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FEOFMIOV, Aleksey Fe-ofanovich; SVERDLOV, A.I., kand.1'ekhn.nauk, red. (Stinuctural engineering for airplane structureE;.] Stroitellnaia mek,hanika aviatsi anykh konstruktaii. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1964. 283 p. (MoEcow. Aviatsionnyi institut ireni Sergo Ord- zhonikidze. Trudy, no 00) (,?,IIRA 17:1.0) ACC NR AR6035264 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/009/VO15/VO15 AUTHOR: Sverdlov, A. 1. TITLE: Distribution of hydrochernical elements in the region ofthe Faeroe- Icelandic strait during November -January 1963-1964 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 9V129 REF SOURCE: Sb. Materialy rybokhoz. issled. Sev. basseyna. Vyp. 5. Murmansk, 1965, 91-98 TOPIC TAGS: hydrology, hydrographic survey, hydrochernist: , salinity, ry molecular oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, hydrography/Faeroe- Icelandic Strait ABSTRACT: During the period November- January 1963-1964 three micro- surveys at 30 stations per month were conducted in the frontal zone from aboard the vessel "Akademik Berg". Temperature, salinity, 02, phosphates, and nitrates,,,vere determined at 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 500 m. Hydrochernical elements were determined using standard methods. The distribution of 02, phosphates, and nitrates is discussed. It is pointed out that the relative conceni Card 1 / 2 UDC: 551. 464. 32(261+ 491) 211 SVERDLOV, A. K., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby Allergi-a reaction following us6 of streptomWein. Voen.-med. zhur. no.3-2:72 D 161. (MIRA 15:7) (MZMW) (STREPTOffOIN) I'Only, K.A., pol.kovnik meditsinskoy slu,.hby; SVERDLOV, A.K., podpolkovnik maditsinakoy sluzhby D19pnnsary treatment and expert examination of servicemen following Botkin's disease. Voen.-med.zhur. no.11:20-22 164. (MIRA 180) CHAPLTNSKIY, 1-1,B.; SITERDLOV A,K.; SHLYGINA, K.N.; BELYAYLIV, F.A.; DP"'lJUK, T.1a.; lrx-`~.'~-TSVIRKO, A.B.; ViGIN, Ye.A.; AGAFONOV, A.I. 7 Outbreak of an anginous form of erysi eloid. Zhur. mikrobio2., apid. U -P .L immun. 41 no.22:110 D -61,. OMA 18:3) 1,, Ins-1.1tut epidemiologii J- mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei Atli SSSR. SUADLOV, A.P., starshiy inzh. "Operatic,ne and production planning in departments of thewelding and assembly trust." Stroi. truboprov. 7 no-4:27 Ap 62. 04IRA 15:5) 1. Planovo-ekonomicheskiy otdel Glavnogo upravleniya po gazifikatsii gorodov SSSR. (Pipelines) SUKIIASOVI S M.; SIVERDLOV, A.P. Use coinFuter tec~-,nolcggy in plarn-i-ing pipelline construction. Stroi. truboprov. 9 no.3:29-29 Mr 164. (MIF-A 18:2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy proizvcdst.vennyy komitet po gazovoy pronryshlen- nooti SSSR. -'09t L -5431A-~-5 giT(d)/EVIT(m)/EEC(k)-2/EVIP(I)/eiP(V)/T/EfiP(t)/FYIP(k)/UIP(h)/EED-2/, B u0& ) ~ ACCESSIOIT IM' AP5013852 0 3.76 2 681.142.6 AUTH11OR: Boyarchonkov, H. A. 'M i TITLE: All-Union Conference on magnetic elements of automation and coaqmtor technique SOURCE: Avto=tika i telemckhanika, v. 26, no. 5, 1965, 938-942 TOPIC TAGSt electric engineering conference, mngnotiom conference, qQppujAr-- comnrInat, automation equipment, automation, electronic data proceening ABSTRACT: The Ninth All-Union Conference on Magneilc Elements of AutomatloW I and Computer Technology, held in Kaunas from'7 to 10 Sij~~, was. organized by the National Committee of the USSR on Automatic Control, t e Institute of Power and Mectrical Engineering of the Academy of ciences. Lithuanian SSH, the Lithuanian Scientific and Technical Society of the Instru-) ment Building Industry. and the Institute of Automation and Telemechanica of the Main C~xnmittee on ing, Means of AutomatioN! Instrument Build and Control Syster6s under Gosplan and the Academy of Sciences USSR. Over 450 participants discussed some 90 reports concerning the theory_, design, ji L ACCESSIO.1 HR., AP5013852 production, and application of magnetic and magnetic -a emiconductor ele- 1111ents. Reports were presented for seVen areas: digital and analog e emen ~l td memory devices, magnetic power devices, magnetic amplifiers and con- Yerters, parametrons, and power sources. At the opening plenary session, M. A. Rozenblat presented a survey. I"of the present state of contactless -magnetic elements, which he considers to be one of the most efficient and promising technical means of automation and cdmputer technology. Problems of designing logic elements to provide stable operation for various types of circuits were discussed in a series of - reports. B. A. Yefimov and G. N. Chizhukhin reported on the development of modules of ferrite -transistor elements (FTE) which ban be used for vari~. o us types of *computers and also for discrete automition for general and j6pecial purposes. 'This system provides reliable operatforf at a 200-kc clock, frequency in the -10 to +500 C tempe rature. range. The same authors iogether with-M. A.-Akaenov the devel-!-; opirnent of a general-purpose heaVy-ddfj_F_TE_ihfEfi cAK be used as-'a cell of"' a clock-frequency pulse generator or'as*adiAdep!nddnt "evi-duty control ACCEMOU HR: AP5013852 .proportional to the code supplied at the,matrix input was also discussed. Problems connected with the. development of single-wire memory. elements with multiaperture ferrite plates were presented by R. A. lAs-hevz 315 and testing of blax-type logic circuits operating at I Me and performing - - several logic operations. Advantages cited are-, high s/n ratio, about 20-1 high switching rate, about 2 Me; and high reliability due to the the circuit. Such circuits may also be used in complex logic devices. Additional reports, discussed logic circuits using btax-type elements in a working storage device with a nondestructive readout CyCle_of 10-7 see anid"al recording time for new information of several microseconds..