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AC&ESSION NR: AP4037572 it possible to obtain information.on the real part of the elastic scattering.cross section by investigating the interference between Coulomb and nuclear scattering. "We are pleased to thank V. I. Veksler and I,. V. Chuvilo for continuous interest in the experiments." Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 4 formulas., 4!qSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh,issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: 13Dec63 DATE ACQ: 09Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REP SOV: 003 OTHER: 001 Card 3/3 KIRILLOVA, L.F.~ NIKITIN, V.A.; PANTUYEV, V.S.;-ZYjaLDM,,-_Vj_A.; STROGIV., L.N.; KHACHATURYAN, M.N.; KHRISTOV, L.G.; SHAFRANOVA, M.G.; KORBEL, Z.; ROB,L.; DAMYANOV, S.Z ZLATEVA, A.q ZLATANOV, Z.; YORDANOV, V. [Iordanov,V.]; KANAZIRSKI, Kh.- MARKOV, P.3 TODOROV, T.; CHERNEV, Kh.; DALKHAZHAV, N.; TUVDEIIDORZH,, D. Elastic pp and pd-scattering a'. small angles in the energy range 2 - 10 Bev. IAd. fiz. I no.3-.533-539 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Ob"yedinennyy Inst-itut yaderpykh issledovaniy. 2. Vyssheye takhnichaskoye uchUishche. Praga (for Korbel, Rob). 3. Fizicheskiy institut Bolgarskoy Akademii nauk, Sofiya (for Damyanov, Zlateva, Zlatanov, Yordanov, Kanazirski, Ylarkov, Todorov, Chernev). 4. Institut khim-4i i fiziki, Ulan-Bator, Mongol'sakaya Narodnaya Respublika (for Dalkhazhalf, Tuvdendorzh). L 22122-66 a-IT (1) 6/0077 ACC NR: Ap6oo4922 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/001./007 AUTHOR: Kirillova, L. F.;.Nikitin, V. A.; Sviridov, V. A.; Strunov, L. N.; Shafranova, M. G ;.KaLbel Z.; Rob z =6V7 P. K,; Todo ov. T. Khristov, L.; Chernev, Kh.; Dalkhazhav, N.; Tuvdendorzh, D. ORG: /Kirillova; Nikitin; Sviridov; Strunov; Shafranova7 Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. Dubna (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy); /Korbel-, i Rob Czechoslovakian Higher Technical School, (Chekhoslovatsk v _Era ue oye Y heye &_ 'Yss tekhnicliesicoye uchilishche);LZlateva; Markov; Todorov; Khristov; CherneZ/ Fhysics Us Institute, Bulgarian Academy of-Sciences, Sofia (Fizicheskiy institut Bolg ~07 Akademii nauk); ZDalkhazhav; Tuvdendorzy Institute of Chemistry and Physics,, ~bngolian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Bator (Institut khimii i fiziki Mongol'skoy Akademii nauk3 TITU: Real part of the pp elastic scattering amplitude at-2, 41 6, 8, and 10 Gev SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 1,,1966., 76-77 TOPIC TAGS. proton scattering, elastic scattering, scattering amplitude, differ- 77 ential cross section, nuclear scattering Card 1/2 L 22122-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo4922 ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (Phys. Lett. v. 13, 93, 1964) in which they present results of the measurements of the real par of the nuclear elastic scattering amplitude for an energy of 4 Gev, and more pre- cise data for energies 2, 6, 8,and 10 Gev, taking into account the relativistic corrections. The experimental technique was described elsewhere (PTE no. 6, i8, 1963). The differential cross section was measured in the interval 0 003 Itl < 0.2 (Gev/c) (t = momentum transfer squared). The analysio,of the obtained data as well as those reported by others was based on the Bethe formula (Ann. of Phys. v. 3, 190, 1958) with allowance for radiative corrections. The results agree well with the theoretical curve proposed by Soding (Phys. Lett. v. 8, 286, 1963), up-to an energy of 20 Gev, above which some discrepancy appears. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 25Aug65/ ORIG REF: 001/. OTH REF:- 008 Card 2/2 !~K j f LONIKA, N.A.; SVIRIDOV. V--A--;,.TOISOTV, K.D.; TSYaANOVI' E.N. Dependence of the registering properties of a nuclear emulsion on the temperature. Zhur. nauch, i prikl. fot. i kin. 2 no.1:13-14 Ja-7 '57- (KIU 10: 3) 1., laboratoriya Akademii nauk SSSR. (Photographic emulsions) Ae 11 120-6-30/36 AUTHORS: Otroshchenko, V.A., Sviridov, V.A., Tolstov, K.D,., and Shal ' nikov, A. TITLE: Solid Hydrogen Targets on the ourface of Fhotographic Emulsions (Tva-,dyye vodorodnyye misheni na poverkhn sti fotoemullsii) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika EksLmerimenta, 1957,.No.6, pp. 110 - 111 (USSR). ABSTRACT: It is difficult to study interactions between elementc-~ry partir.les and protons and deuterons which are included in nuclear emulsions because their number is small compared with the total number of nuclebns bound in the nuclei of the emulsion. This is still true even when the emulsion is specially loaded with deuterium and hydrogen. To remove this difficulty, it is convenient to have a target of solid hydrogen or deuterium deposited directly on the surface of the emulsion. In this method of preparation of targets the 0 temperature of the emulsion cannot be greater than 12 to 15 K. Because of this, the temperature dependence of the sensitivity of iiIEFI-R emulsions was investigated (Ref.1). Already at 20 0K, the sensitivity of emulsion is down by a factor of 2 and therefore it is difficult to use this emulsion with mini- Cardl/2 mum ionisation particles. However, different types of a3.3 000), 66838 SOV/??-4-6-5/16 AUTHOR: Belyakov, V.A., Kozlovaj L.G., Sviridov, V.A, Tolstov, K.D. TITLE: Dependence of the Sensitivity of Nuelgar Emulsions on Temperature Within the Range of 2-300 K PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii 1959, Vol 4, Nr 6t pp 42.7-429 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The author reports on recent Soviet study of the depen- dence of the recording properties of various nuclear emulsions on temperature within the range of 2-300 K. The results of the first experiments were Published in the paper of N.A. Dolina, V-A. Sviridov, K.D. Tolstov and E.N. Tsyganov LI-Ref i~ 7: Subsequently, an atbempt _ was made to improve the recording properties of the emulsion NIKFI R 400/Lby a change in the'processing con- ditons. Curve 1 of the graph (taken from the paper of V.A. Belyako-~-, L.G. Kozlova, V.A. Sviridovt K.D. Tol- stov and E.N. Tsyganov Z-Ref 2 7 ) corresponds to the Card 1/3 normal processing conditions o-f emulsions, which witvh 66838 SOV/77-4-6-5/16 Dependence of the Sensitiv;ty of Nuclear Emulsions on Temperature Within the Range of 2-300 K Table). 3he grain density at exposure within the range of 2-215 K averages 15-17 grains per 1001A.,of particle track. The fog is approximately constant. The layers were processed under conditions recommended by the firm of Ilford. Comparative data on NIKFI and Ilford emulsions are given in the graph. There are 1 graph, I microphotograph, 1 table and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATIONt Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: September 23, 1957 Card 3/3 85363 S/12o/60/000/005/037/051 E032/E314 Sensitivity and Thermal Conductivity of Nuclear Emulsions at Low Temperatures at 0.1, 0.3, 1.6 and 300 0K. The results obtained are summarised in the following table: Absolute sensi- Temperature, 0K tivity at 300 0K (blobs/1001i) Emulsion 300 1.6 0.3 0.1 +105)9/ -h-15)% 60 -R 1000/0 5)% (3 0 0 NIKFI / (36+10 1-1 21_1 Ilford G-5 loog/. (694-15)0%- (70+15)0% 25 The sensitivity at 300 OK was taken at 100510. Acknowledgments are expressed to P,.L. Kapitsa for collaboration in this work. Card 2/3 OW389 5/056/6010 59; 004/W6/04a W4/BOT0 AUTRORS: BQ1Y-k0v, 1, A- V" V%14-~e 1, G1490101, V. V . Dalkhx~h4v, ' L.b.d., 'R I N. 1. Mikitin V A tz-R;;;;. F.: Ni"d-- V. A.. S.k V , T TMX; Lnela.tia Interactio- of 7 Bev C-194sons and Nucleon& if P1210DICAL; k.p#r1w.m%Al.oy I t..r.tIch..k.y f Iliki, 1960. Val. 39, 1-. 