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, f ~k ~' -' i -- ~; - I- -, .1 , . 1-4, ~ - , .. TABAKIMP.N; 1.11, gornyy Inzil. 'icheduling mining operations with the use of an electrcnic computer. Gor. zhur. no.11:52-55 N 164. (MIRA 1.8-.2) 1. Tashkentskiy polJ,teWnicheqkiy inatitut. 1o he mmrg'nal -,)'t Lire mi r, 1~ ng F me n s rt~tnenverA- '171 uor,~nz- raboty, Y, skva, inns tro-enie. 11365, Z-38 (VIRA -18.12) TADAKMAI! MedicoicF -1 e.-timaticn of seyerity c' closed act,,L-cs of' ~a-,. - - - r large joints of the lower extremities. eksp-rzt. 5 no-1: 11-14 Ja-Mr 162. (1-11-T:1 15:4) 1. Kafedra sudebnoy meditsiny (zav. - prof. V.M.Smollyaninov) IT Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova. (EXTILEMITIES, LOWTER-FRACTURES) TABAKMAN, M.i-". Present-day stuiitus of for(-.nsi,,- medical resecirch an menstrual blood in stains. Sud.-med.ekspert. 5 no-3-55-58 Jl-S 162'. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Knf'cldra sudebnoy mediLsiny (-.Inv. - prof'. V.M.Smollyfiriinov) 11 MDnkovskogo meditsinskogo instltutu Imeni N.I.Plrogova. (FORENSIC HFNIATOLOGY) TABAI~110, M. B. Identifieation of menstrual blood in a stair by the method of emission spectrology. Sud.-med.ekspert. 6 no.1:10-12 Ja-Mr 163. (MIRA .16:2) 1. Kafedra sudebnoy meditsiny (zav. - prof. V.M. Smollyaninov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituts, imeni 1;.I. Pirogova. (FOHMSIC HEMATOLOGY) (SPECTRUM ANALYSIS) LYUBARSKIY_ZAIKA., A,]:.,,- TABAKMAN, M.I. (Odessa) Experience in organizing X-ray fluorographic examinations. .-132-133 D -12) Vrach.delo no.1-2 162. (MIRA 15. 1 , Psntgenolovichpskoye otdelan-.4vp (nachallnik - A.T.Lyubarskiy-Zaika) Deroahnoy klinicheslby bcalnitsy Odesskoy zheleznoy dorogi. (DIAGNOSIS,FLUOROSCOPIC)(DIAGNOSIS,RADIOSCOPIC) WIT&OV, M.N.; SKIBO, N.S.; ROGOZHINA, N.V.; SHAPOSHNIKOV, Ya.P.; 9TEPANM, A.I.; APTMUREV, M.A.; NEVZOROV, P.L.; tAB4KO. P.I.; ALEKSMVSKIT, V.L.; AIRTEMOV, N.N.; GRABOVSKIY, V.V.; 160GOLET-11- V. Y8. (Gultivation practices for increasing crop yields in Groznyy Province] *Agrotekhnicheakis mropriiatiia po povysheniiu urozhBinosti dlia Groznenskoi oblasti.0 Groznyi, Groznenskoe obl.izd-vo. Ft.l. [Cultivation of field cropsj Polevodstvo. 1945. 178 P. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Groznyv. Oblastnoy zemellnyy otdel. 2. Glevnyy agronom Groznenskogo Oblastno.-O zemallnogo otdela (for Shilov). 3. Groznenskiy Oblastnoy zemellnyy otdel (for Skibo. Rogozhina. Shanoshnikov, Stepanyuk, Aptekarev). 4. Direktor Opytnoy stantsii Groznenskoy oblasti (for Grabovskiy). 5. Inspektor Inspektury po sortoispytanlyu zernovykh i maslichnykh kul'Itur i trav Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Mnogolet). (Groznyy Province--Field crops) TABAKOPULO, N.P. , inzhener; TARASOV, Yu.A., inzhener. ---- Separating pyrite and arsenopvrite by flotation. TSvet. met. 2q no.9:4-9 Ag '56. (MLRA 9:10) 1. DarasunakRya obogatitellnaya fabrika. (Pyrites) (Arspnopyritm) (Darasun-Flotation) AU,T-1-2-ORS; Tabakopulo, -N.P. a-rid Tarasov, Yu.A. 