- L. 13, AfinoLrenov et al'reported on discrete and discrete-analog computer units based on the Ise of the area of an emf pulse originating in the winding during magnetization reversal in the ferrite. Development of ferrite matrixes which release a voltage pulse at the output with an area elemeht~t\ It-to capable of perfoirming command r .eco rding or readout of -in-. formation reaching it in large quantities from a low-powei FTE. 1. A. .1yumi , B. A. Yefimov, and A. A. Shavrqv reported on the development- L 54Prfl-65 -ACCESSION NR: _A~5Oi3852___'__ :Yj~t al. A. S. Sverdlov esented results of developing wo _gd and otf4rs pr 'Ing storage uniS ua&gznlrdature menfory cubes made with multiaperture ferrite plates' Thin-film\Lhnology was discussed in several reports, A paper by Ye. F. Berczlinyy et al. dealt with the development of a super storage device' - built on thin-film matrices with conductive substrates with a capacity of 64 56-bit worda and a cycle of 400 nsec. Experiments with magnetic-film storage devices produced by electrochemical deposition an glass'and metal cylindrical substrates were discussed, and a method of using an element of cylindrical magnetic film in a m atrix storage device was also reported. A. Tuiauskas and R. Lltvinhytis reported on a stable storage device 1with a short access time, a capacityof 512 x 32 bits,,an access rate.of ~500 kc, and a readout time of I iisec. A. 'B. Lyasko et al. have developod-a small decade counter of periodic and nonperi6dic sig-nals in which a pars- metric element with five stable phase states was used. The counter. clisplays. better energy properties than other known counters, high reliability, and high noi;e immuntty� A.* G. Rabin'Idn reported an the chara eristics of ACCESS1011 NR- AP5013852 anew high-coereivity (5000 be) alloys ~f the cbba '-'platinum system. M. A. 'Rozenblat et al. discussed the theory and design of magnetic analog comput ting devices (adder, integrator, m'ultiplier) based on single-stage magnetic amplifiers using magnetic, A large number of reports was devoted to the theory and appucation of 1power magnetic devices. The papers presented by the'Gorlidy school of .!A. M. 'Bamdas concerning frequency multipliers and voltap.stabilizere weM for gy~~t Interes t In thIs field.1 ASSOCIATIONt uone SUBMITTED, 00 ENCLt 00 SUB 0031 Bpi is NO REP SOVI 000 OT1=9 000 ATD .4oa-r rd- 20.7-7-7 1_7777 c)f t,io Vlnt,~Ila, 'lor. obor, 47 no./,:23-26 (MIRA 18:'/') nachall.lnik slitaba -Aze-,vskot, v~~yenroy flotilii. A.Yn, inzhener. Selecting an efficient Dlan i'or BuT)olying water to ate-,?m nower plants. Elek.sta.28 no,7:36 JI ~57- (Mr~a lo-.Q) (Steam power plants) SVERDLOV., A.Ya. Operation of a pressure-vacuum distillation apparatus. Neftianik 5 no.2:17-18 F t6O. (MIMA 14:10) 1. Starshiy operator Permskogo neftepererabatyvayuschego zavoda. (Perm~--Petroleum refineries--Equipment and supplies) RUI-UINOV, Yu.D., nauk; SVERDLOV.. B.D. Infrared photography as a method of detection of the deep collateral vessels of the anterior abdominal wall in diS- orders of portal circuletion. Terap. arkh. 35 no.1:30-34 Ja'63. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Iz J-3r kafedry terapii (zav. - prof. L.M.Rakhlin) uzan- skogo gosudarstvennogo instituta d1ya usovershenstvovaniy& vrachey imeni Lenina. (ABDOMEN-BLOOD SUPPLY) (PHOTOGRAPHY, INFRARM) (PORTAL HYPERTEN31ON) M GUREVICII, I.L.; S'JERDLGjV, A.Ya_.; FIIATOVA, Ye.D. Effect of temperature and pressure on the separation of paraffin-riaphthene hydrocarbons in the single-phase mazut evaporation. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 10 no.12:15-18 D 165. (ITM 19; 1) 1. Moskovskiy ordene. Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institub neftekliimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akad. Gubkina. vc-RD L-o V, b, 1 - VHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 899 Mekhanizatsiya I avtomatizatsiya liteynogo proizvodstva (Mechanization and Automatic Control of Founding Processes) (Lqningrad] Lenizdat, 1957. 224 P. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: (title page): Sokolov, A.N.; Ed.: (inside book): Yemellyanova, Ye. V.; Tech. Ed.: Rodchenko, N.I. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technical person- nel working in the founding industries. COVERAGE: The book presents experience gained by several Leningrad plants in the field of mechanization and automation of metal cazting processes. It is stated that in total production of castings the Soviet Union is catching up with the U.S.A., and in production of steel castings the USSR is already leading. Soviet production of castings In 1955 amounted to 11 million tons, 2 million of which were-steel castings. No personalities are men- tioned. There are 33 references, 29 of which are Soviet, 3 English, and 1 German. Card 1/3 Mechanization and Automatio (coat.) 899 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Sverdlo.v, B.I. Mechanization of Fouriding in Leningrad Plants Kremer, M, A., and Shub, I.Ye. Experience Casting Steel Fittings in Shell Molds 22 Ivanov, Ye. K., and Mednikov, F.G. Pressure Casting of Steel 44 Dityatkovskiy, Ya. M., and Saulcov, M.K. Centrifugal Casting of Large Cylindrical- Parts From High-alloy Steel 61 Lebedev, K.P. Centrifugal Casting of Large Bushings From Copper Alloys 73 Belousov, N.N., and Dodonov, A.A. Vacuum Casting of Non- ferrous Alloys 95 Card 2/ 3 Mechanization and Automatic (Cont.) 899 Shanskiy, K.I., and Vyazlmenskly, A.S. Casting of Crane Drums from Cast Iron With Reduced Allowances for Machining 120 Desnitskiy, V.P. Modern Steel Casting Techniques in the Manu7' facture of Power Plant Machinery 