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7 Isc 4V lips zon z0, ~~l tat Lb 7 07w- tr4 kkn vsr, in :lo-7 L'M ytlutrj, ~-L- Or blocs hj Fi BURNOCZKY, Lajos; SZLW, Miklos Measuring the viocosity of melts. Koh lap 93 no-5:222-225 My 160. RUSZNAK, Istvan, dr., Kossuth-clijas, a kemiai tudomanyok kandidatusa; SZABO, Miklos; GAL, Janos; SARRAITY, Jozsef; BOZSO,'I'van Factory experiences with the thermotex process. Magy textil 14 no.10: 433-436 0 162. 1. Textilipari Kutato Intezet (for Rusznak, Szabo, Sarmany, Bozso). 2. Kispesti. Texti1gyar (for Gal). DAROCZY, Pa-1, dr.; SZADO, Miklosp dr.; BURIS, Laszlo, dr. Rheopyrine dragee ermsing lethal Lyell's s~mdrcme. Or;. he'vil. W6 rio-14.-647-649 4 Ap 165 1. Debreceni Orvostudcutanyi Egyeteri, ~or- es Nemilcortani Klirika (igazgato: ft-doray, Lajos, dr.) es Igazsagugyi Orvostani Intezet (igazgato.- Yagy, Janos, dr.)~ z- /160, M, 1-. 4 TAKACS, L.; KOVACH, A.G.B.; TAKACS-NAGY, L.; SZABO, M.T. Histological and metabolic regeneration of the musculature in shock. Acta pi7siol. hung. Suppl. no.6:24-25 1954. 1. 111. Nedizinische Klinik, Physiologisches Institut, III. Chirurgische Klinik un& Chemisches Institute der Medisinischen ~niversitat, Budapest. (SHOCK, exper. eff. on muse. metab. & histol.) (MUSCLES, metab. in exper. shock, histol.) -I, TAKACS, Tqjos, az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa; SZA30, Maria, Technikai munkatars; HORVAT, Vera; TATAR, Nrika. - ~ ~ -/\ Comparative studies on the glycogen content and hydrolytic glycogen degradation in striated muscles, heart and uterus in hypoxic states (nhock, emaicconis, arterial hypoxia).~4agy. Tudom. Akad. Biol. Orv. Oazt. Kozl. 8 no.4:353-363 1957. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi FCyetem III. sz. Belklinikaja es Orvosvegy- tani Intezete. (GLYCOGEN, metab. eff. of arterial hypoxia, dehydration & shock on content & kydrolysis in striated muse., heart uterus of exper. animals (Hun)) (MUSCIRS, metab. glycogen, eff. of arterial hypoxia, dehydration & shock on content & hydrolysis in exper. animals (Hun)) (MYOCARDIM4, metab. same) (UTERUS, metab. same) (ANOXIA, exper.- eff. of arterial hypoxia, on glycogen content & hydrolysis in striated muse., heart & uterus of exper. animals (Hun)) TAYACS, L.; SWO, M.T. ComPorative studies on striated muscle, heart and uterus in hypoxic states (shock, dehydration, arterial hypoxia) with regard to ATP and glycogen breakdown. (Onntinued) Card 2. (SHOCK, eff. A . same) UBEITTIEMPHOSPHATE, metab. myocardium, striated musc. & uterus of rats, eff. of arterial anoxia. dehidration & shock) (GLYCOGM, metab. same) GARZO, T.; PML. K.; SZABO, M. T.,* ULLMANN, A.; STRAUB, F. B. Incorporation of radioactive amino acids and amylase synthesis in pancreatic tissue in vitro. Acts, physiol. hung. 11 no.1:23-29 1957. 