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/SSD/BSD/AFrJ1 7 ? C E F n /F P R 5 3 9 / )5 5 .0 ? 'U 7ii 7: Adamski, L. 3 .(Bavbor, Z.) Dab eik W Dombek , V aJ--- 0 r~ z z e e S u -4 a s 1, . S uv a S Critical -ind exponential assemblie4 tat the Institute of j( ear Researc'- (Swierk) SOURCE: Nukleonika, v. 9, no, 7-8, 1964, 539-550 TOPIC TAGS: reactor phvsics. Poland, ANNA, MARYLA., HELENA, reactor engineering ABSTRACT: Reactor physics investigations in the Institute of Nuclear Research at Swierk (Poland) are conducted mainly by means of two critical assemblies ANNA and MARYLA and also the subcritical assembly A ANNA ~i w as r s c r i t c a r, 'ure !Q63, is a g . . ra,hi:e- -jater mc-ae!-ate,-4 as e m c j e e e P. -c e -es Rne(i ~z x r~-a reactor designe-i for investiga,-ing i gh t. -w a ~e r 5 -1; s~--e-..Is its d e s i'z r and control svsLem are flexible so thev can ,be easi1v adaoted to Card 3 L 19672-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4045664 various types and geometries of critical water,assemblies. HELENA which was nut into oneration in November 1963, is a natural uranium- pa+'az graphite eXpufxefzL!&' description and the physical characteris tics, also several illustra- tions and cross-sections of the assemblies. These reactors are to be the main facilities for developing fundamental reacLor physics in Poland, Theoretical and exnerim2ntal studies are to be focused on determining macr-- and microsconic narameters of various lattices, n.lrticular stress is fiven to nuise neutron, and kine~'ic methods cf fnves~ization are to be used to determire Lhermal neutran c:oss-sections and resonance integralg ot vaiicus reactor materials. Some effects connected with air gaps, core anisotrony. and the in- fluence of assem-)1v dimensions on tne accuracv of h ucklinR determina- 1he reaccorp are also to be used tions are to be itudied in :IELE"'A. 7' ir. the cooperative NPY Project. Orig. art. has: 11 figures. Ac;', )CIATION- Institute of Nuclear Research, "~"arszawa-Swierk Card 2 /3 ~;7 2 - t~ SUBMITTED: 00 REF SOV: 000 N, CL: 00 Sl-'B CODE: N OTHE R 010 J, 3 3 SROCZYNSKI, Jan; ZURKOWSKI, Andrzej* SMIG II-A, Kry 3tyna; SUWALSKI, Zbigniew A case of Lesniowski-Crohn diseas6, with 2 atypical course and intestinal hemorrhage. Pol. arch. med wewnet. 33 no.8: 973-977 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrwxy ~ S1. w Zabrzu Kierownik: Prof. dr med. W. Zahorski Z Zak=h Anali Patologicznej ciu S1. AM w Zabrzu Kierownik: Prof. 4r med. W. Nispolomski i z Zakladu Radiologii S1. AM w ZabrzA p.o. lierownika: dr med. Romanowski. (ILEITIS, REGIONAL) (HEMORRHAGE, GASTROINTESTINAL) (AUTOPSY) I SUYf Kh. (Sui, H.-]; IVANOV, Yu.V.i doktoi tekhn System of round turbulent jet$ ina allel flow. Beati, tead akad tahn fuus 11 no.2t83-891 162: r 1. AcadeaW of Sciences of the Zstonia~ S.S.R., Institute of Fji4rgetics. I IVANOV, Yu.V. (Tallin); SAAR, Yu.R-. [Saar, J.N.1] (Tallin); SUY, Kh.11. [Sui, U.N.] (Tallin). Investigating the trajoctory of circu, in an organic lateral flow. Isi. AN S 159-162 Mr '57. turbulent jets developing Otd. tekh, nauk no.3: (W-M 10: 6) A Study of the Development of a Jet in a do-Streim ~3-58-2-6/9 ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki Akademi nauk Estonskoy SSR (Institute of Power Engineering of the AcAdemy of-Scienges of the Estonian SSR) SUBMITTED; Jan 21, 1958 Card 2/2 1. Jets - Velocity 2. jets - Prop~rties Testing equipment 3. Jets - Properties - Test results I 0 AUTHORS: qq -~ V y.-,-Kh-,t and Ivanov, Y Sciences 21313 023/60/000/004/003/005 21/D305 tor of Technical 0 TITLE: On the question of a jdt flo in a mixed stream PERIODICAL: Akademiya nau] S R a. Seriya c Estonsk~y S Izvestiy fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk no. 4, 19609 331-337 TEXT: In their previous work Yu.V. lIvanok and n N. Suy (Ref. 1: Issledovaniye razvitiya strui v sputnom otoke (Research on the Development of a Jet Flow in a Mix1ed St~eam), Izv. AN ESSR, Seriya Tekhn. i Fiz.-Mat., nauk, vol. VII'l No. 9 19 8) and (Ref. 2: Issledovaniye razvitiya krugloy s1rui v nachalnom uchastke vstrech noy strui bolshogo razmera (Resea7ch in o the Development of a Cy-~,, lindrical Jet in the Initial Sector of Head-On Large Dimensional - Jet), Izv. AN ESSR, Seriya Tekhn.ji Fiz -Mat. nauk, vol. VIII, No. 2, 1959), established the basic laws of extinction of the axial velocity of turbulent cylindricalland f at jets developing in a Card 1/16 213133 S 23/60/000/004/003/005 ~O On the question of a jet ... D 21/D305 co-stream. Since in experiments wit4l jetalin co-streams it is im- possible to obtain a constant profile of he main jet velocities along the whole of the jet cross-sed ti on, it has been thought use- ful, both from theoretical and prac-ical oints of view, to estab- lish experimentally the relationshi betvi en the velocity profile in the vicinity of the nozzle and t e law governing the decay of the axial velocity of co-streams an the resent article presents the results of this experiment. VeRcitie of the jet near the orifice were being changed artifici 11y. t was determined that the basic parameter for isothermal kream is the parameter )( = V2/v,, where v2 is the axial velo6ity o the stream at the ori- fice and v1 is the average velocity of th co-stream. The experi- ments were carried out for streams If various dimensions. The ra- tios of the stream diameter D s to t'e diabeter of the nozzle ori- fice d or to the smaller dimension atiozzle 2b have been f4 0 Card 2/16 On the question of a jet 21313 023/' 60/000/004/003/005 21/ 305 where Av = v - vi - the excess radial velocity of the jet with respect to the co-stream velocity at~:a given point of any cross- section; 4v - the excess axial velocity at any cross-section of m the jet; z - distance from the axis to thq given point and z av distance from the axis to the point for whi-ch Av/Z~vm = 0.5. The solid line on this graph represents the tkeoretical profile of the jet in a co-stream, corresponding to the law for velocity profile in the border zone of a jet f(~) = (1 - (2) First met in the work of H. Schlichi,ing (Ief. 3: Ueber,das ebene ~ Windschatten-problem, Ing. - Arch. No,, 5, 1930). According to G.N. Abramovich (Ref. 4: Teoriya turbuleritnykh struy, Fizmatgizq M. 1960) this law can be applied to fag'ilitale further determination of the velocity profile of the jet _~-n a cc-stream; after transfor- Card 4/16 21313 S 2 60/000/004/003/005 On the question of a jet D~02 D305 1 Y mations '~~v Z-1 - (Z 13/2 I /\Vm U)I-7f -(3) is obtained, where z - distance froni. the let axis; b - half width of an arbitrary cross-section of thd main region of the jet. Pig. 4 shows good agreement between the. experiment and the theoretical profile for the whole region except for t1le region z/Z av from 0 to 0.5, within the curve of the veloci