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SVIDMSKIYI M.L.., tekhnik
Autom-Jc ~SIPAA-Mg system of an electric power planb!
Energetik 10 no.3:11-,18 Mr 162. C-Mc' 15:2)
Electric, power plantu--wEleatrie equipment)
's Y-/, DE /~ -5 A f Ir'- -4 . - - - - -
. . III -,_- ~
New agricultural machinery at the All-union Agricultural llxhl~
bitiou. Belikhosmashina no.9:3-7 8 154. MHA 7:9)
(Agricultural machinery)
I ~ , .. *
The G-1. 5
no.9:45 S
all-purpose hillside tractor channis. Avt. i trukt. prom.
156. (MLRL 9:11)
1. Ministerstvo traktornogo i Pellskokhozyaystvennogo mashinoatroyeniya.
The TDT-60 tree skidding tractor. Zvt.1 trakt,prom. no.Ilt45-"
N 1569 (MLRA 10:1)
(Caterpillars (VehiOle5))
SVIDERSKIT, N.I., inzh.,
Agricultural machinerr and tractor industr7 at the All-Union
Industrial Exhibition and the All-Union Agr~cultural Exhibition
of 1957. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.2:37-39 7 158.
(MIRA 12:3)
,(Agricultural machiner7--Exhibitions) (Tractors--Exhibitions)
, - , -
Soviet tractor and agricultural machinery indnetry at tho Brusoels
lxhibition of 1958. Trakt. i selikhozmash. no*4-.47 Ap 158*
(AgricUtural machiner7 induatry) (JIM 11*15)
Nasosy dlia rybnol i krnservnoi proLVshlennosti. Utverz)idena v ketchestve
uchebn. posobiia dlia rybopronWshl. vtuzvov. Moskva, Fishchepromizdfit, 1943.
305 p. diagrs.
Bibliography. p. 340-(341)
Pumps for the fishing and canning industries.
DLC; TJ90O.S76
SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congress, 1953.
SVXHMKIY, Pavel Aleksandrovich, professor; LYAXIMTSKIY, V.Tei., doktor
-'"uk, professor, retsenzent; KUNITSKIY, I.A.,
Tetsenzent; GXRSHKOVICH. M.T., reisenzent; SHAPIROVSKI.Y, D.B.,
redaktor; MDROZOVA, I.I., redaktor; GOTLIB, N.M., teklmicheskiy
[Layout and operati,,on of fishing ports and bases] Ustroistvo i
ekspluatateiia ryboprowelovykh portov i baz. Moskva, Pishcheprom-
izdat, Pt. 1. 1955. 370 P. (MLRA 9:6)
(Fisheries) (Harbors)
Automatic line for machining cylinder blocks.
nauch. ob-va LIBI no.3:97-101 159,
Trudy Stud.
(KERA 16:10)
SVIDMSXIY, V.,_~and.arkhitektury (Kiyev)
Using ceramic materials in improving cities of the VIc.-aine. Zhil.-
kom.L-hoz. 10 no-3:7-9 160. (MIRA 13:7)
SUDI-li~sKly V.I.~ otv. rod.
[Some proble= of the methodoloV af research) 1,ekotorye
voprosy metodologii nauchnogo issledovaiiiia. D-sningr-Ld,
1965. 1 v (14,1AA 18:9)
1. Leningrad. Universitet,
SVIIMSKIY, V.I., dotsent.
Generalization on the contradiction of motion. Nauch,.biul.len.un.
no.21:47-49 148. (MT-RA 10:3)
1. Filosofski7 fakul'tot.
(Matter) (Motion)
2. USSR (600)
4- Physics - Philosophy
7. Struggle of materialistic and idealistic trends with space-time representations
in classical physics. Vest. Len. un 7 No. 6, 1952.
States that in the approach to an interpretation of nature and of the
properties of apace and time the materialistic and idealistic currents of thought in
both philosophy and science are opposed. Discusses'#e principal stages of subject
struggle in classical ph"ics, starting writh Aristotle., 251T104
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified.
D-VT-'_-KI- Vladiriir Iosifoviclh
SVIDEPSKIY, Vladiinir Iosifovich, Academic degree of Doctor of Philosophical
Sciences, based on his defense, 28 March 1955, in the Council of the Lenin-
grad Order of Lenin State 13 imeni Zhdanov, of his dissertation entitled:
"About the develppment of spatial and temporal concepts in physics in their
philosophical meaning." For the Academic Degree of Doctor of Sciences.
SO: Byulleten' Ministerstva, Vysshego Obrazovaniya SSSR, List No. 6, 17 March
1956, Decision of Higher Certification Corimission Concerning Acaderdc
Degrees and Titles.
JPRS 512
SVIDXMRS IY' V.I.- M TAPAIDMO, M.V., nauchnyy redaktor; VIADIMIRSKIY, D.M..
%"now il -- -
0 izda l'stva; GURDZHIY.&VA. A.M., tekhnicheskly rodaktor
[Dialectical materialism on space and time] Dialekticheakii materia-
lizm o prostranstve i vremeni. leningrad, Ob-vo po rasprostranentiu
polit. i nauchnykh znanii RSFSR,'Leningradskoe otd-nie. 1956. 38 P-
(Space and time) WaA 10:3)
Filosofskoye znacheniye prostranstvenno-vremennykh predstavleniy v fizike
(Philosophical significance of spatiotempa--~~--', notions in physics)
Leningrads Izd-vo Leningradskogo Universiteta., 1956,
307 P.
At head of title: Leningrad. Universitet,
Bibliographical footnotes
613.o52 N15
SVIDEMIY, Vladimir Iosifovich; KNUMA, L*P red.; MUKMR, Yu., tekhn, red,
-3~srvr- W4
Space and time; a philosoph
C." 10al eassyl.Prostranstvo J vromia;
filosofskii ocherk. Mosk7a, Goo, izd-vo polit, lit-ry, 1958,
199 P. (Space ard time) (KIRA 11t8)
Relations between Innervating systems in the usuromumcular appa-
ratus of Crustacea. Fiziol.zbur. SSSR 45 no.7:830-839 JI 159.
(MIRA 13:4)
1. From the U.S.S.Re Academy of Sciences I.)(. Sechenov Institute
of Wolutionary Physiology, Len'ingrad.
(MYOXKML MHOTION, physiology)
Analysis of the nature of rhythmical tracig reactions in the
neuramoscular apparat~up of insect wing (Locasta migratoria).
Fiziol. zhur. SSSR 46 no. 9:1050-1055 S 160. (MMA 13:10)
I.-From. the Sechenov IAstituta of Evolutionary Physiologyp
Peripheral inhibition in insects (Locusta migratoria L.).
Dckl. AN SSSR 141 no-5:1260-1263 D 161. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Institut evolyutsionnoy fizio.Logii im- I.M. Sechenova AN
SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N. Pavlovskim.