400). Pp. 93 7-94T XXT; Th. I .1-ti. int.m.tic. of 7-B .. ....... us I%h nucleon. to ! tudid In Me paper. The preliminary results were comaunicated to EiPo'.k.j. po fl.iki yoakikh dawrily ( the Ph,-4- of 811h Th. h-bar a ... toted of 240 NAM 014- r (X1XU-& "or. ith . %hlckm-fis of 400P. 5300 interaction. with the nuclei of~kot aexulsion were 0b--"04. Of the... 535 inelastic int.ractionmL were analysed (Table 1). Th* theoretical distribution of the charged aXtI.I.. we. calculated by I. S. Bara.h,vkol. Spurious scattering .9 - i'st"t.d. by ap-W see. ur..*at a .1 piano and 154'pr-t-. card 1/3 '7 were Identified. The anCul&r dl tributlot of piano and the total dl trib.1lon of all stars (in :.m.o.) are snown in PLC. 1. For smalltr numbs r of charged particles. the asynsietry incroasem strongly. This a prina1pally 4no to piano with large minmeat& (Fig. 2). Therefore, thei different I angular distributions are v or fast and slow plans (Fig. 3). plan:.vith noment. < .5 has - aloa.t isotropic distribution. Pro. the rular and total At.tritutLcim. of proton. (Pie. 4) It I- seen that the protons *on..rv* t1wir initial dlr*ctioa. From the 20nentum 4istributLans of pion. and nucleons, the authors conclude that the a44 r::tum of %b6 nucleon$ "4 of the charged plans does not depend sm r o,:,Om an the s* of the number of charged particles. ThA asso result fell o"s fro& the data for the mr-44 transverse so.ents, h of protons and piano given in 3. Fig. 7 have it. number of neutral a..... . & function of the number of charged particles. -he result. can he LA-..rVrs%S4 onlIpLrtly by the statistical theory. Th* asys-%ry or the angular dig tri bution of the secondary plans can only be explain*1 ay a p*ripheria cilli.l.. of th: plan . . I,- Of Ib* nucleon 11 s . th:itl I, Pigs. 8 -4 9). An s to t f red . a.- be ..,.an be Card 2/3 I." value of 4.10-14 ca.-Th. a. tho r3 suna.r1s* the results as fallo.m; Average **..At- of pro%on. -(0. p--g. %-.-are. .,~O,"=0.O4)3ov/cj aaywastry of angular 4 L:~rlbu 'I TO 10$ pion. ith P),0.5 U.f. a- d In t the - r4 d1ro momentum equaling (O-OZZO-003ay/c and *,rrneq. .: the r., rAd '.a%t.1r0ft f vi.b. of Sht protons. The authors thank 0. r. and V r dl ..... I.. and advice. Thar. ar. 9 f1g-ro-. I 1411 wao..*: 9 Novi t. 8 03. 1 British, I G-roso, 4 Italian, .1 J&Pasaws .and I Polish, A330CUTION. Ob-yedlnamnyy ino%Ltat Y&Atrnykh to.le4ov"ty (joint InatItuss or Nuclear R9Pesxc1LJ SUB=TXD. Key 11. 1960 C ard 313 32991 S/641/61/000/000/018/033 B108/B102 AUTHORS: Mikhaylina, K. M., Nomofilov, A. A., Romanova, T. A., Sviridov., V. A., Tikhomirov, F. A., Tolstov, K. D. TITLE: Interaction of 14.1-Mev neutrons with Li 6 and Li7 SOURCE: Krupchitskiy, P. A., ed. Veytronnaya fizika; sbornik moscow, 1961, 249 - 257 TEYT; Interaction of 14.1-Mev neutrons with Li 6 and Li 7 nuclei was studif-d' both with targets prepared from Ilford El photoemulsions bearing the lithium and with targets of metallic lithium isotopes. The latter method was us&d for small angles of the departing particles. The mean number of 19 -2 Li nuclei in the