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FAY, Gyula; TORGS, Robert; FOLDESI, Istvan, dr., adjunktus; RETI., Endred7r.; SVEKUS Miver. -- ~ I. -1-I.. - ~ Pobel prize wipnere of 1963. Term tud kozl 8 no.lZ 2-5 Ja-164 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Atomfizikai Tanszek (for Fay and Toros). 2. Eotvos Lorand Tuclomanyegyetem Altalanos es Smer7atlen Kemiai Tanszek (for Foldesi). 3 Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Konyvtaranak igamgatoja (ior Reti). 4. Tudomanyos Ismerettdr'eszt Tarsulat Orszagos Fizikai Valasztmanyanak ti-Ucara for Svekus). SVEL, Boris, inz. (Zagreb) -1 . ...... .. .. - A'-----I`- -1- --- Draining the Kreka Lignite Mine. Gradevinar 16 no.10:341- 353 0 '64. SVM, Ivo, Dr. 1 Leptospirozni meningitis. Lijac.vJes. 76 no.99-10:488-494 1954. 1. Is Klinike za djecje bolelati Medicinskog fakalteta u Zagrebu. (L'MPMSPIROSIS, maningeal, (Bar)) (MMINGITIS, bacteriol. leptoopiral(Ser)) PANSINI,'iarlo, Doc., dr; SVXL, Ivo, dr Guillain-Barre syndrome and its therapy. Ned,glasn. 9 no,1:21-23 Jan 55. 1. Kliniks, ze, djecje bolesti Kedicinskog fakultsta u Zagrebu (pred- stojnik prof. dr NeSkrivaneli) - (GUILLAIN-BARRI SYNDROME. therapy) SKRIVAMI. N.; PANSINI, X.; PISAR-HIRW, M.; TISMAGH, As; LIBRWAK, I.; PEWYACKI, X.; XWEARIG, D.; -SVIOL, Is Clinical and biochemical findings in rachitis. Acta, med. iugool.-IO no.3:337-356 1956. 1e Iliniks. sa. 40soje bolesti Xedicinskotp, fakultsta u Zagrebu i Zavod za, klinicku komiju Parmacautskog falmlteta u Zagrebu. (RICKIMS, metabolism, (Bar)) ENEMA, Y. Glass pipelines and their use in our industry. P-104- (Sklar a Meramik. Praha. Vol. 7, not41 Apr. 19157) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) Ir,, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 19-57. Uncl. ~ w 4- T Tf- ;*fv v . I I I -- -z- ~ ~ , . . - . - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - I oscow - Apartment Houses M Plans for standard units in many-storied residential Gor. khoz. "osk. 262 no. 91 . 1952. Monthly Lilt 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952, Unclassified. M SVEN,, G..F prof. Use of hypothermia and organic# regiona4 and general artificial blood circulation in surgery of the arteries. Khirurgiia n no.1:16-25 Ta 161, (MM 3412) L-Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleni-ira meditsinakogo ~olledzha, Univer- siteta v Molorado (SShA). (ARTKRM-SURMaY) (HMPOTMHIA) (Bim-~-cncurmon.. AaTmoiAL) SVENCHANSKIY, A. D. "Electric Power Economy in Electrothermic Furnaces," Collection of Data of the Scientific and Technical Session on Electric Power Economy (Sbornik materialov nauchno-tekhnicheskoy sessii po ekonomii eleltroenergii), No II, moNiToE, 1949, 139 pp. All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Power Engineers Moscow Division, Industrial Electrical Engineering Section. W - 15368, 6 Dee 50 SVENCHANSKIY, A. D. Engr USSR/Engineering - Electric Furnaces Apr-52 "Cast Heating Units Made of Modified Alloys for Electric Resistance Furnaces," N. S. Kreshchanovskiy., Cand Tech Sci, A. D. Svenchanskiy, Engr. Moscow Power Eng Inst IlLitey Proizvod" No 4, pp 6-11 Investigates possibility of fabricating heating units by casting them out of alloys of nichrome and cromal types and studies zwdifying effect of Ca., Mg,, Ba., Ce and Li. Introduction of earth and earth alkali metals permitted developing satisfactory technology of cast heaters obtaining sufficiently high density of alloys with high ohmic resistance and good mech properties. PA 213T64 SVENCII,hNSKIY, A.D.: HALYSEV, S.A. Design of heater elements for electric convection heaters, gisktri- chestvo, 152. No-11, 53-5. (KLI?A 5.-1I) (EEA 56, no.666:2581 153) USSR/Electricity.