SK IY _ ,~~or fil. nauk; SETOFF, V-A.,, kand. fil. nauk;
M-LAYLOV, S.V., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; BF114SKIY, V.P.,, kand.
fil. nauk; MOSTEPANMO, M.V., kand. fil.. nauk; EFJZUXHIN,
S.T.y kand. fi-1. nauk; 14IMLIN, Ye.I.., red.; YEEM AROVA,
N.A., tekhn. red.
[Philosophical problems in the presentk.ay theory of motion
in nature)Filosofskie voprosy sovremennogo ucheniia o dvi-
zhenii v prirode. Leningrad, 1962. 1911 p. (MIRA 15M)
1. Leningrad. Universitet.
(Science--Philosophy) (Motion)
Nervous regulation Of the function of the wing sYstem in
insects. Fiziol* zhur. 49 n0-1:66-74 Ja 163.
(MIRA 17-.2)
1. From the I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary
Physiology, Leningrad.
~ SVI .-JF R,;K I Y, V ~ L ~, ( i e -1 i, n i -r ~! ti I
1,r e n e n t -i g t I o n ~ -1,= p n.,; 5 i --, , ~ ~ i! yof the lcx2omotor muscles in
;,:)l ~ 1`8 no. 1-10, Jl-'ig '64.
i n sel 1 1: ~~ ~. i s ~-, I s C-. 1., r . U " 30
(MIRA 17:12)
Activity of sirFle neurons in the thoraf--Ic ~ranz'llvn In L,--clista
mi-gratoria. Dokl. '~.Nl 164 -65.
(MIRA .18:10)
1. Institut evolyuLsionnoy fiziologE. I blol~hlml, 1"I. T.H.S-Erherlove.
All SSSR. Submitted Novemler 9, 1964.,
-"'I ': ~~, V.' .. knndidat arkhItektury.
- N.- for street poles. Svetotelthnika 3
iLf'orced concrete . -
~~, ic-P)
1 '57.
1-.Iwitit-ut ~,-radostroitellatva -;Llmde;-.Li stroitellatva i arichitelctury
~, : : 2, -.." .
(Street li-lint-L-7)
GUZENKO, T.G. (Huzenko, T.H.], kand. arkhitektury; LARKINA, O.M.,
arkh.; RODICHKIN, O.M.[Rodychkin., O.M.], kand. arkh.;
SALATICH, A.K.[Salatych, A.K.], ka-ad. arkh.; SMERPKIY,
V.M.[Svidersfkyi, V.M.], kand. arkh.; SEVERIN, S.I.,'iAh.;
AaTSOV, L.I., doktor biol. nauk, prof.; PLOTNIKOVA, T.V.,
kand. biol. nauk; KATONINA, Ye.I., doktor arkh., prof., red.;
ZASLAVSKAYA, T.M.[ZaslavsIkaj T.M.1j, red.; KIYANIGMKO, N.S.
[Kyiarychenko, N.S.I.. red.; USHCHENKO, N.S., red.; ZKMKOVA
Ye.Yu., tekhn. red.; BABILICHVIOVA., G.O.[Babillchanovas H.O.J,
tekhn. red.
[Flowers in city landscaping] Kvitkove oformlennia mist'; allbom.
Kyiv, Derzhbudvydav URSR, 1962. 1.58 p. (NIRA 17:1)
1. Akademiya budivnytstva i arkhAektury URSR. Instytut misto-
budivnytstva. 2. Sotrudnik sadovo.-pu*ovogo--khozyavistva No-3
goroda Kiyeva (,fQr Plotnnoy-q),~j. Zaveouyus)mb~y dendrplo-
gichnym otdelom TSentrallnogo re4publikanskogo botanicheskogo
sada AN Ukr.SSR (for Rubtsov).
Organizatsiia raboty inspektora gosu-
darstvennykh dokhodov (Organization of work of the
state income inspector). Moskva, Gosfini2.dat, 1954.
120 P.
SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7) No. 5, August 1954
SVIDjRSK .0, 101MUTOYAVA, A., redaktw-; DMIISOVA, 0., teknicheskiy
MV^QP_ I f..
[Collection of problems for the course "Stat- revenue In the
U.S.S.R."] SbornikiadachPo kursu *Goaud&rstvenrqe dokhody SSSR."
14oskva, Goafinizdat, 1954. 141 p. (MLRL 8:6)
(Revenue) (Finance--Study ard teaching)
IMMM&Vp A., tekhn-I-cI-e'aVI7'rTWtor.
[oar practice in handling govor !ment revenue] Nash opyt po gosudar-
stvennym dokhodam. Moskva, Goafinizdat. 1955. 81 p- (HW 9:5)
I.Bachallnik sektora goedokholov Sokollnicheakogo rayfinotdala g.
Moskvy.(for Konstantinopollsk~'.y).
Auditing turnover tax returns. Fin.SSSR 16 no.12:63-72 D 155.
(Auditing) (Sales tax) (KmA 9: 2)
SUCHKOV, Alekeendr Konstantinovich, doteent:,ST4aARfiK4*r-Z%sQ&jAL
__NtbLy3aXLW3+ _P4YZVSKIY," Vladimir 'Artemlyevich; SAMOILO_V-,__V-.'; TAREXIMA, G.,-red.izd-va; TIMINA, T.,
[Govar=ent revenue of the U.S.S.R.] Oosudaretvannye dokhody
SSSR. Moskva,, -Goofini2dat, 1958. 295 p.' (MPU~ 12:2)
(Revenne) (Tsxation) -,,(Budget)
TRMOVICH, Vikentiy Valerianovic~I-SVIRMKIX--la., MAZURKSTICH. M..
red.izd-va; LIBAM, A.,,,.
(Audit of turnover tax reportal Proverka otchetov -po nalogn
a oborotq. Moskva, Goev'inizdat, 1960. 126 p. (mm 14:4)
(Sules tax) (Auditing)
SVIDER,"-)K!-Y, Ya.
Gasudarstvennyye Dokhody 553R (By) I, Suchkov, Ya. Sviderskiy (1) V. ilayevskiy.
Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 11060.
295 p. tables.
Bibliographical footnotes.
Interaction of signal (.,onnectione in the process of PuP1,101 percePT
tion of geometric formel.. lauk. sap. Nauk.-dool. Instj ysykhol~ Ut32-
36 159.
1. Pedagogichookly institut im. K.Mshinskogo, Odessa.
.(Perception) (Nervous systep)
SMOLYAK, L.G. (Stalino, ul. Shchorsa, d.23, kv-36); SVIDLER A. Yu.
Potentiated anesthesia in pediatric surgery. NOV, k1lille P-rkho no,5:
"-48 S-0 160. (14IRA 14:12)
1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy khirurgii $ kafedra khirurgii detskogo
vozrasta (zav. - doktor med.nauk L.G.Smolyak) Stalinskogo meditsinskogo
Spasmolytic action of dioquine. K13im. i med. no.15:2-13-3-17 160.
(14IFA 15: 1)
1. Iz gospitallnoy khi-rurgicheskoy klinik! imeni V.M.Bogoslavskogo
(zav. 4 Prof. R.V Bo oslavskiy) Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
- Transcutaneous antegrade pyelograpby in ebildreno Urologiia no.6,
12-14 161. (MIRA 15--4)
1. Iz fakulltetakoy khirargicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. L. G.
Smolyak) i kliniki kbirurgii detskogo vozrasta Stalinskogo
meditainakogo instituta.