13CE-1-12-1/18 il-nai- -Extraction of ?Ae-',;-als from Tailines by De-sliminE: -_ITIE: and Flotation (Doizvlecheniye me-tallov iz otval'nykh e rd4 khvostov obesshlamlivaniy - flotats-iyey) PERIODICAL: TsvetrWyelletally, 195?, No.12, pp. 1 6 (USSR) AlBSTRACT: At tht~. Darasun. Concentration Plant, old polymetallic stilphide ores ,Lre treated, gold losses occurring mai'-nl.,,r with arseno-pyrites (Re'L.1). The authors discuss gold distribution 4n diflerent size ranges of the tailings and mention that although a two-stage flotation was recomr!ended as being capable of reducing gold loss to 0.4 - 0.5 6/ton, this has not been adopted because the plant was designed for single-stage flot- ation. They outline work ai-m-ed at developing a method suitable for the conditions at Darasur. The -procedure adopted was based on oractice at White Pii-2 (USA) (Ref.4) on the repeated flotation of tailini~s after th-eir preliminarv de-sliming. V'.V. Pasechnikova, Engineer, participated in the successful laboratory testin- of the method.. The authors describe the I- - se of 350 m- - the method with the u full-scale te u ng ol - di air e t er hydrocyclones, 1-14--vin,-." the flovisheet (Fi~.1) and dstua on hydxo- cyclones effilcienc3- (Figs. 2, 3) and explain the relatively low el-~J.ciency vil~en t.r_e content of gold and arsenic in. the general of Letals fror. Taili-nLs b.-!, Was abnormally 11-JU.-h- They ;--;ve full-scale, results -~e =-old cjr-bina~-',,),n z-iti-- -L-t c j r n7. i nt arseno-pyr4 e of re-r-,ai -nin-E.- in co C t. ~4 Ve --F'Lo t,,.,.t --'I- Dtai 1F-Ds c -.-I s s -i n6 b,~e-:-,":n ',-efoTe ---d after the the new --.ethod (Tab---Ie 31. ~-:~.ut-I--orS z-'---~t tu'ae add-it-ional costs a-,--E. so---,~ b--- o, id-re cove -ilc_- GS at,. of 700 000 roul,les per e ra U- t ab. I p- s a-rid 3 Ru s s ian 3, El-,-li sh The-T~e are 4 f J ~- ures, .-ef ej-ences. A6,30CIATiO-Li: Darasun Concentration Plant obo~~auitellnaya falorika) AVAILABIE: Library of Gon~~ress Cnr-d 2/2) AUTHOR: Tabakopulo, N.P.,,-Miineer 127-12 -15/26 TITLEi Publicatione on the Development of Ore Concentration Technique in the USA (Raboty po razvitiyu tekhniki obogashcheniya rud v SShA~ By Foreign Literature Data (Po dannym inostrannoy litera- tury PERIODICALt Gornyy Zhurnal, 1957, No 12, PP 58-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reviews the articles which appeared in the American magazines "Mining Engineering",1956, No 2, pp 184-192, and "Engineering and Mining Journal", 1956, No 21 PP 133-145t both dealing with ore concentration. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 TABAKOPUIO, N.P.; TARASOT. Tu.A. Additional recovery of metal from waste tallirW by slime removal and flotation. TSvet. met. 30 no.12:1-6 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Darasunskaya obogatitellnava fabrilm. (Flotation) (Gold ores) 'FAMKOPIJLO, N. Urgent problems in nonferrous metallurgy. NTO no.12:32 D '59 (MIRA 130) 1. Predsedatell byaro metallurgicheskoy sektsii Vostochno-Sibirskogo oravleniya ffauchno-tekhnicheskogo obsh--hestva tsvetnoy metallurgii, g. Ch i ta. (Siberia, Eastern--Nonferrous m-etals--Metallurgy) ULBALKOPULO, N. P. Necessity of inturo-411cing str-ndard r*thods indices of ore dressing plant operaticns. no.8:4-8 Ag 16o. (Ore dressing) fcr establishimp TSvet. met. 33 (MIRA 13:8) 116 t " " I ilt~AK introd'irtlon of ba.