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'1- 11/ 26 iWTAC)w~ '0'l i i i - o k. --h ina Zj V V, ITITia: Preparation of Translucont Films ;fhie,!h are Trans7parent i-n he Inf rared - -L ~Jpectral RcL-ion. (Polucheniye prosvet- 1~ 1. -,chikh plenok, prozzra-chqkh v in.-'[rakrasnoy a ~i '9 0 l,sti spekt-ra.) 1 PERIODICAL: tika i Spektroskopiya, 19138, Vol.IV, 1,Tr.1, pp~ 82-86. (USSR) ABSTIUCT: The authors us-ed ethyl esters of orthosilicic, ortho.- titanic and orthogerm-anic aci1q, a,.id chlorides of tin and antimony. Films we-re ma-le by depositing a small amount of solution on a surfaze of a rotating F,--lass or -,i-jstal plate. By hydrolysis 3j' the solution and eva oration of the solvent. ii~--iiform films cif oxides of sil'con, 6ermanA-11M., titan:~clm, visir and antimony were obt ined. To imprive ad!-;.es--:;n of the films to their ba---s they were heated to 12,- '~C~ These films were Card 1/4 de. osited or-, [:-la-'q--es of S-odiu-m chIciride, 51- 4 -1-11/26 L 'D eparation o~' -,il anslucen-' Ti'ijnis %:h.i ch ar Tr-l"are-a-G Jr. U Tnfrar3d "'-"I)eGtra Rec.,ion. E;lass covered by filyas of titan di-o.---,-Lrle mad antirn~ony shows that r~~ le ct-ion of the in-.frared 1i- it (3-12 ~L wavclenLrths) f r, L-1 the ova ss co ve r d -;., i U" h ;2.-oti-..iorrj trio::ide small(~r than roflect-icil -from ."'ithout this film. Fiii:L:a :)-.:C U'--',lc. reflection coeff cient of coated --lasS, whiLch may be as as '.3,11 (inst ad of 18-191;~ for :plain Sl-SS)j Y"e-re fo-,-,-cl- tD occur in the 3.5-?.0 !.~ Onpe.,atlral for arrtLaoiy triox de fi'Tas of 0.82-1-75 TH, e s - L pe3--ral cu, 7.-ve of reflection cbt-.2-inad elmieriaien-142.11y and by c,-lcu ation for c . .... lass 2. 6 -,.a ny tl~io:,:J-de film 1..'75 c=p-red iL Card, 3/4 - .5 ir~ .2 and are f ound o 51--4 --1-11/26 Preparation ol' --t-cm-slucent whi-ch ar 711-,-n-Fl--,~i,~Mn,. in -"al- In--E'rared Llpectra-L -ReL~ionl. Tients )f transrlis~-on L ilcie ,-lass ccvcrc-da -filin o~ an, -Lir.-.r-.y triox,ide1 4 thi.czh sho--.-iod 'j-ha-',- in C" May Oe -increased by '---~O - 25/'0. dio:r-id,- !,-cjers of 0.3 to !~C-71-,n c a 1 Sdt3 r& a s e S c ---id 3r --rared li ~~ht at wav&- o..-- --bly refleoticn ef --t~ ~n: I a h 3 v,,b- e r- -1, h e f, il m 't I- h J- c - -1 mo e S s e cla a I.; ileflec i-on rclefficdent (FJ-G-A-) ma7i 0-10", -0 81 TL re are -4- 1 table 7 +Jef'erences, of which arel and Amerdcaja~ ASSOU"IAT101, Institute of Opticts S. I. VaIrfilov, GO 0 G a. cs 1: i y JL las -1, -*L j L) 'I. Vavi lova i-arch 18, 1957 - AVAH"LL,i: Librar~y of Congress. Card 4/4 1. Films-Translucent-Infrared-Transp rency spectra L 15957-66 EVITW/Ewf i)/EWP(t) JD/RM ACC NR: AP6002808 SOURCE CODE: UR/023V60/000/011/0044/0052 412, AUTHOR3 Suykovskaya, N. va 16 ORG.- none IT TITLEs Coatin~s which area transparent in the longwave sp!ctral region (A survey of the literature) SOURCEg Optiko-mekhaniche~,skaya promyshlennostg, no. 11, .960, 44-52 TOPIC TAGSz IR spectrum, class coating.. optic property ABSTRACTs This is a survey based or 60 papers on thin fi ms which are transparent In the infrared spectral ipglon, Four comprehensive tab! s compare the properties (index of refraction, long.Wave transparency region, water solubility, thermal stability, possible optic4 thickness, and uses)'of halid(s (fluoride)~ dielectrics S27 ~ 7 27 (oxides), semiconductors (~sulfide . selenides,ztellurides,' silicon., germanium.2-7-~'~' '7 tellurium,~ and selenium), And organic polymer films,/-1Q' e~-ro*perties of the 1--f- metaTlTic coatings are al so! mentioned. The autKTr-ati~,8'prf sents typical trans- mission curves, changes in!~the index of refraction, and alsorption curves,, Orig, art, has, 10 figures and 4 tables. SUB CODE: 11, 20 SUBM DATE: 09Aug6O ORIG REF- 019 OTH.REF- 041 bvk Card SVIRIDGVA, Mo-~ ~UYKOVSKAYA 5W t ~V. s of zirconium and thorium chl Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.2:~ irconium chloride) (Thorium s in ethyl alcohol 85 F 262. OMA 15.2) ride) STJYSKt,YAj Z. S. I "Treatment of Scrofulous Ke~,atite with Viberculin and Ca1clum Chloride," Vest. Oftalmol., 28, Uo. 3, 19/..9. Mr., Eye linic, Leningrad Hygiene & San tation Med. Inst., Min. Public Health, RSFSR, -cI949-- 1' 1 IXTH-Nl: Skyskiy, P. A., (Moscow) SOV/105-58-9-7/34 TITLE: i Study of the Heating of Series A and AO 0,6 to 100 kW quirrel Cage Induction Motors During Continuous Service ~S (iIssledovaniye nagreva asinkhronnykh korotkozamknutykh avigateley seriy A i AO moshchnosttyu 0,6 do 100 kvt pri prodolzhitellnom rezhime raboty) Ptimi ")D I CAL Elektrichestvo, 19r-8, Nr 9, Pb 35-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is shown in this paper that for the series of in- duction motora the heating par'ametora may be obtained from equations derived on the basi ~ of laws valid for the , whole series, and of the test,results obtained from a limited number of experimenta:1 motors. Furthermore, it is shown that the resulting average temperature elevations of induction motor windings in continuous service can be calculated by the method df equivalent heating losses. ; The formula obtained here can be used for designing induction motor series afterlthe constants k, .... k have i 6 been determined from the te4t data of the first experimental P Card 1/2 motors. There are 2 figures ~nd 5 references, 5 of which A Study of the Heating of Series A and AO O~6 to 100 kW SOV/105-58-9-7/34 Squirrel Cage Induction Motors During Contl4tious Service are Soviet. SUBUITTED: February 24, 1958 1 Card 2/2 6(5) 11UTHOR: Suyskiy, P. A., Engineer TITLE: On the Investigation of the Heati~g of SquIrrel-Cage Induction Motors Series A and AO of a Capac~ty Ranging From 0.6 to 100 kW at Intermittent Made of Op eration (Issledovaniye nagreva I asinkhronnykh korotkozamknutykh d~igateley seriy A i AO - moshchnostlyu at 0.6 do 100 kvt pri povtorno-kratkovi-emennom i rezhime raboty) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 12, pp ~4 - 48 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Here is demonstrated that the me n stabilized superrises of temperature of asynchronous motor windings can be calculated in accordance with the method of1equivalent heating losses (Refs 3,5). This calculation ref,brs to an intermittent mode of operation. The coefficients 0~,,p and y, which characterize the cooling during the operationi in different sections of the cycle, can be determined for any, motor of this series on the L basis of the relations having b n established here. The values for a and P may differ v ry strongly from those re- l commended in the directions for electric drive. The formulae Card 1/2 obtained can be used to projectiseries of asynchronous motors On the Investigation of the Heating of Squirrel- Induction Ylotor3 Series A and AO of a Capacity R at Intermittent !Alode of Operation with a;n intermittent mode of oper drives. Here enclosed two example calcu. lation of the superri3e of t of tv~o different motor types. The and 6 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: February 24, 1958 SOV/105-5-9-12-10/28 ng From 0.6 to 100 kW tion and to design electric are given for a control nperature in stator rindings e ~-re 4 figures, I table Card 2/2 SOV~110-59-2-3/21 Determination of the Permissible Number ofiStarts Per Hour for Squirrel Cage Induction Motors permissible number of starts, bult to use the total losses for thin written for the conditions unde.