C:.,~!- 1 C -col- r Ja IT TA3f-.,N-JV, X. , Cand lech Sci -- (diss) everwy for the generation af cold." I A I 1~ 1~ ~11 1 -1 "Utilization of solar Mros, 1,9r~7. 14 rj-. (Acad 3c1 U95R, %-wer Inckt Im "r. M. Y,'rzhIzhanov8kIy) . (KL,9--r:8, 119) - 97 - TAGANOV, K. Possibility of using solar energy in relFrigeration engineerin Izv.AN Turk.S.S.R. no.3:13-2~ 157. (MIRA 10:0* 1. Institut fiziki i geofiziki Aksdemii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR. (Solar energy) (Refrigeration And refrigerpting machinery) TAGANOV, K. Studying nAtural circulqtion of glycerol in the ex-perimental model of a solar household refrigerator. Izv.AN Turk.SS.R no.4:3-12 '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Institut fiziki i geofiziki AN Turkmenskoy SSR. (Glycerol) (Solar engines--3lectromechanical analogies) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) KAKABAE&V, A.; .L- --a tan Duration of qurs'l-dne in individual cLf T " nis r.. TrUdy fi,-,.-tekl,. inst. AN Turk. SSR 8:1+9.-56 162'. (MIRA 15:1-1) (Turlaienistan-Sunshine) BAYRAMOV, ft~ . YEWIYLEVA, O.N~; TAGANOV, K. Technical and economic bases for using soL-Lr refr-4gerators in Turkmenistan. Trudy fiz.-tekh. inst. IUI Turk. SSR 8,57-74, 162. (MIRA 15:1.1) (Tur lane nistan--S olar engines) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) I ' iFCFA YEVA NT.T. red. BA. BAYLV, A.G. red ; alLAa CHlY, 1 S -IETF,DV M. k, red KUNIN, V- Nl~ red larid- geol-miner. nauk, red T GANOV~, K.; kqnd, tekhi, nauk- SCKCl.!,)VA, I.-!., kand -e khoz. naulk, red , ~~RT'~NCVA, T. V. . red i zd-va, vEVA, G. A. ., tekhn rl~ i f-:'ail-c-rlais uresented at the InLe-republllc Sc~enti--lc Ses- sion on the Reclaiming of' the Deseft Areas of Central Asia and Kazakhstan] Matbria17 dolozhennye na Vezhrespubl-lkanskoi nauchnoi sessJLi po osvoeniiii pii,-tynnykh territorii Srednel Azii i Kazakh5tana, Ashkhabpd, lzd-vo AN TSSR. Book 1, (Natu- ral co-ditlons, animal h-,:sl:endry, and feed suppl,. of the deser~j Frirrdnye i~slcvi ... zi-.-lvo-.novodstvo i kor-noval'a ba- 1 0 4 -er re ,a Plistpl' - 19'3~ '85 1 Book 2. (Land and dat - sources of the deoert anc. their utilization] Zemel`no- v~~dnye resursy Dustyn' i ikh ispol'zowinie 1Q6.3 1-18 p- (MIRA 16:A) (Continued on next card) ~,cfjntinuedl Card I Mezhre!3puijIik:inckay..a nwichnnya sess7ya po os-royeniyu puStynnykh territoriy Sredney Azil i Kazakhstana, Ashknal~id, 1962~ 2, Akademiya nauk Turkmerlskoy SSR (for FeTrov. Necl-,;iyeva), 'I. Institut pust-yn' AN Turkmenskoy 'SSR (for Petro-,r). Chien--- ko rrespondant AN Turkmenskoy ~7'7 (for Kunin~ of lancl--Congvesses) Central Asla-Reclarriation of land--Congresses, "Deserts--Congresses) s/2o2/u5/vou/ool/ool/oo6 E-902/E192 AUTJ10R6 Davlctov, .X. Zhadall, S. Z. Taganov, K., and I, ~syhullshiy, O.T. (deceased) T IT I-reori ejector of low output I EI(IODICALI. Akadem 'a nauk Turkmenskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya t'izJko-tekhnicheskikh, Ichimicheskikh i geologicheskikh nauk. no.1, -1963, 6-14 T -~-.T A detailed analysis of the performance of a recently butilt solar refrig(--rator working on the ejector principle has been carried out. A special installation w-as built which permitted Measuring three specific coefficients of ejection u, as functions of pressure in front of the nozzle Pp, pressure of the ejected vz- Po r Po, and the counter pressure Pk. The experimental in,;tallatiori consisted of a gas circuit with a relatively high pr.~ssure in front of the ejector nozzle generated by a compressor r -as L (2FV-b.5). A buffer capacity arranged between 'he C 7~ -. e :5 S -Z r a = ZZ e e - - c -e first series of experiments, in whicr. zwo cnaracterist.Ics were aieitsurcd, viz. U u(PO) and u = U(Pk), the manometric fluid Card 1/3 Freon ejector of low output S/202/63/000/001/ool/oo6 E202/E192 used was mercury. Since it the various velocity losses character, the total losses coefficient determined from '~D All'U11 was impossible to differentiate between in the ejector due to their complex were expressed by means of an auxiliary the expression The heat loss was calculated from the temperature entropy diagram using a specially large scale to improve the accuracy. In the second part of the experiments, when mercury was replaced by an aqueous solution of calcium chloride, in addition to the above relations, the relation between u and u(P P) was studied. It was found that after reaching the limiting value u decreased. On analyzing all the three characteristic relations - u = u(Po); U = u(Pk) and u = u(P P ) it was noticed that the first one, after achieving sonic conditions, continued to increase but at a slower rate; the second remained constant while the third decreased. The velocity loss coefficients behaved in a similar way. Card 2/3 L U458-63 EM/EPF(c) /EPF(h)-2/BDS/OdT(1)/ D/M I C~1~0 Pu-4/Pi-4 RM/WW TAJ 1/b_J~UJC/92 O~ AUTHOR: Taganov, K., Candidate of Techn ical Sciences; Illyasov, Kh. Engineer TITLE: Heat transfer with freon-12 boiling in a heliorefrigerating plant 111*t 1 +0 PERIODICAL: Kholodillnaya tekhnika,.4no.*2, 1963, 4-7 TEXT: The authors obtained an empirical formula for calculating the heat transfer coefficient of froon-12 boiling in an inclined tube. The formula o.646 4.48 q was derived from ~he giJaph in Figure 3 of enclosure-1. The effect of the velocity of freon upon the boiling process is characterized by the formular derived from graph in Figure 4 of enclosure 2: 0( = (Gq)0.32/d. The experimental values of heat transfer coefficient are 1.5 to 2 times higher than those computed according to formulas obtained by Kruzhinin, Kutateladze and Tolubinskiy [Abstrac- ter's note: Works of above authors are listed-in bibliography]. These com- parisons are shown in Figure 3 of enclosure 1. A dit~gram of the apparatus used in the experiments is shown in Figure I of enclosure 3. The results of the study indicate that freon jets are suitable for use in heliorefrigerating plants with relatively high temperatures in the evaporator (above 01 C) and at a boiling point in the producer exceeding 700 C. The article has 4 figures and a table containing Association; Physics and EqgilKering Inst.,gfi the Academy of Card 1 Sciences of t rkriensicaya 1 12458-63 EPR/EPF(c)/EPF(h)-2/BDS/EWT('l)/ n Fs-k /11mr-4/. Pa-4/Pi-4 RMfWW j-T/W/dr4ffl2D/0/0 04 77, AUTHOR: Taganov, K., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Il'yasov, Kh. Engineer 79 TITLE: Heat transfer with freon-12 boiling in a heliorefrigerating plant -7 PERIODICAL: Kholodj-llnaya tekhnika, no. 2, 1963, 4 TEXT: The authors obtained an empirical form-aa for calculating the heat transfer coefficient of freon-12 boiling in an inclined tube. The formula CK 4.4. qo.646 was derived from the g ( ~aph in Figure 3 of enclosure-1. Theeffect of the velocity of freon upon the boiling process Xs characterized by the formular derived from graph in Figure 4 of enclosure 2: 0( = (Gq)0-32/d. The experimental values of heat transfer coefficient are 1.5 to 2 times higher than those computed according to formulas obtained by Kruzhinin, Kutateladze and Tolubinskiy [Abstrac- ter's note: Works of above authors are listed in bibliography]. These com- parisons are shown in Figure 3 of enclosure 1. A diagram of the apparatus used in the experiments is shown in Figure 1 of enclosure 3. The results of the study indicate that freon jets are suitable for use in heliorefrigerating plants -Adth relatively high temperatures in the evaporator (above 00 C) and at a boiling point % and a table co tainin in the producer exceediU 700 C. The article has 4 fii?r( .e n Association: Physics and Engineering Inst. o T_ Academy o Sc ences noi Card 1/y/ the Turkmenskaya SSR 17 0 a 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 G 4 0 0 a a 6 W a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 a a 0 a , ; I , s , 7 s WI .11 13 1. Is411 Ill JD 11 U a N 23 A 21 n It . X) 11 M 11 A is hil 17 it M -0 of U su as IsA L C L-1 r -A _L A a F A I I I- ~ -A I Jit- CC, PP U-4-A-A-L __L x, It-i T a 0 a *11POchrucraphuc Anallyus in tM Ammmium bdub7. K. 1. Tligs~ll- so (lz,yjg. Akad. Slink S-S-V.R., 1941. [Fit.]