- Literature Nov 52 "Review of Yu. Ye. Efroymovich and V. 1. FeygIWs Book 'Automatic Control of Metallurgical Arc Fw- naces'," Doc A. D. Svenchanskiy, Cand Tech Sci, and c"Cand Tech Sci A. M. Vaynberg: CI_ :E-4 0 "Elektrichestvo" No 11) pp 91., 92 ;4ublished 1 .951 by Metallurgizdat, contains 6' The following topics are covered in the boo : ilrelec characteristics of arc furnaces; (2) theoretical principles of are furnace control; (3) description of existing controller systems and designs (including 24OT72 amplidyne and relay-contact types); (4) comparative gnalysis of controllers and selection of most suit- able types; (5) problems of adjusting and operating -o-trollers. 24oT72 !>4 SITMCHANSKIT A. D. SvenchansIdy A, D. "Principles of Automatic Regulation of Electric Fu~maces," Mosemr, 19533 22 pages, 15 figures (V. M. Holotm Energy Institute of I-Toscmr). A. r). 2057 . Calculation of the hwterykmds; -of botpLuln SV wid other liesdiog applbrwex. -A. 1). eiS ~A~~wq. D. A. Suuk,.. J.,*1e4Yde.,tFo,_jW,_J6_. 11, 564. JI) juiwall. The dcsigo of nichrorne spiral heater clerricrIts for ckciric hcaling app)iances sets, Complat'gheorctical probicnis. These are due to the unknown percentages of nadiaEion aWsorbcd and reflected by tbo ceramic bedding of the clerverts, mutual screening of the individual turns of the spiral, etc, ~ ne voi're gauge of the element is thus mostly chosen arbitrarily. The authoei experiments &alt v;ith the determination of the influence of the ritch of the hexecr spiral on mutual screening of ft turns, the relation bawma heater temperature and specific surface output for constant ratio of spiral pitch and condwtor diameter, and also with the e&,-t of the rnateri4 colour bind finish of vessels heated by botplatcss on the eTkiency of the latter. Relations betwew width and depth of the groom of tix ceramic:3 and diameter of the heater spiral and theLr effect, on heater output were investigated. Two numerical examples show the use of the graphs, obtained. B. F, XRAUS 3V7-1C1WTS7TY, Aloksandr Danilovich Acac~e-,ic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, based on his defense, 30 June 1955, in the Council of the Moscow Order of Lenin Poi-.,er Engineering Inst irieni Nolotov, of hes dissertation entitled: "Activi-It-1v of Fleatinr7 'I",lements In Electrical Resistance Furances." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor o.'LASciences SO: Decisions of VA'~, List no. 21.5, 10 Dee 55, Byulleten' MNO SSSR, Uncl. JT,RS/ITv- 549 Fi-"o. ~V LZJ\" Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 35/36 Authors Svenchanskiy, A. D., Kand. of Tech. Sci., Dotsent and Ya., Dotsent Title : Book review: G. A. Sisoyan. Electric Are in Electric Are-Furnaces. Publi shed by t-he-T-W-cademy of Sciences of the--A-rmenian SSR. Yerevan, 1954, 266 pp. Periodical : ElektricheBtvo,, 2, 87-88, F 1955 Abstract The book is written for the workers of scientific research institutes and for the engineers of plants utilizing are furnac es. It may also be used as a training-manual by s tudents of institutes of higher education and those training in the field of electric furnaces. The revie wers give a favorable opinion of the ook. 1484 AID P - SO'V/112-57-6-12491 SSR) Elektrotekhn'ka' 1957' 14, 6, p 127 (U 7 Lrnal-- Referativuy' "h' y9hev,- -S - A r lation from: T an P'. D. , Nial Zlectrical Resistance Svenchanskly,, * . urnYkl*& -I.. 1.1's--i~"4 in 9,gh-Ternperature AUTHOR'. . 1, ..-- -.11-11.. 4 -114. ea Cr I ,Ysokoten'Perat . of entOv V -nance PerfOr I telinyki, elen" T'TIoE: ac,s (Rabota nagreV3 otivienlya) Furn; richeskikh pechakh BoPr 56, Nr 22, pp 155-1-73 elekt CP'j,: Tr- Mosk. energ. in-ta, 19 , pecWlY -constructed -pF,RIODI ds were checked by 1 j the heated body was I design InaethO of heaters all. 'S of heaters hUv ABSTRACT' Jieat0xajLttjM.9betz*er&tu'~e couples; various t i ent, curves of e3cper expel-Mentsl Ornel-alumel therr,'O ornpared. on the basis eated body On measured by chr perature Of a s Of equal radiating areas Were c e dependence of tem', for various placement ed Showing th the heater iment6 s wed that the were construct mitted t the bo,dY from rner close to the 0 The ei I re the pow-ar trans ting chamber uctj.OU heaters we - . hin the he cOnstr ere accurate the heaters wit f various methods W irnated temperatures 0 Opted design est . Y e S , 3-nd that the ad actual temperatu Card e -90 nIM or More to avoid the shield s- The heater ribbon ing effect Of the shelf ual shielding between the turns# the mininum, eaters On shelves should be equal to twice the wire dia Pitch Of should exceed Z-2-5 tirnes the ribbon width. All exPerimental data are tabulated. nieter, Or B.S..B. Card Z/z ALUSANDROV, A.G.