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Gawz defact d atectoral Nauka I zhIzn' 24 no.3:54 Mr '57.
(Gamma L-Industrial applications) (XLRA 10:5)
AUTHOR: Sul'kin. A. G. 101011210
TITLE: The state and prospects ol construction and production of gamma-ray apparatus in the
"Ntosrentgen'* plant
PERIODICAL: Rcfcrativnyy zhurnal, otd I*nyy vypusk. 40. Pribory tochnoy mckhaniki i ispytatel'nyye
ustanovki, no. 1, 1962, 1, abstract 40.1.1. "In collection Radioakt. izotopy i yadcrn.
iziuchenia v nar. kh-ve SS W, M., Gostoptekhizdat, v. 1. 961, 80-87
TEXT: Technical data arc given of gamrt a-ray apparatus produced by the "NIosrcr!gen- plant for the
application of gamma-ray isotopes to indu strial defectoscopy, therapy and diagnostics. The following
gamma ray defectoscopes are in serial prof uction: rYn Co-0.5-1 (GUP Co-0.5-1); GUP Co-5-1 and
GUP Co-50-1. The dcfectoscopc GUP Co-O 5-1 is intended for defectoscopy of steel up to 50 mm thickness;
the GUP Co-5-1 allows gamma-ta"n, thm, ,th t I up to 110 mm, the GUP Co-50-1 -up to 200 mm;
so Su
thickness. All these apparatuses are a Ji
for rotating gamma-raying. For inspection of welding
joints of ships in drydock a portable gam. -ray defectoscope GUP Tu-0.5-3 is produced. Tu-170. of an
activity of 0.5 gram -equival cnts of radium m
housiilg with the stand is 12 kg. The unh rves as the radiation source. The weight of the protective
ersal portable gamma-ray defectoscope GUP Ir-5-2 allows
use of the directed bcam of gamma-rays a i d also performs rotating gamm:i-raying. It is charged with the
lr-192/5gram-equivalents of radium(or %vitliCs -137/2gram-equivalents of radium). The weight of theapparalus
ii, 13.5 kg. For irradiation of deeply located i r egularities the apparatus rYT4W (GUT-400) is produced; the
Card 1/2
The state and prospects...
GUT Co-20 allow s short focus irradiation. TI
gamma-ray beam, the axis of which moves on
gamma-rays Brief information conceri"'%n(
FVTP Cs-400 (GUTR Cs-400) is intended fi
equipped with an optical indicator of the be
radiation. and also with 1 phantom for dosir
of 30 mm diameter and 35 mni height, its a4
tubusts with a double diaphragm limit the I
penumbra width to a minimum- The diagnosi
cticcking the applicability of Tu-1 70 ganuna r
ofextrcmities under field conditions. The ga
return of the gamma-ray source to the stora
time The gamma-raydcfectoscope GUPTu-G
Tit- 1 0 w ith an image converter for visual gan
Creation of a rotating therapeutic Co-60 ga
radium. is suggested
(Abstracter's note Complete translation.1
S/260/62/000100 I1W V002
former gives a fixed divergent gamma-ray beam, the latter a
[c surface of a cone, giving the effect of a convergent beam or
experimental units is given. The rotating gamma-ray apparatul
clinical checking of the possibility of the use of Cs-137. It is
i's direction, with an X-ray centrator, with a trap for unused
tric measurements. The Cs-137 source has a cylindrical shape
vity being 400 gram-equivalents of radium. The exhangeable
rma-ray beam to the required exposure field and reduce the
gamma-ray apparatus Tu-0.5-1 (GUP Tu-0.5-1) is made for
iation and for taking radiograms of bones and the joint system
ma-ray defectoscope GUP Tu-0.5-1 using a timer allows the
position automatically, at the end of the present irradiation
-4 is provided for examination of the possibility of the use of
tan-raying and for obtaining radiograms of light alloy elements.