139 Kononov, M..N, Improvements in Casting Fittings at the Plant .: imeni Lepse 16o Volynskiy, V.L. Mechanization and Improvements in Casting Methods at the "Lenstankolit" Plant 184 Elltsufin, S.A. Mastering Precision Casting of Turbine Blades 196 Yqgorov, V.S. Lost Wax Method of Casting Metal Cutting Tools at the Sestrovet3k Plant imeni Voskov 211 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TS 233.S6) GO/nah Card 3/3 12-12-58 -3 M(Aft Do Go Injer,tions of vitrewas body in treatvm* of cicatrinial moaficatims. Vairt. oft. 29-.4s Ju3,y-Aug, 509 pe 24-6 1, Of the Division (Road-Prof* Do G. S"rUuw)I Carew-al lnatituW of Traumstoloa Nd Orthopedias (Director. Honomd Worker In Seienes Prof. No No Priam) of the Xiniatry of PubUo Health USSR. CUIL 193 5p Ntrv., 191,M STROLOV, D.G., professor. Forming the stump of an @nucleated are by transplanting of an elastic plastic material into the Tenon's capsule. Test.oft. 34 no.4:27-29 JI-Ag '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo Instituta travmatologii i ortopedii Mini- sterstva sdravookhranenlya SSSR (dir.chlen-korrespon&ent AMN SSSR prof. X.N.Priorov) Off'z. surgery, enacleation. arcylic implants into Tenon's capsule) (ACRYLIC RESINS, Tenon!s capsule implants in enucleation) 1) Z-IjV GOLOVANOV, V.D., professor; SVMWLOV, D..G.. professor Accidental enucleation of the eyes. Vop.neirokhir. 20 no.6:50-52 N--D '56. (H:~U 10: 2) 1. Is TBantrallnogo instituta travastologii i ortopedii Kinisterstva zdravookhranentya SSSR. (MYS, wounds ani injuries, traum. enueleation (Rus)) SVIRDLOV, D.G., professor 1 0 gmwrowi~~- .-. Contact lenses. Oft.zhur. 11 no-1:50-52 156. (HLRA 9:9) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedit Minister- stva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (CONTACT LERSICS) SUMLOTO D.G., professor (Moskva) - " Artificial crystalline leas from acr;~!ate; review of literature. Vest.oft. 69 no.6:36-39 ii-D 156. (MIRA 10:2) - (CRYSTALLINE IMES, artif. acrylate lens, review) Prosthetic devices with acrylate washers for preventing symblepharon. Oft. zhur. 13 no.6:346-348 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Iz MSen*raJ--!nogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii Ministeretva zdravookhraugniya SSSR. (Hr1~4Ji-DISEASES) (ACRYLIC ACID) SVMLOV, D.G., (Moscow) Artificial eyes* Feld' i akuoh. 23 no.8:31-34 Ag'58 (MMA 11:8) (EYES, ARTIFICIAL) ,SVN~~~-*--pi?cif . (Moskva) lz.m.Z; Use of rsidionctive isotopes in the dingnosis of intraocular tumors-, review of the literature. Vest.oft. 71 no.4:6o-62 JI-A 158 ,'.It , CUU9 neoplasms IMINA 1118) ding. value of radioisotopes, review (Rua)) (sBOTOm"S I diage of intraocular tumors, review (RUB)) SVERDWV, D.G., prof.; AVTONOV, A.I., inzh. Tent screen attached to a bad for use in examining the bottom of the eye. Oft.zhur. 14 no.6:368-369 159. (MMA 13:4) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo institute, travmatologii i ortopedii Minzdrava SSSR (direktor - deyetvitelinyy chlen AMR SSSR prof. N.H. Priorov). (M-RUMINATION) SVERDLOV, D.G.,prof. - . Ocular proathests, Med.sestra 18 noo2:24-26 F '59. (MIU 12:2) 1. Zavedilpishchiy glazo-protezn'ym otdeleniyem TSentrallnogo inBtitUta ortopedii i travmatologii, Moskva* (RIES, ARTIFICIAL) SVMLOT, D.G., professor Tntracapsular extraction of a cataract by wealmning Zinn's ligament with X-chymotrypsin according to J. Barraquer's method. Oft.zhur. 15 uo.2:120-123 160. . (KIRA 13:5) (CATAUCT) (GHTMRTPSIN) SVERDLOV, D.G.-.,- prof. Use of ultrasonics in ophthalmology for diagnostic purposes; survey of the foreign literature. Oft.zhur. 16 no.6'.373-378 261, (MIRA U..310) (ULTWONIC WAVFS-TMUPMTIC USE) (EYF,,-DISEASES A1qD DEFECTS-DIAGPIOSIS) B/051/60/009/006/005/018 E201/E191 AUTHORS; Sverdlov, D.M.7 Klochkovski~r, Yu.V., Kukina, V.S., an7 Mezhuyeva, T. TITLE: Vibrational Spectra and Potential Energy Constants of Halogenated Ethylenes.A Yonochloroethylene2 Monofluoroeth,,ylene,l 1,1-dichloroethylene, lj-dibromoethylene and their Dauterated Derivatives PERIODICAL; Optika i spektroskopdya, 19602 Vol.9, No.6, pp 728-733 TEXT: Sverdlov, Klochkovskiy and Kukina (Ref.1) showed that the vibrational spectra of halogenated ethylenes can be calculated using the force constants of ethylene (Bef.2) and halogenated methanes (Ref-3), The present paper extends this work to calculation of normal vibrations and potential energy constants of monochloroethylene and CH27-=CDC1, 111-dichloroethyleneg 1,1-dibromoethylene and CB:r2==CHb, CBr,-==CD2, monofluoroethylene and its seven deuterated derivatives whose formulae are given in the middle of page 728. For the purpose of this calculation the authors used the force constants of ethylene and halogenated methanes, as well as,the force constants of halogenated ethylenes the earlier paper (Ref.1). The calculations were Card 1/2 S/051/60/009/006/005/018 E201/E191 Vibrational Spectra and Potential Energy Constants of Halogenated Ethylenes. Monochloroethylene, Monofluoroethylene, 1~1=-dichloroethylene, 1,1.-dibromoethylene and their Deuterated Derivatives cairled out by the method of Yellyashevich and Stepanov (Ref,,3). Nataral v.1brationall coordinates (Figs 17 2) were used, Tables 1-4 g1ve the calculated frequencies and interpretation of the vft~ .-ational spectra of monofluoroethylene and its seven deuterated derivatives (Table 1), of monochloroothylene and CH2-CDC1 (Table 2), of -L,l-dibromoethylene and its two deuterated derivatives I -(Table 3), and of 111-dichloroethylene (Table 4). The calculated and 9xperimentally observed. frequencies agreed quite well, The published interpretations of the iribrational spectra were either confirmed or modified. Parameters of the force fields of the halogenated e-thylenes were calcalated. There are 2 figures, 4 tables and 18 references: 4 Soviet, 2.0 English, 1 German, 1 French, 1 international and 1 Japanese. SUBMITTED: Marc.)