-4cont-inued) Card 2. Vol.2, Cllectric orgineering] Xlektrotekhnika. Avtorskii kollektiv toma: Aleksandrov i dr. 1957. 727 p. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Moscow. Moskovskiy enez-geticheakiy inatitut. 2. Gbleu-korrespon- dent AN SSSR (for Iarionolp) (glectric engineerivg) ~J CHILIKIN, H.G.;MHKOV, V.V.;YEI.FMMOV, I.S.;GOIDVAN, A.T.;S Professor D. K, Monov; on his 60th birthday and 35th anniversary in scientific, -pedagogical. and engineering activity. Elektrichestvo no.3:9~5 Mr 157. (MLR& 16:4) (Minovo Dmitrii Konstantinovich, 1896- ) 18(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1276 'Svenchanskiy, Aleksandr Danilovich .Elektricheskiye promyshlennyye pechi. Ch. 1: Pechi soprotivleniya (Industrial Electrid Furnaces. Pt. 1: Resistance Furnaces) Moscow., Gosenergoizdat, 1958. 287 p. 16,ooo copies printed. Ed.: Zolotov, B.V.; Tech. Ed.: Larionov, G. Ye. PURPOSE: The book has been approved by the USSR Minis-try of Higher Education as a textbook for students of electrical engineering vuzes. It may also serve as a guide for engineers and technicians designing and operating industrial electric furnaces. COVERAGE: In this first volume of the new revised edition the author describes electric resistance furnaces of all types,, fundamentals of heat transfer theory, the construction of various types of electric furnaces, their feed mechanisms, and auxiliary mechanisms and equipment. The author discusses the thermal and electrical Card 1/ 8 3-58-2-11/33 AUTHOR: Svenchanskiy, A.D., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: Leading the Students Into an Atmosphere of Scientific Work (Yvoditt studentov v atmosferu nauchnogo truda) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1958, # 2, PP 56-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with experiences in student training- research work. For several years the Moscow Power Engi- neering Institute has conducted training-research work, which has been included in the teaching plan, and which is obli- gatory to all senior students. The work, connected with the student's speciality, is conducted under an instructor's supervision. The object is to lead the student into the sphere of'scien- tific interest, and to teach them to solve creatively and independently the problems put'to them. The contents and volume of the training-research work are outlined. All train- ing-research work is concluded by the student's defending it before a commission of 2 or more instructors. A research which began ut the 5th course is often com- Card 1/2 pleted while working in the graduating project. Training- TOIAXONNIKOV. Leonid Stepanovich; K-ATSBVICH, Leonid Savvich; NURA OVA, Hina'KikhayloviLa; IVANOV, Yevgeniy Petrovich; PjHTT-TKTN, K.G., AX,,A.D., red.; SAPAROTA, A.L., red.; glavayy red.; SVEN2CUlff BORUNRY, R.I., (Atlas of electromechanical industrial installations] Atlas elektromekhaniqheskikh romyshlennykh ustanovok. Moskva, Goa. energ,'12d-vo.-'-Psrt 2. I'llectric furnaces] Blektricheskie pechi. K.G.Chilikin. Red. A.D.Svenchanskii I L.S. Tolok-6rbi1kov*- -1959&. 7 p., 107 diagra. (MIRA 12:8) (Electric furnaces) KARMER, Eduard Nikitovich; 'S,MGHANWT.'A,, -red.; SAPAROVA, A.L.. red.; VORONIN, K.P., (Materials for the construction and operation of vqa= electric fmrnacesl Materialy vakmumiykh elektropechei. Moskva, Gos,energ, izd-vo. 1959. 