~ rtse is equal under continuous conditions. The formulae to determine of starts per hour are then derkved repeated short term conditions connection; repeated short te, operating times; and repeated given rest periods. When the a formula for determining the starts that is often quoted in the reasons why it is ina.-curaie of coefficients that enter int,b of series A and AO with outputs tabulated. The method by which obtained is described. The iecommended Card 2/3 tested on a number of machines conditions and it was found that numbe'r of starts per hour wasimade t is more convenient purpose. Eq (3) is then which the temperature 4nd short term repeated permissible number for three cases: with given duration of conditions with given short term conditions with formulae have been derived ermissible number of handbooks is examined, and are considered. Values the formulae for motors from 0.6 - 100 kW are these figures were formulae were operating under different when the recommended the temperature rise SOV/~"10-59-2-3/21 Determination of the Permissible Number of Starts Per Hour for Squirrel Cage Induction Motors was so.mewhat greater than under rmal operating 0 conditions and the reasons for t s are considered. It Is concluded that the formulae a~ie simple, convenient, and sufficiently accurate for practical use and that allowance can be made for differ4nt conditions of cooling of protected and enclose4 motors. A cal.-Mlatiora of the permissible number of statts on a motor under given conditions is given as an appendix. Card 3/3 There are 4 figures, 1 table and15 Soviet referencas. SUBMITTED: June 25, 1958 e,(5) AUTFOR: Suyskiy, P. A. , Engineer, -Koscow SOV/1-05-59-3-15/27 TITLE: On the Selection of Asynchronous ors ,1-ith Short-Circuitcd Rotois for Cyclic Operation ore asinkhronnykh (0 vy korotkozamknutykh dvigateley dly~ tsiklicheskikh rezhimov rabo.ty) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 3, pp 67,72 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results of investigations carkied out by the author (parts of which were published in referepces 6. 7, 6) are given here. They show that it is useful and p jbssible to include the following data in the catalogues Tor asynchronous motors with short-circuited rotors for cyciic~ operations the factor fl,which F f indicates cooling off during an 'Interval; the permissible , L'I number of starts h and of reve sa s hRO per hour of idle AO running; and the loss factor k which is equal to the ratio j, between constant and variable lohses. The derivation of computational relations is based 1, on the assumption that 'U11c med,i-am stabilized excess temperatures are equal in hoth rit.%. J--nzii and! required operation. InvestigVions of motors of the A :-.nd Card 1/3 AO series showed (Refs 7, 8) thqt with series productictl On the Selection of Asynchronous Motors -.-I,ith Short-Circuited Rotors for Cyclic Operati,.)n no difficu"ties %,,,ill be encounter's facAor by tile organizati~)-.qs de Inves~igations Of motors of the oa for the purposes on hand and for g.neral workin,g time or. each of th*0 se(- the cycle can be calculated with s ;'d- ~ accoi ~n- to formula (4). For dete.mining c-.['f idiency, the f ormula 11 was accoidin6 to this forMU7 a lead to conc--.-ete values of the k fa,3tor a-e chaxisles according to the cal---ulat and ~0 ser-,es in a more ext.-eLded rpe rit oned in publications (Ref 1) be listed in the catalogues. The of h! and h by calculation and 410 RO calculation of total losses on th for ~ las (12) and (13) are wri tten Mu of the pernissible efficiency, fc=-ala Card 2/3 8 OVj/" U -5 9- 15 /2 7 in determiniing the uning these items. e series also showed that application the of the trano4tion prI.1 of fficient exactitude zhe degree of btained (Ref 3) . Calcull Lions satisfactory results tile used, the amount OIL cn data Ifor moto2-s of the A IL - ange ( rom 0. 2 to 2) thar, is Therefore, t~-Ie k values r7..'ust ethod for the doter--,iination an example are given, For the trz-n~~ition sectors the d.o%,,,a and Y or thr? calculation on the Selection of Asynchron,;us Motors SOV/105-59-3-15/27 W'ith Short-Circuit'd Rotors for Cyclic Operatic- The ermissible number of circuit connections per hour u-ndc;-?' loaj(according to the knorf','i perm.ssible number of starts and reversals per hour of Jidle runnin,) can be calculated for oriel~~taticn, a-:~cordllng to formula (19). There are 2 figures and 9 i SUBMITTED: Octo~er 6, 1956 Card 3/3 SUrSKIY, P.A., in2h.; BUDNIKOV, Y.Y., inzh. Determining the permissiable number of Rwit squirrel-cage induction motors. Vest.olekti F 159. ngs (starts) per hour for one 30 no.2:9-13 (MIRA 12:3) (Blectrib motors, Induction) 10 5r .5 3W. N 9 Al Av a EL F 'Mau V - I . c 5 v" 1 3, 79 j if IV 'ills! .4 .3 3 :2?g : d I i -2 a & . . ~ -:2,g 1N * ~: 3'. 1 . -, a3 11 1 j I 1:1 v 51 0 A . I A "A 12 -o 1 1 ell ; '-~ - tj 3a ge o"' go I - 8 3 1 .31 A 3 m G N gas ] . M i o., . 'r . i A~ - SUYSKIY--P.A.p kand. tekhn. nauk - Calculation of the heating of asynchro4ous machines using an equivalent heating loss technique. I~est. elektroprom. 34 no.7:30-35 Jl 163. 1' (MIRA 16:8) SUYS-Kll~ !',A,.. rl-and, -tekhz-,, nauk Choice of asy=hronous motora for periodic and short-term operating modes. Elektrichestvo no.10tlO-14 0 164. (MIRA 17-12) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy in~titut elektromekhaniki. 5(2),(3) PHASE 1 BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2554 kkademiya nauk SSR. Otdelenlye khtmicheakikh nauk. Komladlya. po khromatografil IseledoVantya v oblasti ionoobmennoy, raepreCeUtel6noy I ouadochnoy kromatografli (Studies In the Field of Ion Exchanget Distrlbu- tion and P",cipitation Chromatography) Moscow# Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 150 p. Errata slip inserted. 3,500 copied printed. ' used. Ed. of Publishing Houset N.O.. Tegorov; Tech. 9d.t I.M. G Editorlaa Board: K.V. Chmutov, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences (Reap. Zd.)