Use of soft tissue alloplasty in infected wounds. Khirurlgia
no.8:75-79 Ag 161. RA 15:5)
1. Iz kafedry 2-y fakilltetskoy khirurgicbeskoy kliniki (zav. -
doktor med.naulc L.G. 3molyak) Stalinskogo mad tsinskogo instituta
na baze 1-y gorodakoy klinieheokoy bollnitsy tglavnyy vrach
M.M. Khanovich).
SMOLYAK, L.G., prof.; glgDl'.M, A.,Yu.
Use of the "lytic cocktai-l"'in the urological examination of
patients. Urologiia no-5:6-8 162. (I-MU 15:12)
1. Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki No.2 i kliniki
khirurgii detskogo -rozrasta (zav. - prof. L.G. Smolyak)
Donetskogo meditsin.gkogo instituta.
Use of elastic plastics in closing cranial defects in a growing
organism. Eksper. khir. i anest. 7 no.4:6-10 Jl-Ag 162.
NIRA 17:5)
1. Iz kafedry fakul'Itetskoy khirurgii No.2 (zav. - prof.
L.G.Smolyak) Donetskogo meditsinskogo ilistituta na baze 1-y
Gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach M.M.Khanovich).
SN-F,SHY,O -10, 'USHCH, N.L.; &-YjDLFR,,-AJ4-~,-
y I0. . kand. med. nauk; h
Malignant tumrs ot the testis in Children. Urcloglia 29
60-61 164. (MIRA 17:8)
1. Fakulltstskaya khInirgicheskaya klinika, klinika detakoy
khirurgli (zav. - prof. L.G. Smolyak) na baze I-y Gorodskoy
bollnitsy Donetskcgo meditsinskogo instituta imeni A.M.
K.N.,_ inzh.
KOGONJ% M*G., inzIW _1
Control computer for conveyers with automatic addressing(of freight.
Mekh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no*4:53-56 Ap 162. 1,10A 15:4)
(Conveying machinery) (Electronic digital computers)
Control recorder of the le*th of the rubberized fabric strip.
Katich. i rez. Z3 no.2:49-51 F 164. (HM 17-'21)
1. Promenergoavtomatikag g.Sverdlovsk.
11 fl (,' t,:3 /'a k i a Vt OMI
(!.Ij, "u; 3,1:
. beemid, a I. the- " i
=ulus -ia& a
'' 7 - I ~, .
L 39486-66 E,'ri.-(jd EEC' -2 GD/C;S
ACC NRs AT6002937 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000765/000/00010196/02.00
AUTHOR: Xogon, M. G..; Parylis, M. E.; Svidl~r, K. N.~
ORG,. none
TITLE: Magnetic -element dillital measuring instruments
SOURCE: Vses(3yuznoye soveshchaniye po magnitnym elementam, avtornatiki i
__63. Magnitnyye tsifrovyyeel
_vychislitel!noy tekhniki. 9th, Yerevan, 19 ementy
(Magnetic digital elements); cloklady soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965,
TOPIC TAGS: digital measuring instrument, magnetic element, industrial automatic
ABSTRACT: Two applications of ferrite-diode logical systems to industrial automatic
Controls are dei3cribed. A control counter intended for regulating the process of
canization of rubberized f2i.)ric consists of a fabric -strap -travel sensor, a photo
transducer, a signal shaper, a switch, a travel counter, a programing unit,
amplifiers, etc. This data of an experimental hookup is reported: maximum travel#
ACC NR, AT6602987
l'2 m; error of travel measurement, � 5 cm; maximum total length, 1000 m; error of
total-length measurement, t 10 cm; maximum frequency of counting pulses, 200 cps;
the overall error is claimed to be 0. 00516. A digital gauge for measuring. diameters
intended for heavy-machine building application operates or. the roller principle and
consists of a roller, a transdui;er, a computing device, a pulse generator, a storage-
and-correction unit, and an rpin sensor. "Laboratory tests" ol the gauge are
mentioned. "Besides the authors, Yu. M. Pavlov, V. A. Bragin, M. Vo Bus~ n
I. V. Zhukova, and D. A. Kor!:)I'kav took nart ir. the work. Orig. art. ILts:
5 figures and I formula.
SUB GODE: 09 SUBM DATP,: 2jApr65
L 3d7~~0-66
ACC NRs AP6027204
telegraph code. The unit (see Fig. 1) is based on core-diode building blockg and used
the 50 cps line frequenc-f for synchronization. The 6.3 v 50 cps voltage derived
.from the power line is s1haped by two delay elements and an inhibitor gate which gives
out 20 msec system clock pulses. The flip-flops are arranged into a shift register
circuit in which upon command the T3 flip-flop generates a start pulse and succeeding
flip-flops (Teo T4) T91 T51 Tio), actuated for every 20 msec, open the corresponding
gates between the accumulator output of computer D and a single output telegraph line
C. The stop pulse is generated when T 60 T11 are active, after which an end of
message may be sent. The unit may accomodate other codes if its shift register is
expanded accordingly. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. -[BD]
/ 7/
Blood transfwsion in thoracic surgery. Klin. mad., Kookm 30 no.
6:56-60 June 1952. (CLIM 22:5)
1. Odessa. (Odessa, ul* Shchepkina, d.l., k7.6);
AUMM-MothiEL , &A.
Blectrostlimlation of the diaphragmatic nerves in apnoea.
Test.khir. 89 no.U:75-80 N 162. (MIRA 16:2)
1. Iz khir:argicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. B.Ye. Namkenberg)
Odessk0Y 9,Drodskoy klinicheskoy boVnitsy Wo.1 (glavnyy vrach -
A.S. Teolik).
Clinicnl trials of the ESD-I apparatus for electrical stimulation
of respir,%tion. Nov. med. tekh. no.1:57-62 162.
(141RA 19: 1)
1. Odesskaya gorodskaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa No.l.
I . I
Treatment of obliterating endarteritis with hydrogen sulfide and
carbon dioxide baths prepared from waste products of the coke
industry. Vop. kur.p fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 25 no. 6:532-
536 1q-D 16-0. (M.IRA 24.:2)
.1. Iz fakulltetskoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. I.B.
,Shulutko) Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (dir. dots.
A.M. Ganichkin).