-., 28, 1960 Card 2/-- SVIMDWV, N.Yu. New method for preparing dental crowns. Voen-med. zhur. no.1:76-78 Ja 156 (RLRA 10:5) (CROWN AND BRIDGUORK, preparation of) (Rus) SVE RDLOV Yu. (Khar I kov) Removable plastic prostheses reinforced with metal. StomatologiPa 39 no.1:64-65 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:1:L) (TEETH, ARTIFICIAL) SVERDLOV, E.Yu. (Khar1kov) Obturator for compensation of the functional insufficiency of the lips*in paralysis of the facial nerve. Stom-atologiia-40 no.2:94 Mr-Ap 161 ~N*RVES, FACIAL'-'~:ISEASES) (PROSTHESIS) (MIRA 14-'5) -SVERDLOV, F.K. Concerning the accuracy of differential transformation on con- verted bundle instruments. Good. i kart. no.11:15-22 N "4. WRA 18:2) SVERDI'ov, ?.K. . 1 - Using an ~ndicatcr for the checking and adjusting, if topographic atereonat;rs. Geod. i kart. no.6:36-412 Je 157. (ila"A ;-0:9,; (Topographical sumeying) A. SMIMMI. 0. 1-! MkSINIUIC: Eurcpe, Eastern - Child 'Welfare State protection of children in people's de:iccracie.s. Pediatriia lio. 3 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -195~, Uncl. 2 T nn ~'cv. '-Tnf7-. 01-3 iry _; '. - . 1/.~ - 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Ju r e -1953. Unclassified. SVERDLOV, G.M. "Recent ReseaEch in Applied Family Sociology in the Soviet Union," A paper presented at the fourth World Congress on Sociology, 8-15 September 59 Mikan, Italy SO: 3,141,918 SVEMLOV3 G.11.; KOVALK"iKO, B.M. System of aut~omat4 -- ixifoma gather-Ing from ---Cas flcrz meters for, recording the consumptim. of oil usinLp impulse I code QG-nvertarB. Maoh. i neft. obora no,1832-36 16 tlTM l7tl 1. Vbesoyumiy-j nauchria-issledovateltskiy i proyektno-4tonsta-A- torskiy institut komplekspay ai-tomatimtsii naftyanoy i gazoroy promyshlexmost4-. SVERDLOV, Gelyurly vlluksimovi,~h; YA.GUDII., R0,91"Id yus-,yo-vio"; ...... I.YlUKHT11A, Yi,,~I.j -;ed. red. [Systems aTid means for the automation of' the technol- of,Ical pr,ocesses of peTroleam production] Sisteary i siledstva avtrj,,!a,.jzatsii ob"elktov ne~ tte~lobyclli. Moskvu, Nedra, 1961.. 1.57 p. (MI,P ~. 18: 1) SV3-,MLCV, G. 0. "The Change in the Form of the Throat and the Dimensions of its Cartilage After Birth." Cand Med Sci, Leningrad Pediatrics Medical Inst, Lenin.arad, 1955- (KL, No 12, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No . 670, 29 Sep 55--Survey of Scientific and Technical JJissertations Defended at USSR Higher Eduebtional Institutions (15) V E', [Wi) V p I -ne metallicneskogo lisba ooz;,z~ochn--kh shc, i)ololnon. vo-Iti'sIrlof'o f'lpta) 190, 11o. Title tr. -. 3u~)--;rdtutior. of ~azric cnverin:~ or metal sheets 0i, 1---nJing Claps. TL5041.Th 19h3 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, SIVERDLOV, 1. A. and -AT . - r1jull) G. N. Calculation of the Strength of Aircraft, Moscow 1945. -Sci -- --- SV_'l_*RI)LCjV, Iosif Abramovich -- awarded/degree of Doc Tech Sci for the 20' Jun 57 defense of dissertation: "Research on the force patterns of arrow-shaped and three-cornered wings" at the Cou-neil, Mil-Air kaNd Cl Engr Acad imeni Zhukovskiy; Prot No 15, 7 Jun 58. (B_VIVOY 11-58027) PHASE I 1300K EXPLOITATION 786 Kan, Saveliy Nakbimovich and Sverdloy, Iosif Abramovich Raschet samolets, na prochnoist' (Analysis of Aircraft for 8tructural Strength) 4th ed., rev. Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. 291 p. 3-1,000 copies printed. Reviewers: Odinokov, Yu.G., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Profes- sor, and Cheremukhin, A.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed.: Yarunin, A.M., Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: Sheynfayn, L.I.; Thch. Ed.: Rozhin, V.P.* Managing Ed.: Sokolov, A.I., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is approved by the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR as a textbook for aviation vuzes. It may also serve as a drafting manual in design offices of aircraft factories, and as an. aid in improving the qtwlificatiOnB Of designers. COVERAGE: The 1945 edition of this book has been radically revised and greatly supplemented. Problems in determining aircraft loads and calculation methods for the separate airctaft components are considered. Completely new sections have been added on aerodynamic heating and thermal stresses, calculation of swptback and delta wings and tail assemblies, calculation of frames with con- sideration of their elasticity, vibrations of airerdft components, etc. For Card 1/7 ,TrR'RnTrI'!, T A. T~ Issirning an aircraft for strength, by S. IT. Kan and 1. A. Sverdlov. '-Yri-At-Patterson kir Force Pase, OhI6, 1960. 494 1. illus., elaars., orarbs (IF-TR-90,05/7) Translated from t" nrivinal lhisAan! Raschet swaMsta na nrocInnostl. Voscoe, Ic?';S ra-lier Puiptin lanpuagm- editions h!_Ive title: Prochnost' samole+q. L'i'-'Iiocrrar~ly: 1. 4-5 L '58460-65 Pf-14/ Loeb ww/ ai- ACCESSIONNR: "5012083 UR/G W 6 5/0 0 0/0 0 2/6 0 -344/60 3 9, AUTHOR.19~e Decease TITLE: Distribution of coneentrated force alorq wing rib-- SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnayatekhnfka. no. :1, 1965, 34-39 TOPIC TAGS- aeronautical design, air araft wing anallysis win.- rib analys!La: rlc:~rgt. stress ana1ysis ABSR-17RACT: The author considers diff-3rent Piethods for calculating the conc*ntrate-d fci r (- k-,q which mav he brought to bear on -.,inva ri3s from var'ous parts of the gircraft S'LI'U~'tul'e. '111"Au(ii;!4 tne la.,iding bear a.,;se--~bly Pngine ir"taJdations, ailerons, etc. The e"'fect of the iri.-tallmion of compre5sio'i -ib,9 a~ the points ..