ma-ray apparatus of an activity of 2000 gram-equivalents of
Card 2/2
lnclumiillLqrcsgnyawalt~~irzitwratk4mlamrlk-~impa~.1,WiV~-2~U6-zxxo MENU e"'
0-. ~'.JjCd m DIAAP JD/JG
-)-Lr--,,iT V~",VP(h
AF6006954 (A)
t SOURCE CORE: UR/0381/65/000/006/0=/0046
AUTHORS: Shtan', A. So,, Chernobro ov, S. V.: Firstov. V. Go Sullkin, A. G,
OM: none
TITIZ: Problems in radiation defectoscopy IS
SOURCE: Defektoskopiyat no. 61 19 5t 41-46
TOPIC TAGS: gamma ray, x ray, rad owetry exposure meter, stereoscopic photographyp
dofectoncopo, / RID-2 j$ofectoscope UZAefec tos cope 0 1P 1 % i
P=ffUefectoscope, IRA-
U~se dovico RUP-120&, defectoscope, RUP-200-5 defectoscope, RUP-150/500-10 do-
fectoscope (L -
M;TiACT: The automation and moch nization probloms in radiation defectoacopic
tochniques are discussed in some d tail. Among the more important problems in
this area are those pertaining to ontrol of feeding parts to the radiation areaj
to radiation of parts with programied controls, to developing of films, and to
docodinir the recorded information. The development of automatic gamma-ray and x-
ray oxpoaure motors is considorod to be of great importance in the Soviet countries.
Storooscopic photography applied to radiation dofoctoscopy is another nev develop-
mant; in the Soviet countries; it bas the advantago of three-dimensional visualiza-
tion of defects in the various par s under investigation. There seems to be a
groat need for improving the quali of auxiliary defectoscope equipment. In
r-,A 1/2 UDCi 620.179.152
particular, there is a distinct 1
Recent trends in construction of
blcck devices of series RIJP-120-5
RUE'-150/500-10, and pulse devices
curreatly popular. AmonG the new
against radiation hazards, inolud
series of radioisotope dogectoac
RID-210 RK-2, and UGD-31~ To Impr
it is suggested that xerography b
All in all, advanced automatic do.
metallurgy, shipbuilding, and the
Card 2/2
k of high energy, 1 to 2000-kv x-ray equipment.
and x-ray equipment have centered on mono-
nd 200-5, on a new universal device of aeries
RA-1. Portable--coji -137 radiometers are
" L
ovelopmentz NlMdelvicas with special safeguards
g automatio on-off control o"tems. A now
gL are now being marketed under the markings of
o the control capability on these derectoscopes,
tried for significantly reduoing exposure times.
otoscopes can be very.useful in machine designp.
viation industry.,
I 'i~RR-,AIP6006957 I J P (c RCE Oj 1 00
CC 8 R 03 1*
MINOR: Sullkinj_ A. 0.
ORG: none
TITLE-. An international confe ence of specialists on isotope radiography-
SOURCE: Defektoskopiya, no. 6, 1965, 81-84 lit j
TOPIC TAGS: radiation detecto , radiography, gamma rayp isotope , gmma detector,
physics conference, radioisotop
A13ST]LkGT.* A conf eronce on i3o ope radio ip~ _net at Warsaw from June 29 to UY 2,
-JJ()iZ'The meeting was organizcd by the Councd-'Yor Econ=ic Aid and was attended
by delegates from BulZaria,, Eazzt Germany, Romania, the 353R, and Czechoslovakia.
It was devoted to investigation of technical requirements for producing a normal
soriaj of gamma detecto3copes, ~particularly the equipment and accessory materials
for special production. S. Fooov of Bulgaria reported that from one-fourth to
one-third of all radiographic 1rints in his country are now gammagrams. E. Bekker
of East GerrkW stated that latoratories for radiation-control methods are now found
in almost all machine-design enterprises, but gawagrams make up but 10% of all
radiographic prints obtained. ~, Ta~~ gave a report on the development of isotope
radiography in Poland in 1962-64, Indicating that one-third of all radiographic
prints made in 1964 were g Irams, K. Hedulescu. discussed the use of gamma
detectoscopes in Romania,, s=9 thaf-l-lie-T-ai-now widgly used. The Soviet,
Card .112 uDc: 620.179.15
ACC NRt 06W69519
delegation of A. S. Shtan', A.
the production and use-57-sti~h-
report for Czechoslovakia. Fro
on kinds of radiographic film,,
of film holders, and thickness
pointad out at the conference b
Detectoscopy. Orig. art, bast
~# Sullkin, and A. N. Manror presented a report, on
"J-ectosapos Di the SM. F. Kchol gave a similar
iall gathered information,, data were tabulated
etal1ic and fluoroscent intensifying screensp sizes
f lead foil* It was urged that all the problests
widely dL-;cussed in the pages of the journal
5 tables.