~ P.M. Shemyakin~ Professor; K.K. 01-ohanova k Z : iy, Professor. Professor; K.K. Saldadze, Docent, and U.N. Tunita -- PURPQSXz This book Is Intended for chemlats and chemical engineers. COVERAaE% The book discussed studies In lort-exchange, distribution, ,and Precipitation chromatography. Various problems or the theory of chromatography and its application am also considered. This is the 4th collection of articles publiahtd by the Committed on Ch"Katography. The first collection as published In 1952 under kg the t1tl*' Plabledcranlya v oblasti rontatograflO (Studied in the Field of Chromatography); the second wan Published In 19 955 under the title *Taorlya I praktika. Primeneniya lonoobmennykh I terrialov.. (Theory-and Practlew or tne use Or- Ion-exchange " X._ t arials); and the third was published In 1957 under the title old- :dovaniya v oblastl Ionoobmennoy kttromatografl.14 (Studies In the ;I , Id or ron-exthange Chromatograph* No personalities are man. L tinned. Atforences Are given after most of the articles. David64-A.T. Study of the Sorption Value and - - 'Z - bik. Wo fat its With Relation to Tem- ra FIBEF the zxcj;&ngo eneriji or perature 21 ftALhknzk1jt 1 2 Theory of the Stationary Front or Dynamic Sorp- tion 24 ------ Sildadze, K.K. and Ye. N ._Zfdmtaza,_ zrrect of the Tonita - atrUatulW-On-the Ion 19chbrigo Process 39 /Saldadzo X.M. and To. A-0heynin, Kinetics of Cation Exchange 48 J_ and Pjt__.ah~. Purification of Silts With the ' -ftftof & nhon-ex7change Counterflow Installation 55 ~ N.X~~~_And TL_._ e-aya. Study of O redosd_v P. Wo notice Exchange on Sulfonated Rosins 63 ; ~ Emotion o oi5leto Cation ~ A. B. Panhkov, S.R. Barabanov, and M.N. Tunit- -Se7_-dTMt -Acid1c Monorunctional okly. Change In thi 6 y of-StrongrY Cationites In Relation to the Concentration Of' Sulfa OrOUpp And Intorchain Bonds In Cationites 70 mday 0 ~Yo__f__Ch=CyA, and 'N.N. Tunltakly. Study or n' or iona Throu0i a Cationite Membrane Bhomyakln, P.M. Organic Reagents Used In Adsorption and-Mlatr ~- bution Chromatographyp Their Cla36iflC&tlan~ and Trends or invcat i- gatlon 80 XltselolAklx-&3~and rff"hcmYs"n_ Some Now Phenomena WhrW Accompany the Process of Electromigration or Organic substances 90 YRILSnAki.~_". Study of Thermal Deaulfonation or Sulfa- phenol formaldehyde Resin XU-I 95 and Precipitation Chromato- graphy 105 ""F_02X1QX4_Y~14_ and1KJL_QUehanova. Second&" Phenomena In Precipitation Chromatography - 113 and_H.X_9o,"aova. Determination of Calcium by the Precipitation Chromatography Method With the Indicator Mur*xide 'ev JG31oekova. Ion-eXchange Paper g~a , K.M. p atnd~~,A. at";:. Chromatogra y In Qualitat ve--Anslyals i 128 Chromatographic Method or qualitative Analysis ror Pur Dyestuffs 134 sald.11'et and-" Ivanova. Sorption or - 'liberal Acids ites r Th ir Silts on Catlc~n 138 1 1 _QQrka1_*v_6 A -1 1.1. Saldadze. Abeorptlon or Complex Zinc r .Anions on n a With Diktiiiifit- Basic Ity ; jt j 143 SUTURBAYAWO AV For further improvement in the work of Fin, SSSM~*19 no,6:23-27 Je 158e 1. Ministr finansov Kirgizakoy SSR. (Kirghizistan- rghiz financial organs. (MIRA 11:6) SUTURAYEV, A. Succe3a of work depends upon personnel. in. SSSR 20 no.7-.14-17 Jl '59. (WIRA 12:11) 1.Ministt finansov Kirgizskoy* SSI, (Kirghizistan--Iqnance)~ 972 14 sl~j66160100010051'0011008 C 1 4 /C AUTHOR: Suyunshkaliyev, N.M. TITLE: Differential Equations of Elastical-Plaptical Vibrations of a Big Plate PERIODICAL3 Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, 1960, .NO-5,ipp.11-18 TEXT8 In contradistinction to the theory of thin plates, where ezz A- w t a 09 the author starts from thelassuptions zx zy w u ')- w zz 'bz - 0 1 rxz z + -t-x ,12- + 2"! - mf (Z) t) X-Yz -zz -Dy A'Y (x 0 y 9 where fl(z) . 1_ 41; 2 , . - 51, ,k- an d &- are atbitrary functions. h2 4 Y I By integrating (1):and assuming that the middle surface has no stretching then it holds Card 1/9 0,2 111 S/1!66/60/000/005/001/008 Cliji/C222 Differential Equations of Elastical-Plastical V bratione of a Big Plate (3) ru - -Z +mf (Z)"t' (X'Y' t),V -Z.1;- +mf(z)"A"Y(X'nt)' 4 6 x x Y and ~w - W(X' Y't) 2 (4) e -A-U . -Z +mf(z) xx X. '-a 7Dx Z2w 0 /- e ax - +mf(z) Y yy by 'ay2 -a Y 2 + 2-V - -2z 2-1w- +mf(z)j e + xy 'by e-Dx 'dxay y x Y mf~ Z) 1-t e x x ry 2, mf (Z) A'~ . The differential eq uations of the elastical-pls,3~ical vibrations are obtained according to the principle of Hamilton Card 2/9 ITM2, 14 3/1 66j6O/OOO/OO5/Q01/Q-V,6 CIII/C222 Differential Equations of Elastical-Plastical Vibrations of a-Big Plate t I (5) SE (T-U+A)dVdt 0 to-.i where ,,E,T,U are full, kinetic and potential ene3gies of the elementary volume of the plate, and A is the work of',the e:ternal forces. After the calculation of the single summands of (5) the author obtain's the following three differential equations for W, Card 3/ 9 8 7 -2 l4 S/166J60/000/005/001/008 CIV/C222 ions of a Big Plate Differential Equations of Elastical-Plastical Vibrat 02 [10 C?XjV I 02W + a~Lv) 2 dy FX-2 2 y7) 4L 12 U +6~ O'w + + 2 1 -0Y a, Tvay Y) - Oroy 2w a +r !Ly I+ a 0 vatv - y 31 2 d~,) dY Fy + V, ay 1 [10 p aw !~~Lx OJAY + M3. Wt 1[0 V2 V, + ~y MMO V'*W -"I dt (0x.+ dy) TF ay q Y. t) 0, (17) a all, a J." 2W 2 12 2 WT + 3 Ty- Fx- -dy- all- ,Ly)] + 3 Pw a2w N a + -'Y x 2' J2 Tx- (-jx- ay 12 aL 72- 13 P.11 + j axi +L y ax MJTW M2 (18)_ 0, Card 4/9 at ~ dx 3/1 66/60/000/005/CK)i CI 11 /C222 Differential Equations of Elastical-Plastical Vibrations of a Big Plate a 11 2!tw- - 40tw 1,, (2 -uLY + dY3 jx-I dy + 3 + 3 1, 2-10 --- + -a dxdy 2 Ox 13 1-,y + ax OY OY, OXI 2- + O~L- (m, aw M, 4L-v (19) dy FY Ox at ay of where m are givezi by S/16Y60/000/005/001/008 cl I C222 stical-Plastical Trations of a Big Plate Differential Equations of Ela hI, pzldz p 113 11&0 his hit Z(Z 4 ph3 pzmf (z) dz mp (a) -hit hit hit 2 dz phs z M2 192 P [mf (z)] dz m2P ( : - I I -hit -hit his pdz ph -his the J are given by Card 6/9 S/1~6/66/000/005/001/008 C11I/C222 Differential Equations of Elastical-Plastioal Vdirt%tIonn of a Sig Plato K113 j0 Kzldz TT Kznzf (z) dei= -L9 03 -hi, 2 25 K mf (z) dz T9-2 Kh 3 and the I are given by i Card 7/9 S1166 60/000/005/001/008 C111/ Differential Equations of Elastical-Plastical Vibrations of a Big Plate i of the deformationsi K is the coefficient of the uiiversal compression. The boundary conditions are not given. There are 3 Soviet referencesc ASSOCIATION: Institut mekhaniki AN UzSSR (mechani,-al Institute of the Academy~of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 28,: 1960 Gard 919 ACCESSION NR: AP4042631 the stress function by which the components of force ar~_- expressed, and is the 2 ..normal trensfer (deflectlion) poi'nt of.the medium layer. The operators V 2 and V k have the form; 2 1 r'b I B' 0 a (!A 0 ON L w k TA W A k2 -d.