Prewmtion of furunculosis in coal miners by ultraviolet irradi-
atforr. TT!Lah.delo no.2t116-U8 F 163. (MiRk 1695)
1, Kafedra fakulttetoko tera ii, kurs fizioterapii (zaveduyushchiy
kursom - dotsent S.M& Svidler i kafedra kozbno-venerioheakikh
zabolevaniy (zav. - prof. A.A. Kroychik) Donetakogo meditainskogo
Now efficient macbinery. NTO n0-3-28-30 Mr 1592
NIRA 12.- 6)
1 (Building mac-ninery)
I.Z.; LARIONov, v.p.; ~YIDLO, -.,-
V.A., red. ---n__Y.M.',- FOUTS, K.K.; ZOTOV,
[Exercise therapy in the psychiatric houpital] I*,mhebnaia
fizicheskaia kulltura v psikhiatricheskoi bollnitse. Mo-
skva, Meditsina, 1965. 235 P. (MIlRA 18:8)
I.L., iushauer; LOBANOVS11Y. M.G.. inzhener: SVIDNITSKIY. T.T.. inzhe-
1061versal davices*.used for controlling the lo&A-lifting capacity of
jib cranes. Bezop. truda prom. 1 no.2rl8-21 7 '57.- (KE-RA 10:4)
(Cranes, Darriai's'. ate.). (Servommhaniems)
Clinical aspects of tick-borne encephalitis in the Maritime
Territory. Trudy VladIE10 no.2:17-21 162. (MIRA 18:3)
1. Iz Vladivostokskogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo instituta
epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny i kliniki nervnykh
bo'lezney Vladivostokskogo meditsinakogo Instituta.
":rote sal-,raf,le ~.--,d uset7e of irret~tiirabie autorn':Al(t rlurt,~ i3t, the Firif. !4wo,,31-va
Au-tomobile i-air ~kovst
,e os -.:~%r Sovie-t ~;ource: P: 1:o. 5,
I loscov", 1950.
.~bEtracted in I'TreaSure islard" or. file in Tibr.-,ry of Conp-ress, Air Information
Division, Re~ort "'o. T! 102026. U..---CL~!~S.T--` ED.
- Tfi I- f
SVTDC Ir.-r- i I Yr. IN.
No. 37351--Sostalmoy tsentr k tokarnym i shlifovallnyin stankam,. Stanki i
instrument, 194~;, Nc. 12, C. 10.
So: Letopis' ZhurnelInykk Statey, Vol. 7, 1949.
L 38E66--66 hw(t)/gr: - -Ijf-(-C)
ACC RR-,AP6029559 SOURCD- CODE: CZ/oo.57765/0o0/011/&%6[0487
A UVIOR: Svidrnoch, Lidislav it
ORG; Kierjont GotUia3A Vitkovice Iron WoriT Ostrava (VZKG)
TITTY: Production exj~erience with a_YAgMgL #stem on a 5 ton electric arc furnace
at Klemnt Gottvm1d Vitkovice Iron WorksI
SOURCE: Hutnik, no. 11, 1965, 486-467
TOPIC TAGS: are furnace, air purification, vacuum technique, industrial bloi-wr
ABSTiRACT: Because the amount of dust -at theIplant wher.e-the. author
is active reached the values Of 30 - 60 mg per cubic meter, and
,under certain conditions was as 'high as 100, a vacuum system was
'installed at the 5 ton are furnace. The capacity of the furnace
is 10 tons, and produces mainly alloy steel, The suction is prov-
'ided by a centrifugal blower witha capacity of %,,200 GMH driven by"
a 58 KW motor. The installation did not show any unfavorable in-
fluence upon the operation of the furnace, - -The -dust rem*oved is not
reeoversdat. presorit., Orig. art. has2 2 figures mid 5 tables. LJFRS~l 34 51F
L3233-66 FSS -2/&7 (I)IF$-(Y) -3/FC0/EWA14)/WA (h)- - TT/GS/GW-
!ACCESSION NRi kT5023630 UR/0000/65/000/00ov"o-P-40-W
AUTHORSs shin, S. J.j KM&n,_R,_ M.1 Naxarov&L-M. V-1 POMM 9Mh-NAJJJ
SvidsjUj Is -M
TITLE: Recording of c -~o
r& al~~ the satellite K6,moA--17-
r- ~"J
I SOURCE3 Vbesoyuznaya konferentaiya Po fisike kommichoskago prostrsmtva. Moscow#
,1965 lasled niya;r,ntsU'o~vaHoscov, Isd-vo Naukax 19652 510
TOPIC TAOSs artificial earth vatellits, cosmic ray, scintillation counter, Geiger
counter/goemb - 17 satellite, Koamos 7 satellite, FVlorer 7 satellite
ABSTRACTs In My 1963 scintillation and Geiger counters were used to measure the
intensity of cosmic radiation outside the Van Anon belt at altitudes of 263--iSo )m..
IThe dependence of radiation intensity on the invariant coordinate L was determined.
The flux of chazged particles was observed to change from 0.5 particles par caF.
per see in the equatorial region to 3-0 particles per =2 per see in Ugh latitud
The ganu-quanta flux in the energy range from 0.1 to 3 Key was found to range
from 9 to 22 quanta per ca2 per sec. The edge.of the high-latituis plateau of
cosmic ray intonsity lies at-L 3.0. Results wers compared with data from other
Co,d 1/2
L 3095-66 FSS-2/EWT(1 )/EWT(m)/F:S(v) -3/FCC/*EWA (d)/EWA (h) 'rT/6S/GW'
KGOESSIGN NRs AT5023620- UR/00)0/65/OW/000/0464/0465
AUTHORSx Kidrina, G. A,,,.? �K!uj~lin Yu. M.s Malxshevp A. B.1 ;'N M. N.s
~vldsLiX ~P.M.; Yudkevl,ch, 1, S.
TITLEs Investigation of: the radiation intensity In Van Allen belts by the Kesmos-17
SOURCEz Vses-oyuznaya konferentslya po fizike kosmicheakoworostranstva, Mosco
1965. li-sledovaniya kou-mi-c'179skogo -prostrans-t-va-T -Spac- e reseeirch)l trudy konferental-1-6
ffo-scow,, Izd-vo Nauka,, 1965, 464-465
TOPIC TAGS: satellite, satellite data analysis, rad'a t Ion !'ntensity, Van Allen belt, -.i
cha-ged loarticle'.9teiger counter, scintillato-Z.- nuclear ex losion, elect -ron, proton,
sola~--c--y'cTe-,s-oTay activity, magnetic activity., qeomagnetisiW-7q
ABSTRACTs Data on the ~streams of charged particles registered by Geiger counters
and kintillators at the elevation of 260-780 bn for May 22-30. 1963 Are presented.
Results obtained,with Geiger counters in the inner Van Allen belt are platted in B,
L-coordinates. Simultaneous deterininations obtained with scintillators and with
variously screened Geiger counters showed that in- the Interval of 10-15 -c L < 1.6 the
major part of the registered intensity was related to the electrons fro-m th-e high- "I
altitude nuclear explosion of July 9. 1962o The 1-arder increase of protons with
Card 1/2
L 3095-66
energy of E >, 30 Mev since 1958 is explained by the lowering of the solar activity
In the 11-year solar cycle, During magnetically quiet days the maximum of Intensity
in the outer belt was recorded at L - 4.7- 4.8j.duting incroased magnetic activity
the maximum was transposed toward lower valued of L. In the Inter-belt space 8
narrow zone was discovered in which electrons with energy 0.1--c 1.5 mev were re-
corded. Here. the radiatiom intensity and the maximum locatioin- are related directly,
:to the magnetic activity. Stable corpuscular streams, apparfintly of electrons WIt*h
:energies of 50-100 kev,, vrere registered below the inner belt, Their global distri-
:bution indicates that the corpuscles are trapped by the earth's geomagnetic forces,
These streams reach a magnitude of 105- 106 cm-2.sec-l.