L ,..L4_-66 _~~d_AW/_~w_p
=)-6/T VP
SOURCECODE: UR/038I/G'"6/0oo/ooi/oo42/0048
AUTHOR: Sul'kin, A. G.; Mayorov, A.1N.; Zhukovskiy, Ye. A. 31
ORG: none
TITLE: New y-flaw detectors kL~
SOURCE: Defektoskopiya, noTi, 1966, 42-48
TOPIC TAGS: nondestructive testing, nondestructive quality control, flaw detector,
gamma flwi detector
ABSTRACT: The satisfactory performa
types of aircraft, and thousands of
for the most part by extensive use o
noniestructive-testing methods, thos
significant. The y-flaw detectors a
compact. They can be used under fie,
cesium-137, iridium-192, thulium-170
of y-radiation. The Council for Mutl~l
the general-purpose y-flaw detectors
range of material thicknesses. Each
type and size of the radiation sourc
the development and manufacture of
Card 1/3
ce of Soviet rockets, atomic submarines, new
ilometers of gas mains has been made possible
nondestructive testing methods Among the
based on the use of y-r diationl particularly
e simple, reliable, mobile, self-contained, and
d conditions and in congested areas. Cobalt-60,
and selenium-75 are the most widelT ed sources
Assistance of Socialist Countrie ivided
91D, into three classes~ each ~o_ra certain
jl-assl4s divided into types according to the
(see Tatle 1). The Soviet Union is a leader in
-flaw detectors. However, all the existing types
um 620-179-152
L U844_66
_KC_ _C N R:
Table 1. GrIMMA-flaw edfarfnra
Thickness range, mm
Designation Class e
Light alloys
RID-11 1 1 1-15 5-150
RID-12 1 2 Thulium-170 1-15 5-150
RID-21 2 1 Cesium-137 10-80 .50-300
RID-22 2 2 Cesium-137 10-80 50-300
RID-31 3 Cobalt-6o 6o-200 -
RID-32 3 Cobalt-6o 6o-2oo -
3 Cobalt-60 6o-2oo -
of these flaw detectors are either obsolete, as is the case with the GUP-line of de-
tectors supplied by the Mosrentgen Plant, or are equipped with nonstandard radiation
sources, as with the GD detectors mmad ly the Experimental plant: "Latvenergo" in Riga.
Only recently the All-Union Research nstitute of Radiation Engineering has developed
several flaw detectors in accordance with directives of the Council for Ritual Assist-
ance of Socialist Countries. The first one to be lot-produced is the BID-21, intended
for use under widely varying conditiois from laboratory to field. This detector
can be used for steel and light-alloy sections with respective thicknesses up to
60 and 120 mm. Two other modificatiois of this detector are intended for testing
Ccrd 2/3
L 21844-66 11 - ,
f-- -- i 0 1 *
I ACC NRt AP6010273 I
pipeline welds andconcrete structures. Two detectors, RID-22 and RID-33, are in the i -
design stage. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 table. (DVI I
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: o4Nov65/ ATD PRESS: Y22, 7
i .~eOrl.Stniiroranlia ,.,,prugoi no, pruzhinwrd.
and d in elastic co,-iilL-.,- wit'-coiled
all!" cal F~n.-iriccrin:- -_.,i t"Ic Sovict Union Library
I . RL f A. G . , Eng . - - -- --- -I- - -
2. U,3:-:,R (6C(",' 1
4. Courlings
7. On P. K. Gedyk's article
sleeve bushings." Vest.mash.) 32p no. 6p 19529
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessidns.. Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl.
'r I T '.G., Cand (Dir.;)
box-, I-L -li rin.
c--ti-n UIZSH. Ldl "Ol.
ll-tudicc Of cou-,linig
15 rn (Iln of 'Iit~hcr 1,du-
SUWKIN, A.G.4. kand.
Designing flexible cl tches with serpentine springs. Vest.
mashinostr. 42 no-5 34-40 Vq 162. (141RA 15:5)
(Clutc~-es (Machinery))
I-- - -- - ~ '.4- - '- ~ " "' -
Hoisting- block with ~ red. Rats. i izebr.predl.v stroi.its.124:24-27
'55. (Hoisting $achiuarr) MU 9: 7)
- SVL-%Ig* I.G.; RADIK, L.Ye.