photoemulsion was 2.3-10 cm . The integral neutron 6 2 flux striking the emulsion at right angles was about 10 CM Altogether, 412 events were recorded on a 2.5 cm 2 area. 96 events were from the reac- tion Li6 (n,t)a with a cross section a = 27 t 6 mb. Seven Li 6(n,p)He6 reactions with a cross section of about 5 mb were found, moreover Card 1/2 4? LV NIMIN, V. A., NeX~31.,1LOV, A. A., Svinav, V. A., "DUft:mntial Crccr, Sectim of the 3,8 G~VC on ",maU AnvJes and Inclezucn-- att~~rlrig vith a report prooemted at the Intl.. Conference on High Enennr Pby5les, Geneva, 4-11 July 1'r~-52 Joint Institute For Nuclear Research L:iboratory of Ifigh Energlea, Dibna, ~96? KIRILLOVAJ, L.F.; NIKITIN, V.A.; NOWFILOV, A.A.; SVIRIDOV$ V.A.; STRUNOV, L.N.; SHAFWWA, X.G. Elastic scattering of protons at small angles at energies of 6 and 10 Gev. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.4:1261-1266 0 163. . WRA 16:11) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. BFIREMNOY ~; A .1.7 SV11t1DOVq V.A.; KUL-AGIN, P.G. 11 inVeSt4gating the antifcaming preperties of polyorganosilaxane compounds used for drilling fluids. !-.v. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.3829-30 164. (KRA 17-6) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i UkrVNIIgaz. ACCESSION NR: AP4019254 one of their experiments (International Conference on High-Energy Physics, CERN, 1962). Stacks of polyethylene film and of films of A 2 a copolymer of ethylene with propylene, 0.2 to 20 TV= thick* were irradiated by the internal proton beam of the proton synchrotron at 9 GeV. The percentage loss due to diffusion was measured with a 95 mg/cm2 polystyrene scintillator.. The diffusion losses obtained under different exposures ranged from 9 to 14% with an average of. 11.8 + 1%. These losses were found to be independent, over a wide energy range, of both radiation intensity and*energy or character of irradiating particles. "The authors are grateful to M. 6hafranov and L. Strunov for help and useful discussions." A~SSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovani Xy Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: 030ct63 DATE ACQ: 27Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 004 Ccrd 2/2 TOPIC TAGS: proton scattering, high energy proton scattering, protor, semiconducton! AB57RACT: 7he Dosshiiirv of stlid-ino, high ene-7-3- =lastic szatter;ng in thk! FIRM-, I MR, I M, , All M EMIR -Ined hasicaLly Dy [-,)u.LomD sr-dLt-cL--Li,js gecmelry. Fcr Of -)a-ticles einitted -zr~?e :)aths a 25% -~'-)n~-ograr)hic emulsion, is given. The Deak -~:or elastically scatteiecl prozoris nds a Card 2/3 WIT11 'L tT- tribution Dy mean i'a 4- gelatin photoemulsion Cc,d 3,/ 31 t sj" RIDELIP E.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; SVTRIDOV, V.A., Inzh.1 SHCFF-PETILINIKOV, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk Automatic hook designed at the Moscow Institute of Railroad Engineers. Mekh. i avtom. proizv. 19 no.8.-29 Ag 165. (MIRA 18.,q) DERK"MOY, A.I.; KULAGINT, P.G.; SVIRIWV, V.A.; IEVCHENKOV, A.T.; T-ITARENKO, N. Kh, Fooln dnmper on an orgnnosilicone base for clay muds. bzrenle no.3:16-17 t64. (~LIRA 3 8.5) 1. Ukrainskly filial Vspsoyuznogo nauchno-insledovatellskogo institute prii-odnogo gqza i trest 'Toltavank-ftegszrazvedka". 