. 5, (21,13), 2NJ6-2-JU). -~frjrj lju,,jjjj.) !.Oe 00 A d"cription is given of a method that hala bmn worked out for the alseci ri)- graphic analysis of the raw materimb usod in manufacturing arculllulat~. The inethod licrinilm (111, AnAlvAiA of (1) Islad for Vu it, .04 4 Ag Ni ' " 0 Ca (11.1K18 4) W .). Mg (111-M2 0-031" ). with an jveraw accuravy of � Ilw,,; I `~ afthimmull I'ad for ('11 (1) Bi (0-1KX4-O-tr2O,,). Cd (0.4mil., 7 .00 11 413%1. ith an averagr se, iraVy of 10- - I ) antim"y for Am (O-igstt ~ l Vu 14 s (vi % .06 0 ~ 11113 41- I ( Is, (I). I . s ..1h .11 est-vurary of 6-10"0: (4 frai pmdrr.,, Th,- Fr~ll_jwr mark 00 00 cl-i a., a light mmr,~ fits, (1) (3) anti a I IO.r. a.c. art, for N. It. V. =00 06 coo 00 0 0 7 coo as 60 00 A L I ~f TAL LtPIK IL L ITFOATLUI CL-WFK-T1C- z 00 woo 00 it _0 b r -j-T-j j 0 9 L S N Od 0 0 0 1 V 05 a 0 3 P D 1. ft KIs if R 9 W ff J Oil 00 0 0 a 41 & : : : : : : : : : * 6 0 0 9 0 4 W Or -0 0 a 0 0 J, ~ - -4 - 6 0 0 0 a 0 # : 0 9 0 0 W-Wif-010-1111 Wo Cs 41 0 0 0 11 Ill 0 0 a 0 411 0 0 11 u 17 It " a 1 2) u 0 74 n .0 IT? 19 7. 1" 1) U 11 1. r u 11 . . . . - I. I, .. .1 1, * A A C R -L--f -6 AL-A-1, L 0 r V It S I it Y Y I AA Its LL It' U k I '00 Ill ledd Al"d its oxides bY the xpctral melhod A, 0A ra Ifirtlill'i is'k-wrifit-4 Iw th, altalv.i, of I'll and it, ' 00 '"I'" fcw Mll, Zn, Sit. CII, Sit. Ni. Clj, A4, fit. an,f A- * 1 -00 File 4;Icctral line, ij~] wvre:Uw;7.7 k. (,w fit IIA I- Cd, (w 2149.-S A. if A, w4i Ill-c-io (19 Cit*2:1 W.S for A,; LW.1.7 and 2-.!os -1 (,,r %1,,. 11 -00 (,,r Ni, 2MOM ba Sti. ~." I 1 .11- *,1,. :-,VI ---I 00 Ill- h. NI...t "t III. k~ 0 .-talt -mly afl'-f 2 .1 m- I.. P!, %I - l I : l- I Ax m- apipamd diumg 111, 0 n IwII 111".. -if ~ 1. g4n I It IT ........II ..... I.., Ow who 1911110 tile fligh lvlylp~ (If [fiv an'. Durme. Ill.. 00 IVA% :11111-1 .11-Ilt and fit,- AO III- .it .-1. logo I"-x:tn III III, '.1--rv"I "!Ifv "Ift- ...... '00 -tI, Irl h-, 11w Ill, III, fl-I 00 f,,r -im,pi,stit 00 41 XV I" 1l,-, 500 coo ZOO 00 00 9 t!00 00 ago A I A S L A NITAILLUPWAL LIT11INATLAECLOSSWK.TION S.14.1 -1 0-- C-f a u It p IV it ormi waltil man am rw 0 A Im 1 9 0 0 10 000 00000000 N loo 0 00 9966060 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 00 3832 Sit-Irt-Isic Fatfanstion n( Carflum t In Irlin % S%.W:t,W %it, 1 1% 1 11 ir% Wool I-f- 'I r.itisLilit", N o J, 'llp 1-11- 00 -00 00 zoo 0411 - zoo 00 reo ~:O 0 00 ZOO so 00 00 00 Z.00 ee 00 0 W f W7~ W- w- " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 o o0 0000 o *00 ooooo : [ 75 4 If M ii k L' 38 0 .1 V .3 - a e0 I A . x r a i-_ I u, o olit o C '00 00, 00 -C :-09 00 '247. An Mectrical Device for the Transfer of Samples During Spectroscopic Analysis. (In Russian.) fl. S. 00 A Sventilskii and K -1-Tusnov. Factory Laboratory 90A t U.S.S.R.). v- 13. July 1947. p. 850-M. -00 go r:- Method and apparatus described are based on the .00 principle of electrical erosion recently applied to 00 40 0 mAchining in the U.S.S.R. A definite amount of 8 o o '3 the material of the specimen to be analIzed im zoo transferred to a fixed electrode bv electro-erosion, zoo *Go then the specimen electrode is rep~ljkced by another on, like the fixed one. An are is struck, and the zoo time durinz which the characteristic lines of th, 9o Oein~nt being determined are visible is considerx4i C 00 to be proportional to the percentage composition W = ~ 0 z 0 o' o Givt~s circuit diamm of the apparatus and chart, 4 typical results. 02 I : -zoo I I uo I W : 001 =00 rjo 0 C- S L -IT S -LIW?IJF.L L-11.11LAt CL.SIIPIC.Tt -T- 811111311 00 U LY PO M, 0 -4 P r 4 KIE WSJ Prutt JECE 0 JIV i IA AA L A a .3 a C MW r 1 14 I V 0 o 0:0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 ~ lip oo*ooo!loo *OOOOOGOGOO000 000000000000000090 *000 T USSR/Phygice t%r 1948 Electrodes Spectrum Analysis "Electric Spark Transference in Spectrum Analysis," K. I. Taganov, 6 pp i"Priroda" No 3 Every electrical discharge between two current con- ducting electrodes is accompanied by transfer of material from one electrode to other. Author do- scribes importance of this fact in spectrum analysis~ particularly in stylograph. Spectral analysis by transference in the electric spitrk IS%'tIm'kII ; .... I K I I'I;'mor i, ~ 1 -1 1 *.,.i N " j N N . 1.. 1:' 1 *101" Its L - f. . I III, 1.11111'1r OV. ti-l'. 1.1 it, 1 1. 1 1111,. 1 I't rm,& I It I I. I h~ It, 1 4 1-, J.," " I. , I.' -I I F, 1 ~,'71 71 A I .. ... ... . ~...... 1-1-t, I-I, A Ow I.-ligth .I .... .. I it., .1-t-I It, th, """ .. of tha'i I, Ott- dirtvt ivirth-1, I r tit,- p.trL tir.ok4eituo- tit, th,.1. '."h It, " I'll,- mI 4 It.m'1vrT'.I bv Ibc fum-lion of Ow through .' m.k' 't A."It .1 " ItTill It Ih I fir 4-11gth III .1'al kmg only III- to .1 I"ItIlt U,05' V61oolucAcal Proupecting PAroleum Deposits Dec 48 "Tito Probles ConcerniLz theParagenstsis of Titanium Organic Carbon$ azid Several other E,Iements,0 L. V. Khaelevakayas, N. G. Morozovas, K. I, Taganovp So No Katchankova, L' A, Voytasichovichp All-Union Pt~trolww% Eci Res.Geol Prospecting inst,s 3 pp IlDok Ak Rauk Vol I,XrTT* Ho 6 Spectrographic ard statistical W&UMA of 87 sandstones taken from Kaykopskiyp Cnokrakskly,p L- aganskiyj, 2nd Sarmatakiy deposits in the I& yer of oilbearing deposits of -~roznanskiy H.1yonj, Tersid,3( Oblast. Found that piesence of organic cart-on# vanadium4 TAngamese, titaniu% nickels, bariua and strontium in various lithologic Zmups ~ aarA-silt-atores, clays and carbon - was not c4mwected exclusively Ah anY of tbAM. '~:';ubmitted by Acad D. S. bolyanking 27 Oct 48. 4M PA 35/49T46 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ofe'o 0 0*19 0 0 0004k6WW WW___-- 0 ! I i t, 13 k It U 11 V " 4 V 11 E) U t C 1) 41 a) a 41 a 1 L L P 1, Z ~ P ~ .-I L Q 00, 01 ' :0 " zif'- j I'RAL M - rH'A) FLR rit" uari!'ATIV,~, Jrrr.~INATILN uF 1100 'A:0VkAi N ~MK I 1_~. A. P. Uloinikov. and k.. 1. Ta anov. 1-00 00 00 (Zavoiskaya Laboratoriya, 1949, vOl. 15, J!ul.. i1p. 59-62). loo 00 k1n .-ussian). The spectral determination of carbon in stools so C using Ft H.F. discharge for the excitation is described. t -00 06 Pir zji,vcLrwn in Lhc rogion of the line C 111 2297 A was 00 Util, and calibration curves a;-e given for stedi with and i ZOO 00 06 wit)~out nickel arid for cast iron for various types of photo- ~ t ; ~00 &0 graphic plAes. It was found that since the H.F. discharge 'Z0 0 excites the spectra of several alloying alements, their deLenn- : 00- Jilation could be carried out 5imultaneousl~ with that of carbon. -1 we 0 ~ The method described was seen to be suitable for the analysis - -100 oo X of thin surface layers, and a modification which is easily ~ 'j :Ixqq :L1 prot7ormed enables specimens of wir e as small as 0.15 Mm. ~:~qq in# dia. to be dealt with. s.k. 00 '~:l 1-00 too age Too 5 0 7 0 "4 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 Wo o 0 o 0 0 0 q 0 a 0 a o 0 0 9 0 0 0 1 . 0 0 0 00 0 Is 0 0 Wo 0 *If 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 - a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 *40 o:; ; ; ; - -0 , . 