-11-1~153 c~;.,imtr.-ution --'In ---' Ile. 't-!'.--- t . met'. 1, My `-3. ~M-~.RA 't.) C. TABAKOPULO, X.P. School of progressive practicen an the a~~,ozeni)a3 cru.3hlng Of Ore3. TSvet. met. 36 no.%~3-9L S 163. (MIRA 16~10) TABA OV, A. Standing; guard for labor safet7. Mast-ugl. 9 no.5:7-8 My 160. (MIU 13:7) 1. Direktor Vostochnogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta po becopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. (Coal mines and mining-Safety measures) TABAYOV, A.A. Effect of pepsin on protein digestion in -2 tis. Lab. dela 10 no.3:159-161 164. _;Jjjj~jr- -, -I'll- '-' - ,_~W) .-:, . 1. Okeanskiy, sanatoriy Dallnevostochnogo V;)y- vostok. WIXITIN. S.H.: ZnBeXOVA, Ye.G.; TjIBAKOV, A.G. Neutralization of explosion gases. Patent U.S.S.R. 78,8L-6. Dec-31, 1949. (CA 47 no.19:10230 153) TABAKOV, A.G. Scientific and research work of the Eastern Scientific Research In- stitute. Bezop.truda v prom. 3 no.1:18-19 Ja '59. (MIR& 12:3) 1. Diroktor Vostochnogo nauchno-issladovatel'skogo inotituta po bezopa- snosti rabot v ornoy promyeblennosti. ~Coal nines and mining--Resaarch) 'I A LIAKOV, - Cll,:RNOV, 0. 1. impro,ving degasif-i-cation methods in Kuzni--,.,ik "ust.n. Vop~ bezop, v ugoll. shakh. 1:107-119 1 SIci. (mi 1 H A I -, :; l 2 ) TABAKOV, A.G. Labor safet7 "or miners. Bezop. truda v prom. 3 no.11:3-4 N 159. (MIRA 13:3) I.Direktor Vostochnogo nauchno-issleaovatellskogo instituta po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. (Mining engineering-Safety measures) u Y. KHODOT V.V, tloktor trklm. muk, red,; BCTROX, I.V~, tekhn, A.-Gj red.; nauk- 2 red. ~IE'NIT, Ir. F, red. ; T4-lb;U:QV.%- I --er-; ---dLR-'.GVj A.P., red.; F 'A!( otv. red. s I Kov ) L,*.,, cAv. red.; 1-0~ V.I.. o-LV. red. red.; otv, rel.; izd-v.--; ILIUSK,11-YA, tohlin. red.; Z.A., te!d-m -L, e d , (Control o' --,udden outbur.A:7 in coal Canes; proceedings of the ~;uitant -fic and tcclinic~al conference hold in Lonets in December -1960]Borlb- s vno--apnymi N-ybro-sana- v ugo!'nyl-.1% shakhtskh; sbor- nik trudov nauchnrl-t,~khn ic lie ckogro soveFhchaniia, sostoialvshe- rpoia v ~;or. Donetske v dekabre 19,60 i,-, 1"Oskva., Gorgortell-,hiz- 1962. 602 (IMIRA 11:c)) 1. InAitut gornogo ~'.e-Ia irricri A.A.SL-ochJ--.-.:;k',)f,-o (for Khodot). 2. Konbinat "Donotskur,01111 (-,Oy- mtdchenko). 3. Go.~mdarstven- n,y-, 1komitet pr-i '-ovet,-- l'inictrov Ukrainskey SS:1, po nLdzoru za bezopasny- vedeniyem rabot v promy~-,hlcnnorti i jovnorii nadzoru, Donctskiy okruC (for .-qlchukin). (Coal -dnes and rj.n-JnE----,Safr!t.-~1! i.;~-.-,asures) I W TABA KC.-V I h. G, Speed up tlne introduction of research work in industrial production. Bezop.truda v prom. 5 no.7:5-6 J! 161. (",1!F..