18(5) SOV/1 28-59- 5--11/35 AUTHOR: Sviridov, V.G., Engineer TITLE: Minor Mechanization in the Foundry Shops of the Urals Automobile Plant PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 5, pp 21-23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article has been published in the periodical "Tekhnologiya Avtomobilostroyeniya 1959 Nr 1 (19)", (The Technology of Auto Engineering). In recent years the output of gray cast iron could be increased by 15% and the output of maaleable cast iron by 20%. The mechanization is mainly applied to the transportation of sand, molds, and other parts by conveyer, as well as to an automatic loading and unloading device. The change to mechanization has been done by the laborers of the lant themselves by overtime and on Sundays. Figo Oy shows as enquipment operated by compressed air for taking finished parts into the conveyer. Fig. (2) shows an equipment for lifting parts up and down, By Fig. (3) an equipment for transportation of molding- Card 1/2 sand to mold making machines is shown. Figs. (4) and SOV/1 28-59-5-" /35 Minor Mechanization in the Foundry Shops of the Urals Automobile Plant. (5) show the conveyer device for the transportation of molds. Fig. (6) gives an illustration of a device for the elimination of small iron pieces out of the molding sand by magnets. Fig. (7) shows a continuous device for taking heavy loads up and down, e.g. iron frames, molds, etc. There are 7 diagrams Card 2/2 SVIRIDOV Sandblast apparatus for making cores. inform. no.2:11-12 16o. (Sandblast) (Goremaking) Biul.tekh--OkOAI (xim 13t6) SHULIGA M.S. (g. Chernovtsy); SIDORYCHEVA, A.G.; SVIRIDOV., V.I. ll~stcrv-na-Donu); SHMTEU-IAN, M.E. (g. -Tir-aspUI--'' ZHIGAIDV, K.S. (pos. Bilimbay Sverdlovskoy oblastj~; SERYAKOV, A.A. (Murom); SAKEVICH., N.M. (Vitebsk); KAZANIZEEV, I.I. Readers suggestions. Fiz. v shkold 21 no.6:80-81 N-D 161. (9IFA 14:12) 1. Turochakskaya srednyaya shkola Gorno-Altayakoy avtonomnoy oblasti (for Kazantsev). (Physics-Experiments) SVIRIDOV; V.I. .11;~~; Class physics experiments in eight-year schools. F--*.z. v shkole 23 no.4:58-65 JI-Ag 163. (MM 17:1) 1. 53-ya shkola, Rostov-na-Donu. SVIRIDOV. T.M., aspirant. , Sfficiency of using interblock station graphic train sheets for increasing sectional speed on single-track lines. T~q~ MI no.7t 240467 '57. (KIRA, 110) (Railroads--Traffic) SVIRIDOV, V.M., Cand Tech Sci - (diss) ItTrlcks for increasing divisional speed of movement of freight trains on singlelack ailroad lines." Mos 1958 18 PP. m6s Transport Economics Inst) 150 copies (KL, 39-58, 110) - 44 - Jr MAKAROCHKIN, Audrey Kikhaylovich; SVIRnOV. Viktor Kikhayloviah; TIKHCNOV, Konstantin luzlmich: ZABILL09 kand-etekhn. nauk, red.; XHITROVA, N.A., . (Resources for improving the operations of railroad divisions] Razervy uluchshaniia skapluatatsio nnoi raboty otdalaniia dorogi. Moskva, Vues.izdatellsko-poligr.,obuedinania M-va~putei soobshchanila, 1960. 63 p. Wn 13:6) (Railroads--Management) I - WIL nauk; SJ.Tj,jT j'., JIL. D. and ef f iciencY of freight transpor ta, Detqrm gical routingo Trudy nu. 180) destiriation wid tachnO-Lo iri- 'O'l. SVIRIDOV, V.M. 2? no. 2:25-26 Itr-Ap 161 14:5) Lining of cast StOnOs TSemOnt (14iRk 1. Podol'skiy teementnyy zavodo (Stone (Y,i#s, RotarY) 0 Oast) VALYUKOV, E.A.; SVIRIDOV, V.M. Semiautimatic cintrol of cement loading operations. TwIement 27 no.4:26 Jl-AF '61. (MIfU 14:8) 1. Podol'skiy tsementnyy zavod. (Cement--Storage) (Loading and unloading) KoVALEV, Ye.S.; SVIRIDOV., V.M*. f a kiln between relinings- Lengthening the operating period 0 (MM 15:3) TSement 27 no*6d3 N-D 161. 1 (Kilm . Rotary) SVIRIDOV, V.M. inzh. improvement of the operation of dust-collecting devices. TSement 31 no-4:16 il-Ag 165. (MIPA 18:8) 1. Podollskiy tsementnyy zavod. ACC NR1 AP6021385 SOURCE CODE: UR/0101/66/000/002/0020/0021 S&~- AUTHOR: Yamshchikov, V. S. (Candidate of technical sciences); Loqvushkin, L. N.