0 0 0 0 00 -* 6 01 00 0 0 0 0 11 1. .1 17 1. fl i f It I A R t X '~ ' ' t ' 'tm A,i L ' L h P Q X I l X JI i Z - o go 0 : UN P:i- SP6C~AAL Jz~Tr;kL-ANANLN OF C.Af(R)N K. 1. Tat-,ancv. lee 0 (Zavcdska~a Laboratoriya, 1949, vol. 15, Jan., t In io-ssLaxi). me relative murits of the A-'. arc and Lhe CLI(idensed H.F. spark for the production of Lhu spectrum for the datemination of carbon are briefly di5cussed, and the rhotc,graphic recording of the lines is considered. 3A. coo :7 r0 0 ;'i Zoe !:;go we* see 00 0 . .00 00 J .7 4 it K tv it Cq I I " 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1; 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! : :~ : 00 0 0 41,01 00 0 000 ese 0 0 0 * * We 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a : : 0 )o p 12 33 )A IS U 17 C), Ay "I IP k 0 P., lwa!dA.L "41 Pun - 90 - - - tut 'uNijp 0 0. " P- -lA 0 00-1 00- u-1-o m k It C-f t-t a i It it or! AS-0-0-0-0 00 0 0 t,)jv vilmoi PaTi-wat, aiv Uvimpso 3jw In poqptu 10 09 a4.L -affauwZUww jluv 'j-dd,.., I f."U1.11t(l -tutu-jo-o 0l dn jo sp.j pun *41 oi an ;o v,"IA% jol poqlatu viqpa.;a(j 00 C 00 j '01"A) fAuO)'uO9P7 Ollu-PP-ID7 56u - . ug * ~ ' i 00 - p V ( Uw!-u Ul) -qpA N la"M UPU P 919-Cf-V MRMUS003adS -to 00 00 -T -w W-Ir-o U 6 IC it it a it 91 H si rl 14 H ,l e Q R a .. ..- i I - ~ 00 a o 0 so*# 0*00 0 0 9 * 0 0 e *'o -- ------- ------ W IF AT UP W 9 0 0 0 a 0 W! 1 10, 9 0 0 0 0 0 W12, T W? 63ii ? It I., 1$ 16 17 Is a* 0 0 0 0 00 A r s k__1 L L. A Q 't V b 11 M 11 Is 11 0 a a 41 a '1 44 43 r I I U a OOA III AW I" A .1 00 00 1_00 I 0 ;-0o I 1-00 * 00 OUX 7M) '00 00 irl 1 00 OOJ it( their thirkst- i;iid Lim eatirim. g 00 "I'll' 'f I imforinity %ith whwh theY ,,v,-r Ow underlying =00 'urf..... It I-- eWm,41 timt. usitsibitiml with mijid wite,-tru, a 1-hpijij~. tim- prol-I int-th-I if -tirtrititing tini- furnisty t, -twishlo for tt~- in tht, i~nstrol i-f milustrini t,,Atinjt 00 r-idt. it, thi- W.-tury with the 4- Th. 004 it tinuk Pi-ribivi art- -isal tit I- -11lejeWly ~Iidtivtory W roo z u-irrant tipi-ir adtiptimi by indit,try. K. K. 200 900 COO ago :1 zoo 11100 L., 00 AS"SLA -4 TAL L"GICAL LITIna TUNE CL ASSSFICATIC soo Clog Qvc 430"1 NOOLMT 0 U 9 AT 0 -j Ke NI L ...... Wit 0 0 11 10'0 104 061 W090 It a 0000 0 a 000 0 : 0 : 11 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00060000 6000 0000000:0*000*6000 ~Dr of -ind C-1st, o!, v cier' iz Y h. 1141,41,o.11 W 11-41.1i4 I III 111. '11-4 1141 it o, .1 1114 analymis K. 1. 1j)(am" /for,# I Cod X.- k ':- Fu 14. 1134 P of W.-ii) 1'1,, ,,,th,.l of ,I- toy tran,fereince to f I 'A. 44. :KLIt, 42. -tW I '.I III- It. to, it omly :41th, 1, 111W.M1 f ItIMI't 1: ... ~1-' m f,fi k. i; " I ." A I - , .:: %I,,. ;- it 1% 1 ...... I I., .... 0. . who k"1' No I-I,. to to I.- 'li't -r ..... fvm-p-t ,m-mo-tif, mt Zoo dri-m-d ,,I ., r,,I,.Ii z Litt .1.,k tho, -it I tic I re-thwhar KI. I, $I Ito to flow; -1. 1 hr 1111fatism ,if I tic Int'n d it, 0 M) I .1clo, I'l id'. ,it I It.- ."'. I" ,, I It,- - ,I ... if I -11, It ..... .flflu~ I. I I...... %" ii.j. 1xv'I hqwd I-, I'v 'j. al, ""1'0'. it., I Ott., 'I", PA- , I T USSR/Metals - Plating Apr 50 Steeloscopes "Spectrum Method for Determining the Thickness of Metal Plating With a Steeloscope," K, 1, Taganov, State Opt Inst, 2 pp "Zavod Lab" Vol XVI, No 4 Develops method based on measuring time elapsed from beginning of discharge action on surface of plated article to appearance of base metal spectrum, Method also permits evaluation of uniformity of plating distribution resulting in rapid operating control of plating bath. #Am 16oT69 of ie-i & PpArl And A 0v Tr y Viejo au&-friledovateLE; rMt. a Olki (Go-ov 16, 101 O:T2. P wit (Lq_o ywt. n AIA cdta-,~, detn. ftst by combustion tthe sample an ac vat a.-C. arc, U S S R and the detn. of K In an Fe catalyst am d ernberg W M. Si BOGDANOVA, V.T., Inzb.; TITOVA, N.A., irvlh.: TAGANOV, K.I., kand. fiz,-mat.nauk; TYUMIEVA, S.T., inzh,', red.;--i~60KOFrYEV, V.K., prof., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, laureat Stalinskoy premii,; FREGER, D.P., [Spectral analysis of steels with an alternating-current arc] Spektraltnyi analiz stalei s dugoi peremennogo toka. Leningrad, 1952. 3 P. (Informatsionno-tekhnicheskii listok, no.101 (442)) (MIRA 14:6) 1. Leningradskiy Dom netuchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy. (Steel-Spectra) USSR/Chemistry - Spectral analysis Card 1/1 Pub. 43 - 96/97 Authors Taganov, K. L Title Contact electro-spark sampling for spectral analysis Periodical Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 18/2, page 299, 11ar-Apr 1954 Abstract A method was developed for electro-spark sampling during spectral analysis. The structural characteristics of such a sampling arrange- ment are described, Some results obtained through contact electro- spark sampling are listed. Institution : Sulmitted : 7 7. The q"trogTPPhfc:. arwj~ds of omplex steals with: an alternating current are V. T. Bogdanova and X.- 1. Taganov., Report-of Sym- "Savre M., m. M7 AfMady Nual. rie 1 ioa,. Abstjr..-No.~~. 29.375;-A nieth6d isAescribed U E&J'a' T for the oCnalysis of stee nd~EZh,2-forCr,' Ni Nin agd Si- . ...... bind of, ateel EYA ~ IT 1 for ego Ole- amplo~,.bi dlam~~ 36 mm arid, ments and TL ~Tha 0 % height 110: mtni' are. cast to A ruetal 'Mould. I trod b copper rod sariics aiuppere qc e, s arpened to tru4cated,cone, the arc g Iap is 2 ram. It is observed that there is a: differnaco in L -ompositi6n between the w main mass. of metal in them sample: and. thoeouter q ;-zone pinery ;,the simpltiii are therefore treated wAh to.a depth of 2 to 3 jum, , Roults-are calculated by means of a . 6aversion ~ factor. . Th res ta are u averaged from live' apectra.',-Tha calciu!Atipa of tile concn. i taken from proviously p~eparid'tablcs, ei. The, lines used am~-for. EYFL'IT . and r%Zb,' C 2696-20 w Fe 2089-21, - Mw .2939,30 Fo, 2041-34: T, ~ XF3090-76 - Si 2510-12 - 1,76; 2518 ya:. I Fo 3083,74 ~ Ti 3088,03 Fo 3083-74, for'RZh, IN probable 7 3402-00 - Fe 341)5-29.~. Tlia reWive errors of t1to'deterIn Ination'.1 of tile various etements t4win 0t C are Nyi 6 to 50/c, A KOPXIN. J;. Z lin 3502 qqn of pukA bX-1131A -go hit. a C to l m ~i X. 1. Ta no I u v. XV; a auk SSSR, Ser. "a N v. of. Zhur, Khitn, 1956, Abair, No. . ~a 10, 065-By using a low-voltag . impulse rate it is possible to suppress the spectruin_produc~d by a . discharr in air. and to Obtain a fine spectrum, 1"M U4 is.' Taking as useful in tm~ji6n IRLC an example the determination ol 7n In bross, the con -influence 3f a third element- LH ) -a greatly 2l es place,under a reduced Nvhea t ge a. liquid is layer of CCI, =Tg 1. R. LoTtD I I coiitro favourable to p GHRASIMOVA, N.G., IVANOVA, T.F., SMiTITSKIY, R.S.: STARTSKV, G.P.-, TAGANOV, K.I.; TTILWOVIUS, M~E. Spectral datezmInation of hydrogen In metals. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser fiz. 19 no.2:1117-148 Mr.-Ap 155. (MLRA 9:1) (Tartu-Spectrum analysis--Congresses) MALITSW , M.G.; TAGANOV, K.I. Contact electric spark assaying in the spectrum analysis of metals. Izv.JVJ SSSR.Ser.fiz.19 no.2:205-206 Mr-Ap '55. (MLRA 9:1) (Tartu--Spectrum analysis--Congresses) A '11.1:1, ar-I in Ti we-I-f ~mJ,- wi'll a type, IJP-~)-i sp2c- a ra f z 27t; tn- for I-T j f t s thcd -,Fiv-~ tilt. -uest results with il ve f ~-R r a f i I i 4r air -.'c r star-,,a,is cast T i 3 1 t 110 1 C! 1~ t e n tOf and e ra c t L3 !