- --~
Basic causes for the ]unsatisfactory porformance of eqlf~cleanjng
oil filter dr Iv an measures for eliminating them. Tod. i san.
tokhn. no..10:1:!17 158. (IGRA JltlO)
(Ilectric drivILO) (Oil filters)
GITItZ, F.11'. (Dnepropetrovsk! Zaporozhlye)l PPvkDKO, V.1-1.
(Dnepropetrovsk, Za rozhlye); SUL11M (Dnepropetrovsk.,
~o 1L.-"
Zaporozhlye); RADIK, L.Ye. (Dhapfo-p-eirovsk, Zaporozhtye)
Constructive solution for supporting structures of ventilators.
Vod. i san. tekh. n6.2:31-32 F 161. (MIRA 34:7)
(tans, Electric)
ST", 1, 1 ~ i % JA , A ,
Fat Yest. rom-i khudiiwomys. 2 no-7:36-J7 Jl '61 ,
( yd ~U, 15:. 1 )
1. Zaveduyiid.cliaja lt-el'ye No.7 YQskovskoy fabriki folovnykh uborov,
i (Fdllinery)
They stay in line fo these-hats* Ment.prom.; khud. prorqs.
- -17 Ja 163 . (AURA 16:2)
1. Zaveduyyshchaya atellye golovnykh uborov No.7., Moskva.
I (Moscow ~fillinery)
HOREGNY, K.; Spolupraca:_SU4KO, M.; BREUER, X.; JAN05KOVA, M.
Utilization of quant4tatively different proteinB in extie
infant nutrition. B tial. lek. listy 43 Pt. 1 no.7t423~-AN-
163- 1
1. 11 detska klinika Lek. fak. Univ. Komenakeho v Bratiele",
veduca prof. MUDr. J. Michalickova.
IWIRECNY, K.; Techn. spoluprac~: SULKO, M.
Apropos of the furthe "humanization" of artificial nutrition
for infants I Opti M protein supply. Bratial. lek. listy 44
no.3:129-13i i5 Ag t64.
1. Katedra pediairie.,P Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave
%,reduca prof. MUDr. 1. Michalickova)
bloolls ;F~;6~r=w IV
so %,I;.-
0 in%
SYNOOMS *0 two# dwilefil" W
1116ta"m N
446(univ. W110014i
=A~Kmtmlof Clelml. 23. 17 1 1); W Mom
(',I, Q, ,,,I -Candrumulmn of 1,2.XlA-(p-cbk*vpl
vl4maidim (1) withi PbCOM* (U) lAd P~-WCJLCO
(Ul I Pffthaves chinvo derivadws of tmprmrrAh CrMtair
9 b" WW at AV la I hr . &CM15MOM (limew HOW I
POH tresumm 61" the f-chlormail iff) (IVA. ft - I
.Y*�M erystake from C.M. M. M7-4 lpirrate, W. 7
14"Ol *,I, e4 #t~pbmyt-2.%Airbkwwpiw~,4-6!-quiDo
(VI) (CU I)N*w I A
The -"w products are obtah
,ahm um sad ci It and I mv corsden". IV bmted mob
I . RCI 4 hm. at MW in a waked War. gives V.
f1membit, yetlos, Crystals. M, A 16, (iform b7druemwittlaall"),
~/ -- Cl
alas funned by mduzkg IV 4 hrs. ulth g"1 11OAr,concd.
110 ar aalmlarMS It 4 bm at 2W atm. and mo)* In KOW
9101f. IT is due by boiling I ht. with Zu dust/glacki
110-Ac; the crude product, bmtcd witb sk. KOH. vm4wd
with HjO. and . my. % . Fran CAlls Stv" 6-pbrnyt-2.9-
vhl,wW7.UWA 13.441qvimMiamr. Fight ywU&w
plates. m 21161. thanwtedmed as by its At (m. 2311) and
veltromm dariv. (tn. 130'). Condensation of I and M and"
the mom Cm dam Om tk 6-f-t*l 4" (VU) (IVA.
of IT. rtlaw, Ve W, 0.