(Engi- neer); Bondarenko, V. G. (Engineer); Sviridov, V.-K. (Engineer) ---------------- ORG: Moscow Institute of Radioelectronics and Minin Electromechanics (Moskovskiy institUt-radro-e-laRt-r-on-rRt-t--g-o-r-no-y--e-Tektromekh ollsk Cement "Plant (Podoll- skiy tsementnyy zavod) T:TLE: The use of ultrasonic waves in the ci~ality control of carbonate rocks SOURCE: Tsement, no. 2, 1966, 20-21 1~ TOPIC TAGS: cement, sonic wave propagat-Jon carbonate, quality control, ultra- ABSTRACT: The feasibility of applying ultrasonic wave propagation for quality control of carbonate rocks to be used in the cement industry was investigated. A correlation between the mineral composition of the carbonate rocks and the rate of ultrasonic wave propagation was established. Maximum wave propagation of 2500 m/sec corresponds to dolomite-free rocks. For rocks containing from 0 to 16-20% dolomite, the ultra- sonic wave propagation is 2500-2000 m/sec. The accuracy of the determination of the carbonate rock composition by the ultrasonic wave propagation technique is t2%. Be- UDC: 666.94.022 : 620.179.16 2 L 44364-66 ACC NR.- AP6021385 01 cause of the high degree of accuracy and simplicity, the ultrasonic wave propagation method is recommended for use by the cement industry. Orig. art. has: 1 table. SUB CODE: 05AOM/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003 Card 2/2 hs TONKOSHKUROV, B.A.; ASATURMI, A.Sh.; SVIRIDOV, V.P. Electric heating of viscous petroleums and petroleum prc4ucts. Neft. khoz. 38 no.11.,46-49 N 160. .(MIRA .14:4) (Tank cars) (Electric heating) ~1~ TONKOSHKUROV,, B.A4 ASATURYAN, A.Sh.; SVIRIDOV, V.P. Methods for calculating electrical heaters. Trudy NIITrananeft' no-1:50-56 161. (mm 160) (Petroleum, Heating of) SVIRIDOV~ V.P.; BOLDOVI N.G. Heating highly ViSCOUS fluids in tank cars. Trudy NlIfrans~eftl no.107-72 161. .~(MIRA 16:5) (Petroleum, Heating of) I V SVIRIDOV, V.P.; PETROVA, L.Wt --------- I" Determining optimum parameters in the vibrational heating of petroleum products in tanks. Trudy NIITransneft' no.1:73-82 ,61. (MMA 16:5) 1 (Petroleum, Heating of) ASATURrAN, A.Sh.; SVIRIDOV, V.P.; BOLDOVt N.G. An analogy of internal and external problems of hydrodynamics. Trudy NIlTrananeft' no.1:83-91 161. (MMA 16:5) (Petroleum pipelines-Fluid dynamics) ASATURYAN, A.Sh.; SVIRIDOVp V.P.; BOLDOVt H.G. Flow of imperfect liquids in conical pipes and nozzles. Neft. khoz. 39 no.2:60-64 F 161. (MIRA 1712) TONKWMROV, B.A.; CHERNIKIN~ V.I.; SVIRIDOV, V.P. Design of heat exchangers for viscous petroleum products. Transp i khran.nefti no.6-.18-23 163. (MIRA 17:3; 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut po transportu i khraneniyu nefti i: nefteproduktov i Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akademika Gubkina. ISW'CjVj Y;;,G.; SVIRIDOV, V.P. Device for discharging petroleum Frodacts from Ithe lo.:er part, of t~.nk cars. Transp. i kdiran. nefti i nefteprod. nc. 1:333-34 164. ~;~ - (MIRA 17"! 1. liatir-,hno-iss-i.edo,,iatell~-kiy in:itltut. pu transportu i khranenlyu neft-I 1 nefteproduktov. SVIIIIDOV) V.F.; V.Ye. uwler5 of 'he electric heating of Ietrolexmi products in Optimal par 11 '1 no.2-.815-89 164. tank cars. 1z,.,. vys. uchab. zav.; naft' i. gaz (MM A 17. 10) 1. UfA-,-nakiy noftyanwr institut. SVIRIDOV, V.P.; 13UPO-V, YU.G.; SKOVORODNIX(TV, Yu.A.; YLVETAILM, V.G. Device for heating high-visoo3ity petruletua products in tar-,'c cara. Tranap. i khran. nefti i nefteprod. no.9:20-22 164. (1141F.J. 17: 10) 1. 'i~lauc-h-lr).