L 23431-66._ -FSS-2/EY;T(I-)~IFCC/EWA(d)/EWA(h) TT/
F XCC NR. AP6012831 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/002/0257/0267
AUTHOR: Kirdina, G. A.; Kulagin, Yu. M.; Malyshev, A. B.; Nazarova, M. N.;
S M..; Yudkevi h I. S.
ORG: none
TITLE: Study of the emission intensity in the Earth's radiation belts-by the
Cosmos-17 satellite
SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye isi3ledovaniya, v. 4, no. 2, 1966, 257--267
TOPIC TAGS: cosmic radiation, radiation belt, corpuscular rediation, radiation
intensity measurement, spaceborne measurement/Cosmos-17
ABSTRACT: Four independently operating Geiger and scintillation counters were used
on Cosmos-17 to record cha:rged-particle fluxes in the Earth's radiation belts at
altitudes of 260-780 km from 22 to 30 May 1963. The.counters differed only in their-,
shielding and radiation detectors. SimulLaneous measurements of the counting rates*
made it possible not only to determine the level of the fluxes but also to reach
certain conclusions on the composition of the trapped radiati:)n and to establish the
hardness of the energy spectrum of the penetrating articles. Based on the composi-
tion of particles penetrating a shielding of 1 g/cm3, it was Tound that the inner
radiation belt can be divided into two regions. At L = 1.3-5-1.6, the main portion
the f luxes is produced by electrons f rom nuclear explosionn, at L 1. 6-2 15, it
L_C_-o_,f4_ 1/2 ~UDC: 537.591
L 23431-66
ACC NRz AP6012831
is produced by protons. The flux'of protons with energies groater than 30 Mev has
increased since 1958. A third narrow region was detected betureen the Inner and
outer radiation belts in which electrons with energies of 0.1-1.5 Mev were recorde
Below the lower boundary of the inner belt, stable streams of soft corpuscules,
Lek, electrons with energies between 50 and 100 kev, were detected. Orig.'art.
has: 1 table and 7 figures. [JR)
.SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: 19Apr65/. ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 008/ 'ATD PRESSA*-~
C rd
MOROZOV, N.G.; uchitall (selo Klyuchevki,' Chelyabinakoy oblasti);
PRUDNIKOV, S., uchitelf; GORB, Yej.; SIDODMIM0, 3.P., uchitell;
LAZARXV, V.; SVIWHOVICH, A. uchitell ; HUBIN. M., metodist
VASIL' YZV, y8J--,U-CEr 6-~
Letters to the editors. Geog.-v shkole 23 no. 6:67-69 &D
'6o. (MIRL 13:11)
1. 4-ya shkola shkoly g.Nevelya(for Prudnikov). .2. Direktor
16-y shkoly g. Vinnitsy (for Gorb). 3. 81-ya shkola g.Baku
(for Bidoreako). 4. 11-ya shkola g.Tyumeni (for Lazarev).
5. VelemichBkaya shkola Brestskoy oblasti (for Svidanovich).
6. Vinnitskiy dblastuoy institut usovershenstvovaniya
vra--hG7 (for Rdbiu). 7..Sanitorno-leanaya shkola poselka
Klyuchi. Kamchatskoy oblasti (for Vasillyev).
(Ge ograplq)
L 08399-67 EW P EWT (M /ELI-Pf/ET T TjP(n)__M -M&H
-4 C-C - 9 R-i - SOURCS'CODES'
L. F.; Gogelashvilip V, K.; Zhukovakiyp V, Ys; OvidsiSiskayap 1.
AUTHORS Shumitskaya V
ORG: Ordzhonikidze Plant of Container Glassware and Glass InsUators (OrdshoniK4sw,-',--,-
skiy st9klotarno-izo3,y&torrMr zavod)
TITLES Production of glasseet stable to the action of alkali metal vapors
SOURCES Steklo I keramikap no. 7# 1966v 11-14
TOPIC TAWS' borate, aluminophosphate glass# sodium# cesium
ABSTRACTS As a result of studies of aluminoborate and aluminoborophosphate &as sys-
,S_ a -
tems# carried out at NIIESp 5~50-1 klasses stable to the action of cesium vapor and
S50-2 glasses stable_t_0~Me'Z_RYon of sodium vapor were developed. The founding and
processing technology worked 4mt by NIIW has been used at the Ordzhonikidze Plant
since 1963. Physicoohemical and other .properties of 350-1 and S50-2 glAases.are re-
viewed. The furnaces used foi, founding the glasses and the sohec1ules employed are
described. The adoption of production of glasses resistant to alkali metal vapors has
peiydtted the 146scaw Electric Lamp Plant (Mookovskiy elektrolamp&M zavod) to mam-
facture highly-e-oon-o-aBoal sodjUi *aVor-Mumination lamps and sodium and oasi=s vapor
spectral lamps. Orig. art. ho.sS 4 figures and 2 tables#
UDGI W.117*4
Card Vl.fA F
SOU:-11,1: CO'Di"'; ~L-)--Woa 000/00G 1E, ILI
A. V. ;Slyusa.-ev, V. A.
The theory of tunnelling in superconductors
SOURCE: lid. zh. Fizilka, Abs. 6E1010
SOURCE: Fiz. -teklin. in-t nizk tempcrl-ltur ANT USSR. KnZartkov, 1965,
TOPIC Ttl GS: tunnel current, superconductor, kinetic equation, phase partiai
dificrential equation, boundary condition, tunnelling, superconductor tunnelling
ABSTRACT: The value of a tunnel current in a system of two superconductors
sc;)arated by an insulating layer is calculated. The calculation is carried out
wiihin 'Lite leammork of a mcdel described by a tunnel Hamiltonian, The new
results of the work are as follows: 1) clariffication of the occurrence of a coherent!
~)hase sh-` in Wimellincr in a system of coupled superconductors; 2) the applica-
tion to the tunnellin,,,; problem of the meth-od of kinetic equations, which makes it
possible to give a general ca'iculation of Lhe tunnel current which is valid also
ior the case ol a variable shift at the barrier; 3) the need to correct the computa-
Card 112
ACC NR- A11602*878 SOURCE CODE: vWoo56/66/65.1/bol/6177/018
AUTH0k.--'.Rv1C1i1nskik4 A. V. S usarev, V. A.