-)f application of these forces is then d4scussed. Various factors coilributing to the loading and unloading of ribs under dvnamic conditions are. analyzed, and ha;3ic parameters permitting the solutJon of stress aild problems axe derived, \:umerical factors a-re presented which ref..ect the dogree to x-!-,ich increased or de,--rease-J stress may be anticipated in the event of the doscrih+ld c-15ditions. It ii poin-ed out in the article that 1. is possible to ac-,-ept thf! con- c;~nt ratod f,jrces appiied tx) the wing wri Lhout coiisiderably streng-thenin-g the r ib walls, for the reasor, ! hat those forces are distril)uted ovi~r a large number of ribs. T"As fact is Card !/ "2 ASSOCIATION: None SMUTTED: 05Jun63 NO REF SOV: 000 Card 2/2' ENCL: 00 SUB COM. AC OTHER: 000 SVERDLOV, losif Yakovlevit-h, lroustruktz)r- '~, m~ I I'V.U6 !I [Exper:lmanta~l hnuslag construction lia North Ossetia] Mcsperimentallrce zhilishchnoe stroitellstvo v Severn-o-4 Osetit. Ordzhonik-ldze, Severo-Isetinskoe kn1zhnoe izd- vo, 1964. 46 P. (MIRA 18z3') AUTHOR: g.,-Engineer SOV/28-59-1-23/29 TITLE: The Committee of Standardization at the Scientific-Technical Society (Komitet s-tandartizatsii pri nauchno-tekhnicheskom obshchest,ve) PERIODICAL: Standart44.zatsiya, 1959, Nr 1, P 56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1946, the Section of Standardization was organized at the Leningrad branch of the Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo mashinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti(the Scientific-Technical Society of the Machine Building Industry). The organizers were the Candidate of Technical Sciences G. D. Fliner and Engineer V. V. Bekhterev. Since 1.958, the seotion, trans- formed into a Committee, has been collaborating with the Otdel standartizatsii Leningradskogo Sovnarkhoza (the Lenin- grad Sovnarkhoz Standardization Department), Its director, Krivoshoyevq read two reports on the future task of standardization in the 1959 - 1965 period. Card 1/1 SVERDLOV, L. (Leningrad) Standardization comnittee of the society. NTO no-7:43 JY '59. (114IRA 12:11) 1. Chlen komitata standartizataii Leningradekago oblastnogo pravlonlya nauchno-telrhnicheekogo obahchevst,,a mashinootroitall- noy promyshlennosti. %Standardization) .S71MIAN.L.M., Staadardization Comml.ttee at the Scientific Technical 8sciety of the Machinery Industry. Standartizataiia 23 no.l.-56 Ja 159. (KIU tStandardization) SVERDLOV, L.M. Seminar for workers in standardization. Standartizatsiia 24 no.9:43- 44 s l6o. (MLRA 13:9) (;Standardization) SVERDLOV, L.M. Seminar on standarliization in Leningrad. SU%ndartizatsiia 25 no.3-11.48 N 161. MULA' 14: U) (Leningrad--Standardization) &,VERDLPV - - j _ L., M, Seminar on standardlzation in Leningrad. Standartizataiia, 26 no,,10:63 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Lening.-ad--Standardization--Study and teaching) SVERDLOV., L.M. Intensity- and pOleLrization in Patan ispectra of polyatomic =Ieculeo. Opt, i spektr. 17 no.31369-373 3 164. (MI-RA .17,10) BORTSOlf~ M.G.; Vibrational spectra of unsaturated hydroccarbons. Part 12. opt. spEjL-,,f,,N 1.7 ro.6-.8,42-847; D 164- (YJRA 18-.3) 5 EPF(c)/EPRA-WP(J)A-Wi(c)/L*T(1)/EWT(a) Pc-4/PrA/Ps-4 - IjPkC)/RrL ACOZZICU IM: AE5Ca2234 UR/0058/01000/0MA013AW EMT,-.-Ei Ref. zh. . Fizika, Abe.. 3D100 A 2Lbkovskly, U. V-& Polotinn, E. N. xampjft~y. =oy. Te. P-t d 0 TiMm Calculation and interpretation of vibrational apectra of molecules of CITM SCMCEs Tr- Komis. po "Oftroekopii. M SSM, vyp- 1, 19", no-2A TOPIC TAJM i vibrational spectrum,- organic molecule, isotopic substitute, forell field, double bond TFUUMSV~TlOlf: A calculation vas made of the normal vibrations, and a complete in- terprotation la preseacd for the vibrational apectra, of 25 moleculesi c"10- bu-t--nc,1-jspiropcntane, thiphana, cis-trana-dimetby1diborane, trlmetbrlborihs-p C C,Dr C112, F,,F-0010 cia-tran ale-trans-C P~4' 1 4' FG2C-CNF' C'M- and certain Is C~1-0~uitutes. features of -K*)A it those wle- the fame C.,d 112 --At /Doj5/DO].5 /oW/003 q /6 1 .9 ~, -4 7 1 Abs. SOURa! Ref. A-"-!iO'RS' .-G -of di ff er ent C .,4 9-20, qt~ 19 ektroll""' '7 CbF-- Z is. Kom po sp - -&red spectrumi card 1/2 L 40,7178-65 ACCESSION XR* AR5012237 experlmeniAl dala on the intensities, obtained by the authors, were used for the calculati,me. SUB CME OP, oc EML: 00 Card 2/2 ACC NRs ARW152o SOURCE CODE: uR/O058/65/0OO/O1-V1)O14/I)O14 AUTHOR: Sverdlov, L. M. -#7 B TITLE: Some problems of the theory of intensity in Haman spectra and infrared absorp tion spectra of polvatomic molecules SOURCE: Ref. ;--h. Fizika~ Abs. U102 Komi ktr t- 3, VYP REF SOURCE: Mr. Be 22 -Qskgpjl. AN SSSR 1.# 1964p 19-24 TOPIC TAGS.* Raman spectrump ir spectrump absorption spectrums ccoplex moleculep ~:molecular physics, line intensity ABSTRACT: General formulas are derived for the calculation of the intensities of the fundamental frequencies, overtones, and combination frequencies in Raman spectra and infrared absoxption spectra of po3.yatomic molecules, in the first approximation of the gener-11 ed valence-optical theory, in which automatic account is taken of the condition for vanishing of the angular momentum. The principles of the theory of the characteristic., nature of the integral intensities and polarizations of the lines of A. -tract the Raman spectra of molecules are formulated. (Translation of abs SUB CODE: 20j, 07 r Card T411AAO-VA, %V.,- V-21if-ational ppectra of nonaatur-ated hydro3arbons. Fart 13- opt, -! jp-4-tr. a8 no.4-.58'7-.~91 Air 165. (MIRA IW) 3 -4/_ 724 /Cr25 Mi G. Knkel A.G.; S-verdlov) M. s -irzatior, of p e e c ga S P! 196~,, 7~14 ly a 4 ~-725 sp--rum. olefir,, a,: a r~, a - I r Investigation of 'ra f 212p lerie a-rid s pe, r . v . n c. . 6- 6,5 'Me pwrw~e of o me as ~_~ re -e a,- le intensities ~hvlen4an -c, ,eri a r- a I,e r, a:.- ie n., e d t- - p-a r az-.