~j f t,~-, 7T s jr - kt~ni- c-' t~-,eL n e H w~s !,;=asured. ie ~,o't-rrairaati3r, c' is -t '~~ ` , ,f ra s t lie I' f 1 -2- 0, i sci--Large, s incrcasc~--' t'he irtensi~:- cf the 0-1-ires i T, s s ard f I, an,-' for H, es and t! 5 5 f Or t 1, e de -,e r minart ic - f 66354 sov/8i-59-19-6772o Translation from, Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 19, p 124 (USSR) AUTHORS: Prokof'yev, V.K., Sventitskiy, N.S., Taganov, K.I. TITLE: The Spectral Analysis of Uranium and Its Compounds for Admixtures by Means of Diffusion-Convection Transfer PERIODICAL: Piz. sb. L'vovsk. un-t, 1958, Nr 4(g), pp 42 - 44 ABSTRACT: For eliminating the superpositions of the U spectrum and the intense continuous bacl%round it has been proposed to divide in time the processes of separation of admixtures and the excitation of their spectra. This is obtained by a preliminary transfer of the admixtures to a supporting graphite electrode. The second graphite electrode containing an uranium sample which has been preliminarily calcined and converted to U308 is heated by an auxiliary d-c current. The electrode with the sample serves as anode, two carbon cathodes are installed symmetrically perpendicularly to it. At the burning of the auxiliary are the fractionating admixtures are transferred to the supporting upper electrode and the non-volatile U 08 remains in the channel of the lower electrode. This transfer, in Card 1/2 2stinction from the electro-spark transfer, is termed diffusion-convection Lql-- SVENTITSKIY, II.S.; TAVaNOV, K.I. Some invustigutions of the opectral determination of hydrogen in metals. Fiz.9bor. no.4:209-212 158. (MIRA 12:5) 1. GoBudarstvennyy ordena Lenina opticheskiy institut Imeni S.I.Vavilova. (14etals--Hydrogen content) (Upectrm, analysis) SVENTITSKIY, IT.S.; 61MfBITKO, K.K.; FKL'KOVA, O.B.; GkLONOV, P.P.; TAGAIIOV, K.I.; ALPATOV, M.S. Spectrum analysis of titanium, molybdewim, and their alloys for nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. Fiz.sbor. no.4:225-231 158. (MIRL 12:5) 1. Vsesovuznyy ordena Lenina nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut aviatsionnykh riaterialov. (Gases in metals) (spectrum analysis) R&L'TSBV, M.G.; ?TIT3YIUi, Ye.A.; TAGkNOV, K.I. Some plKraical characteristics of the contact-electric a-Dark selection of a sample for spectrum analysis. Fiz.sbor. no.4:252-255 '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Gosudarutvennyy ordena Lenina opticheakiy institut imeni S.I.Vavilova. (Spectrum analysis) BORBAT, A.M.; IULL'TS.~,'V, M.G.; TAGANOV, K.I. Effoct of a third- conponent in spectrun analysin with electric naloation of aamplea. Fiz.abor. no.4:255-257 1513. (MIR& 12:5) 1. Goaudurstvennyy ordena Lenina opticheakiy institut imeni S.I.Vavilova. (Spectrun analysis) E/E wn I------ ~71-wIlll -- -u 'Y r5106[ -W --T7 -In Ini- P~d- I P~ 0 -I-IP -,Id P- 141z-d- W-M "I IV PAS A WIT -IT3 IT21- 6- 17 r__ _d. LIT ..W.. or .1 N I t.e _.: t.W.15~i~qd - -i..d. .,n Im I& uT .1 -1-:T. ~7 P_ --Iqxr- ul 0 pm H -j.r .1 J. J- .,4z _wq J. -.P-d 4.14. .2 ;.nbilq . 4t4 '75 I'L ~l .1 p./- -"T.T# uz In. L41 PTtnnW.-M pp- ~j *.,rl--T- Z: 1- ce-a V.OT. Qd~Wll-d. T5-dVi M W pqd-qjqd _t%-Tt4d. %Mm. _T%.A2~0 ..IT M J. fft= -m v ~-1949 --X--T -%L P.- q y 'Wit- In.. _,Z; .,--,.~d LWO J- IIT- OZ .1 mi. -TP- .1 u1 7 -TP -ql m q W V r- ojz I-1 000 a J. I -'"d -?-.. 4% - V"J _-_1 "W1, , '_-d, -T2-%T-X- - C7,7* c% jo -,I,4V;&O=o *Tv~j 4noVtj IV -Tq11- joi v .. i .1. ti I -.31d. -~n 11 -4 .9'. IV--JJTP J.; Vtm It In p 'n . I rl j ~ M~ _ 1. :1,11 o4knj- --m -14 '-q -4 1' 'Z--- -T~d (9 - Vu tdv Amo4d j.j ~i..d. _d_ y 0 1,11 ZUSOLIZ 0 --vil .,a co 0 .1 ;t tmrl ITT- -4-1 P ML 'I - C" Jo ~'W"d v d T 3. -n-p-ilul I'Q R-q-TP ..Trd . .1 ..1, - P.W- -1 V1 In -qL _U. -.q _u "-j ~/Om,l I- Az tn J- Mlinl- -In N-M sulq v 6G't66E I.P -Q 7. p- 11 WA J~ OU 01 -11-u un" ` 4, _Tp n a. Mt. pv-; -1 cea J. 7-1 1 .7 lK 10' 0 1-~ Q. '21,& dc Rlkl __mo P~ -b-PPA -S-nm -j P_ T-i-dr U -Zlual %FvOKLnv (kj6VII) C_-. t,-, dl: '61 -X '6%t WMV 'T-= IAU-TIVJ';'H -u tSE99 /? P 57,5-~31 0 66352 30V/81-59-19-67683 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 19, p 117 (USSR) AUTHORS: Sventitskiy, N.S., Taganov, K.I. TITLE: Some Investigations on the Spectral Determination of Hydrogen in Metals PERIODICAL: Fiz. sb. L'vovsk. un-t, 1958, Nr 4(g), pp 209 - 212 ABSTRACT: The conditions have been studied for changes in the concentration sensitivity (CS) of the spectral determination of H in metals at the excitation of the spectrum by a low-voltage pulse discharge. It has been established that the value of CS has a maximum at 100/.& -henry. An increase in the ohmic resistance sharply reduces CS which at 6 ohms vanishes completely. An increase in the charge voltage of the capacitor from 100 to 200 v increases CS; an increase in the capacitance of the discharge circuit from 300 to 1,000,t- farad increases it two times. At high contents of H, in the measuring of the complete intensity of HOL based on the area of the contour, CS is by 50% higher than in the comparison of the intensities based on the maxima. The possibility is considered of reproducing various intensities of H-lines according to Card 1/2 artificial samples, which an equivalent H content can be given in Vr 66352 SOV/81-59-19-67683 Some Invesitgations on the Spectral Determination of Hydrogen in Metals calibration for plotting calibration graphs. Solutions of colophony in ethanol and celluloid in acetone proved to be the most suitable for this purpose. A proportioned quantity of solution applied onto a Cu-electrode produces a film which during eva- poration in the flame of a pulse discharge shows a certain intensity of the H-line. Equivalent concentrations of 8 - 100 ml per 100 g established by means of these films are reproduced with a mean error of IM, When electrical parameters of the discharge circuit are maintained, the curve of the H Ot contour is reproduced sufficiently well and can serve as a peculiar calibration graph, if equivalent H concentrations are assigned to intensities at fixed values of the abscissa of the contour (to the fre- quencies, wavelengths or the divisions of the scale of the microphotometer carriage). It is also expedient to make calibration by the width of the H line which is very great at the selected excitation conditions. In this case the HOC profile which was obtained in the blackenings can be made use of. N. Sventitskiy Card 2/2 TAGAVTOV, K. 1. PvWsical characteristics of spectrum anal7sis with test sample selection by electric discharges. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no-7:54-60 Jl 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Spectrum analysis) (14ass transfer) 2 4 \7 ) S 0 /4 9-23--/n- - 1 )/57 AMHORS Sventitskiy, ?11. S.~ T~tganov, Y- 1. TITLE. On Spectroscopic Inve3 ticrations of the Electro-erosional C3 Properties of Oxygen-containing Titanium I.FRIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSBR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 19'59, F Vol 25, Nr 9, PP 1096-1097 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation of the e]eQtroerosive distortion of metals and alloys may be carried out either directly from the dis- charge spectrum as also from the spectrum of the transfer products which settle on the carrier electrode. The authors investigated titanium containing 0.12 to 2.32~o 0. In both cases it was, however, possible to estimate the erosion of the samples according to the line intensity of titanium. In the case of a lack of contacts between the electrodes in the spark and in the alternating current arcq a reduction of trans- fer products with an increase of the oxygen content in titanium was observed. However, in the case of contact spark discharges an intensification of transfer is observed in titanium with an increase in the oxygen content, which reduces the resistivity W erosion. From the relation between the intensity of the tita: lines and the oxygen concentration only o_xygen con- Card 1/2 centration can normally 'be a-aluated, but here the possibility 'r: - 23-9-191-) 1 On 51~ectrosc or ic inve3tigations of t lie Elec tro -on a 1 Prolper t ie s of Titanium J offers itself spectroscopically eval-.zating the physico-chemical --operties of t~tanlum from its e~e~:Aroerosive behavior. Ex- periments were carried out for ;hP purpose of evaluating the ice exercised by polarity Jn contact spark discharges ur~~n the t-Ltanium transfer to the carrying copper electrode ,n air and in carbon tetraclilor-de.The ratio between the line intensities of titanlunt of the trangfer products from the cathode and those from, the anode I /I.,L amounted to 0,8 In a1z for 0~!2~~ O~ and t- 0.