ORG: Physicotechnical Institute of Low Tem2eratures, Acad of Sciences, Ukraimtin
SSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nizkikh temperatur Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy 8
TITLE: Contribution to the theory of tunnell. in
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki., v. 51j, no. 1., 19"10
TOPIC TAGS: superconductivity, tunnel effect., phasp transitions perturbation theory,
Hamiltonian, kinetic equation
ABSTRACT: ihe purpose of the article is to construct a new theoretical scheme based..
on the use of an equivalent circuit and a kinetic -pproach which would permit a general
analysis of the tunnel effect in superconductors and its physical interpretation. Prin-
cipal attention is paid to the occurrence of coherent phase differences. The kirletic
approach employed makes it possible to develop the theory of the nonstationary Josepb-
son current. It is assumed that the tunneling Hamiltonian contains an operator de-
scribing the transitions of the electrons through the dielectric layer separating the-
superconductors, and that the influence of the tunneling Operator can be taken into
account by perturbation theory. The difficulties normally connected with the secular
terms of the perturbation theory are*overcome by constructing kinetic equations in
which the characteristic time scales of the-prdblem are taken separwtely into accam4e
Three such scalep are involved in the present- anelysio - the relwation time in each
superconductor, the tunneling times and the time of variation of the barrier voltage.
Arguments are presented to show that the premise that the nonlinear Josephson effect.
occurs at constant voltage on the barrier is incorrect. In facts the ana3,vsis shawl;*
that the occurrence of the alternating current Is a consequence of a nonlinear element
in the electric circuit. The difference between the dc and ac Josephson currents is
shown to be due to the fact that the dc is in equilibrium and the iac is not. It is
concluded that to construct a complete theory of the phenomena occurring during tunnel-
Ing it is necessary to take into consideration the existence in the circuit of reacUve
elements and of the magnetic field, Including the self field of the current flowing
through the junctions. This will be treated in a separate paper. Orig. art. has:
20 formulas.
SUM DATE: 04Jan66/
Card o/2 nat
OHMG P": 003/ OM MW: 009
L o8173-67 EviT (1 lip(c)
ACC N% A 880 SOURCE CODE: UR10056166105110OV0.19410200
AUTHOR: ivanchenkg, Yu. M.;,5vidzjns4y A w A.
ORG: PIZ~icotechnical Institute of Low Temperatures, Academy of Sciences t1krainii
SSE (FiZik(;:ii- ~-h~iE-y--i-ns-t-it-u-t--ni-z-k-i-k-h-i-en,-p-e-r-a:Eu-~7Akademii nauk Uk'rainskoy SSR)
i N11- %I
TITLE: Electrodynamics of the Josephdon effect
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 51, no. 1, 1966.. 194-200
TOPIC TAGS: superconductivityp tunnel effect., phase transitioa
ABSTRACT: This is a companion to a paper in the same source (p. 177, Ace. Nr.
AF6024878) there a physical interpretation was presented of the effect., based on the
analysis of the entire electric circuit in which the tunnel junction is connected.
is shown that the equivalent circuit considered in that paper is idealized and con-
sists of a source of voltage with internal resistance, whereas the actual. situation is
~aore complicated. In the present article the authors calculate the magnitude and josi-
tion of the resonant maxima on the curve for the de component of the Josephson tunnel
6urrent, using a theory based on allowance for the electromagnetic field produced by
~he Josephson current itself, and the conditions under which the tunnel junction in
connected in the external electric circuit. It is r-bown that the results of the theory
can be used to explain the experimental data obtained by I. K. Yanson et al. (ZbETF v.
418, 976, 1965) when the nonlin equation for the current is solved approximately for
peveral limiting cases. The authors thank 1, K. Yanson for usel%l discussions. Orig.
Card .1/2
-L o8173-67
A&C -NR-AlybO248W
37 foTmulas-
art. has:
M CODR: 2o/ suBm'DATE: 06,Tan66/ ORIG REF: 004/ oni PM: 007
SVIDZINSKIY, A. V. -- "On the Method of Functional Integration in Green's
Theory of Functions." Min Higher Education Ukrainian SSR. Wvov State
U imeni Ivan Franko. L1voV, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of
Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences.)
SO: Kniz Letopist, No 5, Moscow, Feb 1956
'SV1_)7_kN SK ly, R, \j,
TITLE The Determination of GREEN'S Functions in the Model by BLOCH-
~ORDSIECK by the Method of Functional Integration.
PERIODICAL Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,J1,fasc.2i 324-329 (1956)
Iosued: 5-10-1956
In the here investigated model of eleotrodynamiou the J~_matrices by DIRAC
2 aa 2 2-)3,. 1. Here gota" I at
are replaced by constant a-numbers u U ag u1X_u _U
aa 0
a - 0 and g a 1 at a - 1,2,3. The model is here studied from the point of view
of the theory of GREEN'S functions basing upon the representation of GRZEWS
function of the electron in form of a functional integral of GREEN'S function
of the electron in a "classical" exterior field. This integral is here com-
puted and renormalized. In the case of the model investigated on this occasion
the polarization of the vacuum is, by the way, lacking. The lacking of the
second pole of GREEN'S function from a physical point of view means the lack
of antiparticles in this theory, and, consequently, the impossibility of a pro-
duction in pairs. The GREEN'S function of the photon in the given model is
.Ldentical with the zero-th perturbational value.
THe GREEN'S function of the electron in the exterior field is defined in the
eg U (X)-mjG(x,x1)A)--6(x-xQ-
given model by the equation: liu.a(a/ax a)-V 41, aAa
This equation can be solved by quadratur s by means of POKIS method of eigen-
time. One finally finds: G(X,XlilA)= i or dy*exp I-ip(x-x I )-i(m-up-it )r+11(V' (A)
AUTHOR-. Svidzinskiy,A.V. SOV/140-59-1-20/25
r z_:_
TITLE: Line Integral in the Function Space (Krivolineynyy integral
v funkUicml, nom prostranstve)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 19599-
Nr 1, pp 199-203 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The derivative of a functional F rA is defined by
(1) lim FLft64 pr~pl .
'S'Po S(,?(y)dy
For the construction of the reversion operation the equation
(2) ,PIX
T, PTX7 0 [ 3
has to be solved. For this aim the author considers the discrete
and finite x-space with n points and with the cell magnitude co.
Here (2) is chaaged in
lap = Q Ok(yi Tk T n) k = 1.2,...,,n
Card 1/3
Line Integral in the Function Space SOV/140-59-1-20/25
Herefrom F results as a line integral over a polygon in the.
~O-space; it combines the point a(al,..,a n) with the point
...f Td:
P Tl,...,*fk.... Tn)d%pk + C
k~. 1
By limit passage to the continuous space co-*O, n--.*oo
PET] dx f 0 [,p I x] d V(x) r C
Ok 01
Here C = P(a(x)] and out of the discrete condition S)1f, __
.6 d~ [,P 1 A 'k
there follows __6&&Lx2 Thus as an-integration way
a straight line through ,?1 and T2 in the Y-space can be
Card 2/3
Line Integral in the Punction Space SOV/140-59-1-20/25
chosen. Then finally it holds
f 2
dx x] d 4)(X) xf P, ) t + I P, I x] P2 - I P, ) d t
As an application of this method the author derives some
formulas of the quantum field theory .
There are 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION:Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I.Lenina
(Kharlkov Polytechnical Institute imeni V.I.Lenin)
SUBMITTED: March 21, 1958
Card 3/3
-- ...... --- I
Model of a superconductor ~Lth pairs in the p-state. Dokl.