-) + d A-7 TBT Va- A dm where A A (a,p), 8 =!!B (a,P) are the coefficients of tRe first quadratic form of the medium surface; and-ct,p are the curvilinear coordi ates coinciding with the lines of the main slope's-k2 k2 (a,P) ki = ki ((X,13). The introduction of a com- plex potential ..... . 12(1 - j V-W+JILF, IL=-ffh2 (3) of the system (1) leads to a complex equation: J Y12(1 0 V. 1 (4) h V* Card 2/5 ic ACCESSON NR: AP40426 i The general solution ~f equation (6) can be represent d thus: 1/1 + VT where V, satisfies the Laplace equation ~'&V' O~ satisfies I and-V2 ~h L~V~-41Y-12(17-v2) V2 (10) RA In the case of compV ex arguments, equation (9) has he form: 0, The author concludes by explaining that the prob] of the deflection of a slop. ing, spherical shall weakened by an opening leads~a some marginal problems in the ex )endlAg on the definition of the four theory of functions~ of compi ' variables. Del I un~~nown functions (z) and (z) It 2) ~ne can define boundary conditions Card 4/5 . .... ... .. .... Pf-4/Peb Em, A i I FN A A. J, 3 1 7 tl, 1,000, AU'rHOR: Sup- i jsnKal yev, TITU - On flat shell calcuiat~Lons SV E - k-, I-IzSSR. Seriya teKhnicheskl" riauk, no. 6, 1964, 14-28 --IJ.-I,- a-I f-::,,e analysis, -Fou-rier seri es, AfRS-7FACT iT~e s,,ress and defler-tion character j-qtics of ~-,yiindrica3 and spberical 4-lat shells were 3tudied arial.-tically 1,nder the foi!~J-wing two assumptionsi ds,I=da2+d,:I'. -tl-cOnst- ki=consl- 1--io various snoll are defined in Fig. 1 on the Enclosure. Here k, and k2 are the principal curvatures of the 6hpUo The two governing di-fferential equations are given by Card L 24137-65 ACCES5ION NRt AP5003319 D qr where D is Tr 'Ii id w gj,.d the JefLf)ctIan and stress furrtiorz re spect ivel~f. The general sol-ation, 1.9 --arri ~d ~)u7f~ introducing the complex f unct ion a (a, + i Eh$ EAI W-Reu, 'P%=-IMU YT2 (I --,') where u(o(, is given as a double-inf iftite sine series, For a spherical stuaUt ki . k2 = 1, solutions are given corresponding to six different entt conditions wliich include freely supported ends, equal but oppositely, acting moments repre- 5ented as Fourier series, antisymetric, moments, and one free- and 'Wiree fix-ed-end conditions, A similar analysis is made for cylindrical shells, k. - 0, k2 - 1/R -with bounda-ry c-onditionB correspondiP4 to fresl,,-~,upported onds, two fixed ends and siqaal. loads, t.-xee ~rFif:,~-v nn ~?,rwl ---r- ends The rest--Itg are Ix) IrLg. art. lliasi J ~i equations. C-d 2/4 L 24137-65 A CC E5S DON NfR: IY5---Q--"3-19 No w s 0v f 004 r- OTMI 000 ou D v Card 3/4 Card 4A SIJYUNSHKALIYF,V, N.Kh. Calculation of sloping envelopes. Izv. I UzSSR. Ser. tekh. nauk no.8:14-28 164. (14IMAL 18:3) 1. Institut mekhaniki AN IJzSSR i Vychis itelInyy tsentr ANUzSSR. . AllawIng for r~hift-ing in the problem involving a bent plate. Izv. AN Uz. S-S-R. Ser. tekh. nauk 8 no.5:1~-15 164. (MI-RA 1812) 1. In5titut mekhaniki AN UzSSR i VyChiS11411ny-jr tnentr AN U7SSR. 77777~ ION lip L /64/000/005/0012/0015 N, I 1T LE: g v4 :zv-z?s' i,,a, no. T;'P,C TAGSS -.h i r, pi a t r~ meta-I strtf-6, a -ne b nd Ing q r i,~ f-,a t hema 1, -,,R D6p-r the at "bor examinee on the 1 1 P 7. K _S *h- -vl'ndrlf-a.! momenta H, the circumference of the operalang frt!e Crom axterna~ .3 p z; differs fro-van th~e standitrd ap roach in that k, the rq~llo of the Card 1/2 77 ACCF,SSTOt4 jJR: A. P50 2 5 ASSOCIATTON: TI. -U t mek-haniki AN UZSSp (Tnatitute of Mechanics AN UzSSR); jpRs REF S-V, I card SUYUNISITALME11, N.Kli. , --.- ....... Calculation of a soher~4cpal shell. izv. 9 no.2:44-53 165. Uz. SSR. Ser, tekh. nauk fu~ 18:8) 1. Institut mekh, i Vychislitel I nyy Isentr AN UzSS-R. Vol. 3., I;o 3 /Libr-m y Congre-L-s, Le-521, Uncl. SU: Lonthly of --,igt E~wc--,~ap ~cc,:~.-sion r OF SUZA.? J. "Algae of the Slanec-Presov 140untair's in Slovakia.ft (p..61). BIOLOGICKY SBORINIK. 2, 19"2. (Slovenska akademia vied a umeni) Bratislava. Vol. 7,;No. so: East European i1ccessions List, Vol 3, No 8, Aug 1954. SIIZAY,, ~`.. Payment of jorkers according to resul'ts. ~. 637. TEIII-STIL. Vol. 4 1 - Beograd. 170.6, june 1055 ' cessions List ( Library of COngross~ SCbp,CE: Eau' E=opea, MC 0,55. Vol" 4, jo. 12, December 1 1 SUZAKO A. Use of modern measuring instruments for work norms~ P. 31 TEKSTIL, Zagreb, Vol 5, No. 1. jan 1956 SO: EEA-L, Vol 5, No-:7, July 1956 SUZAK, A. Survey of various systems of performance e of their historical development. D. 345. TEM tehnicara tekstilaca Hrvatske) Zagreb. Vol. 5, iation with a description . (Drustvo inzenjera i . 5, MaY 1956. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. ~ SeptEmber, 1956 Mdern methods of labor research and rationalization technical aids and instruments. p. 601. (TEK=. Vol. 6, No. 0, June 1957, Zarreb, Yurcslav;'a) SO: Monthly -Ijist of East European Acce.-sions (EhAL) Le. industry by using 6. No. 10, October 1957.Uncl. SUZAK, A. The study of* work and its organization. P. 535. (TF FbT 21,. Vol. 6. No. b. June 1957, Zarreb, Yugoslavi.~) SO: Monthly Listof Last European Accossions (EYAL) Lc. Vol. 6) No. 10, Uctoberl.957. Uncl. SUZAK, A. Basic principle for the setting of norms in cotton Thl'S'."'IL. (Drii9tvo inzenjera i tchnicaratel'-stilaca Vol. 8, no. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCI Tacture. p. 271. atske) Zagreb, Yugoslavia. 8, no. 8. Aug. 1959. Uncl. SUZAK, A. Some problems of labor productivity at the Duga TEKSTIL. (Drustvo inzenjera i tehnicara tekstilaca YuCoslavia, Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthl- list of East European Accessions (ELAI) LC, 0 Jan. 1-96o. Cotton Mill. P. 798. Hrvatske) Zagreb, ;01. 9, no. 1, Uncl. SUZAKOV, B.V. Using excess-pressure blast-furnaca gas in gas turbines. Metallurg no 91, 1-3 S 056. (nm 9:i0) l.GlRvenerge Hinisterstva cherney metall-argii SSSR. (Blast furnaces) (Gas turbines) SANWHIRSKIY, Georgiy Borisovich. STUKUEV, Boris Mikhaylovich; BEKSLUN, Roman Yefimovich; SU! 4nj(IG Daitri Frantsavich; KUMWV, I.I., profeasor, redaktor; OBMKOV, S.S., redAkf-dr-;*Sr-VGRTSOT, I.K., tekh- nicheskii redAktor. [Han-dbook of;ooustraction ecpipment for use In hydroelectric power I i i plant construction] Spravochnik stro tellnogO oborudovaniia dlia gidroenere,eticheakogg.stroitalletva. Koskva.~Gos. energ. ixd-vo, 1954. 287 p- (MLHA 8:2) (Hydraulic engineering). .(building machinery) MMCHENKO, D,I., kavJ. ttlkhli, rl~,Wky U*AHA,(.TEV, V,A.~ 111-Ty'lli, A.Ya., do~t--r i.ekhn. na. k, prof.,, red.1 SUZANOVICH, M.I., nau~-hn. red. (Instrl'une'rits for alitumating prodUction i~i use abroad) In- strument dlia avtorratizirovannogo proizvodstva zarubezh- nykh firm. Moskva, .1963. 