1. Chemisches Institut der Medizinschan Universitat, Budapest. (PANCREAS, metab. am3rlase biosynthesis, utilization of glycine & tyrosine in tissue slices (Ger)) (A-MYLASES In pancreas, biosynthesis & incorporation of glycine & tyrosine In tissue slices (Gar)) (GLYCINE, metab. pancreas, Incorporation In amylase synthesis In tissue slices (Ger)) (TYROSINE, metab. same) jr,' TAT-ACS, L.; SZABO, M.T. C)mnorative studies on striated muscle, heart and. titerus in hypoxic states (shook, dehydration, arterial hyDoxia) with regard to ATP and c~lycogen content and hydrolytic glycogen oreal-down. Acta med. hung. 11 no.1:31-44 1957. 1. With the technical assistance of V. Horvath and 3. Tatar, 3rd De- partment of Medicine and Institute of Medical Chemistry, Medical Univer- sity, Budapest. NYOCARDIUM, metab. eff. of arterial anoxia, dehydration & shock on adenyl- pyrophosphate & glycogen metab. in rats.) (UTERUS, metab. same) (14USCIES, metab. eff. of arterial anoxia, dehydration & shock on adenrl- pyrophosphate & glycogen metab. in striated muse. of rate.) (ANOXIA, eff. arterial anoxia on-adenylpyrophosphate & glycogen metab. in myocnrdium, striated mnsc. & uterus of rats.) (DWYMBATION, eff. on adenylpyrophosphate & glycogen metab. in n7ocardium, striated muse. & 'uterus of rats.). 0;_ ,%1Mqch&nLw of m0abolle thangcs In ~tiacle dUrIng shock. A 6td ' at 6hydratIon and arterIgI y~oxtu. L. Tukkc-s Id and TI, 4LTUI-,. val. School, Budapest) Add pkY7t3r. .C'. 71, j. Hurg. It, I~ugltrhlk- In We skeletA tuuwfe of the dehydtated "t the glycogas c(ldierf dcutass whffe the (ArPl I veA. ULC Ou'phatl4tic Q: t ii~- hydrolyti, brmkdu%vu Of nit. In rats with artefial hypoxia g ympn ftWid Witfung WR(ited by expulurt- to 9-10"!-~. (1,-N, atm. tilt! ATP J~d KIY69-UH 605 dtCfMm In 01C iieltLU m"wit while tile phusphorplyfle gfid hydw!yfif,, breakdYwu Of KII'Logen h- tfttl* "clufti!11. The dimirtuttun o p4cstpliorylast ahd 9exakitw-se attivity oc-mirrhig dittli Ig anock A the incrwse it hyckolytic bmukdawn of &1Vc4;ge11 c-amoz1be Lrplalucd by Po-,ELI. eirctittilt1d or hy Itlef f r "I,i GARZO, T. SZABO, M.T.; STRAUB, F.B. 14 Incorporation of glycine-l-G into the amylase of pancreas tissue slices. Acta physiol. hung. 12 no.4:2996-302 1957. 1. Institute of Medical Chemistry, Medical University Budapest, Hungary. (GLYCINB, metab. pancreas, incorporation into amylase in pigeon tissue slices.) (PANGRNA , metab. amylaBe, incorporation of glycine in pigeon tissue slices.) (AMTIASICS in pancreas, incorporation of glycine in pigeon tissue slices.) SZ&BO, M.T.; GARZO, T. inc'orporation of glycine-l-C 14 into the subcellular fractions and their isolated amylast of pigeon pancreas slices. Acts. physiol. hung. 12 no.4: )03-310 1957- 1. Institute of Medical Ghemistry, Medical University, Budapest. (OLYGINE, metab. pancreas subeellular fractions, incorporation into amylase in pigeon tissue slices.) (PANCRAS, metab. amylase in subcellular fractions, incorporation of glycine in pigeon tissue slices.) (AMYIASES In uancreas subcellular fractions, incorporation of glycine in pigeon tissue slices.) GARZO,T.; SZABO, Maria T.; STRAUR.F.B. Amino acid Incorporation In pigeon pancreas and in pigeon pancreas amUrlase In the .-;reaence of various inhibitors. Acta physiol.hung. 17 no.2:213-223 t60. L-Institute of Medical Chemistry,. Medical University, Budapest. (AMINO CIDS mebab.) (PANCRUS metab.) (AKYIASES metab,)