We do JI. &W the M.Culm
Ct aL U Hythely 4 by v=C4- W'NOWU
giv" Im jubsollaw. ftbt y*Um plafts. a. 410-
On a variant of the
chim FAIT 9 no.41219
thesis of quinalino-quinoline compounds. Bul
1. Katedra Chemii Orga~icznej, UniwerBytet lagiellonskip Krakow i
Pracownia Nr. 6 ZakladjSynt-,~, Organtcznoj, PAN. Presented by T.
(Quinolinium co6pounds) (Qainoline)
Influence of some su*tituente in the position 2,4 and 6 of the
quinoline ring upon ~he absorption capacity in the ultraviolet.
Bul chim PAN 9 no-4M1-236 161.
1. Katedra Chemii Organimej, Univeruytat Jagiellonski, Krakow i
Pracownia 'Nr. 6. Zak ad Syntezy Organicznej, PAN. Presented by
'A. Urbanaki. I
(Uitraviolet) (Quinoline)
Polish 'Natic,-Al 57!rntif!,: li,i!~ j-,rR Przegl
spa i7 ns.2:3 4 of cq-iar F 165.
1. De,-artment ull Weld ng Fractice c-f the "arsa.4 Technical Urii-
versity. I
C7,untry lolani F
C... t ~. "T 1) rv
j r 45699
1. L n:) V G~i Lc zv nvka, j n.1
Not riven ol.
Titla, A Near' Typ., Laboratory Vw-utim Fvaporator
irzzetw'or 6wc-A.-Tarz i Konlc_ntr, -11, No ~, 1C')*-106
It l (4_,~ ~~ )
".,:)Utract The hi,~n'efl..ciencv of a :-revioul-31y described
evaporator ('S. H. ~ar~.,holonnew, A.'alyt Onem, 21,
.,o 4, has been Vegetable
~Iuice,3 c,,,)ncp~Lrates ;)z-o+jced witli tAe above appa-
ratus Ire ch ract-~riLed ay zood organoleptic in-
(Hees ~,.,nd hi a vitamin 0 contents.
k rl Mr~
u" wx
Onterory USERP;uclo,,r Physics structure and Fropertles of Nuclei CA
I.uthcr Sokclov, Yu.t., Sulkofs, M I Karpushkinp, E.T., Allbitskrya,
YO.A. "=4=44~
Title Levels of the U6 Nuclei
')rig FU Zh. oksnoriLi. i toor.If-Lziki, 1956, 3o, No 6, 1007-1012
Abstract t The photcgrrphic-plate rethod was used to study renctiors in-
volving ',.he escr!pc of several particles end oc urring upon in-
ternction of 13.8 Yov douteronr with nuclei Lig and Li7# The
lithi= is introiucod dirictly in the photogrrphic emulsion,
the thickness of whlc~ ic Frep ~j er tbrn the rnngo of the deuter-
MIS Resc ions U6 (1, 2j) ii"', UO (d,d'pn) He~, and U7
(d,~d.) V were cbselvod, and occured in two stages. The in..
cident deuterons is scattered and excites the :.riucleus. The
excited nucleus then Ireeks gp into severcl other perticlos.
The levels of the exc ted Li. nuclour (vith T - 0) were doter-
mined for 2.2, 4.9 and 7.5 Yov.
vo,,,r iR,.,f Zhur - Fi:-,Ikl, '.,o 19'57, "To 59~7
Cnrd 1/1
N-M.-J, Al"BIT,+AYA, Y,~,. A., iuliTI-TSEKINA, SOKOLOV, Yu.L.
"ErerU Levels of Ll'j and H,,5.,,
b I
1,.ar-,er su 1-mitted at the I-Union Conf. on Iluc-ear Reactions in Medium snd Low
Energy Physics, Moscow, 1,-27 November 1957.
24.1120 SOV/1 0?,:16 -V 2~23 -3
PL k
TTTLX j Report a Me 3"..4 AIL-GAL.. C-9-1-oo- -- G--
. Mr
pC&LODICALl g&4jatok"jk4 L 1959. VoL
L339 - M6 (USSR)
*ad N.C.. 'X.. Pat. .4 X-ray
-9 rule.
lkLr&bxav. -4 dealt with the
satLas of t4a, 4" diaGharlos
I- &" with q..4-siag oil..
M.A-Sprimnew- at .1. - C the 4..
La . C.44-1 ch-b.'..
S-K: 0-*MX94 -9 -1. - 'A T~ of r1- to TreAaw-..