85 P. (Novye nkashirV, obor-udo- vanie i redstva, a-vtoiratizatsii. Seriia,.!U-?7) WIRA 17-5) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut nauchno-4ekhnicbeakoy in- formatsii po avtonatizatsii i mashinostr6yeniyu. 28-58-1-10/34 AUTHORt TITLEs PERIODICAL: ABSTRACTt Suzanovich, Yu.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences The Terminology and Classification of Deep-Boring Drills Must Be Made More Precise (Utochnit' terminologiyu i klassi- fikatsiyu sverl dlya sverleniya jlubokikh otverstiy) Standartizatsiya, 1958, # 1, pp i31-33 (USSR) i The author points out the nee" ,.or a standard terminology of deep-boring drills, especialli for "single-sided" and "two-sided" ones. The article includes the drawings of 4 gun drills, standardized by "Normal NV 667-52", 3 of which are "single-sided" and 1 "two-sided". In the author's opinion, deepldrills ought to be classi- fied as shown in the diagram (Figure 5)- There are 4 drawings, I diagram and 3 Soviet references. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 q2-63 Dip AM Fc-u4/?r-4 AccEssioN 5R.- AP3ooo699 -a 6i9q .16 16650651diwdiig, ~AUMOR: I!etroVI K.,A.; Want yev. No Ye.; a T. Ne; Buziwskly. A.'I.. T :TME: Phosphorus-contai ning PCarmers df poWhosphites and pd2y-_ Synthe Iis g phosphib-ftes on the bdals of glucose :SOURCE: Vy*s6komo1eIvAyarny*ym soyedinaniya, V. 5, no.. 5, 1963, 712-718 J ~ITCPIC TAGS: polyphoa hites, polyphosplhAnltea, me oside, phosphorylati glue on, polymars, monosaccharides, polythiophosphates !ABSTRACTt The objective of the present investigation was attem-t an to synthesize ipolymers, usiug methylglucoside from the hydrDlysis 4f wood pulp and di- and tri- amides of trivalent phosphorous acids as the issuing I=-terials. However, the alco-11 holysis by methylglucoside of tetraothyldienddes of riethylphospblnlc and ethylphos- phorous acid and of heycaethyltriamide of phosphorous Jacid,-when conducted at 100 to 130C, yielded bicyclic phosphinites with a molecular Iveight of only 210 to 220. Subsequent beating at 160 to 200C caused a molecular ;eight Increase,,, vith opt molecular veights reaching 321.000 and 528.000, vherel the ritios of the reacting-----I-- ingredients are close to equinorm-al, Since the formation- 6f intermolecular bonds generally proceeds at a lesser rate when compaxed wii& the building of intracyclie ~phosphinite groups, it is necessary to conduct the rIzation in two steps, the' p LCard 1A- ------ L 13552-63 ACCESS rdff W-- -kOdb6 isecond one intended to promote the convers"on of the ;nItIally formed cycl-te eaters iinto branched polyphosphites and polyphosphInites. 74a obtained polymers cmdd be ,converted to polyphosphates., polythiophosphates, and tol4phosphonates by treatme at VA ,with NO at 30 to 4oc, Ith 8 at 130(1,, and with Arbuz(~'B ejlCylation reagaut,, Irespeetively. Orig. ext. has: 2 formul-Ra, 3 flgures~ and 2 tables. 4 'ASSOCIATIOM none SM4' IT OlKov6l DATE ACQ-.- EYM 00 SUB CODE: CH No MW SOV.- 008 ~qr .1 br,, I ged I Card 2/3 31J2DAJET9 J.P.; MIANA.POV, Ye#F.; GAMMIOT, 1. Trx.-,!F-0RYTK0, 1,.9. R r st-,idied;by means of '-~6s-sbauer xidation of finely dispersed tin effqc'v. Kin. i kat. 6 no. 621108-1111 N-D 165 19:1.) 1 hnstitut khimicheskoy fiziki All SSSR. ~ubmltted M,,rch 91 1965. E- )P.YTK0 , J . A . ; ,';[) 7,D Al' !,;v 1- 1-.F.; 1111"KIIIIAN(All V.A. Elf,,rtrodynamic unit for te-Ox using the 7jAv. lab. ;,~l no. l2a1519-1527-- 165 sbauer effect. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Tnotltut khImicheskoy fizllki. PA' EWT SOURCE CODE- AUTHOR: Suzdalev,~I. P.: Gol'danskly, V..L.; Makgav,! Ye.-F-.; Plachingao A*_Z"; 06~ rytko,. ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics, Acad= of Scienoes,SSSR (Instit.ut khimicheakcsy fiziki Ak-dakmi; A-K 55s&) TITIE: Investigation of the dynam, ,,Ics of motion of tiv by means of the Mosgbaupr Pffe~6 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fi 1424-143o .TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect, tin., chemical valence, crju%koA iev~Nmku;e I ABSTRACT: The autKors stualed the dynamics of motioh silica gel surface with specific area 300 m2/g and par molecular layer of tin was produced on the surface by hydrogen atoms contained in the hydroxyl on the surfac with Sr?+. A special cryostat waa constructed for the could maintain any temperature between 90 and 30OK ace ments were made with the nuclear gamma-ray resonance s authors earlier (Zavodskaya laboratori7a, no. 12, 1965 3-ndicate that the tin atoms exist on the surface in tv valent. The temperature dependence of the intensity o atoms on a jdjjcj_Sel surface iki, v. 49, no. 5, 1 56% ilica gel Mtatn MMCL f tin atoms adsorbeq on a icle diameter -100 A. A mono- uccessive ion exchange of the , first with Ca,24~ and then temperature measurement which rate to 0.1". All measure- ectrometer described by the - The experimental results- states, tetravalent and di- the Mossbauer effect shows Card 1/2 1504_66 ACC NRt I AF6M195 that the former is attached to the surface by pbysicaliadcorption, and the latter Is chemisorption. 'With Increasing temperature, the doublet components on the spectrum (which consist;of a singlet and a doublet) become asymmetrical, and the electric field gradientfat the Sn119 nucleus increases over the value for crystalline SnO. Estimates are presented for the absolute values f the rms displacements of the molecule SnC~2-nH20 on the surface, and of the tin atom ; within the molecules. The energy of the zero-point vibrations of the tin atoms and molecules,, the energy at which the binding between the molecule and adsorption nter on the surface vanishes, thp absolute value of the rms displacement of the tin ~atm within the SnO molecule normally and parallel to the surfac6, and the temperatu;re dependence of these quanti- ties are also estimated. Authors thank 1.~-Ye. _4e L , M. OertOLL and Is Yet i .. I., allzanoy for interest in the work and f6r help wit e experiments,9 alld YU* Me YJWLn for a discussion of the results. Orig. art, has: 4 fi es and 4 formulas. SUB CODE: Q~'j 17-0/ sum DATE: o8jan65/ oRiG REF-. 0 10TH REF.: 005 I r C,,d 2/2 KISELEV, PN., staxshiy elektromekhanik; KROT, elektromekhanik; VAMILK, G.S.J. elektromakhanik; S ATRV N-V-,-zlektromekhanik Automatic frequency signaling system on imp yards. Avtom.., telem.i sviaz' 5 no.~:26-28 J1 161. (IML 14:10) 1. Gomellskaya distantsiya signalizataii i svyazi Belorusskoy dorogi. (Rail.roads-Hump yards) (Railroadi-Signaling) 3 L-1 Z" L L~ Bryukhanov, V. A., Go! laanskiy, V. 71, De: Korytka, L. Ye. F., pu--!alcv 1, P., I Sih.-i ink, tin ca~. auniz ~~eculiaritic-_ of '.!dcubauar snectra of Lmd the role o~' Une, nearest chemical bon! in the e;fect PERIODIC.'