y profile of the jet, drawn from experimentally obtained data, ilies somewhat above the theore- tical one. Since experiments were Irried out with jets of various diameters in co-streams having vari us velocity profiles at the nozzle, it was of interest to establish the influence of the above conditions in the decay of axial ve~ociti s of jet flows. The re- sults are presented graphically in Pig. 5 in which the decays of jet velocity of various diameters a4e com ared for two values of Card 5/16 On the question of a jet b2 3/ 21313 ~0/000/004/003/005 21/D305 A (5.08 and 13.1). As in all other c~ses,lexperimental and theore- tical points are in good agreement. ~tpfo~jows that the usually ob- served irregularities in the velocit ro les of the co-stream at the orifice of the nozzle do not sub =t, h lal~y interfere with the mechanism of development of the jet I -la si c section. It also shows that irregularities in the ve 1city rofiles near the wall of the nozzle orifice do nbt influen e thellaw of decay of axial velol-ity, and the similar developmen of v 0 city fields at vari- ous jet cross-sections and do not in ju:nc~ the boundaries of the jet flow. It is stated in conclusion h t he monograms and formu- lae given by the authors in their pr vious1works (Refs. 1 and 2: Op.cit.) for determining the decay of thgf#aigael velocity of the jet flow in a co-atream are, therefor e , neral character. There are 6 figures, 1 table and 4 r feren es: 3 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki, ak demii nauk Estonskoy, SSR (Academy of Sciences of the E tonian SSR, Institute of Energetics)- SUBETITTED: June 1, 1960 Card 6/16 "164 TARASENKO. VasiliyAkimovich-, BUYARKO, L.A., kand.iotor.nauk, otvetstvennyy red.; GFJW11, H.A.,-r6cT--;-'Vvfd NOVSKIYA, T.I.,, policy of the United states, 1945- [Atomic problem In the foreign 19491 Atomnaia problema vo vaoohnei p)litike SShA (1945-i949 gg.). CK iev] izd-vo Kievskogo gos.u4iv. im. T.G.Shevehenko, 1958. 243 P. (United States- Poreign relations) (HIRA 11:7) (Atomic weapons) else* *to 0 11 0 -00 *00 -00 b N; x6i DT. ratory), ZCKQO FauctAory oleo re durius 00 A Vila zov0do Ove f ist tistIOU a 0 b, differelt loop lnoed 131 Der- the defo vmp ~,, ttLe OCS, we" to totmi r raillts t jovrever ':,Zd' to be a* 00 0 ~to A009ben' re aboDwIt 41 QVL Loved pro 0 tb~ 'wffe auto lul of expel" 40 in of lead. CA LOOtGK,&L LOW"" IL aa, O.V sit It gag Is Ila. N3060 Hit Cv 00000 S,4000 j 09 SUYARCV, D. I. -- - _--i - -- I- - - - - - - I - - - I "Problem of the Action of Speed of Plastic Defor tion o+ Resistance," Zhur. TeIl. Fiz., 18, No. 7, 1948. Mbr., Ural Sci. Res. Ins Ferrvs Metals, -cl948-. `~ - .1 - - Suyarov, D. I. lion the Possibility of UAi~g the Law of Minimim E:n4rgy to Determine the Stretch During Irregular Reduction1l) Obrabotka Metallov Da leniyem, Sbornik Statey,, Vol 41 Edited by N. P. Gromp Metallurgizdatj 1956.T UMA, su Yi!", df!8ign and 16 --o. rol" i nL - tura f rolls on sheet fusiol, -.901A04 0 156. (MLRA 10-.9) itut chernykh metallOv- SS-Ledovp~tell kiY iu (O'lirig etalwo I ~k 137-58-6-12141 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metillurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 138 (USSR) AUTHORS: Shadrin, V.A., Suyarov, D.I., kryabiA, N.P. TITLE: Specific Pressures Encounterec in Rolling of Metal in Blooming Mills (Udel'nyye davleniya pri Frokatke na blyuminge) PERIODICAL: Byul. nauclino-tekhn. inform. Ural'E kiy n.-i. in-t chernykh metallov, 1957, Nr 3, pp 10 -113 ABSTRACT: A presentation of results of xperinients on the determina- tion of pressures (P) exerted b the metal against the rolls of a Model-850 blooming mill equipl ed witl. five sets of grooves. Ingots of U 12A, S 60, 12 MKh, and 27~ G steel, heated to a temperature of 1200-13000C, %&ere rolled in 25 passes into blooms with a cross section of 185 x 135 mm (10 passes through the first set of grooves six pz sses each through the second and third sets, two in t e fourth, and one in the fifth set). The P's were determined with the aid of dynamometers t with wire gages mounted under he pressure screws; in the first 16 passes the P was measured on the left dynamometer, while the right dynamometer was employed in all subsequent Card 1/2 passes. It has been establisheq that at temperatures between 137-58-6-IZI,ll Specific Pressures Encountered in Rolling of Metal i* Blooming Mills ~-11000,and 10500 the specific P's, 3-9 kg/mm exertided against the rolls by various types of steel investigated, are greatl en an the tempera- ture of the ingots and on the temperature drop betwee the surface ard. the core of the ingots. M.Z. I. f4etals--Processing 2. Pressure--De ion Rolin.g mills--Equipment Card 212 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1533 Suyarov.. Dmitriy Il lich Profilirovka i shlifovka listoprokatn kh va~kov (Body Form Design ' and Grinding of Plate Mill Rolls) verdl vsk) Metallurgizdat, 1958. 60 p. 2,700 copies printed. I Ed.: M.A. Benyakovskiy; Ed. of Publi hing ouse: V.P. Kellnik; Tech. Ed.: Ye. M. Zef. I I PURPOSE: This booklet is intended fok the 4ngineering staffs of plate rolling mills. It can also b used as a textbook for training of roll grinder operators. I COVERAGE: Methods of body design of plate mill rolls are examined. A description of roll grinder construction and the-kinematics of crowning devices is presented. The machining technique of rolls, methods of checking their form and the bLsic instructions for maintenance and for keeping operat'ing re-.ords of rolls are explained in detail. No personalit ~es ar? mentioned. There are Card 1/3 SOV/1533 -- .Body Form. Design and Grinding Of yl,,Lte (cont.) h and 2 German. 20 teferenceSof which,15 are sovie , 3 Elk9lis TABIS OF CONTENTS-' 3 Ch. 3: Design of the Body Form of a Plate Mill R011 3 7 Be~d'ing Of rolls Olls 10 Thermal expansion of r 11 Flattening of rolls 14 Wear of rolls se ction of plateS Shape of cross 16 tolls on Roll Grinde 16 Qh. 11. Shaping F'Oll grinder crownirg devices 21 Kinematics Of '011 shape inspection of-r ion of Wheels, ent of Roll Grindel~ Select 31 Ch. 111. Arrangem 31 and Grinding Technique derB 36 Arrangement of roll grin ind 9 wheel 41 Fastening'and balancing of gr ustine'Crowning device 48 Centering roll in grinder and ad Regimes of roll grinding Card 2/3 'Body Form Design and Grinding of Plate (ICont. Ch. IV. Maintenance and Keeping Inventol of Rolls Completing sets of rolls File records on roll service and life Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress SOV/1533 Operating Records 55 55 57 60 GO/Jmr 5-21-59 Ca rd 3/3 18-5100 AUTHORSt TITLE: PERIODICAL: -1596-1 3 OV/1 -J'l 3 --10 - 2 2/3 9 Suyarov, D. I. ', Glushk v, A. I., Komova, 111. F. Improvements of Surfac6- Quallty of Sheets in Pack Rolling Stall, 1959, Nr 10, pp 923-9?5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Investigations