PLc_4L4 FL.W.
'Q. &AaAxsT_"Q.t. .. the OLoL.L.. r a Cetbe4ft Spot
mairs~r LA Are- (.a. of &ft.
(Rugl:.4) - 'A Now Th-,y of the CAt"d. a,.%.
F 1295
f I
C~L- La . Hydr.g.. Di*okAgo
&A4 '~
Stott."" 1. L-4...
: I
k sA4 A.A_A-Wad - 'C~rramt Distribusi.. m
the S-C-. of -trade. La 6L..9r&4 PUIO. 0Xo.bArg..-.
--Iyl&- 13"6 PW:PoC%A" of G~ DISCh"48A LA Law-woltage
K.1.4- C." r.
4.r-41at9TjL GA4 `C~Parlm.m of tlW
LA the I..Cp- .9 Hyd-Som (ka
-wwr-t pl." at La. pro..,-".
W A" 'Ch.r$.-d-&tT
Me La cyltnalal PlAe..".
!,,_Z,X4r*k of CSeak.-la-U&- -AA-ai-.t-d
Sao ph.-&... 4. &-4&..barg. pl..-.
&;&1t with Lh. pcebl,mw of the dotarwL^atlow
Sao ~Jgy too I 111 *4 4
C.L.M... :,;I ... 4 Sort..
74. 21"f'AA,.. - -Theary at . High-
Plasma stnil~&_
Th. Cit" sa&to& we. pr..14.4 ... r by N.A. Septa., &.4
4-It wl%3s bighfrequency awroAls &A Co.... rb. raii..1-z
p-pours ar. r..4i
_,f6qj4.5L- "Fer,oatt.. .9 tlltr-"&ft Fr.q.mmoy Pole.
fee I-ra.. La loors G....*.
-Zxflumn:* ot.4b. *a
r~..M Am4 K.Imt manx, C fftgft-fr.q.amoy
~' -, - 1. - of 4 S.Ir_lAA.1A.4
,-b.L,u I:% a
l %.-y Pul*. DL.efta~rgo sA4 tb. Jlr.csa at
..: ....'eaS.
4JI-A-S.."ar ;,I - -a... maeult. of sk.
ls;v,vstLx;4l.m of 9gh f
..b :or
-C..4..tLvLt7 or Weakly Io-L--d
-Tb. C.AdjsL.- of Tra"Itt.. Fr_
Ca"na, DL&GhArge at ACao4phorto Prodamroo*. AtLoAahiP 86t---% the Ch-reAtAr-
klSlh Vrq.."Y C~r"t A&4 &be 011-t
C~ramgg A. 4.& 01-brg.s.,
' a, I MI-if- ad the .-.d,omtLlLtY of tb. 4is&'-
SAN. IN M."I.1y"k. _Lax~ f . r4.4.-m. &L"haws.
A" 1-2--lbsablurAs 4--it -Itb tk*
r."ll"Rap-pLicabillty .f tbo probe method to hL9k-fr9quwa`wT
di:ob"S" (a.. p 2238 of the
Th Ip~ by 1. 1*- Kit--k at -I- ... devoted to the
LAm,astis.ti.. at the ltr-ftALk Cirq-y PL- by
f Cb. St"k effect.
.9 .1. deal. w.!...-:.plob~:-
CL.Lao Lii . V . t a r at I . W ea.
is._jLsdAcAIL_.r a .. Lai. r..4 -P- -AtLtld IMLgh-
1. M h:.p
Mr."aaeor ni..bArc.- at ...
Tb, -rk of 4hl Xth 4"LL- w4- 4ow'Ot*4 to thO P"bl-
of PL.- 2 t:',..d '. tionj the ~aCtIOU w&O Pr*AL&04
a,ver by V.A. Th. Paper. Ar' T~4'
V..,. %.&a. _ am. x.tk_d. or rLaAAA
M":"r-*AtM LA PI&oo&"-
V:A of tn.
SL"DAIC ..d A.C. ;X: !a-h'k
L . At f
SUMOVSKAYA, M. M. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- "Study of-Me level .5 of Zi6and He5
nuclei in reactions ammompompimW acoompani -L !=i "J--t of several
particles." Mos, 1961 (Aced Sici USSR. Inst of Theoretical and Egperimental
Phys). (KL, 4-61, 185)
AUTHOPS: Nikollskiy, B. ., Surkova, L. V., Varfolomeyev, A. Asp
Sulkovskaya, .1-1. M.