~L: fizi!,41, v. 43, Zhurnul c1cs pc_- imental Inoy i teoretichebko no. 2(8), 1~62, 448-4;:2 :,I Tn continuutio.-. of '.aair slu3ieu on '.%,e Lonzibane effect in l orl-,::ao-tin co n:i.--inds 42, 637, 1962), 'lie autho s; 60--2ined L, s:)auer e ffect in the resonance absorption of 23.8-ev Za;.v-1a- 'a, 3n nuclei. 7.~any exam...)lv3, e.c. Sn(C SnCl on ~he one han,_! i~nd 1 , 6f5 4 4 Sp. n C H ) 6 __- -,ii-a fouz (1-1,2,3) on the other, show that in com,oun` J i 5 4- Uu~ .:t-4tuted the _"?J3sbcucx* lines apz;-cur Ca the u~jjal a'.-.3let; her 4 ) -- dizt-_nct eas Aith. rubotituted rroups 4- doublet occuz -.:. The '*o line,_~ differ ;vid*h and in"apility, v I I --' m C~ Car,~' 1/2 Q 3/05,,Wr~ ---'/c, Vo'53 ?ucullaritica of ~1'0.j v b xi a rj:)uo'.r4 ... jr. thc- r"tio of 3 to X. In ~ima--nhoua media, c.a. in 31 n.,nifora,~ic the U"%-c-. nas far the first time. ~'hc C"~--- ccz-~asitio:. t; t Z,. e a 11 C, Y. '. n 1;;; S4.0 B,Q 13. 2 2 3- !1,,,0-7. 51:, The apectra of crystalline Sn(C 5H 04 and it j 3ol-Ad s.)-'ation in an! of cztatulline Sn(C 2 5 jolution in dic'-~loroethana are identical. Saue oi* thc,. ;zt:, that the loci!.ivu f,:cio-- deerminin.- thc: s1riane %isor-er chift znd .ua,1r-u,2o1e apliItirv-) are the =olQcui~r b3n'5 Z-'ectrz, cloucit to -.he tin n,,,.cleufj. T.IeVe are 5 fiZu~ea Lind 1 t4~bl, . Tn3zitut 1,hiL.Jchuj,:oy fiziki Ak"IezAl nLu 0y, Chemical p,,y3ic3 of the Academy of Sci nc,-a S U 1": 1 "TH, D -'pril 12, 1562 -Z Card -AcC NR,--AP7004569 SCURCE GOEE: UO,0056/65/049/005/14a4/1430-~:* AUTHORs Suzd Golfdansklys V* Y]. F.; lachIndalt -Ae Sol ORGs Institute of Chemical ftsics, (Institut k1himiches6y fizlkl--- W SSSJ AN SSSRY- TITIZt Investigation of the dynamics of the motion of tin atm me at thoo surface of silica gel by means of the Mossbauereffect SOURM Zhurnal ekspertmental0noy i teoreticheskoy fittki Y, 49,p no* 59 19659 1424-1430 WPIC TAGSs tbssbauor effect. silica gel# sorption,, chemlosorption ABSTRACTv The authors-used the nuclenr Samma resonance Qi6s Gbau~"qr'-:' --Pffect) method to Investigate the dynamics of Oe motion of tin [---d-toms sorbed on the surface of silica gel. A ~speclal cryostat *as constructed for temperature measurements.4 All medburements .'were made on a nuclear gamma resonance spectrometer with source in the forin of Sn"Y'02, Analysis of the experimental results t'Andicated that the tin'atoms at the surface eilst In two states the tetravalent and the.bivalent. Investl6ation. of the tempera.* j ure de7aendence of the HO"sabauer-effect probability Indlented that"i ',iho tet~aval,ent tin is fixed-on the surface torough physical V orption; and the bivalent tin# througKohemloorptlonb Considerable., was found iin the speotrus of Cmd 1/2 -SUZDALEV, I. P. S/02 62/147/001/018/022 B1019144 AUTHORS: Golldanakiy, V. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Gorodinskly; G. M., Karyagin, S. V., Korytk A.j Irishanakiy, L. N., Makarov, Ye. ?,, Suadalev, I. ;:'LK'hrapo_V_1_r-_T-_ TITLE: Investigation into the Mi;sebauer effsoi in *in compounds PERIODICAL: lkademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady,.'!- 147,ino. 1, 19620 M 130 0; TEXT: The M~esbauar effect in the symmetrical compounds SnCl SnBr 4# 4'. SnI4, Sn and Sno and in the asymmetrigal.con, ounde Ph Snual (C685)4 2 3 was studied using an apparatus in which the (Pb - 06H 5' Hal - F, 01, Br I i absorber moved uniformly "ith respect to ~he sourceland an apparatus-with 'ainusoidal movement. P-Sn or SnO were used in sout4osa 6f*th* 23.8-kow 2 gamma-quanta (Sn'19m). With the symmetrical compounds the chemical shift6 of the absorber lines with respect to P-Sn, expressed in no/ago .8 (imm/aso w 7-9-10 ev), was a linear function of tfis-sl otronegativity of 10-290~'~O')12 theatome bound to Sn. The equation 6-1.6-' rb_lf.(0)12 -16RA ev Card 1/5 a sbw smit.177 -7 8/02 62/147A01/018/022 Investigation into the ... B101 144 3 given by A. J. P. Boyle, D. S. P. Bunbury, C. Ed wardp (Proo. Piiys. Soc., 79, 416(1962)) and the data on the ionicity of th S Ral b ids obtained by the method of A. L. Schawlow (J. Chem. Phys., 22,7T211 (OIT9541) and thosA of Mu. Yakehin a$ al. (ZhNKh, 6, 2425(1961)) on refraction and dielectric c i9tant give 61 -(5.6 � 0-5) mm/sec - -(4.4 � 0!-4)-1o-7 sv, or I . 119 on ARj(--(Sn + 1.9 0.2)-10-4. for a completely ionized bond. These data enable to be determined directly from 6. In the asymmetrical tP 5(O)l compounds, aaymmetrical doubtlets were observed (Fig 2) similar to those, found by Boyle et al. in SnF - The asymmetry was fo'fid also in dissolved 4 compounds and cannot be explained by a rando orisnt~tion of the crystals~ in the direction of the gamma quanta or by f:rrozagnftio or paramagnetic impurities. From the equation (2 YIF.(tw 0)+7is(- 01 R-Od.-O ;(3) I +1 where the subscript woA H total, 1r. (coO,) is the zio~wllssd Ltgandre L Card 2/5 '-" rw t r'g~, g. .MIR R A S102Y62 147/001/018/022 B B Investigation into the ... 101 14 it polynomial, f(cos-b . La is'the factor deermining the intensity k k(0086) of the 1(69sbauer line, a the decay coefficient, it ollows that if k a /Cf (2r5a + a )/(2j5aO a and 13 tot 11 tot 0 2 2) 1 -(*'t~ a2 0) -2r5< a /so< 265, each of the peaks of the M6esbauer doublet may.booome 2 higher than the other one according to the 3catiO a This ratio can I 0/~2- determined experimentally. Assuming a quadrupoig sp, itling of the M~asbauer 1:rne in SnP and Ph Snaal, q - 6.9-10 x Y),cm in obtained where 2 2 4 3 119 q . a v/aZ is the gradient of the electric fiild*ln the region of the Sn nucleus, and x in the degree of ionization of the bo d. For Ph Snual x= 0-55 with Hal w 1; xzoO.j with Hal - Br; C1 and X I with Hal - F.. Another poesible interpretation of !h trical. splitting night be the different hybridization of the Idlelm2nds. In order to explain this! P problem it is suggested that the effective charges of the halogen and tin atoms be determined directly. Then an equilolecular Iaftlure of SnPh and 4 SnI was irradiated with 1.6-114v electrons Ib* Ikesba!uar spectrum was Card 3/5 S/02Y62/147/0( 1/018/022 h Investigat iOn into the ... BI B 01 144 obeerved to be greatly changed through the NPectra of ' various disproportionation products Ph SnI being superimpo 1 4-1 ad; Hence it is that the Weabauer affect can be used not o concluded study the chemical structure but also to solve problems Of Ohem tic@ and. cal kine There are 2 figure@. radiation chemistry. ASSOCIATrOSt Instittit khimichookoy finiki Akadeall n uk 05 SR (In atitute Of ChGmioal PhYsiom of the loadsoyiof a ionoss USOR SUBMITTED: July 21, 1962 i7 Card 4/5 SUZDALEV, I.P.; GOLIDANSKIY, V.I.; MAKAIROV, Ye.F - -;-'1-'-1- - -KORYT-KO, L.A. Use of the K6ssbauer effect in studying of tin atoms on a silicA gel surface. ZI 49 no.5:1424-1430 N 165. 