conduct'd by 3eellchenko, G. I., and Ivanov, S. N. ~/Ref 1, 15tall, 1955, Nr ?7 on the mechan- isms of the formation )f locil projections on the rolls which pick up metal pa~ticle3 causing subsequent sheet defects are of some in-lerest, althougH the authors repudiate some of the tatemMts. Based on an improve- ment adopted in Englani ZR__ef 2, Mort, I., "Iron and Steelg, bottom rolls at Lyslva Plant (Lys,venskiy zavod) are provided wish 0-3)- to 0.35-mm high collars to eliminate the contaat of -oll surfaces, which accord- ing to Bel *lchen1co and Ivanov LrR-ef ~7 cause the defects. The roll collars impro e biting conditions and decrease. the picking up of metal part cles. At Lyslva Plant Card 1/q these local projection's are emoved by a continuous Improvements of Surface Quality of Sheets 75961 in Pack Rolling I SOV/133-59-10-22/39 grinding attachment (see the following features: independently of the wcrking support carriage and (b) such a way as not to damage bveaking down; and (3) air jet passed through is recommended for introductl are 2 figures; and 5 referenc 1 U.S. The Britis~ reference Steel, 1958, Nr 10. T1-,e Blast Furnace and Steel (caption to Fig. 2--for which,see ca-d Fig. 2. Continuous grinding a rolling: (a) rod; (b) carriag ~e~ drive roll; (f) idle roll; i screw; (J) crossbeam; (k) n planks. Fig. (1) a WiU d abrasi hollov, U.S. Plant 2) which is endowed with rasive rolls which turn olls; (2) rods (a) which abrasive rolls mounted in ive parts in case of theii e dust removal by compresE rods (a). The arrangement n in other plants. There s, 3 Soviet, 1 British. is: Mort, I., Iron and reference is: Griffith, 1939, Nr 9. 3/3 tachm tit of the rolls during c) frame; (d) friction roll; 0 ~ a rasive roli; (h) lever; rm; (~) stops; (m) switch; Card 2/4 Tmprovem-nts of Surface (,Iua1-jt-,y of She L~~ in Pack Rolling (see card 2/4 for' OaPtJon to P,19. P, b1i low '(~961 S OV/ 1 3) 3 10 - 2 2/3 9 777=-'- Card 3/4 416 Lnprove;:i.-nt~-: i n P a c: c ASSOC T,.'q'Tj Car-I S/137/61/000/007/025/072 Ao6o/Aioi AUTHORS- Benyakovskiy, M. A.; Suyarov, D. T.; Vo~egov, V. P. TITLE. Calculation of reduction schedules and of roll profile for coil rolling mills I I PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya no, 7, 1961, 8, abstract 7D47 C'Tr. Konferentsii: Tekhn. progre S v tel:hnol. prokatn. proiz-va". Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1960, ;40-448) TEXT: An equat-ionfor the roll profile4d a~ :juation linear dependence between the rolling stress n the of equal relative reduction) are derived on thelbasis uniform reduction in width of a strip. A graphical me;hod determining the reduction schedule for cold rolling of mm from strip steel o8KFI (o8kp) with initial di ension; method is based on the simultaneous solution oirthe liLes reduction in strip width and the reduction curves. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 expressing the ;rip thickness (the line )f the condition for is proposed for tapes with thickness 0.28 2.2 x 735 mm. The of equal. relative V. Pospekhov _~YYAROV,- D.I.;- GLUSHKOV, A.I. Modernizing the screwdown gear on TSIICHM no-10:37-38 '60. sh et duo mdlls. Biul. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Ural'skiy institut chernykh m metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Glu (Rolling mills- )v or Suyarov). 2. Lyslvenskiy and supplies) a 2 317 S/133J61/000/004/006/015 (DI 14 CNI 149-4 A054/A,27 AUTHORS. Candidate of Technic 1 Sciences; Benyakovskiy, M. A., Engineer, and Chubrikov, L. G., Engineer TITLE: Certain characteristics of rolling b tween rolls pressed to- gether beforehand PERIODICAL: Stall, 1961, no. 4, 336 - 339 TEXT: When rolling thin strips on roll wh4ch have been pressed to- gether before-the strip enters the mill, the :dge of the roll-bodies re- I main in some cases, in contact with each oth dir i:rpr , g rolling. The calcu- .in lations referring to the forces active in th ss on the plastic defor mation of the stand, the relation between these farces and the thickness of the outgoing strip, as well as the experien~ce gained, all show that the sta- bility of the stand is greater when the edr4es of -,he rolls are in contact during the rolling process than when there ;is a gap between the roll-bodies. When operating with the edges of roll-bodies in t t, greater accuracy is obtained, thinner strips are produced, with the s me pressure as on used conventional roll stands. It is also possible to increase the accuracy of Card 1 /~' S/133/61/000/004/006/015 Certain characteristics of rolling between. A054/A127 the strip thickness without havir- to readjust thE rolls during the process'\p, This method is, in fact, used already to ro 1 foils with tolerances of the order of microns, (Ref. 5: 1. A. Voronov, St N. Clernyak, et al., Tsvetnyye metally, 1957, no . 5). The same advantages may bE achieved for rolling thicker strips also. In this case the contact between the roll-barrels is effected by flanges mounted at the barrel-ehges. The equations used in cal- culating various factors of the rolling process with the roll-edges in con- tact, can be used for this case as well, by )repla(ing the value of the bar- rel-length by that of the flange-width. Thle graplical representation of rolling strips with flanged rolls shows Thai the disconnection of the flan,-ps takes place at a greater thickness of the &utgoinr strip the narrower the strip and the greater the compression of th Ie roll There are 2 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-S,.oviet-illoc. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy filial AN SSSR (Ura Bra* of the Academy of Scienew USSR) and Urallskiy nauchno-i2edov4tel'skiy institut chernykh metallov (Ural.Scientific Res arch I4stitute of Ferrous Metals) Card 2/~ ~_ S D~598 62/000/007/030/040 Investigation of the resistance ... 17/D307 ber of Ti alloys were plotted. The coliditiors for cold-rolling Ti alloys were also studied and -the parameters of rolling, pressure, stress and roll and reeler speeds were deteimined. The -total pres- sure of the metals on the rolls and the forvard and rear stresses in strip rolling were calculated. The authois conclude that in spite of the moderate plasticity exhibited 1y some of the new high-strength titanium alloys during reduction, high reductions in area are possible in'the rolling o stril under stress owing to tho favorable influence of the stressed Ictate. Reductions of 20 - 30c; depending on the type of alloy, ar( possible. The alloys (IPIP2) and (IMP3' . produced by vacuum in question were -, I" arc meltina of the alloys AT T3), T4 an AT8. There are 6 fi- 0 2-ures and 1 table. D Card 2/2 SUYAROV, D.I.; SHILOV, V.I.; ODINOK-OVA, IIP.; Determining the curves of metal lards Inst.met,UFAN SSSR no.9.-5-11 ~"2. 