63 p. (Biblioteka elektrotermista. no.D. (MIRA 13:5) (Electric furnaces) (Heat-resistant alloys) (Refractory materials) 8 (0) AUTHORS: Gabashvili, ff. V., Ter-Khachaturov, A. Ya., SOV/105-59-6-26/26 Kotiya, A. K., Svenchansk Netushil, k. V., Filippov, K. M., Petnev, L. N. and Others TITLE: Profes3or G. A. Sisoyan ~Professor G. A. Sisoyan) On His 60-th Birthday (K 60-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) PERIODICALz Nlektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 6 p 94 CUSSR) ABSTRACT: Grigoriy Artemlyevich Sisoyan began his scientific career at the Vt3esoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheakiy institut (All-Union Institute of Electrical Engineering). From 1932 he works as a scientist and as a teacher at the Chair of General and Theoretical Electrical Engineering at the Gruzinskiy poli- tekhn.icheskiy institut im. Kirova (Georgia, Polytechnic Institqte imeni Kirov). At the same time he works as an engineer at the Gruzenergo. From 1937 he devoted himself to electrothermal processes and theoretical electrical engineering. He solved a number of problems connected with the processes occurring in the electrical part of large ferro-alloy and carbide furnaces. In 1946 he was promoted Doctor of Technical Sciences. His Card 1/2 Disser-tation dealt with the electrical phenomena in the bath Professor G. A. Sisoyan. On His 60-th Birthday SOV/105-59-6-26/28 of an ore-annealing furnace. In 1954 he published a monograph on the burning of large arcs. At present he is engaged in studying the electromagnetic field distribution in ore annealing units, the theory of large-scale arcs and the control of arcs in furnaces. He also published a number of articles-on problems of electrothermal processes in the periodicals "Stall" and "Elektrichestvo". He has been awarded the "Medal of Distinctioh". There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 s/110/60/000/008/009/009/XX E194/E484 AUTHOR: Svencha.nsk_iy~ A.D.9 Doctor of Technical Sciences, TITLE. Selecti-on of the Type of Power Regulator for a Steel Melting Are Furnace k~ PERIODICAL: Vestnil: elektropromyshlennosti, 1960, No,8, PP.23-26 TEXT* In the Soviet Union, existing large arc furnaces use automatic power controllers type AP (AR) or. MPA(MRD) in which the primary signal is amplified by amplidynes with feedback according to the motor voltage and stabilizing transformers. In practice, these power controllers have been found to be unsatisfactory in several respects in particular because of the presence of three continuously rotating amplidynes requiring skilled maintenance, the high speed amplidynes are themselves unreliable, trouble has been experienced with the sliding brush contact of the auto-transformer, it is difficult to control the static characteristics and the zone of insensitivity of the regulator and the regulator operates unstably at low values of current. Therefore, improved power control systems for arc furnaces are required. In the first place the method of moving the electrodes is unsatisfactory. It depends on a reduction gear driving a winch which pulls a wire Card 1/41 s/iio/60/000/008/009/009/xx E194/E484 Selection of the Type of Power Regulator for a Steel Melting Are Furnace conditions because the presence of rotating masses such as the rotors of the motor and pump greatly reduces the advantages of the hydraulic drive, The electrode control system should be contactless and without rotating parts, A very reliable control system could be based on magnetic amplifiers but these have the disadvantage that when made in large sizes their time constant is very high and so high speed operation is practically impossible to secure. Of existing electrode control systems, the most rapid and reliable at present available is one with electromagnetic friction couplings. In this system the motor that drives the electrodes rotates continuously in one direction at constant speed and so a squirrel cage induction motor can be used. The motor is connected to the electrode driving mechanism by one or other of two friction couplings of standard type n,15M, (EM) capable of handling maximum torques up to 40 kg/m. The part of the coupling that is driven by the motor is small and light and if a reduction gear with a ratio of about 21/2 is used the inertia is negligible. The power required by the control windings of the electromagnetic coupling is only some Card 3/ 4 SVENGHAMKIY, A.D. Concernimg the efficient use of electric resistance furnaces. Prom. energ. 