-issledoiateltskiy -L*n;3titUt po transporlu i khrananiyu nefti i nGft,-,jzochLktov. YABLONSKIY, V.S. [deceasedl; SVI-,-I-'-D),,', V.P. .1 ....... I.......... ... Determining the optimal paraneters when heating mazzut in tFnk cars. Trudy ?TIITransbellt' no.3:94-103 164- (MIRA 18:2) PETROVA. L.N.; SVIRTDOIJ V P. I Vlean temperature of petroleum products. Trudy NIITransneft' no.3: 104-106 164. (MI~f- 18:2) YABLONSKEY, V.S. [deceased );.._ SVIRID011 V.P.; TOUKOSHOROV, B.A. Determining the heat transfer and the power of the drive of heaters with mixers. Trudy NIITransneftl no.3:70-76 16-4. (MIfUt 18:2) YEDIGAROV, S.G. ; 3'VjRIDOV, V.-P.; BOLDOV, N.G. Pouring mazut form tank cars with car dumpers. Trudy NIlTransneft' no.3:77--S3 164. 18:2) - - - -- --- -- - ---- - - --- -- -- ---- - ----- -- ---- -- --- ---- -- -- -- I L~ YABLONSKIY, V.S. [deceased'; SVI-P-IDOV, V.P.; !,,UKFIA%ED'DNOV, Sh.S. Curved trajectories of free flooded s-~reamis. Trudy NIIT-ransne--,'t? no,-"84-93 164. (KIRK -18:2) I f'P:Tf(OVA , 11'. r"'. . "~V! f." 11)OV ) VAP. ; IOUKOSI If if, 113. A. I Calculating the temperature of a cooling petroleum product in tank cars. Trudy NIITransneftl no.3:114-1-17 164. (MIPA 18:2) 22231 S10931611000100210021003 4~t A051/A129 AUTHORS: Asaturyan, A. Sh.; Sviridov, V. P., and Boldov, N. G. TITLE- he motion of a real liquid in conical tubes and nozzles PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye Khozyaystvo, no. 2, 1961, 6o-64 'rM: 'he authors have applied the method of similarity and dimensions (Fief. 7) for investigating the motion of viscous liquids in tubes of vAr, - yii~g cros~5_ sections as opposed to Bernoulli's equation of continuity: F r2 d2 where It is the discharge coefficient, F the cross section area, F= -4- , g the gravity acceleration, H the pressure under which the liquid flows. The difficulty in using the latter equation is said to be the correct determination of /4; an analysis of the obtained experimental data in this work showed, however, that formi~ia (1) can be used for a viscous liquid flowing through conical tubes, where the discharge coefficient /4,is a function of the Reynolds number R. The latter relationship was derived by the authors in assuming that the created motion of the viscous liquid in the horizontal conical tube in each cross-section is deter-- mined by,the interaction of forces of inertia, pressure and internal friction. Th-se foroez-, are characterized by the following parameters: Q, AP, d, Card 1/7 V 22231 5/093/61/000/002/002/003 The motion of a real liquid ... A051/A129 ~X, L, where 4AP is the pressure difference between the two cross-sections investi- ga-,ed, :Ln kg/cm2' G the liquid density in kg seO2/^_m4, -Lrthe coefficient of ~ kinematic viscosity In CM2/sec ' 06 the angle of taper in radians, L'- the length of +he that all the main acting factors are taken into - cone in cm. Considering a,~count the connection-equation in non-dimensional values is expressed as: F f 4Q 2gli d 06 d 0. (2) 1 hw, d r L The combination' - suggested by AlItshull is the Reynolds number. Solving equation (2) with rVesvect to the discharge coefficient//&, the authors derive: Iq ~ - 4Q (R, C~, d (3) %r2,F d 2 L d which shows that /~, is really a f=ction of R, angle of taper and ratio j;, as stated above. It Is further shown that a connection exists between//rand the resistance r_-oefficient (Euler's parameter E): /~ = 1 (4) ; 2gH , YE_ -section. where E 7_2 v being the average velocity in a narrow cross :haracterize'. the resistance of the opening to the motion of the liquid depending on R. /6 can be determined experimentally only. Fig. 1 is a diagram of the experimental