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. PLACHINDA, A.S.~ I dynamics of motion eksp. i teor.fiz. (MIRA 1981) -o8i8o_6 EWT ( )/ EWP ( t )/E- in L -1 - lip(c JD U Rt ~PG02487U ------- 7-7-, SOURCE CODET-ibWoo 6166165ilooVoi~8 0 5 THOR.- Suzdalev, I. P.; Genj.JLI~ft.; Gol'4~n~My bR-G: Institute of Chemical PIW sy imi -of -Sciences $SSRI(Institute kh cheskoy tiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) hTLE. Nuclear gamma resonance in highly dispersed tin SOURCE; Zhurnal eks peirimenta nay i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 1, 1966,, 118-12o rOPIC TAGS: tin, nuclear reisonane.e., aerosol, Mossbauer effect, Mosnbauer spectrum, Pemperature dependence ABSTRACT: the Mossbauer effect was investigated in highV,, dispersed tin particles having diameters of 250, 370, 600, and 1550 A- The disper Ised tin was produced by evaporating liquid drops in a helium4 argon atmosphere and condensing the vapor into aerosol particles. The partii~le size was.regulated by thd rate of flow and also de- ~ended on the gas. The mean particle size was determined with an electron microscope. The spectrum for the highly 4ispersed tin consisted of a single line characteristic of ordinary polycrystalline P~3n with a chemical shift of 2.6mm/sec (relative to SnO 0 ~he probability of the Mossbauer effect ft was measured adiia function of the tempera- ture (T) and particle diameter (d) from the area under thei'spectral absorption curve. The results show that V diminishes with'decreasing particle diameter., starting with. d 600 A. The temperature dependence iIa steeper. The vaiiation 'with particle sizes is connected with the influence of the surface. The Debye;temperature is determined Card .1/2 AUTHOR: Suzdale,v,,. P. Candidate ~n Ar t St-adie Is TITLE: Soviet Artists I Image of Av-1 atulon (AvI a sovetskilih idnicl-ozhaLkov); A Fidole! 6).1 C. PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1953, wr 6, p 0 us-CA) ABSTRACT: The author report-s on the treatment of I the increased intuerest in the po--tray*2 sculpture and painting. There --:i-e 8 ~IotoZraphz insert following pav .,e !6. 1. Civil aviution-USSF, 2. Art-UIS Card 1/1 iya v i 261bra7Zaeaii ect (:1"-aGo=odza5,a 'Vena) aviation in Soviet Art aac' of outstanding p:L!o-V*s in on the four-oage o6 6 6(4) SV/107-59-6-20/50 AUTHMS: Suzdalg-y,__I. (UC2KAB)9 Kaple ~nq fil. Dannikov, V., Radio erators CP TITLE: The Main Thing is Constant Traininrz. PERIODIC2~: Radio, 1959, Nr 61 p 15 (US~SR) F ABSTRACT: The authors describe their activil~ies at the group radio station UCMIB which has been ope!rating at the Gomelskaya oblast' Radio Club of DOS.L.,-IF sindle 1948. They explain briefly the preparations made fo3~ competitons and the L training given to operatorso Th~ principal tubes in the equipment were replaced by new ones. The operators ob- serve the passage of signals in ihe different ranges. These observations are used for 'etting up call schedules, Further, the authors briefly des#ibe the equipment of their station. The transmitter *as built in 1954 and works on 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 ?16. It contains, among LT'~' 19 11 Card 1/2 others, tubes 6S5, 6P6, G-80 F71. A ground plane Z^ A, 7(1 5 2 G 11 - 6-5 A CC E-S S I OIN (R: A PSC 12.". '~MIPII-5 7/f355/035,-`105/0914/0,326 (2 vt 1:j s rif, pr s ms 35, 5, 1965, 91-1-926 T zim, ffia gre t ic f le Id B-STP,.A(,-r: Th i spaper gives a detpiled disct.-ssion of the electron optics of a )f .!,xided b,,, ci rcular arcs passing through the nz~t!7 which, in the 1 RnIrit and 'Card 1/2 N A 5-10ii-65 ACM3SION IJR: XP5012058 11.-1 e 5 0 UrC e S3nd the equatiom are Dut nto a fc)-..i ~,.ji table far deq Lgn comnlitations r Ic S T -N: NI =HM : 2 (),; i 102 Card 2/2 -- -------- -B I TI EM 'ODS: Ar 12CERPTA IMICA Sec.4 V61.11/4 11c Ulcrob. atc. Ap.-,:1153 1072. LABILITY OF THE BLOOD PRO STEM DURING ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK (Russian text) - S u z d a I e v a V . j. and Kulyabk 0. M. Centr. Moscow - PROBL. GEMATOL. d ~~ 0 Inst. of Haematol. an F 7 Pn PEREL. KROVI 1956, 1/3 (46-47) Tables1l The condition of proteins in the blood and tissuos in the various phases of ana- phylactic shock was investigated. The experiments were performed on 14 adult do6b Stabilization of the protein system of the blood serum after Injection of antigen in'to the sensitized animal is characteristic of the development of the state of shock. Comparison of the shift in protein in anaphylactic heterogenic shock shows that during anaphylactic shock the c.Langes in the protein system are more marked This is due to the greater severity of the coursq, of the anaphylactic shock, to *the presence of haemolysis during heterogenic shock which can, toa small extent, mask the changes of the protein system, and to the g ater participation of proteins in the causation of anaphylactic shock as compared with heterogenic shock. Naturally, the reaction following injection of heterogenic protein to sensitized animals differs from that occurring in non-sensitized animals. Krymskii - Moscow (S) 9A v'A -er~, -_~rf rmaA cm 40 do1g. -Mc annu, a s~- the W.-P-7sZl ~~ a tshmks muscd by the iniection of whole- blood, The r injection. of hetcruffencifs irucyt" 1- ~Ctions to the SU2DAIZVA, V.V. KULYABKO, O.M. Determination of the lability of blood protein systems in anaphylactic shock. Probl.gemat. i perel. krovi 1 no.3:~6-47 MY-Je '56. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Iz TSentralOnago order-ii Lenina instituto gematologii i porelive- niya krovi (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AWSSSR prof. A.A.Bogdasarov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (ALLF-M T, exper. anaphylactic shook, blood prote n systems in, determ. of lability) (BLOOD PROTEIN, in various die. exper. anaphylactic shock, lability determ. of blood protein systems) GARFWffNL' , M.L.; SUZDAISVA. V.V.; NEHENOVA,' N.M.;R ZARNTSKIY, I.I.; GUREVICH, I.B. Blood transfusion during modified reactivity of the organism caused I b.y action of the spinal cord [with summary in English]. Arkh.pat. 19 no.9:67-73 157. 