15 no.7:10-13 JI '60. MIRA 15:1) .(Electric furnaces) 1PELIDMILN, Iosil' AlekBandrovich; GU`rW9 Mark ~ Borisovich; RUBIN, Georgiy Kusiye:Levich;,1MMK9HANSX1:Y,_ A.D., red.; SAPAROVA, A.L,p red.; VORON]Iiy K.P., tekhn. [Calculation of heating elements for eleciric resistance furnacos]-Raschet nagrevatelei-e-lektropechei soprotivleniia. Moskvaj G68. energ. izd-vop 1961.' 26 p. (Biblioteka elektro- termista, no.5) (14IRA 14; 8) (Electric furnaces) I SMCIULNSM, leksandr Danilovich; KALASHNIKGV., S.I.., red.; SHIROKOVA, M.M 1.9 Feff.-- - - [Efficient use of electric rbsistahce furnacesl Puti ratsionalinoi ekspluatataii elektricheakikh peahel soprotivleniia. Moslcva Gos energ.:Lzd-vo, 1961. 78 po (Biblioteka alaktrotermista,, no.61 (MIRA 14:12) (Electric furiiaces) LEYKA:09 MikhILil SolomonovJch; FELIDMANI LA.,, red.; SMCHANSKIY, A.D.j. red.; LARIONOV. G.Ye., [Design of vacuum-type resistance furnaces and their networks] Konstruktsii vakuunmykh elektropechei soprotivIeniia i ikh uzlav. Moskva, Gos.enei-g.izd-vo, 1961. 111 p. (Biblioteks. elektrotermista, no,8). (MM 15:4) (Electric furnaces) DOROFE-YEV) A.L,~ I SMCHANSKIY , D doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.,, rateenzent; ' m. -1- A MAKOVSffy=1-X., Fn+z., red.; aGEYCB'VAy N.S.p red. izd-va; ORESH- V.I. KUJAJ L I tekbn. red. (Nondestructive testing by the eddy current method] Werazrushalu- shcbie ispytaniia metodom vikhrevykh tokov. Moskvaj Goo,nauchno- teklin.izd-vo Oborongiz, 1961. 156 p. (MIRA 14:12) ':Nondestructive testing) (Electric currents, Eddy) GUMMY T.F.; DEVYATKOV, N.D.; D014ANSKIY., B.I.; DONSKOY, A.V.-; YEFREMOV,--- UN, R.P.; KAGAITCV, I.L.; MMRUS, D.B.; NETUSHIL, I.S.; ZHEZHEI A.I*.-- PODGURSKIY, Y&.L.;.ROZENFELID 5i&CWJSKlYj A.D.1 V.ya.; CMTKAYEV, D.S.; SHLYAPOSHNIKOV, 1~.M. Professor G.I. Babat;*obituary. Elektrichestvo no.1:94 Ja 161. (MIR& 14--4). (Babat' Georgii Illich, 1911-19,61) . T~, - -,Tr - S I '7AIN'SM' A.D. = -I- J_I. ''__ "Rational use cf electric nower in operating open-arc fvrnaces." ae"ort submitted for the Symposium on Rational Electric Power aonsumption, Warsaw, Poland 22-25 May 1962 MUDI, Moisey Yefimovich; SVEIICHMISKIY, A.D.,, red.; YEVTYUKGVA., I.P. I red.; BORBOV, N.L.,`W~,--r-6i [Jotat operation of inductor alternators with increased frequency] Sovmi3stnaia rabota induktornykh generatorov povyshennoi chastoty. Moskiray Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1962. 93 P. (Biblioteka elektroter- MiSt;3., no.9) (MIRA 15:6) (Mectric generators) (Induction heating) GFEYSUKH, M.V.; YEf0,1ILOV;, A.A.; ZALESSKIY, Yu.Ye.; KAZYMOV, A.A.; KATSEVICHY L.S.; KIRPA, I.I.; KIREYEV, M.I.; KNYAZEVSKIY, B.A.; KOFMAN, K.D., MHAVANIK, L.V.; KUZIETSOV, P.V.; MOROZOV K.S.~ RAKOVICHp I.I.; RYABDVp M.S.; SVENGMUSKjYj A.,D; SOKOLOV,, M.M.; SYCREV, L.I.; TVERDIN, L.M.; KRYFITS,, M.E.; SHULIMV,,, Ye.V.; EPSHTEYN, L.M.; SHCHEGOLIKOVp Ye.I.; TSAPENKO, Ye.F.; FEDOROV, A.A., glav. red.; SERBINOVSKIY, G.V., re:d.; BOLISHAM , Ya.M., red.; BRANDENBURGSKAYA, E.Ya., red.; TURDIN, L.M., red.; FRIDKIN, L.M., tekhn. red. [11andbook for power engineers of Industrial enterprises in four volumes] Spravochnik energetika promyshlennykh pred- prilatii v chetyrekh tomakh. Moskva., Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2. [Electric-power supply (conclusion), use of electric power and electrical equipipent In some branches of industry) E:-ektrosnabzhenie (okonchanie), priemniki elektroenergil i elektrooborudovanie nekotorykh otraslei promyslllennosti. Pod obshchei red. A.A.Fedorova (glav. red.), G.V.Serbinovskogo I IA.M.Bol'shama. 1963. 