4ULOV, YU.P. I -- - by compression. Trudy (MIRA 1-6:10) ~UYARGV, D.I.; SIROTIN, M.I. Formula for converting the amount f defo tion in specimen compression to the amount of defo~tion ~nn strip rolling. Trudy Inst.met.UFAN S$M no.9.-13-16 16 . (MIRA 16:10) CHUBRIKOV, L.G.; SUYAROV, D.I..; SIHOTlN, .1. Measuring forces in rolLing on pl to mi SSSR no.9:17-26 162. Algorithm of the control of the s rew-d 35-40 -Principles of calculating diagona roll - . ~ - -"q - ~ A Trudy Inst.mot.UFAN .1 4-.. mechanism on plate mills. 41-48 .(KIRA 16:10) CHUBRIKOV, L.G.-; SIROTIN, M.I.; SUYAROV, I.; ~inimali uchastiye: KAYURIN, V.P.; PROKHOROV, V.S. r- % Investigating reduction.condition~ on plate mills at the Asha metallurgical plant. Trudy Inst.,6et.UFA SSM no.9:27-33 162. r (KCRA 16:10) KORZIi, V.P.; SUYAROV, D.I. Measurement of rolling moments. 61-62 162. Tt.met.UFAN SSSR no.9: (MIRA 16:10) I I SUYAROV D.I.; KORZH) V.P.; SHILOV, V.I. I 9 1 Using glass as a metalworking lubr Iicant inE 1 Trudy Inst.met.UFAN SSSR no.9-.83-,86 16~~ hot rolling. (MM 16.-10) S/279/65/ooo/ooi/m/m E19V083 v AUTHORS: Chubrikov, L.G., ~uyarov,,,D-.1- d Sirotin, H. I,. (Sverdlovsk) TITLE: Determination of roll pressure n studies of stands for rolling thick plate PERIODICAL: . Akademiya nauk SSSR- Izves~xya. Otdeleniyo tekhnicheskild4i-nauk- Metallurg,.ya i Zorno'ye delo. no. 1, 1963, 22 - 25 T EXT: in normal rolling practice the .iagnitude.of the roll pressure -p. in any given pass necessary Cor. establishing the optimum rolling schedule iS c,%Jculated fron the standard formula,: P Pi b where P. is the roll force, b the width of them 'late in 3. contact with the roll and L h. h h the absolute reduction per pass (h. and h. being the'startiig and final thickness Card 1/4 S/2-7S/63/000/001/002/023 Determination of .... B193/F,383 of the plate). This for-mula cannot b. e us ed in diagonal rolling in which b. is not constant. An expression for pi in -w-hich I b does not appear was determined by integrating: ~dA p b d h (3) ng uhere dA is i-lrork done in deforming'an elcmentary volume measuri bxdt X,&Ii The integral of Eq. .(3) ar. dtlae equation, A M dtp (5) def 0 i-1rhere (1) is the angular displacement: of t croll in one pass (radians---Y d--- -- ar-el ementar-y- ang 1 eo;C rot ation-..o --the -roll-- n a- m6m"entl. ire6iirOM (radia s nd M 2Px\ def to deform the metal,.' Y, denoting-the- doef:ficient dependent- on the location on the arc of-c.ontact.of the point at which the roll force he final formula: is applied, were combined to produce 't Card 2/1j 5 279/63/OoO/ooi/oo2/o23 Determination oC 2 93/E383 hi p dy 0 where V is the volume of the metal. To calculate-, p, from Eq. (8) it is nec*essary to know t h 6 ma gni ude of r2-- Ily -4y-obtaijaing -an P. dly which can be determined exp e Lm 0~ osaillogram such as shown in the AftSure and calculating the area between the curves relating to:i P a d 9 The applicability of formula,-(8) was checked experimaht,ally in rolling a 5,i93 ton slab of steel 3 to 16 x 2320 x 8OMmm plite. The.result's obtained were in close agreement with those yielded'by Eq. (1). There are 1 figure and 1 table. Card 3/4 SUYAROV., Dmitriy 11tich; BENYAKOVSKIY, Mark Aleks drovich; TRETIYAKOV, A.V. red,; VLADIMIROV~ Yu.V. red. izd-va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.G., tekhn. red. [Quality of thin steel sheets] Kachqstvo[tonkikh stalInykh listov. Moskva, Izd-vo Metallurgiia, 19 174 P. (MIRA 17:4) LEVENETS., N.P.; SAMARIN, A.M.; SEMIKIN, I.D.; KAZ PANYUKHNO, L.G.; SVINOLOBOV, N.P.;~ AVERI, ZELENSKIY, V.D.; IAYKO, B.G.; TISHCHENKO DANILOV, A.M.; TISHKOV, Yu.Ya.; PANOV, M PETROV, A.K.- VASILEVSKIY, P.A.; PASYUK KHRUSTALIKOV L.A.; GLAZKOV, V.S.; :MAKA f CA TRISHCHENKO, V.D.- KORZH, V.P.;-4UYAROV, J, PAVLYUCHENKO 9 A.A.; ZHADAYEV, V.G.; KOND( I.A.; KOCHETOV, V.V.; PRUZHINER,V.L.; K MALIOVANOV, D.I.; ZAKOVRYASHIN, I.I.; N( V.P.; GRISHIN, K.N.; MOSKOVSKAYA, M.L.; I KOV, V.E.; BF14BINat Ye.,Q; , S.I.; SMIRNOV, V.M.3 0.1.- OKHRIMOVICH, B.P.; k.; MARKELOV, A.I.; K.I.- NESTEROV V.I.; 9 G.,- FOMIN, G.G.,- 9 V ).I. ARSEYEV, A.V.; LSKIY, R.I.; MOROZOVA, MICHp I.A.; fSKIY, I.S.; NOVIKOVA, )RNEYEV~ B.M. Inventions. Met. i gornorud. prome no*3 75-76 My-Je 16~'. (MIRA 17:10) OWN E m MAIROV, U.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; MUSORIN, G.V., inzh Review of a book by N.F.Dubrov and N.I, La Stall 24 no.6:547-548 Je 164. 1. Institut, metallurgii v.g. Sverdlovske i narodnogo khczyaystva. "Electrical (NIRA 17:9) Urallskiy sovet CHVIR SEV, V. V. ; SUYAROVA, 0. V. Investigation of the earth's neutron flux. Trudy Inst.iad.fiz. Alf Kazakh.SSH 1:166-171 '58. (MM 12:2) (Neutrons) AUTHORS: Cherdyntsev, V,V., and Suyaro t-.V. jOV/11-59-2-9/14 TITLE: Some Data on the Influence of Geological Conditions on the Formation of the Earth's Neut ron Flux (Nekotoryye dannyye o vliyanii geologicheskikh us loviy na formirovaniye neytronnogo potoka zemli) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya, 1959, lir 2, PP 115-118 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The existance of the neutron flux in the Earth's crust is determined indirectly by nume ,ous reactions 3f artificial transformations: 1) the acc imulation of He in the spodumenes for the count of s )litting the lithium; 2) an artificial division of AcU wi h the formation of isotopes of krypton and xenon; 3) the accumulation of xenon in the ancient tellurous minerals, o f 235gon ~31 neonin the urani- nites; 4) the formation of P u , Np and other iso- topes of the neptunian series in radioactive minerals. The formation of products of nucl ear transformation cannot be explained uniquely by the pre ence in the minerals of radio active elements capable of sp ntaneous splitting with the Card 1/3 emission of neutrons. The ma n component of the neutron S/JO'Y62/000/005/003/093 Investigating neutron radiation ... D2 8 D307 tion the run of M-particles in the mu 01 amounts to an average of 20 - 25/a. It is estimated that 9nel;!c rdedoi-particle corres- ponds to the passage of 160 neutrons throu h the emulsion. Data are given about the neutron flow at the gr und surface and in sub- flerranean workings, and considerations are expressed about,-the na-r ture of this flow. The suggested method was employed in the study of the radiation of "anomalous" minerals, containing an elevated quantity of actinium. Molybdenum M-41(m- 7), containing 6.8 x 10-~6 g/g U and possessing an Ac/Ra ratio 9.4 ~ mes higher than in the usual equilibrium 'minerals, served as tZVhe main specimen of an ano- a malous mineral. It was established that a omalous minerals contain a considerable excess of particles with r ns of less than 8 Tracks of short-run particles, differing from those ofO(-particles .Ln their greater width (up to 1.5 2~) and grain density, were U 'g /2u9 'racks of anomalous mi- detected as a result of investiaatin 0 0 neral preparations. The mean run length f the new type of tracks, ion frag- which are practically identical to"the t acks of divis .