-'- 1-4: Q/) 1. Direktor Vostochnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti, (Research, Industrial) I . , : z , , :, I I; 'i: ~ . !; 1 . Imi: , I I . . .. . , . .. . : I It I L . , 0 - . - L ACC NR. 600 534' SOILFRCE CODE: U_R/0413/66/ooo/Ool/oo92/ooa2 32- V. S.; Vishnyakov, Ye. P.; Shnirson . B.; Levi I. S.; 0 R M Grodzenskiy, V. A.; Tabakov, A. P O.~G: none T I'll L 7-;': 1,"ethod of recordin,- weak explosions'and eartli juake Class 1,10. 17761,,o 0 0 U21 CIzolorete-niya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1966, 92 ;TOPIC TA.G`Y: earthquake, seismic explosion, as been issued for a method of recordin ~UC': An Author Certificate h tweak e;Tlosions and earthquakes based on determination of the interrela-I Ition function of seismic vibrations. To impro7e the quality and reliabil :of measurements, the values'of the function obtained for a number of !receiving points arranged along the profile are summed up with the vary- ling time shifts corresponding to t*,-iose predetermined by the location of Ithe receiving points along the profile. [LD] ! iSUB CODE: 08/ SUIrM DATE: 29Jan63/ UDC: 550-341 TABAKOV, B. Studiej of the excretion c' adult heiis -with guilen:~--, eliseLset. I Izv Vet inst zaraz parazit 821.71-170' 1641 TAPMOV, D.; STAMATOV, T.; URUCHW, K. Staphylococcosis in -rabbits. Izv Vet L:s'l- z---a-- parazil. 81 29-5-229 t64. TA13A KU7 , I . ; Z; i (:-,o i LWM IVA , E . L-ral uzethrai anesthesia with dicaiae-car-~-ol---1~7ceri-- unzmemt adrur.,-'Jia, Sofia 11 no.4:362-364 1958. 1. Institut za ipetsializatsiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lek-arite - Sofiia ur--)Ik-)f;Ichna irlinilm Direktor: prof. A. Chervenakov TsentraIna apteka Zav. anteKata.- N. Shechedzhieva. (AZI-E-STH3SIA, LOCAL, dicnine-carbol-,-,lycerin uruluent in rystoscoTjy in male (Bul)) (CYSTOSCOPY, anesthesia & analpesia, anesth., local, with dicaine-carbon-gly-cerin ungueat in -nale (Bul) MINKOV, N.; T4PAkQV,_ Iv- Urethral injuries In severe pelvic trauma. Khirurgiia 15. no.9/10:858-860 162. 1. 1z Katedrata po urologila pri ISUL [Institut za spetaiali- zataiia i usuvurshenstv-uvane na lekaritel. (URETHRA) (PELVIS) T.AB A-K-Qv.. - Iv. On contrast demonstra-tion of the urinary tract with strontium lactate. Khirurgiia (Sofia) 16 no.3:303-306 161. 1. Institut za spetsializataiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite - Sofiia Katedra po urologiia Rukovoditel na katedrata: Prof. A. Chervenakav. (UROGRAPHY) (STRONTIUM) (CWTRAST MEDIA) ., ~iIKOV' 1). rA Hil Tv - n ~ u r f.: i c-,-- I cf treat~-ng bladder t-mors ir patients over OP years of age. Khirurgiip- 1-7 no.2:241-24-2 164. I. Iz Katedratu pc urologila pri ISUL [institut za spetsiiaii- :- usninirshenstvavane na lpkaritel, Scfiia. TMAKOV. I-ft- Ost. Kt-.riit-,andi-Sortirovot7lintLytt) Using snow romivers for cleaniiig winriowq. Put' J put.khoz. nr,.10:22 0 158. - (MIRA 11:12) (Railroads-Snow protection and removal) TABAKOV, KH. TABKOV, KH. Fall of the woof bobbin and soiling the weft. p.11. Vol. 4, no. 11, 1955 LEKA PRUM.LSRLKN(Ur TEURNOLWx .jofiya, Bulgaria So: East European Accessions. Vol- 5, no. 5, May 1956 ~IAB~-KOV. LJI, maE-f~er i Useful device. Fut' i put. khoz. 7 no.11;3I 163. (YJ.FtA 10'-.