AN SSSR 153 no. 5:10"-~1047 D 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Predstavlano akademikom N.N. Bogolyubov-ym.
0--m m W- -3-0-
Card 1/2
ENCL: 00
.--b-0423 7 -EWT(l) 1,TP(c)
AR6031806 SOURCE: CODE- UR/0058/66/000/006/E130/E130
AUTHOR: Ivanchenko, Yu. M. ; Sv-idzinskjL A. V. ; Slyusarev, V. A.
TIT L:C, :'Electrodynamics of the Josephson effect
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6E1011
REF SOURCE: Fiz. -tekhn. In-t nizk. temperatur, Donetskiy fiz. -tekhn. in-t AN
USSR. Eharlkov-Donetsh, 1966, 14 str.
TOPIC TAGS: electrodynamics, superconductive tunnelling, tunnel effect,
Josephson effect
,ABSTRACT: The electrodynamics of superconductive tunnelling at small voltages
Lnd during slowly varying processes is investigated. A theory* on the voltampere
characteristics of such tunnelling is evolved. The experimental data are in good
agreement with the theoretical results. [Tran Is ion of abstract]
SUB CODE: 11, 09/
cv1d -1/1 2-L
ACC NR, Al-7005583
SOURCE CODE: _Iffi/6Uff/6V!7~2/062/03W/6~2j!
AUMOR: Svidzinskiy., A. V.; Slyusarev, V. A.
ORG: Physico chnical Institute of low Temperatures) Academy of Sciencesj UkrSSR
(Fiziko-telchnicheskly institut nizkikh temperatur Akaderaii nauk UkxZSR)
TITLE: Hydrodynamic equations in the theory of supe2zconductivity
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokladiy., v. 172., no- 2, 19671 322-32.15
TOPIC 'AGS: superconductivity, hydrodynamic theoryifluid kinetic equation, correlA,-
tion A.-netion i
ABSTRAI;T; The purpose of the article was to derive equations of two-fluid hydro-
dynamit.,s for London-type superconductors from the equations of the microscopic theory
of suparconductivity. The derivation is based on separating the gauge-noninvariant
factors of the correlation functions of a nonequilibriun superconductor, and transi-
tion to a mixed representation of the correlation functions. This is followed by
derivation of equations for the superfluid velocity and for the time evolution of
other hydrodynamic quantities in the superconductors Maese, together with the con-
tinuity equation) and the equations for the energy flux, the current density, the I
momentum flux density tensor con.~titute a complete system of equations of two-fluid
hydrodynamics as derived by L. D. Landaup generalized to the case of charged par-
ticles. The results agree with those of M. J. Steph6n (Phys. Rev. v. 139) A197.,
1965), except that Stephen's intermediate expressions are cnnsidered to be incon-
Card .1/2 UDC: 537-312.62
sistent. This report was presented by Academician NO' N. Bogolyubav 23 March 1966.
Orig. art. bas: 29 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 2OMarI56/ ORIG M7: 0061 OTH REF: 001
-1.1 ------
Tank furnace for continuous operation df-,ect heating in the
manufacture of S-87-1 glass products. brek. i ker. 20 no.12:
27-29 D 163. (HIRA 17:1)
USSR/Physical Chemistry Molectile. Chemical Bond. B-4
Abs Jour : Referat Zhiir - Xhimiya, No 6, 25 March 1957, 1818o
Author : Basov, IT.G., Oraevskiy, A.N., and_�~~y._K.K.
Title : Theory of "Euperfine Structure of Rotation~l Spectra of
Mol,~culcc Conditioned by the Electrical 2 -pole Moment
of Nucleus.
Orig Pub : Optika i spec.roskopiya, 1956, 1, No 3, 285-289
Abstract : The value of enerW of 24-pole interaction of nucleus
with the field of a mol.ecule can have the order of lkhc
which rwh,~s it possible to measure 2 -po~c moment of nu-
cleus by rad'Lospectroscopic method. In this-work the
theory of supcirfine structure of rotational s,9ectra of
linear molecules and wolecules of the type of symmetrical
top is devel-pped. The structure is conditioned by the
electrical 2L~-pole moment of nucleus# By resolving into
a series) by powers of ra (r is a coordinate of the char-
ge), the potential energy ofa a system of charges, which
Card 1/3 - 32 -
Deoigning a molecular oscillator based on a ND molecular beam,
Xavev7soucheboxavo; radiofis. 1 U0,2:69-94 ?58, (MIRA n;ll)
1, 3risicheekly institut AN 8SHRo,
AUTHOR: Svidzinslciy, KA SOV/51-6-2-28/39
TI TLE - On the Theory of Hyperfine Structure of Rotational Spectra of
Symmetrical-Top Type Molecules (K teorii sverkhtonkoy struktury
vrashchateltnykh spektrov mole!cal tipa simmetrichnogo volchka)
F&RIOD.LuAL: Optika i Spelctrosicopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Wr 2, pp 254-256 (USSR)
ABSMCT: The author calculated the hyperfine structure of symmetrical-top type
molecules. The energy of interaction of nuclei with electrical and
mechanical fielas of a molecule was represented by means of a scalar
product of irreducible tensor operators. The calculations allowed for
electric multipols, magnetic multipole, magnetic dipole, spin-spin and
spin-orbit interactions. -xhe paper is entirely theore!tical. There are
7 references, 6 of which are English and 1 translation from English into
SUP2UTTED. July 28, 1958
card 1/1
AUTHOR, Svidzinskiy, K.K.
TITLED Calculation of the
rotational spectra
hyperfine structure of the
of molecules
PERIODICAL,, Optika i spektroskopiya, v.11., no.6, 1961, 713-72,x
. I
TEXT~ Irreducible tensor operators are used to develop a
theory of the hyperfine structure of the rotational spectra of
molecules which are in the ground nondegenerate electronic state.
The author shows that calculation of the hyperfine structure can
be considerably simplified by the use of the mathematical
apparatus of the theory of angular momentum. The use of
4rreducible tensorial sets ensures that all the matrix elements
for the hyperfine interactions can be expressed in terms of
combinations of the Wigner On - j)- symbols. The relation of
these symbols to the Klebsch-Gordon coefficients and the Racah
coefficients and the choice of the phases of the irreducible
tensor operators are elucidated in an appendix. it is pointed
out that ,extensive tables of the (3n. - j) symbols are available
in the literature. A comprehensive bibliography is said to be
Card 1/ 4
Calculation of the hyperf-ine S/051/61/oii/oo6/003/012
given by A.P. Yutsic, I.B. Levinson and V.V, Vanagas (Ref.6.