880 D. (MRA 16:7) (Power engineering-Hanabooks, manuals, etc.) (Electrie power distribution) DONSKOY, A.V.; ZHERDEV, I.T.; ZOTOV, V.Pq MURATOVv S.M.; NOVIKOV, O.Ya.; OKOROKOV, N.V.; PATON, B.Ys.; SISOYAN, G.A.; qVENCHANSKIY, A.D. ------- L--- Stepan Ivanaftich Tellnyi; obituary. Ja 163. (MMA 16:2) (Tellnyi, Stepan Ivanovich, 1890-1962Y f~S.; MINIOV, D.L; F~;TROV, V. Ye F 'A ';, j,,R ~ 11,TSK.1j:y, 11 1.; !' IT I rT. EN , M. r, 10, A -H J,-leksandr Dmitriev4ch Stepanciv) 1904- on his 60th birthday. Ellektric;,estvo no.9:93 S 164. r MEN, iergey AndroyevIch; llelsaxidr Danilovic! MALY,,) GJTT1,,,II,!A1I K.D~ red. (:low-temperature heating elementus; a manual) Ilizkotempera- t1irnye nagrevatellnye elementy; uchebnoe posobie. Moskva, Mosk. energ. in-A., 1964. 23 P. (MIRA 18:4) 69-66 E?IT(d)/EWP(t)/DIP(v)/T/,:~;d(k'/P!T(h)/IMP(l) ACCESSION MI: AP5026356 UR/0105/64/000/009/0093/0093: AUTHOR: YeTremov, 1. S.; Minov, D. K.; Petrov, 1. 1.; Rosenfelld, V. Yel, Svenchansk Ir, A* D.; Sokolov, M. M.; Fufryanskiy, N. A.; Chilikin, Mo Go TITIE: Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Stepanov on his 60th birthday SOURCE: Eloktrichestvo, no. 9, 1964, 93 TOPIC TAGS:: electric engineering personnel ABSTRACT: A. D. Stepanov, Professor in the Department of "Electrical ~Trqnsportaflonll of the 1M scow Power Engineering Institute and prominent specialist In the field of diesol and gas turbine transportation, had his sixtieth birthdv this yeart His Interest fo the past 35 years has A 'been In the field of automationlof transportation%quipment. Among the number of printed works by Professor Stepanov, his boolm"Diesel- electric DrIve for Transportation Equipment" and "Ways for Increasing the Effieienoy of Diesels amd Gas Turbine Locomotives".deserve special attention aLong with a. number of books on diesels written by him In co- authorship with workers in industry and transport. He has just published, a now book, "Automatio Power Control of Diesel and Gas-Tarbine Looomotivest" Card 1/2 L 2,969-66 ACCESSION N11: AP5026356 e e13~dn,)~Iji engineering activity at th "Dynamo"' factory Im, Kirov. A aye tam Which he in mass.produeed d16861 locomotives. Other systej6 for the eldo-trilo' transmissions on diesel locomotives and ,gas turbine locomotives which were developed under his direction are being usat' in.Sovlet industry* He is the founder of a course "Diesel-electric Rolling Stook" at the Moscow Power EnRineerinR Institutao brig. art. has: 1 figuie. ASSOCIATION:: none SUENITTED., 00 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: EE NR REF SOV: 000 OTHERt 000 JPRS Carl 2/2 1)'VENCHANSKIY, Alekoiindr Danil-)vi-:h; GITURMAN, Kirill Davydovieh; I)FFk,l Yu.S., red. [Automatic control of electric furnaces] Avtornaticheakoe regulirovanie elektri~:heskikh pechei. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 478 p. (MIRA 18:12) ACC NR, AW70013868 SOURCE CODEz UFV0105/66/000/008/0093/0095 AUTHOR: Abelishvill, L. G.; Alltgauzon, A. P.; Daycher, M. Yu.; Cabashvill, N. V.; Dididze, M. S.; Yefroymovich, Yu. Ye.; Notiya, A. K., KupradZe, G. D.; Yurdiani, 1. S.; Notushil, A. V.; Nikoltskiy, L. Ye.; Razmadze, Sh. ~L; Svencha%iskiy, A, D.; Smalyanskiyv 14, Ya.; Tkasholashvill, G, K, '67RG --nr.-. - TITLE: Professor GrIgorly Artemyevich Sisoyan (on his 70th birthday) SOURCE: Elaktrichestvo, no. 8, 1966, 95 TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel, electric furnacog academic parsonnel SUB CODE: 09 ABSTRACT: G. A. Sisoyan graduated from the Moscov Fewer Engineering Institute In 1931. In 1932 he went to work at the Georgian Polytechnical Institute In the th-Lorotical and general electrical engineering department. Sisoyan has worked and published many works in the area of electric furnaces. He has also worked in the area of Investigation of electric spark action. He has published over 50 scientific works. He has also been ac rive In university 0"St 3 33d level teaching. Orig. art. ha&3 I figure. a. I j 1 r-4 I f) UDCt 621.36 SrENDOVA, J. Planting in checkrows with SKG-4 and SXG-1-6 machines. P. 90 Vol. 6, no. 5, Mar. 1956 MECHA141SACE ZEMEDELSTVI Praha SOz Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. S2 no. 12 December 1956 SVENIGCIRODSKIY, G. S. 'Trholung der Wasserbestandigkoit vom Briketts durch Im-prggnieren." paper presented at a Colloquium on Briquetting, ltrelberg, 28-29 Nov 1957. Bergakmdemie, No. 4, 1958. RR 10014 WIN Characteristics- of S,,.jutfllat,". stAlck. 