~: for 2.32"3 0. in carbon tetra.- chlorid~. the corresponding values were 2.0 and !.6 respective- ly. Thus, the destruction in air is greater on the anode, and in carbon tetrachloride in the nathode, If the sample contains calcium, this effect is exactly reversed. Moreover.- the pos- sibility arises of investigating oxypen -con ta ining titanium as L to its thermoelectrical nrcDerties st~ectroscoAcai Y. as a linear deDendence between the oxygen cop-tent uf Titanium ana its thermo-currenT Pxis;s. Card 212 24(7N ~07 r'.,11;3-23- ---20/57 A UT H OR: Taganov, K. I. TITLE: Some Spectroscopical Investigations of the Effect of Polarity on ft Electric Erosion of Metals PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademil nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 19599 Vol 23, Nr 9~ PP 1097-1,099 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In tile case of a variation of discharge parameters an inversion of electric erosion and thus a change of sign in the polarity effect may occur. It has already previously been shown by the author that a varia.Uon of the electrode gap may lead to such an inversion (Ref 1). in the present paper several new factors influencing the polarity effect are investigated. Evaluation of this effect was carried out by determining the ratio of the lirle intensities of the products removed from the anode and cathode respectively ). The transfer of zinc, iron ., and molybdenum in low-.voltage pulsed discharges was investigated and dif--ferences in the quantitative variation of tile t-ransfer from cathcde and anode were found to occur in the case of changes in the discharge parameters. An increase of the electrode gap in all cases led to a decrease of the transfer, especially from the anode. Much interest is displayed Card 1/2 for the variations of transfer de-~eadj_--q, upccn polarity in SOV/,", 0 2 52 0/5 7 Some Spectroqco..ical -f the B.!' ~-t f ~f Polarity on th-e Electric Erojion cf MatolS pulsed disoharges w~-en the discharge is localized on the metal surface; and in this case an essential difference in the transfer from cathode and ano'AA was found to exist. The localization of the dischar.-e --auses L, considerable increase ,-.f the transfar Ircrii tht~ an,:~,36_, and here an inversion of the -nolarity effect may alr~_ad,;r be observed. A spectroscopical inve3tigati,~n of the polarity -?ffect in the case of contact- ipark erosion or the traiis-fer showed that processes developing in the contai,.t zone Gf tiva heterogereous metals play the main part. Mien explaining -,.he de-93-f-i'led rules,, the author dezicribes the Pelt-er Lea. occarrir,,,., the d-lzichar.rre as being responsible for the inversion. In ilhe intez~relation between thc 3pectro.~copically estimated amourt- of the coritac;-electri- cal spark erosior arid t,'-.e thermoe iec tr ioal characteristics rif the c,_)ntac,ti:_,a me-~als iq rieal~ T;ith. In a nnimber of cases a direct inteirelati:,n be-Gween the amount of the shermo-current and the concen4rat~,cln of ?ne tbe _thp.- e7ement could be ,)ro-red io exis-E. Ther,; are 2 Si;viet refe en r :!es C a r d 2/.2 K, 1 a I,., F 'a icn GX~I,-en i.-I T 1 a 1 u ::v z~ a Aa d; i r, a_i SS S ~ i . 5 r I -.I f i C t--s a a 9 2 0 (is C-i d i t,,. ~-w d r --- e c f d e e n d n ,., e _ f i n t r es on oxy.-t~n in is pnin!~AJ_ 10 I x ra C t. I unt o ~j xy,-,, u n a rid f I I cw ing :3 12 e c t ra 1 a na lys i s --. f -cture would be a mor~~ txact method, but t?~,is re-- ~ J (' , h s a h e d e -; E; 1 ;D 'a i r S t 1' , . r i o f 1 a L J U M t r o u e a 1 i c a t I _ 1 . . _ 6 p p p :.!er:t of analysis methods in xhich it is possible to carry c:_.~t ~x~vak.~tion cf "he :,ases and Pxcitation of t,--ir ~-,~.ecLra Thie Arw u!:~f-d to be iiu~! to th~-' S`fab'!-L_iIy C.1" tl-le titaniuzi oxi4es .,L; as.,, - i --', a re u.1 reacy n ,he -a 111-- I's c, r:n e dur~!-- t~e ~L - .- r a I - U - ~ C, ior the purnose Df S were t cc, _;a E~ ~,: r ~-on a S ~5 U::. t 10 , i X I r I M C- J 1~ U.. 1.11" a concei t--at i c a -7 -j and b-. -ing ,~L'd t-e hJ:,ht,_z-t _nfle:.Sity -ii~a:-,d d 4 sc!larz-s t Z I- C d t E:n f in t s - d d S nriar---es nu b t h, Oa."E ~)r I o L; Tj a s t~ 1) 0 a yl u I. ti S t i n t r) t. h a I ~.uvin! an D.K.Y e n CDntent of 0.55 C 6C/0' -.-i r t~ uis c-uz s ed I ch vi e re C--111*11--Ci O-t wit',,. i~,;Ised discharEes aird ni.6~,.--frequency sparks. A a _rE~ fLund to de,;-end only little S 4 C:3 W p n, -,e li-e inten c- h e ox.,,.e.,. c~)ntef Ext) eri.-!,.ents c,-- rri~-d t ec~= ,-,a tanium con-.ainin~ 0. 12- 21j ox, gen S:,~ovved a cons ide-~a*,~le de- 0 ,f tl e 1~,,,CS crease o u rl ~L. Co=,ara- f +he concentrat ion sfms i--V4 ty 0 A~ iuLn.) investi;zations v.-ere carried oaL or; sram-)I~s c a! c -co: -a f-- _4 o - o'l' v;'-I i cn v:, r i c i t h i r 'D ra -.(, en t i a.: ,3. -)\D C. 4 6,/"'] pa, ra 11 f-1 t o 1~ ha r 3x--g en. . t ~u a s c, a n d t 1i a t .t,:--r hi~h-freq-ie!,cy s-ar'~s ',lad been actinjE~ f. r f,3ur min-,.Ites i-; 0 - - en - r ~:.a 1 p r e s s ur e h 1 i n 7~ nS -i -e coll- drc,~ at th 0', ~Z.-.S ~--.V4ty incr~~:I~z, it is e.-,. 1 v v e e x C 4- t e -v p-u C I e S -s d d a rd 2 's L t 1 v i C I t .-~ljor art (-f, tle c -Z X S r, ad T TAGANOV, Konstantin Ivanoviq4;_TYUKh1WA, S.T., red.; FREGER, D.P.,; BELOGUROVA, I.A.. [Spectrum analysis - a progressive physical method of research and control; on the hundrodth anniversary of its disco7ery) SpoktrDlInyi nnaliz - progressivnyl fizichaskii metod inaledo- vaniin i kontrolia; k stoletiiu otkrytiin spektrallnogo analiza. Loningrad, 1960. 23 p. (Leningradakii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi propagandy. Soriia: Kontroll kschestvn produktaii. vyp.3) (MIRA 14:3) (Spectrum analysis) TAGIY`FV, M.A., aspirant Use of ascorbic acid in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis and the condition of the oxidation-reduction process. no.2:51-56 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Iz 1-y fakulltetskoy terapev-ticheskoy kliniki (zav. - zaaluzh. deyatell nauki, prof. I.M. Orudzhev) i kafedry biokhimii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof. A.S. Gasanov) Azgosmadinatituta imeni N. Varimanova. (ASCORBIC ACID) (THYROID GLAND--DISEASES) (OXIDATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL) TAGkNOV, K.I. (Leningrad) 0 Spectrum anallysis. Priroda no.6:27--34 J= I'D. OJII~ 131:6) Opectrum analinis) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/618i Urallskoye aoveahchanlye po Spektroskopli. 3d, Sverdlovsk, 1960. Materialy (Materials of the Third Ural Confe4nce on Spectros- copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurg17dat, 1962. 197 p. Errata slip Inserted. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: InstItut fIzIkI metallov Akademil nauk SSSR. Komlssiya po spektroskopli; and Urallskly dom tekhn1kI VSNTO. EdB. (Title page): G. P. Skornyakov, A. B. Shayevich, and S. 0. Bogomolov; Ed.: aennadiy Pavlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish- Ing House: M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.: N. T. Mallkova. PURPOSE: The book, a collection of articles, is Intended for staff members of spectral analysis laboratories In Industry and scien- tific research organizations, as well as for students of related disciplines and for technologists utilizing analytical results. COVERAGE: The collection presents theoretical and practical prob- lems of the application of atomic and molecular spectral analy- sis in controlliruz the chemical composition of various materials in ferrous and ricnferrous metallurgy, geology, chemical indus- try, and medicine. The authors express their thanks to 0. V. Chentsova. for help in preparing the materials for the press. References follow the individual articles. A) -J, SOV/6181 Matei ils of the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) Buravlevr Yu. M... M. A. Perepelkina, G. P. NeuymIria, and G, T. Maramyg1na. Investigation of the effect of structure on the results of spectral analyses of cast iron 62 Bobrov, V. A., Ye. N. Chernoguz, and T. N. Yaroolavova. Application of 'fractional exposure* method for spectral analysis of alloy cast Irons and aluminum alloys 66 MatyugIna, I. V. Spectral analysis of silicon brasses by the calculated graph method 6T Obukhova, Ye. S., and N. K. Rudnevskly. Application of electrotransfer In plotting calibration graphs according to a single standard in the speatral analysis of alloys 68 Spectroscopic investigation of features of contact-electrospark erosion of metals and alloys 70 Card 6/15 3/048/62/026/007/004/030 B104//BI38 '2a -anov, 1. pectroscopic study of the erosive properties of an IT electric discharge in vacuo ~,i --3emiya nauk SOSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, J. v. 116, no. 7, 1962, 860-862 ~'E'."L TTi-.e vrosion of Fle, Cu, Ti, and Al alloys in a d-c contact -,isc',-ar.--e via3 otudied a' 7-10-3 1 U mm Hg, with a reciprocating upper electro6e. Tlio :uantity of materiel transported duning discharge was ;LS-O.S~;Oli fro-.,-. tlie intensity of the phosphorus and silicon lines. It was Oun-,- %~,atl 1-/1 )1.. i. e., material was mainly removed from the cathode.' ,*,cc '4 ,hu spectral lines of the base material I-/I + for tit-n-Lu.;,. alioz;s = 25. The lines of the cathode material were ,urt-~cularly inzense in the discharge spectrum. A process similar to t'-Lz of c-athode ~~puttering is thought to occur a' the catho,de: there are n-~ si6nL of local t"nermal action and the entire cathode surface has- a Card 1/2 3/04a;/62/0261/007/004/030 Stu-!.,,, of the erosive ... B104/B138 T.;O uz~;Ual ero~, ;ion track is formed on the anode. Erosion in ir, the air is compared and differences discussed. L was founds on various alloys that I_/I + may be less than'unity. The .,,c,-re found to depend on the polarization of the ,a-ac-~rode -~nd or, the thermoelectric properties of the eleetrode metals. T'.-.ert are 3 figures. Card 2/2 TAGANOV, N.I. Obtaining the calculdtions of equations on units of measurement. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 the basis of varfing no.10;2262-2266 0 162. (MIRA 15.12) (Chemical equations) T ."asko-,r, BerJer, ',,,a I I t s ev , N. and on L;pQctvo,;copio anal' ysis with P.-Ol' i-Mi-lUry ::.;LLt!r:aI tr;,.n~;fer by Cori J:)2 ;~,Ldemiya nauk So"E. 'zvesz~iya. .~~ r 14ya 7 no. I , 19 2 - .1 TI-I'XT, :T-.e absolute sensitivity of tae spectroscopic analysis of :n--tals and alio~;s can be increased by -- preliminary spark Treatment, 1.1 Some Cart!s Gu~~ .o selective transfer of the components. it is shonn "-ow the intensity of the ."I'l- lines ii spheroidal-gTapaite cast iron and ir, LI-itj a1loy is enhanced. Another way of inereas-'n,2,1- sensitivifY is to activate tae samplin.- process by first depositing a suitable Catui'yst on the surface of the specimen. For example, if Ti alloys are activated in a cadmium electrode discharge or by immersion in a cadlmium cnloride solution, the spectrum intensity increases 4 to 5 times. 'il he spectra of small Si, %:.n, and Fe impurities can then be recorded Card '12 S*/3 4 6/ 6 3 2 7 D4 z a t LL 0 1-, ;J C, c t r 0 S c 0 P -, C , ~wn a i Y S i S c, n e s u a 11 L, t -, G dwhich require;~ se-lavaLi~ ji -,.,i -i,, aro cischarge. lf',e spectrum of cc ov e-ect ic dlsc.,,ar...~e can usually be recorded witnout h.eatint-, t he ~4rlz.;.Of procucl-3, out tne --ntonsity ratios may Vary WlLfl 'll-le. 1:7, 0i n ~7 UY Qlectr~c treatmenit can be improved by using sinl~le ~:Char:~e oulses, whicr. hlelps :;o kleep ~ne comoosition. of the tran~--fer prod,ucts conotant and eyclude ~-re, of other components. " ~,e C!:-CU.JL Gial-ra:r is 'or an eleczric spark saomol~-- Without vib-atic)rlal mechanism, In tae SaMolin.-r elecz-,oda moves, alon-, the surfact:., --nd ne . dischai-e is iniziated by a periodically discharginS.- capacito-- ir. a spark circuit. 'f'-is zaper was Presented at the 14th Conference on Sipectroscopy in Ivorlk-iy, JulY 5-12, 1961. There are 3 figures. '~rd 21/2 S/048/6z/027/JO 11003/04 3 Bi 63/B I DO 0 i'~ Z"' 6buK-ova, Ye. S., hudnevskiy, N. K., and Taganov, K. TIT~'E'; -;,'iectric discharge sampling for the calibration in the spectrai analysis of metals, and alloys i 0 1) 1 ~ it L'~Kadvmiya nauk SSSH. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 27, no. 1, 19063, 6-7 1, -irit.ensity of a spectral line depenas on c the concenzrazion of the component to be determined and on the mass consumed in the light source, which is itself dependent or, the discharge current, eleeLrode distance d, and transfer time. in intensity measurements of the ?i 2555,65 9A line from binary Cu-P alloys'with 0.67 - 1.33~. P, and J- the current in the transfer arc discharge from 2 - 8a, log I was founa to be ~ linear funczion of log c I ? with P = 1.3. For constant i, log I war, ~ linear funci.4on of log c dP with negative P. in similar experiments with a Cu - 4Ni alloy S, the optical density of the Ni 1 3050. 8 Q" line was Measured for Ni concentrations of 7.43 - 29.14~. and varying T, the Cara 112 GUDYOVA, K.'J.; TAGAINOV, K.I.; Siil,EFKO'VA, Z.I. "e w Lo. -* b i -I * a !- , I ss- . --lies foZ- -he spec-~.ra-, ar-al s4a of meTals and - 'o.-s us-ng -- -7 -- I L a orelLminary dosap~e by contactscark (iischar-~-e. 7-r-ud7 Fo k?zLr--. 11 k-Him. tekh. no.1:2c'-30 163. (MIRA 17:12) ZAGOR!;KAYA, ;i.fl.; TAGANOV, K.I. Parti cularl ties in -,he mani -e-- s "a t--'rn of -~-,e Dc I -- T.- e 'fec t -n !,;,- - I Srjectral analysis of metals and alloys. Trudy po khimi.tekh. no.1:31-36 1 63. (MIRA 17:12) iy *A* Vlu~! . - -h; TAG ,A [L.,~:ing pi-iotoelectric devict:~s in spect.-am &Ill.: polIzovarde f 0 oelek' riche skikh priborov ~rj- 1~-65. 26 p. zp. Le,, -ingrad )0-66 IR: AP6001483 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Silin', E. A.; Taganov, K. 1. ORG: None UR/0368/65/003/006/0563/0566 i "31, TITLE: The evaporation mechanism of small quantities of matter in spectral light sources SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektrbakopii, v. 3, no. 6, 1965, 563-566 TOPIC TAGS: spectrophotographic analysis, light source, evaporation, spectral line .;~ I% q ABSTRACT: In spectral analysis of samples with limited mass, the intensity of spectral lines varies with time. Many authors investigating the kinetics of evap-i oration of small amounts of matter established various kinds of analytical re- lationships. The present-paper presents the results of experimental investigations which seem to be in.