TIME: Search for the
Z-ZRIVIDICAL: Zhurnal ekspe i entallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 429
no. 3, 1962, 90, -g16
TEXT; Owine to Its short 1i etime (10-10 see) it was hitherto not
possible to observe D mesons in K-meson beams. The authors made an
attempt to find this stranee ess-2 particle near its place of production.
An emulsion stack irradiated by 9-Bev protons from the Mal synchrotron
-gas investiGated for K deca s from D+ --+ K+ + no or similar processes.
In such a reaction, a path 0 the K+ particle of up to 15 mm would
correspond to a mass of the + meson of from MD - 1230 to 1580 electron
masses. 90 events with the K + path 4 15 mm were detected. it is
concluded that the producti n probability of slow D particles which
decay to form a K+ meson is less than the 500-th part of the production
probability for slow KI mea ns. The authors thank Is I. Gurevich for his
Card 1/2
S/05 62/042/003/048/049
Search for the D_* meson BIOBYB102
interest as well as A. F. Mish kov, S. A. Yudin, G. V. Pleshivtoev, L. A.
Ch.,~rn:fshev, A. M. Alpers, V. K Kutukov, Z. Galkin, Z. Volobuyevp A.
Smalyanskiy, H. 1. Geraa mov, A. Makarlin, and M. 1. Ovsyannikov for
assistance. There are 5 refer nces: 2 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The
, 5
three references to English-la guage publications read as follows: T,
Yamanouchi. Phys. Rev., 1, 480, 1959; Y. Eicenberg et al. Phys. Rev.,:-J,-.'-,'
120, 1021, 1960, V. Cook et al. Phys. Rev., 123, 655, 1961.
SUBMITTED: March 8, 1962
Card 2/2
A T~- 0 1 oir~
T. A.;
P. KukhIn, K. N. A, S.,
a-a*.--.n,; vc, V
5 YjR,- F Mo Do k P,J
-1 E, s ro~sttpri-_z~, pr--on
T? t1ru- no, bubble- chheber vac use;i t, anGiLl-ar deiend,nce
C war
inm',entfrations, Mic pro-
J~ C~ ~;f no- -qr R,~spar
f-ta 10 B-ly accr.~ ,_LCrlk-,Uz- cb.
f, ws,-~ -!r-.rine4, - QOO cases Of
;:~rl of these data irscle it
c u, a --n a a ar-11 on
the optI(5c-I =odel with m or-a-11 region of pbage ghift gave beat agreement w-Ith the
vlth. r-tr-u;,Pter vRluaa RI C.4~z F. R~ 0.95 F, o.344, &nd
A e rp P p
3u-, en, c h f o r v a-
a ILn' L C
o:~ A,
ind A, for
71 -17-. -L
I Mllafi Li7---nf FLnd
Assof, ON I Me
SUB,Kr7T-&D r coo EXCLt 00 UM CODZ t NP
H-m R:KT S GV , 00-1 vrmt 012
USSR / Farm Animals. oney Bou. Q.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Bio ., No 9, 1958, 40561.
Author L-Sulkawv -4 y M-
Inst : Not given.
Title : On the Apiculture in the Belorussian SSF-
Orig Pub: Pchelovodstvo, 1957, No 9, 3-5.
Abstract:*No abstract. Fi
Card 1/1
tekhri. red.
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Mpidemioloa of Heins- din disease in nurseries in Warsaw during
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med. I.Pomeraka. Z KlIniki Chor. Zakazrqch
mii Medycznej w Warszawie. Kierownik: prof,
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The invez#lon arA ra. ionalization movement during the 20-year
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MR: A W~ 4
~'reud, R. Sulkovski, C.
ana v. o r n r n a c-
i nA r I c al
i ~-~wefa *0~ 4e"rvetityu- Ouf rt~"
SOURCE: 7onference on Low Temperature FIr-sics mnd Tecbmitjue Prape, 1963-
.I was
c m e fl t r
MA.,' , TI I tC
-.he 9',,7t vftl MPasured -e~th amaoviet ores i st ance bi=uth prof)e. Ccuparison
9 V nP 17 1- C' a 9 e