~ -Ie m a 2. g - ou p f f e t C.,d Ruggs", Roam ACCESSION NR: AF~~011135 cf' prz)pylene and isobu-.-jl=-rie to ex-pialn tte intensity distrilbut-ion The absorption -via, vtl,~h ar., N ck lo . X ae i MMMON M- M A, _W F L ACCESSION NR: AP5011135 -?rr,,)r is 15 per cent, which is only slightly higher than --.a r !r teris I t Ie_ s It Is thus concludel that -r,),,,,p ~-)f propylere and Ie 5 ~mp i x a-ki -at; 1e A,- A S U B M IT7ED: z 3 0 Card V 3 Au g 6 4 EN C L: 00 ST-ro CODE: OP, OC T7.1ER: a - ---o- -m-a-w PR 71'97~ R L 1705-66 E~Mri)/E?F J ACCESSION RR: Ap5ol2638 UR/005:L/65/018/0c)5/0928/0930 535-343 15.4 L. M. AUNOR: Finkel', A. G.; Tarasova, N. V.; Lv .L:~4 TITLE- Experimental and theoretical investigation of absolute intensities In the infrared spectra of hydrocarbons in the gas phase. III. 1,3-butadiene SOURCE- Optika I spektroskopiya,.v. 18, no. 5, 1965, 90~3-930 TOPIC TAGS: IR spectrum, butadiene, deuterium compound, line intensity, conjugated polyolefin hydrocarbon) electrooptic effect, abaorption band ADSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier investigations (Opt. i spektr. v. 15, io~5, 1963 i%f) of the infrared bands of certain naphthenic and olefinic hydrocarbons. The w-esent work is devoted to a measurement of the absolute intensities of the In--- froxed bands of trans-1,3-butadiene. and to a calculation, on the basis of the ex- perimental data obtained, of a set of electro-optical parameters characterizing the, polar properties of the bonds in dienes with c,?Rju~~ated C--C double lbonds,,In order to determine the effect of conjugation on bond polarity. The absoi:~t-1675 ' ectrum 6p of k)3-butadiene was recorded -witb an infrared spectrometer using IdF, NaCl, and KBr ':)rlsms. The Wilson-Wells extrapolation method (J. Chem. Phys. v. 14, 578, 1946) vas used to determine the absolute Intensities of the absorption bands. The Card 1/2 L 1705-66 !ACCESSION NR: AP5012638 experiment is briefly described. A table is presented of the absolute intensities of the infrared bands of trans-!, 3-butadiene and C4D8. The results. show that the G--C double bond to the ends of which different functional groups are attached., is icharacterized by considerable polarity. The table lists also the calculated inten- sities of the infrared spectra of trans-l13-hexadeuterobutadiene, calculated frocal, the electro-optical parameters in this work. The calculation correctly accounts for the intensities of the IR bands at 2335., 2210, 1523, and 718 cm73- and the medium intensity of the 2270 and 380 crrCl bands, The intensities calculated for the bands in the 1000--1050 region are apparently too low, Grige art*- has; I forraula and 1 table. ASS01I.IATION: none SUBMUTED: 25Apr6k - ENCL:, 00: SUB CODE., OP NR REF GOV: OTHER*. 003 .9 00 'ITALIMAKHOVA, I.P.; FINKELI, A.G.; SVERDLOV, L.M, E7perimental and theoretical study of the absolute intansitieB of Infrared spectra of hydrocarbons in the gaseous ph&sse Part 5. Propane. Opt. i spektr. 18 no.6rlO83-1086 Je 165.- (MIRA 18:12) m FAKELI A.G.1 BORT"'OV, M.G.; S17~~Jo p -7 Eype-rimental and th-rretical otudy c' :~,~ alrl-,7~1-,Ite Intensities Of Infrared spectra of hydrocarbons in the gaseous phase, Part 2. Opt. i spaktr. 19 no.1%65-70 JI 165. (MIRA 18:8) KLO-CHKOVSKIN, Yu.V.; MaINA, V~03.3 SVEIUDLOV, L.F. Vibratio,!ai spectra and cc.-istants of the potentiall energ.,~ of tellraflvoroethyl-ene, te tz"achloro ethylene, tetrabromoethylene, trifluor:)ethy.lene, 191-~Afluorochloroethylene, 1-fluoro-l- chlorcetkylanc, cjs- and and their deuterium-substitubed derJvatives. Zhur. f-iz. khim. 39 no.8i1912-1921- Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Saratovskly politekhnichesk-iy institut. 6i. 9,Of The theciry of tho aboorption spectrum of (ulvene 1. NI. an-$ NI - A. K-w,we (N.C. Vh~tnW," Vniv *',rAtov).' Irtyll. Nawk S S-V R , ,;,, F, I.-. 5~~.7-5(1948)-Thc method of Cowlipert-NLiver and Ikl.,r (C.I. 32, W31r) ILq been extripleil io with C atoln* Of di&fent XtAtiOiCAl 'At. ACOWiling t'I J~itiiltl, the Aifftph~t CONIMI 4-401CRIVIlrAIC beinK tuivrne. The riicvgv levels. their strinnielry, anAl site wavs- leiiVib of A- 1%,w"I electironic transition. mV I*hr Ir"1111, Air- cmupared to previous iresults by SklAr 4 C.A. J 1. And hv the authors an.] to expily. idrntified hnri in dimethyl. fulvrnevapor. The cak-il. levels by the GMS ir,-cluxt urr 1,,wer than the ezptl. The methoil usof liv SkUr Kives 2 1 Int" instead of 3 but the cormiNindemv with the r~jptl. level% is gocKI. All transitions t%n-rr%Fx)n%Iinjg to the exptl. lines can be klentified. S. P~L~wrr t ,Zimple method for the calculation o plet statet of 52=11544 RQ14CnI-* - M. A. Koyner land L M. Sverd- __ __1Qy_WUok1adyAkad Chemical Abst. Lae graphic rules of Romer for the ciAcn. of singlet states Vol. 48 No. 1+ of mots. am extended to the cam of triplet states of cam- plicated mols. The following rules now apply: (1) Con- Feb. 25, 1954 struct in a circle all the singlet canonical structures accord- Electronic Phenomena and Spectra Ing to the rules of Rumer. (11) If the no. r of expanded traits in the structure is even and not equal to zeLo then such structures are rejected. (111) 11 r equals zero and the no. of atoms in the circle is not divisible by 4, -then all the nonexpanded traits blow up (tripletize). (IV) If r is not evqn and x is not divisible by 4, then all-the expanded and - the nonexpanded traits blow up with the eyception of the nonexpanded traits wh6se distribution lies an one side of the expanded traits. (V) If r is not even or r equals zero and n is divisible by 4, then (a) the expanded traits blow d b up, and (b) after this the first and last atoms are Joine y a trait. To the resulting structure apply rules 11, 111, and IV. When the above rules are applied for