-ments, comprises about 10/u. The r iesulti g data corrobora Ite the Card 2/3 TUPITSYN, Anatoliy Ivanovich, kand.tekhn.nauk, dolsent; SUYARKO, Sergey Vasillyevich, aspira.-It Use of nonlinear stabilization in electric dtives. Izv- vys. ucheb. zav; elektromekh. 3 no.8:104-110 16o. (MLU 13:9) 1. Kafedra elektrifikataii promyshlennyk politekhnicheskogo instituta. 0~ (Mentric driving) (Aut edpriyatiy KharIkovekogo c control) KUKLES, I.S.; SUYARSHAYEV, A.M. Generalized method of Frommer. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat. no. 3:173- 187 16o. (NEU 13:12) 1. Uzbekskiy gosudarstvenAyy universitet Nmeni Alishera Ravoi L Institut matemattki imeni RomanOVBkogo ANIUzSSR. (Differential equations) AUTHOM TITLE, PERIODICAL~ S/166 B1121 Kukles, I. S., Corresponding Sciences UzSSRp U arshayev. A Generalization of the method of with semianalytic right sides 34854 R 1/000/004/001/008 ber of the Academy of M.- for equations Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. , fzvestiya. Seriya f1zJko- matematicheskikh nauk, no. 4 960~ li-24 I TEXTi The authors consider the differenti-kl e1quation (1), n n- I - 2 %v(x-)dyldx - a OY Y ui(x) + Y, O~ (x) + .. +of, n(x'.,, where a. ~s a constan-, differing from zero; 0-,2, ...P o(, functions vanishing in n the origirt which are differentiable for small positive x.,,~(X) is a x conTinuous function which fulfills the condi ions':,~., d 0 and u/-~ (u) for small positive x. The authors attempted o determine the set of Card 1/3 1 B~0/000/004/00-4/008- S/1 6Y Generalization of the method of B112 02 c.haracterlskie-s of 0) passing through the origii They pay special attention to the problem of whether this set is ampty, finl-re or -nf-InIte,. T-P the func7ionsQ4,(x) andy(x) are analytic fu=tions, this problem can be solved by the method of M, Prommer (UMN..,. 194, v. 9). A new methcd -3 applied to the case concerned which is called generalized Prommer's method. It consists in the following constructioi of the set of .~haraczerisiicst the "coefficientsit Fi(x) of a --ertain normal rep.-esenta- t ~' --- n.. ql(x)dy/dx - a y n (X)yn,. (X)Y n2 t + (x) R(xi, y) of 2 n. L;n determine the functions-, CJ, .--I(P j/1.' 1 1 . 9 2 j I - 1.,3 ~he characteri-stic functions occur as functions magnitude.. The authors derive three lemmas conc magn"tude of the characteristic functions which ',-on:arned,, There are 4 Soviet~bioc references, ~ among which 3 Ith minimum order of ning the order of re related to the probler- Card ;/1i SUYARSHAYEV, A. M. Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Generalized method of Frommer.1t Sam!~rkand, 1961. 11 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary SDecialist Education Uzbek SSR, Tashkent State Univ imeni V. I. Lenin); 250 copies; price not given; bibl-iography at end of text (13) entries); (KL, 7-61 sup, 220) S/020/61/1'36/001/004/037 A-34D C111/C222 AUTHORS: Kukles, I.S., and Suyarshayev, A.M. TITLEt Frommer's Generalized Method PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRf iol. 136, No. l,pp.29-32 TEXT: The authors consider dy Otto Y'+ cel(x)y'-l+ c12 dx OYn+ B J(X) yn-1 + B2 (X) yn-2 '3n(:) where ac, 3 are constants, ae 2 + 8 2 1 0 "'.4), Bi(x) differentiable 09 0 0 0 1 for small x>0 and of a constant sign, o6i(O) I f3i(O) = 0, 1 = 1,m and i = 1,n , respectively. If all .4 1(X) r 01 i = T-M then let at least one 8i(X) j6 0 - Putting y = utD(x), where ti(x) is differentiabte for small x> 0 then one obtains (2) du P(x,u) Card 1/ 6 Tx- ' q (x, U) 88559 Frommer's Generalized Method S/020J61/136/001/004/037 C111/C222 x Ot -j 1.2 [(j ~ I -~l I d x] i exp dxj 0 8 1 111 0 81 Let - j-1 (or 13 LO m-j-2 W lie at the right side of r j cot- j ~-j I i 0/-i tj m-i-1 (or Bicj3 1- 24) if jp i ; let lie at th e right side of k',. FU*'rtherm6re: let 4.7 ik lie al the right side of ra ij if k>j let Wik, lie at the right side of W ik Etc- Let (or q,) be the utmost left element 1-jt 0. Considering the functions W ii, ta i,i+l 1,('+'), 6) im (or Q it,i+l (,)i1,(i+1)t I Oil,i+2 '*** Oilm) then that one of them is called the first characteristic function which has the least order of smallness. If Zij (or -(Ji,j,) is the first characteristic function then the functiow Card 3/6 Frommer's Generalized Method S 020J61/136/001/004/037 ICIII/C222 x 0~ i-j x dxj [(j dx] e p 0 0 m-j-1 Let r j j to (or rp lie at the right side of Otiti M-i-I (or S,co m-i-2(, if j i ; let r,, lie at the- right side of Fldrtherm6re: let W lie a the right side of ro if ik ij k>j let W ik' lie at the right side of 60ik Etc- Let (or be the utmost left elem. ent k-,* 0. Considering the functions W b)ili+l 1 01 (i+i), .*. .. p 6) im (or Qit,i+l (jit,(i+1)' I Oil,i+2 v ... cjilm) then that one t~ of them is called the first characteristic function which has the leas order of smallness. if to ij (or (ji,j,) is the first characteristic function then the functiow Card 3/6 58559 Frommer's Generalized Method 3/02 61/136/001/004/037 ClIIYC222 jil I W j,j+l J,(J+')' 9 jm are considered. That one of them which has the least order of smallness: i C911 d the second character- istic function etc - The functions w 0 s e ordinaryt the function ca kl P ' kil and W kill are called kk' is called singular. The total number of characteristic functions is m . The order of small- ness of the i-th characteristic function is grea r than that of the Theorem I S Every solution y(x) of (1) defined i the right halfplane and vanishing in the origin, has the order,of sma lness of a character- istic function. If the characteristic function to is ordinary the (2) has the form L (4) du N(u) + & (x,u~ TX k (u) [NJ (u) + C 1 (X, U) where N(u) Nj(u) are polynomials e(x'u) 61(x,u) , k(x) are continuous functions vanishing with x, and, 00 Card 4/6 7 rx Frommer's Generalized Method S/020J61/136/001/004/037 ICIII/C222 Theorem 2 t If the order of smallness of the solition y(x) of (1) is identical with the order of an ordinary characte7istic function U then the measure of smallness of this solution equals one of the real roots of the equation N(u) = 0 which are different from z?ro. If Z is a singular characteristic function then (2) has the form (49 du N2(u) + E(Xlu) dx A (u)IN1(U)+ e 1(X,U)j where N2 , N, are polynomials, 6(x,u) 6.1(x,u are continuous functionB vanishing with x ; X(x) is continuous for small x>-0 but for x - 0 it may have a jump. Theorem 3 : If Tokk' is a singular charac,terist a function then three cases are possible : 1 k(x) and B k(x have different signs; 2) Lk(x) and 2 k( x) have equal signs, where dx (5) (X) Card 5/ 6 Frommer's Generalized Method diverges; 3) OZk( x) and 3 k( x) have equal signs In the case 1) (1) has no solutions with the ord in the right halfplane. In the case 2) there exia if their measures of smallness are equal to the x which are different from zero. In the case 3) the solutions with the order of smallness of ca kkl , own measure of smallness (singular case). There are 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 German. Abstracter's note ; There are several misprints E ASSOCIATION: Uzbekskiy gosudarstvennyy universi;et (Uzbekskaya State University imeni PRESENTED: July 8, 1960, by I.G. Petrovskiy, Ac~demician SUBMITTEDi June 21, 1960 ;1020V611136100110041037 111/C222 where (5) converges. r of smallness of (0 kkl such solutions only then al roots of N2(u) = 0 ~e exist infinitely many nd every solution has its n the formulas] imeni Alishera Navoi Alisher Navoi) Card 6/6 LOTAREV, V.I., slesarl (Voronezh); SUYATINOV., N. . Voronezh); UIONCHKOVSKIY, I.V. ---- - - I Efficiency suggestions made in theweldingland assembly trust. Stroi. truboprov. 