-12) 1. Mekhanicheskiye masterskiye Zaporozhskoy distantsil Pridneprovskoy dorogi. kf ~j r:,%', No.! January Yb~ C ric F~ FOR w FAM mr m XMIC w affia MIN L~ -w W'J"; z:,% n e,. .;C4 J fz~! 14. 'v A; d datommatf Y_v atict ip iy Fig. Fa 17--w lite ~Cryo iAth "I-x 04~: ac IlelWalized with: NHj, ~jj6at ~-Aud vow te~ is then analyked for* Cr U4 to as by 0 Fe. me e M. 'detn., lastjzjg'anl~! ibout So xilfil~ ves an Out H er GRIGOROV Gr.; TABAKOV N. .9 .9 Protective water relay. Prib.i tekh.eksp. 6 no.5:193 S-0 161. WIRA 14:10) 1. Kafedra tekhnicheskoy fiziki Sofiyskogo universiteta. (Cooling--Safety appliances) TILBAXOVp 11. [Tabakov, I-,Iikolai T.] Glass-blowing technics. (Conclusion). Biol J* khim 4 no-4:58-61 .L 162. !AMK Q "J ~ N. bjo~ijng te,3iuriqu~--, Pt, 2~ Biol, J khi= 1; no.1-:54-59 '.63. Lt-L - "Tc -4-4 6 0-6-v-v-G 0 *it 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 04 . ! I - 0 A A L 1, L I t. 11 1. L M - so _. Os - . I 00 00 0 e I)eterMinjitfion of total ammonin in meat N' A. ~90 00 P,,iki c I S. S. R 1 1938. N,- 06 l.-Til-I tit -hi,h th~ 00 ........ tm Ou -00 ** ..... . 14 Mitt, 0* 00 -00 00 00 0* 00 00 00 00 KF ; 0 . .00 00 .00 es .00 .00 '64 00 Ir I RT t, A if if A 4~1 .1 1 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ * w 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : N : 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 q 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 11 is 1, 4 25 16 Z, 21 Aill P m 1) ub J. 11 wa A 9 r--JL- L _&-j" _a &-I 00 .00 00 M staitol-drfoctiv* and nontypical Wain* of Bacilluf a Cali Zistid train water. N ~ A I Che.. Ze%t,. 1934. 11, 4411.1-St-n, B, ."i. I, i-00 In I'll't vall acquim I11411V -00 J'carag,tm ---imufaitow. J ,, a 0 ZOO Of IN, 06 ~:qq so* A I a tia -- 0 Is :14 t I V 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 op 0 0 9:0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 IN * 0so 0 9 0 0 &, I'flboko, 1., LTP'.P-; D. --ml L. A. ".he eruption of Shiveluch irl t"in str--Pr (if Bytilleton' Vul~-rmol. st,.-ntsil n& --chatke, U- 3t'ril 14 Auras f. ~-I, (Le%opis I Zhiirnn! I wAIr Stptey, No. TABAKOV,N~r. Observations on certp-*:n moments of the eruption of Shiveluch Sopka during 1946-194? Biu!.Vulk.sta. no-1-8:25-30 ~53. (~MRA 3:11) (Shiveluch Sopka) djFn a in gases from the �h-iveluch volcano in 1946 with the old of a tbermaindiratur. N. D. TabaLov. Bytill. Vulkanalog. Sla., Akud. Nauk SlMsi ~--ff ZZUX.:Wtr. 18,41-6; Referal. Zhur.. Khim. 1953, No. 02119. -A Miell case coing. hopcalite is placed in the indicator app. " The rase is installed in a cylinder filled with water and is provided with a thermometer. When gas contg. CO is pust~cd into the case, Uie tenip. increases (in proportion to the CO contenE in the gas) owing to the oxidation of CO into co~. A graduated curve utid analysis data an the CO coutent. in the vote-attic zuses arc set forth.. NI.. K. -Lz- ZX . ..... � TABAKOV. Hikolay Grigorlyevich, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Trudal ZUBRILINA. Z.P.,, [For 200 centners of meat ard 600 centners of milk for everi 100 hectare] Za 200 tsentnerov miasa 1 600 tsentnerov mololra na 100 gektarov. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. .16 D. (MIRA 11:5) (Stock and stockbreeding) __ - - "W 4~ - ~ ~-~ ____ T.ABAKI.)V) flikolai T. Glass-blowing techmics. (To be contd.) Biol i _*6rh.d= A 162. 4 Yc,V,; SHICH"AKI:;11, I, l.; T.,kBAKOV, P. lrll~ SCLOW , 0." ,~;.U.-IFOVA.l CS it Fos.-ibility of using sijecific fluor-2scent antibodies for 'he rapid detection of Vibrio cholerac in water. Zhav.,-alk-robiol., ep-;d. --' irmlli;!, 3", no.3:9-]J+ Hr 16-9. 1,1 15: 4) 1. Iz Vsesovumno~ro nauchno-is.-lodovatellt3ko-o instituta "I"ikrobil. (WAT-11?~!,IIC,1103 IOLOC,,Y) N' 1 T, i G 1,,"! 1, Al " D X;'I I BOD 1 -- s (m,]l,,,,jfO C~ ",,,.,A) TABAKOV, F.K.; CIPJBRIKOVA., Ye.V.~ SIAFRYINA. I.I.; VELINER, Ye.l. Rapid method for obtaining labelled flu-.~,resceni, stained anti- bodies. Zhur. mlkrobioL. epid. i luoun. 33 ni-OLW26-30 0162 3- Iz 71sesayuznogc. nauchno-isfsledwratellskogr~ instituta "Mj.k--ob*, sa ratov. , I j!j:- ~qjt, fl, I- r 1. t 11, ,t C; irmilar 1"'ormi. LlrhL lii,lunlxv, i/1-:1 Y'.~ . I I ~ !I TABAKOV, S. TABAKOV, S. Computing operations for pressed details with regular cylindrical forms. P-30. How the Zebra State Rub"ber Plant operates according to the 25 front-ranking enterprises. P-35. Vol. 4. no. 11, 1955 IZKA PROMISHLENOST TECHNOLOGY Sofiya, Bulgaria So: East European Accessions, Vol. 5, no. 5. May 1956 TPAEAKOVY S. Working Method of the "ZebrO State Rubber Plant iccording: to the Call of the 25 Foremost Enterprises. Leka ProrrtisUenast (Light Industr-[), #11:315:1NOV. 1955 --ii 19-') Vol ,;. ~ut--,ing out sheet metal in round sections. F. 40, (Teshkp- Promishlenost) Vol, no. 5, MaY 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria &-- 'Monthly Index of East European Acessions (Ei-41) Vol. C,, Nc. 11 November 1957 Zarla' be- ~0' 'fcessio-is f',-,"T) T 'l-ane ~A I~A 1". 0 1, S . Oy-vacp,~viane cuitting of metals. z;.22. " ' i AZS'~ 1 1 "; I - 1 ~, A- " 0 " --' z Z -) - L 1 :E , V 1 . 6 ,. , ',,'ay 1~-' k. 0 ri 0 '~ 57, Sofia, 9ulgaria.) SO: *,"olthiv List :)-f' ;Ias,L European ~c-ess'ons (-EEAL) V, Vol. 1), no. 12, '!ecember 1957 Uncl. TkBAZ'()V, T. Cupola furnace with recupqratore and a gas -pipe. Prom-koop. 1-- no.11:22 N '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. ffachal'nik litftynogo teekha arteli "Krasnyy mptallist." Atitrakhan'. (Cupola furiaces) r r on -55 4": 4L i 3 t o f s t 3 YENIKOLOPOV, 1-1. (E;. lhisheti, Grazinskaya SSR); HAZIMANOV, V. (g.Dusheti, Gruzinakaya SSR); ZP-DOPOMMYY, V. (Dnepropetrovsk); PWHKAREX, A.; TAI~AYGV) V. Frepairing for summer. Za rul. 20 n0-4:21 Ap I U. Offll 15:15) (Motorcynles-Maintenance and repttir) (Autombo3-les-1,laintenance and repair) TABAKGVP V. (Moskva); PUSHKAREV, A. (Moskva) For absent-minded drivers. Za rul. 20 no.4:24a Ap 162. (Automobiles-Engines-Oil filters) WIRA 15:14) - 1-- 41-0. 