the cases of ff equals 4, 0, 8, and 10, then 3, 9, 29, and 00 canonical trip- let structures am obtained, resp. The matrix elements for the triplet energy levels of the mol. are obtuined by the cyclic method and applied to the of filveze. The ca3e in-ahod shows p~ornise for the calcu. of energy levels in ex- cited mols. and in biradical 3tates, qgrald Oster lip D USSR/Physics Thermodynamics-, 21 Jun 51 Isotopic Molecules 4telation Among the Frequencies of Isotopic Mole- cules (The Rule of Sums)," L. M. Sverdlov, Sara- tov State U imeni N. G. Chernyshevskiy "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXVIII, No 6, PP 1115- 1118 Examn of isotopic effect in oscillatory spectra of mols facilitates their interpretation and gives addnl eqs for detr of consts of potential energy; hence the interest in subject frequency. Sverdlov derives new relation among subject 184TIO8 USSR/Physics Thermodynamics, 21 Jun 51 Isotopic Molecules (Contd) frequencies, to be added to other relations- es- tablished by Teller and Redlich under the name of "product rule" (cf. "ZS Phys Chem" 28, 371,, 1935). Sverdlov wa's assisted by M. A. Kovner. Submitted 25 Apr 51 by Acad V. A. Fok. 184T108 Correlation between the vibrational frequt-actes of Iso- topic molecules (the surn and product naes). L. 161, Sy~ lov M G. Chernyshevskff State Univ., =ad. ]Vauk S.S.S.R. 86, 5f.1-16(frG.52); cf. CA. 49,17-11a, --S. derivts expre!7iimu fur, flip ~uuj end prodttd rala govtrvhq; t1e, vibration frecitteficks of 1SOLopiCaNy r1lb- zipplies Oipai, with good suoctis, to the stituted moLs.. aad , deatcrioethyh!ues, -7- 1. SV~-,'ITLOV, L. M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Molecular Dynamics 7. Connection between moments of inertia and rotatory frequencies of isoto-pic molecules. Dokl AN SSSR No 2 1953. 9. Mcnthly L~ist 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ADril 1.953, Uncl. USSR/Physics - Molecular Spectra, Sep/Oct 53 "Computations of Oscillatory Spectra of Molecules Containing the Carbonyl Group and TheiT_Compara- tive Characteristics 11- M. Sverdlov~"Sarstov State Univ im Chernyshevskiy Iz Ak Nauk,, Ser Piz, Vol 17, No 5, PP 567-573 Theoscillatory spectra are calculated by method ok. X. V. Volkenshteyn)("Ilkw- A. Yell yashevich;`~.,B. I. Stepanov (Kolebaniya Aolekul (Oscillations of Molecules] 1949) and,',I. S. Mayants (Dissertation, Trudy FIAN, v. V 119501) for compds contg car- bonyl group: formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, 274T66 ;.acetyl chloride, monomers of formic and acetic acllds~ and dimeM.of formle, acid. . Results are tabulated. Indetied to K. A.,.Kovner. USSR/Physics - Molecular Frequencies 11 Jan 53 "Relations Among Moments of Inertia and Rotational Frequencies of Isotopic Molecules," L. M. Sverdlov,, Saratov State U DAN SSSR, Vol 88, No 2, pp 249-252 Discusses the use of isotope substitution in meas- uring molecular quantities that depend only upon mass, such as frequency oscillations, moment of inertia, rotational freq, etc. Derives general formulas and identities involving such quantities. Applies them to org compds of i'sotopic H,N, and halogens. Presented by Acad G.S.Landoberg 10 Nov 52. 249T20 519.112 :54i.57 '4788. AA lutawdatW of jWJ12-0J9Mft_2 Vd Computatfou of tm Patedw own Pmumtters. of oil dedemethyleam E~ M, SVMDEOV AND-ir L TT SS R . DokZ-4UmFw=F3RK,,, 91, vo. 1, 51-4 (1953) In Runkm Ev" trans'AlkKi. U.S. AWANW Sd Faumd AISF-tr-W CmVitatiom of " Vibnoon $PC= of p=iAffV U%V;ft-k i* l,;C- as=-'re, P~~t*m nw& mm!.~Ixr- the !mCm mat6l, Cwtoit'l A4 mlv~ for ;43= and alt d=zer*-ctbyiv=; the u--lialka spt=a JJV- Computed agrw vieLl with "paim,4M tha mi= wor being 6on-I and auxiomm trrcw The C-C bond is 14-2XI04CsVf-x (8-36ki0l dyttelcm) that for the Z--If 1.,.d 8-63 x 10lcm-'(5-08x 101 dynei'm). jind that forthe Mativetw4tiost4thecil, gmps (0-445xlWdyWan). of the spectra afm with those of Arm"t mul Cta\%fwd (Absm 4M (I M-)l =id Lancastw, Inskeep =4 Cmwford'(Absir. 61123 (1951% mwpt (Or LIve vuluc of for C,11,. given hcre as X6cm".and W JntCjXh3j)Ud a Q'4lj;nnICnt Of k, and V, (of C-;HIEY. of v, and r, fur Q111). unA of ~j and rjm SVEPIMLOV, L. ~-I. 7 S4,!VPhyi.Lcr, - Spreotra, Oscillat-)-y U ju IlComnatati-n and InIe!,n,.,etati.Dn of Oscill.nt.-ry Stectrza of 7t "'euteHum SubFtitute.9341 L. 1-1. Snrz~tov Stt~te U i-m N. G. Cherny-shevok-Ily (31 nil av::~.Wble ex,,)t-L at.ta-, attempts to inter-)-n-A spectra aned to :-xnnute frequencies of fom,~ic acll(, by method o--:' V. Yellyashevich and B. Stelanov (see "Kolebani,ml lq'olekullf (Oscillati:)ns of "oolicu-le 7~1j,,C t1 t 1, confim inte--n-retetion of oscilll-utory spect~ra a:~11 th- tthe coef-s represent 'the o "1 -3 - it ial mol field of forrdc acid. Presented by A c a 4G. -42 lr~av 53. 262T82 B. T. R. Vol. 3 No. 4 Apr. 1954 Chemistry-FIIYA(Ml 0/ ci~ - L-- 4n- C-akuhtfou and laterpreution of Vihmtloa Spe,- tr,-, of dw Dim" of IV AeW a*4 Its Deuteron Sab. gutate& (R L N r "J AkadeMii lifauk SSS14 Y. A rA 2, N-o-y." M-NINUSU Rea&s of ca"Wed aW obsayM fiequnr-ws sbowed good agmemeaL Tab6 10 mE eA SVMLOV, L.M. Interrelation between the anharmanic ratio constants and the frequencies of isotopic molecules. Dok-I.AN SSSR 94 no.3.'451-4,,;4 Ja '53. (HLRA-7:1) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvann" universitet im. N.G.Chernyshev- skogo. Predstavleno, akademikom G.S.Landobergom. (Spectrum Analysis) (.7sotopee) 01- VE R 'W- 6 V, I- - M. USSH/Physico Oscillatory spectra of ethylene Card 1/1 FD 4uu Author Sverdlov, L. M., and Pakhomova, N. L. Title Oscillatoiy spectra and potential energy constants of ethylene and its deuterium substitutions Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 26, 64-78, Jan 1954 Abstract On the basis of the new interpretation of the oscillatory