8 no.lz22-23 Ja 163.1 (NIRA 16:5) (Gas diBtribution-Equ~pment and supplies) AESBITOV, I. Ta, SUWZOV, I.G.; KASIDTIKOV, V.K., re [Kinunl for studying the technical r6galatiois tion of Soviet railroads] Ponoble dlia i-,,uch!niia tekbnicheakol ekspluatataii zheleznfth dorog MoBk-%,a, Gos. trans-o. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1945. (Railroada--Hanagement) for the opera- pravil SSSR. 3-e izd. 395 P. (Km 8:8) AKSENOVp I.Ya.; ~UYAZOVp I.Gj.D.LUGACHp B.A.j red.; red. [Aid for the study of the regulatio for tion of railroads in t1ai) U.S.S.R.] P sobie tekhnicheskoi ekspluatataii zheleznyvis dor transp. zhel.-dor. izd-*ol 1947. 47? p. (Railroad engineeTing) t P.A.9 tekhn. constration and opera- Aa izuebeniia pravil SSSR. Moskva, Goo. (MIRA 3-4:8) It. I SU XAZOV, 1. Strogo, vypolniat' pravila tekbnicheskoi eksploata strictly the rules for technical exploitation of no. 2, 1947, P. 17-28). DLG- eznykh dor-~-~7, ffo fQUow (Zhel-dor. transport, -Z5 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A ~ibliogtaphy, Library of Congress Reference Department, 1,1ashington, 1952, Uhclapssfied~ -- I i - i - - I I --- SUAZOV.' I. G. Zheleznodorozhnye perevoAld v mezhdunarodnykh 11 railroad freight tr&ffig/. Moskva, Goo. trans, DLC: iakh. fInternational ~Or- izd-vo., 1949. 174 p. ?.88 SO: Soviet Tranoportation and Communications. ;A BibUbgrapby, Library of Congress Reference Department. Washington. 1952. Unclasaified. KATROSOV, I.K., laureat Stalinskoy promii; YEGORCHRMO, V.F.; MVATSKIY, B.L.; AGAFOIIOV, M.I.; KRYLOV, V.I.;JHROV, A.H.; KRUTITSKIY, Y.F.; STJTAZOT, I.G.; TIERONOV, P.S.T~, red.; XHITROV, P.A., (Automatic brakes; installation, operation, maintenance, and repair] Avtotormoza; ustroistvo, upIravlenip, obaluzhivania i remont. Izd.4., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Gos tranap.zhol-dor.izd-vo, 1951. 253 P. (Brakes) I* (MIRA 12:11) MAZOV', 1 CI ALUNOV, I.Ya.; SUTAZPY,.=,;,,.G,.,;,,qMODNICM, N.G., redaktor; RUTSKro- LIVICH, M.N.. redaktor. [Manual for learning rules of the technicsO operation of rail- roads in the Soviet UnionI Posobte dlia irtzhanita pravil takhni- cheakoi ekspluatataii sheleanykh dorog Sobs& SSR. 7 izd., parer. i dop. Moskva, Goa. transp. i zhel-dor izd-yo, 1954. 614 p. (Railroads) (MLHA 7:8) AKSBNOV, Ivan Takovlavich; SUYA2 redaktor; TSARBNKO, M.- redaktor [A manual for the study of the principles I of Soviet railroads] Posobie dlia tzuchenil~a ekepluatataii zhelemykh dorog Soiuza SSR. Roak-va, Gos. transp.zhol-dor. izd-vo, 1956. (Railroads--Management) Ach; KHATSKELEVICH, U.N.. G.P., tekhnicheskiy f tho technical operation pravil, tekhnichaskoi Izd. 2-oe, perer. i dop. 482 p. (MIRA 10:1) X~ '~ ~- , BEHASH&VICH. I.I., kar-didat teld lche~,kikh tekhulcheskikh nau~., EYK011, Ycl.l., mzher~r-, tekhnicheskikh nauk! GRITSEVSKly, M.Ye,, inzhener- GURVICF, V,',;,, In7hons::;-, DAVYD SHOV, I.M., kardidat tekhriialcheskikh nauk,-, teklmicheskikh nauk, IVANOV, kanaid KILATALTS, A.A~, Jr?henvar,. KROTOY, L,B., inzhener, inzhener; LASTOVSKJY, V.P., dotaent,~ hATUNIN, RAP-KVARDT-,, K.G., prof-gosor, dak~.or7 te~tkhnicheakikh R.I., profes3or, dok-tor tekhniahea k1kh uauk~ ner; OSKOLKOV. K.U., inzhaner-, OKHOSHI%T,I.I,,, K.A.. dotSl3nt., ~mjldldal, tekhnlch4B3!kikh inzh9ner; POPOV, I.P., inzhaner; PGRSMW H.P.. inzhener; ROSSIMSKI-Y, G.1*~, dote nauk; RYKOV, I~L, lrvarviidat t5k~nj.clheskl-Wn doteent, kandidat takhaichesklkh hauk, RABKOV, [deceased)~ TAGE-R, kandidat *~ekhni profenscr, doktor tekhricbeskAkli hwak, C tekhnicherikikh rauk, M.111, L.Ye,,'profes nauk-,- YMPIRV, dotsent,, AKS14NOV, I tekhnicheskikh nauk, ARKHA14GE11SK-TY, A.S professor, dok-tor tekhricheal-jkh 1,6,'ak~ 'RNGARD,, tekhnicheakikh nank, BO-11070Y,, N.Ye., dot nauk; BOGDANOV, I.A., Fi'OGDANOV, akikb- nauk-, VII W01YWIW, N.G,, dc-tsent , kandi4a B 0, 1 I-J, ifk rd ida t VUSOV, I.I., kandidat tnzhaner; GRUBIR, L.O., V, V.Yi.. inzherlerl 'M- Z-ASOR111, S.H., kandidat t tekhnicheskikh nauk; LAPIN, V.B.. N.I., inzhener; nauk; MAKIUYLOV. NIKANOROV, V.A.. inzhe- inzhaner, FARMOV. uk-, PMSOVSKIY, L.H., , B.G., inzhener; RATM, nt, kandidat tekh-nicheakikh nauk; RYSHKOVSKIY, I.Ya., A.Ya., professor hegkikh naak; KHAZEN, M.M., 21fiSHEV. M.A., doktor or, doktor tekhnicheskikh Ya.9 dot8ent, kaudidat , ini-hener. BARTENEV, P.V., K.A., kjAndidat ent, kandidat tekhnichesklkh kandidat tokhnichs- t ekonomicheakikh nauk; Continued on next card) BENNSESVIGH, T.T.---~cc-ntinueft Caz-d 2. VASILOYEV, V~F.a GONCWOV, iizhFnEr,,- DXRIEBAS. A.T., inzhener; DOBROSALtSKIY, K.M,., douierit, kamlidat t.khnicheskilrh nauk! DLTJGAGH, B.A., kandidat teklmdcha-;Ocikh aauk.! IAYI 07, G.F., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk-, Z3143LI110, SV., prorbsqo-, d,)ktor ~ekhnicheqkikh nauk; ZJAB.9110, H.L~, kardidat tekym Icheqllkh nauk-, WIN, X.P., )mndidat tekhnicheskltk~, nn),,k! KARVNIKOV, A.D., kandidat tekhnicbn- skikh nauk; KAPLUN. KAIC HIN, M.D.; KOCONET. 1'.F., profb:iscr. doktor Pati-tco, K GAN, L.A.. kandidat tokhni- cheakikh na4.,- VCHUIRIN, ~;J'.,, inthmnor-.. 14VAS ., Us HOV, A.D., iazhnner; RAXSIMOVICH, BA4,, d.~t3etit, kandidnt tek,knichegkikh tinak; MARTYNOV. H.S.. iw:hener: MKDRL', 0,M,, inzhener-1, UKITIN, V.D., professor, kandidat telchnicheskikh nauk.- PADWA, V,.k,., inzhenn-.--; PANTRIAYHY, P.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh rmak PWROV, A.~,, prefessor, doktor tekhni- cheskikh nauk FOVOROZ2911W, V.Y., PrOf63sor. doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; PISKARSOV, I-I., dotGemt, kandi(Lat ~eklinichesklkh nauk, SERGEYBY, Ye.S., kerididat tekhriclisskik-h- nauk-~ SI MP NOV K.S., kandidal. tekhal- Su"l-7 che" nauk~ SNANOVSKlY, M,A,, 7 I.G, inzhenerg rvIldat tak TAIDAYEV, F.Ya., intherner, TIKHCO10% Ki, tak ar-haskikh _ ~iK naul-, USHAKOV, ll~Ya,,, in:ehetir-, USFNIP lnzhener-, FELIDMAN, H.D.9 kan&ldat tekhritchrstikh nauk--, iTRA OVTOV, G~V., inzhener-, KHOKHLOV, L.P., iLnzl---Nnz-, CIRR1410MCRDIX, ',I,. professor. doktor takhnicheskikh naak! SHAM-AYAV, M.F~, SHAFIRKIN, B.I., intheper-, YAKUSHIN, S.I., itall'U-nar- GRAIOVSKIY, F.G.. redaktor; TlSHC*lBRKO, A.1, -r-mizktor,, ISAY-AV, dotsent, kandidat takhni- cheakikh nauk, redal try-- I'Ll'40Y, ';~?, (111tqent kandidat tekhnichaskikh '~tcntinu,ad cn next card) ca : d. nauk, radaktor, MARICOV, edaktor,- KAIIIIIN, V.K., inzherex, redaktor.