0 - , ~ .1 ; - ..., . '. -.- , u ~ , " (I, -, ~- 7" - - -n , - : !".- - - -. ,v1- - ~ - I". - I, -, '. . ;:.,: ~ ~, ~ -. , .~--r , - : n-:- -~ - -.' - ~- .-I I TABAKOV, V.F., inzhfk* Shearing of reinforced concrete beams reinforced with prestressed elements. Sbor. trud. NIIZRele~obetona no.~.-20-60 161. NIRA 16:3) (Precast concrete-Testing) WITCY E.G. [Ratts) E.G.], k.n.t. (Moskwa); MMISMKIJ, I*L*Zo) [Zhodzishakiy, I.L.) k.n.t. (Moslcwa); TABAKOVI, V.P. LTab&kqY'I-VY.1 inz. (Moskwa); LENKIEWICZ, Wl., dr inz. [translator] Apartment buildings constructed from spatial elements completely prefabricated. Inz J bud 19 no.2:4-1-50 F 162. I'AliAELU . V.P. I j I V Determina'ion Gf the yields -:)f groups of wells completed with horizontal shaft sections In a flat lay-er. Na-uch.-tekh, .9bor. po dob. nefti no.13:61-65 361. (,.ERA- !6:7) I 1Ijftk~,,azc)vyy in3titut. 1. 0 (Oil reservoir onginearing) ~'Ak-41:f ... 11 V . -- . Fl-nw rafarI.J.9 a straight line of' two-zom we)-is jr, a banded poc-I Ln a stratif-Jed bed. klauah.-tekl sbor. po dob. nefti no.13.78- e r) 16.1. (1,LIF-k 16,-.7) .1 I. V-2esoyukmy~y neftegazo-yy institut. (Oil well engj-reerJLng) .1, f, i. - M I Ir IP , '11);l - , , v 'L , 4n~,jw to !I wel, -f c-.QrGr)iex prof"le In a 'ayerei beed. 1 ~ - - I I I I dohy.refti ., no. . 14 07-102 t61. fMIRA 1'7:t'),' BMSCV, Yu.P.; TABAKOV, V.P. Calculating the interference of lines of inclined multiho2 wells drilled in a multizone reservoir. Nauch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.L~:50-54 161. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut. (Oil reservoir engineering) TABAKOV, V.P. Calculating the interference of grouped wells having horizontal o~ gently dipping bottoms in circular and straight-line flooding. Nauch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.15:58-63 161. (~ffRA 15-9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Oil field flooding) BORISOV, Yu.P.; Oil flow toward straigmt and inclined wells in an isotrot)ic layer of finite thickness. N~mch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.16:34-39 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuzny-y neftegazovly- nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Oil reservoir engineering) BORISOV, N.P.; TPAKOV, -R. ,-Y Determining the yield of a multistage well in an isotropic layer of great thickness. Nauch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.16:51-56 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Bashkiria--oil reservoir engineering) TABAKOV V.P. Determination of possible deviations from the planned position of multiwall shafts in connection with determining their yields. Trudy VNII no-36sI80-187 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Oil well drilling) - - - - , :~,; I -- - - .11- ~,- BORISOV., Yu.P.; TA?A011, V.P. InvestigaLing the effect of reservoir prtissu~ra averaging oxi the externai lbou-ndary of = reservoir. Naach.