58 turav. (Russun.) K. Swink. UspcAhl PWdteAlklhNavk, no. 3, Mar. 195, FiredivelX-13 (if file winfillatlan of A InIng itation cxc "Y --cr n and qrpnie and diphenyl SVENSON.# A* "A receiver in the role of modulated signal generator." So. Radio, Vol. 11, p. 639 1952 Category : USSR/Radiophysics - Generation and conversion of radio-frequency 1-4 oscillations Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 ., No 1831 Author :Belen'kiy, YA.Ye-, 1,3v n on, A.N. Title :Multiphase MultiviEr-ator Orig Pub Padiotekhnika, 1156, 11, No 7, 39-45 Abstract Analysis of a new multiphase multivibrator circuit, requiring half as -.any tubes and parts as existing circuits. The operation of the multi- vibrator is described and the fundamental elements for a quantitative de- sign of circuits of this type are cited. Card A~ Iq , Al. USSR / Radiophysios. Application of Radiophysioal Methods 1-9 AbB Jour t Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 6, 1957, No 12654 Author iMikhaylovskiy, V.I., Svenson, A.N Inst iNot given Title iReduction of Signal Spectrum in Telemetering of Radioac- ttve Radiation. Orig Flub 3Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1966, 17, No 8, 722-727 Abstract iThe authors propose and analyze a method for reduoting the spectrum and apparatus used for the telemetering of radio- active radiation. The method consists of converting 9. se- quenoe of pulses with random time intervals, obtained at the output of the indicator, into asequence with discrete equal or multiples of an equal number intervals of time between pulses. Card 1/2 -ne=--The ror of the Proposed transformation method is analyzed. By way of an example of a circuit solution of the COnver- ter for the distributions the authors consider in the article a version with two MOMOrY cells of the capacitive type. The authors state that they obtained with their breadboard a sik-fold reduction of the spectrum. Card 2/2 SYRUSON, A.N. (L'vov)l SIGOHSKIY, V.P. (L'vov). WN-Waftal, Directional-relay radioactive tracer [with Finglish summary In Insert]. Avtom.i telem. 17 n0-9:828-835 3 156. (HLHA 9:11) (Radioactive tracers--Industrial applications) HUMAYLOV,SKIY, V.N.; SUMON, AoN* " - .-. Errors of pulse-width and puloe-time telemetering eyetemne Avtom. kont. i i2mtakh. no.1:54-61 157. (KM 11t6) (Telematering) :BRWIN, A.A.; MIKUYLOVSKIY# V*N,; 5VIM ON, A*N. cause Of errors in one t70-t?~pUlse"telemetering" systems. Avtom. kont. i izm..takh. no-1:129-136 057. (KM 11:6) (Tele;;tering) (Palse techniqaas (Xeotronies)) TELMW-014Y "S-nehronization. of Commutators of Multi-General Communication S.'stems WI-Ithout a Marher Pulse" by Ya. Ye. Belen,kiy and A. N. Svenson. Elektrosiryaz', No 12, December 1957, pp 17-21. A description of a method of synchronizing the switching of multi- channel comam-Ication systems with time-sharing of the communication channel, distinguished for a simpler technical execution and permitting a somewhat more effective utilization of the bandwidth allotted to the information I-Iransmission. Card: 1/1 -4- 9BLENIKIY, Ya.Yo.; ~VIIITSOIT, A..N, __,- - Design of nonsymmetrical polyphase multivibrators. Av tour. kont. i* --.. i7m.teIrh.-ifo.2.-92-98 F58. (MIRL U: 7) (Vibrators) (Pulse techniques (Electronic)) SOV/120-58-2-27/37 AUTHIO TITLE: An Apparatus for the Deter-mination of Optui-mi-Im IVorklin.- Con.- ditions for Photomultipliers (Ustannovica dlya opredeleni7a optimallno-o rezhima fotoumnozhiteley) U P2MIODIWILL: Pribory i TeJrhnil,.a EIr.sperimenta, 19513, Nr 2, pp 103-104 (IJ3SR) ABSTR,IM: The parameters of photomultipliers manufactured at the present time depend on the voltage applied to the dynodes. In order to obtain a useful sensitivity, linearity and re- Solvill- tinieit is necessary to choose the values of -the resistors forming the voltage divider supplyin3 the Vol- tage3 to the photoaultipli-er stages individually for each instrument, This very troublesome process is usually carried out using the apparatus s1lown in