I'Mathemati,~,al apparatus of' the theory of angular momentum",
GI PNL Lttovsk. SSR, Villnyus~' 1960). The present autho-r starts
w,tb a general multipcle expansion of the Hamiltonian
represenTing the energy of the hyperfine interaction of thf~
w4-th the molecular field,~
Mole-ala-- rjriltipcles af-e -:hsn a~--eraged over the ground
-ind the v-1 brat-tonal -i'ates w-itb allowanr~e for the 1)~-,arbat-:on
Cf thp i5iiglilar momnn'am in the molecular
by j.H~ -,,ran V~e-:k (Ref.!O-a RE!v, Mcd~ Phyi, , v,2-1., 211
19c: Second order perturbation theory then shou
that the avera-Se valueiz cf the ele--tri.- mult~-r,.oles
independent of the rotat-4on-al state., wb4-If- the av-nrage magnet-`.
c-lit be rcp~-e.i2rited gilm o' two terms h
Calculation of the hyperfine ... S/05l/6l/ol.1/oo6/oO3/0l2
and the second the contribution due to nuclear "spin" currents,
Electron spin currents do not contribute to the magnetic
multipole if tile effect of excited non singlet electronic
states is neglected (this is in fact done in the present paper).
Penetration of electrons into the nucleus is also neglected.
The discussion is then specialised to molecules of the symmetric
top type. The Eckart--Wi&ner theorem i:s used to derive
expressions for the matrix elements of the operator
The electric interactions are then considered5 and expressions
are derived for the multipole corrections both on the second
and third order perturbation theory (quadrupole and hexadecapole).
I t is shown that in the case of magnetic interactions,
Lirst order perturbation theory is sufficient, and expressions
are derived for the dipole and spin-spin interactions. The
paper is concluded with a discussion of identical
nuclei in the special case of 3 nuclei. The paper is
entirely theoretical. No numerical computations are reported.
Acknowledgments are expressed to N.G. Basov, A.M. Baldin and
A,M. Prokhorov for discussions and suggestions.
Card 3/4
Calculation of the hyperfine ... S/051/6i/oll/oo6/003/012
There are 17 references: 5 Soviet-bloc including 2 translations
Lnto Russian from non-Soviet authors, and 12 non-Soviet-bloc.
The four most recent English language references read as follows~
'Re", 7; A.R. Edmonds. Angular momentum in quantum mechanics,
Frinceton, 1957,
Rt~!f~ 8z U. Fano, G. Racah, Irreducible tensorial sets,
N-Y., 19-99,
R-f~ 9. N.F, Ramsey., Molecular beams,
Oxford, 1956,
Ref~16z G_ Herrman, J.Chem.Phys,, v-29, 87=, 1959~
SUBMITTED January 7. 1961
AccESSION NR; AT3012117 0.
AUTHOR: Svidzinskiy, V K.
TITLE: Theory of hyperfine structure of rotational spectra of mole-`
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Fizicheskiy institut. Trudy*, v. 21, 1963., 107--
175 L
TOPIC TAGS: molecular spectra, rotational molecular spectra, hyper-J.
fine structure, hyperfine structure-theory, irreducible tensorial
operators, fractional parentage c6.Officients, heavy ammonia maser
ABSTRACT: in order to simplify the hyperf=6 structure calculation
to the'utmost by maximum utilization of symmeti-I a hyperfine struc-___
ture theory is developed, capable of taking into account hyperfine
effects in rotational molecular spectra (in.their nondegenerate
ground electronic state) with the accuracy attainable by modern
experimental techniques. The theory La based on the use of-irre-
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ducible tensorial operators and Wigner 3nj symbols, and parallels
the_e~cposition given by Fano and Racah (Irreducible Tensorial Sets,.'
Academic Press, 1949) and by A.'R. Edmonds (Angular Momentum in
Quantum Mechanics, Princeton, 1957). Principal attention*is paid.
in this the connection between the syrmetrical-top wave
functions and the Wigner final-rotation matrices. This is followed
by calculation of the matrix element in the case of a large humber
of interacting nudlei, with emphasis on the use of fractional paren-~'
tage coefficients to greatly simplify the hyperfine interaction'
operator matrix for several identical nuclei. Symmetrized state.
vectors and reduction coefficients are calculated for the case of
three identical nuclei. The symmetry properties of the wave-.func-
tions of the molecule are then analyzed and the matrix elements of
fields -calculated from the rcp+
different operators of intramolecular r~
tational wave functions. Selection rules that follow.from i;:he sym-i
metry properti(is of.the Hamiltonian are considered for the hyper-
fine splitting constants, The hyperfine structure of the rotational
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To ensure the required ac-
spectra molecules are then calculated.
curacy (not lower than 10 cps) the expansion of the energy of the
hyperfine interaction in the multipole moments includes not only the
usual dipole and quadrupole, but.also the octopole and hexadeca-
'pole interactions. The influence of the excitation of the elec-
tronic state by the rotational-electron' perturbation is calculated
by setting up a so-called effective.Hamiltonian, which then se-.,,ves
as the initial energy operator for the hyperfine int*eraction. B,
way6f. an application, the theory,is, u.sed to calculate the hyperfine
structu re of the inversion transition J = K = 6 of the ND 3 molecule,
in view of research being carried out at FIAN (Physics InstituteJ
Academy of Sciences) on the feasibility of an ND maser as a frequen-1.1.
3 10
ey standard with an absolute stability (theoretical) of 2.5 x LO
"in conclusion the author is pleased to express deep gratitude to
N. G. Basov, A. M. Prokhorov and A. M. Baldin for many valuable and
useful discussions, and also to A. N. Orayevskiy for useful advice
and remarks and to A. A. Pimenov for help with the computations.
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ACCESSION NR: AT3012118 S/2504/63/021/000/01'76/0199
AUTHORS: Basov, N. d.; Zuyev,, V. S.; Svidzinskil,g*'K. X.
TITLE: Maser using a beam of ND molecules
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Fizicheskiy institut. Trudy*, v. 21, 1963, 176-199~
TOPIC TAGS: ND maser# maser power output, maser frequency stabil-
ity, maser absolute stability, microwave band maser, signal to noise,
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to ascertain the
feasibility of a maser using the inversion transitions in a beam of
heavy-hydrogen ammonia ND , and resulted in the construction, of an j
operating-model of such a maser generating approximately 10 W at
1656.18 Mc (line J = 6, X - 6 of the ND 3 inversion spectrum). The
absolute fraTiency stability is of the-order of 10 The calcula-
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tions proving the feasibility of the maser are presented and include
proof that self-excitation can be attained with sensible maser para-
meters and a calculation of the hyperfine structure of the iwirersion
spectrum of ND In addition to estimating the absolute stability
for the (6, 6) line, the possibilities of increasing the absolute
stability of the maser by choosing other lines (3, 2 and 5,5) or by
14 is
replacing N with N are also considered. The measurement-results
agree well with the calculated data. The power yield of the ND
maser is approximately one-hundredth that of the NH maser, but the
sensitivity of microwave receivers at 1600 Mc is much higher than
that at 24,000 Mc, so*that detection of an ND maser signal entails
no more difficulty than that of an NH maser. The signal/noise ratio----
-12 3 . L,
exceeded 100 at 10 W. The resonator used had a diameter cf 14 cm
and a beam length 1.2--l.5 meters, compared with 1 and 20--30 cm
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