-tekh. sbof. po dob. ne'LtL. 28-3-1 163. (Vl?A 17:6) I - .:, il, 0' . ,; : . - . . . - r . 1 1:- .:''. ~i terfac~ flow. st-Or. !or Tic I - -- A SHIGABUTDINOV, Kh., TABA~~iv-`- .11 Fire safety appliances for mobile wide-film movie projectors. Pozh.delo 3 no.4:18-19 Ap '57. (MLRA 10:7) (Motion picture Drojection--Safety measures) 0 0 0' 0 10 1 Or Or w w Ow w w Ww W- www a Or l. Pit x "I N I LN 10 J1 li Id IsbV 2 If Ab At Aj is Ad if cm at a ~ ---- ~w -1: 7 1 9 10! - " . . ~" .1 -J 1 0 "ICAI-11113 bn0dilt'l * 0 #It Off t : Tabakow, Z. Ys., "d BelowoddA V. V- HiA A%r WA(INISMTH 01ptempwy, 4 15 ch.ojctrristk-~ of the hr4t n-kinint ittag"mite Inick are refrictorinft, ital Irii IfLita :AXWC.. rueckinical strength froto 4.A) to .501 kg./%q. cin- tcrnperatum of deforouttsoo un,ler load from 144W to VC)T.. and average thenital 0 off 90= so 00-1 00. 00- ISO go- - - - - - - -- - - " - - GOR -1 - rr 7 1 4 cr 1l ~5 I aA fV j ad W L t V 9.~W D IV l1 W ll aft UK tilt ItX'6(KC n 1. 1, 9 V, 7 T 5 t t t 1~6 0090 0000 9 0 a TABAKOVA, I.F.. kandidat meditainskikh nauk (Moskva) .... Health education in the prevention of acute infections in children. Felld. i akush. 21 no.8:53-55 Ag 156. (MLRA 9:10) (COMMUNICABLI DISSASES) (GHILDBJCN--CARE AND HYGINNS) TARAKOVA, I.F. Methods for popularizing prophylaxis of droplet infections in children. Pediatriia 39 no.1:76 Ja-F 956. (14IRA 10:1) 1. Iz Nentral9nogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta sanitarnogo prosveshcheniya. (CHILDREN--QRB AND HYGIEIM) I II TABAKOVA, I.F.,kandidat maditsinskikh nauk Health 0-d-d-cation work of nursert personnel in families. Med. sestra 16 no-3:20-22 Mr '57 (MLRA 10:.5) 1. Institut sanitarnogo proaveshcheniya, Moskva. (CHILDRIOT--CARN AND HYGIM) k TARAKOVA, I.F., Health education and the prevention of acute diseases in children. Mlat. dlia prep. san. prosv. v med. inst. no.5'.45-52 '59. (MIRL 13:12) 1. TSentr4lgnyy institut sanitarnogo prosveshcheniya. (HEALTH EDUCATION) (CHILDREN-DISEASES) TABAKNA, I.F., kand.meditsinskikh nauk (Moskva) Elimination of diphtheria in the U.S.S.R. is one of t4Lsks in public health. Felld. i akush. 25 no.6:3-5 (DIPTHERIA) the most important Je ~60. (MIRA 13--9) TAJJAKOVA, I.F., (Moskva) Erperience with health education U the prevention of diphtheria in cities of Moscow Province. Sov.zdrav. 20 no.5:49-52 f61. (MIRA 14:5) (1EALTH EDUCATION) (MOSCOW PROVINGS-DIPHTHEPLIA) ~t.y. (Moskva) Sanit.Eiry education in thu systuu. of i.. ~asuraa to f--ontrol diph- ther-la. Sov. :;drav. 21 illk-,9:52-1: 162 ~Km, I BTUTCHKN~ Pe~'-uj- SIMOVA, i.-, TABAKOVA, M. X-&-perienca with the treatment of inflammatory form of amphodontosis wiTh novocain-procaine block at a regional stomatologic clinic; a Preliminary comminication. Stomatologiia no.2:81-90 154. (RICAT 3:7) 1z Utdol terapevtichna stomatologiia. Zavezhdazhah, Ann& Peaheva. (PICRIODONTIUM, diseases, *ther., penicillin with procaine) (PENICILLIN, therapeutic use, 'I'pariodontal die., with procaine) (PROGAIN-A, therapeutic use, *periodontal dis., with penicillin)