a block diagram in Fig.l. The photoranultinlier 1 is illuminated by short light pulses . -ie i ut - U L 'I tensity of which deDends on the brightness of 'he larlip 2. The length of the Dulses is controlled by a Kerr celi controlled by the high voltage oscillator 4. The dyncde 0 potentials are taken off the potential divider 5. Tlie output Ca:-d 1/3 S OV/ 12) 0- 5Z':3 -21 -2? / 3? palra-"u,: fci, the Determination of O,..,-ti u..r n Af)- _rq m 'do 1,cing Conditio s pul-ses are. displayed on an oscillogra~)h with an analyser 6 and The main disadvantage of this apparatus is connected with the Kerr cell which is rather difficult to Tepare in -L-aboratory conditions. Furthermore the Kerr cell requires a hi_,-~h voltase oscillator and this is often not available. Other mc~,-hods available for the production of short light pulses are those employin- cathode ray tubes with low Der- sistance screens (Ref.1). However 7 in t-hese cases the - dur- atlion of the -Pulses caiinot be less than a 'Lew microsecs and t1ie Itlail of the pulses is lon, which means that the photo- i,iultir.lier cri-onot be adjusted to have very small resolving time') i.e. of the order of 10ths of a -microsecond. The use of s-as filled lamps (Ref.2) as sources of light pulses is not':'convenien-15 because of the length of the pulses thus pro- duced., In order to obtain very si-,ort (fraction of a mic~osec) output: pulses the modulation of light may be replaced by the modulat.-ion of -the electron cur-rent in the photomultiplier'by I?ulses applied to the first dynode. This essentially pre- servos the workinr7 conditions of the instrument except that the Dulsed light source is now replaced by a continuuus one Card -,)/:5and the whole ap- aratus is substantially simplified s1iii-ce ir SOV/120-58-2-27/37 An ki:,P~-7,at-as _f'or the Dattlermination of Optizium, Workin- Conditions for lhoto.,ii.ulti-oliers. can now be assembled from standard units. A schematic dia-ram 0 of oach o,-a apr.,,.u.-atus is 'shown, in FiE.2. Hare 1 is the con- -L'- LiNUOM" sotirco wibli a filtor, '-' is Uio typo 261 pulsf; ~ Poz an( I 1 3 and 4 arc t1io oocilloGvuph aid analyser. Tw p o tentials for tihe dynodes (oxcept the first one) are tapped off the notential divider R2 - A small Dotential of about 10 v is applied off the resistor RL to ;he first dynode. The latte-1- -j?otential cuts off the ta-be. E_-,icept for the photo- catLiode the whole photomultipliel- v7 o rII-_s in a pulsed regime so Lha-" th- da'"a obtained. 6orresponds to -the normal workin,- con- ditijn of the tLbe. There are 2 fi--ures, 2 Soviet references. CD ASSOC]DITT 01-T ~Institut mashi.novedeniya i avtol-atiki AN USSR (Institute of Meohanical En-ineerin-c- and Automation of the Ac.Sciences USSIO j3'UBMTTTED-, Aw.-ust "27, 1957~ 1. Pliotomultipliers-Performance 2. Electrical equipment- lard 3/3 Testing equipment --haylovs'-:i-r V. v A. A. il T IT- L ~'!, A 3'ystem for Ra--_'-i-ctivo jo- nai'~ aya si stema dl-c~ ...... I Tr -ry Tel:1-mil-la A 53-57 T3 -;a) A 'L o -Lix - c' an e 1 s y s is I- is -:3i -neCI for use in the jo-callod Tho systeLa di-f-fers fr~)- h c c i S tu _Gy u eves not anly the -t 'he _L U _,,auj_ati-,)_-,~ but also ~ ts spectrm-.. (2) it Iiac foLm u _L u L u S J. t.- i o.- oilat o s s,)actrum coiibrucUin,-,, v S I- ni 3 -,7. e r a u t- o m, a ~U- i c 'u r c u 1 L t n j]_- a h '-r, the fo effect 3f t-',- ml- s, a i s s i in clia- o- u C=37'z. Mie resolvi--- time of the __u - v =C- 200 1-1:3,-jc for the two pa-irs, of ch =-..J!3 --,asj =d D ' 'Iic "elet-ransmiss-ion 1'.nie b L U u J - A circuit- diar:-rau, is ~-iver 41, -.2 1 Te 71 tit N"T"A .30V-1 20-53- 3-11133 for R--'-dioactive 1 tr J al c ondi ti-j-,-, s aznz~ J n jAlysical eri; -,_-n'Ui,3. U 4 fi-xces and, 2 Soviet L U,33R Construedon Aub._)=bion, Acad-a_-~~ of ,_:--ai_nian SSR) 2-,'D A.:J 1 '57. 1. Telemeter systems--Design 2. Telemeter systems-- Performance 3. Telemetering circuits 4. Radioactive substances--Azialysis 5. Radioactive substances--Spectra 2 AUTHOR; Svenson, A-14. 30V/106-58-6-4/13 TITLE