spectra of C2114 and C2D4 the author computes the potential energy constants of the ethylene molecule. Also calculates the frequencies and forms of the normal oscillations of all the deuterium ethylenes. Demonstrates the faultiness of the interpretation of Callaway and Barker, as fol- lowed by 1-1. V. Vollkenshteyn, M. A. Yellyashevich, B. I. Stepanov, and G. Gertsberg. Establishes a new theoretical basis of interpretation. Employs the Mayants method of iteration for the calculation of frequency and form of normal oscillations. Institution Saratov State University Submitted July 6, 1953 Auth= s Sverdlov, I~. and Zaytsev4, :1. N. Oscillation spectra and thaa structure of diborane Via-riodical i UV. All GUM,# 10r, -liz. 672)AW-DW1954 Abutrant, t Data are presented on the calculation of normal oadUlAtions W otan4a energy conetants or diorane accomplished with the-aid of the H. klytdfi~w4h, method. Eighteen aormal oacillationa wira oboarved in the case of Mora n-*&- The geometrical parameters utilized in the calculation of,the kindwitic coefficients are listed. The,pov~er coefficients were determined by the con-- stant variation method. An internretation of oscillation. spectra for di- borane and its isotope-substitutes is included. Table. institution The N. G. Chernisjhevskiy ~State University, Saratov Submitted 7 6,V -=34/ Physics Chemistry L/I Pub. 22 12/50 i Sverdlov, L. 'Winokbodova, 0. K. M,, and Title t Oomputation and interpretation of the oscillating spectra of isobutyleng I DOKO AN SSSR 1()0/1,-45-48# Ta~-.1, 19c;5 Abfitwact; I Some methods (variations of,,ecastants) and mathematical parwstw~s 1.071.1 (for the (312 group)j otc., vhich vere used in cu*utions and, interpretations ot oscillating spectra of isobutylene are.deacribod ad discussed. Eight referencess 2 USA and 6 USSR (1947-1954)- Tableq; dlagrwn. Institutions The N, G, Chenyshoavskiy Suratov State University Proseuted bys Academician Lindberg. G. S. September 6p 19,54 USSR / Physical Chemistry, Molecules. C~ernical Bo~d Abs Jpur :Ref Zhur - Riimiya, No 3, 1957, 25773, Author iL.M. Sverdlov ritle :Oscill-a'Ung""-9-pectra. of Olefins. III, COMDUtELtiOn and pretation of Oscillating Spectra of Cis-Butene-2 and T r Ms- Butene-2 and Tetramethylethylene. orig Pub :Optika. i spektroskopiya, 1956, No 6, 752-764. Abstraot The moleculos of cis-butene-aZ, tra ns-butene-2 and tetra- methylethylene belon:- to the symmetry group C2v, 2h, V~ and respectively possess 30, 30 and 48 fundamenta.1 fimquencies, a complete computation of which was carried out. 111 secu- lar equations were worked out and solved. On the basis of the computation, it was proposed to refer the fundamental fre- quencies to the concepts of sy=etr.-r groups and to -the vibrati- ons of separate structural elements of molecules. The co=--u- ted frequencies and their relationship were compared with da- ta of combined scattering spectra and infra-red spectra and Card 1/2 - 27 77~ Tibr 04--i= rewion of vfbrational cpactra of p-ropylunis tal d USS.R., Sea C I G6. '.~ 14-2 fM)(T-.agl6-h c A so~ P 'm- R UMR/ Chemistry - Analytical chemistry 1/2- Pub. 22 21/43 Authors s Sverdlov, L. M. Oscillation spectra. of olefines. Calculation and interpretation of oacillation spectr& of propylone and douteropropylene feriodiwl Dok. AN SSSR 106/1, 80 83, An 1, 1956 Abstrac,b I The oscillation spe6tra of a-propylene molecule, which is a simple Tlepre- sentative of ethylene alkyl 'substitutes, were calculated and interpreted for the purpose of obtaining characteristic data of the oscillation spectra for th*e homologous RHC -- CH2 series. It was established that this iole- cule at its beat ean have,only one plane of symmetry. Of the twenty-one normal oscillations observed fourteen were found to be symmetrical:~ lnstituti6~n Saratov State University im. N. G. Chernishevskiy Presentedby: Academician G. S. Landsberg,'June 30,, f955 PRIKOOT'K0, n F 24(T) 3 PHASE I BOOK EXYLOITATION SW/1365 L'Yov. Universytot PAtarilly X VasGry-,jZnQi;0 saveahchanlya Do spektroakopli. t. 1: Ysolokulyarnaya apekt-vsknplya (Papers or the 10th All-Vajon Conference on Spectr5scopy. Vol. 1: molecular spectroscopy) (L'7OvJ Izd-vo L-vovakogo UnIT-ta, 195T- 499 P- 4 000 Copies printed. (Series: Itat Fiz7chnyy zbIrayk, v7p. Additional Sponsoring Jgeno7z Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komisaiya DO spelctroskopli. Sd.: 0azar, S.L Tech. Ed.: Saranyuk, T.V.j Editorial Boards Landaterg, G.S:" Acadecdclan (Reap. Ed.# Deceased)# Neparent, B.S., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences# Fabvllnakiy, I.L., Doctor of Physics-' and Mathematical Sciences, F&Wdkaxt. V.A.. Doctor of Physical and Xathezzatloal Sciences, KamitsIdS, V.G., Candidate of Technical Solenc:ah Raynkly, S.M., Candidate or rh7sioaiam Mathematical Sciences imovskir, L.K., Candidate of Phyaloal and XatherAtical Sciences# Kiliy&nchuk# Vo3*# Candidate of P)Vsi.3a*, R.-A PlAthOCAU44 Sciences and 01auboriam. A. Y#., Candidate of Physical " Mathematical Aalandes. Card 1/30 Sverdlev, L.M. Calculation and Interpretation Of the ----VkW*%j"wa-Spa*tra or marine 278 _ftyloy.Lj" and Ye. P. Kra"Ov. Vibrational pectra and Potential Energy Constants Of CYOlO- propane and DouterocycloproparA 282 Gorbar?, i.3., and A.A. Shiehlmkly. The AnO"IOUS Dispersion of Light In Diluted Solutions 286 Lubohanko, A.?. Light Dispersion I= the AbGOrYtIOn FAngs of Impurity Centers 289 Yakovlav, G.H., D.S. oo-.banko-Ger--nov, R.A. ZankOTA at &I- Study of Binary Americium Sulfates Using Absorption Spectra In Crystals 292 Yorob7eva, M.A. BLrefrIngence of Scale Orgazda CZ7st4l1 With A Long-obaln MoXecular Structure 297 C&v4 19/30 51-4-24/25 constants of allene potential energy Vibrational spectra and and tetradeuteroallene. (Cont.) C - H = 1 ,07 9,