&ood agreement with the theoretically derived expression I - Ax exp (-P t). Ll - exp (-v~ 07 similar to an expression proposed earlier by A. G. Nepokoychitskiy and A A Yankovskiy (Vestsi AnBSSR, ser. fiz.-tekha. navuk, No. 3, 124, 1963; DAN BSSR, 7, 814, 1963). The mean square deviation of the theoretical from the experimental values, for the various cases, is within 2-10%. ,,.Card 112 UDC: 543.42 L 15960-66 ACC NR: "6001483 Coefficients A$ and are directly related to evaporation conditions in the -' k theoretical curves can be used successfully for the investi- e I light source. ~ gation of the influence of various parameters (voltage, polarity, current pulse duration, etc.) on the contact spark transfer of matter, and of the physical processes in spectral light sources. 'Orig. art. has:, 3 formulas, 2.figures, .: T'and. 2. tables. ~.--SUB OODE: 07 SUIBM DATE., 23Mar65./ 041C REF:- OiO' :% 'k b y Car d 2/2 't _-!, .. : -T -L I"' - - - r f.- Z, - ~, C* , -, -~ -.- --; -- -- ar4 n - . . .- .. . - - -- _, _ IrE . - '; . -1 , , -- _. - -, r r; ~: , 7 --' -- 3 '1 - I c:,, , , , -- nc . ~ : 1 '1 -, I - ACC NR: AP6023366 SOURCE CODE: UR/0237/66/000/007/0011/0012 TaZanov, K. I.-, Fziznb L. 11 none T17LE Determination of s2ajjp~;ithickness from flash spectra resulting from the inter- action of a laser with a substance SGURCIE: Optiko-mekhanicheskaya promyshlen5ost', no. 7, 1966, 11-12 TOPIC TAGS: laser application, nickel plate, metal coating, spectrographic camera ABSTRACT; Samples tested were 5-15-40 P chrome plating on brass and three-layer plat- ~n5s ofF copper (3-20 V), nickel (3-25 p), and chromium (1-6 p) on steel. Also tested w,.~ra 0.1-4.5 -p layers of vacuum-deposited aluminun on glass. Spectra were taken on Pancnromatic film with an ISP-28 spectrograph and single laser flashes o,,;: 10 Joules on ncodymium glass. The spectral line intensity of the coatings was found in all cases z3 depend on the quantity of substance evaporated by the laser flash. Many of the spectral lines exhibit self-reversal, and such lines often are more sensitive to the concentration of substance in the plasma of the flash. The flash spectrum also de- pends on the location of the focal point of the laser light wIth respect to the targez surface. With chrome-plated brass the self-reversal of the 327.4 and 324.75 mU coo- 'ines increases linearly as the thickness of the coating increases. Sensitivity per L UDC: 543.42 621.378.9 Card 1/2 h~ ACC IN.?: AP6023366 zo ccazing thickness holds when, the ',-;ear,, is focused above the sam.-D-le sur-face, and de- creases when the bean is focused below. Time scans were also made. Spectra of triple layers on steel are also sensitive to layer thickness. The spectrum o" the basis -hows P - o ef-ect of coating thickness. The same holds for aluminum on glass :1 Orir,.4 art. has: 2 fijUres. /I SUM CODE: 20,11/ SUBM DATE: 08Jul65/ ORIG REF: 005/ ATD PRESS: C,,d 2/2M/ 111, 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a Ti 16 -*$ -6 , '" 62 _ -0 0 6 l 0 1 6 9 * 0 0 V V w V 'w v if ~;l U It M IS 4 il It 10 A 11 1) D )# b A IF A 111 10 It U It M 11 L? 16 M W 41 it 91 W 61 0 A A L r.,L I t. it j A, J. a 0 a i V I 1 -1 T I AA III CC 0 U F.Jectra,jittic purification tit phenol containing wAtte .01"t N I lag-m- -'0 %- % All,,glt it.,Ijl .ti,f 1-1.,[ ... IvIrd tit .4. 1.1 09 0o see go go weiv 00 go ee it tt 00 s MOO 00 t too n I t a 0 r, U or ; .3 14 K q "I m Is :1 11 .1 .1j " . " " 1. 0"0 0000000000000 000009 1. *:*090 000 oonsoooooese !OW wx I U CTW 30 N 12 JIM AM 37M 3040 #10&1 45!$TCPAYS$n fl-CH ALA . CPU 45 TLIV A h f- f A ~ k - e_.! -I -I -_ .!~ t 11 E . po afeurs :1 AUT"DO -lot- I on In on Nm eon F. 00-. a 0 e, 000 0 -jq-*Aq 7,.9 a! p-ou- j1OW jo jad 00 00= ainp .puadia "jam 9U -peon W al spanadum-p c. 00 0 41h. 2w )o ;RD4 gwupu v AWRW _,AMq SNA T 00-1 -q puv'qouW aFopm wa (rH sqxmu au,-, 00 oL p jq C jqj -mp 9.1 We 00 eon w! qapi- 108H a% l(W-09 tv It 111MI.&O -OAOX Pm ADKvaw& -1 -X., "i lp 00. roe roe 00 00 T-7 I , 1, , ~~ o e go e 0 0 A 4.1 h IL L WO ragmv... and V Nfliich 31, 190); Thc eirctrolysis a %vith lig cattiod Z : o D M' . ccording e oj CL .~JIF t~ 111. a 51 it tt tf Z; a U A J. .7 6 1:m r N ~4 W tt VAIM CoUtanial phenols V. Nevorletrthkin. ku~~ adda. to Russ, t C .1 ~ 32, -.41A.) to Rusi. .511.422 i, arrird ow In tjn]eT to utilite I tie alkalt (tomint zoo zoo zoo so zoo -to -00 1 1 3,.z n 1 1. 0 0 ROMANKOV, P.G.; TAGANOV, N.I. -, "Gas cooling in scrubbers". If.N.Xgorov. Reviewed by P.G.Romankov, N.I.Taganov. Zhur.prikl.khim. 29 n0-2:319-320 F '56'. (mLRA 9:6) (Scrubber (Chomical technology)) (Z,-,orov, N.N.) SOV/181~-59-5-4/17 AUTHORS: Taganov, N.I., Michalev, M.F., Candidate:F cf Tec.-in--al Scleen,~e= TITLE: Thrust Forces of Rollers- Depending on the 3--ftnsss and Relcovsry Properties of, Rubber Dr-jrLng TheIr Mastl2atl:n PERIODICAL: Kbimicheskoye mastinc-Stur,3er.1ye, 1959, rJ--. 5, P~. 10-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT- Using the theory of similitude and the dimensional analysis for ~-rocesslng experimental daza is the only reliable method of obtalning equations for determining the t 15t for;~es ar!Eing in the roller contact are4z during the rabbe. rm-~;tic..atlon proc~e;ta, Fortmalas for calculating these thrust forces are. given. They are based or. the graphoanalytic processing of experimental data and the li-mits of their applicability are indicated. The exper-Imental investigation - was carried out on a laboratory test installation of the Leningrad-ekiy tekhnologicheskiy institut Imeni Lenz-oveta (Leningrad Institute of Technology imeni Lensovet). The rollers used were 450 mm long and 200 mm in diameter. Factors affecting-the magnitude of the tb-ru.-:-"- forces varied within the following limltsj gap - 0.6-2.0 mm; L/C speed - 6.LP8-18.9 m/min3 ratio of the peripheral speeds of the rollers - 1.0-3.0t rubber hand width 150-400 mm; chargc- 350- Card 112 initial plasticity of rubbers 0.06-0 - durat-lon of 4800 g; .15, SOV/184-59-5-4/17 Thrust Forces of Rollers Depending on the Sot"tnes~~ and Recovery PrODerties of Rubber During Their Mastication mastication - 7-4o minutes. -Undsr al! nr_-_-eS_~-_ng :-ond!t_,:,ni- tine temperature of che rollers was 45:t 5~__-_, wh~'~Ie that of l,r.E- r-ab.ber was 80�50C. The following rdb-t-r gradez were LiSed for Lhe experiment-c "CKII -4o" (sKN-40) (specific, gravity 986~~ and "UH-26" (SKN-26) (specific gravity 962) !?ALadlene nitryil~rubber-, "CkC .30 (SKS-30) (specific gravity 944) wid (spec-fic gravIty 912)~ butadiene-styrolVrLtber; natural "sm'ked sheat*" rubber (specific gravity 9 - _30). For demonstrating the practical use of tnG equations obtained, the a7ithors :Dmpiied in a table the results of calculating the thrust forces of _21NL~' (Pd-2130-5.) roliers (660 mm diameters 2j 1 _30 mm longa 1 mrr, gap) during the mastication of the aforementioned rubber grades. There are 2 graphs and I table. Card 2/2 _I~GANOV, 11.1. On the theory of comput,~tions of chemical ap-paratus. Zhur. riki. .r -1 khim. 33 no.E:1813-1818 Ag t6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Chemical apparatus) (Chemistry, Physical and theoretical) TAGANOV, N.I. Design of chemical apparatus. 