1 (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz patofiziologicheakoy laboratorii (z i laborstorii fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy kb Vasillyev) TSentrallnogo institute gemato (dir. - chien-korrespondent AMU SSSR prof stva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (BLOOD TRANSYUSION. experimental., in spinal shock (Rus)) (SPINALCORD, Physiology, eff. of section on reactivity animals (Rus)) v. - prof. N.A.Feclorov) mii (zav. - prof. F.S. ogii i perelivaniya krovi A.A.Bagdasarov) Minister- o blood transfusion in MAL0,110U, G.M,; S11711,',111W, V.V.; RUIANOVA. N.' Study of sLC'ci-fic anaphylactogenic and h mc(k~rnaric prop--rt-ies of heteroproto~~,.Jns subjected to denaturation Frobl. gemat. I perel. krovi no. 300-33 165. (MITm :18:10) 1. Taboratorri-ra fiziko~.I;hlmii krovi i kr veznameniteley (nauahnyT rukovoditelt - vrof. P.S.Vasillyev) TSen -allnogo ordena 1,9nina instituta geiratologil i perelivaniya kro i (direktor - dotsent A.Ye.hiselev) Ministerstva zdravcoRhrane ya SFOR, Moskva, - --- --- 2 -C7 2 ,7/67 ACC NR, A P70069~6 SOURCE Obti 2/OC1/0124/61~e a ' Suzd ei "AUTHOR: Zore, V. A.; Kimellfelld, 0. D.; Suzda eva-'V, V,; Kobyzeva,, 'L.' Pe; Genkina, Ye, S. v,, Mj ORG.: Medical Institute im. 1. M. Secheno'v, Min draws, SSSR, Moscow in d3 I(Meditainskiy institut-Minzdrava SSSR) ~TITLE: Complex dielectric permittivity of huma blood serum.under inormal conditione and during some diseases in t e 100-500 mHz range SOURCE: Biofizika, v. 12, no. 1, 1967, 124-126 TOPIC TAGS: microwave dielectric blood, human physiology ABSTRACTO. The dielectric permittivity of normal and pat ological blood was measured using a bridge, the arms of which were sectiopp of coaxial cables. The measurement error at 200 mHz was 1-% and c6 was MZ. Table 1 shows some results of a series of tests cond.ucted on bl7d sera of vskrious donors. Card iA, T ACC NRIAP7oo6956 Cc IV jo mHz max. Jw AV - j0 lid - IV - jw W, AVII_ mHz *iaHz Fig.' 1. Frequency dependence of1the dielectric qualities (cx and c6) of Fig. 2. Frequency dependence of normal blood serum before CO and afar the dielectric qualities of blood from a (2) controlled heating to 63*C for p4tient vith myeloleukomis 15'miti (2.5% proteim, 23*C). before (4) and after (2) heating to 630C or 15 ULU (2.5z pro- tein; 23 C)o Card -3/4 A~/ s and -_-act im t ir-e sha.-ter than I sec. Au-CdS-In and AU-(:dS- v rl-i "e r~-_nt behavior both -'resence 3' a l'arrier ix -n _--ar- F~ rar -n ri -~r,_-wluced at the In ccan- f7 instit-ut AN UzSSR, TashkerTt (Physiotechnical -l.B CODE: SSI E.;C N7 ~,E7, _'-~Vf,: '306 -~7-CR 0014 Card ADIROVITCH, E.I.; DUBROVSKIY, L.A.; SUZDALKINA, Relaxation effects in diode structures or, Fiz. tver. tela 7 no.3:943-946 Mr 165. UzSS~, B. cadmium sulfide films. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Tashkent. MATVEYEV, K~I.,-, OSIPOV, A.M.; ODYAKOV, V.F.; SUZDA~INITSKAYA,_Yu.V., BUKHTOYAROV, I.k- YEMELIYANOVA, O.A # I Catalytic oxidation of ethylene in the preisence of aqueous solutions of palladium salts. Kin.i kat. 3 no-5:,661-673 S-0 162. (MIR-A 16: 1) 1. Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdeleniyq AN SSSR. (Ethylene) (Oxidation) (Palladi4m salts) ZYUKO, A.G.; SUZDALINITSY.IY, I.D. Interference rejection of signal composition systams with diversity reception. Izv. Vs. ucheb.; r'adiotekh. 5 no.1:128-131 ia-F 162. i (MIRA 15:5) 1. Rekomendovano kafedroy radiopriyemny~h ustroystv Novosibirskogo elektrotekhnicheskogo, instituta, ovyazi. (Radio-Receivers and recOption) TSATSKIS, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; SUZDALINITSKIY, I.D., inzh. Losses of stability from the plane of rodiformations with linearly non-moving, elastically fixed units. Trudy NIIZHT no.2027-29 161. (MM 16:5) (Elastic rods and wiees) ~SSR/xe&icine - musoles"Contra6tionx ])so -48 Medicine - Socliuia, M~ydroxide "Contractures of the Iaterally Striated Muscles, Ob- talne& by the Action of WaCEI," I. P. Suzdallskays, Physiol Inst, Leningmd State U, 31PP "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol IXIIIJ No. 6 Studied connection between emergence of contracture .and onset of narcosis of the transverse-striated frcg musoles under the action of successive inore'- nents in NaCH concentrations. Found, as with otbar agents, the correspondence of threshold concentra- .ti=s which- cause-.mpAk-Oqi~Alo2mou~_q~_ narcosis Lud im 35/49r62 USSR/Meclialne Muscles, C.ontx&rtions..(Contd) Dee._48 nu cle contractures. Submitted Acad K. M. Bykov) 14 oot 48. 35/49%~ Z D A 12S kA Mil. P,- NASONOV, D.N.;,,.5UZDALSKAYA, I.P. Persistent excitation, injur7 and narcosia of striated rouscles. Nauch.biul.Len.un. no.24:32-34 149. (HLRA .10:3) 1. Laboratorlya ftzioloeii kletki. Fiziologicheskogo instituta. NUSCLE5 1. RUDASHEVSKIY, S. YE., SUZDALISKAYA, I. P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Physiology 7. Sub-section in physiology. Vest. Len. un., 7, No. 1j 11952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrelss, February 1953. Unclassified. SM-13 ISMA. I. P. Muscle Mechanics of the physiological action of salts on striated muscles. 'lest. Len. un. 7 no. 7. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrei,s, may -1953. Unclassified. USHAKOV, B.P.;AVFMAKH9 M.S.;SUZDAL'SXAYA, I.P.;TROSHINA. V.P.;CHEWANOVA, T.N. Parabiotic nature of physiological electrotolnus. Fiziol. zh. SSSR 39 no.2:218-225 Mar-Apr 1953, I(OLML 24-3) I..laboratory of Histophysiologyof the Institute of Physiology imeni A.A. Ukhtomakly, Leningrad State University imeal *. A.Zhdanov. a A. mzcm. of 2 agenu i~av,-~ lh~ "a u 4 C 1. jeombination 0l weak of 'he av,lls, Lf actioa ls in c-~inbinatioa of j NASONOV, Relationship between the excitabilit7 and ihythmic activit7 of nerve tissue. Uch.zap.len.un. no.164:286-20.5 '54. (MLRA 10:3) (MVES) USSR/Biology Physiology FD-2255 Card 1/1 Pub 17-6/20 Author Suzdal'skaya, I. P. Tit!e Reaction of digestive glands of mice to h drostatic pressure Periodical Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 3, 22-26, Mar 19 5 Abstract Investigated variations in the degree of orption of acidic and basic dyes by the pancreas, parotid, and submax llary glands of vhite mice under the action of hydrostatic pressures ranging from 200 to 2,000 atom. Tables; graphs. Seventeen referen es, all USSR and all since 194o. Institution: Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhaanov Submitted May 21, 1954 by D. N. Nasonov, Member of ~he Academy of Medical Sci- ences USSR -rr. NASONOV. D.N.;._BUZDALISKAYA, I.P. Effect of temperature on the excitability dIf Deripheral nerves in cold-blooded and varm-blooded animals (rep iles. birds). Biofizika 1 no.4:305-312 156. (MIRA 9:9) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvannyy universite't. (TWJRATURJI--PHYSIOLOGICAL MFECT) kNERVOUS SYSTIRO IWONOV. D.N.; SUMLISK&YA. L.P. Iffect of temperature on irritability of t2e nerve In frog. Fisiol. zhur. 42 nol.4:415-425 Ap 156. (MLRA 9:7) 1. leningr4dskiy univ.ersitet imeni A..A.Zhiltnova ODI~VMS, physiology, .1eff'Lof temperature on irritabi ity in frog (Rus)) (TRWMATM.'eff eats. ion nerve irritability in frog (~us))