set-up to determine the functional relationship of equation (3). Card 2/-7-,~ 22231 S109316110001002100210031 'he motion of a real liquid ... A051/A129 -he apparatus consists of a tank 1 creating pressure along 10 m. The liquid from taLk I enters the measuring capacity 7 passing through the pipeline 2, through -!,he nozzle 6. The liquid discharge was regulated by tap 4. The pressure change during the motion of the viscous liquid in the conical tubes was measured in cross- zeations A and B, using a sensitive two-liquid manometer 9. Fig. 21s a graph ~;h;wing the characteristic features of the motion of 5the viscous liquid in the cozical tubes. In the interval 3 . 103 -_ R --- 2 - 10 the function A hardly de- Dtr_r_d_,:z on R. In the interval 10 e- R '_3 -1 103 /fdoes not depend on the angle of caper at- all. At- 10 4 R 4 300 the liquid flow in the conical nozzles is laminated, no s-~7_rictly linear law of this flow is observed, just as in the cylindrical tuteE. A comuaiison of the data obtained by the authors with those of Alltshul (Refs. 4, 9) and theoretical calculations made by Wuest (Ref. 10) showed that no %, in the same "'near relationship of the type/6 = AR (5) results from equation (3) inte--val (10-4-' R"-'300) of R. Results obtained from calculations made with equation (5) by other authors did not correspond to the experimental data obtained in this work. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that a conical tube of varying cross-sections shows much greater resistances to the liquid flow than round apertures in a thin wall do. A transfer from the laminar to the turbulent movement is noted at the critical value of R: Rk = 300 ! 330. In The interval Card 3/71,y USSR/Electronics - Radio Relay Sep/0--t 52 Lines "Survey of Foreign Literature: The Use of Deci- meter and Centimeter Radio Relay Lines in the Telemechanical Installations of Large Power Sys- tem Combines," R.G. Mirimanov andZV.T. Sv-iridov Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol 13, No 5) PP 592-610 Survey of radio relay lines, including a gen- eral discussion of such lines and descriptions of several US lines, namely the Boston-New York line, the transcontinental line, and the Bonne- ville Power System line. Lists 14 US sources. 256T71 svi C. V A1, T_ - I I MIRIMANOV, R.G.; SVIRIDOV, V.T. Omm-, Review of foreign literature on the use of microwave in remote-control units of high-power pool systems. 14 no.1:59-87 Ja-F '53. (Remote control) (Kicrowaves) (Electric power distribution) radio relays Avtom. i telem. (MLRA 10: 3) SOV/10-9-3-7-17/23 AUTHORS':Xislov, V. Ya., ~~ ~L T., Chetkin, 11. V. TITLE: A Non-Slowed Wave in the System Consisting of a Coaxial Helix and a Centre Conductor (Ifezamedlennaya volna v sisteme koaksiallno raspolozhennylch spirali i tsentrallnogo provod- nika) P-10RIODICAL: Radlotekhnika i elektronika, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 7, PP 964-966 (USSR) AB.3TIHACT; The radius of the helix is a and its winding angle is (D The radius of the centre conductor is c It is assumed that the helix satisfies the usual boundary conditions, while the boundary conditions for the centre conductor are ex-pressed by Eqs.(2) and (3), where IL, is tbe permeability of the centre rod, a is its conductivity and (L) is the angular frequency. By employing the above boundary conditions the 0 dispersion equation of the system is in the form of Eq.(4)) where I01 ... I K, are the modified Bessel functions; k is the wave number, is the propagation constant, and e and 0 ~L nre the permittivity and permeability of free space. if ya