34 no.7t1509-1514 ,TI 161. (MIU 14:7) (Chemical apparatus) sVp (j )/r RPL WW/DJ/R?4 L 830�=�� Ellfr(m)/ --=ESSION NR: AP5026432 SOURCE CODE: URhtl53/65/008/004/0691/0695 4-i' q11 AUTHOR: Shchuplyak, 1. A.; Kirili6v, V. X; ORG: Department of Machines and I r onto for the Chemical IMustries, Leningrad Technological Institute im. Lensovet%fbedcra mashin i apparatov khimicheakikh proizvod- stv, Leningradoffy- teMolo-gicheogy institut) TITLE: Study of the sealing capacity of gaskets from polymeric materials SOURCE: IVUZ. Khi iya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, v. 8, no. 4, 1965, 691-695 TOPIC TAGS: hermetic seai~jolyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polytetrafluoroethylene ABSTRACT: T~ #iqns under which the tightness of flanged joints is achieved by using Rolymer gaskets Uendied experimentally by using pecial. stand wi%An oil pump./S- 1~r The investigated mate3;ials were trallUoroe+16-1-NITIM M- 172-54)p polvethYLSW VD (VTU MKhP 4138-55)'- and gasket PVC glasticized reoids(VTU MXhP 1535-477).`f A mathe- -0 qu ion matical treatment of the experimen data yielded a-ne * at' expressing the relationship Card 1/2 UDC: 62164-762.42 L 8306-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5026432 between the initial compressive stress of the gasket and its dimensions , internal pressure of. the medium, and the modulus of compression, taken as the main characteristics of the physicomechanical properties of the gasket material. The equations obtained can be used for practical calculations of this nature. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 table; and 15 formulas. SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: OGJul64 ORIG REF: 007 OTH REF: 002 card 2/2 T A.S.; T A GANOV, 'i . i . ; ?" ii-. 1. LIJ)"T, ~%; Des'4,-n of pac!kinsc~ lzrlandS. lzv.,.-~ .; i '-1-.4 tekh. 8 .,~S. ucre-~-. zav -.- I K Im no. 2 :338-3U- 165. (MIPA 18:8) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologichleskiy insritut imeni Lensoveta, kafedra mashin i apl-aratov khimicheskoy promyshlernosti. L.,%-$ inzhq TAGOON, N.I., eioktor teKhnoiauk, prof. Calculating the densiry of flanp,-,qd jointis with poly=r paokings. Vest.mashinostr. 46 no.1132-34 Ja 466. (mvitt, 19: 1) NIAWI:z;E IY Ij A. ill o c. a s ilau 7n g ras 1'. --a I. a if r ;7 ;7111:-, S 11 4 T::p I, -rl 4 L. truzW~ri ft,-~i-on'asta,-' v na- -~i p';-, t r en - I " _VV7, -J _XCC__TT~_-_AP6023435 TF /F'Y, SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/66/000/007/0001/0003 iCR: Barano S. (Candidate of technical sciences); Ar-anas'yev, V. N. (Engi- V , M J nee r);, Voshchin3kiy, M. L. (Engineer); Vaynshteyn, R. M. (tin'811.5'eer __ Ree bik E.V (Engineer) (EnZineer); Taganov, Yu. 1. (Engineer); GFY~~iji ORG: All-Union Extramural Machine Building Instibite (Vuesoyuznyy zaochnyy mashino- stroitel'nyy institut) TITLE: Laserwelding of'some metals- 4 SOLIRCZ: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 7, 1966, 1-3 JOPIC TAGS: laser application, laser welding SU-1 laser welder, lKh18N9T steel, KO steel A ~ABSTRACT: The results of laser welding of fillet joints of copper and L-62 silver coal_ ed brass with M18119T stj(el, KOIsteel and copper are presented. The SU-1 laser weld- r (shown in hotograph)'*as used to weld thin wires Ed < 0.1 mm] attached to semicon- p ~ductive and microelectronic devices. The unit power input is regulated by adjusting Ivarious object lenses with focal distances of 10, 20, 40, and 50 mm. Unit power input !is calculated by the formula g = W21tp where W2 is the energy of radiation considering :the losses in the optic system in joules; t is the pulse time in sec and F is the fo- area in cmZ. The weld penetration and width are proportional to the maxiaum Volt- UDC: 621.791.72:535.14:669.15-194 f, 03011-~T 'ACC NR: AP60231135 1-ge of the condenser batter-j. This relationship iC~shown in a table for U8W steel where focal distance is 20 mm. Another test was carried out on strips of U8A steel wit a thickness of 2.6 mm (surface condition of the 10th class in accordance with nnqT inorder to determine the relationship between width and penetration of the %welds and the defocusing. These tests showed that when Af = 0.75, the weld Penetratio was max h = 22 v. Overlap welding was carried out on copper wit brass Iwith ,KL-62 1 ~- non-coatcd brass, lKh18N9T stainless steel, KO low-carbon steel and finally on copper, wires. Without stripping the insulation [Mil copper wire of d = 0.05 mm was welded to a silver-coated brass rod of d = 0.5 nim. Neither of these specimens showed cracks in the welds. However, microporosity was indicated in some of the specimens. Shear strength tests of the welds were carried out on two types of welds: without stripping the insulation from the copper wire and with bare wire. The first specim6s had an average shear strength of 25.3 kg/mm2 while for the second typepe, a shear strength of .26 kg/mm2. The small difference makes it feasible to recommend this welding process without stripping the insulation. A comparative test of the laser-welded and brassed 301nts was made. The latter showed an average strength 13% less than the welded 'joints. The authors conclude that the laser-wel~/ed joints have considerably better mechanical properties than the soldered iojpt~, IThis is due to the swller heat-af- fected zone. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 13,20/ SUBM DATE: none Joining of dissimilar metals II Card 2/2 awm Ci. Rj' _71 63-7-8/16 a_,id.Tech.Sc. ,UT ~,novicil, D.D. TIT.~E: -'The Influence of Soluble _.Idmixtures on the Crystallization of Ammonium Sulphatte Under Coke Oven Works' Conditions. Vliyatiye rastvorimykh. primesey na kristallizatsiyu sullfata ammoniya v usloviyakh koksokhimicheskogo rroizvod- ~-tvan FERIQDIC_~~.L: Kokq i Klnimiya, 1957, Nr 7, 1-ii-,.31 - 39 (USSR). ~'ESTR_ICT: Tile viork- was carried out in order to determine the in- fluence of soluble admi:.-.tares on the shape of ammonium suirhate cry0tals ap-d to study the cry.-tal growt,,L 'in Pure "utic-as -as we-11 -as in the presence of aluminium, ferrous oL I s and ferric ions. The investisation, ~,-ias carried out using artificial and 7orks' mother liquors. The laboratory appara- tur, used for the study of crystal grovth is described (Fip,.3) T!-~c -method was based on measurinE the rate of grovrth of faces of individual crystals based on the method described !):,, Mohievskiv (Ref.6). It was established that the rate of rowtJi of (110) and (010) faces is the same and under dif- K-re_nt grow-th conditions it chanZes in the same way. There- f , r e t. _e ra L, Zle ti~ te of growtil- of faces of the pseudohexoganol Cc,rd prism Taas ta1cen as a mean rate of growth of all the 6 faces 1/4 measured in three directions as shown in Fig.2. The crystal The n-P Soluble Admix-tures on the Cr '-/'~:tallizatir"L of -Amn. oniun, Sul-chate Under Coke Oven 17orks, ConditioLz . L-row-Ith 'was observed at 40 ---Ld 60 C. The dependence of the rate Of Of ammonium sulphate crystals in pure solu- Uiojais on Vie degree of saturation is Eiven in, Table 1. The influence of the rate of ~--rovftuh of 2.1 Fe' * and Fe* (concentratio-.: 0.005 _0.0,1 j&~00 ml) is slaowL, in FiSs-4, 5 ar-d .5 respectively and mear. results for temperatures 38 and r;0.5 C in Fi--- 7 Eind 8 respectively. Further increase of the corcentration of admixtures from 0.04 to 0.2 g/100 ml -us also studied but its infl-aence insiL ific it. The ;n am i-r:fl,-,ence of tb-I sirmaltaneous presence of two comronelfts All- and Fe** was ulso studied, but the effect of the presence of ttie second component was foiuid to be insiolifi- caiA . It *wvas established that the hiGhest rates of Srovrth ta3-e place in -ware solutions and that the rate of -rowti-I increases 7itt i--qcreasi-n,, temperature. -'dmixtures of Al- Fe" a'n11 Fe- decrease the rate of crystal ',-rovtt. Fe*** has the highLest effect and Fe" the loviest. The presence of the above aCLnixtures causes the formation of needle like crystals. T1--e i--,---fluence of admixtures on the crystal shape can be quantitatively determined from the rate of ~;roizrth of