- STEFilioli, VA4, p-rof sgcr, redaktor. SIDOROV, II.I., inzhener, redaktor-, GXRONIMUTIS.- kardi-dat rekhnicheaUkh nauk, rad,iktox; ROBBLI, R.J., re-1-4tor [Technical referenc,5 m-Anual, fcr. -allrca englneeml Tekhnicheskii spravochnik zhelev-odozozhnika~ hoakwa, os. transp.zhel-dor. izd-vo. Vol-10- LF-Iertric Pow6r SUDDiY fc~T ra'Al ads] Npergosnabzhenie sheloz- r nykh darog. Qt-,:.rrd~ !9~,6. 1080 p. vol.l."20 [Operation of railroads] Bksplunt.a-,siln z-'-,ele7,n7kh dorog. Otv. red. toma R.I.Robell. 1956. -739 P. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Chlan-kQrresprondent Akzdemli rlauk SS5R .fu--, Petrov" (Alectr,kri V!;,-"~. ~7 ;;),. : -, r'. ~ , I . !" 1; - .. -1 1 - L - , , -r:t r `5 ~~- r - - ~~; r i,.,. t I o n In s~ -' ~ ' ~ -- " -" (_,~ 1 ": ~ - : ; !;~5 at :.~ V~. - ('J 11 ~ I. - -- , - - . r - . . o, I i ; ;: -! ?, :", 1", jt~'! C j " ~, I --;'e I- t - - ~,, , 4, 3 ' ~ !-. 4~ -1, - , . 'I, . i , 4 . U.c*7R Virology. Human and Animal ru. as. 'annoral E Probloins. Vi Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Uol., No 2, 1959, 5 Author : Stapanov, h. D.;,~uyerbayava, Inst : Not given. Title : '1:othods of Storage and Transpirtation for Virological -t~.nalysis. Crig Pub: Xazansk. jn~jd. zh., 1957, Yo 2. L~bstract: No abstract. 92. G. G. of Sara 3, 155. Card 1/1 12 S/138/62/000/001/OC2/009 A051/A126 AUTHOR3. Gilyazetdinov, L.P., Zuyev, V.P.. Bern hteyn, I.D.; Suyetenko, L.P. TITLE- The production of active furnaceicarbon lacks from mixtures of pe- troleum and coal oils PERIODICAL% Kauchuk i rezina, no. 1, 1962, 5) 6 I sts were carried out to deterr~ ine the optimum composition of pe- e traleum and coal oil mixtures and the product :ion of ctive furnace carbon blacL-. The experiments were made in a single-chamber cylin ical reactor with an inter- nal diameter of 500 mm and 3.5 m in length. I~The re ctor capacity was 25 kg/h. The experimental carbon blacks were ar-alyzediaccorrxdl ng to physico-chemical meth- ods and tested in vulcanizates based on CEC-30 -30 AM) (standard composi- tion). Experimental results showed that the, active furnace carbon black output, the total air consumption and the process t6mpratu e corresponded to the aroma- tization factor. The obtained relation poirits to e expediency of a wide in- troduction of the aromatization factor for 6haract rizing the raw material and for correcting the prcduction methods of the activ furnace carbon blacks. Je- Card 1/2 7 S/138/62/0()0/001/002/009 The production of active furnace carbon blacks ... A051/A126 troleum -and coal oil mixtures are recommended. !There s 1 table and I figure. ASSOCIATION.- Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinn)y promyshiennosti (Scien- i tific Research Institute of the Tire Industry) C. a r- d 2, N;' nfgg M SAUJV, B.S., inzh.; SMTEM, O.D., inzb~, ~eaigning tube headers. Trudy IXIMMH no.4:162-183 161. (Heat exchaTners) (MIRA 15:1) USSR/Ifurzn and Animl PhysiolaCy (Normal and internal Secretion. Gonads. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 17, 1958,179862. Author Inst Title On the Reflex Effect of Folliculin. Cal) T OriG Pub: Tr. Duryat.-MonG. zoovet. in-ta, 195 vyp. 10, 39-78. Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 SAKHOVALFM, Abram Yul'yevich*.MMP"Sr iy Georgiyevich; KAZAKOV, B.Ye., otvetetvannyy redaktor: ZAMSKIY, i.Ye.. redaktor izdatel'stva; NADBIRSKAYA. A.A., tekhnicheBkiy re ktor LRechanization of preparatory operations abioad) Mekhanizatsiia prevedeniia podgotovitelfnykh vyrabctok za ~ubezhom. Koskva, Ugle- tekhizdat, 1956. 75 P. (MIM 9:12) (Coal mines and mining) I SAKHOVALER, G.G.-, SIRIN, G.IYe., rewaktor; PAVLYUCHENED, D.N., redaktor; WOUNTDVA, Z.A.,j tekhn7cheskir redaktw~; [Metal supports used in foreign w nee; a collection of reports] Metallicheskaia mhakhtnaia, kreps sa rubez om; sbornik referatoy. Sost. A.IU.Sakhovaler, G.G.Sustin Moskv , UgletekhI%d t. 1956. - (Mine timbering) 11 165 P. MBA 9:6) BABOKIN., I..A.-- Some data on research in manless Ugol' 36 no.4;52-57 Ap 161. (Coal mines emd ml (Automatior in foreign countries. (MM .14:5) oh) AYRUNI, Arsen Tigranovich, kand. tekhn. nall1r; AL BURSHTEYN, Mark AleksandrovJ-dh; Ggoii% GRABILIN, Yuriy Nikolayevich; KILTV,ti V Vladimir Dmitriyevich; SENCHEVA, V en Georgiyevich; FEYGIN, Lev khay .2~~ --MZAX"j B. Ye., red. Dmitriye4lah; , otv OSVALIDY E.Ya., red. izd-va; MM L. [The coal industry of capitalist c nost' kapitalisticheskikh stran. vo, lit-ry po gornomu delu. V61.2-1 organization of development workin i organizatsii rabot pri provedent. rabotok. Otv. red. toma: B.E.Kazak 1962. 351 p. 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut promyshlennosti. 2. TSentrallnyy tsii ugollnoy promyshlennosti, M 3. Gosudarstvannyy proydktnyy in promyshlennosti kfor Feygin). 4. Ministrov SSSR po avtomatizatsii 5. Vsesoyuznyy tsentrallnyy proy niyu shakhtnogo stroitel'stva ka: Burshteyn, Shevehenko). 6. Gosud izdatel'stvo po ugollnoy promysh EYEV, Viktor Borisovich; Mid Mikhaylovich; ~ey Leonidovich; SOSNOV, Ivanovna; SUYETIN, Ich; SHEVCHENKO, Vadim ia; TAYTS, T.L., red.; tekhn. red. ntrieflUgolInaia promyshien- skva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd- chnology, mechanization, and ]Tekhrialogiia, mekhanizatsiia podgol,ovitellnykh gornykh vy- V.D Sosnov, G.G.Suetin. I (MIRA 16:2) nichoskoy informatsii ugollnoi ~tutjte cheskoy informa- (forlSiW=ein, Sencheva). t po[avtomatizataii ugollnoy darstvennyy komitet Soveta shin stroyeniyu (for Sosnov). y in tit-at po proyektirova- U901 noy promyshlennosti (for enno~e nauchno-tekhnicheskoye sti(For Geyman). (Gbintbmed-~~~) - -- - -i SUYF,TINs, 1.9 polkovnik I Engineering factors in a frontal encounter. Voen. vest. 40 no. 3:34-37 Mr 1610 - (MIRA 14:2) (Military enflineerin:3) ACC NRi AP6030134 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/004/0()/9/0083 N. L. V.; Raisov, Yu. A.; AL71HORS: DorbunovichY echnic Institute (KharIkovsIdy politokhnicheskiy institut) Kharkov Ly -;!-~T=Z, multichannel system for the time distribution of a signal U -83 -,SbURCE: Pribory i takhnika eksperimenta, no. 4, 1966, 79 1 . :4 -0111C TAGS: tir.-Ia signal, time interval counter, delay circuit, circuit delay line, U automa"c control system, lamp, chronometer, time raea eilaont / Sy. 37 lamp ABM-IUCT: A 20-channel system for the tine distributi n of a control signal has Oean developod. The distribution is accomplished by d laying the signal 2--lC/-- ='crosec. Electromagnetic delay lines provido:,Llhe del y up to 10 microsec with a minim-um step of 0.1 microsec. Above 10 microsd c a co ter-pulse chronometer provides I~he delay. The combination allows 0.1 microsec steps ihile requiring a reference xi -frequency oscillator for the counting pulses o.LL only 1 0 kc. Three decades of the circuits are used for counting the reference pu~lses; t oo oik-lher countina decades and a pair of si-ritches are used for checking the opera'!ion of the master decade and of the 20 channels. The counting and logicIpart of the system contains a static --arrotransistor trigger and a coincidence gate ~fhich. u;e transformers with cores havinl~~- a rectangular "quasipermanently" magneti'med hyst-leresis loop. The transistor- ized driven blockcing oscillators at the output ~xe tri gered through a similar 'I Card 1/2 UDG: 621.37L A ACC NR: AP6030134 transforme.- i-irlich permits easy matching. The c6unting counter and a 5-modulus ring counter with the counter SM-37 incandescent lamps. The limiting absolute error is 10-4. The construction is unxtized. One I of the system requiring 100-watt power. The delayis each channel has 2 coaxial sockets at, the out '. pu~ /7 SUB COME; 09/. STUBM DATE: 29Ju165/ ORIG RZF: decades use a 2-modulus state displayed on a panel DY -6 error is 10 see and the relative cou4ter is used for all 20 channels; I Oasily set bY 5 switches, and gures, has: 4 fi 005 "The -,-r aCoT r iex layo,,-It" ssue So: U-1261, 1 513.. (Letools tZhurnall lny,,~h Statey, 110. 12, 194c/))- SUYETIN, P. E. "Optical Methods for the Measurement of Interdi-..'fusion Coefficients of Gaoes." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer) Minsk, BSSR, June 1961. USSR/Mathematics Polynomials I Jan-53 "Faber Polynomials for Regions with Nonaialytical Boundaries," P. K. Suyetin DAN SSSR, Vol 88, No 1. pp 25-8 Discusses the problem concerning the conditions under which a function f(z) analytical it a singly- connected region G with rectifiable Jordan curve C would be expandable in Faber polynomials converging uniformly within region G. Cites:A. I. Markushevich (Teoriya Analiticheskikh Funktsiy.,: 1950) Presented by Acad M. A. Lavrentlyev 4 Nov 1952. 1 249A SUTETIN, P.K.; LAVRENTIVYEV, M-4., akademik. Abelian and Tauberian theorems for series AN SSSR 91. no.1:27-30 -T1 153- 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Lavrentlyev). I Faber's polynomials. Dokl. (MI-RAL 6:6) (Series) (Polynomials) =~ t, i s ~ -11 1 . . , , , k I ~ : : ~-L. . Iq TransactJ,ons of th Third All-union M Jun-Jul '56, Trudy '5 V. 1., Sect. Rpts., 12 Sofronov,-'I. D. (Moscow). On Approxi: Singular Integral Equations. Stechkin, S Problem of B. (Moscow). of the Orthogonal Series. There is I USSR reference. SuvoroV/, G.D. (Tomsk). On the Conti Mappings of Arbitrary Closed Regic Mention is made of Lavrentyyev, M. A. Suyptin, P.~K. (Urallsk). On PoI 7UH-ho goHil-ITHP-Are a. Talalyan, A. A.(Yerevan). On the Everywhere of Orthogonal Series. Card 32/180 Call Nr: AF 1108825 thema~ical Congress4-(Cont.~oscov atells~vo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 PP. ate Solution of 102-103 Absoltite Convergence 103 Luity of Univalent z. 103-104 als, 'Which are 105 -ergence Almost 105 SUYETIN P X i " IPolynomials orthogonal with differe ~t no.5:788-791 7 156. 1 l.Urallskiy kazakhskiy gosudarstven Iny3r 1D imeni A.S.Pushkina. Predstavleno al~ademi (Functions, Orthogo!nal) I weight. Dokl.AN SSSR 106 (KM 9:7) ;ogicheskiy institut N.A.Lavrentlyevy-m. - - S=IN. P.E. %277-nrl!r ~1-111'--Mwv- Representntion of an&Vtical funct bne Dokl. AN OSSR 109 no.1:36-39 JI-Ag~ 156. 1 1. GosudarBtvennyy pedagogicnesicly linatit Urallsk. Predstavleno akademikom M . . Lav (Series, Orthogormill) (F ~r sin orthogonall polynomials. (MLRA 9:10) imeni A.S. Pushkina, G. tlymy e tions, AnalYtic) 20-114-,;- 1 3/6o AUTHOR: Suyetin, P. K. TIT LE t On the Polynomials With Differentiab 1e Weight That Are Orthogonal on a Smooth Conto4r (0 mh h ortogonall- ogochienak nykh po gladkomu konturu s d~fferen I ' sirtiyemym vesom) PERIODICAL% Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,1 57,V01 114,Nr 3,mot,-498-501(USSR) ABSTRACT: The pres nt pa, er investigatbs the ~ ependence of t1a poly- (ZU ortho-normailized wi nomials U h the weight n(z) on X I boundary Tof a certain org.Lic domain G, on the differential properties of the weight fu oti a' ~ d on the degree of smooth- ain1he ness of the boundary of dom ren eralized Faber poly nomials B (z) which are def ned by the development I (w) - Z n g [f (Vr)] Y, (w)/( ) B (z)/w n+1 0 zE G, jwj> I are also exami ed. G is the supplement to co and the function w M 1)(z) epresent s the domain G on the c0 Card 1/3 supplement (?) of the circl of unit radius when the condi- On the Polynomials With Differentiable Smooth Contour Bn(z) = g(t) n f, + is valid for the generali2 There are 4 references,al.1 20-114 -3-13160 t chat Are Orthogonal on a (In rij'np+",-)] d Fab( r polynomials with z Er f whi(h are SOViet, ASSOCIATIONt UralKazakh State Pedagogical Ins itute imeni A. S. Pushkin (Urallskiy kazakhskiy gosudarstv nnyy pedagogicheskiy institut im. A. S. Pushkina) PRESENTEDt December 11, 1q56, by M. ~. La SUBMITTED: December 8, 1956 yev, Member of the Academy Card 3/3 On Polynomials Orthogonal With Respectito A sinooth of order p, then t a constant C(F) so that f I /z) CIF n~ np A further analogous theor The author thanks M.A. La There are 3 Soviet refere A'--'SOCIA'2I0N: Ural'skiy -osi-darstvennyy Fushkina (Urals State Peda P1ZESE-1.-TL;D: 1.1arch 4,10,59, by Lav ")"UBiz'.UT:~D: September 20, 1958 all SOV120-1 '126-5-7/&,~ closed set FCZ G there e7ists and all zC-F it Yol0s 4s S~ven. ntty~v, Academician. -. I edago icheskiy institut imeni A.5. gical Institute im3ni A.'-'.Puzh-'--ir.) ntlye~, Academician Card 2/2 66403 0 A'U TH OR i Buyetin,P.L. 807/20-128-6-7/63 TITLE: On the Interpolation of AnAly ic ctions PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,19j59,Vol 128,Nr 6,pp 1125-1128 (1JSSR) ABSTRACT: Let G be a finite domain with the b undary r ; lot D be the 7b complement of "U. Let JB.(z)j be generalized Faber-polynomials, corresponding to the domain and a continuous weight unction g(z) analytic in D and diffe ent fr~m zero. Lei: w - $(z) map the domain D onto IWI >1 ' 0o , V (oD );;--0; let z - Vw) be the reversion function. LeP(12%) smooti, lot V(w) have continuous derivatives inf~wj;o. Theorem 1: if z) is k time contiiuous differentiable in the f~ closed domain G, if the k-t derivaiive satisfies the Lipschitz h condition of the order P, i g(z) ~~d T(w) are 2 and 4 times, respectively, differentiabl then the interpolation poly- e nomial Ln(z) with knots in t e zero i;Orof Bn+1 (z) in Z it is satisfied uniformly: 0 in n (3) If(z) - Ln(Z)1